Donald Byrd's Publications
Donald Byrd's Publications
This list includes almost all of the papers, including book chapters and my
dissertation, that have been published with my name as one of the authors. It does not
include unpublished presentations. The list is in reverse chronological order.
Most of the University of Massachusetts Computer Science Technical Reports are available at
CIIR publication page.
- Byrd, Donald, & Isaacson, Eric (2016). A Music Representation Requirement
Specification for Academia. Based on our 2003 paper of the same title, with many additions
to the table as well as updates to the body. You can get
the full paper (.doc, 656K).
- Byrd, Donald (2016). More Counterexamples In Conventional Music Notation. You can get
the full list.
- Byrd, Donald, & Simonsen, Jakob Grue (2015). Towards a Standard Testbed for Optical Music
Recognition: Definitions, Metrics, and Page Images.
Journal of New Music Research 44, 3, pp. 169195.
You can get
a preliminary but near-final version (PDF, 6 MB).
- Byrd, Donald (2014). Progress in Computing Pi, 250 BCE to the Present: From Polygons
to Elliptic Integrals. Submitted for publication.
- Byrd, Donald (2012). Studying Music is Difficult and Important: Challenges of Music
Knowledge Representation. A revised and expanded version of my 2009 paper of the same
title. You can get
the full paper (PDF, 168K).
- Byrd, Donald (2012).
Infinite Bottles of Beer: Mathematical Concepts with Epsilon Pain, Or: A Cantorial Approach
to Cantorian Arithmetic and Other Mathematical Melodies.
A revised and expanded version of my Math Horizons article of a similar title.
You can get the full paper (.pdf, 520K).
- Byrd, Donald (2010). Infinite Bottles of Beer: A cantorial approach to Cantorian arithmetic
and other mathematical melodies.
Math Horizons, September 2010, pp. 1617.
- Byrd, Donald, Guerin, William, Schindele, Megan, & Knopke, Ian (2010). OMR Evaluation
and Prospects for Improved OMR via Multiple Recognizers. Submitted for publication.
You can get
the full paper (.doc, 420K) .
(An expanded version with supporting documents is available on request.)
- Downie, J. Stephen, Byrd, Donald, & Crawford, Tim (2009). Ten Years of ISMIR:
Reflections On Challenges and Opportunities. In
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR 2009),
Kobe, Japan.
- Nichols, Eric, & Byrd, Donald (2009). The Future Of Music IR: How Do You Know When A
Problem Is Solved? Read at ISMIR 2009 Special Session on the Future of Music Information
- Byrd, Donald (2009). Studying Music is Difficult and Important: Challenges of Music
Knowledge Representation. In Proceedings of Dagstuhl Seminar on Knowledge
Representation for Intelligent Music Processing, Leibniz-Center for Informatics,
Wadern, Germany. You can get
the full paper (PDF).
see above for a revised version.
- Byrd, Donald (2009). Written Vs. Sounding Pitch. MLA Notes
66,1, September 2009.
Based on my 2005 paper of the same title, much expanded and with many musical examples added.
You can get
the full paper (PDF, 1250K).
- Byrd, Donald (2008). A Similarity Scale for Content-Based Music IR. Unpublished.
- Knopke, Ian, & Byrd, Donald (2007).
Towards MusicDiff: A Foundation for Improved Optical Music Recognition using Multiple Recognizers.
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval
(ISMIR 2007), Vienna, Austria, pp. 123126. You can get
the full paper (PDF, 88K).
- Byrd, Donald, & Schindele, Megan (2006).
Prospects for Improving Optical Music Recognition with Multiple Recognizers.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR 2006),
Victoria, Canada, pp. 4146. You can get
an expanded version and supporting
- Dunn, Jon; Byrd, Donald; Notess, Mark; Riley, Jenn; & Scherle, Ryan (2006).
Variations2: Retrieving and Using Music in an Academic Setting. Communications of
the ACM 49,8, pp. 5359.
- Byrd, Donald (2005). Written Vs. Sounding Pitch. Available at; see above for a revised version.
- Clifford, Raphael, Groult, Richard, Illiopoulos, Costas
S., & Byrd, Donald (2004). Music Retrieval Algorithms for the Lead Sheet
Problem. In Proceedings of Sound and Music Computing (SMC 2004),
Paris, France, pp. 141146.
- Scherle, Ryan, & Byrd, Donald (2004). The Anatomy of a Bibliographic Search System
for Music. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Music Information
Retrieval (ISMIR 2004), Barcelona, Spain, pp. 489496.
You can get
an abstract or
the full paper (PDF, 105K).
- Byrd, Donald, & Isaacson, Eric (2003). A Music Representation Requirement
Specification for Academia. Computer Music Journal 27, no. 4, pp. 4357; see above
for a revised version.
- Byrd, Donald, & Isaacson, Eric (2003). Music Representation in a Digital Music Library.
In Proceedings of Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2003), pp. 234236.
You can get
the full paper (PDF, 140K).
- Byrd, Donald, & Fingerhut, Michael (2002).
The History of ISMIR: A Short
Happy Tale.
D-Lib Magazine 8(11).
- Pickens, J., Bello, J.P., Crawford, T., Dovey, M., Monti, G., Sandler, M.B., & Byrd, D. (2002).
Polyphonic Score Retrieval Using Polyphonic Audio Queries: A Harmonic Modeling Approach.
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Music Information Retrieval
(ISMIR 2002), Paris, France, pp. 140149.
- Byrd, Donald, & Crawford, Tim (2002). Problems of Music Information Retrieval in the Real
World. Information Processing and Management 38, pp. 249272.
Also available as Technical Report IR-214, Computer Science Dept.,
Univ. of Massachusetts/Amherst. You can get
an abstract or
the full paper (PDF, 296K).
- Byrd, Donald (2001). Music-Notation Searching and Digital Libraries. In
Proceedings of Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2001), pp. 239246.
Also available as Technical Report IR-220, Computer Science Dept., Univ. of
Massachusetts/Amherst. You can get
an abstract or
the full paper (PDF, 232K).
- Allan, J., Leuski, A., Swan, R., & Byrd, D. (2001). Evaluating Combinations
of Ranked Lists and Visualizations of Inter-document Similarity. Information
Processing and Management 37, pp. 435458; also available as Technical Report
IR-204, Computer Science Dept., Univ. of Massachusetts/Amherst.
- Byrd, Donald & Podorozhny, Rodion (2000). Adding Boolean-quality control to
best-match searching via an improved user interface. Technical Report IR-210,
Computer Science Dept., Univ. of Massachusetts/Amherst.
- Byrd, Donald (1999). A Scrollbar-based Visualization for Document Navigation. In
Proceedings of ACM Digital Libraries 99, pp. 122129.
Also available as Technical Report IR-163,
Computer Science Dept., Univ. of Massachusetts/Amherst. You can get
an abstract or
the full paper (PDF, 793K).
- Shneiderman, B., Byrd, D., & Croft, W.B. (1998, April). Sorting out Searching: A
User-Interface Framework for Text Searches. Communications of the ACM 41, no. 4.
A revised and shortened version of our 1997 "Clarifying Search" paper.
You can get
an abstract.
- Swan, R., Allan, J., & Byrd, D. (1998). Evaluating a Visual Information
Retrieval Interface: AspInquery at TREC-6. Presented at Workshop on Information
Exploration at CHI 98 conference, April 1718, 1998, ; also available as Technical
Report IR-134, Computer Science Dept., Univ. of Massachusetts/Amherst.
- Swan, R., Allan, J., & Byrd, D. (1998). Evaluating a Task-specific
Information Retrieval Interface. Technical Report IR-133, Computer Science
Dept., Univ. of Massachusetts/Amherst.
- Allan, J., Callan, J., Croft, W.B., Ballesteros, L., Byrd, D., Swan, R., & Xu, J. (1997).
INQUERY Does Battle with TREC-6. In The Sixth Text REtrieval Conference
(TREC-6). NIST Special Publication.
- Byrd, D., Swan, R., & Allan, J. (1997). TREC-6 Interactive Track Report. Technical
Report IR-117, Computer Science Dept., Univ. of Massachusetts/Amherst.
- Crawford, T., Byrd, D., & Gibson, J. (1997). The Nightingale Notelist. In E.
Selfridge-Field, ed., Beyond MIDI: The handbook of musical codes, pp. 293318.
Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
- Shneiderman, B., Byrd, D., & Croft, W.B. (1997, January). Clarifying Search: A
User-Interface Framework for Text Searches. D-Lib Magazine; available
at . Also available as Technical Report IR-107, Computer Science
Dept., Univ. of Massachusetts/Amherst. You can get
the full paper (PDF, 340K).
- Byrd, Donald (1994). Music-Notation Software and Intelligence. Computer Music
Journal 18, no. 1, pp. 1720. You can get a
scanned-in version of
the full paper (PDF, 268K), or the
full text, unformatted and minus figures.
- Byrd, Donald (1992). Foreword: Notation Software. In C. Yavelow, The Macworld Music
and Sound Bible. San Mateo, California: IDG Books.
- Byrd, Donald, Starr, Mark, et al (1992). The Musical Notation Quiz. In
Computing in Musicology 8, pp. 183190.
- Byrd, Donald (1986). User Interfaces in Music Notation Systems. In Proceedings of
the 1986 International Computer Music Conference, Royal Conservatory, The Hague.
- Byrd, Donald & Yavelow, Christopher (1986). The Kurzweil 250 Digital Synthesizer.
Computer Music Journal 10, no. 1, pp. 6486.
- Byrd, Donald (1984). Music Notation by Computer (doctoral dissertation,
Computer Science Department, Indiana University). Available from UMI ProQuest,
Ann Arbor, Michigan (order no. 8506091), or
npc Imaging.
You can get an abstract or a
scanned-in version of the full dissertation
(PDF, 8600K).
- Byrd, Donald (1981, September). Science Fiction's Intelligent Computers. Byte 6,
pp. 200214.
- Byrd, Donald (1980). Human Engineering in a Machine-Independent Music Notation System.
Proceedings of the 1980 International Computer Music Conference, Queens College.
- Wittlich, Gary, Byrd, Donald, & Nerheim, Rosalee (1978). A System for Interactive
Encoding of Music Scores Under Computer Control. Computers and the Humanities 12,
pp. 309319.
- Byrd, Donald (1977). An Integrated Computer Music Software System. Computer Music
Journal 1,2, pp. 5560.
- Byrd, Donald (1974). A System for Music Printing by Computer. Computers and the
Humanities 8, pp. 161172.
Last modified 21 June 2016.
Comments to: donbyrd(at)
Copyright 2001-16, Donald Byrd
Music Informatics
School of Informatics
Indiana University