module CC2.CastSubtyping where

open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Unit using (; tt)
open import Data.Bool using (true; false) renaming (Bool to 𝔹)
open import Data.List hiding ([_])
open import Data.Product renaming (_,_ to ⟨_,_⟩)
open import Data.Sum using (_⊎_)
open import Data.Maybe
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_; Dec; yes; no)
open import Relation.Nullary.Negation using (contradiction)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; _≢_; refl)
open import Function using (case_of_)

open import Common.Utils
open import CoercionExpr.SecurityLevel
open import CoercionExpr.SyntacComp using (comp-not-val)
open import CC2.Statics
open import CC2.CastReduction

{- Cast to value justifies label subtyping -}
cast-≼ :  {Γ Σ gc ℓv} {S T ℓ₁ ℓ₂} {V W} {c : Cast S of l ℓ₁  T of l ℓ₂}
   Value V
   Γ ; Σ ; gc ; ℓv  V  S of l ℓ₁
   V  c  —↠ W
   Value W
   ℓ₁  ℓ₂
cast-≼ v ⊢V (_ ) (V-cast _ (ir-base id x)) = contradiction refl x
cast-≼ v ⊢V (_ ) (V-cast _ (ir-base (up id) _)) = low ≼high
cast-≼ v ⊢V (_ ) (V-cast _ (ir-ref id))      = ≼-refl
cast-≼ v ⊢V (_ ) (V-cast _ (ir-ref (up id))) = low ≼high
cast-≼ v ⊢V (_ ) (V-cast _ (ir-fun id))      = ≼-refl
cast-≼ v ⊢V (_ ) (V-cast _ (ir-fun (up id))) = low ≼high
cast-≼ v ⊢V (_ —→⟨ cast vᵣ →⁺c̅ₙ id  ↠W) w = ≼-refl
cast-≼ v ⊢V (_ —→⟨ cast vᵣ →⁺c̅ₙ (up id)  ↠W) w = low ≼high
cast-≼ v ⊢V (_ —→⟨ cast-blame x _  _ ) (V-raw ())
cast-≼ v ⊢V (_ —→⟨ cast-id  ↠W) w = ≼-refl
cast-≼ v (⊢cast ⊢V) (_ —→⟨ cast-comp V-const (ir-base id x)  ↠W) w = contradiction refl x
cast-≼ {c = cast (id ι) (id _)} v (⊢cast ⊢const) (_ —→⟨ cast-comp V-const (ir-base (up id) x)  ↠W) w = high ≼high
cast-≼ {c = cast (id ι) ( _ _ _)} v (⊢cast ⊢const) (_ —→⟨ cast-comp V-const (ir-base (up id) x)  ↠W) w
  with ↠W | w
... | _ —→⟨ cast V-const (_ —→ₗ⟨ r  _) _  _ | _ = contradiction r (CResult⌿→ fail)
... | _ —→⟨ cast-blame vᵣ c̅↠⊥  _  | V-raw ()
... | _  | V-cast V-const (ir-base () _)
cast-≼ {c = cast (id ι) (  )} v (⊢cast ⊢const) (_ —→⟨ cast-comp V-const (ir-base (up id) x)  ↠W) w
  with ↠W | w
... | _ —→⟨ cast V-const →⁺c̅ₙ id  _ | _ =
  case comp-security { =   } (up id) (→⁺-impl-↠ →⁺c̅ₙ) id of λ where
  ()  {- impossible because security levels don't match -}
... | _ —→⟨ cast V-const →⁺c̅ₙ (up id)  _ | _ = high ≼high
... | _ —→⟨ cast-blame vᵣ c̅↠⊥  _  | V-raw ()
... | _  | V-cast _ (ir-base 𝓋 _) = contradiction 𝓋 (comp-not-val (id _  ) (  ))
cast-≼ v (⊢cast ⊢V) (_ —→⟨ cast-comp V-addr (ir-ref id)  ↠W) w = cast-≼ (V-raw V-addr) ⊢V ↠W w
cast-≼ {c = cast (ref c d) } v (⊢cast ⊢V) (_ —→⟨ cast-comp V-addr (ir-ref (up id))  ↠W) w
  with ↠W | w
... | _ —→⟨ cast V-addr →⁺c̅ₙ id  _ | w =
  case comp-security (up id) (→⁺-impl-↠ →⁺c̅ₙ) id of λ where
  ()  {- impossible because security levels don't match -}
... | _ —→⟨ cast V-addr →⁺c̅ₙ (up id)  _ | w = h≼h
... | _ —→⟨ cast-blame vᵣ c̅↠⊥  _  | V-raw ()
... | _  | V-cast vᵣ (ir-ref 𝓋) = contradiction 𝓋 (comp-not-val _ _)
cast-≼ v (⊢cast ⊢V) (_ —→⟨ cast-comp V-ƛ (ir-fun id)  ↠W) w = cast-≼ (V-raw V-ƛ) ⊢V ↠W w
cast-≼ {c = cast (fun  c d) } v (⊢cast ⊢V) (_ —→⟨ cast-comp V-ƛ (ir-fun (up id))  ↠W) w
  with ↠W | w
... | _ —→⟨ cast V-ƛ →⁺c̅ₙ id  _ | w =
  case comp-security (up id) (→⁺-impl-↠ →⁺c̅ₙ) id of λ where
  ()  {- impossible because security levels don't match -}
... | _ —→⟨ cast V-ƛ →⁺c̅ₙ (up id)  _ | w = h≼h
... | _ —→⟨ cast-blame vᵣ c̅↠⊥  _  | V-raw ()
... | _  | V-cast vᵣ (ir-fun 𝓋) = contradiction 𝓋 (comp-not-val _ _)