{- Coercions on terms -}

module Common.Coercions where

open import Data.Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_; Dec; yes; no)
open import Relation.Nullary.Negation using (contradiction)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; _≢_; refl; subst)
open import Function using (case_of_; case_return_of_)

open import Common.Utils
open import Common.Types
open import Common.BlameLabels
open import CoercionExpr.CoercionExpr
  hiding   (Progress; progress)
  renaming (_—→⟨_⟩_ to _—→ₗ⟨_⟩_; _∎ to _∎ₗ ;
            _—→_ to _—→ₗ_; _—↠_ to _—↠ₗ_;
            plug-cong to plug-congₗ)
open import CoercionExpr.SecurityLevel renaming (∥_∥ to ∥_∥ₗ) public
open import CoercionExpr.Stamping
open import CoercionExpr.SyntacComp renaming (_⨟_ to _⊹⊹_)

infix 6 Castᵣ_⇒_
infix 6 Cast_⇒_

data Castᵣ_⇒_ : RawType  RawType  Set
data Cast_⇒_  : Type  Type  Set

data Castᵣ_⇒_ where

  id  :  ι  Castᵣ ` ι  ` ι

  ref :  {A B}
     (c : Cast B  A)  {- in  -}
     (d : Cast A  B)  {- out -}
     Castᵣ Ref A  Ref B

  fun :  {g₁ g₂} {A B C D}
     CExpr g₂  g₁
     (c : Cast C  A)  {- in  -}
     (d : Cast B  D)  {- out -}
     Castᵣ  g₁  A  B   g₂  C  D

data Cast_⇒_ where
  cast :  {S T g₁ g₂}
     Castᵣ S  T
     CExpr g₁  g₂
     Cast S of g₁  T of g₂

{- Irreducible coercions form values -}
data Irreducible :  {A B}  Cast A  B  Set where
  ir-base :  {ι  g} { : CExpr l   g}
     l   g  {- c̅ ≢ id -}
     Irreducible (cast (id ι) )

  ir-ref :  {A B  g}
      {c : Cast B  A} {d : Cast A  B} { : CExpr l   g}
     Irreducible (cast (ref c d) )

  ir-fun :  {A B C D  g gᶜ₁ gᶜ₂}
      {c : Cast C  A} {d : Cast B  D}
      { : CExpr l   g} { : CExpr gᶜ₁  gᶜ₂}
     Irreducible (cast (fun  c d) )

coerceᵣ :  {S T}  S ≲ᵣ T  BlameLabel  Castᵣ S  T
coerce :  {A B}  A  B  BlameLabel  Cast A  B

coerceᵣ {` ι} {` ι} ≲-ι p = id ι
coerceᵣ {Ref A} {Ref B} (≲-ref A≲B B≲A) p =
  ref (coerce B≲A p) (coerce A≲B p)
coerceᵣ { g₁  A  B} { g₂  C  D} (≲-fun g₂≾g₁ C≲A B≲D) p =
  fun (coerceₗ g₂≾g₁ p) (coerce C≲A p) (coerce B≲D p)

coerce {S of g₁} {T of g₂} (≲-ty g₁≾g₂ S≲T) p =
  cast (coerceᵣ S≲T p) (coerceₗ g₁≾g₂ p)

coerceᵣ-id :  T  Castᵣ T  T
coerce-id :  A  Cast A  A

coerceᵣ-id (` ι) = id ι
coerceᵣ-id (Ref A) = ref (coerce-id A) (coerce-id A)
coerceᵣ-id ( g  A  B) = fun (id g) (coerce-id A) (coerce-id B)

coerce-id (T of g) = cast (coerceᵣ-id T) (id g)

inject :  T g  Cast T of g  T of 
inject T g = cast (coerceᵣ-id T) (coerce g ⇒⋆)

stamp-ir :  {A B} (c : Cast A  B)  Irreducible c     Cast A  stamp B (l )
stamp-ir (cast cᵣ ) (ir-base 𝓋 _)  = cast cᵣ (stampₗ  𝓋 )
stamp-ir (cast cᵣ ) (ir-ref  𝓋)    = cast cᵣ (stampₗ  𝓋 )
stamp-ir (cast cᵣ ) (ir-fun  𝓋)    = cast cᵣ (stampₗ  𝓋 )

stamp-ir-irreducible :  {A B} {c : Cast A  B} {}
   (i : Irreducible c)
   Irreducible (stamp-ir c i )
stamp-ir-irreducible { = ℓ′} (ir-base {ι} {} {g} 𝓋 x) =
  ir-base (stampₗ-CVal _ 𝓋 _) (stamp-not-id 𝓋 x)
stamp-ir-irreducible (ir-ref 𝓋) = ir-ref (stampₗ-CVal _ 𝓋 _)
stamp-ir-irreducible (ir-fun 𝓋) = ir-fun (stampₗ-CVal _ 𝓋 _)

stamp-ir! :  {A B} (c : Cast A  B)  Irreducible c  ( : StaticLabel)  Cast A  stamp B 
stamp-ir! {B = T of g} (cast cᵣ ) (ir-base 𝓋 _)  rewrite g⋎̃⋆≡⋆ {g} =
  cast cᵣ (stamp!ₗ  𝓋 )
stamp-ir! {B = T of g} (cast cᵣ ) (ir-ref  𝓋)    rewrite g⋎̃⋆≡⋆ {g} =
  cast cᵣ (stamp!ₗ  𝓋 )
stamp-ir! {B = T of g} (cast cᵣ ) (ir-fun  𝓋)    rewrite g⋎̃⋆≡⋆ {g} =
  cast cᵣ (stamp!ₗ  𝓋 )

stamp-ir!-irreducible :  {A B} {c : Cast A  B} {}
   (i : Irreducible c)
   Irreducible (stamp-ir! c i )
stamp-ir!-irreducible {B = T of g} (ir-base 𝓋 x) rewrite g⋎̃⋆≡⋆ {g} =
  ir-base (stamp!ₗ-CVal _ 𝓋 _) λ ()
stamp-ir!-irreducible {B = T of g} (ir-ref 𝓋) rewrite g⋎̃⋆≡⋆ {g} =
  ir-ref (stamp!ₗ-CVal _ 𝓋 _)
stamp-ir!-irreducible {B = T of g} (ir-fun 𝓋) rewrite g⋎̃⋆≡⋆ {g} =
  ir-fun (stamp!ₗ-CVal _ 𝓋 _)

{- Syntactical composition -}
_⨟ᵣ_ :  {T₁ T₂ T₃}  Castᵣ T₁  T₂  Castᵣ T₂  T₃  Castᵣ T₁  T₃
_⨟_  :  {A B C}  Cast A  B  Cast B  C  Cast A  C

id .ι       ⨟ᵣ id ι        = id ι
ref c₁ d₁   ⨟ᵣ ref c₂ d₂   = ref  (c₂  c₁) (d₁  d₂)
fun  c₁ d₁ ⨟ᵣ fun  c₂ d₂ = fun  ( ⊹⊹ ) (c₂  c₁) (d₁  d₂)
cast cᵣ      cast dᵣ    = cast (cᵣ ⨟ᵣ dᵣ) ( ⊹⊹ )