XiaoFeng Wang is a James H. Rudy Professor of Luddy School of Informatics, Computing and Engineering, Indiana University at Bloomington. His research focuses on systems security and data privacy with a specialization on security and privacy issues in mobile and cloud computing, cellular networks and intelligent systems, and privacy issues in dissemination and computation of human genomic data.
About Me and Bingrui’s Composition Premiere.
Past Group Members
To those interested in working with me
Code in our study on the practicality of oblivious cloud storage
Cloud and Mobile Security, and Health Informatics Security is becoming game-changers for both the academia and industry…
The Future of System Security Research: Composition Focusing and Data Centric
automatic program analysis for vulnerability detection, AI, game theory
Our research is supported by NSF, NIH, etc.
An application-level protection against runtime information gathering. Install our app from Google Play
A system for a large-scale analysis of potentially-harmful apps and mobile libraries. Here are the demo and media reports of the system
James H. Rudy Professorship, Indiana University, 2017
Best Paper Award in Applied Cyber Security Research, 3rd Place, CSAW’16 (NYU- Poly Cyber Security Awareness Week): for the work on cyber threat intelligence gathering, 2016
Best Paper Award in Applied Cyber Security Research, 3rd Place, CSAW’14 (NYU- Poly Cyber Security Awareness Week): for the work on security risks in Android customization, 2014
Third place in National Security Innovation Competition: for the work on Android secure upgrading, 2014
Finalist for the Best Applied Security Paper Award, CSAW’13 (NYU-Poly Cyber Security Awareness Week): for the work on dedicated hosts on malicious web infrastructures, 2013
PET Award for my research on Genome Privacy, 2011
PET Award runner-up for my research on side-channel information leaks in web applications, 2011
Best Practical Paper Award , the 32nd IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2011
Program Co-Chair, the 25th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS’18)
Vice Chair, ACM Special Interest Group on Security, Audit and Control (SIGSAC)
Founding organizer (with my colleagues at IU and UCSD): iDASH Genome Privacy Challenges
PC member, the USENIX Security Symposium (Security’ 17)
Program Co-Chair, the 11th ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ACM AsiaCCS’16)
Program Chair, the 11th International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks (SecureComm’15)
General Chair, the 13th Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS’13)
Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), since December, 2014
Invited panelist, Security and Privacy Challenges in Health Informatics, the NSF SaTC PI meeting 2015.
PC member, the Annual Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS’ 13, 14, 15, 16, 17)
PC member, the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P’10, 11, 12, 13, 14)
PC member and Session Chair, the ACM Conference on Computer and Communication Security (CCS’08, 10, 15, 16)
Chair of Local arrangement committee, Chair of Regional arrangement committee, CCS’09
2016, Keynote at the 10th Central Area networking and Security Workshop (CANSec’16)
2016, Invited seminar, Chinese University of Hong Kong 2016 Seminar talk, Northwestern University
2016, Seminar talk, University of Southern California 2015 Seminar, Northeastern University
2014, TRUST Security Seminar, University of California, Berkeley 2014 Invited talk. Narus Inc.
2014, Seminar talk. Purdue University
2013, Seminar talk. University of Maryland at College Park
2013, Seminar talk. University of Texas at Austin
2013, Invited talk. Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
2012, Invited talk. Microsoft Faculty Summit
2012, Invited talk. Computer Science Center, Shangdong Academy of Sciences, China
Fall 2005~Now: I430/520/B649, “Security for Networked Systems”, An upper-level undergraduate and graduate course, IUB
Spring 2007~Now: I521, “Malware: Threat and Defense”, A graduate course, IUB
Spring 2006~2009: I231, Mathematic Foundations for Cybersecurity, A second-year undergraduate course, IUB
Spring 2005: I400, Introduction to Information Security, A third and forth year undergraduate course, IUB
Spring 2002: 18440, Internet Security, Teaching Assistant, An upper-level undergraduate and graduate course, Carnegie Mellon University
Our recent security analysis of OS X and iOS has received media coverage world-wide (see Google 1, 2 and Forbes).
We organized the Secure Genome Analysis Competition, which has been reported by Nature News and GenomeWeb.
News reports about our work on the security issues in Android upgrade can be found on google, Forbes and many other news agencies. Our protection app has been installed tens of thousands of times across 163 countries.
Privacy in Dissemination and Analysis of Human Genome Data by BioSpace.
Security Analysis of Cashier-as-a-Service Systems by CNN, IU News Room, TG Daily, PhysOrg, NewsWise and etc.
Facebook Authorization Flaw by PhysOrg, ComputerWorld, eWeek, Register and Graham Cluley’s blog.
Side-Channel Information Leaks in Web Applications by The Register, Network World, and etc.