Last updated Jan 2025
Xin Shuai, Xiaozhong Liu, and Johan Bollen. Improving News Ranking by Community Tweets. In WWW 2012 – MSND'12 Workshop, pp. 1227-1232. France, Lyon
Johan Bollen, Huina Mao, and Xiao-Jun Zeng. Twitter mood predicts the stock market. Journal of Computational Science, 2(1), March 2011, Pages 1-8, doi:10.1016/j.jocs.2010.12.007, arxiv: abs/1010.3003. (featured on CNBC, CNN International and Bloomberg News!)
Michael Kurtz and Johan Bollen. Usage bibliometrics. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, Volume 44, 2010
Marko A. Rodriguez, Johan Bollen, and Herbert Van de Sompel. Automatic Metadata Generation using Associative Networks. Transactions on Information Systems, Volume 27, Issue 2, February 2009.
Johan Bollen and Herbert Van de Sompel. Usage Impact Factor: the effects of sample characteristics on usage-based impact metrics. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and technology, 59(1), January 2008, pages 001-014 (cs.DL/0610154).
Marko A. Rodriguez, Daniel J. Steinbock, Jennifer H. Watkins, Carlos Gershenson, Johan Bollen, Victor Grey, and Brad deGraf. Smartocracy: Social networks for collective decision making. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS), Hawaii, January 2007.
Marko A. Rodriguez, Johan Bollen, and Herbert Van de Sompel. An analysis of the bid behavior of the 2005 JCDL Program Committee (poster). In Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL2006), pages 352–352, June 2006.
Jewel Ward, Johan Bollen, J. Pearson, S. Chan, H. Chi, M. Chi, K. Guevara, H. Huang, G. Kim, M. Krivokon, B. H. Lee, P. Li., F. Muliawan, V. Nguyen, B. W. Boehm, A. W. Brown, E. Colbert, and A. Lamand M. Patel. Mining and analyzing digital archive usage data to support collection development decisions (poster). In Proceedings of Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL05), page 417, June 2005.
Aravind Elango, Michael Nelson, and Johan Bollen. Dynamic linking of smart digital objects based on user navigation patterns. In Bella Bose, S.N.Sivananthan, and A.Chitra, editors, Eleventh International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications (ADCOM), Coimbatore, India, December 2003.
Francis Heylighen and Johan Bollen. Hebbian algorithms for digital library recommendation systems. In Johan Bollen and Michael L. Nelson, editors, Proceedings of Workshop on Distributed Computing Architectures for Digital Libraries (ICPP2002), pages 439–447, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, August 18-21 2002. IEEE.