module CoercionExpr.CoercionExpr where

open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Unit using (; tt)
open import Data.Bool using (true; false) renaming (Bool to 𝔹)
open import Data.List hiding ([_])
open import Data.Product renaming (_,_ to ⟨_,_⟩)
open import Data.Sum using (_⊎_)
open import Data.Maybe
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_; Dec; yes; no)
open import Relation.Nullary.Negation using (contradiction)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl; cong)
open import Function using (case_of_)

open import Common.Utils
open import Common.SecurityLabels
open import Common.BlameLabels
open import CoercionExpr.Coercions public

infixl 8 _⨾_  {- syntactic composition -}

data CExpr_⇒_ : Label  Label  Set where

  id :  g  CExpr g  g

  _⨾_ :  {g₁ g₂ g₃}  CExpr g₁  g₂   g₂  g₃  CExpr g₁  g₃

   :  g₁ g₂ (p : BlameLabel)  CExpr g₁  g₂

coerce_⇒⋆ :  g  CExpr g  
coerce_⇒⋆      = id 
coerce_⇒⋆ (l ) = id (l )   !

coerce-≼ :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂}  ℓ₁  ℓ₂  CExpr l ℓ₁  l ℓ₂
coerce-≼ l≼l = id (l low)
coerce-≼ l≼h = id (l low)  
coerce-≼ h≼h = id (l high)

coerceₗ :  {g₁ g₂}  g₁  g₂  BlameLabel  CExpr g₁  g₂
coerceₗ {g}    {}    _           _ = coerce g ⇒⋆
coerceₗ {l ℓ₁} {l ℓ₂} (≾-l ℓ₁≼ℓ₂) _ = coerce-≼ ℓ₁≼ℓ₂
coerceₗ {}    {l }  ≾-⋆l        p = id    ?? p

-- data CVal : ∀ {g₁ g₂} → CExpr g₁ ⇒ g₂ → Set where

--   id : ∀ {g} → CVal (id g)

--   up : CVal ((id (l low)) ⨾ ↑)

--   inj : ∀ {ℓ} → CVal ((id (l ℓ)) ⨾ (ℓ !))

--   proj : ∀ {ℓ p} → CVal ((id ⋆) ⨾ (ℓ ?? p))

--   up-inj : CVal ((id (l low)) ⨾ ↑ ⨾ (high !))

--   proj-up : ∀ {p} → CVal ((id ⋆) ⨾ (low ?? p) ⨾ ↑)

--   proj-inj : ∀ {ℓ p} → CVal ((id ⋆) ⨾ (ℓ ?? p) ⨾ (ℓ !))

--   proj-up-inj : ∀ {p} → CVal ((id ⋆) ⨾ (low ?? p) ⨾ ↑ ⨾ (high !))

data CVal :  {g₁ g₂}  CExpr g₁  g₂  Set where

  id :  {g}  CVal (id g)

  id⨾? :  { p}  CVal ((id )  ( ?? p))

  inj :  {g } { : CExpr g  l }  CVal   CVal (  ( !))

  up :  {g} { : CExpr g  l low}  CVal   CVal (  )

infix 2 _—→_

data _—→_ :  {g₁ g₂}  CExpr g₁  g₂  CExpr g₁  g₂  Set where

  ξ :  {g₁ g₂ g₃} { c̅′ : CExpr g₁  g₂} {c :  g₂  g₃}
       —→ c̅′
       c  —→ c̅′  c

  ξ-⊥ :  {p} {g₁ g₂ g₃} {c :  g₂  g₃}
     ( g₁ g₂ p)  c  —→  g₁ g₃ p

  id :  {g₁ g₂} { : CExpr g₁  g₂}
       (id g₂)  —→ 

  ?-id :  {p} {g } { : CExpr g  (l )}
       ( !)  ( ?? p)  —→ 

  ?-↑ :  {p} {g} { : CExpr g  (l low)}
       (low !)  (high ?? p)  —→   

  ?-⊥ :  {p} {g} { : CExpr g  (l high)}
       (high !)  (low ?? p)  —→  g (l low) p

open import Common.MultiStep Label (CExpr_⇒_) _—→_ public

data _—→⁺_ :  {g₁ g₂} (M N : CExpr g₁  g₂)  Set where

  _—→⟨_⟩_ :  {g₁ g₂} (L : CExpr g₁  g₂) {M N}
     L —→ M
     M —↠ N
     L —→⁺ N

→⁺-impl-↠ :  {g₁ g₂} {M N : CExpr g₁  g₂}
   M —→⁺ N
   M —↠  N
→⁺-impl-↠ (_ —→⟨ r  r*) = _ —→⟨ r  r*

plug-cong :  {g₁ g₂ g₃} {M N : CExpr g₁  g₂} {c :  g₂  g₃}
   M —↠ N
   M  c —↠ N  c
plug-cong (M ) = (M  _) 
plug-cong (M —→⟨ M→L  L↠N) = M  _ —→⟨ ξ M→L  (plug-cong L↠N)

data Progress :  {g₁ g₂}  ( : CExpr g₁  g₂)  Set where

  done :  {g₁ g₂} { : CExpr g₁  g₂}

  error :  {p} {g₁ g₂}  Progress ( g₁ g₂ p)

  step :  {g₁ g₂} { c̅′ : CExpr g₁  g₂}
       —→ c̅′

progress :  {g₁ g₂} ( : CExpr g₁  g₂)  Progress 
progress (id g) = done id
progress (  c) with progress 
... | step c̅→c̅′ = step (ξ c̅→c̅′)
... | error = step ξ-⊥
... | done id with c
progress (_  c) | done id | id g   = step (id id)
progress (_  c) | done id |      = done (up id)
progress (_  c) | done id |  !    = done (inj id)
progress (_  c) | done id |  ?? p = done id⨾?
progress (_  c) | done id⨾? with c
progress (_  c) | done id⨾? | id _ = step (id id⨾?)
progress (_  c) | done id⨾? |    = done (up id⨾?)
progress (_  c) | done id⨾? | ℓ₁ ! = done (inj id⨾?)
progress (_  c) | done (inj v) with c
progress (_  c) | done (inj v) | id  = step (id (inj v))
progress (_  c) | done (inj { = low}  v) | low  ?? p = step (?-id v)
progress (_  c) | done (inj { = high} v) | high ?? p = step (?-id v)
progress (_  c) | done (inj { = low}  v) | high ?? p = step (?-↑ v)
progress (_  c) | done (inj { = high} v) | low  ?? p = step (?-⊥ v)
progress (_  c) | done (up v) with c
progress (_  c) | done (up v) | id (l high) = step (id (up v))
progress (_  c) | done (up v) | high !      = done (inj (up v))
progress ( g₁ g₂ p) = error

data CResult :  {g₁ g₂}  ( : CExpr g₁  g₂)  Set where

  success :  {g₁ g₂} { : CExpr g₁  g₂}  CVal   CResult 

  fail    :  {g₁ g₂ p}  CResult ( g₁ g₂ p)

cexpr-sn :  {g₁ g₂} ( : CExpr g₁  g₂)  ∃[  ] ( —↠ ) × CResult 
cexpr-sn (id g) =  _ , _  , success id 
cexpr-sn ( g₁ g₂ p) =  _ , _  , fail 
cexpr-sn (  c)
  with cexpr-sn 
... |  _ , c̅′↠c̅″ , success id 
  with c
cexpr-sn (_  c) |  _ , c̅′↠c̅″ , success id  | id g   =
   _ , ↠-trans (plug-cong c̅′↠c̅″) (_ —→⟨ id id  _ ) , success id 
cexpr-sn (_  c) |  _ , c̅′↠c̅″ , success id  |      =
   _ , plug-cong c̅′↠c̅″ , success (up id) 
cexpr-sn (_  c) |  _ , c̅′↠c̅″ , success id  |  !    =
   _ , plug-cong c̅′↠c̅″ , success (inj id) 
cexpr-sn (_  c) |  _ , c̅′↠c̅″ , success id  |  ?? p =
   _ , plug-cong c̅′↠c̅″ , success id⨾? 
cexpr-sn (_  c) |  _ , c̅′↠c̅″ , success id⨾? 
  with c
cexpr-sn (_  c) |  _ , c̅′↠c̅″ , success id⨾?  | id _ =
   _ , ↠-trans (plug-cong c̅′↠c̅″) (_ —→⟨ id id⨾?  _ ) , success id⨾? 
cexpr-sn (_  c) |  _ , c̅′↠c̅″ , success id⨾?  |    =
   _ , plug-cong c̅′↠c̅″ , success (up id⨾?) 
cexpr-sn (_  c) |  _ , c̅′↠c̅″ , success id⨾?  | ℓ₁ ! =
   _ , plug-cong c̅′↠c̅″ , success (inj id⨾?) 
cexpr-sn (_  c) |  _ , c̅′↠c̅″ , success (inj v) 
  with c
cexpr-sn (_  c) |  _ , c̅′↠c̅″ , success (inj v)  | id  =
   _ , ↠-trans (plug-cong c̅′↠c̅″) (_ —→⟨ id (inj v)  _ ) , success (inj v) 
cexpr-sn (_  c) |  _ , c̅′↠c̅″ , success (inj { = low}  v)  | low  ?? p =
   _ , ↠-trans (plug-cong c̅′↠c̅″) (_ —→⟨ ?-id v  _ ) , success v 
cexpr-sn (_  c) |  _ , c̅′↠c̅″ , success (inj { = high} v)  | high ?? p =
   _ , ↠-trans (plug-cong c̅′↠c̅″) (_ —→⟨ ?-id v  _ ) , success v 
cexpr-sn (_  c) |  _ , c̅′↠c̅″ , success (inj { = low}  v)  | high ?? p =
   _ , ↠-trans (plug-cong c̅′↠c̅″) (_ —→⟨ ?-↑ v  _ ) , success (up v) 
cexpr-sn (_  c) |  _ , c̅′↠c̅″ , success (inj { = high} v)  | low  ?? p =
   _ , ↠-trans (plug-cong c̅′↠c̅″) (_ —→⟨ ?-⊥ v  _ ) , fail 
cexpr-sn (_  c) |  _ , c̅′↠c̅″ , success (up v) 
  with c
cexpr-sn (_  c) |  _ , c̅′↠c̅″ , success (up v)  | id (l high) =
   _ , ↠-trans (plug-cong c̅′↠c̅″) (_ —→⟨ id (up v)  _ ) , success (up v) 
cexpr-sn (_  c) |  _ , c̅′↠c̅″ , success (up v)  | high !      =
   _ , plug-cong c̅′↠c̅″ , success (inj (up v)) 
cexpr-sn (_  c) |  _ , c̅′↠⊥ , fail  =
   _ , ↠-trans (plug-cong c̅′↠⊥) (_ —→⟨ ξ-⊥  _ ) , fail 

uniq-CVal :  {g₁ g₂} { : CExpr g₁  g₂}  (v v′ : CVal )  v  v′
uniq-CVal id id = refl
uniq-CVal id⨾? id⨾? = refl
uniq-CVal (inj v) (inj v′) rewrite uniq-CVal v v′ = refl
uniq-CVal (up v) (up v′) rewrite uniq-CVal v v′ = refl

CVal⌿→ :  {g₁ g₂} {  : CExpr g₁  g₂}  CVal   ¬ ( —→ )
CVal⌿→ id ()
CVal⌿→ (inj 𝓋) (ξ r) = CVal⌿→ 𝓋 r
CVal⌿→ (up 𝓋)  (ξ r) = CVal⌿→ 𝓋 r
CVal⌿→ id⨾? (ξ ())

CResult⌿→ :  { g} {  : CExpr l   g}  CResult   ¬ ( —→ )
CResult⌿→ (success 𝓋) = CVal⌿→ 𝓋

det :  { g} { d̅₁ d̅₂ : CExpr l   g}
    —→ d̅₁
    —→ d̅₂
   d̅₁  d̅₂
det (ξ r1) (ξ r2) = cong (_⨾ _) (det r1 r2)
det (ξ r) (id 𝓋) = contradiction r (CVal⌿→ 𝓋)
det (ξ r) (?-id 𝓋) = contradiction r (CVal⌿→ (inj 𝓋))
det (ξ r) (?-↑ 𝓋) = contradiction r (CVal⌿→ (inj 𝓋))
det (ξ r) (?-⊥ 𝓋) = contradiction r (CVal⌿→ (inj 𝓋))
det ξ-⊥ ξ-⊥ = refl
det (id 𝓋) (ξ r) = contradiction r (CVal⌿→ 𝓋)
det (id _) (id _) = refl
det (?-id 𝓋) (ξ r) = contradiction r (CVal⌿→ (inj 𝓋))
det (?-id _) (?-id _) = refl
det (?-↑ 𝓋) (ξ r) = contradiction r (CVal⌿→ (inj 𝓋))
det (?-↑ _) (?-↑ _) = refl
det (?-⊥ 𝓋) (ξ r) = contradiction r (CVal⌿→ (inj 𝓋))
det (?-⊥ _) (?-⊥ _) = refl

det-mult :  { g} { d̅₁ d̅₂ : CExpr l   g}
    —↠ d̅₁
    —↠ d̅₂
   CResult d̅₁
   CResult d̅₂
   d̅₁  d̅₂
det-mult (_ ) (_ ) r₁ r₂ = refl
det-mult (_ ) (_ —→⟨ c̅→d̅  _) r₁ r₂ = contradiction c̅→d̅ (CResult⌿→ r₁)
det-mult (_ —→⟨ c̅→d̅  _) (_ ) r₁ r₂ = contradiction c̅→d̅ (CResult⌿→ r₂)
det-mult (_ —→⟨ c̅→d̅₃  d̅₃↠d̅₁) (_ —→⟨ c̅→d̅₄  d̅₄↠d̅₂) r₁ r₂
  with det c̅→d̅₃ c̅→d̅₄
... | refl = det-mult d̅₃↠d̅₁ d̅₄↠d̅₂ r₁ r₂