Curriculum Vitae
Susan C. Herring

- Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley,
Linguistics, June 1991
- M.A. University of California, Berkeley,
Linguistics, June 1982
- B.A. State University of New York, Potsdam, French,
May 1976
Education Abroad

- Fulbright-Hays doctoral dissertation research, Madurai,
India, 1986-87
- American Institute of Indian Studies Tamil Language
Program, Madurai, India, 1983-84
- Junior Year Abroad Program, Tours, France. Concurrent
enrollment, Faculté des Lettres and Institut de Touraine,

- Professor, Department of Information and Library Science, School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering, Indiana University, Bloomington
Adjunct Professor, Linguistics Department
Fall 2000 - Spring
2003, Associate Professor rank
Promotion to Professor,
Spring 2003
Director, Center for Computer-Mediated Communication, Indiana University, Bloomington
Fall 2014 - present
Fellow, Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics, Indiana University, Bloomington
Fall 2000 - present
- Associate Professor, Linguistics Program, University of
Texas at Arlington
Fall 1992 - Spring 2000
Awarded tenure, Spring
- Assistant Professor, English Department, California
State University, San Bernardino
Fall 1989 - Spring 1992
Promotion to Associate
Professor, Spring 1992
- Instructor, Special Languages Program, Stanford
Spring 1989
- Graduate Student Instructor, Linguistics Department,
University of California, Berkeley
Spring 1986, Spring
- Graduate Student Instructor, French Department,
University of California, Berkeley
Spring 1981 - Fall 1984

- Included in Stanford University's list of the top 2% most influential scientists in the world, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024.
- Visiting Research Fellow, Center for Information Technology and Society (CITS), University of California, Santa Barbara, 2022-2023.
- Profiled in The Encyclopedia of Female Pioneers in Online Learning (Routledge, 2022).
- Visiting Researcher, Psychology Department, University of California, Santa Cruz, 2015-2016; Summer 2017; Summer 2018, Summer 2019.
- Association for Information Science & Technology Research Award for contributions to research on computer-mediated communication, 2013.
- Residential Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (CASBS), Stanford, CA, 2012-2013.
- Visiting Fellow, Cornell University, Department of Communication, Fall 2008.
- Vice-Chancellor's Visiting Fellow, La Trobe
University, Australia, August 2001.
- Visiting Fellow, Centre for Communication Research,
Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand, July-August 2001.
- Visiting Fellow, Växjö University, Sweden,
April 2000.
- Visiting Fellow, Cornell University, Department of
Modern Languages, Summer 1998, 1996.
- Visiting Fellow, Cornell University, South Asia
Center, Summer 1994.
- Editor-in-Chief, Language@Internet, January 2008-present.
- Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Computer-Mediated
Communication, 2004-2007.
- Top four paper award, National Communication Association Annual Conference, for "Gender, communication, and self-presentation in teen chatrooms revisited: Have patterns changed?" (with S. Kapidzic), November 2010.
- Best paper award, Hawai'i International Conference on
Sciences, for "Micro-longitudinal analysis of Web news updates" (with
D. Kutz), January 2005.
- Best paper award, Hawai'i International Conference on
Sciences, for "Designing for community: The effects of gender
representation on a Web site" (with A. Martinson and R. Scheckler),
January 2002.
- Best paper award, Hawai'i International Conference on
System Sciences, for "Interactional coherence in CMC," January 1999.
- Edublog award, "Best Blogged Paper of 2004."
- Listed in Madison's Who's Who Among Executives and Professionals, 2008-2009 edition.
- Listed in Dictionary of International
Biography, 25th edition (1997).
- Listed in Who's Who in the South and
Southwest, 24th edition (1995), 25th edition (1996), 26th
edition (1997).
- Listed in the Encyclopedia of Dravidian
Languages and Linguistics, 1st edition. Hyderabad, Andhra
Pradesh (1993).

Indiana University Bloomington, Faculty Research Support Program Seed Funding, "Face Filters and Social Interaction in Video-Mediated Communication," PI; $22,864 (August 2022-March 2024).
Indiana University Bloomington, Luddy Strategic Research Fund, "Presentation and Perception of Filtered Video-Mediated Faces," PI; $6,185 (December 2021-December 2022).
Indiana University Bloomington, Grant-in-Aid of Research & Creative Activity, "Self-Filtering Through Animoji," PI; $3,000 (2019-2020).
- National Science Foundation, "Improving Distributed Teamwork Through Mobile Robotic Telepresence Systems," Consultant; $1,200,000 (2016-2019).
- Indiana University Bloomington, Research Leave Supplement; $45,000 (2012-2013).
- National Science Foundation, "Quest Atlantis: Advancing a Socially-Responsive Meta-Game for Learning," Co-PI; $1,516,075
- National Science Foundation, "Toward Gender Equitable
Outcomes in
IT Higher Education: Beyond Computer Science," Co-PI; $686,037
- National Science Foundation, Research-Dissemination Workshop: "Toward Gender Equity in IT Education," Co-PI; $27,150 (January-September 2007).
- MacArthur Foundation, "Questioning the Generational Divide: Technological Exoticism and Adult Construction of Online Youth Identity," PI; $10,000 (May 2006-January 2007).
- Microsoft Research, Unrestricted Gift; PI; $18,000 (April 2003-November 2005).
- National Science Foundation, "Learner Diversity and
Technology Enhanced Learning: Different Questions, New Understandings."
Science of Learning Center Catalyst Grant, with the Education
Development Center, Inc.; Consulting Partner; $232,655 (2003-2004).
- National Science Foundation, "Inquiry Learning Forum:
Fostering and
Sustaining Knowledge Networking to Support a Community of Science and
Mathematics Teachers," Co-PI; $1,561,303 (1999-2002).
- University of Texas at Arlington, Faculty Development
Leave; $23,098 (1997-1998).
- University of Texas at Arlington, Program in
Linguistics, Graduate
Research Assistant Grant, "Conversational Mechanisms in Internet Relay
Chat," PI; $2,600 (1996-1997).
- National Endowment for the Humanities, Summer
in Computer-Mediated Communication," PI; $4,000 (Summer 1994).
- University of Texas at Arlington, College of Liberal
Arts Seed
Grant, "Discursive Norms of Hackers on the Internet," PI; $2,530
(Summer 1994).
- California State University San Bernardino,
Affirmative Action
Research Grant, "Participation in Electronic Discourse in a 'Feminist'
Field," PI; $1,500 (1992).
- California State University San Bernardino,
Affirmative Action Research Grant; PI; $2,700 (1990).
- Fulbright-Hays, Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad
Grant, "Tense and Aspect in Tamil Narrative," PI; $23,200 (1986-87).
- American Institute of Indian Studies, Junior
Fellowship, "Tense and Aspect in Tamil Narrative," PI; $19,000
(1986-87; declined).
- Foreign Language Area Studies Fellowship, Tamil, UC
Berkeley; $8,000 (1985-86).
Media Interviews

- Interviewed on NPR's Weekend Edition in a segment titled "The final word: Is the thumbs-up emoji dead?" by Ayesha Rascoe, October 16, 2022.
- Quoted in The Atlantic, "What Slack does for women" by Olga Khazan, October 8, 2021.
- Interviewed about emojis and communication by Goldy Fogel for Efecto Naim, an international newsmagazine TV show hosted by Moisas Naim, April 14, 2021.
- Interviewed about emoji linguistics by Anita Rao on the Embodied Radio Show,
North Carolina Public Radio (WUNC), March 19, 2021. Interview highlights: Do you speak [smiley face emoji]? Relating and communicating through emoji.
- Quoted in Business Insider, "The next big thing in classrooms: 'Zoom on wheels' robots are seeing a surge in demand" by Mariya Manzhos, December 28, 2020.
- Quoted in Scientific American, "Social media restrictions cannot keep up with hidden codes and symbols" by Scott Hershberger, October 22, 2020.
- Interviewed in Picture Character: An Emoji Documentary, directed by Martha Shane and Ian Cheney, released March 2019.
- Quoted in Lifehacker, "How to stop writing 'I'm sorry' so often in emails" by Alicia Adamczyk, October 25, 2018.
- Quoted in Quartz, "A genius little list of ideas to stop apologizing for your existence at work" by Corinne Purtill October 24, 2018.
- Interviewed and quoted in Quartz, "There's a Gmail plugin to make you stop apologizing so much" by Leah Fessler, June 27, 2018.
- Quoted in Quartz, "Slack is developing tools to tell if someone's mansplaining" by Leah Fessler, March 28, 2018.
- Interviewed and quoted in Wired Magazine, "What would a 'healthy' Twitter even look like?" by Louise Matsakis, March 1, 2018.
- Interviewed and quoted in Quartz, "Your company's Slack is probably sexist" by Leah Fessler, November 14, 2017.
- Interviewed and quoted in Surface Magazine, "Is there such aa thing as too many emojis?" by Kyle Chayka, July 17, 2017.
Interviewed and quoted in Quartz, "What communicating only in emoji taught me about language in the digital age" by Samantha Lee, August 31, 2016.
Quoted in The Washington Post, "Is it 'Internet' or 'internet?' The Internet can't agree" by Abby Ohlheiser, April 4, 2016.
Interviewed and quoted in The Independent, "'Dump Trump': Artist Hanksy on the 'grassroots (bowel) movement' that is defining the 2016 US presidential race" by Tim Walker, March 27, 2016.
- Interviewed and quoted in Wired Magazine, "Linguists not exactly wow about Facebook's new reactions," by Emily Dreyfuss, February 28, 2016.
- Featured interview in Palimpsesto, "Interview with Susan Herring, University of Indiana [sic]," by Flávio Souza, no. 21, July-December 2015, pp. 347-353.
- Invited op-ed in Wired Magazine, "Should you be capitalizing the word 'internet'?", October 19, 2015.
- Featured in The Huffington Post, "I asked a linguist to analyze OKCupid usernames. This is what she found." by Maddie Crum, June 26, 2015.
- Interviewed and quoted in Wired Magazine, "Emoji—Trendy slang or a whole new language?" by Nick Stockton, June 24, 2015.
- Interviewed and quoted in Wired Magazine, "That ;) you type can and will be used against you in a court of law," by Julia Greenberg, February 12, 2015.
- Research spotlighted in The Atlantic, "The linguistics of LOL: What Internet vernacular reveals about the evolution of language," by Britt Peterson, September 17, 2014.
- Interviewed and quoted in New York Magazine, "How to be a smarter emoticon user," by Roni Jacobson, July 7, 2014.
- Interviewed on the CBC Spark show, CBC Radio One, on the "Wikipedia gender gap," March 16, 2014.
- Interviewed on The Doppler Effect show, WNYU 89.1 FM New York, on "Internet language," October 8, 2013.
- Interviewed on The Kojo Nnamdi Show, Public Radio WAMU 88.5 Washington, DC, on "From :) To GIFs: Expressing ourselves with images online," March 19, 2013.
- Credited as a domain expert in a National Geographic article on "laughing online" in different languages, March 2012.
- Interviewed on the Michael Eric Dyson show, Public Radio WEAA-FM Baltimore, on "Women in Wikipedia," June 29, 2011.
- Interviewed and quoted in The New York Times, "Twitter's secret handshake," by Ashley Parker, June 10, 2011.
- Invited essay in The New York Times Opinion Pages, "A difference in communication styles" (in response to the question: Where Are the Women in Wikipedia?), February 4, 2011.
- Interviewed on American Public Media radio, the "Future Tense" show with John Moe, on the future of Facebook, May 25, 2010.
- Interviewed and quoted in The New York Times, "World's largest social network: The open web," by Randall Stross, May 15, 2010.
- Interviewed and quoted in Planet S Magazine (Canada), "No LOLing matter: Facebook hoax and resulting threats expose seamy side of Internet," by Charles Hamilton, January 14, 2010.
- Interviewed and quoted in The New Scientist,
"Innovation: The psychology of Google Wave," by Tom Simonite, October 9, 2009.
Interviewed and quoted in Technology Review, "The evolution of retweeting," by Kristina Grifantini, August 26, 2009.
- Research with Asta Zelenkauskaite featured in IU Home Pages, "Language of love: Women 'emoticon' more than men," by Steve Chaplin, February 2009. [Story picked up by news media in Austria, Germany, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Russia, Sweden, Turkey, the UK, and the US in the weeks following publication.]
- Interviewed and quoted in The Boston Globe, "A window into their lives: For teenage girls, writing about their lives online is another way to stay connected with friends," by Irene Sege, April 4, 2008.
- Interviewed and quoted in USA Today, "Confession is just a keypad away," by Sharon Jayson, November 28, 2007.
- Interviewed and quoted in Cosmopolitan Magazine, "Learning to decipher his love text messages," October 2007.
- Interviewed and quoted in The San Francisco Chronicle, "Bad behavior in the blogosphere: Vitriolic comments aimed at tech writer made some worry about downside of anonymity," by Dan Fost, March 29, 2007.
- Interviewed and quoted in The Boston Globe, "Do u txt ur kdz?," by Carolyn J. Johnson, December 17, 2006.
- Interviewed and quoted in The Contra Costa Times, "Call them equal opportunity bloggers,"
by Jessica Guynn, May 21, 2006.
- Interviewed in The
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation television documentary,
"War of the Sexes," produced by Francine Bernard, aired March 12, 2006.
- Interviewed on radio station 610 WTVN (Columbus, OH), "The Bob Conners Morning Show," on the global
spread of English, February 28, 2006.
- Interviewed on National Public Radio's "Weekend Edition" on young people's use of instant messaging slang in everyday English, by Neda Ulaby, February 18, 2006.
- Interviewed and quoted in Intake Weekly (Indianapolis, IN), "Get linked to love in cyberspace,"
by Matt Gonzales, February 9, 2006.
- Interviewed and quoted in The Arizona Republic, "ASU Uses Podcasts, Blogs to Inform,"
by Eugene Scott, February 3, 2006.
- Interviewed and quoted in a Gannett News Service story on "Date
Talk: IMers Can Sabotage Relationships by Losing that Personal Touch,"
by Juliet M. Beverly, September 30, 2005.
- Interviewed and quoted in The Sydney Morning Herald
(Australia), "Pest Control," by Edmund Tadros, August 28, 2004.
- Interviewed and quoted in The Los Angeles Times,
"A Flaming Desire,"
by Bob Baker, December 12, 2003.
- Interviewed on television station DR1
(Denmark) about text messaging on mobile phones, aired August 14, 2003.
> - Interviewed and quoted in The Christian
Science Monitor, "As Stalkers Go Online, New State Laws Try to
Catch Up," by Terry Costlow, September 3, 2002.
- Interviewed and quoted in The New York Times,
"An E-mail Affliction: The Long Goodbye," by Joyce Cohen, May 9, 2002.
- Interviewed and quoted in The Minnesota
Women's Press, "Feminine or Feminist," by Kim Pleticha, April
24, 2002.
- Featured interview in Der Standard
(Austria), "ITech Women," by Isabella Lechner, October 23, 2001.
- Interviewed and quoted in The Industry Standard,
"He Typed, She Typed", by Liz Krieger, July 16, 2001.
- Interviewed and quoted in The New York Times,
"He-Mails, She-Mails: Where Sender Meets Gender," by Joyce Cohen, May
17, 2001.
- Interviewed and quoted in The Washington Post,
"I Virtually Love You," by David Streitfeld, June 17, 2000.
- Interviewed and quoted in The New York Times,
"Internet Changes Language For :-) & :-( ," by Amy Harmon, February
20, 1999.
- Interviewed on Blue Danube Radio
Broadcasting Corporation) "Today at Six" show on language change on the
Internet, by Genevieve Johnson, January 30, 1999.
- Interviewed on Minnesota Public Radio
on language change on the Internet, by Jon Gordon, January 10, 1999.
- Featured in an Associated Press story
on "Net
Spurs Language Evolution," carried in hundreds of newspapers in the
U.S. and abroad, December 28, 1998 - March 2000.
- Interviewed on CNN about language
change on the Internet, December 28-29, 1998.
- Interviewed on The NBC Nightly News,
documentary segment on "Gender and the Internet," produced by Tom
Dawson, aired November 23, 1996.
- Interviewed and quoted in The Atlanta
Journal-Constitution, "Virtual Café Seeks Equal Access
for Women," by Carrie Teegardin, February 22, 1996.
> - Interviewed and quoted in The Boston
"Gender Wars in Cyberspace! Men, Women Type a Different Language On
Line," by Nathan Cobb, March 8, 1995.
- Quoted in Der Spiegel (Germany),
"Machos im Internet," January 28, 1995.
- Interviewed and quoted in Digital Media
"Netiquette is Sexist," December 19, 1994, and "No Place for Women:
Internet is Flawed Model for the Infobahn" by Margie Wylie, January 2,
- Interviewed and quoted in Newsweek,
cover story on "Men, Women, and Computers," by Barbara Kantrowitz, May
16, 1994.
- Interviewed on Australian Radio National,
"Electronic Salons" documentary, produced by Rosie Cross, aired April
16, 1994.

- Herring, Susan C., & Attardo, Salvatore, Eds. (In preparation). New Forms of Humor and Play in Digital Discourse. Routledge Advances in Language and Humor Series. London: Routledge.
- Herring, Susan C., Stein, Deiter, & Virtanen, Tuija,
Eds. (2013). Handbook of Pragmatics
of Computer-Mediated Communication. Handbooks of Pragmatics Series, 9.
Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 758 pages.
- Danet, Brenda, & Herring, Susan C., Eds. (2007). The Multilingual
Internet: Language, Culture, and Communication Online. New York:
Oxford University Press. 464 pp.
- Herring, Susan C., van Reenen, Pieter, &
Schøsler, Lene, Eds. (2000). Textual Parameters in
Older Languages. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory
series. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 431 pp.
- Herring, Susan C., Ed. (1996). Computer-Mediated
Communication: Linguistic, Social and Cross-Cultural Perspectives.
Pragmatics and Beyond New Series. Amsterdam: John
Benjamins. 324 pp.
Journal Issues
- (2018). Language and Discourse of Social Media. New Challenges, New Approaches. Special issue of Altre Modernità, I-X, 1-168. M. Demata, D. Heaney, S. C. Herring, guest editors. https://riviste.unimi.it/index.php/AMonline/issue/view/1310/showToc?fbclid=IwAR2ePZHDCLorq9YcT0zkK62QDa02eXS6NIVmAYcuacszjGiRn46Np1vB8ao
- (2011). Computer-Mediated Conversation, Part II. Special issue of Language@Internet, 8. S. C. Herring, guest editor. http://www.languageatinternet.org/articles/2011/index_html/
- (2010). Computer-Mediated Conversation, Part I. Special issue of Language@Internet, 7. S. C. Herring, guest editor. http://www.languageatinternet.org/articles/2010/index_html/
- (2005). Minority
Languages, Multimedia and the Web. Special issue of The New Review of Multimedia and Hypermedia,
11(2). D. Cunliffe & S. C. Herring, guest editors.
- (2003). The Multilingual Internet: Language,
Culture, and Communication in Instant Messaging, Email and Chat.
Special issue of the Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, 9(1). B. Danet & S. C. Herring, guest editors. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jcmc.2003.9.issue-1/issuetoc
- (2003). Media and Language Change. Special
issue of the Journal of Historical Pragmatics, 4(1).
S. C. Herring, guest editor. 159 pp. http://www.benjamins.com/cgi-bin/t_bookview.cgi?bookid=JHP_4_1
- (1996). Computer-Mediated Discourse Analysis.
Special issue of the Electronic Journal of Communication,
6(3). S. C. Herring, guest editor. http://www.cios.org/www/ejc/v6n396.htm
Journal Articles
- (2025). Improbable conversations: Interactional dynamics in TikTok duets. S. C. Herring & A. R. Dainas. Discourse, Context, & Media, 63, 100821. Special issue, "At the interface: Discourse at the intersection of digital design and user agency," edited by E. Eriksson, C. Tagg, & C. Vasquez. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dcm.2024.100821
- (2024). Benign or toxic? Differences in emoji interpretation by gender, generation, and emoji type. M. Zhubova & S. C. Herring. Language@Internet, 22, article 5. Special issue, "Graphicons in digital communication," edited by Y. Zhang & A. R. Dainas. https://doi.org/10.14434/li.v22.40800
- (2024). Strategic use of video face filter types: Influence of audience, gender, and culture. S. C. Herring, M. Dedema, E. Rodriguez, & L. Yang. New Media & Society. https://doi.org/10.1177/14614448241230461
- (2024). Conversational fluency and attitudes towards robot pilots in telepresence robot-mediated interaction. J. E. Fox Tree, S. C. Herring, A. Nguyen, S. Whittaker, R. Martin, & L. Takayama. Journal of Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 33, 473-498. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10606-023-09476-5
- (2024). "What a standard Taiwan Mandarin accent": Online metalinguistic commentary on linguistic performances of non-native Chinese speakers. Y-A. Chen & S. C. Herring. Language and Communication, 99, 141-158. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.langcom.2024.10.001
- (2024). Users' discourse from primarily US-focused subreddits about the political image of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from 2015 to 2023. A. M. Althuwaini, S. C. Herring, & S. G. Obeng. Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 17, 100543. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chbr.2024.100543
- (2023).Understanding the sorting algorithm: Exploring emotion contagion and political polarization in controversial news comments. J. Zhou & S. C. Herring. Language@Internet, 21, article 2. https://doi.org/10.14434/li.v21.37372
- (2023). From compensation to competition: The impact of graphicons on language use in a Chinese context. Y. Zhang, S. C. Herring, R. Tan, Q. Zhang, & D. Shi. Discourse & Communication. https://doi.org/10.1177/17504813231171792
- (2021). (Mis)communication through stickers in online group discussions: A multiple-case study. Y. Tang, K. F. Hew, S. C. Herring, & G. Chen. Discourse & Communication, 15(5). https://doi.org/10.1177/17504813211017707
- (2021). Psychological distance in mobile telepresence. J. E. Fox Tree, S. Whittaker, S. C. Herring, Y. Chowdhury, A. Nguyen, & L. Takayama. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 151(July 2021). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhcs.2021.102629
- (2020). Animoji performances: "Cuz I can be a sexy poop!" S. C. Herring, A. R. Dainas, H. Lopez Long, & Y. Tang. Language@Internet, 18, article 1. https://www.languageatinternet.org/articles/2020/herring/
- (2020). Gender and age influences on interpretation of emoji functions. S. C. Herring & A. R. Dainas. Transactions on Social Computing. [Special Issue on Emoji Understanding and Applications in Social Media], article 10, pp. 1-26. https://doi.org/10.1145/3375629 https://homes.luddy.indiana.edu/herring/EmojiGenderandAge.pdf
- (2020). Sticker and emoji use in Facebook Messenger: Implications for graphicon change. A. Konrad, S. C. Herring, & D. Choi. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 25(3), 217-235. https://doi.org/10.1093/jcmc/zmaa003
- (2019). Exploring presence in online learning through three forms of computer-mediated discourse analysis. M. Zhu, S. C. Herring, & C. J. Bonk. Distance Education, 40, 205-225. https://homes.luddy.indiana.edu/herring/zhu.et.al.2019.pdf
- (2018). Communicative functions of emoji sequences on Sina Weibo. J. Ge & S. C. Herring. First Monday, 23(11) (5 November). https://firstmonday.org/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/9413/7610
- (2018). Where and how to look for help matters: Analysis of support exchange in online health communities for people living with HIV. J. F. Maestre, S. C. Herring, A. Min, C. L. Connelly, & P. Shih. Information, i, xx, 5; doi:10.3390/infoxx010005. https://homes.luddy.indiana.edu/herring/information.maestre.et.al.pdf
- (2018). Introduction. Language and Discourse of Social Media. New Challenges, New Approaches. With M. Demata (first author), D. Heaney. Special issue of Altre Modernità, I-X. https://homes.luddy.indiana.edu/herring/AM.introduction.pdf
- (2017)."I'm the first video Voicethread–it's pretty sweet, I'm pumped": Gender and self-expression on an interactive multimodal platform. With B. Demarest. Apprentissage des langues et systèmes d'information et de communication (ALSIC), 20(1). https://alsic.revues.org/3007
- (2016). Historical insights for ebook design. With H. Koh (first author). Library Hi Tech, 34(4), 764-786.
- (2016). Greetings and interpersonal closeness: The case of Bengalis on Orkut. With A. Das (first author). Language & Communication, 47, 53-65. Prepublication version: https://homes.luddy.indiana.edu/herring/das.herring.pdf
- (2015). ISIS vs. the U.S. government: A war of online video propaganda. With W. H. Allendorfer (first author). First Monday, 20(12-7, December). http://firstmonday.org/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/6336/5165
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.5210/fm.v20i12
- (2014). Race, gender, and self-presentation in teen profile photographs. With S. Kapidzic (first author). New Media & Society. doi: 10.1177/1461444813520301.
- (2012). Language choice on university websites: Longitudinal trends. With E. Callahan (first author). International Journal of Communication, 6, 322-355. http://ijoc.org/ojs/index.php/ijoc/article/view/1451/703
- (2011). Gender, communication, and self-presentation in teen chatrooms revisited: Have patterns changed? With S. Kapidzic (first author). Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 17(1), 39-59. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1083-6101.2011.01561.x/full
- (2011). Cultural bias in Wikipedia articles about famous persons. With E. Callahan (first author). Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 62(10), 1899-1915.
- (2010). Who's got the floor in computer-mediated conversation? Edelsky's gender patterns revisited. Language@Internet, 7, article 8. https://homes.luddy.indiana.edu/herring/floor.2010.pdf
- (2010). Computer-mediated conversation: Introduction and overview. Language@Internet, 7, article 2. http://www.languageatinternet.org/articles/2010/2801/index_html/
- (2010). Project-based learning and student knowledge construction during asynchronous online discussion. With H. L. Koh (first author) & K. F. Hew. The Internet and Higher Education, 13, 284-291.
- (2010). Functions of the non-verbal in CMC: Emoticons and illocutionary force. With E. Dresner (first author). Communication Theory, 20, 249-268.
- (2009). Symbolic capital in a virtual heterosexual market: Abbreviation and insertion in Italian iTV SMS. With A. Zelenkauskaite. Written Communication, 26(1), 5-31. (Nominated for the 2009 John R. Hayes Award for Excellence in Writing Research.)
- (2008). Implications of gender consciousness for students in information technology. With J. A. Marken. Women's Studies, 37(3), 229-256.
- (2007). Being the same isn't enough: Impact of male and female mentors on computer self-efficacy of college students in IT-related fields. With D. Goh (first author), C. Ogan, M. Ahuja, & J. C. Robinson. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 37(1), 19-40.
- (2007). Embodied curriculum: Relating formalisms to contexts. With S. Barab (first author), S. Zuiker, S. Warren, D. Hickey, A. Ingram-Goble, E-J. Kwon, & I. Kouper. Science Education, 91(5), 750-792.
- (2007). Facilitation, interaction, and deep learning in cross-cultural chat: A case study. With G. Osman (first author). The Internet and Higher Education, 10, 125-141.
- (2007). A faceted classification scheme for computer-mediated discourse. Language@Internet, 4, article 1. http://www.languageatinternet.org/articles/2007/761/
- (2006). Gender and genre variation in weblogs. With J. C. Paolillo. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 10(4), 439-459.
- (2005). Introduction to minority languages,
multimedia, and the Web. With D. Cunliffe (first author). The New Review of Multimedia and Hypermedia,
11(2), 131-137.
- (2005). Weblogs as a bridging genre. With L. A.
Scheidt, S. Bonus, & E. Wright. Information,
Technology & People, 18(2), 142-171.
- (2005). Hyperlink obsolescence in scholarly online
journals: JCMC reply. With J. C. Paolillo. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication,
10(3), article 17. http://jcmc.indiana.edu/vol10/issue3/jcmc.html
- (2004). Assessing gender authenticity in
computer-mediated language use: Evidence from an identity game. With A.
Martinson. Journal of Language and
Social Psychology, 23(4), 424-446.
- (2004). Slouching toward the ordinary: Current trends
in computer-mediated communication. New
Media & Society, 6(1), 26-36.
- (2003). Gender and turn allocation in a Thai chat room.
With S. Panyametheekul (first author). Journal of
Computer-Mediated Communication, 9(1).
- (2003). Introduction: The Multilingual Internet. With
B. Danet. Journal
of Computer-Mediated Communication, 9(1). http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1083-6101.2003.tb00354.x/full
- (2003). Media and language change: Introduction. Journal
of Historical Pragmatics, 4(1), 1-17.
- (2002). Searching for safety online: Managing
"trolling" in a feminist forum. With K. Job-Sluder, R. Scheckler & S.
Barab. The Information Society, 18(5), 371-383. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01972240290108186
- (2002). Cyber violence: Recognizing and resisting abuse
in online environments. Asian Women, 14 (Summer),
187-212. https://homes.luddy.indiana.edu/herring/violence.html
- (2002). Computer-mediated communication on the
Internet. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology,
36, 109-168.
- (2000). Gender differences in CMC: Findings and
implications. Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
Journal, Winter 2000. http://www.cpsr.org/publications/newsletters/issues/2000/Winter2000/index.html
- (1999). The rhetorical dynamics of gender harassment
on-line. The Information Society, 15(3), 151-167. https://homes.luddy.indiana.edu/herring/harassment.pdf
- (1999). Interactional coherence in CMC. Journal
of Computer-Mediated Communication, 4(4). http://jcmc.indiana.edu/vol4/issue4/
- (1998). Le style du courrier électronique:
variabilité et changement. Revue d'aménagement
linguistique (formerly Terminogramme), 84-85,
9-16 (March 1998).
- (1998). Die rhetorische Dynamik geschlechtsbezogener
Belästigungen in Online-Kommunikation. Mitteilungen des
Deutschen Germanistenverbandes, 3/98, 236-281.
- (1996). Linguistic and critical research on
computer-mediated communication: Some ethical and scholarly
considerations. The Information Society, 12(2),
153-168. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Susan-Herring-2/publication/220175445_Linguistic_and_Critical_Analysis_of_Computer-Mediated_Communication_Some_Ethical_and_Scholarly_Considerations/links/56eb2d6208ae2a58dc49f904/Linguistic-and-Critical-Analysis-of-Computer-Mediated-Communication-Some-Ethical-and-Scholarly-Considerations.pdf
- (1993). Gender and democracy in computer-mediated
communication. Electronic Journal of Communication,
3(2). https://homes.luddy.indiana.edu/herring/ejc.txt
- (1993). Functional stability in language change: The
evolution of tense and aspect in Tamil. Studies in Language,
17(2), 313-341.
- (1991). Nominalization, relativization, and attribution
in Lotha, Angami, and Burmese. Linguistics of the
Tibeto-Burman Area, 14(1), 55-72.
Book Chapters
(2025, March). Multimodality in digital discourse: Exploring image-text interrelations in WeChat sticker use. J. Ge-Stadnyk, S. C. Herring & L. Sa. In C. Vasquez & J. Chovanec (Eds.), Multidisciplinary research in digital discourse analysis. Palgrave Macmillan. https://homes.luddy.indiana.edu/herring/Ge-Stadnyk.Herring.Sa.pdf
- (2024). Emoji and illocutionarity: Acting on, and acting as, language. S. C. Herring & J. Ge-Stadnyk. In M. Gill, A. Malmivirta, & B. Warvik (Eds.), Structures in discourse: Studies in interaction, adaptability, and pragmatic functions (pp. 124-165). John Benjamins. https://doi.org/10.1075/pbns.345.07her
- (2022). Researching the syntax of emoji sequences on Sina Weibo. S. C. Herring & J. Ge-Stadnyk. In R. Page, C. Lee, M. Zappavigna, & J. Unger (Eds.), Researching the language of social media: A student guide. Taylor & Francis.
- (2021). Interpreting emoji pragmatics. A. Dainas & S. C. Herring. In C. Xie, F. Yus, & H. Haberland (Eds.), Internet pragmatics: Theory and practice. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- (2018). The co-evolution of computer-mediated communication and computer-mediated discourse analysis. S. C. Herring. In P. Bou-Franch & P. Garcés-Conejos Blitvich (Eds.), Analysing digital discourse: New insights and future directions (pp. 25-67). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
- (2016). Robot-mediated communication. In R. A. Scott, M. Buchmann, & S. M. Kosslyn (Eds.), Emerging trends in the social and behavioral sciences. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
- (2016). Epilogue. In C. Lee, Multilingualism online (pp. 137-146). London: Routledge.
- (2015). Computer-mediated discourse 2.0. With J. Androutsopoulos. In D. Tannen, H. Hamilton, & D. Schiffrin (Eds.), Handbook of discourse analysis, 2nd edition (pp. 128-151). New York: Blackwell.
- (2015). New frontiers in interactive multimodal communication. In A. Georgakopoulou & T. Spilotti (Eds.), Handbook of language and digital communication (pp. 398-402). London: Routledge.
- (2014). Gender and (a)nonymity in computer-mediated communication. With S. Stoerger. In: S. Ehrlich, M. Meyerhoff, & J. Holmes (Eds.), Handbook of language, gender, and sexuality, 2nd edition (pp. 567-586). Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
- (2013). Discourse in Web 2.0: Familiar, reconfigured, and emergent. In D. Tannen & A. M. Tester (Eds.), Discourse 2.0: Language and new media (pp. 1-25). Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
- (2013). Introduction to the pragmatics of computer-mediated communication. With D. Stein and T. Virtanen. Handbook of pragmatics of computer-mediated communication (pp. 3-31). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
- (2013). Relevance in computer-mediated conversation. In S. C. Herring, D. Stein, & T. Virtanen (Eds.), Handbook of pragmatics of computer-mediated communication (pp. 245-268). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
- (2012). Emoticons and illocutionary force. With E. Dresner (first author). In D. Riesenfel & G. Scarafile (Eds.), Philosophical dialogue: Writings in honor of Marcelo Dascal (pp. 59-70). London: College Publication.
- (2011). Participation in electronic discourse in a "feminist" field. With D. Johnson & T. DiBenedetto. In: J. Coates & P. Pichler (Eds.), Language and gender: A reader, 2nd edition (pp. 171-182). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
- (2010). Web content analysis: Expanding the paradigm. In: J. Hunsinger, M. Allen, & L. Klastrup (Eds.), The International Handbook of Internet Research (pp. 233-249). Berlin: Springer Verlag.
- (2008). Questioning the generational divide: Technological exoticism and adult construction of online youth identity. In: D. Buckingham (Ed.), Youth, Identity, and Digital Media (pp. 71-94). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- (2007). Multilingualism on the Internet. With B.
Danet. In: M. Hellister & A. Pauwels (Eds.), Language and Communication: Diversity and
Change. Handbook of Applied Linguistics, vol. IX (pp. 553-592). Berlin: Mouton
de Gruyter.
- (2007). Introduction: Welcome to the multilingual
Internet. With B. Danet. In: B. Danet & S. C. Herring (Eds.), The Multilingual Internet: Language,
Culture, and Communication Online (pp. 3-39). New York: Oxford University
- (2007). Gender and turn allocation in a Thai chat
With S. Panyametheekul. In: B. Danet & S. C. Herring
(Eds.), The Multilingual Internet:
Language, Culture, and Communication Online (pp. 233-255). New York: Oxford
University Press.
- (2006). Longitudinal content analysis of weblogs: 2003-2004. With L. A. Scheidt, I. Kouper, & E. Wright. In: M. Tremayne (Ed.), Blogging, Citizenship, and the Future of Media (pp. 3-20). London: Routledge.
- (2006). Gender and the culture of computing in
applied IT education. With C. Ogan, M. Ahuja, & J. C. Robinson. In:
E. Trauth (Ed.), Encyclopedia of
Gender and Information Technology. Hershey, PA: Information
Science Publishing.
- (2006). Gender differences among students in computer science and applied information technology. With C. Ogan, J. C. Robinson, & M. Ahuja. In: W. Aspray & J. McGrath Cohoon (Eds.), Women and
Information Technology: Research on the Reasons for Under-Representation (pp. 279-300). Cambridge: MIT Press.
- (2006). Gender and career choice determinants in information systems professionals: A comparison with computer science. With M. Ahuja, C. Ogan, & J. C. Robinson. In: F. Niederman & T. W. Ferratt (Eds.), IT Workers: Human Capital Issues in a Knowledge-Based Environment (pp. 277-303). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
- (2004). Women and children last: The discursive
construction of weblogs. With I. Kouper, L. A. Scheidt, & E. Wright.
In: L. Gurak, S. Antonijevic, L. Johnson, C. Ratliff, & J. Reyman
(Eds.), Into the Blogosphere:
Rhetoric, Community, and Culture of Weblogs. University of
Minnesota. Online: http://blog.lib.umn.edu/blogosphere/women_and_children.html
- (2004). Computer-mediated discourse analysis: An
approach to researching online behavior. In: S. A. Barab, R. Kling, &
J. H. Gray (Eds.), Designing for
Virtual Communities in the Service of Learning (pp. 338-376).
New York: Cambridge University Press.
- (2004). Online communication: Through the lens of
discourse. In: M. Consalvo, N. Baym, J. Hunsinger, K. B. Jensen, J.
Logie, M. Murero, & L. R. Shade (Eds.), Internet Research Annual, Volume 1
(pp. 65-76). New York: Peter Lang.
- (2004). Intaanetto Tsuushin: Seisa/Seisabetsu no Koozoo
to Minshuka no Kanoosee. In: K. A. Reynolds & H. Nagahara (Eds.), Jendaa no Gengogaku [Current topics in the
study of language and gender] (pp. 145-166). Tokyo: Akashi
Shoten. (Japanese translation of: Gender and democracy in
computer-mediated communication, Electronic
Journal of Communication, 3
(2), 1993.)
- (2003). Gender and power in online communication. The
Handbook of Language and Gender, J. Holmes & M. Meyerhoff
(Eds.). Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 202-228.
- (2001). Computer-mediated discourse. The
Handbook of Discourse Analysis, D. Schiffrin, D. Tannen, &
H. Hamilton (Eds). Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 612-634.
- (2000). On textual parameters and older languages. With
P. van Reenen & L. Schøsler. In: Textual Parameters in
Older Languages, S. C. Herring, P. van Reenen, & L.
Schøsler (Eds.). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1-31.
- (2000). Poeticality and word order in Old Tamil. In: Textual
Parameters in Older Languages, S. C. Herring, P. van Reenen,
& L. Schøsler (Eds.). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- (1999). Posting in a different voice: Gender and ethics
in computer-mediated communication. In: Computer Media and
Communication: A Reader, P. A. Mayer (Ed.). New York: Oxford
University Press, 241-265.
- (1998). Participation in electronic discourse in a
'feminist' field. With D. A. Johnson & T. DiBenedetto. In: Language
and Gender: A Reader, J. Coates (Ed.). Oxford: Blackwell.
- (1996). Introduction. In: Computer-Mediated
Communication: Linguistic, Social and Cross-Cultural Perspectives,
S. C. Herring (Ed.). Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1-10.
- (1996). Two variants of an electronic message schema.
In: Computer-Mediated Communication: Linguistic, Social and
Cross-Cultural Perspectives, S. C. Herring (Ed.). Amsterdam:
John Benjamins, 81-108.
- (1996). Posting in a different voice: Gender and ethics
in computer-mediated communication. In: Philosophical
Perspectives on Computer-Mediated Communication, C. Ess (Ed.).
Albany: SUNY Press, 115-145.
- (1996). Bringing familiar baggage to the new frontier:
Gender differences in computer-mediated communication. In: CyberReader,
V. Vitanza (Ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 144-154. Online: Keynote
presentation (1994), American Library Association: http://www.cpsr.org/cpsr/gender/herring.txt
- (1996). Bringing familiar baggage to the new frontier:
Gender differences in computer-mediated communication. In: Conversations,
J. Selzer (Ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1069-1082.
- (1996). Gender and democracy in computer-mediated
communication. In: Computerization and Controversy: Value
Conflicts and Social Choices, 2nd edition, R. Kling (Ed.). San
Diego: Academic Press, 476-489.
- (1995). 'This discussion is going too far!' Male
resistance to female participation on the Internet. With D. A. Johnson
& T. DiBenedetto. In: Gender Articulated: Language and the
Socially Constructed Self, M. Bucholtz & K. Hall (Eds). New
York: Routledge, 67-96.
- (1995). Focus position in SOV languages. With J. C.
Paolillo. In: Word Order in Discourse, P. Downing &
M. Noonan (Eds). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 163-198.
- (1994). Afterthoughts, antitopics, and emphasis: The
syntacticization of postverbal position in Tamil. In: Theoretical
Approaches to Word Order in South Asian Languages, M. Butt, T.
King, & G. Ramchand (Eds.). Stanford: Center for the Study of
Language and Information, 119-152.
- (1991). The grammaticalization of rhetorical questions
in Tamil. In: Approaches to Grammaticalization, E. Traugott & B. Heine (Eds.). Amsterdam: Benjamins, 253-284.
Peer-Reviewed Proceedings
- (2025). Graphicon evolution on Bilibili: A historically informed socio-technical approach. Y. Zhang, S. C. Herring, Y. Wu, & R. Tan. Information Research, 30(2). https://homes.luddy.indiana.edu/herring/iConference2025.Zhang.et.al.pdf
- (2024). The filtered appeal: Evaluating the impact of appearance enhancement on effectiveness of donation requests. S. C. Herring, L. Yang, & A. Dainas. Wisdom, Well-Being, Win-Win: Proceedings of the 19th International iConference. Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-57850-2_5
- (2023). How cover images represent video content: A case study of Bilibili. M. Dedema & S. C. Herring. Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-56) (pp. 2515-2524). IEEE Press.
- (2022). Gender and culture differences in perception of deceptive video filter use. S. C. Herring, M. Dedema, E. Rodriguez, & L. Yang. In HCI International 2022 - Late Breaking Papers. Interaction in New Media, Learning and Games. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 13517. Springer.
- (2022). Graphicon evolution on the Chinese social media platform BiliBili. Y. Zhang, S. C. Herring, & S. Gan. In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Emoji Understanding and Applications in Social Media (Emoji2021). https://homes.luddy.indiana.edu/herring/emoji2022.pdf
- (2022). Emerging telepresence technologies in hybrid learning environments. H. Elmimouni, J. P. Hansen, S. C. Herring, J. Marcin, M. Orduna, P. Perez, I. Rae, J. Read, J. Rode, S. Sabanovic, & V. Ahumada-Newhart. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts, 1-5.
- (2021). "MEOW! Okay, I shouldn't have done that": Factors influencing vocal performance through Animoji. S. C. Herring, A. R. Dainas & Y. Tang. In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Emoji Understanding and Applications in Social Media (Emoji2021). https://homes.luddy.indiana.edu/herring/Emoji2021.herring.dainas.tang.pdf
- (2021). Prompt-rich CMC on YouTube: To what or to whom do comments respond? S. C. Herring & S. Chae. Proceedings of the Fifty-fourth Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-54). https://homes.luddy.indiana.edu/herring/HICSS.2021.herring.chae.pdf
- (2020). Animoji adoption and use: Gender associations with an emergent technology. S. C. Herring, A. R. Dainas, H. Lopez Long, & Y. Tang. Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Emoji Understanding and Applications in Social Media (Emoji2020). DOI: 10.36190/2020.03 http://workshop-proceedings.icwsm.org/abstract?id=2020_03
(2020). "If I'm close with them, it wouldn't be weird": Social distance and Animoji use. S. C. Herring, A. R. Dainas, H. Lopez Long, & Y. Tang. HCI International 2020 Proceedings: Late Breaking Work. Springer. Prepublication version: https://homes.luddy.indiana.edu/herring/HCII2020.pdf
(2020). Do emoji sequences have a preferred word order? With J. Ge. Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Emoji Understanding and Applications in Social Media (Emoji2020). DOI: 10.36190/2020.05 http://workshop-proceedings.icwsm.org/abstract?id=2020_05
- (2018). Receiver interpretations of emoji functions: A gender perspective. With A. Dainas. S. Wijeratne, E. Kiciman, H. Saggion, & A. Sheth (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Emoji Understanding and Applications in Social Media (Emoji2018), Stanford, CA, June 25. https://homes.luddy.indiana.edu/herring/emoji2018.pdf
- (2018). Is politeness catalytic and contagious? Effects on participation in online news discussions. With Y. Kim (first author). Proceeedings of the Fifty-First Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 51). Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE. https://homes.luddy.indiana.edu/herring/hicss.kim.herring.pdf
- (2018). SIG on Telepresence Robots. With H. El Mimouni, S. R. Fussell, C. Neustaedter, & J. Rode. Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. New York: ACM. https://homes.luddy.indiana.edu/herring/SIG_Telepresence.Robots.2018.pdf
- (2017). "Nice picture comment!" Graphicons in Facebook comment threads. With A. R. Dainas. Proceedings of the Fiftieth Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-50). Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE. https://homes.luddy.indiana.edu/herring/hicss.graphicons.pdf
- (2015). ISIS vs. the U.S. Government: A war of online video propaganda. With W. H. Allendorfer (first author). Selected Papers of Internet Research 16: The 16th Annual Meeting of the Association of Internet Researchers. https://homes.luddy.indiana.edu/herring/AOIR.pdf
- (2015). Understanding user behavior on online music distribution sites: A discourse approach. With H. Ishizaki (first author), G. Hattori, and Y. Takishima. Proceedings of iConference 2015.
- (2015). Simulating marriage: Gender roles and emerging intimacy in an online game. With G. Freeman (first author), J. Bardzell, S. Bardzell. Proceedings of CSCW 2015.
- (2015). Enhancing evaluation of potential dates online through paired collaborative activities. With D. Zytko (first author), G. Z. Freeman, S. Grandhi, and Q. Jones. Proceedings of CSCW 2015.
- (2014). Multimodal communication on Tumblr: 'I have so many feels!" With E. E. Bourlai (first author). Proceedings of WebSci’14, June 23–26, Bloomington, IN. https://homes.luddy.indiana.edu/herring/tumblr.pdf
- (2014). Lifestyle teleworkers speak out! [panel description] With G. Venolia (first author), T. Erickson, J. Tang, and T. Lau. Proceedings of CSCW 2014, February 15-19, Baltimore, MD.
- (2013). Telepresence robots for academics. Proceedings of ASIST 2013, November 1-6, Montreal, Canada. https://homes.luddy.indiana.edu/herring/AM13.telepresence.robots.pdf
- (2013). A computer-mediated discourse analysis of user commenting behavior on an online music distribution site. With H. Ishizaki (first author). Proceedings of Forum on Information Technology, September 4-6, Tottoro, Japan.
- (2013). In-game marriage and computer-mediated collaboration: An exploratory study. With G. Zhang (first author). Selected Papers of Internet Research 14.0, October 23-26, Denver, CO. http://spir.aoir.org/index.php/spir/article/view/860
- (2012). Globalization or localization? A longitudinal study of successful American and Chinese online store websites. With G. Zhang (first author). In M. Strano, H. Hrachovec, F. Sudweeks, & C. Ess (Eds), Proceedings of Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication 2012 (pp. 430-445). Australia: Murdoch University.
- (2009). Fast talking, fast shooting: Text chat in an online first-person game. With D. Kutz, J. C. Paolillo, & A. Zelenkauskaite. Proceedings of the 42nd Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-42). Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Press. https://homes.luddy.indiana.edu/herring/hicss.bzflag.pdf
- (2009). Beyond microblogging: Conversation and collaboration via Twitter. With C. Honeycutt (first author). Proceedings of the 42nd Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-42). Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Press. https://homes.luddy.indiana.edu/herring/honeycutt.herring.2009.pdf (Nominated for HICSS Best Paper award.)
- (2009). Temporal patterns in student-advisor instant messaging exchanges: Individual variation and accommodation. With A. de Siqueira (first author). Proceedings of the 42nd Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-42). Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Press. https://homes.luddy.indiana.edu/herring/desiqueira.herring.2009.pdf (Nominated for HICSS Best Paper award.)
- (2008). Television-mediated conversation: Coherence in Italian iTV SMS chat. With A. Zelenkauskaite (first author). Proceedings of the 41st Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-41). Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Press. https://homes.luddy.indiana.edu/herring/hicss08.pdf (Nominated for HICSS Best Paper award.)
- (2008). Arabic and English news coverage on aljazeera.net. With M. Abdul-Mageed (first author). In: F. Sudweeks, H. Hrachovec, & C. Ess (Eds.), Proceedings of Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication 2008 (CATaC'08). Murdoch, Australia: Murdoch University Press. Preprint: https://homes.luddy.indiana.edu/herring/catac08.aljazeera.pdf
- (2008). Gender differences in personal advertisements in Lithuanian iTV SMS. With A. Zelenkauskaite (first author). In: F. Sudweeks, H. Hrachovec, & C. Ess (Eds.), Proceedings of Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication 2008 (CATaC'08). Murdoch, Australia: Murdoch University Press. Preprint: https://homes.luddy.indiana.edu/herring/catac08.ads.pdf
- (2007). "Great job, Quester!" Assessing language skills on Quest Atlantis. With S. Stoerger (first author) & I. Kouper. Proceedings of SALSA XIV. Texas Linguistics Forum, 50. http://studentorgs.utexas.edu/salsa/proceedings/2006/Stoerger.pdf
- (2007). Is interactivity important in information literacy tutorial sites? Comparison between highly-rated and randomly-selected online tutorials. With H. Koh (first author). Proceedings of the 18th International Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education Conference (SITE 2007).
- (2007). Language networks on LiveJournal. With J. C. Paolillo, I. Ramos Vielba, I. Kouper, E. Wright, S. Stoerger, L. A. Scheidt, & B. Clark. Proceedings of the 40th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-40). Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Press. http://www.blogninja.com/hicss07.pdf (Nominated for HICSS Best Paper award.)
- (2006). Gender encoding of typographical elements in Lithuanian and Croatian IRC. With A. Zelenkauskaite (first author). Proceedings of Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Culture 2006 (CATaC'06), F. Sudweeks & C. Ess (Eds.). https://homes.luddy.indiana.edu/herring/catac2006.pdf
- (2006). Visualizing Dynamic Topic Analysis. With A. Kurtz. Proceedings of CHI'06: Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. New York: ACM Press. https://homes.luddy.indiana.edu/herring/chi06.pdf
- (2005). Micro-longitudinal analysis of Web news
updates. With D. Kutz
(first author). Proceedings of the
38th Hawai'i International
Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-38). Los Alamitos: IEEE
Society Press. https://homes.luddy.indiana.edu/herring/news.pdf
(HICSS Best Paper award.)
- (2005). Conversations in the blogosphere: An analysis
"from the bottom up." With I. Kouper, J. C. Paolillo, L. A. Scheidt, M.
Tyworth, P. Welsch, E. Wright, & N. Yu. Proceedings of the 38th Hawai'i
International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-38). Los
Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society Press. https://homes.luddy.indiana.edu/herring/blogconv.pdf
(Nominated for HICSS Best Paper award.)
- (2005). Collaborative authoring on the Web: A genre
analysis of online encyclopedias. With W. Emigh (first author). Proceedings of the 38th Hawai'i
International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-38). Los
Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society Press. https://homes.luddy.indiana.edu/herring/wiki.pdf
(Nominated for HICSS Best Paper award.)
- (2004). Representations of indigenous language groups
of North and South America on the World Wide Web: In whose voice? With
Z. C. Estrada. Proceedings of
Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication 2004
(CATaC'04), F. Sudweeks & C. Ess (Eds.), 377-381.
(2004). Exploring antecedents of gender equitable outcomes in IT higher
education. With M. Ahuja, C. Ogan, & J. C. Robinson. Proceedings of the 2004 SIGMIS Conference
on Computer Personnel Research: Careers, Culture, and Ethics in a
Networked Environment, 120-123.
- (2004). Bridging the gap: A genre analysis of weblogs.
With L. A. Scheidt, S. Bonus, & E. Wright. Proceedings of the 37th Hawai'i
International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-37). Los
Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society Press. http://www.blogninja.com/DDGDD04.doc
(2004 Edublog Award, "Best Blogged Paper.")
- (2002). Designing for community: The effects of
gender representation in videos on a Web site. With A. Martinson & R.
Scheckler. Proceedings of the 35th Hawai'i International
Conference on System Sciences. Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer
Society Press. (HICSS Best Paper award.) http://www.hicss.hawaii.edu/HICSS_35/HICSSpapers/PDFdocuments/DDPTC07.pdf
- (2002). A comparison of computer-mediated and
face-to-face discussions of a multimedia case study of mathematics
teaching. With Y. Koc (first author) & C. Brown. In: D. A. Willis, J.
Price & N. Davis (Eds.), Technology and Teacher Education Annual, Proceedings
of the 13th International Conference of the Society for Information
Technology and Teacher Education (pp. 2039 - 2043). Nashville,
TN: Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Computing.
- (1999). Interactional coherence in CMC. Proceedings
of the 32nd Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences.
Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society Press. (HICSS Best Paper award.) http://www.computer.org/proceedings/hicss/0001/00012/00012022.PDF
- (1999). Pedagogical implications of synchronous
computer chat: Coherence or equality? JILA'99: Journées
internationales de linguistique appliquée. Nice:
Faculté des Lettres Arts et Sciences humaines de
l'Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis.
- (1995). Men's language on the Internet. Nordlyd
23: 1-20. (Proceedings of the 2nd Nordic Language and Gender
Conference, November 2-4, 1994.)
- (1994). Politeness in computer culture: Why women thank
and men flame. Cultural Performances: Proceedings of the Third
Berkeley Women and Language Conference. Berkeley Women and
Language Group, 278-94.
- (1994). Discourse functions of demonstrative deixis in
Tamil. Proceedings of the 20th Annual Berkeley Linguistics
Society (BLS-20), Parasession in Honor of Charles F. Fillmore.
Berkeley: Berkeley Linguistics Society.
- (1993). Aspectogenesis in South Dravidian: On the
origin of the 'compound continuative' KONTIRU. In: Historical
Linguistics 1989: Papers from the Proceedings of the IXth International
Conference on Historical Linguistics, H. Aertsen & R.
Jeffers (eds). Amsterdam: Benjamins, 167-185.
- (1992). Men's language: A study of the discourse of the
LINGUIST list. In: Les langues menacées: actes du XVe
congrès international des linguistes, Vol. 3. A.
Crochetière, J-C. Boulanger, & C. Ouellon (eds).
Québec: Les Presses de l'Université Laval, 347-350.
- (1992). Participation in electronic discourse in a
'feminist' field. With D. A. Johnson & T. DiBenedetto. In: Locating
Power: Proceedings of the 1992 Berkeley Women and Language Conference.
Berkeley: Berkeley Women and Language Group, 250-262.
- (1990). Information structure as a consequence of word
order type. Proceedings of the 16th Annual Berkeley
Linguistics Society (BLS-16). Berkeley Linguistics Society,
- (1989). Verbless presentation and the discourse basis
of ergativity. Proceedings of the 25th Annual Chicago
Linguistics Society (CLS-25). Chicago Linguistic
Society, 123-137. Abstract included in Linguistics and Language
Behavior Abstracts (1990).
- (1988). Aspect as a discourse category in Tamil. Proceedings
of the 14th Annual Berkeley Linguistics Society (BLS-14).
Berkeley Linguistics Society, 280-293.
Encyclopedia Articles
- (2020). Grammar and electronic communication. In C. Chapelle (Ed.), The Concise Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
- (2015). Teens, gender, and self-presentation in social media. With S. Kapidzic. In: J. Wright (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd ed. (pp. 146-152). Oxford, UK: Elsevier.
- (2015). Language and the Internet. In: W. Donsbach (Ed.), The Concise Encyclopedia of Communication, p. 321. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
- (2014). Ebooks, ereaders, and ebook device design. With H. Koh (first author). In: M. Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (3rd ed.). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
- (2012). Grammar and electronic communication. In: C. Chapelle (Ed.
), The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
- (2010). Digital media. In: P. Hogan (Ed.), The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- (2008). Virtual community. In: L. M. Given (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods (pp. 920-921). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
- (2008). Language and the Internet. In: W. Donsbach (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Communication. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers.
Invited Essays
- (2022). Internet Relay Chat: From fish-slap to LOL. In T. Bosch (Ed.), "You are not expected to understand this": How 26 lines of code changed the world. Princeton University Press.
- (2018). Emergent forms of computer-mediated communication and their global implications. LinguaPax Review 2017. World Language Diversity: Old and New Frontiers, Emerging Scenarios (pp. 90-128). http://www.linguapax.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/LinguapaxReview2017_web-1.pdf
- (2017). Introduction to "Pragmatics and the law: Speech act theory confronts the First Amendment." In L. Sutton (Ed.), Context counts: Papers on language, gender, and power: Papers by Robin Tolmach Lakoff (pp. 309-313). New York: Oxford University Press.
- (2015). Should you be capitalizing the word 'internet'? Wired Magazine, October 19. http://www.wired.com/2015/10/should-you-be-capitalizing-the-word-internet/
- (2014). Research: Computer-mediated communication. ASIS&T Bulletin, 40(3 - February/March). http://www.asis.org/Bulletin/Feb-14/FebMar14_Herring.html
- (2011). A difference of communication styles. [Where Are the Women in Wikipedia?] The New York Times, February 4. http://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2011/02/02/where-are-the-women-in-wikipedia/communication-styles-make-a-difference
- (2011). Commentary. In: C. Thurlow & K. Mroczek (Eds.), Digital Discourse: Language in the New Media (pp. 340-347). New York: Oxford University Press.
- (2008). Foreword. In: S. Kelsey & K. St. Amant (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Computer-Mediated Communication (pp. xxxv-xxxvi). Idea Group, Inc.
- (2004). Computer-mediated communication and woman's
place. In: Robin Tolmach Lakoff [M. Bucholtz (Ed.)], Language and Woman's Place: Text and
Commentaries (pp. 216-222). New York: Oxford University Press.
- (2001). Foreword. In: C. Ess & F. Sudweeks (Eds.), Culture, Technology, Communication: Towards an Intercultural Global Village (pp. vii-x). Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
- (1997). Ethics in cyberresearch: To cite, or not to
cite? The College (magazine of the UTA College of
Liberal Arts) 1(2): 18-23.
- (1995). Freedom of speech or freedom of harassment? The
College (magazine of the UTA College of Liberal Arts) 1(1):
8-9. https://homes.luddy.indiana.edu/herring/cola1.html
Working Papers and Other Publications
- (2008). Gendered typography: Abbreviation and insertion in Italian iTV SMS. With A. Zelenkauskaite. In: J. F. Siegel, T. C. Nagel, A. Laurente-Lapole, & J. Auger (Eds.), IUWPL7: Gender in language: Classic questions, new contexts (pp. 73-92). Bloomington, IN: IULC Publications.
- (2004). Content analysis for new media: Rethinking the
paradigm. New Research for New Media:
Innovative Research Methodologies Symposium Working Papers and Readings
(pp. 47-66). Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota School of
Journalism and Mass Communication.
- (2003). Dynamic topic analysis of synchronous chat. New Research for New Media: Innovative
Research Methodologies Symposium Working Papers and Readings.
Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota School of Journalism and Mass
- (2003). Review of Naomi Baron (2000), Alphabet to
Email: How Written English Evolved and Where It's Heading. Journal
of Historical Pragmatics, 4(1), 153-158.
- (2002). Searching for safety: Managing "trolling" in a
feminist discussion forum. With K. Job-Sluder, R. Scheckler, & S. A.
Barab. Center for Social Informatics Working Papers. https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/bitstream/handle/2022/1020/WP02-03B.html
- (2001). Gender and power in online communication. Center
for Social Informatics Working Papers. https://homes.luddy.indiana.edu/herring/gender.power.pdf
- (1994). UTA Working Papers in Linguistics,
Vol. 1. S. C. Herring & J. C. Paolillo (Eds.) University of Texas at
Arlington: Program in Linguistics.
- (1993). Sex of LINGUISTs: Results of survey. LINGUIST
List Vol. 4.517, June 30, 1993. http://www.linguistlist.org/issues/4/4-517.html
- (1992). Gender and participation in computer-mediated
linguistic discourse. Washington, D.C.: ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages
and Linguistics, document ED345552.
Invited Presentations

- 2024. "Gen Z's use of video face filters on social media: A window into AI-driven self-presentation."
Keynote speech, 3rd Language and Communication International Scientific Forum (LCR Forum), Cairo, Egypt, October 14.
- 2024. "And chaos will result: Catastrophizing hypotheticals in comment threads about deepfakes." Keynote speech, 4th International Conference on Language, Linguistics, Literature and Education (4th ICLLLE), Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, October 2-3.
- 2024. "Large-scale analyses of small-scale research questions: Pros and cons of upscaling
computer-mediated discourse analysis." Keynote speech, CMC2024: 11th Conference on Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) and Social Media Corpora. Nice, France, September 5-6.
- 2024. "Selected early Wikipedia studies." Plenary talk, Wikipedia Workshop, Université Côte d'Azur, Nice, France, September 4.
- 2024. "Performing laughables in TikTok duets." Invited webinar, Language and Communication Research Lab series on "Digital/Multimodal Discourse Studies," Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport, Cairo, Egypt, June 30.
- 2024. "Performing laughables in TikTok duets." Plenary talk, 2024 Conference of the International Society for Humor Studies, Texas A&M University-Commerce, April 19-21.
- 2024. "Digital face manipulation: Towards post-authenticity." Invited talk, RKCSI Lecture Series, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, March 22.
- 2024. Invited speaker, Special event: "Editors circle: Sharing insider knowledge on academic publishing: Interdisciplinary journals, edited volumes, special issues and open access," Drexel University, Philadephia, PA, March 12.
- 2024. "Performing conversation: Interactional strategies in TikTok duets." Invited talk, DiLCo (Digital Language Variation in Context) 2024 Lecture Series, University of Hamburg, Germany, January 25.
- 2023. "Digital face manipulation: Towards post-authenticity." Invited talk, Communication Department, Cornell University, October 25.
- 2023. "Multimodality and digital self-representation" Keynote talk, Eleventh International Conference on Multimodality (iCOM-11), London, England, September 27.
- 2023. "Self-presentation via video face filters: Effects on social interaction, trust, and self-concept." Invited seminar, Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan, September 8.
- 2023. "Self-presentation via video face filters: Effects on self-concept, social interaction, and trust." Invited talk, School of Journalism, Fudan University, China, April 3.
- 2023. "Performing conversation: Interactional strategies in TikTok duets." Invited talk, research group on Language, Interaction, and Social Organization, University of California, Santa Barbara, March 3.
- 2023. "Self-presentation via video face filters: Effects on self-concept, social interaction, and trust." Invited talk, Center for Information Technology and Society, University of California, Santa Barbara, February 17.
- 2023. "Researching the syntax of emoji sequences on Sina Weibo." Invited talk, Linguistics Colloquium Series, University of California, Santa Barbara, January 26.
- 2023. "Emoji and illocutionarity: Acting on, and acting as, language." Keynote talk, Symposium on Graphicons and Digital Media, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, China, January 14.
- 2022. Discussant, panel on "Beyond boundaries in digital sociolinguistics: Synergizing between "interactional" and "computational" approaches." Sociolinguistics Symposium (SS-24), Ghent, Belgium, July 14.
- 2022. "TikTik Duets: How to converse through asynchronous video." Invited talk, Seminar on Distance Education, Athabasca University, Athabasca, Canada, July 7.
- 2022. "Emoji and illocutionarity: Acting on, and acting as, language." Invited participant, Seminar on the occasion of the retirement of Prof. Tuija Virtanen, Abo Akademi, Turku. Finland, June 13.
- 2022. "Face filters in video-mediated communication: Authenticity, (dis)trust, and social interaction." Invited talk, Information Science Colloquium, Zhejiang University, China, April 11.
- 2022. "Face filters in video-mediated communication: From deepfakes to virtual makeup." Invited talk, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, March 7.
- 2021. "The 'emoji as language' question revisited." Keynote talk, Emoji2021 Workshop, 15th International Conference on Web and Social Media, June 7.
- 2021. "Digital data and digital methods for research in linguistics." Plenary talk, Catching Language Data Summer School, Bologna, Italy, June 25.
- 2021. "Graphicon variation and change: The evolution of emoji." Keynote talk, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janero, 1st PEUL Webinar, January 18.
- 2020. "The pleasures and perils of the digitally filtered self." Invited talk, University of Colorado, Boulder Department of Information Science, September 30.
- 2020. "Emoji syntax: Evidence of preferred "word" order." Plenary talk, British Association of Applied Linguistics Language and New Media Special Interest Group, July 30.
- 2020. "The pleasures and perils of the digitally filtered self." Invited talk, RKCSI Lecture Series, Indiana University, Bloomington, January 24.
- 2019. "Computational approaches to computer-mediated discourse analysis: From text to graphics." Plenary talk, Workshop on Digital Language Research: 'Computation' Meets 'Interaction', University of Hamburg, Germany, December 12.
- 2019. "Ideology, power, and social differences in computer-mediated communication: A gender retrospective." Invited talk, Seminar on Distance Education, Athabasca University, Athabasca, Canada, November 21.
- 2019. "Cyberviolence in computer-mediated communication." Invited panelist, Forum in Technology: Cyberviolence, sponsored by the Latino Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence, Indianapolis, IN, September 26.
- 2019. "Self-filtering through Animoji: Performance, perception, and interaction." Invited talk, Center for Information Technology and Society, University of California, Santa Barbara, July 8, 2019.
- 2019. "Gender and age differences in interpretation of emoji use." With Ashley Dainas. Invited talk, Cornell University Department of Information Science, Ithaca, NY, March 14.
- 2018. "Robot-mediated communication: Opportunities and challenges." Plenary talk, Distinguished Speaker Series, University of Zurich, Switzerland, November 27.
- 2018. "Ideology, power, and social differences in computer-mediated communication: A gender retrospective." Keynote talk, Digital Literacies Symposium, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, October 20.
- 2018. "Beyond emotion: Receiver interpretations of emoji functions." Invited talk, Cognitive Psychology Colloquium, University of California, Santa Cruz, May 16.
2018. Invited panelist, "Intersections of language and law." Forensic Linguistics Club, Indiana University, Bloomington, April 13.
- 2017. "Emergent forms related to digital, computer-mediated communication." Keynote talk, Conference on World language diversity: Old and new frontiers, emerging scenarios, Linguapax International, Barcelona, Spain, November 23.
- 2017. "Telepresence robots help mobility-impaired professor remain professionally active." Invited participant, panel on Making Robots Work to Help us Work Remotely, PARC, Palo Alto, CA, October 19.
- 2017. "The co-evolution of computer-mediated discourse analysis and computer-mediated communication." Invited talk, Indiana University Linguistics Club, Bloomington, Indiana, October 13.
- 2017. "Discourse-pragmatics of robot-mediated communication." Invited seminar, IMPEC, Université de Lyon, France, March 24.
- 2016. "Telepresence robot communication, gender, and metaphors of (dis)ability." Invited talk, Human-Robot Interaction Group, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, December 13.
- 2016. "The pragmatics of robot-mediated communication." Keynote speech, 3rd International Conference of the American Pragmatics Association (AMPRA). Bloomington, IN, November 4-6.
- 2015. "The co-evolution of computer-mediated discourse analysis and computer-mediated communication." Plenary speech, ADDA-1, Approaches to Digital Discourse Analysis, University of Valencia, Spain, November 18.
- 2015. "Language and computer-mediated communication: A multimodal view." Invited talk, Cognitive Psychology Colloquium, University of California, Santa Cruz, October 7.
- 2015. "Distinguishing functional types of hashtags: A structural approach." With E. Bourlai and M. Abdul-Mageed. Cornell University Department of Communication. Ithaca, NY, August 17.
- 2015. "Pragmatics and computer-mediated communication: A new interdiscipline?" Panel on Pragmatics and Its Interfaces, International Pragmatics Conference. Antwerp, Belgium, July 28.
- 2015. "Analyzing interactive multimodalities: A discourse approach." School of Information Studies, Syracuse University. Syracuse, NY, March 18.
- 2 014. "E-grammar, or what digital communication is doing to the English language." The Marilyn K. Cory Speaker Series, Ball State University Department of English. Muncie, IN, October 16.
- 2014. "Analyzing interactive multimodalities: A discourse approach." Cornell University Department of Communication. Ithaca, NY, August 11.
- 2014. "Comparative mode analysis: Towards a research design." Keynote speech, International Symposium: MOOD-Y (Micro-Analysis Of Online Data in York). University of York, UK, July 14.
- 2014. "New frontiers in interactive multimodal communication." Plenary talk, Interactions Multimodales par Ecran. Lyon, France, July 2.
- 2014. "Interactive multimodal platforms: Theory, method, and application." Invited talk, Drexel University Department of Communication. Philadelphia, PA, March 14.
- 2014. "Telepresence robots help mobility-impaired professor remain professionally active." Panel, "Teleworkers speak out!" 17th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing. Baltimore, MD, February 18.
- 2013. "Telepresence robots and robot-mediated communication." Cornell University Department of Communication and School of Information Science, Ithaca, NY, August 7.
- 2013. "Better living through telepresence robotics." [Presentation and demo]. With P. Goebel. Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, CA, May 15.
- 2013. "Teaching about social media through social media." Keynote speech, Social Media: Implications for the University. York University, York, Canada, May 4.
- 2013. "Telepresence robotics for a mobility-impaired academic." Invited talk, Microsoft Research, Mountain View, CA, April 16.
- 2013. Panelist, Analyzing Microtext Symposium. AAAI 2013 Spring Symposia, Stanford, CA, March 26.
- 2012. Discussant, panel on "Computer-Mediated Communication and Language Variation," New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV) Conference, Indiana University, Bloomington, October 27.
- 2012. "Special Internet language varieties: Culture, creativity, and language change." Cornell University School of Information Science and Department of Communication, Ithaca, NY, August 14.
- 2012. "Special Internet language varieties: Culture, creativity, and language change." LETiSS Centre 2nd International Workshop: Languages go Web: Standard and non-standard languages on the Internet, Pavia, Italy, April 4-5.
- 2012. "Interactive multimodal platforms: A research prospectus." College of Communication and Information, Florida State University, Tallahassee, March 21.
- 2011. "Gender and computer-mediated language: Then and now." Keynote speech, Gender and Language Workshop, Peking University, Beijing, China, October 14.
- 2011. "Mode choice in multimodal comment threads: Effects on participation and language use." Cornell University Departments of Communication and Information Science, Ithaca, NY, August 18.
- 2011. "Automating analysis of social media communication: Insights from CMDA." Keynote speech, Workshop on Language in Social Media, Association for Computational Linguistics Annual Conference, Portland, OR, June 23.
- 2011. "Context in computer-mediated discourse analysis." Plenary speech, i-Mean: Meaning in Context Conference, Bristol, UK, April 13-15.
- 2011. "Discourse in Web 2.0: Familiar, reconfigured, and emergent." Plenary speech, Discourse 2.0: Language and New Media, Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics, Washington, DC, March 10-13.
- 2011. "Russian language use in two multilingual Internet contexts." With E. Callahan. Keynote speech, F3: The Russian Internet in a Global Context, Passau, Germany, February 3-6.
- 2010. "Gender, communication, and self-presentation in teen chatrooms revisited: Have patterns changed?" With S. Kapidzic. Department of Communication, University at Albany, State University of New York, December 3.
- 2010. "Internet multilingualism, social network sites, and language networks." Plenary speech, AFinLA Autumn Symposium 2010, November 12.
- 2010. "Cultural variation in Wikipedia articles." Department of Communication and Program in Information Science, Cornell University, July 23.
- 2009. "New analytical lenses for new media: Web 2.0 and CMCMC." School of Information Studies, Syracuse University, November 2.
- 2009. "Gender preferences in mate selection in Lithuanian iTV SMS personal ads." With A. Zelenkauskaite. Department of Communication, Cornell University, July 15.
- 2009. "New directions in CMC research: CMCMC." Plenary speech, Illinois Language & Linguistic Society Conference (ILLS 1), Urbana, IL, May 31.
- 2009. "Computer-mediated communication, culture, and language." Plenary speech, 6th Malaysia International Conference on Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (MICOLLAC), Serdang, Malaysia, April 28.
- 2009. "New analytical lenses for new media." Humanities Lecture Series, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, March 10.
- 2008. "Convergent media computer-mediated communication: New trends in media coactivity." Department of Communication, Cornell University, October 23.
- 2008. "Perversely conversational: Convergent media computer-mediated communication." Invited colloquium, Department of Communication, University of Washington, May 28.
- 2008. "Computer-mediated discourse analysis: An interdisciplinary toolkit." Graduate seminar, University of Washington, May 28.
- 2008. "The global Internet." Invited presentation in supersession on The Many Uses of the Internet: Approaches to Research in Communication and English Composition, Rhetoric Society of America conference, Seattle, WA, May 24.
- 2008. "Text chat in a multiplayer online game." With John Paolillo. Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA, May 23.
- 2007. "The pragmatics of computer-mediated communication." Plenary speech, International Pragmatics Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, July 10.
- 2007. Discussant, panel on Corpora and Methods in Computer-Mediated Discourse Analysis, International Pragmatics Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, July 8.
- 2007. "Analyzing interactional coherence in convergent media: Orkut scraps and iTV SMS." Invited presentation, workshop on Studying Interaction in Online Communities: From Data Sources to Research Results, Communities & Technologies 2007 Conference, East Lansing, MI, June 28.
- 2007. "Content analysis for new media: Rethinking the paradigm." Cornell University School of Information Science, Ithaca, NY, June 12.
- 2007. "Language, culture, and communication on the Internet." Keynote speech, Fourth Annual University of Illinois Communication Collaboration Conference, Urbana, IL, March 2.
- 2006. "How to become an interdisciplinary CMC researcher without really trying." With John Paolillo. Keynote speech, New Media Research at UMN Conference, Minneapolis, MN, September 15.
- 2006. "Critical discourse analysis of the World Wide Web." With Anna Martinson. Invited presentation, Research & Teaching Talk Series, College of Information Science and Technology, Drexel University, Philadelphia, May 9.
- 2006. "Linguistic perspectives on persistent conversation: Towards a morphology of Instant Messaging." Keynote speech, Symposium About Language and Society-Austin (SALSA XIV), Austin, TX, April 7.
- 2006. "Doing gender in computer-mediated communication: The Blogosphere." With Lois Ann Scheidt. Plenary speech, Cyberworld Unlimited? Digital Inequality and New Spaces of Informal Education for Young People,
Bielefeld, Germany, February 10.
- 2006. "Computer-mediated discourse analysis: Past, present, and future." Communication Department, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, January 9.
- 2005. "Multilingualism on the Internet." With Brenda
Danet. Invited presentation, American Association for the
Advancement of Science Annual Meeting, panel on Language on
the Internet: Usage Patterns, Global Issues, Future Trends,
Washington, DC, February 18.
- 2004. "Conversation in the Blogosphere."
Community Technologies Group, Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA, October
- 2004. "Content analysis for new media: Rethinking the
paradigm." Invited presentation, New
Research for New Media: Innovative Research Methodologies Symposium,
Tarragona, Spain, October 1.
2004. "Gender and politeness in computer-mediated communication: A
decade of new evidence." Plenary speech, International Conference on
Language, Politeness and Gender: The pragmatic roots, Helsinki,
Finland, September 6.
- 2004. “Relating historical discourse genres and new
media genres: The case of weblogs.” Plenary speech, Conference on Historical News Discourse,
Florence, Italy, September 3.
- 2004. Invited panel discussant, “Bringing the weblog
back down to earth: Content, processes and structures in the
Blogosphere.” 54th Annual Conference
of the International Communication Association, New Orleans, LA,
May 28.
- 2004. “Feminism, pornography and the World Wide Web.”
Center for Women and
Information Technology's Speakers Series, University of Maryland
Baltimore County, April 21.
- 2004. “Weblogs as genre, weblogs as sociability.”
Invited speaker, Social Computing
Symposium, Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA, March 30.
- 2004. "Representational diversity and viewer choice in
Web pornography: The case of SexTracker.” Interdisciplinary
Seminar Series, The Kinsey Institute, Indiana University
Bloomington, February 25.
- 2004. “L’analyse du discours médié par
ordinateur dans une perspective globale.” Keynote speech, La communication électronique:
Approches linguistiques et anthropologiques, Paris, France,
February 5.
- 2003. Invited panel participant, "Broadening options
and raising standards for qualitative Internet research." Internet Research 4.0, Toronto,
Canada, October 19.
- 2003. "Dynamic topic analysis of synchronous chat."
Plenary speech, Symposium on New Research for New Media,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, September 5.
- 2003. "Gender, sex and power on the Internet." Invited
Dortmund University, Germany, May 13, 2003 and Heinrich Heine
Universiteit, Düsseldorf, Germany, May 14.
- 2003. "On the pragmatic notion of 'relevance' in
multi-participant chat conversations." Keynote speech, Symposium:
Chat-Kommunikation in Beruf, Bildung und Medien: Konzepte - Werkzeuge -
Anwendungsfelder, Dortmund University, Germany, May 9.
- 2003. "When rich media are opaque: Spatial reference in
a 3-D
virtual world." Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA, March
- 2002. "The Internet and the global linguistic ecology."
Linguistics Department, Göteborg University, Sweden,
December 20.
- 2002. "The Internet and the global linguistic ecology."
Keynote speech, Annual Conference of the Michigan Linguistics
Society, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, October 19.
- 2002. "Computer-mediated discourse analysis: An
interdisciplinary approach to studying online behavior." Keynote
speech, Annual Conference of the Association for Integrative
Studies, Drury University, Springfield, MO, October 4.
- 2002. "Cyber-differences, cyber-harassment." Featured
speaker, Gender Convocation, Drury University, Springfield,
MO, October 3.
- 2002. "Using discourse analysis to investigate online
behavior: Applications to distance education." Keynote speech, Instructional
Technology Institute, Utah State University, Logan, UT, August 30.
- 2002. "The language of the Internet: English dominance
or heteroglossia?" Keynote speech, International Conference on
Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication,
University of Montreal, Quebec, Canada, July 12.
- 2002. "Computer-mediated discourse analysis for system
designers." IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Hawthorne,
NY, July 9.
- 2002. "Gender issues in design and use of video in
Internet professional development for teachers." With A. Martinson &
R. Scheckler. Treasure Mountain Research Institute,
Excelsior Springs, MO, June 1.
- 2002. "Cyber violence: Recognizing and resisting abuse
in online environments." Plenary speech, UNESCO Chair Conference
on Women's Rights, Cyber Rights, Seoul, Korea, May 31.
- 2002. "CMDA: An approach to understanding
computer-mediated communicative behavior." Massachusetts
Institute of Technology Media Laboratory, Cambridge, MA, May 3.
- 2002. "Gender and power in online communication."
Featured speaker, Mellon Foundation Series on the Nature and
Impact of Electronic Communication, Wellesley College, Wellesley,
MA, May 2.
- 2002. "The Internet and language change." Plenary
speech, Oxford-Kobe Symposium on Language Change and Historical
Linguistics, Kobe, Japan, April 8.
- 2001. "IT democracy: What's in it for women?" Keynote
speech, ITech Women Conference, Vienna, Austria, October 23.
(Delivered via videotape and broadcast live on the Internet.)
- 2001. "Ethical challenges to doing research on the
Internet: The CMDA perspective." Invited presentation, panel on the
Ethics of Internet Research, Internet Research 2.0,
Minneapolis, Minnesota, October 14.
- 2001. "Is 'relevance' relevant in computer-mediated
conversation?" Linguistics Department, Indiana
University, Bloomington, September 14.
- 2001. "Linguistic diversity on the Internet." Keynote
speech, International Conference on Historical Linguistics,
Melbourne, Australia, August 16.
- 2001. "Gender and the Internet." Invited lecture,
Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand, August 2.
- 2001. "Language diversity on the Internet", "Gender and
Internet", and "Homogenization and diversification in English on the
Internet." Invited lecture series, Auckland University of Technology,
New Zealand, July 30-August 3.
- 2001. "The relevance of relevance in computer-mediated
conversation." Department of Linguistics, Northwestern
University, Evanston, IL, May 11.
- 2001. "The Internet and language change" and
diversity on the Internet". Virginia Technical
Institute, Blacksburg, VA, April 23.
- 2001. "Current frontiers in computer-mediated
communication." Keynote speech, Computer-Mediated Communication Day,
University of Groningen, The Netherlands, March 2.
- 2001. "Gender and CMC research on the Internet: The
state of the art." Keynote speech, Gender and the Internet Day,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, February 12.
- 2000. "Linguistic approaches to computer-mediated
communication." Keynote speech, Jornada sobre Communicació
Mediatitzada per Ordinador en Català,
Universitat de Barcelona, December 1, 2000 and "Computer-mediated
discourse analysis: The state of the art." Universitat
Pompeu Fabra, November 29, 2000 and Universitat Oberta de Catalunya,
November 30.
- 2000. "Nicks, scripts, and masks: Doing gender in
Relay Chat." Department of Feminist Studies, University
of Southern Denmark, Odense, October 17.
- 2000. "The relevance of relevance in computer-mediated
conversation." Linguistics Program, University of
Copenhagen, October 12.
- 2000. "Computer-mediated discourse analysis." Invited
workshop, Center for Research on Learning Technologies, Indiana
University, Bloomington, September 25.
- 2000. "Computer-mediated discourse analysis: The state
of the art." Keynote speech, Internet Research 1.0,
University of Kansas, Lawrence, September 15.
- 2000. "Gender in cyberspace: Implications for Internet
research." Invited workshop, Hall Humanities Center, University of
Kansas, Lawrence, September 13.
- 2000. "'Doing gender' on the Internet"; "Change over
time in
e-mail style: Use of contraction"; "The importance of 'importance':
Salience and text typology revisited." Invited lecture series,
University, Sweden, April 10-14.
- 2000. "Who's got the floor? Gender, power, and
interaction style in computer-mediated communication." Library
Forum, University of Texas at Arlington, February 28.
- 1999. "Structural reduction in English on the
Department of Linguistics, University of Texas at Austin,
November 15.
- 1999. "The future of the Internet." Invited panelist, Media2000
Conference, Tarrant County College, Arlington, TX, November 1.
- 1999. "Can the medium go the distance? On the
limitations of
synchronous CMC for instructional computing." School of
Library and Information Science, Indiana University Bloomington,
October 11.
- 1999. "Cyber-sociology: 'Doing gender' in recreational
computer chat." American Communication Association
Conference, Lafayette, LA, October 2.
- 1999. "Incoherence in computer-mediated communication:
Liability or asset?" Psychology Department Colloquium,
University of Texas at Arlington, September 10.
- 1999. "Real language in virtual societies: A reflection
on (im)perfection." Symposium in Honor of Umberto Eco,
University of Leuven, Belgium, February 26.
- 1999. "Real language in virtual societies: A reflection
on (im)perfection." Keynote speech, UTA Student Conference in
Linguistics (UTASCiL-5), Arlington, TX, February 19.
- 1999. "When functional explanations fail: Contractions
on the
Internet." Linguistics Department, Georgetown University,
Washington, D.C., February 9.
- 1998. "Variation and change in e-mail style." Invited
talk, the 114th Convention of the Modern Language Association,
panel on The Media and Language Change, San Francisco, December 28.
- 1998. "Gender codes in cyberspace." Chicago
Humanities Festival, panel on He/She in Cyberspace, Chicago,
November 8.
- 1998. "Virtual gender performances."
Department, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, September
- 1998. "Variability and change in e-mail style." Invited
talk, series on Electronic Rhetorics, Youngstown State
University, Youngstown, OH, May 29.
- 1998. "Variation and change in e-mail style: The case
of an early discussion list." Cercle Linguistique de
Copenhague, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, March 31.
- 1997. "Evaluating computer-mediated communication as a
force in language change." 13th International
Conference on Historical Linguistics, Düsseldorf, Germany,
August 14.
- 1997. "The nature and uses of e-mail." Plenary speech, STEP
Forum on Who's Reading Your E-Mail?, National Institutes of
Health, Bethesda, MD, March 12.
- 1997. "Computer technology, gender and women's voices."
Invited session leader, American Bar Association conference on Technology
and its Impact on Privacy, Civic Discourse and Higher Education,
Charleston, SC, March 8.
- 1997. "Who pays for 'free speech' on the Internet?"
talk, Department of Language, Literature, and Communication, Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, January 29.
- 1996. "Text, action and interaction: Computer-mediated
language in the cyber age." Plenary speech, Symposium on
CultureMorph: Perspectives on Art, Culture & Society in the Cyberage.
Southern Methodist University, Dallas, November 13.
- 1996. "Why women thank and men flame: Gender
differences on the Internet." Plenary speech, Symposium on Gender
and Communication, Hastings College, Hastings, NE, November 7.
- 1996. "Metaphors we do linguistics by: Ideology and
morality in generative and functional-typological grammar." Invited
talk, Department of Linguistics, Rice University, Houston, March 21.
- 1996. Symposium on "Addressing bias in linguistic
example sentences: Are guidelines necessary?" Invited discussant, Linguistic
Society of America, San Diego, January 6.
- 1995. "The discursive marginalization of women on the
Internet." Speech Communication Association
conference, panel on
"Domesticating the Electronic Frontier: The Gendered Interaction
Patterns of Cyberspace," San Antonio, TX, November 18.
- 1995. "Category indeterminacy and the evolution of
finiteness in Old Dravidian." Plenary speech, 12th International
Conference on Historical Linguistics, University of Manchester,
England, August 16.
- 1995. "Gender and democracy in computer-mediated
communication." Plenary speech, Symposium on Internet in the
Classroom, Southern Methodist University, May 18.
- 1995. "Preferred argument structure in Tamil." Invited
talk, Conference on Preferred Argument Structure, University
of California, Santa Barbara, May 13.
- 1995. "No stereotypes, please: Women drivers on the
information superhighway." Plenary speech, Women's History Month
Lecture Series, UT Arlington, April 19.
- 1995. "Gender and democracy in computer-mediated
communication." Plenary speech, Symposium on the Convergence of
Science and the Humanities: Internet Technologies and Scholarly
Resources, SUNY Buffalo, March 28.
- 1994. "Men's Language on the Internet." Keynote speech,
2nd Nordic Conference on Language and Gender,
University of Tromsø, Norway, November 3.
- 1994. "Politeness on the Internet: The gendering of
netiquette." Department of Language, Literature, and
Communication, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, July 11.
- 1994. "Gender and computer-mediated discourse: Bringing
familiar baggage to the new frontier." Keynote speech, American
Library Association Conference, Panel "Making the Net*Work*: Is
there a Z39.50 for gender communication?", Miami, June 27.
- 1993. "Sources of grammar." Department of
Linguistics, University of California, Santa Barbara, March 18.
- 1993. "Gender and computer-mediated discourse: Bringing
familiar baggage to the new frontier." University of
California, Berkeley, April 9.
- 1992. "Where does emergent grammar emerge from?"
Plenary speech, International Seminar on the Role of Communication
in Grammatical Theory, with Special Reference to Indian Languages,
Aligarh University, Aligarh, India, November 27.
- 1992. "The evolution of tense and aspect in Tamil."
talk, Linguistics Department, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi,
India, November 25.
- 1992. "Functional stability in language change."
Linguistics Colloquium Series, University of
California, Santa Barbara, May 13.
- 1992. "On the necessity of discourse analysis in
grammatical description" Linguistics Forum Series,
University of Texas, Arlington, February 10.
- 1989. "Accounting for verbless sentences in Tamil
narrative: A
discourse-functionalist approach." English Department,
California State University, San Bernardino, February 28.
- 1989. "Accounting for verbless sentences in Tamil
narrative: A discourse-functionalist approach."
Linguistics Program, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, February
Presentations at Professional Meetings

- 2024. And chaos will result: Catastrophizing hypotheticals in comment threads about deepfakes. S. C. Herring, A. R. Dainas, Y. Yan, & L. Yang. Paper presented at the 6th International Conference of the American Pragmatics Association, St. Petersburg, FL, September 27-29.
- 2024. Digital face manipulation and generative AI: Towards post-authenticity. S. C. Herring. Paper presented at the IAMCR pre-conference on Generative AI and Academic Research, Queensland, Australia, June 28.
- 2024. The filtered appeal: Evaluating the impact of appearance enhancement on effectiveness of donation requests. S. C. Herring, L. Yang, & A. R. Dainas. Paper presented at iConference 2024, Virtual program, April 15-18.
- 2024. Graphicon evolution in context: Trends and social factors. Y. Zhang, S. C. Herring, Y. Wu, & R. Tan. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of American Association for Applied Linguistics, Houston, TX, March 16-19.
- 2023. Graphicon evolution on Chinese social media: A contextually enriched approach. Y. Zhang, S. C. Herring, Y. Wu, & R. Tan. 7th Forum on Applied Linguistics, Guangzhou, China, December 3.
- 2023. Interactions between graphicons and language in Chinese social media: A diachronic investigation. Y. Zhang, S. C. Herring, & R. Tan. Eleventh International Conference on Multimodality (iCOM-11), September 27.
- 2023. Language endangerment in digital communication: A diachronic investigation into the impact of graphicons on language. Y. Zhang, S. C. Herring, R. Tan, Q. Zhang, & D. Shi. Forum for Emerging Scholars by Center for Linguistics and Applied Linguistics at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, China, September 15.
- 2023. From compensation to competition: The impact of graphicons on language use. Y. Zhang, S. C. Herring, R. Tan, Q. Zhang, & D. Shi. International Symposium on Graphicons and Digital Media, Virtual event, January 14.
- 2023. How cover images represent video content: A case study of Bilibili. M. Dedema & S. C. Herring. 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-56), Maui, HI, January 3.
- 2022. Video filters, social relationships, and self-presentation: Front stage, back stage, and dressing room. S. C. Herring, M. Dedema, E. Rodriguez, & L. Yang. American Pragmatics Association (AMPRA-5), November 4.
- 2022. One graphicon deserves another: Priming effects in Biliili comments. Y. Zhang & S. C. Herring. American Pragmatics Association (AMPRA-5), November 4.
- 2022. Graphicon evolution on the Chinese social media platform BiliBili. Y. Zhang & S. C. Herring. 5th International Workshop on Emoji Understanding and Applications in Social Media (Emoji2022), July 14.
- 2022. Gender and culture differences in perception of deceptive video filter use. S. C. Herring, M. Dedema, E. Rodriguez, & L. Yang. HCI International (HCII-22). June 27.
- 2022. #duetme: Constructing conversational coherence in TikTok videos. S. C. Herring & A. R. Dainas. Advances in Digital Discourse Analysis (ADDA-3), St Petersburg, FL, May 14.
- 2022. Sticker creativity and preference of Chinese users in WeChat conversations. With Jing Ge-Stadnyk (first author). Advances in Digital Discourse Analysis (ADDA-3), St Petersburg, FL, May 14.
- 2022. From transgressive to seductive: The construction of the online persona of a Spanish social media beauty influencer. With E. Rodriguez (first author). Advances in Digital Discourse Analysis (ADDA-3), St Petersburg, FL, May 13.
- 2021. "'MEOW! Okay, I shouldn't have done that': Factors influencing vocal performance through Animoji." With A. Dainas & Y. Tang. Emoji2021 Workshop, ICWSM, June 7.
- 2021. "Gender and age influences on interpretation of emoji functions." With A. Dainas. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2021), May 9-10.
- 2021. "Prompt-rich CMC on YouTube: To what or to whom do comments respond." With S. Chae. Fifty-fourth Hawai’i International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-54), January 7.
- 2021. "Emoji are language." Ignite Talk, Fifty-fourth Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-54), January 4.
- 2020. "'If I'm close with them, it wouldn't be weird': Social distance and Animoji use." With A. Dainas, H. Lopez Long, & Y. Tang. HCI International, July 24.
- 2020. "Do emoji sequences have a preferred word order." With J. Ge. 3rd International Workshop on Emoji Understanding and Applications in Social Media (Emoji2020), June 8.
- 2020. "Animoji adoption and use: Gender associations with an emergent technology." With A. Dainas, H. Lopez Long, & Y. Tang. 3rd International Workshop on Emoji Understanding and Applications in Social Media (Emoji2020), June 8.
- 2019. "Animoji performances: 'Cuz you can be a sexy poop'." With A. Dainas, H. Lopez Long, and Y. Tang. ADDA-2, Approaches to Digital Discourse Analysis, Tampere, Finland, May 23-25.
- 2018. "Interpreting emoji pragmatics." With A. Dainas. American Pragmatics Association (AMPRA) Conference, University at Albany, Albany, NY, November 1-3.
- 2018. "Receiver interpretations of emoji functions: A gender perspective." With A. Dainas. 1st International Workshop on Emoji Understanding and Applications in Social Media (Emoji2018), Stanford, CA, June 25.
- 2018. "Is politeness catalytic and contagious? Effects on participation in online news discussions." With Y. Kim (first author). Fifty-First Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences, Big Island, Hawai'i.
- 2017. "Is graphical icon use gendered?" With A. Dainas (first author). Visualizing (in) the New Media, Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland, November 8.
- 2017. "Origins and spread of deviant language on the internet." International Conference on Historical Linguistics, University of Texas, San Antonio, TX, August 4.
- 2017. "'Nice picture comment!' Graphicons in Facebook comment threads." With A. Dainas. Fiftieth Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences, Big Island, Hawai'i, January 5.
- 2016. "Pragmatic functions of ‘graphicons’ in Facebook comment threads." With A. Dainas. 3rd International Conference of the American Pragmatics Association, Indiana University, Bloomington, November 4.
- 2016. "Distinguishing functional types of hashtags: A structural approach." With E. Bourlai and M. Abdul-Mageed. 3rd International Conference of the American Pragmatics Association, Indiana University, Bloomington, November 4.
- 2016. Panelist, "The Future of Robotic Telepresence: Visions, Opportunities and Challenges." CHI 2016, San Jose, CA, May 10.
- 2016. "'Nice picture comment!' Graphicons in Facebook comment threads." With A. Dainas. Multimodality in Social Media and Digital Environments, Queen Mary University of London, England, April 15.
- 2015. "'I'm the first video Voicethread -- it's pretty sweet, I'm pumped': Gender and self-expression on a massively multimodal website." With B. Demarest. ADDA-1, Approaches to Digital Discourse Analysis, University of Valencia, Spain, November 19-20.
- 2015. "ISIS vs. the U.S. Government: A war of online video propaganda." With W. H. Allendorfer (first author). 16th Annual Meeting of the Association of Internet Researchers, Phoenix, AZ, October 21-24.
- 2015. "Understanding user behavior on online music distribution sites: A discourse approach." With H. Ishizaki (first author), G. Hattori, and Y. Takishima. iConference 2015, Long Beach, CA, March 23-26.
- 2015. "Simulating marriage: Gender roles and emerging intimacy in an online game." With G. Z. Freeman (first author), J. Bardzell, and S. Bardzell. CSCW 2015, Vancouver, Canada, March 15-18.
- 2015. "Enhancing evaluation of potential dates online through paired collaborative activities." With D. Zytko (first author), G. Z. Freeman, S. Grandhi, and Q. Jones. CSCW 2015, Vancouver, Canada, March 15-18.
- 2014. "Multimodal communication on Tumblr: 'I have so many feels!'" With E. E. Bourlai (first author). WebSci'14, Bloomington, IN, June 23-26.
- 2013. "Telepresence robots for academics." [Demo] Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science & Technology, Montreal, Canada, November 5.
- 2013. "In-game marriage and computer-mediated collaboration: An exploratory study of Audition." With G. Zhang (first author). Association of Internet Researchers 14.0, Denver, CO, October 24.
- 2012. "The pragmatics of use of special internet language varieties." 1st International Pragmatics Conference of the Americas, Charlotte, NC, October 19-21.
- 2012. "Globalization or localization? A longitudinal study of successful American and Chinese online store websites." With G. Zhang (first author). Cultural Attitudes towards Technology and Communication Conference, Arhus, Denmark, June 18-20.
- 2012. "Linguistic creativity online: A cross-cultural study of special Internet language varieties." With I. Kouper, D. O. Kutz, C. Vaisman, & G. Zhang. Pragmatics Festival, Indiana University, Bloomington, April 19-21.
- 2011. "Mode choice in multimodal comment threads: gender, metadiscourse, and evaluative stance." With B. Demarest. Internet Research 12.0, Seattle, WA, October 10-13.
- 2010. "Gender, communication, and self-presentation in teen chatrooms revisited: Have patterns changed?" With S. Kapidzic. National Communication Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, November 15. (Top Four Paper Award, Human Communication & Technology Division.)
- 2009. "Convergent media computer-mediated communication: Introduction and theory." Panel on Convergent Media Computer-Mediated Communication, Internet Research 10.0, Milwaukee, WI, October 9.
- 2009. "Cultural bias in Wikipedia content on famous persons." With E. Callahan (first author). Internet Research 10.0, Milwaukee, WI, October 9.
- 2009. "Nonstandard typography and the virtual marketplace: Gender expression in Italian iTV SMS." With A. Zelenkauskaite. Panel in honor of Brenda Danet, Internet Research 10.0, Milwaukee, WI, October 10.
- 2009. "Evaluating claims of cross-modal similarity: Nonstandard typography in Italian IRC and iTV SMS." With A. Zelenkauskaite (first author). Language in the (New) Media Conference, Seattle, WA, September 4.
- 2009. "Fast talking, fast shooting: Text chat in an online first-person game." With D. O. Kutz, J. C. Paolillo, & A. Zelenkauskaite. Forty-Second Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences, Big Island, Hawai'i, January 7.
- 2009. "Beyond microblogging: Conversation and collaboration via Twitter." With C. Honeycutt (first author). Forty-Second Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences, Big Island, Hawai'i, January 7.
- 2009. "Temporal patterns in student-advisor Instant Messaging exchanges: Individual variation and accommodation." With A. de Siqueira (first author). Forty-Second Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences, Big Island, Hawai'i, January 8.
- 2008. "Wikipedia entries on famous persons in Polish and English." With E. Callahan (first author). Annual meeting of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, Columbus, OH, October 29.
2008. "Gender differences in personal advertisements in Lithuanian iTV SMS." With A. Zelenkauskaite (first author). Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication 2008 (CATaC'08), Nimes, France, June 27.
2008. "Arabic and English news coverage on aljazeera.net." With M. Abdul-Mageed (first author). Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication 2008 (CATaC'08), Nimes, France, June 26.
- 2007. "Multilingual websites: Language choice, audience, and international identity." With E. Callahan (first author). Internet Research 8.0, Vancouver, CA, October 20.
- 2007. "Text messaging via interactive television: Gender, abbreviation, and expression." With A. Zelenkauskaite (first author). Internet Research 8.0, Vancouver, CA, October 19.
- 2007. "Abbreviation, audience, and gender in iTV SMS." With A. Zelenkauskaite (first author). International Communication Assocation Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, May 28.
- 2007. "Educational blogs for children: A new conversation space." With B. Stuckey, A. de Siqueira, & I. Kouper. American Education Researchers Association (AERA) annual conference, Chicago, IL, April 13.
- 2007. "Language networks on LiveJournal." With J. Paolillo, I. Ramos-Vielba, I. Kouper, E. Wright, S. Stoerger, L. A. Scheidt, & B. Clark. Fortieth Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences, Big Island, Hawai'i, January 4.
- 2006. "Gender encoding of typographical elements in Lithuanian and Croatian IRC." With A. Zelenkauskaite (first author). Conference on Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Culture 2006 (CATaC'06), Tartu, Estonia, June 30.
- 2006. "Linguistic diversity and language networks on LiveJournal." With J. Paolillo, I. Ramos-Vielba, I. Kouper, E. Wright, S. Stoerger, L. A. Scheidt, & B. Clark. International Sunbelt Social Network Conference, Vancouver, Canada, April 28.
- 2006. "Visualizing Dynamic Topic Analysis." With A. J. Kurtz. CHI 2006 Workshop on Social Visualization, Montreal, Canada, April 22.
- 2006. "Implications of gender consciousness for students in IT programs." With J. A. Marken. American Education Researchers Association (AERA) annual conference, San Francisco, CA, April 10.
- 2006. "The role of metacognitive load and the expertise reversal effect in navigating a 3-D virtual world." With B. M. Scott (first author), A. Arici, & C. Heiselt. American Education Researchers Association (AERA) annual conference, San Francisco, CA, April 10.
- 2006. "Being the same isn't enough: Same-sex mentoring and students' self-efficacy in computer science." With D. Goh (first author), C. Ogan, M. Ahuja, & J. C. Robinson. American Education Researchers Association (AERA) annual conference, San Francisco, CA, April 8.
- 2006. "Great job, Quester!" Assessing language skills on Quest Atlantis." With S. Stoerger & I. Kouper. Symposium About Language and Society-Austin (SALSA XIV), Austin, TX, April 7.
- 2005. "Adult-child discourse in a multi-user virtual
environment: Scaffolding complexity." With A. Das & S. Penumarthy. Internet
Research 6.0, Chicago, IL, October 7.
- 2005. "Conversation and connectivity in the
blogosphere." With J. Paolillo, B. Clark, I. Kouper, S. Mercure, L. A.
Scheidt, S. Stoerger, P. Welsch, & E. Wright. Internet Research
6.0, Chicago, IL, October 7.
- 2005. "The more things change, the more they stay the
same: Gender differences in attitudes and experiences related to
computing among students in computer science and applied information
technology programs." With C. Ogan, J. C. Robinson, & M. Ahuja. International
Communication Association Annual Conference, New York, NY, May 28.
- 2005. "Social network dynamics in the blogosphere."
With I. Kouper, S. Mercure, J. Paolillo, L. A. Scheidt, P. Welsch, &
E. Wright. International Sunbelt Social Network Conference,
Redondo Beach, CA, February 18.
- 2005. "Conversations in the blogosphere: An analysis
'from the bottom up'." With I. Kouper, J. Paolillo, L. A. Scheidt, M.
Tyworth, P. Welsch, E. Wright, & N. Yu. Thirty-Eighth Hawai'i
International Conference on System Sciences, Big Island, Hawai'i,
January 6.
- 2005. "Micro-longitudinal analysis of Web news
updates." With D. Kutz. Thirty-Eighth Hawai'i International
Conference on System Sciences, Big Island, Hawai'i, January 5.
(HICSS Best Paper Award.)
- 2005. "Collaborative authoring on the Web: A genre
analysis of online encyclopedias." With W. Emigh. Thirty-Eighth
Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences, Big Island,
Hawai'i, January 5.
- 2004. "Collaborative authoring on the Web: Quality vs.
democracy?" With W. Emigh. Internet Research 5.0, University
of Sussex, England, September 20.
- 2004. “Representations of indigenous language groups of
North and South America on the World Wide Web: In whose voice?” With Z.
C. Estrada. 2004 Conference on
Cultural Attitudes Toward Technology and Communication
(CATaC’04), Karlstad, Sweden, June 29.
- 2004. “Assessing gender authenticity in
computer-mediated interaction." 54th
Annual Conference of the International Communication Association,
New Orleans, LA, May 28.
- 2004. “Bridging the gap: A genre analysis of weblogs."
With L. A. Scheidt & E. Wright. 37th
Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences, Big Island,
Hawai'i, January 7.
- 2003. "Female sexuality in the Internet Age: Kinsey and
Web pornography." With A. Martinson. Conference on Women's
Sexualities: Historical, Interdisciplinary, and International
Perspectives, Indiana University, Bloomington, November 15.
- 2003. Panel participant, "Broadening options and
raising standards for qualitative Internet research." Internet
Research 4.0, Toronto, Canada, October 19.
- 2003. "Representational bias on SexTracker." With A.
Martinson. Internet Research 4.0, Toronto, Canada, October
- 2003. "Beyond the unusual: Weblogs as genre." With L.
A. Scheidt, E. Wright, & S. Bonus. Internet Research 4.0,
Toronto, Canada, October 16.
- 2003. "Weblogs: Structure and origins of an emergent
genre." 16th International Conference on Historical Linguistics,
Copenhagen, Denmark, August 12.
- 2003. "Designing for gender equity: The case of the
Inquiry Learning Forum." American Educational Research Association,
Chicago, IL, April 22.
- 2002. "Diversity and choice in web-based pornography."
With A. Martinson. Society for Social Studies of Science Conference,
Milwaukee, WI, November 7.
- 2002. "Collaboration and communication in a 3D virtual
world." With K. Börner & M. Swan. British Association for
Applied Linguistics Annual Conference, Cardiff, Wales, September
- 2002. "Whose community? Gender dynamics of questioning
answering in an online professional development tool designed to
promote inquiry." With R. Scheckler & A. Martinson. American
Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA, April 9.
- 2002. "Designing for community: The effects of gender
representation in videos on a Web site." With A. Martinson & R.
Scheckler. 35th Hawai'i Interantional Conference on System Sciences,
Big Island, Hawai'i, January 11. (HICSS Best Paper award.)
- 2001. "Gender deception games on the Internet." With A.
Martinson & L. Nyboe. Internet Research 2.0, Minneapolis,
Minnesota, October 11.
- 2001. "Homogenization and diversification in English on
the Internet." With J. C. Paolillo. Workshop on Media and Language
Change, 15th International Conference on Historical Linguistics,
Melbourne, Australia, August 16.
- 2001. "A multi-modal Web-based community for math and
science educators: A feminist critique." With A. Martinson & R.
Scheckler. National Women's Studies Association, Minneapolis,
Minnesota, June 18.
- 2001. "Extending computer-mediated discourse analysis
to multi-modal CMC." Workshop on Integrating Diverse Research and
Development Approaches to the Construction of Social Cyberspaces, CHI
2001, Seattle, Washington, April 3.
- 2000. "Norms of computer-mediated conversation: Whither
relevance?" 7th International Pragmatics Conference,
Budapest, Hungary, July 9.
- 1999. "Salience revisited: The view from text
typology." With G. Humber. 28th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic
Association of the Southwest (LASSO), San Antonio, TX, October 1.
- 1999. "Actualization of a counter-change: Contractions
on the Internet." 14th International Conference on Historical
Linguistics, Vancouver, Canada, August 13.
- 1999. "Implications pédagogiques de la
discussion synchrone par ordinateur: Cohérence ou
egalité?" (In French.) Journées internationales de
linguistique appliquée, Nice, France, June 25.
- 1999. "Interactional coherence in CMC." 32nd
Hawai'i Interantional Conference on System Sciences, Maui,
Hawai'i, January 8. (HICSS Best Paper award.)
- 1998. "Ideologies of language use on the Internet: The
case of 'free speech'." 6th International Pragmatics Conference,
Reims, France, July 21.
- 1998. "The discourse of harassment on the Internet:
Gender dynamics in two modes of CMC." Sociolinguistics Symposium 12,
London, England, March 27.
- 1997. "Variation and change in e-mail style." 26th
Annual Conference on New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAVE),
Quebec, Canada, October 25.
- 1997. "Humor that binds: Joking on Internet Relay
Chat." International Society for Humor Studies Conference,
Edmond, OK, July 13.
- 1997. "Is 'serious chat' an oxymoron? Academic vs.
social uses of Internet Relay Chat." With C. G. Nix. Conference of
the American Association of Applied Linguistics, Orlando, FL,
March 11.
- 1996. "Beyond 'free speech' on the Internet." Discourse
as Mosiac: The Re/production of Identities and Ideologies in Discourse,
Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., October 11.
- 1996. "Who's got the floor in computer-mediated
conversation? Edelsky's gender patterns revisited." 5th
International Pragmatics Conference, Mexico City, July 8.
- 1996. "Metaphors we do linguistics by: Politics and
ideology in grammatical theory." 21st UWM Linguistics Symposium on
Functionalism and Formalism in Linguistics, University of
Wisconsin, Milwaukee, April 21.
- 1995. "Politeness and gender of computer hackers." With
R. Lombard. 24th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Association of
the Southwest (LASSO), Las Cruces, NM, October 23.
- 1995. "Categoriality and finiteness in Old Dravidian." 17th
South Asian Languages Analysis Roundtable, University of Texas,
Austin, June 4.
- 1995. "Requests and disagreements among computer
hackers on the Internet." With R. Lombard. Georgetown University
Round Table on Languages and Linguistics (GURT) Presession on
Computer-Mediated Discourse Analysis, Georgetown University,
Washington, D.C., March 8.
- 1994. "An ethnographic analysis of ritual insults in
the 1992 presidential debates." With D. A. Johnson. 23rd Annual
Conference on New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAVE), Stanford
University, October 18.
- 1994. "On determining word order in Old Tamil." 16th
South Asian Languages Analysis Roundtable, University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, May 23.
- 1994. "Politeness in computer culture: The gendering of
'netiquette'." Third Berkeley Women and Language Conference,
University of California, Berkeley, April 3.
- 1994. "Discourse functions of demonstrative and
pronominal deixis in Tamil." 20th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley
Linguistic Society, University of California, Berkeley, February
- 1993. "Adversariality in the 1992 presidential
debates." With D. A. Johnson. 22nd Annual Meeting of the
Linguistic Association of the Southwest (LASSO), University of
Texas at Arlington, October 16.
- 1993. "Diachronic word order variation in a strict
verb-final language." 11th International Conference on Historical
Linguistics, UCLA, August.
- 1993. "Culture vs. technology, or why computer-mediated
communication is still sexist." 4th International Pragmatics
Conference, panel on Linguistic and Cultural Aspects of
Computer-Mediated Communication, Kobe, Japan, July.
- 1993. "'This-he' or 'that-he': Deixis and reference in
Tamil narrative discourse." 15th South Asian Languages Analysis
Roundtable, Panel on Discourse Grammar in South Asian Languages,
University of Iowa, May.
- 1993. "Macrosegmentation in postings to two electronic
lists." Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and
Linguistics (GURT) Presession on Discourse Analysis: Written
Texts, Georgetown University, March.
- 1992. "Men's language." XVth International
Congress of Linguists, Université Laval, Québec,
- 1992. "'Afterthought' postposing in Tamil." 14th
South Asian Languages Analysis Roundtable, Stanford University,
- 1992. "Participation in electronic discourse in a
'feminist' field." With D. A. Johnson & T. DiBenedetto. Second
Berkeley Women and Language Conference, UC Berkeley, April.
- 1992. "Gender and participation in computer-mediated
linguistic discourse." Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of
America, Philadelphia, January.
- 1991. "From aspect to tense in Tamil: Evidence from
discourse." 10th International Conference on Historical Linguistics,
Amsterdam, Holland, August.
- 1991. "From aspect to tense in Old Tamil: Evidence from
narrative discourse." 13th South Asian Languages Analysis
Roundtable, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, May.
- 1991. "Presentational focus in SOV languages." With J.
C. Paolillo. 20th UWM Linguistics Symposium, University of
Wisconsin, Milwaukee, April.
- 1990. "Topic and focus positions as a consequence of
word order type: What is universal?" 3rd International Pragmatics
Conference, Barcelona, Spain, July.
- 1990. "Be ing ... the Tamil way." 12th
South Asian Languages Analysis Roundtable, University of
California, Berkeley, June.
- 1990. "Information focus as a consequence of word-order
type." 16th Annual Berkeley Linguistics Society, University
of California, Berkeley, February.
- 1989. "Is sentence-final 'focus' position universal?" Annual
Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Washington, D.C.,
- 1989. "Aspectogenesis in South Dravidian." 9th
International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Rutgers
University, August.
- 1989. "Aspectogenesis in South Dravidian." 11th
South Asian Languages Analysis Roundtable, University of Wisconsin
at Madison, June.
- 1989. "Accounting for verbless sentences in Tamil
narrative: A discourse-functionalist approach." 11th South Asian
Languages Analysis Roundtable, University of Wisconsin at Madison,
- 1989. "Verbless presentation and the discourse basis of
ergativity." 25th Annual Chicago Linguistics Society,
University of Chicago, April.
- 1988. "Rhetorical questions in Tamil oral narrative." 10th
South Asian Languages Analysis Roundtable, University of
Washington, Seattle, July.
- 1988. "Aspect as a discourse category in Tamil." 14th
Annual Berkeley Linguistics Society, University of California,
Berkeley, February.
- 1986. "The present tense in narration: Developmental
implications of a unified Historical Present account." Chicago
Linguistics Society Parasession on the Development of Temporality,
University of Chicago, April.
Symposia and Panels Organized

- 2018. "Authenticity, Believability, & Deception." Panel organized for the IU Center for Computer-Mediated Communication, Bloomington, IN, October 19.
- 2018. SIG on Telepresence Robots. Co-organized with H. El Mimounia (lead), S. Fussell, C. Neustaedter, & J. Rode for the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2018), Montreal, Canada, April 22.
- 2016. "The Future of Robotic Telepresence: Visions, Opportunities and Challenges." Panel co-organized with S. Fussell for CHI 2016, San Jose, CA, May 9-12.
- 2015. "Center for Computer-Mediated Communication Spring Symposia." Bloomington, IN, March 28 & April 4.
- 2012. "Computer-Mediated Communication and Language Variation." Invited panel organized for the New Ways of Analyzing Variation Conference (NWAV 41), Bloomington, IN, October 27.
- 2010. "Persistent Conversation: Research and Design." Workshop and one-day minitrack co-organized with T. Erickson (IBM) for the 43rd Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences, Hawai'i, January 5-8.
- 2009. "Convergent Media Computer-Mediated Communication." Panel organized for Internet Research 10.0, Milwaukee, WI, October 9.
- 2009. "Persistent Conversation: Research and Design." Workshop and one-day minitrack co-organized with T. Erickson (IBM) for the 42nd Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences, Hawai'i, January 5-8.
- 2008. "Persistent Conversation: Research and Design." Workshop and one-day minitrack co-organized with T. Erickson (IBM) for the 41st Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences, Hawai'i, January 7-10.
- 2007. "Persistent Conversation: Research and Design." Workshop and one-day minitrack co-organized with T. Erickson (IBM) for the 40th Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences, Hawai'i, January 8-11.
- 2006. "Analyzing Social Interaction in Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) Systems." One-day tutorial co-developed with M. Smith (Microsoft Research) for CSCW 2006: Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Banff, CA, November 5.
- 2006. "Persistent Conversation: Research and Design."
and one-day minitrack co-organized with T. Erickson (IBM) for the 39th
Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences, Hawai'i,
January 4-7.
- 2005. "The Pragmatics of Computer-Mediated
Communication." Panel co-organized with D. Stein & T. Virtanen for
the 9th International Pragmatics Conference, Riva del Garda,
Italy, July 12.
- 2005. "Persistent Conversation: Research and Design."
and one-day minitrack co-organized with T. Erickson (IBM) for the 38th
Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences, Hawai'i,
January 3-6.
- 2004. "Analyzing Social Interaction in
Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) Systems." One-day tutorial
co-developed with M. Smith (Microsoft Research) for CSCW 2004: Computer Supported Cooperative
Work, Chicago, IL, November 7.
- 2004. "Content and Discourse Analysis." Panel
coordinated for the New Research for
New Media: Innovative Research Methodologies Symposium,
Tarragona, Spain, October 1.
- 2004. “The Multilingual Internet.” Panel co-organized
with B. Danet (Yale University) for 2004
Conference on Cultural Attitudes Toward Technology and Communication
(CATaC’04), Karlstad, Sweden, June 29.
- 2004. "Analyzing Social Interaction in CMC Systems:
Tools and Concepts." One-day tutorial co-developed with M. Smith
(Microsoft Research) for CHI 2004: Conference on Human Factors in
Computing Systems, Vienna, Austria, April 24.
- 2004. "Persistent Conversation: Research and Design."
and one-day minitrack co-organized with T. Erickson (IBM) for the 37th
Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences, Hawai'i,
January 5-9.
- 2003. "Language and Media." Invited thematic section
for the XVIth International Conference on Historical Linguistics,
Copenhagen, Denmark, August 11-15.
- 2002. "Language and the New Media." Invited colloquium
for the annual meeting of the British Association of Applied
Linguistics, Cardiff, Wales, September 12-14.
- 2002. "Discourse Architectures: Designing and
Visualizing Computer-Mediated Conversation." Workshop co-organized with
T. Erickson (IBM) & W. Sack (UC Berkeley) for CHI 2002,
Minneapolis, MN, April 22.
- 2002. "Persistent Conversation: Research and Design",
workshop and one-day minitrack co-organized with T. Erickson (IBM) for
the 35th Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences,
Hawai'i, January 7-11.
- 2001. "Media and Language Change." Workshop organized
for the XVth International Conference on Historical Linguistics,
Melbourne, Australia, August 16.
- 2001. "Persistent Conversation: Research and Design."
Workshop and one-day minitrack co-organized with Thomas Erickson (IBM)
for the 34th Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences,
Maui, Hawai'i, January 7-10.
- 2000. "Persistent Conversation: Research and Design."
Workshop and one-day minitrack co-organized with Thomas Erickson (IBM)
for the 33rd Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences,
Maui, Hawai'i, January 4-5. Led workshop on "CMC Research: Conversation
- 1997. "Electronic Fools: What's So Funny About
Computer-Mediated Communication?" Panel organized for the International
Society for Humor Studies Conference, Edmond, OK, July.
- 1996. "Computer-Mediated Conversation." Two panels
organized for the 5th International Pragmatics Conference,
Mexico City, July.
- 1995. "Computer-Mediated Discourse Analysis." One-day
presession of the Georgetown University Round Table on Languages
and Linguistics (GURT), Georgetown University, March.
- 1993. "Cultural and Linguistic Aspects of
Computer-Mediated Communication." Panel organized for 4th
International Pragmatics Conference, Kobe, Japan, July.
- 1993. "Discourse Grammar in South Asian Languages."
Panel organized for 15th South Asian Languages Analysis Roundtable,
University of Iowa, May.

- English (native), French (fluent), Tamil, Spanish,
German, some Japanese.
Courses Taught

- One asterisk indicates a new course developed.
Two asterisks indicate a required/core course.
Indiana University, Bloomington
- L565/S543/Z543: Computer-Mediated Communication*
- L567/S545/Z544: Gender and Computerization*
- L665/S641/Z641: Computer-Mediated Discourse Analysis*
- L597/S642/Z642: Content Analysis for the World Wide Web*
- L701/S701/Z701: Introduction to Doctoral Research in Information
University of Texas at Arlington
- HUMA 5302: Theories of Discourse: Discourse and
- LING 2301: Introduction to Linguistic Science**
- LING 4318/4389: Language and Gender*
- LING 5306: Grammatical Theory II:
Functional-Typological Grammar*,**
- LING 5313: Linguistic Typology and Language Universals**
- LING 5317: Introduction to Sociolinguistics**
- LING 5318: Language and Gender*
- LING 5340: Structure of a Non-Indo-European Language:
- LING 5346: Spoken Discourse*
- LING 5348: Text Analysis**
- LING 6300: Professional Writing for Linguists*,**
- LING 6310: Computer-Mediated Discourse*
California State University, San Bernardino
- ENG 311: The English Language**
- ENG 420: Grammar and Linguistics
- ENG 523: English Syntax*
- ENG 524: Sociolinguistics*
- ENG 615: Discourse Analysis: Theory and Practice**
- HUM 312: Theories of Language Acquisition
Stanford University
- LING 662: Beginning Tamil
University of California, Berkeley
- FREN 1: Introductory French
- FREN 2: Intermediate French
- FREN 3: Advanced French
- LING 5: Introduction to Human Language**
- LING 100: Introduction to Languages and Linguistics**
Supervision of Dissertations and Theses

Committee Chair or Research Director
- Completed:
- Muhammad Abdul-Mageed, "Subjectivity and Sentiment Analysis of Arabic as a Morphologically-Rich Language." Department of Linguistics and Department of Information & Library Science, Indiana University. July 2015.
- Dua'a Abu-Elhij'a Mahajna, "A Study of Loanwords and Code Switching in Spoken and Online Written Arabic by Palestinian Israelis." Department of Linguistics. May 2019.
- Elli E. Bourlai, "Gender and Language in Computer-Mediated Discourse: A Historical Analysis of USENET Newsgroups." Department of Information & Library Science, Indiana University. December 2018.
- Ewa Callahan, "Cultural Differences in the Design of Human-Computer Interfaces: A Multinational Study of University Websites." School of
Library and Information Science, Indiana University. August 2007.
- Ashley Dainas, "The GIF that Keeps on Giving: Sender and Receiver Interpretations and Misconstrual of GIFs." Department of Information & Library Science, Indiana University. October 2023.
- Anupam Das, "Linguistic Politeness and Interpersonal Ties among Bengalis on the Social Network Site Orkut: The Bulge Theory Revisited." Department of Linguistics, Indiana University. December 2010.
- Bradford Demarest, "Discourse Epistemetrics: Describing and Distinguishing Knowledge-Oriented Communities via Social and Epistemic Language Use." Department of Information & Library Science, Indiana University. June 2021.
- Guo Zhang Freeman, "Dance Like No One is Watching, Love Like You Will Never Get Hurt: In-game Marriage as Intimacy-Mediated Collaboration." Department of Information & Library Science, Indiana University. May 2015.
- Courtenay (Zoe) Honeycutt, "Examining the Diffusion of CMC Technologies in Minority Languages: A Case Study of Welsh Language Blogging and Twittering." School of Library and Information Science, Indiana University. June 2011.
- Craig Howard, "Higher Order Thinking in Collaborative Video Annotations: Investigating Discourse Modeling and the Staggering of Participation." Instructional Systems Technology, Indiana University. November 2012.
- Kirk Job-Sluder, "Location and Gender as Variables Affecting Social Networks
in a Children's Multi-User Virtual Environment."
Instructional Systems Technology, Indiana
University. May 2009.
- Deborah
Ann Johnson-Evans, "A Discourse Analysis of the 1998 United States
Senate Candidates' Pre-election Debates." Humanities Program,
University of Texas at Arlington. August 2000.
- HyunSeung Koh, "From Reading Text to Re-Designing It: Ebook Design Insights from a Mixed Methods User Study of Active Reading." Department of Information & Library Science, Indiana University. May 2015.
- Xiaojing Kou, "Discourse Analysis of Rhetorical Collaborative Inquiry". Instructional Systems Technology, Indiana University. July 2011.
- Andrew Kurtz, "The Influence of Aesthetics on the Learnability and
Memorability of Website Interfaces". School of Library and Information Science, Indiana University. May 2010.
- Anna Martinson, "Identifying Gender Ideology in Web Content: Debates about Feminism." School of Library and Information Science, Indiana
University. May 2009.
- Clive W. McClelland III, "Interrelations of Prosody,
Structure and Discourse Pragmatics in Tarifit Berber." Humanities
Program, University of Texas at Arlington. May 1996.
- Carol Ann Greb Nix, "The Impact of E-mail Use on Fourth
Graders' Writing Skills." Program in Linguistics, University of Texas
at Arlington. December 1998.
- Ernie C. Ricketts, Jr., "Discourse Functions of Tense,
and Mood in Ancient Greek Hortatory Epistles." Humanities Program,
University of Texas at Arlington. August 1999.
- Lois Ann Scheidt, "Scholarly vs. Producer Perceptions of Genre in Adolescent Weblogs." Department of Information & Library Science, Indiana
University. August 2016.
- Sharon Stoerger, "Pedagogical Practices in a Virtual World: An Ethnographic and Discourse Analysis Approach". School of
Library & Information Science, Indiana
University. May 2010.
- Andrew Tsou, "Real News or Fake News? Credibility and Discussions of Controversial Political Topics on Reddit." Department of Information & Library Science, Indiana University. December 2023.
- Jeyashree Venkatesan, "Reference and Aging in Tamil."
Humanities Program, University of Texas at Arlington. May 1994.
- Susan Clark Wykel, "A Contrastive Study of the
Structure Employed in English Texts by Native Speakers of English and
Native Speakers of Spanish." Humanities Program, University of Texas at
Arlington. May 1996.
- Asta Zelenkauskaite, "Between Interactivity and Gatekeeping: Audience Participation Via Mobile Texting and Facebook in Italian Radiovision RTL 102.5." Department of Telecommunications, Indiana University. September 2012.
- In progress:
- Yi-An (Jason) Chen ("Perceptions and Sociolinguistic Evaluations of Mainland Mandarin and Taiwan Mandarin on Bilibili.") Department of Linguistics, Indiana University. Dissertation draft submitted December 2024.
- Yusra Ibrahim ("Reddit Discussions on Disciplinary Practices for Students with Disabilities: Computer-Mediated Discourse Analysis.") Department of Special Education, Indiana University. Dissertation proposal approved December 2024.
- Soyeon Lee (Comparison of game live streaming chats with virtual and human streamers.) TDepartment of Information & Library Science and the Media School, Indiana University. Coursework in progress.
- Holly Lopez (Corpus construction for abusive language detection). Department of Information & Library Science, Indiana University. Qualifying defense passed October 2024.
- Yueru Yang (Hardship livestreaming as crowdfunding on TikTok). Department of Information & Library Science, Indiana University. Coursework in process.
Committee Membership
- Completed:
- Khadijah Alghamdi, "Instructional Strategies for Teaching Computational Thinking in Secondary Computer Science Introductory Courses" Instructional Systems Technology, Indiana University. May 2023.
- Anas Althuwaini, "Saudi Arabia's Transformation and its Global Impact on Linguistic and Discourse-Pragmatics." Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, Indiana University. December 2024.
- William H. Allendorfer, "On Identifying Situations of Use: L1 and L2 Knowledge About Situation-Bound Utterances." Department of Second Language Studies, Indiana University. July 2020.
- Lucia Casiraghi, "'Non parlo mica così in real life': Italian Youth's Translanguaging Practices on Social Media." Department of French and Italian, Indiana University. July 2024.
- Seung Woo Chae, "Twitch Aggression Profile: Exploring Aggression on a Live Mixed-Media Platform." The Media School, Indiana University. May 2023.
- Deborah Chung, "Interactivity in 45 News Websites."
School of Journalism, Indiana University. June 2004.
- Eleanor
Daniels, "The Writer-Reader Relationship: The Author, the Text, and the
Second Language Interpreter." Humanities Program, University of Texas
at Arlington. August 1997.
- Aaron Ellis, "Beer & Blogs: Scientific Knowledge in American Craft Beer." Department of Anthropology, Indiana University. March 2023.
- Zilia Estrada, "Activism, Aesthetics, Sustainability and Worldview on Display: Bloomington, Indiana’s Wild and Fruitful Vernacular Gardens." Department of Folklore, Indiana University. December 2012.
- Charlotte Ford, "An Exploratory Study of the
between Face-To-Face and Computer-Mediated Reference Interactions."
School of Library and Information Science, Indiana University. May
- Caisey Hung, "National Cultural Orientations and
of Task-Technology Fit: A Longitudinal Study." Kelley School of
Indiana University. June 2004.
- Eunseong Kim, "Political and Non-Political Bloggers in the 2004 U.S. Presidential Election: Motivations and Activities." School of Journalism, Indiana University.
August 2006.
- Kyong-Jee Kim, "Adult Learners’ Motivation in
Self-Directed e-Learning." Instructional Systems Technology,
Indiana University. August 2005.
- Nari Kim, "Scaffolding Engagement, Critical Thinking, Collaborative Learning, and Satisfaction during Wikibook Development in Cross-Institutional Environments." Instructional Systems Technology, Indiana
University. August 2009.
- Adam King, "Affective Dimensions of Internet Culture."
Department of Sociology, Indiana University. May 2003.
- Yusuf Koc, "An Examination of How People with Diverse
Backgrounds Talk About Mathematics Teaching and Learning Face-to-Face
and On-Line." Instructional Systems Technology, Indiana University.
August 2005.
- Dorothea Moore, "Lucy Stone, 19th Century Feminist."
Humanities Program, University of Texas at Arlington. December 1996.
- Gihan Osman, "Scaffolding Critical Discourse in Online Problem-Based Scenarios: An Examination of Individual Articulation and Argumentation." Instructional Systems Technology, Indiana
University. May 2008.
- Indeok Song, "Elaboration Likelihood Model of Interactive Media (ELMIM):
Effects of Interactivity on Attitude Formation on Political Websites." Department of Telecommunications, Indiana University. August 2007.
- Trena Paulus, "The Impact of Group Size and
Synchronicity on
Collaboration and the Social Construction of Knowledge in Online
Learning Environments." Instructional Systems Technology, Indiana
University. June 2003.
- Valerie Saugera, "Lexical Borrowing in a French-English Email Corpus: Integration of English Words in the Electronic Discourse of French Immigrants in America." Department of French and Italian, Indiana University. August 2007.
- Zihang Shao, "The Adoption of Digital Badges in Higher Education: A Case Study of a Faculty Professional Development Program." Instructional Systems Technology, Indiana University. May 2022.
- Summer Shuford, "A Voice for the Voiceless: How Family Members of Missing Persons use Social Media to Advocate for their Cause." Department of Criminal Justice, Indiana University. May 2023.
- Ashley Tan, "Does Scaffolded Blogging Promote Preservice Teacher Reflection?
Examining the Relationships Between Learning Tool and Scaffolding
in a Blended Learning Environment." Instructional Systems Technology, Indiana University. August 2006.
- Shuo Tang, "How the Media Shape Public Perceptions of China: A Network Agenda-Setting Analysis." The Media School, Indiana University. June 2021.
- Elizabeth Viall, "Hyper-Local Citizen Journalism Sites and Traditional Media Sites: Similarities and Contrasts in Theme, Objectivity, and Watchdog Function." School of Journalism, Indiana University. December 2009.
- Theano Yerasimou, "Examining Interactivity and Flow in a Blended Course to Advance Blended Learning Practices." Instructional Systems Technology, Indiana University, May 2010.
- In progress:
- Amaury de Siqueira, Instructional Systems Technology, Indiana University. Dissertation in progress.
- Enrique Rodriguez, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Indiana University. Dissertation in progress.
- Megan Vladoiu, Department of Information & Library Science, Indiana University. Dissertation proposal in progress.
- Leo Yang, Department of Criminal Justice, Indiana University. Dissertation proposal in progress.
- Marina Zhukova, Department of Linguistics, University of California, Santa Barbara. Dissertation in progress.
External Examiner
- Ylva Hård af
Segerstad, "The Use and Adaptation of Swedish Written Language to
Computer-Mediated Communication." Department of Linguistics, University
of Göteborg, Sweden. Completed December 2002.
- Margaret Murphy, "Politeness in Email." School of Education, Griffith University, Australia. Completed November 2006.
- Alexander Robertson, "Expression and Perception of Identity through Skin-toned Emoji." University of Edinburgh. Completed April 2022.
- Laura Rosenbaun, "Interaction Management in Recreational Video-Mediated Communication: Participation, Multiactivities, and Visual Playfulness in Multiparty Google+ Hangouts." University of Haifa. Completed May 2016.
- Joan Waldvogel, "The Role of Email in Workplace Communication." School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand. Completed May 2005.
- Gao Yang, "A Sip to a Gulp: Graphicons as Social Information in Text-Based Computer-Mediated Communication." Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Completed December 2023.
Committee Chair
- Completed:
- Richard Lee Boutwell, "Iconicity and
morphology in SOV languages." Program in Linguistics, University of
Texas at Arlington. August 2000.
- Syo-Wen Chen, "Chinese students' misunderstandings in
American university lectures." Program in Linguistics, University of
Texas at Arlington. May 1994.
- Karen Chadbourne Daley, "The discourse functions of
classifiers in Vietnamese." Program in Linguistics, University of Texas
at Arlington. December 1995.
- Julia Dieterman, "Participant reference in Mixe
discourse." Program in Linguistics, University of Texas at Arlington.
December 1995.
- Shih-Jen Huang, "Functions of Hausa aspects." Program
in Linguistics, University of Texas at Arlington. May 1994.
- LiChien Hung, Written comprehensive examination.
Humanities Program, University of Texas at Arlington. December 1996.
- Douglas Kasten, "A salience scheme for Biblical
Hebrew." Program in Linguistics, University of Texas at Arlington. May
- Jonathan Kern, "Participant reference in Wari', a VOS
of the Amazonian lowlands." Program in Linguistics, University of Texas
at Arlington. May 1996.
- Yoon Sook Kim, "Clause combining in Korean." Program in
Linguistics, University of Texas at Arlington. August 2000.
- Peter Knapp, "Pragmatic functions of the Vorfeld in
Program in Linguistics, University of Texas at Arlington. December
- Brent Alan Koehn, "Verb morphology and discourse
function in
Hellenistic Greek narrative texts." Program in Linguistics, University
of Texas at Arlington. December 1998.
- Kofi Ron Lange, "Grammaticalization in Nawuri." Program
in Linguistics, University of Texas at Arlington. May 1996.
- Michael Lothers, "Deixis in Kalam Kohistani narrative
discourse." Program in Linguistics, University of Texas at Arlington.
May 1996.
- Kevin Makice, "Politicwiki: Building a Political Platform." School of Informatics, Indiana University. May 2006.
- Justin Tabler, Department of Linguistics, Indiana
University. Spring 2007.
- Virginia Vinton, "The variable (th) in Dallas African
American Vernacular English." Program in Linguistics, University of
Texas at Arlington. May 1994.
- Dennis Walters, "Discourse evidence for an ergative
of Cebuano." Program in Linguistics, University of Texas at Arlington.
May 1995.
- Thomas Wendel, "A preliminary grammar of Hanga Hundi."
Program in Linguistics, University of Texas at Arlington. December
- Emily J. Young. "Alt-SHIFT: Queer online discourses on coming out in Serbia." Russian & East European Institute and School of Library & Information Science, Indiana University. December 2012.
- Susanne Zachik-Smith, "A morphology of the popular
novel." English Department, California State University, San
Bernardino. December 1993.
- Asta Zelenkauskaite, Department of Linguistics, Indiana University. Spring 2007.
Committee Membership
- Completed:
- Karen
Bradley, "A peak and profile analysis of li and ka in Zairian Swahili."
Program in Linguistics, University of Texas at Arlington. December
- Barbara Cameron, "Language attitudes in Sierra Leone
Krio." Program in Linguistics, University of Texas at Arlington. May
- Chia-Huan Chang, "A contrastive study of English and
rhetoric." Program in Linguistics, University of Texas at Arlington.
December 1994.
- Monica Chiu, "Can the Chinese Eight-Legged Essay help
students write in English?" English Dept., California State University,
San Bernardino. June 1993.
- Jacklyn Farris, written and oral comprehensive exam. Department of Telecommunications M.S. program, Indiana University. May 2011.
- Caroline Fleming, "Selected topics in Mona grammar."
Program in Linguistics, University of Texas at Arlington. May 1995.
- Melanie Getzler, "Othering among Otherkin: The discursive negotiation of the face-threat of exclusionary othering in a demarginalizing internet community." Department of Telecommunications, Indiana University. December 2012.
- Laura Gillette, "Postposing in Hindi narrative
Program in Linguistics, University of Texas at Arlington. December
- Sanja Kapidzic, "The influence of personality and internalization of media ideals on Facebook image selection." Department of Telecommunications M.A. program, Indiana University. December 2011.
- Esther Kim, "Korean romanization in computer-mediated
communication." Program in Linguistics, University of Texas at
Arlington. May 1997.
- Jeffrey McMurtry, Written comprehensive examination.
Humanities Program, University of Texas at Arlington. May 1997.
- Kathryn Partridge, "Biblical Hebrew narrative poetry."
Program in Linguistics, University of Texas at Arlington. December
- Lucy Spiro Peal, "Personality and second language
strategies." Program in Linguistics, University of Texas at Arlington.
December 1993.
- Caron Peck, Oral comprehensive examination.
Interdisciplinary Studies Program, May 1995.
- Suzann Saltzman, Written comprehensive examination.
Humanities Program, University of Texas at Arlington, May 1994.
- Christine Bobbitt Voth, "The facts about FAQs:
expectation, and audience in Frequently Asked Questions on the Internet
and Usenet." Program in Linguistics, University of Texas at Arlington.
December 1998.
- Jonathan Wilson, "Binandere nominal structures."
Program in Linguistics, University of Texas at Arlington. May 1996.
External Supervision
- Sanja Kapidzic, "The language of teen chatrooms." Fulbright Scholar hosted by the Department of Linguistics, Indiana University. Thesis successfully defended in Sarajevo, Bosnia. December 2010.

Academic Service
Indiana University Bloomington
- Faculty Misconduct Review Committee
August 2017-present
- Bloomington Faculty Council Distributed Education Committee
September 2006-June 2008
- Bloomington Faculty Council Research Affairs Committee
September 2006-June 2007
- Academic Misconduct Inquiry Committee
September 2004-March
- Steering Committee, Institute for the Study of Women in
Higher Education feasibility study
January 2004-April 2005
- Co-PI, Office for Women's Affairs initiative to develop
NSF proposal to fund research on women in IT educational programs
Fall 2001-November 2002
- Office of Women's Affairs Mentorship Program, Mentor for Sarah Van der Laan, Assistant Professor, Department of English
September 2009-March 2010
- Office of Women's Affairs Mentorship Program, Mentor for Beth Plale, Assistant Professor,
Department of Computer Science
October 2001-June 2006
- Volunteer Instructor, IUB Mini University
June 2003, June 2004
- Faculty Judge, Women in Science Research Day
March 3, 2004
University of Texas at Arlington
- University Research Committee
Chair, Fall 1998-Spring
Member, Fall
1994-Spring 2000
- Status of Women and Minorities Committee
Spring 1996-Spring 1997
- Graduate Assembly
Fall 1995-Spring 1998
- Program and Policy Committee
Fall 1995-Spring 1998
- Chancellor's Teaching Awards Committee
Spring 1995
California State University, San Bernardino
- International Programs Advisory Committee
Fall 1989-Spring 1990
- Judge, Undergraduate Student Research Competition
Fall 1991-Spring 1992
Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering, Indiana University
Promotion and Tenure Committee
August 2013-May 2014
August 2018-May 2022
Sans Silo Committee
Fall 2019-Spring 2020
School of Library and Information Science, Indiana
University (service home August 2000-July 2013)
- Director, SLIS Doctoral Program
July 2001-June 2002; August 2011-May 2012
- Doctoral Steering Committee
Chair, July 2001-June
2002; August 2011-May 2012
Member, July
2000-June 2002; July 2007-June 2008; July 2009-July 2012
- Tenure and Promotion Committee
January 2001-July 2012
- Curriculum Steering Committee
July 2002-June 2003
- Admissions and Scholarship Committee
July 2003-June 2005; July 2006-June 2007
- Diversity Committee
July 2005-June 2007
- Standing Sub-Committee on Review of Students on Probation
July 2006-June 2007
- Mission Committee for ALA Accreditation Review
September 2003-June 2004
- HCI Faculty Search Committee
Co-chair, October
2001-June 2002
- Faculty Mentor for John Walsh, Assistant Professor
May 2011-July 2012
- Faculty Mentor for Stasa Milojevic, Assistant Professor
- Faculty Mentor for Marika Cifor, Assistant Professor
March 2011-July 2012
- Faculty Mentor for Katy Börner, Assistant Professor
September 2001-June 2005
College of Liberal Arts, University of Texas at
- College of Liberal Arts Research Committee
Chair, Fall 1994-Fall
Member, Fall 1993-Fall
- Women's Studies Advisory Board
Fall 1994-Spring 1998
- Humanities Graduate Studies Committee
Fall 1995-Spring 1998
- Chancellor's Teaching Awards Committee, College of
Liberal Arts Representative
Spring 1995
- Search Committee for Sociology/Anthropology Department
Spring 1995
Department of Information and Library Science, Indiana University
(service home August 2013-present)
- Director, Center for Computer-Mediated Communication
September 2014-present
- Chair, Search Committee for Two Open-Rank Faculty Hires
August 2023-May 2024
- Faculty Policy Committee
August 2023-May 2024
August 2024-present, Chair
- Promotion and Tenure Committee
August 2013-present
- Merit Review Committee
Spring 2014
Spring 2017, Chair
Spring 2020, Chair
Spring 2021, Chair
Spring 2022
- Doctoral Steering Committee
August 2013-May 2014
Fall 2020-Spring 2023
- Coordinator, ILS Faculty Research Talk Series
January 2019-May 2022
- Search Committee for Open-Rank Faculty Hire
August 2014-March 2015
- Chair, Liaison Committee for Noriko Hara's Promotion Case
February-October 2017
- Chair, Liaison Committee for Stasa Milojevic's Promotion and Tenure Case
July-September 2014
- Faculty Mentor for Stasa Milojevic, Assistant Professor
August 2013-June 2014
- Faculty Mentor for Marika Cifor, Assistant Professor
August 2018-May 2019
Program in Linguistics, University of Texas at
Arlington (service home August 1992-July 2000)
- Acting Director
Summer 1993; December
1994; Fall 1995
- Assistant Director
Fall 1995-Spring 1996
- Curriculum Committee
Chair, Fall 1993-Fall
Member, Fall
1993-Spring 2000
- Research Committee
Chair, Fall 1993-Spring
Member, Fall
1993-Spring 2000
- Student Support Committee
Chair, Spring
1995-Spring 1997
Member, Spring
1995-Spring 2000
- Space Committee
Chair, Fall 1998-Spring
- Search Committee (2 tenure-track faculty searches)
Member, Fall
1992-Spring 1993
- Comprehensive Exam Committee
Co-chair, Fall
1998-Spring 1999
Member, Fall
1992-Spring 2000
- Grievance Committee
Member, Fall
1993-Spring 2000
- Course supervisor, LING 3311 (Introduction to Language
and Linguistics)
Fall 1992
English Department, California State University, San
Bernardino (service home August 1989-July 1992)
- Graduate Advisor, Master's Program in Composition and
Fall 1991-Spring 1992
- Graduate Committee
Fall 1989-Spring 1992
- Interviewer, student assessment exams (for prospective
teachers of high school English)
Fall 1990; 1991-1992
- Search Committee (1 tenure-track hire)
Fall 1991-Spring 1992
- Co-organizer, English Department Colloquium Series
Fall 1991-Spring 1992
- Faculty Advisor, Graduate English Student Association
Fall 1991-Spring 1992
Professional Service
- Editor-in-Chief, Language@Internet, January 2008-present
- Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 2004-2007
Editorial and Advisory Boards
- Discourse & Communication
- Discourse, Context & Media
- Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication (since January 2008)
- Linguistik Online
- PeerJ Computer Science
- Pragmatics and Society
- The Information Society
- The Linguist List
Committees and Taskforces
- Organizing Committee for the Symposium on Graphicons and Social Media, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Dec. 10, 2022 & Jan. 14, 2023.
- Program Committee for the 5th International Workshop on Emoji Understanding and Applications in Social Media (Emoji2022), held in Seattle, WA and online, July 14, 2022.
- Program Committee for the 4th International Workshop on Emoji Understanding and Applications in Social Media (Emoji2021), held online, June 7, 2021.
- Program Committee for the 11th International ACM Web Science Conference 2019 (WebSci'19), held in Boston, MA, June 30-July 3, 2019.
- Scientific Committee for IMPEC 2016: Multimodal Screen-based Interactions, held in Lyon, France, July 6-8, 2016.
- Program Committee for the 8th International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration (WikiSym 2012), held in Linz, Austria, August 2012.
- Program Committee for the 6th International Symposium on Wikis
(WikiSym 2010), held in Gdańsk, Poland, July 7-9, 2010.
- Program Committee for the 2010 International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems, held in Chicago, IL, May 17-21, 2010.
- Program Committee for the 2010 iSchools iConference, held in Urbana, IL, February 3-6, 2010.
- Program Committee for the 5th International Symposium on Wikis (WikiSym 2009), held in Orlando, FL, October 25-27, 2009.
- Program Committee for the 18th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2009), held in Madrid, Spain, April 20-24, 2009.
- Program Committee for the 4th International Symposium on Wikis (WikiSym 2008), held in Porto, Portugal, September 8-10, 2008.
- Program Committee for the 2008 International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems, held in Irvine, CA, May 19-23, 2008.
- Program Committee for the 1st International Workshop on Intercultural Communication, held in Kyoto, Japan, January 24-26, 2007.
- Program Committee for the 3rd International Conference on Communities and Technologies, held at Michigan State University, June 28-30, 2007.
- Program Committee for the 2nd International Conference on Communities and Technologies, held in Milan, Italy, June 13-16, 2005.
- Taskforce on Language and Communication Technology for
the International Association for Language and Social Psychology, 2004.
- International taskforce on violence against women in
cyberspace, in
association with the Research Institute of Asian Women, Sookmyung
University, Seoul, Korea, 2002.
- Taskforce of the Committee on the Status of Women in
Linguistics (an advisory body of the Linguistic Society of America) to
develop an award for student research on language and gender, 1993.
- External program reviewer for the Center for Language
and Cognition, University of Groningen, The Netherlands, Spring-Summer
- External promotion reviewer for colleagues at Syracuse University, Fall 2005; University of Illinois, Fall 2007; The London School of Economics and Political Science, Fall 2007; University of Kansas, Fall 2010; San Francisco State University, Fall 2024.
- External tenure reviewer for colleagues at York
University (Canada), Fall 1993; Mills College, Spring 2003; Purchase
College, Fall 2003; Massachussetts Institute of Technology, Spring 2005; University of Washington, Spring 2007; University of California at Berkeley, Spring 2011; University of Texas at Austin, Summer 2012; Cornell University, Fall 2015; Rutgers University, Summer 2024.
- Reviewer for Journals: Applied Linguistics, Asian Women, Behavioral Sciences; British Journal of Developmental Psychology; Classroom Discourse; Communication and Society; Communication Theory; Communications
of the ACM; Computer-Supported Cooperative Work; Computers in Human Behavior; Computers in Human Behavior Reports; Convergences; Diachronica; Discourse and Communication; Discourse and Society; Discourse Processes; Discourse Studies;
Journal of Communication; Electronic Journal of Sociology; Feminism & Psychology; First Monday; Gender, Technology and Development; Handbook of Information Security; Health Education and Behavior; Human Ethology Bulletin; Human Relations; Humor; IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication; Information, Communication, & Society; Interacting with Computers; International
Journal of Applied Linguistics; International Journal of Electronic Governance; International Journal of Human-Computer Studies; International Journal of Social Robotics; Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology; Journal of Communication; Journal of Computer-Mediated
Communication; Journal of Computer-Supported Cooperative Work; Journal of Contemporary Ethnography; Journal
of Intercultural Communication; Journal of Marketing Communications; Journal of Multilingual and
Multicultural Development; Journal of Pragmatics; Journal of Psycholinguistic Research; Journal
Sociolinguistics; Journal of the Southeast Asian Society; Language; Language@Internet; Language & Communication; Language in Society;
Language Learning and Technology; Linguistik Online; MIS Quarterly;
Mobile HCI; Nature Human Behavior, New Media &
Society; Perspectives on Psychological Science; PLOS ONE; Pragmatics; Pragmatics and Society; Psychological Bulletin; Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology; Sage Open; Signs;
Social Media & Society; Southwest Journal of Linguistics; Studies in
Language; Text and Talk;
The Information Society; Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction; Transactions on Mobile Computing; Transactions on Social Computing; Women's Studies International Forum; Writing Systems Research; Written Communication.
- Reviewer for Conferences: American Pragmatics Association; CHI; Communities and Technologies Conference; CSCW; Designing Interactive Systems (DIS); HICSS; Interact 2015; International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems; International Workshop on Intercultural Communication; International World Wide Web Conference; WikiSym Conference; Workshop on Emoji Understanding and Applications in Social Media.
- Reviewer for Funding Agencies and Presses: American Council of Learned Societies; Arts and Humanities Research Board (UK); Austrian Science Fund; Economic and Social Research Council (UK); Edinburgh University Press (UK); Fonds zur Förderung des wissenschaftliches Forschung (Austria); the Fulbright Foundation; Fund for Scientific Research (Belgium); Indiana Economic Development Corporation; Israel Science Foundatian; John Benjamins Publishers; Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers; Louisiana State Board of Regents; Palgrave Macmillan Publishers; MIT Press; National Science Foundation; Oxford University Press; Research Grants Council (Hong Kong); Routledge Publishers; Rowman and Littlefield Publishers; Schweizerischen Nationalfonds zur Förderung Switzerland der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung (Switzerland); SUNY Press; University of Wisconsin Milwaukee Graduate School.
Memberships in Professional Societies

- American Society for Information Science & Technology
- Association for Computing Machinery
- Association of Internet Researchers
- International Communication Association
- International Pragmatics Association
- Linguistic Society of America (1989-2000)
References Available Upon Request
Last Modified: January 31, 2025