module Dyn.Syntax where

open import Data.List
open import Data.Bool renaming (Bool to 𝔹)

open import Common.SecurityLabels
open import Common.Types using (Base; rep)
open import Syntax
open import Memory.Addr

data Op : Set where
  op-const        :  {ι}  rep ι  StaticLabel  Op
  op-addr         : (a : Addr)  ( : StaticLabel)  Op
  op-lam          : ( : StaticLabel)  Op
  op-app          : Op
  op-if           : Op
  op-ref?         : StaticLabel  Op
  op-deref        : Op
  op-assign?      : Op
  -- op-error        : Op
  op-prot         : StaticLabel  Op   -- only in small-step
  op-opaque       : Op                  -- only in erasure

sig : Op  List Sig
sig (op-const k )     = []
sig (op-addr a )      = []
sig (op-lam )         = (ν )  []
sig op-app             =     []
sig op-if              =       []
sig (op-ref? )        =   []
sig op-deref           =   []
sig op-assign?         =     []
-- sig op-error           = []
sig (op-prot )        =   []
sig op-opaque          = []

open Syntax.OpSig Op sig renaming (ABT to Term) hiding (plug) public

infixl 7  _·_

pattern $_of_ k                 = (op-const k )  nil 
pattern addr_of_ a              = (op-addr a )  nil 
pattern ƛ_of_ N                 = (op-lam )  cons (bind (ast N)) nil 
pattern _·_ L M                  = op-app  cons (ast L) (cons (ast M) nil) 
pattern if L M N                 = op-if  cons (ast L) (cons (ast M) (cons (ast N) nil)) 
pattern ref?⟦_⟧_  M             = (op-ref? )  cons (ast M) nil 
pattern !_ M                     = op-deref  cons (ast M) nil 
pattern _:=?_ L M                = op-assign?  cons (ast L) (cons (ast M) nil) 
-- pattern error                    = op-error ⦅ nil ⦆
pattern prot  M                 = (op-prot )  cons (ast M) nil 
pattern                        = op-opaque  nil             {- opaque value -}