CBR in Context: The Present and Future
Indiana University
From Case-Based
Reasoning: Experiences, Lessons, and Future Directions, AAAI
Press/MIT Press, 1996.
A father taking his two-year-old son on a walk reaches an
intersection and asks where they should
turn. The child picks a direction, the direction they
turned in at that intersection the day before to go to the
supermarket. The child explains: ``I
have a memory: Buy donut.''
Another Vietnam?
Recently, [this question has] been asked in discussions over a deeper
U.S. involvement around the world - in Bosnia, in Somalia, in Haiti.
Ed Timms, Dallas Morning News
Windows 95: Microsoft's Vietnam?
Headline in the IN Jersey Web page
Reasoning is often modeled as a process that draws conclusions by
chaining together generalized rules, starting from scratch.
Case-based reasoning (CBR) takes a very different view. In CBR, the
primary knowledge source is not generalized rules but a memory of
stored cases recording specific prior episodes. In CBR, new
solutions are generated not by chaining, but by retrieving the most
relevant cases from memory and adapting them to fit new situations.
Thus in CBR, reasoning is based on remembering. As the passages
starting this section illustrate, remindings facilitate human
reasoning in many contexts and for many tasks, ranging from children's
simple reasoning to expert decision-making. Much of the original
inspiration for the CBR approach came from the role of remindings in
human reasoning [Schank1982].
The CBR approach is based on two tenets about the nature of
the world. The first tenet is that the world is
regular: similar problems have similar solutions. Consequently,
solutions for similar prior problems are a useful starting point for
new problem-solving. The second tenet is that the types of problems
an agent encounters tend to recur. Consequently, future problems are
likely to be similar to current problems. When the two tenets hold,
it is worthwhile to remember and reuse current reasoning: case-based
reasoning is an effective reasoning strategy.
CBR can also be beneficial, however, when a reasoner must solve
problems that are quite different from prior experiences. As a
case-based reasoner applies cases to increasingly novel problems, the
CBR process changes from simple reuse to more creative
problem-solving. The child in the example starting this chapter
performs very straightforward CBR; he remembers a previous path when
confronted with an identical decision point--a previously-visited
intersection--and suggests repeating a prior plan. The commentators
who apply lessons of Vietnam to Bosnia, however, must do more subtle
reasoning to determine whether and how Vietnam applies to the new
situation. The wag who sees Vietnam in Windows 95 is applying a
reminding to a very new context, and reasoning in a creative way.
Regardless of whether a case-based reasoner solves a routine or novel
problem, and of whether the problem-solving outcome is success or
failure, the case-based reasoner learns from its experience.
Complementary with the principle of reasoning by remembering is
the principle that reasoning is remembered--that reasoning and
learning are intimately connected. The knowledge of a case-based
reasoner is constantly changing as new experiences give rise to new
cases which are stored for future use. A case-based
reasoner learns from experience to exploit prior successes and avoid
prior failures.
This chapter provides context for the remainder of this book,
introducing key principles of CBR, its basic algorithm, and
relationship to other approaches, and discussing the state of the
field, new trends, and key challenges. The following chapter provides
a tutorial introduction to the field and to the principles
for developing CBR systems. Later chapters provide case studies of key
issues, in the context of specific projects. They are followed by
perspectives that examine lessons learned and provide visions of the
future of case-based reasoning.
The study of CBR is driven by two primary motivations. The first,
from cognitive science, is the desire to model human behavior.
The second, from artificial intelligence, is the pragmatic desire to
develop technology to make AI systems more effective.
Interest in CBR as a cognitive model is supported by studies of human
reasoning which demonstrate reasoning from cases in a wide range of
task contexts. For example, studies support the importance of
remindings of prior examples in learning a computer text editor
[Ross1984], learning programming [Pirolli &
mathematical problem solving
[Faries &
Schlossberg1994,Ross1984], diagnosis by automobile mechanics
[Lancaster &
Kolodner1987] and physicians [Schmidt, Norman, &
explanation of anomalous events
[Read & Cesa1991], and decision-making under time pressure
[Klein &
Calderwood1988,Klein &
Understanding these processes requires developing and testing theories
of how humans store, retrieve, and apply prior cases.
Observations that people use case-based reasoning have also spurred
interest in CBR as an AI technology. Humans are robust
problem-solvers; they routinely solve hard problems despite limited
and uncertain knowledge, and their performance improves with
experience. All of these qualities are desirable for real-world AI
systems. Consequently, it is natural to ask how CBR can advance AI
technology. Discussions of this question have identified five main
problems that can be ameliorated by case-based reasoning:
- Knowledge acquisition: A classic problem in traditional knowledge-based
systems is how to provide the rules on which the
systems depend.
The rule acquisition process can be laborious and unreliable: it may be
difficult to elicit rules, and
there is no assurance that those rules will actually be sufficient to
characterize expert performance.1
In some domains, rules may be difficult to formalize or the number of
rules required may be unmanageably large.
Because case-based reasoners reason from complete specific episodes, CBR
makes it unnecessary to
decompose experiences and generalize their parts into rules. Some
task domains are especially natural for CBR, with
cases that are suitable for CBR already collected as part of standard
problem-solving procedures. In those domains, the cost of knowledge
acquisition for CBR is very low.
Mark, Simoudis, & Hinkle (Chapter 14) describe their
experience in one such domain, autoclave loading.
Other reports corroborate comparatively rapid
development times for other CBR applications (e.g., Simoudis &
Miller, 1991).
Of course, not all domains are natural CBR domains; cases may be
unavailable, or may be available but in a hard-to-use form (e.g.,
cases described with natural language text). In these situations,
applying CBR may depend on a significant ``case engineering'' effort
to delimit the
information that cases must contain, to define the representation for
that information and to extract that information from available data.
Likewise, applying CBR requires developing criteria for indexing
and reapplying prior cases. (E.g., Mark et al., Chapter 14;
Voss, 1994).
However, even if this initial process requires considerable
effort, CBR can still provide overall benefits for knowledge acquisition.
First, experts who are resistant to attempts to distill
a set of domain rules are often eager to tell their ``war
stories''--the cases they have encountered. This facilitates
gathering the needed
data for CBR. Second, as discussed in the following point, after the
initial case engineering effort it is often simple to augment and
maintain the knowledge a CBR system needs.
- Knowledge maintenance: Defining an initial knowledge base
is generally only the first step towards a successful AI application.
Initial understanding of the problem is often imperfect, requiring
system knowledge to be refined. Likewise, changes in task
requirements and circumstances may render existing knowledge obsolete.
Although refinement of case representations and indexing schemes may
be required as a task becomes better understood, CBR offers a
significant benefit for knowledge maintenance: a user may be able to
add missing cases to the case library without expert intervention.
Also, because CBR systems do incremental learning, they can be
deployed with only a limited set of ``seed cases,'' to be augmented
with new cases if (and only if) the initial case library turns out to
be insufficient in practice. A CBR system needs only to handle the
types of problems that actually occur in practice, while
generative systems must account for all problems
that are possible in principle.
- Increasing problem-solving efficiency: People achieve
satisfactory problem-solving performance despite the fact that
commonplace problems in everyday reasoning, such as
explanation and planning, are NP-hard
[Bylander et al.1991,Chapman1987]. Reuse of prior
solutions helps increase problem-solving efficiency by building on prior
reasoning rather than repeating prior effort. In addition, because CBR
saves failed solutions as well as successes, it can warn of potential
problems to avoid.
- Increasing quality of solutions: When the principles of a
domain are not well understood, rules will be imperfect. In that
situation, the solutions suggested by cases may be more accurate than
those suggested by chains of rules, because cases reflect what really
happens (or fails to happen) in a given set of circumstances. In
medical reasoning, for example, anecdotes about specific cases go
beyond codified knowledge, serving as ``the as-yet-unorganized
evidence at the forefront of clinical medicine''
- User acceptance: A key problem in deploying successful
AI systems is user acceptance: no system is useful unless its users
accept its results. To trust the system's conclusions, a user may
need to be convinced that they are derived in a reasonable way. This
is a problem for other approaches: neural network systems cannot
provide explanations of their decisions, and rule-based systems must
explain their decisions by reference to their rules, which the user may not
fully understand or accept
[Riesbeck1988]. On the other hand, the results of CBR
systems are based on
actual prior cases that can be presented to the user
to provide compelling support for the system's conclusions.
Successful use of CBR depends on addressing issues in how to acquire,
represent, index, and adapt existing cases.
The next section highlights how these issues fit into the CBR process
and how they are being addressed in
current systems. The following section highlights how these methods
relate to other approaches.
Case-based reasoning tasks are often divided into two classes, interpretive CBR and problem-solving CBR (e.g., Kolodner, 1993;
Rissland, Kolodner, & Waltz, 1989).
Interpretive CBR uses prior cases
as reference points for classifying or characterizing new situations;
problem-solving CBR uses prior cases to suggest solutions that might
apply to new circumstances.
In interpretive CBR, the reasoner's goal is to form a judgment about
or classification of a new situation, by comparing and contrasting it
with cases that have already been classified (e.g., Ashley &
Rissland, 1987). For example, interpretive
CBR plays a fundamental role in interpreting legal concepts and
applying laws in the American legal system (e.g., Ashley, 1990; Bain,
1986; Branting, 1991; Cuthill, 1992; Sanders,
1994). A
tax lawyer arguing that his or her client should receive a
``home office'' deduction does so by using precedents: by showing
that the deduction was granted in similar previous cases and
showing that those cases are
more relevant than cases in which the deduction was not granted.
Interpretive CBR is also important for tasks such as diagnosis; a
problem can be diagnosed by comparing and contrasting the current symptoms
to those in previous cases to determine the best diagnosis
(e.g., Bareiss, 1989).
In its simplest form, interpretive CBR involves four steps. First,
the reasoner must perform situation assessment
[Kolodner1993,Owens1991], to determine which features of the current
situation are really relevant. Second, based on the results of
situation assessment, the reasoner retrieves a relevant prior case or
prior cases. Third, the reasoner then compares those cases to the new
situation, to determine which interpretation applies. Finally, the
current situation and the interpretation are then saved as a new case
on which to base future reasoning.
The goal of problem-solving CBR is to apply a prior solution to
generate the solution to a new problem. For example, case-based design,
planning, and explanation systems all retrieve and adapt solutions of
similar prior problems. Like interpretive CBR, problem-solving CBR
involves situation assessment, case retrieval, and similarity
assessment/evaluation. In addition, the similarities and differences
between new and prior cases are used to determine how the solution of
the previous case can be adapted to fit the new situation. For
example, a case-based planning system generates a new plan by retrieving a
prior plan for a similar goal, determining the differences between the
old and new goals, and adapting the plan to take the new goals into
Case-based problem-solving can be seen as exploiting the relationship
between two different types of similarity. These types of similarity
apply to two different spaces, the space of problem descriptions and
the space of problem solutions. We illustrate their role in the
solution generation process in figure 1. When presented
with a new problem, a CBR system does situation assessment to generate
a problem description, and then searches for problems with similar
problem descriptions. The solutions of those problems are used as the
starting point for generating a solution to the new problem. With the
right way of describing problem, similar problems will have solutions
that are similar--i.e., easy to adapt to the new situation.
The figure also suggests another benefit of CBR: that multiple types
of knowledge can be used to encode equivalent information [Richter1995].
Information is contained not only in the case representation/indexing
scheme and case base, but also in the similarity metric and adaptation
knowledge, and the information contained by these knowledge sources
overlaps. Consequently, the system developer has the flexibility to
choose the best alternative for representing the needed knowledge.
Figure 1:
How case-based problem-solving generates a
new solution.
After a solution has been generated, the final step is to apply the
solution, to repair it if necessary, and to learn from the experience.
Learning in CBR systems is driven by both successes and failures, and
encompasses both speedup learning and acquisition of new knowledge.
When the CBR process is
successful, the resulting solution is stored for future reuse,
avoiding the need to rederive it from scratch. When CBR is combined
with generative problem-solving, it can provide speedup learning
(Veloso discusses an experimental demonstration of this speedup in
Chapter 8). If the generative system has an imperfect
domain theory, the benefit goes beyond speedup. In that situation,
stored cases provide information beyond the information contained in
the original domain theory: they provide the information that a
particular solution did or did not work in a specific real situation.
In this way, case acquisition refines initial domain knowledge and
allows the system to favor solutions that are more likely to be
successful, based on its experience. In addition, if solutions are
provided by an external source, storing cases with those solutions may
increase the range of problems that the system can solve.
CBR is committed to the
value of learning from failures as well as successes.
First, failures reveal that learning is
needed. Second, failures help focus decisions about what to learn:
the needed learning must help avoid future failures. CBR systems
learn both from task failures, in which their solutions are
unsuccessful, and expectation failures [Schank1982], in which
observed outcomes differ--for better or for worse--from
predictions. For example, when a planner generates a plan that is
expected to work and doesn't, there are two failures. The task
failure prompts the system to try to learn a successful plan; the
expectation failure prompts the system to learn how to anticipate
similar problems in the future, in order to avoid them (e.g., Hammond,
1989a). When a planner generates a plan that is
successful even beyond expectations, there is no task failure, but
there is still an expectation failure, prompting learning about how to
anticipate and perhaps harness the unexpected good effects.
In CBR systems, failures can trigger multiple types of learning. When
a failed solution is repaired, the new solution is stored; this is
simply learning from a new successful solution. In addition, however,
information about the failure itself
can stored as data
for future analysis when new information becomes available
[Riesbeck1981,Schank1982,Schank1986] or to provide
a warning about possible future failures that should be avoided (e.g.,
Bareiss, 1989; Hammond, 1989a; Kolodner & Simpson, 1989),
Failures can also prompt revision of
indexing criteria, to retrieve better cases in the future (e.g.,
Bhatta & Goel, 1993; Fox & Leake, 1995b, 1995c; Hammond, 1989a; Redmond,
1992; Sycara & Navinchandra, 1989).
The previous section's description blurs many differences in CBR
methods. This section illustrates a sampling of important variations
in how fundamental issues are being addressed. The following tutorial
chapter describes a number of them in more detail.
The previous section assumes that
problem-solving systems will store and adapt prior solutions. An
alternative approach is for them to store and reuse traces of how
those solutions were derived, instead of the actual solutions. By
capturing and replaying the reasoning trace involved in selecting
problem-solving operators, rather than the problem solving steps
themselves, the derivational analogy approach facilitates
application of stored traces of processing to a wider class of
problems (Carbonell, 1986; Veloso, 1994, Chapter 8).
This approach has attracted
interest not only for domain problem-solving tasks, but
also in a number of systems that store and reuse reasoning traces for
introspective reasoning and learning
(e.g., Kennedy, 1995; Leake, Kinley, & Wilson,
Chapter 11; Oehlmann,
1995; Ram & Cox,
The previous sketch used purely
top-down retrieval: A problem description was formed and
used to select a relevant case. However, the indices needed
are inextricably tied to the contents of the case library (which may
change). Consequently, CBR research is also investigating the role of
bottom-up influences to guide retrieval, favoring features
that are useful to discriminate between the cases in memory (e.g.,
Cunningham, Bonzano, and Smyth, 1995; Owens, 1991).
Although many CBR systems base retrieval on carefully constructed
indexing vocabularies and problem descriptions, in order for retrieval
to ``zero in'' on a small subset of the case library,
other approaches
exploit parallel hardware to maintain quick retrieval while considering
large sets of cases
[Kettler et al.1994,Kolodner1988b,Owens1991,Stanfill & Waltz1986].
Retrieval based on
nontraditional types of input information, such as bitmap images and
CAD plans, is also being investigated [Voß1994].
As is discussed in Section 5.4,
methods are also being developed make retrieval focus on
cases that are likely to be easy to adapt.
Developing case adaptation criteria
is a central open challenge for CBR (e.g.,
Allemang, 1993; Kolodner, 1991; Leake, 1994b).
The case adaptation process in CBR systems is usually done by
rule-based systems. Consequently, correct case adaptation requires
that those
rules capture both a theory of case adaptation, and
the needed aspects of the domain theory to carry out changes. However,
as has already been described, an important motivation for using CBR
is often the lack of such a theory. As a result, developers defining
adaptation rules must re-confront the knowledge acquisition problem
for rule-based systems. Additional problems may arise because
available cases can lack the internal structure needed for effective
adaptation. For example, in case-based educational systems whose cases
are video clips, the case content is simply not accessible.
Nevertheless, difficulties with case adaptation have led many CBR
systems to simply dispense with adaptation, replacing the
retrieve-evaluate-adapt cycle with retrieve and propose systems
(e.g., Kolodner, 1991).
Such systems exploit the memory processes
developed in CBR research, while relying on a human user to adapt and
evaluate solutions. This framework is the basis for many successful
CBR applications, some examples of which are described in this volume
(Kitano and Shimazu, Chapter 13 and Mark et al.,
Chapter 14).
New approaches are now being developed to overcome the
adaptation problem. Because this is a central problem for the future
of CBR, we devote section 5.4 to the promising
new methods for addressing problems of automatic adaptation.
One issue in similarity assessment
is how to determine the right features to compare. Decisions about
which features are important are often based on explanations of
feature relevance, but those explanations may be imperfect, leading to
a need for robust similarity metrics that take the difficulties in
specifying important features
into account (e.g., Bento, 1994; Veloso,
Another problem is that for some tasks, input
problem descriptions are not sufficient to determine the similarity of
old and new situations. For example, for the task of case-based
explanation of anomalous events during understanding, the need to
explain arises precisely because the input case is imperfectly
understood. Thus situation assessment and similarity assessment may
need to be combined. One method for the combination is constructive similarity assessment, which builds up a description of
the input situation based on prior cases, and judges similarity by
whether the retrieved case is adaptable to the new situation, rather
than according to any static criteria
There is also growing recognition that the role of similarity
judgments is to determine which cases are most usefully similar,
given the desired results of the CBR process. A single set of static
similarity criteria may not capture the right distinctions. Different
cases may be most appropriate to consider depending on the relative
importance of different dimensions for judging the success of the CBR
process. For example, for case-based planning, some of the criteria
might be reliability of the resulting plan, execution time for that
plan, the time required to generate the solution, or even, if a
creative solution is desired, the novelty of the result. The desire
for similarity criteria to more strongly reflect intended use is
reflected in approaches which replace traditional similarity judgments
with judgments based instead on adaptability
[Börner1994,Leake1992a,Leake1995b]. For those approaches,
similarity is aimed at facilitating solution generation.
Like case adaptation, evaluation of the
goodness of retrieved cases may be problematic for CBR systems,
because evaluating candidate solutions may require considerable domain
knowledge and reasoning effort. Although schemes have been developed
to do rapid coarse-grained evaluation of some types of cases (e.g.,
Leake, 1992b), providing the right evaluation
knowledge is difficult. An alternative approach is to base evaluation
on the cases in the case library itself. Once a case is adapted to
produce a new solution, similar cases can be retrieved and used as a
dynamic benchmark for judging the quality of the adaptation: If
similar solutions were unsuccessful, the cases provide a warning (Mark
et al., Chapter 14).
Early CBR systems simply stored each case they
generated. New work examines the effects of design decisions about
the maximum size of case library (Santamaría & Ram,
Chapter 12), as well as how to decide
which cases must be stored in order to provide sufficient coverage
(e.g., Smyth & Keane, 1995). Some
systems also reason about which cases to try to acquire
Questions often arise about how case-based reasoning relates to areas
such as memory-based reasoning, analogical reasoning, and other
learning methods. This section highlights some relevant relationships
and differences.
Memory-based reasoning (MBR) is often considered a subtype of CBR; MBR
solves problems by retrieving stored precedents as a starting point
for new problem-solving (e.g., Stanfill & Waltz, 1986; Waltz, 1989).
However, its primary focus is on
the retrieval process, and in particular on the use of parallel
retrieval schemes to enable retrieval without conventional index
selection. Parallel models can lead to very fast retrieval, but also
raise new questions to address about the criteria for knowledge access
(Kolodner, Chapter 16).
Case-based reasoning can be viewed as fundamentally analogical:
CBR solves new problems and interprets new situations
by applying analogous prior episodes. As Burstein
(burstein89) points out, cognitive models of analogy and CBR
examine the same cognitive process; there is no clear line
between research ``on analogy'' and ``on CBR.'' Nevertheless,
research on analogy was originally more concerned with abstract
knowledge and structural similarity, while research on CBR is more
concerned with forming correspondences between specific episodes
based on pragmatic considerations about the usefulness of the result.
In addition, there have traditionally been differences in the scope of
the process
studied. Research on analogy has focused primarily on analogical mapping;
CBR in addition studies related processes that occur both before and after
mapping. For example, how to retrieve a source
case is a fundamental part of CBR, while models of analogy may
assume that source concepts are provided as input
(e.g., Mitchell, 1993).
Also, after a mapping between old and new situations suggests an
analogous solution, CBR adapts that solution to fit the new situation,
and stores it for future use.
If ``analogy'' is taken to refer only to
analogical mapping, a possible description of the
relationship between analogy and CBR is:
Case-based reasoning = retrieval + analogy + adaptation + learning
However, two caveats are necessary. First, some research on analogy
takes a more extensive view, focusing not only on mapping but also
seriously addressing related issues such as
retrieval (e.g., Gentner & Forbus, 1991).
Second, despite the breakdown of steps in this description of CBR, the steps
of the CBR process are not independent. Considering them
together provides an advantage over studying them individually,
because their relationships can be exploited to
facilitate and constrain processing in each one. For example, Leake
(leake95-esra) discusses how analogical mapping for
explanations is
facilitated by linking retrieval and mapping criteria,
and Section 5.4 discusses
the value of integrating other parts of the CBR process with case
Given that storage and retrieval are central aspects of CBR, a natural
question is the relationship between CBR systems and databases or
information retrieval systems (IR). Although an obvious difference is
that full CBR systems adapt the cases they retrieve, the question is
more subtle for case-based ``retrieve-and-propose'' systems or
case-based educational systems that present cases but do not perform
The retrieval process in CBR differs from that of information retrieval
systems and standard databases by being more active.
Database systems and IR systems leave the problem of how
to formulate the right query largely to the user.
In CBR systems, the system itself is often designed to
start from an input description using
features that are quite different from those included in the
cases in memory, and to determine
appropriate retrieval cues (e.g., Burke and Kass,
Chapter 5; Rissland et al., Chapter 6;
Wills & Kolodner, Chapter 4). The input
description may also be incomplete
[Cunningham, Bonzano, &
the system to determine what it needs to find out. Thus
a crucial difference between IR and CBR is the importance of situation
assessment and problem description processes in CBR.
Database systems are designed to do exact matching between queries and
stored information, while the goal of CBR is to retrieve a ``most
similar'' case or set of most similar cases. The most similar cases
may include conflicts with some of the attributes that were specified
in the retrieval query. In CBR, whether a particular case should be
retrieved depends not only on the case itself, but whether there are
better competitors.
Despite these differences, databases can provide useful foundations
for CBR memories and CBR can have useful synergies with information
retrieval (e.g., Anick & Simoudis, 1993).
For example, Kitano and Shimazu
(Chapter 13) advocate the use of relational
database management systems, combined with supplementary mechanisms to
allow flexible query specification and partial matching during
retrieval, to manage the case libraries for large-scale corporate CBR
Likewise, techniques from CBR can be used to facilitate information
retrieval, and the information available in information retrieval
systems can be used to augment traditional case libraries. For
example, Rissland and Daniels (rissland-daniels95) describe a
retrieval approach in which CBR methods are used to retrieve a set of
relevant cases from a richly-represented CBR case base, and the
retrieved cases are in turn used as ``seed'' documents for the
relevance feedback mechanism of a full-text information retrieval
system. The IR system then retrieves additional cases from a large IR
corpus of shallowly represented cases. The aim is twofold: to enable
access to many more cases than normally available to CBR systems, and
to improve recall and precision of retrieval from the IR corpus
compared to standard IR techniques.
The learning done by CBR systems has interesting relationships with
both inductive and explanation-based generalization methods.
When case-based classification systems save exemplars of a concept,
their learning can be viewed as a form of inductive concept learning.
However, unlike traditional symbolic and neural network approaches to
inductive learning, which define concepts by generalizations and
discard the exemplars on which the generalizations are based, CBR
systems define concepts entirely by the specific cases saved.
Retaining specific cases has important advantages. First, it makes
decisions more explainable, by enabling a system to point to concrete
cases supporting its decisions. Second, it makes the decisions more
verifiable, because the user (whether a human or another system) can
examine the cases directly to assess their applicability. Third, it
is useful for resolving conflicts. For example, if the two most
similar previous cases provide contradictory advice, it may be useful
to know that they are contradictory and to explicitly compare and
contrast them, balancing them against each other in light of the
current situation, in order to decide which to follow. In systems
that combine conflicting advice to offer only a single answer (e.g.,
neural networks), the conflict is hidden.
Another benefit of case learning in CBR is that it is
incremental. No matter how few cases are contained in the case
library, performance on those cases will be correct; as soon as a case
has been stored by a CBR system, that case is available for use. As
mentioned previously, this is an important advantage for applications,
because it enables prototype CBR systems to function with a small set
of ``seed cases'' and to add coverage by storing new cases
incrementally if they prove to be needed (e.g., Mark et al.,
Chapter 14).
The CBR approach also contrasts with knowledge-poor inductive learning
methods because it emphasizes the semantics of a domain, through
similarity and retrieval criteria and case adaptation knowledge.
Instance-based learning (IBL), also called case-based learning, is an
inductive learning method closely related to CBR.
Rather than forming generalizations, IBL algorithms
[Aha, Kibler, &
Albert1991] store
previously-categorized episodes and use them to classify new inputs by
assigning the same classification that was assigned to the most
similar previous case (or cases). IBL systems forgo complex
indexing, use feature-value representations, and do not address case
adaptation, but they nevertheless appear very promising for certain
applications (see Riesbeck, Chapter 17). They have also
attracted attention as a form of CBR that is amenable to
formal analysis (e.g., Jantke, 1992).
Explanation-based generalization (EBG) uses
rules about a domain to explain why a training example has particular
properties, and uses the explanation to guide generalization. The
generalization is then stored for future use
[DeJong & Mooney1986,Mitchell, Keller, &
Chunking [Laird, Rosenbloom, & Newell1990], which collects traces of problem-solving
steps and packages them for reuse, is a similar approach.
Unlike inductive generalization, explanation-based
generalization can do reliable learning from single examples.
CBR is similar to EBG in allowing single-example learning. However,
CBR does not generalize cases at storage time. Instead, CBR adapts
cases when adaptation is needed to solve a new problem. Thus CBR can
be viewed as a form of lazy learning (e.g., Aha,
1996). (Because CBR does generalize indices [Hammond1989a], ungeneralized cases can still be retrieved
to deal with novel problems.)
Waiting to adapt cases avoids expending effort unless it is certain
that the effort will help solve an actual problem. For example, the
SWALE system, which uses a case-based method to build explanations for
story understanding, stores its explanations without generalization,
and generalizes them only if generalization is needed to subsume
future situations. Even then, generalization is only done to the
extent needed to subsume them (e.g., Kass, Leake, & Owens,
Another important difference between CBR and EBG is that adaptation is
often much more flexible than explanation-based generalization.
Adaptation can include operations other than generalization, such as
specialization and substitution, and may involve modifications that
are not guaranteed to be correct. For example, SWALE's adaptation
process may use heuristics that include hypothesizing new causal
rules. The flexibility of case adaptation precludes applying the
``eager'' approach of EBG generalization to case adaptation: it would
be possible to generate an overwhelming number of variants for any
candidate solution, many of them unreliable and most of them unlikely
to be reused. However, because case adaptation in CBR is only done in
response to the need to solve a specific new problem, and because
adaptations are only done to the extent required by the new situation,
the process is constrained, and the reasonableness of results can be
verified in context [Leake1995a].
To take stock of the state of CBR, this section looks at progress on
general CBR issues, at some particularly noteworthy current task
areas, and at work on the area of CBR that is least understood, and
consequently the greatest research challenge: case adaptation.
Kolodner's (kolodner93) CBR textbook concludes with a list of
general challenges and opportunities for CBR, including knowledge
engineering issues such as scaleup, evaluation, and developing CBR
tools. Since that time, important progress has been made in each of
those areas.
A vital question for applying ideas
developed in testbed systems is whether they will ``scale up'' to
large problems. The scale-up of CBR algorithms is now being tested in
both CBR research and applications. For example, Veloso
(Chapter 8) describes tests confirming successful scaleup
of Prodigy/Analogy with a library of 1000 cases; Kitano and Shimazu
(Chapter 13) describe the development and
deployment of SQUAD, a software quality control advisory system with a
case library of over 25,000 cases; Cassiopée, a case-based
diagnostic aid for jet engines, uses 16,000 cases for its diagnosis
process [Goodall1995]; and ALFA, a case-based system for power
plant load forecasting, is in operation with a case library of 87,000
cases [Jabbour et al.1988]. These and other examples support that current
technology is sufficient for CBR to be viable with large case bases.
However, as Kolodner points out in Chapter 16, it
is important to note that large case bases are not necessarily
required by CBR. The size of the required case base depends strongly
on the task being addressed. For some tasks, suitable performance may
require only a few cases; for others, many thousands may be required.
Initial CBR research focused primarily on identifying key issues
and methods for attacking them; progress was measured by qualitative
advances in the types of problems that could be solved and by the
insights they provided about human reasoning and reminding. As the field
has matured, increased attention has been given to more quantitative
evaluations of CBR systems and methods. Many case studies of
evaluation of CBR systems and discussions of how to perform that
evaluation are available in the proceedings of the 1994 AAAI Workshop
on Case-Based Reasoning [Aha1994].
The chapters in this volume substantiate approaches with a mixture of
qualitative and quantitative evaluations.
One difficulty in using quantitative evaluation to guide system
construction is that CBR systems are complicated artifacts whose
performance depends on many subtle interactions between components, as
well as on the characteristics of the domain.
Santamariá and Ram (Chapter 12) describe a
methodology that addresses this problem by developing models of system
performance, doing experimentation to validate those models, and using
the models to guide design decisions.
From the perspective of applied CBR in a production setting, all
evaluation criteria are subsumed in a single criterion: the effect on
the bottom line. In order to be useful, CBR systems must be
cost-effective. Many fielded applications attest to the
cost-effectiveness of CBR applications and also on when and how CBR
should be applied (e.g., Kitano and Shimazu,
Chapter 13, and Mark et al.,
Chapter 14).
Because one of the motivations for CBR is to decrease the burden of
developing intelligent systems, the ease of developing CBR systems is
a crucial concern. The need for tools to enable an expert to
participate directly in the case acquisition and case engineering
process has been recognized from the early days of CBR (e.g.,
Riesbeck, 1988). An important part of current work
on large-scale CBR projects is developing tools that manage basic
parts of the CBR process (e.g., Kitano & Shimazu,
Chapter 13, and Mark et
al., Chapter 14). The FABEL project, for example, has
developed a suite of both general and domain-specific tools to
support case management, retrieval, assessment and adaptation of
architectural designs (e.g., FABEL Consortium,
1993; Voss, 1994).
Some projects have also developed tools to ease the construction of
particular classes of case-based systems. Examples include
Design-MUSE [Domeshek et al.1994], which eases construction of
case-based design aids, REPRO (Mark et al.,
Chapter 14), which is a tool kit to help in the development
of case-based advisory systems, and the ASK tool, for building
browsable corporate memories [Ferguson et al.1991]. Tools have also
been developed to help to build case-based teaching systems to
facilitate students' case acquisition in new domains. For example, the
GuSS tool facilitates building learning-by-doing systems that allow a
student to do active learning in a low-risk, simulated social
environment (Burke and Kass, Chapter 5).
Commercial CBR shells are available as well. CBR shells provide
mechanisms to support case retrieval, such as nearest-neighbor
retrieval or automatically generated decision trees, and may allow
users to interactively provide additional information as needed during
retrieval. They may also provide sophisticated interfaces to
facilitate creating and editing the case base, as well as facilities
for importing information in existing databases. Watson
(watson95) provides a comparative sketch of a number of
tools including ART*Enterprise, Case-1, Casepower, the Inference CBR2
family, Eclipse, ESTEEM, KATE, ReCall, ReMind, and CBR Works.
Althoff et al. (cbr-tools95) provide a detailed comparative
evaluation of five CBR shells: CBR Express, ESTEEM, KATE, ReMind, and
CBR Works.2
In this
volume, Mark et al. (Chapter 14) discuss some experiences
with commercial shells and the strategy of building components that
add needed functionality ``on top of'' the functionality provided by a
commercial CBR shell.
As Riesbeck (Chapter 17) points out, additional
tools are needed to aid human indexing (see Goldstein, Kedar, &
Bareiss, 1993, and Osgood & Bareiss, 1993, for examples of this type
of tool),
and another need is
``catalogs'' of the types of
indices appropriate for particular tasks and domains (e.g., Domeshek,
1992; Leake, 1992b; Schank and Osgood, 1990).
Likewise, tools are needed to facilitate acquisition of adaptation
knowledge (one method under development is sketched in Leake, Kinley,
& Wilson, Chapter 11).
Full acceptance of CBR by industry depends on establishing software
development methodologies for CBR, to define how to organize and
develop CBR projects. Lessons from CBR applications form a foundation
for defining such methodologies. As Kitano and Shimazu describe, those
lessons have already been used to define a methodology for building
and maintaining large scale experience-sharing CBR systems at NEC.
One fundamental principle revealed by many experiences is the
value of an iterative development process. Because CBR systems can
provide useful results even with a partial case library, systems can
be fielded with a set of seed cases that is augmented as gaps are
revealed during use. Additional study is needed on issues in initial
case engineering and case-base maintenance throughout the life-cycle
of CBR applications.
CBR has been applied to a full spectrum of AI tasks, such as
classification, interpretation, scheduling, planning, design,
diagnosis, explanation, parsing, dispute mediation, argumentation,
projection of effects, and execution monitoring. Many of these
areas will be discussed in the following chapter. This section will
discuss a few others that reveal noteworthy aspects of
the CBR process and its relevance to important areas.
A common misconception about
case-based reasoning is that it only applies if new problems are very
similar to those solved in the past. Although CBR is a simple and
effective method for that type of reuse, it is also
an interesting
framework for creative reasoning. Creativity can enter into the
CBR process in
flexible retrieval processes that
result in novel starting points for solving new problems, in
mapping processes that form novel correspondences, and in
flexible case adaptation to generate novel solutions.
These processes have been used
as a basis for case-based models of creative explanation (e.g.,
Kass, 1990; Kass, 1992; Schank, 1986;
Schank & Leake, 1986; Schank & Leake, 1989),
design and problem-solving (e.g., Bhatta, Goel, & Prabhakar, 1994;
Kolodner & Penberthy, 1990; Kolodner,
1994, Wills and Kolodner, Chapter 4),
story generation [Turner1994], and understanding
[Moorman & Ram1994].
Case-based aiding systems
use automated case memories to support human reasoners.
The case memories
provide the experiences that human reasoners may lack, suggesting
successful prior solutions and warning of prior failures.
The human reasoners maintain final control, performing adaptation and
evaluation of solutions.
Not only does this interaction provide
practical advantages, by avoiding the need for automatic case
adaptation and evaluation, but humans readily
accept and appreciate the availability of advice.
A classic example is Lockheed's Clavier (Mark et al.,
Chapter 14), an aiding system which uses its case library
both to suggest autoclave layouts and to provide feedback on
user solutions. Another is the SQUAD system at NEC
(Kitano and Shimazu, Chapter 13).
A task area with particularly active research is interactive
decision-aiding for design (e.g., FABEL consortium, 1993;
Griffith & Domeshek,
Chapter 3;
Gómez de Silva Garza & M. Maher, 1996;
Hua & Faltings, 1993;
Smith, Lottaz, & Faltings, 1995; Sinha, 1994; Sycara et al., 1991).
Case-based design-aiding systems often support the design process not
only with suggestions, but through
mechanisms to facilitate case combination and adaptation by the user.
There is also considerable interest in case-based decision-aiding
for medical applications such as design of radiation treatments (e.g.,
Berger, 1995a; Kahn & Anderson,
1994, Macura & Macura,
A particularly active area in fielded applications is case-based help desk
systems. Such systems provide a resource for
human help desk employees, who can call upon an automated case library
to present similar prior questions and answers.
Case-based help desk systems can provide significant
performance improvements with rapid development time.
Compaq's SMART system [Acorn & Walden1992], a case-based call
tracking and problem resolution system that aids customer service
representatives at a central help line, was built in six months and
improved productivity sufficiently to pay for itself within a year.
CBR aiding systems are also being used to provide
direct support, bypassing the need for customer service representatives.
Compaq's QuickSource, a CBR application for printer diagnosis
[Nguyen, Czerwinski, &
Lee1993], was not only used as part of SMART
but also shipped directly to customers
with printers to allow them to perform their own diagnosis.
Some issues in developing
case-based help desks are discussed by
Kriegsman & Barletta (1993) and
Mark et al. (Chapter 14).
Case bases are an appealing way
to capture and share experiences of multiple agents. The case
libraries accumulated by case-based help desk systems are
one example of corporate memories, and are an interesting example of
the use of cases for knowledge sharing. Case bases for
particular help desk domains are now available as commercial products
(Inference Corporation, 1995), providing a form of ``instant experience''
can be augmented by adding cases if novel problems arise.
In this volume, Kitano and Shimazu
Chapter 13 describe the use of CBR as the basis of
a large-scale corporate experience sharing architecture.
Large-scale efforts are also under way to apply lessons from the
cognitive model of case-based reasoning to training and teaching.
Although case studies already play a useful role in legal and
medical education, students using them generally do not confront the
complexity of real episodes and do not have the opportunity to act
to execute, evaluate, and revise their solutions [Williams1992].
In Chapter 15, Schank examines the ramifications of CBR
for education and argues for a new educational curriculum designed
to support case acquisition through learning by doing. He proposes
that learning be done in goal-based scenarios (Schank et al.
1993/1994), rich learning
environments in which students learn skills and conceptual knowledge
through activities in pursuit of compelling goals. Such learning
environments can use CBR methods to facilitate students' own case
acquisition, by presenting students with information about others'
experiences, in the form of relevant cases, when they are likely to
be useful. Burke and Kass (Chapter 5) describe a
case-based teaching system reflecting this philosophy. More
generally, the computational models developed by CBR can contribute
to education by providing concrete suggestions about what makes a
good problem, the range of problems that students should solve, and
the kinds of resources that should be made available to student
learners [Kolodner, Hmelo, &
The knowledge access issues that
are crucial to CBR will also play a central role in
developing ``digital libraries'' of on-line information.
Consequently, a promising new area for applying the results of CBR is
``knowledge navigation'' to search and browse on-line repositories of
information. For example, lessons learned about indexing and
retrieval in CBR can be used to help in characterizing information
and guiding information search.
The capability of CBR systems to describe and refine information
needs by examples also promises to play an important role in making
digital libraries easier to access. As Hammond
(Chapter 7) points out, it is often natural to request
information by reference to specific examples (e.g., when being shown
a car by a car salesman, to ask for ``something like that, but
a little sportier''). CBR methods to support that type of query
have the potential to significantly facilitate interaction with
on-line repositories of information.
In many different task areas, attention is also being devoted to the
combination of CBR with other methods. That combination can involve
CBR systems using other methods for support, CBR systems integrated
with other methods, or CBR systems in a purely support role.
The strong CBR stand towards cognitive modeling is that CBR is the
central human reasoning process. Although other sources of knowledge
and other reasoning processes may be used, their role is to support
the CBR process (Kolodner, Chapter 16). An example
of a combined system that uses other methods to support CBR is the
case-based design system JULIA [Hinrichs1992], which uses
supporting systems such as a
constraint poster [Stefik1981] and a reason maintenance system
[Doyle1979] to support a fundamentally case-based design process.
Other CBR systems fall back on rule-based
reasoning as a backup to CBR, using rules when no relevant cases are
available (e.g., Goel, et al., 1994; Koton, 1988).
More balanced combinations of CBR with other reasoning methods are
also being investigated. For example, the INRECA project focuses
on combining CBR and inductive learning techniques to perform diagnosis
[Auriol et al.1995].
Likewise, case-based and rule-based reasoning may be combined in many
ways. Cases may guide interpretation of rules; cases may be used to
focus rule-based reasoning; or the CBR system may be one component
among equals in a multistrategy reasoning system
(Althoff & Wess, 1991; Auriol,
1995; Bartsch-Spörl, 1995; Branting & Porter, 1991; Koton, 1988;
Goel, 1989; Golding & Rosenbloom, 1991; Portinale & Torasso, 1995;
& Rissland,
Metareasoning about system performance, based on a self-model, can
be used to guide learning to
refine the CBR process itself (e.g., Arcos & Plaza, 1994; Birnbaum et
al., 1991; Fox, 1995; Fox & Leake, 1995a, 1995b, 1995c;
Leake, Kinley, and Wilson,
Chapter 11; Ram & Cox, 1994).
CBR may be also be applied in a fully integrated framework that
performs strategic reasoning about each processing step (e.g., Aamodt,
1994; Armengol & Plaza, 1994). In
this volume, Veloso (Chapter 8) describes the use of CBR
within an integrated architecture.
Hybrid approaches have proven useful for applications as well.
Mark et al. (Chapter 14) argue that CBR
should be viewed as part of a technology mix, and Hammond
(hammond93) has described the usefulness of a class of CBR
systems--that he calls ``CBR-litetm'' systems--which exploit the
most applicable parts of a number of technologies, including CBR, to
maximize performance.
Riesbeck (Chapter 17) proposes that a key future role of
CBR will be for building ``intelligent components'' to improve the
performance of a surrounding system with minimal development cost.
Because CBR systems retrieve complete solutions, they offer an
``anytime'' ability to produce a first-pass solution rapidly, and then
to refine it if the time constraints of the surrounding system allow
additional processing to be done [Dean & Boddy1988]. Learning from
actual processing episodes also automatically tailors the output of
the intelligent component towards precisely what the surrounding
system needs.
A final research challenge and opportunity centers on one of the basic
steps of CBR: case adaptation. Adaptation plays a fundamental role in
the flexibility of problem-solving CBR systems; their ability to solve
novel problems depends on their ability to adapt retrieved cases to
fit new circumstances and on their ability to repair solutions that
The difficulty arises in how to perform the adaptation. There are
many ways to adapt a case; effective adaptation depends on having both
knowledge of possible adaptations and ways to select those that
will be appropriate and effective in a particular situation. The
problem is illustrated by a joke concerning Michael Jordan, a
basketball superstar. In 1993 he shocked his fans by announcing that
he had decided to leave basketball for baseball. In 1995, he was frustrated
by a baseball strike that resulted in the baseball team owners locking
out their teams and hiring
replacement players, and rumors suggested that he would soon return
to basketball. A joke framed the decision as Jordan selecting an
adaptation to repair the situation:
Recent speculation is that Michael Jordan is switching back to
basketball. We think there is a simpler explanation:
He's trying to settle the baseball strike by using replacement
Central questions for adaptation are which aspects of a situation to adapt,
which changes are reasonable for adapting them, and how to control the
adaptation process. Answering those questions
may require considerable domain
knowledge, which in turn raises the question of how to acquire that
knowledge. Many CBR systems depend on that knowledge being encoded a
priori into
rule-based production systems. Unfortunately, this approach
raises the same types of knowledge acquisition issues
that CBR was aimed at avoiding. It has proven a serious impediment to
automatic adaptation.
Recognizing that practical retrieval technologies are
available, but that the general adaptation problem remains extremely
difficult for CBR systems,
experts in both CBR research (e.g., Kolodner,
1991) and
applications (e.g., Barletta; 1994; Mark et al.,
Chapter 14)
agree that the best use of CBR for today's
applied systems is as advisory systems that rely on the user to
perform evaluation and adaptation.
However, understanding case adaptation remains important both from a
cognitive modeling perspective--for understanding human case-based
reasoning--and from a practical one--for developing fully autonomous
CBR systems. Recent calls have been made for renewed attention to
case adaptation [Leake1994b,Aha & Ram1995], and some promising
approaches are emerging. These new approaches fall into two
categories. The first category focuses on the knowledge and methods
used during the adaptation process itself. The second addresses the
problem indirectly, by trying to decrease the need for adaptation.
For example, the adaptation problem can be alleviated by retrieving
cases that require less adaptation to fit the current task, or by
revising the task to decrease the need for adaptation.
Most research on case adaptation has assumed that adaptation must be done
in a completely autonomous way by rule-based systems. This results in
a knowledge acquisition problem for adaptation rules. Two
alternatives are to decrease the need for domain-specific adaptation
rules, by making adaptation rules more flexible,
or to avoid the need for adaptation rules by applying a case-based
approach to the adaptation process itself:
- Using flexible adaptation rules:
One of the
problems in developing adaptation rules is how to balance
the operationality and generality of adaptation
rules. Abstract case adaptation rules have good generality,
with a small set characterizing a wide range of possible adaptations
(e.g., Carbonell, 1983; Koton, 1988; Hammond, 1989a; Hinrichs, 1991),
they may be hard to apply without additional specific domain
knowledge. Specific rules, on the other hand, may be more
operational, but cannot easily be applied to new tasks, forcing new
rules to be coded for each new task and domain.
For example, the
adaptation rule add a step to remove harmful side-effect has
been proposed to repair plans with bad side-effects in
case-based planning
[Hammond1989a]. This rule is widely
applicable--it applies to any plan--but it gives no guidance about
how to find the right step to add in order to mitigate a given
side-effect. For example, if the case-based planning system is
attempting to build a plan for X-ray treatment, and the X-ray dose
needed to destroy a tumor will result in an excessive radiation dose
to healthy tissue, finding the right step to add to mitigate the bad
effect may require
considerable domain knowledge. An alternative is a very specific
version of the rule, such as
add the step ``rotate
radiation sources'' to remove harmful side-effect ``excess
[Berger & Hammond1991]. Such rules can be applied effectively, but
hand building such rules in advance requires intimate knowledge of a
domain. In addition, an enormous number of rules may be needed,
especially in systems that reason about multiple tasks and domains.
One approach to the operationality/generality tradeoff is to
replace traditional adaptation rules with adaptation
strategies that operationalize
abstract rules by packaging them with memory search information
[Kass1990,Kass1994]. They strike a balance between
domain-independent and domain-specific rules by providing
domain-independent information about how to
find the domain-specific information needed to solve a particular
adaptation problem.
- Derivational analogy:
Another alternative is to change the nature of the case that is
stored. Rather than storing and directly reusing a solution itself,
the CBR system can store a trace of how that solution was generated
and replay it in the new situation. When the solution is replayed to
solve future problems, the replay process can directly take into
account differences between the old and new situations
(e.g., Carbonell, 1986; Veloso,
Chapter 8).
- Using adaptation cases:
Because CBR has been shown to decrease the knowledge acquisition
burden for domain knowledge in general, another appealing direction is
case-based adaptation (e.g., Berger, 1995b; Leake, 1994a; Sycara, 1988).
Problems remain, however, in how to acquire these adaptation cases,
and how to apply adaptation cases to novel situations. Normally the
reuse of adaptation knowledge is restricted to situations in which
prior adaptations apply very directly.
- Supporting adaptation with introspective reasoning:
Introspective reasoning about the adaptation process can be used to
guide adaptation decisions and carry out adaptations and the search
for needed information in a more flexible way (Leake, 1993a; Leake,
1995c; Leake, Kinley & Wilson, Chapter 11;
Oehlmann, 1993; Oehlmann, 1995).
- Combining rules and cases for adaptation learning:
Another new direction based on introspective reasoning is to combine
rule-based and case-based adaptation, using reasoning from general
heuristics when necessary, but whenever possible reusing more specific
information from stored introspective reasoning traces for prior
adaptations. This method allows flexible solution of new problems
while relying on specific experiences when possible (Leake, Kinley,
and Wilson, Chapter 11).
- Hierarchical approaches and reuse of subcases:
Another way to facilitate adaptation is by representing cases
hierarchically (e.g., Aha
& Branting, 1995; Goel et al., 1994; Marir, 1995;
Redmond, 1992; Smyth
& Keane,
Chapter 9).
Hierarchical representations allow cases to be reused at the most
specific level of abstraction that can be easily applied to the new
situation. In addition, when individual subparts of a retrieved solution must be
adapted, they can be adapted in context of the abstract outline of the
entire solution. Francis & Ram
(Chapter 10) describe a model of reuse of subcases in which an
asynchronous memory mechanism retrieves relevant
pieces of multiple prior cases to be spliced in as adaptation
Case adaptation takes place within a larger context, including both
the interaction with other components of the CBR system and with the
user of the entire system. This context provides a range of
possibilities for decreasing the need for adaptation.
One way to alleviate the problem is to
tie other components of the CBR system more closely into
the adaptation process. These methods aim at
more perspicacious case retrieval and
similarity assessment, as well as at stored cases that are easier to adapt:
- Refining indices to favor more adaptable cases
Because the difficulty of case adaptation depends crucially on
the cases that are retrieved, improvements in retrieval can
significantly ameliorate the adaptation task. Fox and Leake
apply introspective reasoning
after problem-solving to evaluate whether the best case was
retrieved, and, if not, to adjust retrieval criteria to focus
future retrievals on more adaptable cases.
- Basing retrieval directly on adaptability
Given that indexing and similarity criteria are simply proxies
for adaptability, another promising direction is to integrate
retrieval and similarity judgments with adaptation.
Adaptation-guided retrieval, described by Smyth and Keane in
Chapter 9, retrieves directly on the basis
of evidence of likely adaptability.
- Basing similarity judgments on adaptability
Many CBR systems use a two-step retrieval process, first
retrieving a set of promising candidate cases, and then doing a
finer-grained evaluation of the similarity of the retrieved
cases and the new situation. Because the goal of their
similarity judgment is to determine which cases can be applied
to the new situations, it can be beneficial to integrate the
similarity decision with the adaptation process, to favor cases
not by the match between their features but instead by whether
their features can be adapted to match
- Preparing for adaptation at storage time
CBR practitioners have long recognized the need for case
representations to provide the information needed to facilitate
future adaptation (e.g., Kass & Leake, 1988).
This basic tenet for designing representations can be taken further,
however, to guide pre-processing of specific cases at storage time
in order to facilitate future adaptation. For example,
(redmond-thesis) snippets facilitate reuse by making
subparts of an episode individually accessible;
and Alterman (garland-alterman95) propose that before
plans are stored, they should be summarized and refined to
remove superfluous information and inefficient steps, and then
segmented into units expected to be useful.
- Learning from user adaptation: When the user manually
adapts a case in an interactive CBR system, a trace of the user's
adaptation process can be recorded for
future use. That trace can then be replayed
when needed for similar adaptation problems (Leake, Kinley, & Wilson,
Chapter 11). This approach to
adaptation learning can be viewed as a form of derivational analogy
for reuse of case adaptations.
Applied CBR systems often
forgo adaptation entirely. They function solely as memories,
retrieving cases and presenting them to the user, who adapts them on
his or her own. However, some recent projects have begun to take a
middle approach.
The idea is for the CBR system to support and facilitate
user adaptation while still leaving the process primarily under user
control. For example, the user may make high-level adaptation
decisions, with the system using model-based information to
suggest possible adaptation points and inform the user of relevant
constraints or track important interactions (e.g.,
Bell, Kedar, & Bareiss, 1994; Smith, Lottaz, & Faltings, 1995;
Sinha, 1994).
After a
case has been adapted to provide a new solution, the CBR system can
also help evaluation of the result by presenting the user with similar
prior solutions and their outcomes (Mark et al.,
Chapter 14).
The goal of a CBR system
is to generate a useful solution. Normally, this is accomplished by
adapting a prior solution to apply to a new problem. An alternative
method is to adapt the problem situation itself, so that the retrieved
case can apply to the new problem without adaptation. For example,
in CBR systems that retrieve and display video clips for educational
purposes, no adaptation of the video clips is possible. However, for
the purposes of such systems it is equally effective to adapt the
context, by explaining why the retrieved video clip is relevant.
``Bridging'' generates a description of why a case is relevant,
showing how the case applies. Burke and Kass
(Chapter 5) describe a system which presents students
with video clips and explanations of their significance. The
``bridge'' provided by that explanation makes the retrieved case
This book presents a selection of recent progress, issues, and
directions for the future of case-based reasoning. It includes
chapters addressing fundamental issues and approaches in
indexing and retrieval, situation assessment and similarity
assessment, and in case adaptation. Those
chapters provide a ``case-based'' view of key problems and solutions
in context of the tasks for which they were developed. It then
presents lessons learned about how to design CBR systems and how
to apply them to real-world problems. It closes with perspectives on
the state of the field and the most important directions for future
The case studies presented involve a broad sampling of tasks, such as design
(Chapters 3, 4,
and 9), education (Chapters 5
and 15), legal reasoning (Chapter 6),
planning (Chapters 10, 11,
decision support (Chapters 3,
13 and
14), problem-solving (Chapters 4,
8 and 14), and knowledge navigation
(Chapter 7). In addition, they experimentally examine
one of the fundamental
tenets of CBR, that storing experiences improves performance
(Chapters 8 and 12).
The chapters also address other issues that, while not restricted to
CBR per se, have been vigorously attacked by the CBR community. These
include creative problem-solving (Chapter 4),
strategic memory search (Chapters 6 and
11), and opportunistic retrieval (Chapters
5, and 10).
The discussion of research issues and results is complemented with
experiences and lessons from building CBR applications for tasks such
as experience sharing (Chapter 13), autoclave
loading, diagnosis, help desk support (Chapter 14),
and education (Chapters 5
and 17). These identify crucial issues and approaches
for developing and deploying applied systems.
This book closes with perspectives on the state of case-based reasoning
and its future impact. In Chapter 14, Mark et al. discuss
insights about applying CBR, based on their experiences with a number
of CBR applications. In Chapter 15, Schank examines the
role of case acquisition in human learning and argues that
case-based reasoning has profound implications for
transforming education. In Chapter 16, Kolodner
first identifies and dispels misconceptions that distort perceptions of
CBR and then underlines key problems to attack in order to
advance the field. In Chapter 17, Riesbeck
presents a vision for the future of AI, the role CBR will play in that
future, and the resulting challenges for the next generation of
case-based reasoning systems. This volume provides a vision of the
present, and a challenge for the future, of case-based reasoning
research and applications.
This chapter has placed case-based reasoning in context, delineated
some of its tenets, and pointed to new directions to be addressed by
the case studies in the remainder of the book. The heart of CBR is
the importance of experiences and lessons--of remembering and reusing
specific experiences and the lessons that they provide. This volume
applies that principle of CBR to examining CBR itself, by presenting
experiences and lessons in using CBR.
Experiences with the current generation of CBR systems suggest central
challenges for future research, such as the case adaptation problem;
they also show how to apply CBR technology. Finally, they show where
CBR may have the most impact. The following chapters present
individual perspectives that illuminate important experiences,
lessons, and future directions for advancing case-based reasoning.
The initial idea for this book came out of The AAAI-93 Workshop for
Case-Based Reasoning [Leake1993b], sponsored by the American
Association for Artificial Intelligence. I would like to thank all
the chapter authors for their contributions, and also to thank Ray
Bareiss, Robin Burke, Eric Domeshek, Anthony Francis, Janet Kolodner,
Ashwin Ram, Chris Riesbeck, Raja Sooriamurthi, and David Wilson, for
their generous assistance as the book was being prepared.
I am grateful to Ken Ford, Editor in Chief of the AAAI Press, for his
enthusiastic support for this volume and his instrumental role in its
coming into being, and to Mike Hamilton of AAAI Press, who helpfully
guided arrangements and the production process. The author's work is
supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant
No. IRI-9409348.
The tutorial in chapter 2 of
this volume presents a more thorough discussion of key CBR principles and
issues and how to develop CBR systems. Kolodner's
(kolodner93) textbook Case-Based Reasoning
presents an extensive examination of CBR issues and survey
of American CBR research. Riesbeck and Schank's
Inside Case-Based Reasoning, and Schank, Riesbeck, and Kass's
(icbe) Inside Case-Based Explanation, present
distillations of a number
of influential dissertations on case-based reasoning research, in
addition to ``micro'' versions of CBR programs developed to facilitate
experimentation. Aamodt and Plaza's (aamodt-plaza94)
overview article includes an introduction to the field with highlights
of American and international CBR research.
The most complete picture of the field is
provided by the proceedings of the many case-based reasoning workshops.
Proceedings are available for the larger workshops in the United States
and in Europe [Wess, Althoff, &
Richter1994,Haton, Keane, & Manago1995,Watson1995], as well as for
the First International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning
[Veloso & Aamodt1995].
There are also numerous electronic CBR resources, including discussion
lists and archives of many CBR sources. The following list is a
sampling of those available as of January 1, 1996.
- AI-CBR: A mailing list including
announcements, questions, and discussion about CBR, managed
by Ian Watson and Farhi Marir at Salford University. To join,
send an electronic mail message to mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk with ``join ai-cbr your name''
as the body of the message.
- CBR-MED: A mailing list for those interested
in CBR for medical domains, including
members of the CBR and medical communities.
It is managed by Kurt Fenstermacher of the University of Chicago
and Charles Kahn of Medical College of Wisconsin. To join,
send a message to listproc@cs.uchicago.edu with ``subscribe CBR-MED your name''
as the body of the message.
- CBR newsletter: A quarterly electronic newsletter
which originated as a publication of the Special Interest Group
on Case-Based
Reasoning (AK-CBR) in the German Society for Computer Science.
It is managed by Dietmar Janetzko of the University of Freiburg and
Stefan Wess of Inference Corporation.
The home page for the newsletter is
The following sites include many references and links to other
electronic CBR resources:
- David Aha at the Naval Research Laboratory maintains a site
with URL http://www.aic.nrl.navy.mil/~aha/research/case-based-reasoning.html.
- Ralph Bergmann at the
University of Kaiserslautern maintains a site with URL
- Ian Watson at the University of Salford maintains a site with URL
- Aamodt1994
Aamodt, A.
Explanation-driven case-based reasoning.
In Wess, S.; Althoff, K.; and Richter, M., eds., Topics in
Case-Based Reasoning, 274-288.
Berlin: Springer Verlag.
- Aamodt & Plaza1994
Aamodt, A., and Plaza, E.
Case-based reasoning: Foundational issues, methodological variations,
and system approaches.
AI Communications 7(1):39-52.
- Acorn & Walden1992
Acorn, T., and Walden, S.
SMART: Support management automated reasoning technology
for Compaq customer service.
In Proceedings of the Fourth Innovative Applications of
Artificial Intelligence Conference, 3-18. Menlo Park, CA: AAAI Press.
- Aha1994
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Reasoning. Menlo Park, CA: AAAI Press.
Technical Report WS-94-01.
- Aha1996
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Boston: Kluwer.
In press.
- Aha & Branting1995
Aha, D., and Branting, K.
Stratified case-based reasoning: Reusing hierarchical problem solving
In Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Joint Conference
on Artificial Intelligence, 384-390.
San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann.
- Aha, Kibler, &
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Instance-based learning algorithms.
Machine Learning 6:37-66.
- Aha & Ram1995
Aha, D., and Ram, A.
In Working Notes of the Fall Symposium on Adaptation of
Knowledge for Reuse, v.
Cambridge, MA: AAAI.
- Allemang1993
Allemang, D.
Review of the first European workshop on case based
reasoning EWCBR-93.
Case-Based Reasoning Newsletter 2(3).
Electronic newsletter published by the special interest group AK-CBR
of the German Society for Computer Science.
- Althoff et al.1995
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A Review of Industrial Case-Based Reasoning Tools.
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- Althoff & Wess1991
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diagnostic real world tasks.
In Proceedings of the European Knowledge Acquisition
Workshop, 48-67.
- Anick & Simoudis1993
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- Arcos & Plaza1994
Arcos, J., and Plaza, E.
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In Wess, S.; Althoff, K.; and Richter, M., eds., Topics in
Case-Based Reasoning, 289-300.
Berlin: Springer Verlag.
- Armengol & Plaza1994
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In Proceedings of the Second European Workshop on Case-Based
Reasoning, 243-251.
- Ashley1990
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Cambridge: MIT Press.
- Ashley & Rissland1987
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In Proceedings of the Sixth Annual National Conference on
Artificial Intelligence, 273-284.
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- Auriol et al.1995
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INRECA: A seamlessly integrated system based on inductive
inference and case-based reasoning.
In Proceedings of First International Conference on Case-Based
Reasoning, 371-380. Berlin: Springer Verlag.
- Bain1989
Bain, W.
In Riesbeck, C., and Schank, R., eds., Inside Case-Based
Reasoning. Lawrence Erlbaum.
chapter 4, 93-140.
- Bareiss1989
Bareiss, R.
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- Bareiss1991
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- Barletta1994
Barletta, R.
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In Proceedings of the Second European Workshop on Case-Based
Reasoning, 49-58.
- Bartsch-Spörl1995
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In Proceedings of First International Conference on Case-Based
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- Bell, Kedar, &
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In Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference of the
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- Bento1994
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- Berger1995a
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- Berger & Hammond1991
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- Bhatta & Goel1993
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- Bhatta, Goel, &
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- Branting & Porter1991
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- ... performance.1
- See Forsythe and Buchanan (1989)
for a discussion of some of the problems in knowledge elicitation.
- ... Works.2
- CBR Works was previously named
S3-Case, and is referred to by that name in both the references.
- ...
- Tom Comeau, March, 1995.
David Leake