Hall of Shame Archive
From: Andre Roberts sexii_bi_guy@yahoo.com Subject: Website Date: May 23, 2007 7:23:29 PM EDT Wow, I was amazed that being a freshman in high school I clearly noticed everyone of those pitcures were fake. NASA would't be stupid enough to put a gas tank on the moon because the cold temperatures would freeze the gas. And why is it another color than the rest of the photo? The stop sogn is clearly a cartoon image pasted onto the real photo. The stoplight? I'm taking physics, there's no possible way they could find and electrical source to power it. Are you kidding me? I've seen that movie a million times and they don't even look like Buzz and Neil! You guys clearly used an art program and painted the match stick on the other photo, I know what a match stick looks like, and that definately isn't one. If that picture with the prop man is real, where's his shadow? I've looked at the picture closely and that's the shadow of the space module, not him. Okay the picture of the space suit cracks me up! The condomwrapper is obviously fake, I am not a virgin, and I have used a Trojan condom, not real! Other than that, you could have easily found all of these things at a costume store, laid them out and took a picture yourself. The next photo is clearly fake. If the man were truly off the ground and behind the nearest his hand would not be in front of the others head. Someone, must think they can fool somebody with a picture of someone with a cut off face replaced by another. While I found these pictures quite amusing you should not advertise your site as being a source toward the Moon Landing Hoax. Thank you for your time.
Date: Mon, 05 Apr 2004 11:11:47 +0930 From: nequid@marryatvillehs.sa.edu.au Subject: 'Fake' moon landings Look, buddy. Odviously you thing the public are morons instead of NASA, because I've noticed a few flaws in your so called evidence. First, second, fourth and fith pics, The gas pump, machstic and street signs were odviously edited in. You seem to thing that it looks normal. Third pic They have no helmets because they are still on earth, testiong the damn thing!!! the moon has no plants or mountians with snow (made from water. There's no water on the moon!!!) and blue skys, from the atmosphere. I would like you to respond to me and explain what the f**k you were thinking!!! --- nequid@marryatvillehs.sa.edu.au http://www.marryatvillehs.sa.edu.au/We did respond: No water on the moon!?! Clearly your facts are out of place: http://www.windows.ucar.edu/tour/link=/headline_universe/planets/moon_ice.html
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2003 15:00:07 -0500 From: LUIS PUMA <luip150@juno.com> Subject: Hey You know that page you posted about Faked Moon Lamdings? I think you're crazy too. It is soooooooooo obvious that those pics are faked. You and your crazy brain put the stop sigh, traffic light, beer pack, and everything else in there. That is just not the colour of things. Those pics are totally faked and you know it.
Date: Sat, 28 Feb 2004 11:39:06 -0800 (PST) From: Julianna Zhu <direharbinger@yahoo.com> Subject: Regarding the "faked moon landings" pictures. I would advise you to check those pictures you have on your website -- reliability is a very important thing. For one, I, too, am inclined to believe that the moon landings were faked. Some websites actually had very convincing explanations. However--and no offense--when I visited your site, I have come to the conclusion that-- 1) You have no idea what photoshop is, or 2) You are much too obsessed with the idea of disproving the moon landings. Firstly, it is easy to see that many of those pictures were not the originals. They had been altered using some type of image editing program such as Paintshop Pro or Adobe Photoshop. The traffic lights, and the face.. if you look closely, you will see that most have jagged edges, or are discolored. In other words, they are not natural. It is an easy thing to do, but I would like to tell whoever sent you those pictures that they should learn how to cut out objects in Photoshop, or they will never fool anyone, except maybe you.
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2003 20:21:22 +0000 From: Laurie Stanley <laurstanz@hotmail.com> Subject: idiots Ok, do you idiots think we're gonna believe that those pics are real??? The gas pump is clearly copied and pasted...the gas line is obviously not real cuz its so damn pixelated...and the shadow is added in using a Flash program or somthin! It's clear that you copied and pasted them: theres white lines around them DUH! The matchstick at the take-off site...now thats just the dumbest pic I've ever seen! And the 2 astronauts not wearing helmets....the grass the dirt the blue sky, DUH! Thats on EARTH! And even if NASA did fake the moon landing (I doubt they did) they wouldn't be so dumb to leave a stop sign and traffic lights in a desert! You people are pretty thick if you think you have evidence to prove that the moon landing was fake, you're just goin' along with some petty rumour that it was fake and can't be bothered to prove it properly! -Rob
From: "Cliff Blankenship" <cliffah@hotmail.com> Subject: website http://www.ews.uiuc.edu/%7Eakapadia/moon.html Date: Tue, 08 May 2001 16:42:47 Your photos are horrible trojan is printed by most likely print shop deluxe. All of your photos are obviously doctored in one way shape or form. Your webpage is a joke. http://batesmotel.8m.com/ is a much more realistic site, and the photos don't look doctored at all.. leaving me to believe his site and questioning the credability of yours. Have a nice day. CBJR _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com
From: "Terry Ellett" <ellett@mcn.net> Subject: Conspiracy Theory Date: Fri, 25 May 2001 22:25:50 -0600 What the hell do you think we are idiots? I just went to your little 'Conspiracy Theory' Site about our not landing on the moon. I actually agree with you on the fact that we didn't land on the moon. But what the hell do you think I am? A complete RETARD?!?! I saw almost all of these other pics on the site that you have linked to from your site. quote 'Important: To find this site even remotely interesting, you must first go and check out Kevin Overstreet's web-page titled FAKED MOON LANDINGS? to see some good evidence about the big scam.' unquote. I went to this site and saw the EXACT same pictures WITHOUT the stupid little drawings that you put in there. So if you think you could fool everybody...you were WRONG!
From: "Adam Susendo" <dbz215@hotmail.com> Subject: your photos Date: Sat, 02 Jun 2001 12:32:02 -0000 most of your photos look fake (the beer, match, and gas pump. Why would NASA bring a gas pump or beer?). _________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.
From: "don't know don't care" <duo432@hotmail.com> Subject: OOO wow were convinced Date: Mon, 02 Jul 2001 14:02:36 -0000 Ok now your little $#*xx Faked Moon Site was lame and and obviosly cheap.... my 65 year old father who has never used a computer in his life can tell that those pics were all fake. I meen come one coouldnt you have have done something better than use MS paint to cut and past images.... how lame... you claim to to have wrote the HTML code, yet you cant even make a danm convincing pic... why dont you try doeing something productive and not express your ignorance and arogance to every one on the net...... dumbass
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2001 01:29:22 EDT From: SeanKelson@aol.com Subject: "Fake" Moon Landings To Whom it May Concern: Fake moon landings are my favorite subject to look up. What people think just cracks me up. By the way, you should get your site in the Flat Earth Society Webring. Anyway, here is my counter to all of the evidence on your site: If you look at A, you will see that the gas pump casts a shadow in the opposite direction! There is only one light source on the moon, i.e. the Sun, and hence all shadows must be in the same direction. You can see that the shadows cast by all other objects are in the other direction. Some conclusive evidence that these pictures are doctored pictures. Bright lights on the side of the side of the rover closest to the gas pump causes this shadow. If you look at A and B in this picture, you will readily identify them as terrestrial traffic signs. There is no way these could have appeared on the moon, and shows NASA's neglect for detail. The traffic signs aren't actual regulation hight. And by the way, look closely. Can't you just tell those were copied from an image and pasted into a moon photo? The signs aren't in proportion, and physics make some of the signs impossible to stand without breaking. If you look at A and B, you will see that the astronauts are not wearing any helmets!!! That says it all. The government must think that we are morons. Look even closer. See the sattelite? See the mountains, the clouds, the plants? See that the people are just driving a rover by to check on a sattelite dish or just using the rover to train for driving on the moon? Good. Glad we cleared that up. This one is a subtle one, and is easy to miss. If you look at A, you will see a match-stick. This is conclusive evidence that the rocket is actually a life-size model, and not really a space shuttle. We suspect that the match-stick in the picture was the result of a failed ignition attempt. It's also easy to miss that the "match" reflects light in a most pecular manner, and that it's just another copy and paste into the photo. Just take one look at the jagged lines and such. If you look carefully enough, you will notice 3 suns in this picture, but only 1 shadow! We're not sure how stupid NASA really is. Look very carefully. The lights are simply reflections of light onto the camera off the visor. The curve of the visor causes different light sources (Sun, Earth, Rover lights) to reflect into the camera and cause these glares. Our stance is that NASA thought these guys looked too young and immature, and decided to use more realistic looking astronauts later (Aldrin, Armstrong, and the other guys)...in any case, more evidence that NASA put more thought into this whole thing than we had thought earlier. Ever heard of bands making up stories to increase their popularity? Ever heard of Hollywood rumors? I think that says enough. This is clearly doctored since carbonated beverages would explode in the low pressure moon atmosphere. Check closely for prop man accidently left preparing set. The things you point out are out of proportion and are clearly copied and pasted, especially if you compare their quality to other items in the photo. I don't see the use of some of these items for a real moon mission Each thing had a reason: Why would NASA spend money to get items that weren't used? I bet you don't even know what each of those is! Whoa! What kind of science is this? Weren't monkey experiments no longer necessary? Whoa! What kind of fake is this? I'll make my lecture short and sweet: Look at the slant. Look at the proportion. Look at the original picture. You can tell someone's been having fun copying and pasting stuff. This moon-shattering report was brought to you by Chris Hess, Apu Kapadia and Manuel Roman. Whether or not you believe we went to the moon or not, we hope that some interesting questions have been brought to light through this ground-breaking report. The only interesting questions brought up by this sight is these questions: "The smartest people in the world work at NASA. Do you think they'd make these kind of stupid mistakes if they were faking a moon landing?" "Why does your moon landing survey not include 'You use your imagination too much. The NASA people worked hard to get us on the moon. Give 'em a break.' Well?" "Why is this letter in your Hall of Shame section?" Well, I'm ready for round three of the "Fake Moon Landing Experience." You know, I've heard a great domain name is available at www.forger.com. Wait... I guess there won't be round three. Well, there will. It'll just include a bunch of decorated fruit on the moon. Take out the moon and you'd have a nice picture. I hope you've realized that the moon landings did happen. And, this just in, the Earth's round. (This should create a massive chain of sights by the Flat Earth Society.) Bye! - Sean
Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2001 21:21:50 EST From: SeNaTet3@aol.com Subject: moon landings You are an idiot.
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2001 15:35:41 EST From: SeNaTet3@aol.com Subject: Re: moon landings no really. You are.
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2001 15:38:06 EST From: SeNaTet3@aol.com Subject: Re: moon landings No I got it, Im just confirming you're an idiot.
Date: Sat, 2 Mar 2002 12:07:34 +0100 From: qwer655@hotmail.com Subject: hi dumbass american f*** u!!!!!!