{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}
open import Data.List using (List; []; _∷_)
open import Data.Nat using (; zero; suc)
open import Data.Product using (_×_) renaming (_,_ to ⟨_,_⟩ )
open import Data.Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)
open import Structures
open import Function using (_∘_)
open import GSubst using (GSubst; ext)
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq
open Eq using (_≡_; refl; sym; trans; cong; cong₂; cong-app; subst)
open Eq.≡-Reasoning
open import Sig
open import Var

module Map (Op : Set) (sig : Op  List Sig) where

open import AbstractBindingTree Op sig

map : ∀{}{V : Set }
   {{_ : Shiftable V}} {{_ : Quotable V}} 
    GSubst V  ABT  ABT

map-arg : ∀{}{V : Set }
   {{_ : Shiftable V}} {{_ : Quotable V}} 
    GSubst V  {b : Sig}   Arg b  Arg b
map-args : ∀{}{V : Set }
   {{_ : Shiftable V}} {{_ : Quotable V}} 
    GSubst V  {bs : List Sig}   Args bs  Args bs
map σ (` x) =  σ x 
map {V} σ (op  args ) = op  map-args σ args 
map-arg σ (ast M) = ast (map σ M)
map-arg σ (bind M) = bind (map-arg (ext σ) M)
map-arg σ (clear M) = clear M
map-args σ {[]} nil = nil
map-args σ {b  bs} (cons x args) = cons (map-arg σ x) (map-args σ args)

_○_≈_ : ∀{ℓ₁}{ℓ₂}{ℓ₃}{V₁ : Set ℓ₁}{V₂ : Set ℓ₂}{V₃ : Set ℓ₃}
        {{M₁ : Shiftable V₁}} {{M₂ : Shiftable V₂}} {{M₃ : Shiftable V₃}}
        {{Q₁ : Quotable V₁}}{{Q₂ : Quotable V₂}}{{Q₃ : Quotable V₃}}
        (σ₂ : GSubst V₂)(σ₁ : GSubst V₁)(σ₃ : GSubst V₃)  Set
_○_≈_ {V₁}{V₂}{V₃}{{M₁}}{{M₂}}{{M₃}} σ₂ σ₁ σ₃ =
   x  map σ₂  σ₁ x    σ₃ x 

map-map-fusion-ext : ∀{ℓ₁}{ℓ₂}{ℓ₃}  {V₁ : Set ℓ₁}
  {V₂ : Set ℓ₂}  {V₃ : Set ℓ₃}
  {{S₁ : Shiftable V₁}} {{S₂ : Shiftable V₂}} {{S₃ : Shiftable V₃}}
  {{Q₁ : Quotable V₁}} {{Q₂ : Quotable V₂}} {{Q₃ : Quotable V₃}}
  {σ₁ : GSubst V₁}{σ₂ : GSubst V₂}{σ₃ : GSubst V₃}
    (M : ABT)
    σ₂  σ₁  σ₃
    (∀{σ₁ : GSubst V₁}{σ₂ : GSubst V₂}{σ₃ : GSubst V₃}
       σ₂  σ₁  σ₃  ext σ₂  ext σ₁  ext σ₃)
    map σ₂ (map σ₁ M)  map σ₃ M
map-map-fusion-ext (` x) σ₂○σ₁≈σ₃ mf-ext = σ₂○σ₁≈σ₃ x
map-map-fusion-ext {V₁ = V₁}{V₂}{V₃} (op  args ) σ₂○σ₁≈σ₃ mf-ext =
  cong (_⦅_⦆ op) (mmf-args args σ₂○σ₁≈σ₃)
  mmf-arg : ∀{σ₁ : GSubst V₁}{σ₂ : GSubst V₂}{σ₃ : GSubst V₃}{b} (arg : Arg b)
      σ₂  σ₁  σ₃
      map-arg σ₂ (map-arg σ₁ arg)  map-arg σ₃ arg
  mmf-args : ∀{σ₁ : GSubst V₁}{σ₂ : GSubst V₂}{σ₃ : GSubst V₃}{bs}
     (args : Args bs)
      σ₂  σ₁  σ₃
      map-args σ₂ (map-args σ₁ args)  map-args σ₃ args
  mmf-arg (ast M) σ₂○σ₁≈σ₃ =
      cong ast (map-map-fusion-ext M σ₂○σ₁≈σ₃ mf-ext)
  mmf-arg (bind arg) σ₂○σ₁≈σ₃ =
      cong bind (mmf-arg arg (mf-ext σ₂○σ₁≈σ₃))
  mmf-arg (clear arg) σ₂○σ₁≈σ₃ = refl
  mmf-args {bs = []} nil σ₂○σ₁≈σ₃ = refl
  mmf-args {bs = b  bs} (cons arg args) σ₂○σ₁≈σ₃ =
      cong₂ cons (mmf-arg arg σ₂○σ₁≈σ₃) (mmf-args args σ₂○σ₁≈σ₃)
_≃_ : ∀{}{V₁ : Set }{V₂ : Set }
        {{_ : Shiftable V₁}} {{_ : Shiftable V₂}}
        {{_ : Quotable V₁}} {{_ : Quotable V₂}}
        (σ₁ : GSubst V₁)(σ₂ : GSubst V₂)  Set
_≃_ σ₁ σ₂ =  x   σ₁ x    σ₂ x 

{- todo: generalize to map-cong to simulation -}
map-cong : ∀{}{V₁ : Set }{V₂ : Set }
   {{_ : Shiftable V₁}} {{_ : Shiftable V₂}}
   {{_ : Quotable V₁}} {{_ : Quotable V₂}}
   {σ₁ : GSubst V₁}{σ₂ : GSubst V₂}
    (M : ABT)
    σ₁  σ₂
    (∀{σ₁ : GSubst V₁}{σ₂ : GSubst V₂}  σ₁  σ₂  ext σ₁  ext σ₂)
    map σ₁ M  map σ₂ M
map-cong (` x) σ₁≃σ₂ mc-ext = σ₁≃σ₂ x
map-cong {}{V₁}{V₂} (op  args ) σ₁≃σ₂ mc-ext =
  cong (_⦅_⦆ op) (mc-args args σ₁≃σ₂)
  mc-arg : ∀{σ₁ : GSubst V₁}{σ₂ : GSubst V₂}{b} (arg : Arg b)  σ₁  σ₂
      map-arg σ₁ arg  map-arg σ₂ arg
  mc-args : ∀{σ₁ : GSubst V₁}{σ₂ : GSubst V₂}{bs} (args : Args bs)  σ₁  σ₂
      map-args σ₁ args  map-args σ₂ args
  mc-arg (ast M) σ₁≃σ₂ =
      cong ast (map-cong M σ₁≃σ₂ mc-ext)
  mc-arg (bind arg) σ₁≃σ₂ =
      cong bind (mc-arg arg (mc-ext σ₁≃σ₂))
  mc-arg (clear arg) σ₁≃σ₂ = refl
  mc-args {bs = []} nil σ₁≃σ₂ = refl
  mc-args {σ₁}{σ₂} {b  bs} (cons arg args) σ₁≃σ₂ =
      cong₂ cons (mc-arg arg σ₁≃σ₂) (mc-args args σ₁≃σ₂)

_⊢_≃_ : ∀{}{V₁ : Set }{V₂ : Set }
        {{_ : Shiftable V₁}} {{_ : Shiftable V₂}}
        {{_ : Quotable V₁}} {{_ : Quotable V₂}}
        (M : ABT)(σ₂ : GSubst V₂)(σ₁ : GSubst V₁)  Set
_⊢_≃_ M σ₁ σ₂ =  x  FV M x   σ₁ x    σ₂ x 

_⊢ₐ_≃_ : ∀{}{V₁ : Set }{V₂ : Set }
        {{_ : Shiftable V₁}} {{_ : Shiftable V₂}}
        {{_ : Quotable V₁}} {{_ : Quotable V₂}}
        {b : Sig}(arg : Arg b)(σ₂ : GSubst V₂)(σ₁ : GSubst V₁)  Set
_⊢ₐ_≃_ {b} arg σ₁ σ₂ =  x  FV-arg arg x   σ₁ x    σ₂ x 

_⊢₊_≃_ : ∀{}{V₁ : Set }{V₂ : Set }
        {{_ : Shiftable V₁}} {{_ : Shiftable V₂}}
        {{_ : Quotable V₁}} {{_ : Quotable V₂}}
        {bs : List Sig}(args : Args bs)(σ₂ : GSubst V₂)(σ₁ : GSubst V₁)  Set
_⊢₊_≃_ {bs} args σ₁ σ₂ =  x  FV-args args x   σ₁ x    σ₂ x 

map-cong-FV : ∀{}{V₁ : Set }{V₂ : Set }
   {{_ : Shiftable V₁}} {{_ : Shiftable V₂}}
   {{_ : Quotable V₁}} {{_ : Quotable V₂}}
   {σ₁ : GSubst V₁}{σ₂ : GSubst V₂}
    (M : ABT)
    M  σ₁  σ₂
    (∀{b}{arg : Arg b}{σ₁ : GSubst V₁}{σ₂ : GSubst V₂}
         bind arg ⊢ₐ σ₁  σ₂  arg ⊢ₐ ext σ₁  ext σ₂)
    map σ₁ M  map σ₂ M
map-cong-FV (` x) σ₁≃σ₂ mc-ext = σ₁≃σ₂ x refl
map-cong-FV {V₁ = V₁}{V₂}(op  args ) σ₁≃σ₂ mc-ext =
    cong (_⦅_⦆ op) (mc-args args σ₁≃σ₂)
    mc-arg : ∀{σ₁ : GSubst V₁}{ σ₂ : GSubst V₂}{b} (arg : Arg b)
        arg ⊢ₐ σ₁  σ₂
        map-arg σ₁ arg  map-arg σ₂ arg
    mc-args : ∀{σ₁ : GSubst V₁}{σ₂ : GSubst V₂}{bs} (args : Args bs)
        args ⊢₊ σ₁  σ₂
        map-args σ₁ args  map-args σ₂ args
    mc-arg (ast M) σ₁≃σ₂ =
        cong ast (map-cong-FV M σ₁≃σ₂ (λ{b}{arg}  mc-ext {b}{arg}))
    mc-arg {σ₁}{σ₂}{b = ν b} (bind arg) σ₁≃σ₂ =
        cong bind (mc-arg arg (mc-ext {b}{arg} σ₁≃σ₂))
    mc-arg {σ₁}{σ₂} (clear arg) σ₁≃σ₂ = refl
    mc-args {bs = []} nil σ₁≃σ₂ = refl
    mc-args {σ₁}{σ₂}{bs = b  bs} (cons arg args) σ₁≃σ₂ =
        cong₂ cons (mc-arg arg G) (mc-args args H)
        G : arg ⊢ₐ σ₁  σ₂
        G x x∈arg = σ₁≃σ₂ x (inj₁ x∈arg)
        H : args ⊢₊ σ₁  σ₂
        H x x∈args = σ₁≃σ₂ x (inj₂ x∈args)