{-# OPTIONS --without-K  #-}
open import Agda.Primitive using (Level; lzero; lsuc)
open import Data.Bool using (Bool; true; false; _∨_)
open import Data.Empty using ()
open import Data.Fin using (Fin; zero; suc)
open import Data.List using (List; []; _∷_; replicate) renaming (map to lmap)
open import Data.Nat using (; zero; suc; _+_; _⊔_; _∸_; _≟_)
open import Data.Nat.Properties using (+-suc; +-identityʳ)
open import Data.Product using (_×_; proj₁; proj₂) renaming (_,_ to ⟨_,_⟩ )
open import Data.Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)
open import Data.Unit.Polymorphic using (; tt)
open import Data.Vec using (Vec; []; _∷_)
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq
open Eq using (_≡_; refl; sym; cong; cong₂; cong-app)
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_; Dec; yes; no)
open import ScopedTuple
open import Sig
open import Structures
open import Var

module AbstractBindingTree {} (Op : Set ) (sig : Op  List Sig) where

data Args : List Sig  Set 

data ABT : Set  where
  `_ : Var  ABT
  _⦅_⦆ : (op : Op)  Args (sig op)  ABT

data Arg : Sig  Set  where
  ast : ABT  Arg 
  bind : ∀{b}  Arg b  Arg (ν b)
  clear : ∀{b}  Arg b  Arg ( b)

data Args where
  nil : Args []
  cons : ∀{b bs}  Arg b  Args bs  Args (b  bs)

var-injective :  {x y}  ` x  ` y  x  y
var-injective refl = refl

{- Return suc x where x is the largest free variable in a term. -}
max-var : ABT  
max-var-arg : ∀{b}  Arg b  
max-var-args : ∀{bs}  Args bs  

max-var (` x) = suc x
max-var (op  args ) = max-var-args args

max-var-arg (ast M) = max-var M
max-var-arg (bind arg) = (max-var-arg arg)  1
max-var-arg (clear arg) = 0

max-var-args nil = 0
max-var-args (cons arg args) = (max-var-arg arg)  (max-var-args args)

{- Helper functions -}

map₊ : ∀{bs}  (∀ {b}  Arg b  Arg b)  Args bs  Args bs
map₊ {[]} f nil = nil
map₊ {b  bs} f (cons arg args) = cons (f arg) (map₊ f args)

{- todo: generalize away the replicate -}
append₊ : ∀{n m}  (xs : Args (replicate n ))
   (ys : Args (replicate m ))  Args (replicate (n + m) )
append₊ {zero} {m} nil ys = ys
append₊ {suc n} {m} (cons x xs) ys = cons x (append₊ xs ys)

{- Convert to tuples -}

⌊_⌋ : ∀{bs}  Args bs  Tuple bs  _  ABT)
⌊_⌋ₐ : ∀{b}  Arg b  ABT

⌊_⌋ₐ {} (ast M) = M
⌊_⌋ₐ {ν b} (bind arg) =  arg ⌋ₐ
⌊_⌋ₐ { b} (clear arg) =  arg ⌋ₐ

⌊_⌋ {[]} args = tt
⌊_⌋ {b  bs} (cons arg args) =   arg ⌋ₐ ,  args  

  Contexts and Plug
  (for expressing contextual equivalence, not for evaluation contexts)

data CArgs : (sig : List Sig)  Set 

data Ctx : Set  where
  CHole : Ctx
  COp : (op : Op)  CArgs (sig op)  Ctx

data CArg : (b : Sig)  Set  where
  CAst : Ctx  CArg 
  CBind : ∀{b}  CArg b  CArg (ν b)
  CClear : ∀{b}  CArg b  CArg ( b)

data CArgs where
  tcons : ∀{b}{bs bs'}  Arg b  CArgs bs  bs'  (b  bs)
         CArgs bs'
  ccons : ∀{b}{bs bs'}  CArg b  Args bs  bs'  (b  bs)
         CArgs bs'  

plug : Ctx  ABT  ABT
plug-arg :  {b}  CArg b  ABT  Arg b
plug-args :  {bs}  CArgs bs  ABT  Args bs

plug CHole M = M
plug (COp op args) M = op  plug-args args M 

plug-arg (CAst C) M = ast (plug C M)
plug-arg (CBind C) M = bind (plug-arg C M)
plug-arg (CClear C) M = clear (plug-arg C M)

plug-args (tcons L Cs eq) M rewrite eq =
   cons L (plug-args Cs M)
plug-args (ccons C Ls eq) M rewrite eq =
   cons (plug-arg C M) Ls

cargs-not-empty : ¬ CArgs []
cargs-not-empty (tcons (ast _) _ ())
cargs-not-empty (tcons (bind _) _ ())
cargs-not-empty (ccons (CAst _) _ ())
cargs-not-empty (ccons (CBind _) _ ())

ctx-depth : Ctx    
ctx-depth-arg : ∀{n}  CArg n     
ctx-depth-args : ∀{bs}  CArgs bs    

ctx-depth CHole k = k
ctx-depth (COp op args) k = ctx-depth-args args k
ctx-depth-arg (CAst C) k = ctx-depth C k
ctx-depth-arg (CBind arg) k = ctx-depth-arg arg (suc k)
ctx-depth-arg (CClear arg) k = ctx-depth-arg arg 0
ctx-depth-args (tcons arg cargs _) k = ctx-depth-args cargs k
ctx-depth-args (ccons carg args _) k = ctx-depth-arg carg k

record Quotable {ℓ′} (V : Set ℓ′) : Set ( Agda.Primitive.⊔ ℓ′) where
  field “_” : V  ABT

open Quotable {{...}} public

  Var-is-Quotable : Quotable Var
  Var-is-Quotable = record { “_” = `_ }

  ABT-is-Quotable : Quotable ABT
  ABT-is-Quotable = record { “_” = λ x  x }

 Free variables

FV? : ABT  Var  Bool
FV-arg? : ∀{b}  Arg b  Var  Bool
FV-args? : ∀{bs}  Args bs  Var  Bool
FV? (` x) y
    with x  y
... | yes xy = true
... | no xy = false
FV? (op  args ) y = FV-args? args y
FV-arg? (ast M) y = FV? M y
FV-arg? (bind arg) y = FV-arg? arg (suc y)
FV-arg? (clear arg) y = false
FV-args? nil y = false
FV-args? (cons arg args) y = FV-arg? arg y  FV-args? args y

{- Predicate Version -}

FV : ABT  Var  Set
FV-arg : ∀{b}  Arg b  Var  Set
FV-args : ∀{bs}  Args bs  Var  Set
FV (` x) y = x  y
FV (op  args ) y = FV-args args y
FV-arg (ast M) y = FV M y
FV-arg (bind arg) y = FV-arg arg (suc y)
FV-arg (clear arg) y = 
FV-args nil y = 
FV-args (cons arg args) y = FV-arg arg y  FV-args args y