module CC.ProxyElimination where

{- Destructing function and reference proxies by
   distributing casts into domain and co-domain -}

open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_; Dec; yes; no)
open import Function using (case_of_)

open import Common.Types
open import Common.TypeBasedCast
open import CC.CCSyntax Cast_⇒_
open import CC.CCTyping Cast_⇒_

{- NOTE:
   There are two types of inert function casts categorizing by gc₂:
     1) [ pc ] A → B of ℓ₁ ⇒ [ pc ] C → D of g₂
     2) [ pc ] A → B of ℓ₁ ⇒ [ ⋆  ] C → D of g₂
elim-fun-proxy :  {A B C D gc₁ gc₂ g₁ g₂} {c : Cast ( gc₁  A  B of g₁)  ( gc₂  C  D of g₂)}
   (V W : Term)  Inert c  (pc : StaticLabel)  Term
elim-fun-proxy V W (I-fun c I-label I-label) pc =
  case c of λ where
  (cast ( l pc₁  A  B of l ℓ₁) ( l pc₂  C  D of g₂) p _) 
    (V · (W  dom/c c ))  cod/c c 
  (cast ( l pc₁  A  B of l ℓ₁) (   C  D of g₂) p _) 
    case pc  ℓ₁ ≼? pc₁ of λ where
    (yes _)  cast-pc (l pc) (V · (W  dom/c c ))  cod/c c 
    (no  _)  error (blame p)

  Two types of inert reference casts categorizing by g₁:
    1) (S of ℓ₁) of ℓ ⇒ (T of ℓ₂) of g
    2) (S of ℓ₁) of ℓ ⇒ (T of ⋆ ) of g
elim-ref-proxy :  {A B g₁ g₂} {c : Cast Ref A of g₁  Ref B of g₂}
   (V M : Term)  Inert c  (_≔_ : Term  Term  Term)  Term
elim-ref-proxy V M (I-ref c I-label I-label) _≔_ =
  case c of λ where
  (cast (Ref (S of l ℓ₁) of l ) (Ref (T of l ℓ₂) of g) p _) 
    V  (M  in/c c )
  (cast (Ref (S of l ℓ₁) of l ) (Ref (T of ) of g) p _) 
    case  ≼? ℓ₁ of λ where
    (yes _)  V  (M  in/c c )
    (no  _)  error (blame p)