module Compile.CompilationPresTypes where

open import Data.Nat
open import Data.List
open import Data.Product using (_×_; ; ∃-syntax; proj₁; proj₂) renaming (_,_ to ⟨_,_⟩)
open import Data.Maybe
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_; Dec; yes; no)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl; cong; subst; sym)
open import Function using (case_of_)

open import Syntax

open import Common.Utils
open import Common.BlameLabels
open import Common.Types
open import Common.TypeBasedCast
open import Surface2.Lang     renaming (`_ to `ᴳ_;
                                        $_of_ to $ᴳ_of_)
open import CC2.Syntax public renaming (Term to CCTerm)
open import CC2.Typing public

open import Compile.Compile

{- The compilation from λIFC⋆ to λIFCc preserves types -}
compilation-preserves-type :  {Γ gc A} (M : Term)
   (⊢M : Γ ; gc ⊢ᴳ M  A)
   Γ ;  ; gc ; low  compile M ⊢M  A

compile-preserve :  {Γ gc A} (M : Term)
   (⊢M : Γ ; gc ⊢ᴳ M  A)
   (∀ {pc}  Γ ;  ; gc ; pc  compile M ⊢M  A)
compile-preserve ($ᴳ k of ) ⊢const = ⊢const
compile-preserve (`ᴳ x) (⊢var Γ∋x) = ⊢var Γ∋x
compile-preserve (ƛ pc , A ˙ N of ) (⊢lam ⊢N) = ⊢lam (compile-preserve N ⊢N)
compile-preserve (L · M at p) (⊢app {gc = gc} {gc′} {A} {A′} {B} {g = g} ⊢L ⊢M A′≲A g≾gc′ gc≾gc′)
  with all-specific? [ gc , g , gc′ ] | g≾gc′ | gc≾gc′
... | yes (as-cons ( ℓ₁) (as-cons ( ℓ₂) (as-cons ( ℓ₃) as-nil))) | ≾-l ℓ≼ℓᶜ | ≾-l pc≼ℓᶜ =
  ⊢app (⊢cast (compile-preserve L ⊢L)) (⊢cast (compile-preserve M ⊢M)) refl
... | no ¬as | _ | _ with B
...   | T of g = ⊢cast (⊢app⋆ (⊢cast (compile-preserve L ⊢L)) (⊢cast (compile-preserve M ⊢M)))
compile-preserve {Γ = Γ} (if L then M else N at p) (⊢if {gc = gc} {A = A} {B} {C} {g = g} ⊢L ⊢M ⊢N A∨̃B≡C) {pc}
  with consis-join-≲-inv {A} {B} A∨̃B≡C
... |  A≲C , B≲C 
  with all-specific? [ gc , g ] | C
... | yes (as-cons ( _) (as-cons ( _) as-nil)) | T of g′ =
  ⊢if (compile-preserve L ⊢L) (⊢cast (compile-preserve M ⊢M)) (⊢cast (compile-preserve N ⊢N)) refl
... | no ¬as | T of g′ =
  ⊢cast (subst    _ ; _ ; _ ; _  if⋆ (compile L ⊢L  inject (` Bool) g ) T
      ((compile M ⊢M  coerce A≲C p )  inject T g′ )
      ((compile N ⊢N  coerce B≲C p )  inject T g′ )  T of ) (sym (g⋎̃⋆≡⋆ {g′})) )
  ◆ₘ :  {}  Γ ;  ; gc ⋎̃ g ;   (compile M ⊢M  coerce A≲C p )  inject T g′   T of 
  ◆ₘ = ⊢cast (⊢cast (compile-preserve M ⊢M))
  ♥ₘ :  {}  Γ ;  ;  ;   _  T of 
  ♥ₘ = subst     {}  _ ; _ ;  ;   (compile M ⊢M  coerce A≲C p )  inject T g′   _)
             (consis-join-not-all-specific ¬as) ◆ₘ
  ◆ₙ :  {}  Γ ;  ; gc ⋎̃ g ;   (compile N ⊢N  coerce B≲C p )  inject T g′   T of 
  ◆ₙ = ⊢cast (⊢cast (compile-preserve N ⊢N))
  ♥ₙ :  {}  Γ ;  ;  ;   _  T of 
  ♥ₙ = subst     {}  _ ; _ ;  ;   (compile N ⊢N  coerce B≲C p )  inject T g′   _)
             (consis-join-not-all-specific ¬as) ◆ₙ
   : Γ ;  ; gc ; pc 
        if⋆ (compile L ⊢L  inject (` Bool) g ) T
            ((compile M ⊢M  coerce A≲C p )  inject T g′ )
            ((compile N ⊢N  coerce B≲C p )  inject T g′ )
         T of 
   = ⊢if⋆ (⊢cast (compile-preserve L ⊢L)) ♥ₘ ♥ₙ
compile-preserve (M  A at p) (⊢ann ⊢M A′≲A) = ⊢cast (compile-preserve M ⊢M)
compile-preserve (`let M `in N) (⊢let ⊢M ⊢N) = ⊢let (compile-preserve M ⊢M) (compile-preserve N ⊢N)
compile-preserve (ref⟦   M at p) (⊢ref {gc = gc} {T = T} {g} ⊢M Tg≲Tℓ gc≾ℓ)
  with gc≾ℓ
... | ≾-⋆l = ⊢ref? (⊢cast (compile-preserve M ⊢M))
... | ≾-l ℓᶜ≼ℓ {- gc = ℓᶜ -} = ⊢ref (⊢cast (compile-preserve M ⊢M)) ℓᶜ≼ℓ
compile-preserve (! M at p) (⊢deref {A = A} {g} ⊢M)
  with g | A
... | l _ | T of g′ = ⊢deref  (compile-preserve M ⊢M) refl
... |    | T of g′ rewrite g⋎̃⋆≡⋆ {g′} = ⊢deref⋆ (⊢cast (compile-preserve M ⊢M))
compile-preserve (L := M at p) (⊢assign {gc = gc} {A = A} {T} {g} {} ⊢L ⊢M A≲Tĝ g≾ĝ gc≾ĝ)
  with all-specific? [ gc , g ,  ] | g≾ĝ | gc≾ĝ
... | yes (as-cons ( ℓc)  (as-cons ( )  (as-cons ( ℓ̂) as-nil))) | ≾-l ℓ≼ℓ̂ | ≾-l ℓc≼ℓ̂ =
  ⊢assign (compile-preserve L ⊢L) (⊢cast (compile-preserve M ⊢M)) ℓc≼ℓ̂ ℓ≼ℓ̂
... | no _ | _ | _ = ⊢assign? (⊢cast (compile-preserve L ⊢L)) (⊢cast (compile-preserve M ⊢M))

compilation-preserves-type M ⊢M = compile-preserve M ⊢M {low}