module CC.MultiStep where

open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Unit using (; tt)
open import Data.Bool using (true; false) renaming (Bool to 𝔹)
open import Data.List
open import Data.Product using (_×_; ∃-syntax; proj₁; proj₂) renaming (_,_ to ⟨_,_⟩)
open import Data.Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)
open import Data.Maybe
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_; Dec; yes; no)
open import Relation.Nullary.Negation using (contradiction)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl; trans; subst; sym)
open import Function using (case_of_)

open import Common.Utils
open import Common.Types
open import CC.CCStatics
open import CC.Reduction

open import CC.TypeSafety

{- Multi-step reduction -}
infix  2 _∣_∣_—↠_∣_
infixr 2 _∣_∣_—→⟨_⟩_
infix  3 _∣_∣_∎

data _∣_∣_—↠_∣_ : Term  Heap  StaticLabel  Term  Heap  Set where

    _∣_∣_∎ :  M μ pc
       M  μ  pc —↠ M  μ

    _∣_∣_—→⟨_⟩_ :  L μ pc {M N μ′ μ″}
       L  μ   pc —→ M  μ′
       M  μ′  pc —↠ N  μ″
       L  μ   pc —↠ N  μ″

multi-pres :  {Σ gc pc M M′ A μ μ′}
   [] ; Σ ; gc ; pc  M  A
   Σ  μ
   l pc  gc
   M  μ  pc —↠ M′  μ′
   ∃[ Σ′ ] (Σ′  Σ) × ([] ; Σ′ ; gc ; pc  M′  A) × (Σ′  μ′)
multi-pres {Σ} ⊢M ⊢μ pc≲gc (_  _  _ ) =
   Σ , ⊇-refl Σ , ⊢M , ⊢μ 
multi-pres ⊢M ⊢μ pc≲gc (M  μ  pc —→⟨ M→N  N↠M′) =
  let  Σ′ , Σ′⊇Σ , ⊢N , ⊢μ′  = preserve ⊢M ⊢μ pc≲gc M→N in
  let  Σ″ , Σ″⊇Σ′ , ⊢M′ , ⊢μ″  = multi-pres ⊢N ⊢μ′ pc≲gc N↠M′ in
   Σ″ , ⊇-trans Σ″⊇Σ′ Σ′⊇Σ , ⊢M′ , ⊢μ″ 

multi-preserve :  {M M′ A μ}
   [] ;  ; l low ; low  M  A
   M    low —↠ M′  μ
   ∃[ Σ ] ([] ; Σ ; l low ; low  M′  A) × (Σ  μ)
multi-preserve ⊢M M↠M′ =
  let  Σ , _ , ⊢M′ , ⊢μ  = multi-pres ⊢M ⊢μ-nil (≾-l l≼l) M↠M′ in
   Σ , ⊢M′ , ⊢μ 

multi-trans :  {M₁ M₂ M₃ μ₁ μ₂ μ₃ pc}
   M₁  μ₁  pc —↠ M₂  μ₂
   M₂  μ₂  pc —↠ M₃  μ₃
   M₁  μ₁  pc —↠ M₃  μ₃
multi-trans (M  μ  pc ) (M  μ  pc ) = M  μ  pc 
multi-trans (M₁  μ₁  pc ) (M₁  μ₁  pc —→⟨ M₁→M₂  M₂↠M₃) =
  M₁  μ₁  pc —→⟨ M₁→M₂  M₂↠M₃
multi-trans (M₁  μ₁  pc —→⟨ M₁→M₂  M₂↠M₃) (M₃  μ₃  pc ) =
  M₁  μ₁  pc —→⟨ M₁→M₂  M₂↠M₃
multi-trans (M₁  μ₁  pc —→⟨ M₁→M₂  M₂↠M₃)
            (M₃  μ₃  pc —→⟨ M₃→M₄  M₄↠M₅) =
  M₁  μ₁  pc —→⟨ M₁→M₂  (multi-trans M₂↠M₃ (M₃  μ₃  pc —→⟨ M₃→M₄  M₄↠M₅))