module CC.Values where

open import Data.Nat
open import Data.List
open import Data.Maybe
open import Data.Product using (_×_; ; ∃-syntax; Σ; Σ-syntax) renaming (_,_ to ⟨_,_⟩)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; _≢_; refl; subst; subst₂; cong; cong₂; sym)
open import Function using (case_of_)

open import Common.Utils
open import Common.Types
open import Common.TypeBasedCast
open import Memory.HeapContext
open import CC.CCSyntax Cast_⇒_
open import CC.CCTyping Cast_⇒_

data Err : Term  Set where
  E-error :  {e : Error}  Err (error e)

data Value : Term  Set where
  V-addr :  {a }  Value (addr a of )
  V-ƛ :  {pc A N }  Value (ƛ⟦ pc  A ˙ N of )
  V-const :  {ι} {k : rep ι} {}  Value ($ k of )
  V-cast :  {A B V} {c : Cast A  B}
     Value V  Inert c  Value (V  c )
  V-● : Value 

data Fun : Term  HeapContext  Type  Set where
  Fun-ƛ :  {Σ gc pc′ A A′ B B′ g N }
     (∀ {pc}  A′  [] ; Σ ; l pc′ ; pc  N  B′)
      l pc′  A′  B′ of l  <:  gc  A  B of g
      ----------------------------------------------------- Lambda
     Fun (ƛ⟦ pc′  A′ ˙ N of ) Σ ( gc  A  B of g)

  Fun-proxy :  {Σ gc gc₁ gc₂ A A₁ A₂ B B₁ B₂ g g₁ g₂ V}
                {c : Cast ( gc₁  A₁  B₁ of g₁)  ( gc₂  A₂  B₂ of g₂)}
     Fun V Σ ( gc₁  A₁  B₁ of g₁)
     Inert c
      gc₂  A₂  B₂ of g₂ <:  gc  A  B of g
      ----------------------------------------------------- Function Proxy
     Fun (V  c ) Σ ( gc  A  B of g)

-- Sanity checks
fun-is-value :  {Σ V gc A B g}
   Fun V Σ ( gc  A  B of g)
   Value V
fun-is-value (Fun-ƛ _ sub) = V-ƛ
fun-is-value (Fun-proxy fun i _) = V-cast (fun-is-value fun) i

-- Canonical form of value of function type
canonical-fun :  {Σ gc gc′ pc A B g V}
   [] ; Σ ; gc ; pc  V   gc′  A  B of g
   Value V
   Fun V Σ ( gc′  A  B of g)
canonical-fun (⊢lam ⊢N) V-ƛ = Fun-ƛ ⊢N <:-refl
canonical-fun (⊢cast ⊢V) (V-cast v (I-fun c i₁ i₂)) =
  Fun-proxy (canonical-fun ⊢V v) (I-fun c i₁ i₂) <:-refl
canonical-fun (⊢sub ⊢V sub) v =
  case sub of λ where
    (<:-ty _ (<:-fun _ _ _)) 
      case canonical-fun ⊢V v of λ where
        (Fun-ƛ ⊢N sub₁)         Fun-ƛ ⊢N (<:-trans sub₁ sub)
        (Fun-proxy fun i sub₁)  Fun-proxy fun i (<:-trans sub₁ sub)
canonical-fun (⊢sub-pc ⊢V gc<:gc′) v = canonical-fun ⊢V v

data Reference : Term  HeapContext  Type  Set where
  Ref-addr :  {Σ A n T g  ℓ₁}
     lookup-Σ Σ (a⟦ ℓ₁  n)  just T
     Ref (T of l ℓ₁) of l  <: Ref A of g
      ---------------------------------------- Reference
     Reference (addr (a⟦ ℓ₁  n) of ) Σ (Ref A of g)

  Ref-proxy :  {Σ A A₁ A₂ g g₁ g₂ V} {c : Cast (Ref A₁ of g₁)  (Ref A₂ of g₂)}
     Reference V Σ (Ref A₁ of g₁)
     Inert c
     Ref A₂ of g₂ <: Ref A of g
      ---------------------------------------- Reference proxy
     Reference (V  c ) Σ (Ref A of g)

ref-is-value :  {Σ V A g}
   Reference V Σ (Ref A of g)
   Value V
ref-is-value (Ref-addr _ _) = V-addr
ref-is-value (Ref-proxy r i _) = V-cast (ref-is-value r) i

canonical-ref :  {Σ gc pc A g V}
   [] ; Σ ; gc ; pc  V  Ref A of g
   Value V
   Reference V Σ (Ref A of g)
canonical-ref (⊢addr eq) V-addr = Ref-addr eq <:-refl
canonical-ref (⊢cast ⊢V) (V-cast v (I-ref c i₁ i₂)) =
  Ref-proxy (canonical-ref ⊢V v) (I-ref c i₁ i₂) <:-refl
canonical-ref (⊢sub ⊢V sub) v =
  case sub of λ where
    (<:-ty _ (<:-ref _ _)) 
      case canonical-ref ⊢V v of λ where
        (Ref-addr eq sub₁)  Ref-addr eq (<:-trans sub₁ sub)
        (Ref-proxy r i sub₁)  Ref-proxy r i (<:-trans sub₁ sub)
canonical-ref (⊢sub-pc ⊢V gc<:gc′) v = canonical-ref ⊢V v

data Constant : Term  Type  Set where
  Const-base :  {ι} {k : rep ι} { ℓ′}
      ------------------------------- Constant
     Constant ($ k of ) (` ι of l ℓ′)

  Const-inj :  {ι} {k : rep ι} { ℓ′} {c : Cast (` ι of l ℓ′)  (` ι of )}
      ------------------------------- Injected constant
     Constant ($ k of   c ) (` ι of )

-- The labels on a constant and its type are related by subtyping.
const-label-≼ :  {Γ Σ gc pc ι} {k : rep ι} { g}
   Γ ; Σ ; gc ; pc  $ k of   ` ι of g
   ∃[ ℓ′ ] (g  l ℓ′) × (  ℓ′)
const-label-≼ { = } ⊢const =   , refl , ≼-refl 
const-label-≼ (⊢sub ⊢M (<:-ty ℓ′<:g <:-ι)) =
  case  const-label-≼ ⊢M , ℓ′<:g  of λ where
      ℓ′ , refl , ℓ≼ℓ′  , <:-l ℓ′≼ℓ″  
       _ , refl , ≼-trans ℓ≼ℓ′ ℓ′≼ℓ″ 
const-label-≼ (⊢sub-pc ⊢M gc<:gc′) = const-label-≼ ⊢M

canonical-const :  {Σ gc pc ι g V}
   [] ; Σ ; gc ; pc  V  ` ι of g
   Value V
   Constant V (` ι of g)
canonical-const ⊢const V-const = (Const-base ≼-refl)
canonical-const (⊢cast ⊢V) (V-cast v (I-base-inj c)) =
  case canonical-const ⊢V v of λ where
    (Const-base _) 
      case const-label-≼ ⊢V of λ where
         ℓ′ , refl , ℓ≼ℓ′   Const-inj ℓ≼ℓ′
canonical-const (⊢sub ⊢V (<:-ty ℓ′<:g <:-ι)) v =
  case  canonical-const ⊢V v , ℓ′<:g  of λ where
     Const-base ℓ≼ℓ′ , <:-l ℓ′≼ℓ″   Const-base (≼-trans ℓ≼ℓ′ ℓ′≼ℓ″)
     Const-inj  ℓ≼ℓ′ , <:-⋆   Const-inj ℓ≼ℓ′
canonical-const (⊢sub-pc ⊢V _) v = canonical-const ⊢V v

canonical⋆ :  {Γ Σ gc pc V T}
   Γ ; Σ ; gc ; pc  V  T of 
   Value V
   ∃[ A ] ∃[ B ] Σ[ c  Cast A  B ] ∃[ W ]
       (V  W  c ) × (Inert c) × (Γ ; Σ ; gc ; pc  W  A) × (B <: T of )
canonical⋆ (⊢cast ⊢W) (V-cast {V = W} {c} w i) =
   _ , _ , c , W , refl , i , ⊢W , <:-ty <:-⋆ <:ᵣ-refl 
canonical⋆ (⊢sub ⊢V (<:-ty {S = T′} <:-⋆ T′<:T)) v =
  case canonical⋆ ⊢V v of λ where
     A , B , c , W , refl , i , ⊢W , B<:T′⋆  
       A , B , c , W , refl , i , ⊢W , <:-trans B<:T′⋆ (<:-ty <:-⋆ T′<:T) 
canonical⋆ (⊢sub-pc ⊢V gc<:gc′) v =
  case canonical⋆ ⊢V v of λ where
     A , B , c , W , refl , i , ⊢W , B<:T⋆  
       A , B , c , W , refl , i , ⊢sub-pc ⊢W gc<:gc′ , B<:T⋆ 

canonical-pc⋆ :  {Γ Σ gc pc V A B g}
   Γ ; Σ ; gc ; pc  V     A  B of g
   Value V
   ∃[ C ] ∃[ D ] Σ[ c  Cast C  D ] ∃[ W ]
       (V  W  c ) × (Inert c) × (Γ ; Σ ; gc ; pc  W  C) × (D <:    A  B of g)
canonical-pc⋆ (⊢cast ⊢W) (V-cast {V = W} {c} w i) =
   _ , _ , c , W , refl , i , ⊢W , <:-refl 
canonical-pc⋆ (⊢sub ⊢V (<:-ty g′<:g (<:-fun <:-⋆ A<:A′ B′<:B))) v =
  case canonical-pc⋆ ⊢V v of λ where
     C , D , c , W , refl , i , ⊢W , D<:A′→B′  
      let D<:A→B = <:-trans D<:A′→B′ (<:-ty g′<:g (<:-fun <:-⋆ A<:A′ B′<:B)) in
         C , D , c , W , refl , i , ⊢W , D<:A→B 
canonical-pc⋆ (⊢sub-pc ⊢V gc<:gc′) v =
  case canonical-pc⋆ ⊢V v of λ where
   C , D , c , W , refl , i , ⊢W , D<:A→B  
     C , D , c , W , refl , i , ⊢sub-pc ⊢W gc<:gc′ , D<:A→B 

canonical-ref⋆ :  {Γ Σ gc pc V T g}
   Γ ; Σ ; gc ; pc  V  Ref (T of ) of g
   Value V
   ∃[ A ] ∃[ B ] Σ[ c  Cast A  B ] ∃[ W ]
       (V  W  c ) × (Inert c) × (Γ ; Σ ; gc ; pc  W  A) × (B <: Ref (T of ) of g)
canonical-ref⋆ (⊢cast ⊢W) (V-cast {V = W} {c} w i) =
   _ , _ , c , W , refl , i , ⊢W , <:-refl 
canonical-ref⋆ (⊢sub ⊢V sub) v =
  case sub of λ where
    (<:-ty _ (<:-ref (<:-ty <:-⋆ S<:T) (<:-ty <:-⋆ T<:S))) 
      case canonical-ref⋆ ⊢V v of λ where
         A , B , c , W , refl , i , ⊢W , B<:RefS  
           A , B , c , W , refl , i , ⊢W , <:-trans B<:RefS sub 
canonical-ref⋆ (⊢sub-pc ⊢V gc<:gc′) v =
  case canonical-ref⋆ ⊢V v of λ where
   A , B , c , W , refl , i , ⊢W , B<:RefT  
     A , B , c , W , refl , i , ⊢sub-pc ⊢W gc<:gc′ , B<:RefT 

stamp-inert :  {A B}  (c : Cast A  B)  Inert c   
                       (Cast (stamp A (l ))  (stamp B (l )))
stamp-inert (cast (` ι of l ℓ₁) (` ι of ) p (~-ty ~⋆ ~-ι))
            (I-base-inj _)  =
  cast (` ι of l (ℓ₁  )) (` ι of ) p (~-ty ~⋆ ~-ι)
stamp-inert (cast ( gc₁  A  B of g₁) ( gc₂  C  D of g₂) p (~-ty g₁~g₂ A→B~C→D))
            (I-fun _ I-label I-label)  =
  let c~ = ~-ty (consis-join-~ₗ g₁~g₂ ~ₗ-refl) A→B~C→D in
    cast ( gc₁  A  B of (g₁ ⋎̃ l )) ( gc₂  C  D of (g₂ ⋎̃ l )) p c~
stamp-inert (cast (Ref A of g₁) (Ref B of g₂) p (~-ty g₁~g₂ RefA~RefB))
            (I-ref _ I-label I-label)  =
  let c~ = ~-ty (consis-join-~ₗ g₁~g₂ ~ₗ-refl) RefA~RefB in
    cast (Ref A of (g₁ ⋎̃ l )) (Ref B of (g₂ ⋎̃ l )) p c~

stamp-inert-inert :  {A B } {c : Cast A  B} (i : Inert c)  Inert (stamp-inert c i )
stamp-inert-inert (I-base-inj c) = I-base-inj _
stamp-inert-inert (I-fun c I-label I-label) =
  I-fun (stamp-inert c _ _) I-label I-label
stamp-inert-inert (I-ref c I-label I-label) =
  I-ref (stamp-inert c _ _) I-label I-label

stamp-val :  V  Value V  StaticLabel  Term
stamp-val (addr a of ℓ₁) V-addr  = addr a of (ℓ₁  )
stamp-val (ƛ⟦ pc  A ˙ N of ℓ₁) V-ƛ  = ƛ⟦ pc  A ˙ N of (ℓ₁  )
stamp-val ($ k of ℓ₁) V-const  = $ k of (ℓ₁  )
stamp-val (V  c ) (V-cast v i)  = stamp-val V v   stamp-inert c i  
stamp-val  V-●  = 

-- A stamped value is value
stamp-val-value :  {V } (v : Value V)  Value (stamp-val V v )
stamp-val-value V-addr = V-addr
stamp-val-value V-ƛ = V-ƛ
stamp-val-value V-const = V-const
stamp-val-value (V-cast v i) =
  V-cast (stamp-val-value v) (stamp-inert-inert i)
stamp-val-value V-● = V-●

stamp-val-low :  {V} (v : Value V)  stamp-val V v low  V
stamp-val-low (V-addr { = }) with 
... | low  = refl
... | high = refl
stamp-val-low (V-ƛ { = }) with 
... | low  = refl
... | high = refl
stamp-val-low (V-const { = }) with 
... | low  = refl
... | high = refl
stamp-val-low (V-cast v (I-base-inj (cast (` ι of l ) (` ι of ) p (~-ty ℓ~⋆ ~-ι))))
  rewrite stamp-val-low v
  with    | ℓ~⋆
... | low  | ~⋆ = refl
... | high | ~⋆ = refl
stamp-val-low (V-cast v (I-fun (cast (_ of l ℓ₁) (_ of g₂) p (~-ty ℓ₁~g₂ _)) I-label I-label))
  rewrite stamp-val-low v
  with ℓ₁  | g₂     | ℓ₁~g₂
... | high |       | ~⋆ = refl
... | high | l high | l~ = refl
... | low  |       | ~⋆ = refl
... | low  | l low  | l~ = refl
stamp-val-low (V-cast v (I-ref (cast (_ of l ℓ₁) (_ of g₂) p (~-ty ℓ₁~g₂ _)) I-label I-label))
  rewrite stamp-val-low v
  with ℓ₁  | g₂     | ℓ₁~g₂
... | high |       | ~⋆ = refl
... | high | l high | l~ = refl
... | low  |       | ~⋆ = refl
... | low  | l low  | l~ = refl
stamp-val-low V-● = refl

⊢value-pc :  {Γ Σ gc gc′ pc pc′ V A}
   Γ ; Σ ; gc  ; pc  V  A
   Value V
   Γ ; Σ ; gc′ ; pc′  V  A
⊢value-pc (⊢addr eq) V-addr = ⊢addr eq
⊢value-pc (⊢lam ⊢N) V-ƛ = ⊢lam ⊢N
⊢value-pc ⊢const V-const = ⊢const
⊢value-pc (⊢cast ⊢V) (V-cast v i) = ⊢cast (⊢value-pc ⊢V v)
⊢value-pc (⊢sub ⊢V A<:B) v = ⊢sub (⊢value-pc ⊢V v) A<:B
⊢value-pc (⊢sub-pc ⊢V gc<:gc′) v = ⊢value-pc ⊢V v