module LabelExpr.NSU where

open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Unit using (; tt)
open import Data.Bool using (true; false) renaming (Bool to 𝔹)
open import Data.List hiding ([_])
open import Data.Product renaming (_,_ to ⟨_,_⟩)
open import Data.Sum using (_⊎_)
open import Data.Maybe
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_; Dec; yes; no; recompute)
open import Relation.Nullary.Negation using (contradiction; ¬?)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl)
open import Function using (case_of_)

open import Common.Utils
open import Common.SecurityLabels
open import Common.BlameLabels

open import LabelExpr.LabelExpr
open import LabelExpr.CatchUp

open import CoercionExpr.CoercionExpr renaming (_—→⟨_⟩_ to _—→ₗ⟨_⟩_; _∎ to _∎ₗ)
open import CoercionExpr.Precision renaming (prec→⊑ to precₗ→⊑)
open import CoercionExpr.SyntacComp
open import CoercionExpr.GG hiding (sim; sim-mult) renaming (catchup to catchupₗ)
open import LabelExpr.Stamping
open import LabelExpr.GG

sim-nsu-ref :  {V V′ W′} {} {p q}
    V  V′    
   (v  : LVal V )
   (v′ : LVal V′)
   V′  coerceₗ {} {l } ≾-⋆l p  —↠ₑ W′
   LVal W′
   ∃[ W ] (LVal W) × (V  coerceₗ {} {l } ≾-⋆l q  —↠ₑ W)
sim-nsu-ref {V} {V′} {W′} {} {p} {q} V⊑V′ v v′ ↠W′ w′ =
  case sim-mult prec ↠W′ w′ of λ where
   W , w , ↠W , _    W , w , ↠W 
    prec :  V   coerceₗ {} {l } ≾-⋆l q         
             V′  coerceₗ {} {l } ≾-⋆l p   l   l 
    prec = ⊑-cast V⊑V′ (⊑-cast (⊑-id ⋆⊑) ⋆⊑ l⊑l)

sim-nsu-ref-left :  {V V′} {ℓ₁ ℓ₂} {p}
    V  V′    l ℓ₁
   (v  : LVal V )
   (v′ : LVal V′)
   ℓ₁  ℓ₂
   ∃[ W ] (LVal W) × (V  coerceₗ {} {l ℓ₂} ≾-⋆l p  —↠ₑ W)
sim-nsu-ref-left {V} {V′} {p = p} V⊑V′ v v′ l≼l =
  case catchup v′ prec of λ where
   W , w , ↠W , _    W , w , ↠W 
    prec :  V   id   low ?? p   V′  l low  l low
    prec = ⊑-castl V⊑V′ (⊑-cast (⊑-id ⋆⊑) ⋆⊑ l⊑l)
sim-nsu-ref-left {V} {V′} {p = p} V⊑V′ v v′ l≼h
  with prec→⊢ V⊑V′ | v′
... |  _ , ⊢cast ⊢l  | v-cast (ir id low≢low) =
  contradiction refl (recompute (¬? (_ ==? _)) low≢low)
... |  _ , ⊢l  | v-l =
  case catchup (v-cast (ir (up id) λ ())) prec of λ where
   W , w , ↠W , _    W , w , ↠W 
    where  {- we need to insert an upcast on the more precise side -}
    prec :  V   id   high ?? p            
             V′  id (l low)      l high  l high
    prec = ⊑-cast V⊑V′ (⊑-cast (⊑-id ⋆⊑) ⋆⊑ l⊑l)
sim-nsu-ref-left {V} {V′} {p = p} V⊑V′ v v′ h≼h =
  case catchup v′ prec of λ where
   W , w , ↠W , _    W , w , ↠W 
    prec :  V   id   high ?? p   V′  l high  l high
    prec = ⊑-castl V⊑V′ (⊑-cast (⊑-id ⋆⊑) ⋆⊑ l⊑l)

sim-nsu-assign :  {V V′ W′} {g g′  ℓ′ ℓ̂} {p q}
    V  V′  g  g′
   (v  : LVal V )
   (v′ : LVal V′)
   stamp!ₑ V′ v′ ℓ′  coerceₗ {} {l ℓ̂} ≾-⋆l p  —↠ₑ W′
   LVal W′
   ∃[ W ] (LVal W) × (stamp!ₑ V v   coerceₗ {} {l ℓ̂} ≾-⋆l q  —↠ₑ W)
sim-nsu-assign {V} {V′} {W′} {g} {g′} {} {ℓ′} {ℓ̂} {p} {q} V⊑V′ v v′ ℓ≼ℓ′ ↠W′ w′ =
  case sim-mult prec ↠W′ w′ of λ where
   W , w , ↠W , _    W , w , ↠W 
    prec :  stamp!ₑ V  v     coerceₗ {} {l ℓ̂} ≾-⋆l q         
             stamp!ₑ V′ v′ ℓ′  coerceₗ {} {l ℓ̂} ≾-⋆l p   l ℓ̂  l ℓ̂
    prec = ⊑-cast (stamp!ₑ-prec v v′ V⊑V′ ℓ≼ℓ′) (⊑-cast (⊑-id ⋆⊑) ⋆⊑ l⊑l)

sim-nsu-assign-left :  {V V′} {g ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ℓ₃} {p}
    V  V′  g  l ℓ₁
   (v  : LVal V )
   (v′ : LVal V′)
   ℓ₁  ℓ₃  ℓ₂  ℓ₃
    ∃[ W ] (LVal W) × (stamp!ₑ V v ℓ₂  coerceₗ {} {l ℓ₃} ≾-⋆l p  —↠ₑ W)
sim-nsu-assign-left {V} {V′} {g′} {.low}  {.low}  {.low}  {p} V⊑V′ v v′ l≼l l≼l =
  case catchup (stampₑ-LVal v′) prec of λ where
     W , w , ↠W , _    W , w , ↠W 
  prec :  stamp!ₑ V  v  low  id   low ?? p  
           stampₑ  V′ v′ low             l low  l low
  prec = ⊑-castl (stamp!ₑ-left-prec v v′ V⊑V′ ≼-refl) (⊑-cast (⊑-id ⋆⊑) ⋆⊑ l⊑l)
sim-nsu-assign-left {V} {l } {g′} {.low}  {.low}  {.high} {p} V⊑V′ v v-l l≼h l≼h
  with prec→⊢ V⊑V′
... |  _ , ⊢l  =
    case catchup (v-cast (ir (up id)  ()))) prec of λ where
     W , w , ↠W , _    W , w , ↠W 
      prec :  stamp!ₑ V       v   low  id   high ?? p            
               stampₑ  (l low) v-l low  id (l low)      l high  l high
      prec = ⊑-cast (stamp!ₑ-left-prec v v-l V⊑V′ ≼-refl) (⊑-cast (⊑-id ⋆⊑) ⋆⊑ l⊑l)
sim-nsu-assign-left {V} {V′} {g′} {.low}  {.low}  {.high} {p} V⊑V′ v (v-cast (ir 𝓋 x)) l≼h l≼h
  with prec→⊢ V⊑V′ | 𝓋
... |  _ , ⊢cast ⊢l  | id =
  contradiction refl (recompute (¬? (_ ==? _)) x)
sim-nsu-assign-left {V} {V′} {g′} {.low}  {.high} {.high} {p} V⊑V′ v v′ l≼h h≼h =
  let  ⊢V , ⊢V′  = prec→⊢ V⊑V′ in
  let v′-stamped = stampₑ-LVal v′ in
  let  : stampₑ V′ v′ high  id (l high)  —↠ₑ stampₑ V′ v′ high
       = cast-id-id v′-stamped (stampₑ-wt v′ ⊢V′) in
  case sim-mult prec  v′-stamped of λ where
   W , w , ↠W , _    W , w , ↠W 
    prec :  stamp!ₑ V  v  high  id   high ?? p            
             stampₑ  V′ v′ high  id (l high)        l high  l high
    prec = ⊑-cast (stamp!ₑ-left-prec v v′ V⊑V′ ≼-refl) (⊑-castl (⊑-id ⋆⊑) ⋆⊑ l⊑l)
sim-nsu-assign-left {V} {V′} {g′} {.high} {}  {.high} {p} V⊑V′ v v′ h≼h ℓ≼hi =
  case catchup (stampₑ-LVal v′) prec of λ where
     W , w , ↠W , _    W , w , ↠W 
  prec :  stamp!ₑ V  v    id   high ?? p  
           stampₑ  V′ v′              l high  l high
  prec = ⊑-castl (stamp!ₑ-left-prec v v′ V⊑V′ ≼-refl) (⊑-cast (⊑-id ⋆⊑) ⋆⊑ l⊑l)