open import Common.Types

module Common.CoercionPrecision where

open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Unit using (; tt)
open import Data.Bool using (true; false) renaming (Bool to 𝔹)
open import Data.List
open import Data.Product using (_×_; ∃-syntax; proj₁; proj₂) renaming (_,_ to ⟨_,_⟩)
open import Data.Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)
open import Data.Maybe
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_; Dec; yes; no)
open import Relation.Nullary.Negation using (contradiction)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl; trans; subst; subst₂; sym)
open import Function using (case_of_)

open import Syntax hiding (_⨟_; )
open import Common.Utils
open import Common.Coercions
open import CoercionExpr.CoercionExpr
open import CoercionExpr.Stamping
open import CoercionExpr.Precision
  renaming (prec→⊑ to cexpr-prec→⊑; ⊢l_⊑_ to ⊢ₗ_⊑_; ⊢r_⊑_ to ⊢ᵣ_⊑_)
open import CoercionExpr.SyntacComp renaming (_⨟_ to _⊹⊹_)

infix 4 ⟨_⟩⊑⟨_⟩
infix 4 ⟨_⟩⊑_
infix 4 _⊑⟨_⟩

data ⟨_⟩⊑⟨_⟩ :  {A A′ B B′}  Cast A  B  Cast A′  B′  Set where

  ⊑-base :  {ι g₁ g₁′ g₂ g₂′} { : CExpr g₁  g₂} {c̅′ : CExpr g₁′  g₂′}
      cast (Castᵣ_⇒ ι)  ⟩⊑⟨ cast (Castᵣ_⇒ ι) c̅′ 

  ⊑-ref :  {A A′ B B′ g₁ g₁′ g₂ g₂′} {c : Cast B  A} {c′ : Cast B′  A′}
            {d : Cast A  B} {d′ : Cast A′  B′}
            { : CExpr g₁  g₂} {c̅′ : CExpr g₁′  g₂′}
      c ⟩⊑⟨ c′ 
      d ⟩⊑⟨ d′ 
      cast (ref c d)  ⟩⊑⟨ cast (ref c′ d′) c̅′ 

  ⊑-fun :  {A A′ B B′ C C′ D D′ gc₁ gc₁′ gc₂ gc₂′ g₁ g₁′ g₂ g₂′}
            {c : Cast C  A} {c′ : Cast C′  A′}
            {d : Cast B  D} {d′ : Cast B′  D′}
            { : CExpr gc₂  gc₁} {d̅′ : CExpr gc₂′  gc₁′}
            { : CExpr g₁  g₂} {c̅′ : CExpr g₁′  g₂′}
      c ⟩⊑⟨ c′ 
      d ⟩⊑⟨ d′ 
      cast (fun  c d)  ⟩⊑⟨ cast (fun d̅′ c′ d′) c̅′ 

data ⟨_⟩⊑_ :  {A B}  Cast A  B  (A′ : Type)  Set where

  ⊑-base :  {ι g₁ g₂ g′} { : CExpr g₁  g₂}
     ⊢ₗ   g′
      cast (Castᵣ_⇒ ι)  ⟩⊑ ` ι of g′

  ⊑-ref :  {A A′ B g₁ g₂ g′} {c : Cast B  A} {d : Cast A  B}
            { : CExpr g₁  g₂}
      c ⟩⊑ A′
      d ⟩⊑  A′
     ⊢ₗ   g′
      cast (ref c d)  ⟩⊑ Ref A′ of g′

  ⊑-fun :  {A A′ B B′ C D gc₁ gc₂ gc′ g₁ g₂ g′}
            {c : Cast C  A} {d : Cast B  D}
            { : CExpr gc₂  gc₁} { : CExpr g₁  g₂}
     ⊢ₗ   gc′
      c ⟩⊑ A′
      d ⟩⊑ B′
     ⊢ₗ   g′
      cast (fun  c d)  ⟩⊑  gc′  A′  B′ of g′

data _⊑⟨_⟩ :  {A′ B′}  (A : Type)  Cast A′  B′  Set where

  ⊑-base :  {ι g g₁′ g₂′} {c̅′ : CExpr g₁′  g₂′}
     ⊢ᵣ g  c̅′
     ` ι of g ⊑⟨ cast (Castᵣ_⇒ ι) c̅′ 

  ⊑-ref :  {A A′ B′ g g₁′ g₂′} {c′ : Cast B′  A′} {d′ : Cast A′  B′}
            {c̅′ : CExpr g₁′  g₂′}
     A ⊑⟨ c′ 
     A ⊑⟨ d′ 
     ⊢ᵣ g  c̅′
     Ref A of g ⊑⟨ cast (ref c′ d′) c̅′ 

  ⊑-fun :  {A A′ B B′ C′ D′ gc gc₁′ gc₂′ g g₁′ g₂′}
            {c′ : Cast C′  A′} {d′ : Cast B′  D′}
            {d̅′ : CExpr gc₂′  gc₁′} {c̅′ : CExpr g₁′  g₂′}
     ⊢ᵣ gc  d̅′
     A ⊑⟨ c′ 
     B ⊑⟨ d′ 
     ⊢ᵣ g  c̅′
      gc  A  B of g ⊑⟨ cast (fun d̅′ c′ d′) c̅′ 

coercion-prec→⊑ :  {A A′ B B′} {c : Cast A  B} {d : Cast A′  B′}
    c ⟩⊑⟨ d 
   A  A′ × B  B′
coercion-prec→⊑ (⊑-base c̅⊑c̅′) =
  let  g₁⊑g₁′ , g₂⊑g₂′  = cexpr-prec→⊑ _ _ c̅⊑c̅′ in
   ⊑-ty g₁⊑g₁′ ⊑-ι , ⊑-ty g₂⊑g₂′ ⊑-ι 
coercion-prec→⊑ (⊑-ref c⊑c′ d⊑d′ c̅⊑c̅′) =
  let  g₁⊑g₁′ , g₂⊑g₂′  = cexpr-prec→⊑ _ _ c̅⊑c̅′ in
  let  B⊑B′ , A⊑A′  = coercion-prec→⊑ c⊑c′ in
   ⊑-ty g₁⊑g₁′ (⊑-ref A⊑A′) , ⊑-ty g₂⊑g₂′ (⊑-ref B⊑B′) 
coercion-prec→⊑ (⊑-fun d̅⊑d̅′ c⊑c′ d⊑d′ c̅⊑c̅′) =
  let  g₁⊑g₁′   , g₂⊑g₂′    = cexpr-prec→⊑ _ _ c̅⊑c̅′ in
  let  gc₂⊑gc₂′ , gc₁⊑gc₁′  = cexpr-prec→⊑ _ _ d̅⊑d̅′ in
  let  C⊑C′ , A⊑A′  = coercion-prec→⊑ c⊑c′ in
  let  B⊑B′ , D⊑D′  = coercion-prec→⊑ d⊑d′ in
   ⊑-ty g₁⊑g₁′ (⊑-fun gc₁⊑gc₁′ A⊑A′ B⊑B′) , ⊑-ty g₂⊑g₂′ (⊑-fun gc₂⊑gc₂′ C⊑C′ D⊑D′) 

coercion-prec-left→⊑ :  {A A′ B} {c : Cast A  B}
    c ⟩⊑ A′
   A  A′ × B  A′
coercion-prec-left→⊑ (⊑-base c̅⊑g′) =
  let  g₁⊑g′ , g₂⊑g′  = prec-left→⊑ _ c̅⊑g′ in
   ⊑-ty g₁⊑g′ ⊑-ι , ⊑-ty g₂⊑g′ ⊑-ι 
coercion-prec-left→⊑ (⊑-ref c⊑A′ d⊑A′ c̅⊑g′) =
  let  g₁⊑g′ , g₂⊑g′  = prec-left→⊑ _ c̅⊑g′ in
  let  B⊑A′ , A⊑A′  = coercion-prec-left→⊑ c⊑A′ in
   ⊑-ty g₁⊑g′ (⊑-ref A⊑A′) , ⊑-ty g₂⊑g′ (⊑-ref B⊑A′) 
coercion-prec-left→⊑ (⊑-fun d̅⊑gc′ c⊑A′ d⊑B′ c̅⊑g′) =
  let  g₁⊑g′   , g₂⊑g′    = prec-left→⊑ _ c̅⊑g′ in
  let  gc₂⊑gc′ , gc₁⊑gc′  = prec-left→⊑ _ d̅⊑gc′ in
  let  C⊑A′ , A⊑A′  = coercion-prec-left→⊑ c⊑A′ in
  let  B⊑B′ , D⊑B′  = coercion-prec-left→⊑ d⊑B′ in
   ⊑-ty g₁⊑g′ (⊑-fun gc₁⊑gc′ A⊑A′ B⊑B′) , ⊑-ty g₂⊑g′ (⊑-fun gc₂⊑gc′ C⊑A′ D⊑B′) 

coercion-prec-right→⊑ :  {A A′ B′} {c : Cast A′  B′}
   A ⊑⟨ c 
   A  A′ × A  B′
coercion-prec-right→⊑ (⊑-base g⊑c̅′) =
  let  g⊑g₁′ , g⊑g₂′  = prec-right→⊑ _ g⊑c̅′ in
   ⊑-ty g⊑g₁′ ⊑-ι , ⊑-ty g⊑g₂′ ⊑-ι 
coercion-prec-right→⊑ (⊑-ref A⊑c′ A⊑d′ g⊑c̅′) =
  let  g⊑g₁′ , g⊑g₂′  = prec-right→⊑ _ g⊑c̅′ in
  let  A⊑B′ , A⊑A′  = coercion-prec-right→⊑ A⊑c′ in
   ⊑-ty g⊑g₁′ (⊑-ref A⊑A′) , ⊑-ty g⊑g₂′ (⊑-ref A⊑B′) 
coercion-prec-right→⊑ (⊑-fun gc⊑d̅′ A⊑c′ B⊑d′ g⊑c̅′) =
  let  g⊑g₁′   , g⊑g₂′    = prec-right→⊑ _ g⊑c̅′ in
  let  gc⊑gc₂′ , gc⊑gc₁′  = prec-right→⊑ _ gc⊑d̅′ in
  let  A⊑C′ , A⊑A′  = coercion-prec-right→⊑ A⊑c′ in
  let  B⊑B′ , B⊑D′  = coercion-prec-right→⊑ B⊑d′ in
   ⊑-ty g⊑g₁′ (⊑-fun gc⊑gc₁′ A⊑A′ B⊑B′) , ⊑-ty g⊑g₂′ (⊑-fun gc⊑gc₂′ A⊑C′ B⊑D′) 

comp-pres-prec :  {A A′ B B′ C C′} {c : Cast A  B} {d : Cast B  C}
                                 {c′ : Cast A′  B′} {d′ : Cast B′  C′}
        c ⟩⊑⟨ c′      
        d ⟩⊑⟨ d′      
    c  d ⟩⊑⟨ c′  d′ 
comp-pres-prec (⊑-base c̅⊑c̅′) (⊑-base d̅⊑d̅′) = ⊑-base (comp-pres-⊑ c̅⊑c̅′ d̅⊑d̅′)
comp-pres-prec (⊑-ref c⊑c′ d⊑d′ c̅⊑c̅′) (⊑-ref c⊑A′ d⊑A′ c̅⊑g′) =
  ⊑-ref (comp-pres-prec c⊑A′ c⊑c′) (comp-pres-prec d⊑d′ d⊑A′)
        (comp-pres-⊑ c̅⊑c̅′ c̅⊑g′)
comp-pres-prec (⊑-fun d̅⊑d̅′ c⊑c′ d⊑d′ c̅⊑c̅′) (⊑-fun d̅⊑gc′ c⊑A′ d⊑B′ c̅⊑g′) =
  ⊑-fun (comp-pres-⊑ d̅⊑gc′ d̅⊑d̅′) (comp-pres-prec c⊑A′ c⊑c′)
        (comp-pres-prec d⊑d′ d⊑B′) (comp-pres-⊑ c̅⊑c̅′ c̅⊑g′)

comp-pres-prec-ll :  {A A′ B C} {c : Cast A  B} {d : Cast B  C}
        c ⟩⊑ A′
        d ⟩⊑ A′
    c  d ⟩⊑ A′
comp-pres-prec-ll (⊑-base c̅⊑g′) (⊑-base d̅⊑g′) = ⊑-base (comp-pres-⊑-ll c̅⊑g′ d̅⊑g′)
comp-pres-prec-ll (⊑-ref c₁⊑A′ d₁⊑A′ c̅⊑g′) (⊑-ref c₂⊑A′ d₂⊑A′ d̅⊑g′) =
  ⊑-ref (comp-pres-prec-ll c₂⊑A′ c₁⊑A′) (comp-pres-prec-ll d₁⊑A′ d₂⊑A′)
        (comp-pres-⊑-ll c̅⊑g′ d̅⊑g′)
comp-pres-prec-ll (⊑-fun d̅₁⊑gc′ c₁⊑A′ d₁⊑B′ c̅₁⊑g′) (⊑-fun d̅₂⊑gc′ c₂⊑A′ d₂⊑B′ c̅₂⊑g′) =
  ⊑-fun (comp-pres-⊑-ll d̅₂⊑gc′ d̅₁⊑gc′) (comp-pres-prec-ll c₂⊑A′ c₁⊑A′)
        (comp-pres-prec-ll d₁⊑B′ d₂⊑B′) (comp-pres-⊑-ll c̅₁⊑g′ c̅₂⊑g′)

comp-pres-prec-rr :  {A A′ B′ C′} {c : Cast A′  B′} {d : Cast B′  C′}
   A ⊑⟨     c 
   A ⊑⟨     d 
   A ⊑⟨ c  d 
comp-pres-prec-rr (⊑-base c̅⊑g′) (⊑-base d̅⊑g′) = ⊑-base (comp-pres-⊑-rr c̅⊑g′ d̅⊑g′)
comp-pres-prec-rr (⊑-ref c₁⊑A′ d₁⊑A′ c̅⊑g′) (⊑-ref c₂⊑A′ d₂⊑A′ d̅⊑g′) =
  ⊑-ref (comp-pres-prec-rr c₂⊑A′ c₁⊑A′) (comp-pres-prec-rr d₁⊑A′ d₂⊑A′)
        (comp-pres-⊑-rr c̅⊑g′ d̅⊑g′)
comp-pres-prec-rr (⊑-fun d̅₁⊑gc′ c₁⊑A′ d₁⊑B′ c̅₁⊑g′) (⊑-fun d̅₂⊑gc′ c₂⊑A′ d₂⊑B′ c̅₂⊑g′) =
  ⊑-fun (comp-pres-⊑-rr d̅₂⊑gc′ d̅₁⊑gc′) (comp-pres-prec-rr c₂⊑A′ c₁⊑A′)
        (comp-pres-prec-rr d₁⊑B′ d₂⊑B′) (comp-pres-⊑-rr c̅₁⊑g′ c̅₂⊑g′)

comp-pres-prec-bl :  {A A′ B B′ C} {c : Cast A  B} {d : Cast B  C}
                      {c′ : Cast A′  B′}
        c ⟩⊑⟨ c′ 
        d ⟩⊑ B′
    c  d ⟩⊑⟨ c′ 

comp-pres-prec-lb :  {A A′ B B′ C} {c : Cast A  B} {d : Cast B  C}
                      {c′ : Cast A′  B′}
        c ⟩⊑ A′
        d ⟩⊑⟨ c′ 
    c  d ⟩⊑⟨ c′ 

comp-pres-prec-bl (⊑-base c̅⊑c̅′) (⊑-base d̅⊑g′) = ⊑-base (comp-pres-⊑-bl c̅⊑c̅′ d̅⊑g′)
comp-pres-prec-bl (⊑-ref c⊑c′ d⊑d′ c̅⊑c̅′) (⊑-ref c⊑A′ d⊑A′ c̅⊑g′) =
  ⊑-ref (comp-pres-prec-lb c⊑A′ c⊑c′) (comp-pres-prec-bl d⊑d′ d⊑A′)
        (comp-pres-⊑-bl c̅⊑c̅′ c̅⊑g′)
comp-pres-prec-bl (⊑-fun d̅⊑d̅′ c⊑c′ d⊑d′ c̅⊑c̅′) (⊑-fun d̅⊑gc′ c⊑A′ d⊑B′ c̅⊑g′) =
  ⊑-fun (comp-pres-⊑-lb d̅⊑gc′ d̅⊑d̅′) (comp-pres-prec-lb c⊑A′ c⊑c′)
        (comp-pres-prec-bl d⊑d′ d⊑B′) (comp-pres-⊑-bl c̅⊑c̅′ c̅⊑g′)

comp-pres-prec-lb (⊑-base d̅⊑g′) (⊑-base c̅⊑c̅′) = ⊑-base (comp-pres-⊑-lb d̅⊑g′ c̅⊑c̅′)
comp-pres-prec-lb (⊑-ref c⊑A′ d⊑A′ c̅⊑g′) (⊑-ref c⊑c′ d⊑d′ c̅⊑c̅′) =
  ⊑-ref (comp-pres-prec-bl c⊑c′ c⊑A′) (comp-pres-prec-lb d⊑A′ d⊑d′)
        (comp-pres-⊑-lb c̅⊑g′ c̅⊑c̅′)
comp-pres-prec-lb (⊑-fun d̅⊑gc′ c⊑A′ d⊑B′ c̅⊑g′) (⊑-fun d̅⊑d̅′ c⊑c′ d⊑d′ c̅⊑c̅′) =
  ⊑-fun (comp-pres-⊑-bl d̅⊑d̅′ d̅⊑gc′) (comp-pres-prec-bl c⊑c′ c⊑A′)
        (comp-pres-prec-lb d⊑B′ d⊑d′) (comp-pres-⊑-lb c̅⊑g′ c̅⊑c̅′)

comp-pres-prec-br :  {A A′ B B′ C′} {c : Cast A  B}
                      {c′ : Cast A′  B′} {d′ : Cast B′  C′}
        c ⟩⊑⟨ c′ 
          B ⊑⟨ d′ 
    c ⟩⊑⟨ c′  d′ 

comp-pres-prec-rb :  {A A′ B B′ C′} {c : Cast A  B}
                      {c′ : Cast A′  B′} {d′ : Cast B′  C′}
          A ⊑⟨ c′ 
        c ⟩⊑⟨ d′ 
    c ⟩⊑⟨ c′  d′ 

comp-pres-prec-br (⊑-base x) (⊑-base x′) = ⊑-base (comp-pres-⊑-br x x′)
comp-pres-prec-br (⊑-ref x y z) (⊑-ref x′ y′ z′) =
  ⊑-ref (comp-pres-prec-rb x′ x) (comp-pres-prec-br y y′)
        (comp-pres-⊑-br z z′)
comp-pres-prec-br (⊑-fun x y z w) (⊑-fun x′ y′ z′ w′) =
  ⊑-fun (comp-pres-⊑-rb x′ x) (comp-pres-prec-rb y′ y)
        (comp-pres-prec-br z z′) (comp-pres-⊑-br w w′)

comp-pres-prec-rb (⊑-base x) (⊑-base x′) = ⊑-base (comp-pres-⊑-rb x x′)
comp-pres-prec-rb (⊑-ref x y z) (⊑-ref x′ y′ z′) =
  ⊑-ref (comp-pres-prec-br x′ x) (comp-pres-prec-rb y y′)
        (comp-pres-⊑-rb z z′)
comp-pres-prec-rb (⊑-fun x y z w) (⊑-fun x′ y′ z′ w′) =
  ⊑-fun (comp-pres-⊑-br x′ x) (comp-pres-prec-br y′ y)
        (comp-pres-prec-rb z z′) (comp-pres-⊑-rb w w′)

comp-pres-prec-rl :  {A A′ B B′} {c : Cast A  B} {c′ : Cast A′  B′}
   A ⊑⟨ c′ 
    c ⟩⊑ B′
    c ⟩⊑⟨ c′ 

comp-pres-prec-lr :  {A A′ B B′} {c : Cast A  B} {c′ : Cast A′  B′}
    c ⟩⊑ A′
   B ⊑⟨ c′ 
    c ⟩⊑⟨ c′ 

comp-pres-prec-rl (⊑-base g⊑c̅′) (⊑-base c̅⊑g′) = ⊑-base (comp-pres-⊑-rl g⊑c̅′ c̅⊑g′)
comp-pres-prec-rl (⊑-ref A⊑c′ A⊑d′ g⊑c̅′) (⊑-ref c⊑A′ d⊑A′ c̅⊑g′) =
  ⊑-ref (comp-pres-prec-lr c⊑A′ A⊑c′) (comp-pres-prec-rl A⊑d′ d⊑A′)
        (comp-pres-⊑-rl g⊑c̅′ c̅⊑g′)
comp-pres-prec-rl (⊑-fun gc⊑d̅′ A⊑c′ B⊑d′ g⊑c̅′) (⊑-fun d̅⊑gc′ c⊑A′ d⊑B′ c̅⊑g′) =
  ⊑-fun (comp-pres-⊑-lr d̅⊑gc′ gc⊑d̅′) (comp-pres-prec-lr c⊑A′ A⊑c′)
        (comp-pres-prec-rl B⊑d′ d⊑B′) (comp-pres-⊑-rl g⊑c̅′ c̅⊑g′)

comp-pres-prec-lr (⊑-base c̅⊑g′) (⊑-base g⊑c̅′) = ⊑-base (comp-pres-⊑-lr c̅⊑g′ g⊑c̅′)
comp-pres-prec-lr (⊑-ref c⊑A′ d⊑A′ c̅⊑g′) (⊑-ref A⊑c′ A⊑d′ g⊑c̅′) =
  ⊑-ref (comp-pres-prec-rl A⊑c′ c⊑A′) (comp-pres-prec-lr d⊑A′ A⊑d′)
        (comp-pres-⊑-lr c̅⊑g′ g⊑c̅′)
comp-pres-prec-lr (⊑-fun d̅⊑gc′ c⊑A′ d⊑B′ c̅⊑g′) (⊑-fun gc⊑d̅′ A⊑c′ B⊑d′ g⊑c̅′) =
  ⊑-fun (comp-pres-⊑-rl gc⊑d̅′ d̅⊑gc′) (comp-pres-prec-rl A⊑c′ c⊑A′)
        (comp-pres-prec-lr d⊑B′ B⊑d′) (comp-pres-⊑-lr c̅⊑g′ g⊑c̅′)

prec-coerce-id :  {A A′}
   A  A′
    coerce-id A ⟩⊑⟨ coerce-id A′ 
prec-coerce-id (⊑-ty g₁⊑g₂ ⊑-ι) = ⊑-base (⊑-id g₁⊑g₂)
prec-coerce-id (⊑-ty g₁⊑g₂ (⊑-ref A⊑B)) =
  ⊑-ref (prec-coerce-id A⊑B) (prec-coerce-id A⊑B) (⊑-id g₁⊑g₂)
prec-coerce-id (⊑-ty x (⊑-fun x₁ x₂ x₃)) =
  ⊑-fun (⊑-id x₁) (prec-coerce-id x₂) (prec-coerce-id x₃) (⊑-id x)

prec-coerce-id-left :  {A A′}
   A  A′
    coerce-id A ⟩⊑ A′
prec-coerce-id-left (⊑-ty g₁⊑g₂ ⊑-ι) = ⊑-base (⊑-id g₁⊑g₂)
prec-coerce-id-left (⊑-ty g₁⊑g₂ (⊑-ref A⊑B)) =
  ⊑-ref (prec-coerce-id-left A⊑B) (prec-coerce-id-left A⊑B) (⊑-id g₁⊑g₂)
prec-coerce-id-left (⊑-ty x (⊑-fun x₁ x₂ x₃)) =
  ⊑-fun (⊑-id x₁) (prec-coerce-id-left x₂) (prec-coerce-id-left x₃) (⊑-id x)

prec-left-coerce-id :  {A A′ B} {c : Cast A  B}
    c ⟩⊑ A′
    c ⟩⊑⟨ coerce-id A′ 
prec-left-coerce-id (⊑-base c̅⊑g′) = ⊑-base (⊑-left-expand c̅⊑g′)
prec-left-coerce-id (⊑-ref c⊑A′ d⊑A′ c̅⊑g′) =
  ⊑-ref (prec-left-coerce-id c⊑A′) (prec-left-coerce-id d⊑A′) (⊑-left-expand c̅⊑g′)
prec-left-coerce-id (⊑-fun d̅⊑gc′ c⊑A′ d⊑B′ c̅⊑g′) =
  ⊑-fun (⊑-left-expand d̅⊑gc′) (prec-left-coerce-id c⊑A′) (prec-left-coerce-id d⊑B′) (⊑-left-expand c̅⊑g′)

prec-right-coerce-id :  {A A′ B′} {c′ : Cast A′  B′}
   A ⊑⟨ c′ 
    coerce-id A ⟩⊑⟨ c′ 
prec-right-coerce-id (⊑-base c̅⊑g′) = ⊑-base (⊑-right-expand c̅⊑g′)
prec-right-coerce-id (⊑-ref c⊑A′ d⊑A′ c̅⊑g′) =
  ⊑-ref (prec-right-coerce-id c⊑A′) (prec-right-coerce-id d⊑A′) (⊑-right-expand c̅⊑g′)
prec-right-coerce-id (⊑-fun d̅⊑gc′ c⊑A′ d⊑B′ c̅⊑g′) =
  ⊑-fun (⊑-right-expand d̅⊑gc′) (prec-right-coerce-id c⊑A′) (prec-right-coerce-id d⊑B′) (⊑-right-expand c̅⊑g′)

stamp-ir-prec :  {A A′ B B′} {c : Cast A  B} {c′ : Cast A′  B′} {}
    c ⟩⊑⟨ c′ 
   (i  : Irreducible c )
   (i′ : Irreducible c′)
    stamp-ir c i  ⟩⊑⟨ stamp-ir c′ i′  
stamp-ir-prec (⊑-base c̅⊑c̅′) (ir-base 𝓋 x) (ir-base 𝓋′ x′) =
  case cexpr-prec→⊑ _ _ c̅⊑c̅′ of λ where
   l⊑l , _   ⊑-base (stampₗ-prec 𝓋 𝓋′ c̅⊑c̅′)
stamp-ir-prec (⊑-ref c⊑c′ d⊑d′ c̅⊑c̅′) (ir-ref 𝓋) (ir-ref 𝓋′) =
  case cexpr-prec→⊑ _ _ c̅⊑c̅′ of λ where
   l⊑l , _   ⊑-ref c⊑c′ d⊑d′ (stampₗ-prec _ _ c̅⊑c̅′)
stamp-ir-prec (⊑-fun d̅⊑d̅′ c⊑c′ d⊑d′ c̅⊑c̅′) (ir-fun 𝓋) (ir-fun 𝓋′) =
  case cexpr-prec→⊑ _ _ c̅⊑c̅′ of λ where
   l⊑l , _   ⊑-fun d̅⊑d̅′ c⊑c′ d⊑d′ (stampₗ-prec _ _ c̅⊑c̅′)

stamp-ir!-prec :  {A A′ T T′} {c : Cast A  T of } {c′ : Cast A′  T′ of } { ℓ′}
    c ⟩⊑⟨ c′ 
   (i  : Irreducible c )
   (i′ : Irreducible c′)
    stamp-ir c i  ⟩⊑⟨ stamp-ir c′ i′ ℓ′ 
stamp-ir!-prec (⊑-base c̅⊑c̅′) (ir-base {g = g} 𝓋 x) (ir-base {g = g′} 𝓋′ x′) ℓ≼ℓ′
  rewrite g⋎̃⋆≡⋆ {g} | g⋎̃⋆≡⋆ {g′} =
    case cexpr-prec→⊑ _ _ c̅⊑c̅′ of λ where
     l⊑l , _   ⊑-base (stamp⋆ₗ-prec 𝓋 𝓋′ c̅⊑c̅′ ℓ≼ℓ′)
stamp-ir!-prec (⊑-ref c⊑c′ d⊑d′ c̅⊑c̅′) (ir-ref {g = g} 𝓋) (ir-ref {g = g′} 𝓋′) ℓ≼ℓ′
  rewrite g⋎̃⋆≡⋆ {g} | g⋎̃⋆≡⋆ {g′} =
  case cexpr-prec→⊑ _ _ c̅⊑c̅′ of λ where
   l⊑l , _   ⊑-ref c⊑c′ d⊑d′ (stamp⋆ₗ-prec _ _ c̅⊑c̅′ ℓ≼ℓ′)
stamp-ir!-prec (⊑-fun d̅⊑d̅′ c⊑c′ d⊑d′ c̅⊑c̅′) (ir-fun {g = g} 𝓋) (ir-fun {g = g′} 𝓋′) ℓ≼ℓ′
  rewrite g⋎̃⋆≡⋆ {g} | g⋎̃⋆≡⋆ {g′} =
  case cexpr-prec→⊑ _ _ c̅⊑c̅′ of λ where
   l⊑l , _   ⊑-fun d̅⊑d̅′ c⊑c′ d⊑d′ (stamp⋆ₗ-prec _ _ c̅⊑c̅′ ℓ≼ℓ′)

stamp-ir-high-on-high-right :  {T A B} {c′ : Cast A  B}
   T of l high ⊑⟨ c′ 
   (i′ : Irreducible c′)
   T of l high ⊑⟨ stamp-ir c′ i′ high 
stamp-ir-high-on-high-right (⊑-base (⊑-id l⊑l)) (ir-base high≢high) = contradiction refl high≢high
stamp-ir-high-on-high-right (⊑-base (⊑-cast _ l⊑l ())) (ir-base (inj _)
stamp-ir-high-on-high-right (⊑-base (⊑-cast _ _ ())) (ir-base (inj (up _)
stamp-ir-high-on-high-right (⊑-base (⊑-⊥ _ _)) (ir-base () _)
stamp-ir-high-on-high-right (⊑-ref A⊑c′ A⊑d′ (⊑-id l⊑l)) (ir-ref = ⊑-ref A⊑c′ A⊑d′ (⊑-id l⊑l)
stamp-ir-high-on-high-right (⊑-ref A⊑c′ A⊑d′ (⊑-cast _ _ ())) (ir-ref (inj
stamp-ir-high-on-high-right (⊑-ref A⊑c′ A⊑d′ (⊑-cast _ _ ())) (ir-ref (inj (up
stamp-ir-high-on-high-right (⊑-ref A⊑c′ A⊑d′ (⊑-cast _ () _)) (ir-ref (up
stamp-ir-high-on-high-right (⊑-ref _ _ (⊑-⊥ _ _)) (ir-ref ())
stamp-ir-high-on-high-right (⊑-fun gc⊑d̅′ A⊑c′ B⊑d′ (⊑-id l⊑l)) (ir-fun = (⊑-fun gc⊑d̅′ A⊑c′ B⊑d′ (⊑-id l⊑l))
stamp-ir-high-on-high-right (⊑-fun _ _ _ (⊑-cast _ _ ())) (ir-fun (inj
stamp-ir-high-on-high-right (⊑-fun _ _ _ (⊑-cast _ _ ())) (ir-fun (inj (up
stamp-ir-high-on-high-right (⊑-fun _ _ _ (⊑-cast _ () _)) (ir-fun (up
stamp-ir-high-on-high-right (⊑-fun _ _ _ (⊑-⊥ _ _)) (ir-fun ())

stamp-ir-high-on-high-left :  {T′ A B} {c : Cast A  B}
    c ⟩⊑ T′ of l high
   (i : Irreducible c)
    stamp-ir c i high ⟩⊑ T′ of l high
stamp-ir-high-on-high-left (⊑-base (⊑-id l⊑l)) (ir-base high≢high) = contradiction refl high≢high
stamp-ir-high-on-high-left (⊑-base (⊑-cast (⊑-id l⊑l) y ⋆⊑)) (ir-base (inj _) = ⊑-base (⊑-cast (⊑-id l⊑l) l⊑l ⋆⊑)
stamp-ir-high-on-high-left (⊑-base (⊑-cast (⊑-cast (⊑-id ()) _ _) _ ⋆⊑)) (ir-base (inj (up _)
stamp-ir-high-on-high-left (⊑-ref c⊑A′ d⊑A′ (⊑-id l⊑l)) (ir-ref = ⊑-ref c⊑A′ d⊑A′ (⊑-id l⊑l)
stamp-ir-high-on-high-left (⊑-ref c⊑A′ d⊑A′ (⊑-cast (⊑-id l⊑l) l⊑l ⋆⊑)) (ir-ref (inj =
  ⊑-ref c⊑A′ d⊑A′ (⊑-cast (⊑-id l⊑l) l⊑l ⋆⊑)
stamp-ir-high-on-high-left (⊑-ref c⊑A′ d⊑A′ (⊑-cast (⊑-cast (⊑-id ()) _ _) y ⋆⊑)) (ir-ref (inj (up
stamp-ir-high-on-high-left (⊑-fun d̅⊑gc′ c⊑A′ d⊑B′ (⊑-id l⊑l)) (ir-fun = (⊑-fun d̅⊑gc′ c⊑A′ d⊑B′ (⊑-id l⊑l))
stamp-ir-high-on-high-left (⊑-fun d̅⊑gc′ c⊑A′ d⊑B′ (⊑-cast (⊑-id l⊑l) l⊑l ⋆⊑)) (ir-fun (inj =
  ⊑-fun d̅⊑gc′ c⊑A′ d⊑B′ (⊑-cast (⊑-id l⊑l) l⊑l ⋆⊑)
stamp-ir-high-on-high-left (⊑-fun d̅⊑gc′ c⊑A′ d⊑B′ (⊑-cast (⊑-cast _ () _) _ ⋆⊑)) (ir-fun (inj (up

stamp-ir-high-on-low-right :  {T A B} {c′ : Cast A  B}
   T of l low ⊑⟨ c′ 
   (i′ : Irreducible c′)
    cast (coerceᵣ-id T) (CExpr_⇒ (l low)  ) ⟩⊑⟨ stamp-ir c′ i′ high 
stamp-ir-high-on-low-right _ (ir-base ℓ≢ℓ) = contradiction refl ℓ≢ℓ
stamp-ir-high-on-low-right (⊑-base (⊑-cast (⊑-id l⊑l) x₂ ())) (ir-base (inj _)
stamp-ir-high-on-low-right (⊑-base (⊑-cast _ _ ())) (ir-base (inj (up _)
stamp-ir-high-on-low-right (⊑-base (⊑-cast _ _ ())) (ir-base (up _)
stamp-ir-high-on-low-right (⊑-ref A⊑c′ A⊑d′ (⊑-id l⊑l)) (ir-ref =
  ⊑-ref (prec-right-coerce-id A⊑c′) (prec-right-coerce-id A⊑d′) (prec-refl _)
stamp-ir-high-on-low-right (⊑-ref A⊑c′ A⊑d′ (⊑-cast _ _ ())) (ir-ref (inj
stamp-ir-high-on-low-right (⊑-ref A⊑c′ A⊑d′ (⊑-cast _ _ ())) (ir-ref (inj (up
stamp-ir-high-on-low-right (⊑-ref A⊑c′ A⊑d′ (⊑-cast _ l⊑l _)) (ir-ref (up =
  ⊑-ref (prec-right-coerce-id A⊑c′) (prec-right-coerce-id A⊑d′) (prec-refl _)
stamp-ir-high-on-low-right (⊑-ref _ _ (⊑-⊥ _ _)) (ir-ref ())
stamp-ir-high-on-low-right (⊑-fun gc⊑d̅′ A⊑c′ B⊑d′ (⊑-id l⊑l)) (ir-fun =
  ⊑-fun (⊑-right-expand gc⊑d̅′) (prec-right-coerce-id A⊑c′) (prec-right-coerce-id B⊑d′) (prec-refl _)
stamp-ir-high-on-low-right (⊑-fun _ _ _ (⊑-cast _ _ ())) (ir-fun (inj
stamp-ir-high-on-low-right (⊑-fun _ _ _ (⊑-cast _ _ ())) (ir-fun (inj (up
stamp-ir-high-on-low-right (⊑-fun gc⊑d̅′ A⊑c′ B⊑d′ (⊑-cast _ l⊑l _)) (ir-fun (up =
  ⊑-fun (⊑-right-expand gc⊑d̅′) (prec-right-coerce-id A⊑c′) (prec-right-coerce-id B⊑d′) (prec-refl _)
stamp-ir-high-on-low-right (⊑-fun _ _ _ (⊑-⊥ _ _)) (ir-fun ())

stamp-ir-high-on-low-left :  {T′ A B} {c : Cast A  B}
    c ⟩⊑ T′ of l low
   (i : Irreducible c)
    stamp-ir c i high ⟩⊑⟨ cast (coerceᵣ-id T′) (CExpr_⇒ (l low)  ) 
stamp-ir-high-on-low-left (⊑-base (⊑-id l⊑l)) (ir-base high≢high) = contradiction refl high≢high
stamp-ir-high-on-low-left (⊑-base (⊑-cast (⊑-id l⊑l) y ⋆⊑)) (ir-base (inj _) = ⊑-base ↑!⊑↑
stamp-ir-high-on-low-left (⊑-base (⊑-cast (⊑-cast (⊑-id l⊑l) _ _) _ ⋆⊑)) (ir-base (inj (up _) =
  ⊑-base ↑!⊑↑
stamp-ir-high-on-low-left (⊑-ref c⊑A′ d⊑A′ (⊑-id l⊑l)) (ir-ref =
  ⊑-ref (prec-left-coerce-id c⊑A′) (prec-left-coerce-id d⊑A′) (prec-refl _)
stamp-ir-high-on-low-left (⊑-ref c⊑A′ d⊑A′ (⊑-cast (⊑-id l⊑l) l⊑l ⋆⊑)) (ir-ref (inj =
  ⊑-ref (prec-left-coerce-id c⊑A′) (prec-left-coerce-id d⊑A′) ↑!⊑↑
stamp-ir-high-on-low-left (⊑-ref c⊑A′ d⊑A′ (⊑-cast (⊑-cast (⊑-id l⊑l) _ _) y ⋆⊑)) (ir-ref (inj (up =
  ⊑-ref (prec-left-coerce-id c⊑A′) (prec-left-coerce-id d⊑A′) ↑!⊑↑
stamp-ir-high-on-low-left (⊑-fun d̅⊑gc′ c⊑A′ d⊑B′ (⊑-id l⊑l)) (ir-fun =
  ⊑-fun (⊑-left-expand d̅⊑gc′) (prec-left-coerce-id c⊑A′) (prec-left-coerce-id d⊑B′) (prec-refl _)
stamp-ir-high-on-low-left (⊑-fun d̅⊑gc′ c⊑A′ d⊑B′ (⊑-cast (⊑-id l⊑l) l⊑l ⋆⊑)) (ir-fun (inj =
  ⊑-fun (⊑-left-expand d̅⊑gc′) (prec-left-coerce-id c⊑A′) (prec-left-coerce-id d⊑B′) ↑!⊑↑
stamp-ir-high-on-low-left (⊑-fun d̅⊑gc′ c⊑A′ d⊑B′ (⊑-cast (⊑-cast _ l⊑l _) _ ⋆⊑)) (ir-fun (inj (up =
  ⊑-fun (⊑-left-expand d̅⊑gc′) (prec-left-coerce-id c⊑A′) (prec-left-coerce-id d⊑B′) ↑!⊑↑