I430, CSCI-B 430 Security For Networked Systems
(Spring 2017)

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Course Information

Lectures 1:25–2:15pm, Mon/Wed
Informatics East 150
Labs Thu: 1:25–2:15pm, 2:30–3:20pm
Fri: TBD
Lindley Hall 026
Instructor Apu Kapadia
Email alias: kapadia
Office: Lindley Hall 330B
Office Hours: Mon 10–10:45am, or by appointment
Associate Instructor (AI) Rakib Hasan, Tousif Ahmed
Email aliass: rakhasan, touahmed
Office: LH 325
Office Hours: During lab hours (in the lab), or by appointment
  1. SB (Required): Computer Security: Principles and Practice (3rd or 4th Edition), by William Stallings and Lawrie Brown
  2. Other assigned readings
Prerequisites Required
INFO-I 230, I 231 and (I 211 or CSCI-C 212)

Some programming background is necessary. A specific language is not required, but it is assumed you can pick up new languages where needed for this course.

This course also assumes you are savvy with the Linux command line, or have the willingness to put in the extra effort needed to become proficient.

Course Description

From the course catalog: This course is an extensive survey of network security. The course materials cover threats to information confidentiality, integrity, and availability in different Internet layers, and defense mechanisms that control these threats. The course also provides a necessary foundation on network security, such as cryptographic, primitives/protocols, authentication, authorization and access control technologies; and hands-on experiences through programming assignments and course projects.