{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}
open import Agda.Primitive using (Level; lzero; lsuc; _⊔_)
open import Data.Empty.Irrelevant renaming (⊥-elim to ⊥-elimi)
open import Data.Nat using (; zero; suc; _<_; _≤_; z≤n; s≤s; _+_; _≤?_)
open import Data.Nat.Properties using (≤-trans; ≤-step; +-comm; +-suc; ≤-pred)
open import Data.List using (List; []; _∷_; length; _++_)
open import Data.List.Properties using (++-identityʳ)
open import Data.Product using (_×_; proj₁; proj₂) renaming (_,_ to ⟨_,_⟩ )
open import Data.Unit.Polymorphic using (; tt)
open import Data.Vec using (Vec) renaming ([] to []̌; _∷_ to _∷̌_)
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq
open Eq using (_≡_; refl; sym; cong; cong₂; cong-app; subst)
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_; Dec; yes; no)
open import Agda.Primitive using (Level; lzero; lsuc)
open import Sig
open import Substitution using (Rename; ; _•_)
open import Structures
open import Var

                  Well-scoped Abstract Binding Trees

module WellScoped (Op : Set) (sig : Op  List Sig) where

open Substitution.ABTOps Op sig
    using (rename; ⟪_⟫; Subst; ABT-is-Shiftable)

  𝑉 : ∀{}  List {}   Var   {}   {}  Set
  𝑉 = λ Γ x A B  suc x  length Γ

  𝑃 : ∀{}(op : Op)  Vec{}  (length (sig op))
     BTypes {lzero}  (sig op)   {}
  𝑃 = λ op vs Bs A  

open import MapPreserve Op sig  𝑉 𝑃

open import Map Op sig
open import Data.Vec using (Vec) renaming ([] to []̆; _∷_ to _∷̆_)
open import ABTPredicate { = lzero}{I = } Op sig
   Γ x A B  x < length Γ)  op vs Bs A  )
  hiding (var-p; op-p; ast-p; bind-p; nil-p; cons-p)
open import ABTPredicate { = lzero} {I = } Op sig
   Γ x A B  x < length Γ)  op vs Bs A  )
  using ()
  renaming (var-p to WF-var; op-p to WF-op; ast-p to WF-ast; bind-p to WF-bind;
            clear-p to WF-clear; nil-p to WF-nil; cons-p to WF-cons) public

open import AbstractBindingTree Op sig
  using (ABT; Arg; Args; `_; _⦅_⦆; ast; bind; clear; nil; cons; Quotable;
  Var-is-Quotable; ABT-is-Quotable)

mk-list : { : Level}    List {} 
mk-list 0 = []
mk-list (suc n) = tt  mk-list n

WF :   ABT  Set
WF n M = mk-list n  M  tt

not-WF-0-var : ∀{x}  ¬ WF 0 (` x)
not-WF-0-var {x} (WF-var () _)

mk-btype : (b : Sig)  BType {lzero}  b
mk-btype  = tt
mk-btype (ν b) =  tt , (mk-btype b) 
mk-btype ( b) = mk-btype b

mk-btypes : (bs : List Sig)  BTypes {lzero}  bs
mk-btypes [] = tt
mk-btypes (b  bs) =  mk-btype b , mk-btypes bs 

mk-vec : { : Level}  (n : )  Vec {}  n 
mk-vec zero = []̆
mk-vec (suc n) = tt ∷̆ (mk-vec n)

WF-arg :   {b : Sig}  Arg b  Set
WF-arg n {b} arg = b  mk-list n  mk-btype b ⊢ₐ arg  tt

WF-args :   {bs : List Sig}  Args bs  Set 
WF-args n {bs} args = bs  mk-list n  mk-btypes bs ⊢₊ args  mk-vec (length bs)

len-mk-list :  { : Level} n  length {} (mk-list n)  n
len-mk-list zero = refl
len-mk-list (suc n) = cong suc (len-mk-list n)

mk-btype-unique : ∀{b : Sig}{Bs : BType  b}
     Bs  mk-btype b
mk-btype-unique {} {tt} = refl
mk-btype-unique {ν b} { fst , snd } = cong₂ ⟨_,_⟩ refl (mk-btype-unique {b})
mk-btype-unique { b} {Bs} = mk-btype-unique {b}{Bs}

mk-btypes-unique : ∀{bs : List Sig}{Bss : BTypes  bs}
     Bss  mk-btypes bs
mk-btypes-unique {[]} {tt} = refl
mk-btypes-unique {b  bs} { fst , snd } =
    cong₂ ⟨_,_⟩ (mk-btype-unique {b}) mk-btypes-unique

mk-vec-unique : ∀{ : Level}{n : }{vs : Vec {}  n}  vs  mk-vec n
mk-vec-unique {}{zero} {[]̆} = refl
mk-vec-unique {}{suc n} {v ∷̆ vs} = cong₂ _∷̆_ refl mk-vec-unique

module _ where
    RenPres : MapPreservable Var
    RenPres = record { _⊢v_⦂_ = λ Γ x A  Γ  x  A
              ; ⊢v-var→val0 = refl
              ; shift-⊢v = λ z  z
              ; quote-⊢v = λ {Γ}{x}{tt} ∋x  WF-var ∋x (∋x→< {Γ = Γ} ∋x)
              ; 𝑉-⊢v = λ { {x}{_}{tt}{tt} le ∋x  ∋x } }

  ren-preserve :  {Γ Δ : List }{σ : Rename}{A : }{M : ABT}
    Γ  M  A    σ  Γ  Δ    Δ  map σ M  A
  ren-preserve {σ = σ}{M = M} ⊢M σ⦂ = preserve-map M ⊢M σ⦂

  WFRename :   Rename    Set
  WFRename Γ ρ Δ =  {x}  x < Γ  (ρ x) < Δ

  WFRename→ρ⦂ : ∀{Γ ρ Δ}  WFRename Γ ρ Δ    ρ  mk-list Γ  mk-list Δ
  WFRename→ρ⦂ {Γ}{ρ}{Δ} wfΓ {x}{tt} ∋x  
      with ∋x→< {Γ = mk-list Γ}{x} ∋x
  ... | x<Γ rewrite len-mk-list {lzero} Γ
      with wfΓ{x} x<Γ
  ... | x<Δ rewrite sym (len-mk-list {lzero} Δ)
      with <→∋x {Γ = mk-list Δ} x<Δ 
  ... | ∋x' rewrite len-mk-list {lzero} Δ = ∋x'

  WF-rename :  {Γ Δ ρ M}  WFRename Γ ρ Δ  WF Γ M  WF Δ (rename ρ M)
  WF-rename {Γ}{Δ}{ρ}{M} wfΓ wfM = ren-preserve wfM (WFRename→ρ⦂ {ρ = ρ} wfΓ)

module _ where
    SubstPres : MapPreservable ABT
    SubstPres = record { _⊢v_⦂_ = λ Γ M A  Γ  M  A
                ; ⊢v-var→val0 = λ {tt}  WF-var refl (s≤s z≤n)
                ; quote-⊢v = λ x  x
                ; shift-⊢v = λ {A}{B}{Δ}{v} ⊢v 
                    ren-preserve ⊢v  {x}{tt} ∋x  ∋x)
                ; 𝑉-⊢v = λ {x}{M}{tt}{tt} Vx ⊢M  ⊢M }

  sub-preserve :  {Γ Δ : List }{σ : Subst}{A : }{M : ABT}
    Γ  M  A    σ  Γ  Δ    Δ  map σ M  A
  sub-preserve {M = M} ⊢M σ⦂ = preserve-map M ⊢M σ⦂ 

  WFSubst :   Subst    Set
  WFSubst Γ σ Δ =  {x}  x < Γ  WF Δ (σ x)

  WF-subst : ∀{Γ Δ σ M}  WFSubst Γ σ Δ  WF Γ M  WF Δ ( σ  M)
  WF-subst {Γ}{Δ}{σ}{M} wfσ wfM = sub-preserve wfM σ⦂ 
      σ⦂ : σ  mk-list Γ  mk-list Δ
      σ⦂ {x}{tt} ∋x 
          with ∋x→< {Γ = mk-list Γ} ∋x
      ... | x<Γ rewrite len-mk-list {lzero} Γ = wfσ{x} x<Γ

open import AbstractBindingTree Op sig
    using (Ctx; CArg; CArgs; CHole; COp; CAst; CBind; CClear; tcons; ccons; 
           plug; plug-arg; plug-args;
           ctx-depth; ctx-depth-arg; ctx-depth-args)

data WF-Ctx :   Ctx  Set
data WF-CArg :   ∀{b : Sig}  CArg b  Set
data WF-CArgs :   ∀{bs : List Sig}  CArgs bs  Set

data WF-Ctx where
  WF-hole : ∀{n}  WF-Ctx n CHole
  WF-c-op : ∀{n}{op}{cargs : CArgs (sig op)}
      WF-CArgs n cargs
      WF-Ctx n (COp op cargs)

data WF-CArg where
  WF-c-ast : ∀{n}{C : Ctx}
      WF-Ctx n C
      WF-CArg n (CAst C)
  WF-c-bind : ∀{n}{b}{CA : CArg b}
      WF-CArg (suc n) {b} CA
      WF-CArg n (CBind {b} CA)
  WF-c-clear : ∀{n}{b}{CA : CArg b}
      WF-CArg 0 {b} CA
      WF-CArg n (CClear {b} CA)

data WF-CArgs where
  WF-tcons : ∀{n}{b}{bs}{bs'}{A : Arg b}{cargs : CArgs bs}{eq : bs'  b  bs}
      WF-arg n A
      WF-CArgs n cargs
      WF-CArgs n (tcons {b}{bs}{bs'} A cargs eq)
  WF-ccons : ∀{n}{b}{bs}{bs'}{C : CArg b}{args : Args bs}{eq : bs'  b  bs}
      WF-CArg n C
      WF-args n args
      WF-CArgs n (ccons {b}{bs}{bs'} C args eq)

WF-plug : ∀{C : Ctx}{N : ABT}{k}
    WF-Ctx k C
    WF (ctx-depth C k) N
    WF k (plug C N)
WF-plug-arg : ∀{b}{A : CArg b}{N : ABT}{k}
    WF-CArg k A
    WF (ctx-depth-arg A k) N
    WF-arg k (plug-arg A N)
WF-plug-args : ∀{bs}{Cs : CArgs bs}{N : ABT}{k}
    WF-CArgs k Cs
    WF (ctx-depth-args Cs k) N
    WF-args k (plug-args Cs N)

WF-plug {CHole} {N} {k} wfC wfN
    rewrite +-comm k 0 = wfN
WF-plug {COp op cargs} {N} {k} (WF-c-op wf-cargs) wfN =
    WF-op (WF-plug-args{Cs = cargs} wf-cargs wfN ) tt
WF-plug-arg {} {CAst C} {N} {k} (WF-c-ast wfC) wfN =
    WF-ast (WF-plug wfC wfN)
WF-plug-arg {ν n} {CBind A} {N} {k} (WF-c-bind wfA) wfN =
    WF-bind (WF-plug-arg wfA wfN)
WF-plug-arg { n} {CClear A} {N} {k} (WF-c-clear wfA) wfN = 
    WF-clear (WF-plug-arg wfA wfN)
WF-plug-args {b  bs} {tcons A Cs refl} {N} {k} (WF-tcons wfA wfCs) wfN =
    WF-cons wfA (WF-plug-args {Cs = Cs} wfCs wfN)
WF-plug-args {b  bs} {ccons C As refl} {N} {k} (WF-ccons wfC wfAs) wfN =
    WF-cons (WF-plug-arg wfC wfN) wfAs

WF? : (n : )  (M : ABT)  Dec (WF n M)
WF-arg? : (n : )  {b : Sig}  (A : Arg b)  Dec (WF-arg n A)
WF-args? : (n : )  {bs : List Sig}  (As : Args bs)  Dec (WF-args n As)
WF? n (` x)
    with suc x ≤? n
... | yes x<n =
      let x<ln = subst    x < ) (sym (len-mk-list n)) x<n in
      yes (WF-var (<→∋x {Γ = mk-list n} x<ln) x<ln)
WF? n (` x) | no ¬x<n = no G
    where G : ¬ WF n (` x)
          G (WF-var ∋x lt) =
            ¬x<n (subst    x < ) (len-mk-list n) lt)
WF? n (op  args )
    with WF-args? n args
... | yes wf = yes (WF-op wf _)
... | no ¬wf = no G
    where G : ¬ WF n (op  args )
          G (WF-op {Γ}{_}{_}{A}{As}{Bs} wf _)
            rewrite mk-btypes-unique {sig op}{Bs}
            | mk-vec-unique {_}{length (sig op)}{As} = ¬wf wf
WF-arg? n (ast M)
    with WF? n M
... | yes wf = yes (WF-ast wf)
... | no ¬wf = no G
    where G : ¬ WF-arg n (ast M)
          G (WF-ast wf) = ¬wf wf
WF-arg? n (bind A)
    with WF-arg? (suc n) A
... | yes wf = yes (WF-bind wf)
... | no ¬wf = no G
    where G : ¬ WF-arg n (bind A)
          G (WF-bind wf) = ¬wf wf
WF-arg? n (clear arg)
    with WF-arg? 0 arg
... | yes wf = yes (WF-clear wf)
... | no ¬wf = no G
    where G : ¬ WF-arg n (clear arg)
          G (WF-clear wf) = ¬wf wf
WF-args? n nil = yes WF-nil
WF-args? n (cons A As)
    with WF-arg? n A
... | no ¬wf = no G
    where G : ¬ WF-args n (cons A As)
          G (WF-cons wfA wfAs) = ¬wf wfA
... | yes wfA
    with WF-args? n As
... | no ¬wf = no G
    where G : ¬ WF-args n (cons A As)
          G (WF-cons wfA wfAs) = ¬wf wfAs
... | yes wfAs = yes (WF-cons wfA wfAs)

WF-rel : (M : ABT) {n : }  .(WF n M)  WF n M
WF-rel M {n} wfM
    with WF? n M
... | yes wf = wf
... | no ¬wf = ⊥-elimi (¬wf wfM)