{- Well-typedness of the heap -}

module CC2.HeapTyping where

open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Nat.Properties using (n≮n; <-trans; n<1+n; ≤-refl)
open import Data.List
open import Data.Product renaming (_,_ to ⟨_,_⟩)
open import Data.Maybe
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_; Dec; yes; no)
open import Relation.Nullary.Negation using (contradiction)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl; trans; sym; subst; cong)
open import Function using (case_of_)

open import Common.Utils
open import Common.Types
open import CC2.Statics
open import Memory.HeapTyping Term Value _;_;_;_⊢_⇐_ public

relax-Σ :  {Γ Σ Σ′ gc pc M A}
     Γ ; Σ ; gc ; pc  M  A
     Σ′  Σ
     Γ ; Σ′ ; gc ; pc  M  A
relax-Σ ⊢const Σ′⊇Σ = ⊢const
relax-Σ (⊢addr {n = n} {ℓ̂ = ℓ̂} eq) Σ′⊇Σ = ⊢addr (Σ′⊇Σ (a⟦ ℓ̂  n) eq)
relax-Σ (⊢var Γ∋x) Σ′⊇Σ = ⊢var Γ∋x
relax-Σ (⊢lam ⊢M) Σ′⊇Σ = ⊢lam (relax-Σ ⊢M Σ′⊇Σ)
relax-Σ (⊢app ⊢L ⊢M eq) Σ′⊇Σ = ⊢app (relax-Σ ⊢L Σ′⊇Σ) (relax-Σ ⊢M Σ′⊇Σ) eq
relax-Σ (⊢app⋆ ⊢L ⊢M) Σ′⊇Σ = ⊢app⋆ (relax-Σ ⊢L Σ′⊇Σ) (relax-Σ ⊢M Σ′⊇Σ)
relax-Σ (⊢if ⊢L ⊢M ⊢N eq) Σ′⊇Σ = ⊢if (relax-Σ ⊢L Σ′⊇Σ) (relax-Σ ⊢M Σ′⊇Σ) (relax-Σ ⊢N Σ′⊇Σ) eq
relax-Σ (⊢if⋆ ⊢L ⊢M ⊢N) Σ′⊇Σ = ⊢if⋆ (relax-Σ ⊢L Σ′⊇Σ) (relax-Σ ⊢M Σ′⊇Σ) (relax-Σ ⊢N Σ′⊇Σ)
relax-Σ (⊢let ⊢M ⊢N) Σ′⊇Σ = ⊢let (relax-Σ ⊢M Σ′⊇Σ) (relax-Σ ⊢N Σ′⊇Σ)
relax-Σ (⊢ref ⊢M x) Σ′⊇Σ = ⊢ref (relax-Σ ⊢M Σ′⊇Σ) x
relax-Σ (⊢ref? ⊢M) Σ′⊇Σ = ⊢ref? (relax-Σ ⊢M Σ′⊇Σ)
relax-Σ (⊢deref ⊢M eq) Σ′⊇Σ = ⊢deref (relax-Σ ⊢M Σ′⊇Σ) eq
relax-Σ (⊢deref⋆ ⊢M) Σ′⊇Σ = ⊢deref⋆ (relax-Σ ⊢M Σ′⊇Σ)
relax-Σ (⊢assign ⊢L ⊢M x y) Σ′⊇Σ = ⊢assign (relax-Σ ⊢L Σ′⊇Σ) (relax-Σ ⊢M Σ′⊇Σ) x y
relax-Σ (⊢assign? ⊢L ⊢M) Σ′⊇Σ = ⊢assign? (relax-Σ ⊢L Σ′⊇Σ) (relax-Σ ⊢M Σ′⊇Σ)
relax-Σ (⊢prot ⊢M ⊢PC x eq) Σ′⊇Σ = ⊢prot (relax-Σ ⊢M Σ′⊇Σ) ⊢PC x eq
relax-Σ (⊢cast ⊢M) Σ′⊇Σ = ⊢cast (relax-Σ ⊢M Σ′⊇Σ)
relax-Σ ⊢blame Σ′⊇Σ = ⊢blame

⊇-fresh :  {Σ μ} a T  Σ  μ  a FreshIn μ  cons-Σ a T Σ  Σ
⊇-fresh {Σ} { μᴸ , μᴴ } (a⟦ high  n₁) T ⊢μ fresh (a⟦ high  n) eq
  with n  n₁
... | yes refl =
  case ⊢μ n high eq of λ where
   wfᴴ n<len , _  
    let len<len = subst     < length μᴴ) fresh n<len in
    contradiction len<len (n≮n _)
... | no _ = eq
⊇-fresh {Σ} {μ} (a⟦ high  n₁) T ⊢μ fresh (a⟦ low  n) eq = eq
⊇-fresh {Σ} { μᴸ , μᴴ } (a⟦ low  n₁) T ⊢μ fresh (a⟦ low  n) eq
  with n  n₁
... | yes refl =
  case ⊢μ n low eq of λ where
   wfᴸ n<len , _  
    let len<len = subst     < length μᴸ) fresh n<len in
    contradiction len<len (n≮n _)
... | no _ = eq
⊇-fresh {Σ} {μ} (a⟦ low  n₁) T ⊢μ fresh (a⟦ high  n) eq = eq

{- Properties about Σ ⊢ μ : -}
⊢μ-nil :   
⊢μ-nil n low  ()
⊢μ-nil n high ()

⊢μ-new :  {Σ V n T  μ}
   [] ; Σ ; l low ; low  V  T of l 
   (v : Value V)
   Σ  μ
   a⟦   n FreshIn μ
   cons-Σ (a⟦   n) T Σ  cons-μ (a⟦   n) V v μ
⊢μ-new { Σᴸ , Σᴴ } {V₁} {n₁} {T₁} {low} {μ} ⊢V₁ v₁ ⊢μ refl n low {T} eq with n  n₁
... | yes refl =
  case eq of λ where
  refl   wfᴸ ≤-refl , V₁ , v₁ , refl , relax-Σ ⊢V₁ (⊇-fresh (a⟦ low  n₁) T ⊢μ refl) 
... | no  _    =
  let  wf , V , v , eq′ , ⊢V  = ⊢μ n low eq in
   wf-relaxᴸ V₁ v₁ wf , V , v , eq′ , relax-Σ ⊢V (⊇-fresh (a⟦ low  n₁) T₁ ⊢μ refl) 
⊢μ-new {Σ} {V₁} {n₁} {T₁} {low} {μ} ⊢V₁ v₁ ⊢μ refl n high {T} eq =
  case ⊢μ n high eq of λ where
   wfᴴ n<len , V , v , eq′ , ⊢V  
     wfᴴ n<len , V , v , eq′ , relax-Σ ⊢V (⊇-fresh (a⟦ low  n₁) T₁ ⊢μ refl) 
⊢μ-new { Σᴸ , Σᴴ } {V₁} {n₁} {T₁} {high} {μ} ⊢V₁ v₁ ⊢μ refl n high {T} eq with n  n₁
... | yes refl =
  case eq of λ where
  refl   wfᴴ ≤-refl , V₁ , v₁ , refl , relax-Σ ⊢V₁ (⊇-fresh (a⟦ high  n₁) T ⊢μ refl) 
... | no  _    =
  let  wf , V , v , eq′ , ⊢V  = ⊢μ n high eq in
   wf-relaxᴴ V₁ v₁ wf , V , v , eq′ , relax-Σ ⊢V (⊇-fresh (a⟦ high  n₁) T₁ ⊢μ refl) 
⊢μ-new {Σ} {V₁} {n₁} {T₁} {high} {μ} ⊢V₁ v₁ ⊢μ refl n low {T} eq =
  case ⊢μ n low eq of λ where
   wfᴸ n<len , V , v , eq′ , ⊢V  
     wfᴸ n<len , V , v , eq′ , relax-Σ ⊢V (⊇-fresh (a⟦ high  n₁) T₁ ⊢μ refl) 

⊢μ-update :  {Σ V n T  μ}
   [] ; Σ ; l low ; low  V  T of l 
   (v : Value V)
   Σ  μ
   lookup-Σ Σ (a⟦   n)  just T  {- updating a -}
   Σ  cons-μ (a⟦   n) V v μ
⊢μ-update {Σ} {V₁} {n₁} {T₁} {low} {μ} ⊢V₁ v₁ ⊢μ eq₁ n low eq with n  n₁
... | yes refl =
  case trans (sym eq) eq₁ of λ where
      let  wf , _  = ⊢μ n₁ low eq₁ in
       wf-relaxᴸ V₁ v₁ wf , V₁ , v₁ , refl , ⊢V₁ 
... | no  _ =
  case ⊢μ n low eq of λ where
   wf , rest    wf-relaxᴸ V₁ v₁ wf , rest 
⊢μ-update {Σ} {V₁} {n₁} {T₁} {low} {μ} ⊢V₁ v₁ ⊢μ eq₁ n high eq =
  case ⊢μ n high eq of λ where
   wfᴴ n<len , rest    wfᴴ n<len , rest 
⊢μ-update {Σ} {V₁} {n₁} {T₁} {high} {μ} ⊢V₁ v₁ ⊢μ eq₁ n high eq with n  n₁
... | yes refl =
  case trans (sym eq) eq₁ of λ where
      let  wf , _  = ⊢μ n₁ high eq₁ in
       wf-relaxᴴ V₁ v₁ wf , V₁ , v₁ , refl , ⊢V₁ 
... | no  _ =
  case ⊢μ n high eq of λ where
   wf , rest    wf-relaxᴴ V₁ v₁ wf , rest 
⊢μ-update {Σ} {V₁} {n₁} {T₁} {high} {μ} ⊢V₁ v₁ ⊢μ eq₁ n low eq =
  case ⊢μ n low eq of λ where
   wfᴸ n<len , rest    wfᴸ n<len , rest