module Simulation.SimCast where

open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Unit using (; tt)
open import Data.Bool using (true; false) renaming (Bool to 𝔹)
open import Data.List
open import Data.Product using (_×_; ∃-syntax; proj₁; proj₂) renaming (_,_ to ⟨_,_⟩)
open import Data.Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)
open import Data.Maybe
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_; Dec; yes; no)
open import Relation.Nullary.Negation using (contradiction)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl; trans; subst; subst₂; sym)
open import Function using (case_of_)

open import Common.Utils
open import Memory.HeapContext
open import CoercionExpr.CoercionExpr using (CVal⌿→)
open import CoercionExpr.Precision
open import CoercionExpr.CatchUpBack using (catchup-back)
open import CoercionExpr.GG using (sim-mult)
open import CoercionExpr.CatchUp using (catchup; catchup-to-id)
open import CC2.Statics
open import CC2.CastReduction
open import CC2.Reduction using (Value⌿→) renaming (cast to app-cast)
open import CC2.Precision

sim-cast :  {Γ Γ′ Σ Σ′ gc gc′ ℓv ℓv′ A A′ B B′ V V′ W′} {c : Cast A  B} {c′ : Cast A′  B′}
   Γ ; Γ′  Σ ; Σ′  gc ; gc′  ℓv ; ℓv′  V  V′  A  A′
   Value V
   Value V′
    c ⟩⊑⟨ c′ 
   V′  c′  —↠ W′
   Value W′
   ∃[ W ]    Value W  ×
       (V  c  —↠ W) ×
       (Γ ; Γ′  Σ ; Σ′  gc ; gc′  ℓv ; ℓv′  W  W′  B  B′)
sim-cast ⊑-const (V-raw V-const) (V-raw V-const) (⊑-base c̅⊑c̅′) (_ ) (V-cast _ (ir-base 𝓋′ _)) =
  case catchup _ _ 𝓋′ c̅⊑c̅′ of λ where
    , id , _ ∎ₗ , d̅⊑c̅′  
     _ , V-raw V-const ,
      _ —→⟨ cast-id  _  ,
      ⊑-castr ⊑-const (⊑-base (⊑-right-contract d̅⊑c̅′)) 
    , id , _ —→ₗ⟨ r  r* , d̅⊑c̅′  
     _ , V-raw V-const ,
      _ —→⟨ cast V-const (_ —→ₗ⟨ r  r*) id  _ —→⟨ cast-id  _  ,
      ⊑-castr ⊑-const (⊑-base (⊑-right-contract d̅⊑c̅′)) 
    , inj 𝓋 , _ ∎ₗ , d̅⊑c̅′  
     _ , V-cast V-const (ir-base (inj 𝓋) λ ()) , _  , ⊑-cast ⊑-const (⊑-base d̅⊑c̅′) 
    , inj 𝓋 , _ —→ₗ⟨ r  r* , d̅⊑c̅′  
     _ , V-cast V-const (ir-base (inj 𝓋)  ())) ,
      _ —→⟨ cast V-const (_ —→ₗ⟨ r  r*) (inj 𝓋)  _  ,
      ⊑-cast ⊑-const (⊑-base d̅⊑c̅′) 
    , up id , _ ∎ₗ , d̅⊑c̅′  
     _ , V-cast V-const (ir-base (up id) λ ()) , _  , ⊑-cast ⊑-const (⊑-base d̅⊑c̅′) 
    , up id , _ —→ₗ⟨ r  r* , d̅⊑c̅′  
     _ , V-cast V-const (ir-base (up id)  ())) ,
      _ —→⟨ cast V-const (_ —→ₗ⟨ r  r*) (up id)  _  ,
      ⊑-cast ⊑-const (⊑-base d̅⊑c̅′) 
sim-cast (⊑-addr x y) (V-raw V-addr) (V-raw V-addr) (⊑-ref c⊑c′ d⊑d′ c̅⊑c̅′) (_ ) (V-cast _ (ir-ref 𝓋′)) =
  case catchup _ _ 𝓋′ c̅⊑c̅′ of λ where
    , 𝓋 , _ ∎ₗ , d̅⊑c̅′  
     _ , V-cast V-addr (ir-ref 𝓋) , _  , ⊑-cast (⊑-addr x y) (⊑-ref c⊑c′ d⊑d′ d̅⊑c̅′) 
    , 𝓋 , _ —→ₗ⟨ r  r* , d̅⊑c̅′  
     _ , V-cast V-addr (ir-ref 𝓋) ,
      _ —→⟨ cast V-addr (_ —→ₗ⟨ r  r*) 𝓋  _  ,
      ⊑-cast (⊑-addr x y) (⊑-ref c⊑c′ d⊑d′ d̅⊑c̅′) 
sim-cast (⊑-lam x y z) (V-raw V-ƛ) (V-raw V-ƛ) (⊑-fun d̅⊑d̅′ c⊑c′ d⊑d′ c̅⊑c̅′) (_ ) (V-cast _ (ir-fun 𝓋′)) =
  case catchup _ _ 𝓋′ c̅⊑c̅′ of λ where
    , 𝓋 , _ ∎ₗ , d̅⊑c̅′  
     _ , V-cast V-ƛ (ir-fun 𝓋) , _  , ⊑-cast (⊑-lam x y z) (⊑-fun d̅⊑d̅′ c⊑c′ d⊑d′ d̅⊑c̅′) 
    , 𝓋 , _ —→ₗ⟨ r  r* , d̅⊑c̅′  
     _ , V-cast V-ƛ (ir-fun 𝓋) ,
      _ —→⟨ cast V-ƛ (_ —→ₗ⟨ r  r*) 𝓋  _  ,
      ⊑-cast (⊑-lam x y z) (⊑-fun d̅⊑d̅′ c⊑c′ d⊑d′ d̅⊑c̅′) 
sim-cast V⊑V′ (V-raw v) (V-raw v′) (⊑-base c̅⊑c̅′) (_ —→⟨ cast _ c̅′→⁺c̅ₙ′ 𝓋′  ↠W′) w′ =
  case sim-mult c̅⊑c̅′ 𝓋′ (→⁺-impl-↠ c̅′→⁺c̅ₙ′) of λ where
   c̅ₙ , 𝓋 , _ ∎ₗ , c̅ₙ⊑c̅ₙ′   sim-cast V⊑V′ (V-raw v) (V-raw v′) (⊑-base c̅ₙ⊑c̅ₙ′) ↠W′ w′
   c̅ₙ , 𝓋 , _ —→ₗ⟨ r  r* , c̅ₙ⊑c̅ₙ′  
    let  W , w , ↠W , W⊑W′  = sim-cast V⊑V′ (V-raw v) (V-raw v′) (⊑-base c̅ₙ⊑c̅ₙ′) ↠W′ w′ in
     W , w , _ —→⟨ cast v (_ —→ₗ⟨ r  r*) 𝓋  ↠W , W⊑W′ 
sim-cast V⊑V′ (V-raw v) (V-raw v′) (⊑-ref c⊑c′ d⊑d′ c̅⊑c̅′) (_ —→⟨ cast _ c̅′→⁺c̅ₙ′ 𝓋′  ↠W′) w′ =
  case sim-mult c̅⊑c̅′ 𝓋′ (→⁺-impl-↠ c̅′→⁺c̅ₙ′) of λ where
   c̅ₙ , 𝓋 , _ ∎ₗ , c̅ₙ⊑c̅ₙ′   sim-cast V⊑V′ (V-raw v) (V-raw v′) (⊑-ref c⊑c′ d⊑d′ c̅ₙ⊑c̅ₙ′) ↠W′ w′
   c̅ₙ , 𝓋 , _ —→ₗ⟨ r  r* , c̅ₙ⊑c̅ₙ′  
    let  W , w , ↠W , W⊑W′  = sim-cast V⊑V′ (V-raw v) (V-raw v′) (⊑-ref c⊑c′ d⊑d′ c̅ₙ⊑c̅ₙ′) ↠W′ w′ in
     W , w , _ —→⟨ cast v (_ —→ₗ⟨ r  r*) 𝓋  ↠W , W⊑W′ 
sim-cast V⊑V′ (V-raw v) (V-raw v′) (⊑-fun d̅⊑d̅′ c⊑c′ d⊑d′ c̅⊑c̅′) (_ —→⟨ cast _ c̅′→⁺c̅ₙ′ 𝓋′  ↠W′) w′ =
  case sim-mult c̅⊑c̅′ 𝓋′ (→⁺-impl-↠ c̅′→⁺c̅ₙ′) of λ where
   c̅ₙ , 𝓋 , _ ∎ₗ , c̅ₙ⊑c̅ₙ′   sim-cast V⊑V′ (V-raw v) (V-raw v′) (⊑-fun d̅⊑d̅′ c⊑c′ d⊑d′ c̅ₙ⊑c̅ₙ′) ↠W′ w′
   c̅ₙ , 𝓋 , _ —→ₗ⟨ r  r* , c̅ₙ⊑c̅ₙ′  
    let  W , w , ↠W , W⊑W′  = sim-cast V⊑V′ (V-raw v) (V-raw v′) (⊑-fun d̅⊑d̅′ c⊑c′ d⊑d′ c̅ₙ⊑c̅ₙ′) ↠W′ w′ in
     W , w , _ —→⟨ cast v (_ —→ₗ⟨ r  r*) 𝓋  ↠W , W⊑W′ 
sim-cast V⊑V′ (V-raw v) (V-raw v′) c⊑c′ (_ —→⟨ cast-blame x x₁  _ ) (V-raw ())
sim-cast ⊑-const (V-raw V-const) (V-raw V-const) (⊑-base c̅⊑id) (_ —→⟨ cast-id  _ ) (V-raw V-const) =
  case catchup _ _ id c̅⊑id of λ where
    , id , _ ∎ₗ , d̅⊑c̅′  
     _ , V-raw V-const ,
      _ —→⟨ cast-id  _  ,
    , id , _ —→ₗ⟨ r  r* , d̅⊑c̅′  
     _ , V-raw V-const ,
      _ —→⟨ cast V-const (_ —→ₗ⟨ r  r*) id  _ —→⟨ cast-id  _  ,
    , inj 𝓋 , _ ∎ₗ , d̅⊑c̅′  
     _ , V-cast V-const (ir-base (inj 𝓋) λ ()) , _  ,
      ⊑-castl ⊑-const (⊑-base (⊑-left-contract d̅⊑c̅′)) 
    , inj 𝓋 , _ —→ₗ⟨ r  r* , d̅⊑c̅′  
     _ , V-cast V-const (ir-base (inj 𝓋)  ())) ,
      _ —→⟨ cast V-const (_ —→ₗ⟨ r  r*) (inj 𝓋)  _  ,
      ⊑-castl ⊑-const (⊑-base (⊑-left-contract d̅⊑c̅′)) 
    , up id , _ , ⊑-castl _ l⊑l () 
sim-cast V⊑V′ (V-raw _) (V-cast x₁ x₂) c⊑c′ (_ ) (V-cast () _)
sim-cast {c = c} {c′} (⊑-castr V⊑V′ A⊑d′) (V-raw v) (V-cast {c = d′} v′ i′) c⊑c′ (_ —→⟨ cast-comp _ _  r*) w′ =
  let c⊑d′⨟c′ = comp-pres-prec-rb A⊑d′ c⊑c′ in
  sim-cast V⊑V′ (V-raw v) (V-raw v′) c⊑d′⨟c′ r* w′
sim-cast {c = c} {c′} (⊑-castl V⊑V′ d⊑A′) (V-cast {V = V} {c = d} v i) (V-raw v′) c⊑c′ r* w′ =
  let d⨟c⊑c′ :  d  c ⟩⊑⟨ c′ 
      d⨟c⊑c′ = comp-pres-prec-lb d⊑A′ c⊑c′ in
  let  W , w , ↠W , W⊑W′  = sim-cast V⊑V′ (V-raw v) (V-raw v′) d⨟c⊑c′ r* w′ in
   W , w , _ —→⟨ cast-comp v i  ↠W , W⊑W′ 
sim-cast V⟨d⟩⊑V′⟨d′⟩ (V-cast v i) (V-cast v′ i′) c⊑c′ (_ ) (V-cast () _)
sim-cast V⟨d⟩⊑V′⟨d′⟩ (V-cast {V = V} {c} v i) (V-cast {V = V′} {c′} v′ i′) c⊑c′ (_ —→⟨ cast-comp _ _  r*) w′
  with cast-prec-inv V⟨d⟩⊑V′⟨d′⟩ v v′
... |  V⊑V′ , d⊑d′ , refl , refl  =
  let d⨟c⊑d′⨟c′ = comp-pres-prec d⊑d′ c⊑c′ in
  let  W , w , ↠W , W⊑W′  = sim-cast V⊑V′ (V-raw v) (V-raw v′) d⨟c⊑d′⨟c′ r* w′ in
   W , w , _ —→⟨ cast-comp v i  ↠W , W⊑W′ 
sim-cast V⊑V′ v V-●  c⊑c′ ↠W′ w′ = contradiction V⊑V′ (_ ⋤●)
sim-cast V⊑V′ V-● v′ c⊑c′ ↠W′ w′ = contradiction V⊑V′ (●⋤ _)

sim-cast-left :  {Γ Γ′ Σ Σ′ gc gc′ ℓv ℓv′ A A′ B V V′} {c : Cast A  B}
   Γ ; Γ′  Σ ; Σ′  gc ; gc′  ℓv ; ℓv′  V  V′  A  A′
   Value V
   Value V′
    c ⟩⊑ A′
   ∃[ W ]    Value W  ×
       (V  c  —↠ W) ×
       (Γ ; Γ′  Σ ; Σ′  gc ; gc′  ℓv ; ℓv′  W  V′  B  A′)
sim-cast-left ⊑-const (V-raw V-const) (V-raw V-const) (⊑-base c̅⊑g′) =
  case catchup-to-id _ (⊑-left-expand c̅⊑g′) of λ where
    , id , _ ∎ₗ , d̅⊑c̅′  
     _ , V-raw V-const ,
      _ —→⟨ cast-id  _  , ⊑-const 
    , id , _ —→ₗ⟨ r  r* , d̅⊑c̅′  
     _ , V-raw V-const ,
      _ —→⟨ cast V-const (_ —→ₗ⟨ r  r*) id  _ —→⟨ cast-id  _  , ⊑-const 
    , inj 𝓋 , _ ∎ₗ , d̅⊑c̅′  
     _ , V-cast V-const (ir-base (inj 𝓋) λ ()) , _  ,
      ⊑-castl ⊑-const (⊑-base (⊑-left-contract d̅⊑c̅′)) 
    , inj 𝓋 , _ —→ₗ⟨ r  r* , d̅⊑c̅′  
     _ , V-cast V-const (ir-base (inj 𝓋)  ())) ,
      _ —→⟨ cast V-const (_ —→ₗ⟨ r  r*) (inj 𝓋)  _  ,
      ⊑-castl ⊑-const (⊑-base (⊑-left-contract d̅⊑c̅′)) 
    , up id , _ ∎ₗ , d̅⊑c̅′  
     _ , V-cast V-const (ir-base (up id) λ ()) , _  ,
      ⊑-castl ⊑-const (⊑-base (⊑-left-contract d̅⊑c̅′)) 
    , up id , _ —→ₗ⟨ r  r* , d̅⊑c̅′  
     _ , V-cast V-const (ir-base (up id)  ())) ,
      _ —→⟨ cast V-const (_ —→ₗ⟨ r  r*) (up id)  _  ,
      ⊑-castl ⊑-const (⊑-base (⊑-left-contract d̅⊑c̅′)) 
sim-cast-left (⊑-addr x y) (V-raw V-addr) (V-raw V-addr) (⊑-ref c⊑A′ d⊑A′ c̅⊑g′) =
  case catchup-to-id _ (⊑-left-expand c̅⊑g′) of λ where
    , 𝓋 , _ ∎ₗ , d̅⊑c̅′  
     _ , V-cast V-addr (ir-ref 𝓋) , _  ,
      ⊑-castl (⊑-addr x y) (⊑-ref c⊑A′ d⊑A′ (⊑-left-contract d̅⊑c̅′)) 
    , 𝓋 , _ —→ₗ⟨ r  r* , d̅⊑c̅′  
     _ , V-cast V-addr (ir-ref 𝓋) ,
      _ —→⟨ cast V-addr (_ —→ₗ⟨ r  r*) 𝓋  _  ,
      ⊑-castl (⊑-addr x y) (⊑-ref c⊑A′ d⊑A′ (⊑-left-contract d̅⊑c̅′)) 
sim-cast-left (⊑-lam g⊑g′ A⊑A′ N⊑N′) (V-raw V-ƛ) (V-raw V-ƛ) (⊑-fun d̅⊑gc′ c⊑A′ d⊑B′ c̅⊑g′) =
  case catchup-to-id _ (⊑-left-expand c̅⊑g′) of λ where
    , 𝓋 , _ ∎ₗ , d̅⊑c̅′  
     _ , V-cast V-ƛ (ir-fun 𝓋) , _  ,
      ⊑-castl (⊑-lam g⊑g′ A⊑A′ N⊑N′) (⊑-fun d̅⊑gc′ c⊑A′ d⊑B′ (⊑-left-contract d̅⊑c̅′)) 
    , 𝓋 , _ —→ₗ⟨ r  r* , d̅⊑c̅′  
     _ , V-cast V-ƛ (ir-fun 𝓋) ,
      _ —→⟨ cast V-ƛ (_ —→ₗ⟨ r  r*) 𝓋  _  ,
      ⊑-castl (⊑-lam g⊑g′ A⊑A′ N⊑N′) (⊑-fun d̅⊑gc′ c⊑A′ d⊑B′ (⊑-left-contract d̅⊑c̅′)) 
sim-cast-left (⊑-castr V⊑V′ A⊑c′) (V-raw v) (V-cast v′ i′) c⊑A′ =
  let c⊑c′ = comp-pres-prec-rl A⊑c′ c⊑A′ in
  sim-cast V⊑V′ (V-raw v) (V-raw v′) c⊑c′ (_ ) (V-cast v′ i′)
sim-cast-left (⊑-castl V⊑V′ c⊑A′) (V-cast v i) (V-raw v′) d⊑A′ =
  let c⨟d⊑A′ = comp-pres-prec-ll c⊑A′ d⊑A′ in
  let  W , w , ↠W , W⊑W′  = sim-cast-left V⊑V′ (V-raw v) (V-raw v′) c⨟d⊑A′ in
   W , w , _ —→⟨ cast-comp v i  ↠W , W⊑W′ 
sim-cast-left V⟨c⟩⊑V′⟨c′⟩ (V-cast {V = V} {c} v i) (V-cast {V = V′} {c′} v′ i′) d⊑A′
  with cast-prec-inv V⟨c⟩⊑V′⟨c′⟩ v v′
... |  V⊑V′ , c⊑c′ , refl , refl  =
  let c⨟d⊑c′ = comp-pres-prec-bl c⊑c′ d⊑A′ in
  let  W , w , ↠W , W⊑W′  = sim-cast V⊑V′ (V-raw v) (V-raw v′) c⨟d⊑c′ (_ ) (V-cast v′ i′) in
   W , w , _ —→⟨ cast-comp v i  ↠W , W⊑W′ 
sim-cast-left V⊑V′ V-● v′ c⊑A′ = contradiction V⊑V′ (●⋤ _)
sim-cast-left V⊑V′ v V-● c⊑A′ = contradiction V⊑V′ (_ ⋤●)

{- A better `sim-cast-right` should look like `sim-cast-left`. In that case,
   we need to prove that cast reduction is deterministic, so I guess this
   version is good enough for now. -}
sim-cast-right :  {Γ Γ′ Σ Σ′ gc gc′ ℓv ℓv′ A A′ B′ V V′ W′} {c′ : Cast A′  B′}
     Γ ; Γ′  Σ ; Σ′  gc ; gc′  ℓv ; ℓv′  V  V′  A  A′
     Value V
     Value V′
     A ⊑⟨ c′ 
     V′  c′  —↠ W′
     Value W′
     Γ ; Γ′  Σ ; Σ′  gc ; gc′  ℓv ; ℓv′  V  W′  A  B′
sim-cast-right V⊑V′ v v′ A⊑c′ (_ ) w′ = ⊑-castr V⊑V′ A⊑c′
sim-cast-right V⊑V′ v v′ (⊑-base g⊑c̅′) (_ —→⟨ cast vᵣ c̅′→⁺c̅ₙ 𝓋  r*) w′ =
  let g⊑c̅ₙ = pres-prec-right-mult g⊑c̅′ (→⁺-impl-↠ c̅′→⁺c̅ₙ) in
  sim-cast-right V⊑V′ v v′ (⊑-base g⊑c̅ₙ) r* w′
sim-cast-right V⊑V′ v v′ (⊑-ref x y g⊑c̅′) (_ —→⟨ cast vᵣ c̅′→⁺c̅ₙ 𝓋  r*) w′ =
  let g⊑c̅ₙ = pres-prec-right-mult g⊑c̅′ (→⁺-impl-↠ c̅′→⁺c̅ₙ) in
  sim-cast-right V⊑V′ v v′ (⊑-ref x y g⊑c̅ₙ) r* w′
sim-cast-right V⊑V′ v v′ (⊑-fun x y z g⊑c̅′) (_ —→⟨ cast vᵣ c̅′→⁺c̅ₙ 𝓋  r*) w′ =
  let g⊑c̅ₙ = pres-prec-right-mult g⊑c̅′ (→⁺-impl-↠ c̅′→⁺c̅ₙ) in
  sim-cast-right V⊑V′ v v′ (⊑-fun x y z g⊑c̅ₙ) r* w′
sim-cast-right V⊑V′ v v′ A⊑c′ (_ —→⟨ cast-blame x x₁  _ ) (V-raw ())
sim-cast-right V⊑V′ v v′ A⊑c′ (_ —→⟨ cast-id  _ ) (V-raw V-const) = V⊑V′
-- the two cases below require some thinking
sim-cast-right (⊑-cast V⊑V′ c⊑c′) (V-cast vᵣ i) (V-cast vᵣ′ i′) A⊑c′₁ (_ —→⟨ cast-comp vᵣ′† i′†  r*) w′
  with sim-cast V⊑V′ (V-raw vᵣ) (V-raw vᵣ′) (comp-pres-prec-br c⊑c′ A⊑c′₁) r* w′
... |  W , w , _  , prec  = prec
... |  W , w , _ —→⟨ r  _ , prec  =
  contradiction (app-cast (V-raw vᵣ) r) (Value⌿→ {μ = } {PC = l low} (V-cast vᵣ i))
sim-cast-right (⊑-castl (⊑-castr V⊑V′ A⊑c′) c⊑A′) (V-cast vᵣ i) v′ B⊑c₁′ (_ —→⟨ cast-comp vᵣ′ i′  r*) w′
  with sim-cast V⊑V′ (V-raw vᵣ) (V-raw vᵣ′) (comp-pres-prec-br (comp-pres-prec-rl A⊑c′ c⊑A′) B⊑c₁′) r* w′
... |  W , w , _  , prec  = prec
... |  W , w , _ —→⟨ r  _ , prec  =
  contradiction (app-cast (V-raw vᵣ) r) (Value⌿→ {μ = } {PC = l low} (V-cast vᵣ i))
sim-cast-right (⊑-castr V⊑V′ A⊑c′₁) v v′ A⊑c′ (_ —→⟨ cast-comp vᵣ i  r*) w′ =
  sim-cast-right V⊑V′ v (V-raw vᵣ) (comp-pres-prec-rr A⊑c′₁ A⊑c′) r* w′