Selected Publications
Security'23] Dubhe: Succinct
Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Standard AES and Related
Applications. With Changchang
Ding. [pdf, 18 pages]
[ESORICS'23] Towards Efficient Privacy-Preserving Deep Packet Inspection.
With Weicheng Wang, Hyunwoo Lee, Elisa Bertino, Ninghui Li.
TDSC'20] Efficient and Precise Secure
Generalized Edit Distance and Beyond.
With Ruiyu Zhu. [pdf,
18 pages]
Efficient Publicly Verifiable 2PC over a Blockchain with
Applications to Financially-Secure Computations.
With Ruiyu Zhu, Changchang
Ding. [pdf, 18 pages]
Uncovering Information Flow Policy Violations in C Programs. With Darion Cassel, Limin Jia. [pdf, 20 pages]
nanoPI: Extreme-Scale Actively-Secure Multi-Party
Computation. With Ruiyu Zhu, Darion
Cassel, Amr Sabry. [pdf, 18
pages, code]
JIMU: Faster LEGO-based Secure Computation using Additive
Homomorphic Hashes.
With Ruiyu Zhu.
[pdf, 42 pages, code]
Pool: Scalable On-Demand Secure Computation Service
Against Malicious Adversaries.
With Ruiyu Zhu, Darion Cassel.
[pdf, 13 pages, code]
[USENIX'16] The Cut-and-Choose Game and its Application to Cryptographic Protocols.
With Ruiyu Zhu, abhi shelat, Jonathan Katz.
[pdf, 16 pages, code]
[CCS'15] Efficient Genome-Wide, Privacy-Preserving Similar Patient Query based on Private Edit Distance.
With Xiao Wang, Yongan Zhao, Haixu Tang, Xiaofeng Wang, Diyue Bu.
[pdf, 12 pages, code]
[CCS'15] Practicing Oblivious Access on Cloud Storage: the Gap, the Fallacy and the New Way Forward.
With Vincent Bindschaedler, Muhammad Naveed, Xiaorui Pan, Xiaofeng Wang.
[pdf, 13
pages, code]
[SP'15] ObliVM: A Programming Framework for Secure Computation.
With Xiao Wang, Chang Liu, Kartik Nayak, Elaine Shi.
[pdf, 12 pages, code] This version differs substantially from and should subsume the IEEE proceeding version.
[CCS'14] SCORAM: Oblivious RAM for Secure Computation.
With Xiao Wang, T-H. Hubert Chan, Abhi Shelat, Elaine Shi.
[pdf, 12 pages, code]
[CCS'14] Oblivious Data Structures.
With Xiao Wang, Kartik Nayak, Chang Liu, T-H. Hubert Chan, Elaine Shi, Emil Stefanov.
[pdf, 12 pages]
[CRYPTO'14] Amortizing Garbled Circuits.
Yan Huang, Jonathan Katz, Vladimir Kolesnikov, Ranjit Kumaresan, Alex J. Malozemoff.
[pdf, 18 pages]
[SP'14] Automating Efficient RAM-Model Secure Computation.
Chang Liu, Yan Huang, Elaine Shi, Jonathan Katz, Michael Hicks.
[pdf, 16 pages]
[CRYPTO'13] Efficient Secure Two-Party Computation Using Symmetric Cut-and-Choose.
Yan Huang, Jonathan Katz, David Evans.
[pdf, 16 pages]
[SP'12] Quid-Pro-Quo-tocols: Strengthening Semi-Honest Protocols with Symmetric Execution.
Yan Huang, Jonathan Katz, David Evans.
[pdf, 13 pages]
[NDSS'12] Private Set Intersection: Are Garbled Circuits Better than Custom Protocols?
Yan Huang, David Evans, Jonathan Katz
[pdf, 15 pages]
[USENIX Security'11] Faster Secure Two-Party Computation Using Garbled Circuits.
Yan Huang, David Evans, Jonathan Katz, Lior Malka.
[pdf, 16 pages]
[NDSS'11] Efficient Privacy-Preserving Biometric Identification.
Yan Huang, Lior Malka, David Evans, and Jonathan Katz.
[pdf, 14 pages]
[HotSec'11] Privacy-Preserving Applications on Smartphones.
Yan Huang, Peter Chapman, and David Evans.
[pdf, 6 pages]
Full list of papers on Google Scholar
Source code of previous projects
Ph.D Students
Undergraduate Students
William Stuckey, (Computer Science, Class of 2020),
novel authentication methods
Wei Zhang, (Computer Science, Class of 2019)
Michael Kundler, (Mathematics, Class of 2018),
oblivious transfer
Ruiyu Zhu (PhD 2020, Now at Facebook)
Darion Cassel (BA CS, 2017, Now pursuing Ph.D at CMU)
A. Smart, SWSIS Scholar, (Computer Science, Class of 2017)
Cannon, McNair
Scholar, (Informatics, Class of 2017)
Anna McJohn (BA Informatics, 2016)
Professional Services
Program Committees (Consider submitting your excellent work!)
Conference Referee
Security & Privacy (2011, 2012, 2013), USENIX Security (2011,
2012, 2014), ACM CCS (2011, 2013), NDSS (2011, 2012, 2013,
- CRYPTO (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016), EUROCRYPT (2015)
- AsiaCrypt (2013, 2014), CANS (2012)
Journal Reviewer
- ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC)
- Journal of Computer and System Sciences
- Journal of Computer Security (JCS)
- IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC)
- IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS)
- ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (ToIT)