module Common.TypeBasedCast where

open import Data.Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_; Dec; yes; no)
open import Relation.Nullary.Negation using (contradiction)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; _≢_; refl)
open import Function using (case_of_; case_return_of_)

open import Common.Types
open import Common.BlameLabels

infix 6 Cast_⇒_

data Cast_⇒_ : Type  Type  Set where
  cast :  A B  BlameLabel  A ~ B  Cast A  B

bl :  {A B}  Cast A  B  BlameLabel
bl (cast _ _ p _) = p

{- Let's first consider the label parts of A ⇒ B,
   where we have four cases:
   1) ℓ ⇒ ℓ    2) ℓ ⇒ ⋆    3) ⋆ ⇒ ℓ    4) ⋆ ⇒ ⋆  -}

-- g₁ ⇒ g₂ is inert if g₁ ≢ ⋆
data Inert_⇒_ :  (g₁ g₂ : Label)  Set where
  I-label :  { g₂}  Inert l   g₂

-- ⋆ ⇒ g₂ is active
data Active_⇒_ :  (g₁ g₂ : Label)  Set where
  A-id⋆ : Active   
  A-proj :  {}  Active   l 

-- Value forming cast
data Inert :  {A B}  Cast A  B  Set where
  I-base-inj :  {ι }
     (c : Cast ` ι of l   ` ι of )
      ------------------------------------- InertBaseInj
     Inert c

  I-fun :  {A B C D gc₁ gc₂ g₁ g₂}
     (c : Cast  gc₁  A  B of g₁   gc₂  C  D of g₂)
     Inert gc₁  gc₂  Inert g₁  g₂
      ------------------------------------- InertFun
     Inert c

  I-ref :  {S T g₁ g₁₁ g₂ g₂₁}
     (c : Cast Ref (S of g₁₁) of g₁  Ref (T of g₂₁) of g₂)
     Inert g₁₁  g₂₁  Inert g₁  g₂
      ------------------------------------- InertRef
     Inert c

data Active :  {A B}  Cast A  B  Set where
  A-base-id :  {ι g}
     (c : Cast ` ι of g  ` ι of g)
      ------------------------------------- ActiveBaseId
     Active c

  A-base-proj :  {ι }
     (c : Cast ` ι of   ` ι of l )
      ------------------------------------- ActiveBaseProj
     Active c

  A-fun :  {A B C D gc₁ gc₂ g₁ g₂}
     (c : Cast  gc₁  A  B of g₁   gc₂  C  D of g₂)
     Active g₁  g₂
      ------------------------------------- ActiveFun
     Active c

  A-fun-pc :  {A B C D gc₁ gc₂ g₁ g₂}
     (c : Cast  gc₁  A  B of g₁   gc₂  C  D of g₂)
     Active gc₁  gc₂  Inert g₁  g₂
      ------------------------------------- ActiveFunPC
     Active c

  A-ref :  {A B g₁ g₂}
     (c : Cast Ref A of g₁  Ref B of g₂)
     Active g₁  g₂
      ------------------------------------- ActiveRef
     Active c

  A-ref-ref :  {S T g₁ g₁₁ g₂ g₂₁}
     (c : Cast Ref (S of g₁₁) of g₁  Ref (T of g₂₁) of g₂)
     Active g₁₁  g₂₁  Inert g₁  g₂
      ------------------------------------- ActiveRefLab
     Active c

active-⋆ :  {g}  Active   g
active-⋆ {} = A-id⋆
active-⋆ {l } = A-proj

active-or-inert :  {A B}  (c : Cast A  B)  Active c  Inert c
{- Base -}
active-or-inert (cast (` ι of ) (` ι of ) p (~-ty _ ~-ι)) = inj₁ (A-base-id _)
active-or-inert (cast (` ι of ) (` ι of l ) p (~-ty _ ~-ι)) = inj₁ (A-base-proj _)
active-or-inert (cast (` ι of l ) (` ι of ) p (~-ty _ ~-ι)) = inj₂ (I-base-inj _)
active-or-inert (cast (` ι of l ) (` ι of l ) p (~-ty l~ ~-ι)) = inj₁ (A-base-id _)
{- Ref -}
active-or-inert (cast (Ref A of ) (Ref B of g) p (~-ty _ (~-ref _))) =
  inj₁ (A-ref _ active-⋆)
active-or-inert (cast (Ref (S of ) of l ℓ₁) (Ref (T of g₂₁) of g₂) p (~-ty _ (~-ref _))) =
  inj₁ (A-ref-ref _ active-⋆ I-label)
active-or-inert (cast (Ref (S of l _) of l ℓ₁) (Ref (T of g₂₁) of g₂) p (~-ty _ (~-ref _))) =
  inj₂ (I-ref _ I-label I-label)
{- Fun -}
active-or-inert (cast ( _  A  B of ) ( _  C  D of g) p (~-ty _ (~-fun _ _ _))) =
  inj₁ (A-fun _ active-⋆)
active-or-inert (cast (   A  B of l ) ( gc  C  D of _) p (~-ty _ (~-fun _ _ _))) =
  inj₁ (A-fun-pc _ active-⋆ I-label)
active-or-inert (cast ( l pc  A  B of l _) C→D p (~-ty _ (~-fun _ _ _))) =
  inj₂ (I-fun _ I-label I-label)

active-not-inert :  {A B}  (c : Cast A  B)  Active c  ¬ Inert c
active-not-inert c (A-base-id .c) = λ ()
active-not-inert c (A-base-proj .c) = λ ()
active-not-inert c (A-fun .c A-id⋆) (I-fun .c _ ())
active-not-inert c (A-fun .c A-proj) (I-fun .c _ ())
active-not-inert c (A-fun-pc .c () I-label) (I-fun .c I-label I-label)
active-not-inert c (A-ref .c ()) (I-ref .c I-label I-label)
active-not-inert c (A-ref-ref .c () I-label) (I-ref .c I-label I-label)

-- Injections
data Inj_⇒_ : (g₁ g₂ : Label)  Set where

  inj :  {}  Inj l   

data Inj :  {A B}  Cast A  B  Set where

  base-inj :  {ι g₁ g₂} (c : Cast ` ι of g₁  ` ι of g₂)
     Inj g₁  g₂
     Inj c

  fun-inj :  {A B C D gc₁ gc₂ g₁ g₂}
     (c : Cast ( gc₁  A  B of g₁)  ( gc₂  C  D of g₂))
     Inert gc₁  gc₂  Inj g₁  g₂
     Inj c

  fun-pc-inj :  {A B C D gc₁ gc₂ g₁ g₂}
     (c : Cast ( gc₁  A  B of g₁)  ( gc₂  C  D of g₂))
     Inj gc₁  gc₂  Inert g₁  g₂
     Inj c

  ref-inj :  {S T ĝ₁ ĝ₂ g₁ g₂}
     (c : Cast (Ref (S of ĝ₁) of g₁)  (Ref (T of ĝ₂) of g₂))
     Inert ĝ₁  ĝ₂  Inj g₁  g₂
     Inj c

  ref-ref-inj :  {S T ĝ₁ ĝ₂ g₁ g₂}
     (c : Cast (Ref (S of ĝ₁) of g₁)  (Ref (T of ĝ₂) of g₂))
     Inj ĝ₁  ĝ₂  Inert g₁  g₂
     Inj c

inj-is-inert :  {A B} {c : Cast A  B}  Inj c  Inert c
inj-is-inert (base-inj c inj)      = I-base-inj c
inj-is-inert (fun-inj c i inj)     = I-fun c i I-label
inj-is-inert (fun-pc-inj c inj i)  = I-fun c I-label i
inj-is-inert (ref-inj c i inj)     = I-ref c i I-label
inj-is-inert (ref-ref-inj c inj i) = I-ref c I-label i

dom/c :  {A B C D gc₁ gc₂ g₁ g₂}
   Cast  gc₁  A  B of g₁   gc₂  C  D of g₂
   Cast C  A
dom/c (cast ( gc₁  A  B of g₁) ( gc₂  C  D of g₂) p (~-ty _ (~-fun _ A~C B~D))) =
  cast C A p (~-sym A~C)

cod/c :  {A B C D gc₁ gc₂ g₁ g₂}
   Cast  gc₁  A  B of g₁   gc₂  C  D of g₂
   Cast stamp B g₁  stamp D g₂
cod/c (cast ( gc₁  A  B of g₁) ( gc₂  C  D of g₂) p (~-ty g₁~g₂ (~-fun _ A~C B~D))) =
  cast (stamp B g₁) (stamp D g₂) p (stamp-~ B~D g₁~g₂)

in/c :  {A B g₁ g₂}
   Cast Ref A of g₁  Ref B of g₂
   Cast B  A
in/c (cast (Ref A of g₁) (Ref B of g₂) p (~-ty _ (~-ref A~B))) =
  cast B A p (~-sym A~B)

out/c :  {A B g₁ g₂}
   Cast Ref A of g₁  Ref B of g₂
   Cast stamp A g₁  stamp B g₂
out/c (cast (Ref A of g₁) (Ref B of g₂) p (~-ty g₁~g₂ (~-ref A~B))) =
  cast (stamp A g₁) (stamp B g₂) p (stamp-~ A~B g₁~g₂)

branch/c :  {g} A
   Cast ` Bool of g  ` Bool of 
   Cast stamp A g  stamp A 
branch/c {g} A (cast .(` Bool of g) .(` Bool of ) p _) =
  cast (stamp A g) (stamp A ) p (stamp-~ ~-refl ~⋆)