
This book is aimed at general readers. For experts in any of the many fields that I simplify to write it, I can only imagine the sharp intakes of breath, the arched eyebrows, the tapping fingers. In Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790), Edmund Burke wrote that, “[l]ess inquiring people receive the[ir] opinions from an authority which those whom Providence dooms to live on trust need not be ashamed to rely on.” For those who choose not to live on trust, the following notes might suffice as a guide into the literature and to suggest some of the nuances that were elided in the interests of a smoother story for general readers.

Also, in the book, measures are American-style not metric (miles, not kilometers; pounds, not kilograms), number names are American-style not European (a billion, not a thousand million; a trillion, not a million million), names are Americanized (corn not maize, railroad not railway, gasoline not petrol, and so on), and complexities are glossed. But here in the notes, everything follows scientific convention.

Seeing the Swarm

[Aristotle quote]
The common phrase “The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.” is often misattributed to Aristotle, who said something more subtle: [Insertions added for clarity.]

“To return to the difficulty which has been stated with respect both to definitions and to numbers, what is the cause of their unity? In the case of all things which have several parts and in which the totality is not, as it were, a mere heap, but the whole is something besides the parts, there is a cause [of unity]; for even in bodies[,] contact is the cause of unity in some cases, and in others viscosity or some other such quality. And a definition [as an explanation of a thing] is a set of words which is one [thing] not by being connected together, like the Iliad, but by dealing with one object.—What then, is it that makes man one [thing]; why is he one and not many [different things], e.g. animal + biped, especially if there are, as some say, an animal-itself and a biped-itself? Why are not those Forms themselves the man, so that men would exist by participation not in man, nor in-one Form, but in two, animal and biped, and in general man would be not one but more than one thing, animal and biped?

Clearly, then, if people proceed thus in their usual manner of definition and speech, they cannot explain and solve the difficulty. But if, as we say, one element is matter and another is form, and one is potentially and the other actually, the question will no longer be thought a difficulty.”

The Works of Aristotle, Volume VIII: Metaphysica, Book VIII, Part VI, J. A. Smith and W. D. Ross (editors), translated by W. D. Ross, Oxford University Press, Second Edition, 1928.

[traffic jams]
From the point of view of physics, a traffic clot is similar to a shockwave (like if we pinch then release a garden hose while watering something, a shockwave propagates backward up the hose) although that’s only at high densities so that it approaches an incompressible fluid. “Three-phase traffic theory and two-phase models with a fundamental diagram in the light of empirical stylized facts,” M. Treiber, A. Kesting, D. Helbing, Transportation Research Part B, 44(8-9):983-1000, 2010. “Self-sustained nonlinear waves in traffic flow,” M. R. Flynn, A. R. Kasimov, J.-C. Nave, R. R. Rosales, B. Seibold, Physical Review E, 79(5):056113, 2009. “Derivation of non-local macroscopic traffic equations and consistent traffic pressures from microscopic car-following models,” D. Helbing, European Physical Journal B, 69(4):539-548, 2009. “Traffic jams without bottlenecks—experimental evidence for the physical mechanism of the formation of a jam,” Y. Sugiyama, M. Fukui, M. Kikuchi, K. Hasebe, A. Nakayama, K. Nishinari, S. Tadaki, S. Yukawa, New Journal of Physics, 10(3), 033001, 2008. “Traffic Flow Theory,” S. Maerivoet, B. De Moor, Traffic, 81(2):301-390, 2005. The Physics of Traffic: Empirical Freeway Pattern Features, Engineering Applications, and Theory, Boris S. Kerner, Springer, 2004. Turtles, Termites, and Traffic Jams: Explorations in Massively Parallel Microworlds, Mitchel Resnick, The MIT press, 1994, pages 68-74.
[some termite nests can live for decades]
Principally that’s those termite species that don’t live in their food (like the wood-dwelling termites, which live inside a piece of wood), such as Mastotermitidae, most Rhinotermitidae, Serritermitidae, and Termitidae, which build nests. “The ecology of social evolution in termites,” J. Korb, in: Ecology of Social Evolution, Judith Korb and Jürgen Heinze (editors), Springer-Verlag, 2008, pages 151-174.
[network forces in economics and philosophy]
In 1714 Bernard Mandeville argued in The Fable of the Bees that our groups often do things in ordered ways, however not through our generosity but more through our selfishness. His idea enraged a lot of readers, who saw it as immoral, sinful, and degrading. Back then, reading his work must have been like expecting Pilgrim’s Progress and instead getting Dangerous Liaisons. Many authors rushed to refute it, but variants of it lived on. In 1776 Adam Smith argued in The Wealth of Nations that in many cases, in at least some of our markets, there seems to be a hidden order to how we network, and it needn’t be one that anyone intends. For him, such networks appear to be guided—but not by us, rather by an invisible hand.
[Mandeville and Smith]
The Fable of the Bees, or Private Vices, Publick Benefits, Bernard de Mandeville, edited by F. B. Kaye, Clarendon Press, 1924. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith, Edwin Cannan Edition, Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1952.

Today, Smith may be the most famous to broach such ideas, but he wasn’t the first, although today he’s recognized as the first to set them in the context of an economic theory. Also, Mandeville was not Smith’s only precursor. Others, particularly those involved in the Scottish Enlightenment, added various insights before, or around the same time as Smith, notably: David Hume, Adam Ferguson, Josiah Tucker, Dugald Stewart, Joseph Butler (Bishop of Durham), Anthony Ashley-Cooper (third Earl of Shaftesbury), and Francis Hutcheson.

For example, in 1767 Ferguson wrote that, “Mankind, in following the present sense of their minds, in striving to remove inconveniencies, or to gain apparent and contiguous advantages, arrive at ends which even their imagination could not anticipate; and pass on, like other animals, in the track of their nature, without perceiving its end. He who first said, ‘I will appropriate this field: I will leave it to my heirs;’ did not perceive, that he was laying the foundation of civil laws and political establishments. He who first ranged himself under a leader, did not perceive, that he was setting the example of a permanent subordination, under the pretence of which, the rapacious were to seize his possessions, and the arrogant to lay claim to his service.

Men, in general, are sufficiently disposed to occupy themselves in forming projects and schemes: but he who would scheme and project for others, will find an opponent in every person who is disposed to scheme for himself. Like the winds, that come we know not whence, and blow whithersoever they list, the forms of society are derived from an obscure and distant origin; they arise, long before the date of philosophy, from the instincts, not from the speculations, of men. The croud of mankind, are directed in their establishments and measures, by the circumstances in which they are placed; and seldom are turned from their way, to follow the plan of any single projector.

Every step and every movement of the multitude, even in what are termed enlightened ages, are made with equal blindness to the future; and nations stumble upon establishments, which are indeed the result of human action, but not the execution of any human design.”

An Essay on the History of Civil Society, Adam Ferguson, 1767, Duncan Forbes (editor), Edinburgh University Press, 1966, page 122.

Ferguson’s last line is a secular reformulation of an age-old religious thought (that is, ‘divine providence,’ which goes back at least as far as Thomas Aquinas, five centuries before). His later paragraphs expand on that. In essence, he argued that to explain the human equation, we need not introduce the divine. Then, if that was accepted, he argued that we also didn’t need the next level down proxies of the divine: Great Heroes who can foresee all possible outcomes and force a design that will lead to the ‘best’ outcome far into the future. In essence, he argued that nobody can foretell the future—the contingency of events is too complex—however, after the fact we inevitably look back and assume that at the beginning of things someone must have done so, because how else could things have worked out the way they did?

Thus in some serious sense, the name ‘spontaneous order’ is wrong, because there’s nothing ‘spontaneous’ about it. In fact, it’s the exact opposite. The core idea is this: Every human practice, whether it be in language, law, politics, economics, or whatever, grew over very long periods, in very small steps, as each of us gradually changed what we did, and others copied us, discarding anything that didn’t seem to work. But we didn’t, or couldn’t, copy exactly, nor could we forsee what would happen after enough of us copied some new thing.

The resulting structure resists change not because we planned it to do so but because many of its parts supported each other. Anything that didn’t would get whittled away over time. We call the structure ‘spontaneous order’ only when we’re look at whatever resulted long after all that has happened and, surprised by the result because we can’t name any particular originator, we’re trying to figure out where that order came from. Thus, ‘spontaneous order’ really means ‘unplanned order.’ It is in no wise ‘spontaneous.’

The idea of spontaneous order amounts to saying that just because something is intricate needn’t mean that it must have been designed. A century before Darwin, that was a disquieting idea—it was disquieting even in Darwin’s time—and, apparently, even today. Broadly speaking: Ferguson applied the idea of spontaneous order to language, Smith to economics, Hume to law, but they all applied it to politics and government. Nor can it be said that any of those writers were thinking of today’s notions of spontaneous network order. Mandeville, for example, wasn’t seriously arguing that we are like bees, but more that our usual explanations of why we do what we do are highly questionable. For instance, see: “The Role of Mandeville’s Bee Analogy in ‘The Grumbling Hive’,” W. J. Farrell, Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900, 25(3):511-527, 1985.

Their focus (and the focus, even today, of nearly all economists) is that of ‘betterment.’ Mandeville was more satiric and pessimistic than Smith or other Enlightenment philosophers, who were more usually sanguine and theistic. Mandeville was attacked strongly, primarily because he argued that ‘betterment’ happened largely because of selfish reasons. Many writers, particularly clergy, didn’t like that—for example, William Law, Richard Fiddes, John Dennis, George Bluet, George Berkeley, Alexander Pope, Samuel Richardson, and Henry Fielding. However, the Englightenment idea of ‘betterment’ still persists today. (It’s related to, and descended from, Aristotle’s ‘Great Chain of Being.’) These days it’s primarily used as justification for the ‘free market.’

For example, here’s a Nobel prize-winning proponent of the idea of spontaneous order in economics: “To understand our civilisation, one must appreciate that the extended order resulted not from human design or intention but spontaneously: it arose from unintentionally conforming to certain traditional and largely moral practices.” The Fatal Conceit: The Errors of Socialism, F. A Hayek, University of Chicago Press, 1988, page 6.

The text, however, states no assumption that all spontaneous order is necessarily ‘good,’ ‘beneficial,’ ‘progressive,’ ‘civilizing,’ or any of the other adjectives that we often use to say that we approve of something. The text’s main purpose is to show that spontaneous order exists in our species, and that it appears to be becoming more dominant, and then to explain some of the network mechanisms by which it comes to exist and by which it seems to be becoming more dominant. Whether those group arrangements are ‘good’ or ‘bad’ aren’t part of this book.

The following paper extract states this book’s position rather well: “[This paper asks] why the implications of new goods have not more extensively been explored, especially given that the basic economic issues were identified 150 years ago. The mathematical difficulty of modeling new goods has no doubt been part of the problem. An equally, if not more important stumbling block has been the deep philosophical resistance that humans feel toward the unavoidable logical consequence of assuming that genuinely new things can happen and could have happened at every date in the past. We are forced to admit that the world as we know it is the result of a long string of chance outcomes....

Once we admit that there is room for newness—that there are vastly more conceivable possibilites than realized outcomes—we must confront the fact that there is no special logic behind the world we inhabit, no particular justification for why things are the way they are. Any number of arbitrarily small peturbations along the way could have made the world as we know it turn out very differently.”

“New goods, old theory, and the welfare costs of trade restrictions,” P. Romer, Journal of Development Economics, 43(1):5-38, 1994. Paul Romer is the author of seminal work on new growth theory in economics. For example: “Endogenous Technological Change,” P. M. Romer, Journal of Political Economy, 98(5-2):S71-S102, 1990.

[complex networks]
This idea has many names. It’s often called complex networks or complex systems, where the meaning of ‘complex’ is different from merely ‘complicated.’ In economics, the notion grew into the idea of spontaneous order; in biology, it grew into the idea of a superorganism; in computer science, it grew into complex adaptive systems; in physics it grew into complex systems; in planning, it grew into system dynamics; in neuroscience and in philosophy, it grew into emergence. All amount to saying that the whole needn’t be the same as its parts, an idea that goes back to Aristotle (See lead quote above). See: A First Course in Network Science, Filippo Menczer, Santo Fortunato, Clayton A. Davis, Cambridge University Press, 2020. “System Theories: An Overview of Various System Theories and Its Application in Healthcare,” C. P. Cordon, American Journal of Systems Science, 2(1):13-22, 2013. “Eliminating the mystery from the concept of emergence,” B. R. Johnson, Biology & Philosophy, 25(5):843-849, 2010. Complexity: A Guided Tour, Melanie Mitchell, Oxford University Press, 2009. Complexity: 5 Questions, Carlos Gershenson (editor), Automatic press, 2008.

That can happen when many things, each following their own rules, interact over time. It might then make sense to talk about a single large thing as opposed to the several smaller things that compose it, even if the large thing is unintended, perhaps even unnoticed. But what happens if those smaller things are us?

The study of complex networks is both very old and very new. It’s very old in that many early thinkers have pointed out that gestalts don’t always work the way we expect. It’s very new in that the field studying it formally, complex systems theory, is less than two generations old. Today it goes by many names (for example: complex adaptive systems, complexity theory, complex network science, self-organizing systems, non-linear dynamical systems theory). It studies how relationships between parts of a system give rise to the system’s self-organizing behaviors. It’s interdisciplinary, with influences from economics, physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, computer science, and mathematics, as well as more specialized fields like entomology, climatology, geology, ecology, neuroscience, molecular biology, immunology, game theory, control theory, cognitive science, artificial intelligence, and artificial life.

It’s growing now because our computers have grown strong enough for us to use them to see macroscale patterns that were too big for us to see before. It’s also growing now because we now know enough to realize that understanding how the parts of a complex network interact can be just as important as understanding the parts themselves. And it’s growing now that we realize that an entomologist studying termites may have something to say to a molecular biologist studying mitochondria, who may have something to say to a climatologist studying tornadoes, who may have something to say to a sociologist studying city planning.

It’s still a magpie of a science. It steals ideas from condensed matter physics, biochemistry, molecular biology, embryology, entomology, ecology, immunology, evolutionary theory, neuroscience, mathematics, and economics. It feathers its nest with that hodge-podge of ideas, trying to figure out what’s common among them. It’s hoping to answer just one central question: how does order arise out of chaos? It assumes that there’s similarity of origin regardless of whether that order is in cities or crayfish or economies or railway companies. It’s still flailing around in the dark, but the vague outlines of a coherent theory may not be far off. And that theory, if proven true, may one day imply testable things about our future. However, today even the very definition of the word ‘complex’ is unresolved. We don’t yet have a widely accepted way to measure the ‘complexity’ of a system. So we still don’t have a uniform definition of a ‘complex system.’ So it’s still far from a real science.

Our knowledge base is now growing so fast that in recent decades every new scientific field goes through the same cycle. First a few explorers find something of interest. Then there’s a feeding frenzy as many prospectors join the gold rush. After a while, interest wanes as the same prospectors see that the pot of gold is still distant. That speed-up is a side-effect of our growing knowledge base, but the cycle itself is very old. It doesn’t much matter whether it’s in mining or science, finance or the stock market. We behave exactly the same way, everywhere and everywhen. In the last century that cycle has played out in systems theory, cybernetics, information theory, game theory, catastrophe theory, fractal geometry, and chaos theory. It’s now playing out in complex systems. Each wave washes up some new and pretty shell on the shoreline of our knowledge, but it’s hard to build those shells into a coherent picture. Too much is still missing.

For a good summary (before the field existed), here’s Warren Weaver, from 1948. He’s here describing the world where physical sciences (physics, particularly) largely studied problems where everything but for two variables could be kept constant. Then it jumped to problems where there were two billion variables and statistics could be used to average out behavior. That left a vast middle ground, which the life sciences (and all other sciences) are still struggling with:

“One is tempted to oversimplify and say that scientific methodology went from one extreme to the other... and left untouched a great middle region. The importance of this middle region, moreover, does not depend primarily on the fact that the number of variables involved is moderate large compared to two, but small compared to the number of atoms in a pinch of salt.... Much more important than the mere number of variables is the fact that these variables are all interrelated.... These problems, as contrasted with the disorganized situations with which statistics can cope, show the essential feature of organization. We will therefore refer to this group of problems as those of organized complexity.” From: “Science and Complexity,” W. Weaver, American Scientist, 36(4):536-44, 1948, page 538.

For some background, see: “Quantifying Self-Organization with Optimal Predictors,” C. R. Shalizi, K. L. Shalizi, R. Haslinger, Physical Review Letters, 93(11):118701, 2004. Emergence: From Chaos to Order, John Holland, Perseus Books Group, 1999. Hierarchical Structures and Scaling in Physics, Remo Badii and Antonio Politi, Cambridge University Press, 1997. Hidden Order: How Adaptation Builds Complexity, John Holland, Addison-Wesley, 1996. Emergent Evolution: Qualitative Novelty and the Levels of Reality, David Blitz, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992.

[humanity as an organism]
That’s hardly an original thought, at least for subgroups of our species. For example, Herbert Spencer wrote the following in 1876:

“Thus we consistently regard a society as an entity, because, though formed of discrete units, a certain concreteness in the aggregate of them is implied by the general persistence of the arrangements among them throughout the area occupied. And it is this trait which yields our idea of a society. For, withholding the name from an ever-changing cluster such as primitive men form, we apply it only where some constancy in the distribution of parts has resulted from settled life.

But now, regarding a society as a thing, what kind of thing must we call it? It seems totally unlike every object with which our senses acquaint us. Any likeness it may possibly have to other objects, cannot be manifest to perception, but can be discerned only by reason. If the constant relations among its parts make it an entity; the question arises whether these constant relations among its parts are akin to the constant relations among the parts of other entities. Between a society and anything else, the only conceivable resemblance must be one due to parallelism of principle in the arrangement of components.

The Principles of Sociology, Volume I: Herbert Spencer, 1885, D. Appleton and Company, Third Edition, 1916, page 448.

Then followed an entire chapter examining the question (Volume I, Part II, Chapter 2). Spencer primarily saw his ‘super-organism’ as an analogy. He intended to point out that a ‘society’ is different from a set of random individuals, but also different from a single organic entity.

Chapter 1. Seeds of the Future: Food

[Brecht quote]
“Erst kommt das Fressen / Dann kommt die Moral.” [First food, / then morals.] The Threepenny Opera, Act II, Scene III. This has many variant translations. Brecht and Method, Fredric Jameson, Verso, 1998, pages 131-132. Thinking about the Playwright: Comments from Four Decades, Eric Bentley, Northwestern University Press, 1987, pages 84-85.

Also, there’s a far older proverb dating to Roman times: Venter non habet aures [The belly has no ears]. Plutarch tells us that Cato the Elder used a version of it in an oration to mean that the hungry don’t listen when it comes to corn. (Arduum esse ad ventrem verba facere, qui careat auribus. [It’s hard to argue with the belly, which has no ears].) And Erasmus later used Venter auribus caret. [The belly has no ears.] Heinrich Bebel’s Proverbia Germanica, W. H. D. Suringar, E. J. Brill, 1879, page 385.

Autocatalytic Runaway

[hunting and gathering at least 1.8 million years old]
We had opposable thumbs, and biggish brains, and walked upright, and made tools, and maybe even talked, we didn’t farm; we hunted and gathered, much the same way that most other animals did. Evidence dates the combination back at least to Homo ergaster, via its use of various hand-axes and cleavers, and the presence of charred animal bones, strongly suggesting hunting, or at least butchery, followed by roasting, in Africa during the late Pliocene. “Human Evolution,” H. M. McHenry, in: Evolution: The First Four Billion Years, Michael Ruse (editor), Harvard University Press, 2009, pages 256-280. Farming started just a geological eyeblink ago—ten millennia or so.
[in 2020, only about one in four still farmers]
In 2018, and around the planet, of everyone working, just 28 percent were still on the farm (a huge drop from 44 percent just in 1991), 23 percent were in industry (no real change from 22 percent in 1991), and 49 percent were in services (a huge rise from 34 percent in 1991). World Social Report 2020: Inequality in a rapidly changing world, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, Figure 2.1, page 61.

By 2019, employment in agriculture was (as a percentage of all employment globally) 26.857. International Labour Organization, ILOSTAT database Data retrieved in March 1, 2020.

In 2006, the figure was 45 percent (1.3 billon people). The Employment Imperative: Report on the World Social Situation 2007, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, 2007, page 15.

In 1997, the figure was 46 percent. “A World of Farmers, But Not a Farmer’s World,” L. A. Ferleger, Journal of The Historical Society, 2(1):43-53, 2002.

[why choose 11.6Kya as a trigger point?]
That’s the start of the current geological epoch, the Holocene. The story is far more complicated than the text makes it seem. For example, precursors to settlement and farming occurred during the last interglacial stadial before the true end of the last ice age, with the Natufian culture, starting around 14.3Kya. Then came a sharp cooling period called the Younger Dryas. It lasted from around 12.8Kya to about 11.6Kya. It may have been caused by the sudden release of a huge ice-pent lake of freshwater in North America into the North Atlantic, thereby slowing the Gulf Stream, and temporarily cooling the planet for a millennium or so. The subsequent warming trend, peaking about six millennia ago, is called the Holocene Maximum, the hottest we’ve been in our recent history. After the Ice: A Global Human History, 20,000-5,000 BC, Steven Mithen, Harvard University Press, 2003, Chapter 5.

For some of the collapses known to be linked to climate change, see: “What Drives Societal Collapse?,” H. Weiss, R. S. Bradley, Science, 291(5504):609-610, 2001. See also: “Climate and the collapse of Mayan civilization,” G. H. Haug, D. Günther, L. C. Peterson, D. M. Sigman, K. A. Hughen, B. Aeschlimann, Science, 299(5613):1731-1735, 2003.

The Younger Dryas is important both because it shows that earth’s climate can sometimes change suddenly (in geologic terms) and because we started farming sometime within it, at least as far as the domestication of emmer wheat in southwest Asia is concerned. Such so-called ‘D-O events’ (named by Wallace Broecker after the Danish climatologist Willi Dansgaard and the Swiss geophysicist Hans Oeschger, who pioneered the research into the phenomenon in the early 1980s) are now garnering increased attention in climatology. A Brain for all Seasons: Human Evolution and Abrupt Climate Change, William H. Calvin University of Chicago Press, 2002, page 228. “Sudden climate transitions during the Quaternary,” J. Adams, M. Maslin, E. Thomas, Progress in Physical Geography, 23(1):1-36, 1999. “Evidence for General Instability of Past Climate From a 250-kyr Ice Core,” W. Dansgaard, S. J. Johnsen, H. B. Clausen, D. Dahl-Jensen, N. S. Gundestrup, C. U. Hammer, C. S. Hvidberg, J. P. Steffensen, A. E. Sveinbjörnsdottir, J. Jouzel, G. Bond, Nature, 364(6434):218-220, 1993. “One thousand centuries of climatic record from Camp Century on the Greenland ice sheet,” W. Dansgaard, S. J. Johnsen, J. Moller, C. C. Langway, Jr., Science, 166(3903):377-381, 1969.

[their goats have died...]
Perhaps they had herded a few goats, but disease killed all of those. That’s just a guess, however perhaps not an entirely silly one. Hard evidence places goat domestication first at Ganj Dareh, in the Zagros mountains of today’s Iran, only a millennium or so into the future from 11.6Kya. “Herded and hunted goat genomes from the dawn of domestication in the Zagros Mountains,” K. G. Daly, V. Mattiangeli, A. J. Hare, H. Davoudi, H. Fathi, S. B. Doost, S. Amiri, R. Khazaeli, D. Decruyenaere, J. Nokandeh, T. Richter, H. Darabi, P. Mortensen, A. Pantos, L. Yeomans, P. Bangsgaard, M. Mashkour, M. A. Zeder, D. G. Bradley, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 118(25):e2100901118, 2021. “The Initial Domestication of Goats (Capra hircus) in the Zagros Mountains 10,000 years ago.” M. A. Zeder, B. Hesse, Science, 287(5461):2254-2257, 2000. “Age, Sex, and Old Goats,” C. W. Marean, Science, 287(5461):2174-2175, 2000.

It’s not impossible that some goats were domesticated much earlier. Mitochrondrial evidence suggests that domestication events for goats were complex and geographically spread out. It seems likely that goats traveled great distances, perhaps by being herded, yet still intermixed with local populations. “Multiple Maternal Origins and Weak Phylogeographic Structure in Domestic Goats,” G. Luikart, L. Gielly, L. Excoffier, J.-D. Vigne, J. Bouvet, P. Taberlet, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 98(10):5927-5932, 2001. “Livestock genetic origins: Goats buck the trend,” D. E. MacHugh, D. G. Bradley, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 98(10):5382-5384, 2001.

Pemmican is dried meat. Similar variants around the world include biltong, jerky, and kilishi. The inuit can live on meat alone for long periods. The Fat of the Land, Vilhjalmur Stefansson, Enlarged Edition of Not by Bread Alone, With comments by Fredrick J. Stare, M.D., and Paul Dudley White, M.D., Macmillan, 1956. Of course, there’s no physical evidence of any such thing 12 millennia ago, but it seems a reasonable guess that rovers might have it as insurance.
[farming in the Zagros mountains... ]
It’s now known that farming arose (at least) twice in the Fertile Crescent: in the eastern portion in the Zagros (eastern Turkey, northeastern Iraq, and Iran) and in the western portion (Israel, Syria, Jordan). A recent genetic survey shows that two different branches separately domesticated animals and plants, then mingled, then spread out: east (to India), west (to Europe), south (to east Africa) and north (to the Eurasian steppe). The Zagros farmers domesticated goats as well as cereals such as emmer, whereas those to the west had their own crops, including barley and wheat. Around 9,500 years ago, these two began spreading. (See also the later Yamnaya and the horse on the Eurasian steppe.)

“We report genome-wide ancient DNA from 44 ancient Near Easterners ranging in time between ~12,000 and 1,400 bc, from Natufian hunter-gatherers to Bronze Age farmers. We show that the earliest populations of the Near East derived around half their ancestry from a ‘Basal Eurasian’ lineage that had little if any Neanderthal admixture and that separated from other non-African lineages before their separation from each other. The first farmers of the southern Levant (Israel and Jordan) and Zagros Mountains (Iran) were strongly genetically differentiated, and each descended from local hunter-gatherers. By the time of the Bronze Age, these two populations and Anatolian-related farmers had mixed with each other and with the hunter-gatherers of Europe to greatly reduce genetic differentiation. The impact of the Near Eastern farmers extended beyond the Near East: farmers related to those of Anatolia spread westward into Europe; farmers related to those of the Levant spread southward into East Africa; farmers related to those of Iran spread northward into the Eurasian steppe; and people related to both the early farmers of Iran and to the pastoralists of the Eurasian steppe spread eastward into South Asia.”

“Genomic insights into the origin of farming in the ancient Near East,” I. Lazaridis, D. Nadel, G. Rollefson, D. Merrett, N. Rohland, S. Mallick, D. M. Fernandes, M. Novak, B. Gamarra, K. Sirak S. Connell, K. Stewardson, E. Harney, Q. Fu, G. Gonzalez-Fortes, E. R. Jones, S. A. Roodenberg, G. Lengyel, F. Bocquentin, B. Gasparian, J. M. Monge, M. Gregg, V. Eshed, A.-S. Mizrahi, C. Meiklejohn, F. Gerritsen, L. Bejenaru, M. Blüher, A. Campbell, G. Cavalleri, D. Comas, P. Froguel, E. Gilbert, S. M. Kerr, P. Kovacs, J. Krause, D. McGettigan, M. Merrigan, D. A. Merriwether, S. O’Reilly, M. B. Richards, O. Semino, M. Shamoon-Pour, G. Stefanescu, M. Stumvoll, A. Tönjes, A. Torroni, J. F. Wilson, L. Yengo, N. A. Hovhannisyan, N. Patterson, R. Pinhasi, D. Reich, Nature, 536(7617):419-424, 2016.

[for some unknown reason...]
We don’t know why our first bands decided to settle. That may have to do with our slowly rising population, the end of the last ice age, and, perhaps (but unlikely), changes in our brain. Likely it was a complex process taking millennia. In a few parts of the planet, like the Levant, the process has begun to be sketched in a fair amount of detail and it seems fairly clear that it was largely population-based: “Becoming Farmers: The Inside Story,” A. Belfer-Cohen, A. N. Goring-Morris, Current Anthropology, 52(S4):209-220, 2011.

But in general, too much is unknown. Perhaps as the ice retreated the drying climate forced us to stay near rivers. Or perhaps the reverse happened since the melting ice raised sea level by 90 meters (about 300 feet), which would have drowned our lowlying camps and forced our tribes into the hills. Or maybe there was especially good wood or stone or game, and an excellent cave, thereabouts. Or perhaps the geography was especially good in relation to the roaming ranges of other nomad tribes. Or maybe a plague forced some of us to stop roaming. Or perhaps a severe drought drove most game away. It’s even possible that our slowly rising population led to overhunting until things got so bad that we started eating grass all the time. It’s tantalizing, for example, that by 11Kya we’d already colonized most of the world that we could reach. So maybe our population had by then maximized, given our technology of the time, and food competition was thus growing. We don’t know. We’re also, likely, still missing a lot of data. For instance, our first cultivations may have happened millennia before the ones we’ve found so far, but they may have been in low-lying regions. If so, they would today be lost to us as the oceans rose with the melting ice. Perhaps, though, it was because the mutant grass seeds were so easy to harvest, and (at least in the Levant) so densely concentrated.

“Unconscious selection drove seed enlargement in vegetable crops,” T. A. Kluyver, G. Jones, B. Pujol, C. Bennett, E. J. Mockford, M. Charles, M. Rees, C. P. Osborne, Evolution Letters, 1(2):64-72, 2017. “Yield stability: an agronomic perspective on the origin of Near Eastern agriculture,” S. Abbo, S. Lev-Yadun, A. Gopher, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 19(2):143-150, 2010. “From Foraging To Farming: Explaining The Neolithic Revolution,” J. L. Weisdorf, Journal of Economic Surveys, 19(4):561-586, 2005. First Farmers: The Origins of Agricultural Societies, Peter Bellwood, Blackwell Publishing, 2005. Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies, Jared Diamond, W. W. Norton, 1997. The Origins and Spread of Agriculture and Pastoralism in Eurasia, David R. Harris (editor), Smithsonian Books, 1996. Last Hunters, First Farmers: New Perspectives on the Prehistoric Transition to Agriculture, T. Douglas Price and Anne Birgitte Gebauer (editors), School of American Research, 1995.

[ice-age settlements... Göbekli Tepe]
Our first known structures predate the end of the last ice age by about 3,000 years (that is, about 15kya). At that time the earth briefly warmed out of its latest long cold spell and we started to settle, but we abandoned those settlements when the climate chilled again during the Younger Dryas. In general, before farming, we had some relatively large settlements, but nearly all occurred near coasts or along rivers with large and regular food supplies—oyster beds or salmon runs are typical. Sedentism (staying in one place in large numbers) is not the same as farming (long-term cultivation of the land or oceans).

Also, recent excavations have found large sites that may have been settlements, but may also possibly have been some form of communal gathering places, which weren’t near large food supplies. One very important one is Göbekli Tepe, in south-eastern Turkey. Another one is ’Wadi Faynan 16 in southern Jordan. At least one site, Jerf el Ahmar in norther Syria, is extra-special, in that it both started in the last ice age and continued into the Holocene, and it gave rise to monumental structures (although they were mainly settlements).

“Monumental — compared to what? A perspective from Göbekli Tepe,” M. Kinzel, L. Clare, in: Monumentalising Life in the Neolithic: Narratives of Change and Continuity, Anne Birgitte Gebauer, Lasse Sørensen, Anne Teather, and António Carlos Valera (editors) Oxbow, 2020, chapter 3, pages 29-48. “Cereal processing at Early Neolithic Göbekli Tepe, southeastern Turkey,” L. Dietrich, J. Meister, O. Dietrich, J. Notroff, J. Kiep, J. Heeb, A. Beuger, B. Schütt, PLoS ONE, 14(5):e0215214, 2019. “Origins of house mice in ecological niches created by settled hunter-gatherers in the Levant 15,000 y ago,” L. Weissbrod, F. B. Marshall, F. R. Valla, H. Khalaily, G. Bar-Oz, J.-C. Auffray, J.-D. Vigne, T. Cucchi, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(16):4099-4104, 2017. “The role of cult and feasting in the emergence of Neolithic communities. New evidence from Göbekli Tepe, south-eastern Turkey,” O. Dietrich, M. Heun, J. Notroff, K. Schmidt, M. Zarnkow, Antiquity, 86(333):674-695, 2012. “An 11 600 year-old communal structure from the Neolithic of southern Jordan,” S. J. Mithen, W. Finlayson, S. Smith, E. Jenkins, M. Najjar, D. Maričević, Antiquity, 85(328):350-364, 2011. “New light on Neolithic revolution in south-west Asia,” T. Watkins, Antiquity, 84(325):621-634, 2010. The Agricultural Revolution in Prehistory: Why Did Foragers Become Farmers? Graeme Barker, Oxford University Press, 2009. First Farmers: The Origins of Agricultural Societies, Peter S. Bellwood, Wiley-Blackwell, 2005. After the Ice: a Global Human History 20,000-5000 BC, Steven Mithen, Harvard University Press, 2003. Neanderthals, Bandits & Farmers: How Agriculture Really Began, Colin Tudge, Yale University Press, 1998. “Jerf el-Ahmar, un nouveau site de l’horizon PPNA sur le moyen Eurprate Syriean,” D. Stordeur, D. Helmer, G. Wilcox, Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française, 94(2):282-285, 1997.

[timing of early farming]
Argument continues about the exact timing and length of various stages of our neolithic revolution. Currently, the most divisive period is the Pre-Pottery Neolithic A (PPNA), a period of about a millennium where it’s not clear whether we continued our previous hunter-gatherer habits except with more reliance on wild grasses, or whether we settled down but only harvested wild grass varieties. Some recent papers propose a theory of, at least, Near East obligate farming as a result of a mixing of trade routes and early settlement, with subsequent spreading of both in a viable ‘neolithic package’ of technologies and lifestyles and trade arrangements. (The term ‘neolithic package’ originated with Gordon Childe.)

Another question is about the purpose of cereals themselves. Instead of cultivating (or at least simply harvesting) them for bread, some argue that we may have been doing so for beer. One reason being that barley, left to itself, ferments. Another possible reason might be that consuming alcohol might be part of ritual, which might be an aid to tribal bonding.

It’s clear, though, that certainly by 10.4Kya we had settled down in at least a few mountain villages in today’s Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Israel, Syria, Turkey, and Cyprus, and had begun actively cultivating cereals.

“... ‘Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of [beer]!’ (R.L. Stevenson) no beer but rather cereal-Food. Commentary: Liu et al. 2018,” D. Eitam, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 28, 101913, 2019. “Fermented beverage and food storage in 13,000 y-old stone mortars at Raqefet Cave, Israel: Investigating Natufian ritual feasting,” L. Liu, J. Wang, D. Rosenberg, H. Zhao, G. Lengyel, D. Nadel, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 21:783-793, 2018. “Archaeobotanical evidence reveals the origins of bread 14,400 years ago in northeastern Jordan,” A. Arranz-Otaeguia, L. Gonzalez Carretero, M. N. Ramsey, D. Q. Fuller, T. Richter, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 115(31):7925-7930, 2018. “The Roots of Cultivation in Southwestern Asia,” G. Willcox, Science, 341(6141):39-40, 2013. “Emergence of Agriculture in the Foothills of the Zagros Mountains of Iran,” S. Riehl, M. Zeidi, N. J. Conard, Science, 341(6141):65-67, 2013. “Searching for the origins of arable weeds in the Near East,” G. Willcox, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 21(2):163-167, 2012. “Large-scale cereal processing before domestication during the tenth millennium BC cal. in northern Syria,” G. Willcox, D. Stordeur, Antiquity, 86(331):99-114, 2012. Origins and Spread of Agriculture in SW Asia and Europe: Archaeobotanical Investigations of Neolithic Plant Economies, W. S. Colledge, J. Conolly, and S. J. Shennnan (editors), University College London Press, 2005.

[first alcohol]
It’s a stretch to imagine that we had beer as early as 11 millennia ago, but we probably did have it by 10 millennia ago in Turkey, and wine by nine millennia ago in at least China and in Iran. We almost surely had other brain-altering substances long before that as well.

“The role of cult and feasting in the emergence of Neolithic communities. New evidence from Göbekli Tepe, south-eastern Turkey,” O. Dietrich, M. Heun, J. Notroff, K. Schmidt, M. Zarnkow, Antiquity, 86(333):674-695, 2012. “Genetic characterization and relationships of traditional grape cultivars from Transcaucasia and Anatolia,” J. F. Vouillamoz, P. E. McGovern, A. Ergul, G. Söylemezoglu, G. Tevzadze, M. S. Grando, Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization & Utilization, 4(2):144-158, 2006. “Fermented Beverages of Pre- and Proto-Historic China,” P. E. McGovern, J. Zhang, J. Tang, Z. Zhang, G. R. Hall, R. A. Moreau, A. Nuñez, E. D. Butrym, M. P. Richards, C.-S. Wang, G. Cheng, Z. Zhao, C. Wang, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 101(51):17593-17598, 2004.

[submerged camp]
The camp on the southwest shore is now called Ohalo II. “The use of stone at Ohalo II, a 23,000 year old site in the Jordan Valley, Israel,” P. Spivak, D. Nadel, Proceedings of the 1st Meeting of the Association for Ground Stone Tools Research, Haifa, 2015, 3(3), 2016. “The Origin of Cultivation and Proto-Weeds, Long Before Neolithic Farming,” A. Snir, D. Nadel, I. Groman-Yaroslavski, Y. Melamed, M. Sternberg, O. Bar-Yosef, E. Weiss, PLoS ONE, 10(7):e0131422, 2015. “The broad spectrum revisited: Evidence from plant remains,” E. Weiss, W. Wetterstrom, D. Nadel, O. Bar-Yosef, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 101(26):9551-9555, 2004.
[Let’s farm!]
The same thing happened all over the world, wherever farming touched down: Chile, Peru, Mexico, the United States, Denmark, Britain, Portugal, South Africa, Israel, India, Vietnam, Thailand, China, and Mongolia. Ancient Health: Skeletal Indicators of Agricultural and Economic Intensification, Mark Nathan Cohen and Gillian M. M. Crane-Kramer (editors), University Press of Florida, 2007. See also: “Health versus fitness: Competing Themes in the Origins and Spread of Agriculture,” P. Lambert, Current Anthropology, 50(5):603-608, 2009.

“Although agriculture provided the economic basis for the rise of states and development of civilizations, the change in diet and acquisition of food resulted in a decline in quality of life for most human populations in the last 10,000 years.” From: “The agricultural revolution as environmental catastrophe: Implications for health and lifestyles in the Holocene,” C. S. Larsen, Quaternary International, 150(1):12-20, 2006.

“The shift from foraging to farming led to a reduction in health status and well-being, an increase in physiological stress, a decline in nutrition, an increase in birthrate and population growth, and an alteration of activity types and work loads. Taken as a whole, then, the popular and scholarly perception that quality of life improved with the acquisition of agriculture is incorrect.” From: “Biological Changes in Human Populations with Agriculture,” C. S. Larsen, Annual Review of Anthropology, 24:185-213, 1995.

See also: The Backbone of History: Health and Nutrition in the Western Hemisphere, Richard H. Steckel and Jerome C. Rose (editors), Cambridge University Press, 2002.

[farmers shorter than rovers]
Farming boosted our numbers enormously, but otherwise it was a terrible calamity for our health. A comprehensive study of late paleolithic, mesolithic, and neolithic skeletons in Greece and Turkey found that we lost about 100 to 150 centimeters (about 4 to 6 inches) in height for at least about 5,000 years. More recent studies for northern European settlement show similar patterns. Only today is our species recovering the heights we grew to in the paleolithic: around 1.75 meters (five feet nine inches) for males and around 1.65 meters (five feet five inches) for females. “Health as a Crucial Factor in the Changes from Hunting to Developed Farming in the Eastern Mediterranean,” L. J. Angel, in: Paleopathology at the Origins of Agriculture, Mark N. Cohen and George J. Armelagos (editors), Academic Press, 1984, pages 51-73. “Stature of early Europeans,” M. Hermanussen, Hormones, 2(3):175-178, 2003.
Description of its early and later granaries is here: “Evidence for food storage and predomestication granaries 11,000 years ago in the Jordan Valley,” I. Kuijta, W. Finlayson, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 106(27):10966-10970, 2009.

Its population estimates are given here: “Demography and Storage Systems During the Southern Levantine Neolithic Demographic Transition,” I. Kuijta, in: The Neolithic Demographic Transition and Its Consequences, Jean-Pierre Bocquet-Appel and Ofer Bar-Yosef (editors), Springer, 2008, pages 287-313.

[we’re in touch with each other]
We know that the neolithic package spread by contact and not reinvention because things only available at one place—sea shells, obsidian, bitumen, ochre, and the like—show up elsewhere.
“First wave of cultivators spread to Cyprus at least 10,600 y ago,” J. D. Vigne, F. Briois, A. Zazzo, G. Willcox, T. Cucchi, S. Thiébault, I. Carrère, Y. Franel, R. Touquet, C. Martin, C. Moreau, C. Comby, J. Guilaine, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 109(22):8445-8449, 2012.
Prehistoric Archeology Along the Zagros Flanks, Linda S. Braidwood, Robert J. Braidwood, Bruce howe, Charles A. Reed, and Patty Jo Watson (editors), The University of Chicago Oriental Institute Publications, 1983.
[Shanidar Cave]
The Proto-Neolithic Cemetery in Shanidar Cave, Ralph S. Solecki, Rose L. Solecki, and Anagnostis P. Agelarakis, Texas A&M University Press, 2004.
[Çatal Höyük]
“The early management of cattle (Bos taurus) in Neolithic central Anatolia,” B. S. Arbuckle, C. A. Makarewicz, Antiquity, 83(321):669-686, 2009. The Leopard’s Tale: Revealing the Mysteries of Çatalhöyük, Ian Hodder, Thames & Hudson, 2006. After the Ice: A Global Human History, 20,000-5,000 BC, Steven Mithen, Harvard University Press, 2003, Chapter 11. “Subsistence economy in Central Anatolia during the Neolithic: the archaeobotanical evidence,” E. Asouti, A. Fairbairn, and “Animal Remains from the Central Anatolian Neolithic,” L. Martin, N. Russell, D. Carruthers, in: The Neolithic of Central Anatolia: Internal Developments and External Relations during the 9th-6th Millennia cal. BC, Frédéric Gérard and Laurens Thissen (editors), Ege Yayinlari, pages 181-192 and pages 193-216, 2002.
[it’s only a sketch...]
The text’s sketch of a possible path to farming is dramatized for brevity and clarity. But there are many unanswered questions. Why then and there, and not somewhere else and ten millennia earlier? Or later?

An interesting recent model suggests that the particular period was unusual in that it was 1/ warm, and 2/ stable, and 3/ stayed that way for more than 2 millennia. That hadn’t happened at any time in the preceding 44Kya (in which period, presumably, humans were capable of exploiting the conditions—or falling into the trap, as the book has it) “Climate stability and the development of agricultural societies,” J. Feynman, A. Ruzmaikin, Climatic Change, 84(3):295-311, 2007.

There’s so much we today don’t know about those particular 2,600 or so years and what must have mattered to us across that particular stretch of time. But there’s one thing that may have mattered a great deal—genetic changes in wheat.

Step back once again to 11.6Kya. Unlike in the dramatized sketch in the text, we’re intimately familiar with everything that we see in our foraging cycle, for we eat nearly anything that can’t eat us first. The wheat variant we come across is rare around the planet, but in this time and place, it would be no surprise to us. What’s new is that for some reason we start storing its seeds. Why we choose to store anything at all at this particular time is unknown. But of all the seeds that we could have chosen, we probably choose these particular ones because their seeds happen to be a little bigger than other grass seeds. It would make sense for us to gather them rather than other seeds. Also, although most of their stalks shatter as they ripen—so that their seeds fall to the ground, ready to sprout—the stalks of a few mutant wheat plants fail to shatter. Normally that strain would be rare. It can’t make new plants, so from the plant’s point of view, it’s a dead end. But from our point of view, as the last ice age ended, those few mutants might have saved some of our lives.

We would probably ignore wheat stalks that had done the right thing and shattered. Picking up their scattered seeds would take more energy than eating them would give—something we only do when we’re truly starving. But the few mutant plants would still have their ripe seeds on the stalk. That would leave them in the perfect position for us to harvest cheaply.

Then, over time, we built more permanent seasonal shelters where they grew. Then, over time, we spent more and more time there. After a while, we started planting some of the mutant seeds that we didn’t eat. That gave those mutants an edge over their normal cousins, so they spread. As we kept selecting among them, they grew taller, too, which made them easier to harvest, and their seeds grew bigger, which made them more worthwhile to harvest, and easier to store. With that, we hadn’t merely settled, we had also begun to farm. What kept driving us all that time?

[wheat mutants]
Normal wild cereals have dehiscent ears, which shatter at maturity into dispersal units called spikelets. The mutants in question have indehiscent ears with spikelets that do not shatter but separate only when threshed.

Our earliest known settlements were in the Fertile Crescent, a zone of grassland and woodland beginning at the eastern edge of the Mediterranean (the bottom of the Levant) and arching north and east to the Zagros Mountains in today’s Iran. Sites primarily cluster in the Zagros, Taurus, and Pontic Mountains of Iraq, Iran, and Turkey, and the Levant, on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean (primarily Israel and Jordan). (So roughly: today’s Iraq, Iran, Israel, Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan.)

From DNA analysis, einkorn wheat probably originated near the Karacadâg mountains in today’s Turkey. The seven primary domesticates of the Fertile Crescent were: barley, emmer wheat, einkorn wheat, and sheep, goats, cattle, and pigs. Of the 56 known species of large-seeded grasses, 32 grow wild in the Mediterranean region.

“AFLP Analysis of a Collection of Tetraploid Wheats Indicates the Origin of Emmer and Hard Wheat Domestication in Southeast Turkey,” H. Özkan, A. Brandolini, R. Schâfer-Pregl, F. Salamini, Molecular Biology and Evolution, 19(10):1797-1801, 2002. “Site of Einkorn Wheat Domestication Identified by DNA Fingerprinting,” M. Heun, R. Schäfer-Pregl, D. Klawan, R. Castagna, M. Accerbi, B. Borghi, F. Salamini, Science, 278(5341):1312-1314, 1997. The Emergence of Agriculture, Bruce D. Smith, Scientific American Library, 1995. Seed To Civilization: The Story of Food, Charles B. Heiser, Harvard University Press, New Edition, 1990. Forces of Change: An Unorthodox View of History, Henry Hobhouse, Arcade, 1989.

Domestication probably took at least a millennium or so given that early farmers had no idea what they were really up to. A mathematical model of how long it might take for genetic change to spread in wild-type versus artificial selection grasses estimates that it might take 3,000 years for our selection to really change a plant. “The genetic expectations of a protracted model for the origins of domesticated crops,” R. G. Allaby, D. Q. Fuller, T. A. Brown, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 105(37):13982-13986, 2008. “How fast was wild wheat domesticated?” K. Tanno, G. Willcox, Science, 311(5769):1886, 2006.

Finally, cereals needn’t necessarily be one of the first plants we tamed. “Early domesticated fig in the Jordan Valley,” M. E. Kislev, A. Hartmann, O. Bar-Yosef, Science, 312(5778):1372-1374, 2006.

[squash in the Americas]
Until recently, archaeologists thought that Mesoamerica lagged behind Eurasia in its neolithic transition by about 5,000 years. That’s no longer so certain. It now appears that squash was domesticated in what is today southern Mexico around 7,920 (calibrated) years ago. Maize came much later, then beans. It’s possible that Mesoamerican populations domesticated plants long before settling, unlike Eurasian populations. (Perhaps densities were lower, so continued roaming, even after cultivation, remained reasonable? Maybe settlement had more to do with defense of the seeds from other bands than maintenace of the food source?) “Reassessing Coxcatlan Cave and the early history of domesticated plants in Mesoamerica,” B. D. Smith, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 102(27):9438-9445, 2005. “Documenting Plant Domestication: The Consilience of Biological and Archaeological Approaches,” B. D. Smith, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 98(4):1324-1326, 2001. “The Initial Domestication of Cucurbita pepo in the Americas 10,000 Years Ago,” B. D. Smith, Science, 276(5314):932-934, 1997.
[domesticating maize]
Maize may have been domesticated as early as 9Kya. “Directly dated starch residues document early formative maize (Zea mays L.) in tropical Ecuador,” S. Zarrillo, D. M. Pearsall, J. S. Raymond, M. A. Tisdale, D. J. Quon, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 105(13):5006-5011, 2008. “Microfossil evidence for pre-Columbian maize dispersals in the neotropics from San Andrés Tabasco, Mexico,” M. E. D. Pohl, D. R. Piperno, K. O. Pope, J. G. Jones, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 104(16):6870-6875, 2007. Prehistory of the Americas, Stuart J. Fiedel, Cambridge University Press, Second Edition, 1992, page 175.
[spread of maize by 1492]
By 1492, some cobs were already six inches long. Columbus’ original log is lost, but in 1514 Bartolome de Las Casas summarized it on his first visit to Cuba. On Tuesday, 6th November, 1492, Rodrigo de Jerez and Luis de Torres returned from an exploration in Cuba noting that, “The land is very fertile and is cultivated with yams and several kinds of beans different from ours, as well as corn.” Quoted in: “Journal of the First Voyage of Columbus,” The Northmen, Columbus, and Cabot, 985-1503, Original Narratives of Early American History, Julius E. Olson and Edward Gaylord Bourne (editors), Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1906, page 142.

For Europeans in North America, maize came to be called ‘Indian corn,’ then simply ‘corn.’ In 1539, Garcilaso de la Vega, part of Hernan de Soto’s expedition in northern Florida and the Carolinas, wrote that, “[We] marched on through some great fields of corn, beans, and squash and other vegetables which had been sown on both sides of the road and were spread out as far as the eye could see across two leagues of plain.” The Florida of the Inca, John and Jeannette Varner (editors and translators), University of Texas Press, 1988.

[watermelon and cow ancestors]
“Diversity and origin of cultivated and citron type watermelon (Citrullus lanatus),” F. Dane, J. Liu, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 54(6):1255-1265, 2007. Retracing the Aurochs: History, Morphology and Ecology of an Extinct Wild Ox, Cis van Vuure, Pensoft Publishers, 2005.
[bulldog births]
“Proportion of litters of purebred dogs born by caesarean section,” K. Evans, V. Adams, The Journal of Small Animal Practice, 51(2):113-118, 2010.
[domesticating animals]
Data on domestication is still fuzzy, but we seem to have domesticated our fellow animals in roughly the following order: dogs while we were still hunter-gatherers in the mesolithic, then cats and sheep and goats once we entered the neolithic, then pigs and cows soon after, then, millennia later, horses, donkeys, llamas, alpacas, and camels, then rabbits, chickens, and turkeys. (Cats around 9Kya are especially interesting as they appear to have domesticated not in the way we had thought until recently but because they followed mice, which followed grain, which followed settlement, not farming, in hunter-gatherer times.)

“Comparative analysis of the domestic cat genome reveals genetic signatures underlying feline biology and domestication,” M. J. Montague, G. Li, B. Gandolfi, R. Khan, B. L. Aken, S. M. J. Searle, P. Minx, L. W. Hillier, D. C. Koboldt, B. W. Davis, C. A. Driscoll, C. S. Barr, K. Blackistone, J. Quilez, B. Lorente-Galdos, T. Marques-Bonet, C. Alkan, G. W. C. Thomas, M. W. Hahn, M. Menotti-Raymond, S. J. O’Brien, R. K. Wilson, L. A. Lyons, W. J. Murphy, W. C. Warren, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 111(48):17230-17235, 2014. “First wave of cultivators spread to Cyprus at least 10,600 y ago,” J. D. Vigne, F. Briois, A. Zazzo, G. Willcox, T. Cucchi, S. Thiébault, I. Carrère, Y. Franel, R. Touquet, C. Martin, C. Moreau, C. Comby, J. Guilaine, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 109(22):8445-8449, 2012. “The taming of the cat,” C. A. Driscoll, J. Clutton-Brock, A. C. Kitchener, S. J. O’Brien, Scientific American, 300(6):68-75, 2009. “From wild animals to domestic pets, an evolutionary view of domestication,” C. A. Driscoll, D. W. Macdonald, S. J. O’Brien, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106(1):9971-9978, 2009. Documenting Domestication: New Genetic and Archaeological Paradigms, Melinda A. Zeder, Daniel G. Bradley, Eve Emswiller, and Bruce D. Smith (editors), University of California Press, 2006.

Pigs and cattle were each domesticated about 10Kya. Horse domestication seems to date to about 6Kya, and donkeys to about 5Kya. “Reconstructing the origin and spread of horse domestication in the Eurasian steppe,” V. Warmuth, A. Eriksson, M. A. Bower, G. Barker, E. Barrett, B. K. Hanks, S. Li, D. Lomitashvili, M. Ochir-Goryaeva, G. V. Sizonov, V. Soyonov, A. Manica, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(21):8202-8206, 2012. “Patterns of East Asian pig domestication, migration, and turnover revealed by modern and ancient DNA,” G. Larson, R. Liu, X. Zhao, J. Yuan, D. Fuller, L. Barton, K. Dobney, Q. Fan, Z. Gu, X.-H. Liu, Y. Luo, P. Lv, L. Andersson, N. Li, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(17):7686-7691, 2010. “A Complete Mitochondrial Genome Sequence from a Mesolithic Wild Aurochs (Bos primigenius,),” C. J. Edwards, D. A. Magee, S. D. Park, P. A. McGettigan, A. J. Lohan, A. Murphy, E. K. Finlay, B. Shapiro, A. T. Chamberlain, M. B. Richards, D. G. Bradley, B. J. Loftus, D. E. Machugh, PLoS ONE, 5(2):e9255, 2010. “The Earliest Horse Harnessing and Milking,” A. K. Outram, N. A. Stear, R. Bendrey, S. Olsen, A. Kasparov, V. Zaibert, N. Thorpe, R. P. Evershed, Science, 323(5919):1332-1335, 2009. “Domestication of the donkey: Timing, processes, and indicators,” S. Rossel, F. Marshall, J. Peters, T. Pilgram, M. D. Adams, D. O’Connor, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105(10):3715-3720, 2008.

Today all those species can still reproduce on their own, but none of them would exist in the numbers they do without our intervention. Our planet now supports ten thousand million chickens, 1,500 million cows, over a thousand million sheep, 700 million goats, and over 500 million pigs. All those populations are perhaps a thousand times as large as they would be without us. (Of course, they exist in such numbers at the expense of other species.) Today we control their reproduction with selective breeding, hormones, and spaying, and one day, to make them even more suitable as food or pets, we may genetically remove their reproductive ability entirely, just as we in some sense have already done with maize and wheat and seedless grapes. The Archaeology of Animals, Simon J. M. Davis, Yale University Press, 1987.

[rise of slavery after settlement]
For a simple economic model of possible incentives for slavery, see: “The Roads To and From Serfdom,” N.-P. Lagerlöf, Economics Working Paper, Concordia University, 2002. See also: “Slavery and Other Property Rights,” N.-P. Lagerlöf, Review of Economic Studies, 76(1):319-342, 2008. Capitalism, Socialism, and Serfdom, Evsey D. Domar, Cambridge University Press, 1989, especially Chapter 12, which appeared earlier as: “The Causes of Slavery or Serfdom: A Hypothesis,” E. D. Domar, Economic History Review, 30(1):18-32, 1970.

Slavery can arise even among foragers: if they’re sedentary and have access to a rich food source that rewards intensive labor. One such example is the coastal tribes in the northwest of North America. Their subsistence was based on hunting, gathering, and fishing. They all had a tradition of potlatch. Slavery among them was economically valuable not for primary activities (like fishing) but secondary activities—like drying the fish for storage. Aboriginal slavery on the Northwest Coast of North America, Leland Donald, University of California Press, 1997.

These days it’s popular to believe that when we were foragers we likely didn’t take slaves because we were ‘nice’ or just meek and thus didn’t have large wars. Not so. Rovers weren’t meek—skeletons from that time show that they could maim and kill just as well then as now—but they likely didn’t enslave each other. There would be no point. “Anthropology, Archaeology, and the Origin of Warfare,” I. J. N. Thorpe, World Archaeology, 35(1):145-165, 2003. Troubled Times: Violence and Warfare in the Past, Debra L. Martin and David W. Freyer (editors), Routledge, 1998. Killing or exploiting each other is ancient. It’s simply that it didn’t pay as well when we were foragers.

[female fertility]
This analysis assumes that our early hunter-gatherer lives were similar to today’s hunter-gatherers. The Foraging Spectrum: Diversity in Hunter-Gatherer Lifeways, Robert L. Kelly, Smithsonian Institution Press, 1995. The biology itself is now beginning to be fairly well understood, though. “Adaptive changes in life history and survival following a new guppy introduction,” S. P. Gordon, D. N. Reznick, M. T. Kinnison, M. J. Bryant, D. J. Weese, K. Räsänen, N. P. Millar, A. P. Hendry, The American Naturalist, 174(1):34-45, 2009. “Human Ovarian Function and Reproductive Ecology: New Hypotheses,” P. Ellison, American Anthropologist, 92(4):933-52, 1990. From Foraging to Agriculture: The Levant and the End of the Ice Age, Donald Henry, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1989.

Changing Phase

[termites have been fungus farmers for millions of years]
The particular subfamily that the text indirectly refers to here is the fungus-farmers, Macrotermitinae. “Dating the fungus-growing termites’ mutualism shows a mixture between ancient codiversification and recent symbiont dispersal across divergent hosts,” T. Nobre, N. A. Koné, S. Konaté K. E. Linsenmair, D. K. Aanen, Molecular Ecology, 20(12):2619-2627, 2011.
[farming is rare among animal species]
Besides our own species, only a few genera in three animal orders (termites, attine ants, and ambrosia beetles) farm. (Although some other species are so mutualist that they are co-dependent and may be described as horticultural.) Some ants, lineages of the Attini, have been farming (fungus) for perhaps 30 million years. Some leaf-cutter ants cannot survive without their fungus, nor can their fungus survive without them. “Dry habitats were crucibles of domestication in the evolution of agriculture in ants,” M. G. Branstetter, A. Ješovnik, J. Sosa-Calvo, M. W. Lloyd, B. C. Faircloth, S. G. Brady, T. R. Schultz, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 284(1852):20170095, 2017. “Nutrition mediates the expression of cultivar-farmer conflict in a fungus-growing ant,” J. Z. Shik, E. B. Gomez, P. W. Kooij, J. C. Santos, W. T. Wcislo, J. J. Boomsma, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(36):10121-10126, 2016. “High symbiont relatedness stabilizes mutualistic cooperation in fungus-growing termites,” D. K. Aanen, H. H. De Fine Licht, A. J. M. Debets, N. G. Kerstes, R. F. Hoekstra, J. J. Boomsma, Science, 326(5956):1103-1106, 2009. “Major Evolutionary Transitions In Ant Agriculture,” T. R. Schultz, S. G. Brady, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105(14):5435-5440, 2008. “The evolution of agriculture in insects,” U. G. Mueller, N. M. Gerardo, D. K. Aanen, D. L. Six, T. R. Schultz, Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 36(1):563-595, 2005. “Fungus-farming insects: Multiple origins and diverse evolutionary histories,” U. G. Mueller, N. Gerardo, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 99(24):15247-15249, 2002. “The evolution of fungus-growing termites and their mutualistic fungal symbionts,” D. K. Aanen, P. Eggleton, C. Rouland-Lefèvre, T. Guldberg-Frøslev, S. Rosendahl, J. J. Boomsma, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 99(23):14887-14892, 2002.
[some ants are herders; some are slavers; some are thieves]
Farmers: Ant (and beetle and termite) farming has evolved many times. Ants don’t only farm fungi, they might also farm any of many other ‘crops.’ Ants a “The assembly of ant-farmed gardens: mutualism specialization following host broadening,” G. Chomicki, M. Janda, S. S. Renner, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 284(1850):20161759, 2017.

Herders: “An ancient tripartite symbiosis of plants, ants and scale insects,” T. Itino, K. Murase, Y. Sato, K. Inamori, T. Itioka, S.-P. Quek, S. Ueda, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 275(1649):2319-2326, 2008. The Ants, Bert Hölldobler and Edward O. Wilson, Harvard University Press, 1990, page 553.

Slavers and thieves: (Some steal brood members for consumption. Theft of brood for labor, not consumption, is sometimes known not as ‘slavery’ but as ‘dulosis’ or a kind of cleptobiosis.) “Rossomyrmex, the Slave-Maker Ants from the Arid Steppe Environments,” F. Ruano, O. Sanllorente, A. Lenoir, A. Tinaut, Psyche: A Journal of Entomology, 2013:541804:1-7, 2013.

“In this review of cleptobiosis, we not only focus on social insects, but also consider broader issues and concepts relating to the theft of food among animals. Cleptobiosis occurs when members of a species steal food, or sometimes nesting materials or other items of value, either from members of the same or a different species. This simple definition is not universally used, and there is some terminological confusion among cleptobiosis, cleptoparasitism, brood parasitism, and inquilinism. We first discuss the definitions of these terms and the confusion that arises from varying usage of the words. We consider that cleptobiosis usually is derived evolutionarily from established foraging behaviors. Cleptobionts can succeed by deception or by force, and we review the literature on cleptobiosis by deception or force in social insects. We focus on the best known examples of cleptobiosis, the ectatommine ant Ectatomma ruidum, the harvester ant Messor capitatus, and the stingless bee Lestrimellita limão. Cleptobiosis is facilitated either by deception or physical force, and we discuss both mechanisms. Part of this discussion is an analysis of the ecological implications (competition by interference) and the evolutionary effects of cleptobiosis. We conclude with a comment on how cleptobiosis can increase the risk of disease or parasite spread among colonies of social insects.” From: “Cleptobiosis in Social Insects,” M. D. Breed, C. Cook, M. O. Krasnec, Psyche: A Journal of Entomology, 2012:484765:1-7, 2012.

[lactase persistence — digesting dairy not worldwide yet]
Inability to digest lactose, using the enzyme lactase to break it down into glucose and galactose, is different from having an allergic reaction to milk. Adult production of lactase, and thus adult ability to digest lactose, is common in people of north European descent, less so otherwise. (Although milk production goes back at least 9,000 years, particularly in Turkey, and cheese production may be at least 7,200 years old, in Croatia.) “Fatty acid specific δ13C values reveal earliest Mediterranean cheese production 7,200 years ago,” S. B. McClure, C. Magill, E. Podrug, A. M. T. Moore, T. K. Harper, B. J. Culleton, D. J. Kennett, K. H. Freeman, PLoS ONE, 13(9):e0202807, 2018. “On the Evolution of Lactase Persistence in Humans,” L. Ségurel, C. Bon, Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics, 18(1):297-319, 2017. “Earliest date for milk use in the Near East and southeastern Europe linked to cattle herding,” R. P. Evershed, S. Payne, A. G. Sherratt, M. S. Copley, J. Coolidge, D. Urem-Kotsu, K. Kotsakis, M. Özdoğan, A. E. Özdoğan, O. Nieuwenhuyse, P. M. M. G. Akkermans, D. Bailey, R.-R. Andeescu, S. Campbell, S. Farid, I. Hodder, N. Yalman, M. Özbaşaran, E. Bıçakcı, Y. Garfinkel, T. Levy, M. M. Burton, Nature, 455(7212):528-531, 2008.

Interestingly, the allele did not arrive in Europe with the first farmers. It became common only in the Bronze Age, many millenia after the domestication of cattle and the start of dairying. “FADS1 and the Timing of Human Adaptation to Agriculture,” S. Mathieson, I. Mathieson, Molecular Biology and Evolution, 35(12):2957-2970, 2018.

From then, lactase persistence apparently spread quickly in Europe, based on a study of one battle gravesite from around 5Kya, where it was very low in comparison to today. “Low Prevalence of Lactase Persistence in Bronze Age Europe Indicates Ongoing Strong Selection over the Last 3,000 Years,” J. Burger, V. Link, J. Blöcher, A. Schulz, C. Sell, Z. Pochon, Y. Diekmann, A. Žegarac, Z. Hofmanová, L. Winkelbach, C. S. Reyna-Blanco, V. Bieker, J. Orschiedt, U. Brinker, A. Scheu, C. Leuenberger, T. S. Bertino, R. Bollongino, G. Lidke, S. Stefanović, D. Jantzen, E. Kaiser, T. Terberger, Current Biology, 30(21):4307-4315.e13, 2020.

[not used to potatoes yet]
Potatoes contain fat-soluble neurotoxins (solanine and chaconine), which are in the bloodstreams of all potato eaters. Potatoes are relatively new to our species, so our genes haven’t yet had time to evolve ways to fully detoxify them. “α-Chaconine and α-solanine content of potato products and their stability during several modes of cooking,” R. J. Bushway, R. Ponnampalam, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 29(4):814-817, 1981.
[most human genetic change is slow]
“The Role of Geography in Human Adaptation,” G. Coop, J. K. Pickrell, J. Novembre, S. Kudaravalli, J. Li, D. Absher, R. M. Myers, L. L. Cavalli-Sforza, M. W. Feldman, J. K. Pritchard, PLoS Genetics, 5(6):e1000500, 2009. Of course, that’s only true for humans (based on the genes we’ve sequenced so far). Different species have different adaptation rates. For example, for guppies, significant adaptation can happen in as litle as 10 years (30 guppy generations), although it’s not yet clear how much of that is genetic rather than epigenetic (that is a non-genetic change in the protein compositions of the cells the genes express themselves in). “Adaptive changes in life history and survival following a new guppy introduction,” S. P. Gordon, D. N. Reznick, M. T. Kinnison, M. J. Bryant, D. J. Weese, K. Räsänen, N. P. Millar, A. P. Hendry, The American Naturalist, 174(1):34-45, 2009.

For humans, the median age at menarche is about 12, but these days a common age for first reproduction is 20-25, so it’s common to take ‘a generation’ as somewhere in that range of years. The text assumes it to be no more than 25 years.

While most human genetic change is very slow, some recent human genetic change—where ‘recent’ means the last 80,000 years or so—that is, the recent past—aren’t. “Recent acceleration of human adaptive evolution,” J. Hawks, E. T. Wang, G. M. Cochran, H. C. Harpending, R. K. Moyzis, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 104(52):20753-20758, 2007. “Genome-wide detection and characterization of positive selection in human populations,” P. C. Sabeti, P. Varilly, B. Fry, J. Lohmueller, E. Hostetter, C. Cotsapas, X. Xie, E. H. Byrne, S. A. McCarroll, R. Gaudet, S. F. Schaffner, E. S. Lander, The International HapMap Consortium, Nature, 449(7164):913-918, 2007.

For an example of very recent (last few millennia) change, see low-oxygen adaptation in Tibet: “Sequencing of 50 Human Exomes Reveals Adaptation to High Altitude,” X. Yi, Y. Liang, E. Huerta-Sanchez, X. Jin, Z. X. Cuo, J. E. Pool, X. Xu, H. Jiang, N. Vinckenbosch, T. S. Korneliussen, H. Zheng, T. Liu, W. He, K. Li, R. Luo, X. Nie, H. Wu, M. Zhao, H. Cao, J. Zou, Y. Shan, S. Li, Q. Yang, Asan, P. Ni, G. Tian, J. Xu, X. Liu, T. Jiang, R. Wu, G. Zhou, M. Tang, J. Qin, T. Wang, S. Feng, G. Li, Huasang, J. Luosang, W. Wang, F. Chen, Y. Wang, X. Zheng, Z. Li, Z. Bianba, G. Yang, X. Wang, S. Tang, G. Gao, Y. Chen, X. Luo, L. Gusang, Z. Cao, Q. Zhang, W. Ouyang, X. Ren, H. Liang, H. Zheng, Y. Huang, J. Li, L. Bolund, K. Kristiansen, Y. Li, Y. Zhang, X. Zhang, R. Li, S. Li, H. Yang, R. Nielsen, J. Wang, J. Wang, Science, 329(5987):75-78, 2010.

Further, at least two genes that appear to be involved in determining our brain size have undergone strong positive selection recently, and (here’s the politically volatile bit) only among some of our populations. One haplotype of Microcephalin was strongly selected for starting about 37Kya (confidence limit from 14Kya to 60Kya), and a haplotype of ASPM about 5.8Kya (confidence limit between 500 and 14,100 years). These are extremely recent haplotypes. Neither have spread very far in our African population yet. “Microcephalin, a Gene Regulating Brain Size, Continues to Evolve Adaptively in Humans,” P. D. Evans, S. L. Gilbert, N. Mekel-Bobrov, E. J. Vallender, J. R. Anderson, L. M. Vaez-Azizi, S. A. Tishkoff, R. R. Hudson, B. T. Lahn, Science, 309(5741):1717-1720, 2005. “Ongoing Adaptive Evolution of ASPM, a Brain Size Determinant in Homo sapiens,” N. Mekel-Bobrov, S. L. Gilbert, P. D. Evans, E. J. Vallender, J. R. Anderson, R. R. Hudson, S. A. Tishkoff, B. T. Lahn, Science, 309(5741):1720-1722, 2005. “Reconstructing the evolutionary history of microcephalin, a gene controlling human brain size,” P. D. Evans, J. R. Anderson, E. J. Vallender, S. S. Choi, B. T. Lahn, Human Molecular Genetics, 13(11):1139-1145, 2004.

On a related note, see also: Pandora’s Seed: The Unforeseen Cost of Civilization, Spencer Wells, Random House, 2010. Survival of the Sickest: The Surprising Connections Between Disease and Longevity, Sharon Moalem and Jonathan Prince, Harper Perennial, 2008.

The text tries to give the considered view of many geneticists. For a contrary view from the popular science world, however, see: The 10,000 Year Explosion: How Civilization Accelerated Human Evolution, Gregory Cochran and Henry Harpending, Basic Books, 2009.

[our genes haven’t yet caught up with our dependence on grain]
“Cereal Grains: Humanity’s Double-Edged Sword,” L. Cordain, in: Evolutionary Aspects of Nutrition and Health: Diet, Exercise, Genetics, and Chronic Disease, A. P. Simopoulos (editor), Karger, 1999, pages 19-73.
[we today are the same anatomically perhaps 300Kya and behaviorally perhaps 100Kya to certainly 50Kya]
“Earliest known human burial in Africa,” M. Martinón-Torres, F. d’Errico, E. Santos, A. Álvaro Gallo, N. Amano, W. Archer, S. J. Armitage, J. L. Arsuaga, J. M. Bermúdez de Castro, J. Blinkhorn, A. Crowther, K. Douka, S. Dubernet, P. Faulkner, P. Fern´ndez-Colón, N. Kourampas, J. Gonz´lez García, D. Larreina, F.-X. Le Bourdonnec, G. MacLeod, L. Martín-Francés, D. Massilani, J. Mercader, J. M. Miller, E. Ndiema, B. Notario, A. P. Martí, M. E. Prendergast, A. Queffelec, S. Rigaud, P. Roberts, M. J. Shoaee, C. Shipton, I. Simpson, N. Boivin, M. D. Petraglia, Nature, 593(7857):95-100, 2021. “On the origin of our species,” C. Stringer, J. Galway-Witham, Nature, 546(7657):212-214, 2017. “The age of the hominin fossils from Jebel Irhoud, Morocco, and the origins of the Middle Stone Age,” D. Richter, R. Grün, R. Joannes-Boyau, T. E. Steele, F. Amani, M. Rué, P. Fernandes, J.-P. Raynal, D. Geraads, A. Ben-Ncer, J.-J. Hublin, S. P. McPherron, Nature, 546(7657):293-296, 2017. “Southern African ancient genomes estimate modern human divergence to 350,000 to 260,000 years ago,” C. M. Schlebusch, H. Malmström, T. Günther, P. Sjödin, A. Coutinho, H. Edlund, A. R. Munters, M. Vicente, M. Steyn, H. Soodyall, M. Lombard, M. Jakobsson, Science, 358(6363):652-655, 2017. “Why did modern human populations disperse from Africa ca. 60,000 years ago? A new model,” P. Mellars, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 103(25):9381-9386, 2006.
[a sketch of possible paleolithic life]
We probably didn’t get into farming because we somehow suddenly got smarter. When we today think of our past hunter-gatherer life, it’s common to imagine that we were dressed in rough-cut hides wandering through desolate, virgin, landscapes. That’s the picture that movies often paint for us. It may be reasonable if 11 millennia ago we were naked apes with bad haircuts and heavy jawlines hefting stone tools while we grunted at each other about how nasty, brutish, and short our lives were. But genetic change is slow, so we likely weren’t any stupider then than we are now. Plus we had lots of spare time since we hadn’t started farming. Plus we had well over a million years to fine-tune our clothes and tools. So it seems more reasonable to assume that back then we wore well-tailored clothes and intricate tattoos and body paint—literally dressed to kill. We may also have carved totems of our passing into any rock faces, hillsides, riverbanks, and trees that we camped nearby, like dogs marking our terrain. Over the millennia, our bodies, and such unsheltered signs would have weathered away, leaving only a few bodnes and some remains of cave art. Adorning ourselves or adorning our territory—both may also have helped us keep the peace. Finally, for millennia we were on foot, so weight was the enemy, so, likely, we probably mostly made grass shoes, net and leather bags, string or strap baby slings, light-weight weapons, and lots of ornaments—not lots of stone axes. Chipped rock from that time may well be the main relic today only because it outlives bone, wood, grass, paint, ink, and leather. So calling that era of prehistory the ‘Stone Age’ (by analogy with the Bronze Age, the Iron Age, and so on) may be misleading. Later ages are named based on what brought the most change to what came before; it’s not at all clear that stone is what brought the most change to what came before—it, however, is the thing that lasts the longest of whatever happened then.

The backhanded reference to naked apes is to: The Naked Ape: A Zoologist’s Study of the Human Animal, Desmond Morris, Jonathan Cape, 1967.

Woven clothing in the paleolithic is a guess. However, that we had woven clothing (as opposed to the typical image we carry of paleolithic hunters dressed only in hides) is not unlikely since their remote ancestors had cordage and nets, and thus some kind of weaving. The Pavlovian variant of the Gravettian people—who lived scattered over a region stretching from Spain to southern Russia about 29Kya to 22Kya—apparently at least had nets. “Ice Age Communities May Be Earliest Known Net Hunters,” H. Pringle, Science, 277(5330):1203-1204, 1997.

Actual twisted fibers dating to about 18Kya have been found in caves in France. The earliest known evidence of woven fabrics might be Venus figurines carved about 26Kya. Some of them have incised representations of what may be skimpy string skirts, presumably for some symbolic purpose. So twining and plaiting may go back 26 millennia. Of course, there’s argument about this particular extrapolation. Findings: The Material Culture of Needlework and Sewing, Mary C. Beaudry, Yale University Press, 2006, pages 45-46 and 90. “Archaeological Textiles: A Review of Current Research,” I. Good, Annual Review of Anthropology, 30:209-226, 2001. “Perishable Technologies and Invisible People: Nets, Baskets, and ‘Venus’ Wear ca. 26,000 B.P.,” O. Soffer, J. M. Adovasio, D. C. Hyland, Enduring Records: The Environmental and Cultural Heritage of Wetlands, Barbara Purdy (editor), Oxbow Books, 2001, pages 233-245. “Upper Palaeolithic fibre technology: interlaced woven finds from Pavlov I, Czech Republic, c. 26,000 years ago,” J. M. Adovasio, O. Soffer, B. Klíma, Antiquity, 70(269):526-34, 1996. Prehistoric Textiles: The Development of Cloth in the Neolithic and Bronze Ages with special reference to the Aegean, E. J. W. Barber, Princeton University Press, 1991.

Tattoos in the neolithic are a total guess. However, a tattooed man existed in the Ötztal Alps 5.3Kya. There seems to be no reason we couldn’t have tattooed, or scarred, ourselves 11Kya, or even 50Kya, or more. “Origin and Migration of the Alpine Iceman,” W. Müller, H. Fricke, A. N. Halliday, M. T. McCulloch, J.-A. Wartho, Science, 302(5646):862-866, 2003. The Man in the Ice: The Discovery of a 5,000-year-old Body Reveals the Secrets of the Stone Age, Konrad Spindler, translated by Ewald Osers, Harmony Books, 1994. Incidentally, that particular find has ramified into a murder mystery with new, and so far unpublished, DNA and forensic analysis of the body and its artifacts by Thomas Loy of the University of Queensland. For the same sort of forensics, see: “Kwäday Dän Ts’ìnchí, the first ancient body of a man from a North American glacier: reconstructing his last days by intestinal and biomolecular analyses,” J. H. Dickson, M. P. Richards, R. J. Hebda, P. J. Mudie, O. Beattie, S. Ramsay, N. J. Turner, B. J. Leighton, J. M. Webster, N. R. Hobischak, G. S. Anderson, P. M. Troffe, R. J. Wigen, The Holocene, 14(4):481-486, 2004.

Paleolithic ornaments, shoes, and tools: Our earliest probable ornaments may go back at least 82Kya (and perhaps 110Kya in the latest unpublished research). “82,000-year-old shell beads from North Africa and implications for the origins of modern human behavior,” A. Bouzouggar, N. Barton, M. Vanhaeren, F. d’Errico, S. Collcutt, T. Higham, E. Hodge, S. Parfitt, E. Rhodes, J.-L. Schwenninger, C. Stringer, E. Turner, S. Ward, A. Moutmir, A. Stambouli, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 104(24):9964-9969, 2007. “Middle Stone Age Shell Beads from South Africa,” C. Henshilwood, F. d’Errico, M. Vanhaeren, K. van Niekerk, Z. Jacobs, Science, 304(5669):404-404, 2004.

Our oldest known ornaments are perforated teeth or eggshell beads from Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Turkey, and Lebanon, dated between 41,000 and 43,000-years-old, and 40,000-year-old ostrich-shell beads from Kenya. Beads found in Tanzania also appear to be very old, but are so far undated. “Ornaments of the earliest Upper Paleolithic: New insights from the Levant,” S. L. Kuhn, M. C. Stiner, D. S. Reese, E. Güleç, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 98(13):7641-7646, 2001. “Chronology of the Later Stone Age and Food Production in East Africa,” S. H. Ambrose, Journal of Archaeological Science, 25(4):377-392, 1998. Bead-making may go back at least 100Kya: “Middle Paleolithic Shell Beads in Israel and Algeria,” M. Vanhaereny, F. d’Errico, C. Stringer, S. L. James, J. A. Todd, H. K. Mienis, Science, 312(5781):1785-1788, 2006.

Our oldest known figurine is an ivory Venus dated to 35Kya. “A female figurine from the basal Aurignacian of Hohle Fels Cave in southwestern Germany,” N. J. Conard, Nature, 459(7244):248-252, 2009. The oldest known musical instruments, bone and ivory flutes, are also 35,000 years old. “New flutes document the earliest musical tradition in southwestern Germany,” N. J. Conard, M. Malina, S. C. Münzel, Nature, 460(7256):737-740, 2009.

Our oldest known shoe is 5,500 years old. The oldest known sandal is 10,500-9,300 years old. “First Direct Evidence of Chalcolithic Footwear from the Near Eastern Highlands,” R. Pinhasi, B. Gasparian, G. Areshian, D. Zardaryan, A. Smith, G. Bar-Oz, T. Higham, PLoS ONE, 5(6):e10984, 2010. In Search of Ancient Oregon: A Geological and Natural History, Ellen Morris Bishop, Timber Press, 2003, page 232. “Comments on ‘America’s Oldest Basketry,’ ” T. J. Connolly, W. J. Cannon, Radiocarbon, 41(3):309-313, 1999.

Chewing gum, too, is prehistoric. “Bulk stable light isotopic ratios in archaeological birch bark tars,” B. Stern, S. J. Clelland, C. C. Nordby, D. Urem-Kotsou, Applied Geochemistry, 21(10):1668-1673, 2006. “Chewing tar in the early Holocene: an archaeological and ethnographic evaluation,” E. M. Aveling, C. Heron, Antiquity, 73(281):579-584, 1999. “Chewing gum bezoars of the gastrointestinal tract,” D. E. Milov, J. M. Andres, N. A. Erhart, D. J. Bailey, Pediatrics, 102(2):e22, 1998.

[...we got about on foot]
We didn’t tame horses until about 5Kya. Our picture is still blurry because horses haven’t speciated. There’s little difference between a wild horse, a tamed horse, and a feral horse, so the bones aren’t especially telling, only genes are. At least two different events happened, among the Botai (which died out) and among the Yamnaya.

“The Yamnaya expansions from the western steppe into Europe and Asia during the Early Bronze Age (~3000 BCE) are believed to have brought with them Indo-European languages and possibly horse husbandry. We analyzed 74 ancient whole-genome sequences from across Inner Asia and Anatolia and show that the Botai people associated with the earliest horse husbandry derived from a hunter-gatherer population deeply diverged from the Yamnaya. Our results also suggest distinct migrations bringing West Eurasian ancestry into South Asia before and after, but not at the time of, Yamnaya culture. We find no evidence of steppe ancestry in Bronze Age Anatolia from when Indo-European languages are attested there. Thus, in contrast to Europe, Early Bronze Age Yamnaya-related migrations had limited direct genetic impact in Asia.” From: “The first horse herders and the impact of early Bronze Age steppe expansions into Asia,” P. de Barros Damgaard, R. Martiniano, J. Kamm, J. V. Moreno-Mayar, G. Kroonen, M. Peyrot, G. Barjamovic, S. Rasmussen, C. Zacho, N. Baimukhanov, V. Zaibert, V. Merz, A. Biddanda, I. Merz, V. Loman, V. Evdokimov, E. Usmanova, B. Hemphill, A. Seguin-Orlando, F. E. Yediay, I. Ullah, K.-G. Sjögren, K. H. Iversen, J. Choin, C. de la Fuente, M. Ilardo, H. Schroeder, V. Moiseyev, A. Gromov, A. Polyakov, S. Omura, S. Y. Senyurt, H. Ahmad, C. McKenzie, A. Margaryan, A. Hameed, A. Samad, N. Gul, M. H. Khokhar, O. I. Goriunova, V. I. Bazaliiskii, J. Novembre, A. W. Weber, L. Orlando, M. E. Allentoft, R. Nielsen, K. Kristiansen, M. Sikora, A. K. Outram, R. Durbin, E. Willerslev, Science, 360(6396):eaar7711, 2018.

See also: “Coat Color Variation at the Beginning of Horse Domestication,” A. Ludwig, M. Pruvost, M. Reissmann, N. Benecke, G. A. Brockmann, P. Castaños, M. Cieslak, S. Lippold, L. Llorente, A.-S. Malaspinas, M. Slatkin, M. Hofreiter, Science, 324(5926):485, 2009. “The Earliest Horse Harnessing and Milking,” A. K. Outram, N. A. Stear, R. Bendrey, S. Olsen, A. Kasparov, V. Zaibert, N. Thorpe, R. P. Evershed, Science, 323(5919):1332-1335, 2009. The Horse, the Wheel, and Language: How Bronze Age Riders from the Eurasian Steppes Shaped the Modern World, David W. Anthony, Princeton University Press, 2007. Prehistoric Steppe Adaptation and the Horse, Marsha Levine, Colin Renfrew, and Katie Boyle (editors), McDonald Institute, 2003, pages 69-82.

[hunter-gatherers weren’t Kirk and Spock; slow change of stone tools]
“Continuities in stone flaking technology at Liang Bua, Flores, Indonesia,” M. W. Moore, T. Sutikna, Jatmiko, M. J. Morwood, A. Brumm, Journal of Human Evolution, 57(5):503-526, 2009.
[hunter-gatherers were fit and healthy]
That is, if today’s hunter-gatherers, like the Khoisan in southern Africa, are anything to judge by. The Foraging Spectrum: Diversity in Hunter-Gatherer Lifeways, Robert L. Kelly, Smithsonian Institution Press, 1995.

At a conference in 1966, one eminent anthropologist called hunter-gatherers ‘the original affluent society’ because they (probably) had so much free time. “Notes on the Original Affluent Society,” M. Sahlins, Man the Hunter: The First Intensive Survey of a Single, Crucial Stage of Human Development—Man’s Once Universal Hunting Way of Life, Richard B. Lee and Irven Devore, Aldine Publishing Company, 1968, pages 85-89. See also: Stone Age Economics, Marshall Sahlins, Aldine Transaction, 1972. The !Kung San: Men, Women and Work in a Foraging Society, Richard Borshay Lee, Cambridge University Press, 1979. But for more recent analyses, see: “After the ‘Affluent Society’: Cost of Living in the Papua New Guinea Highlands According to Time and Energy Expenditure-Income,” P. Sillitoe, Journal of Biosocial Science, 34(4):433-461, 2002. “The darker side of the ‘original affluent society,’ ” D. Kaplan, Journal of Anthropological Research, 56(33):301-324, 2000.

[...crucial but perhaps not vital... nursing among neandertals, and paleolithic and neolithic humans]
Living to fight another day: The ecological and evolutionary significance of Neanderthal healthcare,” P. Spikins, A. Needham, B. Wright, C. Dytham, M. Gatta, G. Hitchens, Quaternary Science Reviews, 217:98-118, 2019. “Calculated or caring? Neanderthal healthcare in social context,” P. Spikins, A. Needham, L. Tilley, G. Hitchens, World Archaeology, 50(3):384-403, 2018. “Newly discovered Neanderthal remains from Shanidar Cave, Iraqi Kurdistan, and their attribution to Shanidar 5,” E. Pomeroy, M. W. Lahr, F. Crivellaro, L. Farr, T. Reynolds, C. O. Hunt, G. Barker, Journal of Human Evolution, 111:102-118, 2017. “External auditory exostoses and hearing loss in the Shanidar 1 Neandertal,” E. Trinkaus, S. Villotte, PloS ONE, 12(10):e0186684, 2017. “The postcranial dimensions of the La Chapelle‐aux‐saints 1 Neandertal,” E. Trinkaus, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 145(3):461-468, 2011.

See also: Towards a bioarchaeology of care: a contextualised approach for identifying and interpreting health-related care provision in prehistory, Lorna Ann Tilley, Australian National University, 2013. Sampling Biases and New Ways of Addressing the Significance of Trauma in Neandertals, Virginia Hutton Estabrook, doctoral thesis, University of Michigan, 2009. “Neanderthals: a history of interpretation,” J. R. Drell, Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 19(1):1-24, 2000. “Vertebral osteoarthritis of the La Chapelle-aux-Saints 1 Neanderthal,” J. E. Dawson, E. Trinkaus, Journal of Archaeological Science, 24(11):1015-1021, 1997. “Pathology and the posture of the La Chapelle‐aux‐Saints Neandertal,” E. Trinkaus, American journal of physical anthropology, 67(1):19-41, 1985. “Shanidar IV, a Neanderthal flower burial in northern Iraq,” R. S. Solecki, Science, 190(4217):880-881, 1975.

[...dogs to help with the hunt]
That’s just a guess, but not an insane one. Dogs are our oldest tamed species. They descended from gray wolves sometime before or during the last ice age (perhaps at least 27Kya to 40Kya). However, for all that time they would have been physically indistinguishable from gray wolves. Their breeding into the physical types that we know today as domestic dogs began happening only around 15Kya. “Worldwide patterns of genomic variation and admixture in gray wolves,” Z. Fan, P. Silva, I. Gronau, S. Wang, A. S. Armero, R. M. Schweizer, O. Ramirez, J. Pollinger, M. Galaverni, D. Ortega Del-Vecchyo, L. Du, W. Zhang, Z. Zhang, J. Xing, C. Vilà T. Marques-Bonet, R. Godinho, B. Yue, R. K. Wayne, Genome Research, 26(2):163-173, 2016. “Ancient wolf genome reveals an early divergence of domestic dog ancestors and admixture into high-latitude breeds,” P. Skoglund, E. Ersmark, E. Palkopoulou, L. Dalén, Current Biology, 25(11):1515-1519, 2015. “Origins of domestic dog in southern East Asia is supported by analysis of Y-chromosome DNA,” Z. L. Ding, M. Oskarsson, A. Ardalan, H. Angleby, L. G. Dahlgren, C. Tepeli, E. Kirkness, P. Savolainen, Y. P. Zhang, Heredity, 108(5):507-514, 2012. “Genome-wide SNP and haplotype analyses reveal a rich history underlying dog domestication,” B. M. vonHoldt, J. P. Pollinger, K. E. Lohmueller, E. Han, H. G. Parker, P. Quignon, J. D. Degenhardt, A. R. Boyko, D. A. Earl, A. Auton, A. Reynolds, K. Bryc, A. Brisbin, J. C. Knowles, D. S. Mosher, T. C. Spady, A. Elkahloun, E. Geffen, M. Pilot, W. Jedrzejewski, C. Greco, E. Randi, D. Bannasch, A. Wilton, J. Shearman, M. Musiani, M. Cargill, P. G. Jones, Z. Qian, W. Huang, Z.-L. Ding, Y.-P. Zhang, C. D. Bustamante, E. A. Ostrander, J. Novembre, R. K. Wayne, Nature, 464(7290):898-902, 2010. “mtDNA Data Indicates a Single Origin for Dogs South of Yangtze River, less than 16,300 Years Ago, from Numerous Wolves,” J.-F. Pang, C. Kluetsch, X.-J. Zou, A.-B. Zhang, L.-Y. Luo, H. Angleby, A. Ardalan, C. Ekström, A. Sköllermo, J. Lundeberg, S. Matsumura, T. Leitner, Y.-P. Zhang, P. Savolainen, Molecular Biology and Evolution, 26(12):2849-2864, 2009. “Fossil dogs and wolves from Upper Palaeolithic sites in Belgium, the Ukraine and Russia: Osteometry, ancient DNA and stable isotopes,” M. Germonpré, M. V. Sabin, R. E. Stevens, R. E. M. Hedges, M. Hofreitere, M. Stiller, V. R. Despres, Journal of Archaeological Science, 36(2):473-490, 2009. “The canine genome,” E. A. Ostrander, R. K. Wayne, Genome Research, 15(12):1706-1716, 2005. “Genome sequence, comparative analysis and haplotype structure of the domestic dog,” K. Lindblad-Toh, C. M. Wade, T. S. Mikkelsen, E. K. Karlsson, D. B. Jaffe, M. Kamal, M. Clamp, J. L. Chang, E. J. Kulbokas, III, M. C. Zody, E. Mauceli, X. Xie, M. Breen, R. K. Wayne, E. A. Ostrander, C. P. Ponting, F. Galibert, D. R. Smith, P. J. deJong, E. Kirkness, P. Alvarez, T. Biagi, W. Brockman, J. Butler, C.-W. Chin, A. Cook, J. Cuff, M. J. Daly, D. DeCaprio, S. Gnerre, M. Grabherr, M. Kellis, M. Kleber, C. Bardeleben, L. Goodstadt, A. Heger, C. Hitte, L. Kim, K.-P. Koepfli, H. G. Parker, J. P. Pollinger, S. M. J. Searle, N. B. Sutter, R. Thomas, C. Webbe, E. S. Lander, Nature, 438(7069):803-819, 2005. “Genetic Evidence for an East Asian Origin of Domestic Dogs,” P. Savolainen, Y. P. Zhang, J. Luo, J. Lundeberg, T. Leitner, Science, 298(5598):1610-1613, 2002.
[Abu Hureyra lifestyle changes]
For brevity, the text collapses two occupation periods into one, entirely skipping mention of the Younger Dryas. In reality, Abu Hureyra was inhabited in two stages: first during the warm interstadial about 14,000 years ago by the Natufians, and again during the time period mentioned in the text.

Emmer wheat domestication at Abu Hureyra began around 10,400 years (calibrated) before the present, but the village was already inhabited by around 11,500 years (calibrated) ago. So they spent about a millennium simply gathering, not planting.

“The plant food economy of Abu Hureyra 1 and 2: Abu Hureyra 1: the Epipaleolithic,” G. C. Hillman, in: Village on the Euphrates: from foraging to farming at Abu Hureyra, A. M. T. Moore, G. C. Hillman, and A. J. Legge (editors), Oxford University Press, 2000, pages 327-398.

[...hours each day to grind]
Just as it still does today for the Kababish, one surviving nomadic desert tribe in the Sudan. “The Eloquent Bones of Abu Hureyra,” T. Molleson, Scientific American, 271(2):70-75, 1994. A Desert Dies, Michael Asher, Viking, 1986.
[farming more onerous than roving]
“Engagement in agricultural work is associated with reduced leisure time among Agta hunter-gatherers,” M. Dyble, J. Thorley, A. E. Page, D. Smith, A. B. Migliano, Nature Human Behaviour, 3(8):792-796, 2019.
[“sweat of thy face”]
“In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.”

The Bible, The King James Version, Genesis 3:19.

[weaving became a female specialty]
We can deduce that because their skeletons are clustered, and separated from others. Further, their front teeth are grooved, like today’s Paiute basket-weavers, who use their mouths as a third hand when weaving. The grooves come from the continual rubbing of the strands against the teeth. “Dietary change and the effects of food preparation on microwear patterns in the Late Neolithic of Abu Hureyra, northern Syria,” T. Molleson, K. Jones, S. Jones, Journal of Human Evolution, 24(6):455-468, 1993. Today the Paiute live on reservations in Nevada, Arizona, California, Utah, and Oregon, and a few still practice basket-weaving and other traditional skills. A few other native tribes also continue or have restarted basket-weaving, notably the Jicarilla and San Carlos Apaches, the Hualapais, the Hopis, and the Papagos.
[early weaving]
The earliest known direct evidence for weaving (impressions on fired clay of two different kinds of weaves) is from Jarmo, in northeastern Iraq, around 9Kya. “The Textile and Basketry Impressions from Jarmo,” J. M. Adovasio, Paleorient, 3:223-230, 1975-77.
[timing of pottery]
The text describes the archaeology of pottery as it occurred in the Fertile Crescent. However, Jomon hunter-gatherers in Japan had pottery millennia before (perhaps as much as 16Kya). Ancient Jomon of Japan, Junko Habu, Cambridge University Press, 2002. Hunter-gatherers in China had pre-neolithic pottery as much as 20Kya. “Early Pottery at 20,000 Years Ago in Xianrendong Cave, China,” X. Wu, C. Zhang, P. Goldberg, D. Cohen, Y. Pan, T. Arpin, O. Bar-Yosef, Science, 336(6089):1696-1700, 2012. “Radiocarbon dating of charcoal and bone collagen associated with early pottery at Yuchanyan Cave, Hunan Province, China,” E. Boaretto, X. Wu, J. Yuan, O. Bar-Yosef, V. Chu, Y. Pan, K. Liu, D. Cohen, T. Jiao, S. Li, H. Gu, P. Goldberg, S. Weiner, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106(24):9595-9600, 2009.
[pottery from weaving?]
That’s just a guess, but it’s not impossible that pottery arose from weaving if we first used baskets to keep food, then one day coated a basket of food with mud to heat it in the fire. If we eventually coated the inside of the basket instead of its outside, the basket itself would burn away, leaving a pot. It’s even possible that we later painted pots with stylized patterns simply because our earliest pots, if made as above, would have come out of the fire with basket impressions. Of course, with no hard evidence this is complete guesswork (and by an amateur, too). The point, though, is that just because we today think of an artifact a certain way doesn’t mean that that’s how we thought of it millennia ago when we were inventing it, or one of its precursors.
[possible support for the numbers game hypothesis]
The original idea goes back to Colin Renfrew in 1987. He hypothesized that farming was the big driver of hunter-gatherer replacement (at least in Europe), largely thanks to the difference in numbers that the two technolgies could support. However, we now know that this misses the other big variables: technology and disease. A lot of the genetic replacement occurred not after farmers moved in from Anatolia around 8.5Kya, but after the horse was tamed, and the wheel invented, and pastoralists moved in from the Eurasian steppe around 5Kya. “When the World’s Population Took Off: The Springboard of the Neolithic Demographic Transition,” J.-P. Bocquet-Appel, Science, 333(6042):560-561, 2011. “The Expansions of Farming Societies and the Role of the Neolithic Demographic Transition,” P. Bellwood, M. Oxenham, in: The Neolithic Demographic Transition and its Consequences, Jean-Pierre Bocquet-Appel and Ofer Bar-Yosef (editors), Springer, 2008, pages 13-34. “The Emerging Synthesis: The Archeogenetics of Farming/Language Dispersals amd other Spread Zones,” C. Renfrew, in: Examining the farming/language dispersal hypothesis, Peter Bellwood and Colin Renfrew (editors), McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, 2002, pages 3-16. “Was agriculture impossible during the Pleistocene but mandatory during the Holocene?” P. Richerson, R. Boyd, R. Bettinger, American Antiquity, 66(3):387-411, 2001.
[acreage for 25 rovers supports 1,000 farmers]
The text chooses a (conservative) 40-fold density increase. The actual figure is unknown since it depends on the efficiency of early farming technology, which we don’t know. Estimates are anything between 50 and 100 times as many farmers as rovers. A Concise History of World Population, Massimo Livi-Bacci, translated by Carl Ipsen, Third Revision, Blackwell, 1997, page 27. Archaeology and Language: The Puzzle of Indo-European Origins, Colin Renfrew, Penguin, 1989, page 125. “Size, Density, and Growth Rate of Hunting Gathering Populations,” F. A. Hassan, in: Population, Ecology, and Social Evolution, Steven Polgar (editor), Mouton & Co., 1975, pages 26-52, but especially pages 38-41.
[the farm swallows rovers]
That seems to be what happened to hunter-gatherers in today’s central Europe perhaps about 8Kya when farmers in today’s Turkey swept through from the south. That’s also what seems to have happened to the Amorites west of today’s Iraq in today’s Syria. Over 4Kya we lived up in the hills, tending our flocks. We ate raw meat, didn’t build houses, and didn’t plant grain. But we were good warriors. So when we swooped down on the plains, there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth—but not by us. We won the wars, so our lives likely stayed much the same—for a while. In time, though, we turned into farmers, just like the folks we ruled. Same story for the Hyksos who swept in on Egypt around 3.7Kya. Same for Khoisan hunter-gatherers in Africa about 3Kya, when a wave of Bantu farmers and herders started expanding south and east. Same for the Vikings in Europe 1.2Kya. The Turks in Persia, the Mughals in India, the Mongols in China—the farm swallowed them all.
[first farmers in central Europe about 8.5kya]
Controversy surrounds the conclusion that the first farmers may have swallowed the hunter-gatherers who lived there at the time. One theory is that male farmers fathered, and female hunter-gatherers mothered, much of today’s central European population. Another is that a variety of genes spread into Europe first, then the ‘neolithic package’ of tools spread via trade routes much later without mass migrations from the south. However, the most recent work (see E. Willerslev 2018 and D. Reich 2016 below) strongly suggests that much of the replacement happened only after 4.5Kya, with the horse and wheel, and the subsequent Eurasian steppe invasion from the east. (See earlier references to the Yamnaya and the horse.)

“Ancient genome-wide DNA from France highlights the complexity of interactions between Mesolithic hunter-gatherers and Neolithic farmers,” M. Rivollat, C. Jeong, S. Schiffels, I. Küçükkalıpçı, M.-H. Pemonge, A. B. Rohrlach, K. W. Alt, D. Binder, S. Friederich, E. Ghesquière, D. Gronenborn, L. Laporte, P. Lefranc, H. Meller, H. Réveillas, E. Rosenstock, S. Rottier, C. Scarre, L. Soler, J. Wahl, J. Krause, M.-F. Deguilloux, W. Haak, Science Advances, 6(22):eaaz5344, 2020. “Ancient genomes from present-day France unveil 7,000 years of its demographic history,” S. Brunel, E. A. Bennett, L. Cardin, D. Garraud, H. Barrand Emam, A. Beylier, B. Boulestin, F. Chenal, E. Ciesielski, F. Convertini, B. Dedet, S. Desbrosse-Degobertiere, S. Desenne, J. Dubouloz, H. Duday, G. Escalon, V. Fabre, E. Gailledrat, M. Gandelin, Y. Gleize, S. Goepfert, J. Guilaine, L. Hachem, M. Ilett, F. Lambach, F. Maziere, B. Perrin, S. Plouin, E. Pinard, I. Praud, I. Richard, V. Riquier, R. Roure, B. Sendra, C. Thevenet, S. Thiol, E. Vauquelin, L. Vergnaud, T. Grange, E.-M. Geigl, M. Pruvost, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(23):12791-12798, 2020.

“For thousands of years the Eurasian steppes have been a centre of human migrations and cultural change. Here we sequence the genomes of 137 ancient humans (about 1× average coverage), covering a period of 4,000 years, to understand the population history of the Eurasian steppes after the Bronze Age migrations. We find that the genetics of the Scythian groups that dominated the Eurasian steppes throughout the Iron Age were highly structured, with diverse origins comprising Late Bronze Age herders, European farmers and southern Siberian hunter-gatherers. Later, Scythians admixed with the eastern steppe nomads who formed the Xiongnu confederations, and moved westward in about the second or third century bc, forming the Hun traditions in the fourth-fifth century ad, and carrying with them plague that was basal to the Justinian plague. These nomads were further admixed with East Asian groups during several short-term khanates in the Medieval period. These historical events transformed the Eurasian steppes from being inhabited by Indo-European speakers of largely West Eurasian ancestry to the mostly Turkic-speaking groups of the present day, who are primarily of East Asian ancestry.” From: “137 ancient human genomes from across the Eurasian steppes,” P. de Barros Damgaard, N. Marchi, S. Rasmussen, M. Peyrot, G. Renaud, T. Korneliussen, J. V. Moreno-Mayar, M. W. Pedersen, A. Goldberg, E. Usmanova, N. Baimukhanov, V. Loman, L. Hedeager, A. G. Pedersen, K. Nielsen, G. Afanasiev, K. Akmatov, A. Aldashev, A. Alpaslan, G. Baimbetov, V. I. Bazaliiskii, A. Beisenov, B. Boldbaatar, B. Boldgiv, C. Dorzhu, S. Ellingvag, D. Erdenebaatar, R. Dajani, E. Dmitriev, V. Evdokimov, K. M. Frei, A. Gromov, A. Goryachev, H. Hakonarson, T. Hegay, Z. Khachatryan, R. Khaskhanov, E. Kitov, A. Kolbina, T. Kubatbek, A. Kukushkin, I. Kukushkin, N. Lau, A. Margaryan, I. Merkyte, I. V. Mertz, V. K. Mertz, E. Mijiddorj, V. Moiyesev, G. Mukhtarova, B. Nurmukhanbetov, Z. Orozbekova, I. Panyushkina, K. Pieta, V. Smrčka, I. Shevnina, A. Logvin, K.-G. Sjögren, T. Štolcová, A. M. Taravella, K. Tashbaeva, A. Tkachev, T. Tulegenov, D. Voyakin, L. Yepiskoposyan, S. Undrakhbold, V. Varfolomeev, A. Weber, M. A. Wilson Sayres, N. Kradin, M. E. Allentoft, L. Orlando, R. Nielsen, M. Sikora, E. Heyer, K. Kristiansen, E. Willerslev, Nature, 557(7705):369-374, 2018.

“Genomic insights into the origin of farming in the ancient Near East,” I. Lazaridis, D. Nadel, G. Rollefson, D. Merrett, N. Rohland, S. Mallick, D. M. Fernandes, M. Novak, B. Gamarra, K. Sirak S. Connell, K. Stewardson, E. Harney, Q. Fu, G. Gonzalez-Fortes, E. R. Jones, S. A. Roodenberg, G. Lengyel, F. Bocquentin, B. Gasparian, J. M. Monge, M. Gregg, V. Eshed, A.-S. Mizrahi, C. Meiklejohn, F. Gerritsen, L. Bejenaru, M. Blüher, A. Campbell, G. Cavalleri, D. Comas, P. Froguel, E. Gilbert, S. M. Kerr, P. Kovacs, J. Krause, D. McGettigan, M. Merrigan, D. A. Merriwether, S. O’Reilly, M. B. Richards, O. Semino, M. Shamoon-Pour, G. Stefanescu, M. Stumvoll, A. Tönjes, A. Torroni, J. F. Wilson, L. Yengo, N. A. Hovhannisyan, N. Patterson, R. Pinhasi, D. Reich, Nature, 536(7617):419-424, 2016.

<> See also: “Ancient DNA analysis of 8000 B.C. near eastern farmers supports an early neolithic pioneer maritime colonization of Mainland Europe through Cyprus and the Aegean Islands,” E. Fernández, A. Pérez-Pérez, C. Gamba, E. Prats, P. Cuesta, J. Anfruns, M. Molist, E. Arroyo-Pardo, D. Turbón, PLoS Genetics, 10(6):e1004401, 2014. “Origins and genetic legacy of Neolithic farmers and hunter-gatherers in Europe,” P. Skoglund, H. Malmström, M. Raghavan, J. Storå, P. Hall, E. Willerslev, M. T. Gilbert, A. Götherström, M. Jakobsson, Science, 336(6080):466-469, 2012. “Complete mitochondrial genomes reveal neolithic expansion into Europe,” Q. Fu, P. Rudan, S. Pääbo;, J. Krause, PLoS ONE, 7(3):e32473, 2012. “Ancient DNA from European early neolithic farmers reveals their near eastern affinities,” W. Haak, O. Balanovsky, J. J. Sanchez, S. Koshel, V. Zaporozhchenko, C. J. Adler, C. S. Der Sarkissian, G. Brandt, C. Schwarz, N. Nicklisch, V. Dresely, B. Fritsch, E. Balanovska, R. Villems, H. Meller, K. W. Alt, A. Cooper; Members of the Genographic Consortium, PLoS Biology, 8(11):e1000536, 2010. “A Predominantly Neolithic Origin for European Paternal Lineages,” P. Balaresque, G. R. Bowden, S. M. Adams, H.-Y. Leung, T. E. King, Z. Rosser, J. Goodwin, J.-P. Moisan, C. Richard, A. Millward, A. G. Demaine, G. Barbujani, C. Previderè, I. J. Wilson, C. Tyler-Smith, M. A. Jobling, PLoS Biology, 8(1):e1000285, 2010. “A Comparison of Y-Chromosome Variation in Sardinia and Anatolia Is More Consistent with Cultural Rather than Demic Diffusion of Agriculture,” L. Morelli, D. Contu, F. Santoni, M. B. Whalen, P. Francalacci, F. Cucca, PLoS ONE, 5(4):e10419, 2010. “Radiocarbon evidence indicates that migrants introduced farming to Britain,” M. Collard, K. Edinborough, S. Shennan, M. G. Thomas, Journal of Archaeological Science, 37(4):866-870, 2010. “Genetic Discontinuity Between Local Hunter-Gatherers and Central Europe’s First Farmers,” B. Bramanti, M. G. Thomas, W. Haak, M. Unterlaender, P. Jores, K. Tambets, I. Antanaitis-Jacobs, M. N. Haidle, R. Jankauskas, C.-J. Kind, F. Lueth, T. Terberger, J. Hiller, S. Matsumura, P. Forster, J. Burger, Science, 326(5949):137-140, 2009.

[Amorites and Sumer]
Here are the Sumerians writing about one nomad tribe (or confederation of tribes) of herders, the Martu (the “Westerners,” today called the Amorites, who gave rise to the Babylonian era in Mesopotamia—named after the main city, Babylon), over 4Kya: “The Martu who know no grain.... The Martu who know no house nor town, the boors of the mountains.... The Martu who digs up truffles... who does not bend his knees [to cultivate the land (?)], who eats raw meat, who has no house during his lifetime, who is not buried after death.” Who Were the Babylonians? Bill T. Arnold, Society of Biblical Literature, 2004, pages 36-37. Daily Life in Ancient Mesopotamia, Karen Rhea Nemeth-Nejat, Greenwood Press, 1998, pages 113-116. Sumerian Epics and Myths, Edward Chiera, University of Chicago Press, 1934, Numbers 58 and 112.

Incidentally, the Bible refers to the (by then settled) Amorites living in Canaan as being tall. “Yet destroyed I the Amorite before them, whose height was like the height of the cedars, and he was strong as the oaks; yet I destroyed his fruit from above, and his roots from beneath.” Of course, that may merely be a poetic way to say that they were hard to kill. The Bible, The King James Version, Amos 2:9. See also: Deuteronomy 3:11.

[Hyksos in Egypt]
The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt, Ian Shaw (editor), Oxford University Press, 2000. The Rise and Fall of the Middle Kingdom in Thebes, Herbert E. Winlock, Macmillan, 1947.
[the Bantu expansion and the Khoisan]
History of Africa, Kevin Shillington, Palgrave Macmillan, Revised Edition, 2005, especially Chapters 3 and 4.
[rovers were swallowed]
That’s assuming, of course, that the rovers didn’t simply kill everyone there. That’s rare (at least, in recorded history), but it did happen. For example, in the 1200s the Mongols (who were horse-riding nomads) started to ride under Genghis Khan. (Note that ‘Genghis Khan’ is more properly transliterated as ‘Chinggis Qan’). They terrorized and razed to the ground many villages, towns, and cities, killing everyone there. Then they discovered the idea of taxation. Even then, they still did it occasionally to keep the terror level up and the taxes rolling in. For example, they sacked Baghdad in 1258, taking all the women and children and killing every adult male Muslim there—perhaps 800,000 to 1 million men. Basically, it was one giant protection racket. Probably not our first. And definitely not our last. Storm from the East: From Genghis Khan to Khubilai Khan, Robert Marshall, University of California Press, 1993. Genghis Khan, R. P. Lister, Dorset, 1969.

Eat Your Heart Out

[peasant food]
The Medieval Village, G. G. Coulton, 1925, Dover, Reprint Edition, 1989. For a more recent survey, but set only in England in the year 1000, see: The Year 1000: What Life Was Like At the Turn of the First Millennium, Robert Lacey and Danny Danziger, Little, Brown, 1999.
[English prices in 1300]
Prices in 1310: “Wheat, 6s. a quarter; oats, 3s.; a cow, 12s. 6d.; a sheep, 1s. 2d.; a fat hog, 3s. 4d.; a fat goose, 2½d.; eggs 0½d a dozen; wine, 4d. a gallon; ale, 0½d. a gallon; a labourer’s wages 1½d. a day, in harvest time 2d.; a journeyman carpenter, 2d. a day; a horse for military service, 13s. 4d.; a pair of shoes, 4d.; an English slave and his family, sold for 13s. 4d.; a bible, £33 6s. 8d; the Chancellor’s salary, £50.” The History of Bradford and Its Parish: With Additions and Continuation to the Present Time, John James, Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer, 1866, page 60 and pages 74-75, footnote. See also: The Laborer: A Remedy for His Wrongs: Or, A Disquisition on the Usages of Society, William Dealtry, Wm. Dealtry and R. Allison & Co., 1869, pages 53-54.

For similar prices in near-contemporary Lancashire, Wiltshire, and Manchester, see: Remains, Historical and Literary, Connected with the Palatine Counties of Lancaster and Chester, Volume LVI, The Chetham Society, 1861, pages 399-400, footnote. The Parochial History of Bremhill, in the County of Wilts: Containing a Particular Account, from Authentic and Unpublished Documents, of the Cistercian Abbey of Stanley in that Parish; with Observations and Reflections on the Origin and Establishment of Parochial Clergy, and other Circumstances of General Parochial Interest, Including Illustrations of the Origin and Designation of the Stupendous Monuments of Antiquity in the Neighbourhood, Avebury, Silbury, and Wansdike, W. L. Bowles, John Murray, 1828, page 17. History, Directory, and Gazetteer, of the County Palatine of Lancaster: With a Variety of Commercial & Statistical Information in Two Volumes, Illustrated by Maps and Plans, Edward Baines and W. Parson, Wm. Wales & Co., 1824, page 24.

[slavery was common in Europe]
That might sound surprising, but only after the 1860s. “Following abolitionism, medieval slavery necessarily came to be portrayed as a barbaric, morally corrupting and uncivilised institution that was destined to disappear before the progress of Christian civilisation. Yet as has been noted, the institution of slavery was at its most significant during those historical periods which are considered to be major watersheds in Western civiliszation. [...] The notion of the freedom loving Anglo-Saxon gave rise to a distinctly English strand in the historiographical tradition regarding the alleged decline and disappearance of slavery from Western Europe during the Middle Ages.” Slaves and Warriors in Medieval Britain and Ireland: 800-1200, David Wyatt, Brill, 2009, pages 10-11.

It’s often said, especially by European or North American writers, that Europeans sometimes tried to stop all slavery (or even succeeded). Really, though, all Europe tried to stop, and that ineffectively, was the lucrative sale of its Christian slaves to non-Christian foreigners. Slavery in medieval Europe was so common that the Roman Catholic Church repeatedly prohibited it—or at least the export of Christian slaves to non-Christian lands was prohibited at, for example, the Council of Koblenz in 922, the Council of London in 1102, and the Council of Armagh in 1171. Sales continued. For example, in 1475 Pope Martin V threatened all Christian slave traders with excommunication. He also ordered all Jewish slave traders to wear a special badge of infamy. But then, in various European nations, Christian export slavery, had been occasionally prohibited since at least 655, by the Church or by various rulers. Not that it mattered. For example, the same year, 655, that Bathild, regent of France, who had herself been a slave (some say, kidnapped from England), tried to ban Christian enslavement in France, the Church, which wanted to maintain full control of ecclesiastical appointments, decreed enslavement for any children produced by clerics. No longer would the bastard child of a priest succeed him to his post.

William the Bastard (the Conqueror), too, is often alleged to have banned slavery in Britain after the conquest in 1066, but what he actually did was the same that any other European ruler did—he banned export slavery of English slaves (maybe because he didn’t get a cut on those sales?). It’s also often reported that various religious leaders, Saint Wulfstan or Anslem of Canterbury or Archbishop Lanfranc or Saint Patrick, for example, ended slavery in England—or even Europe as a whole. Not so. There were occasional admonitions, for example, after the (first) invasion of Ireland by English barons in the 1160s, but at most they lead to a reduction in Christian export slavery. In short: in Europe, it was ok to have slaves, it was ok for them to be Christian, it was ok to export slaves, too. The European abolition effort in medieval times was primarily about the export of Christian slaves to non-Christian lands.

Finally, it’s often stated that even if Christianity itself accepted slavery that after the Protestant Reformation it died out in Europe because of the new Protestant zeal. It’s true that it mostly did die out after the Reformation, and it’s true that Puritans, in particular, who were themselves badly treated, were more against slavery than normal, but it’s also true that many still kept slaves. William Penn, for example, a Quaker, who also owned Pennsylvania, was both a slave holder and a slave trader. England didn’t make slavery on English soil illegal until 1796 (not 1772 as is often reported; the James Somerset case in 1772 prevented slave recapture in England, but the idea of slaves as property wasn’t overturned until 1796). Nor was English slavery particularly special within Europe. For example, thanks to their longships, the Vikings earlier took Norse, Saxon, Irish, Gallic, Italian, and Slav slaves from all over Europe and sold them to other Europeans, to the Muslims, and to each other. Also, from the eighth century on, North Africans—from Morocco, Algeria, Tunis, and Tripoli, known at the time as the Barbary coast—took slaves in England and Ireland for centuries, as well as slaves all over the North Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts, from Iceland to Palestine—including Miguel de Cervantes, who was enslaved off the Catalan coast on September 26th, 1575, 30 years before he wrote Don Quixote.

[medieval life in Europe and peasant bones]
Nor were those our only problems. In Europe at least, damp and cold killed us just as casually. The poorest of us lived in small, dark, smoky huts. We built them with poles and brush daubed with clay and cow dung, and roofed them with thatch and covered their earthen floors with straw. At around five feet tall, we were short and bent. Our skin, like a cured ham, was leathery from our household smoke. By 30 we were nearly toothless, and many of us didn’t live to see 35. Our skeletons from that time show extensive osteoarthritis, spinal deformations, bony growths, and joint enlargements. Dirty and rank, we lived with our livestock and knew everything about lice, fleas, and dung—and nothing about microbes. One in four of us died before we were a year old. And all of us were always working. We tended the fires, the livestock, the fields. We made food, thread, cloth. We repaired clothes, bedding, cottages. And we sewed or carved something to trade. When we were foragers, to stop walking was to die. Once we were farmers, to stop working was to die.

“Biocultural analysis of Sex Differences in Mortality Profiles and Stress Levels in the Late Medieval Population from Nova Raca, Croatia,” M. Slaus, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 111(2):193-209, 2000. “A Biomechanical Study of Activity Patterns in a Medieval Human Skeletal Assemblage,” S. Mays, International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 9(1):68-73, 1999. “Dry Bones: a Paleopathological Study of Skeletal Remains from a Medieval Graveyard in Dundee,” R. N. Spalding, D. J. Sinclair, A. Cox, K. D. Morley, Scottish Medical Journal, 41(2):56-59, 1996. The Great Famine: Northern Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century, William Chester Jordan, Princeton University Press, 1996, pages 13-14.

However, paleopathology and paleodemography are still very young fields, with many of their research agendas, tools, and methods still in flux. In particular, any studies that claim anything about disease prevalence, or overall mortality statistics for any non-provably stationary populations, needs to be approached with caution. “The Osteological Paradox: Problems of Inferring Prehistoric Health from Skeletal Samples,” J. W. Wood, G. R. Milner, H. C. Harpending, K. M Weiss, Current Anthropology, 33(4):343-370, 1992.

[medieval Europe’s rich and poor]
Of course, some of us villagers were quite well off. Further, after millennia of practice, most of us were used to our daily bread and porridge. So, most of the time, most of us managed to stave off outright hunger. When we made just the right number of kids, and we slaughtered just the right number of food animals, and the weather behaved, we even feasted. We ate such little meat that slaughtering just one ox on a feast day could feed a whole village. Also, not all of us were equally poor. The richest family in a village might own a couple of oxen, a bullock, two horses, some cows and calves, a pig and sow, a hundred or so sheep, some geese and chickens, and maybe even a cart. Plus, its home might sport as many as five brass pots and pans, a jug and basin, a trestle-table, and maybe even a chair. For most of us, though, the fear of hunger was always there. Over nine-tenths of us were rural, and roughly a third to two-fifths of us not only had no food surplus, we didn’t even have access to enough land to give us all the grain we needed to survive. We had to earn the rest with non-farm labor. If we didn’t, we starved.

That list of possible possessions is from an inventory taken in 1329, upon the death of a wealthy villein named William Lene, who lived in Walsham manor, in Suffolk.

A single brass pot might cost over a pound (20 shillings)—anything that we needed fuel or special tools to make was expensive. “Manorial court roll inventories as evidence for English peasant consumption and living standards, c.1270-c.1420,” Chris Briggs, in: Pautes de Consum i Nivells de Vida al Món Rural Medieval, Antoni Furio, and Ferran Garcia-Oliver (editors), Publicacions de la Universitat de Valéncia, 2010. An Age of Transition? Economy and Society in England in the later Middle Ages, Christopher Dyer, Oxford University Press, 2005, page 26. Plantagenet England, 1225-1360, Michael Prestwich, Oxford University Press, 2005, pages 457-458.

Dyer estimates that, at least in England between 1280 and 1480, given the technology available at the time, a family needed 12-15 acres. In 1280, in the East Midlands, at least 42 percent of households didn’t have that much. In 1480, about a third still didn’t. An Age of Transition? Economy and Society in England in the later Middle Ages, Christopher Dyer, Oxford University Press, 2005, page 175. Prestwich details land holdings in Norfolk between 1220 and 1292. At Hinderclay in 1300 the average holding was seven acres. But some were as large as 30 acres while others were as small as two acres or less. Plantagenet England, 1225-1360, Michael Prestwich, Oxford University Press, 2005, pages 455-456.

Note that the practice of selling tenants along with land, or of selling families separate from land, wasn’t restricted to Europe in 1300. For example, the same thing was common in China at about the same time. The Pattern of the Chinese Past, Mark Elvin, Stanford University Press, 1973, pages 71-73.

Also, a very few of us were royal, and we always lived well. Although, in 1300, with our knowledge of disease being what it was, even princes of a royal family only lived on average around 30 years at birth. For example, here are life expectancies of princes in England in 1300: “The exact figures are: up to 1275, 35.28 years; 1276-1300, 31.30; 1301-1325, 29.84; 1326-1348, 30.22; 1348-1375, 17.33; 1376-1400, 20.53; 1401-1425, 23.78; 1426-1450, 32.76.” From: “The Generation in Medieval History,” D. Herlihy, Viator, 5:346-364, 1974, footnote 10.

[bread for the rich and for the poor]
“Les labourers d’antiquité / Ne furont pas acoustummé / A manger le pain du frument, / Ainçois du feve et d’autre blé / Leur pain estoit, et abevré / De l’eaue furont ensement, / Et lors fuist leur festoiement / Formage et lait, mais rerement.” [“The laborers of olden days / were not accustomed / to eat wheaten bread. Their bread was of bean paste(?) and other grain; / and likewise they quenched their thirst with water. / And then their festive fare / was cheese and milk, but that was rare.”] Mirour de l’Omme, lines 26449-26456, John Gower (a friend of Chaucer), writing around 1376 to 1379. See: “The Function of Food in Mediaeval German Literature,” G. F. Jones, Speculum, 35(1):78-86, 1960. See also: Life in a Medieval Village, Frances and Joseph Gies, Harper & Row, 1990, pages 98 and 198. After the Black Death began decimating Europe starting in 1347, so many died that food became plentiful for a time, and surviving peasants began to eat better. But that didn’t last forever.
[salt as money]
The English word ‘salary’ descends from the Latin salarium argentum [salt money]. Pliny credits it as the source of the name for part of what Roman soldiers were paid: salarium. Natural History, Pliny the Elder, Book 31, part 41. Salt is still in use as money in some parts of the world today.
[Europe’s Great Famine]
“[...] [T]here was undoubtedly a precipitous decline in average consumption among the rural population from 1315 on. The worst-off in the countryside—the ‘many paupers’—are said to have ‘gnawed, just like dogs, the raw dead bodies of cattle’ and to have ‘grazed like cows on the growing grasses of the fields.’ The author who vouchsafes this information was troubled at the report. Was it right to bequeath testimony of such degradation to the world?

His account points us in an important direction. Famine involves not only a net loss in the intake of food but also, granting the victims’ attempts to make up the difference, the intake of ‘strange diets.’ Evidence from current famines attests to the presence in these diets of disagreeable plants, bark, leather, cloth, dirt, diseased animals and others—like grubs and vermin—not ordinarily considered palatable, and, in extreme cases, human cadavers.[...]

The ‘proof’ offered in the chronicle sources that social life and its under-girding morality were in jeopardy from the pain and suffering engendered by the urban crisis is the arresting allegation of cannibalism: Livonia, 1315; England, 1316; Poland, 1317; Silesia, 1317. We have seen that there were a few of these allegations in rural areas, particularly those affected by the cataclysm of war, such as Ireland. However, most of the accusations come from towns. ‘Many indeed consumed the flesh of gallows corpses,’ says one report about the Oderraum, where bands of criminal beggars were probably threatening the new towns. One account tells us that in jails half-starved miscreants feasted on the flesh of other unfortunates. The chronicler who reports these events confessed that he found the narration of them an unhappy task. Exponents of rationalistic explanations would say that such accounts originated from the sight of men, desperate for food, fighting among themselves for the small portions given them by jailkeepers. It was no hard thing after watching a spectacle like this to imagine the worst.

Urban observers regularly couple murder with cannibalism. ‘It is said [the reference is to Baltic towns] that certain people... because of the excessive hunger devoured their very own children.’ ‘Mothers fed upon their sons’ in this region. ‘In many places [in the towns of the Oderraum] parents after slaying their children, and children their parents, devoured’ their remains. Writing long after, the Bermondsey annalist—who, as we shall see, recorded pauperes in England eating pets and pigeon droppings—shared the information that the destitute ate their children too. Such chilling descriptions were to be repeated endlessly.”

The Great Famine: Northern Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century, William Chester Jordan, Princeton University Press, 1996, pages 115, 148-149. Jordan estimates 30 million for the affected European population, with three million dead in the first three years.

Livi-Bacci, though, estimates that Europe as a whole contained that many as far back as the year 1000. However, although Livi-Bacci estimates 74 million for all Europe, it is for 1340 not 1314, and may include parts of Europe not visited by the 1314 famine. A Concise History of World Population, Massimo Livi-Bacci, translated by Carl Ipsen, Third Revision, Blackwell, 1997.

[widespread hunger after 1300]
“A mannes herte mihte blede for to here the crie / Off pore men that gradden, ‘Allas, for hungger I die / Up rihte!’ / This auhte make men aferd of Godes muchele miht.” [A man’s heart might bleed to hear the cry / Of poor men that wail, ‘Alas, for hunger I die, / Up right!’ / This ought to make men afraid of God’s great power.] The Simonie, (written in 1321) in: Medieval English Political Writings, James M. Dean (editor), Western Michigan University, 1996, lines 399-402.
[price of wheat during the Great Famine]
“For tho God seih that the world was so over gart, / He sente a derthe on eorthe, and made hit ful smarte. / A busshel of whete was at foure shillinges or more.” The Simonie, (written in 1321) in: Medieval English Political Writings, James M. Dean (editor), Western Michigan University, 1996, lines 391-393.
[recurrent famine in England]
England alone had suffered famine in 1257, 1272, 1277, 1283, 1292, and 1311. “In the eleventh and twelfth centuries famine [in England] is recorded every fourteen years, on an average, and the people suffered twenty years of famine in two hundred years. In the thirteenth century the list exhibits the same proportion of famine; the addition of high prices made the proportion greater. Upon the whole, scarcities decreased during the three following centuries; but the average from 1201 to 1600 is the same, namely, seven famines and ten years of famine in a century.” See: “The Influence of Scarcities and of the High Prices of Wheat on the Mortality of the People of England,” William Farr, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, IX, page 158, February 16, 1846.

If we take grain prices as a proxy for poor harvests, then regular famine appears to have been common all over the world and for all recorded time. However, such price evidence may be good only for Western Europe in the recent past, with waves of inflation occurring in the 1200s, 1500s, 1700s, and 1900s. The Great Wave: Price Revolutions and the Rhythm of History, David Hackett Fischer, Oxford University Press, 1999.

[“forgotten crime”...]
“The secret of great wealth is a forgotten crime.” is a popular but half-remembered English version of what Balzac wrote. What he actually said was this: “Le secret des grandes fortunes sans cause apparente est un crime oublié, parce qu’il a été proprement fait.” [“The secret of a great fortune without obvious cause is a forgotten crime, forgotten because it was done properly.”] Le Père Goriot, Honoré de Balzac, 1835, Airmont, Reprint Edition, 1965, page 132.

This isn’t a bad idea. About 2,400 years ago, those of us in Athens sent an armada to the island of Melos to slaughter all men of military age, enslave all women and children, and steal their island. Similarly, in the late 1800s, a few of us in Belgium caused the deaths of at least eight million of us in the Congo, and stole tons of ivory and rubber (literally). The only thing that changed in all that time is the scale.

Athens and Melos: History of the Peloponnesian War, Thucydides, translated by Rex Warner, Penguin Books, 1954, Book II, Chapter 34, 2.34-2.46 Thucydides made this affair famous, not for its scale or novelty or brutality, for it was none of those, but for its frankness. Ancient Siege Warfare, Paul Bentley Kern, Indiana University Press, 1999, pages 148-149.

Belgium and the Congo: King Leopold’s Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa, Adam Hochschild, Mariner Books, 1999.

[aspirin and willow bark]
Aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid, but willow bark contains salicin, and many other compounds. Salicin has slicylate derivates on metabolism.

“Many believe that willow is the natural source of aspirin. However, willow species contain only a low quantity of the prodrug salicin which is metabolized during absorption into various salicylate derivatives. If calculated as salicylic acid, the daily salicin dose is insufficient to produce analgesia. Salicylic acid concentrations following an analgesic dose of aspirin are an order of magnitude higher. Flavonoids and polyphenols contribute to the potent willow bark analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. The multi-component active principle of willow bark provides a broader mechanism of action than aspirin and is devoid of serious adverse events. In contrast to synthetic aspirin, willow bark does not damage the gastrointestinal mucosa. An extract dose with 240 mg salicin had no major impact on blood clotting. In patients with known aspirin allergy willow bark products are contraindicated.” From: “Willow species and aspirin: different mechanism of actions,” J. Vlachojannis, F. Magora, S. Chrubasik, Phytotherapy Research, 25(7):1102-1104, 2011.

Aspirin: The Remarkable Story of a Wonder Drug, Diarmuid Jeffreys, Chemical Heritage Foundation, 2008.

[we don’t plan our path]
Our lineage, or a cousin lineage, started making stone tools over 2.6Mya. Over time, that led to a ‘forager toolbox.’ Once we had enough such tools to forage reasonably well, invention slowed. Then when we started to farm, we made a bunch of new tools, and far faster than we had before. After some time, that made up a ‘farming toolbox’ (the ‘neolithic package’). Once we had enough such tools to farm reasonably well, invention slowed. The result was a temporary food explosion. It was temporary because our numbers also exploded, so we ate up all the extra food. A few centuries ago the same sorts of speedups started happening yet again, when we added a huge number of new tools to our ‘industrial toolbox.’ Our food exploded yet again, as did our numbers, but after a while something bizarre happened: some of us got so much food that we stopped multiplying a lot.

Not only that, our path is something we discover only in hindsight. Machado said it best: “Caminante, no hay camino, / se hace camino al andar.” [“Wanderer, there is no road, / The road is made by walking.”] “Proverbios y cantares XXIX,” Campos de Castilla, Selected Poems of Antonio Machado, translated by Betty Jean Craige, Louisiana State University Press, 1978.

[oldest known tools are 2.6 millions years old]
These aren’t provably the oldest tools, nor are they necessarily tools made by members of our lineage of hominins (for a variety of reasons, one of which is that we still don’t know what our lineage is, exactly; another is that just because we find a chipped stone, and can tell that it had been purposely chipped, and can date it, we still don’t know which hominin hand dropped it). “2.6-Million-year-old stone tools and associated bones from OGS-6 and OGS-7, Gona, Afar, Ethiopia,” S. Semaw, M. J. Rogers, J. Quade, P. R. Renne, R. F. Butler, M. Domínguez-Rodrigo, D. Stout, W. S. Hart, T. Pickering, S. W. Simpson, Journal of Human Evolution, 45(2):169-177, 2003.
[carrying capacity and population as the main problem?]
That belief far predates Malthus, but he’s considered one of the seminal proponents since his 1798 book was the first to present a seemingly mathematically airtight argument, not just one based on how the rich had usually viewed the poor. It’s strange indeed that he articulated it just when England was phase changing into industry. An Essay on the Principle of Population, Thomas Malthus, Oxford University Press, 1999.

Factory Embryos

[only one in four still farmers in 2020]
In 2018, and around the planet, of everyone working, just 28 percent were still on the farm (a huge drop from 44 percent just in 1991), 23 percent were in industry (no real change from 22 percent in 1991), and 49 percent were in services (a huge rise from 34 percent in 1991). World Social Report 2020: Inequality in a rapidly changing world, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, Figure 2.1, page 61.

By 2019, employment in agriculture was (as a percentage of all employment globally) 26.857. International Labour Organization, ILOSTAT database Data retrieved in March 1, 2020.

[most flesh is still grass...]
“The voice said, Cry. And he said, What shall I cry? All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field:”

The Bible, The King James Version, Isaiah 40:6.

[plant dependence on carbon dioxide]
This is similar to Liebig’s Law of the Minimum. Regardless of the supply of plentiful resources, a system is rate determined by the resource in shortest supply. Plant physiology, Frank B. Salisbury, Cleon W. Ross, Fourth Edition, Wadsworth, 1992.
[our dependence on farming in 1999]
“Eight cereal grains: wheat, maize, rice, barley, sorghum, oats, rye, and millet provide 56% of the food energy and 50% of the protein consumed on earth. Three cereals: wheat, maize and rice together comprise at least 75% of the world’s grain production.” From: “Cereal Grains: Humanity’s Double-Edged Sword,” L. Cordain, in: Evolutionary Aspects of Nutrition and Health: Diet, Exercise, Genetics, and Chronic Disease, A. P. Simopoulos (editor), Karger, 1999, pages 19-73.

Even those of us who eat a lot of meat are still grass-eaters. In total, over half of all our nutrition comes directly from plants, and the rest is indirectly dependent on them. Plus, of the roughly 400,000 plant species on this planet, we mostly eat only about 30. They give us around 95 percent of all our plant nutrition. Of those 30, 20 grow on about three-quarters of all cultivated land worldwide. They give us roughly 90 percent of all our plant nutrition. Of those 20, eight are cereals. All of them belong to the same genetic family of grasses. Just one of those, rice, feeds almost half of all of us alive today. All flesh is indeed grass.

Note though that the figure of 400,000 is a guess. We still don’t know how many plant species there are. “Documenting plant diversity: unfinished business,” P. R. Crane, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, B, 359(1444):735-737, 2004. For more recent work just on seed plants, see: “Mega-phylogeny approach for comparative biology: an alternative to supertree and supermatrix approaches,” S. A. Smith, J. Beaulieu, M. J. Donoghue, BMC Evolutionary Biology, 9:37, 2009. They quote a figure of 13,533 for seed plants.

Wheat, barley, rye, and oats belong to the subfamily Pooideae. Maize, sorghum, sugar cane, and most millets belong to the subfamily Panicoideae. Rice belongs to the subfamily Bambusoideae. All are members of the family Poaceae (that is, the true grasses).

[atmospheric carbon dioxide]
The concentration of carbon dioxide is less than one 25th of one percent.
[plant energy loss]
Plants need light (from the sun, mostly). But the sun also heats it; and the hotter it gets, the less work it can do. So it has to open more pores to transpire more water to cool itself down. But that depends on how humid the day is. Unless it’s a windy or rainy day, the hotter or drier the plant gets, the more water it would lose if it keeps its pores open too long. So it has to close its pores, or else it will lose too much water, and thus wilt. Wilting would mean a loss of leaf area, which it needs to capture light. Yet it also has to keep its pores open when it’s capturing light, or else it won’t get enough carbon dioxide.

We understand a great deal about photosynthesis from a reductionist point of view: that is, think of a plant like a machine, like a car. Now imagine it completely dismantled with all its parts lying on the floor. We’ve analyzed many of those parts separately, and many in great detail. But how exactly they go together we don’t exactly know. Plants aren’t only about photosynthesis—they’re about survival and reproduction. Their photosynthetic energy conversion efficiency is determined by the interaction between all the parts of the entire system, not by any particular part of the system. So simply giving the car more gas (more carbon dioxide, say), or replacing a spark plug (a gene for RuBisCO, say), won’t necessarily help. So when it comes to figuring out how to ladder up their overall photosythetic rate we’re still at the stage of just watching what they do in bulk. And that data is now very old (1926, 1942, 1954, and 1971 by Transeau, Lindeman, Odum and others). It took a long while for us to figure out the differences between C3, C4, and CAM vascular plants, and it took a long time to work out the detailed structure of RuBisCO and the separation of the Calvin cycle from the light reactions inside the thylakoids of the plant’s chloroplasts inside their plastids. Considering just how many millennia we’ve depended so abjectly on plants (not just for food, but also for oxygen), this ignorance for so long is amazing.

“Plant membrane transport, like transport across all eukaryotic membranes, is highly non-linear and leads to interactions with characteristics so complex that they defy intuitive understanding. The physiological behaviour of stomatal guard cells is a case in point in which, for example, mutations expected to influence stomatal closing have profound effects on stomatal opening and manipulating transport across the vacuolar membrane affects the plasma membrane. Quantitative mathematical modelling is an essential tool in these circumstances, both to integrate the knowledge of each transport process and to understand the consequences of their manipulation in vivo. Here, we outline the OnGuard modelling environment and its use as a guide to predicting the emergent properties arising from the interactions between non-linear transport processes. We summarise some of the recent insights arising from OnGuard, demonstrate its utility in interpreting stomatal behaviour, and suggest ways in which the OnGuard environment may facilitate ‘reverse-engineering’ of stomata to improve water use efficiency and carbon assimilation.” From: “Predicting the unexpected in stomatal gas exchange: not just an open-and-shut case,” M. Klejchová, A. Hills, M. R. Blatt, Biochemical Society Transactions, 48(3):881-889, 2020.

See also: “Control of transpiration by radiation,” R. Pieruschka, G. Huber, J. A. Berry, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(30):13372-13377, 2010. Principles of Terrestrial Ecosystem Ecology, F. Stuart Chapin III, Pamela A. Matson, and Peter Vitousek, Springer, Second Edition, 2011, Chapter 5, especially pages 134-147. Biology, Kenneth A. Mason, Jonathan B. Losos, Susan R. Singer, based on the work of Peter H. Raven and George B. Johnson, McGraw-Hill, Ninth Edition, 2011, chapters 38 and 39. Ecology: Principles and Applications, J. L. Chapman and M. J. Reiss, Cambridge University Press, Second Edition, 1999, pages 136-138. Why Big Fierce Animals Are Rare, Paul Colinvaux, Princeton University Press, 1978, Chapter 4.

[crop losses before harvest]
“Crop Losses to Animal Pests, Plant Pathogens, and Weeds,” E.-C. Oerke, in: Encyclopedia of Pest Management, Volume II, David Pimentel (editor), CRC Press, 2007, pages 116-120.
[...burn a further 87 percent]
In 1977, Americans got from food roughly 13 percent of the energy used to grow, process, transport, sell, and prepare it. Energy and Food: Energy used in Production, Processing, Delivery, and Marketing of Selected Food Items, Anne Pierotti, A. Keeler, and A. Fritsch, Center for Science in the Public Interest, Energy Series Number 10, 1977. Extending that figure to today may seem problematic because that would assume that world farming is comparable to farming in the United States (which it isn’t, since Americans eat so much more processed foods), and that today’s figures are comparable with 1970s figures (which it may not be, since the price of oil had spiked after 1973 and the report gives no date for its data so it could easily have been taken at the peak of the OPEC oil embargoes).

However, an expert on agronomy, Richard C. Fluck, believes that it’s probably not far wrong. (Personal communication.) His argument is that although technology has improved since the 1970s, largely thanks to precision farming, pressure for improvement has also been nearly flat since then as oil prices had remained relatively low for all that time. “Energy Use in the U.S. Food System: a summary of existing research and analysis,” J. Hendricksen, Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1995. Energy in Farm Production, R. C. Fluck (editor), Elsevier, 1992.

[lost edible food, United Kingdom and United States]
“Weekly food waste collections can benefit the environment and save money,” News Release, March 27th, 2008, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, United Kingdom Government, 2008. “Estimating household and institutional food wastage and losses in the context of measuring food deprivation and food excess in the total population,” R. Sibri´n, J. Komorowska, J. Mernies, Working Paper Number ESS/ESSA/001e, Statistics Division, United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization, 2006. “Household Refuse Food Loss,” T. Jones, S. Dahlen, K. Cisco, B. McKee, A. Bockhorst, Report to the United States Department of Agriculture, 2002. “Life Cycle-Based Sustainability Indicators for Assessment of the U.S. Food System,” M. C. Heller, G. A. Keoleian, Report Number CSS00-04, Center for Sustainable Systems, School of Natural Resources and Environment, The University of Michigan, 2000, page 37. “Estimating and Addressing America’s Food Losses,” L. Scott Kantor, K. Lipton, A. Manchester, V. Oliveira, Economic Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture, 1997. “Household food wastage in Britain,” R. W. Wenlock, D. H. Buss, B. J. Derry, E. J. Dixon, British Journal of Nutrition, 43(1):53-70, 1980.
[meat consumption in the United States]
“Food Consumption,” Briefing Room Economic Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture, 2007.
[expensive animal protein]
About 1,700,000 kilocalories of solar energy hit a square meter of earth per year. On land, just 20,810 kilocalories will be transferred to plants. Of that, 3,368 will be transferred to direct consumers, like cattle; and of that, 383 will be transferred to first level carnivores, like us. So for every 100 kilocalories of energy that hits a plant, 1.2 are available to cattle, and 0.12 are available to us. The conversion efficiencies are about 1.2 percent for converting energy to plants, 6 percent for converting plants to animals, and 10 percent for converting animals to other animals. So if we eat an animal we get 0.072 percent of the original solar energy, whereas eating a plant gives us 0.72 percent—ten times as much—of the original energy. Living in the Environment: Principles, Connections, and Solutions, G. Tyler Miller, Brooks Cole, Twelfth Edition, 2002, page 85.
Often miscalled a ‘calorie’ in the United States (but not Europe). Also often called a ‘large calorie.’ A kilocalorie is the energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water by 1 degree Celsius. It’s 1,000 ‘small’ calories, or gram calories.
[energy cost of nitrogen fertilizer in Canada in 2001]
“Prairie Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development,” Program: Prairie Sard. Reports on Development of a Program for Research and Action Towards More Economically and Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development for Western Canada, The Canadian Agriculture New Uses Council, CANUC, Bulletin Number 6, 2001. This particular study was about including alfalfa in rotations at Winnipeg, Manitoba, to reduce nitrogen fertilizer costs. Incidentally, to make that 80 pounds of fertilizer per acre in the first place, we needed at least 1,428 cubic feet of natural gas. That, too, costs energy to find, make, process, and transport.
[applesauce is three times more expensive than apples in Florida in 1992]
“To be more energy efficient means to get a higher return on your energy Investment. Some foods are more energy efficient than others. It takes 1,100 Btu of energy to serve one half pound of homegrown potatoes. Supermarket potatoes use 2,000 Btu of energy per half-pound to get from seed to serving dish. There are 15,000 Btu of energy invested in 8 oz (0.5 lb) of potato chips. Similarly, it takes over three times the energy to place a can of applesauce on the grocery store shelf as it does to put an equal quantity of fresh apples in the produce department.” From: “Energy Efficiency and Environmental News: Food to Energy,” July 1992. Florida Energy Extension Service newsletter, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida.
[plants don’t extract nitrogen from the air]
That’s strange because plants colonized the land at least 460Mya. That surely should have given them enough time to figure it out. Why they didn’t is a mystery. “Molecular Timescale of Evolution in the Proterozoic,” S. B. Hedges, F. U. Battistuzzi, J. E. Blair, in: Neoproterozoic Geobiology and Paleobiology, Shuhai Xiao and Alan J. Kaufman (editors), Springer, 2006, pages 199-229. “The plant tree of life: an overview and some points of view,” J. D. Palmer, D. E. Soltis, M. W. Chase, American Journal of Botany, 91(10):1437-1445, 2004. “Molecular data from 27 proteins do not support a Precambrian origin of land plants,” M. J. Sanderson, American Journal of Botany, 90(6):954-956, 2003. “A methodological bias toward overestimation of molecular evolutionary time scales,” F. Rodríguez-Trelles, R. Tarrío, F. J. Ayala, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 99(12):8112-8115, 2002. “Molecular Evidence for the Early Colonization of Land by Fungi and Plants,” D. S. Heckman, D. M. Geiser, B. R. Eidell, R. L. Stauffer, N. L. Kardos, S. B. Hedges, Science, 293(5532):1129-1133, 2001.
[legumes and nitrogen fixation]
Legumes—like peas, beans, soybean, peanut, lentil, alfalfa, and clover—aren’t the only plants that form symbiotic relationships with nitrogen-fixing microbes, however at present they’re the most important ones for our food supply. We don’t know why most plants aren’t rhizobia symbionts. We don’t even know why plants don’t simply fix nitrogen themselves. Perhaps it’s simple competition. Nitrogen-fixation, or simply facilitating nitrogen-fixation as symbionts do, takes energy. (It involves a particular one (of three possible) metalloenzymes dependent on Fe-Fe, Fe-V, or Fe-Mo cofactors, which apparently evolved around 3.2Gya in anerobic, thermophilic conditions among hydrogentropic methanogens and from there laterally gene transferred into aerobic bacteria, including Cyanobacteria. The most common nitrogenase is Molybdenum-dependent. See Mus et al.) Perhaps plants that don’t bother grow faster or grow bigger? On the other hand, such symbionts have a huge advantage as they can grow anywhere, whereas most other plants can only grow in nitrogen-rich soil. All we know for sure right now is that the situation is complicated.

“Members of the plant family Leguminosae (Fabaceae) are unique in that they have evolved a symbiotic relationship with rhizobia (a group of soil bacteria that can fix atmospheric nitrogen). Rhizobia infect and form root nodules on their specific host plants before differentiating into bacteroids, the symbiotic form of rhizobia. This complex relationship involves the supply of C4-dicarboxylate and phosphate by the host plants to the microsymbionts that utilize them in the energy-intensive process of fixing atmospheric nitrogen into ammonium, which is in turn made available to the host plants as a source of nitrogen, a macronutrient for growth. Although nitrogen-fixing bacteroids are no longer growing, they are metabolically active. The symbiotic process is complex and tightly regulated by both the host plants and the bacteroids. The metabolic pathways of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphate are heavily regulated in the host plants, as they need to strike a fine balance between satisfying their own needs as well as those of the microsymbionts. A network of transporters for the various metabolites are responsible for the trafficking of these essential molecules between the two partners through the symbiosome membrane (plant-derived membrane surrounding the bacteroid), and these are in turn regulated by various transcription factors that control their expressions under different environmental conditions. Understanding this complex process of symbiotic nitrogen fixation is vital in promoting sustainable agriculture and enhancing soil fertility. [...]

The host plant provides the microsymbiont with dicarboxylates together with other nutrients, in exchange for fixed nitrogen in the form of ammonium and amino acids. Nitrogen-fixing legumes contribute to nitrogen enrichment of the soil and therefore are valuable in improving soil fertility. The legume-rhizobium association has an important impact on sustainable agriculture since it provides more than 65% of the biologically fixed nitrogen in agricultural systems.” From: “Interaction and Regulation of Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus Metabolisms in Root Nodules of Legumes,” A. Liu, C. A. Contador, K. Fan, H.-M. Lam, Frontiers in Plant Science, 9:1860, 2018.

“Reconstructing the evolutionary history of nitrogenases: Evidence for ancestral molybdenum-cofactor utilization,” A. K. Garcia, H. McShea, B. Kolaczkowski, B. Kaçar, Geobiology, 18(3):394-411, 2020. “Geobiological feedbacks, oxygen, and the evolution of nitrogenase,” F. Mus, D. R. Colman, J. W. Peters, E. S. Boyd, Free Radical Biology & Medicine, 140:250-259, 2019. “Holy alliances?” B. Osborne, New Phytologist, 175(4):602-605, 2007. “Host sanctions and the legume-rhizobium mutualism,” E. T. Kiers, R. A. Rousseau, S. A. West, R. F. Denison, Nature, 425(6953):78-81, 2003.

Rhizobia symbiosis may have arisen during a period where there was a lot of CO2 in the atmosphere (about 60 million years ago). But why it didn’t take over is unknown. “Evolving ideas of legume evolution and diversity: a taxonomic perspective on the occurrence of nodulation,” New Phytologist, J. I. Sprent, 174(1):11-25, 2007.

We now know that legumes have a gene that triggers the formation of nodules, which then encourage nitrogen-fixing bacteria to come live there. That gene can be transplanted to another legume and it too will become nitrogen-fixing. “Nodulation independent of rhizobia induced by a calcium-activated kinase lacking autoinhibition,” C. Gleason, S. Chaudhuri, T. Yang, A. Muñoz, B. W. Poovaiah, G. E. D. Oldroyd, Nature, 441(7097):1149-1152, 2006.

[remixing cereals and legumes...]
“Nitrogen is a limiting nutrient that needs to be added as fertilizer in agriculture, including cereals, that cannot obtain it from the atmosphere. In contrast, legumes obtain most of their nitrogen through mutualism with nitrogen-fixing rhizobia that reside in root nodules. The majority of global calories are from cereals; hence, it has been a long-standing dream to transfer this ability to these crops. This would reduce the need for nitrogenous fertilizer and the economic, environmental and energy burdens that it brings. One solution is to engineer the bacteria that associate with cereals—whether they are in the soil, on the root surface (epiphytes) or living inside the roots (endophytes)—to fix nitrogen.” From: “Control of nitrogen fixation in bacteria that associate with cereals,” M.-H. Ryu, J. Zhang, T. Toth, D. Khokhani, B. A. Geddes, F. Mus, A. Garcia-Costas, J. W. Peters, P. S. Poole, J.-M. Ané, C. A. Voigt, Nature Microbiology, 5(2):314-330, 2020.

This was done by redesigning the genes themselves, and building their interactions directly using a programming language (called Cello), not merely by cutting&pasting genes from one organism to another by hand, as is customary in genetic engineering: “Genetic circuits have many applications, from guiding living therapeutics to ordering process in a bioreactor, but to be useful they have to be genetically stable and not hinder the host. Encoding circuits in the genome reduces burden, but this decreases performance and can interfere with native transcription. We have designed genomic landing pads in Escherichia coli at high-expression sites, flanked by ultrastrong double terminators. DNA payloads >8 kb are targeted to the landing pads using phage integrases. One landing pad is dedicated to carrying a sensor array, and two are used to carry genetic circuits. NOT/NOR gates based on repressors are optimized for the genome and characterized in the landing pads. These data are used, in conjunction with design automation software (Cello 2.0), to design circuits that perform quantitatively as predicted. These circuits require fourfold less RNA polymerase than when carried on a plasmid and are stable for weeks in a recA+ strain without selection. This approach enables the design of synthetic regulatory networks to guide cells in environments or for applications where plasmid use is infeasible.” From: “Precision design of stable genetic circuits carried in highly-insulated E. coli genomic landing pads,” Y. Park, Y. E. Borujeni, T. E. Gorochowski, J. Shin, C. A. Voigt, Molecular Systems Biology, 16(8):e9584, 2020.

[plants colonized land almost half a billion years ago]
The multicellular photosynthetic autotrophs that we call ‘plants’ colonized land almost half a billion years ago, in the Ordovician, perhaps 460Mya. “Revisiting the Great Ordovician Diversification of land plants: Recent data and perspectives,” T. Servais, B. Cascales-Miñana, C. J. Cleal, P. Gerrienne, D. A. T. Harper, M. Neumann, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 534(15):109280, 2019. “The timescale of early land plant evolution,” J. L. Morris, M. N. Puttick, J. W. Clark, D. Edwards, P. Kenrick, S. Pressel, C. H. Wellman, Z. Yang, H. Schneider, P. C. J. Donoghue, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(10):E2274-E2283, 2018.
[herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides in plants]
Today, our perception of risk from our food is severely distorted. Each day, the average American, for example, eats about 10,000 times more plant-generated pesticides than artificial ones. One gram of roasted coffee, for instance, contains about 59 milligrams of chlorogenic acid, neochlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, and caffeine—all toxins, and all put there by the coffee plant, not us. (However, artificial pesticides are still undesirable because being sprayed on, not built-in, they run off easily and collect in aquifers.) Cooking our food adds further toxicity by producing about two grams per person per day of burnt material that contains many rodent carcinogens: polycyclic hydrocarbons, heterocyclic amines, furfural, nitrosamines, and nitroaromatics, as well as many mutagens. Further, many plant toxins are cumulative. Potatoes, for example, contain fat-soluble neurotoxins (solanine and chaconine), which are in the bloodstreams of all potato eaters. Potatoes are relatively new to our species, so our genes haven’t yet had time to evolve ways to fully detoxify them.

We don’t drop dead (usually) when we drink coffee and eat some potato chips because all plant-eaters have evolved ways to detect harmful plants and avoid them, or have evolved ways to detoxify a few plant poisons. In our case, we’ve selectively amplified only those few plant cultivars and those ways of preparing food from them that haven’t immediately killed us in the past. For example, cassava (a starchy tuber like the potato and the chief thing in tapioca) feeds over 400 million of us in the tropics, but it also contains cyanide. We’ve learned, presumably by long trial and error, how to boil it to reduce the poison to trace amounts. Rhubarb leaves, apple seeds, almonds, lima beans, potato skins, avocado skins, cherry pits—even too much nutmeg in your eggnog—all can kill. Handbook of Pesticide Toxicology: Principles, Robert Krieger, Academic Press, Second Edition, 2001, page 811. “What Do Animal Cancer Tests Tell Us About Human Cancer Risk? Overview of Analyses of the Carcinogenic Potency Database,” L. Swirsky Gold, T. H. Slone, B. N. Ames, Drug Metabolism Reviews, 30(2):359-404, 1998. “Rodent Carcinogens: Setting Priorities,” L. Swirsky Gold, T. H. Slone, B. R. Stern, N. B. Manley, B. N. Ames, Science, 258(5080):261-265, 1992. “α-Chaconine and α-solanine content of potato products and their stability during several modes of cooking,” R. J. Bushway, R. Ponnampalam, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 29(4):814-817, 1981.

[acreage covered by smart seeds in 2017]
By 2017, it was 189.8 (469 acres) million hectares (half is soyabean). Global Status of Commercialized Biotech/GM Crops in 2017 - Biotech Crop Adoption Surges as Economic Benefits Accumulate in 22 Years, ISAAA Brief No. 53, 2017, Table 1 (page 3).

In 2005, of that land area, about 87 percent was in the United States. Argentina, Canada, and China made up most of the rest.

By 2010, about 10 percent of the world’s croplands were under cultivation. By 2011, smart seeds covered 160 million hectares, with 69 million hectares (170.503 million acres) in the United States alone. Brazil (30.3 million hectares) and Argentina (23.7 million hectares) followed. With over 170 million acres under cultivation in the United States alone, the world acreage covered by smart seeds grew to one acre in every ten. Global Status of Commercialized Biotech/GM Crops: 2011, Clive James, ISAAA Brief No. 43, ISAAA (International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications), 2011. “Transgenic Crops,” J. Schahczenski, K. Adam, in: Biotechnology: Perspectives & Prospects, C. P. Malik, Chitra Wadhwani, and Bhavneet Kaur (editors), MD Publications, 2008.

See also: ATTRA Publication Number IP189, National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service, 2006. National Agricultural Statistics Service, Agricultural Statistics Board, United States Department of Agriculture, 2005.

In the southern United States, kudzu is sometimes called ‘the vine that ate the south.’ A legume, it will grow even on eroded soils, and was imported from Japan in 1876 then, with government help, it grew like a fungus. It can grow up to 300 centimeters (about a foot) a day, and will often smother even large trees simply by outgrowing them. “Kudzu: Where did it come from? And how can we stop it?” J. H. Miller, E. Boyd, Southern Journal of Applied Forestry, 7(3):165-169, 1982.
[a new superweed]
Despite conspiracy theories about mad scientists deep in military bunkers, we likely won’t be deliberately aiming to create a superweed, but nature is too wily for us to predict precisely what will happen to any plant, transgenic or not. Unintended pollen flow has already resulted in some unduly resistant weeds. “A Field Study of Pollen-Mediated Gene Flow from Mediterranean GM rice to Conventional Rice and the Red Rice Weed,” J. Messeguer, V. Marfa, M. M. Catala, E. Guiderdoni, E. Mele, Molecular Breeding, 13(1):103-112, 2004. “Gene Flow in Commercial Fields of Herbicide-Resistant Canola (Brassica napus),” H. J. Beckie, S. I. Warwick, H. Nair, G. Séguin-Swartz, Ecological Applications, 13(5):1276-1294, 2003. “Gene Flow Between Red Rice (Oryza. sativa) and Herbicide-Resistant Rice (O. sativa): Implications for Weed Management,” D. R. Gealy, D. H. Mitten, J. N. Rutger, Weed Technology, 17(3):627-645, 2003.

Food Machines

[farming’s global water consumption, 2016, 2004]
“Water use has been increasing worldwide by about 1% per year since the 1980s. [...] Approximately 80% of the global cropland is rainfed, and 60% of the world’s food is produced on rainfed land. [...] Agriculture (including irrigation, livestock and aquaculture) is by far the largest water consumer, accounting for 69% of annual water withdrawals globally. Industry (including power generation) accounts for 19% and households for 12%. [...] Over 2 billion people live in countries experiencing high water stress. Although the global average water stress is only 11%, 31 countries experience water stress between 25% (which is defined as the minimum threshold of water stress) and 70%, and 22 countries are above 70% and are therefore under serious water stress. [...] Asia and the Pacific In 2016, 29 out of 48 countries in the region qualified as water-insecure due to low availability of water and unsustainable groundwater withdrawal.” The United Nations world water development report 2019: Leaving no one behind, UNESCO World Water Assessment Programme, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 2019, pages 1, 5, 6, 13, 132.

“Agriculture is the principal user of all water resources taken together, i.e. rainfall (so-called green water) and water in rivers, lakes and aquifers (so-called blue water). It accounts for about 70 percent of all withdrawals worldwide, with domestic use amounting to about 10 percent and industry using some 21 percent.” Unlocking the Water Potential of Agriculture, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, 2003, page 7.

In its separate ‘Key Facts’ summary factsheet, it states the following: “To produce 1 kg of wheat, 1 m3 of water is needed. It takes at least 1.2 m3 of water to produce 1 kg of rice.” The text’s figures uses the usual conversion factors: 1 kilogram is 2.2 pounds and 1 cubic meter is 264 gallons. So 1 pound needs 120 gallons.

However, the global range is very wide. For more recent figures on global evapotranspiration, see: “Review of measured crop water productivity values for irrigated wheat, rice, cotton and maize,” S. J. Zwart, W. G. M. Bastiaanssen, Agricultural Water Management, 69(2):115-133, 2004.

For the figures on evaporation loss for farm irrigation, see: Challenges to International Waters; Regional Assessments in a Global Perspective, United Nations Environment Programme, 2006.

[fresh water is scarce]
“Fresh water makes up only 0.01% of the World’s water and approximately 0.8% of the Earth’s surface, yet this tiny fraction of global water supports at least 100 000 species out of approximately 1.8 million — almost 6% of all described species.” From: “Freshwater biodiversity: importance, threats, status and conservation challenges,” D. Dudgeon, A. H. Arthington, M. O. Gessner, Z. Kawabata, D. J. Knowler, C. Leveque, R. J. Naiman, A. H. Prieur-Richard, D. Soto, M. L. Stiassny, C. A. Sullivan, Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 81(2):163-82, 2006.
[water content of various foods]
Bowes and Church’s Food Values of Portions Commonly Used, Jean A. T. Pennington, J. B. Lippincott Co., Sixteenth Edition, 1994.
[water content of the human body]
It varies from about 75 percent at infancy to about 50 percent in old age. The Universe Within: The Deep History of the Human Body, Neil Shubin, Vintage, 2013, pages 41-43, and 46.
[earliest land animals dated to around 414Mya]
“A U-Pb zircon age constraint on the oldest-recorded air-breathing land animal,” S. E. Suarez, M. E. Brookfield, E. J. Catlos, D. F. Stöckli, PLoS ONE, 12(6):e0179262, 2017. “Morphology and taxonomy of Paleozoic millipedes (Diplopoda: Chilognatha: Archipolypoda) from Scotland,” H. M. Wilson, L. I. Anderson, Journal of Paleontology, 78(1):169-184, 2004.
[percentage consumption of irrigation in India and China in 1995, 2006]
“Facts and trends: Water,” World Business Council for Sustainable Development, 2005. “Global Water Crisis, the Major Issue of the 21st Century,” H. F. L. Saeijs, M. J. Van Berkel, European Water Pollution Control, 5(4):26-40, 1995.
[global water resource depletion]
“Examples of regions experiencing recurrent water stress are the Sahel, South Africa, the Central U.S., Australia, India, Pakistan, and North‐East China. It is estimated that over 2 billion people (35% of the world population) suffer from severe water stress. [...] [Enumerating the groundwater depletion hot-spots:] “North‐East Pakistan and North‐West India, North‐East China, the Ogallala Aquifer in the central U.S., the San‐Joaquin aquifer in the Central Valley of California, Iran, Yemen and the South‐East of Spain.” From: “Global depletion of groundwater resources,” Y. Wada, L. P. H. van Beek, C. M. van Kempen, J. W. T. M. Reckman, S. Vasak, M. F. P. Bierkens, Geophysical Research Letters, 37(20):1-5, 2010. Factsheet on Water and Sanitation, United Nations World Health Organization, 2008. “Groundwater: A global assessment of scale and significance,” T. Shah, J. Burke, K. Villholth, M. Angelica, E. Custodio, F. Daibes, J. Hoogesteger, M. Giordano, J. Girman, J. van der Gun, E. Kendy, J. Kijne, R. Llamas, M. Masiyandima, J. Margat, L. Marin, J. Peck, S. Rozelle, B. R. Sharma, L. Vincent, J. Wang, in: Water for Food Water for Life: A Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture, David Molden (editor), Routledge, 2007, page 395-423. Water for Life, United Nations World Health Organization, 2005, page 40.
[raising a lamb is water-expensive]
The calculation is crude as it requires several approximations and conversions and over more than one country. In Ontario, average market-weight ranges for lambs are from 40 to 50 kilograms (88 to 110 pounds). Lambs are typically 5 to 8 months old at time of slaughter. “Market Lamb Nutrition: Factsheet,” C. Wand, and “Benchmarks for a Good Lamb Crop: Performance Targets for Replacement Ewe Lambs,” A. O’Brien, Food and Rural Affairs, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Government of Canada, 2003. In Britain, raising one gram of lamb needs about 15 litres of water. Future of Food, George Alagiah, BBC documentary, 2009.

For some estimates of other food animals, see: “World population, food, natural resources, and survival,” D. Pimentel, M. Pimentel, World Futures, 59(3&4):145-167, 2003.

[global landuse in 2000]
Current estimates are that in 2000 cropland took 15.3 million square kilometers (3,780 million acres), pasture took 34.3 million square kilometers (8,475 million acres), and the overall percentage of earth’s land used was 34.9 percent. “The HYDE 3.1 spatially explicit database of human-induced global land-use change over the past 12,000 years,” K. K. Goldewijk, A. Beusen, G. van Drecht, M. de Vos, Global Ecology and Biogeography, 20(1):73-86, 2011.
[15 million acres of primary forest a year]
That is, 6 million hectares annually. Global Diversity Outlook 2, Convention on Biological Diversity, United Nations Environment Programme, 2006.
[topsoil loss in 2000]
One estimate is 1,150 tons per kilometer square per year. That’s about 0.38 millimeters a year globally, with much of the loss concentrated in southeast Asia. About 60 percent of it is anthropogenic, and almost all of that is via farming. “Global potential soil erosion with reference to land use and climate changes,” D. Yang, S. Kanae, T. Oki, T. Koike, K. Musiake, Hydrological Processes, 17(14):2913-2928, 2002. “Global Soil Loss Estimate using RUSLE Model: The Use of Global Spatial Datasets on Estimating Erosive Parameters,” T. N. Pham, D. Yang, S. Kanae, T. Oki, K. Musiake, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, JSCE, 45:811-816, 2001.
“[...] the percentage of stocks fished at biologically unsustainable levels increased from 10 percent in 1974 to 33.1 percent in 2015, with the largest increases in the late 1970s and 1980s.” The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2018: Meeting the sustainable development goals, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, 2018, page 40. See also Figure 4, page 40.

Here’s the story on cod off the Canadian Atlantic coast: “Overfishing of large-bodied benthic fishes and their subsequent population collapses on the Scotian Shelf of Canada’s east coast and elsewhere resulted in restructuring of entire food webs now dominated by planktivorous, forage fish species and macroinvertebrates. Despite the imposition of strict management measures in force since the early 1990s, the Scotian Shelf ecosystem has not reverted back to its former structure. Here we provide evidence of the transient nature of this ecosystem and its current return path towards benthic fish species domination. The prolonged duration of the altered food web, and its current recovery, was and is being governed by the oscillatory, runaway consumption dynamics of the forage fish complex. These erupting forage species, which reached biomass levels 900% greater than those prevalent during the pre-collapse years of large benthic predators, are now in decline, having outstripped their zooplankton food supply. This dampening, and the associated reduction in the intensity of predation, was accompanied by lagged increases in species abundances at both lower and higher trophic levels, first witnessed in zooplankton and then in large-bodied predators, all consistent with a return towards the earlier ecosystem structure. We conclude that the reversibility of perturbed ecosystems can occur and that this bodes well for other collapsed fisheries.” From: “Transient dynamics of an altered large marine ecosystem,” K. T. Frank, B. Petrie, J. A. Fisher, W. C. Leggett, Nature, 477(7362):86-89, 2011.

Estimates are that industrial fisheries typically reduce community biomass by 80 percent within 15 years. “Rebuilding Global Fisheries,” B. Worm, R. Hilborn, J. K. Baum, T. A. Branch, J. S. Collie, C. Costello, M. J. Fogarty, E. A. Fulton, J. A. Hutchings, S. Jennings, O. P. Jensen, H. K. Lotze, P. M. Mace, T. R. McClanahan, C. Minto, S. R. Palumbi, A. M. Parma, D. Ricard, A. A. Rosenberg, R. Watson, D. Zeller, Science, 325(5940):578-585, 2009.

“Rapid worldwide depletion of predatory fish communities,” R. A. Myers, B. Worm, Nature, 423(6937):280-283, 2003.

[today’s mass extinctions]
This area is full of politics and guessing. A figure of about 100 species a day is common. But it’s a total guess. The Sixth Extinction: Biodiversity and its Survival, Richard Leakey and Roger Lewin, Doubleday, 1995. Leakey’s estimates have been challenged. The Ultimate Resource 2, Julian Simon, Princeton University Press, 1998.

The core problem is that we don’t even know how many species are on earth now, far less how many are being lost per day. At a talk given in Cape Town in 2001, Leakey upped his estimate to “between 50,000 and 100,000 plant, insect, and animal species a year” but gave no evidence to support his claim. By some environmentalist guesstimates, about 24 percent of mammal species, 11 percent of bird species, and 3 percent of fish species are thought to be threatened. World Resources 2000-2001: People and Ecosystems: The Fraying Web of Life, World Resources Institute, 2000, pages 246-248. E. O. Wilson estimates that there are between 10 million and 100 million species on the planet. The Diversity of Life, Edward O. Wilson, W. W. Norton, Reissue Edition, 1999.

The most recent comprehensive work estimates that we’re losing an unknown but perhaps large number of species. “Quantifying Uncertainty in Estimation of Tropical Arthropod Species Richness,” A. J. Hamilton, Y. Basset, K. K. Benke, P. S. Grimbacher, S. E. Miller, V. Novotný, A. Samuelson, N. E. Stork, G. D. Weiblen, J. D. L. Yen, The American Naturalist, 176(1):90-95, 2010. “Global Biodiversity: Indicators of Recent Declines,” S. H. Butchart, M. Walpole, B. Collen, A. van Strien, J. P. Scharlemann, R. E. Almond, J. E. Baillie, B. Bomhard, C. Brown, J. Bruno, K. E. Carpenter, G. M. Carr, J. Chanson, A. M. Chenery, J. Csirke, N. C. Davidson, F. Dentener, M. Foster, A. Galli, J. N. Galloway, P. Genovesi, R. D. Gregory, M. Hockings, V. Kapos, J. F. Lamarque, F. Leverington, J. Loh, M. A. McGeoch, L. McRae, A. Minasyan, M. H. Morcillo, T. E. Oldfield, D. Pauly, S. Quader, C. Revenga, J. R. Sauer, B. Skolnik, D. Spear, D. Stanwell-Smith, S. N. Stuart, A. Symes, M. Tierney, T. D. Tyrrell, J. C. Vié, R. Watson, Science, 328(5982):1164-1168, 2010.

[the Anthropocene]
As of 2020, two international geological groups (the International Commission on Stratigraphy, ICS, and the International Union of Geological Sciences, IUGS) are still debating whether to name, and when to date, significant human impact on the Earth as a new geological epoch, successor to the Holocene. It may be the shortest one ever...
[the nitrogen cycle]
The nitrogen cycle and how it affects plant life took almost half a century to figure out, from Jean-Baptiste Boussingault in 1841 to Ulysse Gayon in 1885, with the most important being Justus von Leibig. The World’s Greatest Fix: A History of Nitrogen and Agriculture, G. J. Leigh, Oxford University Press, 2004, pages 184-200. Enriching the Earth: Fritz Haber, Carl Bosch, and the Transformation of World Food Production, Vaclav Smil, The MIT Press, 2001, pages 5-20.
[soil fertility and soil degradation loss per year ... ]
The 1 percent per year figure is from 2011 FAO (United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization) figures, quoted in: “Dust Unto Dust,” M. C. Scholes, R. J. Scholes, Science, 342(6158):565-566, 2013. See also: “Reconstructing the Microbial Diversity and Function of Pre-Agricultural Tallgrass Prairie Soils in the United States,” N. Fierer, J. Ladau, J. C. Clemente, J. W. Leff, S. M. Owens, K. S. Pollard, R. Knight, J. A. Gilbert, R. L. McCulley, Science, 342(6158):621-624, 2013. Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed, Jared Diamond, Penguin, 2005.

But groups collapse from many reasons, not just loss of soil fertility; there’s also soil erosion from over-reliance on annual plants, increased soil salinity, water mismanagement, and prolonged droughts. Megadrought and Collapse: From Early Agriculture to Angkor, Harvey Weiss (editor), Oxford University Press, 2017.

[By the 1850s, the situation was already dire ... ]
The search for fertilizers didn’t begin the in the twentieth century—that’s just when chemists got to the stage of building factories because the understanding and the tech had advanced enough by then—it began in the nineteenth.

“To many historians, scientists, and agricultural experts, the term ‘Green Revolution’ refers to the controversial array of programs and policies that introduced high-yield seeds, intensive irrigation techniques, herbicides, pesticides, mechanization, and petrochemical fertilizers to parts of the developing world during the 1960s and 1970s. Among the most profound consequences of this recent agricultural transformation was a vast increase in the amount of nitrogen available to farmers in Asia and Latin America. Through the application of imported synthetic fertilizers, these cultivators achieved increased yields of staple crops such as corn, rice, and wheat.

Numerous scholars have portrayed this twentieth-century intervention in world food production as the first human alteration of the global nitrogen cycle during the modern era. Such a depiction is misleading. It obscures an earlier Green Revolution, beginning in the nineteenth century, during which companies and labor contractors transported millions of metric tons of nitrogen fertilizer and more than 100,000 workers across the globe, producing significant shifts in environments and labor conditions throughout the world. A comprehensive understanding of this First Green Revolution fuses two emerging research areas—global environmental history and transnational labor history. An investigation of the relationship between new forms of servitude that emerged in the Age of Abolition and the concurrent development of a worldwide fertilizer trade reveals that the changing nature of work is inextricably intertwined with the work of changing nature.

Between the 1840s and the 1930s, Peru and Chile exported hundreds of millions of tons of nitrogen-rich guano (dried bird excrement) and sodium nitrate (NaNO3) to places as far-flung as California, Virginia, Prussia, Great Britain, and France. For farmers in North America and Europe, guano and sodium nitrate dramatically increased agricultural productivity during the final phase of the Industrial Revolution, which lasted from roughly the mid-1800s through World War I. The widespread availability of imported fertilizers also facilitated a departure from organic ‘closed systems’ of farming, in which nitrogen is cycled among soil, plants, animals, and people at the local scale, toward ‘open,’ energy-intensive approaches to agriculture that included additions of nitrogen from distant places.”

“The First Green Revolution: Debt Peonage and the Making of the Nitrogen Fertilizer Trade, 1840-1930,” E. D. Melillo, American Historical Review, 114(4):1028-60, 2012.

[we’re composed of about seven or so elements]
The big four are: carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), and nitrogen (N). Then the next five are: phosphorus (P), sulfur (S), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg). (A good mnemonic for the top seven is: CHONPSK.) Other elements, like sodium (Na), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), cobalt (Co), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn), occur only in trace amounts. (In all, most living things are composed of those plus: lithium, flourine, aluminum, silicon, chlorine, vanadium, arsenic, selenium, bromine, strontium, molybdenum, iodine, and lead.) Also: sulfur, calcium, and magnesium are usually abundant in soils, so they mostly aren’t needed in plant fertilizers.

Interestingly, in 2010 it seemed that in one rare bacterial strain (GFAJ-1), one of the top six elements (phosphorous) could be replaced by arsenic, but this turned out not to be true. Instead, what was happening was that the cell’s own ribosomes were breaking down in the presence of arsenic and the phosphates from that were being recycled. “Growth of a bacterium that apparently uses arsenic instead of phosphorus is a consequence of massive ribosome breakdown,” G. N. Basturea, T. K. Harris, M. P. Deutscher, The Journal of biological chemistry, 287(34):28816-28819, 2012. Bacteria discriminate between nearly identical molecules of phosphate (PO43-) and arsenate (AsO43-).

Strictly speaking, ‘albumin’ is really a whole family of proteins, one of which is ovalbumin, the principal protein in egg whites.
[genes and proteins]
Figuring out proteins (‘proteomics’) is far harder than figuring out genes (‘genomics’). We have roughly 25,000 genes, but an unknown number of proteins. There’s as yet no known mapping between our genes (the description of what does stuff in our bodies) and our proteins (the things that actually do stuff in our bodies). First, genes exist in separated blocks (called exons) in the genome. Those blocks can be put together in different ways to yield different proteins. (That’s called alternative splicing.) Second, on production, some proteins can alter themselves depending on their own structure. That’s called post-translational modification, or PTM.) Third, some genes can, in concert with others, produce multiple proteins. And all of those interactions can depend on which proteins have been expressed in our cells recently, and which are being expressed now. For some background, see: Gene Regulation—A Eukaryotic Perspective, David S. latchman, Taylor & Francis, Fifth Revised Edition, 2005.
[protein is more than half our dry weight]
Estimates for a 70-kilogram elderly male (a Caucasian cadaver) are 42 kilograms of water, 12 kilograms of fat, 12 kilograms of protein, and lesser amounts of glycogen, calcium, and phosphorus plus trace amounts of other elements, starting with potassium and sodium, then decreasing with chlorine, magnesium, iron, zinc, and copper. “Composition of the body,” J. S. Garrow, in: Human Nutrition and Dietetics, J. S. Garrow, W. P. T. James, and A. Ralph (editors), Elsevier Health Sciences, 2000, pages 13-23.
[aside from a few rare cases...]
There are some reported cases of lactating males and infants. “The origin and evolution of lactation,” A. V. Capuco, R. M. Akers, Journal of Biology, 8(4):37, 2009. “Galactorrhea in the adolescent,” R. D. Rohn, Journal of Adolescent Health Care, 5(1):37-49, 1984.

Future Tense

[child mortality and food insecurity in 2018 and earlier]
In 2016, 15,342 children aged under five years died of hunger a day (10.6 a minute), or 5.6 million that year. In 2006, the rate was one child (aged under five years) every five seconds (17,280 children a day, or 6.3 million a year). (The mortality rate dropped from 6.9 in 2005-2007 to 6.1 in 2010-2012.) Tietenberg estimates between 20,000 and 24,000 total hunger deaths a day. Environmental Economics and Policy, Tom Tietenberg, Addison Wesley, Fifth Edition, 2006, page 188.

“After decades of steady decline, the trend in world hunger — as measured by the prevalence of undernourishment — reverted in 2015, remaining virtually unchanged in the past three years at a level slightly below 11 percent. Meanwhile, the number of people who suffer from hunger has slowly increased. As a result, more than 820 million people in the world are still hungry today [...]. [...] even in high-income countries, sizeable portions of the population lack regular access to nutritious and sufficient food; 8 percent of the population in Northern America and Europe is estimated to be food insecure, mainly at moderate levels.” The State of Food Insecurity in the World, SOFI 2019, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, 2019, page 3, see also Figure 1 (page 6). In 2012-2014, about 805 million were malnourished; that’s about 11.3 percent of the global population (or about one in nine of us). The State of Food Insecurity in the World, SOFI 2014, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, 2014, page 8. In 2010-2012, almost 870 million were malnourished. The State of Food Insecurity in the World, SOFI 2012, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, 2012, page 8. In 2006, about 923 million were malnourished (around 14 percent, or about one in seven of us). The State of Food Insecurity in the World, SOFI 2008, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, 2008, page 2. The State of Food Insecurity in the World, SOFI 2004, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, 2004, page 4.

[world kilocalorie average in 2001]
The State of Food Insecurity in the World, SOFI 2001, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, 2001, page 6. World Agriculture: Towards 2015/2030, An F.A.O. Perspective, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, 2003, page 32. World Agriculture: Towards 2010, An F.A.O. Study, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, 1995, page 36.
[Churchill quote about fake food]
“Up till recent times the production of food has been the prime struggle of man. That war is won. There is no doubt that the civilized races can produce or procure all the food they require. Indeed some of the problems which vex us today are due to the production of wheat by white men having exceeded their own needs, before yellow men, brown men and black men have learnt to demand and become able to purchase a diet superior to rice. But food is at present obtained almost entirely from the energy of the sunlight. The radiation from the sun produces from the carbonic acid in the air more or less complicated carbon compounds which give us our plants and vegetables. We use the latent chemical energy of these to keep our bodies warm; we convert it into muscular effort. We employ it in the complicated processes of digestion to repair and replace the wasted cells of our bodies. Many people, of course, prefer food in what the vegetarians call ‘the secondhand form’, i.e. after it has been digested and converted into meat for us by domestic animals kept for this purpose. In all these processes, however, ninety-nine parts of the solar energy are wasted for every part used.

Even without the new sources of power great improvements are probable here. Microbes, which at present convert the nitrogen of the air into the proteins by which animals live, will be fostered and made to work under controlled conditions, just as yeast is now. New strains of microbes will be developed and made to do a great deal of our chemistry for us. With a greater knowledge of what are called hormones, i.e. the chemical messengers in our blood, it will be possible to control growth. We shall escape the absurdity of growing a whole chicken in order to eat the breast or wing, by growing these parts separately under a suitable medium. Synthetic food will, of course, also be used in the future. Nor need the pleasures of the table be banished. That gloomy Utopia of tabloid meals need never be invaded. The new foods will from the outset be practically indistinguishable from the natural products, and any changes will be so gradual as to escape observation.”

“Fifty Years Hence,” in Amid These Storms: Thoughts and Adventures, Winston S. Churchill, Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1932, pages 269-280.

[cultured milk]
Biomilq and Perfect Day (previously ‘Muufri’) have test products, but nothing for consumer sale yet (a test run of Perfect Day’s milk was turned into ice cream). Biomilq is intended to replace breast milk.
[specialized food machines—quorn and meat sheets]
On December 19th, 2020, one company (Eat Just) sold (for $23 U.S.) cultured chicken dishes (really, just nuggets) in Singapore. In 2013 another company demoed the first in-vitro meat in London. It costs over $300,000 and took over 2 years to produce. Billion Dollar Burger: Inside Big Techs Race for the Future of Food, Chase Purdy, Penguin, 2020. “Singapore approves lab-grown ’chicken’ meat,” BBC News, December 2nd, 2020. “World’s first lab-grown burger is eaten in London,” BBC News, August 5th, 2013.

Were food machines to come to exist, many of us needn’t even notice them. We might continue to buy our food in grocery stores and markets, except that they might get some of their food from factories rather than farms. That’s already happened with Quorn, a fake meat made from vats of fungus that’s been selling since 1985. Today a few of us are planning to do the same with vat-grown pork from pig stem cells. But we don’t yet know how to do it cheaply, so were such meat-sheets to go on sale today they would cost over $1,000 U.S. a pound. One day, though, that price might drop to $1 U.S. a pound. If so, such meat-makers might then hop from factories to stores. Limited use in rich homes might then be just a question of time. The word ‘homemade’ might then gain a whole new meaning. However, a meat product that might one day cost $1 a pound, but that today costs $1,000 a pound, has little chance to come to exist any time soon given that in our rich countries today beef can cost less than $3 a pound.

Quorn has been on sale since 1985, primarily to the (very small) vegetarian market. It’s made from the fungus Fusarium venenatum. As of 2006, it was only sold in Britain, the United States, the Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, and Switzerland. In 2007, the average price of beef in the United States, averaged over all cuts, was $2.75 a pound. FreshLook Marketing data, for the 52 weeks ending in December, 2007. “Long-term culture of muscle explants from Sparus aurata,” B. Funkenstein, V. Balas, T. Skopal, G. Radaelli, A. Rowlerson, Tissue and Cell, 38(6):399-415, 2006. “In Vitro-Cultured Meat Production,” P. D. Edelman, D. C. McFarland, V. A. Mironov, J. G. Matheny, Tissue Engineering, 11(5/6):659-662, 2005. “In vitro Edible Muscle Protein Production System (MPPS): Stage 1, Fish,” M. A. Benjaminson, J. A. Gilchriest, M. Lorenz, Acta Astronautica, 51(12):879-889, 2002. “Industrial Scale Production of Meat from in vitro Cell Cultures,” W. F. Van Eelen, W. J. Van Kooten, W. Westerhof, Patent Number WO9931222, European Patent Office, 1999.

[price of coal in 2008]
In the United States as of May 2008, Central Appalachian coal, a benchmark grade, was around $90 a short ton (2,000 pounds). Most of coal’s cost isn’t mining it, it’s transporting it. “Coal News and Markets,” May 12, 2008, Energy Information Administration, United States Department of Energy. Also, that price has stayed roughly stable since at least 1973. Monthly Energy Review, March 2013, Table 9-9, Energy Information Administration, United States Department of Energy.
[long pork? (human meat)]
From an idea in the science-fiction novel: Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand, Samuel R. Delany, Bantam Books, 1984.
[Southern Africa’s resistance to engineered food because of European resistance since 2001]
“The relief effort became enmeshed in the quagmire surrounding agricultural biotechnology and genetically modified food, as the pro- and anti-GM lobbies each moved to out-flank the other to capture the moral high ground. [...] despite American claims to the contrary, US food aid to Southern Africa had little to do with the impending famine. Instead, the provision of assistance to Southern Africa was primarily intended to secure particular foreign policy objectives of the US government — in this case, promoting the cultivation of biotech crops, expanding market access and control of transnational agricultural corporations, and isolating Europe in the GMO debate.” From: “Feeding the famine? American food aid and the GMO debate in Southern Africa,” N. Zerbe, Food Policy, 29(6):593-608, 2004.

Andrew Natsios, the head of the US agency for international development (USAid), rejected the accusations and said that it was bound by Congress to offer food and not money.

“There is no way that any responsible country can deal with this drought with cash for work,” he said. “The food deficit in southern Africa is so big that there’s no way people can buy it on the local market. It has to come from outside.

“We offered non-GM foods but they all declined to accept it. We would have preferred to send non-GM wheat, or rice but they only wanted maize. We tried to source non-GM maize but the industry said they could not guarantee that it was GM-free.”

Mr Natsios denied that the US was profiting from the crisis. “They [the critics] may know about the environment, but they don’t know about famine relief,” he said. “Starving people do not plant seeds. They eat them. These groups are putting millions of lives at risk in a despicable way.”

But he was not supported by the latest UN figures on food availability in the region, which showed that 1,160,000 tonnes of cereals are available in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and South Africa. More than double that amount is available on the world market, according to the UN’s global information and early warning system.

“This shows that the alternative to rejecting GM food aid is not starvation,” Alice Wynne Wilson, of Actionaid, said. “Good practice in emergency aid is to provide cash support to the UN’s World Food Programme, so that it can buy grain from the most cost-effective sources.

“Bringing large volumes of food into a region that has areas of surplus can lead to a situation where there are food shortages in one part of a country, and locally produced food rotting in other parts.”

“US ‘dumping unsold GM food on Africa’ ”, The Guardian, October 7th, 2002.

[United States cotton subsidies versus aid to Africa]
“The scale of government support to America’s 25,000 cotton farmers is staggering [...]

[...] America’s cotton farmers receive:

•more in subsidies than the entire GDP of Burkina Faso — a country in which more than two million people depend on cotton production. Over half of these farmers live below the poverty line. Poverty levels among recipients of cotton subsidies in the US are zero.

•three times more in subsidies than the entire USAID budget for Africa’s 500 million people.”

Cultivating Poverty: The Impact of US Cotton Subsidies on Africa, Oxfam Briefing Paper #30, Oxfam, 2002, page 2.

As usual, the situation is more complicated than the simple version given in the text. Several poor nations, particularly in Africa, also gain economically because several rich nations, particularly in the European Union, in effect suppress food prices on the world market by subsidizing their own domestic production. “Liberalizing Agriculture,” A. Panagariya, Foreign Affairs, 84(7):56-66, 2005. (Much more on this in Chapter 5....)

[food cost as a percentage of income in 2003]
In the United States in 2002, it was 9.9 percent. Agriculture Fact Book 2001-2002, Office of Communications, United States Department of Agriculture, 2003. But in Eritrea: “The profile of most vulnerable households has remained similar to the previous year. Poverty is still rampant. A study undertaken in 2002/03 indicates that 66 percent of the population has incomes below the poverty line (and 37 percent below the extreme poverty line). On average 66 percent of household expenditure is spent on food in urban areas, and 71 percent in rural areas.” FAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission to Eritrea, United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization, 2005.
[ten percent rise in 2007 in Britain]
Future of Food, George Alagiah, BBC documentary, 2009.
[overweight rates in rich countries]
Note that data for Britain and the United States are based on actual measurements. In other rich countries, data is self-reported, which tends to yield much lower figures. The figures are for both the overweight and the obese. OECD Health Data, 2007, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2007. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2003-2004 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, United States Department of Health and Human Services, 2007.
[75 million more went hungry in 2008]
The State of Food Insecurity in the World, SOFI 2008, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, 2008, page 6.
[obesity a result of more food not less exercise]
“Hunter-Gatherer Energetics and Human Obesity,” H. Pontzer, D. A. Raichlen, B. M. Wood, A. Z. P. Mabulla, S. B. Racette, F. W. Marlowe, PLoS ONE, 7(7):e40503, 2012. “Physically Active Lifestyle Does Not Decrease the Risk of Fattening,” K. R. Westerterp, G. Plasqui, PLoS ONE, 4(3):e4745, 2009. “Increased food energy supply is more than sufficient to explain the US epidemic of obesity,” B. Swinburn, G. Sacks, E. Ravussin, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 90(6):1453-1456, 2009. “Physical activity energy expenditure has not declined since the 1980s and matches energy expenditures of wild mammals,” K. R. Westerterp, J. R. Speakman, International Journal of Obesity, 32(11):1256-1263, 2008. However, see also: “Trends over 5 Decades in U.S. Occupation-Related Physical Activity and Their Associations with Obesity,” T. S. Church, D. M. Thomas, C. Tudor-Locke, P. T. Katzmarzyk, C. P. Earnest, R. Q. Rodarte, C. K. Martin, S. N. Blair, C. Bouchard, PLoS ONE, 6(5):e19657, 2011.
[about 60 percent of deaths are from hunger]
“On average, 62 million people die each year, of whom probably 36 million (58 per cent) directly or indirectly as a result of nutritional deficiencies, infections, epidemics or diseases which attack the body when its resistance and immunity have been weakened by undernourishment and hunger.” From: “The Right to Food,” Report E/CN.4/2001/53, The Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, 2001, page 5.
[ironmonger in Cornwall]
That’s Thomas Newcomen, who built the world’s first steam engine in 1712. (More about that in Chapter 2.)
[doctor in Florida and first refrigerator]
In May, 1844, John Gorrie in Apalachicola, Florida, built the first known working refrigerator as a way to combat ‘malarial dieases’ (he meant malaria and yellow fever). The Fever Man: A Biography of Dr. John Gorrie, V. M. Sherlock, private printing, 1982.

Previously, in 1805, Oliver Evans in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, had designed the first known refrigerator, but never built it. Then, in 1834, Jacob Perkins in England had applied for a patent for a similar device. In 1846, after Gorrie, Ferdinand P. E. Carre in France produced another cooling device. In 1850, James Harrison in Scotland built one, then moved to England and built successive models in 1856 and 1857, which were used to make parrafin wax and ice. In 1856, Alexander C. Twinning in America tried another design. In 1874, Raoul Pictet in Geneva, Switzerland, produced one and it was used to make ice for a skating rink, but was otherwise not commercially successful. Finally, in 1876, Carl von Linde produced the first reliable and efficient refrigerator. It was used to let German brewers brew beer all year round. None of those inventors were first thinking of food preservation. Further, all that development ignores all the earlier chemists, physicists, amateur scientists, and inventors, like Joseph Priestly, William Cullen, Michael Faraday, Louis Paul Cailletet, Jean Charles Athanase Peltier, Sadi Carnot, and Lord Kelvin, who first separated various gases, and made the earliest observations about evaporation and thermodynamics. It also ignores the century-long story of ice harvesting, which would require a book by itself. (And one has already been written, The Frozen Water Trade: How Ice from New England Lakes Kept the World Cool, Gavin Weightman, HarperCollins, 2001.)

Few of our present-day artifacts came about simply. Most of their problems were solved piecemeal and over long periods by many hands, mostly working independently.

[first cannery in Paris]
The cook’s name was Nicolas Appert (1750-1841). He invented his boiling process before 1809, over 53 years before Pasteur invented pasteurization. Connections, James Burke, Macmillan, 1978, pages 234-235. L’art de conserver, pendant plusieurs années toutes les substances animales et végétales, Nicolas Appert, Paris, 1810.
[first synthetic fertilizer from cheap diamonds, cheap aluminum, cheap gold]
The French chemist was Henri Moissan. In 1893 in Paris he was trying to make artificial diamonds. The Canadian inventor was Thomas Leopold Willson, then living in the tiny town of Spray in North Carolina (the town is now merged into the town of Eden). In 1892 he was trying to make cheap aluminum, then switched to trying to make cheap calcium. Each of them developed the acetylene process using the new electric-arc furnace on coal and lime (calcium carbonate). Moissan received the 1906 Nobel prize for his work. Willson’s factory was eventually bought out by the company that became Union Carbide. Their use of the electric-arc furnace resulted in a lot of calcium carbide and acetylene, whose chief use at the time became oxy-acetylene welding since the use they were thinking of, gaslighting, was preempted by another invention, but only after a lot of money went into acetylene. Gaslighting then became brighter and electricity became cheaper and lightbulbs were made less fragile.

Various chemists, faced with mountains of now nearly worthless calcium carbine in both Europe and the United States, then tried various things. In 1903, two German chemists in Hamburg, Nikodem Caro and Adolph Frank having tried from 1895 on, ran nitrogen over hot calcium carbide, accidentally producing calcium cyanamide, the world’s first artificial fertilizer. They did that not to produce fertilizer but to produce cyanides to help extract gold from its ores (which is sodium cyanide’s chief use today). They formed a company to do precisely that: the Deutsche Gold- und Silber-Scheideanstalt (German Gold and Silver Refinery, formerly Roessler), now called Degussa, AG. Another chemist, Fritz Rothe, soon joined them (he had developed much the same process at about the same time at Beringer Söhne in Charlottenburg, but his patent wasn’t completed by his employer, so he resigned and joined Caro and Frank’s firm instead). Together, the three determined that what they had created wasn’t the calcium cyanide they had thought, on the way to making the sodium cyanide they sought, but calcium cyanamide, which process they patented in 1898. A factory was then built in Frankfurt and its sodium cyanide output was used for gold extraction. But later, after the price of cyanide fell sharply (following a drop in mining after the Boer war), they switched to producing calcium cyanamide in bulk for farmers. Other factories followed, including a large one in Piano d’Orta, Abruzzo, east of Rome, in 1904. It was sited in Italy for hydroelectric power because the high heat in the electric furnace took a lot of energy. Two more plants followed, one in 1907 in Knapsack near Cologne, and another in 1908 near Trostberg in Bavaria.

Nitrogen Capture: The Growth of an International Industry (1900-1940), Anthony S. Travis, Springer, 2018, chapter 5, especially pages 69-75. Enriching the Earth: Fritz Haber, Carl Bosch, and the Transformation of World Food Production, Vaclav Smil, The MIT Press, 2001, pages 51-52. Connections, James Burke, Macmillan, 1978, pages 209-210. The Chemical Industry: 1900-1930, International Growth and Technological Change, Ludwig F. Haber, Clarendon Press, 1971. The Chemical Industry During the Nineteenth Century. A Study of the Economic Aspect of Applied Chemistry in Europe and North America, Ludwig F. Haber, Clarendon Press, 1958.

[the Haber-Bosch process]
In 1909, two more German chemists, Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch, developed a completely different, high-pressure way to make sodium nitrate, also a fertilizer (starting with catalytic conversion of nitrogen and hydrogen directly to ammonia in the presence of an osmium catalyst mesh in a high-temperature, high-pressure cylinder). (The gases were kept in liquid form thanks to earlier advances in refrigeration because of beer vaults, and that in turn helped make possible rockets, which needed liquid oxygen and hydrogen, not nitrogen and hydrogen, as fuel.) Haber first did it mostly to score off of another chemist Walther Nernst, who he envied and had fallen out with after Nernst publically doubted and scoffed at his 1905 ammonia results, at a 1907 chemical conference in Hanover. Being of Jewish ancestry (he was Lutheran) in Germany (or anywhere before Israel existed) didn’t help. But the Caro-Frank process initially nearly destroyed them commercially, since it was initially cheaper. Then, during World War I, Germany turned back to the Haber-Bosch process, but not to make fertilizers—to make explosives.

The Haber-Bosch process has its own involved backstory because fixing nitrogen and hydrogen to make ammonia also wasn’t easy, nor did it happen simply. By 1898, future food supplies were huge fears in Britain, Germany, the United States, and every other rapidly industrializing nation. Haber and Bosch’s 1909 process, started with a letter Haber sent BASF (Badische Anilin- & Soda-Fabrik, originally a dye manufacturing company since Germany had grown powerful that way) and yielded an abundant supply of synthetic nitrogen fertilizer (but at the cost of a lot of energy). And in 1918 Haber got the Nobel prize for it. Then, because it was so important, in 1931, Bosch got the Nobel for it, too (technically, he got it for commercializing the process since a lot of technology had to be invented to deal with such high pressures and temperatures). (And in 2007, Gerhard Ertl got the prize for discovering why the Haber-Bosch surface catalytic process worked.)

The Alchemy of Air: A Jewish Genius, a Doomed Tycoon, and the Scientific Discovery That Fed the World but Fueled the Rise of Hitler, Thomas Hager, Three Rivers Press, 2008, pages 3-11, and chapter 6 pages 65-76. Enriching the Earth: Fritz Haber, Carl Bosch, and the Transformation of World Food Production, Vaclav Smil, The MIT Press, 2001. Catalytic Ammonia Synthesis: Fundamentals and Practice, J. R. Jennings (editor), Springer, 1991.

Degussa, AG, went on to be an integral part of Germany’s chemical industry during the first world war, and on into the second world war. Fritz Haber is implicated in both the production and deployment of the first poison gas (chlorine) used at Ypres in 1915 during the first war (not the only such gas used by either side, just the first), after which his wife, Clara, also a chemist, committed suicide. He’s also implicated, indirectly, via his company, under Bruno Tesch, and his aide, Karl Weinbacher, as well as Gerhard Peters, in the production of Zyklon-B, the pesticide used by the Nazis to gas over a million people. Degussa was not the only such firm. How to Hide an Empire: A History of the Greater United States, Daniel Immerwahr, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2019, chapter 3. The Alchemy of Air: A Jewish Genius, a Doomed Tycoon, and the Scientific Discovery That Fed the World but Fueled the Rise of Hitler, Thomas Hager, Three Rivers Press, 2008. From Cooperation to Complicity: Degussa in the Third Reich, Peter Hayes, Cambridge University Press, 2004, pages 273-274, 284-285, 297.

[history isn’t linear]
History is nothing like a linear process. It seems more like a pinball game. Connections, James Burke, Macmillan, 1978, page 288.
[food 1898]
That non-linearity, and subsequent unpredictability, might seem like a terrible thing, but it has already meant several wild swings away from what at the time seemed certain doom. For instance, by 1900, a few scientists in Britain, Germany, the United States, and elsewhere in the rapidly industrializing world, could see that by the 1930s, if not before, their world would surely end. With numbers exploding, and with manure, guano, and saltpeter supplies limited, there couldn’t possibly be enough food to go around. Hundreds of millions would surely die in the next few decades. The worry didn’t spread far until World War I, but it started in 1898, when William Crookes, a famous scientist, gave a bombshell speech.

He said that: “It is the chemist who must come to the rescue of the threatened communities. It is through the laboratory that starvation may ultimately be turned into plenty.” By 1909, chemists started doing just that. They found a way to make ‘chemical manure’ out of thin air. However, it was the war that brought that process online. But not for food—for weapons; because if we can make manure, we can also make explosives, and we care far more about that. War has a way of focusing our attention.

In his speech, William Crookes stated that: “My chief subject is of interest to the whole world—to every race—to every human being. It is of urgent importance to-day, and it is a life and death question for generations to come. I mean the question of food supply. Many of my statements you may think are of the alarmist order; certainly they are depressing, but they are founded on stubborn facts. They show that England and all civilised nations stand in deadly peril of not having enough to eat. As mouths multiply, food resources dwindle. Land is a limited quantity, and the land that will grow wheat is absolutely dependent on difficult and capricious natural phenomena. I am constrained to show that our wheat-producing soil is totally unequal to the strain put upon it. After wearying you with a survey of the universal dearth to be expected, I hope to point a way out of the colossal dilemma. It is the chemist who must come to the rescue of the threatened communities. It is through the laboratory that starvation may ultimately be turned into plenty.” The Wheat Problem: Based on Remarks Made in the Presidential Address to the British Association at Bristol in 1898, Revised, With an Answer to Various Critics, With Chapters on the Future Wheat Supply of the United States, By Mr. C. Wood Davis, or Peotone, Kansas, and the Hon. John Hyde, Chief Statistician in the Department of Agriculture, Washington, William Crookes, G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1900, pages 6-7.

But the edition that really caused a stir was the one that came out during World War I, when food blockade of Britain was a serious worry, and it was to be used the next year as a weapon (against Germany). The Wheat Problem: Based on Remarks Made in the Presidential Address to the British Association at Bristol in 1898, Revised, With an Answer to Various Critics, With Preface and Additional Chapter Bringing the Statistical Information up to date, and a Chapter on Future Wheat Supplies by Sir R. Henry Rew With an Introduction by Lord Rhondda, William Crookes, Longmans, Green, and Co., Third Edition, 1917. See also: William Crookes (1832-1919) and the Commercialization of Science, William H. Brock, Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., 2008, Chapter 20. “The Social and Political Consequences of the Allied Food Blockade of Germany, 1918-19,” N. P. Howard, German History, 11(2):161-88, 1993. The Wheat Problem, by William Crookes, Review by C. F. Emerick, Political Science Quarterly, 15(2):343-344, 1900. “America and the Wheat Problem,” J. Hyde, The North American Review, 168(507):191-205, 1899.

Guano is the Spanish name for bird waste. (It may be a mixture of excrement and urine, since many land birds, galliforms, lack a urethra, and thus can’t urinate, or, in the case of seabirds or waterfowl, anseriforms, may be just excrement, but for those birds living on high-protein fish, like anchovies or sardines Note: almost all male birds also lack a penis, exceptions are waterfowl, like ducks and geese). It also applies to bat excrement. At the time, it, and saltpeter (sodium or potassium nitrate), mined mostly in South America (Chile, Peru, Bolivia) became the world supply for fertilizer as populations in industrializing nations exploded. How to Hide an Empire: A History of the Greater United States, Daniel Immerwahr, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2019, chapter 3. “Guano: The global metabolic rift and the fertilizer trade,” B. Clark, J. B. Foster, Ecology and power: Struggles over Land and Material Resources in the Past, Present and Future, Alf Hornborg, Brett Clark, and Kenneth Hermele (editors), Routledge, 2013, pages 68-82. Guano and the Opening of the Pacific world: A Global Ecological History, Gregory T. Cushman, Cambridge University Press, 2013.
[tweaking organisms — synthetic biology]
We’re now in the early stages of synthetic biology. We’ve engineered Escherichia coli bacteria to use an artificial amino acid, to build artificial proteins that it can use to sniff out TNT, serotonin, and lactate, to build anti-malaria and anti-cancer drugs, to build itself a simple biological clock, to build itself a simple memory (a toggle switch), and to build itself simple digital circuits. We’ve also built microbes and viruses from scratch, and have created artificial DNA with six base pairs instead of four. “Synthetic biology 2020-2030: six commercially-available products that are changing our world,” C. A. Voigt, Nature Communications 11(1):6379, 2020. “Creation of a Bacterial Cell Controlled by a Chemically Synthesized Genome,” D. G. Gibson, J. I. Glass, C. Lartigue, V. N. Noskov, R.-Y. Chuang, M. A. Algire, G. A. Benders, M. G. Montague, L. Ma, M. M. Moodie, C. Merryman, S. Vashee, R. Krishnakumar, N. Assad-Garcia, C. Andrews-Pfannkoch, E. A. Denisova, L. Young, Z.-Q. Qi, T. H. Segall-Shapiro, C. H. Calvey, P. P. Parmar, C. A. Hutchison III, H. O. Smith, J. C. Venter, Science, 329(5987):52-56, 2010. “Teaching bacteria a new language,” Y. Gerchman, R. Weiss, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 101(8):2221-2222, 2004. “Microbes Made to Order,” D. Ferber, Science, 303(5655):158-161, 2004. “Programmable cells: Interfacing natural and engineered gene networks,” H. Kobayashi, M. Kærn, M. Araki, K. Chung, T. S. Gardner, C. R. Cantor, J. J. Collins, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 101(22):8414-8419, 2004. “Development of Genetic Circuitry Exhibiting Toggle Switch or Oscillatory Behavior in Escherichia coli,” M. R. Atkinson, M. A. Savageau, J. T. Myers, A. J. Ninfa, Cell, 113(5):597-607, 2003. “Generating a synthetic genome by whole genome assembly: φX174 bacteriophage from synthetic oligonucleotides,” H. O. Smith, C. A. Hutchison, III, C. Pfannkoch, J. C. Venter, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 100(26):15440-15445, 2003.

It all started with this statement:

“Now we are working on the descriptive phase of molecular biology, but the real challenge will start when we enter the synthetic phase.

We will then devise new control elements. And add these new modules to the existing genome, or build up wholly new genomes.”

From: “In-vivo and In-vitro Initiation of Transcription,” W. Szybalski, in Control of Gene Expression, Alexander Kohn and Adam Shatkay (editors), Proceedings of the 18th ‘Oholo’ Biological Conference on Strategies for the Control of Gene Expression, Zikhron Ya’aqov, Israel, 1973, Plenum Press, 1974, pages 23-24,

[building our own life-forms from scratch]
“Creation of a Bacterial Cell Controlled by a Chemically Synthesized Genome,” D. G. Gibson, J. I. Glass, C. Lartigue, V. N. Noskov, R.-Y. Chuang, M. A. Algire, G. A. Benders, M. G. Montague, L. Ma, M. M. Moodie, C. Merryman, S. Vashee, R. Krishnakumar, N. Assad-Garcia, C. Andrews-Pfannkoch, E. A. Denisova, L. Young, Z.-Q. Qi, T. H. Segall-Shapiro, C. H. Calvey, P. P. Parmar, C. A. Hutchison III, H. O. Smith, J. C. Venter, Science, 329(5987):52-56, 2010. “Template-directed synthesis of a genetic polymer in a model protocell,” S. S. Mansy, J. P. Schrum, M. Krishnamurthy, S. Tobé, D. A. Treco, J. W. Szostak, Nature, 454(7200):122-125, 2008. “Complete Chemical Synthesis, Assembly, and Cloning of a Mycoplasma genitalium Genome,” D. G. Gibson, G. A. Benders, C. Andrews-Pfannkoch, E. A. Denisova, H. Baden-Tillson, J. Zaveri, T. B. Stockwell, A. Brownley, D. W. Thomas, M. A. Algire, C. Merryman, L. Young, V. N. Noskov, J. I. Glass, C. J. Venter, C. A. Hutchison, III, H. O. Smith, Science, 319(5867):1215-1220, 2008. “Genome Transplantation in Bacteria: Changing One Species to Another,” C. Lartigue, J. I. Glass, N. Alperovich, R. Pieper, P. P. Parmar, C. A. Hutchison, III, H. O. Smith, J. C. Venter, Science, 317(5838):632-638, 2007. “Approaches to semi-synthetic minimal cells: a review,” P. L. Luisi, F. Ferri, P. Stano, Naturwissenschaften, 93(1):1-13, 2006. “Essential genes of a minimal bacterium,” J. I. Glass, N. Assad-Garcia, N. Alperovich, S. Yooseph, M. R. Lewis, M. Maruf, C. A. Hutchison, III, H. O. Smith, J. C. Venter, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 103(2):425-430, 2006. “Alive! The race to create life from scratch,” B. Holmes, New Scientist, 2486:28, 2005. “Transitions from Nonliving to Living Matter,” S. Rasmussen, L. Chen, D. Deamer, D. C. Krakauer, N. H. Packard, P. F. Stadler, M. A. Bedau, Science, 303(5660):963-965, 2004.
[microbe that eats plastics]
A designed one doesn’t exist yet, but mommy Nature is busy build one. “Biodegradation of mixture of plastic films by tailored marine consortia,” E. Syranidou, K. Karkanorachaki, F. Amorotti, A. Avgeropoulos, B. Kolvenbach, N.-Y. Zhou, F. Fava, P. Corvini, N. Kalogerakis, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 375():33-42, 2019.
[microbe that squirts diesel oil]
“Microbial Biosynthesis of Alkanes,” A. Schirmer, M. A. Rude, X. Li, E. Popova, S. B. del Cardayre, Science, 329(5991):559-562, 2010.
[microbe with corporate logo]
This isn’t a fully synethetic microbe, but a stripped-down form of a pre-existing one. “Minimal bacterial genome,” The J. Craig Venter Institute, United States Patent 20070122826, issued May 31st, 2007.
[world population, 1970, 2018]
3.7 billion versus 7.63 billion
[empty food before nutritious food]
In rich countries we’re indeed likely to one day build food machines—but they may make mountains of expensive, empty food—fat-free, sugar-free, calorie-free—long before they make cheap, nutritious food. For example, low-calorie sugar. The average American eats the equivalent of 20 teaspoons of sugar a day, and 144 million American adults regularly consume low-calorie, sugar-free products such as artificially sweetened sodas and desserts. “Sugar Substitutes: Americans Opt for Sweetness and Lite,” J. Henkel, FDA Consumer Magazine, November-December, United States Food and Drug Administration, 1999.
[over half of us were urban in 2010 (2018, 2010 figures)]
World Urbanization Prospects: The 2018 Revision, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, 2018. TABLE I.6., page 21.

“By the middle of 2009, the number of people living in urban areas (3.42 billion) had surpassed the number living in rural areas (3.41 billion) and since then the world has become more urban than rural. However, major disparities in the level of urbanization remain among development groups. Thus, whereas the proportion urban in the more developed regions was already nearly 53 per cent in 1950, it will still take another decade for half of the population of the less developed regions to live in urban areas.

The world urban population is expected to increase by 84 per cent by 2050, from 3.4 billion in 2009 to 6.3 billion in 2050. By mid-century the world urban population will likely be the same size as the world’s total population was in 2004. Virtually all of the expected growth in the world population will be concentrated in the urban areas of the less developed regions, whose population is projected to increase from 2.5 billion in 2009 to 5.2 billion in 2050. Over the same period, the rural population of the less developed regions is expected to decline from 3.4 billion to 2.9 billion. In the more developed regions, the urban population is projected to increase modestly, from 0.9 billion in 2009 to 1.1 billion in 2050.”

World Urbanization Prospects: The 2009 Revision, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, 2010, pages 2-4.

[world population in 2050 may be 9 thousand million]
That’s the median extrapolation as of 2004. World Population Prospects: The 2004 Revision, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 2004. However, by 2011, the estimate had risen to 9.3 thousand million by 2050. State of World Population 2011: People and Possibilities in a World of 7 Billion, United Nations Population Fund, 2011, page 4. World Population Prospects: The 2010 Revision, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 2011.
[per-person kilocalories in Eritrea and India in 1998 versus France and Britain earlier]
In 1998 Eritrea had 1,744 kilocalories per person. India in 1998 had 2,466 kilocalories per person. United Nations Statistical Yearbook, 2001. The figures for France in 1705 and Britain in 1850 were 1,657 and 2,362, respectively. The Escape from Hunger and Premature Death, 1700-2100: Europe, America, and the Third World, Robert William Fogel, Cambridge University Press, 2004, page 9. Eritrea has the highest percentage of population suffering from undernourishment in the world. The State of Food Insecurity in the World, SOFI 2004, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, 2004.

The text’s description of the French diet circa 1705 is actually from 1777, but it had remained mostly constant for centuries. “Our Frenchmen eat soup with a little butter and vegetables. They scarcely ever eat meat. They sometimes drink a little cider but more commonly water. Your Englishmen eat meat, and a great deal of it, and they drink beer continually in such a fashion that an Englishman spends three times more than a Frenchman [on comestibles].” Delaunay Deslandes, 1777. See: “Continental influences on the industrial revolution in Great Britain,” A. E. Musson, in: Great Britain and Her World, 1750-1914: Essays in Honour of W. O. Henderson, Barrie M. Ratcliffe (editor), Manchester University Press, 1977, page 67, footnote 42.

[current agriculture and consumption not sustainable]
“The food system is a major driver of climate change, changes in land use, depletion of freshwater resources, and pollution of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems through excessive nitrogen and phosphorus inputs. Here we show that between 2010 and 2050, as a result of expected changes in population and income levels, the environmental effects of the food system could increase by 50-90% in the absence of technological changes and dedicated mitigation measures, reaching levels that are beyond the planetary boundaries that define a safe operating space for humanity. We analyse several options for reducing the environmental effects of the food system, including dietary changes towards healthier, more plant-based diets, improvements in technologies and management, and reductions in food loss and waste. We find that no single measure is enough to keep these effects within all planetary boundaries simultaneously, and that a synergistic combination of measures will be needed to sufficiently mitigate the projected increase in environmental pressures.” From: “Options for keeping the food system within environmental limits,” M. Springmann, M. Clark, D. Mason-D’Croz, K. Wiebe, B. L. Bodirsky, L. Lassaletta, W. de Vries, S. J. Vermeulen, M. Herrero, K. M. Carlson, M. Jonell, M. Troell, F. DeClerck, L. J. Gordon, R. Zurayk, P. Scarborough, M. Rayner, B. Loken, J. Fanzo, H. C. J. Godfray, D. Tilman, J. Rockström, W. Willett, Nature, 562(7728):519-525, 2018.
[food gains from 1970 to 1997]
Figures derived from the speech, “Prospects for Food Security in the 21st Century,” given on April 17th, 1997, by Alex F. McCalla, the then Director of the Agriculture and Natural Resources Department of the World Bank. The Future of World Food series, Illinois World Food and Sustainable Agriculture Program, University of Illiois, Urbana-Champaign.
[proportion starving in 1970 versus 2008]
The chronic hunger figure for 1970, that is, 25 percent of us, meant 940 million people at the time. In 2008, the number hit 963 million, compared to 923 million in 2007. The majority live in only seven countries: India, China, the Congo, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Pakistan, and Ethiopia. In 2010-2012, almost 870 million were malnourished, which was one in eight of us. That dropped to 805 million in 2012-2014 (about one in nine of us). The State of Food Insecurity in the World, SOFI 2014, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, 2014, page 8. The State of Food Insecurity in the World, SOFI 2012, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, 2012, page 8. The State of Food Insecurity in the World, SOFI 2008, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, 2008.

Chapter 2. Rebooting Reality: Labor

[Faulkner quote]
Requiem for a Nun, Act I, Scene III.

Network Reactions

[“still a shadow”]
“But before the experiment with the wheel-engine could be tried at Soho, the financial ruin of Dr. Roebuck [who had invested £3,000 in Watt’s machine] brought matters to a crisis. He was now in the hands of his creditors, who found his affairs in inextricable confusion. He owed some £1,200 to Boulton, who, rather than claim against the estate, offered to take Roebuck’s two-thirds share in the engine patent in lieu of the debt. The creditors did not value the engine patent as worth one farthing, and were but too glad to agree to the proposal. As Watt himself said, it was only ‘paying one bad debt with another.’ Boulton wrote to Watt requesting him to act as his attorney in the matter. He confessed that he was by no means sanguine as to the success of the engine, but, being an assayer, he was willing ‘to assay it and try how much gold it contains.’ ‘The thing,’ he added, ‘is now a shadow; ’tis merely ideal, and will cost time and money to realise it. We have made no experiment yet that answers my purpose, and the times are so horrible throughout the mercantile part of Europe, that I have not had my thoughts sufficiently disengaged to think further of new schemes.’ [...]

[In May, 1774] Watt had now been occupied for about nine years in working out the details of his invention. Five of these had passed since he had taken out his patent, and he was still struggling with difficulty. Several thousand pounds had been expended on the engine, besides much study, labour, and ingenuity; yet it was still, as Boulton expressed it, ‘a shadow, as regarded its practical utility and value.’ So long as Watt’s connexion with Roebuck continued, there was indeed very little chance of getting it introduced to public notice. What it was yet to become as a working power, depended in no small degree upon the business ability, the strength of purpose, and the length of purse, of his new partner.”

Lives of Boulton and Watt: Principally from the Original Soho Mss., Comprising also: A History of the Invention and Introduction of the Steam-Engine, Samuel Smiles, John Murray, 1865, pages 196-199.

[Jamie’s fire-engine]
To his friends and family, Watt was known familiarly as ‘Jamie.’ Also, at the time, what we today call ‘steam engines’ were called ‘fire engines.’

Watt’s patent for “[A] new Method of Lessening the Consumption of Steam and Fuel in Fire Engines,” was granted on January 5th, 1769, but Watt only enrolled its description at the High Court of Chancery on April 29th, 1769. It was patent number 913.

Watt first worked with John Roebuck in Scotland, then Matthew Boulton in England.

[1772-1773 Scottish banking crisis]
James Watt’s investor at the time was John Roebuck, who ran the Carron iron works, one of the hardest hit by the banking crisis, in which 15 private bankers in Edinburgh failed.

At the time, Adam Smith was working on what would become his Wealth of Nations. On June 27th, 1772, David Hume wrote to Smith: “We are here in a very melancholy Situation: Continual Bankruptcies, universal Loss of Credit, and endless Suspicions. There are but two standing Houses in this Place, Mansfield’s & the Couttses: For I comprehend not Cummin, whose dealins are always very narrow. Mansfield has pay’d away 40,000 pounds in a few days; but it is apprehended, that neither he nor any of them can hold out till the End of next Week, if no Alteration happen. The Case is little better in London. It is thought, that Sir George Colebroke must soon stop; and even the Bank of England is not entirely free from Suspicion. Those of Newcastle, Norwich, and Bristol are said to be stopp’d: The Thistle Bank has been reported to be in the same Condition: The Carron Company is reeling, which is one of the greatest Calamities of the whole; as they gave Employment to near 10,000 people. Do these Events any-wise affect your Theory? Or will it occasion the Revisal of any Chapters?” The Letters of David Hume, Volume II, 1766-1776, J. Y. T. Greig (editor), Oxford University Press, 1932, page 263.

See also: “Upon Daedalian wings of paper money: Adam Smith and the crisis of 1772,” H. Rockoff, Working Paper 15594, National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), 2009. Bank of Scotland: A History, 1695-1995, Richard Saville, Edinburgh University Press, 1996, page 162. “Crises of 1763 and 1772-1773,” E. S. Schubert, in: Business Cycles and Depressions, an Encyclopedia, David Glaser (editor), Garland Publishing, Inc., 1997. Scottish Banking: A History, 1695-1973, S. G. Checkland, Collins, 1975, page 237. “Scotland’s Balance of Payments Problem in 1762,” H. Hamilton, The Economic History Review, New Series, 5(3):344-357, 1953.

[colonists ... ]
By 1773, colonists in British America weren’t angry about the tax on tea—Britain had lowered it to below that of smuggled Dutch tea—they were upset about a variety of things to do with power and competition when seven East India Company ships carrying tea took sail heading for the British colonies. The ship heading for New York was delayed by bad weather, then sent back; the two heading for Philadelphia and Charleston were each impounded and sent back; one of the four ships heading for Boston shipwrecked on Cape Cop; only three of the four ships heading for Boston landed successfully. Some of the protest was motivated by the Boston smugglers of Dutch tea. Others were concerned about the monopoly power of the East India Company. Discussion raged over layalty to Britain, or rather, britain’s parliament, versus representation over control. 1774: The Long Year of Revolution, Mary Beth Norton, Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2020.
[an offer from Russia]
Watt had several offers from Russia, starting in April 1771, when he was invited to become “Master Founder of Iron Ordnance to her Imperial Majesty.” In 1773, his friend John Robison tried again. In 1775, the offer was for £1,000, and was for Watt a princely sum. France, too, tried to entice him away from Britain (in 1787-88), as did the Netherlands, the Austrian Empire, and Spain. Competing engine makers in Britain also tried to bribe away his workers. They also tried to place apprentices there to learn what they could. In at least one case, they also bribed workers to sabotage the works. The Lunar Men: A Story of Science, Art, Invention and Passion, Jenny Uglow, Faber & Faber, 2002, page 251. By the Banks of the Neva: Chapters from the Lives and Careers of the British in Eighteenth-century Russia, Anthony Cross, Cambridge University Press, 1997, especially page 258. Partners in Science: Letters of James Watt and Joseph Black, Eric Robinson and Douglas McKie (editors), Harvard University Press, 1969, page 24. See also James Watt and the Steam Engine, H. W. Dickinson and Rhys Jenkins, Oxford University Press, 1927, page 35.
[many eyes would light up...]
One book from 1824 puts it this way: “To take away to-day from England her steam-engines would be to take away at the same time her coal and iron. It would be to dry up all her sources of wealth, to ruin all on which her prosperity depends, in short, to annihilate that colossal power. The destruction of her navy, which she considers her strongest defense, would perhaps be less fatal.” Reflections on the Motive Power of Heat, From the Original French of N.-L.-S Carnot, Graduate of the Polytechnic School, Accompanied By An Account of Carnot’s Theory by Sir William Thomson (Lord Kelvin), Sadi Carnot, translated and edited by R. H. Thurston, 1824, John Wiley & Sons, Second Revised Edition, 1897, page 40.

A book from 1840 sums it up this way: “That the history of invention of mechanism, and the description of its structure, operation, and uses, should be capable of being rendered the subject matter of a volume, destined not alone for the instruction of engineers or machinists, but for the information and amusement of the public in general, is a statement which at no very remote period would have been deemed extravagant and incredible.

Advanced as we are in the art of rendering knowledge popular, and cultivated as the public taste is in the appreciation of the expedients by which science ministers to the uses of life, there is still perhaps but one machine which such a proposition can be truly appreciated: it is needless to say that that machine is the STEAM ENGINE.” The Steam Engine Explained and Illustrated: With an Account of Its Invention and Progressive Improvement, and Its Application to Navigation and Railways; Including Also a Memoir of Watt, Dionysius Lardner, Taylor and Walton, 1840, pages 3-4.

The author goes on to expound at length, and start into what would become the hagiography of Watt, who was by then dead, but mainly though, in hindsight it seems clear that the reason for all the excitment was not how the steam engine worked, or what physical principles it depended on to work, but what the steam engine did—namely, by that point, mass audiences cared about it because it affected masses of people in factories and on railways and elsewhere. The same was true (and is still true) of computers from the 1980s and beyond. Interest in them will wane for the same reason that interest waned in steam engines.

[Ivan Polzunov’s steam engine]
His machine was a double-cylinder rotary atmospheric steam engine built to work in low water conditions. He built it with the aid of dozens of hired, largely illiterate helpers from nearby towns for the Kolyvano-Voskresensky mines, in Barnaul, in the foothills of the Altai Mountains in southwestern Siberia. He died May 16th, 1766. His machine was first tested on May 23rd, then was built out enough to support four bellows pairs feeding three furnaces. It ran from August 7th to November 10th, then its boiler, made of thin copper sheets riveted together, sprang a leak, and the engine stopped working. (Polzunov had intended the thin sheets only for a test boiler.) It was abandoned for a decade, then dismantled in 1782 and forgotten. Russia then went back to waterwheels and forced labor for its minework. It was rediscovered in 1882 when A. N. Voyeykov accidentally stumbled over his papers in Barnual.

Сыны Алтая и Отечества. Ч.2: Механикус Иван Ползунов: Жизнь и творчество выдающегося теплоэнергетика XVIII в., Н. Я. Савельев. Алтайское книжное издательство, 1988. [transliterated: Syny Altaya i Otechestva. Part 2: Mekhanikus Ivan Polzunov: Zhizn’ i tvorchestvo vydayushchegosya teploenergetika XVIII veka, N. YA. Savel’yev. Altayskoye knizhnoye izdatel’stvo, 1988.] [The Sons of the Altai and Motherland: Part II: Mechanicus Ivan Polzunov: The Life and Creative Work of an Outstanding Thermal Power Engineering Specialist of the 18th Century, N. Ya. Savelyev, The Altai Publishing House, Reprint Edition, 1988.]

For English references, see: The History of the Machine, Sigvard Strandh, translated by Ann Henning, Dorset Press, 1989, pages 118-120. The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, A. M. Prokhorov (editor), Macmillan, 1973-1983. The Origins of Feedback Control, Otto Mayr, The MIT Press, 1970, pages 77-78. “The History of Technology in Soviet Russia and Marxist Doctrine,” D. Joravsky, Technology and Culture, 2(1):5-10, 1961.

Also, in the 1740s, a generation before Watt and Polzunov, something similar happened to Joseph Karl Hell (Jozef Karol Hell, or Höll, 1713-1789) compared to John Smeaton. Hell, in Slovakia, was mostly alone and industrial infrastructure was lacking there, while Smeaton, in England, laid foundations that Watt was to later build on. The Maze of Ingenuity: Ideas and Idealism in the Development of Technology, Arnold Pacey, The MIT Press, Second Edition, 1992, pages 152-156.

[the Saint Petersburg fountains]
The steam engine powering the tsar’s fountains were built in 1717-1718 by the French-born English engineer John Desaguliers. (Who, incidentally, had been Isaac Newton’s assistant in his secret alchemical researches.) It was the first steam engine Britain ever exported. The tsar at the time, Peter I, had wanted something to compare with Louis XIV’s fountains at Versailles. He’d built his Summer Garden on the Dvortsovaya Embankment in Saint Petersburg (which he’d founded in May, 1703, in a marshy area he took from Sweden after a war).
[silver output decreasing]
By 1758, the year of Polzunov’s first trip to Saint Petersburg, the Barnaul seams were depleting. As recently as 1751 they had produced about 13,000 pounds of silver, but by 1760 they would be down to about 9,600 pounds. Catherine the Great, Russia’s empress after 1761, promised Polzunov 400 rubles to build his machine. (After his promotion, November 19th, 1763, his yearly salary was then 240 rubles.)
[Russian versus Scottish serfs and feudalism]
In Russia, about the only thing a lord couldn’t do to his serfs was kill them outright (although many still died from the lash). Russian serfs were emancipated only in 1861. Even down to the time of Tolstoy (1828-1910) Russian peasants were still basically serfs.

Not that miners in Scotland were all that better off. For example, the first colliery in Scotland that the Newcomen steam engine was sold to in 1720 was in Elphinstone (in Stirlingshire). A ‘colliery’ is a coal mine where mining is done by ‘colliers’ (coal miners) who, from 1606 until 1800, were serfs bound not to land but to coal mines. While a laird couldn’t be as brutal to a collier as a lord could be to a serf in Russia, a bound collier was a piece of property. He or she couldn’t be sold individually, but in valuing the mine, he and his family were ranked with any other article attached to the mine. Colliers could move, but once bound to a pit, they couldn’t move, and if they tried, they could be brought back and punished. Colliers were expressly excluded from the Habeas Corpus Act of 1701. Collier status was so low that other workers would refuse to marry a collier’s daughter, and a criminal might sometimes be condemned to life as a collier. These bonds were loosened only in 1775, and removed entirely only in 1800, and only because that was the only way that mine owners could entice others to come work the mines to meet rising demand for coal. And women and young children were barred from being colliers, whether in Scotland or Wales or England, only after 1842. The Coal Industry of the Eighteenth Century, T. S. Ashton and J. Sykes, Manchester University Press, 1929, Chapter 5.

[“nothing more foolish than inventing”]
“By this time [1769] Roebuck was becoming embarrassed with debt, and involved in various difficulties. The pits were drowned with water, which no existing machinery could pump out, and ruin threatened to over take him before Watt’s engine could come to his help. He had sunk in the coal-mine, not only his own fortune, but much of the property of his relatives; and he was so straitened for money that he was unable to defray the cost of taking out the engine patent according to the terms of his engagement, and Watt had accordingly to borrow the necessary money from his never-failing friend, Dr. Black. He was thus adding to his own debts, without any clearer prospect before him of ultimate relief. No wonder that he should, after his apparently fruitless labour, express to Small his belief that, ‘of all things in life, there is nothing more foolinsh than inventing.’ The unhappy state of his mind may be further inferred from his lamentation expressed to the same friend on the 31st of January, 1770. ‘To day,’ said he, ‘I enter the thirty-fifth year of my life, and I think I have hardly yet done thirty-five pence worth of good in the world; but I cannot help it.” Lives of Boulton and Watt: Principally from the Original Soho Mss., Comprising also: A History of the Invention and Introduction of the Steam-Engine, Samuel Smiles, John Murray, 1865, pages 150-151.

[James Watt’s first commercial engine]
Was for Bloomfield Colliery near Tipton, which at the time was 14 miles (22.5 kilometers) away from Birmingham, in Staffordshire. An Early Experiment in Industrial Organisation: Being a History of the Firm of Boulton and Watt, 1775-1805, Eric Roll, Longmans, 1930, pages 27-29.
[the parable of the sower]
“Behold, a sower went forth to sow; And when he sowed, some seeds fell by the way side, and the fowls came and devoured them up: Some fell upon stony places, where they had not much earth: and forthwith they sprung up, because they had no deepness of earth: And when the sun was up, they were scorched; and because they had no root, they withered away. And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprung up, and choked them: But other fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold.”

The Bible, The King James Version, Matthew 13:3-8.

[James Watt and physics — Joseph Black]
Joseph Black, mentor, teacher, investor, and friend, of Watt’s, was a chemistry professor who had worked out latent and specific heat. But why? Was it sheer genius or immense hard work? Maybe. But his discovery came when trying to reduce the fuel needs of local whiskey distillers.

Watt and Black were connected in several ways. Watt was an employee at Glasgow university while Black was a professor there. Black funded Watt’s first venture (and was later bought out by Roebuck). Black helped Watt with experiments. And Black explained latent heat to Watt when Watt stumbled upon one of its aspects in his own experiments while trying to improve a model of Newcomen’s machine as part of his job for the university.

In 1769, when Watt was 33, before he built a functioning machine and two years before he even got his first patent, and when Black was still alive, he had this to say, in some notes titled ‘A Plain Story’:

“A boiler was constructed which showed, by inspection, the quantity of water evaporated in any given time, and thereby ascertained the quantity of steam used in every stroke by the engine, which I found to be several times the full of the cylinder. Astonished at the quantity of water required for the injection, and the great heat it had acquired from the small quantity of water in the form of steam which had been used in filling the cylinder, and thinking I had made some mistake, the following experiment was tried :— A glass tube was bent at right angles; one end was inserted horizontally into the spout of a tea-kettle, and the other part was immersed perpendicularly in well-water contained in a cylindric glass vessel, and steam was made to pass through it until it ceased to be condensed, and the water in the glass vessel was become nearly boiling hot. The water in the glass vessel was then found to have gained an addition of about one-sixth part from the condensed steam. Consequently, water converted into steam can heat about six times its own weight of well-water to 212°, or till it can condense no more steam. Being struck with this remarkable fact, and not understanding the reason of it, I mentioned it to my friend Dr. Black, who then explained to me his doctrine of latent heat, which he had taught for some time before this period (summer 1764); but having myself been occupied with the pursuits of business, if I had heard of it I had not attended to it, when I thus stumbled upon one of the material facts by which that beautiful theory is supported.” The Life of James Watt: With Selections from His Correspondence, James Patrick Muirhead, John Murray, 1858, pages 78-79.

However, in 1814, when he was 78, highly successful and very well established, and when Black was dead, he had this to say in a letter:

“Here it was my intention to have closed this letter, but the representations of friends whose opinions I highly value, induce me to avail myself of this opportunity of noticing an error into which not only Dr. Robison, but apparently also Dr. Black, has fallen, in relation to the origin of my improvements upon the steam-engine; and which, not having been publicly controverted by me, has, I am informed, been adopted by almost every subsequent writer upon the subject of Latent Heat.

Dr. Robison, in the article ‘Steam-engine,’ after passing an encomium upon me, dictated by the partiality of friendship, qualifies me as the ‘pupil and intimate friend of Dr. Black;’ a description which not being there accompanied with any inference, did not particularly strike me at the time of its first perusal. He afterwards, in the dedication to me of his edition of Dr. Black’s ‘Lectures upon Chemistry,’ goes the length of supposing me to have professed to owe my improvements upon the steam-engine to the instructions and information I had received from that gentleman, which certainly was a misapprehension; as, although I have always felt and acknowledged my obligations to him for the information I had received from his conversation, and particularly for the knowledge of the doctrine of latent heat, I never did nor could consider my improvements as originating in those communications.”

Watt’s hagiographers were pleased to trot out that particular paragraph by the 1840s, when he was long dead, the steam engine was hugely important, and his hagiography began in earnest, but somehow loath to print the coda to it in the very same letter:

“Although Dr. Black’s theory of latent heat did not suggest my improvements on the steam-engine, yet the knowledge, upon various subjects, which he was pleased to communicate to me, and the correct modes of reasoning and of making experiments, of which he set me the example, certainly conduced very much to facilitate the progress of my inventions; and I still remember, with respect and gratitude, the notice he was pleased to take of me when I very little merited it, and which continued throughout his life.” The Life of James Watt: With Selections from His Correspondence, James Patrick Muirhead, John Murray, 1858, pages 496-497 and 500.

[Watt’s personal network]
Watt was also encouraged in his work by his personal circle. Nearly all of them were natural philosophers, inventors, merchants, or manufacturers: John Roebuck, William Murdock, Matthew Boulton, Josiah Wedgwood, Joseph Priestly, William Small, James Keir, Samuel Galton, Erasmus Darwin (grandfather of Charles Darwin), and even Benjamin Franklin—who corresponded from British America. (The United States did not yet exist.) The Lunar Men: A Story of Science, Art, Invention and Passion, Jenny Uglow, Faber & Faber, 2002.
[networks of early industrialists in Britain]
Here’s the original version of the Watt network (as opposed to name-redacted version in the text):

Watt’s machine was intricate; many of its parts depended on other parts, which depended on yet other parts. He built it on an engine common in England, but rare in Russia. It was common because of work done by Thomas Newcomen, John Calley, John Smeaton, Thomas Savery, and others. To make it more useful he had to increase its power, and for that he needed to understand the physics of heat; he got some of that insight from Joseph Black. To build it at all, he needed cylinders that could withstand high pressure (which he got from Abraham Darby and John Thomas). To make it cheaply enough, he needed cheap iron for his cylinders instead of costly brass (Abraham Darby II and Thomas Goldney III). To machine those cylinders precisely enough, he needed high-grade iron (John Wilkinson). To cut those precision-ground cylinders and pistons, he needed crucible steel (Benjamin Huntsman). To run it cheaply enough, he needed cheap fuel, which he got from coke—that is, coal cooked to remove impurities—instead of wood or charcoal (Abraham Darby). To do anything at all, he needed money (Joseph Black, John Roebuck, Matthew Bolton). And so on.

Britain also needed ever-improving steam engines (Richard Trevithick, William Murdock, Joseph Bramah, Jonathan Hornblower, Arthur Woolf). Then it needed ever-improving machine tools (Jesse Ramsden, Edward Nairn, Henry Maudslay, Joseph Bramah, Joseph Whitworth, James Nasmyth). Plus it needed ever-growing canal transport (Josiah Wedgwood, Erasmus Darwin, Matthew Boulton, William Small, Samuel Galton, Thomas Telford, John Rennies). It needed ever-expanding markets (Richard Trevithick, John Smeaton, Isambard Brunel). And it needed ever-expanding rail networks (Richard Trevithick, George Stephenson, John Wilkinson, Henry Cort).

Also, all the changes catalyzed yet another network of tools made by another network of early industrialists in Britain (Thomas Highs, John Kay, James Hargreaves, Richard Arkwright, Samuel Crompton, Edmund Cartwright). They built the early machines of Britain’s textile industry. That then became one of the next killer apps, outside of mining, of the new steam tech. Also, all those people needed yet another network of people (Jethro Tull, Robert Bakewell, Joseph Foljambe, Robert and Charles Colling, and others). Their farm innovations helped Britain raise its food supply until it could almost feed itself.

[more networks and religious repression in Britain]
Nor is even that all. For instance, for Watt’s engine to succeed, not only did he need others to help him build it, he also needed others to help him sell it. To do so, he needed heavy advertising (Matthew Boulton). He needed a ready market (Richard Arkwright, Josiah Wedgwood, Matthew Boulton). He needed banking credit (Sampson Lloyd, James Barclay). And to do anything at all, he needed money (first Joseph Black who lent him £1,000, then John Roebuck who invested £3,000, then Matthew Boulton who took over all debts).

Further, none of that might have happened had he not been a Presbyterian. In the eyes of the state, which had won the previous civil war, that made him a heretic—a Dissenter who refused to join the Church of England. Several of Britain’s early industrialists were Dissenters. For example, Wilkinson was a Presbyterian, Newcomen (Baptist), Roebuck (Independent), Wedgwood (Unitarian), and Huntsman, Darby, Goldney, Lloyd, and Barclay were Quakers. As Dissenters, they couldn’t stand for Parliament, hold public office, join the army, or attend Oxford or Cambridge. Barred from high-status posts—along with other riffraff, like Catholics, Jews, Greek Orthodox, and Gypsies—they went into lowly ones: trade and industry. There they stewed. With nowhere else to go, they did deals with one another. That’s partly what welded together Britain’s early industrial reaction network in the first place. So when Watt fled Scotland for England, it was tiny Britain, not huge Russia, that happened to have large pools of both skilled machinists and skilled financiers. Nobody arranged that. In some sense, our swarm did.

[religious repression in Britain in the 1660s]
The Corporation Act (1661), the Act of Uniformity (1662), the Conventicle Act (1664), the Five-Mile Act (1665), collectively known as the Clarendon Codes—named after Charles II’s chief minister Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of Clarendon—and the Test Acts (1673, 1678), followed on the end of the civil war in 1651. The Enlightenment of Joseph Priestley: A Study of His Life and Work from 1733 to 1773, Robert E. Schofield, Pennsylvania State Press, 1997, pages 202-205.
[Dissenters and religious repression in Britain]
The argument that religious affiliation solely, or even mostly, explains industry in Britain, is unsupported by data. See: Men of Property: The Very Wealthy in Britain since the Industrial Revolution, W. D. Rubinstein, Taylor & Francis, 1981, especially Chapter 5. However, it is indeed true that several early industrialists in Britain were Dissenters, that is, Protestants who refused to take Church of England vows—which included Quakers, Unitarians, Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, and Congregationalists, among others. Of the ones listed in the text, the hardest to pin down is John Roebuck, who is cited as an Independent in: The Industrial Revolution: A Study in Bibliography, T. S. Ashton, A. & C. Black Ltd., 1937. But his children appear to have all been baptised at the New Meeting Unitarian Church on Moor Street, Birmingham. Also, Joseph Black might have been baptized Catholic, according to his entry in: Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography, Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2008. But perhaps that’s because he was born in France (not Scotland, where his parents emigrated from), since he was buried at Greyfriars Kirk in Edinburgh, Scotland, which is Covenanter—a branch of Presbyterianism.

In Britain, non-Protestants, like Catholics, Jews, and Greek Orthodox, were a different matter. For example, England had kicked out its Jews entirely from 1290 to 1650. By the 1760s they were a tiny portion of the population (about 0.3 percent).

Further, Britain wasn’t unique in its religious repression. Russia was equally good at it. Russia, though, was much more of a peasant economy. It forced its religious minorities, primarily Jews, into finance, peddling, and shopkeeping instead of trade and industry—that is, when not running active pogroms against them. (A peasant uprising in 1768, during the partitioning of Poland, lead to massacres of both Jews and Catholics. Perhaps 20,000 were herded into their places of worship and killed. A century before, a Cossack idea of fun was to ride into a village and kill every male and take every female there.)

Similarly, France had slaughtered or exiled most of its Protestants, the Huguenots. (Two important steam pioneers in Britain, Denis Papin and John Desaguliers, for example, had fled France for Britain. They were Huguenots). Spain, Portugal, Germany, Austria—all have poor tolerance records as well. For long periods of recent European history, only the Netherlands was tolerant of variant religious belief systems. Britain in the 1770s was then merely one of the less-intolerant nations. (Incidentally, England’s history of its treatment of Jews is also quite varied. For example, while it accepted them in the 1100s, it persecuted and ejected them in the 1200s.)

So Russia in the 1700s was still running pogroms against its Jews—and would continue to do so for another 170 years. But while that pressure forced Russia’s Jews together, they had even fewer outlets than Britain’s Dissenters did. Europe’s repression also forced much of its financial and trade expertise—largely in the form of Jews—out of Spain, Portugal, and France and into the Netherlands, and later to Britain.

[“aversion to monopolies”]
“I do not think that we are safe a day to an end in this enterprising age. One’s thoughts seem to be stolen before one speaks them. It looks as if Nature had taken an aversion to monopolies, and put the same thing into several people’s heads at once, to prevent them; and I begin to fear that she has given over inspiring me, as it is with the utmost difficulty that I can hatch anything new.” Letter to Boulton, February 14th, 1782. “From the many opponents we are like to have, I fear that the engine business cannot be a permanent one; and I am sure that it will not in any case prove so lucrative as you have flattered yourself.” Letter to Boulton, February 20th, 1782. From: The Life of James Watt: With Selections from His Correspondence, James Patrick Muirhead, D. Appleton and Co., 1859, pages 316-317. See also: Lives of Boulton and Watt: Principally from the Original Soho Mss., Comprising also: A History of the Invention and Introduction of the Steam-Engine, Samuel Smiles, John Murray, 1865, page 300. Watt didn’t even know about Polzunov.
[if Watt had died young... parallel inventions]
A more general case has been made before. However, note that here there is strong survivorship bias: that is, analysis is based only on inventions that succeeded (ideas that were thought up, built, deployed, and were adopted) not all ideas (any idea that faltered anywhere along that set of hurdles failed to appear and thus be considered). So Watt is counted, but Polzunov is ignored. Darwin and Wallace are counted, but Mendel is (for 35 years, at least) ignored. Who knows how much has been lost? “Are Inventions Inevitable? A Note on Social Evolution,” W. F. Ogburn, D. Thomas, Political Science Quarterly, 37(1):83-98, 1922. See also: What Technology Wants, Kevin Kelly, Viking, 2010, Chapter 7.
[Newcomen’s first engine in Tipton, Staffordshire]
“A confirmation of the location of the 1712 ‘Dudley Castle’ Newcomen engine at Coneygree, Tipton,” J. H. Andrew, J. S. Allen, International Journal for the History of Engineering and Technology, 72(2):174-182, 2009.
[first steam engine patent in 1698, first vacuum in 1643, James Watt’s ancestors]
Thomas Savery patented the steam engine idea in 1698: “A new invention for raising water and occasioning motion to all sorts of mill work by the impellent force of fire, which will be of great use and advantage for drayning mines, serveing houses with water, and for the working of all sorts of mills where they have not benefitt of water nor constant windes.” The Miners Friend; or an engine to raise water by fire, described, and the manner of fixing it in mines, with an account of the several uses it is applicable unto; and an answer to the objections made against it, by Thos. Savery, Gent, London, 1702.

Evangelista Torricelli made the first vacuum in 1643 while creating the first barometer (following the prompting of Galileo). The Edge of Objectivity: An Essay in the History of Scientific Ideas, Charles Coulston Gillispie, Princeton University Press, 1960, page 100.

Denis Papin published his 1676-1679 work with Robert Boyle on his ‘steam digester’ in 1680. “Papin, Denis (1647-1712?),” Anita McConnell, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004.

James Watt was born on January 19th, 1736. James Henry Watt, James Watt’s father, was born January 28th, 1699, in Greenock, Scotland. (He married Agnes Muireheid, and died August 1782.) National Records of Scotland, OPR (Old Parish Register) 564-3/1, page 108. Thomas Watt, James Henry Watt’s father, was born in 1642 and christened April 16th, 1643, in Aberdeen, Scotland. (He married Margaret Shearer, and died February 27th, 1734.)

[early steam power]
The story of steam is largely forgotten today, but once upon a time it was all anyone talked about, and not just in Britain, or even just in Europe. That didn’t begin with James Watt. Long before him, Thomas Newcomen’s engines had been in use, and had been slowly improved, all over Britain (and elsewhere) for well over half a century. It was that kind of engine that so excited Polzunov (and Watt). They both saw that they could improve it—in theory. It seems likely that the reason why Watt is so much remembered is less to do with what he did in comparison to anyone else who worked on steam but what his engine did—it went on to be a part of mass production, so it had a direct impact on mass life. Early steam engines were far more niche—mostly for mining—and so were entirely ignorable by the general public. For example, about five hundred engines were built in 1735-1775, or 13 per yer, while another 850 were built in 1775-1800, or about 34 per year. That’s hardly that earth-shaking changes that came after 1830. The Steam Engine of Thomas Newcomen, L. T. C. Rolt and J. S. Allen, Review by: Charles K. Hyde, The Journal of Economic History, 38(3):813-815, 1978.
[Newcomen’s engine]
“At the beginning of the eighteenth century every element of the modern type of steam‑engine had been separately invented and practically applied. The character of atmospheric pressure, and of the pressure of gases, had become understood. The nature of a vacuum was known, and the method of obtaining it by the displacement of the air by steam, and by the condensation of the vapor, was understood. The importance of utilizing the power of steam, and the application of condensation in the removal of atmospheric pressure, was not only recognized, but had been actually and successfully attempted by Morland, Papin, and Savery.

Mechanicians had succeeded in making steam-boilers capable of sustaining any desired or any useful pressure, and Papin had shown how to make them comparatively safe by the attachment of the safety‑valve. They had made steam‑cylinders fitted with pistons, and had used such a combination in the development of power.

It now only remained for the engineer to combine known forms of mechanism in a practical machine which should be capable of economically and conveniently utilizing the power of steam through the application of now well‑understood principles, and by the intelligent combination of physical phenomena already familiar to scientific investigators.

Every essential fact and every vital principle had been learned, and every one of the needed mechanical combinations had been successfully effected. It was only requisite that an inventor should appear, capable of perceiving that these known facts and combinations of mechanism, properly illustrated in a working machine would present to the world its greatest physical blessing.

The defects of the simple engines constructed up to this time have been noted as each has been described. None of them could be depended upon for safe, economical, and continuous work. Savery’s was the most successful of all. But the engine of Savery, even with the improvements of Desaguliers, was unsafe where most needed, because of the high pressures necessarily carried in its boilers when pumping from considerable depths; it was uneconomical, in consequence of the great loss of heat in its forcing‑cylinders when the hot steam was surrounded at its entrance by colder bodies; it was slow in operation, of great first cost, and expensive in first cost and in repairs, as well as in its operation. It could not be relied upon to do its work interruptedly, and was this in many respects a very unsatisfactory machine.

The man who finally effected a combination of the elements of the modern steam‑engine, and produced a machine which is unmistakeably a true engine—i.e., a train of mechanism consisting of several elementary pieces combined in a train capable of transmitting a force applied at one end and of communicating it to the resistance to be overcome at the other end was THOMAS NEWCOMEN, an ‘iron‑monger’ and blacksmith of Dartmouth, England. The engine invented by him, and known as the ‘Atmospheric Steam Engine,’ is the first of an entirely new type. [...]

In a very few years after the invention of Newcomen’s engine it had been introduced into nearly all large mines in Great Britain; and many new mines, which could not have been worked at all previously, were opened, when it was found that the new machine could be relied upon to raise the large quantities of water to be handled. The first engine in Scotland was erected in 1720 at Elphinstone, in Stirlingshire. One was put up in Hungary in 1723.” A History of the Growth of the Steam-Engine, Robert H. Thurston, D. Appleton and Company, 1878, pages 55-57, and 68.

However, for the practical engineering concerns and all the difficulties that Newcomen had to have faced and overcome, see: Power from Steam: A History of the Stationary Steam Engine, Richard L. Hills, Cambridge University Press, 1989, Chapter 2, especially pages 22-30. His last, and most crucial, and most copied, insight—that of cold water injection—is described on page 25.

[the power of accident—learning from each other]
“The process by which fundamental change comes about at times has nothing to do with diligence, or careful observation, or economic stimulus, or genius, but happens entirely by accident. There were hundreds of clock-makers like Huntsman all over Europe who were equally dissatisfied with the quality of the springs in the clocks they were making. Many of them must have cast about for the answer to their dilemma, but nothing suggested itself. Everywhere, the technique for making steel at the time was the same: alternate layers of charcoal and iron were piled up, covered with a layer of fine sand, and kept red hot for several days. During this time the carbon in the charcoal diffused into the iron, forming a surface layer of steel which was then hammered off. Many of these layers were then hammered together to produce layered, laminate steel: good enough for knives, but liable to snap or deform when bent into springs. Huntsman happened to live near a glass-making community, and at a time when Abraham Darby had discovered the high temperatures that could be obtained with coke. The glass-makers were using coke to fire their ovens, and lining the ovens with Stourbridge clay from local deposits. This clay reflected heat back into the ovens, raising their temperature even further. Huntsman also saw that the furnace men mixed their raw materials for making glass with chips of old glass, which because of the high furnace temperatures would become molten and run together with the freshly made glass.” Connections, James Burke, Macmillan, 1978, page 140.

On Darby I (there were three ‘Abraham Darby’s, father, son, and grandson): Dynasty of Iron Founders: The Darbys and Coalbrookdale, Arthur Raistrick, Longmans, Green, & Co., 1953, pages 23-25. Note: Allen cites King (unread reference) as developing an argument that Darby I was predated by Shadrach Fox, the ironmaster who preceded him at Coalbrookdale, who apparently may be the real inventor of coke smelting. That’s certainly possible, but even so, coke wasn’t viable by itself. Darby also added sand casting, which he got from Netherlands practice. Even then, charcoal competed with coke for half a century. It was only when combined with the steam engine to pump water back up for the bellows pump that the cost really began to fall. The British Industrial Revolution in Global Perspective, Robert C. Allen, Cambridge University Press, 2009. The Iron Trade in England Wales, 1500-1850: the charcoal iron industry and its transition to coke, Peter Wickham King, doctoral thesis, University of Wolverhampton, 2003.

[imagining a vacuum]
Aristotle thought a vacuum, or void, couldn’t exist because motion in it would be impossible or undefined. For him, a void was ‘place in which there is no body.’ He presented several arguments that such a thing couldn’t exist, refuting beliefs proposed in his time by Eleatics like Melissus that a void could exist, by arguing that if one did, objects in motion would persist in motion forever (that is, he was saying that what would become Newton’s First Law couldn’t possibly be true), and with no ‘up’ nor ‘down’ (he means that in a void, soil would feel no force to move downward to the center of the universe, and flame would feel no force to move upward, toward the heavens, so objects in motion could have no defined direction, and so on.

Perhaps he came by such ideas via pure logic (he presented his reasoning in his Physics, see citation). That’s how Plato’s pupils were supposed to discover truth, since to Plato, the senses can lie (consider the allegory of Plato’s cave), so only the mind can plumb the depths of reality. But perhaps it was also because he thought (to put it in today’s terms) that a body fell in a medium at a speed proportional to its weight, and inversely proportional to the amount that the medium resists its fall. So for him, if we dropped a sperm whale and a bowl of petunias from space, the whale would hit first. (His reasoning was more complex than that, but that’s the basic idea.) Perhaps he guessed that after seeing a pebble falling slowly through olive oil, faster through water, and fastest through air. Maybe then in a void it would fall infinitely fast. And that, he declared, was impossible. So a void couldn’t exist. (Actually, in his thought experiment argument, he concluded that its speed would be indeterminate, and that was impossible.)

Today we know that while his arguments were accepted for two millennia, they don’t stand up because the assumptions they were based on were false. To see why, drop three marbles of equal weight. They hit at the same time. Now glue two together, then drop all three again. They still hit at the same time. Yet, were Aristotle right, the two that were glued together, being heavier, would hit first. But none of us back then did any such test. Otherwise, we would have laughed at him. So his guess became dogma for us—for over two millennia.

Aristotle’s physics is still intuitive for most of us today, including first-year university physics students. Newtonian physics is still counter-intuitive to most of us today. For example, most of us believe that a constant force applied to a body will produce constant velocity. That’s wrong. (It will accelerate). And Einsteinian relativity is still completely unknown, not to say counter-intuitive, to most of us today.

“Intuitive Physics,” D. R. Proffitt, M. K. Kaiser, in: Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science, Lynn Nadel (editor), Nature Publishing Group, 2003, pages 632-637. The Unnatural Nature of Science, Lewis Wolpert, Harvard University Press, 1993. Uncommon sense: The Heretical Nature of Science, Alan Cromer, Oxford University Press, 1993. Matter, Space and Motion, Richard Sorabji, Cornell University Press, 1988, chapter 9, pages 142-159. “Common Sense Concepts about Motion,” I. Halloun, D. Hestenes, American Journal of Physics, 53(11):1056-1065, 1985. Much Ado about Nothing: Theories of Space and Vacuum from the Middle Ages to the Scientific Revolution, Edward Grant, Cambridge University Press, 1981. The Works of Aristotle, Volume II: Physica, Book IV, Parts VI-IX, J. A. Smith and W. D. Ross (editors), translated by R. P. Hardie and R. K. Gaye, Oxford University Press, 1952, pages .

What we take to be ’Aristotelian physics’ today is a sort of reinterpretation in mathematical terms of what Aristotle might have believed had he any mathematical talent. For example, around 1328 Thomas of Bradwardine, an English philosopher and theologian, wrote a book on motion based on what he understood to be Aristotle’s beliefs about motion. Bradwardine showed that Aristotle’s theory of motion was inconsistent. First, Aristotle claimed that a body could be in motion only when the force acting on it exceeded the resistance to its motion through the medium. Second, Aristotle claimed that a body’s velocity was proportional to the force acting on it divided by the resistance of the medium it moved through. Bradwardine showed inconsistency between these two Aristotelian tenets by assuming an initial force and resistance, then asked what would happen if the resistance were continually increased while keeping the force constant. At some point the resistance would exceed the force so the body cannot move. But its velocity, which supposedly was its acting force divided by the resistance, could not then also be zero. Thomas of Bradwardine, his Tractus de Proportionibus: Its Significance for the Development of Mathematical Physics, H. Lamar Crosby, Jr. (editor and translator), University of Wisconsin Press, 1955.

[the backstory behind the steam engine is long]
Early steam engines created a partial vacuum in a piston cylinder when an outside weight (the thing the steam engine is designed to move, for example, water in a mine) pulls up the piston against the weight of air surrounding the cylinder. That vacuum then fills with steam from the boiler. Injecting a little cold water condenses the steam to water vapor, which creates a partial vacuum in the piston cylinder, which collapses under the weight of the air surrounding the cylinder, which pulls down the piston, and the cycle repeats.

Before we could make a vacuum, and thus one day a steam engine, Beeckman in the Netherlands, Baliani, Galileo, Berti, Magiotti, Benedetti, Viviani, and Torricelli in Italy; Stevin in Belgium; Pascal in France; and others, first had to refute Aristotle’s argument that a vacuum couldn’t exist. Some of them built on William Gilbert in England—who, in 1600, simply guessed that outer space was a vacuum. But knowing that a vacuum could exist didn’t then mean that we could build a machine that harnessed one. Before there could be a Watt in Scotland there was a Guericke in Germany; a Papin and de Caus in France; a della Porta and Branca in Italy; a Boyle and a Hooke in England. Dressing for Altitude: U.S. Aviation Pressure Suits, Wiley Post to Space Shuttle, Dennis R. Jenkins, United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2012, pages 15-17. Measuring the Natural Environment, Ian Strangeways, Cambridge University Press, Second Edition, 2003, pages 91-94. “Air Weight and Atmospheric Pressure from Galileo to Torricelli,” R. Zouckermann, Fundamenta Scientiae, 2(2):185-204, 1981. De Magnete magneticisique corporibus, et de magno magnete tellure; Physiologia nova, plurimis et argumentis et experimentis demonstrata, William Gilbert of Colchester, London, 1600.

Further, after all of those names came a whole slew of more names to make practical machines to do something that someone was willing to pay for—like pump water out of mines. Only long after that did it occur to anyone that maybe such machines might be useful for something other than their first use, and for that they had to be changed, which required even more gestation and thus even more names.

[an efficient steam engine millennia ago?]
Why did an efficient steam engine arise in the 1700s and not before?

It’s not uncommon to say that ‘steam engines’ existed in Rome (or Roman Egypt) two millennia ago then cite the aeolipile. But the aeolipile (perhaps invented by Vitruvius, then definitely a century later, by Hero of Alexandria, and also known as Hero’s engine) isn’t a steam engine. It’s a steam turbine. It doesn’t create, nor does it use, a vacuum. The Pneumatics of Hero of Alexandria, from the original Greek, translated and edited by Bennet Woodcroft, Taylor Walton and Maberly, 1851, page 72. One possible source of confusion may be that the translation from the Greek was ‘steam-engine’, but that it was not.

One commonly accepted general argument about slaves and steam in popular science books goes as follows: “[T]he slave economy of the ancient world... discouraged any association of science and technology.... With cheap slave labor in plentiful supply, there wasn’t any incentive to develop labor-saving technology.” Gravity’s Arc: The Story of Gravity, from Aristotle to Einstein and Beyond, David Darling, John Wiley and Sons, 2006, pages 29-30.

The same goes for some research papers: “in [societies] based on slavery, there was no demand for steam power.” From: “The Long-Term Evolution of Social Organization,” S. van der Leeuw, D. Lane, D. Read, in: Complexity Perspectives in Innovation and Social Change, David Lane, Sander Ernst Van Der Leeuw, Denise Pumain, and Geoffrey West (editors), Springer, 2009, pages 85-116.

Even in careful and detailed history books, it’s not unusual to see the following: “The precondition for progress was probably a reasonable balance between human labour and other sources of power. The advantage was illusory when man competed with machines inordinately, as in the ancient world and China, where mechanization was ultimately blocked by cheap labour. There were slaves in Greece and Rome, and too many highly efficient coolies in China. In fact, there is never any progress unless a higher value is placed on human labour. When man has a certain cost price as a source of energy, then it is necessary to think about aiding him or, better still, replacing him.” Civilization and Capitalism, 15th-18th Century, Volume I, The Structures of Everyday Life, Fernand Braudel, translated by Siân Reynolds, Harper & Row, 1981, page 339.

By such arguments, we didn’t have a steam engine in, for example, the early Roman Empire, because we didn’t need a steam engine—because we had a large slave pool.

Other variants of roughly the same argument go as follows: “[Peter Levi]: What technology is nowadays expected to accomplish is the concentration or the transference of energy. And we know from the raising of obelisks that the practical mathematics were quite highly developed. It’s quite clever to raise a monolithic column or an obelisk. But I take it that what went wrong with the Hellenistic rulers’ exploration of different techniques is that they had too much man power—they had too many slaves. To have slaves is, apart from being wicked, inefficient, because you may use a million men where one machine could have done the job.” [...] “[Peter Green]:... It’s not so much that slaves were available, which indeed they were. No, the ruling classes were scared, as the Puritans said, of Satan finding work for idle hands to do. One of the great things about not developing a source of energy that did not depend on muscle power was the fear of what the muscles might get up to if they weren’t kept fully employed. The sort of inventions that were taken up and used practically were the things that needed muscle power to start with, including the Archimedean screw.” From the Discussion section following: “ ‘The Base Mechanic Arts’? Some Thoughts on the Contribution of Science (Pure and Applied) to the Culture of the Hellenistic Age,” K. D. White, in: Hellenistic History and Culture, Peter Green (editor), University of California Press, 1993, pages 234 and 236.

As an example, perhaps the only clearly documented one, see: “Free Labour and Public Works at Rome,” P. A. Brunt, The Journal of Roman Studies, 70:81-100, 1980. Brunt cites Suetonis, who mentions an incident in the life of Vespasian: “mechanico quoque, grandis columnas exigua impensa perducturum in Capitolium pollicenti, praemium pro commento non mediocre optulit, operam remisit, praefatus sineret se plebiculam pascere.” (“To a mechanical engineer, who promised to transport some heavy columns to the Capitol at small expense, he gave no mean reward for his invention, but refused to make use of it, saying: ‘You must let me feed my poor commons.’ ”) This he gives as evidence that keeping the populace happy was more important than new invention.

Such ideas are old, still current, and widely accepted: “[Schneider] traced the early path of the slavery/stagnation/blockage view from Diels in the 1920s through Ferrero, Rostovtzeff, and Lefebvre de Noëttes to Finley, Pleket, and Lee in the 1970s, and its perpetuation by Gille in the 1980s.” See: “Technological Innovation and Economic Progress in the Ancient World: M. I. Finley Re-Considered,” K. Greene, The Economic History Review, 53(1):29-59, 2000.

But there’s something wrong with all such sorts of explanations. “[T]he importance of slavery should not be exaggerated. The ancient slave owner had at least two good reasons to want to reduce his dependence on slave labor if he possibly could, for slaves were quite expensive to feed and they could be difficult to control.” Greek Science After Aristotle, G. E. R. Lloyd, W. W. Norton, 1973, page 108.

Similarly: “[S. M. Burstein]: The common wisdom that cheap slave labor inhibited the development of technology in antiquity should probably be reconsidered for two reasons. First, slaves are expensive, not cheap. Second, as the history of the antebellum American South indicates, the use of slave labor is not incompatible with the development of labor-saving technology, provided—and it is an important proviso—that the technology increases the productivity and value of the slaves.” From: “ ‘The Base Mechanic Arts’? Some Thoughts on the Contribution of Science (Pure and Applied) to the Culture of the Hellenistic Age,” K. D. White, in: Hellenistic History and Culture, Peter Green (editor), University of California Press, 1993, pages 236-237.

All the fairy tales fall apart once it’s seen that slave labor is free labor, but it’s not labor for free. Slave dealers didn’t simply give slaves away. They cost something to capture, feed, clothe, house, and guard. Further, if a plentitude of slaves or coolies is the reason we didn’t build a steam engine, why then did we ever bother to invent labor-saving tools like sails and waterwheels? Or bother to use animal power (horses, oxen, asses, camels) to turn capstans and such? Slaves would’ve sufficed, and often did suffice when the oxen or horse died, for those needs as well. If the waterwheel broke, get the slaves to grind the maize. If the sea’s winds died, get the slaves to row. It seems that using such an argument is ‘just-so’ history.

Yet further, the ‘fact,’ originally stated most forcefully by M. I. Finley in 1965 (and in his widely read 1973 book, The Ancient Economy,), and so widely accepted even today, that the Roman empire didn’t make use of watermills is now debunked. “[S]ubsequent research has revealed numerous water-mills from Hadrian’s Wall to north Africa and to Palestine, and has demonstrated that Italy was not excluded from this phenomenon.” See: “Technological Innovation and Economic Progress in the Ancient World: M. I. Finley Re-Considered,” K. Greene, The Economic History Review, 53(1):29-59, 2000.

It also seems unlikely that we didn’t build a steam engine because we were idiots. For example, in the early Roman Empire we had more flexible financial tools than those we had in eighteenth-century France. So we likely weren’t any stupider then than we are today. However, those tools weren’t as flexible as those we had in eighteenth-century Britain. In Rome, we didn’t have a national debt or a central bank or paper currency, so there was a limit to how much capital we could amass for new enterprises, like building a steam engine. But such tools can’t be all we needed because the Netherlands, and Italy before it, had financial tools about as flexible as those that Britain had. See: “Financial Intermediation in the Early Roman Empire,” P. Temin, The Journal of Economic History, 64(3):705-733, 2004.

Also: “Contrary to Finley, who asserted, ‘[A]ncient slavery... co-existed with other forms of dependent labor, not with free wage-labor,’ and Schiavone, who added recently that ‘slavery... led to the eventual stagnation of the [Roman economic] system, blocking off other paths,’ the analysis herein finds that free hired labor was widespread and that ancient slavery was part of a unified labor force in the early Roman empire, not a barrier to economic progress.” From: “The Labor Market of the Early Roman Empire,” P. Temin, Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 34(4):513-538, 2004.

In sum: “The last twenty-five years have seen a radical overhaul of views on the level and importance of technological development achieved in the Roman world. From the 1960s to the 1980s the view prevailed that ancient technology in general, and Roman technology in particular, was stagnant and contributed little to the economy. Since then a number of studies have argued for a much higher level of ancient technological development, and a more rapid and widespread uptake of that technology. Ancient technology has re-entered the debate on the economy, and the task is now to assess what contribution technological developments might have made to economic growth. [...] [I]t looks increasingly difficult to deny the importance of technological developments to the achievement of per capita economic growth.” From: “Quantifying the Roman Economy: Integration, Growth, Decline?” A. Bowman, A. Wilson, in Quantifying the Roman Economy: Methods and Problems, Alan Bowman and Andrew Wilson (editors), Oxford University Press, 2009, pages 3-86, especially pages 33-38.

It thus seems unlikely that in Rome we didn’t invent a steam engine because we loved slavery, or because we couldn’t imagine living without slaves, or because we needed to keep slaves employed to thus avoid revolution, or because we were stupid. It seems more likely that it was because we didn’t know enough metallurgy, engineering, and physics. We couldn’t make the high-grade iron we would have needed to build a safe and efficient one. And considering what was to happen to both Polzunov in Siberia and Watt in Scotland, we likely didn’t have the skilled machinists we would have needed to maintain a high-precision one, even if an alien spaceship had simply dropped one off in the forum. In the early Roman Empire we didn’t have the tools we would have needed to make the tools we would have needed. We didn’t even have the ideas we would have needed to make the ideas we would have needed. In short, it seems likely that developing all the many tools and skills and knowledge that let us build an efficient steam engine took millennia of accident. All that came together only in the 1700s, and it happened first in Britain.

It would be interesting exercise in alternate history to try to work out how all that could have happened in Italy or China two millennia ago, or Egypt or Iraq four millennia ago.

[digesting fructose via glycolysis]
Principles of Biochemistry and Biophysics, B. S. Chauhan, Firewall Media, 2008, Chapter 12.
[at least 3,000 metabolic reactants]
“Metabolomics is a new technology that applies advanced separation and detection methods to capture the collection of small molecules that characterize metabolic pathways. This rapidly developing discipline involves the study of the total repertoire of small molecules present in the biological samples, particularly urine, saliva, and blood plasma. Metabolites are the byproducts of metabolism, which is itself the process of converting food energy to mechanical energy or heat. Experts believe there are at least 3,000 metabolites that are essential for normal growth and development (primary metabolites) and thousands more unidentified (around 20,000, compared to an estimated 30,000 genes and 100,000 proteins) that are not essential for growth and development (secondary metabolites) but could represent prognostic, diagnostic, and surrogate markers for a disease state and a deeper understanding of mechanisms of disease. Of particular interest to metabolomics researchers are small, low-molecular weight compounds that serve as substrates and products in various metabolic pathways.” From: “Navigating the Human Metabolome for Biomarker Identification and Design of Pharmaceutical Molecules,” I. Kouskoumvekaki, G. Panagiotou, Journal of Biomedicine & Biotechnology, 2011:525497, 2011.

Birth of a Notion

[eighteenth-century Britain stripped of usable trees]
It wasn’t that Britain, or even England alone, had no trees. Transport technology at the time limited economically usable trees to those within 15 miles (24 kilometers) of any river or coast. Too much can be made of what was more usually a fairly local problem. For example, in the time of Henry VIII, England even exported wood (see Perlin, pages 163-164). “Fear of Wood Shortage and the Reality of the Woodland in Europe, c.1450-1850,” P. Warde, History Workshop Journal, 62(1):28-57, 2006. A Forest Journey: The Role of Wood in the Development of Civilization, John Perlin, W. W. Norton, 1989, especially pages 241-245. The History of the Countryside: The full fascinating story of Britain’s Landscape, Oliver Rackham, J. M. Dent & Sons, Ltd., 1986, pages 90-110.
[price of wood in Britain rose]
“[...] firewood prices had already risen 700 percent between 1500 and 1630 and three times as fast as the general price level between 1540 and 1630.” The Great Divergence: China, Europe, and the Making of the Modern World Economy, Kenneth Pomeranz, Princeton University Press, 2000, page 220. A Forest Journey: The Role of Wood in the Development of Civilization, John Perlin, W. W. Norton, 1989.

The high price of grain during (and artifically propped up after) the Napoleonic wars, compounded the problem. “No doubt, a labourer, whose income was only £20 a year, would, in general, act wisely in substituting hasty-pudding, barley bread, boiled milk, and potatoes, for bread and beer; but in most parts of this county, he is debarred not more by prejudice, than by local difficulties, from using a diet that requires cooking at home. The extreme dearness of fuel in Oxfordshire, compels him to purchase his dinner at the baker’s; and, from his unavoidable consumption of bread, he has little left for cloaths, in a country where warm cloathing is most essentially wanted.” The State of the Poor: or a history of the labouring classes in England, from the Conquest to the present period; in which are particularly considered, their domestic economy, with respect to diet, dress, fuel, and habitation; and the various plans which, from time to time, have been proposed and adopted for the relief of the poor: together with parochial reports relative to the administration of work-houses, and houses of industry; the state of the Friendly Societies, and other public institutions; in several agricultural, commercial and manufacturing, districts. With a large appendix; containing a comparative and chronological table of the prices of labour, of provisions, and of other commodities; an account of the poor in Scotland; and many original documents on subjects of national importance, Frederick Morton Eden, Volume II, B. & J. White, G. & G. Robinson, T. Payne, R. Faulder, T. Egerton, J. Debrett, and D. Bremner, 1797, page 587.

None of that means that the industrial phase change was good for Britain’s trees. In fact, with the coming of the railway, then the internal combustion engine able to reach anywhere, even more trees were cut until Britain’s forestation had dropped to an all-time low of four percent by 1918. Today it is 11 percent. A Reference for the Forestry Industry, The Forestry Industry Council of Great Britain, 1998.

Brtain’s (then continental Europe’s) attitudes to the natural world started changing after the scientific revolution (also, the scientific revolution was itself partly an outgrowth of changes in attitudes toward the natural world). Deforestation, rather than a calamity, increasingly came to be seen as a symptom of increased industrial change, and therefore of ‘progress.’

[coal abatement in England]
That was tried from early on, but no attempt to curtail its use lasted. As early as 1306, King Edward I tried and, by 1321, had already failed since his own palace ordered some of it. Report of the Commissioners Appointed To Inquire into the Several Matters Relating to Coal in the United Kingdom, Volume 3, George Douglas Campbell Argyll, G. E. Eyre and W. Spottiswoode for H. M. Stationery Office, 1871, page 4. “[Such] hath bene the plenty of wood in England for all uses, that within man’s memory it was held impossible to have any want of wood; but contrary to former imaginations, such hath been the great expense of timber for navigation; with infinite increase of building of houses, with the great expence of wood to make household furniture, casks, and other vessels not to be numbered, and of carts, waggons, and coaches; besides the extreame wast of wood in making iron, burning of brick and tile; that whereas in the year of our Lord God 1306, King Edward I. by proclamation prohibyted the burneing of sea-coale in London and the suburbs, to avoid the sulferous smoke and savour of the firing, and in the same proclamation commanded all persons to make their fires of wood; which was performed by all (Smith’s only excepted); yet at this present, through the great consuming of wood as aforesaid, and the neglect of planting of woods, there is so great scarcity of wood throughoute the whole kingdom, that not only the city of London, all haven townes, and in very many parts within the land, the inhabitants in general are constrained to make their fiers of sea-coale or pit coale, even in the chambers of honourable personages; and through necessitie, which is the mother of all arts, they have of very late years devised the making of iron, the making of all sorts of glass and burning of bricke with sea coal or pit coal.” From a book started by John Stow and completed by Edmond Howes, published in 1632. See: The History and Description of Fossil Fuel, the Collieries, and Coal Trade of Great Britain, John Holland, Whittaker, 1835, page 335.
[growing dependence on coal in China and elsewhere]
In parts of China we had started turning to coal perhaps four millennia before. Other of our nations had also been limited by vanishing wood supplies as our numbers slowly rose over the centuries. In France as early as the 1300s we had chopped down so much of our forests that they covered two million fewer acres than they would do by the 1970s. So we started importing coal from England and Belgium. By at least 1548, we started mining to make up the fuel shortage. By 1715, in parts of France, wood was so dear that ‘timber was not to be found.’ Civilization and Capitalism, 15th-18th Century, Volume I, The Structures of Everyday Life, Fernand Braudel, translated by Siân Reynolds, Harper & Row, 1981, page 368. The Medieval Machine: The Industrial Revolution of the Middle Ages, Jean Gimpel, Penguin, 1976, page 76.

“There is no positive information concerning the time when coal was first produced in France. During the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries coal was imported from Newcastle, England, and from Liege, Belgium, and traditions indicate that coal was being mined during this period in the Loire, Brassac, and Decize coal fields of France. In 1548 the first concession for coal mining of which there is any record was granted by Henry II. In 1667 Louis XIV placed an import tax on coal, which tax was increased in 1692, resulting in increased mining operations in France. In 1698 an edict was issued granting land proprietors the right to mine coal for their own profit on their lands without the permission of the sovereign, and as a result coal mining was actively carried on in France, beginning in the Loire and Brassac fields and gradually extending to the others. In 1744 Louis XV annulled the law of 1698, and required that thereafter concessions for coal mining must be obtained from the sovereign. The first concession for lignite mining was granted in 1788.” Coal Mine Labor in Europe, Carroll Davidson Wright, United States Bureau of Labor, 1905, page 183.

[in 1700 Britain produced five times as much coal as the rest of the world]
“[...] we must not overlook the important fact that coal was assuming an ever greater role in the British industrial economy from the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries, well before the onset of the ‘Industrial Revolution’, and thus long before any comparable industrial changes on (or in most of) the continent. John Hatcher has contended that: ‘In the latter half of the seventeenth century, sweeping changes occurred in the pattern of industrial coal consumption’, so that ‘by 1700 coal was the preferred fuel of almost all fuel consuming industries, and access to coal supplies had already begun to exert a determining influence over industrial location’. Even if the aforementioned textile industries did not, as noted earlier, undergo any significant technological changes in this era, certainly none involving power, nevertheless they also experienced a major growth in coal consumption for many of their industrial processes: from combing to dyeing to finishing; and in the production of dyestuffs and mordants. Hatcher estimates that British coal output (England, Scotland, Wales) had expanded almost 12-fold: from about 227,000 tons in 1560 to about 2.640 million tonnes [sic] in 1700, when it was supplying about half of England’s fuel needs. Anthony Wrigley has furthermore observed that British coal output was then at least five times greater than the combined output in the rest of the world.” From: “Tawney’s Century, 1540-1640: The Roots of Modern Capitalist Entrepreneurship,” J. Munro, in: The Invention of Enterprise: Entrepreneurship from ancient Mesopotamia to Modern Times, David S. Landes, Joel Mokyr, and William J. Baumol (editors), Princeton University Press, 2010, pages 107-155.

Continuity, Chance and Change: The Character of the Industrial Revolution in England, E. A. Wrigley, Cambridge University Press, 1988, page 54. The History of the British Coal Industry, Volume I: Before 1700: Towards the Age of Coal, John Hatcher, Clarendon Press, 1993, Table 4.1, page 68.

[patents in Britain from 1561 to 1642]
“In the period 1660-1750, 118 patents and extant applications covered water-raising devices or power sources that claimed water-raising as their main function. Twenty-five of them cited mines-drainage as their exclusive or principal application and a further 40 mentioned it as one of several functions.” Inventing the Industrial Revolution: The English Patent System, 1660-1800 Christine MacLeod, Cambridge University Press, 1988, page 101.

“[O]f the fifty-five patents granted for inventions granted during the reign of Elizabeth, 1561-99, one in seven is for the raising of water, and of the 127 patents granted between 1617 and 1642, the same proportion is observable.” A Short History of the Steam Engine, H. W. Dickinson, 1938, Frank Cass and Co., Reprint Edition, 1963, page 16.

[by 1700, mine depth in England already 360 feet]
“Among the causes which would prevent the miners from employing Savery’s engine, may be mentioned its limited range, and the danger of explosion attending its working. The greatest height to which it could raise water with safety, was not more than from 60 to 80 feet, so that for a mine of 50 or 60 fathoms [300 or 360 feet]—a depth which had already been reached in some districts at this time—no less than four or five engines would have been required, one delivering to the other. Such a complication of engines was not to be thought of. But in any case where the water was required to be raised to a considerable height, there was great danger of the boiler bursting, on account of its not being provided with any species of safety-valve.” The Steam Engine and Its Inventors; A Historical Sketch, Robert L. Galloway, Macmillan and Co., 1881, pages 66-67.
[deep mining before 1700]
Scientific American Inventions and Discoveries: All the Milestones in Ingenuity--From the Discovery of Fire to the Invention of the Microwave Oven, Rodney Carlisle, John Wiley & Sons, 2004, page 55. “Mining at Great Depths,” The Iron Age, Volume 59, March 4th 1897, page 14.
[experience with steam in Britain versus Russia]
Thus, in the 1700s Britain had far more experience with steam engines than Russia had. That’s why, for instance, Russia gave up on homemade ones after Polzunov died and his engine failed. It’s also why, in 1753, Britain banned further export of steam engines. Russia, denied the tools, then tried to sneak the tool-makers. The £1,000 a year offer to Watt in 1775 was only one of several such efforts. (Russia wasn’t the only place that tried to do so. British America also did, but successfully, sneak a steam engine and its maker in 1753 for the Schuyler copper mines in New Jersey.)
[Britain exported steam engines]
The first one was built in Saint Petersburg by John Desaguliers in 1717. It was the same one that fired the imagination of Ivan Polzunov in 1758. Britain exported steam engines to Russia, then Belgium, Hungary, France, Germany, Austria, and Sweden—but by 1753 Parliament banned their further export. By then it had realized how valuable the technology was. From then on, other nations tried to steal it, or those who could make it.
[English population doubled after 1520]
In 1520, it’s estimated that England’s population was about 2.35 million. By 1707, just before union with Scotland (to form Great Britain), it was about 5.2 million. That was about twice the growth rate of Europe.

English Medieval Population: Reconciling Time Series and Cross Sectional Evidences,” S. Broadberry, B. M. S. Campbell, B. van Leeuwen, (unpublished manuscript), 2010. “Statistics of production and productivity in English agriculture 1086-1871,” M. Overton, B. M. S. Campbell, in: Land productivity and agro-systems in the North Sea area (middle ages-20th century): Elements for Comparison, Bas J. P. van Bavel and Erik Thoen (editors), Brepols, 1999, pages 189-209. Christ’s Hospital of London, 1552-1598: “A Passing Deed of Pity”, Carol Kazmierczak Manzione, Associated University Presses, 1995, page 17. “People and Land in the Middle Ages, 1066-1500,” B. Campbell, in: Robert A. Dodgshon and Robin A. Butlin (editors), Historical Geography of England and Wales, Second Edition, Elsevier, 1990, pages 69-122. The Population History of England 1541-1871, A Reconstruction, E. A. Wrigley and R. S. Schofield, Cambridge University Press, 1981, Table 7.8, pages 208-209.

[ever since the 1500s...]
The date is somewhat arbitary. It’s chosen because 1543 was the year that the first one-piece cast-iron cannon was made in England. (It was made by a Frenchman, Peter Baude, at a foundry near Buxted, Sussex. He was employed by, or worked with, Ralph Hogge (aka Raffe Huggett), who was the servant of Rector and ironmaster William Levett, who had started the foundry, called Queenstock, with his brother John Levett.) “The lordship of Canterbury, iron-founding at Buxted, and the continental antecedents of cannon-founding in the Weald,” B. Awty, C. Whittick, Sussex Archaeological Collections, 140:71-81, 2002. Sussex Cavalcade, Arthur R. Ankers, Pond View Books, Revised Edition (with Michael Smith), 1997, pages 45-48. Industrial Biography: Iron Workers And Tool Makers, Samuel Smiles, John Murray, 1863, Chapter II.
[a king started the Royal Navy...]
That was Henry VIII and, well, not really. (As usual, the text simplifies a more complex story.) However, he was the first to spend large sums on shipbuilding and dockyards and defences against naval attack. He also encouraged continental iron, glass, and ship builders to come settle in England. He was also invaded by a fleet even larger than the Spanish Armada that Elizabeth I was to face 43 years later. (In 1545, two years before Henry died, Francis I of France tried invading England with 30,000 soldiers in over 200 ships. Henry had broken with the Pope, uniting Catholic Europe against newly Protestant England.) Henry had good reason to fear the continent.

Henry VIII had continued a major push to bring iron making to England, by importing foreign ironworkers. His father, Henry VII, the first Tudor king, had started the push in the 1490s, after he stole the throne. (For example, he started the first blast furnace in England in 1491.) But it was only by the 1540s, under his son Henry, that industry in England really started to take off. The push continued under Elizabeth I, Henry’s daughter, who continued to import foreign experts in the 1570s. She increased the production of brass and glass in England. All three sovereigns lived in great fear of invasion. And iron-, brass-, glass-, and ship- production all needed massive numbers of trees. For example, a battleship (like the later Victory, which launched in 1765) might need more than 6,000 trees, at least 2,000 of which were 100-year-old oak trees. The Mary Rose, which launched in 1511 and sank in 1545, needed around 600. D. Goodburn, “Woodworking Aspects of the Mary Rose,” in: Your Noblest Shippe: Anatomy of a Tudor Warship, The Archaeology of the Mary Rose, Volume 2, Peter Marsden (editor), The Mary Rose Trust, Marsden, 2009, pages 66-68, and 71. The Iron Industry of the Weald, Henry Cleere and David Crossley, Jeremy Hodgkinson (editor), Second Edition, Merton Priory Press, 1995. Industry before the Industrial Revolution: Incorporating a study of the Chartered Companies of the Society of Mines Royal and of Mineral and Battery Works, Volume II, William Reese, University of Wales Press, 1968. Wealdean Iron, Ernest Straker, G. Bell & Sons, 1931. Opera Mineralia Explicata: Or, The Mineral Kingdom, Within The Dominions Of Great Britain, Display’d. Being a Complete History of the Ancient Corporations of the City of London, of and for the Mines, the Mineral and the Battery works. With all the Original Grants, Leases, Instruments, Writs of Privilege and Protection, by Sea and Land, from Arrest (except in the Mineral Courts); or being Prest, or Serving Juries and Parish-Offices: as also the Records of the said Mineral Courts, from the Conquest, down to this present year, 1713. Likewise Proposals for New Settlements and Plentiful Provision for All the Industrious Poor, be their Number ever so Great. M. S. (that is, Moses Stringer), Jonas Brown, 1731, Chapter 3, pages 27 and on.

[“moat defensive”]
“This royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle, / This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars, / This other Eden, demi-paradise, / This fortress built by Nature for herself / Against infection and the hand of war, / This happy breed of men, this little world, / This precious stone set in the silver sea, / Which serves it in the office of a wall / Or as a moat defensive to a house, / Against the envy of less happier lands,-- / This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England.

Richard II, William Shakespeare, Act II, Scene I.

[...a war every 6 years from 1512 to 1672...]
England warred at least 26 times from 1512 to 1672. This Seat of Mars: War and the British Isles, 1485-1746, Charles Carlton, Yale University Press, 2011.
[Britain’s urban shift in the 1600s]
In England from the 1670s to the 1750s, towns with a population over 5,000 rose from around 13 percent to about 21 percent (rural agricultural population declined from over 60 percent to about 46 percent, and rural non-agricultural areas rose from about 26 percent to about 33 percent).

Here are estimates of urban population percentages: c. 1520 - 5.25 percent, c. 1600 - 8.00 percent, c. 1670 - 13.25 percent, c. 1700 - 16.25 percent, c. 1750 - 20.75 percent. c. 1800 - 27.75 percent. Energy and the English Industrial Revolution, E. A. Wrigley, Cambridge University Press, 2010, Table 3.2 page 61.

This is especially interesting given the discussion on the previous pages: “Removing English urban totals from those for Europe suggests that in continental Europe as a whole urbanisation was almost at a standstill between 1600 and 1800.” In other words, almost all new European urbanization in two entire centuries happened in England. Some of that was England playing catch-up with more heavily urbanized countries—particularly Italy and the Netherlands.

[king lost his head — ]
That was Charles I, who was beheaded. A king lost his head in 1649 because he misunderstood that an England that was urbanizing and reading was a very different England than the rural and illiterate one that his ancestors had ruled. Its inhabitants couldn’t be ordered about and taxed for wars as easily as before. But also they could work together and think together more easily. A made B more possible, but B amplified A, which accelerated A, which amplified B still more.

Of course, Charles I wasn’t the first monarch of England to be deposed, counting from Athelstan in 924. He was merely the first to be deposed via popular unrest. Before him, Harold II (1066), William II (1100) (possibly), Edward II (1327), Richard II (1399), Henry VI (1461), Edward V (uncrowned) (1483), Richard III (1485), and Jane (uncrowned) (1553), all lost dynastic (or external, in the case of Harold) power struggles. After him, only James II (1688) did.

[paper money in China 900 years ago]
Of all our nations, China has had, by far, our longest experience with paper money. In 1111 it issued a new paper currency to combat inflation and counterfeiting. “The Origins of Paper Money in China,” R. Von Glah, in: The Origins of Value: The Financial Innovations that Created Modern Capital Markets, William N. Goetzmann and K. Geert Rouwenhorst (editor), Oxford University Press, 2005, pages 71-75.
[finance in Sumer 3,800 years ago]
For example, in Sumer 3,800 years ago, Dumuzi-gamil, a risk-taker, borrowed eight and a half ounces of silver, at interest, from a money-lender. He then financed a bakery, which supplied a temple of the moon god. He also lent smaller sums, at higher interest, to farmers and fishers. Meanwhile, the money-lender took the money and ran by selling on the loan to two other risk-takers. Five years later, Dumuzi-gamil repaid the loan, plus interest, to his new bond-holders and made a huge profit. So even when we were still writing on wet clay, we already had a bond market. We also already had trade networks, loans, contracts, credit, interest, deeds, and venture capital. More recently we invented other tools of finance and trade—banks, insurance, joint-stock companies, stock markets, credit cards, hedge funds, and so on—but their principles are the same. We may invent such tools for our own profit-seeking reasons, but they spread because they increase formal exchange and thus let more of us work together without us necessarily intending to do so. They’re all networking tools. “The Invention of Interest: Sumerian Loans,” M. Van De Mieroop, in: The Origins of Value: The Financial Innovations that Created Modern Capital Markets, William N. Goetzmann and K. Geert Rouwenhorst (editor), Oxford University Press, 2005, page 26. The Babylonians: An Introduction, Gwendolyn Leick, Routledge, 2003, page 88. See also: The Invention of Enterprise: Entrepreneurship from Ancient Mesopotamia to Modern Times, David S. Landes, Joel Mokyr, and William J. Baumol (editors), Princeton University Press, 2010.
[By the 1670s the navy consumed over three-quarters of the national budget]
The figures actually are for the army and navy, but before Britain’s big land wars, that’s mostly the navy. “The Political Economy of British Taxation, 1660-1815,” P. K. O’Brien, The Economic History Review, New Series, 41(1):1-32, 1988.
[financial tools in the Netherlands]
The First Modern Economy: Success, Failure, and Perseverance of the Dutch Economy, 1500-1815, Jan De Vries and A. M. van der Woude, Cambridge University Press, 1997, especially Chapter 4. Labyrinths of Prosperity: Economic Follies, Democratic Remedies, Reuven Brenner, University of Michigan Press, 1994, pages 53-61.
[government bonds in Italy]
See, for example, the Venetian prestiti (forced) loans to the state, which were, at first, really a kind of tax, with no actual paper certificate, but became fungible, and thus liquid assets, and thus an exchangeable government bond. Genoa tried a variant, the luoghi. A History of Interest Rates, Sidney Homer and Richard Sylla, Wiley, Fourth Edition, 2005, pages 93-101.
[France was powerful in the 1690s]
In the 1620s, England feared Spain (and Austria). But from the 1670s on, France was expanding, and Louis the XIV ruled France. By the 1690s, the French standing army numbered 300,000, which was three times the size of the largest armies deployed during the Thirty Years War (1618-1648). England’s Troubles: Seventeenth-Century English Political Instability in European Context, Jonathan Scott, Cambridge University Press, 2000, page 167.
[political scuffle in 1688]
That was the ‘Glorious Revolution,’ when William III came to power (from James II). 1688: The First Modern Revolution, Steve Pincus, Yale University Press, 2009.
[England lost a naval battle in 1690]
That was the Battle of Beachy Head, on July 10th, 1690. The Wars of Louis XIV, 1667-1714, John A. Lynn, Longman, 1999, page 214.
[England lost a year of trade goods in 1693]
That was the Battle of Lagos (during the Nine Years’ War) on June 27th, 1693 (known at the time as June 17th). It’s also sometimes known as the Battle of the Smyrna Convoy. The Royal Navy: A History from the Earliest Times to the Present, Volume II, Wm. Laird Clowes, assisted by Clements Markham, A. T. Mahan, H. W. Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt, L. Carr Laughton, etc., Sampson Low, Marston and Company Limited, 1898, pages 357-360.
[the creation of the Bank of England]
In 1689 England discovered that war had grown insupportable under the current system of taxation, and with the current system of control of sovereign spending—even killing a king and having a civil war hadn’t worked sufficiently well. Parliament slowly took more and more charge as different ideas got tried. Cobbling together the successful ones, a new system evolved centered around a new idea, which effectively was a bond market as a mechanism to raise money reliably and tax in a way that seemed acceptable to the public. The Treasury devolved more and more responsibility to the Bank, which was left to be run by financiers and merchants, who became richer and more powerful. Taxes could be raised more efficiently, and could be raised to a higher level than before, and war could be expanded.

“From a period of immemorial antiquity it had been the practice of every English government to contract debts. What the Revolution introduced was the practice of honestly paying them.” The History of England from the Accession of James the Second, Vol. I Thomas Babington Macaulay, Tauchnitz, 1849, page 284 (and on).

“The immediate result of England’s entry into the war against France in 1689 was to make public expenditure increase between two and three times. [...] [B]oth the government and Parliament made serious mistakes which ran the new state into Crisis. [...] [T]here was before the 1690s little or no experience of large and sophisticated financial projects, either in Whitehall or in the City of London. [...] In the harsh and uncertain conditions of eighteenth-century life the state lottery was a perennial way of escape into wealth and leisure—if only in the imagination. [...] [I]t attracted more subscribers than any other form of government loan. [...] In April 1694, a month after passing the Bill for the Million Lottery, Parliament assented to a very different project whose consequences were to be as far-reaching as the prior decision to create a National Debt. This was the establishment of the Bank of England.” [...] The first measures taken to create a system of government long-term borrowing were thus marked by haste, carelessness, and episodic failure—even if in comparison with the management of short-term finance they were shiningly successful. But such mistakes and errors of judgement were perhaps inevitable in a trial period. Some valuable lessons had been learned: about the Connections between long- and short-dated finance, about consultation with the City of London, about the importance of foreign confidence in sterling, about the relative popularity of different kinds of loans. Above all, a national bank had been established which quickly showed that in the quality of its management it could challenge comparison with the Bank of Amsterdam, hitherto the cynosure of European eyes. It provided a point of growing importance around which the developing machine of government finance could turn.” The Financial Revolution in England: A Study in the Development of Public Credit, 1688-1756, P. G. M. Dickson, Macmillan, 1967, pages 46-47, 54, 57-58, and Table 2 (pages 48-49). See also page 256 for early bank subscribers. See also The Sinews of Power: War, Money, and the English State, 1688-1783, John Brewer, Unwin Hyman, 1989, Chapter 5.

“In effect, the Bank of England created a bond market, providing safe investment at reliable rates for investors and providing the government with a ready source of funds at low rates. It also systematized over several years the national debt. Over the long run, through the continental and world wars of the 1690s and the long eighteenth century until Waterloo, Britain had a huge financial advantage over much larger and arguably wealthier France, because its government could borrow at much lower rates, thanks to the Bank of England. The bank facilitated that borrowing and provided a ready source of currency, and the representative Parliament, which levied the taxes that provided reliable interest payments: institutions that got their beginnings in the arrangements that Parliament devised to finance the wars of William III.” Our First Revolution: The Remarkable British Upheaval That Inspired America’s Founding Fathers, Michael Barone, Random House, 2007, page 224.

The government was in such desperate need that it allowed the Bank of England to register as a joint-stock company—so, unlike every other bank, its investors had no personal liability if the bank failed. Its job was to lend money to the government at eight percent, and pass on that interest to its subscribers, less overhead costs (and profit). Its capital of £1.2 million was subscribed within 12 days. Only 60 percent of it, £720,000, was called up immediately, and that was loaned to the government in installments, the first of which was on August 1st, 1694. In return, the bank took the government’s promise to repay the loan, with interest (interest-bearing tallies, or bonds—in short, government debt), which essentially were backed by an Act of Parliament that amounted to earmarked taxes to be collected in future. The public then accepted the bank’s notes “as good as gold.” Thus for £100,000 in earmarked tax revenue, the government could drawn on £1.2 million (and the bank’s subscribers could expect £96,000 a year, and of course the bank’s proprietors could expect the difference, £4,000, every year). Overall, in the 15 years from 1688 to 1702, the government only borrowed £13 million as compared to the £59 million it raised in taxes.

However, the Bank of England wasn’t the first money-making scheme England tried to fund its latest war with France. The Bank was hard fought in Parliament, and were it not for the onerous war with France likely it would not have succeeded. Parliament first tried annuities and lotteries (which were popular) and tontines (which weren’t; a tontine is for a group who put in money and the last person to die gets it all). Nor was the Bank of England the first national bank; it’s just one of the oldest ones still surviving (after the Bank of Sweden). Banks had been founded in Amsterdam (1609), Barcelona (1609), Middle-burg (1616), Hamburg (1619), Delft (1621), Nuremberg (1621), Rotterdam (1635), and Sweden (1656).

The Making of Modern Finance: Liberal Governance and the Gold Standard, Samuel Knafo, Routledge, 2013, pages 91-97. 1688: The First Modern Revolution, Steve Pincus, Yale University Press, 2009, pages 388-393. “ ‘Fictitious cash’: English public finance and paper money, 1689-97,” R. Kleer, in: Money, Power, and Print: Interdisciplinary Studies of the Financial Revolution in the British Isles, Charles Ivar McGrath and Chris Fauske (editors), University of Delaware Press, 2008, pages 70-114. “How it All Began: the Monetary and Financial Architecture of Europe during the First Global Capital Markets, 1648-1815,” L. Neal, Financial History Review, 7(2):117-140, 2000. The Rise of Financial Capitalism: International Capital Markets in the Age of Reason, Larry Neal, Cambridge University Press, 1990. The Bank of England: A History, Volume 1, 1694-1787, John Clapham, Cambridge University Press, 1944, pages 19-58.

[effect of Britain’s bond market]
Britain’s bond market didn’t do all that by itself, but it helped catalyze all that. In essence, it was a bet that Britain made with itself that it would not only survive but prosper. That bet didn’t have to work—like any nation, Britain was making stuff up as it went along and could have fallen on its face at any point—nor did anyone foresee its effects; but that doesn’t matter. The bet led to a huge navy, which meant deficit spending, a huge national debt, and high taxes, which led to many scuffles in Parliament. But the bet also helped further shift Britain from farming to industry, from the countryside to the towns, from illiteracy to literacy. The effect of that cycle is part of why those of us in Britain were moving from generalizing for our home or village to specializing for some particular market in a town. It’s also part of why by 1750 one in five of us were townsfolk.
[Parliament argued over the national debt and high taxes]
Britain endured quite high taxes to build its navy: “the real cost of taxation afflicting Britain’s economy and society mounted decade by decade. That burden ... surpassed by a considerable margin the real and relative levels of taxation borne with such marked reluctance by the citizens of ancien régime France and was probably in excess of the taxes imposed on the population of other European powers, with the possible exception of Holland. The central authorities of a society which had undergone a revolution, occasioned initially by revolt against the taxes of a Stuart monarch, managed to appropriate significantly higher proportions of the nation’s income than the ‘despotisms’ of continental Europe. Between the Restoration and the French Revolution that share multiplied fivefold without provoking political upheavals, except among those fiscally privileged colonials of North America.” From: “The Political Economy of British Taxation, 1660-1815,” P. K. O’Brien, The Economic History Review, New Series, 41(1):1-32, 1988.

But there were many arguments over high taxes. For example, here’s part of one about increasing the size of the navy from 20,000 to 30,000 seamen in 1735. It’s part of a combined statement by Robert Walpole, Horatio Walpole, and (James?) Oglethorpe.

“To pretend to tell us, Sir, what France and Spain intended to have done last Year, or to pretend to tell us what they intend to do this next Year, with the Ships of War they have continued in Commission, is, I think, something extraordinary. We may perhaps guess at some of their Designs, but I shall always think it very imprudent, to leave the Peace and Quiet of this Nation to depend upon such Guess-work; especially when we consider, that they have no Occasion to fit out any great Fleet against any Power in Europe but ourselves; and therefore it is not to be presumed, that they would put themselves to such a great Expence, unless they were suspicious that the Measures they have resolved to pursue, may make this Nation engage in the War; and in such a Case, I think it is natural to believe, they would take the first Opportunity to invade or disturb us: They have such an absolute Command over all the Seamen of their Country, they have always such Numbers of regular Troops upon their Coasts, or within a few Days march of their Sea-Ports, that when they have their Ships ready equip’d and fit for sailing, it would be easy for them to clap Seamen and Land-Forces on Board; and they might arrive upon the Coasts of this Kingdom, before it would be possible for us to man and fit our Fleet sufficient to engage them, if we had not made some extraordinary Provision beforehand: This every Man must be convinced of, who knows the Difficulty we had to procure Seamen enough for the Squadron we fitted out last Summer, notwithstanding the long Time we had to look for them, and the Method of Pressing which we were even then obliged to make use of. Nor does it signify to tell us, that at this Rate we shall always be obliged to fit out Squadrons, and put ourselves to a great Expence, whenever any of our Neighbours begin to fit out one; for I take it to be a right Maxim, I really think we ought to prepare and fit out a Squadron, whenever we see any of our Neighbours doing so, unless we very well know the Purposes their Squadron is designed for. The Expence bestowed upon fitting out a Squadron may be an Expence to the Publick, but it is little or no Loss to the Nation; the whole is expended among our own People, and it not only improves our Seamen, by making them acquainted with the Service on Board a Man of War, but it increases their Number; for every Fleet we fit out encourages a Number of Land-Men to engage in the Sea-Service: Whereas, if by neglecting to do so, the Kingdom should be invaded, and a civil War kindled up, the Nation would in that Case suffer a real Loss, a Loss which might far surmount the Expence the Publick could be put to by the fitting out of twenty Squadrons; so that We may suffer by neglecting this Maxim, but can never suffer by observing it.

I shall readily grant, that this Nation would be more formidable, if we owed no publick Debts, and had the same Fleet and the same regular Army we have at present; but if we had no Squadron ready to put to Sea, nor any regular Troops ready to take the Field, I cannot admit that we should then be so formidable as we are at present, even tho’ we did not owe a Shilling in the World. We all know, that what now makes a Nation formidable, is not the Number nor the Riches of its Inhabitants, but the Number of Ships of War provided with able Seamen, and the Number of regular well disciplined Troops they have at Command: And, whatever Gentlemen may think of the Acceptation of his Majesty’s good Offices, I am persuaded they would not have been so readily accepted, if the Parties had not seen us preparing to do them bad Offices, in Case they had refused to accept of our good.”

“Debate in the Commons on the Number of Seamen for the Year 1735,” The Parliamentary History of England, From the Earliest Period to the Year 1803, Volume IX, A.D. 1733-1737, Hansard, 1811, pages 691-719, specifically pages 715-716.

[slavery nurtured Britain’s expansion]
A point first argued by Williams. Capitalism and Slavery, Eric Williams, 1944, Andre Deutsch, Reprint Edition, 1964.

The idea has been challenged as more quantitative and comparative data has come to light, but it’s hardly been disproved. Africans and the Industrial Revolution in England: A Study in International Trade and Economic Development, Joseph E. Inikori, Cambridge University Press, 2002. Slavery, Atlantic Trade and the British Economy, 1660-1800, Kenneth Morgan, Cambridge University Press, 2001. “The Atlantic Economy of the Eighteenth Century: Some Speculations on Economic Development in Britain America, Africa, and Elsewhere,” S. L. Engerman, Journal of European Economic History, 24(1):145-175, 1995. The Atlantic Slave Trade: Effects on Economies, Societies, and Peoples in Africa, the Americas, and Europe, Joseph E. Inikori and Stanley Engerman (editors), Duke University Press, 1992.

[...Lead, Tin, Fuller’s Earth, and coarse Wool]
That’s Voltair, writing in 1733. “As Trade enrich’d the Citizens in England, so it contributed to their Freedom, and this Freedom on the other Side extended their Commerce, whence arose the Grandeur of the State. Trade rais’d by insensible Degrees the naval Power, which gives the English a Superiority over the Seas, and they now are Masters of very near two hundred Ships of War. Posterity will very possibly be surpriz’d to hear that an Island whose only Produce is a little Lead, Tin, Fuller’s Earth, and coarse Wool, should become so powerful by its Commerce, as to be able to send in 1723, three Fleets at the same Time to three different and far distanc’d Parts of the Globe. One before Gibraltar, conquer’d and still possess’d by the English; a second to Porto Bello, to dispossess the King of Spain of the Treasures of the West-Indies; and a third into the Baltick, to prevent the Northern Powers from coming to an Engagement. [...]

In France the Title of Marquis is given gratis to any one who will accept of it; and whosoever arrives at Paris from the midst of the most remote Provinces with Money in his Purse, and a Name terminating in ac or ille, may strut about, and cry, such a Man as I! A Man of my Rank and Figure! And may look down upon a Trader with sovereign Contempt; whilst the Trader on the other Side, by thus often hearing his Profession treated so disdainfully, is Fool enough to blush at it. However, I need not say which is most useful to a Nation; a Lord, powder’d in the tip of the Mode, who knows exactly at what a Clock the King rises and goes to bed; and who gives himself Airs of Grandeur and State, at the same Time that he is acting the Slave in the Anti-chamber of a prime Minister; or a Merchant, who enriches his Country, dispatches Orders from his Compting-House to Surat and Grand Cairo, and contributes to the Felicity of the World.”

Letters Concerning the English Nation,. by Mr. de Voltaire. London, Printed for C. Davis in Pater-Noster-Row, and A. Lyon in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden. First edition, translated by John Lockman, 1733, pages 69-72.

[an unintended set of incitements in Britain]
Such a case could be made out of Mokyr’s introduction to: The British Industrial Revolution: An Economic Perspective, Joel Mokyr (editor), Second edition, Westview Press, 1999, pages 1-127.
[why Britain? The pinball game of history]
A lot of those changes followed from a few of us trying to pump water out of coal mines in 1700. The industrial phase change that followed was a bonfire that could burn only after a lot of tinder ended up, for whatever reasons, in one place and time. That happened first in Britain, perhaps just as farming happened first in Iraq millennia ago. But if our species does indeed pile up tinder over time, that tinder has to pile up enough somewhere first. Then it’s just a question of whether it’ll be dry enough there so that a match can set it ablaze. But if it isn’t, or if there is no suitable match, maybe it’ll pile up enough somewhere else, and be dry enough there, and a match will light it there—or not. Carry on the pinball game of history for long enough and it seems likely that at some point the tinder will catch fire somewhere, somewhen. Steam power happened in Britain in the 1700s as a byproduct of other things, and it was made possible as a byproduct of yet other things, each of which were themselves byproducts of still other things, and so on, back through time.

For a discussion of some of the current economic theories, see: The Most Powerful Idea in the World: A Story of Steam, Industry and Invention, William Rosen, University of Chicago Press, 2010, Chapter 11. However, Rosen avoids discussing at least two of the most venerable and still quite popular (even today) theories, namely: genes and religion.

Prime Movers

[“cry havoc”]
“A curse shall light upon the limbs of men; / Domestic fury and fierce civil strife / Shall cumber all the parts of Italy; / Blood and destruction shall be so in use / And dreadful objects so familiar / That mothers shall but smile when they behold / Their infants quartered with the hands of war, / All pity choked with custom of fell deeds; / And Caesar’s spirit, ranging for revenge, / With Ate by his side come hot from hell, / Shall in these confines with a monarch’s voice / Cry ‘Havoc!’ and let slip the dogs of war, / That this foul deed shall smell above the earth / With carrion men groaning for burial.”

Julius Caesar, William Shakespeare, Act III, Scene I.

[“tote that barge”]
“You an’ me, we sweat an’ strain / Body all achin’ and wracked wid pain / Tote dat barge! Lift dat bale! / Git a little drunk and ya lands in jail.” From: “Ol’ Man River,” Show Boat the 1927 Broadway Musical, Jerome Kern and Oscar Hammerstein II, 1927.
[prime mover]
In engineering, a prime mover converts energy into motive power (energy flows into mechanical energy).
[some first tools... ]
The first known sickles are 23Kya in Israel: “Composite Sickles and Cereal Harvesting Methods at 23,000-Years-Old Ohalo II, Israel,” I. Groman-Yaroslavski, E. Weiss, D. Nadel, PLoS ONE, 11(11):e0167151, 2016.

Hunter-gatherers in Japan had pottery perhaps as much as 16Kya. Ancient Jomon of Japan, Junko Habu, Cambridge University Press, 2002.

Hunter-gatherers in China had pre-neolithic pottery as much as 20Kya. “Early Pottery at 20,000 Years Ago in Xianrendong Cave, China,” X. Wu, C. Zhang, P. Goldberg, D. Cohen, Y. Pan, T. Arpin, O. Bar-Yosef, Science, 336(6089):1696-1700, 2012.

Oxen are castrated male cattle. Cattle were domesticated more than once, in one case (the zebu) in India perhaps 9Kya. “Domestication of cattle: Two or three events?,” D. Pitt, N. Sevane, E. L. Nicolazzi, D. E. MacHugh, S. D. E. Park, L. Colli, R. Martinez, M. W. Bruford, P. Orozco-terWengel, Evolutionary applications, 12(1):123-136, 2018.

Horses were (perhaps) domesticated perhaps 5.5Kya on the Steppes. “Reconstructing the origin and spread of horse domestication in the Eurasian steppe,” V. Warmuth, A. Eriksson, M. A. Bower, G. Barker, E. Barrett, B. K. Hanks, S. Li, D. Lomitashvili, M. Ochir-Goryaeva, G. V. Sizonov, V. Soyonov, A. Manica, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(21):8202-8206, 2012.

[Britain from 1750 to 1800]
Britain had great growing weather from 1720 to 1750, but the productivity of land in England may have more than doubled between 1700 and 1850, with a large jump coming after 1750, although the largest part of the increase came only after 1800. The Transformation of Rural England: Farming and the Landscape, 1700-1870, Tom Williamson, Exeter University Press, 2002. Agricultural Revolution in England: The Transformation of the Agrarian Economy 1500-1850, Mark Overton, Cambridge University Press, 1996.

It would be wrong, though, to assume that Britain in 1776 was already well-off, just because a larger but still tiny percentage of its population now were. Even as late as 1850 Britons only ate about as well as Indians did in 1998. In 1776 the Poor Laws were still in full force, and for good reason—most of the population were still starving, or near starvation. They were also strictly tied to the land—and not just in an farming sense, but also in a legal sense. To travel, the poor needed passes, which they rarely got.

For example, on May 28th, 1795, a bill slightly ameliorated the travel problem: “Many industrious poor persons, chargeable to the parish, township, or place where they live, merely from want of work there, would in any other place where sufficient employment is to be had, maintain themselves and families without being burthensome to any parish, township, or place; and such poor persons are for the most part compelled to live in their own parishes, townships, or places, and are not permitted to inhabit elsewhere, under pretence that they are likely to become chargeable to the parish, township, or place into which they go for the purpose of getting employment, although the labour of such poor persons might, in many instances, be very beneficial to such parish, township, or place.” Poor Removal Bill, 35 George III, Chapter 101, (To Prevent the Removal of Poor Persons, Until They Shall Become Actually Chargeable). The bill explicitly excluded pregnant females, as the law had done for centuries already—they were the least able to work and the most expensive to support.

[tool change before the steam engine in a zero-sum labor world]
Inventing a new tool (the wheelbarrow, for example) would be the same as if we suddenly got nicer weather. For a while we’d eat better, but we’d also make more kids. (Or rather, in a world with no incentive to control births, it might just be that more of our kids would survive infancy because we could feed them better; or it might be that we would ease up on infanticide because we would have more food.) Then those extra mouths would eat up the surplus. That would then drag us back down to about the same amount of food per person, given the tools and trade deals we had at the time. Or conversely, if lots of us died because the weather got bad or a pest hit the crops or a plague hit, then if that sudden pressure on us ever ended we’d each end up with more land, so we’d make more kids. That would then would push us back up to about the same numbers supported by the land, given the tools and trade deals that we had at the time. This is the Malthusian world. An Essay on the Principle of Population, Thomas Malthus, Oxford University Press, 1999.
[population growth to 1800]
“[I]t is fairly clear that up to 1800 or maybe 1750, no society had experienced sustained growth in per capita income. (Eighteenth century population growth also averaged one-third of 1 percent, the same as production growth.) That is, up to about two centuries ago, per capita incomes in all societies were stagnated at around $400 to $800 per year. [...] Between year 0 and year 1750, world population grew from around 160 million to perhaps 700 million (an increase of a factor of four in 1,750 years). In the assumed absence of growth in income per person, this means a factor of four increase in total production as well, which obviously could not have taken place without important technological changes. But in contrast to a modern society, a traditional agricultural society responds to technological change by increasing population, not living standards. Population dynamics in such a society obey a Malthusian law that maintains product per capita at $600 per year, independent of changes in productivity.” From: “The Industrial Revolution: Past and Future,” in: Lectures on Economic Growth, Robert E. Lucas, Harvard University Press, 2002, pages 109-188.

See also: The World Economy: A Millennia Perspective, Angus Maddison, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2001.

[early water screws and waterwheels]
The waterscrew, also known as the Archimedes screw may be much older, perhaps dating as far back as 2.7Kya in Nineveh (in Mesopotamia, today’s Iraq). The Mystery of the Hanging Garden of Babylon: An Elusive World Wonder Traced, Stephanie Dalley, Oxford University Press, 2013, pages 62-63. “A Relief of a Water-powered Stone Saw Mill on a Sarcophagus at Hierapolis and its Implications,” T. Ritti, K. Grewe, P. Kessener, Journal of Roman Archaeology, 20(1):138-163, 2007. “Water Mills in the Area of Sagalassos: A Disappearing Ancient Technology,” K. Donners, M. Waelkens, J. Deckers, Anatolian Studies, 52:1-17, 2002. “The Turn of the Screw: Optimal Design of An Archimedes Screw,” C. Rorres, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 126(1):72-80, 2000. Millstone and Hammer: The Origins of Water Power, M. J. T. Lewis, University of Hull Press, 1997.
[Japanese waterwheels in 610]
“Water Wheels in the Preindustrial Economy of Japan,” R. Minami, Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, 22(2):1-15, 1982.
[English watermills a millennium ago]
“Inland Water Transport in Medieval England—the View from the Mills: a Response to Jones,” J. Langdon, Journal of Historical Geography, 26(1):75-82, 2000. The Mills of Medieval England, Richard Holt, Blackwell Publishers, 1988, pages 7-8. Stronger than a Hundred Men: A History of the Vertical Water Wheel, Terry S. Reynolds, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1983. Domesday England, H. C. Darby, Cambridge University Press, 1977, page 361. “Domesday Water Mills,” M. T. Hodgen, Antiquity, 13(51):261-279, 1939.
[waterwheels and windmills versus the horse or man]
The History of the Machine, Sigvard Strandh, translated by Ann Henning, Dorset Press, 1989.
[advantage of early steam engines]
In 1744, Desaguliers noted that: “When Water is to be raised for supplying a Town or a Gentleman’s House, or a Mine is to be drained of the Water which hinders the getting of the Ore; if there be a River, Brook, or Collection of Springs in our power, it is best to make use of an Undershot, Overshot, or BreastWheel; or of any Fall of Water, in Costar’s Way, or that which I mentioned in Sect. 12. of this Lecture, if there be a Drain to carry off the falling Water: because as such a Power costs nothing, there is no other Expence but setting up an Engine, and keeping it in order. But where there is no Water to be had, and Coals are cheap, the Engine now call’d the Fire-Engine, or the Engine to raise Water by Fire, is the best and most effectual. But it is especially of immense Service (so as to be now Lect. XII. of general use) in the Coal-Works, where the Power of the Fire is made from the Refuse of the Coals, which would not otherwise be sold.” A Course of Experimental Philosophy, Volume 2, J. T. Desaguliers, M. Senex & T. Longman, 1744, pages 464-465.

Fifty years later (1795), one observer wrote that: “Water is seldom convenient; wind is a feeble and precarious agent; and muscular force is very expensive and very limited; but steam is free from each of these imperfections, and is superior to all in strength and duration.” Inventing the Industrial Revolution: The English Patent System, 1660-1800 Christine MacLeod, Cambridge University Press, 1988, page 176. However, steam engines were still expensive.

[problems with early steam engines]
“Patentees of steam engines concentrated instead on the major drawback of steam power—its expense. Nature provided wind and water irregularly but freely; cost-conscious manufacturers were often prepared to ignore the irregularity in order to benefit from the minimal running costs. And so patentees of steam engines feature largely among those who cited the saving of fuel as a goal of their invention; Watt’s separate condenser was but the most successful among many, prior to the compounding of steam engines (pioneered by Jonathan Hornblower and successfully resumed by Arthur Woolf early in the nineteenth century). Not that steam engines did not have reliability problems of their own: Edmund Cartwright promoted his chiefly for its fuel-saving potential, but also reckoned to have overcome a defect of other steam engines, their propensity ’without great care and attention, to be frequently out of order’. A water wheel might run foul of the weather, but it was mechanically far more dependable and quicker to repair than were early steam engines.” Inventing the Industrial Revolution: The English Patent System, 1660-1800 Christine MacLeod, Cambridge University Press, 1988, pages 176-177.
[...the better we got at making it: Abraham Darby’s grandson and James Watt]
Abraham Darby’s grandson, Abraham Darby III, works to keep ironmongers: Dynasty of Iron Founders: The Darbys and Coalbrookdale, Arthur Raistrick, Longmans, Green, & Co., 1953.

Watt had trouble: “[T]he making of the invention is not the sole difficulty. It is one thing to invent, said Sir Marc Brunel, and another thing to make the invention work.... [Watt’s steam-engine] was so much in advance of the mechanical capability of the age that it was with the greatest difficulty it could be executed. When labouring upon his invention at Glasgow, Watt was baffled and thrown into despair by the clumsiness and incompetency of his workmen. Writing to Dr. Roebuck on one occasion, he said, “You ask what is the principal hindrance in erecting engines? It is always the smith-work.” His first cylinder was made by a whitesmith, of hammered iron soldered together, but having used quicksilver to keep the cylinder air-tight, it dropped through the inequalities into the interior, and “played the devil with the solder.” Yet, inefficient though the whitesmith was, Watt could ill spare him, and we find him writing to Dr. Roebuck almost in despair, saying, “My old white-iron man is dead!” feeling his loss to be almost irreparable. His next cylinder was cast and bored at Carron, but it was so untrue that it proved next to useless. The piston could not be kept steam tight, notwithstanding the various expedients which were adopted of stuffing it with paper, cork, putty, pasteboard, and old hats.... Yet better work could not be had. First-rate workmen in machinery did not as yet exist; they were only in process of education. Nearly everything had to be done by hand. The tools used were of a very imperfect kind. A few ill-constructed lathes, with some drills and boring-machines of a rude sort, constituted the principal furniture of the workshop....

Watt endeavoured to remedy the defect by keeping certain sets of workmen to special classes of work, allowing them to do nothing else. Fathers were induced to bring up their sons at the same bench with themselves, and initiate them in the dexterity which they had acquired by experience; and at Soho it was not unusual for the same precise line of work to be followed by members of the same family for three generations. In this way as great a degree of accuracy of a mechanical kind was arrived at was practicable under the circumstances. But notwithstanding all this care, accuracy of fitting could not be secured so long as the manufacture of steam-engines was conducted mainly by hand.”

Industrial Biography: Iron Workers And Tool Makers, Samuel Smiles, John Murray, 1863, pages 179-181.

[...uphill battle...hard to keep skilled hands...]
“[...] when the men got well trained, the difficulty was to keep them. Foreign tempters were constantly trying to pick up Boulton and Watt’s men, and induce them by offers of larger wages to take service abroad. The two fitters sent up to London to erect the Bow engine were strongly pressed to go out to Russia. There were also French agents in England at the same time, who tried to induce certain of Boulton and Watt’s men to go over to Paris and communicate the secret of making the new engines to M. Perrier, who had undertaken to pump water from the Seine for the supply of Paris. The German States also sent over emissaries with a like object, Baron Stein having been specially commissioned by his Government to master the secret of Watt’s engine—to obtain working plans of it and bring away workmen capable of making it,—the first step taken being to obtain access to the engine-rooms by bribing the work men.” Lives of Boulton and Watt: Principally from the Original Soho Mss., Comprising also: A History of the Invention and Introduction of the Steam-Engine, Samuel Smiles, John Murray, 1865, pages 227-228.
[steam engine improvements]
“James Watt and his rotary engines,” R. L. Hills, Transactions of the Newcomen Society, 70(1):89-108, 1999. Power from Steam: A History of the Stationary Steam Engine, Richard L. Hills, Cambridge University Press, 1989.
[in 1800, one English textile factory...]
“An extensive cotton-mill is a striking instance of the application of the greatest powers to perform a prodigious quantity of light and easy work. A steam-engine of 100 horse-power, which has the strength of 880 men, gives a rapid motion to 50000 spindles, for spinning fine cotton thread: each spindle forms a separate thread; and the whole number work together, in an immense building erected on purpose, and so adapted to receive the machines that no room is lost. Besides these spindles the engine gives motion to an extensive suite of preparing machines which work the cotton by many successive operations, beginning with the cotton-wool in it raw and dirty state as it comes from abroad in bags, beating out the dirt, carding, or combing out and disentangling the fibres, till they are all laid straight and parallel to each other, and drawn out into long minute bands, ready to be twisted into thread by the spindles. Although spinning is not an operation of main force, the advantage of machinery in this case are still greater than in laborious work; for if the thread were to be spun by the distaff and spindle in the simplest manner which was in use in Queen Elizabeth’s time, each person could spin but one thread at a time, and the most diligent and expert spinner could not produce one-fourth as much thread as one of the spindles which are turned by this engine. Seven hundred and fifty people are sufficient to attend all the operations of such a cotton-mill; and by the assistance of the steam-engine they will be enabled to spin as much thread as 200000 persons could do without machinery, or one person can do as much as 266. The engine itself only requires two men to attend it, and supply it with fuel. Each spindle in a mill will produce between two and a half and three hanks (of 840 yards each) per day, which is upwards of a mile and a quarter of thread in twelve hours so that the 50000 spindles will produce 62500 miles of thread every day of twelve hours, which is more than a sufficient length to go two and a half times round the globe.” A Treatise on the Steam Engine: Historical, Practical, and Descriptive, John Farey, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, 1827, page 8. See also: A Statistical Account of the British Empire: Exhibiting Its Extent, Physical Capacities, Population, Industry, and Civil and Religious Institutions, Volume I, J. R. McCulloch, Charles Knight and Co., Second Edition, 1839, page 648 (footnote). History of the Cotton Manufacture in Great Britain: With a Notice of Its Early History in the East, and in All the Quarters of the Globe; A Description of the Great Mechanical Inventions which Have Caused Its Unexampled Extension in Britain; And a View of the Present State of the Manufacture, and the Condition of the Classes Engaged in Its Several Departments, Edward Baines, H. Fisher, R. Fisher, and P. Jackson, 1835, Chapter XI, pages 220-244.
[spread of steam in Britain in 1800]
Europe, 1783-1914, William Simpson and Martin Jones, Routledge, 2000, page 99. The Industrial and Commercial Revolutions in Great Britain During the Nineteenth Century, L. C. A. Knowles, George Routledge and Sons, 1921, page 73.

A Synergetic Machine

[coke smelting in China]
“By 1078 North China was producing annually more than 114,000 tons of pig iron (700 years later England would produce only half that amount).” China: A New History, John King Fairbank and Merle Goldman, Harvard University Press, Second Edition, 2006, page 89.

Why this, and similar advances, didn’t lead to a huge change in China is a puzzle. (The medieval Islamic world is also puzzling.) China had so very much so very early, but the pieces either didn’t come together in industrial synergy, or when they did they didn’t stay together long enough to break our pattern of subsistence. Why? At least one big piece of ‘network physics,’ and probably many big pieces, must still be missing. The Pattern of the Chinese Past, Mark Elvin, Stanford University Press, 1973.

[reduction in coal needs of steam engines, 1727 to 1860]
Power from Steam: A History of the Stationary Steam Engine, Richard L. Hills, Cambridge University Press, 1989. Steam Power and British Industrialisation to 1860, G. N. von Tunzelmann, Clarendon Press, 1978.
[growth of cotton mills in Manchester from 1783 to 1816]
“The Social Archaeology of Industrialisation: the example of Manchester During the 17th and 18th Centuries,” M. Nevell, in: Industrial Archaeology: Future Directions, Eleanor Conlin Casella and James Symonds (editors), Springer, 2005, pages 177-204. Power from Steam: A History of the Stationary Steam Engine, Richard L. Hills, Cambridge University Press, 1989, pages 42-45.
[fast, cheap, large-scale—pick any two]
This is similar to the ‘iron triangle’ in software engineering. It’s part of widespread observation in much project management, not just software.
[before 1830 industry couldn’t be fast, cheap, and large-scale]
With the steam engine we began to break through a barrier that we had never known that we could ever break through. Before the 1800s, that barrier lay between us and cheap, fast, and large-scale industry. Of course, large-scale industry had always been possible—we built the pyramids, for instance. But such industry either couldn’t be cheap, or it couldn’t be fast. It was as if three kids were trapped in a burning building, but we could only ever carry two, so we always had to decide which one had to die.

For example, to make pots we might need clay for the pots, potter’s wheels and lathes to shape the pots, flint and salt to glaze the pots, coal to fire the pots, power to grind the flint and run the wheels and lathes, and, of course, potters. But geography is a problem. Where do we put the pottery? Where the clay is? Where the coal is? How about where the power is? What about the flint, or salt—or potters? Wherever we site the pottery, we might need ships, carts, packhorses, and people, to fetch the clay, coal, flint, or whatever is missing—maybe even people—because to make pots we have to bring everything together. That transport adds either time or cost, or both. Plus, power is a special case. Waterwheels and windmills are stuck in place.

For any large-scale industry, we need large amounts of stuff. To make large amounts of any tangible thing, edible or not—whether it’s ground grain for an army, crucible steel for swords, spun thread for clothes, or dressed stones for a pyramid—we need lots of three things: power, hands, and resources (that is, materials and energy). To get lots of power—outside of ourselves and our draft animals, which would mean ongoing and irreducible food expense, even counting slavery—we usually need swift-running water, and to get that we need hills. To get lots of hands, we need food, which means water, but usually not swift-running water, which means plains. To get lots of resources beyond the usual—land, plants, and solar energy—we often need quarries or mines. However, hills, plains, and mines don’t often go together. Of course, that wouldn’t matter if mass transport, or any transport, was cheap, or at least fast, or better yet, both. But on land it wasn’t. So even after the horse, then the waterwheel, cheap, fast, and large-scale industry was all but impossible.

So for millennia most of our industry had to be small-scale. Only a few hands could move to where power was, or where resources were. Most hands stayed where food was, and we moved resources to where hands were, then hands made do for the missing power. None of us anywhere on the planet saw the problem, but we all faced it daily: Could we bring all three industrial needs—power, hands, and resources—together in one place? Or could we cut transport times, or costs, or maybe even both? Either way would smash the barrier and free us from our cage. In Britain, by around 1800, canals let us put a dent in the second, but the steam engine let us do both: the first by around 1800 with the steam-powered factory, then the second by around 1830 with the steam-powered locomotive.

[the pottery story]
That pottery story is based on Josiah Wedgwood’s 1762 petition to Parliament in support of a turnpike road because of the poor state of the roads. (This later evolved into a canal, and then later, a railway. The same sort of thing happened for cotton manufacturers in Manchester.)

“In Burslem, and its neighbourhood, are near one hundred and fifty separate Potteries, for making various kinds of stone and earthenware; which, together, find constant employment and support for near seven thousand people. The ware in these Potteries is exported in vast quantities from London, Bristol, Liverpool, Hull, and other seaports, to our several colonies in America and the West Indies, as well as to almost every port in Europe. Great quantities of flint-stones are used in making some of the ware, which are brought by sea, from different parts of the coast, to Liverpool and Hull: and the clay for the making of white ware is brought from Devonshire and Cornwall, chiefly to Liverpool; the materials from whence are brought by water, up the rivers Mersey and Weaver, to Winsford, in Cheshire; those from Hull, up the Trent, to Willington; and from Winsford and Willington, the whole are brought by land-carriage to Burslem. The ware, when made, is conveyed to Liverpool and Hull, in the same manner as the material brought from those places.

Many thousands of tons of shipping, and seamen in proportion, which in summer trade to the northern seas, are employed in winter in carrying materials for the Burslem ware: and, as much salt is consumed in glazing one species of it, as pays annually near £5,000 duty to Government. Add to these considerations the prodigious quantity of coals used in the Potteries, and the loading and freight this manufacture constantly supplies, as well for land-carriage as inland navigation, and it will appear, that the manufacturers, sailors, bargemen, carriers, colliers, men employed in the salt-works, and others who are supported by the pot trade, amount to a great many thousand people; and every shilling received for ware at foreign markets is so much clear gain to the nation, as not one foreigner is employed in, or any material imported from abroad for any branch of it; and the trade flourishes so much, as to have increased by two-thirds within the last fourteen years.

The Potters concerned in this very considerable manufacture, presuming from the above and many other reasons that might be offered, the Pot trade not unworthy the attention of Parliament, have presented a petition for leave to bring in a Bill to repair and widen the road from Red Bull, at Lawton, in Cheshire, to Cliff Bank, in Staffordshire; which runs quite through the Potteries, and falls at each end into a Turnpike road. This road, especially the northern road from Burslem to the Red Bull, is so very narrow, deep, and foundrous, as to be almost impassable for carriages; and in the winter, almost for pack-horses; for which reason, the carriages, with materials and ware, to and from Liverpool, and the salt-works in Cheshire, are obliged to go to Newcastle, and from thence to the Red Bull, which is nine miles and a half, (whereof three miles and a half, viz. from Burslem to Newcastle, are not Turnpike road), instead of five miles, which is the distance from Burslem to the Red Bull, by the road prayed to be amended.”

The Borough of Stoke-upon-Trent, in the Commencement of the Reign of Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria: Comprising Its History, Statistics, Civil Polity, & Traffic With Biographical and Geneologicial Notices of Eminent Individuals and Families; Also, the Manorial History of Newcastle-under-Lyme, and Incidental Notices of Other Neighbouring Place & Objects, John Ward, W. Lewis & Son, 1843, pages 28-29. For more general background, see also: The Wedgwoods: Being a Life of Josiah Wedgwood, With Notices of his Works and their Productions, Memoirs of the Wedgwood and other families And a History of the Early Potteries of Staffordshire, Llewellynn Jewitt, Virtue Brothers and Co., 1865, pages 162-163.

[Britain’s growing transport network—turnpike roads]
In Britain, the length of turnpike roads increased from 300 miles to around 15,000 miles from 1706 to 1770. By 1836, it was around 20,000 miles (17 percent of the entire paved road network). “Turnpike trusts and the transportation revolution in 18th century England,” D. Bogart, Explorations in Economic History, 42(4):479-508, 2005. Similarly, “by 1775, a network of canals connected all the major English ports of London, Bristol, Hull and Liverpool with every large coalfield.” The Day the Universe Changed, James Burke, Little, Brown, 1986, page 183.
[The first railroad: effect of the Stockton-Darlington railway line on the cost of coal in Stockton from 1825 to 1827]
The first railroad, just 25 miles long, halved the cost of a ton of coal—from 18 shillings to eight shillings and six pence. “The carriage of coals for landsale was the traffic on which the Company mainly relied for their revenue, and it was in connection with this traffic that the railway was first used. Extensive depôts, which stand out so prominently in the well-known lithographic view of the opening, had been erected at Darlington, on the west side of the Great North Road, near the Northgate Bridge. These were brick-arched cells, each thirty feet long, eighteen feet wide and thirteen feet high. Others, not so open to objection as the Darlington cells on the score of height, had been built, and were in course of erection, at Stockton. Soon after the opening of the railway, the price of coals at Stockton fell from 18s. to 12s., dropping afterwards [by 1827] down to 8s. 6d.” The North Eastern Railway: Its rise and development, William Weaver Tomlinson, Andrew Reid & Company, 1915, page 117.

“The [early British railways] originated in the wagon ways, or tramways, used in the coal industry, and it was only with the construction of the Stockton & Darlington Railway (S&DR) that it was discovered that railways could be used for passengers and general freight. The S&DR was launched in 1825 as a line designed to carry coal some 30 miles from collieries south of Durham to Stockton on the coast so that it could be transported by ship to London and elsewhere. The intention was to reduce the exorbitant cost of moving coal from the colliery to the coast. The S&DR’s authorising Act of Parliament followed the pattern of those for turnpike roads and canals. While the S&DR was free to operate its own vehicles on the railway, it had to permit the owners of other vehicles to use it on payment of a toll. The result was that the railway was used in a variety of different ways. Most of the traffic was pulled by horses, and while a large proportion of the trains were owned by the S&DR itself, individual colliery owners used their own wagons and horses. It was also used for passenger traffic, and two lady publicans ran horse-drawn carriages. The result was a combination of chaos, invention and success. The railway was built as a single track with passing places, and as traffic increased there were queues (and disputes) for their use. Light passenger coaches were supposed to give way to heavier coal trains. The locomotive engines introduced under the guidance of George Stephenson confirmed that mobile engines were at least as good as suppliers of motive power such as horses or stationary engines hauling wagons by ropes. The success, both technical and commercial, of the S&DR demonstrated for the first time that railways could have a commercial use beyond coal and mineral traffic in the north-east of England.

The discovery that railways could be highly profitable for transporting goods generally, not just coal and people, was made by the Liverpool and Manchester Railway (L&MR), which set the pattern for all other railways. Like the S&DR, the L&MR was established to break the stranglehold of a monopoly canal which took an indirect route between the two cities. The result of the monopoly was that the rapidly expanding cotton trade was faced with massive transport costs between its main centre, Manchester, and its chief port, Liverpool. As a consequence, and in what was to become the traditional fashion, the businessmen of the two cities, Liverpool merchants and Manchester mill owners, collaborated to build a railway between the two centres. An Act was passed in 1826, and the railway was opened in September 1830. Almost immediately upon completion, the L&MR was carrying mail, road ‘containers’ for Pickfords and had begun passenger excursions. From the start the proportion of passenger traffic was far larger than had been expected. It rapidly became clear that there were very large profits to be made, and that passengers as much as freight would be responsible for profitability. By the end of 1830, 70,000 passengers had been carried by the L&MR, and between 1831 and 1845 passengers accounted for 56 per cent of its total traffic receipts.” Parallels between the early British railways and the ICT revolution, Robert C. B. Miller, The Institute of Economic Affairs, 2003, pages 34-35.

[railway mania in 1825]
“The year 1825 marks one of those periods in history when the speculative mania, always present in a commercial community, and more or less active, suddenly burst into delirium: projects, however visionary, were eagerly taken up; shares in ideal mines were bought and sold with marvellous celerity; and thousands became dupes of their own folly or thirst for gain. Every thing was to be done by steam: by means of coal-gas, people were ‘to ride among the clouds at the rate of forty miles an hour, and whirl along a turnpike-road at the rate of twelve miles an hour, having relays, at every fifteen miles, of bottled gas instead of relays of horses.’ A writer of the day remarks: ‘this nondescript gas-breathing animal, something of the velocipede family, is intended to crawl over the ground by protruding from behind it six or eight legs on either side in alternate succession.’ And referring to the numerous schemes then put forward for railways, he continues: ‘nothing now is heard of but railroads; the daily papers teem with notices of new lines of them in every direction, and pamphlets and paragraphs are thrown before the public eye, recommending nothing short of making them general throughout the kingdom.’ All the great towns of the north were to be connected by railways: Liverpool with Birmingham, Birmingham with London, London with Dover. The ironmasters—trade being slack, and having an eye to business—had the credit of fostering the speculative spirit for their own interests. ‘All physical obstructions,’ as Telford said, ‘were forgotten or overlooked amid the splendour of the gigantic undertakings.’

Real enterprise was, however, steadily pursuing its aim amid all the excitement. Application had been made to parliament for leave to lay down a railway from Liverpool to Manchester—a work then become indispensable to those two increasing and important towns. At that period, and for some time afterwards, canal-boats, and slow, heavy roadwagons were the only available means for the transport of heavy goods or bulky merchandise. The charge for conveyance from London to Yorkshire amounted frequently to £13 per ton, and even at this high cost the service was very imperfect. Beneficial as canals had proved they were becoming inadequate to the growing requirements of trade. Besides the road there were two canals for the traffic between Liverpool and Manchester, the distance by the latter fifty-five miles, and the carriage of goods in some intances £2 per ton. Manchester was so entirely dependent on Liverpool for supplies of raw material, and the saving of time in transport so much an object, that any measure for an additional route was more a necessity than a speculation. It was notorious that goods were frequently conveyed from Liverpool to New York in less time than to Manchester. To make a third canal was impossible, as the district afforded no more water than sufficed for the two already existing. A thousand tons of merchandise were sent daily between the two towns, and produced a yearly revenue of £200,000 to the carriers. On one of the canals the profits were so great that the proprietors received the amount of their original outlay every alternate year.

Reasonable compliance with their wishes would have satisfied the merchants, who sought only to secure prompt and certain means of transport, not to depreciate canal property. Failing in their object, a railway, which had from time to time been talked about, was again discussed. The ‘Liverpool and Manchester Railway Company’ was formed, and their prospectus issued in 1824. In the following year the bill came before parliament, and there encountered all the opposition which selfishness could invent or ignorance employ, as may be seen in the parliamentary records of the session. The bill, however, was successfully carried in 1826.”

“Railway Communications,” in: Chambers’s Papers for the People, Volume 12, William Chambers, J. W. Moore, 1852, pages 14-15.

See also: “The collapse of the Railway Mania, the development of capital markets, and the forgotten role of Robert Lucas Nash,” A. Odlyzko, Accounting History Review, 21(3):309-345, 2011. “This time is different: An example of a giant, wildly speculative, and successful investment mania,” A. Odlyzko, B. E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 10(1):article 60, 2010. Fire & Steam: A History of the Railways in Britain, C. Wolmar, Atlantic Book, 2007. The Railway Mania and Its Aftermath, 1845-1852, Henry Grote Lewin, The Railway Gazette, 1936.

[tool change speedup]
This is the proposed change that led to our break from the Malthusian world, so the discussion here analyzes some Malthusian pressures that led to rising populations driving us to larger and larger ‘carrying capacities.’
[cost of engine labor fell below cost of human labor]
The Marvels of Modern Mechanism and their relation to Social Betterment, Jerome Bruce Crabtree, The King-Richardson Company, 1901, pages 500-503. “The Animal as a Machine,” R. H. Thurston, The North American Review, Volume 163, July 1896, pages 607-619. The Animal as a Machine and a Prime Motor, and the Laws of Energetics, R. H. Thurston, John Wiley & sons, 1894. “Energy and Labour,” G. C. Cuningham, Transactions of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, Volume 5, Part I, January to June 1891, pages 235-261. “Black Diamonds,” F. M. Maury, Popular Science Volume 14, January 1879, pages 337-345. Fourteen Weeks in Physics: Steele’s Series in the Natural Sciences, J. Dorman Steele, A. S. Barnes & Company, 1878, page 181.
[steam’s contribution to growth before 1830 was small]
The British Industrial Revolution in Global Perspective, Robert C. Allen, Cambridge University Press, 2009. “Steam as a General Purpose Technology: A Growth Accounting Perspective,” N. Crafts, Economic Journal, 114(495):338-351, 2004.

Allen convincingly argues that in Britain, as opposed to France and China, labor was expensive and capital and energy were cheap. The substitution of capital and energy for labor was then economically forced. This is a great argument. However, it doesn’t quite explain why Britain was able to supply the machinery and know-how to accomplish that substitution, and why that particular substitution then went on to trigger such huge changes.

Also, see Elvin, and the even earlier Killough, for a sketch of an earlier version of the same argument: The Pattern of the Chinese Past, Mark Elvin, Stanford University Press, 1973. International Trade, Hugh Baxter Killough, McGraw-Hill, 1938, pages 83-84.

[Britain’s exploding iron production 1800-1872]
“The Output of the British Iron Industry Before 1870,” P. Riden, The Economic History Review, 30(3):442-459, 1977. Griffiths’ Guide to the Iron Trade of Great Britain, with plates and illustrations, Contains An Elaborate Review of the Iron & Coal Trades for Last Year, Addresses and Names of all Ironmasters with a list of Blast Furnaces, Iron Manufactories, and other Statistics and Information respecting Iron and Coal which may be useful to Merchants Coalowners Brokers Bankers Ironmasters and all others interested in the Iron Trade, Samuel Griffiths, 1873, page 2.

The following quote seems apropos: “This is not inappropriately called the iron age, and certainly it deserves the name of the metallic age. That men should chase wild animals, and having taken, should tame and feed them, and thus always secure a supply; that they should appropriate the spontaneous fruits of the earth, and, imitating the processes of nature, should cast seed into the ground and become cultivators, always to have the fruits of the earth; that they should, from wrapping their limbs in the skins of animals, weave clothing to protect their bodies and become manufacturers; that they should launch a hollow tree on a stream, and end by navigating every part of the ocean, absolutely winning bread from the salt wave,— seems less surprising than that that they should find the means of subsistence and of welfare in the bowels of the earth.... [E]very step has been successive; slowly, gradually, but surely, has man been led from utter ignorance of the objects around him to use and profit by every solid thing on the surface of the earth, by the waters which surround it, by the circumambient atmosphere, and by the minerals deep hidden in its bowels.... In 1798... the make of iron [in Britain] was 125,000 tons; in 1806 it was 258,000 tons; in 1823 it was 450,000 tons; in 1830, 670,000 tons; and now it is more than five times as much. We use iron in ways that our fathers never thought of. Our palaces and our ships are built of iron. Our railways are in the main iron; our telegraphs depend on iron.” From: “The British Iron Trade,” The Economist, 14(659):391-392, 1856.

[the railway in the United States]
Nothing Like It in the World: The Men Who Built the Transcontinental Railroad, 1863-1869, Stephen E. Ambrose, Simon & Schuster, 2000. By 1916, railway mileage in United States was 254,037 miles of ‘road (first track) owned.’ By 1929, it was 249,433 miles. Statistical Abstract of the United States, United States Bureau of the Census, 1931, page 411. However, for a counterfactual economic analysis that the railway might have made little economic difference see: Railroads and American Economic Growth: Essays in Econometric History, Robert W. Fogel, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1964.
[coal and iron production in Germany]
The Spirit of Capitalism: Nationalism and Economic Growth, Liah Greenfeld, Harvard University Press, 2001, pages 216-218. The Economic Consequence of the Peace, John Maynard Keynes, Harcourt, Brace and Howe, 1920, page 16.
As a sign of just how fast the changes came, trains flew between places so fast that keeping time by the sun abruptly stopped making sense. Railroads in Britain created the idea of time zones then standardized them in 1847, just 17 years after the first commercial railroad there. Those in northern Germany standardized in 1874. Those in Sweden did the same in 1879. Those in the United States did so in 1883—just 14 years after the first transcontinental railroad there. Entire continents were now changing in a matter of decades. That was completely new.
The industrial dynamic sketched in the text went like this: mine coal to smelt iron to build machinery to build factories to build locomotives to power railways to move coal to fuel factories to make machinery to mine coal to fuel machinery to mine iron to build machinery—to mine yet more coal, to smelt yet more iron, and so on.

Our industrial phase change wasn’t the first time we fell into that kind of pulsing, self-propelling, synergetic cycle. In our recent past, for example, we autocatalytically cemented another: get slaves to harvest sugar to buy tobacco to buy ships to get slaves to work plantations to buy opium to buy tea to get slaves. That particular cycle changed the futures of Britain, the United States, the Caribbean, Africa, India, Indonesia, and China. We made another cycle even further back in time: make war to get slaves to grow food to feed slaves to swell armies to support kings to make war to get slaves. The industrial phase change, however, may be our first synergetic cycle that didn’t directly depend on slaves.

The text takes some liberties with the term a chemist might use for that kind of process. The word ‘synergy’ comes from the Greek synergos, which roughly means ‘working together’ or ‘combined action.’ The word is in common use but chemists don’t normally use the word (although they might sometimes use ‘synergistic’). For the same idea (of a self-stimulating reaction network) they might instead say ‘jointly catalytic’ or ‘collectively autocatalytic’ or ‘network catalytic.’ But such phrases are too cumbersome for a book of popular science. For a survey of much more relaxed meanings of the word in physics, chemistry, biology, ecology, and anthropology, see: Holistic Darwinism: Synergy, Cybernetics, and the Bioeconomics of Evolution, Peter A. Corning, University of Chicago Press, 2005. “The Synergism Hypothesis: On the Concept of Synergy and Its Role in the Evolution of Complex Systems,” P. A. Corning, Journal of Social and Evolutionary Systems, 21(2):133-172, 1998.

In economics, a similar idea is called ‘agglomeration economies’ or ‘economies of agglomeration’ (also sometimes ‘economies of scope’) (to contrast it with ‘economies of scale’—also called ‘increasing returns to scale’—which is subdivided into ‘internal,’ that is, at the firm level, and ‘external,’ that is, at the industry level). It’s related to what economists from Adam Smith on call ‘division of labor’ (that is, specialization) coupled with concomitant ‘externalities,’ ‘complementarities,’ ‘spillovers,’ and ‘increasing returns.’ Paul Krugman extended that to ‘economic geography’ (or ‘geographic economics’—or sometimes ‘location theory’) then to international trade, based on Alfred Marshall’s 1890 observation of the spatial formation of reaction networks (he didn’t call it that). That is, it is division of labor when that happens across multiple nearby firms (for example, in a city) as opposed to inside one firm. Perhaps the distinctions that economists draw relate to whether the division of labor is intentioned or not, whether it pre-dates or post-dates some event (that is, whether it happens as a result of some event, or whether the event happens because of it), whether it’s within one firm or not, within one industry or not, or within one cluster, city, or country or not. But for the text’s purposes, none of that matters since attribution of invention, ownership, and income division is irrelevant from the species point of view. Agglomeration Economics, Edward L. Glaeser (editor), University of Chicago Press, 2010. World Development Report 2009: Reshaping Economic Geography, The World Bank, 2009, Chapter 4. “Intra-industry Foreign Direct Investment,” L. Alfaro, A. Charlton, American Economic Review, 99(5):2096-2119, 2009. “Location, Competition and Economic Development: Local Clusters in a Global Economy,” M. Porter, Economic Development Quarterly, 14(1):15-34, 2000. “Urban Concentration: The Role of Increasing Returns and Transport Goods,” P. Krugman, International Regional Science Review, 19(1-2):5-30, 1996. Principles of Economics: An Introductory Volume, Alfred Marshall, Macmillan and Co., Ltd., 1890, pages 271-272.

[synergetic biochemical networks]
Many important biochemical networks are synergetic. The Krebs cycle in our mitochondria is one such. Our body takes in food, breaks it down, then feeds the parts to our mitochondria. In them, a molecular network uses the eight synergetic steps of the Krebs cycle to take those parts and both reproduce itself and produce essentially all our body’s usable energy. The Calvin cycle in plant chloroplasts produces parts useful for everything in our body. All our sugars, fats, and proteins start inside it. All our vitamins, and all our DNA start there. For millions of years, the core molecules of the Krebs and Calvin cycles have reproduced themselves so that they, and the synergetic networks that they form, can continue to persist, keeping us all alive.


[“people prefer lottery tickets”]
A Capitalist Romance: Singer and the Sewing Machine, Ruth Brandon, Lippincott, 1977, page 45.
[first practical sewing machine]
Singer didn’t invent the sewing machine. As with Watt, he improved a bit of it until it became economically practical. Barthlélémy Thimonnier patented the first one in 1830. Benjamin Wilson, Walter Hunt, Elias Howe, Charles Morey and Joseph Johnson, and John Bachelder also worked on sewing machines. Charles Weisenthal, Thomas Saint, Henry Lye, women in all agrarian groups everywhere and everywhen. But to look only at agrarian groups because they represent the bulk of our groups today is to overfocus. Pastoralists (herders, like say the Hebrews before they settled in Canaan) might be different. And nomads (like the Eurasian horseclans) are different again. As are hunter-gatherers. Herders, horseclans, and hunter-gatherers lived differently since they didn’t farm.

For millennia, however, men and women had well-defined roles. In China, for example, the saying is nan geng nü zhi (men plow women weave). For millennia, agrarian synergy had forced women all over the world into baby-making. When you’re a perpetual baby-machine, the three jobs that best fit you are child watching, home food production, and home clothing production. When some of us were speaking languages like Akkadian, those jobs were spinning thread and weaving, and milling flour and cooking. But in the 1800s such tasks began to matter far less than before. Our new factories and industrial farms were pumping out mass-produced food and clothes in vast peristaltic waves. Clothes got so cheap that many of us could afford more than one set. Food also got cheaper and cheaper. Child watching costs also declined as cities grew and schools ballooned. All three of the traditional female occupations grew less economically valuable. Women found other things to do, things that paid money.

[Baltimore to Philadelphia cost $11]
Adams gives the following figures: $6 for the coach, $2.25 for room and board each day, and a journey of three days. History of the United States of America During the Administrations of Thomas Jefferson, Henry Adams, Library of America, 1986, page 13.
[...laundress or caterer]
“Female Slave Participation in the Urban Market: Richmond, Virginia, 1780-1860,” M. Takagi, University of Memphis Working Paper 8, 1994.
[married women as property]
In English, the legal term for a married woman during most of European (and European colonial) history is ‘feme covert,’ (a single woman is a ‘feme sole’) and the whole institution is called ‘Coverture.’ When women married, they were covered by their husbands, in all senses of the word. In most of Europe that meant they couldn’t testify against their husbands, they couldn’t control money, or own property, or sign any legal document. Women and Gender in Medieval Europe: An Encyclopedia, Margaret Schaus (editor), CRC Press, 2006, pages 282-283.
[“their numbers [double] every twenty years”...]
That was Nicholas Cresswell, an English vistor who had intended to settle, but left as the 1776 war of Independence made his stay untenable. He was remarking on how early most women married.

“They are rather volatile than otherwise, but in general have very good natural capacities. If they have any genius, it is not cramped in their infancy by being overawed by their parents. There is very little subordination observed in their youth. Implicit obedience to old age is not among their qualifications. Their persons are in general tall and genteel, particularly the women, they are remarkably well shaped. I think I have not seen three crooked women in the country. Few, or none of them wear stays in the summer and there are but few that wear them constantly in the winter, which may be a principal reason why they have such good shapes. But to counterbalance this great perfection they have very bad teeth. Very few of them have a good mouth at twenty-five. It is said that eating so much hot bread (for they in general bake every meal) and fruit, is the reason why their teeth decay so early. They are good natured, familiar, and agreeable upon the whole, but confoundedly indolent. The men are universal Mechanics, Carpenters, Sadlers and Coopers, but very indifferent Husbandmen. Though the inhabitants of this Country are composed of different Nations and different languages, yet it is very remarkable that they in general speak better English than the English do. No County or Colonial dialect is to be distinguished here, except it be the New Englanders, who have a sort of whining cadence that I cannot describe.

The great population of this country is amazing. The emigration from Europe, added to the natural population, is supposed to double their numbers every twenty years, some will say, every sixteen years. It is certain that they increase much faster than they do in England, indeed they marry much sooner. Perhaps one reason may be, in England they cannot maintain a family with so much ease as they do in America which I believe deters many from marrying very early in life. None in England, but those who have not the fear of want and poverty before their eyes, will marry till they have a sufficiency to maintain and provide for a family. But here there are no fears of that sort and with the least spark of industry, they may support a family of small children. When they grow to manhood, they can provide for themselves. That great curiosity, an Old Maid, is seldom seen in this country. They generally marry before they are twenty-two, often before they are sixteen.

In short, this was a paradise on Earth for women, the epicure’s Elysium and the very centre of freedom and hospitality. But in the short space of three years, it has become the theatre of War, the Country of distraction, and the seat of slavery, confusion, and lawless oppression. May the Almighty of his infinite goodness and mercy, reunite and reestablish them on their former happy and flourishing situation. I am almost tired with scribbling, but these hints may be of service if ever I correct my Journal.”

“Saturday, July 19th, 1777.” The Journal of Nicholas Cresswell, 1774-1777, edited by Samuel Thornely, Dial Press, 1924.

[“the children swarm on the rich land” ...]
That was a French official remarking on many women who married in their late teens. In the early 1800s, that was especially so in the rural south. However, the average marital age for white women in the more industrial north was about 20. Chevalier Félix de Beaujour, France’s consul general to the United States from 1804 to 1811, wrote that, “No human consideration there operates as a hindrance to reproduction, and the children swarm on the rich land in the same manner as do insects.” From: “The History of the Family” M. R. Haines, Taylor & Francis Online, 1(1):15-39, 1996. Same paper: “Long Term Marriage Patterns in the United States From Colonial Times to the Present,” M. R. Haines, Historical Paper 80, National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), 1996.
[no more guns from Europe]
In particular, Britain and Spain stopped supplying guns to the natives after losing the War of 1812. France was tied up in the tail end of the Napoleonic wars, and was soon to be defeated (in 1815, with the Battle of Waterloo). Russia was unsure that it could project its military power that far away.
[expanding frontier]
The United States jumped from 17 states to 24 just from 1812 to 1821. It added Louisiana, Indiana, Mississippi, Illinois, Alabama, Maine, and Missouri.
[guns and smallpox]
Ecological Imperialism: The Biological Expansion of Europe, 900-1900, Alfred W. Crosby, Cambridge University Press, Second Edition, 2004. Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies, Jared Diamond, W. W. Norton, 1997.
[no working steam engine in the United States in 1800]
Steam engine production in the United States didn’t begin until 1801. “Notes of steam engines in the United States about the year 1801, and a description of those in use at the Water-Works of the City of Philadelphia,” F. Graff, Scientific American, Supplement, 35(19):706-708, 1876. However, the Philadelphia engine wasn’t the first one to operate in the United States, it was just the first one built there. In 1753, the colonies that were to become the United States got their first steam engine. It was smuggled from Britain to New Jersey that year. American Science and Invention, A Pictorial History: The Fabulous Story of How American Dreamers, Wizards, and Inspired Tinkers Converted a Wilderness into the Wonder of the World, Mitchell Wilson, Simon & Schuster, 1954, pages 48-49.
[early steam engine production in the United States]
History of the Rise and Progress of the Iron Trade of the United States, from 1621 to 1857: With Numerous Statistical Tables, Relating to the Manufacture, Importation, Exportation, and Prices of Iron for More Than a Century, B. F. French, Wiley & Halsted, 1858, page 37. The number of Pittsburgh steam engine factories in 1830 is listed in: Pittsburgh and Allegheny in the Centennial Year, George H. Thurston, A. A. Anderson & Son, 1876, page 172. For more detailed estimates, and also for Cincinatti steam factories, see: Pittsburgh as it is: or, Facts and Figures, exhibiting the Past and Present of Pittsburgh; Its Advantages, Resources, Manufactures, and Commerce, George H. Thurston, W. S. Haven, 1857, page 118. A History of Manufactures in the Ohio Valley to the Year 1860, Isaac Lippincott, University of Chicago Press, 1914, pages 108-109.
[women in the early United States]
By 1830 in the United States, women’s lives there were still much the same as in 1800. Even with a severe labor shortage, the idea of paying most women (other than freed slaves) to work was still too alien to imagine. Nor did most women, slave or free, expect to be paid. Nor did they expect to have any control over their bodies or lives.

But that didn’t make the United States truly unusual. Britain, and the rest of Eurasia, wasn’t much different, except for being far more urban. That pattern had held for millennia. For example, in seventeenth-century England, Shakespeare could read, but neither of his daughters could. The pattern wasn’t uniform, though. Small newly rich places could be different. For instance, in fourteenth-century Florence, Dante pined for the good old days—back before rich Florentine women grew so uppity. (Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy, Paradiso, Canto XV.) “Gender and Civic Authority: Sexual Control in a Medieval Italian Town,” C. Lansing, Journal of Social History, 31(1):33-59, 1997, page 42.

The resemblance between all of our agrarian groups until the coming of industrialization doesn’t mean that all such groups were exactly the same. For example, here is de Tocqueville comparing France to the United States: “In no country has such constant care been taken as in America to trace two clearly distinct lines of action for the two sexes, and to make them keep pace one with the other, but in two pathways which are always different. American women never manage the outward concerns of the family, or conduct a business, or take a part in political life; nor are they, on the other hand, ever compelled to perform the rough labor of the fields, or to make any of those laborious exertions which demand the exertion of physical strength. No families are so poor as to form an exception to this rule. If on the one hand an American woman cannot escape from the quiet circle of domestic employments, on the other hand she is never forced to go beyond it. Hence it is that the women of America, who often exhibit a masculine strength of understanding and a manly energy, generally preserve great delicacy of personal appearance and always retain the manners of women although they sometimes show that they have the hearts and minds of men.” Democracy in America: Part the Second; the Social Influence of Democracy, Alexis de Tocqueville, translated by Henry Reeve, J. & H. G. Langley, 1840, page 225.

Mostly though, wherever the plow had touched down women had fallen over, supine and silent. Thus, nineteenth-century women in Britain were, by law, inferior to men. Married women didn’t even exist, legally. They were home-bound, unable to vote, barely allowed to trade. They also had to be widows before they could control their own property. Outside of brothels and nunneries, half of us in 1830, in the United States, Britain, and nearly everywhere else, were wards of the other half, not counting slaves and natives.

[“anything new is quickly introduced”]
That was Georg Friedrich List, a German political economist who visited in 1825. He was then in Philadelphia. Life of Friedrich List, and Selections from His Writings, Margaret E. Hirst, Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1909, page 35.
[“half-naked in mills”]
Writing of life in Cincinnati in 1831, Frances Trollope, mother of Anthony Trollope, the novelist, noted that “The greatest difficulty in organising a family establishment in Ohio is getting servants, or, as it is there called, “getting help,” for it is more than petty treason to the Republic to call a free citizen a servant. The whole class of young women, whose bread depends upon their labour, are taught to believe that the most abject poverty is preferable to domestic service. Hundreds of half-naked girls work in the paper mills, or in any other manufactory, for less than half the wages they would receive in service; but they think their equality is compromised by the latter, and nothing but the wish to obtain some particular article of finery will ever induce them to submit to it....

One of [my servants] was a pretty girl, whose natural disposition must have been gentle and kind; but her good feelings were soured, and her gentleness turned to morbid sensitiveness, by having heard a thousand and a thousand times that she was as good as any other lady, that all men were equal, and women too, and that it was a sin and a shame for a free-born American to be treated like a servant.”

Domestic Manners of the Americans, Mrs. Trollope, Whittaker, Treacher & Co., 1832, pages 61-62.

Later on (page 74) she mentioned women and religion in the United States. “The influence which the ministers of all the innumerable religious sects throughout America, have on the females of their respective congregations, approaches very nearly to what we read of in Spain, or in other strictly Roman Catholic countries. There are many causes for this peculiar influence. Where equality of rank is affectedly acknowledged by the rich, and clamourously claimed by the poor, distinction and preeminence are allowed to the clergy only. This gives them high importance in the eyes of the ladies. I think, also, that it is from the clergy only that the women of America receive that sort of attention which is so dearly valued by every female heart throughout the world. With the priests of America, the women hold that degree of influential importance which, in the countries of Europe, is allowed them throughout all orders and ranks of society, except, perhaps, the very lowest; and in return for this they seem to give their hearts and souls into their keeping. I never saw, or read, of any country where religion had so strong a hold upon the women, or a slighter hold upon the men.”

There is much more of this, including descriptions of ‘Revivals’ as a form of theater.

[pastor against innovation in 1803, fulminating against innovation]
Even as late as June 6th, 1803, a pastor in the United States put our age-old attitude thus: “Let us guard against the insidious encroachments of innovation, that evil and beguiling spirit which is now stalking to and for through the earth, seeking whom he may destroy.” That was Jedidiah Morse, a pastor in Charlestown, Massachusetts, and the father of Samuel F. B. Morse, who later invented the electric telegraph’s Morse Code. History of the United States of America During the Administrations of Thomas Jefferson, Henry Adams, 1891, Library of America, Reprint Edition, 1986, page 56.

Morse was hardly the last holdout against change. For example, here is Emerson in 1847: “Things are in the saddle, / and ride mankind.” (However, although this has been taken by many humanists along with his line: “law for man and law for thing” as including him in the Luddite camp, others disagree and see it as much more historically specific.) Aside from the whole Luddite movement, much of which might be taken as working-class reaction, there were strong reactions within the religious, literary, and even patrician classes (for example, Lord Byron). One writer in particular is worth quoting here, and that is the fulminator (over many issues, not just this one), Thomas Carlyle. Here he is, writing in 1829, on the evils of mechanization, in terms quite similar to Karl Marx’s writings in 1844:

“Were we required to characterise this age of ours by any single epithet, we should be tempted to call it, not an Heroical, Devotional, Philosophical, or Moral Age, but, above all others, the Mechanical Age. It is the Age of Machinery, in every outward and inward sense of that word; the age which, with its whole undivided might, forwards, teaches and practises the great art of adapting means to ends. Nothing is now done directly, or by hand; all is by rule and calculated contrivance. For the simplest operation, some helps and accompaniments, some cunning abbreviating process is in readiness. Our old modes of exertion are all discredited, and thrown aside. On every hand, the living artisan is driven from his workshop, to make room for a speedier, inanimate one. The shuttle drops from the fingers of the weaver, and falls into iron fingers that ply it faster. The sailor furls his sail, and lays down his oar; and bids a strong, unwearied servant, on vaporous wings, bear him through the waters. Men have crossed oceans by steam; the Birmingham Fire-king has visited the fabulous East; and the genius of the Cape were there any Camoens now to sing it, has again been alarmed, and with far stranger thunders than Gamas. There is no end to machinery. Even the horse is stripped of his harness, and finds a fleet fire-horse invoked in his stead. Nay, we have an artist that hatches chickens by steam; the very brood-hen is to be superseded! For all earthly, and for some unearthly purposes, we have machines and mechanic furtherances; for mincing our cabbages; for casting us into magnetic sleep. We remove mountains, and make seas our smooth highways; nothing can resist us. We war with rude Nature; and, by our resistless engines, come off always victorious, and loaded with spoils.”

The Collected Works of Thomas Carlyle, Thomas Carlyle, Volume Three, Chapman and Hall, 1858, pages 100-101. See also: Against the Machine: The Hidden Luddite Tradition in Literature, Art, and Individual Lives, Nicols Fox, Island Press, 2002, especially Chapter 4. The Machine in the Garden: Technology and the Pastoral Ideal in America, Leo Marx, Oxford University Press, 1964, especially Chapter 4. “Emerson’s ‘Ode Inscribed to W. H. Channing,’ ” G. Arms, College English, 22(6):407-409, 1961.

[new attitudes to machines and labor]
The land-rich and labor-poor United States puzzles Europe because Europe is land-poor and labor-rich. Its hereditary aristocracy holds most of the land, and its nearly hereditary artisans hold most of the skills. Landless and unskilled immigrants had fled that world to make a new life, so many of the laws of the new land work against both aristocracy and guilds. In the new land, labor is largely unskilled and unreliable.

For instance, Singer, like many boys in his time, left home at 13. He kept moving for the next 26 years. Like him, most white men were on the move, and women followed their men. The new nation was ballooning west, into an expanding native-free vacuum. But that in itself wasn’t new. The same slaughter was happening at about the same time for about the same reasons in Russia, Australia, and South America. Foragers were dying everywhere as our new transport tools carried the gun and the plow to every land.

For example, in the 1800s the, then small, Russian state expanded east much as the, then small, United States expanded west. Russian expansion into the Balkans was partly checked by the British and French in the Crimean War in 1854, but it continued expanding from 1856 on into the steppes of Central Asia, eventually stretching all the way to the Pacific. Although it was more conquest than outright replacement, it still led to many of the usual genocides against nomadic, or even settled, peoples, just as western expansion did in the United States starting a little earlier. Taming the Wild Field: Colonization and Empire on the Russian Steppe, Willard Sunderland, Cornell University Press, 2004.

[population of Britain in 1830]
was 24.1 million (this includes Ireland, counting from 1821, when it made up about 30 percent of the population). (Italy was 21.1 million; Germany was 26.6 million; France 32.6 million; Russia 56.1 million.) The United States population in 1830 was 12.8 million, counting about 2 million slaves. (Total: 12,866,020, of which 2,009,043 were slaves.) European Historical Statistics, 1750-1975, B. R. Mitchell (editor), Second Edition, Palgrave, 1980. By 1900, Britain was 41.5 million. The United States would be 76 million (total: 76,212,168).
[origin of the name Chicago]
In 1673, what was to become Chicago was selected as a portage site because it was on the continental divide between the Mississippi and the St. Lawrence (which empties into the Great Lakes). It was a marsh, with lots of skunk weed (a plant that when bruised, by stepping on, for example, smelled like garlic). “Chicagoua/Chicago: The Origin, Meaning, and Etymology of a Place Name,” J. F. Swenson, Illinois Historical Journal, 84(4):235-248, 1991.
[shifting labor options up to 1860]
For a more nuanced argument about the rapid rise in surplus labor in the eastern states of the United States up to 1860, see: The Roots of American Industrialization, David R. Meyer, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003.
[massacring the natives]
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian History of the American West, Dee Brown, Owl Books, 30th Anniversary Edition, 2001. The Trail of Tears: The Story of the American Indian Removals 1813-1855, Gloria Jahoda, 1975, Wings, Reprint Edition, 1995.
[immigration and steamships]
The first transatlantic service started in 1837.
[“iron needle-woman”]
From a 1858 poem by George P. Morris, which was made into a song the “Song of the Sewing Machine” by Henry C. Watson. It ends this way: “Mine are sinews superhuman, / Ribs of brass and nerves of steel— / I’m the iron needle woman, / Born to toil but not to feel.”

“Home and the Sewing Machine,” The National Magazine, Volume 12, 1858, pages 539-544.

[“best boon to woman in the nineteenth century”]
“To America belongs the honor of giving to the world many new inventions of great practical importance to mankind. Prominent among these are the Electric Telegraph, the Reaper and Mower, and the Sewing-Machine. What the telegraph is to the commercial world, the reaper to the agricultural, the sewing-machine is to the domestic....

No one invention has brought with it so great a relief for our mothers and daughters as these iron needle-women. Indeed, it is the only invention that can be claimed chiefly for woman’s benefit. The inventive genius of man, ever alert to furnish the world with machinery for saving labor and cheapening the cost of manufactures, seemed to regard man as the only laborer, prior to the invention of the sewing machine....

[E]verywhere that the busy needle is plied, these tireless workers have found their way, carrying relief for woman’s trembling hands and weary eyes. The swift-flying needle—this best boon to woman in the nineteenth century—has already won many victories, and soon the song of the shirt will be heard only in tradition of sufferings passed away.”

“The Story of the Sewing-Machine,” New York Times, January 7th, 1860.

[New York seamstresses employment options in 1858]
As reported by the New York Shirt Sewers’ and Seamstresses’ Union in 1858. A Capitalist Romance: Singer and the Sewing Machine, Ruth Brandon, Lippincott, 1977, pages 69-70.
[female control of their own credit cards in 1974 in the United States]
That’s the Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974 (no bar to credit based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, or age). Until then, every married woman’s credit was tied to her husband’s. And unmarried women often couldn’t get credit; they had to bring a man as co-signer, and answer many personal questions.
[female manufacturing options in Bridgeport in 1860]
A History of American Manufactures from 1608 to 1860: Exhibiting the Origin and Growth of the Principal Mechanic Arts and Manufactures, from the earliest Colonial period to the adoption of the Constitution; and Comprising Annals of the Industry of the United States in Machinery, Manufactures and Useful Arts, with a Notice of the Important Inventions, Tariffs, and the Results of each Decennial Census. To which are added statistics of the principal manufacturing centers, and descriptions of remarkable manufactories at the present time. J. Leander Bishop, Volume II, Edward Young and Co., 1864, page 764.

In 1860, an estimated 12,106 people lived in Bridgeport. Population of the 100 largest cities and other urban places in the United States: 1790 to 1990, Population Division Working Paper Number 27, United States Bureau of the Census, 1998.

Incidentally, Bishop also lists manufactory occupations, with a breakdown by male and female, for many towns, notably Hartford, where Samuel Colt had his gun manufactory. Hartford had a much larger spread of female occupations (but then, it was a much larger town than Bridgeport), however, the top three female occupations were still clothing of one kind or another. The largest group was 595 women in clothing. Then 512 women in ‘silk, sewing.’ Then 409 in hosiery. Then 302 in paper. Philadelphia was much larger still, and so had an even wider spread of industries.

[it only took $5 to bring one home]
“The Disappearance of the Domestic Sewing Machine, 1890-1925,” M. Connolly, Winterthur Portfolio, 34(1):31-48, 1999, page 32.
[attraction of hire-purchase]
The following is from Scientific American, 51(14):217, 1884.

Anomalies of the Sewing machine

In an editorial in a recent issue of the Scientific American, under the above title, the following paragraphs appeared, to which we have received a reply from a lady subscriber from Michigan.

“A psychological fact, possibly new, which has come to light in this sewing machine business is that a woman will rather pay $50 for a machine in monthly installments of five dollars than $25 outright, although able to do so.

“The curious processes of reasoning by which the feminine mind is led to regard the lapse of time as a cheapener and a hundred per cent interest as of no consequence, have not yet, we believe, been discovered.”

Our correspondent replies: “She does it from policy, for if she says, ’Husband, I wish $25 to buy a sewing machine with.’ she expects a shrug of the shoulders, and is unable to obtain the money; but if she says, ’I can buy a sewing machine, and pay for it in monthly installments, only $5 each month,’ perhaps she can get the coveted machine. A psychological fact, but is it masculine or feminine?”

See also: Financing the American Dream: A Cultural History of Consumer Credit, Lendol Calder, Princeton University Press, 1999, page 164.

[half a million sewing machines a year by 1880]
Thus doubling the figure for 1870, when it sold 127,833 a year. From the American System to Mass Production, 1800-1932: The Development of Manufacturing Technology in the United States, David A. Hounshell, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1984, page 6.
“Farm-making Costs and the ‘Safety Valve’: 1850-60,” C. H. Danhof, The Journal of Political Economy, 49(3):317-359, 1941. Cyrus Hall McCormick: His Life and Work, Herbert N. Casson, A. C. McClurg & Co., 1909, page 106.
[Chicago grain shipments]
“The Agricultural Development of the West During the Civil War,” E. D. Fite, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 20(2):259-278, 1906.
[newspapers and common cause]
“The effect of a newspaper is not only to suggest the same purpose to a great number of persons, but also to furnish means for executing in common the designs which they may have singly conceived. The principal citizens who inhabit an aristocratic country discern each other from afar; and if they wish to unite their forces, they move toward each other, drawing a multitude of men after them. It frequently happens, on the contrary, in democratic countries, that a great number of men who wish or who want to combine cannot accomplish it, because as they are very insignificant and lost amid the crowd, they cannot see, and know not where to find, one another. A newspaper then takes up the notion or the feeling which had occurred simultaneously, but singly, to each of them. All are then immediately guided towards this beacon; and these wandering minds, which had long sought each other in darkness, at length meet and unite.” Democracy in America: Part the Second; the Social Influence of Democracy, Alexis de Tocqueville, translated by Henry Reeve, J. & H. G. Langley, 1840, page 119.
[“native extermination”]
That was L. Frank Baum, a decade before he wrote The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Here are the two germane editorials he wrote for his small South Dakota weekly paper: one on the murder of Sioux leader Sitting Bull on December 15, 1890, and the other on the slaughter of Sioux at Wounded Knee Creek in southwestern South Dakota on December 28, 1890.

“Sitting Bull, most renowned Sioux of modern history, is dead. He was not a Chief, but without Kingly lineage he arose from a lowly position to the greatest Medicine Man of his time, by virtue of his shrewdness and daring.

He was an Indian with a white man’s spirit of hatred and revenge for those who had wronged him and his. In his day he saw his son and his tribe gradually driven from their possessions: forced to give up their old hunting grounds and espouse the hard working and uncongenial avocations of the whites. And these, his conquerors, were marked in their dealings with his people by selfishness, falsehood and treachery. What wonder that his wild nature, untamed by years of subjection, should still revolt? What wonder that a fiery rage still burned within his breast and that he should seek every opportunity of obtaining vengeance upon his natural enemies.

The proud spirit of the original owners of these vast prairies inherited through centuries of fierce and bloody wars for their possession, lingered last in the bosom of Sitting Bull. With his fall the nobility of the Redskin is extinguished, and what few are left are a pack of whining curs who lick the hand that smites them. The Whites, by law of conquest, by justice of civilization, are masters of the American continent, and the best safety of the frontier settlements will be secured by the total annihilation of the few remaining Indians. Why not annihilation? Their glory has fled, their spirit broken, their manhood effaced; better that they die than live the miserable wretches that they are. History would forget these latter despicable beings, and speak, in later ages of the glory of these grand Kings of forest and plain that Cooper loved to heroism.

We cannot honestly regret their extermination, but we at least do justice to the manly characteristics possessed, according to their lights and education, by the early Redskins of America.”

Aberdeen Saturday Pioneer, December 20th, 1890.

“The peculiar policy of the government in employing so weak and vacillating a person as General Miles to look after the uneasy Indians, has resulted in a terrible loss of blood to our soldiers, and a battle which, at its best, is a disgrace to the war department. There has been plenty of time for prompt and decisive measures, the employment of which would have prevented this disaster.

The Pioneer has before declared that our only safety depends upon the total extirmination [sic] of the Indians. Having wronged them for centuries we had better, in order to protect our civilization, follow it up by one more wrong and wipe these untamed and untamable creatures from the face of the earth. In this lies future safety for our settlers and the soldiers who are under incompetent commands. Otherwise, we may expect future years to be as full of trouble with the redskins as those have been in the past.

An eastern contemporary, with a grain of wisdom in its wit, says that ‘when the whites win a fight, it is a victory, and when the Indians win it, it is a massacre.’ ”

Aberdeen Saturday Pioneer, January 3rd, 1891.

[a woman’s life in Arizona around 1890]
That was Lucy Hannah Flake, a Mormon wife on a ranch in the Silver Creek Valley in the White Mountains of Colorado. She died in 1900. Arizona: A History, Thomas E. Sheridan, University of Arizona Press, 2012, pages 195-196. “Rural Life among Nineteenth-Century Mormons: The Woman’s Experience,” L. J. Arrington, Agricultural History, 58(3):239-246, 1984.
[reactions to the typewriter]
“While visiting San Francisco in 1887, Rudyard Kipling complained that he had been driven to distraction by a new species of woman, the Type-Writer Girl. She was ‘an institution of which the comic papers make much capital, but she is vastly convenient. She and a companion rent a room in a business quarter, and copy manuscript at the rate of six annas a page.... She can earn as much as a hundred dollars a month, and professes to regard this form of bread-winning as her natural destiny’. Unable to believe that any woman, even an American, could truly enjoy working for a living, Kipling questioned the other typists in the office and found one who confessed to the hope that she might be rescued from the drudgery of the keyboard by a husband.” From: “The Cultural Work of the Type-Writer Girl,” C. Keep, Victorian Studies, 40(3):401-426, 1997.

See also: Women and Work in Britain since 1840, Gerry Holloway, Routledge, 2005. “Jobs for the Girls: The Expansion of Clerical Work for Women, 1850‑1914,” M. Zimmeck, in Unequal Opportunities: Women’s Employment in England, 1800-1918, Angela V. John (editor), Blackwell, 1986, pages 152-177. “ ‘To Barter Their Souls For Gold:’ Female Clerks in Federal Government Offices, 1862-1890,” C. S. Aron, Journal of American History, 67:835‑53, 1980‑1981. History of American Technology, John W. Oliver, Ronald Press, 1956, pages 440-442. The Natural History of a Social Institution: The Young Women’s Christian Association, Mary S. Sims, The Women’s Press, 1936, pages 84-85. Shorthand Instruction and Practice, Julius Ensing Rockwell, Bureau of Education, Circular of Information No. 1, 1893, Whole number 192, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1893.

[...handful of successful writers]
Like Harriet Beecher Stowe with Uncle Tom’s Cabin, and Louisa May Alcott with Little Women.

In 1891, F. Henrietta Müller (whose penname was ‘Helena B. Temple’) commented that, “One of the things which always humiliated me very much was the way in which women’s interests and opinions were systematically excluded from the World’s Press. I was mortified too, that our cause should be represented by a little monthly leaflet, not worthy of the name of a newspaper called the Women’s Suffrage Journal. I realised of what vital importance it was that women should have a newspaper of their own through which to voice their thoughts, and I formed the daring resolve that if no one else better fitted for the work would come forward, I would try and do it myself.” From: “Interview,” Woman’s Herald 4(161):915-916, 1891. (November 28th, 1891, 915-916.) Quoted in: Feminist Periodicals, 1855-1984: An Annotated Critical Bibliography of British, Irish, Commonwealth and International Titles, David Doughan and Denise Sanchez (editors), New York University Press, 1987, pages 3-4.

Despite all the agitation since at least 1792, it wasn’t until 1918 that 1918 that all adult men, and all women over 30, could vote in Britain. It wasn’t until 1920 that all adult women could vote in the United States. It wasn’t until 1928 that all adult women could vote in Britain.

[“thrown into the ash-heap”]
That was Henry Adams, grandson of one President, and great-grandson of another, recalling in 1905, in old age, his early childhood in Boston in 1844, and the great upheaval of new technology on his education and outlook.

“This problem of education, started in 1838, went on for three years, while the baby grew, like other babies, unconsciously, as a vegetable, the outside world working as it never had worked before, to get his new universe ready for him. Often in old age he puzzled over the question whether, on the doctrine of chances, he was at liberty to accept himself or his world as an accident. No such accident had ever happened before in human experience. For him, alone, the old universe was thrown into the ash-heap and a new one created. He and his eighteenth-century, troglodytic Boston were suddenly cut apart—separated forever—in act if not in sentiment, by the opening of the Boston and Albany Railroad; the appearance of the first Cunard steamers in the bay; and the telegraphic messages which carried from Baltimore to Washington the news that Henry Clay and James K. Polk were nominated for the Presidency. This was in May, 1844; he was six years old; his new world was ready for use, and only fragments of the old met his eyes.”

The Education of Henry Adams: An Autobiography, Henry Adams, Houghton Mifflin, 1918, page 5.

[United States mortality and height changes, 1890-1930]
“The Use of Model Life Tables to Estimate Mortality for the United States in the Late Nineteenth Century,” M. R. Haines, Demography, 16(2):289-312, 1979.
[wheat production in 1900]
The exact figure is 599,315,000 bushels of wheat. Historical Statistics of the United States 1789-1945: A Supplement to the Statistical Abstract of the United States, Bureau of the Census, United States Department of Commerce, 1949, page 106. For background, see: “U.S. Grain Exports: A Bicentennial Overview,” H. D. Fornari, Agricultural History, 50(1):137-150, 1976. “Reorganization of American Farming: Intensive Cultivation the Goal,” H. C. Price, Scientific American, Supplement, 69(1795):339, 1910.
[...the means to prevent pregnancy]
By 1860 female labor options are changing fast, but female reproductive options, and thus constraints on female labor lives, are still much as they had been before. Then in 1861 the New York Times carries the first ad for mass-produced rubber condoms. The nation goes insane. By 1873 the government bans all birth-control ads, aids, and books—even giving them away could mean six months hard labor, or a $100 fine. The Comstock Act of 1873 (U.S. Statutes At Large, Volume XVII, page 598). United States Duties on Imports, 1877, Lewis Heyl, W. H. & O. H. Morrison, 1877, page 144.
[female changes, United States, 1800-2004]
From 1800 to 1920, the total birth rate for white married women would plunge 58.7 percent. The rates for black and native women would also fall, but not as much. (That’s still true in 2006.) In 1900, many black and native women, whether married or single, are at work outside the home, but chiefly as servants or on the farm. With fewer opportunities outside of servile status, their options are more limited. Further, from 1890 to 1980, many more married non-white women would take paying jobs than married white ones did. Even as late as 1890, just 2.5 percent of married white women worked for money. That figure didn’t reach 20 percent until as late as 1950. By 2004 it still hadn’t reached 80 percent. Also, sex segregation remained strong. In 1900, 91 percent of all working women worked in only 12 percent of all jobs. Job specificity has declined only slowly since then. However, over the century, women’s main traditional tasks—babies, food, clothing, and daycare—all fell in financial value. In all our newly industrial countries, we started to produce faster than we needed to reproduce.
[fertility rate decline for ever-married white women, 1800-1920]
“Quantitative Aspects of Marriage, Fertility and Family Limitation in Nineteenth Century America: Another Application of the Coale Specifications,” W. C. Sanderson, Demography, 16(3):339-358, 1979.
[native and black population changes, 1492-2006]
From 1492 to 1890, native population had fallen from perhaps five million (Thornton’s 1990 estimate, although by 2005 his estimate was 1.845 million; see also Henige 1998 and also Klein 2004) to about a quarter million. Native fertility rates before 1890 are unknown; however after that date they were high, yet native mortality rates were so high that the native population barely changed. From 1890 it took 70 years, until 1960, to double. Black rates before 1850 are also unknown. After 1850, they, too, were higher than white rates, but they also fell as white rates did. However, even in 2006 they were still higher than white rates. Black infant mortality was also far higher. It too fell, but in 2006 it too was still higher than white rates. Black life expectancy also was still lower. By 2006, urban-rural differences in the United States had vanished. Black-white and native-white differences still hadn’t. “American Indian Mortality in the Late Nineteenth Century: the Impact of Federal Assimilation Policies on a Vulnerable Population,” J. D. Hacker, M. R. Haines, Working Paper 12572, National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), 2006. “Estimating Prehistoric American Indian Population Size for United States Area: Implications of the Nineteenth Century Population Decline and Nadir,” R. Thornton, J. Marsh-Thornton, American Journal of Physical Anthropology 55(1):47-53, 2005. A Population History of the United States, Herbert Klein, Cambridge University Press, 2004. A Population History of North America, Michael R. Haines and Richard H. Steckel (editors), Cambridge University Press, 2001. Numbers from Nowhere: The American Indian Contact Population Debate, David Henige, University of Oklahoma Press, 1998. “The Growing American Indian Population, 1960-1990: Beyond Demography,” J. S. Passel, in: Changing Numbers, Changing Needs: American Indian Demography and Public Health, Gary D. Sandefur, Ronald R. Rindfuss, and Barney Cohen (editors), National Academies Press, 1996, pages 79-102. Statistical Abstract of the United States, United States Bureau of the Census, 1993. “American Indian Fertility Patterns: 1910 and 1940 to 1980,” R. Thornton, G. D. Sandefur, C. M. Snipp, American Indian Quarterly, 15(3):359-367, 1991. American Indian Holocaust and Survival: A Population History since 1492, Russell Thornton, University of Oklahoma Press, 1990. “A Statistical Reconstruction of the Black Population of the United States, 1880-1970: Estimates of True Numbers by Age and Sex, Birth Rates, and Total Fertility,” A J. Coale, N. W. Rives, Population Index, 39(1):3-36, 1973.

[settlement changes in the United States]
In 1800, only 6.1 percent of the population of 5,308,483, lived in towns. In 1900, 39.6 percent of the population of 76,212,168, did. In 2000, 79.0 percent of the population of 281,421,906 did. United States Bureau of the Census, 1995, Table 4, Population: 1790 to 1990.
[ad with female cyclist smoking]
She was wearing a ‘rational’ (knee-length baggy pants) made for liberated women in Victorian Britain. The ad was for the Ogden Guinea Gold cigarette. There were many such ads, but this is the most daring one. Ogden & Philips Limited was a British tobacco company, bought out by American Tobacco in 1901.

Here’s Zola on the issue a year before:

“— Alors, l’émancipation de la femme par la bicyclette.

— Mon Dieu! pourquoi pas?... Cela semble drôle, et pourtant voyez quel chemin parcouru déjà: la culotte qui délivre les jambes, les sorties en commun qui mêlent et égalisent les sexes, la femme et les enfants qui suivent le mari partout, les camarades comme nous deux qui peuvent s’en aller à travers champs, à travers bois, sans qu’on s’en étonne.”

[“So women are to be emancipated by cycling?

‘Well, why not? It may seem a droll idea; but see what progress has been made already! By wearing rationals women free their limbs from prison; then the facilities which cycling affords people for going out together tend to greater intercourse and equality between the sexes; the wife and the children can follow the husband everywhere, and friends like ourselves are at liberty to roam hither and thither without astonishing anybody.”]

Paris, A Novel, Émile Zola, translated by Ernest Alfred Vizetelly, Chatto & Windus, 1899, pages 335-336.

See also: “Liberating Technologies? Of Bicycles, Balance and the ’New Woman’ in the 1890s,” A.-K. Ebert, Icon, 16(Special Issue: Technology in Everyday Life):25-52, 2010.

In the Grip of a Metal Hand

[work week changes in the United States]
Sobel reports 69.7 hours per week in 1850 and 60.1 in 1900 as the average work week, averaging over all industries. Note however that the earlier the date, the more unreliable the estimate. Lifestyle and Social Structure: Concepts, Definitions, Analyses, Michael E. Sobel, Academic Press, 1981, page 44. United States population had tripled in that time; in 1850 it was 23,191,876 and in 1900 it was 76,212,168.
[job changes in the United States]
The job-market data below doesn’t cover 1900 to 2000 precisely. It’s from 1910 to 2000. “Occupational changes during the 20th century,” I. D. Wyatt, D. E. Hecker, Monthly Labor Review, 129(3):35-57, 2006.
[United States farmers and beauticians]
In 1900, 38.8 percent of the population, 29.5 million people, were farmers. In 2006, there were 859,000 agricultural workers. versus 825,000 personal appearance workers. (That includes barbers, cosmetologists, makeup artists, manicurists, and pedicurists.) There were 435,000 computer programmers. Also, there were 1,860,000 heavy truck and tractor-trailer drivers, and 1,051,000 light truck or delivery services drivers. Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2008-09 Edition, Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States Department of Labor, 2009.
[farm income]
Farm Household Economics and Well-Being, United States Department of Agriculture, 2009.
[changes in food labor-costs in the United States]
In 1900 in the United States, a year’s worth of food for an average family there cost that family about 1,700 hours of labor. By 2000, it cost 260 hours. The Escape from Hunger and Premature Death, 1700-2100: Europe, America, and the Third World, Robert William Fogel, Cambridge University Press, 2004, page 90.
[changes in housework costs in the United States]
In 1945, a year’s worth of housework—preparing meals, doing laundry, cleaning the house, and such—might have cost an average family there about 3,120 hours. By 1975, that time had dropped to around 1,040 hours. In 1945 in the United States, housework might have cost an average family about 60 hours a week. By 1975, that time had dropped to around 20 hours. “Assessing the ‘Engines of Liberation’: Home Appliances and Female Labor Force Participation,” T. V. de V. Cavalcanti, J. Tavares, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 90(1):81-88, 2008. “Engines of Liberation,” J. Greenwood, A. Seshadri, M. Yorukoglu, Review of Economic Studies, 72(1):109-133, 2005. Although, while housework tools reduced drudgery, they didn’t necessarily reduce domestic labor. More Work for Mother: The Ironies of Household Technology from the Open Hearth to the Microwave, Ruth Cowan, Basic Books, 1983.
[changes in leisure and retirement in the rich world as a whole]
The Escape from Hunger and Premature Death, 1700-2100: Europe, America, and the Third World, Robert William Fogel, Cambridge University Press, 2004, page 67. Note though that the new leisure time is not uniformly distributed. First, a lot of it is caused by prevention of disease. Second, much of the time has gone to the young, who have spent it in schooling, and the old, who have spent it in retirement. Also, reductions in home employment for females has been compensated for by male home employment. And the overall pattern seems to be similar in both the United States and Europe. “A Century of Work and Leisure,” V. A. Ramey, N. Francis, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 1(2):189-224, 2009. “The times they are not changin’: Days and hours of work in Old and New Worlds, 1870-2000,” M. Huberman, C. Minns, Explorations in Economic History, 44(4):538-567, 2007.
[the nineteenth century computer]
That was Charles Babbage’s proposed Analytical Engine, which he tried building from 1833 to his death in 1871. He intended it to supplant his (also largely largely unfinished) Difference Engine. The British government funded him, but only up to a point. Had it been intended for a war, or for financial gain, funding may have stayed the course. Charles Babbage: Passages from the Life of a Philosopher, Martin Cambell-Kelly (editor), Rutgers University Press, 1994.

See also: Bit by Bit, Stan Augarten, Ticknor and Fields, 1984, pages 37-39. It describes the Arithmometer, the first commercial adding machine (it also subtracted, multiplied and divided) in 1851, which was based on Leibniz’s Stepped Reckoner, which goes back to 1631, but which was never fully developed. There’s also Pascal’s Pascaline, which was built in 1644 but pitched to aristocrats, it never sold well (“bookkeeping was for servants”).

[the twentieth century computer]
When it comes to a physical machine, there were 3 main strands in the 1930s and 1940s: Konrad Zuse in Germany, John Atanasoff in the United States, and Alan Turing in Britain. There were many other people in satellite orbits of various kinds, crucial for one thing or another: among them, John von Neumann, Tommy Flowers, Clifford Berry, Helmut Schreyer, John Mauchly, J. Presper Eckert, Howard Aiken. Then there’s Warren McCulloch, Walter Pitts, Alonzo Church, Emil Post, Kurt Gödel, David Hilbert.... This list could be arbitrarily extended.

“Von Neumann Thought Turing’s Universal Machine was ’Simple and Neat.’: But That Didn’t Tell Him How to Design a Computer,” T. Haigh, M. Priestley, Communications of the ACM, 63(1):26-32, 2020. ENIAC In Action: Making and Remaking the Modern Computer, Thomas Haigh, Mark Priestley, and Crispin Rope, The MIT Press, 2016. The Computer—My Life, Konrad Zuse, translated by Patricia McKenna and J. Andrew Ross, Springer-Verlag, 1993. Atanasoff: Forgotten Father of the Computer, Clark R. Mollenhoff, Iowa State University Press, 1988. Alan Turing: The Enigma, Andrew Hodges, Simon and Schuster, 1983.

For a general reader’s book that tries to trace all the strands, see also: The Man Who Invented the Computer: The Biography of John Atanasoff, Digital Pioneer, Jane Smiley, Doubleday, 2010.

[...almost no mechnical memory, logic, simulation, or visualization aids]
Some of what we had: For memory: wet clay, papyrus, paper, books. For arithmetic abacus, sliderule. For simulation (of planetary motion, and solar system motion): clocks, astrolabes. Other devices invented over the millennia revolved around arithmetic or astronomy and time keeping.
[tab for a fab—cost of computer chip plants]
Itanium Rising: Breaking Through Moore’s Second Law of Computing Power, Jim Carlson and Jerry Huck, Prentice Hall, 2002, page 54.
[over half of the world online by 2018]
‘Online’ means: using any Internet-based application from any location and device over the last three months by the end of 2018. (Note: United Nations estimate for 2020 of 57 percent is likely to be an overestimate, based on data to 2018 of only 51.2 percent. And United Nations estimate of 70 percent by 2025 is likely to far overshoot the mark.) “Global Computing: Are We Losing Momentum?” C. Iglesias, D. Thakur, M. L. Best, Communications of the ACM, 63(2):22-24, 2020.

The first billion was reached in 2005. The second billion in 2010. The third billion in 2014. The fourth billion by 2018. Then growth rate slowed. The second half of the world will take longer to get online.

Data collated from the United Nations International Telecommunication Union, the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, the World Bank, and the United States Central Intelligence Agency.

“When drones fly,” S. Greengard, Communications of the ACM, 62(11):16-18, 2019.
[companies as contracts]
Once upon a time, the average company had to be tiny, limited to one building, and most everyone in it was related, or was part of a small circle of friends and family. That company might make anything, grow anything, service anything, yet its staff had to cover all the company’s roles. It’s rare for one person to be the brain (who thinks something up), the mouth (who sells it), the wallet (who pays for it), the hand (who builds it), the sword (who defends it), and so on, but still the set of people fulfilling those roles usually had to be small. All sorts of trust and transport and communication barriers enforced such limits.

Nowadays, faster and longer-range matter- and data-flow (transport and communication) can mean larger markets, longer supply-chains, and thus more money, and more competition. That can splinter having an idea from testing it, finding the money to build it, distributing and accounting for the money to build it, organizing the people and tools needed to build it, building it, legally defending it, regulating it, managing it, owning it, profiting from it, and controlling it. Large companies can now support many roles: scientist, engineer, inventor, entrepreneur, investor, banker, lawyer, shareholder, board member, director, manager, accountant, designer, contractor, marketer, regulator, consultant. The people playing such roles might be distinct when building something large or complicated. Similar splintering can happen with large growing or servicing concerns, too, whether they be corporate farms or investment banks or major hospitals.

However, even in multinationals, while most such people may no longer be kin, or close friends, to be hired into the company they, often, still have to be ‘near’ each other, if not in location, then in language, origin, friendship circle, or at least, perceived education. Part of the reason for the persistence of such ties may be because they help guarantee performance, but also that they enhance trust and reduce the chance of betrayal, malfeasance, or non-compliance. Companies survive only if they cohere long enough to profit from internal cooperation.

But if a ‘mental railroad’ comes to exist, some of those geographic, linguistic, credit, and legal barriers to company creation, cohesion, and maintenance might erode. The barriers may no longer be quite so vital to enhancing or enforcing trust. It may no longer matter so much where someone lives, what language they speak, where they’re from, or perhaps even that some particular person in the company knew them before joining. Perhaps only skills, personalities, or predilections may matter. (Of course, government agencies, militaries, and defense and aerospace contractors, won’t ever adopt this model. Trust there is paramount; it’s not inter-company, it’s inter-government; and it’s not money but lives at stake.)

If so, no matter how small the company, or how esoteric its product or service, its roles might start splintering as some company tasks spin off into world-spanning contracts. If that happens, more people around the world might compete for such a contract, then perhaps farm out some of it, which other contractors might compete for, then they might farm out some of that to yet other contractors, and so on. Many such contractors might live anywhere, speak any language, and be any age, any gender, any sexual orientation. If so, only contracts might then bind such a company together.

Just as when the railroad started linking mines, factories, cities, ports, and such, there will surely be all sorts of barriers—particularly those surrounding individual, corporate, and national (maybe even regional) espionage, sabotage, and rivalry. So, probably, this will be largely a legal, political, and geopolitical issue, not so much a technical one. But if such global contracts do become viable, then after a while, all that may be left of any such company may be the network that glues producers—whether on farms, in factories, or in offices—to consumers.

Further, some of those producers, and even some of their consumers, may become robots—more and more of which may be any size, from whole city blocks down to gnats, so that some ‘services’ or even ‘factories’ (maybe eventually even some ‘farms’ too?) might even fit on rooftops or in bedroom closets. Why not? Establishing, branding, growing, and marketing such networks across national boundaries would then become such a company’s main business, regardless of what it grows, makes, or serves—or to whom, or what, it serves that to. Increasingly, company reputation may become everything it is to its clients. ‘Can you deliver the thing (food, fuel, part, service), in time and in budget, as promised?’ After a while, that may be all that defines the company.

If such companies were (legally) allowed to come to exist, and if they were rewarded, they could grow in number, variety, and size. As they compete, they could skeletonize as other companies arise to aid them. For instance, writing, insuring, and enforcing distributed contracts so that they could work in varied legal domains might grow so useful that it alone might become a new kind of company’s business. Identifying, targeting, and tracking suitable talent might become another kind of company’s business. Designing sets of contracts so that they mesh well, or are standardized, or are accredited, might become yet another kind of company’s business, and so on. Then, such helper companies could themselves skeletonize. The result could be a bouquet of skeletonized global companies, driving down global wages but driving up global variety.

Another such kind of helper company might arise to solve problems for other such companies—or for any company at all—or for no company at all, for some of them might even do some things just for the sheer joy of trying to see if they could do it. Science and math seem like prime candidates for that and pioneer volunteer groups in those areas already exist. In any such group, no one need necessarily be superfast or supersmart, but with the right tools and links to others, the group might well be—if not compared to other such groups, certainly compared to a lone person, or any number of lone people. That group might have an edge in terms of facility, creativity, curiosity, or tenacity.

Were such groups to become routine, a new term might enter the languages: ‘metaconcert.’ It might denote how people behave when they mass together to solve human problems, for there would then be a new kind of power grid—a mental one—because cleverness would then be on tap, like water or electricity. Depending on demand, perhaps half the planet might be in constant touch, and, enhanced with ever cheaper thinking aids, might attack problems—at least technical ones in science, engineering, medicine, math, finance, and business—in ever larger metaconcerts across planetary distances.

If the sheltering effects of location, language, origin, and prior friendship do indeed decline, any profit-motivated skeletonized groups that survive would have to become more nimble. With fewer tethers to physical existence, many such groups may then have the lifespans of mayflies—winking into and out of existence. Change would then be not merely constant, but torrential. As with steam engine dispersal two centuries ago, new centers of ‘mental industry’ would then spring up wherever they’re best suited to grow. Mental production would then explode, just as physical production once did when rails synergetically linked coal and iron and factories, making for a fifth wave of industrial phase change, possibly more like a tsunami than a wave.

[We don’t yet have mental steam engines.]
Take software production. Software is easy to make—unless we want it to do what we mean, not what we say. We struggle with that because mental labor today is no more mechanized than physical labor was in 1776. We still have to hand-make almost all computer programs. So despite the glamour that’s usually slathered over nearly anything to do with computers, today’s programmers are still little more than yesterday’s blacksmiths and handicrafters—except that instead of us asking them to shoe horses or make wagon wheels, we’re asking them to build missile defense shields, nuclear power plant controllers, and deep space probes—by hand—while running—on roller skates.

Such tasks far exceed our tools and skills. We’re still our own mental carthorses. We don’t yet have mental steam engines.

[...bits and pieces are already here...]
Examples are: world-wide group-work websites on the web in various question-and-answer sites, encyclopedia sites, funding sites, competition sites, reputation sites, job hunting sites, and so on. Of course, these are all for individual participation, not group formation, per se. Google, wikipedia, stackoverflow, Spiceworks, CrowdFlower, kickstarter, craigslist. SETI@home. Zooniverse’s Galaxy Zoo, eBirds, Foldit, EteRNA, Quantum Moves, Phylo, Ancient Lives. NASA’s Stardust@home, ClickWorkers, SETILive, CosmoQuest. National Geographic’s Field Expedition: Mongolia. Innocentive. Amazon’s Mechanical Turk. Luis van Ahn and CAPTCHA, reCAPTCHA, ESP Game, duolingo. Project Polymath. For more detail, see: “glimmers of a possible coming age of metaconcerts” in the Chapter 6 notes of this book to the section ‘Wiring the World.’
[today’s companies]
Today a company often means idea and money suppliers, energy and materials suppliers, tool suppliers, buildings containing those tools, labor suppliers working in those buildings, perhaps another set of buildings where product is sold, retail staff working in those buildings, and yet other buildings for office staff, designers, advertisers, and possibly shippers. Most of those workers are still human.
What we today call ‘virtual’ organizations are hardly new. In fact, some are millennia old. “Distributed Work over the Centuries: Trust and Control in the Hudson’s Bay Company, 1670-1826,” M. O’Leary, W. Orlikowski, J. Yates, in: Pamela J. Hinds and Sara Kiesler (editors), Distributed work, The MIT Press, 2002, pages 27-54.
The term is Julian May’s, as used in her science-fiction novel: The Saga of the Pliocene Exile, in four volumes, Julian May, Del Rey Books, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984.
[talk of a global brain]
Today, despite a world web, and even some brave talk of a global brain, we still have neither. At best, we now have a global folk-database. It’s the first rude beginnings of a global memory. It can’t become a true world web until many more of us are digitally linked, and it can’t become a real global brain until its parts can synergetically interact at speeds we each can’t match. That won’t happen tomorrow. But one day it might well happen. Global Brain: The Evolution of Mass Mind from the Big Bang to the 21st Century, Howard Bloom, John Wiley & Sons, 2000. Metaman: The Merging of Humans and Machines into a Global Superorganism, Gregory Stock, Simon & Schuster, 1993. But the idea is hardly new, only the trappings are: World Brain, H. G. Wells, Methuen & Co., 1938.

Research toward what might eventually become such a thing is proceeding along several lines (although no responsible researcher says that the ultimate result might be a ‘global brain,’ or at least, nobody says so publicly). The problem is how to coordinate action by massive numbers of mobile, computational agents, each with limited knowledge, as they interact to solve various problems in a massive, distributed, global computer network. The chief areas of research are: ubiquitous computing (also called ubicomp), pervasive computing (sometimes called ambient intelligence), mobile agents, massively parallel computation, and grid computing. Security for Ubiquitous Computing, Frank Stajano, John Wiley & Sons, 2002. Swarm Intelligence: From Natural to Artificial Systems, E. Bonabeau, M. Dorigo, G. Theraulaz, F. Kluegl, Oxford University Press, 1999. The Grid: Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure, Ian Foster and Carl Kesselman (editors), Morgan Kaufmann, 1998. Software Agents, James E. White (editor), AAAI Press/MIT Press, 1997. The Ecology of Computation, B. A. Hubermann (editor), North-Holland, 1988.

[Daniel Webster in 1847]
“It is an extraordinary era in which we live. It is altogether new. The world has seen nothing like it before. I will not pretend, no one can pretend, to discern the end; but every body knows that the age is remarkable for scientific research into the heavens, the earth, and what is beneath the earth; and perhaps more remarkable still for the application of this scientific research to the pursuits of life. The ancients saw nothing like it. The moderns have seen nothing like it till the present generation. Shakspeare’s fairy said he would “Put a girdle round about the earth / In forty minutes.” Professor Morse has done more than that; his girdle requires far less time for its traverse. In fact, if one were to send a despatch from Boston by the telegraph at twelve o’clock, it would reach St. Louis at a quarter before twelve. This is what may be called doing a thing in less than no time. We see the ocean navigated and the solid land traversed by steam power, and intelligence communicated by electricity. Truly this is almost a miraculous era. What is before us no one can say, what is upon us no one can hardly realize. The progress of the age has almost outstripped human belief; the future is known only to Omniscience.”

“Opening of the Northern Railroad to Lebanon, N.H.,” Daniel Webster, Wednesday 17th Novemember, 1847, The Writings and Speeches of Daniel Webster, pages 116-117.

Chapter 3. Dynamo: Resources

[Churchill quote]
Here’s the beginning of Churchill’s speech before the House of Commons on October 28th, 1943: “On the night of 10th May, 1941, with one of the last bombs of the last serious raid, our House of Commons was destroyed by the violence of the enemy, and we have now to consider whether we should build it up again, and how, and when. We shape our buildings and afterwards our buildings shape us. Having dwelt and served for more than 40 years in the late Chamber, and having derived fiery great pleasure and advantage therefrom, I, naturally, would like to see it restored in all essentials to its old form, convenience and dignity. I believe that will be the opinion of the great majority of its Members. It is certainly the opinion of His Majesty’s Government and we propose to support this resolution to the best of our ability.

There are two main characteristics of the House of Commons which will command the approval and the support of reflective and experienced Members. They will, I have no doubt, sound odd to foreign ears. The first is that its shape should be oblong and not semi-circular. Here is a very potent factor in our political life. The semi-circular assembly, which appeals to political theorists, enables every individual or every group to move round the centre, adopting various shades of pink according as the weather changes. I am a convinced supporter of the party system in preference to the group system. I have seen many earnest and ardent Parliaments destroyed by the group system. The party system is much favoured by the oblong form of Chamber. It is easy for an individual to move through those insensible gradations from Left to Right but the act of crossing the Floor is one which requires serious consideration. I am well informed on this matter, for I have accomplished that difficult process, not only once but twice. Logic is a poor guide compared with custom. Logic which has created in so many countries semi-circular assemblies which have buildings which give to every Member, not only a seat to sit in but often a desk to write at, with a lid to bang, has proved fatal to Parliamentary Government as we know it here in its home and in the land of its birth.

The second characteristic of a Chamber formed on the lines of the House of Commons is that it should not be big enough to contain all its Members at once without over-crowding and that there should be no question of every Member having a separate seat reserved for him. The reason for this has long been a puzzle to uninstructed outsiders and has frequently excited the curiosity and even the criticism of new Members. Yet it is not so difficult to understand if you look at it from a practical point of view. If the House is big enough to contain all its Members, nine-tenths of its Debates will be conducted in the depressing atmosphere of an almost empty or half-empty Chamber. The essence of good House of Commons speaking is the conversational style, the facility for quick, informal interruptions and interchanges. Harangues from a rostrum would be a bad substitute for the conversational style in which so much of our business is done. But the conversational style requires a fairly small space, and there should be on great occasions a sense of crowd and urgency. There should be a sense of the importance of much that is said and a sense that great matters are being decided, there and then, by the House.”

Winston S. Churchill: His Complete Speeches, 1897-1963, Volume VII: 1943-1949, Robert Rhodes James (editor), Chelsea House Publishers, 1974, pages 6869-6871. See also: The Second World War, Volume V: Closing the Ring, Winston S. Churchill, Houghton Mifflin, 1951, pages 149-151.

Marshall McLuhan may have been rephrasing Churchill’s observation that “We shape our buildings, and afterwards our buildings shape us” when he said “We shape our tools and thereafter our tools shape us.” in The Medium is the Massage. Note that the quote isn’t from his book of that name but from his album, The Medium is the Massage, which appeared the same year (1967). He has a child speak it on Side 2.

The King’s Stigmergic Argument

[urbanization in Britain (and the United States)]
Britain became half-urban in 1851. The United States didn’t become half-urban until 1920. The Environment in World History, Stephen Mosley, Taylor & Francis, 2010, page 92.
[London overtook Beijing in the 1820s]
Similarly, New York overtook London in the 1920s. Tokyo overtook New York in the 1960s. “Spatializing 6,000 years of global urbanization from 3700 BC to AD 2000,” M. Reba, F. Reitsma, K. C. Seto, Scientific Data, Issue 3, 160034, 2016.
[British slavery around 1851]
Its overseas slavery ended (legally, at least) in 1834. Its penal slavery ended (legally, at least) in 1868.

As for penal slavery, “It is truly extraordinary that European scholars have either neglected this whole aspect of the subject or defined it as something other than slavery when they recognized it.” Slavery and Social Death: A Comparative Study, Orlando Patterson, Harvard University Press, 1982, pages 44-45.

[press-ganging lasted until 1833]
The Press-Gang Afloat and Ashore, John R. Hutchinson, G. Bell and Sons, 1913. Note that, at least from 1776 to 1783, the numbers of men pressed-ganged on land is much smaller than the total number in the navy. Further, while the numbers pressed may have been relatively high, the desertion rate was also high. “Royal Navy Impressment During the American Revolution,” R. G. Usher, Jr., The Mississippi Valley Historical Review, 37(4):673-688, 1951. The Naval Enlistment Act of 1835 (5 & 6 William IV, Chapter 24) ended the practice of unlimited-time impressment. It limited impressments to at most five years. The Naval Enlistment Acts of 1853 (16 & 17 Victoria, Chapter 69) and 1884 (47 & 48 Victoria, Chapter 46), further changed the rules.
[Britain’s drug trade]
Some Britons may have continued the opium trade past 1917 illicitly, but officially it ended, by mutual agreement between Britain and China, in 1917. However, that wasn’t the end of opium use in China, since its government was disintegrating and warlords replaced Indian opium with local opium. The Chinese and Opium under the Republic: Worse than Floods and Wild Beasts, Alan Baumler, SUNY Press, 2007. The Opium Monopoly, Ellen Newbold La Motte, The Macmillan company, 1920.
[the Crystal Palace]
For simplicity the text gives the impression that all of Britain supported the idea of the fair, but actually the initial impetus came from Prince Albert, Queen Victoria’s consort. However, to actually get it built he needed to rouse interest among the mercantile population to show off their wares, and so get the funding for the building. The Great Exhibition of 1851: a Nation on Display, Jeffrey A. Auerbach, Yale University Press, 1999.
[“which will kill eight times as quick”]
“The most popular and famous invention of American industry, is a pistol which will kill eight times as quick as the weapon formerly in use. It has been reported upon by committees, and sanctioned by Congress, and so keen is the national appreciation of this great discovery, that the Republican Government of Washington does not hesitate to pay about three times as much for cavalry pistols as England pays for infantry muskets.” The Times went on to sardonically call Samuel Colt ‘the American Jenner.’ “Here you may make yourself acquainted with the new method of vaccination, as performed by the practitioners of the Far West, upon the rude tribes who yet incumber the wilderness with their presence. This, in a word, is the stand of Samuel Colt, the inventor of the six barrelled revolving pistol, an arm which in all probability will supersede the fire-arms at present carried by the cavalry of every military power, and which, by the extension of the invention, might be made equally applicable to the efficiency of the foot service. The weapon is of the simplest kind, although it is clear enough that a vast amount of pains must have been bestowed upon the attainment of what seems to be a very simple result.” The Times, June 9th, 1851. See also: American Superiority at the World’s Fair; designed to accompany a chromo-lithographic picture illustrative of prizes awarded to American citizens at the Great Exhibition: a compilation of public and private sources, Charles T. Rodgers, J. J. Hawkins, 1852, page 65.
[France had lost a big war with Britain]
That was the Seven Years’ War, 1756-1763. Sometimes called the ‘first world war,’ it was the first to involve actions all over the globe. It was fought by France, Austria, Russia, Saxony, and Sweden against Britain, Prussia, and Hanover. Spain and Portugal were later drawn in. It’s part of an even larger conflict sometimes called the ‘Second Hundred Years’ War.’ That was the fight for supremacy between Britain and France, which counts from the accession of William III (in the ‘Glorious Revolution’ of 1688) to the Battle of Waterloo (in 1815).
[Mao’s famous phrase]
It dates to 1927, not as is commonly stated, 1938. He first used it at the ‘August 7th Emergency Conference,’ where he’s quoted as saying: 政权是由枪杆子中取得的 [transliteration: “Zhengquan shi you qiangganzi zhong qude de.”] [“Political power is obtained from the barrel of the gun.”] And in 1938, at the Sixth Plenum of the Sixth Central Committee, he said: 枪杆子里面出政权 [transliteration: “Qiangganzi limian chu zhengquan.”] [“Political power comes out of the barrel of a gun.”] Mao’s Road to Power: Revolutionary Writings, 1912-1949: Volume VI: The New Stage, August 1937-1938, Mao Tse-tung, Stuart R. Schram (editor), East Gate, 2004, page 552. Mao’s Road to Power: Revolutionary Writings, 1912-1949: Volume III: From the Jinggangshan to the establishment of the Jiangxi Soviets, July 1927-December 1930, Mao Tse-tung, Stuart R. Schram (editor), East Gate, 1995, page 31.
[cannon motto]
The Latin was: Ultima ratio regum [The last resort of Kings]. In 1626, Cardinal Richelieu ordered it put on cannon for his king, Louis XIIV. Louis the XIV also ordered it put on his cannon. However, it was sighted on one as early as 1613. The Navy and Government in Early Modern France, 1572-1661, Alan James, Boydell & Brewer, 2004, pages 113-114. Familiar Short Sayings of Great Men: With Historical and Explanatory Notes, Samuel Arthur Bent, Ticknor and Company, 1887, page 345. Anecdotes of Distinguished Persons, 4: Chiefly of the Present and Two Preceding Centuries, Volume IV, W. Seward Salisbury, T. Cadell Jun and W. Davies, Fourth Edition, 1798, page 200.

The term was in use in Europe (at least in Italy and France, perhaps England) by at least 1731. “[...] ils n’ont point d’abord recours au Canon, qu’ils ont eux mêmes nommé ultima ratio Regum, la raison à laquelle on a recours quand toutes les autres sont inutiles.” [First they did not resort to Cannon, they have even called them ultima ratio Regum, the reason that’s used when all others are useless.] From: “Reflexions sur les Nouvelles d’Italie,” in: Lettre historique (et politique), Contenant l’état présent de l’Europe, ce qui se passe dans toutes les Cours, l’interêt des Princes, leurs brigues, & généralement tout ce qu’il y a de curieux pour le Mois de Janvier 1731, Henri Basnage de Beauval, Jacques Bernard, and Jean baron de Carlscroon Du-Mont, Herman Uytwerf, 1731, pages 267-272.

Another popular one was Pluribus nec impar [A match for many].

[France’s newest artillery engineers and science]
They were trained in the then young scientific method. “Five artillery schools, all located in garrison towns, had been started in 1720. Enrollment was expanded after 1763 and the curriculum enlarged and made more rigorous. In addition to normal military training, cadets studied geometry, mechanics, drafting, and elementary physics and chemistry. Before graduation they took an examination in mathematics set by Bézout and after his death by none other than Laplace. Over a thousand officers were thus trained in the last quarter-century of the old regime.” See: “Engineering the Revolution,” C. C. Gillispie, Technology and Culture, 39(4):733-742, 1998.
[Blanc was the first to make precision parts]
As usual, the text compresses a long and complex story into a simpler one in the interest of brevity. Christopher Polhem (1661-1751), a Swedish inventor, was actually the first known one, but his machines, which made cogwheels for clocks, didn’t trigger further change partly thanks to its rejection by the best clockmakers and partly by the difficulty of distribution in sparsely populated and largely rural Sweden. The History of the Machine, Sigvard Strandh, translated by Ann Henning, Dorset Press, 1989, pages 54-55. Nor was Polhem alone. Guillaume Deschamps, a French armorer, also made interchangeable parts in the 1720s. Plus, they were gunlocks too. “Innovation and Amnesia: Engineering Rationality and the Fate of Interchangeable Parts Manufacturing in France,” K. Alder, Technology and Culture, 38(2):273-311, 1997. For the development of mass production in the United States but outside government control, see: Ingenious Yankees: The Rise of the American System of Manufactures in the Private Sector, Donald Hoke, Columbia University Press, 1990. For an analysis of the economic versus military pressures that led to them in the early handgun business (especially revolvers), see: “Interchangeable Parts Reexamined—The Private Sector of the American Arms Industry on the Eve of the Civil War,” R. A. Howard, Technology and Culture, 19(4):633-649, 1978.
[Blanc’s second demo]
It was held five years after his first, on November 20th, 1790. By then, Jefferson was back in Washington. Blanc, as general inspector of three French arsenals, was part of an effort in France pushed along by Lieutenant General Jean-Baptiste de Gribeauval, the chief power behind the “uniformity principle” after France’s 1763 defeat. He funded Blanc but died in 1789, the year of the French Revolution. Blanc then struck out on his own. From the American System to Mass Production, 1800-1932: The Development of Manufacturing Technology in the United States, David A. Hounshell, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1984, pages 25-26.
[Brunel’s rejection by the Southampton block manufactory]
“Your brother has certainly given proofs of great ingenuity, but he certainly is not acquainted with our mode of work. What he saw at Deptford is not as we work here. I will just describe in a few words how we have made our blocks for upwards of twenty-five years — twenty years to my own knowledge. The tree of timber, from two to five loads’ measurement, is drawn by the machine under the saw, where it is cut to its proper length. It is then removed to a round saw where the piece cut off is completely shaped, and only requiring to be turned under the saw. The one, two, or three, or four mortises are cut in by hand, which wholly completes the block, except with a broad chisel cutting out the roughness of the teeth of the saw, and the scores for the strapping of the rope. Every block we make (except more than four machines can make) is done in this way, and with great truth and exactness. The shivers are wholly done by the engines, very little labour is employed about our works, except the removing the things from one place to another.

My father has spent many hundreds a year to get the best mode, and most accurate, of making the blocks, and he certainly succeeded; and so much so, that I have no hope of anything ever better being discovered, and I am convinced there cannot.

However, Southamptom’s rejection may have turned to dejection once Brunel built his factory, for:

“where FIFTY MEN were necessary to complete the shells of blocks previous to the erection of Brunel’s machinery, FOUR MEN only are now required; and that, to prepare the sheaves, SIX MEN can now do the work which formerly demanded the labours of SIXTY.

So that TEN MEN, by the aid of this machinery, can accomplish with uniformity, celerity, and ease, what formerly required the uncertain labour of ONE HUNDRED AND TEN.”

Memoir of the life of Sir Marc Isambard Brunel: Civil Engineer, Vice-President of the Royal Society, corresponding member of the Institute of France, etc., Richard Beamish, Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts, Second Edition, 1862, pages 50-51 and pages 97-98.

[Brunel’s block manufactory]
Brunel first landed in the United States, then later settled in Britain. He sailed for England on January 20th, 1799. The United States and France were at war then, although they never declared war, but fighting at sea had begun by then.

Brunel got as far as he did, despite many failures, largely because his wife’s brother was senior in the British Navy. He provided introductions.

Brunel then worked with Samuel Bentham, who was himself very inventive. Brother of Jeremy Bentham (the political radical and philosopher), Samuel was inspector general of the British Navy. They then hired Henry Maudslay to build the machines they would need. Maudslay was one of Britain’s rising stars in precision tools. His machines for Brunel’s block-making manufactory at the Portsmouth yards were so well made that they were still in use in 1944, 141 years later. Blocks for the landing boats at Normandy on D-Day were made there. At the same Portsmouth yards, Bentham had a steam engine in use to drain the docks as early as 1799, and, by 1802, another to run mechanical saws.

The block factory paid for itself in just four years. But it suffered after the Napoleonic wars ended in 1815 and demand dried up. By 1821 Brunel was in jail for debt. The government let him, and his family, languish there until he started corresponding with the Tsar of Russia, who was interested in hiring him away. Then the government paid off his debts with the understanding that he’d remain in Britain. He then went on to invent several more machines and initiate many more building projects. His son, Isambard Kingdom Brunel, did the same.

The Greater Genius? Harold Bagust, Ian Allan Publishing, 2006. Brunel: The Man Who Made the World, Steven Brindle, Sterling Publishing Company, 2005, page 37. The Portsmouth Block Mills: Bentham, Brunel and the start of the Royal Navy’s Industrial Revolution, Jonathan Coad, English Heritage, 2005. Henry Maudslay & the Pioneers of the Machine Age, John Cantrell and Gillian Cookson (editors), Tempus Publishing, 2002. “The Portsmouth System of Manufacture,” C. C. Cooper, Technology and Culture, 25(2):182-225, 1984. English and American Tool Builders, Joseph Wickham Roe, Yale University Press, 1916.

[France (and Spain) widened the war...]
France, still smarting from the 1762 losses (of Canada, India, and in the Caribbean) was looking for a way to hit back at Britain. Separating British America from Britain seemed like it, at least in 1778 after the colonists had finally managed to win a battle, after losing many. A Great Improvisation: Franklin, France, and the Birth of America, Stacy Schiff, Thorndike Press, 2005. Britain and France at the Birth of America: The European Powers and the Peace Negotiations of 1782-1783, Andrew Stockley, University of Exeter Press, 2001.
[Connecticut and Pennsylvania were at war...]
That’s the the Third Pennamite War (1784). “Frontier Vengeance: Connecticut Yankees vs. Pennamites in the Wyoming Valley,” A. M. Ousterhout, Pennsylvania History, 62(3):330-363, 1995.
[State of Franklin...]
It lasted for only four years; it was part of what’s now Tennessee. History of the Lost State of Franklin, Samuel Cole Williams, The Watauga Press, 1924.
[slave revolts in the United States]
In the United States, revolts were feared more than anything else and many laws governing slaves were designed to prevent them. Despite that, slaves still sometimes rebelled anyway, most recently in New York in 1741, and then in Virginia in 1800. Encyclopedia of Slave Resistance and Rebellion, Junius P. Rodriguez (editor), in two volumes, Greenwood, 2006. Gabriel’s Rebellion: The Virginia Slave Conspiracies of 1800 and 1802, Douglas R. Egerton, University of North Carolina Press, 1993. A Rumor of Revolt: The “Great Negro Plot” in Colonial New York, Thomas J. Davis, University of Massachusetts Press, 1990. Some revolts outside the United States did succeed—in Haiti for example.
[Jefferson and the development of interchangeable parts]
Jefferson probably met with Blanc in Paris on July 8th, 1785. He was then in Paris as the new ambassador to the court of King Louis XVI. Engineering the Revolution, Arms and Enlightenment in France, 1763-1815, Ken Alder, Princeton University Press, 1997.

Jefferson mentions the event toward the end of his letter to John Jay on August 30th as follows: “An improvement is made here in the construction of muskets, which it may be interesting to Congress to know, should they at any time propose to procure any. It consists in the making every part of them so exactly alike, that what belongs to any one, may be used for every other musket in the magazine. The government here has examined and approved the method, and is establishing a large manufactory for the purpose of putting it into execution. As yet, the inventor has only completed the lock of the musket, on this plan. He will proceed immediately to have the barrel, stock, and other parts, executed in the same way. Supposing it might be useful in the United States, I went to the workman. He presented me the parts of fifty locks taken to pieces, and arranged in compartments. I put several together myself, taking pieces at hazard as they came to hand, and they fitted in the most perfect manner. The advantages of this, when arms need repair, are evident. He effects it by tools of his own contrivance, which, at the same time, abridge the work, so that he thinks he shall be able to furnish the musket two livres cheaper than the common price. But it will be two or three years before he will be able to furnish any quantity. I mention it now, as it may have influence on the plan for furnishing our magazines with this arm.” The Writings of Thomas Jefferson: Being His Autobiography, Correspondence, Reports, Messages, Addresses, and Other Writings, Official and Private: Published by the Order of the Joint Committee of Congress on the Library, from the Original Manuscripts, Deposited in the Department of State, Volume 1, Thomas Jefferson, Taylor & Maury, 1853, pages 411-412.

Another important catalyst was Major Louis de Tousard, who kept pushing the idea in the United States (after leaving France in 1793 after the Revolution), particularly by writing a proposition that partly led to the establishment of West Point in 1802. From the American System to Mass Production, 1800-1932: The Development of Manufacturing Technology in the United States, David A. Hounshell, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1984, pages 26-27.

[“slit the throats of their sons, and women”]
The reference is to La Marseillaise. Composed in 1792 by Claude-Joseph Rouget de Lisle, a captain in the French army, after Austrian and Prussian troops invaded France to try to quell the revolution. It was originally titled: Chant de guerre pour l’Armee du Rhin — War Song for the Army of the Rhine.

First verse: “Allons enfants de la Patrie, (Arise, children of the Fatherland) / Le jour de gloire est arrivé! (The day of glory has arrived!) / Contre nous de la tyrannie, (Against us tyranny’s) / L’étendard sanglant est levé (repeat) (Bloody banner is raised) / Entendez-vous dans les campagnes (Do you hear, in the fields) / Mugir ces féroces soldats? (The roar of those ferocious soldiers?) Ils viennent jusque dans vos bras (They’re coming right into your midst) / Éorger vos fils, vos compagnes! (To cut the throats of your sons, your women!)”

Chorus: “Aux armes, citoyens, (To arms, citizens) / Formez vos bataillons, (Form your battalions) / Marchons, marchons, (Let’s march, let’s march) / Qu’un sang impur (Let an impure blood) / Abreuve nos sillons (repeat) (Water our furrows)”

[United States in undeclared war with France and North African states]
The United States was in an undeclared war with France from 1797-1801. The (primarily naval) actions lasted from 1798 to 1800. That was the first time that United States troops were used abroad, and was undeclared by Congress (which hardly existed at the time anyway). The Quasi-War: The Politics and Diplomacy of the Undeclared war with France, 1797-1801, Alexander DeConde, Scribner, 1966.

It was also in the First Barbary war from 1801-1805 (against Tripoli, Algiers, Tunis, and Morocco). Before, its ships had been protected by Britain’s navy, then by France’s navy (from 1778-1783), and for a while it simply paid tribute. That began to break down and conflict started in 1801, when Jefferson became president. That was the second time that United States troops were used abroad, and was also undeclared (by the United States, although it was ‘declared’ by Tripoli by chopping down the consulate’s flagpole, the custom at the time). At the time, the United States navy had just started and consisted of just six ships. The Barbary Wars: American Independence in the Atlantic World, Frank Lambert, Hill and Wang, 2005.

[Britain restricted technology transfer to its colonies]
As an example of the limitations, here’s a bit of the Iron Act of 1750.

“An act to encourage the importation of pig and bar iron from his Majesty’s colonies in America; and to prevent the erection of any mill, or other engine, for slitting or rolling of iron; or any plateing forge to work with a tilt hammer; or any furnace for making steel in any of the said colonies.”

There were many limitations, not just of technology, but also of people skilled in the technology, particular textile artisans. Britain wanted to encourage its own industry, by gaining the right raw materials from the colonies, yet discourage industrial competition from the colonies. In return, the United States, after independence in 1789, would offer bounties for the skilled, who would disguise themselves and their tools to slip through the export bans. It would also enact the first Tariff Act, which imposed some of the highest rates on slit and rolled iron, castings, mails, spikes and wool cards (the wire brushes used for carding wool). The idea was to stimulate home-grown production. A Social History of American Technology, Ruth Schwartz Cowan, Oxford University Press, 1997. “An Industry Evolves: Lathes to Computers,” J. J. Benes, American Machinist, August 1996. Connections, James Burke, Macmillan, 1978, page 148. English and American Tool Builders, Joseph Wickham Roe, Yale University Press, 1916, page 111.

[British America smuggled a steam engine in 1753]
In 1753, the colonies that were to become the United States got their first steam engine. It was smuggled from Britain to New Jersey that year. But word of it grew slowly. Folks living only two days’ walk away still hadn’t heard of it 17 years later. American Science and Invention, A Pictorial History: The Fabulous Story of How American Dreamers, Wizards, and Inspired Tinkers Converted a Wilderness into the Wonder of the World, Mitchell Wilson, Simon & Schuster, 1954, pages 48-49.

The machine was built for the Schuyler copper mines (now near Belleville, New Jersey). Benjamin Franklin mentioned a visit to the mine in a letter he wrote on February 13th, 1750: “I know of but one valuable copper mine in this country, which is that of Schuyler’s in the Jerseys. This yields good copper, and has turned out vast wealth to the owners. I was at it last fall, but they were not then at work. The water has grown too hard for them, and they waited for a fire-engine from England to drain their pits. I suppose they will have that at work next summer; it costs them one thousand pounds sterling.” The Writings of Benjamin Franklin, Volume III, 1750-1759, Albert Henry Smyth (editor), Macmillan, 1905, page 1.

The machine was smuggled in by Josiah Hornblower, of Cornwall, who brought all the parts for a Newcomen engine, which he, his brother, and their father had built by hand. He also brought many spare parts because he knew that he could not rely on the crude colonial machinists to make new ones. By 1755, the machine was in operation, pumping out the deepest mine shaft—the first time steam power was used anywhere in the colony. Five years later the machine was down for repairs, with a new brass cylinder having to be sent for all the way from London. Then, in 1761, Josiah and a partner leased the mine from its owner, John Schuyler. The next year there was a fire. By 1767 the mine was idle as wars plagued the area. Another fire in 1773 closed the mine. By 1794 Nicholas Roosevelt, who, in partnership with Arent Schuyler, John’s son, had leased the mine, repaired the steam engine, then went bankrupt. The exhausted mine went on to bankrupt many partnerships for the next 50 years. However, by 1838 the new United States had over 5,000 steam engines. By then the new country had begun to turn the corner of industrialization. Josiah Hornblower and the First Steam Engine, With Some Notices of the Schuyler Copper Mines at Second River, N. J., and a Genealogy of the Hornblower Family, William Nelson, Daily Advertiser Printing House, 1883.

[why did mass production spread in the United States first?]
Mass production took off in the United States first. But why? It can’t be fear alone because fear wasn’t alone enough to push through such a major change in production—it wasn’t enough in France, nor in Britain. And, over the millennia, lots of our groups have been plenty afraid many times before, yet only rarely did that lead to anything other than our usual death and despair. Further, the same fear didn’t force the same production change in Europe—at least, not at first. There, our clotted layers of artisans, and the political arrangements surrounding that, smothered it. In the United States, unlike Europe, fear could break the back of our age-old piecework tradition only because there we didn’t have much of a tradition to begin with. Skilled labor was scarce. Compared to Europe, the little ex-colony was a backwater full of hicks.

But so what? Relative to Europe in 1800, lots of countries were backwaters—Papua New Guinea, for instance. The new country wasn’t merely hicksville; there, any labor—skilled or unskilled—was undependable. It was expanding quickly. And as it expanded, and killed off more and more of its native hunter-gatherers, land was cheap and plentiful. So holding on to labor was hard. Anyone with a grubstake could head west and homestead. Europe, though, aside from Russia (which was expanding east much as the United States was expanding west, but which had its own problems), had killed off its native hunter-gatherers seven millennia before. So it had no new land to steal—at least, not in Europe—and it had large, stagnant pools of skilled labor. Thus, in Europe, only military emergency was enough to overcome its labor inertia—and then, only while the emergency lasted. For the infant country, though, it was all one long emergency. (Perhaps the same forces would apply were we to ever colonize another planet.)

Being land-rich and labor-poor mattered a lot, but if that were all, then Russia, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, or Uruguay might have developed mass production first. They, too, were rapidly crowding out earlier farmers, herders, foragers, or nomads at about the same time. But they weren’t mavericks living under threat of imminent dissolution. In the United States, making guns of swappable parts was central to survival, then expansion. Just as with the first bloom of the steam engine in Britain as opposed to anywhere else, various accidents of geography and history came together to make the United States peculiarly suited to adopting the new steam power and the new precision tools quickly. But the main reason it could adopt those new tools at all was that there were new tools to adopt.

For instance, in 1810 the United States had no working steam engines, almost a century after Britain’s first ones. By 1838, it had over 5,000. So the United States did what Britain and France couldn’t, but were it not for France and Britain it might well have been just as stuck in our age-old production tarpit as they were.

The idea that labor shortage encouraged machines in the United States is hardly new. It seems to have first been articulated as part of previous scholarship, and then questioned, in: American and British Technology in the Nineteenth Century: The Search for Labour Saving Inventions, H. J. Habakkuk, Cambridge University Press, 1962. See, for example: The Emergence of Industrial America: Strategic Factors in American Economic Growth Since 1870, Peter George, SUNY Press, 1982, pages 37-47. See also: Taming the Wild Field: Colonization and Empire on the Russian Steppe, Willard Sunderland, Cornell University Press, 2004.

[“one boy”...]
“[O]ne boy by the aid of these machines can perform more work than ten men with files, in the same time, and with greater accuracy.” From: “John H. Hall, Simeon North, and the Milling Machine: The Nature of Innovation among Antebellum Arms Makers,” M. R. Smith, Technology and Culture, 14(4):573-591, 1973.
[funding and growth of mass production in the United States]
From 1800-1850, most small arms were made at two federal armories (in Harpers Ferry, Virginia, and Springfield, Massachusetts), and at the small private manufactories of federal contractors, mostly in New England. The Army enforced sharing of ideas (with one notable exception, Thomas Blanchard). By 1840, about a third of all the nation’s small arms came from just the two armories. Private companies outside the bubble lacked capital, expertise, and markets. That began to change after the 1830s and the Seminole wars in Florida. Greater expansion and larger borders led to higher demand. “Industrial Manifest Destiny: American Firearms Manufacturing and Antebellum Expansion,” L. S. Regele, Business History Review, 92(1):57-83, 2018. The Dawn of Innovation: The First American Industrial Revolution, Charles R. Morris, PublicAffairs, 2012, Chapter 4. Hall’s Breechloaders: John H. Hall’s invention and development of a breechloading rifle with precision-made interchangeable parts and its introduction into the United States service, R. T. Huntington, George Shumway, 1972.

“Lee’s appointment as superintendent of the Springfield Armory in 1815 followed an important change within the War Department. James Monroe, then secretary of war, pushed through Congress legislation that gave control of the Springfield and Harpers Ferry armories to the Ordnance Department, thus removing them from the immediate supervision of the secretary of war. An army bureau, the Ordnance Department had been created in 1812 to inspect and distribute military stores. Colonel Decius Wadsworth, who had worked with Louis Tousard in the Corps of Artillerists and Engineers, was the first chief of ordnance. To assist him, Wadsworth recruited a group of West Point junior officers. When the department gained jurisdiction over the armories in February 1815, these West Pointers moved immediately toward the institution of an American version of ‘le système Gribeauval,’ which Tousard had championed in his American Artillerist’s Companion. From their experience in the War of 1812, when a vast number of arms had been damaged beyond repair in the field but could have been fixed had parts simply interchanged, the ordnance officers believed that uniform parts manufacture (proven technically possible by Blanc, North, and possibly others) would be worth almost any price. Lieutenant George Bomford, Wadsworth’s chief assistant and his successor (1821-42), proved to be instrumental in the department’s efforts to achieve uniformity.” From the American System to Mass Production, 1800-1932: The Development of Manufacturing Technology in the United States, David A. Hounshell, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1984, page 33. See also: Harpers Ferry Armory and the New Technology: The Challenge of Change, Merritt Roe Smith, Cornell University Press, 1977, page 104-107.

Just as with the steam engine in Britain, swappable parts took a long time to develop in the United States. It depended on decades of cross-pollinating work of the two men most in charge of ordnance: Decius Wadsworth and then George Bomford, and also Roswell Lee; and those who made it happen, some from gun develpment and some from textile development: John Hancock Hall, John H. King, Philip Burkart, Daniel Young, Jerome Young, Armistead M. Ball, James Henry Burton, Christian Sharps; Samuel Slater, Horatio Nelson Slater and John Fox Slater, Amos Adams Lawrence, Simeon North, Sylvester Nash, Thomas Blanchard, Joseph Whitworth, Jean Laurent Palmer, S. E. Robbins, Richard S. Lawrence, Oliver Winchester, Samuel Colt, and others. Industrializing Antebellum America: The Rise of Manufacturing Entrepreneurs in the Early Republic, Barbara M. Tucker and Kenneth H. Tucker Jr., Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. Ingenious Yankees: The Rise of the American System of Manufactures in the Private Sector, Donald R. Hoke, Columbia University Press, 1990. From the American System to Mass Production, 1800-1932: The Development of Manufacturing Technology in the United States, David A. Hounshell, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1984. Samuel Slater and the Origins of the American Textile Industry, 1790-1860, Barbara M. Tucker, Cornell University Press, 1984. “Interchangeable Parts Reexamined—The Private Sector of the American Arms Industry on the Eve of the Civil War,” R. A. Howard, Technology and Culture, 19(4):633-649, 1978. “Technological Change in the Machine Tool Industry, 1840-1910,” N. Rosenberg, The Journal of Economic History, 23(04):414-443, 1963.

One can stand for many: Simeon North. On November 7th, 1808, he wrote to the Secretary of the Navy: “To make my contract for pistols advantageous to the United States and to myself I must go to a great proportion of the expense before I deliver any pistols. I find that by confining a workman to one particular limb of the pistol untill he has made two thousand, I save at least one quarter of his labor, to what I should provided I finishd them by small quantities; and the work will be as much better as it is quicker made.” Simeon North, First Official Pistol Maker of the United States: A Memoir, S. N. D. North and Ralph H. North, The Rumford Press, 1913, page 64.

In such ways did this group in the United States develop much the same basic production ideas as the group that James Watt and others fit into in Britain had to, since they had earlier had to do much the same sorts of things with what were initially largely unskilled hands.

That more or less the same thing happened in two different countries when trying to solve difficult industrial problems in two different domains is partly attributable to some cross-fertilization (from Britain and France to the United States) but is also attributable to network forces. By 1890, Alfred Marshall was to put our drive toward the formation of industrial reaction networks as follows:

“When an industry has thus chosen a locality for itself, it is likely to stay there long: so great are the advantages which people following the same skilled trade get from near neighbourhood to one another. The mysteries of the trade become no mysteries; but are as it were in the air, and children learn many of them unconsciously. Good work is rightly appreciated, inventions and improvements in machinery, in processes and the general organization of the business have their merits promptly discussed: if one man starts a new idea, it is taken up by others and combined with suggestions of their own; and thus it becomes the source of further new ideas. And presently subsidiary trades grow up in the neighbourhood, supplying it with implements and materials, organizing its traffic, and in many ways conducing to the economy of its material.

Again, the economic use of expensive machinery can sometimes be attained in a very high degree in a district in which there is a large aggregate production of the same kind, even though no individual capital employed in the trade be very large. For subsidiary industries devoting themselves each to one small branch of the process of production, and working it for a great many of their neighbours, are able to keep in constant use machinery of the most highly specialized character, and to make it pay its expenses, though its original cost may have been high, and its rate of depreciation very rapid.

Again, in all but the earliest stages of economic development a localized industry gains a great advantage from the fact that it offers a constant market for skill. Employers are apt to resort to any place where they are likely to find a good choice of workers with the special skill which they require; while men seeking employment naturally go to places where there are many employers who need such skill as theirs and where therefore it is likely to find a good market. The owner of an isolated factory, even if he has access to a plentiful supply of general labour, is often put to great shifts for want of some special skilled labour; and a skilled workman, when thrown out of employment in it, has no easy refuge. Social forces here co-operate with economic: there are often strong friendships between employers and employed: but neither side likes to feel that in case of any disagreeable incident happening between them, they must go on rubbing against one another: both sides like to be able easily to break off old associations should they become irksome. These difficulties are still a great obstacle to the success of any business in which special skill is needed, but which is not in the neighbourhood of others like it: they are however being diminished by the railway, the printing-press and the telegraph.” Principles of Economics: An Introductory Volume, Alfred Marshall, Macmillan and Co., Ltd., 1890, pages 271-272.

[spread of mass production out of the United States to Europe]

By the 1851 Great Exhibition, knowledgable Britons would be writing this: “The Americans carry out the factory system, the well-planned division of labour, to a greater extent than we do. They have not more hands than are requisite to do the work which is to be done; and they have not before their minds that fear of strikes, and grumblings and discontent, which frequently deter inventors from introducing new machines in England. Among us, guns and pistols are handwork, made in pieces by artisans who use the hammer and file, and other hand-tools; but in the United States the art is regarded as a kind of engineering, in which steam-power and beautiful machines are employed.” Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal, “What Is A Revolver?” Anonymous, Number 519, December 10th, 1853. (Robert Chambers is the likely author of this piece; he often wrote anonymously to fill his journal.)

Even after 1851, mass production still took more decades to evolve and spread. For instance, in 1852 Samuel Colt started a revolver factory in London to rival his first one Hartford, Connecticut. However, the workers he hired there repeatedly sabotaged it, so he fired them and imported trained staff from his hometown. By 1854 his London factory was open for business. As with Blanc’s, and Brunel’s, it was successful—for a while. Britain and France had just declared war on Russia in the Crimea and, as usual, all of us in Europe went gun-mad. By December 1856, though, Colt closed his London factory. The war had ended. British gunsmiths were still making nearly everything by hand in their cottages and after the shooting war against Russia ended, they won the propaganda war against Colt with ‘Buy British.’ See: “Colt’s London Armoury,” H. B. Blackmore, in: Technological Change: The United States and Britain in the 19th Century, S. B. Saul (editor), Methuen & Co., 1970, pages 171-196.

By 1873, though, a respected German engineer wrote that “[T]he entirely new ideas of American machinery have tossed the English out of the satchel, and we must without hesitation attach ourselves to the new system if we do not want to fall behind.” That was Franz Reuleaux, author of the seminal Kinematics of Machinery. “Industry and Transport,” W. J. Ashworth, in: A Companion to Nineteenth-Century Britain, Chris Williams (editor), Wiley-Blackwell, 2004, pages 223-237. New Profession, Old Order: Engineers and German Society, 1815-1914, Kees Gispen, Cambridge University Press, 2002, pages 115-118.

At the Vienna Exhibition in 1873, Reuleaux noted that “Upon the field of inventions and inventive genius, there are but few highly remarkable achievements present, and among these America held the highest rank. Her machine exhibition bore almost exclusively the character of originality, * * * and it contained examples of the highest order of constructive ability and perfect workmanship.” See: “American Machinery at International Exhibitions,” T. R. Pickering, Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Volume V, November 1883 and May 1884, pages 113-130.

Reuleaux was widely respected and he traveled to World Exhibitions in London (1862), Paris (1867), Vienna (1873), Philadelphia (1876), Sidney (1879), and Chicago (1893). The Machines of Leonardo da Vinci and Franz Reuleaux: Kinematics of Machines from the Renaissance to the 20th century, Francis C. Moon, Springer, 2007, page 56.

Incidentally, on page 57, Moon summarizes Reuleaux’s eight-volume Book of Inventions (in 1884) this way: “He did not accept the contemporary theory of invention as resulting from scientific discovery, a view that is often expressed in popular literature on technology in the United States. Nor did he believe in the discontinuous genius theory of invention, where the ‘hero’ inventor, working alone, makes an important advance that benefits humankind. He viewed both scientific discovery and technical invention as evolving from a tension between the two, sometimes within the same man. Reuleaux viewed the development of new machine technology as one of evolution, that every invention has had a close antecedent developed further by clever inventors, new scientific ideas and the pressure of marketplace competition.”

Reuleaux was not alone in thinking along those lines. In the 1840s, Friedrich List, a German political economist, had long been trying to figure out how the United States, and especially England, were shooting ahead so quickly. Before 1844, List wrote (in reaction to Adam Smith’s ‘division of labor’ idea) that: “If we consider merely bodily labour as the cause of wealth, how can we then explain why modern nations are incomparably richer, more populous, more powerful, and prosperous than the nations of ancient times? The ancient nations employed (in proportion to the whole population) infinitely more hands, the work was much harder, each individual possessed much more land, and yet the masses were much worse fed and clothed than is the case in modern nations. In order to explain these phenomena, we must refer to the progress which has been made in the course of the last thousand years in sciences and arts, domestic and public regulations, cultivation of the mind and capabilities of production. The present state of the nations is the result of the accumulation of all discoveries, inventions, improvements, perfections, and exertion of all generations which have lived before us. They form the mental capital of the present human race, and every separate nation is productive only in the proportion in which it has known how to appropriate these attainments of former generations and to increase them by its own acquirements, in which the natural capabilities of its territory, its extent and geographical position, its population and political power, have been able to develop as completely and symmetrically as possible all sources of wealth within its boundaries, and to extend its moral, intellectual, commercial, and political influence over less advanced nations and especially over the affairs of the world.” The National System of Political Economy, Friedrich List, translated by Sampson S. Lloyd, Longmans, Green and Co., 1916, pages 113-114.

[invention would be impossible...]
A point made by Henry Ford about his first car (in 1893). He later said, in effect:

“I invented nothing new. I simply assembled into a car the discoveries of other men behind whom were centuries of work, and the discoveries of still other men who preceded them. Had I worked fifty or even ten or even five years before I would have failed. So it is with every new thing. Progress happens when all the factors that make for it are ready, and then it is inevitable. To teach that a comparatively few men are responsible for the great forward steps of mankind is the worst sort of nonsense.”

“The Schoolmaster of Dearborn,” New Outlook, CLXIV (September 1934), pages 61-62, in: Monopoly on Wheels: Henry Ford and the Selden Automobile Patent, William Greenleaf, Wayne State University Press, 1961, Reprint Edition, 2011, page 138.

“No society is so isolated or self-sufficient that it has never borrowed at least some aspects of its technology from an outside source. Because humans engaged in normal communications are bound to exchange information about novel techniques or artifacts, general cultural contacts are the oldest means of transferring knowledge about technology from one culture to another. These contacts may be the result of exploration, travel, trade, war, or migration. All of these ensure that the parties, concerned will be exposed to new technological opportunities. What is traditional practice for one culture may be an important innovation in a different setting.” The Evolution of Technology, George Basalla, Cambridge University Press, 1988, page 78.

The neologism is already in use. It comes from two Greek words stigma (‘sting’ or ‘mark’ or ‘sign’) and ergon (‘the work’ or ‘the task’ or ‘the action’), so transliterated it would mean ‘sign of work.’ It’s usually taken as ‘incite to work’ or ‘incitement to work.’ Self-Organization in Biological Systems, Scott Camazine, Jean-Louis Deneubourg, Nigel R. Franks, James Sneyd, Guy Theraulaz, and Eric Bonabeau, Princeton University Press, 2001.

For an example of human stigmergy (in an electronic landscape), see: “Group path formation,” R. L. Goldstone, A. Jones, M. Roberts, IEEE Transactions on System, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A,. 36(3):611-620, 2006.

For more general discussion, and an introduction to more expansionary terms like ‘sematectonic’ (by E. O. Wilson), and how it fits in to a whole panoply of terms to do with self-organization, see Chapter 7. (Stigmergy often means witting or unwitting communication via modification of the environment; putting up a signpost is witting, and creating shortcuts on grass by repeated walking is unwitting.) “Mindscapes and Landscapes: Hayek and Simon on Cognitive Extension,” L. Marsh, in: Hayek and Behavioral Economics Roger Frantz and Robert Leeson (editors), Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, pages 197-220.

[termite nest is ... nest is a humidity-controlled air-exchanger]
“Solar-powered ventilation of African termite mounds,” S. A. Ocko, H. King, D. Andreen, P. Bardunias, J. S. Turner, R. Soar, L. Mahadevan, Journal of Experimental Biology, 220(16):3260-3269, 2017. “Extended Physiology of an Insect-Built Structure,” J. S. Turner, American Entomologist, 51(1):36-38, 2005. “On the Mound of Macrotermes michaelseni as an Organ of Respiratory Gas Exchange,” J. S. Turner, Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 74(6):798-822, 2001.
[New York Times on the future of the United States in 1852]
“Cuba, Mexico, Hawai: Whichever of our wide windows we look through there lies a fresh prize for ambition; a new field for the experiment of republican theories. The national power, influence, cupidity, enlarge in geometrical ratio to the frontier. The primal sin, by which we fell, was the appropriation of Texas. Then followed California, with its golden cornucopia. Then Cuban forays upon the Texan models; Isthmus difficulties pointed to the annexation of Mexico as the cheapest solution; covetous longings for the lovely isle of the Pacific King: longings which possession alone can appease. These are the upper, sun-kindled points of current history, to which posterity will look back as beacon stations whence the scope and hearings of the age may be measured. They are the phenomena of a new mental direction. Every nation, as it passes from the swaddling-bands and other needful restriction of infancy, calls for wider room, and gets it by the strong arm or the cunning policy. National energy, as it develops, devotes itself to acquisition. But it is the boldness, the magnificent scope, the indomitable purpose of the American people, that distinguish their plans of aggrandizement from all that has gone before.

These phenomena have multiplied so rapidly, as to constitute a new science. Manifest Destiny must have its chair, within friendly proximity to those of Political Economy and the Science of Government. It ranks with the speculative Sciences. [...]

Between these two sects of believers in Manifest Predestination, these political Calvinists on the one hand, and the Universalists, or those advocating world-wide Republicanism, on the other, is there no middle ground, where compromise may be possible? Doubtless yes. A political evangel may very well be preached with the same impressive eloquence that sped the religion of Islam, like a prairie-fire, from Persia to the Pillars of Hercules; the conjoint eloquence of Saint and Scimetar. The influence of republican example may be strengthened and enforced by the direct application of power. In this way can Mexico be republicanized, and in no other. Cuba and its enslaved population, must owe its future liberties either to this principle, whether employed in the form of grape-shot, or as round dollars. It is morally certain that purely democratic institutions can never exist quietly in South America, unless some inconceivable revolution occur in the character of the people. Everywhere, beyond our borders, on this Western Hemisphere, do we see the need of the steady, ballasting traits of Anglo-Saxonism. It will never do to argue the practicability of our system beyond the confines of the race, until the experiment has been abundantly tried. The lights now before us seem to justify the idea that such institutions as those our Fathers devised, must be sustained by the continued exercise of traits peculiar to the national character. Believing this, and both branches of the Predestinarians accepting the fact that the national influence and national force must operate together, we see nothing irrational in the hope of a more dazzling future for the race than imagination has yet ventured to outline. Not a continent, a half-globe, but the world—shall be ours. Through what vista into the future shall we look to see a more splendid destiny?”

From: “The Science of Manifest Destiny,” New York Times, September 9th, 1852. (The New York Times, which started publishing on September 18th, 1851, was then one year old.)

By 1882, Walt Whitman was to crow: “Long ere the second centennial arrives, there will be some forty to fifty great States, among them Canada and Cuba. When the present century closes, our population will be sixty or seventy millions. The Pacific will be ours, and the Atlantic mainly ours. There will be daily electric communication with ever part of the globe. What an age! What a land! Where, elsewhere, one so great? The individuality of one nation must then, as always, lead the world. Can there be any doubt who the leader ought to be?” From: “Democratic Vistas,” Democratic Vistas and Other Papers, Walt Whitman, (London, 1888), page 66.

[the second Crystal Palace]
Art and Industry as Represented in the Exhibition at the Crystal Palace, New York—1853-4, Showing the Progress and State of the Various Useful and Esthetic Pursuits, Horace Greely, Redfield, 1853.

Amalthea’s Recursive Horn

[impact of machines—volume increases, price drops]
As machines entered manufactories, costs headed down and volume and variety headed up. For instance, for millennia, spinning 100 pounds of cotton into thread took one of us about 50,000 hours. In Britain by the 1790s, thanks to new machines, like the spinning jenny, that time had plummeted to 300 hours. By the 1830s, it fell to 175 hours. The Lever of Riches: Technology, Creativity, and Economic Progress, Joel Mokyr, Oxford University Press, 1990, page 99. The Cotton Industry: An Essay in American Economic History; Part I: The Cotton Culture and the Cotton Trade, M. B. Hammond, Macmillan, 1897, page 171. Also, by 1873 in the United States, the cost of shipping that same 100 pounds of cotton from New Orleans to New York was 60 cents U.S. By 1880, it was to 45 cents. By 1892, it was 32 cents. However, there was a long-term price deflation in the United States from the 1870s on as the government withdrew the greenbacks it had printed during the civil war (the greenbacks were inflationary). That essentially brought a return to a gold standard. So as primary producers continued to increase production, and markets continued to integrate, more produce chased roughly the same amount of money, so prices fell.
[Fanuc’s first automated robot factory in 2008]
Fanuc’s (Fujitsu Automated Numerical Control) factory in Oshino-mura, Yamanashi, at the base of Mount Fuji, has to be visited once a month to replenish supplies and retrieve product. It runs lights-out, air conditioner-out, and heat-out. “Direct input and output system: another secret underlying Fanuc’s unmanned factory,” Y. Kusuda, Assembly Automation, 28(2):115-119, 2008. “Long-time unattended manufacturing system with intelligent robot,” K. Hariki, K. Yamaguchi, K. Yamanashi, M. Oda, 36th International Symposium on Robotics, 2005, page 138. At the 2005 World Expo, held in Japan, about 100,000 of the 22 million visitors were greeted by what appeared to be four Japanese women, who each spoke phrases from four languages. They were fembots; an unthinkable idea at our first world’s fair in 1851. Now that robots are beginning to make more robots, who knows what our recursive production network will be making by 2051.

For an overview of the various technical problems that had to be solved (especially tool steel in 1899) before true mass production could happen, see: “Mr. Taylor, Mr. Ford, and the Advent of High-Volume Mass Production: 1900-1912,” J. Paxton, Economics & Business Journal: Inquiries & Perspectives, 4(1):74-90, 2012.

[ideas behind mass production]
None of those ideas were new. Using some sort of mold or form or template to make things in bulk is old. That’s how we made coins, pots, cannon balls, buttons, and such. A factory, meaning someplace with a power source where several of us might work together, is also old. Well over a millennium ago, a mill might use a waterwheel—or slaves, oxen, horses, or asses on a treadmill or capstan—to drive several machines. Dividing our labor so that we could specialize our skills is even older. It dates back at least as far as our first cities and armies, perhaps seven millennia ago. Its use in factories goes at least as far back as the 1600s. However, those ideas didn’t come together in synergy until we figured out the last two ideas—precision parts and assembly lines—and then meshed them all together.

The ideas are old. It was bringing them together that was new. For example, we had manufactories in China around 1,000 years ago: “In +1175, the Hangchow factory [for printing paper money], for example, employed more than a thousand daily workers.” Science and Civilization in China: Volume 5, Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Part 1, Paper and Printing, Tsuen-Hsuin Tsien, Joseph Needham, Cambridge University Press, 1985, page 48.

We had grain mills in the Roman Empire over 1,000 years ago: “Technological Innovation and Economic Progress in the Ancient World: M. I. Finley Re-Considered,” K. Greene, The Economic History Review, 53(1):29-59, 2000. Division of labor is also old. For example, Xenophon explained 2,400 years ago why Greek artisans specialize in cities. The Ancient Economy, M. I. Finley, University of California Press, 1973, page 135. Moreover, any large mass of us will specialize—for example, in armies. Probably the idea is so old that it’s impossible to date.

Division of labor in manufactories is also old. Around 1676 William Petty noted that “Cloth must be cheaper made, when one Cards, another Spins, another Weaves, another Draws, another Dresses, another Presses and Packs; than when all the Operations above-mentioned, were clumsily performed by the same hand.” Political Arithmetick, OR A DISCOURSE Concerning, The Extent and Value of Lands, People, Buildings: Husbandry, Manufacture, Commerce, Fishery, Artizans, Seamen, Soldiers; Publick Revenues, Interest, Taxes, Superlucration, Registries, Banks Valuation of Men, Increasing of Seamen, of Militia’s, Harbours, Situation, Shipping, Power at Sea, &c. As the same relates to every Country in general, but more particularly to the Territories of His Majesty of Great Britain, and his Neighbours of Holland, Zealand, and France, William Petty, Robert Clavel and Hen. Mortlock, 1690, page 19.

A century later, in 1776, Adam Smith noted that “[A pin-maker] could scarce, perhaps, with his utmost industry, make one pin in a day, and certainly could not make twenty. But in the way in which this business is now carried on, not only the whole work is a peculiar trade, but it is divided into a number of branches, of which the greater part are likewise peculiar trades. One man draws out the wire, another straights it, a third cuts it, a fourth points it, a fifth grinds it at the top for receiving, the head; to make the head requires two or three distinct operations; to put it on is a peculiar business, to whiten the pins is another; it is even a trade by itself to put them into the paper; and the important business of making a pin is, in this manner, divided into about eighteen distinct operations, which, in some factories, are all performed by distinct hands, though in others the same man will sometimes perform two or three of them. I have seen a small manufactory of this kind where ten men only were employed, and where some of them consequently performed two or three distinct operations. But though they were very poor, and therefore but indifferently accommodated with the necessary machinery, they could, when they exerted themselves, make among them about twelve pounds of pins in a day. There are in a pound upwards of four thousand pins of a middling size. Those ten persons, therefore, could make among them upwards of forty-eight thousand pins in a day. Each person, therefore, making a tenth part of forty-eight thousand pins, might be considered as making four thousand eight hundred pins in a day.” An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith, Edwin Cannan Edition, Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1952, Book I, Chapter 1, page 3.

In other words, pin-makers specialized and together they formed a reaction network. Before that, a pin-maker could only make about one pin a day. Now, the same pin-maker could average around 5,000 pins a day. The price of pins dropped like a rock. It’s widely accepted that Smith based his example of division of labor on the Henri-Louis Duhamel du Monceau’s 1761 introduction to L’Art de l’Epinglier.

By dividing labor we could thus make an assembly line. By adding a steam engine we could also power all the tools on that line. That alone was a huge change, but mass production also involves yet another idea—precision parts. While we could divide our labor in factories to make pins in volume, those pins needn’t be precision-made. Conversely, we could make precision pins in low volume in factories without dividing our labor—painstakingly and by hand.

Also, mass production isn’t just volume: For example, Abraham Darby’s brass castings for cast iron, or Josiah Wedgwood’s pottery molds for kiln pottery, or Christopher Polhem’s cogwheels milling machine, or any number of other such items (bootlaces, buttons, coins, cannon balls, and so on), all were in volume, yet none were ‘mass produced.’ In 1452, Gutenberg had made the lead type for his printing press in bulk, but that wasn’t ‘mass production’ either.

Mass production is thus a form of volume production in which we divide both the making of, and the putting together of, standard parts into a series of steps so simple that we can make tools do them. We can then divide the labor of making and putting together the parts for those tools, thus closing the recursive loop. For efficiency sake, today’s forms of mass production extend the assembly line to a conveyor belt.

[Blanc’s parts were the first to do that on a mass scale]
Not strictly true. As noted, Polhem in Sweden and Deschamps in France preceded Blanc, and following Blanc there was Eli Terry in the United States (in 1806), who did something similar (by hand) with wooden parts for clocks. But none of these attempts lead to machine tools, either because of where they were or perhaps because they worked in wood. Blanc happened to have Jefferson in his audience.

However, as Hounshell notes, the wooden clock industry did contribute to the marketing strategies later used by the sewing machine industry. Ingenious Yankees: The Rise of the American System of Manufactures in the Private Sector, Donald Hoke, Columbia University Press, 1990. From the American System to Mass Production, 1800-1932: The Development of Manufacturing Technology in the United States, David A. Hounshell, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1984, page 51.

Recursion is a tricky idea, and even math and computer science students have trouble with it. The essence of their problem is this: if a process depends on itself, how do you define it? And how can it ever stop? For example, when you stand between two mirrors facing each other what you see is a recursive image: it contains a reflection of you, a smaller reflection of that reflection of you, a yet smaller reflection of that, and so on. The recursion doesn’t go to infinity because after some number of reflections, the next reflection is either too small or too dim for you to see. Every recursion eventually ‘bottoms out’ sometime, so if we were to start at its bottom and work our way out we’d have a more easily understood operation. (For instance: imagine that the mirror starts with a just barely discernible image of your reflection, then the second mirror magnifies that, and so on, until the reflected image occupies the whole mirror’s surface). However expressing the operation recursively (going the other way) is more compact and, almost always, more powerfully expressive.
[mass labor leaving the farm for the factories]
In Arthur Lewis’ seminal work in economics in 1954, poor economies have two sectors: farming and manufacturing. Farming is low-productivity with much excess labor because, at first, farm hands have nowhere else to go. However, at first, manufacturing is high-productivity. Because farming has surplus labor, wages are low; so manufacturing can remain profitable yet can still grow rapidly by absorbing surplus labor off the farm at low wages. Also, since there is much surplus labor on the farm, drawing off labor from the farm will not affect productivity there. Because the productivity of manufacturing can increase faster than the wages in manufacturing, manufacturing is more profitable than it would be if the economy were at full employment. That profitability encourages higher capital formation, which encourages reinvestment, so manufacturing can grow rapidly. However, as the number of surplus workers dwindles, manufacturing wages begin to rise, so profits there fall, so investment there falls. At that point, the economy is said to have crossed the Lewis Turning Point. For this work, Lewis started development economics and got the Nobel prize in 1979. “Development with Unlimited Supplies of Labour,” W. A. Lewis, Manchester School of Economic and Social Studies, XXII, 139-191, 1954.
[...guns germinate steel foundries]
An homage to an outstanding book: Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies, Jared Diamond, W. W. Norton, 1997.
[Marx thought there might be a book in it]
The backhand reference is, of course, to: Das Kapital. Kritik der politischen Öekonomie, [Capital. A Critique of Political Economy,] Karl Marx, Verlag von Otto Meisner, 1867. Capital: An Abridged Edition, Karl Marx, edited by David McLellan, Oxford, 2008.
[children in the mine pits]
The Pit Brow Women of the Wigan Coalfield, Alan Davies, Tempus, 2006. The White Slaves of England John C. Cobden, Miller, Orton & Mulligan, 1854, chapter 2.

Here are just the first 10 conclusions of the original 1842 report:

“The follow conclusions in regard to Ironstone mines, blast furnaces, underground labour in tin, copper lead, and zinc mines, etc.]

From the whole of the evidence which has been collected, and of which we have thus endeavoured to give a digest, we find — in regard to COAL MINES-

1 That instances occur in which Children are taken into these mines to work as early as four years of age, sometimes at five, and between five and six, not unfrequently between six and seven, and often from seven to eight, while from eight to nine is the ordinary age at which employment in these mines commences.

2 That a very large proportion of the persons employed in carrying on the work of these mines is under thirteen and eighteen.

3 That in several districts female Children begin work in these mines at the same early ages as the males.

4 That a great body of the Children and Young Persons employed in these mines are of the families of the adult workpeople engaged in the pits, or belong to the poorest population in the neighbourhood, and are hired and paid in some districts by the workpeople, but in others by the proprietors or contractors.

5 That there are in some districts also a small number of parish apprentices, who are bound to serve their masters until twenty-one years of age, in an employment in which there is nothing of deserving the name of skill to be acquired, under circumstances of frequent ill-treatment, and under the oppressive condition that they shall receive only food and clothing, while their free companions may be obtaining a man’s wages.

6 That in many instances much that skill and capital can effect to render the place of work unoppresive, healthy, and safe, is done, often with complete success, as far as regards the healthfulness and comfort of the mines; but that to render them perfectly safe does not appear to be practicable by any means yet known; while in great numbers of instances their condition in regard both to ventilation and drainage is lamentably defective.

7 That the nature of the employment which is assigned to the youngest Children, generally that of ‘trapping’, requires that they should be in the pit as soon as the work of the day commences, and, according to the present system, that they should not leave the pit before the work of the day is at an end.

8 That although this employment scarcely deserves the name of labour, yet, as the Children engaged in it are commonly excluded from light and are always without companions, it would, were it not for the passing and repassing of the coal carriages, amount to solitary confinement of the worst order.

9 That in those districts in which the seams of coal are so thick that horses go direct to the workings, or in which the side passages from the workings to the horseways are not at any length, the lights in the main ways render the situation of these Children comparatively less cheerless, dull, and stupefying; but that in some districts they remaining solitude and darkness during the whole time they are in the pit, and according to their won account, many of them never see the light of day for weeks together during the greater part of the winter season, excepting on those days in the week when work is not going on, and on the Sundays.

10 That at different ages, from six years old and upwards, the hard work of pushing and dragging the carriages of coal from the workings to the main ways, or to the foot of the shaft, begins; a labour which all classes of witness concur in stating requires the unremitting exertion of all the physical power which the young workers possess.”

Children’s Employment Commission (Mines) 1842 report, Thomas Tooke, T. Southwood Smith, Leonard Horner, Robert J Sanders.

[‘childhood’ in nineteenth-century Britain]
In Britain until the 1840s over 400 crimes carried the death penalty. Cutting down a sapling, damaging Westminster Bridge, being a very malicious child, stealing a letter—all were hanging offenses. Children weren’t excepted. At the time, many crimes in Britain had only one punishment—hanging. Spending a month in the company of gypsies, stealing goods worth five shillings, impersonating a Chelsea Pensioner, blacking up at night, being a runaway sailor—all were hanging offenses.

Criminal penalties were so severe that in practice few convicts were actually hanged, so transportation (essentially penal slavery) was a popular alternative. Also, pregnant women, young children, clergymen, anyone who could read (or pretend to) well enough to pass muster, and—of course—anyone who was rich, often received pardons or reduced penalties, like whipping or branding or pillorying. The laws were beginning to be softened by the 1830s—after huge postwar political unrest from 1816 on, largely having to do with the way the rich treated the poor—but many such laws were still in force by the 1850s. Crime and Punishment in England: A Sourcebook, Andrew Barrett and Christopher Harrison (editors), Routledge, 2001. “London Crime and the Making of the ‘Bloody Code,’ 1689-1718,” J. M. Beattie, in: Stilling the Grumbling Hive: The Response to Social and Economic Problems in England, 1689-1750, Lee Davison, Tim Hitchcock, Tim Keirn, and Robert B. Shoemaker (editors), St. Martin’s Press, 1992, pages 39-76. The London Hanged: Crime and Civil Society in the Eighteenth Century, Peter Linebaugh, Penguin, 1991. Crime and Punishment in Eighteenth-century England, Frank McLynn, Routledge, 1989.

[transported children]
For example, two children in Birmingham were sentenced to be transported to Australia on January 5th, 1844. John Locksmith (also known as William Joach), aged 14, got 14 years, and George Wort, aged 15, got seven years. Home Office 11/15: Convict Transportation Registers, 1846-1848, pages 190 and 225. The National Archives, Kew, England. Transportation didn’t legally end until 1867, but emigration of delinquent children continued past that point. Remember, though, that at the time, marriageable age was 14 for boys and 12 for girls, and many would be dead by 20, so ‘children’ is a somewhat misleading term.
[“little depraved felons”]
Said by Governor Arthur, of Port Arthur, in Australia. The Fatal Shore, Robert Hughes, Knopf, 1986, page 408.
[21 umbrellas and three boxes of toys]
James Gavagan, an 11 year-old, stole 21 umbrellas. He arrived at Point Puer in Tasmania in 1835. James Lynch, a nine year-old, was a London laborer and he could read a little. Previously he’d stolen stockings, for which he got 10 days in jail, then two bonnets, for which he got six months in jail. For stealing three boxes of toys he got transportation and seven years at the Surrey Quarter Sessions, Newington, on September 11th, 1843. He sailed with 289 other convicts on board the Equestrian and arrived in Hobart in Tasmania on May 2nd, 1844. “Transportation, Penal Ideology and the Experience of Juvenile Offenders in England and Australia in the Early Nineteenth Century,” H. Shore, Crime, Histoire, Sociétés, 6(2):81-102, 2002. Pack of Thieves? 52 Port Arthur Lives, Hamish Maxwell-Stewart and Susan Hood, Port Arthur, Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority, 2001. The Village Labourer 1760-1832: A Study in the Government of England Before the Reform Bill, J. L. and Barbara Hammond, 1911, 1913, Augustus M. Kelley Publishers, Reprint Edition, 1967.

In 1857, Britain had the following numbers of child committments: 29,949 who were between 16 and 21, 10,624 between 12 and 16, and 1,877 under 12 years old. “Crime, Pauperism, and Education in Great Britain,” The American Journal of Education, 6(16):311, 1859. For far more detail, see: “A Survey of Indictable and Summary Jurisdiction Offences in England and Wales, from 1857 to 1876, in Quinquennial Periods, and in 1877 and 1878,” L. Levi, Journal of the Statistical Society of London, 43(3):423-461, 1880.

[London’s child vagrants]
The Seven Curses of London, James Greenwood, Stanley River, 1869. See also: Artful Dodgers: Youth and Crime in Early Nineteenth Century London, Heather Shore, Boydell Press, 1999. “Histories of Crime and Modernity,” Andrew Davies and Geoffrey Pearson (editors), special issue of the British Journal of Criminology, 39(1), 1999.
[virgin girls... sex trafficking of young girls abducted and sold in Britain (and the United States)]
Sex Trafficking, Scandal, and the Transformation of Journalism, 1885-1917, Gretchen Soderlund, University of Chicago Press, 2013, especially chapter 2 (pages 24-66). Chapter 3 examines the same issue in the United States.
A typical baby-farmer ad read: “NURSE CHILD WANTED, OR TO ADOPT — The Advertiser, a Widow with a little family of her own, and moderate allowance from her late husband’s friends, would be glad to accept the charge of a young child. Age no object. If sickly would receive a parent’s care. Terms, Fifteen Shillings a month; or would adopt entirely if under two months for the small sum of Twelve pounds.” The Seven Curses of London, James Greenwood, Stanley River, 1869, page 23.

In Britain, after passage of the new Poor Law in 1834, an unwed mother bore the sole financial responsibility until her child turned 16. Many a poor and unwed mother couldn’t support her offspring, especially if she was young and had been impregnated by the master of the house or shop or factory in which she worked. Then, too, there was the stigma of having an illegitimate child. So what many mothers wanted was to make the child disappear. But it was illegal to kill your children (or at least, to be caught at it). Baby farmers existed for those (many) mothers who couldn’t bring themselves to kill their own children, or who didn’t want to risk it, or who chose to believe that their children would be raised properly, albeit very cheaply. Child Abuse and Moral Reform in England 1870-1908, George K. Behlmer, Stanford University Press, 1982.

Baby farming also existed in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States until at least 1917. One Chicago ‘farmer’s slogan was: “It’s cheaper and easier to buy a baby for $100.00 than to have one of your own.” Baby Farms in Chicago: An Investigation Made for the Juvenile Protective Association, Arthur Alden Guild, Juvenile Protective Association of Chicago, 1917.

[Dickens toned down reality in Oliver Twist]
It appeared as a serial from 1837 to 1839. He based it on his own direct evidence, partly from childhood and partly from current observation. Dickens & the Workhouse: Oliver Twist & the London Poor, Ruth Richardson, Oxford University Press, 2012. London Labour and the London Poor: A Cyclopaedia of the Condition and Earnings of Those That Will Work, Those That Cannot Work, and Those That Will Not Work, Volumes I-IV, Henry Mayhew, 1851, Dover, Reprint Edition, 1968.
[children sent to school]
In Britain, reformers like Mary Carpenter, Sydney Turner, and Matthew Davenport Hill campaigned for better schools—or even for just less useless, destructive, and harsh schools—but against stiff opposition. The idea was that poor children, and their parents, and essentially all paupers, were lost to sin, so there was no point trying to educate them.

Mandeville’s 1723 satiric comment below suggests something of England’s more usual attitude to the children of its laboring classes, prior to mass production:

“Few Children make any Progress at School, but at the same time they are capable of being employ’d in some Business or other, so that every Hour those of poor People spend at their Book is so much time lost to the Society. Going to School in comparison to Working is Idleness, and the longer Boys continue in this easy sort of Life, the more unfit they’ll be when grown up for downright Labour, both as to Strength and Inclination. Men who are to remain and end their Days in a Laborious, Tiresome and Painful Station of Life, the sooner they are put upon it at first, the more patiently they’ll submit to it for ever after. Hard Labour and the coarsest Diet are a proper Punishment to several kinds of Malefactors, but to impose either on those that have not been used and brought up to both is the greatest Cruelty, when there is no Crime you can charge them with.” The Fable of the Bees, or Private Vices, Publick Benefits, Volume 1, Bernard de Mandeville, edited by F. B. Kaye, Clarendon Press, 1924, pages 288-289.

Similar attitudes prevailed in the United States. The Underground History of American Education: An Intimate Investigation Into the Problem of Modern Schooling, John Taylor Gatto, Oxford Village Press, 2001.

[president says mass production needs mass demand]
That was Calvin Coolidge, in 1926.

“[...] [A]dvertising is the life of trade.

Two examples of this influence have come to me in a casual way. While I can not vouch for the details, I believe in their outline they are substantially correct. One relates to an American industry that had rather phenomenal growth and prosperity in the late eighties and early nineties, being the foundation of one or two large fortunes. In its development it had been a most generous advertiser. A time came when various concerns engaged in this line of manufacturing were merged and consolidated. There being no longer any keen competition, it was felt that it was now no longer necessary to explain to the public the value of this product or the superiority of one make over another. In order to save the large expense that had been made for that purpose, advertising was substantially abandoned. The inevitable result followed, which all well-informed trade quarters now know would follow. But the value of advertising was not so well understood 25 or 30 years ago. This concern soon became almost a complete failure. As I recall, it had to be reorganized, entailing great losses. This line of trade was later revived under the direction and counsel of some of its old managers, and with the proper amount of publicity became a successful enterprise. [This was probably ‘Lydia Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound’]

But let us turn from the unfortunate experience of the loss that occurred through lack of advertising to an example of gain that was made through the shrewd application of this principle. In a somewhat typical American community a concern was engaged in an industrial enterprise. Its employees were not required to be men of great skill. Oftentimes they were new arrivals in this country who had been brought up to be accustomed to the meager scale of living abroad. Their wants were not large, so that under the American rate of wages they found it possible to supply themselves and their families without working anywhere near full time. As a result, production was low compared with the number employed and was out of proportion to the overhead expense of management and capital costs. Some fertile mind conceived the idea of locating a good milliner in that community. The wares of this shop were generously advertised through window display, newspaper space, and circularization. I suppose that every head of a family knows that a new bonnet on the head of one of the women in the neighborhood is contagious. The result in that community almost at once was better wearing apparel for the women, which necessitated more steady employment for the men. The output of the plant was greatly increased, its cost units were reduced, its profits were enlarged, it could sell its product to its customers at a lower figure, and the whole industry was improved. More wealth was produced. But the reaction went even further. The whole standard of living in that locality was raised. All the people became better clothed, better fed, and better housed. They had aspirations, and the means to satisfy them, for the finer things of life. All of this came from the judicious application of the principle of advertising.

The system which brought about these results is well known to the members of this association. You have seen innumerable instances where concerns have failed through lack of advertising and innumerable others where they have made a success through the right kind and amount of publicity. Under its stimulation the country has gone from the old hand methods of production which were so slow and laborious with high unit costs and low wages to our present great factory system and its mass production with the astonishing result of low unit costs and high wages. The preeminence of America in industry, which has constantly brought about a reduction of costs, has come very largely through mass production. Mass production is only possible where there is mass demand. Mass demand has been created almost entirely through advertising.

In former days goods were expected to sell themselves. Often times they were carried about from door to door. Otherwise,they were displayed on the shelves and counters of the merchant. The public were supposed to know of these sources of supply and depend on themselves for their knowledge of what was to be sold. Modern business could neither have been created nor can it be maintained on any such system. It constantly requires publicity. It is not enough that goods are made, a demand for them must also be made. It is on this foundation of enlarging production through the demands created by advertising that very much of the success of the American industrial system rests.”

President Calvin Coolidge, Speech to the American Association of Advertising Agencies, October 27th, 1926.

Coolidge wasn’t wrong. He himself benefitted from media manipulation. His ‘pancake breakfast’ with Al Jolson and other vaudeville stars helped his 1924 election. Nor was that a one-off. For example, from 1900 to 1925, population rose 50 percent, but consumption of goods went up 400 percent. Telling people what to buy, then enticing people to buy, mattered. The History and Development of Advertising, Frank Presbrey, Doubleday, 1929, page 598.

This wasn’t merely a question of spin. It was engineering. It had been unconscious before, and aimed at the rich. Now it was being done consciously, and aimed at the mass. Bernays, who had engineered Coolidge’s ‘pancake breakfast,’ and many other publicity stunts and advertising campaigns, wrote: “This is an age of mass production. In the mass production of materials a broad technique has been developed and applied to their distribution. In this age, too, there must be a technique for the mass distribution of ideas.” From: “Manipulating Public Opinion: The Why and The How,” American Journal of Sociology, E. L. Bernays, 33(6):958-971, 1928 (page 971, last paragraph of last page). See also Josiah Wedgwood, the earliest mass-marketer: Josiah Wedgwood: Entrepreneur to the Enlightenment, Brian Dolan, HarperCollins, 2004. The Wedgwoods: Being a Life of Josiah Wedgwood, With Notices of his Works and their Productions, Memoirs of the Wedgwood and other families And a History of the Early Potteries of Staffordshire, Llewellynn Jewitt, Virtue Brothers and Co., 1865.

[advertising is old...]
For example, here’s a little of what we scrawled on Pompeii’s walls almost 2,000 years ago.

(1) On a wall: “The petty thieves support Vatia for the aedilship.” (2) Near a home: “At Nuceria, look for Novellia Primigenia near the Roman gate in the prostitute’s district.” (3) On a street: “Traveler, eat bread in Pompeii but go to Nuceria to drink.” (4) On a block of flats: “For rent from July 1st. Streetfront shops with counter space, classy second-story rooms, and one townhouse. Renters, contact Primus, slave of Gnaeus Alleius Nigidius Maius.”

Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, Volume 4: Inscriptiones parietariae Pompeianae, Herculanenses, Stabianae, Karl Zangemeister and Richard Schöne (editors), Walter de Guyter, Reprint 1955. Abbreviated as CIL IV. Original Latin: (1) “Vatiam aed[ilem] furunculi rog[ant]” CIL IV 576. (2) “Nuceria quaeres ad porta romana in vico venerio novelliam primigeniam” CIL IV 8356. (3) “Viator Pompeis pane gustas Nuceriae bibes” CIL IV 8903 (partial). (4) “Insula Arriana Polliana [C]n Al[le]i[i] Nigidi[i] Mai[us] / Locantur ex [kalendis] Iuli[i]s primis / Tabernae cum pergulis suis et c[e]nacula equestria et domus / Conductor convenito Primum [C]n Al[le]i[i] Nigidi[i] Mai[us] ser[vum]” CIL IV 138.

Most of what we wrote was much the same for millennia. Here’s a little more of what we scrawled: In a tavern: “Restituta, shuck your dress, I beg, show [your] hairy c[*bleep*].” In a bar: “I f[*bleep*]ed the barmaid.” In a gladiator barracks: “Antiochus spent time here with his [girlfriend] Cithera.” On a merchant’s house: “Atimetus got me pregnant.” In a basilica: “I wonder, o wall, that you haven’t collapsed in ruin with the tedious scribbles of so many writers.” Original Latin: “Restituta pone tunicam rogo redes pilosa co” CIL IV 3951. “Futui copanam” CIL IV 8442. “Antiochus hic mansit cum sua Cithera” CIL IV 8792 (second entry). Gravido me tene(t) / Atm[etus?] CIL IV 10231. The last one is a famous epigraph: “Admiror o paries te non cecidisse ruinis qui tot scriptorum taedia sustineas” CIL IV 1904. [Note: The two bleeped words are stronger forms of “pudendum,” and “screwed.” Figure it out for yourself.]

[the normal view of the poor in 1771]
“If you talk of the interests of trade and manufactures, every one but an idiot knows that the lower classes must be kept poor or they will never be industrious; I do not mean, that the poor in England are to be kept like the poor of France, but, the state of the country considered, they must (like all mankind) be in poverty or they will not work.” The Farmer’s Tour through the East of England; Being The Register of a Journey through Various Counties of this Kingdom, to Enquire into the State of Agriculture, &c., Arthur Young, Volume IV, W. Strahan; W. Nicoll; B. Collins; and J. Balfour, 1771, page 361.

Here’s another, of many pronouncements of the same stripe: “It seems to be a law of nature, that the poor should be to a certain degree improvident, that there may always be some to fulfil the most servile, the most sordid, and the most ignoble offices in the community. The stock of human happiness is thereby much increased, whilst the more delicate are not only relieved from drudgery, and freed from those occasional employments which would make them miserable, but are left at liberty, without interruption, to pursue those callings which are suited to their various dispositions, and most useful to the state. As for the lowest of the poor, by custom they are reconciled to the meanest occupations, to the most laborious works, and to the most hazardous pursuits; whilst the hope of their reward makes them chearful in the midst of all their dangers and their toils. The fleets and armies of a state would soon be in want of soldiers and of sailors, if sobriety and diligence universally prevailed: for what is it but distress and poverty which can prevail upon the lower classes of the people to encounter all the horrors which await them on the tempestuous ocean, or in the field of battle? Men who are easy in their circumstances are not among the foremost to engage in a seafaring or military life. There must be a degree of pressure, and that which is attended with the least violence will be the best. When hunger is either felt or feared, the desire of obtaining bread will quietly dispose the mind to undergo the greatest hardships, and will sweeten the severest labours. The peasant with a sickle in his hand is happier than the prince upon his throne.” A Dissertation on the Poor Laws by a Well-Wisher to Mankind, Joseph Townsend, Section VII, page 35, 1786, University of California Press, 1971.

Nor was that attitude rare earlier in England (or, probably, anywhere else). Compare the same thought from about 1388, four centuries prior: “And gif laboreris weren not, boþe prestis and knyȝtis mosten bicome acremen and heerdis, and ellis þey sholde for defaute of bodily sustenaunce deie.” [If laborers didn’t exist, both priests and knights must become farmers and herders, or else they would, for lack of bodily sustenance, die.] “Thomas Wimbledon’s Sermon: ‘Redde racionem villicacionis tue,’ ” N. H. Owen, Mediaeval Studies, 28:176-197, 1966.

That idea extended to slavery itself. The notion that many of us just have to be enslaved so that the few can have decent lives is very old. For example, Aristotle, 2,300 years ago, wrote: “But is there any one thus intended by nature to be a slave, and for whom such a condition is expedient and right, or rather is not all slavery a violation of nature? There is no difficulty in answering this question, on grounds both of reason and of fact. For that some should rule and others be ruled is a thing not only necessary, but expedient; from the hour of their birth, some are marked out for subjection, others for rule.... Again, the male is by nature superior, and the female inferior; and the one rules, and the other is ruled; this principle, of necessity, extends to all mankind.... It is clear, then, that some men are by nature free, and others slaves, and that for these latter slavery is both expedient and right.” Politics, Aristotle, Book I, Chapters iii-vii, translated by Benjamin Jowett, 1885, Dover, Reprint Edition, 2000, pages 32-34.

Today, slavery is no longer legal, but it still exists. Today, it’s common to say that we abolished legal slavery in the nineteenth century ‘because it was bad.’ But that can’t possibly be all that matters. If it were, why didn’t we abandon it millennia before? If the explanation for that then amounts to ‘because our ancestors were bad,’ then why are there an estimated 100,000 slaves today just in the United States alone? Why are 27 million of us still slaves today? Why must 250 million of our children between the ages of 5 and 14 still labor today? Why are we forcing perhaps 60 million of those children to become prostitutes or soldiers? Aren’t those things bad too? We’ve been slavers and slaves ever since we phase changed into farming and herding, millennia ago. The Hebrews kept slaves. The Maya kept slaves. The Bantu kept slaves. The Persians, the Romans, the Egyptians, the Sumerians—anyone and everyone kept slaves. Even when we tried to abandon slavery we rarely succeeded. For instance, the first effort in Europe to ban slavery came in 655. Europe still kept slaves 1,300 years later. We had to do more than talk before we could do without slavery—and we still haven’t fully done so.

Nor did we change our division of labor simply because of the steam engine alone. The United States had steam engines early on but still kept legal slaves up past the mid nineteenth century. Japan, Germany, China, and Russia all had steam engines by the late nineteenth century, but they still kept penal slaves in the twentieth century. In short, throughout our farming history, we all wanted slaves for our fields, our armies, our beds—or maybe even just as a threat of punishment. It didn’t much matter whether we had a king, a constitutional monarchy, a federal republic, a collective. It didn’t much matter whether we were Buddhists, Hindus, Christians, Muslims, Polytheists. It didn’t matter where we lived, nor what languages we spoke, nor what we looked like. Land and bodies were wealth. Legal slavery began to end worldwide only with our phase change into industry. That helped alter whether slavery was legal or not, whether our children had to work or not, whether women got paid for their labor or not, and what jobs men did.

For a sampling of the wider history, see: Slaves and Warriors in Medieval Britain and Ireland: 800-1200, David Wyatt, Brill, 2009. Slavery in the Twentieth Century: The Evolution of a Global Problem, Suzanne Miers, Rowman Altamira, 2003. Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery In The Mediterranean, The Barbary Coast, And Italy, 1500-1800, Robert Davis, Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. Speaking of Slavery: Color, Ethnicity, and Human Bondage in Italy, Steven A. Epstein, Cornell University Press, 2001. Beyond Child Labor: Affirming Rights, United Nations Children’s Fund, 2001. Slavery in the Arab World, Murray Gordon, New Amsterdam Books, 1989. Slaves and Slavery in Muslim Africa, two volumes, John Ralph Willis (editor), Routledge, 1986. Slavery and Human Progress, David Brion Davis, Oxford University Press, 1984. Slavery and Social Death: A Comparative Study, Orlando Patterson, Harvard University Press, 1982.

[was the phase change for the ‘better’?]
Was it ‘better?’ Was it ‘worse?’ Well, in many ways it does seem better. When given a choice, we usually flee one for the other. For some of our groups, because of our new machines, slavery stopped making sense; women stopped having to be baby-machines; children stopped having to work at age seven; and so on. But life today is just what many of us are used to now. And the shift was destructive, just as our last shift was. Each new phase has a choice: make new stuff, or kill off the last phase and take their stuff. One way is a lot cheaper. If there’s some future phase, the same rules may apply.

Trigger Effect

[spread of inventions from 1860 to 1910]
Some of the inventions, or precursors to them, listed in the text predated the period 1860-1910, but that’s when they really started to spread across several countries. For example, China had toilet paper 1,500 years ago, but its use didn’t spread out of China until the 1800s. Science and Civilization in China: Volume 5, Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Part 1, Paper and Printing, Tsuen-Hsuin Tsien, Joseph Needham, Cambridge University Press, 1985, pages 43, 109, 123, 356.
[petroleum in history]
In Hassuna and Mattarah in northern and eastern Iraq, we used bitumen to water-proof our grain bins at least 7.5Kya. Encyclopedia of Prehistory: Volume 8: South and Southwest Asia, Peter N. Peregrine and Melvin Ember (editors), Springer, 2002, pages 50-52.

Noah is supposed to have used it to caulk his ark. “Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch.” The Bible, The King James Version, Genesis 6:14.

Ditto for Gilgamesh before that. The Babylonian Gilgamesh Epic: Introduction, Critical Edition and Cuneiform Texts, Volume I, A. R. George, Oxford University Press, 2006, page 513.

See also: The Chemistry and Technology of Petroleum, James G. Speight, CRC Press, Fourth Edition, 2006, pages 3-10. But our hydrocarbon use started exploding only in the late 1800s. That’s when, through our usual bumbling, we developed practical versions of both the internal combustion engine and the dynamo.

Opium use goes back at least 5,400 years. But heroin, made by what is today the Bayer pharmaceutical company, was originally used to treat tuberculosis in the 1890s. It was also used for coughs.
[plastic TVs, displays, and computer screens]
The leading research center in this technology is the Flexible Display Center at Arizona State University.
[increasing food production]
The single biggest first step was the Haber-Bosch process for synthetic fertilizer starting in 1909.
[United States maize productivity rose nearly 800 percent]
The increase is for maize yields per hectare. “Biomass as Feedstock for Bioenergy and Bioproducts Industry: The Technical Feasibility of a Billion-Ton Annual Supply,” R. D. Perlack, L. L. Wright, A. Turhollow, R. L. Graham, B. Stokes, D. C. Urbach, 2005, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, ORNL/TM-2005/66, 2005.
[increasing nitrogen-fixation]
That was the Green Revolution. The Man Who Fed the World: Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Norman Borlaug and His Battle to End World Hunger, Leon Hesser, Durban House, 2006. The Doubly Green Revolution: Food for All in the Twenty-First Century, Gordon Conway, Cornell University Press, 1998, especially Chapter 4. Feeding the Ten Billion: Plants and Population Growth, L. T. Evans, Cambridge University Press, 1998.
[rice yields almost tripled from 1967 to 2002]
“Rice-based production systems for food security and poverty alleviation in Latin America and the Caribbean,” L. R. Sanint, Proceedings of the FAO Rice Conference, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, 2004, pages 97-101.
[meat production tripled from 1980 to 2002]
Livestock’s Long Shadow: Environmental Issues and Options, H. Steinfeld, P. Gerber, T. Wassenaar, V. Castel, M. Rosales, C. de Haan, Animal Production and Health Division, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, 2006, page 15.
[oil and food in the United States in 2000 and 2012]
That counts all the energy to fertilize, protect, transport, refrigerate, process, store, cook, and serve our food. “In total, providing the 3800 kilocalories of food energy available per capita per day in the United States is estimated to consume 10.2 quadrillion BTUs annually. This represents about 10% of the total energy consumed in the United States. By our estimates, therefore, it takes about 7.3 units of (primarily) fossil energy to produce one unit of food energy in the U.S. food system. This estimate is somewhat lower than others presented. Pimentel and Hall both put the ratio of output food energy to input energy at 1:10.” From: “Life Cycle-Based Sustainability Indicators for Assessment of the U.S. Food System,” M. C. Heller, G. A. Keoleian, Report Number CSS00-04, Center for Sustainable Systems, School of Natural Resources and Environment, The University of Michigan, 2000, page 42.

However, if consumers put energy in themselves, that figure may be falling locally over time. In one district: “One average kcal of food energy requires a minimum input of approximately 6 kcal of fossil energy, down from 9 or 10 in 1970.” From: “The potential of Onondaga County to feed its own population and that of Syracuse, New York: Past, present, and future,” S. B. Balogh, C. A. S. Hall, A. M. Guzman, D. E. Balcarce, A. Hamilton, in: Global Economic and Environmental Aspects of Biofuels, David Pimentel (editor), CRC Press, 2012, pages 273-320.

[oil consumption, 1900-2008]
Energy for the 21st Century: A Comprehensive Guide to Conventional and Alternative Sources, Roy L. Nersesian, Taylor & Francis, Second Edition, 2010, pages 161-171.
[world population, 1800 to 2050]
State of World Population 2011: People and Possibilities in a World of 7 Billion, United Nations Population Fund, 2011, pages 2-3. It estimates that the one thousand million mark was hit in 1804, the two thousand million mark in 1927, the four thousand million mark in 1974, and the six thousand million mark in 1999.

As for the neolithic estimate, that is more debated. “Human genetic data reveal contrasting demographic patterns between sedentary and nomadic populations that predate the emergence of farming,” C. Aimé, G. Laval, E. Patin, P. Verdu, L. Ségurel, R. Chaix, T. Hegay, L. Quintana-Murci, E. Heyer, F. Austerlitz, Molecular biology and evolution, 30(12):2629-44, 2013. “MtDNA analysis of global populations support that major population expansions began before Neolithic Time,” H.-X. Zheng, S. Yan, Z.-D. Qin, L. Jin, Scientific Reports, 2:745, 2012. “When the World’s Population Took Off: The Springboard of the Neolithic Demographic Transition,” J.-P. Bocquet-Appel, Science, 333(6042):560-561, 2011.

[oil running out?]
Those many effects over our last 160 or so years—counting from 1859 and our first oil well—have led to fears that oil will soon run out. But the chance of that seems small. Cheap crude oil will one day run out, yes, and maybe even relatively soon, but our planet has larger reserves of coal and natural gas. And we can make oil from coal. (For example, wartime Germany’s enemies had denied it much of its crude oil supply, so by 1943 it had resorted to making 56 percent of its oil from coal.) Of course, making oil costs more than simply finding it. However, we may have a couple decades to find new oil, or extract more from our present sources, or extract oil from costlier sources (like oil shale or tar sands). But as long as crude oil remains cheap enough, we shan’t bother with substitutes. Yet whether we extract, or start making, more costly oil, its price most likely will rise because we’ll surely keep using ever more of it, so demand might well be rising just when supply might well be falling. Also, making oil just to then burn it for energy makes no sense—it takes more energy to make oil than we could get out of the resulting oil. But it does make sense as a source of transport fuel, which is our biggest near-term energy problem. So while cheap crude oil is surely going to run out, oil itself probably isn’t going away any time soon.
[oil from coal in World War II]
Wartime Germany made 56 percent of its oil that way by 1943. But by 1944 its enemies began bombing the new plants, thus starving its war machine. The Second World War, 1939-45: A Strategical and Tactical History, J. F. C. Fuller, Da Capo Press, 1993, pages 314-316. “Technology Transfer as War Booty: The U.S. Technical Oil Mission to Europe, 1945,” A. Krammer, Technology and Culture, 22(1):68-103, 1981. “The Role of Synthetic Fuel in World War II Germany,” P. W. Becker, Air University Review, 32(5):45-53, 1981. “Synthetic Fuels in Germany: 1. Introduction,” B. Orchard Lisle, Petroleum, 9(4):74-93, 1946.
[oil from coal in 2009]
More recent synthetic oil processes are far better than earlier synthetic oil processes. They can also work with biomass instead of coal as feedstock. “Producing Transportation Fuels with Less Work,” D. Hildebrandt, D. Glasser, B. Hausberger, B. Patel, B. J. Glasser, Science, 323(5922):1680-1681, 2009. “Sustainable fuel for the transportation sector,” R. Agrawal, N. R. Singh, F. H. Ribeiro, W. N. Delgass, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 104(12):4828-4833, 2007. “Catalytic Alkane Metathesis by Tandem Alkane-Dehydrogenation-Olefin-Metathesis,” A. S. Goldman, A. H. Roy, Z. Huang, R. Ahuja, W. Schinski, M. Brookhart, Science, 312(5771):257-261, 2006. Synthetic Fuels, Ronald F. Probstien and R. Edwin Hicks, McGraw-Hill, 1982.
[oil is running out... soon?]
Clearly crude oil is running out. It’s hard, though, to say when the real crunch will hit. Some argue that oil has already peaked, or will soon. Others argue that oil hasn’t peaked and won’t anytime soon. Given that everything is ultimately limited, the second side would be easy to dismiss, except that the figures come from the United States Geological Survey. The differences between the two positions are huge. Beyond Oil: The View from Hubbert’s Peak, Kennet S. Deffeyes, Hill and Wang, 2005. The Party’s Over: Oil, War, and the Fate of Industrial Societies, Richard Heinberg, New Society Publishers, 2003. Hubbert’s Peak: The Impending World Oil Shortage, Kenneth S. Deffeyes, Princeton University Press, 2001. “World Energy Assessment 2000,” United States Geological Survey. Are We Running Out of Oil? Edward D. Porter, American Petroleum Institute, Policy Analysis and Strategic Planning Department, Discussion Paper Number 81, 1995.

Recently, consensus seems to be forming that no matter when the peak is, economic and political decisions taken within two decades of it will make a huge difference on its mitigation. One new study predicts the peak as early as 2014. “Forecasting World Crude Oil Production Using Multicyclic Hubbert Model,” I. S. Nashawi, A. Malallah, M. Al-Bisharah, Energy Fuels, 24(3):1788-1800, 2010. “Uncertainty about Future Oil Supply Makes It Important to Develop a Strategy for Addressing a Peak and Decline in Oil Production,” United States Government Accountability Office, GAO-07-283, 2007. “Peaking of World Oil Production: Recent forecasts,” R. L. Hirsch, World Oil, 228(4), 2007. “Peaking of World Oil Production: Impacts, Mitigation & Risk Management,” R. L. Hirsch, R. Bezdek, R. Wendling, United States Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory, 2005. “Long Term World Oil Supply Scenarios - the future is neither as bleak or as rosy as some assert,” J. H. Wood, G. R. Long, D. F. Morehouse, Energy Information Administration, United States Department of Energy, 2004.

Both sides of today’s arguments about oil depletion and alternative energy have clear political agendas. They each see the same amount of future oil in the ground in two completely different ways. Huge amounts of power and money—not to mention strong feelings of guilt and shame—depend on what policies each of our countries adopt. So the urge to sway those policy choices one way or the other is strong. However, the data on which such policies might be based is poor—and may even be deliberately distorted in some cases. When giants clash, amateurs can only watch and try to come to as reasonable a conclusion as possible. Those who say that oil production has peaked, or will soon, seem right. Physics favors them. But that still means that we have as much oil left as we’ve used until now. So those who say that we’ll likely invent our way out of disaster also seem right. Economics favors them. That seems to be roughly what those who are most informed seem to be saying on our oil futures markets. That’s where we place long-term public bets about future oil supplies and consumption patterns. There at least, hard data is in constant demand and continuous evaluation. Also, politics matters less there. Futures traders are betting thousands of millions of dollars on being right. Maybe they’re wrong, but so far it doesn’t seem so.

Since then, particularly since 2009, horizontal drilling, and most especially hydraulic fracturing (‘fracking’), when used with CCPP (combined cycle power plants), has changed the landscape a fair amount, particularly in North America, opening up vast new reserves of natural gas, and thus easing dependence on coal and shiftng some dependence away from oil. Also, fracking releases about half the carbon dioxide per kilowatt-hour compared to coal, so it’s also having some effect on the climate change arguments.

[reserves of oil, natural gas, and coal in 2011]
In 2011, BP stated that the proven reserves were 46.2 years, 58.6 years, and 118 years. BP Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2011 British Petroleum, 2011, pages 7, 21, and 31.

The Cheapskate Way

[economy of the United States and the world in 2010, 2018]
The European Union was about a seventh; together, China, Japan, and South Korea, was about a quarter. In 2018, World total GDP PPP (in millions of current international dollars): $136,305,131. China: $25,398,678 18.6 percent = ~1/5 United States: $20,544,343 15.0 percent = ~1/6 European Union: $19,390,055 14.2 percent = ~1/7 Japan: $5,415,124 3.9 percent = ~1/25 South Korea: $2,071,182 1.5 percent China+Japan+South Korea: $32,884,984 24.1 percent = ~1/4 World Development Indicators database, World Bank, December 23rd, 2019,

In 2011, the International Monetary Fund’s database figures for GDP PPP (that is, purchasing power parity) from 2009 to 2011 were: $15,064.816 thousand million for the United States, $15,788.584 thousand million for the European Union, and $19,819.335 thousand million for East Asia (now classified as ‘Developing Asia’). With a world total GDP (PPP) of $78,852.864 thousand million, that means 19 percent for the U.S., 20 percent for the E.U., and 25 percent for Developing Asia. However, nominal GDP figures are different. Market measures are also different. World Economic Outlook Database, International Monetary Fund, 2011.

[United States fuel consumption, 2018]
Natural Gas: 702.6/3309.4 (21.2 percent) ~1/5 Oil: 919.7/4662.1 (19.7 percent) ~1/5 coal: 317.0/3772.1 (8.4 percent) ~ 1/12 nuclear, hydro, renewables: 192.2 65.3 103.8 totals: 611.3, 948.8, 561.3, all: 2300.6/13864.9 (~16.5 percent) ~1/6 Statistical Review of World Energy 2018, British Petroleum, 2018, page 9.

For gasoline, the average for 2018 based on 43 countries was 367.97 thousand barrels per day. The highest value was in the USA: 9328.98 thousand barrels per day. In 2019, about 142.17 billion gallons (or about 3.39 billion barrels—there are 42 U.S. gallons in a barrel) of finished motor gasoline were consumed in the United States, an average of about 389.51 million gallons (or about 9.27 million barrels) per day. “Petroleum Supply Monthly,” With Data for March 2020 Energy Information Administration United States Department of Energy, 2004.

[California fuel usage in 2006 and 2013]
In 2020, California consumed 1,716.3 trillion btus of gasoline. Note too, though, that California has the world’s fifth-largest economy. California is the most populous state in the nation, has the largest economy, and is second only to Texas in total energy consumption. In 2013, California used more than three billion gallons of diesel fuel. California State Energy Profile, Energy Information Administration, United States Department of Energy, 2020. State Energy Data System, Table C10, Energy Consumption by End-Use Sector, Ranked by State, 2017. Energy Information Administration, United States Department of Energy, 2017. 2013-2014 Investment Plan Update for the Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program, CEC-600-2012-008-SD-REV, California Energy Commission, 2013, page 21.

“California is the second largest consumers of gasoline and diesel fuels in the world, surpassed only by the United States as a whole. In 2006, Californians consumed an estimated 20 billion gallons of gasoline and diesel fuel on the state’s roadways, an increase of nearly 50 percent over the last 20 years. This demand continues, even in the face of record petroleum prices.” State Alternative Fuels Plan, AB 1007 Report, California Energy Commission, 2007, page 11.

[household daily electricity use in the United States in 2018]
In 2018, the average annual electricity consumption for a residential utility customer in the United States was 10,972 kilowatt-hours (kWh), an average of about 914 kWh per month (30.46 kWh a day). Tennessee. which had the cheapest electricity, had the highest annual electricity consumption at 15,394 kWh per residential customer, and Hawaii, which had the dearest, had the lowest at 6,213 kWh per residential customer. “Electric Sales, Revenue, and Average Price,” Table 5.a, Energy Information Administration, United States Department of Energy, 2019.

[United States retail electricity price: 2006, 2013, 2018]
In 2006, the cents per kilowatt-hour was 10.6 cents averaged over all residences, but 8.64 cents averaged over all users and all states. In 2013, it was 11.59 residential, but 9.69 cents overall. In 2018, it was 12.55 residential, but 10.27 overall. “Comparison of Preliminary Annual Data Versus Final Annual Data at the U.S. Level, 2016 through 2018,” Table C.3., Electric Power Monthly with Data for February 2020, Energy Information Administration, United States Department of Energy, 2020. “Average Retail Price of Electricity to Ultimate Customers by End-Use Sector, by State,” Table 5.6.A., Electric Power Monthly with data for March 2013, Energy Information Administration, United States Department of Energy, 2013. “Average Retail Price of Electricity to Ultimate Customers by End-Use Sector, by State,” Table 5.6.A., Electric Power Monthly with data for May 2006, Energy Information Administration, United States Department of Energy, 2006.
[solar panel efficiencies in 2008]
Solar energy is politically popular. It’s clean. It’s unlimited. It’s free. None of that is true. Gathering solar energy is one thing but getting it to do work—that is, solar power—is another. Solar power isn’t clean—no power system can be because it needs factories to make its parts. Nor is it unlimited—the energy it produces isn’t yet cheap to store. (Various prototype fuel cells, and lead-acid, sodium-sulfur, and flow batteries, are all still expensive and limited.) Most of all though, it isn’t free. It isn’t even cheap.

In 2008, energy from solar panels costs at least 25 to 30 cents per kilowatt-hour. That’s about three times as much as retail electricity, even in a sunny region. Solar panel efficiency is measured as a percentage of the energy hitting it. Today’s commodity solar panels have energy efficiencies around 10 to 15 percent. Some research versions are now up to about 40 percent, but they’re expensive since they need exotic materials and delicate production processes. Cheap versions are around 8 percent, or less. It takes about 20 years for a solar installation to pay for itself.

The following abstract summarizes where experts think the technology is going over the next four decades: “Subjective probabilistic judgments about future module prices of 26 current and emerging photovoltaic (PV) technologies were obtained from 18 PV technology experts. Fourteen experts provided detailed assessments, including likely future efficiencies and prices under four policy scenarios. While there is considerable dispersion among the judgments, the results suggest a high likelihood that some PV technology will achieve a price of $1.20/Wp by 2030. Only 7 of 18 experts assess a better-than-even chance that any PV technology will achieve $0.30/Wp by 2030; 10 of 18 experts give this assessment by 2050. Given these odds, and the wide dispersion in results, we conclude that PV may have difficulty becoming economically competitive with other options for large-scale, low-carbon bulk electricity in the next 40 years. If $0.30/Wp is not reached, then PV will likely continue to expand in markets other than bulk power. In assessing different policy mechanisms, a majority of experts judged that R&D would most increase efficiency, while deployment incentives would most decrease price. This implies a possible disconnect between research and policy goals. Governments should be cautious about large subsidies for deployment of present PV technology while continuing to invest in R&D to lower cost and reduce uncertainty.” From: “Expert Assessments of Future Photovoltaic Technologies,” A. E. Curtright, M. G. Morgan, D. W. Keith, Environmental Science and Technology, 42(24):9031-9038, 2008.

(Note: ‘Wp’ means ‘peak Watts,’ that is the wattage that a panel can produce on a bright sunny day. So a price of ‘$1.20/Wp’ means that the panel costs $1.20 for every watt pumped out on the panel’s best day. Also note that over the past decade, good ratings for panels are in the $4.50/Wp to $5.50/Wp range.)

[no grid-scale rechargeable batteries yet]
Since 2005, every now and then there was an announcement of a new scalable rechargeable battery idea (often by a professor at a major university, or backed by professors at major universities who’re friends), followed by a startup, followed by wild excitement, followed by early investors, followed a few years later by unspecified technical problems, followed by restructuring, followed by bankruptcy. Just in the last few years this happened to: Aquion Energy’s saltwater battery, Alevo’s stealth operation, LightSail compressed air storage, ViZn Energy’s flow battery, and A123 Systems lithium-ion battery. (Note: Before going bankrupt, A123 Systems, Alevo, Aquion Energy, Better Place, and Fisker together raised over $5 billion U.S. Better Place and Fisker, weren’t battery companies, but charging station and car companies).

Here are some more startups: Natron Energy, NantEnergy, NeoSun, Primus Power, Sakti3, UniEnergy Technologies, are also still around. All are mainly research shops awaiting their big break. One such startup, Ambri, has gone through all those stages except the last. Their idea is, basically, the reverse of aluminum electrolysis; it started with magnesium and antimony—two dirt-cheap metals that are widely available—so if it could be made to work it could be done at scale.

But it’s not just startups trying to survive on a few tens of millions of dollars; big companies have gotten into new batteries, too. For example, General Electric sunk perhaps a billion dollars on Durathon, an internal push to replace lithium-ion batteries with their sodium-ion (sodium-nickle-chloride with molten salt) batteries. But they started in 2010, when lithium-ion was $1,000 a kilowatt-hour. By 2015, when it dropped to $350 a KWh, they gave up. (By 2016, it was $273 per kWh. By 2019 they sold the entire parent subsidiary, GE Transportation, to Wabtec.) “Wabtec and GE Transportation complete merger,” Railway Gazette International, February 25th, 2019. “Lithium-Ion Battery Costs and Market,” C. Curry, Bloomberg New Energy Finance, July 2017.

Why did lithium-ion drop in cost so fast? Easy: phones and electric vehicles (and behind them, more than anyone else, Apple and Tesla). As those markets mushroomed, demand escalated, so research on improving them focused. Now hundreds of millions of dollars a year at Panasonic, LG Chem, and Samsung, (also Mitsubishi and Saft), go into improving battery performance. However, it’s being optimized not for grid-scale battery use, but for phones and cars (and laptops). So the emphasis has been on chasing expensive, low-weight, small-size, batteries whose capacities fade, not low-cost, long-life, fade-free batteries. Improving one thing often means paying for it by reducing something else so that intensive research doesn’t transfer to grid scale.

For reliable power, what we need is rechargeable gigawatt-scale batteries that we could place anywhere, to store energy when the sun shines then give it back when the sun doesn’t. To be cheap enough for deployment they have to last for many years (ideally, decades), recharging over and over again, with low capacity-fade. For that, lithium-ion likely won’t cut it, and may never. It’s expensive (although cost has been falling unexpectedly fast with wider use, but, as mentioned, that’s for low-weight, small-size, fade-free batteries). Also, lithium has a fire-risk, and recharge potential drops below useful levels too fast. Its rare elements (lithium and cobalt) may also be a little too local to only a few sensitive nations (China, the Republic of the Congo). (Why wean off oil only to get addicted to lithium or cobalt?) Also, there’s too little of it compared to plentiful stuff like aluminum or magnesium. In general, rare, toxic, and costly elements are, a bad idea. So the search is on for grid-scale rechargeable batteries that are cheap, long-lived, and easy to build anywhere.

The tried-and-true way to do grid energy storage (grid-scale rechargeable batteries) with reasonably low loss per recharge is to use hydroelectric dams (this is pumped-storage hydroelectric). Almost 96 percent of the world’s grid scale battery power is of this type. We can often get back as much as 80-85% of the energy put in. Problem is: there are few places on the planet that have the right geological features to make it possible at gigawatt scale. To make it work, you need two dams near each other but also at different heights (high enough so that it’s worth while linking the two with a channel into which you put pumps and turbines). When grid power is cheap you pump water from the lower dam up to the upper dam, and when power is dear, you let water run back down through the turbines to generate electricity.

A startup, Quidnet Energy (founded 2013), is trying to drill wells next to a dam and force-pump water from the dam down the wells, then run the water in reverse through a turbine to recover some of the energy used. This might alleviate the problem, if they can get the recovery percentage high enough and the cost to drill plus equipment low enough.

If you have a mountain, a similar idea is to put a railroad on it. Fill a train with rocks and, when you have cheap power, pull the train up the mountain; then, when you need power, let it run down again. A startup, Energy Vault (founded 2017), is trying to do something similar with AI software controlling a multi-headed crane. When grid power is cheap, it stores that as potential energy by stacking heavy blocks into a giant tower; then when power is dear again, it releases it by lowering blocks to the ground. “SoftBank to invest $110m in brick tower energy storage start-up,” L. Hook, Financial Times, August 15th, 2019.

If you have a big mine, pump compressed air in, then let the air out again through a wind turbine. All such cases need some special geological feature: two nearby dams, a mountain, a mine. Also, they must have no other use. (For example, water in the dam can’t be needed for irrigation.) Failing that, you go with combustion-turbine (natural gas or coal), or hydroelectric or nuclear power plants, which idle when solar or wind is plentiful, but are on hot-standby to ramp up and take over to handle load-shifting and replace the missing sun or wind. (Such plants are called ‘peaker,’ ‘peaking,’ ‘load-shifting,’ or ‘load-following’ plants.) That costs far more energy than running at normal capacity. Energy Storage: A Nontechnical Guide, Richard Baxter, PennWell Books, 2006.

Too-rapid deployment of solar (and wind) recently led to a special case (as happened in California because of tax breaks and mandates, plus China flooding the market with cheaper panels). Lunchtime supply began to far exceed what it once was. To avoid massive surge, which would destroy all equipment, many peaker power plants need to be throttled back since demand doesn’t also increase to consume supply, and there was no way to store the energy oversupply (so it was just dumped). Then as dinnertime approached, all the oversupply went away, which meant that those idling plants then needed to ramp up again to meet peak demand. This led to a ‘duck curve’ of ever-more-defined duckieness as solar (or wind) deployment rose, and also ever more stress on the system. The upside, though, is that the width of peak demand narrows, so if we had a grid storage solution that could outlast the ever-shorter peak, both the thing causing the problem (increased solar) and the thing producing the solution (grid-scale batteries) could work in tandem to smooth out grid power and reduce the need for peaker plants. This made grid storage batteries even more attractive. “Overgeneration from Solar Energy in California: A Field Guide to the Duck Chart,” P. Denholm, M. O’Connell, G. Brinkman, and J. Jorgenson, NREL/TP-6A20-65023, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, November 2015.

Solar is a potentially much larger supply than wind, but, like wind, it’s variable, and we want power anytime, not just when the sun’s high and there’s no cloud, storm, or snow. Without batteries, we solve that problem today with peaker plants. But that can burn even more fossil fuels than not having solar (or wind) at all. If such plants were running all the time, instead of being on hot-standby, they would be more efficient. “Grid-Scale Battery Storage: Frequently Asked Questions,” T. Bowen, I. Chernyakhovskiy, P. L. Denholm, NREL/TP-6A20-74426, National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), September, 2019. “The Potential for Energy Storage to Provide Peaking Capacity in California under Increased Penetration of Solar Photovoltaics,” P. Denholm, R. Margolis, NREL/TP-6A20-70905, National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), March, 2018.

The problem of energy is simple: we want to live as well as possible as cheaply as possible; we never want to face it, but we’re cheapskates. These days, renewables like solar have good odor—they’re ‘clean,’ they’re ‘unlimited,’ they’re cheap (or even ‘free’), so only politics must be keeping us from much more of them. But little of that is true. Yes, there’s politics (there’s always politics) and, yes, they’re easier to start and build out, so they’re easier to scale, but all options have costs; all are limited; none are ‘clean.’ Gathering energy, whether it’s from the sun, the wind, the waters, or whatever, then getting it to do work—that is, getting power from that energy—takes factories and tools, which we have to design and make. Like wind, solar is a dilute and variable energy source that’s far less efficient than fixed and concentrated sources like coal or oil—or even better, uranium or thorium. Solar panels have to reverse that to concentrate energy again to be useful. Making those panels means digging stuff out of the ground, refining it, shaping it, transporting it, installing it, running it. Even just choosing where to put it means sacrificing land we might otherwise use for growing food, or something else. Everything has a cost. No power system can be ‘clean,’ nor ‘unlimited,’ nor ‘free.’ We pay in money, we pay in opportunity, we pay in effluent and planetary destruction, and we pay in lives—not only other species but also our own. In choosing among options, all we can do is learn a bit more about them then decide which set of costs we’re willing to pay, now and in the future.

The problem with ‘clean’ and ‘unlimited’ energy sources is that: 1/ They aren’t ‘clean.’ To build a wind farm or solar farm or hydro dam or whatever, takes energy and raw materials—cement, steel, cobalt, lithium, whatever—which means mining and fabrication. Without stored energy already saved to do the work, that takes energy and raw materials, which burns fuels. For example, ‘load-following’ electricity (peaker plants) add 12 percent of all carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Smelting iron and steel adds five more percent. Making cement means burning limestone, which adds a further four percent. Everything we do has a cost. “Net-zero Emissions Energy Systems,” S. J. Davis, N. S. Lewis, M. Shaner, S. Aggarwal, D. Arent, I. L. Azevedo, S. M. Benson, T. Bradley, J. Brouwer, Y.-M. Chiang, C. T. M. Clack, A. Cohen, S. Doig, J. Edmonds, P. Fennell, C. B. Field, B. Hannegan, B.-M. Hodge, M. I. Hoffert, E. Ingersoll, P. Jaramillo, K. S. Lackner, K. J. Mach, M. Mastrandrea, J. Ogden, P. F. Peterson, D. L. Sanchez, D. Sperling, J. Stagner, J. E. Trancik, C.-J. Yang, K. Caldeira, Science, 360(6396):eaas9793, 2018.

2/ They aren’t ‘unlimited.’ Even if such things were dropped from the sky by space aliens, we’re already maxed out on hydro (there are only so many rivers), there’s only so much wind, there’s only so much biomass—and we’re already at the stage of cutting down forests to feed biomass into biomass burners, which makes no sense, and so on. Solar is our long-term future. Statistical Review of World Energy 2018, British Petroleum, 2018, page 50. Energy and Civilization: A History, Vaclav Smil, The MIT Press, 2017, page 397. “Europe’s Green-Fuel Search Turns to America’s Forests,” J. Scheck, I. J. Dugan, The Wall Street Journal, May 27th, 2013.

Today’s solar and wind (and tidal) farms exist not because they pay but because of laws and mandates to discourage old technology, and government subsidy to encourage new technology (Germany, Spain, Denmark, the United States, the United Kingdom, elsewhere). That’s tax payer will and money at work to juice the market to try to get the technology developed more quickly than it would otherwise. It doesn’t yet pay. But it will.

Solving the grid-scale rechargeable battery problem is important because without it, all the ‘clean’ (or ‘green’) schemes—solar (photovoltaic or solar thermal), wind, hydro, geothermal, tidal, biomass, ocean thermal...) and all the ‘clean’ electric vehicles, and such, don’t mean much—except even more carbon dioxide and more over-production. Today (directly or indirectly) they all really run on fossil fuels—natural gas, coal, or oil—or hydro or nuclear power.

Finally, there’s the question of what else we pay for our power besides money (whether out-of-pocket, or via tax) and carbon dioxide in the air. Incidents like Three-Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Fukushima get a lot of media attention, but deaths per terawatt from nuclear is by far the lowest among all power sources. Coal is by far the highest. Solar (at least rooftop solar) (and wind) is also not the lowest. Nuclear is—by far. “How Deadly Is Your Kilowatt? We Rank The Killer Energy Sources,” J. Conca, Forbes Magazine, June 10th, 2012.

Solving the problem is about gaining knowledge about the space of possible solutions as we grope around in the dark. Likely, all the people licking their wounds now from all the failed attempts over the past couple decades will be circulating around and eventually some will put their heads together and create a new network which will struggle to get funding and finally solve it. Evolution is blind.

Here’s the problem from the consumer end (not residential but commercial, industrial, or municipal). You’re mayor of a small town, or CEO of a company, or manager of a factory, and cost of grid power is going up (and perhaps surges, or brownouts, or maybe even blackouts, are either not uncommon or are increasing). That cost is high only during the daytime, when demand is high. It’s always much lower late at night. So what you want to do is arbitrage the cost down (buy low, sell high). Essentially, you want a gigantic UPS, plus surge protector. So you’re looking into plopping down some money on a newfangled grid-scale battery solution (sort of like cloud storage, except for energy). Problem is, the field isn’t stable yet, there are many tiny companies with many solutions, and the tech is based on exotic science you don’t understand.

You aren’t a scientist, and none of these potential battery companies have been around long enough to have a proven track record (many have already tried and died, so all the ones out there now are so new and fragile that none have much income, so none have been around long enough to be through IPO to offer stock on the stock market). Plus, choosing any one would be an enormous spend, since it would mean lock-in for 10- to 20- years. What happens if you choose wrong and it goes belly-up? It’s too big a spend, too much risk, and too little information for you to decide anything.

Besides, you have no serious push to move off grid power. The government hasn’t mandated any change, and has no tax credits for storage use. This is just something you’d be doing to reduce your long-term spend on electricity (and also ensure no brownouts or surges). So it’s sort of like buying insurance, plus lowering costs over time (that is, if the battery company you pick survives, and if grid power continues to climb in price, like in California, Texas, Florida, Hawa’ii, and so on, but not Tennessee). So why take a risk? No one’s going to fire you for not doing anything since no one else understands the situation, either. So the battery companies keep dying on the vine, propped up only for as long as their investors have patience.

Now a startup, Prisma Energy Solutions (founded 2017), claims to have found a way to break the logjam. Their plan to solve your dilemma with a lease program so that you can rent-to-buy instead of having to buy outright. Or just keep leasing until the market stabilizes and you know what shakes out. So you can join their program, then lease the service for only 5 years at a time, not 10 or 20, and don’t have to choose any particular company. Also, the battery companies get income, so they get to survive and develop the tech instead of going under all the time.

(BEGIN GUESSWORK: Prisma MUST be pooling battery companies somehow, perhaps like collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), so that, if any one, or a few of their contracted companies, do fail, lessees still get guaranteed power from the pool). Perhaps they stack them in shipping container trucks and back them into loading bays to just jack into a factory or business directly. Dunno how else they could make it work... where are they gonna find the money to lease so many expensive experimental batteries? that’s like the very earliest form of RAID hardware, except for power and at GIGAWATT scale! or maybe they’re also buying used car batteries as backup for the backup? a market is developing for used tesla batteries, for instance, so perhaps they’re making racks of them as backup in case too many companies fail?) In 2017, California put 396 stacks of Tesla batteries to use for 80 megawatt-hours backup at the Mira Loma substation in Ontario, California. The array can power 15,000 homes for over four hours. That’s enough to get over most peak shortfalls. “Rows of Tesla batteries will keep Southern California’s lights on during the night,” A. Micu, ZME Science, January 30th, 2017.

[United States energy use in 2011 and 2019]
For 2019 figures see: Monthly Energy Review (April 2020), Report No. DOE/EIA‐0035(2020/4), Energy Information Administration, United States Department of Energy, September, 2020. Tables 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4a, 1.4b, 1.4c, 2.1, and Figure 10.1. Note: ‘natural gas’ includes NGPL (‘natural gas plant liquids,’ or just liquid natural gas). Coal has been steeply falling since 2008 from around 20 percent to around 10 percent (so far). Natural gas (and NGPL) have been steeply rising from around 10 percent to around 28 percent since then. Renewables have been gently rising up to almost 10 percent since about 2000.

In 2011, the proportions were: about two-fifths of the electricity came from coal-fired power plants. Natural gas supplied roughly another quarter, and nuclear about another fifth. Oil added only about two more percent. That accounted for almost nine-tenths of the country’s electrical energy. Water power added more than half the rest. The remaining dribble mostly came from biomass (like wood). Wind, geothermal, tidal, and solar were so tiny that they simply didn’t matter. But the picture changes a lot when looking at the same country’s total energy use. Oil claimed over a third of that. (Of that oil, almost three-quarters went to transport, and almost a quarter to industry.) Coal claimed a further fifth; natural gas claimed a further quarter or so. Nuclear added roughly another twelfth. Again, that was about nine-tenths of the country’s total energy use (electricity included). But here, only around a third of the rest was water power. And, again, most of the dribble left was biomass, but increasingly wind. Geothermal, tidal, and solar again simply didn’t matter.

For 2011 figures, see: Figure 2.0: “Primary Energy Consumption by Source and Sector” (page 37), Figure 2.1a: “Energy Consumption Estimates by Sector Overview” (page 38), Figure 8.2a: “Electricity Net Generation, Total (All Sectors)” (page 222), Figure 8.2b: “Electricity Net Generation by Sector” (page 223), Figure 10.1: “Renewable Energy Consumption by Major Source” (page 278), Annual Energy Review 2011, Report No. DOE/EIA-0384(2011), Energy Information Administration, United States Department of Energy, September, 2012. Note: for the 6 percent of ’Other’ for electricity sources, it lists: “Wind, petroleum, wood, waste, geothermal, other gases, solar thermal and photovoltaic, batteries, chemicals, hydrogen, pitch, purchased steam, sulfur, miscellaneous technologies, and non-renewable waste (municipal solid waste from non-biogenic sources, and tire-derived fuels).”

[a quarter-billion cars, trucks, and buses: 2017, 2010]:
In 2017 there were 111 million cars and 138 million light trucks in the U.S. (249 million total light vehicles). And 211,757 planes. In 2010, the figures were 235,034,000 cars and light trucks and 10,973,000 heavy trucks. Table 10.3: “Summary Statistics for General Aviation, 1970-2017” Transportation Energy Data Book: Edition 38, Stacy C. Davis and Robert G. Boundy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, United States Department of Energy, 2020.

Transportation Energy Data Book: Edition 30, Stacy C. Davis, Susan W. Diegel, and Robert G. Boundy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, United States Department of Energy, 2011. Table 1-11: “Number of U.S. Aircraft, Vehicles, Vessels, and Other Conveyances” Table 4-4: “U.S. Energy Consumption by the Transportation Sector” Table 4-6: “Energy Consumption by Mode of Transportation” National Transportation Statistics, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, United States Department of Transportation, 2011.

[United States transport fuel use by sector in 2006]
Transportation Energy Data Book: Edition 26, Engineering Science & Technology Division, Center for Transportation Analysis, United States Department of Energy, 2007, Table 2.6, Transportation Energy Use by Mode, 2004-2005.
[ten largest companies worldwide in 2006, 2010, 2019]
According to Fortune magazine, in 2019, the top ten were, in order: Walmart, Sinopec Group, Royal Dutch Shell, China National Petroleum, State Grid, Saudi Aramco, BP, ExxonMobil, Volkswagen, Toyota. All but two (Walmart, in the United States, and State Grid, in China) are transportation companies). According to Fortune magazine, in 2010 they were, in order: Wal-Mart Stores, Royal Dutch Shell, ExxonMobil, British Petroleum, Toyota Motor, Japan Post Holdings, Sinopec, State Grid, AXA, and China National Petroleum. Besides Wal-Mart, there’s now AXA (French), State Grid (Chinese), and Japan Post (Japanese) as non-transport companies. According to Fortune magazine, in 2006 they were, in order: ExxonMobil, Wal-Mart Stores, Royal Dutch Shell, British Petroleum, General Motors, Chevron, DaimlerChrysler, Toyota Motor, Ford Motor, and ConocoPhillips. Only Wal-Mart isn’t a transport company.
[hydrocarbons provide over four-fifths of all our energy in 2012, 2018 since at least 1971]
In 2018, hydrocarbon use was 84.6 percent. Statistical Review of World Energy 2018, British Petroleum, 2018, page 50.

In 2012: “Today’s share of fossil fuels in the global mix, at 82%, is the same as it was 25 years ago; the strong rise of renewables only reduces this to around 75% in 2035.” World Energy Outlook 2013, International Energy Agency, 2013.

In 1971, coal, oil, and natural gas was 86.3 percent, and has only fallen slightly as a relative percentage since then, although the world total energy supply has increased 2.6 times (from 5,519 Mtoe to 14,282 Mtoe) and its structure has changed. Natural gas was 16.2 percent, oil was 44.1 percent, and coal was 26 percent. World Energy Balances: Overview, International Energy Agency, 2020.

[“too cheap to meter”]
“Our children will enjoy in their homes electrical energy too cheap to meter.” Lewis Lichtenstein Strauss, then Chairman of the United States Atomic Energy Commission, in a speech before the National Association of Science Writers, September 16th, 1954. New York Times, September 17th, 1954. However, when committing his thoughts to paper four years later, Strauss was more pragmatic: “It is a hard economic fact that before nuclear power can begin to be commercially competitive in the United States, its cost must be brought down to levels well below those acceptable in Western Europe and other areas where conventional fuels are in short supply.... There is confidence that these targets can be reached, but it is clear that a highly developed technology will be required.” Atoms for Peace: U.S.A. 1958, United States Atomic Energy Commission, 1958.
[nuclear fission plants]
The ones described in the text are light-water reactors. Breeder reactors, and molten-salt reactors (which can also be breeder reactors) are more heavily regulated, since they can produce weapons-grade fissile material.
[price of uranium versus coal in 2008]
In 2020, a pound of uranium cost over 1,200 times as much as a pound of coal. In the United States as of April 2020, spot prices for uranium oxide (U3O8) were around $34 a pound and Central Appalachian coal, a benchmark grade, were around $55 a short ton (2,000 pounds). Most of coal’s cost isn’t mining it, it’s transporting it. “Coal News and Markets,” April 24, 2020, Energy Information Administration, United States Department of Energy. “Ux Weekly,” May 25, 2020, The Ux Consulting Company, LLC.

In 2008 a pound of uranium cost over 1,300 times as much as a pound of coal. In the United States as of May 2008, spot prices for uranium oxide (U3O8) were around $60 a pound and Central Appalachian coal, a benchmark grade, were around $90 a short ton (2,000 pounds). Most of coal’s cost isn’t mining it, it’s transporting it. “Coal News and Markets,” May 12, 2008, Energy Information Administration, United States Department of Energy. “Ux Weekly,” May 12, 2008, The Ux Consulting Company, LLC.

Incidentally, radioactivity is a source of great fear and also of great fearmongering. Most of the radiation one of us receives over a lifetime (about 82 percent, in the United States) comes from natural sources, including food, no matter how ‘organic.’ About 55 percent comes from radon in the home (and other structures). And nuclear power plants release far less radiation than coal-fired plants do. They also kill far fewer of us than any other power source, including all accidents (Three-Mile Island, Chernobyl, Fukushima). Deaths per terawatt from nuclear is by far the lowest among all power sources. Coal is by far the highest. But solar (and wind) is also not the lowest. Nuclear is. By far. “How Deadly Is Your Kilowatt? We Rank The Killer Energy Sources,” J. Conca, Forbes Magazine, June 10th, 2012. Power to Save the World: The Truth About Nuclear Energy, Gwyneth Cravens, Knopf, 2007. “Radioactive Elements in Coal and Fly Ash: Abundance, Forms, and Environmental Significance,” Fact Sheet FS-163-97, United States Geological Survey, 1997. Environmental Aspects of Trace Elements in Coal, D. J. Swaine and F. Goodarzi (editors), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995. “Ionizing radiation exposure of the population of the United States,” National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, Report 93, 1987.

[inertia and replacement costs of heavy equipment]
This consequence of stigmergy is also known in economics as ‘path dependence.’ “Path Dependence in Spatial Networks: The Standardization of Railway Track Gauge,” D. J. Puffert, Explorations in Economic History, 39(3):282-314, 2002.
[oldest generating units in the United States in 2010]
In 2010 in the United States, 24 generating units were over 70 years old. In 2010, the oldest still existing generating unit (note, not a power plant) dated back to 1924. “Existing Generating Units in the United States by State and Energy Source, 2010,” Energy Information Administration, United States Department of Energy.
[...not so easy, it takes 3-6 years to develop a useful strain...]
With our current levels of understanding of cell biology that’s not surprising. What we’re doing is coaxing, over many generations, cells to do something that they didn’t evolve to do. To train a yeast cell to move from taking glucose and producing mostly ethanol into instead producing butanol at efficient yields can take 3-6 years. Why is that? Well, a yeast cell has >1,500 metabolic reactions (associated with >900 genes) (a human cell has >8,000 metabolic reactions, associated with >3,000 genes). Figuring out how they all work is hard.

“Metabolic engineering is the enabling science of development of efficient cell factories for the production of fuels, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and food ingredients through microbial fermentations. The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a key cell factory already used for the production of a wide range of industrial products, and here we review ongoing work, particularly in industry, on using this organism for the production of butanol, which can be used as biofuel, and isoprenoids, which can find a wide range of applications including as pharmaceuticals and as biodiesel. We also look into how engineering of yeast can lead to improved uptake of sugars that are present in biomass hydrolyzates, and hereby allow for utilization of biomass as feedstock in the production of fuels and chemicals employing S. cerevisiae. Finally, we discuss the perspectives of how technologies from systems biology and synthetic biology can be used to advance metabolic engineering of yeast.” From: “Metabolic engineering of Saccharomyces cerevisiae: a key cell factory platform for future biorefineries,” K.-K. Hong, J. Nielsen, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 69(16):2671-2690, 2012.

[possible effects of a magic biofuel...]
Such possible consequences of a magic biofuel aren’t too long for us to think about ahead of time, but even if we do so, our conclusions usually don’t come out that way. It often comes out to be whatever political reality presently demands it to be. It doesn’t matter if that’s likely to be correct in the long run or not. As long as it sways enough of us now, it takes root.

“Land Clearing and the Biofuel Carbon Debt,” J. Fargione, J. Hill, D. Tilman, S. Polasky, P. Hawthorne, Science, 319(5867):1235-1238, 2008. “Use of U.S. Croplands for Biofuels Increases Greenhouse Gases Through Emissions from Land-Use Change,” T. Searchinger, R. Heimlich, R. A. Houghton, F. Dong, A. Elobeid, J. Fabiosa, S. Tokgoz, D. Hayes, T.-H. Yu, Science, 319(5867):1238-1240, 2008.

[bizarre subsurface fire]
That’s not completely insane. Oil fires are common only at the surface but it’s not uncommon for coal mines to burn for decades. One has been on fire since 1916. Parts of subsurface India today, for example, are on fire. “Detection of coal mine fires in the Jharia coal field using NOAA/AVHRR data,” R. Agarwal, D. Singh, D. S. Chauhan, K. P. Singh, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 3(3):212-218, 2006. So is part of Pennsylvania. Unseen Danger: A Tragedy of People, Government, and the Centralia Mine Fire, David DeKok, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1986.
[1970s attempts to control the value of dollars, oil, and gold]
In 1970, and for the first time in the 1900s, the United States, after spending too much for too long on both guns and butter, had both a budget deficit and a trade deficit. As those rose, other rich countries, like France, who exported goods to the United States and got paid in U.S. dollars, saw those dollars dwindling in value relative to the gold that backed them. So they started demanding gold for the dollars they held. The United States, its gold reserves shrinking, panicked. It then tried to compensate by taking the dollar off the gold standard and devaluing it relative to gold. Oil exporters, like Saudi Arabia, then lost money since their oil was priced in U.S. dollars, not gold. Also, for decades they had been losing money to rich countries, like the United States, who had gotten them to sell their oil cheap, then turned it into wheat (or sugar or cement or other products), then sold that back to them at vastly higher prices. Having earlier formed a trade bloc, they then jacked up their oil’s dollar price. That then triggered inflation around the globe. The United States panicked. It then tried to compensate by raising domestic interest rates. But that then triggered a recession there, then both unemployment and inflation spiked. By 1974 the United States had tumbled into a wholly new state, stagflation, which put an end to its 30-year post-war economic boom. The Oil Kings: How the U.S., Iran, and Saudi Arabia Changed the Balance of Power in the Middle East, Andrew Scott Cooper, Simon & Schuster, 2011, pages 138-141, and pages 189-190. The Age of Deficits: Presidents and Unbalanced Budgets from Jimmy Carter to George W. Bush, Iwan Morgan, University of Kansas, 2009. “Oil Market Power and United States National Security,” R. Stern Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 103(5):1650-1655, 2006. Gold, Dollars, and Power: The Politics of International Monetary Relations, 1958-1971, Francis J. Gavin, University of North Carolina Press, 2004. The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money, and Power, Daniel Yergin, Simon & Schuster, 1991. Secrets of the Temple: How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country, William Greider, Simon & Schuster, 1987, pages 336-343.
[oil-price sensitivity]
In 2007-2008 in the United States, the price of gasoline at the pump suddenly jumped by about a third. Road travel then fell by 3.3 percent (67.2 thousand million fewer vehicle-miles a year.) August 2008 Traffic Volume Trends, Federal Highway Administration, United States Department of Transportation. “Pain at the Pump: The Differential Effect of Gasoline Prices on New and Used Automobile Markets,” M. R. Busse, C. R. Knittel, F. Zettelmeyer, Working Paper 15590, National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), 2009.

Further, a global economic slump in 2008 halved the growth rate of carbon dioxide emissions worldwide. Emissions from burning fossil fuels and from making cement rose 1.7 percent in 2008, as against 3.3 percent in 2007. “Global CO2 emissions: annual increase halves in 2008,” Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL), 2009.

On the other hand, the rising price of oil in 2007-2008 helped increase food cost. That then led to riots and other unrest in 22 countries—all of them poor. Poor countries feel even more of a pinch than rich countries do.

[renewables were a small part of world energy: 2003, 2010, 2018]
2018: (in terawatt-hours) world consumption: 13864.9 oil - 4662.1 - 33.6 percent. coal - 3772.1 - 27.2 percent. natural gas - 3309.4 - 23.8 percent. (oil+coal+natural gas = 84.6 percent) hydro - 948.8 - 6.84 percent. nuclear - 611.3 - 4.4 percent. renewables - 561.3 - 4 percent. wind (1/2 of that) - ~280 - 2 percent. solar (~1/4 of that) - ~140 - 1 percent. Statistical Review of World Energy 2018, British Petroleum, 2018, page 50. Energy and Civilization: A History, Vaclav Smil, The MIT Press, 2017, page 397.

In 2006, the EIA estimated that it was about 7 percent as of 2003 (the latest data available as of 2006). International Energy Outlook 2006, Report DOE/EIA-0484(2006), Energy Information Administration, United States Department of Energy, June 2006, Tables A2 and A8 in the Reference Case Projections Tables (1990-2030).

By 2013, the EIA put their estimate for 2010 renewables at 10.7 percent (renewables only comprised 7.6 percent for the industrial sector). “World industrial sector delivered energy consumption by region and energy source, 2010-2040 (quadrillion Btu)” Table 18. (page 127), “World total energy consumption by region and fuel, Reference case, 2009-2040 (quadrillion Btu)” Table A2. (page 181), International Energy Outlook 2013, Report DOE/EIA-0484(2013), Energy Information Administration, United States Department of Energy, June 2013.

[solar will better wind, then water, then coal]
The IEA projects those milestones might happen in 2025, 2030, and 2040 (for power systems, not necessarily for all energy consumed). World Energy Outlook 2018, International Energy Agency, 2018, page 3.

Some Assembly Required

[17.5 terawatts in 2010; 14 terawatts in 2006]
In 2010, world consumption was about 523.9 quadrillion BTUs, which is about 552 exajoules, which is equivalent to a burn rate of around 17.5 terawatts. “World total energy consumption by region and fuel, Reference case, 2009-2040 (quadrillion Btu)” Table A2. (page 181), International Energy Outlook 2013, Report DOE/EIA-0484(2013), Energy Information Administration, United States Department of Energy, June 2013.

Overall energy consumption in 2006 was around 448 exajoules, thus giving a burn rate per second of about 14.2 terawatts. (Note the difference between energy and power; A joule is a unit of energy; a watt is a unit of power; energy = power * time) “A multi-trillion dollar/year business supplies about 450 Exajoules (EJ, or 1018 joules); equivalently, we ‘burn’ energy at a rate over 14 Terawatts (TW, or trillion watts). About 86% is supplied by fossil fuels—coal, oil, and natural gas. The United States uses about a quarter of the total.” Report of the Energy Research Council, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2006, page 6.

The solar irradiation on the upper atmosphere per second is about 340 watts per meter squared, or around 174 petawatts (174,000 terawatts) in total. So the solar energy reaching our planet in an hour is more than enough to supply all of our current energy needs for a year. About half of that energy incident on top of the earth’s atmosphere reaches the surface. “Radiation (Solar), ” Q. Fu, in: Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Sciences, James R. Holton, Judith A. Curry, John A. Pyle (editors), Academic Press, 2003, pages 1859-1863. “Earth’s Annual Global Mean Energy Budget,” J. T. Kiehl, K. E. Trenberth, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 78(2):197-208, 1997.

[shuttle to LEO and GEO]
Low Earth orbit (LEO) begins only about 100 miles up, and from there, transfer rockets can take payload the rest of the way (to high orbit, at 22,000 miles up). The shuttle installed various instruments in geostationary Earth orbit (GEO, 35,200+ kilometers; 22,000+ miles up) by carrying them up, with boosters attached, to low Earth orbit (LEO, 160-2,000 kilometers; 100-1,200 miles). After launch, the booster takes them up to GEO.
[payload per pound costs to LEO, 2011, and GEO, 2018]
NASA claimed the following average costs per pound: $21,268 (Space Shuttle) $18,149 (Russian Progress) $26,770 (new initiatives, like SpaceX) to potentially support the International Space Station (which is in LEO). NASA’s Commercial Cargo Providers; Are They Ready to Supply the Space Station in the Post-Shuttle Era? United States Congress, House Hearing, 112th Congress, Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics, Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, Thursday, May 26th, 2011. United States Government Printing Office, Serial No. 112-20. Although these are almost surely underestimates (at least for the shuttle).

By 2018, SpaceX was regularly launching their reusable-booster, in-house parts, Falcon 9, with launch costs to LEO of $62 million, and GTO (geosynchronous transfer orbit) capacity of 18,300 pounds, which yielded a cost of about $4,100 per pound to GEO. The Annual Compendium of Commercial Space Transportation: 2018, FAA AST, Office of Commercial Space Transportation, United States Federal Aviation Administration, 2018, page 144. In 2016, Charles F. Bolden, Jr., NASA Administrator, noted that more venture capital was invested in 2015 than in all 15 years prior to that combined.

[worldwide launches per year, from 2010-2017, 1957-1999, 2001-2005]
From 2010 to 2017, we launched around 70 to 90 times, and about one in four were commercial. In 2017, of 90 launches, 33 were commercial (37 percent). (5 failed, 5.5%) In 2016, of 85 launches, 21 were commercial (25 percent). In 2015, of 86 launches, 22 were commercial (26 percent). In 2014, of 92 launches, 23 were commercial (25 percent). In 2013, of 81 launches, 23 were commercial (28 percent). In 2012, of 78 launches, 20 were commercial (25 percent). In 2011, of 84 launches, 18 were commercial (21 percent). In 2010, of 74 launches, 23 were commercial (31 percent). Over 8 years, that’s 670 launches, 183 of them commercial (about 27.31 percent). The Annual Compendium of Commercial Space Transportation: 2018, FAA AST, Office of Commercial Space Transportation, United States Federal Aviation Administration, 2018, page 39. The Annual Compendium of Commercial Space Transportation: 2014, FAA AST, Office of Commercial Space Transportation, United States Federal Aviation Administration, 2015. Commercial Space Transportation 2013 Year in Review, FAA AST, Office of Commercial Space Transportation, United States Federal Aviation Administration, 2014. Commercial Space Transportation 2012 Year in Review, FAA AST, Office of Commercial Space Transportation, United States Federal Aviation Administration, 2013. Commercial Space Transportation 2011 Year in Review, FAA AST, Office of Commercial Space Transportation, United States Federal Aviation Administration, 2012. Commercial Space Transportation 2010 Year in Review, FAA AST, Office of Commercial Space Transportation, United States Federal Aviation Administration, 2011.

From 1957 to 1999, our species launched about 104 times a year. From 2001 to 2005, we launched about 62 times a year. Of all those launches, only about 19 a year were commercial. For these earlier figures, see: The Space Launch Industry Recent Trends and Near-Term Outlook, Futron Corporation, 2004. “Space Launch Vehicle Reliability,” I-S. Chang, Crosslink, 2(1):23-32, 2001.

[launch limitations]
“Only a few countries in the world have the technology and facilities to carry out an orbital space launch, or to maintain a fleet of operational launchers. In 2014, this applies to eight countries (United States, Russian Federation, China, Japan, India, Israel, Iran and Korea) and the European Space Agency (ESA). Since 1994, more than 1 300 successful launches have been carried out, with the Russian Federation and the United States accounting for almost 75% of all launches. The launch industry is subject to strong yearly variations (due to the low number of launches per year, satellite life and replacement cycles, etc.). After a drop in the early 2000s, launch numbers are back at 1990s levels, mostly due to increased activity in the Russian Federation and in China, which now has the same number of yearly launches as the United States. In 2013, 78 successful launches were carried out: 31 Russian launches, 19 US, 14 Chinese and seven European. India and Japan had three launches each, and Korea’s launch vehicle Naro-1 successfully placed STSAT-2C in orbit. There were three failed launches: one Russian, one Chinese and one commercial launch (Sea Launch).

As most institutional satellites are placed into orbit by national launchers, the market open to international competition is relatively small. It was about USD 2 billion in 2013, a 20% decrease compared to 2012. As of spring 2014, there were six companies able to commercially launch satellites to geostationary (GEO) orbit, which is the most profitable orbit, home to large commercial communications satellites. They include the European Arianespace company (the current market leader, with the Ariane 5 launcher), the Russian Federation’s International Launch Services (Proton launcher), the United States’ Lockheed Martin (Atlas V) and Boeing (Delta launchers), China Great Wall (Long March launchers) and Sea Launch, an international consortium (Norway, Russian Federation, Ukraine and United States). Other companies can launch satellites in lower orbits, most notably SpaceX (USA), which carried out its first commercial launch in December 2013 with its Falcon 9. It is currently developing its Falcon heavy launch vehicle, with two commercial flights scheduled for 2015 and 2017. India’s Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) has a long track record. India is also developing and has successfully tested a heavy-lift cryogenic engine for its Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) with the ambition to enter the commercial GEO launch market. Launch demand in the next 10 years is expected to remain robust, with stable or increasing demand from institutional and commercial actors driven primarily by growth in emerging economies.”

The Space Economy at a Glance 2014, OECD, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2014, page 52.

“Space infrastructure is associated with launch vehicles, satellite operations and services, human spaceflight, and other critical functions. Rocket launch attempts, the most publicly visible reminder of space activity, increased in 2014 to 92, up from 81 launch attempts in 2013. The United States and Russia conducted the majority of the launch attempts in 2014, but organizations and countries such as the European Space Agency, China, India, and Japan also successfully launched payloads into orbit. New launch systems continued to be explored in 2014, with one company testing space launch vehicle reusability as a possible way to lower the costs of launch objects into orbit. Other companies focused on suborbital rocket flight, hoping to entice potential passengers into an adventure to the edge of space and back.

The nature and size of rocket payloads, the satellites, are changing. Of the nearly 300 satellites launched in 2014, slightly less than half weighed 10 kilograms (22 pounds) or less. In 2014, a single Russian space launch vehicle launched and deployed a combination of 33 small satellites and cubesats into low Earth orbit. Some of those deployed satellites eventually deployed more satellites into orbit as well. The size and commonality of parts in cubesats is increasingly attracting researchers, small companies, and schools to invest, build, launch, and operate satellites in space. The International Space Station started to become a launch platform itself, deploying small satellites into orbit.”

The Space Report: The Authoritative Guide to Global Space Activity, The Space Foundation, 2015.

[space shuttle’s costs]
The United States space shuttle program was originally designed to be cost-effective when shuttles flew hundreds of times a year. But for political reasons, the shuttle was scaled back, and thus the program was changed, so there were never more than nine shuttle flights a year. The public relations cost of failure was just too high. The United States space shuttle program, before it was shuttered in 2011, employed about 50,000 of us. So each year’s payroll cost about $5 billion U.S., whether or not a shuttle flew that year. From 1981 to 2010 the program’s total cost—counting buildings, support, and research—was $192 billion, or about $6.6 billion a year. In the same period, shuttles flew just 131 times—or about 4.5 times a year. “Shuttle programme lifetime cost,” R. Pielke, Jr., R. Byerly, Nature, 472(7341):38, 2011. “A Reappraisal of the Space Shuttle Program,” R. A. Pielke, Jr., Space Policy, May, 1993, pages 133-157. “The Space Shuttle Program: Performance versus Promise,” R. A. Pielke, Jr., R. Byerly, Jr., in: Space Policy Alternatives, Radford Byerly, Jr., (editor), Westview Press, 1992, pages 223-245.
[Atlanta aiplane flights in 2006 and 2010]
As of 2006, Atlanta International Airport was the world’s busiest, counting by number of landings and takeoffs of a single aircraft per year. In 2006, it handled 976,447 such landings and takeoffs. That averages to 115 turnarounds per hour. Airports Council International, March 16th, 2007. In 2010, it had 950,119 flights, averaging 108 per hour. “Operating Statistics,” Department of Aviation, Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, March 23rd, 2011.
[...“we have it, we like it”...]
[In 1997] [NRO Director Keith R. Hall] reiterated a famous line in several public speeches that was later borrowed by his successor Peter Teets: ‘In regard to space dominance, we have it, we like it, and we’re going to keep it.’ Star Wars: US Tools of Space Supremacy, Loring Wirbel, Pluto Press, 2004, page 84. The NRO (National Reconnaissance Office) is, along with the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), NSA (National Security Agency), DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency), and the NGA (National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency) one of the ‘big five’ intelligence agencies of the United States. It designs, builds, launches, and operates reconnaissance satellites (which can image down to the inch).
[Failure is not an option]
Failure Is Not An Option, Gene Kranz, Berkley, 2000.
[an aerospace company’s number of employees]
The shuttle employed around 50,000. Even SpaceX, which is private and very slimmed down, employs around 6,000.
[solar power satellites]
The Case for Space Solar Power, John Mankins, Virginia Edition Publishing, 2014. Solar Power Satellites, Don M. Flournoy, Springer, 2012. Entering Space: Creating a Spacefaring Civilization, Robert Zubrin, Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam, 1999, pages 70-84. Solar Power Satellites: A Space Energy System for Earth, Peter E. Glaser, Frank P. Davidson, and Katinka Csigi (editors), John Wiley & Sons, Second Edition, 1998. None of these books tend to examine the realities of actually finding the funding for such endeavors, only the technical difficulties on the assumption that we decide to actually go through with it. Consider only one: how likely is it that we’ll want to build just one, or a few, big ones? Besides their greater cost, they would make more tempting targets if there’s another war. So, although it’s much messier, and much more expensive, we may well be more likely to end up building many smaller ones.
[solar panel efficiencies in 2014]
“As an initial investigation into the current and potential economics of one of today’s most widely deployed photovoltaic technologies, we have engaged in a detailed analysis of manufacturing costs for each step within the wafer-based monocrystalline silicon (c-Si) PV module supply chain. At each step we find several pathways that could lead to further reductions in manufacturing costs. After aggregating the performance and cost considerations for a series of known technical improvement opportunities, we project a pathway for commercial-production c-Si modules to have typical sunlight power conversion efficiencies of 19-23%, and we calculate that they might be sustainably sold at ex-factory gate prices of $0.60-$0.70 per peak Watt (DC power, current U.S. dollars).” From: “A wafer-based monocrystalline silicon photovoltaics road map: Utilizing known technology improvement opportunities for further reductions in manufacturing costs,” A. Goodrich, P. Hacke, Q. Wang, B. Sopori, R. Margolis, T. L. James, M. Woodhouse, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 114(2013):110-135, 2013.

As as 2014, the most efficient solar panels were between 40 percent and 44 percent efficient (Sharp, Solar Junction, Spire Semiconductor, Spectrolab, NREL, Fraunhofer). However, those are research products, or are military-grade, intended for use in space, but perhaps only, or primarily, for private contractors (that is, subcontractors of defense contractors in the aerospace or weapons business). At least, that might be a reasonable guess since these products (all multijunction cells) never seem to reach the mass market, despite more than one occasion when a subsidiary company of a parent company (for example, Spectrolab, now owned by Boeing) announces that the product is about to be mass produced, but then it never actually is. In the commodity market (all crystalline silicon cells or, more recently, thin-film cells), 15 percent is still a reasonable efficiency to expect, although 20 percent is becoming more normal than before. When it comes to space, the two most important variables are efficiency and weight-to-power ratio. The ideal is high efficiency and low weight-to-power ratio. The lower the efficiency, the less energy extracted per square meter, and the higher the weight-to-power, the more weight has to be carried up for the same power returned. For satellites, for example, long-life and robustness and low-weight are valuable. The commodity market is earth-based and (so far) is not terribly motivated by such variables, but the military and exploration market is. The solar power panels on the ISS (International Space Station) are currently in the 1 watt per kilogram range, and those on most commercial satellites are limited to the 80-100 watts per kilogram range.

Entech, a NASA spinoff in Texas, has a promising technology, now marketed as SolarVolt, that scores on the low-weight, high-efficiency metrics and that may one day have the advantage of being mass producible. However, even stretched Fresnel lens multijunction panels are bounded to at most 300 watts per kilogram (so about 136 watts per pound). “Low-Cost 20X Silicon-Cell-Based Linear Fresnel Lens Concentrator Panel,” M. O’Neill, A. J. McDanal, D. Spears, C. Stevenson, D. Gelbaum, Seventh International Conference on Concentrating Photovoltaic Systems (CPV-7), Las Vegas, April 2011, pages 120-124. “Space Solar Cells and Arrays,” S. Bailey, R. Raffaelle, in: Solar Cells and Their Applications, Lewis Fraas and Larry Partain (editors), John Wiley, Second Edition, 2010, 397-494. “The Stretched Lens Array SquareRigger (SLASR) for Space Power,” M. F. Piszczor, Jr., M. J. O’Neill, M. I. Eskenazi, H. W. Brandhorst, Jr., 4th International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference (IECEC), San Diego, June 26-29, 2006.

[satellite growth]
Commercial satellite launch exceeded government launch only in 1997. “Commercial Communications Satellites,” M. A. Cáceres, World Space Systems Briefing, Teal Group Corporation, December 1998.
[satellite losses and insurance]
A rocket’s payload has to endure many stresses. Rockets produce intense vibration—accelerative stress, high pressure, violent shaking, and sheer noise. Delicate objects have to be packed in such a way that they don’t shear or break. On passing through the ionosphere, the air itself becomes conductive and that can short out electrical gear. Then, once the payload reaches orbit, temperature variations as it passes in and out of the earth’s shadow can cause problems. Then there’s the problem of impact from detritus from parts and waste (including human waste) already up there.

“Although launching satellites appears to be a routine operation to the general public, there are still major risks involved. A branch of the insurance sector specifically covers the commercial space sector’s operations. The main risks covered still tend to be a failure at launch or mechanical troubles for large commercial telecommunications satellites. In addition to launch and deployment failure, space debris and solar storms pose collision and damage risks for satellites. The insured values usually cover the satellite’s replacement costs and/or the resulting business interruption.

In late 2013, there were around 205 insured satellites in orbit, of which 185 were in geo-synchronous orbit (GSO). The total insured value represented about USD 24 billion. Every year, there are on average 70-80 launches worldwide, of which 30-40 are insured, carrying 20-25 GSO satellites and 15-30 low-earth orbit satellites. Average insured value for a satellite in low-earth orbit is approximately USD 40 million with an operational lifespan of five years, while the more costly GSO satellites (USD100-400 million insured value) have an operational life span of about 15 years. A dual launch may be insured for up to USD 750 million. Annual premiums average between USD 750 million and USD 1 billion. The number of satellite failures in a given year has dropped in the last decades, but the average claim per loss has gone up from USD 38 million in the mid-1990s to USD 116 million in 2013, due to the increased size and complexity of telecommunications satellites. For instance, 2013 may be the first money-losing year for the insurance industry since 2007, with reported premiums of USD 775 million and possibly more than USD 800 million in claims.

Commercial suborbital flights and space tourism are not covered by any existing insurance regime. The few paying space tourists to the International Space Station have so far taken out personal accident insurance. As suborbital vehicles transporting paying customers on the edge of space (not entering into a full orbit) are to start operations in 2014-15, insurance issues will need to be addressed.”

The Space Economy at a Glance 2014, OECD, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2014, page 76.

“[...] launch insurance for a satellite may vary from 10%-20% of the satellite value depending in part on the number of recent launch vehicle failures. This would translate to industry-wide costs dedicated to commercial satellite insurance ranging from $5 billion - $10 billion over the next ten years. On average, this is about $3.5 million to $7 million per satellite.” Risk Transfer Modeling among Hierarchically Associated Stakeholders in Development of Space Systems, Thomas Grove Henkle, doctoral thesis, University of Southern California, 2007, page 5.

See also: Communication Satellites, Donald H. Martin, The Aerospace Press, Fourth Edition, 2000. “Cost Drivers — Why Do Conventional Satellites Cost So Much?” C. Elliott, Small Satellites Systems and Services, 4S Symposium, Conference, Arcachon, France, 1992, pages 703-708. “Insurance for Space Systems,” S. Fordyce, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 3(1):211-214, 1985.

[space-weapon ban of 1967]
There’s really only one, the Outer Space Treaty of October 1967. which covers outer space, the moon, and other celestial bodies. But it doesn’t cover satellites in LEO, which is where most satellites (including the ISS) are today. Also, only Article 4 might be construed to really apply. It doesn’t apply to weapons mounted on aircraft, or on the ground, only orbitals, so GEO sats and above can’t have lasers, but LEO sats can, as can ground and air-borne installations. and combinations of them (for example, a laser on the ground aimed at an orbital mirror in LEO, which aims at a sat in GEO, or anywhere...). There may also be some wiggle room about whether a laser, depending on how built, is a weapon of mass destruction... Basically, it’s all up in the air (literally) until there’s a firefight.

Article IV

States Parties to the Treaty undertake not to place in orbit around the earth any objects carrying nuclear weapons or any other kinds of weapons of mass destruction, install such weapons on celestial bodies, or station such weapons in outer space in any other manner.

The moon and other celestial bodies shall be used by all States Parties to the Treaty exclusively for peaceful purposes. The establishment of military bases, installations and fortifications, the testing of any type of weapons and the conduct of military manoeuvres on celestial bodies shall be forbidden. The use of military personnel for scientific research or for any other peaceful purposes shall not be prohibited. The use of any equipment or facility necessary for peaceful exploration of the moon and other celestial bodies shall also not be prohibited.

Five other treaties address space issues. These are: the Limited Test Ban Treaty of 1963, which prohibits nuclear tests and any other nuclear explosions in the atmosphere or outer space; the Astronauts Rescue Agreement of 1968, requiring the safe return of astronauts and objects launched into space to their country of origin; the Liability Convention of 1972, establishing procedures for determining the liability of a state that damages or destroys space objects of another state; the Registration Convention of 1976 requiring the registration of objects launched into space; and the Moon Agreement of 1984, which took the first steps to establish a regime for exploiting the natural resources of space.

Laser Weapons in Space: A Critical Assessment, William H. Possel, Lt. Col., USAF, Maxwell Air Force Base, 1998.

[ a WAG...]
WAG is a technical term in engineering: wild-ass guess.
[cost of a one-gigawatt power plant on earth in 2010, 2017]
Construction figures fell by 2017. Average construction cost for combustion turbine (includes coal and natural gas) was around $1,000/kilowatt. Onshore wind was about 1.6 times that, as were internal combustion engines, which was also about where batteries were as well. Solar was about 2.3 times it. “Generators installed in 2017 by major energy source,” and “Generators installed in 2017 by prime mover,” Form EIA-860, 2017 Annual Electric Generator Report, U.S. Energy Information Administration,

In 2010, figures were: On earth, new coal plants might cost around $1 thousand million per gigawatt. Natural gas, $1.2 thousand million. Hydroelectric, $1.3 thousand million. Nuclear, $2 thousand million. (Solar would be $5.1 thousand million—except that none yet exist in the gigawatt range.) Those figures are very approximate. In reality, they vary depending on the plant’s scale, on what technology it uses, on the country it’s sited in, and on overall energy demand. The figures also don’t count various government subsidies (for example, Germany heavily subsidizes solar power plants), nor does it count maintenance costs, various lawsuit costs, taxes, and so on.

The nuclear estimate comes from China’s project of building four of the latest Westinghouse AP1000 nuclear reactors, which produce 1.117 gigawatts, for $8 thousand million U.S. for operation starting in 2013 to 2015.

The coal estimate comes from India’s project of building a 4-gigawatt coal plant for $4 thousand million. It expects to build at least five over five years.

Both China and India’s projects are using the same steam generator technology, supplied by Doosan Heavy Industries and Toshiba.

The hydroelectric estimate comes from China’s Three Gorges Dam project, In 2011 it expected to produce 22.5 gigawatts at a cost of $30 thousand million. It’s using turbines made by a consortium that includes General Electric.

The natural gas estimate comes from the proposed Eastshore Energy Center, in Hayward, California. Originally expected to go onstream in 2009, it application was denied in 2008. It was to produce 115.5 megawatts and cost $140 million.

The photovoltaic power plant estimate comes from the €130 million ($204 million U.S.) cost of the 40-megawatt Waldpolenz project in Germany. In 2007 it was the world’s biggest photovoltaic power plant.

[cost of the cold war arms race was about $10 trillion U.S. in 2009 dollars]
“Was that arms race necessary? By one estimate that properly counts delivery systems as well as weapons, it cost the United States $4 trillion—roughly the US national debt in 1994 [about $10 trillion in 2009]. Soviet costs were comparable and were decisive in the decline of the Soviet economy that triggered the USSR’s collapse. Cold warriors have argued from that fact that spending the Soviet Union into bankruptcy itself justifies the arms race. Their argument overlooks the inconvenient reality that the expense of the arms race contributed to US decline as well, decline evident in an oppressive national debt, in decaying infrastructure and social and educational neglect. The potlatch theory of the arms race also overlooks the unconscionable risk both superpowers took of omnicidal war.” Dark Sun: The Making of The Hydrogen Bomb, Richard Rhodes, Simon & Schuster, 1995, page 582.
[France and its oak forest plan]
The oak forests of Tronçais were planted by Colbert in 1670. Civilization and Capitalism, 15th-18th Century, Volume II, The Wheels of Commerce, Fernand Braudel, translated by Siân Reynolds, Harper & Row, 1982, page 240.
[Hubble space telescope superseded]
“HST [Hubble Space Telescope]... had a total cost-to-launch of approximately $5 billion in current dollars. Hubble’s LCC [Life Cycle Cost] was approximately double this because of servicing costs over 20 years.” James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Independent Comprehensive Review Panel (ICRP) Final Report, NASA, 2010, page 32.

The particular instrument referenced in the text is the new Large Binocular Telescope atop Mount Graham in Arizona. It cost $120 million, but $13 million per year to run. However, as adaptive optics and lucky-imaging techniques spread, all large earth-based telescopes were being upgraded. In 2009, at least ten were about twice as good as Hubble in many wavelengths. Hubble was still useful, however, particularly for deep-field and ultraviolet (and higher) observations. In general, our best telescopes have doubled in size every 30 years over the last century. Science with the VLT in the ELT Era, Alan Moorwood (editor), Springer, 2009. The Universe in a Mirror: The Saga of the Hubble Telescope and the Visionaries Who Built It, Robert Zimmerman, Princeton University Press, 2008. “Is the broken Hubble Telescope worth saving?” C. Moskowitz, USA Today, October 10th, 2008.

[many satellite-phone companies died in the 1990s]
Iridium, OrbComm, GlobalStar, New ICO, Celestri, and Teledesic. But while the companies died, the satellites they had put up didn’t. After bankruptcy, those satellites changed hands. The effect is that the first wave of companies all lost money, but companies based on the same satellites, like Iridium, GlobalStar, and Orbcomm, still exist. “Tele-Communications,” H. Smith, R. E. Sheriff, in: Spacecraft Systems Engineering, Peter Fortescue, Graham Swinerd, and John Stark (editors), Wiley, Third Edition, 2003.
[an orbital mesh of comsats...]
That’s Starlink, and Elon Musk company.
[solar power still not yet a toddler]
Thus, in 2008 Spain cut its solar subsidies by about a third. The next year, the world market shrank from an expected 2.5 gigawatts to around 0.375 gigawatts. In 2009, Germany had our largest installed toolbox of solar energy. After decades of state subsidies, it generated about 5.4 gigawatts of Germany’s power. Was that a lot? Well, yes and no. Compared to everywhere else, it was a lot. But it was also only about one percent of the country’s total electricity needs. So where did Germany get most of its power? Coal. “Spain’s Solar-Power Collapse Dims Subsidy Model,” A. Gonzalez, K. Johnson, The Wall Street Journal, September 8th, 2009. Renewables: Global Status Report, 2009 Update, Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century, 2009.
[British Petroleum and ExxonMobil]
In 2002, ExxonMobil partnered with General Electric, Schlumberger, and Toyota to fund a research effort at Stanford University called the Stanford Global Climate and Energy Project. ExxonMobil is contributing $100 million out of $225 million in total. However, such figures are a tiny fraction of its profits. Its average net income from 2005 to 2010 was $35.2 billion U.S., so over those six years it made an average of $96.4 million a day. 2009 Financial & Operating Review, ExxonMobil Corporation, 2009, page 28.

In 2010 BP spent over $93 million on advertising alone. Oil companies seem to be presenting one public face but by their (less public) exploration and investment decisions are presenting another face. “BP Tripled Its Ad Budget After Oil Spill,” Wall Street Journal, T. Tracy, September 1st, 2010. “BP to Invest $500 Million on Biofuels at a Research Center,” J. Mouawad, New York Times, June 14th, 2006.

[...just 8 percent of patents]
In what way are these companies serious about new energy research? Some are: Total, Eni, Repsol, and Shell are, but most aren’t (ExxonMobil, Aramco, Chevron, BP, Equinor, Conoco, Suncor, EOG, and Anadarko). it seems to depend on how much oil reserves they control. “The Energy Transition and Oil Companies’ Hard Choices,” R. West, B. Fattouh, Energy Insight: 50, The Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, July 2019, Figure 4, page 5.

[kangaroo joeys]
All marsupials have the same birth cycle, unlike placentals (nourisment via placenta) and monotremes (nourishment via egg). Animal: The Definitive Visual Guide, David Burnie and Don E. Wilson, Third Edition, DK Publishing, 2017, pages 93 and 103.
Nobody knows what the cost of humans versus robots in space is, but a possible figure might be between a 10- to 100-fold difference, although that’s just a guess. Estimates of the cost differential vary widely since the missions that each get sent on are so very different. Robots are far less flexible, but humans are vastly inferior in terms of endurance, weight, consumables, cost, and risk.

Space robotics is still in the covered-wagon stage, but there have already been a few in-space experiments (Germany’s ROTEX in 1993, Japan’s ETS-VII in 1997, and Germany’s ROKVISS in 2005). “Ground verification of the feasibility of telepresent on-orbit servicing,” E. Stoll, U. Walter, J. Artigas, C. Preusche, P. Kremer, G. Hirzinger, J. Letschnik, H. Pongrac, Journal of Field Robotics, 26(3):287-307, 2009. Advances in Telerobotics, Manuel Ferre, Martin Buss, Rafael Aracil, Claudio Melchiorri, Carlos Balaguer (editors), Springer, 2007. The Moon: Resources, Future Development and Settlement, David Schrunk, Burton Sharpe, Bonnie L. Cooper, Madhu Thangavelu, Springer Praxis, Second Edition, 2007. “Robotics Component Verification on ISS ROKVISS - Preliminary Results for Telepresence,” C. Preusche, D. Reintsema, K. Landzettel, G. Hirzinger, 2006 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 9-15 October, 2006, pages 4595-4601. “Space Robotics—DLR’s Telerobotic Concepts, Lightweight Arms and Articulated Hands,” G. Hirzinger, B. Brunner, K. Landzettel, N. Sporer, J. Butterfaß, M. Schedl, Autonomous Robots, 14(2-3):127-145, 2003.

[possible future orbital transport]
Although launch costs are high today, the energy needed to reach orbit is in fact low. If energy could be converted directly into propulsion, it would only take at most a few hundred kilowatt-hours for a human being weighing around 200 pounds to achieve escape velocity and thus get into orbit, not counting the costs of overhead for the transport system. At present energy prices, that would only cost a few hundred dollars. The Exploration of Space, Arthur C. Clarke, Harper, 1951.

“[T]he energy cost of going to the Moon is less than a hundred dollars in terms of kilowatt hours of electricity [per human passenger]. The fact that the Apollo round tickets cost about two billion dollars per passenger is a measure of the chemically-fueled rocket’s inefficiency.” From: “2001: The Coming Age of Hydrogen Power,” A. C. Clarke, Infinite Energy Magazine, Issue 22, 1998. The problem is figuring out how to do that.

We have various proposals to reduce launch costs today. One startup, the Space Island Group, has a clever way to reduce costs even if we use today’s launch technology: namely, instead of jettisoning the main fuel tanks once in orbit, outfit those tanks as space habitats. They also propose launching to low-earth orbit, then boosting to high-earth orbit (geostationary orbit) using specialized ion-drive tugs that would remain in orbit. PowerSat Corporation has similar plans. They also plan to split up their powersat into hundreds of micropowersats then gang them together in a phased array. Other companies in this domain include Space Energy, Inc., and Solaren, Inc. NASA is presently studying a plan by Masten Space Systems that argues for smaller but more robust rockets to put fuel stations in orbit and thus reduce costs and risks of later flights. “Depot-Centric Human Spaceflight: Strengthening American Industry, Creating a Robust Beyond-LEO Exploration Program, and Enabling the Commercial Development of Space,” J. Goff, S. Traugott, A. Oesterle, unpublished manuscript, 2009.

There are other, more far-out, ideas: Perhaps we could build cheap and reliable suborbital hypersonic scramjets or rocketplanes. We might also use nukes in orbit-changing spacecraft. Or, one day, we might replace rockets with superconducting mass drivers and free-electron launch lasers. We might even figure out how to build a space elevator. Costs would also lower if we already had moon colonists and got them to build satellite parts. Or if we already had an orbital power satellite. (Its power could reduce the cost of lunar mining and manufacture so the next one would be cheaper.)

For a survey of powersat technology, see: Laying the Foundation for Space Solar Power: An Assessment of NASA’s Space Solar Power Investment Strategy, Committee for the Assessment of NASA’s Space Solar Power Investment Strategy, United States National Research Council, National Academies Press, 2001. Much of scramjet research is classified, so it’s hard to say anything definitive. Here’s a report giving a good overview of what little is known publically: “A Comparison of Propulsion Concepts for SSTO Reusable Launchers,” R. Varvill, A. Bond, Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, 56(3/4):108-117, 2003. Mass drivers and launch lasers are even more speculative: “Preliminary Feasibility Assessment for Earth-To-Space Electromagnetic (Railgun) Launchers,” E. E. Rice, L. A. Miller, R. W. Earhart, NASA Report Number CR-167886, United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1982. For something a lot more speculative, but even bigger-picture, see: The Millennial Project: Colonizing the Galaxy in Eight Easy Steps, Marshall T. Savage, Little, Brown, 1994, pages 103-123. The Space Elevator: A Revolutionary Earth-to-Space Transportation System, Bradley C. Edwards and Eric A. Westling, BC Edwards, 2003.

In the more immediate future though, the private company, SpaceX, became suborbital on March 21st, 2007. Its rocket then achieved orbit on September 28th, 2008. However, its rocket is not the first privately owned orbital rocket; it’s the first private liquid-fueled rocket to achieve orbit. Orbital Sciences Corporation was the first company to orbit its own (sold-fuel) rocket (in 1990). The private company, Blue Origin, is also developing its own rocket (but for suborbital flight).

[future energy alternatives?]
There are many experiments today. For example, the oceans are huge batteries. They hold about three terawatts of recoverable power. The sun warms the ocean’s upper layers more than its lower layers and we can use that temperature difference to extract energy. One way is to sink a deep pipe and place another in the surface layer. Then we pump warm surface water into a low-pressure chamber, where it boils. The steam drives a turbine. Then we pump up cold water and use it to condense the steam for the next cycle, just as if we were running a giant refrigerator in reverse. As a byproduct, we can use the nutrients in the deep ocean water to make metric tons (literally) of high-protein food from algae. Or we can use that to grow metric tons of seafood. And we can use the same power plant to also make hundreds of litres of distilled water. Just its use as a desalination plant alone is valuable. But seawater is also highly corrosive. And it contains living things that grow fast and thus quickly foul equipment. Although small-scale experimental plants exist, we don’t yet know how to cheaply scale them from kilowatts to gigawatts. We also don’t yet know how to put them anywhere cheaply. And we don’t know what their effect might be on deep-ocean ecology. “An Order-of-Magnitude Estimate of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Resources,” G. C. Nihous, Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 127(4):328-333, 2005. Renewable Energy from the Ocean: A Guide to OTEC, William H. Avery and Chih Wu, Oxford University Press, 1994. Ocean Energies: Environmental, Economic and Technological Aspects of Alternative Power Sources, R. H. Charlier and J. R. Justus, Elsevier, 1993.

We have other possible energy options, too. In the nearer term, we might find more efficient ways to mine oil from shale or oil sands, or from methane clathrates on the ocean floor. Then there’s bioreactors that extract energy from waste. We can also tailor life-forms for use in such bioreactors using artificial evolution. We’ve already evolved bacteria to extract heavy metals and sulfur and nitrogen compounds from coal or oil. “Biochemical technology for the detoxification of geothermal brines and the recovery of trace metals,” E. T. Premuzic, M. S. Lin, H. Lian, in: Heavy Metals in the Environment, Volume 2, R.-D. Wilken, U. Förstner, and A. Knöchel (editors), CEP Consultants Ltd., 1995, pages 321-324. We might, for example, grow hydrothermal bacteria in their normal nutrient bath mixed with small amounts of oil. Then, in stages, grow the survivors with ever higher proportions of oil, until they eat only oil. Then we add coal in the same staged way. We might end with bacteria that can eat coal at high temperatures and pressures.

A similar scheme might make bacteria that could leech oil from shalesands. That might lower the mining price for oil sands and shale oil enough to compete with liquid oil. Or it might even be used to convert our planet’s vast coal reserves into oil. Other research efforts to make genetically modified bacteria (or wholly synthetic cells) that make biofuels (like ethanol) are already underway. We can also make oil—it just costs more than digging it out of the ground. We can thermally depolymerize biomass into light crudes, water, and minerals. We can even grow plants to get fuels like ethanol and biodiesel. We can burn waste to make syngas (which is mostly carbon monoxide and hydrogen), then make diesel fuel from that. A new company, Synthetic Genomics, has gotten funding from ExxonMobil on the hundred-million dollar scale to investigate making biofuels directly from genetically engineered algae. We can also simply burn biomass to make electricity. Plasma processing can convert municipal solid waste (or farm wastes like corn stover or rice straw) into syngas. Then we can steam-reform the syngas to make nearly pure hydrogen.

Hydrogen might be a good byproduct because we could use it to fuel cars and trucks. It’s also clean-burning and can be handled safely. But making it via electrolysis is currently three times more expensive than gasoline, and ten times more expensive than natural gas. Also, converting all our gas stations and cars and trucks and motorbikes to use hydrogen would be costly. Rich countries have a huge investment in cars and trucks powered by petroleum (whether gasoline or diesel). If they do it slowly enough to avoid severe economic disruption, and if they only have today’s science and technology to do it with, it’ll take decades for them to move from gasoline to hydrogen. On the other hand, hydrogen might be an easier choice for industrializing countries like China and India and Brazil. They don’t yet have as many cars per person. Also, new and relatively cheap pebble-bed nuclear reactors make both hydrogen and electricity. So such countries may convert to hydrogen sooner than rich ones.

Making cheap hydrogen might also be useful if we ever decide to do something about climate change. We’ve just recently learned that, unlike animals, a plant’s metabolism is almost solely governed by its nitrogen supply. If we could change that, we could change a lot of things. “Universal scaling of respiratory metabolism, size and nitrogen in plants,” P. B. Reich, M. G. Tjoelker, J.-L. Machado, J. Oleksyn, Nature, 439(7075):457-461, 2006. “Dark respiration rate increases with plant size in saplings of three temperate tree species despite decreasing tissue nitrogen and nonstructural carbohydrates,” J. L. Machado, P. B. Reich, Tree Physiology, 26(7):915-923, 2006.

Spirits from the Vasty Deep

[“the vasty deep”]
“Glendower: I can call spirits from the vasty deep. / Hotspur: Why, so can I; or so can any man: / But will they come, when you do call for them?”

Henry IV, William Shakespeare, Part I, Act III, Scene I.

[Washington Monument aluminum]
Before 1886, aluminum was very expensive, more expensive than silver. Then two different inventors, Charles Martin Hall in the United States and Paul-Louis Héroult in France, hit on the idea of using electrolysis to separate it from bauxite, its ore. Both were 23 years old. “[S]imultaneity should alert us to the fact that invention is not simply a matter of individual genius or luck; rather, it is a matter of convergence of information, training, purpose, perseverance, and dedication to a cause, building on existing knowledge and processes.” Aluminum Dreams: The Making of Light Modernity, Mimi Sheller, The MIT Press, 2014, pages 39-45. “The Point of a Monument: A History of the Aluminum Cap of the Washington Monument,” G. J. Binczewski, JOM, (formely the Journal of Metals), 47(11):20-25, 1995.

[labor-price collapse of aluminum]
Since laborers in the United States in 1884 got about ten cents (before taxes) an hour, and in 2008 most laborers there got over $6 (before taxes) an hour, then in 2008 aluminum might have cost over $1,000 a pound. Instead, in 2008 it costs less than a dollar a pound. We also had about 100,000 times more of it than we did in 1884. Thus, in a little over a century, our aluminum supply per hour of work went up about 100-millionfold.

In 1884 in the United States, a laborer got about $1 for a day’s work of ten or more hours. A highly skilled artisan might get $2. A well-paid clerk might get $3. In 2008, the United United States minimum hourly wage was $6.55. In 2009, it was $7.25. (In 1938 it was $0.25.) “Federal Minimum Wage Rates under the Fair Labor Standards Act,” United States Department of Labor, 2010.

Over the 15 years from 1995 to 2008, the cost of a pound of aluminum has mostly bounced between 50 cents and $1 U.S. From 2006 to 2007 it was a bit over $1 but never more than $1.50. As of January, 2007, it cost about $1.16 a pound. As of November, 2008, it cost about $1 a pound.

Aluminum makes up 8.2 percent of the earth’s crust. It’s the most abundant metal, and the third most abundant element (after oxygen and silicon), on earth.

Worldwide, from 1884 to today, our yearly aluminum supply rose from around 200 metric tons to around 22 million. About five million of that is recycled. So our species as a whole now has at least 100,000 times as much aluminum as we did before. And we have it at about 1,000th the price. We now make more aluminum than any other metal, save iron. It’s now so plentiful and cheap that we make throw-away cans and tin-foil with it.

That price drop comes through better infrastructure and knowledge. We now know more about the cosmos than we did in 1884. We also now have more tools than in 1884. We have more trained people, and they’re more highly trained. We also have more and bigger and faster and cheaper mines, railways, ships, smelters, and the like. Education, exploration, mining, shipping, and processing costs—they’ve all have fallen for a good chunk of our species. Lastly, though, the price of aluminum has fallen because of our new energy supplies.

[other labor-price collapses]
It’s the same for copper, zinc, tin, lead, iron, tungsten, titanium, chromium, sodium, sulfur, chlorine, and so on. Even some relatively price-stable commodities, like diamonds, sometimes retain their price points partly by being artificially limited, both on supply and for resale. But the price of diamonds, both for industrial use and for jewelry, may be about to collapse, as industrial diamond production ramps up.
[coal tar]
We made a series of largely accidental discoveries and our knowledge of it began to grow in France and Britain, then Germany, then the United States. Today we know that coal tar contains over 10,000 different hydrocarbons. So far we’ve found uses for less than half of them. Coal tar’s value might well double as we learn more about it. Chemistry, Society and Environment: a New History of the British Chemical Industry, Colin A. Russell (editor), Royal Society of Chemistry, 2000, pages 217-270.
DuPont developed the first nylon in 1935, and showed it off at two World’s Fairs in San Francisco and New York in 1939. When nylons first went on sale in 1940, millions of pairs sold out in days. World War II shifted production away from stockings to parachutes and such but by 1945 they were back on sale. There were riots until production could ramp up enough to satisfy demand. Popular Ideologies: Mass Culture at Mid-Century, Susan Smulyan, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007, pages 41-71. American Plastic: A Cultural History, Jeffrey L. Meikle. Rutgers University Press, 1995, pages 142-152.
[early mining of uranium and pitchblende]
“Uranium Mining and Milling: Navajo Experiences in the American Southwest,” B. R. Johnston, S. Dawson, G. Madsen, in: The Energy Reader, Laura Nader, John Wiley and Sons, 2010, page 132. Guide to Assessing Historic Radium, Uranium and Vanadium Mining Resources in Montrose and San Miguel Counties, Colorado, United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, 2008. Uranium Frenzy: Saga of the Nuclear West, Raye C. Ringholz, Utah State University Press, 2002, page 5. Report of the Industrial Commission, of Utah, Period July 1, 1917-June 20, 1918, page 359. “The occurrence and preparation of radium and associated metals,” C. L. Parsons, Proceedings of the Second Pan American Scientific Congress, Section VII: Mining, Metallurgy, Economic Geology, and Applied Chemistry, Volume VIII, Government Printing Office, 1917, pages 310-321. “Carnotite—I,” T. F. V. Curran, Engineering and Mining Journal, 96(25):1165-1167, 1913. “On Carnotite and Associated Vanadiferous Minerals in Western Colorado,” W. F. Hillebrand, F. L. Ransome, American Journal of Science, Series 4, 10(56):120-144, 1900.
[using earth’s resources in old ways]
Once upon a time, we would shape stone and wood and sinew into tools and weapons, but we today don’t bother. Few of us today even know how. We could turn hides and bones into clothes, shoes, knives, flutes. We could make fire with a stick, a cord, and dried moss. We could build homes with brushwood and clay. We could render fat to make ointments, lamps, torches. We could turn barley into beer, grapes into wine, honey into mead, milk into kumiss, rice into sake. We could find aspirin in willow trees, scopolamine (for nausea or vomiting) in henbane, opium in poppies. We could abort with pennyroyal, and control menopause with black cohosh. Practicing Primitive: A Handbook of Aboriginal Skills, Steven M. Watts, Gibbs Smith Publishing, 2005. Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year, Susun S. Weed, Ash Tree Publishing, 2002. Economic Botany: Plants in our World, Beryl Simpson and Molly Ogorzaly, McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math, Third Edition, 2000. Primitive Technology: A Book of Earth Skills, David Westcott (editor), The Society of Primitive Technology, 1999.
[even our bodies make resources...]
Gunpowder: Alchemy, Bombards, and Pyrotechnics: The History of the Explosive That Changed the World, Basic Books, 2004.
[cellular engineering — synthetic biology]
Today the field is coming to be called ‘synthetic biology.’ “ ‘The time has come for synthetic biologists to develop more real-world applications [...] the field has had its hype phase, now it needs to deliver.’ So concluded an infamous article in 2010. Early research struggled to design cells and physically build DNA with pre-2010 projects often failing due to uncertainty and variability. Since then, rapid technological advances occurred that are well-reviewed in this series of commentaries. Products from synthetic biology are rapidly permeating society and by 2030, it is highly likely that you will have eaten, worn, used or been treated with one.” From: “Synthetic biology 2020-2030: six commercially-available products that are changing our world,” C. A. Voigt, Nature Communications 11(1):6379, 2020.
[molecular manufacturing]
John von Neumann first sketched the idea of machine self-replication in the 1940s. Richard Feynman first presented the idea of building on the atomic scale in 1959. K. Eric Drexler carried those ideas forward in his 1991 doctoral thesis at MIT (Molecular Machinery and Manufacturing with Applications to Computation,), publishing a paper in 1981 and books in 1987 and 1992. Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology, Bharat Bhushan (editor), Springer, Second Edition, 2006. Nanosystems: Molecular Machinery, Manufacturing and Computation, K. Eric Drexler, John Wiley & Sons, 1992. Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of Nanotechnology, K. Eric Drexler, Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1986. “Molecular engineering: An approach to the development of general capabilities for molecular manipulation,” K. E. Drexler, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 78(9):5275-5278, 1981. Theory of Self-Reproducing Automata, John von Neumann and Arthur W. Burks, University of Illinois Press, 1966. “There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom,” R. P. Feynman, Engineering and Science, 23(5):22-36, 1960.
[artificial plants]
We’re still in the basic science phase of artificial plants. We have much to learn about biophysics, biochemistry, synthetic chemistry, and physical chemistry before we can build our own cheap and efficient plant-substitutes. We’ve also only just recently learned exactly how photosynthesis works. But today we’re beginning to duplicate it. One day we might have huge bioreactors that function as plants do. They might take in water and carbon dioxide (the single largest greenhouse gas), and make fuels, or oxygen plus edible starches. We might also have versions that split water to make cheap hydrogen. We could then use that hydrogen as fuel. That might then solve two problems at once—reducing greenhouse gases and making fuel. Right now, though, cheap artificial photosynthesis might be as far as three decades ahead. We have little idea of the best chemistry to make such devices, and even less idea of their various costs. “Biologically templated photocatalytic nanostructures for sustained light-driven water oxidation,” Y. S. Nam, A. P. Magyar, D. Lee, J.-W. Kim, D. S. Yun, H. Park, T. S. Pollom, Jr., D. A. Weitz, A. M. Belcher, Nature Nanotechnology, 5(5):340-344, 2010. “Design and analysis of synthetic carbon fixation pathways,” A. Bar-Even, E. Noor, N. Lewis, R. Milo, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(16): 107(19):8889-8894, 2010. “Artificial Inorganic Leafs for Efficient Photochemical Hydrogen Production Inspired by Natural Photosynthesis,” H. Zhou, X. Li, T. Fan, F. E. Osterloh, J. Ding, E. M. Sabio, D. Zhang, Q. Guo, Advanced Materials, 22(9):951-956, 2009. “Direct photosynthetic recycling of carbon dioxide to isobutyraldehyde,” S. Atsumi, W. Higashide, J. C. Liao, Nature Biotechnology, 27(12):1177-1180, 2009. “In Situ Formation of an Oxygen-Evolving Catalyst in Neutral Water Containing Phosphate and Co2+,” M. W. Kanan, D. G. Nocera, Science, 321(5892):1072-1075, 2008. “Light harvesting in photosystem I supercomplexes,” A. N. Melkozernov, J. Barber, R. E. Blankenship, Biochemistry, 45(2):331-345, 2006. Artificial Photosynthesis: From Basic Biology to Industrial Application, Anthony F. Collings and Christa Critchley (editors), Wiley-VCH, 2005. “Towards complete cofactor arrangement in the 3.0 Å resolution structure of photosystem II,” B. Loll, J. Kern, W. Saenger, A. Zouni, J. Biesiadka, Nature, 438(7070):1040-1044, 2005. “Architecture of the photosynthetic oxygen-evolving center,” K. N. Ferreira, T. M. Iverson, K. Maghlaoui, J. Barber, S. Iwata, Science, 303(5665):1831-1838, 2004. “Water Photolysis in Biology,” A. W. Rutherford, A. Boussac, Science, 303(5665):1782-1784, 2004. “Reduction of CO2 with H2O Using Highly Efficient Titanium Oxide-based Photocatalysts,” M. Anpo, in: Carbon Dioxide Utilization for Global Sustainability, Sang-Eon Park, Jong-San Chang, and Kyu-Wan Lee (editors), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization, Seoul, Korea, October 12-16, 2003, Elsevier, 2004.
[climate change]
We now accept anthropogenic explanations of global warming (at least since 1750). But we still haven’t decided what we might do about it that’s also politically and economically acceptable. Natural forcing—mainly volcanic aerosols and solar irradiance—does not account for a temperature rise for the latter half of the 1900s of about 0.25 degrees Celsius, so that portion of the rise is almost surely due to our actions. Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis, Working Group I contribution to the WGI Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), World Meteorological Organization and United Nations Environment Programme, 2021. Surface Temperature Reconstructions for the Last 2,000 Years, Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), National Academies Press, 2006.
[plastic waste]
“That half-century’s total production now surpasses 1 billion tons. It includes hundreds of different plastics, with untold permutations involving added plasticizers, opacifiers, colors, fillers, strengtheners, and light stabilizers. The longevity of each can vary enormously. Thus far, none has disappeared. Researchers have attempted to find out how long it will take polyethylene to biodegrade by incubating a sample in a live bacteria culture. A year later, less than 1 percent was gone.” The World Without Us, Alan Weisman, St. Martin’s Press, 2007, pages 126-127, and in general Chapter 9: “Polymers are Forever.”
[rising use of solar and wind is increasing... 12 percent... iron and steel... cement...]
“Net-zero Emissions Energy Systems,” S. J. Davis, N. S. Lewis, M. Shaner, S. Aggarwal, D. Arent, I. L. Azevedo, S. M. Benson, T. Bradley, J. Brouwer, Y.-M. Chiang, C. T. M. Clack, A. Cohen, S. Doig, J. Edmonds, P. Fennell, C. B. Field, B. Hannegan, B.-M. Hodge, M. I. Hoffert, E. Ingersoll, P. Jaramillo, K. S. Lackner, K. J. Mach, M. Mastrandrea, J. Ogden, P. F. Peterson, D. L. Sanchez, D. Sperling, J. Stagner, J. E. Trancik, C.-J. Yang, K. Caldeira, Science, 360(6396):eaas9793, 2018.
[United States government spending on clean energy research versus defense, 2009]
Those figures are in constant 2005 U.S. dollars. Catalyzing American Ingenuity: The Role of Government in Energy Innovation, American Energy Innovation Council, 2011, page 12. Average expenditure from 1978 to 2007 was $5 billion U.S. (again, constant 2005 dollars): A Business Plan for American’s Energy Future, American Energy Innovation Council, 2010, page 20.
[hydrocarbon energy... over $2 trillion U.S. a year]
“Global demand for energy has risen at a 2.8% per annum (pa) CAGR [cumulative annual growth rate] since 1900, and has sustained a similar 2.2% annualised pace of growth so far in the 21st century. Assuming even a lower energy consumption of 1.7% CAGR, by 2050, we estimate global energy consumption will surpass 100,000 TWH (Terawatt Hours) pa. This is will be driven mainly by population growth, rising incomes and decreasing poverty. Thus, unless the world takes a radically different direction, 2050’s energy market will surpass 100,000 TWH. [...]

Carbon Tracker predicts global demand for fossil fuels to peak in 2023 posing a significant risk to the financial system as trillions of dollars’ worth of oil, coal and gas assets could become worthless. [...]

The dual challenge of an accelerated transition to a decarbonized world without jeopardizing profitability seems insurmountable. As argued above, a key challenge is to attract the capital required to transition a vast, 100,000 TWH industry, which spends $2 trillion per annum. Smaller quantities of capital do not move the needle in this mix. Larger quantities of capital are not going to be available unless they can earn a competitive return. Any decarbonization strategy should be based on firm economic foundations.” From: “The Energy Transition and Oil Companies’ Hard Choices,” R. West, B. Fattouh, Energy Insight: 50, The Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, July 2019, pages 1, 3, 4.

See also: Oil Insurance Limited (OIL), a mutual insurance company spread among several major international oil companies, which claims to have over $3 trillion U.S. in assets under insurance.

[rapid income growth... spread of economic acceleration]
The Escape from Hunger and Premature Death, 1700-2100: Europe, America, and the Third World, Robert William Fogel, Cambridge University Press, 2004, page 50.
“[...] graves at my command / Have waked their sleepers, oped, and let ’em forth / By my so potent art. But this rough magic / I here abjure, and, when I have required / Some heavenly music, which even now I do, / To work mine end upon their senses that / This airy charm is for, I’ll break my staff, / Bury it certain fathoms in the earth, / And deeper than did ever plummet sound / I’ll drown my book.”

The Tempest, William Shakespeare, Act V, Scene I.

Chapter 4. Sweat of the Sun God: Wealth

[C. S. Lewis quote]
“There is something which unites magic and applied science while separating both from the ‘wisdom’ of earlier ages. For the wise men of old the cardinal problem had been how to conform the soul to reality, and the solution had been knowledge, self-discipline, and virtue. For magic and applied science alike the problem is how to subdue reality to the wishes of men: the solution is a technique; and both, in the practice of this technique, are ready to do things hitherto regarded as disgusting and impious—such as digging up and mutilating the dead.

If we compare the chief trumpeter of the new era (Bacon) with Marlowe’s Faustus, the similarity is striking. You will read in some critics that Faustus has a thirst for knowledge. In reality, he hardly mentions it. It is not truth he wants from the devils, but gold and guns and girls. ‘All things that move between the quiet poles shall be at his command’ and ‘a sound magician is a mighty god’. In the same spirit Bacon condemns those who value knowledge as an end in itself: this, for him, is to use as a mistress for pleasure what ought to be a spouse for fruit. The true object is to extend Man’s power to the performance of all things possible. He rejects magic because it does not work; but his goal is that of the magician.”

The Abolition of Man: Or Reflections on Education With Special Reference to the Teaching of English in the Upper Forms of Schools, C. S. Lewis, Macmillian, 1947, page 88.

Ecogenetic Wolves

[Viking pillage of Saxons]
The text takes artistic license with the scene-setting, but everything is based on what we know. According to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, on January 6th, 793, (perhaps a misprint for June 8th, as Symeon of Durham later amends three centuries later, and as Plummer argues), they raided Saint Cuthbert’s monastery in Lindisfarne, off England’s northeast coast. It wasn’t really the first raid, but the first major one, and the first one that caused a real stir in what was to become England.

On the choice of date: Two Saxon Chronicles Parallel with Supplementary Extracts from the Others, A Revised Text, Volume II, Charles Plummer, John Earle, Oxford University Press, 1952, page 62.

“On the seventh of the ides of June [7th June], they reached the church of Lindisfarne, and there they miserably ravaged and pillaged everything; they trod the holy things under their polluted feet, they dug down the altars, and plundered all the treasures of the church. Some of the brethren they slew, some they carried off with them in chains, the greater number they stripped naked, insulted, and cast out of doors, and some they drowned in the sea. Yet this was not unavenged; for God speedily judged them for the injuries which they had inflicted upon St. Cuthbert. In the following year, when they were plundering the port of king Ecgfrid, that is, Jarrow, and the monastery which is situated at the mouth of the river Don, their leader was put to a cruel death; and shortly afterwards their ships were shattered and destroyed by a furious tempest; some of themselves were drowned in the sea, while such of them as succeeded in reaching the land alive speedily perished by the swords of the inhabitants. Although the church of Lindisfarne had been thus ravaged and despoiled of its ecclesiastical ornaments, the episcopal see still continued therein; and as many of the monks as had succeeded in escaping from the hands of the barbarians still continued for a long time to reside near the body of the blessed Cuthbert.”

The Church Historians of England, Volume III, Part II, Historical Works of Simeon of Durham, translated by Joseph Stevenson, Seeleys, 1855, page 652.

“The news of this calamity filled all the nations of the Saxons with shame and sorrow. Lindisfarne had long been to them an object of peculiar respect; and the Northumbrians hesitated not to pronounce it the most venerable of the British churches. Alcuin received the account at the court of Charlemagne, and evinced, by his tears, the sincerity of his grief. ‘The man,’ he exclaimed, ‘who can think of this calamity without being struck with terror, who does not in consequence begin to amend his ways, and who does not cry to God in behalf of his country, has a heart not of flesh but of stone.’ It reminded him of an extraordinary phenomenon, of which he had been an eye-witness during his last visit to England. ‘See,’ he writes to Ethelred, king of Northumbria, ‘the church of St. Cuthbert is sprinkled with the blood of its priests, and robbed of all its ornaments: that place, the most venerable of all places in Britain, has been given in prey to the Gentiles; and where Christianity first took root among us, after the departure of St. Paulinus from York, there hath occurred the first of the calamities which awaited us. What else was portended by that rain of blood which we saw in Lent, at a time when the sky was calm and cloudless, fall from the lofty roof of the northern aisle of the church of St. Peter in York, the capital of the kingdom? Did it not denote that carnage would come upon us, and come from the north?’ He wrote to the monks of Lindisfarne, who had escaped from the swords of the Danes, and asked how it came that St. Cuthbert, and the saints, whose remains were interred within their church, had not preserved it from pollution. Nothing happened by chance. If it was not the first of a long train of evils destined for the whole nation, it must have been meant by God for the punishment of the inhabitants of the island. If then there was any thing sinful in their conduct, let them hasten to correct it. [...]

It was, however, his persuasion that the destruction of Lindisfarne was but ‘the beginning of sorrows:’ that the Danes were destined to act the same part in England, which the ancestors of the Anglo-Saxons had formerly performed in Britain.”

The History and Antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon Church; Containing an Account of its Origin, Government, Doctrines, Worship, Revenues, and Clerical and Monastic Institutions, Volume II, John Lingard, C. Dolman, 1845, pages 221-223.

[Saxons bribed the Vikings]
In 991, after the Saxon armies were defeated at Maldon, the Saxon king of England, Aethelred II, paid the Danes 10,000 pounds of silver to go away. Then he paid 16,000 in 994 and 24,000 in 1002, in which year he tried to massacre all the Danes then living in England. Then he paid 30,000 in 1007, 3,000 from East Kent alone in 1009, and 48,000 in 1012. A year later, Swegn (Sweyn, Sven) Forkbeard (a Dane) attacked in force and soon his son, Cnut (Canute), was on the English throne. In 1018, Cnut took a danegeld of 82,500 pounds of silver (10,500 paid by London alone). “The Collection of Danegeld and Heregeld in the Reigns of Aethelred II and Cnut,” M. K. Lawson, The English Historical Review, 99(393):951-61, 1984. Domesday Book and Beyond: Three Essays in the Early History of England, F. W. Maitland, Cambridge University Press, 1897, New Edition, 1907, page 3.
[“so strong with God’s consent...”]
From a homily by Wulfstan II, Archbishop of York and Bishop of Worcester, written around 1014. Here are two translations of the same passage:

“Over-cowardly laws and shameful tributes are common among us, understand it who can; and many misfortunes befall this nation over and again. For long now nothing has prospered, within or without, but there has been devastation and persecution in every part, over and again. And for long now the English have been entirely without victory and too much cowed because of the wrath of God, and the pirates so strong with God’s consent, that in battle often one will put to flight ten, and sometimes less sometimes more, all because of our sins. And often ten or twelve, one after the other, will disgracefully insult the thegn’s wife, and sometimes his daughter, or near kinswoman, while he who considered himself proud and powerful and brave enough before that happened, looks on.” Angle-Saxon Prose, Michael Swanton (editor and translator), Everyman, 1993, pages 181-182.

“Base laws and scandalous extortions are common among us, and many mishaps happen to this nation time after time because of the wrath of God, let him acknowledge it who will. This nation has not been successful for a long time either here or abroad, but there has been devastation and hatred in pretty well every district again and again; and now for a long time the English have been utterly defeated and much disheartened because of God’s wrath. And the Vikings have been so powerful with God’s consent that often in battle one of them puts 10 to flight, sometimes more sometimes less, all because of our sins. And often 10 or 12, one after the other, offer disgraceful insult to the wife of a thane, or sometimes his daughter, or close kinswoman, while he looks on—one who considered himself important and powerful and brave enough before that happened.” Vikings: Fear and Faith, Paul Cavill, HarperCollinsPublishers, 2001, pages 254-255.

For an annotated version of the original Old English version, see: Sermo Lupi ad Anglos, Dorothy Whitelock (editor), University of Exeter Press, 1977, page 59.

[Norse loan words in English]
“Language Contact in the Scandinavian Period,” A. Lutz, in: The Oxford Handbook of the History of English, Terttu Nevalainen and Elizabeth Closs Traugott (editors), Oxford University Press, 2012, pages 508-517. “Norse-derived Terms and Structures in The Battle of Maldon,” S. M. Pons-Sanz, The Journal of English and Germanic Philology, 107(4):421-444, 2008. See also: Why Do Languages Change? R. L. Trask, revised by Robert McColl Millar, Cambridge University Press, 2010, pages 96-98.
[France was then swallowing northwestern Germany]
That was during Charlemagne’s wars with Saxony from 772 to 804. (Saxony was a broad plain bounded by the rivers Ems, Eider, and Elbe.)

“Charlemagne is notable for his brutality and severity toward those who opposed him. The most obvious example of such brutality is the famous episode at Verden, where Charlemagne responded to the latest Saxon rebellion by having 4500 Saxons beheaded in one day.” Charlemagne’s Practice of Empire, Jennifer R. Davis, Cambridge University Press, 2015, page 157.

“These campaigns of Charlemagne were very bloody. [...] With his large kingdom and well-organized army, Charlemagne was able to inflict much more violence, seize more booty, and demand greater tributes than the Vikings could ever dream of.” The Age of the Vikings, Anders Winroth, Princeton University Press, 2014, pages 57-58.

“Never was there a war more prolonged nor more cruel than this, nor one that required greater efforts on the part of the Frankish peoples. [...] war was declared, and was fought for thirty years continuously with the greatest fierceness on, both sides, but with heavier loss to the Saxons than the Franks.” Early Lives of Charlemagne, Eginhard & the Monk of St. Gall, translated and edited by A. J. Grant, Chatto & Windus, 1922, pages 16-17.

[sweat of the sun, tears of the moon]
The Incas, Terence N. D’Altroy, Wiley-Blackwell, Second Edition, 2015. The Incas: New Perspectives, Gordon F. McEwan, W. W. Norton & Company, 2006. Sweat of the sun and tears of the moon: Gold and silver in pre-Columbian art, André Emmerich, University of Washington Press, 1965.
[ away... although land may be not as good...]
Warfare was possible if group conflict was over a desirable shared and fixed hunting or fishing area, for example.

“The nature of inter-group relations among prehistoric hunter-gatherers remains disputed, with arguments in favour and against the existence of warfare before the development of sedentary societies. Here we report on a case of inter-group violence towards a group of hunter-gatherers from Nataruk, west of Lake Turkana, which during the late Pleistocene/early Holocene period extended about 30 km beyond its present-day shore. Ten of the twelve articulated skeletons found at Nataruk show evidence of having died violently at the edge of a lagoon, into which some of the bodies fell. The remains from Nataruk are unique, preserved by the particular conditions of the lagoon with no evidence of deliberate burial. They offer a rare glimpse into the life and death of past foraging people, and evidence that warfare was part of the repertoire of inter-group relations among prehistoric hunter-gatherers.” From: “Inter-group violence among early Holocene hunter-gatherers of West Turkana, Kenya,” M. Mirazón Lahr, F. Rivera, R. K. Power, A. Mounier, B. Copsey, F. Crivellaro, J. E. Edung, J. M. Maillo Fernandez, C. Kiarie, J. Lawrence, A. Leakey, E. Mbua, H. Miller, A. Muigai, D. M. Mukhongo, A. Van Baelen, R. Wood, J.-L. Schwenninger, R. Grün, H. Achyuthan, A. Wilshaw, R. A. Foley, Nature, 529(7586):394-398 2016.

[predation and rent-seeking]
We had gone from pots to hold grain to potters to build pots, granaries to hold pots, masons to build granaries, troops to guard granaries, metal workers to make weapons for the troops, miners to fetch the metal, smiths to shape it, artists to decorate it, priests to bless it, raiders to steal it....

Had this happened in only one place on the planet, it could be attributed to accidents of history plus cross-fertilization of tropes over time. However at the beginning of the Columbian exchange: “What took place in the early 1500s was truly exceptional, something that had never happened before and never will again. Two cultural experiments, running in isolation for 15,000 years or more, at last came face to face. Amazingly, after all that time, each could recognize the other’s institutions. When Cortés landed in Mexico he found roads, canals, cities, palaces, schools, law courts, markets, irrigation works, kings, priests, temples, peasants, artisans, armies, astronomers, merchants, sports, theatre, art, music, and books. High civilization, differing in detail but alike in essentials, had evolved independently on both sides of the earth.” A Short History of Progress, Ronald Wright, House of Anansi Press, 2004.

For a view from anthroplogy, see: “The emergence of status inequality in intermediate scale societies: A demographic and socio-economic history of the Keatley Creek site, British Columbia,” A. M. Prentiss, N. Lyons, L. E. Harris, M. R. P. Burns, T. M. Godin, Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 26(2):299-327, 2007.

For a view from political science, see: Prosperity and Violence: The Political Economy of Development, Robert H. Bates, W. W. Norton, 2001.

For a view from economics, see: Power and Prosperity: Outgrowing Communist and Capitalist Dictatorships, Mancur Olson, Basic Books, 2000.

[the state and the gang]
Writing in 1377, Ibn Khaldûn noted that: “Mutual aggression of people in towns and cities is averted by the authorities and the government, which hold back the masses under their control from attacks and aggression upon each other. They are thus prevented by the influence of force and governmental authority from mutual injustice, save such injustice as comes from the ruler himself.” The Muqaddimah: An Introduction to History, Ibn Khaldûn, translated by Franz Rosenthal, edited by N. J. Dawood, Princeton University Press, 1967, page 97. It is sometimes called the Prolegomena [The Introduction].
[the bee-loud glade...]
I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree, / And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made; / Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honey-bee, / And live alone in the bee-loud glade.

And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow, / Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings; / There midnight’s all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow, / And evening full of the linnet’s wings.

I will arise and go now, for always night and day / I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore; / While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements grey, / I hear it in the deep heart’s core.

“The Lake Isle of Innisfree,” William Butler Yeats, The Collected Poems of W. B. Yeats, Collier Books, 1989.

[...“a thousand invisible cords”...]
“When we try to pick out anything by itself we find that it is bound fast by a thousand invisible cords that cannot be broken, to everything in the universe.” An early naturalist, John Muir, wrote that in his journal for July 27, 1869. The American Conservation Movement: John Muir and His Legacy, Stephen Fox, University of Wisconsin Press, 1986, page 291.
That’s a neologism in this text, although it appears to be first used in 1904 by Carl Detto, a University of Jena botanist, to a different purpose. More recently, it’s also been used in landscape design by the Brazilian Fernando Chacel. It pops up occasionally in the ecology literature.

Of the semantically obvious choices, this word seemed the most euphonious. The possibilities involving Greek roots for ‘self-changing’ or ‘self-evolving’ sound bad. (For example, one possibility for ‘self-evolutionary’ might be ‘autoexelixic.’ However, ‘autoallagic,’ to mean ‘self-changing,’ might be a reasonable possibility.) Another problem was how to keep the distinction between ‘self-assembling’ and ‘self-evolving’ (and later concepts in the book like ‘self-maintaining’) clear to the reader. An ecogenetic network is a self-assembling one, but not necessarily a self-evolving one. It relies on a fixed set of parts that have already evolved and it’s merely ‘choosing’ among various random assortments of them to see which ones ‘fit together.’ (In short, it self-evolves as a network, but its parts themselves don’t need to evolve.)

Botanists and ecologists mostly don’t use the word ‘ecogenesis.’ They do however have several related concepts, principally ‘ecological succession,’ ‘seral succession,’ ‘community assembly,’ ‘pedogenesis,’ and ‘demutation.’ There are also various biome-specific cases, like xerosere, lithosere, and so on. These were either too specific, too technical, or too colorless for a popular science book.

Assembly Rules and Restoration Ecology: Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice, Vicky M. Temperton, Richard J. Hobbs, Tim Nuttle, and Stefan Halle (editors), Island Press, 2004. A Theory of Forest Dynamics: The Ecological Implications of Forest Succession Models, Herman H. Shugart, Blackburn Press, 2003. Ecological Assembly Rules: Perspectives, Advances, Retreats, Evan Weiher and Paul Keddy (editors), Cambridge University Press, 2001. Plant Succession: Theory and Prediction, David C. Glenn-Lewin, Robert K. Peet, and Thomas T. Veblen (editors), Springer, 1992. “A study of the ecology of pioneer lichens, mosses, and algae on recent Hawaiian lava flows,” T. A. Jackson, Pacific Science, 25(1):22-32, 1971.

The idea of succession is old in some ways, young in others. Early forms of it trace back to Theophrastus, a student of Aristotle. “Ecology today: Beyonds the Bounds of Science,” Nature and Resources, 35(2):38-50, 1999. Traces on the Rhodian Shore: Nature and Culture in Western Thought from Ancient Times to the End of the Eighteenth Century, Clarence J. Glacken, University of California Press, 1976, pages 129-130.

[below-soil fungi]
“Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are mutualistic symbionts living in the roots of 80% of land plant species, and developing extensive, belowground extraradical hyphae fundamental for the uptake of soil nutrients and their transfer to host plants. Since AM fungi have a wide host range, they are able to colonize and interconnect contiguous plants by means of hyphae extending from one root system to another. Such hyphae may fuse due to the widespread occurrence of anastomoses, whose formation depends on a highly regulated mechanism of self recognition. Here, we examine evidences of self recognition and nonself incompatibility in hyphal networks formed by AM fungi and discuss recent results showing that the root systems of plants belonging to different species, genera and families may be connected by means of anastomosis formation between extraradical mycorrhizal networks, which can create indefinitely large numbers of belowground fungal linkages within plant communities.” From: “At the Root of the Wood Wide Web,” M. Giovannetti, L. Avio, P. Fortuna, E. Pellegrino, C. Sbrana, P. Strani, Plant Signaling & Behavior, 1(1):1-5, 2006.
[leaf litter alters soil chemistry]
“Leaf litter fall and soil acidity during half a century of secondary succession in a temperate deciduous forest,” S. Persson, N. Malmer, B. Wallén, Plant Ecology, 73(1):31-45, 1987.
[generalizing ecosystems into a game-theoretic information dynamics problem]
A mathematician might generalize this further to any set of entites of different kinds that may perpetuate themselves over time, whether it’s people holding different beliefs, restaurants from different franchises, game-players trying different strategies, chemicals of different types, and so on.
[earliest Norse longships]
The Earliest Ships: The Evolution of Boats Into Ships, Robert Gardiner and Arne E. Christensen (editors), Naval Institute Press, 1996.
[Norman reaction to Norse]
That’s where words like ‘borough’ and ‘moat’ and such come from: mottes (hill forts) and burghs (walled villages). The Normans were originally ‘Northmen’ or ‘Norsemen.’ In 1086, writing of the death of William (the Bastard), the Anglo-Saxon chronicle (the Peterborough version) mentions this about him:

“Castelas he let wyrcean, / 7 earme men swiðe swencean. / Se cyng wæs swa swiðe stearc, / 7 benam of his underþeoddan manig marc / goldes 7 ma hundred punda seolfres.”

[He had castles built / and poor men terribly oppressed. / The king was very severe, / and he took from his underlings many marks / of gold and hundreds of pounds of silver. ]

Inventing English: A Portable History of the Language, Seth Lerer, Columbia University Press, 2007, page 43.

Six government space agencies have full launch capabilities: the China National Space Administration (CNSA), the European Space Agency (ESA), the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), the (United States) National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and the Russian Federal Space Agency (RFSA or Roscosmos).

See. Want. Take

[the idea of law]
Law is very old. The idea of restitution, of graduated punishment, of a difference between intentional versus accidental causation, and so on, all go back to our oldest written laws. The Code of Ur-Nammu (in Mesopotamia) is the oldest known, and is not yet fully deciphered, but it goes back 4,000 years (or more). It deals with divorce, adultery by a married woman, the defloration of someone else’s female slave, the escape of slaves, bodily injury, and false accusation, among others.
[herdsman and slavery]
The accounting tablet was deciphered by Robert K. Englund. (Personal communication.) The herdsman’s name was Ur-Kanara. The tablet in question is MVN 10, 155. It dates Ur-Kanara’s death to the 32nd year of Šulgi, which was a little over 4Kya. On his death he owed 140 litres of clarified butter and 180 litres of cheese, assuming the usual Uruk measures (1 sìla = 1 litre, 1 bán = 10 litres, 1 barig = 60 litres). “Hard Work-Where Will It Get You? Labor Management in Ur III Mesopotamia,” R. K. Englund, Journal of Near Eastern Studies, 50(4):255-280, 1991. See also: Archaic Bookkeeping: Early Writing and Techniques of Economic Administration in the Ancient Near East, Hans J. Nissen, Peter Damerow, and Robert K. Englund, translated by Paul Jansen, University of Chicago Press, 1993, page 82. The Beginnings of Accounting and Accounting Thought: Accounting Practice in the Middle East (8000 B.C to 2000 B.C.) and Accounting Thought in India (300 B.C. and the Middle Ages), Richard Mattessich, Taylor & Francis, 2000, page 112, footnote.

About a century later, three nobodies—one of them a gardener’s slave and another a barber—resolved to kill somebody important—a temple official. After the murder, they told Nin-dada, the victim’s wife, but she kept silent. Later, the facts came out and all four went on trial. In today’s terms, everyone agreed that Nin-dada was an accessory, but was she also an accomplice? Argument followed, then the verdict: All four were guilty. All four were killed. It was the law. The Ancient Mesopotamian City, Marc Van de Mieroop, Oxford University Press, 1999, page 122. History Begins at Sumer: Thirty-Nine Firsts in Recorded History, Samuel Noah Kramer, University of Pennsylvania Press, Third Edition, 1981, pages 56-59.

[the English word ‘law’ is of Scandinavian origin]
It descends from the Old Norse word lagu, replacing the Old English equivalent æw. Of the many other related words, only ‘outlaw’ also survived to the present day. “Language Contact in the Scandinavian Period,” A. Lutz, in: The Oxford Handbook of the History of English, Terttu Nevalainen and Elizabeth Closs Traugott (editors), Oxford University Press, 2012, pages 508-517.
[“With law must our land be built”... ]
Njal’s Saga, Chapter 70. Viking Age Iceland, Jesse Byock, Penguin, 2001, page 170.
[the Icelandic legal system]
May be very old among some Germanic peoples since it seems to be shared with the Saxons (but not the Franks, Vandals, Goths, ...). Hucbald’s account of Lebuinus, a missionary among the Saxons around 770, wrote of them that they had no king and they met once a year. Each district sent 12 nobles, 12 free men, and 12 freed men (previous slaves), who “confirmed their laws, gave judgements on outstanding cases, and determined by common counsel whether to go to war or be in peace that year.” From: “Popular Revolt, Dynastic Politics, and Aristocratic Factionalism in the Early Middle Ages: The Saxon Stellinga Reconsidered,” E. J. Goldberg, Speculum, 70(3):467-501, 1995 (page 473).

[The Vita Lebuini antiqua had this to say: Regem antiqui Saxones non habebant, sed per pagos satrapas constitutos; morisque erat, ut semel in anno generale consilium agerent in media Saxonia iuxta fluvium Wisuram ad locum qui dicitur Marklo. Solebant ibi unam in omnes satrapæ convenire ex pagis, ex pagis quoque singulis duodecim electi nobiles totidemque liberi totidemque lati. Renovabant ibi leges, praecipuas causas adiudicabant et, quid per annum essent acturi sive in bello sive in pace, communi consilio statuebant.]

“In Hucbald’s ‘Life of St. Lebuinus,’ written between 918 and 976, we have some curious details of the Saxons. He also tells us they were divided into three classes: edlingi (nobiles), frilingi (ingenuiles), andlassi (serviles). This information he probably derived from Nithard. He tells us further that each pagus was governed by its own chief. At a certain time in each year there were elected from these pagi, and also from the three orders, twelve men who assembled together at a place near the Weser, called Marklo (which is identified by the editor with Markenah in the district of Hoya near the Heiligen loh, i.e., the sacred wood) and Adelshorn. There they discussed the public weal according to the prescribed rules. One of these councils, as I have said, was attended by Lebuinus (Pertz, ii, 361 and 362.)” From: “The Ethnology of Germany: Part IV, The Saxons of Nether Saxony, Section II,” H. H. Howarth, The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 9:406-436, 1880.

See also: Formation and Resolution of Ideological Contrast in the Early History of Scandinavia, Carl Edlund Anderson, doctoral thesis, University of Cambridge, 1999, chapter 2. “The Missionaries: The First Contact between Paganism and Christianity,” M. De Reu, in: The Pagan Middle Ages, Ludovicus Milis (editor), Boydell & Brewer Ltd, 1998, pages 13-38, especially pages 17-20. “The Early History of the Saxons as a Field for the Study of German Social Origins,” J. W. Thompson, American Journal of Sociology, 31(5):601-616, 1926.

[the Thing]
In Iceland a millennium ago we had a legislature, a judiciary, one part-time government employee (the law-speaker), but no executive branch: no prosecutors, no police, no army, no king. All prosecution and enforcement was private. We had no offenses against all of us (that is, ‘crimes’). We only had offenses against specific free men. Viking Age Iceland, Jesse Byock, Penguin, 2001. A History of the Vikings, Gwyn Jones, Oxford University Press, Revised Edition, 1984.
[Icelandic women and the law]
“Feuding and lawsuits were primarily carried on by men, and consequently Grágás discusses women primarily in relation to men. Nevertheless, the law gives considerable information about freeborn women (though much less about female slaves). Investigating what the legal status of freeborn women was exactly also leads us to the critical issue of sources. Despite the fact that a freeborn woman could legally run a farm and make economic decisions as a bóndi, Grágás clearly indicates that women took no part in the overt workings of the judicial system. There is no reason to doubt the reliability of this information. Only men served as judges in the local springtime assemblies (várthing) or in the Althing courts. Likewise, it seems that women did not participate as members of the panels of neighbours called kviðir (sing, kviðr) that were a vital element in legal administration and local government.

Being barred from participation in kviðir had serious repercussions. It meant that a woman, even when acting as the head of a household, had fewer formal rights than hired workmen. Even men who owned no land could serve on a panel: the requirements for a male to participate in kviðir were a minimum age of twelve years and an ability to earn his own keep. Probably women were also barred from serving as witnesses in court, because almost all the discussions in Grágás concerning the eligibility of witnesses turn on descriptions of freemen (karlar). Women were not allowed to participate personally in prosecutions for manslaughter (vígsök), yet when wronged a woman could legally claim the right to prosecution. The sources are in general agreement that if a woman was an aggrieved party and owned a right of prosecution, she was to put her claim into the hands of a man. Women could also pursue their desires for vengeance by pushing their male kinfolk into action or by restraining them. The same was true in the case of a defence. Whatever the initial purpose of such regulations, they distanced women from a good deal of violence as prosecutions moved through stages of threat and sometimes force. Shielding women meant removing them completely from armed political life, and in Grágás women are barred from carrying weapons.”

Viking Age Iceland, Jesse Byock, Penguin, 2001, pages 316-317.

[Norse prices]
The wergild, or man’s price murdered, was common among Germanic peoples, not just the Norse. The Saxons in England had a similar scheme: a noble was worth 1,200 shillings; a thane, 300; a churl, 200; a serf, nothing. Technically, Norse thralls had no wergild, but it was still often customary in Iceland to pay something for killing them. (Unless you owned them, in which case you could do what you liked—unless you killed them during a festival, or during Lent—and that last only applied after Christianity began to spread among the Norse.) Also, prices fluctuated over time. The figures given in the text are from Friedman (1979). Law’s Order: What Economics Has to Do with Law and Why It Matters, David D. Friedman, Princeton University Press, 2000, pages 263-267. A thousand cows back then would be worth at least $6 million U.S. in 1979. “Private Creation and Enforcement of Law: A Historical Case,” D. D. Friedman, Journal of Legal Studies, 8(2):399-415, 1979.
[termites as analog models for Icelandic law enforcement]
“Termites as models of swarm cognition,” J. S. Turner, Swarm Intelligence, 5(1):19-43, 2011.
[Icelanders had no jails]
Saxons had no jails either, and for the same reason—they couldn’t afford them. Feeding a man was too costly if he couldn’t work for his keep. Thus, England at least wouldn’t have its first jail until 1166. Even then, most jails were temporary holding places until punishment could be decided and meted out. The idea of using mere imprisoment as a punishment in itself spread only when we grew rich enough to afford it—in the 1800s in Britain, and then elsewhere later on.
[violence in history]
When we were hunter-gatherers we may have had little war as we understand the term today, but that doesn’t mean that we were meek. The Origins of War: Violence in Prehistory, Jean Guilaine and Jean Zammit, translated by Melanie Hersey, Wiley-Blackwell, 2005. Constant Battles: Why We Fight, Steven Le Blanc and Katherine E. Register, St. Martin’s Griffin, 2004. War Before Civilization: The Myth of the Peaceful Savage, Lawrence H. Keeley, Oxford University Press, 1996. Primitive War: Its Practices and Concepts, H. H. Turney-High, University of South Carolina Press, Second Edition, 1971.
[long-term decline in violence]
“Explaining the Long-Term Trend in Violent Crime: A Heuristic Scheme and Some Methodological Considerations,” H. Thome, International Journal of Conflict and Violence, 1(2):185-202, 2007. “The Long-Term Development of Violence: Empirical Findings and Theoretical Approaches to Interpretation,” M. Eisner, in: International Handbook of Violence Research, in 2 volumes, Wilhelm Heitmeyer and John Hagan (editors), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003, pages 41-59. “Long-term Historical Trends in Violent Crime,” M. Eisner, in: Crime and Justice: A Review of Research, M. Tonry (editor), volume 30, pages 84-142, University of Chicago Press, 2003. “Modernization, Self-Control and Lethal Violence: The Long-term Dynamics of European Homicide Rates in Theoretical Perspective,” M. Eisner, The British Journal of Criminology, 41(4):618-638, 2001.
[murder and suicide in the United States in 2004 and 2013]
In 2013, it was 16,121 homicides and 41,149 suicides, out of a population of 316,128,839. National Vital Statistics Reports, United States Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, 64(2), 2016, Table 18, page 84. In 2004, it was 16,611 homicides and 31,647 suicides, out of a population of almost 300 million. National Vital Statistics Reports, United States Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, 54(1), 2006, Table 2, page 19. See also: “Democracy and Crime: A Multilevel Analysis of Homicide Trends in Forty-Four Countries, 1950-2000,” G. Lafree, A. Tseloni, The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 605(1):25-49, 2006.

Weaving the Web

[ninth-century northern Europe was poor]
Perhaps part of that had to do with climate and geography, which limited populations, which limited trade. For example, 1,200 years ago, in the 800s, Charlemagne, who styled himself Europe’s Emperor, ruled maybe 15 million of us. At the same time, China’s emperor ruled perhaps 80 million of us. China: A New History, John King Fairbank and Merle Goldman, Second Edition, Harvard University Press, 2006, page 106. At the time, Paris was the largest European city. It supported perhaps 50,000. Even as late as the 1400s, Cologne, the largest city in Germania, only supported 20,000, and London only 50,000. London in 1086, the year of the Domesday book, may have had between 10,000 and 15,000 people. London: A Social History, Roy Porter, Harvard University Press, 1994, page 26.

Northern Europe’s trade was low, too. For one thing, the Catholic Church, threatened by Islam’s expansion, had banned contact with Muslims. That had different outcomes for different parts of Europe. Merchants in Venice and Genoa simply ignored the ban. Other parts of southern Europe only half-ignored it. Merchants there still traded with Muslims, but then paid up to a quarter of their profits to the Church to buy penance for their sin. Southeastern Europeans (mostly the Byzantines, the last survivors of the Roman empire) traded in the Black Sea and the Mediterranean. They ignored Rome—just as Rome ignored them. Northern Europeans though were too far from either the Mediterranean or the Black Sea. Besides, they didn’t have much to trade that anyone wanted—except slaves and furs. Instead of trade, they had Vikings.

As climate warmed in the 800s and 900s (the Medieval Warm Period), Norse longships had appeared in the newly ice-free north seas. They sailed south to harry coasts and rivers in today’s Britain, Ireland, France, Spain, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Russia, and Lithuania. They both traded and raided. In some cases, they even settled. In England, for example, they pushed the Saxons into the south and west. Centuries before, the Saxons had conquered their way into England the same way. The Norse were just another instance of the same ecogenetic process. Nor were the Saxons strangers to slavery either. Like the Norse, they were too poor to have jails, so they enslaved each other for some crimes—incest, for instance. Or they enslaved for debt, or after wars among themselves or with the Celts (who had invaded centuries before them). Or they did it just for fun.

“It is shaming to talk about what has occurred far too widely, and terrible to know what far too many people do who practise the crime: these people club together and buy a woman for themselves out of the common fund, and one after the other, practise disgusting sin with that one woman, taking turns like dogs, disregarding the filth. And then for the right price they sell God’s creature, the purchase which he bought so dearly, out of the country into the hands of enemies. We also know well enough where the crime has been committed that a father sold his son for a price into the hands of strangers, and a son his mother, and a brother his brother.” Vikings: Fear and Faith, Paul Cavill, HarperCollinsPublishers, 2001, page 254. At the time, Bristol was a major slave port. Dublin was the largest slave market in western Europe.

The Norse also colonized Iceland by 870, then Greenland by 986, then pushed all the way to ‘Vinland’ by 1002, five centuries before Columbus. They were traders as well as raiders. In fact, often they raided one place on the coast and sold the proceeds further down the same coast.

Writing in 922, an Arab diplomat tells us of other Scandinavians, perhaps Swedish traders (but they might also have been Slavs), on the banks of the Volga in what would one day become Russia: “They arrive from their territory and moor their boats by the Ātil (a large river), building on its banks large wooden houses. They gather in the one house in their tens and twenties, sometimes more, sometimes less. Each of them has a couch on which he sits. They are accompanied by beautiful slave girls for trading. One man will have intercourse with his slave-girl while his companion looks on. Sometimes a group of them comes together to do this, each in front of the other. Sometimes indeed the merchant will come in to buy a slave-girl from one of them and he will chance upon him having intercourse with her, but [he] will not leave her alone until he has satisfied his urge.” From: “Ibn Faḍlān and the Rūsiyyah,” J. E. Montgomery. Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies, 3(1):1-25, 2000.

[sable pelts and slave girls]
“Ibn Faḍlān and the Rūsiyyah,” J. E. Montgomery. Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies, 3(1):1-25, 2000.

[sent them pregnant to market...]
“There is a maritime town, called Bristol, which is on the direct route to Ireland, and so suitable for trade with that barbarian land. The inhabitants of this place with other Englishmen often sail to Ireland for the sake of trade. Wulfstan banished from among them a very old custom which had so hardened their hearts that neither the love of God nor the love of King William could efface it. For men whom they had purchased from all over England they carried off to Ireland; but first they got the women with child and sent them pregnant to market. You would have seen queues of the wretches of both sexes shackled together and you would have pitied them; those who were beautiful and those who were in the flower of youth were daily prostituted and sold amidst much wailing to the barbarians. Oh execrable crime, wretched dishonor, men who remind us of beasts, to sell into slavery their nearest relative because of their necessities.” The Life of Saint Wulfstan, William of Malmesbury, 1066. Quoted in: The Growth of English Industry and Commerce During the Early and Middle Ages, William Cunningham, Cambridge University Press, 1890 Edition, page 82.

Malmesbury also wrote: “When he [Godwin] was a young man he had Canute’s sister to wife, by whom he had a son, who in his early youth, while proudly curveting on a horse which his grandfather had given him, was carried into the Thames, and perished in the stream; his mother, too, paid the penalty of her cruelty; being killed by a stroke of lightning. For it is reported, that she was in the habit of purchasing companies of slaves in England, and sending them into Denmark; more especially girls, whose beauty and age rendered them more valuable, that she might accumulate money by this horrid traffic. ” Chronicle of the Kings of England, From the Earliest Period to the Reign of King Stephen, 1065: Book II, William of Malmesbury, translated by J. A. Giles, Henry G. Bohn, 1847, page 222.

Of course, the Catholic Church had a problem with that. But the problem wasn’t slavery. Churchmen owned slaves just like anyone else with two shillings to rub together. The problem wasn’t Christian slaves, either. By the eleventh century, much of Europe was Christian. The problem was selling Christian slaves to non-Christians overseas. Two centuries later, Thomas Aquinas debated whether male slaves could become clerics (nope), whether their kids were slaves (yep), and so on. He argued that “offspring follow the womb.” So slave mother, slave child, even if the father were free.

“Of the Impediment of the Condition of Slavery,” Supplement, Question 39, Article 3, Summa Theologica, Thomas Aquinas, Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province, Benziger Bros. Edition, 1947.

Writing in 1273, Aquinas had much to say about slavery. See, for example, Question 52, 57, and 65. Some apologists have chosen to muddy Aquinas’ relatively clear pronouncements on slavery by claiming that he didn’t mean slavery as the Greeks did. Naturally that must be so, but to Aquinas slaves were still chattel. They weren’t merely servants who were only a little unfree. For example: “Adultery, however, and inducing a slave to leave his master are properly injuries against the person; yet the latter, since a slave is his master’s chattel, is referred to [as] theft.” Supplement, Question 67, Article 3. That’s pretty explicit.

[English slavery in Lewes, Sussex, in 1084]
The king’s toll on the sale of a horse was a penny. Both buyer and seller had to pay the tax to complete the sale, so the king got tuppence for each horse sold in England, and eight pence every time any slave was sold in England. (And this was in the days before VAT!) Presumably he got nothing if a sale completed outside England. Domesday Book, I, 26. “If now we recur to the days of the Conquest, we cannot doubt that the law knew a definite class of slaves, and marked them off by many distinctions from the villani and cotarii, and even from the coliberti. Sums that seem high were being paid for men whose freedom was being purchased. At Lewes the toll paid for the sale of an ox was a halfpenny; on the sale of a man it was fourpence.” Domesday Book and Beyond: Three Essays in the Early History of England, F. W. Maitland, 1897, New Edition, 1921, page 33 (see also page 44 footnote).
[slavery for incest in Saxon England]
Slavery in Early Mediaeval England: From the Reign of Alfred until the Twelfth Century, David A. E. Pelteret, Boydell Press, 1995.
[eleventh-century Cordoba]
Just one of Cordoba’s libraries held around 440,000 books. That was more books than in all of France—whose largest library, the Sorbonne, held perhaps 2,000 books. The Ornament of the World: How Muslims, Jews, and Christians Created a Culture of Tolerance in Medieval Spain, Maria Rosa Menocal, Little, Brown, 2002. “The Historical Context of Arabic Translation, Learning, and The Libraries of Medieval Andalusia,” C. Price, Library History, 18(2):73-88, 2002. The Encyclopedia of World History, Peter N. Stearns (editor), Houghton Mifflin, Sixth Edition, 2001, page 179.

Further, Cordoba was linked by trade and post to other great centers of learning. For example, in 1004 the library at Cairo, Dar al-Hikma, was public and was said to house 1.6 million books. The Story of Libraries: From the Invention of Writing to the Computer Age, Fred Lerner, Continuum International Publishing Group, 2001, pages 71-72. The Medieval Library, James W. Thompson, Hafner, Reprint Edition, 1957, pages 348-350.

As a general rule, Muslim treatment of colonized Christians was less harsh than Christian treatment of colonized Muslims, but that doesn’t make either treatment even close to mild. Muslim tolerance certainly broke down in the 1100s and 1200s. The Dhimmi: Jews and Christians Under Islam, Bat Ye’or and David Maisel, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, Revised Edition, 1985.

For a sketch of the world he was born into, see: The Year 1000: What Life Was Like At the Turn of the First Millennium, Robert Lacey and Danny Danziger, Little, Brown, 1999.

The text narrative is partly made-up (especially his early trading activity) since we don’t know much about his early life, but the details and the settings are real. Words for occupations present special problems. For example, the text uses ‘earthling’ (yrðlicg) over the more usual gebúr (from which descends ‘boor’) as the more colorful word. (In any case, a gebúr was likely richer than Godric’s parents were, but they might have been either cottars or geneats, or any gradation in between; we really don’t know.)

Here are the Old English names and today’s English cognates used in this section: Engla-lond - England; earthling - farmer; thane - baron; thorp - hamlet; widuwe - widow; madm - palfrey, that is, a placid horse; webbestre - web-maker, that is, weaver; isenwyrhta - iron-worker, that is, blacksmith; gleeman - minstrel and storyteller; scop - poet and storyteller; chapman - merchant; gemot - law court.

Here is an extract from Reginald of Durham’s writings on Godric:

“[I]n his beginnings, he was wont to wander with small wares around the villages and farmsteads of his own neighborhood; but, in process of time, he gradually associated himself by compact with city merchants. Hence, within a brief space of time, the youth who had trudged for many weary hours from village to village, from farm to farm, did so profit by his increase of age and wisdom as to travel with associates of his own age through towns and boroughs, fortresses and cities, to fairs and to all the various booths of the market-place, in pursuit of his public chaffer. [...]

At first, he lived as a chapman for four years in Lincolnshire, going on foot and carrying the smallest wares; then he travelled abroad, first to St. Andrews in Scotland and then for the first time to Rome. On his return, having formed a familiar friendship with certain other young men who were eager for merchandise, he began to launch upon bolder courses, and to coast frequently by sea to the foreign lands that lay around him. Thus, sailing often to and fro between Scotland and Britain, he traded in many divers wares and, amid these occupations, learned much worldly wisdom. [...]

[A]t length his great labours and cares bore much fruit of worldly gain. For he laboured not only as a merchant but also as a shipman... to Denmark and Flanders and Scotland; in all which lands he found certain rare, and therefore more precious, wares, which he carried to other parts wherein he knew them to be least familiar, and coveted by the inhabitants beyond the price of gold itself; wherefore he exchanged these wares for others coveted by men of other lands; and thus he chaffered [haggled] most freely and assiduously. Hence he made great profit in all his bargains, and gathered much wealth in the sweat of his brow; for he sold dear in one place the wares which he had bought elsewhere at a small price.

Then he purchased the half of a merchant-ship with certain of his partners in the trade; and again by his prudence he bought the fourth part of another ship. At length, by his skill in navigation, wherein he excelled all his fellows, he earned promotion to the post of steersman.” From: “A Merchant Adventurer,” in: Social Life in Britain from the Conquest to the Reformation, G. G. Coulton (editor and translator), Cambridge University Press, 1918, pages 415-420. Also see: Medieval Panorama: The English Scene from Conquest to Reformation, G. G. Coulton, Cambridge University Press, 1938, pages 317-320.

See also: “The Benedictines, the Cistercians and the acquisition of a hermitage in twelfth-century Durham,” T. Licence, Journal of Medieval History, 29(4):315-329, 2003. “Durham Priory and its Hermits in the Twelfth Century,” V. Tudor, in: Anglo-Norman Durham, David Rollason, Margaret Harvey, and Michael Prestwich (editors), Boydell & Brewer, 1998, pages 67-79. St Cuthbert and the Normans: The Church of Durham, 1071-1153, William M. Aird, Boydell & Brewer, 1998. From Memory to Written Record: England 1066-1307, M. T. Clanchy, Wiley-Blackwell, Second Edition, 1993, pages 238-240. “Literate and Illiterate; Hearing and Seeing: England 1066-1307,” M. T. Clanchy, in: Literacy and Social Development in the West: A Reader, Harvey J. Graff (editor), Cambridge University Press, 1981, pages 14-45. The Hermits, Charles Kingsley, Macmillan, 1913, pages 309-328. Roger of Wendover’s Flowers of History, Comprising the History of England from the Descent of the Saxons to A.D. 1235. Formerly Ascribed to Matthew Paris, Volume II, translated by J. A. Giles, Henry G. Bohn, 1849.

Godric also had a younger brother and sister. “Pater sancti hujus viri dictus est Ailwardus, mater vero Edwenna, fortuna quidem et divitiis tenues, sed justitia et virtutibus abundantes. Qui de Nordfolca nati sunt, et in villa quæ dicitur Wallepol, diutissime conversati. Recti et innocentes, et coram Deo simpliciter ambulantes. Hi cum sobolem non haberent, devotis precibus adorabant, ut prolem ad Dei cultum idoneam generarent. Concepit igitur mulier, et peperit filium, qui dictus ex patrini sui appellatione Godricus, quod interpretatur, ‘Bonum Regnum’ sive ‘Dei Regnum.’ Deinde post aliquot annos nati sunt eis filius et filia, quorum alter Willielmus, altera Burgwenna est appellata.” Libellus de Vita et Miraculis S. Godrici, Heremitæ de Finchale, Reginaldo Monacho Dunelmensi (Reginald of Durham), Joseph Stevenson (editor), Surtees Society, S. & J. Bentley, Wilson, and Fley, 1847, page 24.

[eleventh-century England had hares (but not rabbits)]
Food and Drink in Britain: From the Stone Age to the 19th Century, C. Anne Wilson, Academy Chicago Publishers, 1991.
[shod horse worth twice an unshod one]
Living in the Tenth Century: Mentalities and Social Orders, Heinrich Fichtenau, translated by Patrick J. Geary, University of Chicago Press, 1991, page 337.
[marriage at 14]
Minimum legal ages for marriage in Europe until recent times were 12 for girls and 14 for boys. “Marriage and the Law in the Eighteenth Century: Hardwicke’s Marriage Act of 1753,” D. Lemmings, The Historical Journal, 39(2):339-60, 1996. In 1457, for example, Lady Margaret Beaufort was 13 when she gave birth to the future Henry VII, England’s first Tudor king.
[early English guilds]
The first documented guild (Gildhalda Teutonicorum) in England was for the Hanse (the Emperor’s men), which was not an English guild, (and which later became part of the Hanseatic League), but trading is everywhere ancient. Foreign traders got special dispensation, then local bodies of traders got special dispensation. Then in London, then other towns, other bodies of mercers got special dispensation. The Domesday book records at least one gihalla, or guildhall (in Dover), for merchants. English Merchants: Memoirs in Illustration of the Progress of British Commerce, Volume I, H. R. Fox Bourne, Richard Bentley, 1866, Chapter 1, especially pages 23-31.
[trade can create wealth]
A trade shares economic benefit among two parties, but not necessarily equally. For example, economists are fond of the following scenario: Alice has an apple, which she values at one dollar, and Bob wants an apple, which he values at two dollars. Alice and Bob bargain for a mutually acceptable price for the apple, then the apple and money change hands and both parties benefit. This must be so as long as neither Alice nor Bob has a gun, because Bob will have paid less than two dollars and Alice will have received more than one dollar. The agreed upon price might be $1.50, sharing the benefit equally, but it could just as easily be closer to Bob’s ceiling of $2.00 than Alice’s floor of $1.00 because Alice as the seller might well have many more things to sell. She might also well have more experience with bargaining, and she might well have more disposable income than Bob does. To a millionaire, a dollar is worth less than a penny is worth to a pauper. Further, the more experience Alice has, the better she is at gauging a potential buyer’s commitment to acquiring the apple in question. And the larger a supplier she is, the more likely it will be for her to have other people competing to buy her apple, so demand for Alice might be more uniform than supply is for Bob.

On the other hand, buyers can sometimes have the upper hand as well. For example, when a multinational goes looking for a city to build a shopping center in, many cities want the increased development, so the corporation can cherry-pick to find the best deal. Publishers versus authors, commodity brokers versus farmers, insurance companies versus homeowners, multinationals versus cities, rich nations versus poor ones, often the usual simplifying neoclassical economics assumptions that there is perfect symmetry, perfect competition, and perfect knowledge on all sides is false.

Of course, economists know all that, but lacking more detailed yet still mathematically tractable models, neoclassical economics seems to be the best we can do at present.

[trade can be unfair]
The discussion in the text assumes only fair trades (no force or fraud, and of course no theft). However, once the system has many traders and a freer flow of goods in a more urban economy, things can change. Here is the great Arab scholar Ibn Khaldûn on trade two centuries later:

“Commerce, as we have said before, is the increasing of capital by buying goods and attempting to sell them at a price higher than their cost. This is done either by waiting for a rise in the market price; or by transporting the goods to another place where they are more keenly demanded and therefore fetch a higher price; or, lastly, by selling them on a long-term credit basis. Commercial profit is small, relatively to the capital invested, but if the capital is large, even a low rate of profit will produce a large total gain.

In order to achieve this increase in capital, it is necessary to have enough initial capital to pay in cash the sellers from whom one buys goods; it is also necessary to sell for cash, as honesty is not widespread among people. This dishonesty leads on the one hand to fraud and the adulteration of goods, and on the other to delays in payment which diminish profits because capital remains idle during the interval. It also induces buyers to repudiate their debts, a practice which is very injurious to the merchant’s capital unless he can produce documentary evidence or the testimony of eyewitness. Nor are magistrates of much help in such cases, because they necessarily judge on evident proofs.

As a result of all this, the trader can only secure his meager profits by dint of much effort and toil, or indeed he may well lose not only profits but capital as well. Hence, if he is known to be bold in entering law suits, careful in keeping accounts, stubborn in defending his point of view, firm in his attitude towards magistrates, he stands a good chance of getting his due. Should he not have these qualities, his only chance is to secure the support of a highly placed protector who will awe his debtors into paying him in the first case, and by compulsion in the second. Should a person, however, be lacking in boldness and the spirit of enterprise and at the same time have no protector to back him up, he had better avoid trade altogether, as he risks losing his capital and becoming the prey of other merchants. The fact of the matter is that most people, especially the mob and the trading classes, covet the goods of others; and but for the restraint imposed by the magistrates all goods would have been taken away from their owners [...]

The manners of tradesmen are inferior to those of rulers, and far removed from manliness and uprightness. We have already stated that traders must buy and sell and seek profits. This necessitates flattery, and evasiveness, litigation and disputation, all of which are characteristic of this profession. [...]

As for Trade, although it be a natural means of livelihood, yet most of the methods it employs are tricks aimed at making a profit by securing the difference between the buying and selling prices, and by appropriating the surplus. This is why [religious] Law allows the use of such methods, which, although they come under the heading of gambling, yet do not constitute the taking without return of other people’s goods.”

An Arab Philosophy of History: Selections from the Prolegomena of Ibn Khaldun of Tunis (1332-1406), Charles Issawi (editor and translator), John Murray, 1950, Darwin Press, 1987, pages 68-70. See also: World History in Documents: A Comparative Reader, Peter Stearns (editor), New York University Press, 2008, Chapter 12.

[division of labor is old]
The idea is surely far, far older than Plato. However, in the Republic we see him making Socrates say that a city comes about because no one is self-sufficient. We all need things that we can’t supply by ourselves, and we each are good at some things and bad at others. “[A]ll things are produced more plentifully and easily and of a better quality when one man does one thing which is natural to him and does it at the right time, and leaves other things.... Suppose now that a husbandman, or an artisan, brings some production to market, and he comes at a time when there is no one to exchange with him, —is he to leave his calling and sit idle in the market-place? Not at all; he will find people there who, seeing the want, undertake the office of salesmen. In well-ordered states they are commonly those who are the weakest in bodily strength, and therefore of little use for any other purpose; their duty is to be in the market, and to give money in exchange for goods to those who desire to sell and to take money from those who desire to buy.” The Dialogues of Plato, Volume II, The Republic, Book II, 371, translated by Benjamin Jowett, Scribner, Armstrong, and Co., 1874, pages 241-242.

We all need help, just as Virgil appeals to his Muses, saying: Non omnia possumus omnes [facere]. [We can’t all all things do.] [Or: We can’t all do everything.] [Or, to transliterate: Not all we can all things [do].] Eclogues, Book VIII, line 63.

[no more than seven miles from home]
For a sketch of the time, see: The Day the Universe Changed, James Burke, Little, Brown, 1986, pages 91-96.

A more comprehensive, but less likely, figure than seven miles a day might be 12 miles (about 20 kilometers), since 25 miles (about 40 kilometers) is about as far as a fit person can walk in a day, but that assumes no stopover at the destination and no heavy luggage. Also, high speed used to be about 90 miles (about 140 kilometers) a day—and that was only for the few and expensive couriers—the king’s, or those of a rich banking family like the Fuggers or the Medicis—traveling fairly short distances on safe and well-maintained roads in good weather with fit horses and changing horses on each leg of their journey. Pony Express riders in the United States in 1860-1861 averaged about 75 miles (120 kilometers) a day. Although in the 1200s, with numerous horses and riders, Genghis Khan’s messages often covered 180 miles (290 kilometers) a day across the steppes of Central Asia, and by the time of his grandson, Khubilai Khan, messages could cover 300 miles (480 kilometers) per day in emergencies. The Travels of Marco Polo, translated by William Marsden, edited by Thomas Wright, Orion Press, 1958.

[“Norman spoon in English dish”]
The quote is from: Ivanhoe, Walter Scott, 1825, American Book Company, Reprint Edition, 1904, page 276.
[Norman slaughter of rebels]
The Normans fought for nearly 30 years to bring rebellions to an end. They only truly conquered England by 1093. “[T]he English were groaning under the Norman yoke and suffering oppressions from the proud lords who ignored the king’s injunctions. The petty lords who were guarding the castles oppressed all the native inhabitants of high and low degree, and heaped shameful burdens on them. For Bishop Odo and William fitz Osbern, the king’s viceregents, were so swollen with pride that they would not deign to hear the reasonable plea of the English or give them impartial judgement. When their men-at-arms were guilty of plunder and rape they protected them by force, and wreaked their wrath all the more violently upon those who complained of the cruel wrongs they suffered.” Historia Ecclesiastica, Orderic (Ordericus Vitalis), Book IV, written around 1125, The Ecclesiastical History of Orderic Vitalis, Volume II, Marjorie Chibnall (editor and translator), Oxford University Press, 1969, page 203. Orderic, born in 1075 near Shrewsbury, was of the first generation of Normans to follow Guillaume le Bâtard (William the Bastard)’s invasion of 1066, although he spent nearly all his life (after age 10) in a French monastery, so much of his work is second- or third-hand.
[Norwich was a large city in the 1000s]
As reported by the Domesday book. The other one, besides London, was York, but it was put to the sword because it rebelled after the Norman invasion, and it took a while to recover. Godric, born in Walpole around 1065, in Norfolk, would have grown up in the neighborhood of Norwich.
[‘just price’ theory is old]
As with many statements in the text, this is a simplification. From Aristotle on to medieval times, several European philosophers and clerics, including Aquinas, recognized that there is a subjective aspect to prices, that both supply and demand mattered. Medieval Economic Thought, Diana Wood, Cambridge University Press, 2002, Chapter 6. “The Concept of the Just Price: Theory and Economic Policy,” R. de Roover, Journal of Economic History, 18(4):418-434, 1958.

However, it wasn’t until the 1500s and the enormous inflation and price differentials brought about by Europe’s conquest of the Americas that Europe began to develop a more sophisticated price theory. Diego de Covarrubias y Leiva, soon to be Archbishop of Santo Domingo, put it into words in 1554: “The value of an article does not depend on its essential nature but on the estimation of men, even if that estimation be foolish. Thus in the Indies, wheat is dearer than in Spain because men esteem it more highly, though the nature of the wheat is the same in both places.” The School of Salamanca: Readings in Spanish Monetary Theory 1544-1605, Marjorie Grice-Hutchinson, Clarendon Press, 1952, page 48.

[Homer’s Odyssey and trading]
“A man who can find peaceful entertainment and come home rich is most of the time a trader; Odysseus’ voyage is not a trading voyage, but it works like one. In this sense trade is a latent theme in the Odyssey, and this latency is suggested in a number of places, as when the disguised Athena twice describes her own voyaging in language appropriate to trade.” From: “The Economic Man,” J. M. Redfield, in: Homer’s Odyssey, Lillian E. Doherty, Oxford University Press, 2009, pages 265-287.

Homer’s presentation of trading is decidedly negative, but then he, most likely, was orating before audiences, many of whom were Greek traders, so this required walking something of a fine line. With but one exception, the poem looks down on the Phoenicians as ‘greedy’ and ‘deceptive’ and ‘untrustworthy,’ but then, in this era, the Greeks were upstarts, competing with them. The Raft of Odysseus: The Ethnographic Imagination of Homer’s Odyssey, Carol Dougherty, Oxford University Press, 2001, Chapter 5, especially pages 117-121.

See also: Warriors Into Traders: The Power of the Market in Early Greece, David W. Tandy, University of California Press, 1997, Chapter 3, especially pages 72-75.

[demise of Islam in Europe]
Toledo fell in 1095. Other Islamic cities fell soon after, most before 1200. But before coming away with the belief that Europeans copied everything they found, consider this: In Granada in 1499, Francisco Ximénes de Cisneros, Archbishop of Toledo, father-confessor of Queen Isabella, and soon to be head of the growing Spanish Inquisition, had about five thousand Arabic books burnt in a great public bonfire. He saved only about 30 or 40 medical books. “Cisneros y la Quema de los Manuscritos Granadinos,” D. Eisenberg, Journal of Hispanic Philology, 16(2):107-124, 1992.
[European warming?]
By Godric’s time, Europe’s weather had been warming for over two centuries in a climate phase we now call the Medieval Warm Period. It lasted from about 800 to about 1200, giving way to the Little Ice Age, which then brought on Europe’s Great Famine in 1314. “Climate over past millennia,” P. D. Jones, M. E. Mann, Reviews of Geophysics, 42(RG2002):404-405, 2004. The Little Ice Age: How Climate Made History, 1300-1850, Bryan Fagan, Basic Books, 2000.

The time period coincides with the Viking incursions into the rest of Europe. So perhaps the Vikings were marauding then because of northern Europe’s warming climate. Maybe that warming kept the north seas ice-free all year round, but it also changed northern Europe’s farming.

However, recent work suggests that the Little Ice Age may be a statistical artifact of the smoothing effect of taking a moving average of a random process. “Change Points and Temporal Dependence in Reconstructions of Annual Temperature: Did Europe Experience a Little Ice Age?” M. Kelly, C. Ó. Gráda, Annals of Applied Statistics, 8(3):1372-1394, 2014. “The Waning of the Little Ice Age,” M. Kelly, C. Ó. Gráda, Journal of Interdisciplinary History 44(2):301-325, 2013.

[The horse collar and nailed horseshoe increased crop yields]
Since Roman times, horse collars choked horses when pulling heavy loads. The new horse collar took the weight off the horse’s neck and put it on the horse’s shoulders, thus relieving it of the threat of strangulation. Since a horse can work for about 3 hours more per day than an ox, animal power no longer was the limiting factor in food production. Land was. The word ‘acre’ originates from that time; it’s the amount of land a horse can plow in one day. The Medieval Machine: The Industrial Revolution of the Middle Ages, Jean Gimpel, Penguin, 1976. The nailed horseshoe is itself also an important technology, necessary because horses evolved on the steppes, not the heavy wet soils they found themselves on under domestication in northern Europe. The hoof, instead of wearing properly to a hard nub, grew and split, which led to bleeding and unstable footing.
[medieval silver strikes]
Money and its Use in Medieval Europe, Peter Spufford, Cambridge University Press, 1988, particularly pages 119-125.
[minted silver in medieval England and Europe]
“The Volume of the English Currency, 1158-1470,” M. Allen, The Economic History Review, 54(4):595-611, 2001. “The English Inflation of 1180-1220 Reconsidered,” P. Latimer, Past and Present, 171(1):3-29, 2001. A New History of the Royal Mint, C. E. Challis (editor), Cambridge University Press, 1993, especially Chapter 2. Money and its Use in Medieval Europe, Peter Spufford, Cambridge University Press, 1988, especially Chapter 5.
[twelfth-century technology]
Over the past century Europe had built up its arms enough to deter the Vikings raiding from the north and to attack the Muslims settled in the south. By 1100, the Vikings had mostly stopped making pests of themselves and turned into taxpayers. By 1200, the Muslims had lost most of their grip on southern Spain. To Europe’s east, the Magyars settled in and stopped pillaging. Then the Mongols also called it a day for a bit. (Though they came back for more fun in 1241.) A new textile tool also came to Europe around then (again via the Muslims): the horizontal loom. Then came the spinning wheel (yet again via the Muslims). Both came all the way from China, where all our best high-tech was.

With Europe’s new books, weather, currency, tools, food, numbers—and safety—machinery grew. Europe began to put the old Roman waterwheel to new uses—running furnaces and forges, beating textile fibers, fulling cloth, making beer and wine and glass. It even had a few windmills already in use (in Normandy and England). Towns grew. So did trade. Fat new ships plied fat new trade routes. New roads and bridges appeared. And in rich monasteries like Canterbury, huge new Gothic cathedrals soared. Europe began to phase change into industry. But it wasn’t industry based on the steam engine—that was five centuries into the future. It was based on the waterwheel.

Cathedral, Forge, and Waterwheel: Technology and Invention in the Middle Ages, Frances and Joseph Gies, HarperCollins, 1996. The Maze of Ingenuity: Ideas and Idealism in the Development of Technology, Arnold Pacey, Second Edition, The MIT press, 1992. The Medieval Machine: The Industrial Revolution of the Middle Ages, Jean Gimpel, Penguin, 1976.

[the ‘just price’ idea in New England]
The Boston shopkeeper was named Robert Keayne. “Why is There a Conflict Between Business and Religion? A Historical Perspective,” K. E. Schmiesing, in: Business And Religion: A Clash of Civilizations? Nicholas Capaldi (editor), M & M Scrivener Press, 2005, pages 90-99, especially pages 91-94. The Journal of John Winthrop, 1630-1649, John Winthrop, Richard S. Dunn and Laetitia Yeandle (editors), Harvard University Press, 1996, pages 305-309.

Bright Lights, Big Cities

[London as an organism]
Seeing a city as an organism is hardly an original idea. Aristotle, among others (including Plato, his tutor), saw the city as an organism. Near the beginning of his Politics he observes that: “He who thus considers things in their first growth and origin, whether a state or anything else, will obtain the clearest view of them.” Politics, Aristotle, Book I, Part II, translated by Benjamin Jowett, 1885, Dover, Reprint Edition, 2000, page 26.
[London statistics as of 2000]
These statistics are hard to come by. Only recently has anyone even thought to compile them in one place and that effort is not yet complete. There’s lots of data on a per-person or per-country basis, but very little on a per-city basis (and even less on a per-region basis). Plus, while there’s a lot of data, getting current data, and getting it all together in one place, is hard. Also, whole sectors are unmeasured (or under-reported) by city government, although the Greater London Authority is one of the first to make a stab at this. The figures in the text are thus intended to give a rough idea only. They are accurate to within an order of magnitude though. No other city in the world has yet undertaken this effort.

For example, according to the following main source (see Table 1, page 7), petrol consumption in Greater London in 2000 was 1,505,000 tonnes (that is, metric tons, and 1 gallon = ~0.002791 metric tons, so that’s about 539,233,249.731279 gallons per year, or about ~1,477,351.37 gallons per day).

City Limits: A Resource Flow and Ecological Footprint Analysis of Greater London, Best Foot Forward Limited, 2002.

For explanations about why so many figures are missing or proxied, and for warnings about using the above booklet as a basis for policy, see: London’s Ecological Footprint: A review, Greater London Authority, June 2003.

See also data from other reports that gave such data without citation. Monthly Digest of Statistics, Office of National Statistics, July 2009. Britain from Above, Ian Harrison and Andrew Marr, (a BBC documentary that aired in August, 2008), Pavilion, 2008. Focus on London 2007, Office of National Statistics, 2007. The Urban Environment, Twenty-Sixth Report of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution, The Stationery Office, 2007. Drought in London, July 2006, Health and Public Services Committee, London Assembly, 2006. The London Plan: Spatial Development Strategy for Greater London, Greater London Authority, 2004. Access to Primary Care, A Joint London Assembly and Mayor of London Scrutiny Report, The Access to Primary Care Advisory Committee, 2003. Planning for London’s Growth, Greater London Authority, 2002. 1992-2002 Annual Abstract of Statistics, Bank of England, 2002.

For lack of London-specific data in some areas, the text proxies it based on total British figures (for example, for the number of British Telecom phone calls per hour, or the cash flow per day, or the M0 of the Bank of England) then divides that by the ratio of London’s population to Britain’s total population. That is almost surely a serious underestimate of the actual figures since London is richer and denser and more business-oriented than most of the rest of Britain.

Finally, the figures are for a spread of dates over about a decade, roughly from 1997 to 2008.

[urban proportion of GDP circa 2004]
“[M]ost of the growth in economic activities in all regions of the world over the last 50-100 years has been in urban centres. Today, around 97 per cent of the world’s GDP is generated by industry and services and around 65 per cent of the world’s economically active population works in industry and services—and a very high proportion of all industry and services are in urban areas. For low- and middle-income nations, around 90 per cent of GDP is from industry and services—and around half the labour force works in industry and services.” From: “The Transition to a Predominantly Urban World and its Underpinnings,” D. Satterthwaite, Working Paper Series Urban Change Number 4, International Institute for Environment and Development, 2007, page 28.

“Flows of capital, labour, technology and information have supported the growth of world trade from US$579 billion in 1980 to US$6.272 trillion in 2004, an increase of 11 times. Trade in goods has become an increasing share of the GDPs of national economies, rising from 32.5 per cent in 1990 to 40 per cent in 2001.... the location of infrastructure investment is an important determinant in the quality of housing, education and other services. A study of infrastructure investment in Buenos Aires from 1991 to 1997 concluded that 11.5 per cent of the population received 68 per cent of investment, leading to the observation that the city is, in fact, five cities, each with different levels and quality of infrastructure and public services.” State of the World’s Cities 2004/5, Globalization and Urban Culture, UN-Habitat (The United Nations Human Settlement Programme), 2004.

Of course, no city can get arbitrarily rich. Suppose a crazy billionaire comes to a city to start a company and decides to pay every new hire a million dollars a month. What would happen? The cost of high-end housing would jump to about half a million dollars a month. The cost of exotic food, of, um, entertainment, of expensive transport would jump (or imports of them would jump), and so on. Rents for everything would jump. The city as a whole would get richer, but the cost of living there would also rise. We know this because that’s just what has happened time after time, whenever there was a gold rush, silver strike, oil boom, or anything like that, anywhere and anywhen. The crazy billionaire would just be yet another gold mine.

[urbanization, 1800 to 2050]
In 1800, around a thousand million of us were alive but only 2 percent of us were urban. In 1950, nearly three thousand million of us were alive and about 30 percent of us were urban. In 2010, almost seven thousand million of us were alive with over half of us urban. By 2035, over 8.57 thousand million of us will likely be alive and over six in ten of us will likely be urban. By 2045, nearly nine thousand million of us will likely be alive and over two in three of us will likely be urban.

Urbanization data is imprecise because the definition of ‘urban’ varies from place to place. However, in 2010 in the Americas and the Caribbean, about 80 percent of us were urban. In Oceania and Europe, about 70 percent of us were. In Asia and Africa, about 40 percent, and rising, of us were. (More precisely: Africa - 40 percent; Asia - 42.2 percent; Oceania - 70.2 percent; Europe - 72.8 percent; Latin America and the Caribbean - 79.6; Northern America - 82.1 percent.)

State of World Population 2011: People and Possibilities in a World of 7 Billion, United Nations Population Fund, 2011, pages 2-3. World Urbanization Prospects: The 2009 Revision, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, 2010.

[rising urbanization, 1950 to 2009]
World Urbanization Prospects: The 2009 Revision, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, 2010, page 3.

Nor is that because we spawned more in cities than in the countryside. We’re fleeing the countryside. From 1950 to 2009, our numbers rose 2.7-fold while our urban numbers rose 4.7-fold. Since 1960, over 40 percent of our urban growth has not been because of rising urban birth rates but via rural flight to urban areas. “People Who Move: New Reproductive Health Focus,” R. Gardner, R. Blackburn, Population Reports, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Population Information Program, 24(3):1-27, 1996. “Fertility and Family Planning in African Cities: The Impact of Female Migration,” M. Brockerhoff, Journal of Biosocial Science, 27(3):347-358, 1995.

[Tokyo and Kenya in 2000, and Ulaanbaatar in 2008]
The area ratio with Kenya takes the Metro definition of Greater Tokyo, which is its largest extent. “Spatializing 6,000 years of global urbanization from 3700 BC to AD 2000,” M. Reba, F. Reitsma, K. C. Seto, Scientific Data, Issue 3, 160034, 2016. Figures used are from: Greater Tokyo Area - 14,034 square kilometers (5,419 square miles). Tokyo Metropolitan Employment Area - 2000 - 31,730 (thousands). quoted area for 2010 is: 10,403.76 square kilometers. “Metropolitan Employment Area (MEA) Data,” Yoshitsugu Kanemoto, Center for Spatial Information Science, The University of Tokyo.

Kenya area - 580,367 square kilometres (224,081 square miles). Kenya - 1999 - 28,686,607. The Kenya population figures for 1999 are from: Kenya Census 2009, Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, 2010. “Kenya: Provinces, Counties, Cities, Towns, Urban Centers — Population Statistics in Maps and Charts.”

Population of Mongolia and Ulaanbaatar: Mongolia - 2009 - 2,671 (thousands). Overall urban - 61.5 percent. And 57.7 percent were in Ulaanbaatar alone. Ulaanbaatar - 2009 - 966 (thousands) (38.1 percent). Mongolia area - 1,564,110 square kilometres (603,910 square miles). World Population Prospects: The 2008 Revision, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 2008, Table A.1, page 33, Table A.2, page 26, Table A.16, page 42.

[size of earlier big cities crossing a million...]
Rome (1 C.E.), Chang’an (today’s Xi’an) (800), Kaifeng (1000), Beijing (1800). Why the West Rules—For Now, Ian Morris, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2010.

Since the figures are guesstimates, for contrasting views, see also: Size of eleventh-century Baghdad: World Cities: -3000 to 2000, George Modelski, Faros, 2003. Size of seventeenth-century Edo (today’s Tokyo): The Origins of Japanese Trade Supremacy: Development and Technology in Asia from 1540 to the Pacific War, Christopher Howe, Hurst, 1996, page 55. Size of eighth-century Chang’an (today’s Xi’an): Encyclopedia of Asian History, Volume I, Ainslee T. Embree, Robin J. Lewis, Richard W. Bulliet, Edward L. Farmer, Marius B. Jansen, David S. Lelyveld, and David K. Wyatt (editors), Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1988, page 320.

[at least 8,000 London migrants in 1700]
The figures are very approximates, and are lower bounds, since there were no records. 1700: Scenes from London Life, Maureen Waller, Hodder & Stoughton, 2000. Some of those migrants were foreign: Immigrants and the Industries of London, 1500-1700, Lien Bich Luu, Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., 2005, page 34-42, and especially 38-42.
[Roman life expectancy]
Structure & Scale in the Roman Economy, Richard Duncan-Jones, Cambridge University Press, 2002, Chapter 6, especially page 103. “Roman Demography,” B. W. Frier, in: Life, death, and entertainment in the Roman Empire, D. S. Potter and D. J. Mattingly (editors), University of Michigan Press, 1999, pages 85-109. The Ancient Roman City, John E. Stambaugh, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988, page 337, footnote 3.
[Tokyo and Delhi in 2009 and Hong Kong-Shenhzen-Guangzhou region in 2008]
If sheer density is so great, why don’t we live in even denser clumps than we do now? In 2009, Delhi was our largest city. But it only housed 21.7 million of us. For urban areas instead of cities proper, the Greater Tokyo Area was largest with 36.5 million. The Hong Kong-Shenhzen-Guangzhou region, although not a city, housed about 120 million. Why haven’t we yet crammed ourselves into cities of 100 million or more? World Urbanization Prospects: The 2009 Revision, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, 2010, page 6.

Hong Kong-Shenhzen-Guangzhou region home to about 120 million in 2008: State of the World’s Cities 2008/2009: Harmonious Cities, UN-Habitat (The United Nations Human Settlement Programme), 2008.

[cities became healthier than the countryside...]
For example, infant mortality in Brazil: Thus, a news report about Rio de Janiero’s favelas might focus on its trade in sex, drugs, and weapons—or on its crime, grime, and disease. All true. But it’s also true that in 1996 the infant death rate there was less than half that in all of (rural) northeastern Brazil (it was 3.3 percent versus 7.4 percent). Rural life, especially in poor countries, is poorer, harder work, more limited—and more boring. World Development Report 2006: Equity and Development, The World Bank, 2005, page 55. See also: ‘the pull of city life’ below.
[cities can shrink...]
In 1910, 465,766 of us lived in Detroit. By 1950, 1,849,568 of us did. By 1960, 1,670,144 of us did. By 2010, 713,777 of us did. In 1931, 846,101 of us lived in Liverpool. By 1961, 653,133 of us did. By 1981, 503, 726 did. By 2001, 439,476 did. By 2011, that number rose a little to 466,415.
[cities generate 80 percent of global gross domestic product...]
World Urbanization Prospects: The 2018 Revision, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, 2018, page 3.
[rich metropolitan areas in the United States versus countries in 2012]
Estimates in billion U.S. in 2012 are: Australia - $1,541. New York - $1,335. Spain - $1,322. The Netherlands - $770.6. Los Angeles $765.7. Saudia Arabia - $711. Chicago - $571. Sweden - $525.7. “Table 2: Gross Product of Countries (GDP) and Metro Areas (GMP),” U.S. Metro Economies: Outlook - Gross Metropolitan Product, with Metro Employment Projections, Including International and State Comparisons, November 2013 IHS Global Insight (USA), Inc., 2013, page 9.
[two can live as cheaply as 1.4]
The figure of 1.4 wasn’t plucked out of the air. It’s the current Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) estimate for couples living in rich countries. Pensions at a Glance 2009: Retirement-Income Systems in OECD Countries, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2009, page 56.
[city highway growth is sub-linear (grows slower than linear)]
The number of highways in a city rises slower than does the city’s surface area (so it grows sub-linearly with area; it scales roughly as the 3/4th power of the surface area). However, the number of highway exits rises faster than does the city’s surface area (it scales roughly as the 9/8th power of the surface area). That data is empirical and was taken from a study of cities in the United States varying in size from about 10 thousand to about 10 million. “Common scaling laws for city highway systems and the mammalian neocortex,” M. A. Changizi, M. Destefano, Complexity, 15(3):11-18, 2009.
[city people versus countryside people... Einstein and his collaborators]
City people needn’t be smarter than country people, but they’re exposed to more varieties of people and things more often. An Einstein could be born in a village just as in a city, but the same village is highly unlikely to also birth a Planck. So the two can’t strike sparks against each other and come up with 1+1=3. Chances of there also being a Bohr or Minkowski in the same village to then come up with a 3+3=27 are impossibly small. But as communication costs fall, the limiting effects of place also fall.

Like everyone, Einstein, while a genius, had a life, an education, and collaborators. For instance, without Hermann Minkowski, he would have had trouble developing the math behind his general theory of relativity. Without Max Planck and Neils Bohr, he couldn’t have been as productive in quantum theory, without Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen he wouldn’t have been as productive on quantum information theory and possible wormholes, and so on. Then there were all the people before him who created the fields he drew on, like Galileo, Newton, Maxwell, Mach, and Lorentz. Subtle is the Lord: The science and the life of Albert Einstein, Abraham Pais, Oxford University Press, 2005.

[growth dynamics of entrepreneurs and firms in cities]
This study belongs to a new branch of economics sometimes dubbed ‘geographic economics’ or sometimes ‘economic geography.’ It deals with the spatial effects of economic activity and the effects of location on economic activity. “Rethinking human capital, creativity and urban growth,” M. Storper, A. J. Scott, Journal of Economic Geography, 9(2):147-167, 2009. “Why So Many Local Entrepreneurs?” C. Michelacci, O. Silva, Review of Economics & Statistics, 89(4):615-633, 2007. “Homegrown Solutions: Fostering Cluster Formation,” M. P. Feldman, J. L. Francis, Economic Development Quarterly, 18(2):127-137, 2004. “Scale Economies and the Geographic Concentration of Industry,” G. H. Hanson, Journal of Economic Geography, 1(3):255-276, 2001. “Space: The Final Frontier,” P. Krugman, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 12(2):161-174, 1998. “How the Economy Organizes Itself in Space: A Survey of the New Economic Geography,” P. Krugman, in: The Economy As an Evolving Complex System II, Proceedings Volume XXVII, W. Brian Arthur, Steven R. Durlauf, and David A. Lane (editors), Addison-Wesley, 1997, pages 239-262. “Complex Landscapes in Economic Geography,” P. Krugman, American Economic Review, 84(2):412-16, 1994.
[city wealth grows super-linearly (faster than linearly)]
Some potential measures of wealth, like number of patents, personal income, and spending on research and development, seem to grow faster than linearly with city size. However, crime and infectious disease also grows at almost exactly the same rate.

“Similar increases apply to almost every socioeconomic quantity, from innovation rates and rhythms of human behavior to incidence of crime and infectious diseases. They express a continuous and systematic acceleration of socioeconomic processes with increasing numbers of people, so that larger cities produce and spend wealth faster, create new ideas more frequently and suffer from greater incidence of crime all approximately to the same degree.” From: “Urban Scaling and Its Deviations: Revealing the Structure of Wealth, Innovation and Crime across Cities,” L. M. A. Bettencourt, J. Lobo, D. Strumsky, G. B. West, PLoS ONE, 5(11):e13541, 2010.

See also: “The Self Similarity of Human Social Organization and Dynamics in Cities,” L. M. A. Bettencourt, J. Lobo, G. B. West, and “Innovation Cycles and Urban Dynamics,” D. Pumain, F. Paulus, C. Vacchiani-Marcuzzo, in: Complexity Perspectives in Innovation and Social Change, David Lane, Sander Ernst Van Der Leeuw, Denise Pumain, and Geoffrey West (editors), Springer, 2009, pages 221-236 and 237-262. “The Size, Scale, and Shape of Cities,” M. Batty, Science, 319(5864):769-771, 2008. “Growth, innovation, scaling, and the pace of life in cities,” L. M. A. Bettencourt, J. Lobo, D. Helbing, C. Kühnert, G. B. West, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 104(17):7301-7306, 2007. “Urban Land Area and Population Growth: A New Scaling Relationship for Metropolitan Expansion,” J. D. Marshall, Urban Studies, 44(10):1889-1904, 2007.

[moving to a city is equal to jacking into the world grid]
Hardly a new idea. For example: “If to prevent trade were to stimulate industry and promote prosperity, then the localities where he was most isolated would show the first advances of man. The natural protection to home industry afforded by rugged mountain chains, by burning deserts, or by seas too wide and tempestuous for the frail bark of the early mariner, would have given us the first glimmerings of civilization and shown its most rapid growth. But, in fact, it is where trade could best be carried on that we find wealth first accumulating and civilization beginning. It is on accessible harbors, by navigable rivers and much traveled highways that we find cities arising and the arts and sciences developing. And as trade becomes free and extensive—as roads are made and navigation improved; as pirates and robbers are extirpated and treaties of peace put an end to chronic warfare—so does wealth augment and civilization grow. All our great labor saving inventions, from that of money to that of the steam engine, spring from trade and promote its extension. Trade has ever been the extinguisher of war, the eradicator of prejudice, the diffuser of knowledge. It is by trade that useful seeds and animals, useful arts and inventions, have been carried over the world, and that men in one place have been enabled not only to obtain the products, but to profit by the observations, discoveries and inventions of men in other places.” Protection or Free Trade: An Examination of the Tariff Question, with especial regard to the Interests of Labor, Henry George, Henry George, 1887, pages 56-57.
[the pull of city life]
Urban dwellers have different opportunities and different consumption patterns than rural dwellers. Regardless of income level, urban dwellers have fewer kids, eat more and better food, and consume more energy and durable goods. Of course, all that demand has costs as well. World Development Report 2009: Reshaping Economic Geography, The World Bank, 2009, pages 48-72. “Consumption Patterns: The Driving Force of Environmental Stress,” J. K. Parikh, S. Gokam, J. P. Painuly, B. Saha, V. Shukla, The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, 1991. “Impact of Trends in Resources, Environment and Development on Demographic Prospects,” N. Keyfitz, in: Population and Resources in a Changing World, Kingsley Davis, Mikhail S. Bernstam, and Helen M. Sellers (editors), Stanford University Press, 1989. For example, in the 1980s, China’s urban households compared to rural households were twice as likely to have a TV; they were eight times more likely to have a washing machine; and 25 times more likely to have a fridge. Consumer Demand in China: A Statistical Factbook, Jeffrey R. Taylor and Karen A. Hardee, Westview Press, 1986.

See also: Triumph of the City: How Our Greatest Invention Makes Us Richer, Smarter, Greener, Healthier, and Happier, Edward Glaeser, Penguin, 2011. Cities Transformed: Demographic Change and its Implications in the Developing World, National Research Council, National Academies Press, 2003.

[distribution of city sizes]
Greater Tokyo and Delhi are large, but not all big cities are that large. The distribution of city sizes follows Zipf’s law (in economics it’s more often called a Pareto distribution; in bibliometrics, it’s called Bradford’s law), which in mathematics is called a power law. (It’s called a power law because element frequency is determined by some power of a variable.) Power law distributions are highly skewed. The most frequent elements are far more frequent than the next most frequent elements, and so on down to the least frequent. “Zipf’s law for cities: An explanation,” X. Gabaix, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 114(3):739-767, 1999.

The distribution of the firm sizes also follows Zipf’s law. “Zipf Distribution of U.S. Firm Sizes,” Science, 293(5536):1818-1820, 2001.

National incomes also obey a power law: “Power Law Scaling in the World Income Distribution,” C. Di Guilmi, E. Gaffeo, M. Gallegati, Economics Bulletin, 15(6):1-7, 2003. In the paper, ‘middle-income’ means countries with GDP between the 30th and the 85th percentiles. That is, all countries but the very richest (which mostly means North America, Japan, and Europe) and very poorest (which mostly means African countries).

There’s a related scaling result, called Kleiber’s law, when it comes to living organisms, but it was recently shown, after almost 80 years, to be in doubt. It predicted a power law with an exponent of about 3/4 for homeotherms (like mammals and birds) but the exponent may be closer to 2/3rds. This has led to a fair amount of feather-ruffling among theorists. But whatever the real exponent, it’s still a power law. “Optimal Form of Branching Supply and Collection Networks,” P. S. Dodds, Physical Review Letters, 104(4):048702, 2010.

For a more general result (perhaps applicable to anything with a metabolism, which might be said to include nations, cities, firms, and such), see: “The Self Similarity of Human Social Organization and Dynamics in Cities,” L. M. A. Bettencourt, J. Lobo, G. B. West, in: Complexity Perspectives in Innovation and Social Change, David Lane, Sander Ernst Van Der Leeuw, Denise Pumain, and Geoffrey West (editors), Springer, 2009, pages 221-236. “Sizing Up Allometric Scaling Theory,” V. M. Savage, E. J. Deeds, W. Fontana, PLoS Computational Biology, 4(9):e1000171, 2008. “Growth, innovation, and the pace of life in cities,” L. M. A. Bettencourt, J. Lobo, D. Helbing, C. Kühnert, G. B. West, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 104(17):7301-7306, 2007.

The key conjecture is the following from the original paper: “We conjecture that organisms have been selected to maximize fitness by maximizing metabolic capacity, namely, the rate at which energy and material resources are taken up from the environment and allocated to some combination of survival and reproduction. This is equivalent to maximizing the scaling of whole-organism metabolic rate, B. It follows that B is limited by the geometry and scaling behavior of the total effective surface area, a, across which nutrients and energy are exchanged with the external or internal environment. Examples include the total leaf area of plants, the area of absorptive gut or capillary surface area of animals, and the total area of mitochondrial inner membranes within cells.” From: “The Fourth Dimension of Life: Fractal Geometry and Allometric Scaling of Organisms,” G. B. West, J. H. Brown, B. J. Enquist, Science, 284(5420):1677-1679, 1999.

But before rushing off into la-la land, scientists need to be cautious. Ecology as a whole might be moving toward a unifying theory, the so-called metabolic theory of ecology. The idea is to try to establish that metabolism is to ecology roughly as genetics is to evolution. This has potential, but also potential pitfalls. “Testing the metabolic theory of ecology,” C. A. Price, J. S. Weitz, V. M. Savage, J. Stegen, A. Clarke, D. A. Coomes, P. S. Dodds, R. S. Etienne, A. J. Kerkhoff, K. McCulloh, K. J. Niklas, H. Olff, N. G. Swenson, J. Chave, Ecology Letters, 15(12):1465-1474, 2012. “Testing the Metabolic Theory of Ecology: Allometric Scaling Exponents in Mammals,” R. P. Duncan, D. M. Forsyth, J. Hone, Ecology, 88(2):324-333, 2007. “Allometric scaling laws of metabolism,” J. K. Leal da Silva, G. J. M. Garcia, L. A. Barbosa, Physics of Life Reviews, 3(4):229-261, 2006. “The origin of allometric scaling laws in biology from genomes to ecosystems: towards a quantitative unifying theory of biological structure and organization,” G. B. West, J. H. Brown, Journal of Experimental Biology, 208(9):1575-1592, 2005. “Ecology’s Big, Hot Idea,” J. Whitfield, PLoS Biology, 2(12):e440, 2004. “A General Model for the Origin of Allometric Scaling Laws in Biology,” G. B. West, J. H. Brown, B. J. Enquist, Science, 276(5309):122-126, 1997.

[matter and data transport in Star Trek]
Of course, it’s not true that transporters and communicators are cosmos-wide, instant, secure, and free, even in Star Trek. But the limits and problems are vague, except for an entity like Q.
[first fresh milk in New York in decades]
Thomas Selleck began the railway import of fresh Orange County milk into New York City in 1841, just six months after the New York and Erie Railroad opened. At the time, the city lived principally on ‘swill milk’ (also called ‘still-slop milk’), the highly adulterated and watered-down product of sickly, and often diseased, cows fed on slops produced by beer and whiskey distilleries in the city. There were only about 18,000 such cows. All others had vanished from the city long before. Swill milk was so weak it wouldn’t make butter or cheese. And when boiled, it smelled of beer. It was also often blue, so the distillers added things like starch, flour, or even chalk to whiten it. They also added water to make up volume. They sold it as ‘Pure Country Milk.’ But it was cheap, so the business stayed profitable for decades after real milk was available. In the 1890s, certified country milk might cost 25 cents a quart. Swill milk cost between 6 and 9 cents a quart. (At the time, a day laborer might make $1 a day. A clerk might make $2 to $3.33 a day.) So perhaps 6,000 distillery cows still existed as late as 1904. The business only ended in 1930. Other cities, like Chicago, were similar. Pure Food: Securing the Federal Food and Drugs Act of 1906, James Harvey Young, Princeton University Press, 1989, pages 35-39. “A History of the Purification of Milk in New York: or, ‘How Now Brown Cow,’ ” N. Shaftel, New York State Journal of Medicine, 58(6):911-928, 1958. Between the Ocean and the Lakes: The Story of Erie, Edward Harold Mott, Collins, 1899, pages 406-409. Memorial of Robert Milham Hartley, Isaac Smithson Hartley, Curtiss & Childs, 1882, Ayer Publishing, Reprint Edition, 1976, Chapter 9. An Historical, Scientific, and Practical Essay on Milk, as an article of Human Sustenance; with a consideration of the Effects consequent upon the present Unnatural Methods of producing it for the Supply of Large Cities, Robert M. Hartley, J. Leavitt, 1842, Arno Press, Reprint Edition, 1977.
[urban technology]
“Growth, innovation, and the pace of life in cities,” L. M. A. Bettencourt, J. Lobo, D. Helbing, C. Kühnert, G. B. West, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 104(17):7301-7306, 2007. “Gig@city: The Rise of Technological Networks in Daily Life,” D. Lorrain, in: Sustaining Urban Networks: The Social Diffusion of Large Technical Systems, Olivier Coutard, Richard E. Hanley, and Rae Zimmerman (editors), Routledge, 2005, pages 15-31. American Cities & Technology: Wilderness to Wired City, Gerrylynn K. Roberts and Philip Steadman (editors), Routledge, 1999, pages 104-124. Cities and Their Vital Systems: Infrastructure Past, Present, and Future, Jesse H. Ausubel and Robert Herman (editors), National Academies Press, 1988.

Lawyers and judges also matter. So does road congestion and external trade. Smog, schools, jobs, all matter too. Many other factors—rivers, available land area, the cost and tensile strength of steel and concrete, and so on—all matter. And they all interact. Plus, we can always argue about definitions and the various purely political ways that a city can grow (for instance, by annexation). But despite all our urban planning, our mayors, our city councils, our earnest debates, our cities grow more like unruly ecosystems than like anything planned. The same is true of our other corporate bodies—our neighborhoods, universities, countries, regions, firms, institutions, governments, markets. They all grow or shrink ecogenetically. As new tools or new lives enter them, they act like ecosystems with new species invading.

[energy and land footprints of London and Hong Kong in 2000]
Making London a Sustainable City: Reducing London’s Ecological Footprint, LondonFirst and London Remade, 2005, page 1. Green Light to Clean Power: The Mayor’s Energy Strategy, Greater London Auhority, 2004, page 8. City Limits: A Resource Flow and Ecological Footprint Analysis of Greater London, Best Foot Forward Limited, 2002, page 6. “Ecosystem appropriation by Hong Kong and its implications for sustainable development,” K. Warren-Rhodes, A. Koenig, Ecological Economics, 39(3):347-359, 2001.
[urban landuse]
“Cities concentrate populations in ways that usually reduce the demand for land relative to population. Valuable agricultural land might be lost to urban expansion, but in most nations the area taken up by cities and towns is less than 1 per cent of their total surface area.” From: “The Transition to a Predominantly Urban World and its Underpinnings,” D. Satterthwaite, Working Paper Series Urban Change Number 4, International Institute for Environment and Development, 2007, page 61.

Although the overall percentage of land being used by cities and industry is tiny compared to farm use, cities grow where we first settled, which originally meant the most arable land. So although cities consume far less land than farms, they still cover a significant fraction of arable farmland. How much exactly is unknown. “Assessing the Impact of Urban Sprawl on Soil Resources in the United States Using Nighttime ‘City Lights’ Satellite Images and Digital Soils Maps,” M. L. Imhoff, W. T. Lawrence, D. Stutzer, C. Elvidge, Perspectives on the Land-Use History of North America: a Context for Understanding our Changing Environment, T. D. Sisk (editor), United States Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division, Biological Science Report USGS/BRD/BSR 1998-0003, Revised 1999.

In Britain, however, paving covers only a small proportion of the land. “More than 6.8% of the UK’s land area is now classified as urban” (a definition of ‘urban’ that includes rural development and roads). The UK National Ecosystem Assessment: Synthesis of the Key Findings UK National Ecosystem Assessment, 2011, page 75.

[cities as slime molds]
That’s only a metaphor, but not a completely idle one. It can be literally true at least for cities and transportation networks (roads and railways). “Road planning with slime mould: If Physarum built motorways it would route M6/M74 through Newcastle,” A. Adamatzky, J. Jones, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 20(10):3065-3084, 2010. “Rules for Biologically Inspired Adaptive Network Design,” A. Tero, S. Takagi, T. Saigusa, K. Ito, D. P. Bebber, M. D. Fricker, K. Yumiki, R. Kobayashi, T. Nakagaki, Science, 327(5964):439-442, 2010. The Social Amoebae: The Biology of Cellular Slime Molds, John Tyler Bonner, Princeton University Press, 2009.
[future gigacities?]
Our attitudes to the future matter, so altering the price of children was one of the key changes for us both in our phase change from foraging to farming, and then from farming to industry. Is yet another phase change based on yet another change in the price of children ahead for us? Perhaps. One possible cause of future change might be a new kind of city that’s taking shape right now. It’s not a megacity with a few million of us in one place, but a gigacity with a couple thousand million of us in one ‘space.’ Half of us are now urban, but not all of us living in cities are yet rich enough to live in such a digital gigacity. However our digital tools are dropping in price by the hour. Not too long from now, perhaps three thousand million of us may work and play in that digital gigacity. And given our current population distribution, half that three thousand million may be children. A new kind of workforce might well be coming if we lower legal working ages as a result. If so, our children’s economic costs and benefits may again change. Maybe we’ll start making lots of them again, even in our rich world.
As noted in chapter 2: The term is Julian May’s, as used in her science-fiction novel: The Saga of the Pliocene Exile, in four volumes, Julian May, Del Rey Books, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984.

The Non-Linear Elephant in the Living Room

[trying to save downtown]
Forcing landlords to increase tenant benefits might sound good. Apartment blocks are big buildings. So, we might think, their owners must be rich. Therefore they can afford to spread the wealth. (Right?) To our leaders, too, it might sound good. First, they might actually believe it’ll work. But even if they don’t, they usually can’t afford to think beyond their next election. Tenants far outnumber landlords—and when election time rolls around, that might matter. But even beyond that, leaders get to be leaders by knowing that simply trying something that sounds good might help them. With each public trial solution, they might gain ‘compassion dollars.’ With those compassion dollars they might later buy an increased chance of re-election, or an increased chance of getting some other desired thing. They might even buy a lower chance of unrest in the city. But they wouldn’t gain any compassion dollars by, for instance, forcing car dealers to give away mobile phones with each car sold. That political calculus works for other things too: Drug companies with AIDS treatments and African countries with HIV. Genetics companies with seed patents and Latin American countries with starving people. Recording companies with copyrights and university students with computers. Arms dealers with guns and warring countries (or warring gangs) who want them. Or anyone with money and anyone with less.

Unintended consequences from temporarily freezing rents, or the more serious use of complete rent control, is well-known in urban planning (for example, the case of New York and of California). But more generally, Jay Forrester, who started the field of system dynamics (and who also invented the first flight simulator in 1944), below reports on a model of urban housing that showed several counter-intuitive results, all of them completely sensible when the real variables and feedback loops are understood. But most of us either don’t see them or don’t understand them, or perhaps don’t wish to understand them 9for policitical or self-aggrandizing reasons).

He notes that “It is my basic theme that the human mind is not adapted to interpreting how social systems behave. Our social systems belong to the class called multi-loop nonlinear feedback systems. In the long history of evolution it has not been necessary for man to understand these systems until very recent historical times. Evolutionary processes have not given us the mental skill needed to properly interpret the dynamic behavior of the systems of which we have now become a part. [...]

People would never attempt to send a space ship to the moon without first testing the equipment by constructing prototype models and by computer simulation of the anticipated space trajectories. No company would put a new kind of household appliance or electronic computer into production without first making laboratory tests. Such models and laboratory tests do not guarantee against failure, but they do identify many weaknesses which can then be corrected before they cause full-scale disasters. [...]

Our social systems are far more complex and harder to understand than our technological systems. Why, then, do we not use the same approach of making models of social systems and conducting laboratory experiments on those models before we try new laws and government programs in real life? The answer is often stated that our knowledge of social systems is insufficient for constructing useful models. But what justification can there be for the apparent assumption that we do not know enough to construct models but believe we do know enough to directly design new social systems by passing laws and starting new social programs? I am suggesting that we now do know enough to make useful models of social systems. Conversely, we do not know enough to design the most effective social systems directly without first going through a model-building experimental phase. [...]

The mental model is fuzzy. It is incomplete. It is imprecisely stated. Furthermore, within one individual, a mental model changes with time and even during the flow of a single conversation. The human mind assembles a few relationships to fit the context of a discussion. As the subject shifts so does the model. When only a single topic is being discussed, each participant in a conversation employs a different mental model to interpret the subject. Fundamental assumptions differ but are never brought into the open. Goals are different and are left unstated. It is little wonder that compromise takes so long. And it is not surprising that consensus leads to laws and programs that fail in their objectives or produce new difficulties greater than those that have been relieved.”

“Counterintuitive Behavior of Social Systems,” J. W. Forrester, Technology Review, 73(3):53-68, 1971. See also: “System Dynamics and the Lessons of 35 Years,” J. W. Forrester, in: A Systems-Based Approach to Policy Making, Kenyon B. De Greene (editor), Springer (originally Kluwer), 1993, pages 199-240.

For another example, a German city once decided to do something about the problem of noise and air pollution in its downtown shopping area. The mayor and city councillors reduced speed limits and added speedbumps to ensure compliance. Citizens applauded. But drivers spent more time negotiating downtown, so noise and air pollution increase. Aggravated by the new problems, shoppers started going to suburban malls. Downtown businesses went bankrupt. City taxes plummeted. And, thanks to the new speedbumps, noise and air pollution remained downtown. The original problem had grown worse. The Logic of Failure: Why Things Go Wrong and What We Can Do To Make Them Right, Dietrich Dörner, translated by Rita and Robert Kimber, Henry Holt and Company, 1996.

See also: Wicked Problems - Social Messes: Decision Support Modelling With Morphological Analysis, Tom Ritchey, Springer, 2011. How Markets Fail: The Logic of Economic Calamities, John Cassidy, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2009. Thinking in Systems: A Primer, Donella H. Meadows, Chelsea Green Publishing, 2008. The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Random House, 2007. Why Most things Fail: Evolution, Extinction and Economics, Paul Ormerod, Pantheon Books, 2005. Dialogue Mapping: Building Shared Understanding of Wicked Problems, Jeff Conklin, Wiley, 2005. Business Dynamics: Systems Thinking and Modeling for a Complex World, John D. Sterman, McGraw-Hill, 2000. System Effects: Complexity in Political and Social Life, Robert Jervis, Princeton University Press, 1997. Why Things Bite Back: Technology and the Revenge of Unintended Consequences, Edward Tenner, Knopf, 1996.

[urban planning: London congestion charge]
In sum, there’s pattern to the growth and structure of our cities, but it isn’t one that we planned. People go where people go, and people do what people do. Yes, we’re smarter than termites, and yes, we plan, but as planners we can imagine only a tiny fraction of the space of the possible. Even if we one day could picture everything, that would still be a problem—because it would be only a picture, and a city is more like a movie. Cities grow ecogenetically, layer upon layer. Despite all our mayors and city councils and planning commissions and whatnot, we don’t control them. At best, we manage them—or rather, try to. For instance, in 2003 the mayor of London tried to reduce congestion in central London by putting in license-plate cameras. Photographed drivers had to pay £5 (£8, from 2005, then £10 from 2011) to enter central London (then, briefly, parts of west London). It worked. The number of entering cars dropped by 14 to 21 percent. Traffic speeds and bus usage rose, while travel times and taxi costs dropped. But drivers complained about loss of privacy. Shop owners complained that business was slacker because fewer of us were shopping in the core. Plus, municipal planners saw the lower car volumes as a chance to dig up more roads—so congestion grew back to its earlier level. Further, some of us started using fake license plates, which increased enforcement costs, which cut into the scheme’s profits. Then, after a few years, we got used to the extra cost to drive into the core. Traffic started rising again. London Congestion Pricing Implications for Other Cities, Todd Litman, Victoria Transport Policy Institute, 2011. Central London Congestion Charging: Impacts Monitoring, Sixth Annual Report, July 2008, Transport for London, 2008.

For Braess’ Paradox, and other failures of otherwise seemingly intuitively obvious network traffic congestion reduction in general, see: “The negation of the Braess paradox as demand increases: The wisdom of crowds in transportation networks,” A. Nagurney, Europhysics Letters, 91(4):48002, 2010. “How Bad Is Selfish Routing?” T. Roughgarden, E. Tardos, Journal of the ACM, 49(2):236-259, 2002.

[supplying cheap diapers—the bullwhip effect in supply chains]
Also called the whiplash or whipsaw effect in supply chain management. It’s a story that gained wide notice with P&G (Procter and Gamble Company) and the sale of Pampers diapers in the 1990s, but it was noticed by many companies soon after. It goes back to 1961 and the Forrester effect, in a field he originated called System Dynamics. “Network-induced oscillatory behavior in material flow networks and irregular business cycles,” D. Helbing, U. Witt, S. Lämmer, T. Brenner, Physical Review E, 70(5):056118, 2004. “The Bullwhip Effect in Supply Chains,” H. L. Lee, V. Padmanabhan, S. Whang, MIT Sloan Management Review, 38(3):93-102, 1997. Industrial Dynamics, Jay Forrester, The MIT Press, 1961.

Trying to make a supply network behave linearly is as hard as controlling a shower’s temperature if the hot water faucet responded not in seconds, but in minutes, and with irregular delays. Choosing to call any such network ‘efficient’ merely because no one is in charge—or, choosing to call it ‘inefficient’ simply because no one can be in charge—has more to do with political affiliation than reality. It’s equal to thinking that we can have traffic, yet somehow banish traffic jams. Good luck with that.

[use of the word ‘non-elephant’]
We inherited the terms ‘linear’ and ‘non-linear’ from math and physics because until computers existed, those fields mostly only studied linear equations, linear differential equations, and linearly separable systems. Everything else was too hard. Today, though, our computers are helping us simulate and analyze more complex reaction networks. Almost all of them are non-linear. But there is no clear definition of just what ‘non-linear’ means.

The term ‘non-linear’ originates with a mathematician, Stanislaw Ulam, circa 1950. He’s reported to have said that using the term ‘non-linear science’ was like calling the bulk of zoology ‘the study of non-elephants.’ “Experimental Mathematics: The Role of Computation in Nonlinear Science,” D. Campbell, D. Farmer, J. Crutchfield, E. Jen, Communications of the ACM, 28(4):374-384, 1985.

When we think about the world around us, we often assume ceteris paribus, Latin for ‘all else being the same.’ In reality, though, it’s cetera desunt (‘all else is missing’). In non-linear networks, ceteris is never paribus. Ecologists have long had to face this chasm separating what we think will happen and what actually happens.

[large bailouts can encourage capital flight]
In July 1998 the International Monetary Fund began a bailout of Russia with a first tranche bond sale valued at $4.8 thousand million U.S. Within days, the money appeared in offshore banks in Cyprus and Switzerland. Russia’s currency collapsed, and a banking crisis followed. Globalization and its Discontents, Joseph E. Stiglitz, W. W. Norton, 2003, page 150.
[layers of meaning of a bailout]
The last layer is called ‘moral hazard’ in insurance (and now economics). “Moral Hazard: A Question of Morality?” A. E. Dembe, L. I. Boden, New Solutions, 10(3):257-279, 2000. Essentially, if something is insured against failure, we sometimes act so as to increase the chance of failure, thereby either negating the extra protection or passing on extra risk to someone else. An example might be antilock brakes. Drivers of cars with them alter their driving behavior in such a way that overall they don’t significantly increase safety.
[large bailouts can be about the rich country, not the poor one]
Since 1929, that has actually happened—in 1982, supposedly for Mexico—and continues to happen, perhaps most recently in 2015 for Greece. The bailouts themselves may not even have been necessary had foreign investment not been so easy to move around the world since the 1980s—the Latin American Crisis in the ’80s, the Asian Crisis in the ’90s, the Euro Crisis early in the next century, ultimately, all were caused by ‘hot money.’

This is in fact what happened on Friday, August 13th, 1982. The United States Federal Reserve then called the heads of many large foreign banks, pleading with them to honor large United States banks, even though those were all insolvent, thanks to their years of unadvised (by the Fed) lending to several Latin American countries, each with high inflation and unstable governments. In brief, it was a bubble, and each bank was getting while the getting was good. Bloated with petrodollars from the oil price hikes of the 1970s, they had treated each Fed warning as a yellow traffic light—namely: better speed up to get to the profit to beat the other banks, who were surely speeding up as well.

The blowup started with Mexico about to default that Friday, but Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Venezuela were nearly as bad (and would each fail, just later; Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina together came to be called ‘the MBA problem’). Citibank and Bank of America were in hock for around $2.5 billion each. Manufacturers Hanover and Chase Manhattan were in for about $1.5 billion. Morgan Guaranty was also in deep. The next five big banks were also in a bad way. In all, the top 10 United States banks were in deep trouble. Seven of the top eight money center banks were insolvent. Also, perhaps a thousand banks had outstanding loans of over $1 million U.S. just to Mexico alone. Of the smaller banks, each one wanted to avoid further lending and just write off the bad debt. But if any bank did that it would be a Prisoner’s Dilemma problem because they were all linked—since they had all lent to the same failing Latin American countries.

If any bank, even a small one, pulled out, the others would notice, and would pull out too, which would collapse the whole system. Also, if the Fed publically mentioned that there was a problem, or if any bank suspended lending, its depositors would notice, then begin a bank run, which would draw down the bank, and, short of a massive capital infusion, that would rapidly collapse all the banks. Further, there was no law to handle this situation, so the Fed couldn’t legally force the banks to do what it wanted them to do, so it used enticement and coercion.

Crisis was averted because this was all kept quiet while various bridging loans, with the big one amounting to $5 billion U.S. collected across a consortium of 526 banks, many of them international, papered over the holes.

In essence, this all amounted to the Fed getting foreign banks to keep lines of credit open to United States banks so that those banks could keep lending to Mexico, so that Mexico could keep paying interest on its loans to United States banks to keep the pretense going that all was well, while the banks repaired their balance sheets another way (principally by the Fed keeping interest rates artifically high even after inflation was vanquished at home, so that banks could make money on domestic loans over the next decade or so).

In brief: the Fed (and the IMF and the BIS) arranged for United States banks to keep afloat by indirectly paying themselves via roundtrip paths through Mexico, to thus give themselves enough time to gain money another way so that they could finally shed the bad loans publically (via Brady Bonds). This had the effect of keeping Mexico afloat (and later on the other Latin American countries as they each toppled and had to be kept afloat the same way).

However resolving all this behind the scenes took over a decade and, likely, lead to the first real spread of the belief among financiers that they could make big mistakes and be bailed out—once the mistakes were big enough, or interlinked enough, so that they became systemic (a term first coined by William Cline). That then leads to the moral hazard problem. Secondly, it led to the belief that big banks were treated far differently than small banks, something that was demonstrably true. Likely that encouraged capital concentration and the rise of a few very large banks.

While politicians come and go, and officials come and go, financiers mostly don’t—or at least, their knowledge gets passed on down the generations because it’s vital to their firm’s survival. So while rulers might say one thing (and maybe even think it), bankers know something else. They form one stigmergic layer of our non-linear financial network, thus giving it a memory.

This was the first real instance where regulators and central bankers were made aware of the notion of systemic risk (since 1929). But that lesson was forgotten—at least by the regulators, but probably not by the bankers. It could be argued that what happened in 1997-1998, and then again in 2007-2008, were reruns, except bigger, on bigger stages, with bigger players—and bigger consequences. It happened yet again, in an even more disguised form, in Europe in 2010-2015 (and ongoing as of 2017), in the Greek ‘bailout’—which was really a bailout of big French and German banks (Deutsche Bank, Finanz Bank, Commerzbank, BNP Paribas, Societe Generale, and others), engineered by the IMF, the ECB (European Central Bank), and the European Commission, and ultimately paid for by French, German, Spanish, Portugese, Irish, Italian, Greek, and other EU taxpayers, under the guise of ‘saving’ the failing Greek economy, which owed € 195 billion. As it is, the original government bond speculators who benefited aren’t paying, the original Greek oligarchs who benefited from the flodd of inflowing money aren’t paying, and now, neither are the big French and German banks who made all those bad loans.

Adults in the Room: My Battle with Europe’s Deep Establishment, Yanis Varoufakis, Bodley Head, 2017. Volcker: The Triumph of Persistence, William L. Silber, Bloomsbury Press, 2012, pages 218-227. Balance Sheet Recession: Japan’s Struggle with Uncharted Economics and its Global Implications, Richard C. Koo, Wiley, 2003, pages 126-131. Silent Revolution: The International Monetary Fund, 1979-1989, James M. Boughton, International Monetary Fund, 2001, Chapter 7, pages 281-318. For Each, the Strength of All: A History of Banking in the State of New York, J. T. W. Hubbard, New York University Press, 1995, Chapter 13, pages 251-270. Governing the Global Economy: International Finance and the State, Ethan B. Kapstein, Harvard University Press, 1994, Chapter 4, pages 81-102; see also pages 74-80 for the petrodollar setup. Changing Fortunes: The World’s Money and the Threat to American Leadership, Paul Volcker and Toyoo Gyohten, Times Books, 1992, pages 198-201. Secrets of the Temple: How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country, William Greider, Simon & Schuster, 1987, pages 517-521. Debt Shock: The Full Story of the World Credit Crisis, Darrell Delamaide, Anchor Press, 1985. “External Debt and Macroeconomic Performance in Latin America and East Asia,” J. D. Sachs, see also pages 74-80 for the petrodollar setup. Changing Fortunes: The World’s Money and the Threat to American Leadership, Paul Volcker and Toyoo Gyohten, Times Books, 1992, pages 198-201. Secrets of the Temple: How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country, William Greider, Simon & Schuster, 1987, pages 517-521. Debt Shock: The Full Story of the World Credit Crisis, Darrell Delamaide, Anchor Press, 1985. “External Debt and Macroeconomic Performance in Latin America and East Asia,” J. D. Sachs, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 16(2):523-573, 1985. International Debt: Systemic Risk and Policy Response, William R. Cline, Institute for International Economics, 1984. “External debt: system vulnerability and development,” W. R. Cline, Columbia Journal of World Business, 17(1):4-14, 1982.

“As a prelude to the overall review of the debt crisis and the debt strategy in later chapters, this chapter takes an in-depth look at the handling of the crisis in Mexico. Although Mexico was not the first indebted economy to erupt, nor the largest, nor the one with the most serious economic or financial problems, the 1982 Mexican crisis was the one that alerted the IMF and the world to the possibility of a systemic collapse: a crisis that could spread to many other countries and threaten the stability of the international financial system. [...]

By the next morning—Tuesday, September 7—there was indeed a panic in the interbank market. International banks were refusing to roll over lines of credit to Mexican banks. Unless calm could somehow be restored, the Mexican banks would have no choice but to default, and the whole interbank market could collapse overnight with incalculable consequences for financial markets. Throughout this Black Tuesday, Volcker, Leutwiler, Sam Y. Cross of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and Brian Quinn of the Bank of England all worked the telephones to persuade banks to maintain the level of interbank credits. A substantial portion of the BIS loan that had just been approved was parceled out to repay portions of the outstanding claims, and the banks—knowing they could not get paid that day in any case—agreed to preserve the rest. By nightfall, the banking system had squeaked by without a default—and without a systemic collapse. [...]

The pressure put on the banks by the [IMF] Managing Director [on Tuesday November 16] was unprecedented, and it sent shock waves through the banking community. When the shock was absorbed, however, it became clear that cooperation was in everyone’s interest. The fundamental advantage to the banks as a group was that the package would enable them to get a net reflow of dollars from Mexico. As de Larosiére had indicated, the Mexican public sector would owe about $10 billion in interest payments during 1983. Without a fully financed adjustment program, the chances were virtually nil that Mexico would be able to make those payments. De Larosiére’s arithmetic implied that Mexico would pay approximately $5 billion in interest to banks in 1983, while the remainder would be rolled over into new principle. Thus, by raising exposure by $5 billion, the banks would receive a similar amount in net reflows that they otherwise could not get. Furthermore, if the Managing Director had been prepared to follow standard practice and take the program to the Board without any prior commitment regarding private financing, the Advisory Committee would have had a far tougher job—perhaps an impossible task—raising the $5 billion because of the free-rider problem they would have faced. Each individual bank that was small enough not to threaten the agreement by itself had an interest in trying to get its money back as rapidly as possible. Only if those banks could be convinced that withdrawal was impossible could the cost to each bank in terms of increased exposure be kept to a reasonable level.[...]

The primary explanation for the difficulty in reaching a globally optimal solution without outside intervention is that there was a sharp split in interests within the banking community. While the 25 largest creditors would provide for just over $2 billion of the $5 billion required by raising their exposure by the specified 7 percent, the next $2 billion would take another 75 banks, and the final $1 billion would require pulling in more than 400 additional banks. Furthermore, as a general rule, the banks with smaller exposure (and thus smaller required commitments) were not just smaller banks; they also had smaller exposure relative to their own size and thus would have been better positioned to cut their losses and run if the prospects of program success were judged to be poor. One goal of the concerted-lending package was to raise the stakes for those small banks by making success depend on their participation. Every bank with significant exposure would face a linkage between its decision to participate and the likelihood of program success; the free-rider problem was thereby greatly diminished.” Silent revolution: the International Monetary Fund, 1979-1989, James M. Boughton, International Monetary Fund, 2001, pages 281, 301-302, 307-308, 312.

[...try to stop big panics while we still can]
That’s the ‘moral hazard’ problem again. “Moral Hazard: A Question of Morality?” A. E. Dembe, L. I. Boden, New Solutions, 10(3):257-279, 2000.

For example, what might happen were an earthquake-prone city, like Istanbul or Mexico City, to require that all its buildings be made earthquake-proof? Sounds like a good idea, but if it were actually done, the city might simply die, because although most quake deaths are due to collapsed buildings, and we could reinforce or rebuild all our buildings, few of us could afford to. All of us would like to live or work under a roof that won’t one day fall in, but such a building would take time to build and cost a huge amount. Meanwhile, what about food, power, heat, clothes, transport...? Also, redoing all our buildings would be a massive undertaking, which would take time, and for all that time, construction costs would skyrocket. So what about new buildings—especially schools and hospitals—never mind bridges, roads, dams...? No single fear, not even the fear of death—unless it’s obvious and imminent—is easy to plan for because we don’t often see very much or very far, plus we’re inveterate risk-takers because we’re always faced with finite resources and infinite demands.

[limitations of banking regulation and banking insurance]
International Economics: Theory & Policy, 11th Edition, Paul R. Krugman, Maurice Obstfeld, and Marc J. Melitz, Pearson Education, 2018, pages 646-677. For simpler United-States-centric examples, see also: Macroeconomics, Paul Krugman and Robin Wells, with Margaret Ray and David Anderson, Second Edition in Modules, Worth Publishers, 2011, pages 245-247.
[a worldwide bank run...]
Here’s yet another made-up story, again based on real events: Mexico is in trouble, but if it fails, Brazil might be next. If Brazil fails, Argentina might be next. Panic might spread wider and wider. If the United States can’t sell its stuff to Mexico and Brazil and Argentina, it might try to space out interest payments on its debts to Britain and Japan and China—or try to borrow more from China, Norway, and Saudi Arabia. Interest rates in the United States, France, and Germany might then rise. As credit there tightens, Russia, South Korea, and Thailand might wobble. If Thailand fails, Malaysia might follow. Then Indonesia might fail. If so, the same might happen to Singapore, Hong Kong, Laos, the Philippines, then Japan, then the United States. As the dominoes tumble, the network process might turn into something like a bank run, except worldwide. If that lasts long enough, or happens at just the wrong time, bewilderment can turn to anger, then anger can turn to trade war. If that escalates, the result might be, and has been, world war.
[...the long-term result might be world war]
For instance, in 1917 the United States, with its newly large middle class, started selling government bonds to fund its entry into World War I. By 1921, the public had grown used to buying government bonds. So why not try to sell them corporate stocks? Exciting new tech was spreading—cars, planes, radios, fridges, movies—why not buy stock in the firms that made them? Combine a new mass urban populace, with both new wealth and vast financial ignorance, and a decade later you get a massive stock market crash. A liquidity crisis followed. Banks failed. Capital markets shrank. Industry stalled. World trade halved. Jobs fled. Currencies collapsed. Whole countries went bankrupt. World War II followed.

[susceptibility to scams and bubbles]
This reasoning style (‘I’ll do it because others are doing it’) normally is an excellent computational shortcut. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, Robert B. Cialdini, Quill, Revised Edition, 1993. It works well for a lot of things—foraging, for example, or choosing a restaurant, doctor, or dentist—but it doesn’t serve us well in non-linear situations. How Con Games Work, M. Allen Henderson, Citadel Press, 1985. Flim-Flam! Psychics, ESP, Unicorns and other Delusions, James Randi, Prometheus Books, 1982. Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, Charles Mackay, 1841, Harmony Book, Reprint Edition, 1980.

Many of us don’t like uncertainty and will do nearly anything to remove it as a possibility. Reasoning and Decision Making, P. N. Johnson-Laird and Eldat Shafir (editors), Blackwell, 1994. Minimal Rationality, Christopher Cherniak, The MIT Press, 1986. Decision-Making: A Psychological Analysis of Conflict, Choice, and Commitment, Irving L. Janis and Leon Mann, Free Press, 1977.

In the stock market it’s called ‘The Greater Fool Theory,’ and it goes something like this: ‘I may be a fool, but since I’m induced to buy this stock now, there should be greater fools out there I can sell it to later.’ For some of the extremes this style of reasoning can drive us to see: When Genius Failed: The Rise and Fall of Long-Term Capital Management, Roger Lowenstein, Random House, 2001. Inventing Money: The story of Long-Term Capital Management and the legends behind it, Nicholas Dunbar, John Wiley & Sons, 2000.

Scientists fall for such mental shortcuts, too. Should We Risk It? Exploring Environmental, Health and Technology Problem Solving, Kammen and Hassenzahl, Princeton University Press, 1999. Uncertainty: A Guide to Dealing with Uncertainty in Quantitative Risk and Policy Analysis, M. Granger Morgan and Max Henrion, Cambridge University Press, 1990. “Assessing uncertainty in physical constants,” M. Henrion, B. Fischoff, American Journal of Physics, 54(9):791-797, 1986.

[seat belts and safety]
An effect first suggested by Peltzman, however its universality has been questioned since. Seat belt laws do reduce fatalities, however not as much as predicted, but compensatory carelessness is not as high as predicted, either. In 2003, seat belt use, even given the laws, was only at 68 percent. The original target level was supposed to be 90 percent. That level was finally hit only in 2019. “Traffic Safety Facts,” Research Note DOT HS 813 072, NHTSA’s National Center for Statistics and Analysis National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transport, 2021. “The Effects of Mandatory Seat Belt Laws on Driving Behavior and Traffic Fatalities,” A. Cohen, L. Einav, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 85(4):828-843, 2003. “The Effects of Automobile Safety Regulation,” S. Peltzman, Journal of Political Economy, 83(4): 677-726, 1975. Unsafe at Any Speed: The Designed-In Dangers of The American Automobile, Ralph Nader, Grossman Publishers, 1965.
[boom-bust cycles in particular markets]
We’ve gone through that big financial cycle over and over again, going back at least as far as China nine centuries years ago. That’s when we first issued paper currency to squelch inflation and counterfeiting. The particular market we’re risking our financial future on doesn’t seem to much matter. It could be in tulips, imaginary countries, or gold. It could be in land, houses, or firms. Or it could be in currencies, stocks, junk bonds, savings and loan associations, dotcoms, collateralized debt obligations, sovereign debt, or whatever we’ll fool around with next. The particular financial tools that we invent to manage risk in that market also don’t seem to much matter. They may be limited liability companies, bonds, futures, mortgage-backed securities, credit default swaps, or whatever else we’ll next think will eliminate all risk and finally let us spin straw into gold. All that really seems to matter is our mix of risk strategies—that is, in food-web terms, the mix of our ways of food-getting and baby-making—and the spottiness of our knowledge, or rather the depth of our ignorance, of the true mix of risk strategies in our network. Our core problem isn’t stupidity about finance but ignorance about networks.

In essence, the text gives a simplified version of Minsky’s financial instability hypothesis. The essence of it is that the problem is systemic (see William Cline), not individual. Can ‘It’ Happen Again? Essays on Instability and Finance, Hyman P. Minsky, M. E. Sharpe, 1982.

Detractors might argue that the hypothesis is an unholy cross of Austrian economics with Keynesian economics. But the basic idea is very old. See, for example: This Time is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly, Carmen M. Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff, Princeton University Press, 2009. The Land that Never Was: Sir Gregor MacGregor and the Most Audacious Fraud in History, David Sinclair, Da Capo Press, 2004. Manias, Panics, and Crashes: A History of Financial Crises, Charles P. Kindleberger, Wiley, Fourth Edition, 2001. Devil Take the Hindmost A History of Financial Speculation, Edward Chancellor, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1999. Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, Charles Mackay, 1841, Harmony Book, Reprint Edition, 1980.

The same idea (of the mix of strategies changing simply because organisms in the food web get used to, then begin to depend on the stability of the current mix of strategies) is common in ecosystem thinking. “In Quest of a Theory of Adaptive Change,” C. S. Holling, L. Gunderson, D. Ludwig, in: Panarchy: Understanding Transformations in Human and Natural Systems, L. H. Gunderson and C. S. Holling (editors), Island Press, 2002, pages 3-24. The idea is also familiar in game theory, and more recently in adaptive algorithms for complex systems: “Evolutionary Stable Strategies: A review of basic theory,” W. G. S. Hines, Theoretical Population Biology, 31(2):195-272, 1987.

[paper money and fiscal mismanagement in China 900 years ago]
China issued the world’s first paper money in 1111 to combat inflation and counterfeiting. But after losing a war in 1127, the state lost most of its bronze reserves. (Bronze coins were the basis of currency in China at the time.) In China, our confidence in the new paper cash began to fall. Then the mints began to fail, so the state began debasing its coins. Our confidence fell further. With coinage debased, counterfeiting rose, so confidence fell yet further. As confidence fell, prices rocketed up. We were in full monetary crisis. In response, moneychangers began issuing their own paper money. Coin began to disappear under mattresses. By 1150 a coin famine was in full swing. Trade then fell, and grain prices fell with it. As peasants, we were caught between deflation on the one hand and mounting taxes on the other. By 1159, the state, trying to combat the cash famine, made hoarding cash a crime. Many moneychangers then went out of business. The state then tried a new issue of paper money, which drove all private paper money out of circulation. But the state, needing money for its army, then printed so much that by 1166 hyperinflation struck. Our money was worthless again. “The Origins of Paper Money in China,” R. Von Glah, in: The Origins of Value: The Financial Innovations that Created Modern Capital Markets, William N. Goetzmann and K. Geert Rouwenhorst (editor), Oxford University Press, 2005, pages 71-75.
[the flash crash of 2010]
“Over the past four decades, the remarkable growth of the semiconductor industry as embodied by Moore’s Law has had enormous effects on society, influencing everything from household appliances to national defense. The implications of this growth for the financial system has been profound, as well. Computing has become faster, cheaper, and better at automating a variety of tasks, and financial institutions have been able to greatly increase the scale and sophistication of their services. At the same time, population growth combined with the economic complexity of modern society has increased the demand for financial services. After all, most individuals are born into this world without savings, income, housing, food, education, or employment; all of these necessities require financial transactions.

It should come as no surprise then that the financial system exhibits a Moore’s Law of its own—from 1929 to 2009 the total market capitalization of the US stock market has doubled every decade. The total trading volume of stocks in the Dow Jones Industrial Average doubled every 7.5 years during this period, but in the most recent decade, the pace has accelerated: now the doubling occurs every 2.9 years, growing almost as fast as the semiconductor industry. But the financial industry differs from the semiconductor industry in at least one important respect: human behavior plays a more significant role in finance. As the great physicist Richard Feynman once said, ‘Imagine how much harder physics would be if electrons had feelings.’ While financial technology undoubtedly benefifits from Moore’s Law, it must also contend with Murphy’s Law, ‘whatever can go wrong will go wrong,’ as well as its technology-specific corollary, ‘whatever can go wrong will go wrong faster and bigger when computers are involved.’ [...]”

The key moment was 14:42:44 (Eastern Standard Time) on May 6th, 2010.

“[...] a rapid automated sale of 75,000 E-mini S&P 500 June 2010 stock index futures contracts (worth about $4.1 billion) over an extremely short time period created a large order imbalance that overwhelmed the small risk-bearing capacity of financial intermediaries—that is, the high-frequency traders and market makers. After buying the E-mini for about 10 minutes, high frequency traders reached their critical inventory levels and began to quickly and aggressively unwind their long inventory at a key moment when liquidity was sparse, adding to the downward pressure. High frequency traders rapidly passed contracts back and forth, contributing to the ‘hot potato’ effect that drove up trading volume, exacerbating the volatility.

Meanwhile, cross-market arbitrage trading algorithms rapidly propagated price declines in the E-mini futures market to the markets for stock index exchange-traded funds like the Standard & Poor’s Depository Receipts S&P 500, individual stocks, and listed stock options. According to the interviews conducted by the SEC staff, cross-market arbitrage firms ‘purchased the E-Mini and contemporaneously sold Standard & Poor’s Depository Receipts S&P 500, baskets of individual securities, or other equity index products.’ As a result, a liquidity event in the futures market triggered by an automated selling program cascaded into a systemic event for the entire U.S. financial market system.

As the periods during which short-term liquidity providers are willing to hold risky inventory shrink to minutes if not seconds, Flash-Crash-type events—extreme short-term volatility combined with a rapid spike in trading volume—can easily be generated by algorithmic trading strategies seeking to quickly exploit temporarily favorable market conditions.”

“Moore’s Law vs. Murphy’s Law: Algorithmic Trading and Its Discontents,” A. A. Kirilenko, A. W. Lo, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 27(2):51-72, 2013. See also: Dark Pools: The Rise of the Machine Traders and the Rigging of the U.S. Stock Market, Chris Patterson, Crown Business, 2012.

High-frequency trading has gone on to play a role in the crackups behind the Facebook IPO, the collapse of Knight Capital Group, Inc., spoofing and layering by the Hold Brothers On-Line Investment Services, and the New York Stock Exchange fine.

The Price of Life

[South Korea about as poor as Ghana in 1963]
Korea’s per capita income level in 1961 is given as $82 U.S. versus Ghana’s $179 U.S. in: Bad Samaritans: The Myth of Free Trade and the Secret History of Capitalism, Ha-Joon Chang, Bloomsbury Press, 2007, page 3. However, their rough equality in 1963 per capita income levels is stated in several other references. Cultural Liberty in Today’s Diverse World, Human Development Report, 2004, United Nations Development Programme, 2004, especially page 19. “Ghana and South Korea: Explaining Development Disparities—An Essay in Honor of Carl Rosberg,” H. H. Werlin, Journal of Asian and African Studies, 29(3-4):205-225, 1994. “Third World Economic Development,” C. Crook, in: The Fortune Encyclopedia of Economics, David Henderson (editor), Warner Books, 1993. “Ghana and South Korea: Lessons from world bank case studies,” H. Werlin, Public Administration and Development, 11(3):245-255, 1991.
[South Korea in 2020 about as rich as Italy, in 2007 about as rich as Canada]
In 2020, the International Monetary Fund estimated that GDP (PPP) in South Korea (in millions of International dollars) was $2,307,718, making it 12th richest (about $2.3 trillion—that is, million million). Italy was 14th richest at $2,244,767. (Turkey was 13th richest at $2,257,987; Japan was 4th richest at $5,451,452.) Ghana was 62nd richest at $209,179. South Korea’s income per person (in International dollars) was $46,452; Japan’s was $46,827, making them 29th and 28th in rank; Ghana’s was $7,343, making it 126th. “World Economic Outlook Database, April 2020,” International Monetary Fund, 2020. “World Economic Outlook - GDP per capita,” International Monetary Fund, October 2019. North Korea’s GDP (PPP) was estimated at $40 billion. it’s per person income was estimated at $1,800. “GDP (PPP) Field listing,” CIA World Factbook, 2014.

In 2007, the International Monetary Fund estimated that GDP (PPP) in Canada was $1,265,838, while in South Korea it was $1,200,879, making them 13th and 14th in the world. The United States Central Intelligence Agency’s World Factbook estimated Canada at $1,266,000 and South Korea at $1,201,000, again making them 13th and 14th in world ranking. The World Bank reversed that order, but its estimates were about the same: South Korea at $1,199,270 and Canada at $1,178,205.

However, per-person, South Korea wasn’t as rich as Canada. In 2007, its population was 48.6 million whereas Canada’s was 32.89 million. South Korea is a big exporter of cars and computers. Its per-person income was about that of Israel’s. And like Israel, it has military and geopolitical significance, and thus investment, that Ghana lacks. So by 2007, Ghana’s per person income was over 17 times smaller than South Korea’s.

[South Korea’s fear of invasion]
“[T]he governments of most other developing countries know that they can fail economically and not risk invasion, the governments and elites of these countries [Taiwan and South Korea] knew that without fast economic growth and social stability this could well happen. This led them to make an unusually close coupling of national security and economic strength.” Governing the Market, Robert Wade, Princeton University Press, 1992, page 314.
[changes in South Korea]
For an analysis from the firm level of the economy, see: Emergent Economies, Divergent Paths: Economic Organization and International Trade in South Korea and Taiwan, Robert C. Feenstra and Gary G. Hamilton, Cambridge University Press, 2006. The introduction of the shipping container also mattered. See: The Box: How the Shipping Container Made the World Smaller and the World Economy Bigger, Marc Levinson, Princeton University Press, 2006.
[big retail chains...]
Those includeded Wal-Mart and Nike.
[South Korea versus Ghana]
For urbanization data, see: “Urban Growth in Korea, 1970-1980: An Application of the Human Ecological Perspective,” S. H. Ko, Korea Journal of Population and Development, 23(1):1-18, 1994. For other data on growth (like life expectancy), see: The Transformation of South Korea: Reform and Reconstitution in the Sixth Republic under Roh Tae Woo, 1987-1992, Robert E. Bedeski, Routledge, 1994, especially pages 79-81.
[Japan’s postwar growth acceleration]
“Japan’s remarkable postwar growth spurt in the 1960s would not have been possible without Japan’s alliance with the United States. Policy makers, political scientists, economists, historians, and journalists on both sides of the Pacific have made this claim, but no study has yet tested it with modern statistical methods. In this article, we compare the economic growth trajectories of Japan and a statistically constructed ‘synthetic’ Japan, which had a similar profile until the late 1950s but did not experience the consolidation of the U.S.-Japan alliance, a process that began in 1958 and culminated with the signing of a formal defense pact in January 1960. We find that Japan’s per capita gross domestic product (GDP) grew much faster than the synthetic Japan’s from 1958 to 1968. We substantiate these results with in-depth historical analyses on how the United States facilitated Japan’s economic miracle.” From: “America’s Role in the Making of Japan’s Economic Miracle,” M. Beckley, Y. Horiuchi, J. M. Miller, Journal of East Asian Studies, 18(1):1-21, 2018.

See also: “Japan and the Asian Economies: A ‘Miracle’ in Transition,” T. Ito, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 27(2):205-272, 1996. The East Asian Miracle, The World Bank, Oxford University Press, 1993. America and the Japanese Miracle, Aaron Forsberg, University of North Carolina Press, 2000. The Making of Modern Japan, Marius Jansen, Belknap, 2000. Eastern Phoenix: Japan Since 1945, Mikiso Hane, Westview Press, 1996.

[other comparative case studies]
Similar things might be said about South Korea versus the Philippines (which was also occupied by the United States, then Japan, then the United States again), Malaysia versus Ghana, and perhaps Taiwan versus Kenya.

South Korea versus the Philippines: Lectures on Economic Growth, Robert E. Lucas, Jr., Harvard University Press, 2002, especially Chapter 3. Ghana versus Malaysia: “An Economic Development of Two Countries: Ghana and Malaysia,” B. Asare, A. Wong, West Africa Review, 5(1), 2004. And of course, South Korea versus North Korea.

[population of North and South Korea, 2019]
South Korea (population 51.2 million, as of 2019). Seoul (population 9.7 million, as of 2018), which is in the Seoul Capital Area (population 25 million, as of 2017), which also contains Incheon (2.9 million, as of 2019). North Korea (population 25.6 million, as of 2019, estimated). Pyongyang (population 3.2 million, as of 2008). World Population Prospects: The 2019 Revision, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 2019. Volume I: Comprehensive Tables, Table A.9., Volume II: Demographic Profiles.
[differences in heights and weights between North and South Korea, 2008]
“Height and weight differences between North and South Korea,” D. Schwekendiek, Journal of Biosocial Science, 41(1):51-55, 2009. “Recent growth of children in the two Koreas: a meta-analysis,” D. Schwekendiek, S. Pak, Economics and Human Biology, 7(1):109-112, 2009. “Doors closing for North Korean defectors,” T. Johnson, The Seattle Times, September 30th, 2007. By comparing 1,075 North Korean defectors to the South Korean population, in 2005 the Korean Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that North Korean males between 20 and 39 are 165.6 centimeters tall (5’ 4.5”), while South Korean males are 172.5 centimeters (5’ 8.5”). For females, the values were 154.9 centimeters (5’ 1.0”) and 159.1 centimeters (5’ 3.5”).
[why compare South Korea and Ghana—the question of ‘culture’]
The text chooses the particular example of South Korea and Ghana partly because it was earlier used to a different end: “... How could this extraordinary difference in development be explained? Undoubtedly, many factors played a role, but it seemed to me that culture had to be a large part of the explanation. South Koreans valued thrift, investment, hard work, education, organization, and discipline. Ghanians had different values. In short, cultures count.” From: “Cultures count,” L. E. Harrison, in: Culture Matters: How Values Shape Human Progress, Lawrence E. Harrison and Samuel P. Huntington (editors), Basic Books, 2000, pages xiii-xvi.

The idea that ‘culture’ is mostly all that counts is both old and widely accepted. For example: “If we learn anything from the history of economic development it is that culture makes all the difference.” Wealth and Poverty of Nations: Why Some Are So Rich and Some So Poor, David S. Landes, W. W. Norton, 1998, page 516. See also: Conquests and Cultures: An International History, Thomas Sowell, Basic Books, 1998, especially pages 86, 97, and 166.

On the other hand, a few scholars, like Andre Gunder Frank, (in ReORIENT: Global Economy in the Asian Age, University of California Press, 1998) see a more chaotic picture—however, they, too, ascribe basically everything to ‘culture’ and ideology, specifically with respect to Europe. So, one side, the more dominant one in Anglo-American academia, essentially says that Europeans are the best. The other side, a much smaller iconoclastic side of the same Anglo-American academia, says that Europeans are the worst. Both assume that ‘culture’ and ideology are the main things that matter.

That seems wrong. For a summary of why that’s so, at least in the case of South Korea and Ghana, see: Cultural Liberty in Today’s Diverse World, Human Development Report, 2004, United Nations Development Programme, 2004, especially pages 18-19 and 38-44 in Chapters 1 and 2. See also: Bad Samaritans: The Myth of Free Trade and the Secret History of Capitalism, Ha-Joon Chang, Bloomsbury Press, 2007, especially Chapter 9.

For other examples of what’s wrong with the ‘culture counts’ argument, consider the following quote: “Scholars often used to offer cultural explanations for economic growth, and even today it is common to hear that China and Japan are booming because of the intuitive capitalist spirit or ingrained industriousness of the Chinese and Japanese peoples. But explanations based on immutable culture have been discredited, because the enthusiasts could not get their story straight. Confucianism used to be seen as an obstacle to economic growth, because it looked down on commerce; now it is praised as a great boon to growth. Chinese are now seen as industrious; just a decade ago, at least within Chinese factories, they were ridiculed for spending all their time on tea breaks and taking naps. Tamils are an exceptionally enterprising and hard-working people in Sri Lanka, but if this is ingrained in Tamil culture, then what happened to the Tamils in southern India?

Japan is a good example of the problems with explanations based on immutable culture. The Japanese are renowned today for their high savings rates, for their discipline and commitment to hard work and high quality. But a century ago, Japan’s savings rates were far lower than in the West. Likewise, foreigners used to be firmly agreed on the laziness and incompetence of Japanese workers. In 1881, a foreigner wrote in a Yokohama newspaper: “The Japanese are a happy race, and being content with little, are not likely to achieve much.” As late as 1915, an Australian expert told the Japanese government: “My impression as to your cheap labor was soon disillusioned when I saw your people at work. No doubt they are lowly paid, but the return is equally so; to see your men at work made me feel that you are a very satisfied, easygoing race who reckon time is no object. When I spoke to some managers they informed me that it was impossible to change the habits of national heritage.” ”

Thunder from the East, Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn, Alfred A. Knopf, 2000, pages 131-132.

See also: The Lever of Riches: Technology, Creativity, and Economic Progress, Joel Mokyr, Oxford University Press, 1990. Institutions, Institutional Change, and Economic Performance, Douglass North, Cambridge University Press, 1990. How the West Grew Rich: The Economic Transformation of the Industrial World, Nathan Rosenberg and L. E. Birdzell, Jr., Basic Books, 1982.

Here is how Britain saw, or more accurately sneered down on, the United States in 1820: “Such is the land of Jonathan—and thus has it been governed. In his honest endeavours to better his situation, and in his manly purpose of resisting injury and insult, we most cordially sympathize. We hope he will always continue to watch and suspect his government as he now does—remembering, that it is the constant tendency of those entrusted with power, to conceive that they enjoy it by their own merits, and for their own use, and not by delegation, and for the benefit of others. Thus far we are the friends and admirers of Jonathan. But he must not grow vain and ambitious; or allow himself to be dazzled by that galaxy of epithets by which his orators and newspaper scribblers endeavour to persuade their supporters that they are the greatest, the most refined, the most enlightened, and most moral people upon earth. The effect of this is unspeakably ludicrous on this side of the Atlantic—and, even on the other, we shall imagine, must be rather humiliating to the reasonable part of the population. The Americans are a brave, industrious and acute people; but they have hitherto given no indications of genius, and made no approaches to the heroic, either in their morality or character. They are but a recent offset indeed from England; and should make it their chief boast, for many generations to come, that they are sprung from the same race with Bacon and Shakspeare and Newton. Considering their numbers, indeed, and the favourable circumstances in which they have been placed, they have yet done marvellously little to assert the honour of such a descent, or to show that their English blood has been exalted or refined by their republican training and institutions. Their Franklins and Washingtons, and all the other sages and heroes of their Revolution, were born and bred subjects of the King of England,—and not among the freest or most valued of his subjects. And since the period of their separation, a far greater proportion of their statesmen and artists and political writers have been foreigners, than ever occurred before in the history of any civilized and educated people. During the thirty or forty years of their independence, they have done absolutely nothing for the Sciences, for the Arts, for Literature, or even for the statesman-like studied of Politics or Political Economy. Confining ourselves to our own country, and to the period that has elapsed since they had an independent existence, we would ask. Where are their Foxes, their Burkes, their Sheridans, their Windhams, their Homers, their Wilberforces?—where their Arkwrights, their Watts, their Davys?—their Robertsons, Blairs, Smiths, Stewarts, Paleys, and Malthuses?—their Porsons, Parrs, Bumeys, or Bloomfields?—their Scotts, Rogers’s, Campbells, Byrons, Moores, or Crabbes?—their Siddons’s, Kembles, Keans, or O’Neils?—their Wilkies, Lawrences, Chantrys?—or their parallels to the hundred other names that have spread themselves over the world from our little island in the course of the last thirty years, and blest or delighted mankind by their works, inventions, or examples? In so far as we know, there is no such parallel to be produced from the whole annals of this self-adulating race. In the four quarters of the globe, who reads an American book? or goes to an American play? or looks at an American picture or statue? What does the world yet owe to American physicians or surgeons? What new substances have their chemists discovered? or what old ones have they analyzed? What new constellations have been discovered by the telescopes of Americans? What have they done in the mathematics? Who drinks out of American glasses? or eats from American plates? or wears American coats or gowns? or sleeps in American blankets? Finally, under which of the old tyrannical governments of Europe is every sixth man a slave, whom his fellow-creatures may buy and sell and torture?” From: “America,” The works of the Rev. Sydney Smith, Sydney Smith, Longman, Brown, Greene, and Longmans, 1850, pages 283-284,

The problem with the word ‘culture’ is that it is too vague. There are hundreds of definitions of the word ‘culture’ going back to at least the 1750s. Culture: A critical review of concepts and definitions, A. L Kroeber and Clyde Kluckhohn, Vintage, 1952. Boyd and Richerson give one popular recent meaning that is in the style of both Harrison and Landes above. “Culture is information capable of affecting individuals’ behavior that they acquire from other members of their species through teaching, imitation, and other forms of social transmission.” Not By Genes Alone: How Culture Transformed Human Evolution, Peter J. Richerson and Robert Boyd, University Of Chicago Press, 2004, page 5.

But such attempts to ignore artifacts and other aspects of material life seem unnecessarily restrictive. Ogburn gives an older and more encompassing definition that includes material things.

“A group of new-born infants on an island uninhabited by man would be without a social heritage, although, like the lower animals, they would be born into a natural environment. The social heritage is therefore not coextensive with environment. The environment of man may be said to consist of two parts: natural environment, including air, heat, land, water, soil, moisture, vegetation and minerals; and the social heritage, consisting of buildings, technological equipment, social organization, language, the arts, philosophies, science, religions, morals and customs.

The social heritage is very similar in meaning to the word, culture, as used by sociologists and anthropologists. Culture has been defined by Tylor as ‘that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.’ In this definition of culture the use of material objects is not particularly emphasized, and there is a tendency to think of culture as somewhat removed from material objects. However, the use of material things is a very important part of the culture of any people. A special term, material culture, is frequently used, giving particular emphasis to the material features of culture. The word, culture, properly includes, as does the term, social heritage, both the material culture and also such parts of culture as knowledge, belief, morals, law, and custom.”

Social Change with respect to Culture and Original Nature, William Fielding Ogburn, B. W. Huebsch, Inc., 1922, pages 3-4.

[effect of distance on trade]
A ten percent reduction in ocean distance between two of our countries means roughly a five percent increase in trade between them. “Distance, Trade, and Income: The 1967 to 1975 Closing of the Suez Canal as a Natural Experiment,” J. Feyrer, Working Paper 15557, National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), 2009.
[Australia’s trading partners, 2016, 2007]
“Australia’s trade in goods and services 2016,” Australian Government: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Year Book Australia, 2007, Australian Bureau of Statistics.
[Japan’s food trading partners]
The United States was the most important trading partner, being the largest exporter and second largest importer. Evaluation of Agricultural Policy Reforms in Japan, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 2009, Table 1.8, page 29.
[other trade networks in ‘trade space’]
There are several other trade networks. For instance, Switzerland is tiny and has few resources. (Salt mines and fast rivers are about all.) Nigeria is over 20 times bigger, and almost 20 times as many of us live there. Plus, it’s chock-full of oil and other goodies. Yet in Switzerland we’re 25 times richer. Why? Even if Switzerland had no other edge, it gains from the European trade network it’s a part of. If we were to extract Switzerland and plop it down in the middle of Africa it would immediately get much poorer.

Similarly, Turkey joined the European Union in 2005. To fit in, it had to change much of its red tape on banking, investment, and trade. As it did so from the 1990s to 2005, foreign investment quintupled. Greece and Portugal have had similar experiences, although they, like Italy, have had more recent upsets. Ditto for Spain and Ireland. (They have more recently been all joined together into the ‘PIIGS,’ especially since the collapse of Greece.) The change in foreign direct investment in Turkey to 2005 is from: “Why Doesn’t Capital Flow from Rich to Poor Countries? An Empirical Investigation,” L. Alfaro, S. Kalemli-Ozcan, V. Volosovych, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 90(2):347-368, 2008.

The United States, Canada, and Mexico entered free trade agreements in 1994 that have so far been more economically mixed than experience in the European Union. The agreements in question are the Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement (CUSFTA) signed in 1989 and the North American free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) signed in 1994. Briefly, the combined North American economy has doubled in a decade, however it’s still not clear how much of that is a result of NAFTA and how much is better technology. Also, as of 2004, there were many points of friction between the three countries. It does seem to have benefited Mexico, though. NAFTA’s Impact On North America: The First Decade, Sidney Weintraub (editor), Center for Strategic & International Studies, 2004. NAFTA Revisited: Achievements and Challenges, Gary Clyde Hufbauer, Jeffrey J. Schott, Paul L. E. Grieco, and Yee Wong, Institute for International Economics, 2005.

[rural hand-to-mouth life]
The argument in the text includes what seems like the top three variables affecting rural family size, but it’s missing something, however it’s not clear what. The reason is that aristocrats also had large families until just a bit before the industrial phase change. There are variations (at least in Europe, between east and west Europe, and between north and south Europe) but in general, aristocratic family sizes dropped before peasant family sizes, and both dropped before mass-produced contraceptives were widespread. So it can’t simply be because of new tools to prevent pregnancy, nor can it simply be that the wealth of a family was all that mattered, nor just the growth of cities, nor the spread of schooling, and so on.

The missing factor may may well include something to do with female options, whether rich or poor—although rich females started to change before poor females, so wealth does matter. There are probably several other relevant variables: for example, the rise of the wage-earning woman coupled with the decline of the three-generation family alone may have put pressure that led to fertility decline. Of course, there are many confounds. For example, even when aristocratic family size was low, that didn’t mean that all aristocrats had fewer children than average; it merely meant that aristocratic women did. Aristocratic males may still have procreated a great deal and produced a lot of illegitimate children, who weren’t counted. The Black Death may also have played a part.

For some exploratory references on the issue of aristocratic family size, see: A Farewell to Alms: A Brief Economic History of the World, Gregory Clark, Princeton University Press, 2007. The Household and the Making of History: A Subversive View of the Western Past, Mary S. Hartman, Cambridge University Press, 2004. Fertility, Class and Gender in Britain, 1860-1940, Simon Szreter, Cambridge University Press, 2002, pages 45-50. Fertility Control, Stephen L. Corson, Richard J. Derman, and Louise B. Tyrer (editors), Taylor & Francis, Second Edition, 1994, pages 396-398.

[sub-Saharan economic decline from 1975-1995]
Countries there didn’t merely stay the same, they got poorer and poorer. “Patterns of Long Term Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa,” J. S. Arbache, J. Page, Policy Research Working Paper #4398, The World Bank, 2007.
[working-age ratios worldwide in 1996]
Beyond Economic Growth: An Introduction to Sustainable Development, Tatyana P. Soubbotina, The World Bank, Second Edition, 2004, page 131.
[phase change into wealth as a demographic transition]
Economists call that phase change a ‘demographic transition.’ We can stigmergically react to tool and trade changes around us to then change our attitudes and that internal change alone can itself lead to further changes. But that phase change isn’t guaranteed because it depends on our initial state. Demographic Transition Theory, John C. Caldwell (editor), Springer, 2006. “Public infrastructure and growth: new channels and policy implications,” P.-R. Agénor, B. Moreno-Dodson, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 4064, 2006, Appendix A. Health and Development: A Compilation of articles from Finance & Development, International Monetary Fund, 2004, page 12. The Demographic Dividend: A New Perspective on the Economic Consequences of Population Change, David E. Bloom, David Canning, and Jaypee Sevilla, RAND Corporation, 2003, pages 44-45. “The Health and Wealth of Nations,” D. E. Bloom, D. Canning, Science, 287(5456):1207-1209, 2000. “Economic Development and the Demographic Transition: The Role of Cumulative Causality,” D. E. Bloom, D. Canning, the United States Agency for International Development under CAER II, (Consulting Assistance on Economic Reform), Harvard Institute for International Development, September, 1999. “Demographic Transitions and Economic Miracles in Emerging Asia,” D. E. Bloom, J. G. Williamson, World Bank Economic Review, 12(3):419-455, 1998.
[dependence on history]
Economists call that ‘path dependence.’ “Increasing returns and economic progress,” A. A. Young, Economic Journal, 38(152):527-542, 1928.

It’s a consequence of stigmergy (what we’ve built, especially if large, strongly influences what we can next build.). Mathematically speaking, though, it’s more strictly any non-ergodic stochastic process. That is, any process whose asymptotic distribution is at least partly a consequence of its history. Increasing Returns and Path Dependency in the Economy, W. Brian Arthur, University of Michigan Press, 1994.

Arthur’s models have been challenged, particularly for VHS versus Betamax and for the Dvorak versus the QWERTY keyboards. That challenge in turn led to further argument. “Path dependence, Its Critics and the Quest for ‘Historical Economics,’ P. A. David, in: Evolution and Path Dependence in Economic Ideas: Past and Present, P. Garrouste and S. Ioannidis (editors), Edward Elgar Publishing, 2001, pages 15-40. “Path Dependence, Lock-in, and History,” S. J. Liebowitz, S. E. Margolis, Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 11(1):205-226, 1995. “Defending the Concept of Network Externalities: A Discussion of Liebowitz and Margolis,” P. Regibeau, Research in Law and Economics, 17:33-39, 1995.

In economics, the argument revolves around whether path dependence (stigmergy, in the text) can force fixable free market errors. That is, whether the history of an innovation can lock a free market into choices that are economically inefficient even when more efficient choices exist. In general, that seems unlikely (in a free market). However, that’s not the point being made in the text. It argues that whether or not our choices are economically efficient, stigmergy does affect which options we choose, can choose, or are forced to choose.

[London’s growth]
London grew from around 50,000 in 1500 to 200,000 in 1600, to half a million in 1700, to a million in 1800. By 1900 it was 6.5 million. Britain’s urbanization rate jumped from perhaps seven percent in 1500, to 25 percent in 1800, to 50 percent by 1850. By 1900 it was 77 percent.

Chapter 5. Economic War: Poverty

[Heller quote]
“The economists here, including the theorists, seemed well aware that their profession has much to be humble about these days. Self-mockery abounded, perhaps best summed up by Walter W. Heller, a top economic adviser to Presidents Kennedy and Johnson. “An economist,” he averred while moderating a panel discussion, “is a person who, when he finds something that works in practice, wonders if it will work in theory.” ” From: “A Fed Camp in the Rockies,” R. D. Hershey, Jr., New York Times, August 26th, 1985.

“[Walter] Heller has his own definition of his breed: An economist is a man who, when he finds something works in practice, wonders if it works in theory.” From: “Take an economist, any economist...,” E. B. Furgurson, Seattle Daily Times, July 4th, 1979.

Insoluble Closure

[the dead donkey...]
This is a composite story based on an eyewitness report in July, 1985, plus several Egyptian government white papers, and conversations with Egyptian friends. Adoption of Community Water Systems: An Area Study in Three Villages in Muhafzat Kofr-Shaykh, Egypt, David Berton Belasco, doctoral thesis, University of Denver, 1989.

For a brief overview of the piped water initiative from the innovation diffusion point of view, see: Diffusion of Innovations, Everett M. Rogers, Free Press, Fifth Edition, 2003, pages 107-116. For more recent ethnographic background on Delta problems, see also: Agrarian Transformation in Egypt: Conflict Dynamics and the Politics of Power from a Micro Perspective, Caroline Laetitia Tingay, doctoral thesis, Freie Universität Berlin, 2005.

[child deaths in Egypt]
During the 1980s in Egypt, two-thirds of all deaths of infants and children under five were from diarrhea and associated dehydration. The proportion of water-related child deaths was highest in the Nile Delta.

“[L]ife expectancy at birth, only thirty-nine years in 1952, had climbed to fifty-nine years for men and sixty years for women by 1989. The crude death rate, which was 23.9 in 1952, had declined to 10.3 by 1990. Its main component, the infant mortality rate, declined more dramatically in the same period, from 193 infant deaths per 1,000 live births to 85 per 1,000. Nevertheless, major disparities remained in the mortality rates of cities and villages as well as in those of Upper and Lower Egypt. Although mortality and morbidity data were adequate for establishing general trends, they were not reliable for precise measurements. Egypt’s official infant mortality rate, for example, was probably understated because parents tended not to report infants who died in the first few weeks of life. Corrected estimates of the infant mortality rate for 1990 ranged as high as 113 per 1,000 live births.

Although mortality rates have declined since 1952, the main causes of death (respiratory ailments and diseases of the digestive tract) have remained unchanged for much of the twentieth century. Death rates for infants and children ages one to five dropped, but children remained the largest contributors to the mortality rate. Nearly seventeen infants and four children under five years of age died for each death of an individual between age five and thirty-four. Children younger than five years of age accounted for about half of all mortality—one of the world’s highest rates. During the 1980s, diarrhea and associated dehydration accounted for 67 percent of the deaths among infants and children.”

Egypt: A Country Study, Helen Chapin Metz (editor), Fifth Edition, Federal Research Division, Library of Congress, 1991, page 148.

[half the hospital beds...]
“Poor water and sanitation produce nonfatal chronic conditions at all stages of the lifecycle. At any given time close to half the people in the developing world are suffering from one or more of the main diseases associated with inadequate provision of water and sanitation such as diarrhoea, guinea worm, trachoma and schistosomiasis. These diseases fill half the hospital beds in developing countries.” Human Development Report, 2006, United Nations Development Programme, 2007, page 45.
[over a billion of us lacked access to safe water in 1990]
In 1990, the United Nations World Health Organization reported that 1,015 million of us, almost one sixth of everyone alive, had to drink contaminated surface water, and 1,764 million, almost a quarter of us, were without adequate sanitation. Despite huge gains over the next decade, an additional 800 million of us made the situation much the same ten years later. “The percentage of people served with some form of improved water supply rose from 79 percent (4.1 billion) in 1990 to 82 percent (4.9 billion) in 2000. Over the same period the proportion of the world’s population with access to excreta disposal facilities increased from 55 percent (2.9 billion people served) to 60 percent (3.6 billion). At the beginning of 2000 one-sixth (1.1 billion people) of the world’s population was without access to improved water supply and two-fifths (2.4 billion people) lacked access to improved sanitation. The majority of these people live in Asia and Africa, where fewer than one-half of all Asians have access to improved sanitation and two out of five Africans lack improved water supply. Moreover, rural services still lag far behind urban services. Sanitation coverage in rural areas, for example, is less than half that in urban settings, even though 80 percent of those lacking adequate sanitation (2 billion people) live in rural areas - some 1.3 billion in China and India alone.” Global Water Supply and Sanitation Assessment 2000 Report, WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation, 2000.
[dirty water was the largest single cause of disease and death in 2004, update to 2015]
“Shockingly, in many parts of the world a child dies every 35 seconds of pneumonia; every 60 seconds, another child dies of diarrhoea. Of the nearly 6 million children who do not live beyond the age of 5, nearly one quarter die from these illnesses.

Pneumonia and diarrhoea mortality disproportionately affect the youngest children: around 80 per cent of deaths associated with pneumonia and approximately 70 per cent of deaths associated with diarrhoea occur during the first two years of life.

Pneumonia and diarrhoea deaths are dropping — but not quickly enough.

There has already been substantial progress to reduce pneumonia- and diarrhoea-related mortality since 2000: deaths from these two diseases declined by nearly half between 2000 and 2015, from 2.9 million deaths to the current 1.4 million. Diarrhoea deaths have dropped more significantly since 2000, falling from 1.2 million to 526,000 in 2015 — a decline of 57 per cent. Deaths due to pneumonia declined at a slower rate during this period, falling from 1.7 million in 2000 to 920,000 in 2015. Indeed, pneumonia mortality rates have declined at a significantly slower rate than those of other common childhood diseases, such as malaria, measles and HIV.”

One is too many: Ending child deaths from pneumonia and diarrhoea, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), November 2016, pages 5 and 7.

“Diarrhoeal deaths among children under-five have more than halved from 1.5 million in 1990 to 622 000 in 2012. Inadequate WASH accounts for 361 000 of these deaths, or over 1000 child deaths per day. [...] The burden of diarrhoea attributable to inadequate WASH is estimated on the basis of the total diarrhoeal disease burden. The number of diarrhoeal deaths has dropped dramatically over recent decades from around 2.5-2.9 million deaths in 1990 to 1.5 million in 2012. Mortality from diarrhoea in children under-five has also decreased during the same period.” Preventing diarrhoea through better water, sanitation and hygiene: Exposures and impacts in low- and middle-income countries, World Health Organization, 2014, pages ix and 1.

“Even though the percentage of the world’s population with access to improved water supply rose from 78 to 82 per cent between 1990 and 2000, and the percentage with access to improved sanitation rose from 51 to 61 per cent during this same period, contaminated water remains the greatest single cause of human sickness and death on a global scale.” Global Environment Outlook, GEO-4, United Nations Environment Programme, 2007, page 151.

“Some 1.8 million child deaths each year as a result of diarrhoea—4,900 deaths each day or an under-five population equivalent in size to that for London and New York combined. Together, unclean water and poor sanitation are the world’s second biggest killer of children. Deaths from diarrhoea in 2004 were some six times greater than the average annual deaths in armed conflict for the 1990s.” Human Development Report, 2006, United Nations Development Programme, 2007, page 6.

“10.7 million children every year do not live to see their fifth birthday.” Human Development Report, 2005, United Nations Development Programme, 2006, page 3.

[Egyptian words]
abāyah - a robe-like dress, covering the arms. maglis al-qarya - conclave of village elders to decide on a communal agreement about some issue affecting the village. fellahin - villagers, farmers, peasants. effendi - land-owners or members of the professional classes. al-Nīl - the Nile. Allāh - God. al-Qāhirah - Cairo. al-Kuwayt - Kuwait City. imām. - learned person who leads the village in prayer at the mosque.
[age-old belief that Nile water was fecund]
The belief goes back at least two millennia, long before Islam. Natural History, Pliny the Elder, Book 7, part 3. See also: Water in the cultic worship of Isis and Sarapis, Robert A. Wild, Brill Academic, 1981.
[water problems and the Aswan High Dam in Egypt]
“The Artificial Nile: The Aswan High Dam destroyed a fishery, but human activities may have revived it,” S. Nixon, American Scientist, 92(part 2):158-165, 2004. “The Imperiled Nile Delta,” P. Theroux, National Geographic, 191(1):2-35, 1997. “Nile delta: extreme case of sediment entrapment on a delta plain and consequent coastal land loss,” D. J. Stanley, Marine Geology, 129(3):189-195, 1996. “The southeastern Mediterranean ecosystem revisited: Thirty years after the construction of the Aswan High Dam,” S. El-Sayed, G. L. van Dijken, Quarterdeck, 3(1):4-7, 1995.
[water problems in Egypt]
“The Egyptian State Under Threat of Hydraulic Crisis and Peasant Poverty: The Risks of a Free-market Management of Water,” H. Ayeb, Fourth Pan-African Programme on Land and Resource Rights Workshop, Cape Town, South Africa, 5-7 May 2003. “Some Technical and Economic Considerations on Irrigation Water Pricing,” M. A. Abu-Zeid, Water Science Magazine, Number 7, 1990. “Water Supply and Demand in Egypt,” Sami El Fillali, Ministry of Agriculture Report, Egypt.
[Egypt went socialist in 1952]
A group of officers seized power in the 1950s and Gamal Abdel-Nasser took power. He instituted land reform that led to the breakup of the old big estates, thus redistributing land to the peasants.
[poverty in Egypt in 2008, 2019]
The poverty line is defined as the minimum income deemed adequate for an individual to meet their basic needs. In 2015, the World Bank set the international poverty line for lower-middle-income countries, such as Egypt and India, at $3.20 U.S. a day, with the extreme poverty threshold set at $1.90 U.S. a day. (2011 PPP) In Egypt though, the national poverty line is actually set at $1.48 U.S. a day ($44.4 a month). However, in 2019, 32.5 percent in Egypt were below the poverty line ($1.3 U.S. a day, $41.7 a month). “Poverty & Equity Brief,” Middle East & North Africa, Arab Republic of Egypt, The World Bank, October 2019. Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS), July 29th, 2019. In 2008, average monthly income in Egypt was $140 U.S. ($4 U.S. a day). The National Report On Literacy and Adult Education, Arab Republic of Egypt, 2008, page 25. In 2008, according to the World Bank, 22 percent of the population was below the world poverty line of $2 U.S. a day.
[illiteracy and rural population in Egypt in 2006, 2015]
In Egypt in 2015, 29.3 percent of us couldn’t read. Ages 15-24: 93.9 (2017) Ages 15+: 71.2 (2017). In 2015, 57.3 percent were still rural. (Of the urban population of 42.4 million, 20 million lived in Cairo, and 5 million lived in Alexandria.)

Statistical Yearbook — Population Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS), Issue No 110, 2019. World Urbanization Prospects: The 2018 Revision, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, 2018, Table III.4, page 70. Literacy Statistics Metadata Information Table, UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), 2019.

In Egypt in 2006, 29.3 percent of us couldn’t read and 57.6 percent were rural. The National Report On Literacy and Adult Education, Arab Republic of Egypt, 2008, pages 7 and 10. Even those figures may be inflated thanks to corruption, since a literacy certificate is so valuable for jobs. In 1970, illiteracy was even higher, at 68.6 percent.

[1977 riots in Egypt]
The riots were triggered by the state’s abrupt lifting of various subsidies brought on by International Monetary Fund and World Bank requirements. “The political economy of food subsidy reform: the case of Egypt,” T. Gutner, Food Policy, 27(5-6):455-476, 2002. “The Egyptian Food Subsidy System: Structure, Performance, and Options for Reform,” A. U. Ahmed, H. E. Bouis, T. Gutner, H. Löfgren, Research Report 119, International Food Policy Research Institute, 2001, page 7. Egypt During the Sadat years, Kirk J. Beattie, Palgrave Macmillan, 2000, pages 207-210.
[Egypt’s containerized port facilities]
Ports in Egypt used to be havens of high cost, weak investment, and poor service. However, since 2003 the situation has changed. There have been major upgrades at Alexandria but also Port Said and elsewhere. In 2006, Port Said East and Port Said West together handled around 75 percent of transit containers. (Damietta handled much of the rest.). Ports, Cities, and Global Supply Chains, James Wang, Daniel Olivier, Theo Notteboom, Brian Slack (editors), Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., 2007. “Logistics chain analysis of Alexandria container handling company in Egypt: a basis for assessing services,” K. Abbas, Freight and Logistics Seminars, The European Transport Conference, 2003.
[new desalination technology]
“Towards sustainable seawater desalting in the Gulf area,” M. A. Darwish, N. M. Al-Najem, N. Lior, Desalination, 235(1-3):58-87, 2009. “Optimized design of a reverse osmosis system with a recycle,” P. Sarkar, D. Goswami, S. Prabhakar, P. K. Tewari, Desalination, 230(1-3):128-139, 2008. “Design of single-effect mechanical vapor compression,” H. Ettouney, Desalination, 190(1-3):1-15, 2006.
[causes of Egypt’s changes since 1990]
In Egypt, rising oil income, policy changes, cheaper technology, spreading literacy, and more money sent home from expats, have made for a change. Egypt is now phase changing from rural to urban, from peasant to industrialist, from unlettered to educated. For example, farming as a share of national Egyptian income fell from more than 38 percent in 1975 to 16 percent in 1995. The State of Food and Agriculture 1997, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, 1998.
[Egypt’s life expectancy in 2005, 2015]
Life expectancy at birth in 2015 was 70.8 years. World Population Prospects: The 2019 Revision, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 2019. Volume I: Comprehensive Tables, Table A.9., Volume II: Demographic Profiles. World Health Statistics, 2007, United Nations World Health Organization, 2007.
[growth rates of Egypt’s population and economy]
The rate of growth of Egypt’s population peaked at 2.7 percent in 1987 and has since been falling. World Factbook, United States Central Intelligence Agency, 2005.
[average household size was about four in 2017]
In 2017, Households - 23,455,079; persons - 94,757,081; average household size - 4.04. (57.58 were rural.) 2 - 14 NO.OF HOUSHOLDS, AVERAGE SIZE OF HOUSEHOLD, NO. OF PERSONS AND SEX RATIO IN URBAN &RURAL, ACCORDING TO FINAL RESULTS OF 2017 POP. CENSUS Statistical Yearbook — Population Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS), Issue No 110, 2019.
[Egypt’s urbanization has stalled at 42-43 percent, 1990-2017]
The population in 1990 was 51.9 million. That had grown to 95.2 million by 2017. However, the urbanization rate was 43.4 percent in 1990 and 42.5 percent in 2017. It had stayed in that range for all that time. Perhaps that’s only because the state hasn’t changed what it’s counting as ‘urban.’ More likely though, it’s perhaps because more rural people can’t move to cities. 2 - 3 ESTIMATES OF MIDYEAR POP. BY URBAN & RURAL AND THEIR PERCENTAGE (1990-2017) Statistical Yearbook — Population Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS), Issue No 110, 2019.
[plunging child death rates in Egypt]
Egypt’s child death rate dropped from 104 per 1,000 live births in 1990 to 33 in 2005. State of the World’s Mothers: Saving the Lives of Children Under 5, Save the Children, 2007, pages 22 and 27. State of the World’s Children, The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), 2007, Table 10.
[Egypt’s statistics]
In 2003, the quality of Egypt’s new services still wasn’t high. There still wasn’t enough money, nor enough skilled people. In Egypt, two in every five of us were still below or just above the world poverty line—$2 U.S. a day. In the Arabic-speaking world as a whole, life for us was changing fast as well. Since 1970, female literacy has tripled. But our problems were still vast. In 2003, 43 percent of all Arabic women still couldn’t read. And 35 percent of men couldn’t either. Arab Human Development Report 2003: Building a Knowledge Society, United Nations Development Programme, 2003.
[child and infant mortality, 2017]
For rural families, child mortality dropped from 60.7 per 1,000 live births in 1992 to 14.9 per 1,000, and infant mortality dropped from 38.1 to 11.1 over the same period. (‘Child’ is defined as under five years old. ‘Infant’ is under one year old.) So it dropped about four-fold. For urban families, the same figures were: 45.4 to 24 and 33.5 to 19.1. So it roughly halved. (Started lower, but dropped less, proportionately.) 3 - 3 INFANT AND CHILD MORTALITY RATES IN URBAN AND RURAL AREAS BY SEX (1992 - 2018) Statistical Yearbook — Vital Statistics Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS), Issue No 110, 2019.
[the economics of development]
This is wide field, with a number of competing theories. However, speaking very generally, in recent times (post World War II) the basic idea has evolved from the Big Push strategy (epitomized by the Marshall Plan’s success in Europe and Japan) to the micro-investment strategy (epitomized by successful microfinancing efforts, first in Pakistan then elsewhere). The other main variant is the ‘linked investment’ strategy, which effectively means: choose a small set of functionally linked industries to invest in heavily, then spread out from there. There are also the usual political tugs-of-war. For example, from the left: ‘the market won’t change unless government taxes the rich to then invest heavily,’ to the right: ‘the government is the main drag on the economy and the market is the only thing that works reliably.’ See also the ‘Soft State’ theory of Gunnar Mydal (ex-colonial states whose previous regulatory infrastructure has been destroyed.) The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time, Jeffrey D. Sachs, Penguin, 2005. The Elusive Quest for Growth: Economists’ Adventures and Misadventures in the Tropics, William Easterly, The MIT Press, 2002. “The ’Soft State’ in Undeveloped Countries,” G. Myrdal, in: Unfashionable Economics: Essays in Honour of Lord Balogh, Paul Streeten (editor), Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1970. The Strategy of Economic Development, Albert Hirschman, Yale University Press, 1958. Economic Theory and Under-developed Regions, Gunnar Myrdal, Duckworth, 1957.
[termite colony]
The specific subfamily referred to here is Macrotermitinae.
Closure, as defined in the text, is relative to the desired state. Thus, Egypt is ‘operationally closed’ in that it provides for its most basic wants—it continues to exist and hence in that sense it must be getting everything it needs to at least survive. However, Egypt also wants to save all its children’s lives and grow richer, so it’s trying to move from one state to another. Thus it’s from the perspective of the second state, its desired state, that it lacks operational closure. It’s not closed with respect to growth.

Also, note that ‘operational closure’ is more than ‘catalytic closure’ (that is, that a reaction network makes all its own catalysts). That’s already guaranteed if the given reaction network has collective autocatalysis (which is called ‘synergy’ in the text). Operational closure means that the reaction network is closed not just with respect to its catalysts but also their reactants (biochemists call those the reaction’s substrates)—that is, the ‘resources’—that the collectively autocatalytic (‘synergetic’ in the text) reactions need. So it regenerates its own catalysts (it has catalytic closure) and it regenerates the molecules that those catalysts act on.

Note, however, that what exactly it ‘regenerates’ has to be considered carefully. It would be inefficient for a reaction network to regenerate resources already plentifully supplied by its surroundings. For example, termites don’t generate or fetch air; that’s treated as a given. Also, ‘regenerate’ has to be taken quite broadly. The fungus needed for the fungus farms in a termite colony, for instance, isn’t generated from nothing; it’s grown from old batches. Similarly, in a cell, if small non-catalyst helpers, like vitamins or cofactors or whatever, can come from the surroundings, they aren’t ‘regenerated.’ The point is that if the network is operationally closed, it has access to everything it needs to keep working. Such things may come from the surroundings, but if they don’t, it regenerates them. Energy, however, always comes from outside.

Note, too, that the loose way that the text (initially) defines operational closure differs from the definition given by Varela, which is more concerned with a system’s autonomy. However, both definitions are motivated by the same underlying idea of closure in mathematics (and especially in topology).

See the Preface and Introduction to: Toward a Practice of Autonomous Systems: Proceedings of the First European Conference on Artificial Life, Francisco J. Varela and Paul Bourgine (editors), The MIT Press, 1992. “Organism: A Meshwork of Selfless Selves,” F. J. Varela, in: Organism and the Origins of Self, Alfred I. Tauber (editor), Kluwer, 1991, pages 79-107. See also: “Closure, causal,” M. Mossio, in: Encyclopedia of Systems Biology, Werner Dubitzky, Olaf Wolkenhauer, Kwang-Hyun Cho, and Hiroki Yokota (editors), Springer, 2013, pages 415-418. There the conceptual core is traced back to Kant in his 1790 Critique of Judgment. But for a more detailed formulation, at least for molecular networks, see: “Autopoiesis 40 years later. A Review and a Reformulation,” P. Razeto-Barry, Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres, 42(6):543-567, 2012.

[early Egypt]
When Egypt was going through its first and second dynasties (the Early Dynastic Period, which ended circa 4,700 years ago) there was no written Latin, Greek, nor even Phoenician (from which they both descend). The Italics hadn’t copied their alphabet from the Greeks yet. Nor had the Greeks copied their alphabet from the Phoenicians yet. Nor had the Phoenicians copied theirs from Egyptian hieroglyphics yet. Further, it’s now becoming accepted that writing arose, perhaps independently, perhaps not, in three different places: along the Nile, along the Tigris, and along the Indus. All three places traded with each other. Also: Stonehenge was still only a ditch with timber posts. “Stonehenge remodelled,” T. Darvill, P. Marshall, M. Parker Pearson, G. Wainwright, Antiquity, 86(334):1021-1040, 2012. “Writing Gets a Rewrite,” A. Lawler, Science, 292(5526):2418-2420, 2001. The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt, Ian Shaw (editor), Oxford University Press, 2000, page 481.

The Properties of Property

[buying land and living extralegally in Egypt]
The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else, Hernando de Soto, Basic Books, 2000, pages 20 and 33.

De Soto also points out how it’s much the same in many of our other poor countries. To get the legal permits to build a house on state-owned land in Peru takes almost seven years. It takes 207 steps spread over 52 government offices. To get legal title to that land then takes a further 728 steps. Buying a house in the Philippines can take 168 steps spread over 53 public and private associations and agencies. It can take 13 to 25 years. Leasing state-owned land in Haiti takes 65 steps. It takes about two years to lease a plot for five years. To then buy that land takes a further 111 steps. And 12 more years. Mexico, Bolivia, Ecuador, Argentina are similar.

[days to get a business license]
“In Cameroon, it takes an investor who seeks a business licence on average 426 days (that is almost a year and three months) to perform fifteen procedures; whereas in China it takes 336 days and thirty-seven procedures, and in the USA, only forty days and nineteen procedures. What entrepreneur starting a business in Angola wants to spend 119 days filling out forms to complete twelve procedures? He is likely to find South Korea a much more attractive business culture, as it will take him only seventeen days to complete ten procedures.

It’s not only the red-tape. It’s also the opacity. Investors don’t know where to go, or who to ask. In a number of mining-dependent countries, rather than the government offering parcels of land in open auction, prospective investors are expected to provide the government with specific land coordinates. The geological survey offices know where the ore lies, but they just can’t be bothered to help the investors along. Though the countries’ livelihoods depend significantly on such entrepreneurs coming in, given the nature of doing business it is hardly surprising that this much-needed investment stays away.”

Dead Aid: Why Aid Is Not Working and How There Is a Better Way for Africa, Dambisa Moyo, Macmillan, 2009, page 100.

However, there is a problem with that quote since, based on the World Bank reference the author cites for the figures, only the stated figure for South Korea (17 days) is for the number of days to get a business license. The other figures given are for how long it takes to get a construction permit, not the number of days to get a business license. For more details on that and on other countries, see: Doing Business 2009: Comparing Regulations in 181 Economies, World Bank, 2008, page 16 and other pages for specific entries for each country.

[legal cases in Argentina can take over 20 years]
“The Formation of Beliefs: Evidence from the Allocation of Land Titles to Squatters,” R. Di Tella, S. Giliana, E. Schargrodsky, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 122(1):209-241, 2007. The above paper is of independent interest as it describes a natural experiment on the consequences of titling for belief in the free market versus family support and local community over 20 years in Buenos Aires.
[over a billion squatters in 2005]
In 2005, over a billion urbanites were squatters, living in squalor in huge shantytowns. But they weren’t herded there at gunpoint from some pristine countryside. Rather, they shoved themselves in, despite the best efforts of city leaders to keep them out. Cities are wealth generators. They needn’t necessarily make more poor, but they do attract more who are poor. So counting the number who’re poor in a city is like counting the number who’re poor near a gold mine, or the number of flies near a picnic. Shadow Cities: A Billion Squatters, A New Urban World, Robert Newuwirth, Routledge, 2005.
[Solon on laws]
That’s not exactly what he said, for we don’t know what he said, exactly. But it’s the spirit of what he said. “He used to say, too, that speech was the image of actions, and that the king was the mightiest man as to his power; but that laws were like cobwebs—for that if any trifling or powerless thing fell into them, they held it fast; but if a thing of any size fell into them, it broke the meshes and escaped.” The Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers, Book I, Solon:10, Diogenes Laërtius, translated by C. D. Yonge, Henry G. Bohn, 1853, page 28.

However, Plutarch attributes a similar thought to a contemporary, Anacharsis: “[W]ritten laws, which in all respects resemble spider’s webs, and would, like them, only entangle the poor and weak, while the rich and powerful easily broke through them.” Lives of Romulus, Lycurgus, Solon ... and Others, translated by John and William Langhorne, Wm. L. Allison Company, 1889, page 71. The text follows Diogenes and gives it to Solon as he’s widely acclaimed as a law-maker, even though he himself left no writings.

Whoever said it, the saying became proverbial. For example, millennia later, Jonathan Swift wrote: “Laws are like Cobwebs, which may catch small Flies, but let Wasps and Hornets break through.” In “A Tritical Essay upon the Faculties of the Mind,” Miscellanies in Prose and Verse, Jonathan Swift, John Morphew, 1711, page 257.

[bribery in driver’s licensing bureaus in Delhi]
“The average licence getter pays about Rs 1,080, or about 2.5 times the official fee of Rs 450, to obtain a licence. More mportantly, close to 60 per cent of licence getters do not take the licensing exam and 54 per cent are unqualified to drive (according to the independent test we performed) at the time they obtain their licence.” From: “Corruption in Driving Licensing Process in Delhi,” M. Bertrand, S. Djankov, R. Hanna, S. Mullainathan, Economic & Political Weekly, 43(5):71-76, 2008.
[corruption in Afghanistan]
Corruption in Afghanistan: Bribery as Reported by Victims, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2010.
[corruption is common everywhere]
Global Corruption Report 2009: Corruption and the Private Sector, Cambridge University Press, 2009. Global Corruption Report 2008: Corruption in the Water Sector, Cambridge University Press, 2008. Global Corruption Report 2007: Corruption in Judicial Systems, Cambridge University Press, 2007. Global Corruption Report 2006: Special Focus: Corruption and Health, Pluto Press, 2006. Global Corruption Report 2005: Special Focus: Corruption in Construction and Post, Pluto Press, 2005.
[indirect speech useful for bribery (and other things)]
“The logic of indirect speech,” S. Pinker, M. A. Nowak, J. J. Lee, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105(3):833-838, 2008.
[building an apartment complex... construction costs in Manhattan]
“Why Gotham’s Developers Don’t Develop,” W. J. Stern, City Journal, Autumn 2000, pages 62-67. More generally, see: “Construction, Corruption, and Developing Countries,” C. Kenny, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 4271, The World Bank, 2007. Five families: The Rise, Decline, and Resurgence of America’s Most Powerful Mafia Families, Selwyn Raab, Macmillan, 2005. Gotham Unbound: How New York City Was Liberated From the Grip of Organized Crime, James B. Jacobs, Coleen Friel, and Robert Raddick, New York University Press, 2001, especially Chapter 7. Corruption and Racketeering in the New York City Construction Industry: The Final Report of the New York State Organized Crime Task Force, Ronald Goldstock, Martin Marcus, Thomas D. Thacher II, James B. Jacobs, New York University Press, 1991.
[French labor code in 2014]
That the Code du Travail, dating back to 1910, and growing ever since. In 2014 it was 3,604 pages long. Because of it, if a business has at least 50 employees inside France, management must create three worker councils, share profits, and submit any restructuring plans to the councils for approval.
[bloated legal codes in rich lands]
The problem of an ever-growing legal system is not one limited to poor countries. For example, the United States has an overgrown legal system. That’s not just because it benefits lawyers, judges, and officials. In both rich and poor lands, our law codes always grow. They must, because as times change, we add new laws to fit, but we don’t as often subtract old ones. While old ones may cost many of us, they wouldn’t exist at all unless they profited a few of us, and those few will fight for them. So while there’s pressure to add laws, there’s less pressure to cut laws. (Imagine if your fridge automatically expanded as you added food; what would be in there after a year?) The Death of Common Sense: How Law Is Suffocating America, Philip K. Howard, Random House, 1994.
[regulatory capture and the revolving door for office-holders]
“The Political Economy of Dodd-Frank: Why Financial Reform Tends to Be Frustrated and Systemic Risk Perpetuated,” J. C. Coffee, Cornell Law Review, 97(5), 2012. “The Lobbying Game: Why the Revolving Door Won’t Close,” Timothy J. Burger, Time, February 16th, 2006. “The politics of government decision making. A theory of regulatory capture,” J. J. Laffont, J. Tirole, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 106(4):1089-1127, 1991. “The economic theory of regulation after a decade of deregulation,” S. Peltzman, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. Microeconomics, 20:1-59, 1989. “Toward a More General Theory of Regulation,” S. Peltzman, NBER Working Paper No. 133, 1976. “The theory of economic regulation,” G. J. Stigler, The Bell Journal Economics and Mangagement Science, 2(1):3-21, 1971.
[white-collar and blue-collar crime law enforcement: NYPD and SEC workforces in 2012-2013]
For the New York police, in 2012 it was: 50,325 total, with 48,748 full-time, 1,577 part-time, for a total of 15.4 percent of all employees. The largest share of employees, by far, was education, which was 40.5 percent of the total. Next down was health at 11.8 percent; then fire at 4.7 percent. So first teachers, then police, then nurses, then fire fighters. Workforce Profile Report, New York City Government, 2013, page 6.

“As of September 30, 2013, the SEC’s workforce included 4,138 employees, of which about two-thirds were located at the SEC’s headquarters in Washington, D.C. and one-third were at the SEC’s 11 regional offices. In FY 2013, about 72 percent of the agency’s workforce consisted of attorneys, accountants, economists, and compliance examiners. The remaining 28 percent of the employees occupied other professional and administrative positions.” Audit of the Representation of Minorities and Women in the SEC’s Workforce, United States Securities and Exchange Commission, 2014, page 2. “The SEC has responsibility for overseeing more than 25,000 market participants, including over 11,000 investment advisers, almost 10,000 mutual funds, 4,450 broker-dealers, 450 transfer agents, and 18 securities exchanges, as well as the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB), Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB), the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC), and the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). The SEC also has responsibility for reviewing the disclosures and financial statements of approximately 9,000 reporting companies, and has new or expanded responsibilities over the derivatives markets, an additional 2,500 exempt reporting advisers to hedge fund and other private funds, more than 1,000 municipal advisors, 10 registered credit rating agencies, and 7 registered clearing agencies.” Office of Minority and Women Inclusion, Annual Report, United States Securities and Exchange Commission, 2014, page 5.

[in 2011, one United States bank had over 50,000 employees...]
That was Morgan Stanley. Goldman Sachs had over 34,000. By 2014, Goldman had fewer—32,400 employees, which was almost 24,000 fewer than an even larger Morgan Stanley.
[chihuahuas chasing cheetahs]
That’s based on the following comment by John G. Heinmann: “Supervisors and regulators are bloodhounds chasing greyhounds. The bloodhounds may have the scent, but the greyhounds are over the hill in the next county. That is reality. It is not a knock on supervisors and regulators; it is just that they do not have the resources to keep up with the private sector.” Comments and Discussion on: “Financial Regulation in a Global Marketplace,” C. W. Calomiris, R. E. Litan, in: Brookings-Wharton Papers on Financial Services, Robert E. Litan and Anthony M. Santomero (editors), Brookings Institution, 2000, paper: pages 283-323, comments: pages 324-339 (quote: page 332).

“[...] though the governments of the developed countries acting together do have the ‘power’ to control market behavior, it is doubtful that they have or will have the competence to do so. To use John Heimann’s analogy, there is not much point setting bloodhounds to track greyhounds. The governments cannot design a new architecture, but given the certainty that the private sector’s risk-control models will fail at some point, they can demand earth-quake bracing.” From: “Risk Reduction in the New Financial Architecture: Realities and Fallacies in International Financial Reform,” M. Mayer, Working Paper No. 56, Jerome Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, 1999, page a47.

[international corporate corruption]
The 2008 Siemens case is only one of many. Many other big companies, among them Goodyear, Daimler, Lockheed, British Aerospace, General Electric, Volvo, Johnson & Johnson, Bausch & Lomb, Chevron, Xerox, GlaxoSmithKline, and Fiat, stand accused of using similar foreign bribes. Bribery of foreign officials to gain contracts is common among rich nations. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) made it illegal only in 1999, and as of 2009 was still only very sparsely enforced. Just four nations take active measures (the United States, Switzerland, Germany, and Norway). Before that, only the United States had passed such a law (the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act) and then only in 1977. OECD Anti-bribery Convention Progress Report: Enforcement of the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions, Fritz Heimann and Gillian Dell, Transparency International, 2009. FCPA Digest of Cases and Review Releases Relating to Bribes to Foreign Officials under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, Shearman & Sterling LLP., 2009.
[problems of poor borrowers, especially in poor countries]
Creating a World Without Poverty: Social Business and the Future of Capitalism, Muhammad Yunus, PublicAffairs Books, 2008. Banker to the Poor: Micro-lending and the Battle Against World Poverty, Muhammad Yunus (with Alan Jolis), PublicAffairs Books, 1999.
[correlation between city education and wages in the United States in 2000]
“Regression 9-1 in table 9 reproduces a version of the Rauch result using area-level human capital and wages from the 2000 Census. Individual skills and industries are held constant. As before, we look only at fully employed men between 25 and 55 years old. As the share of the adult population with college degrees increases by 10 percent, wages increase by 7.8 percent. Figure 16 shows the relationship across metropolitan areas between the average wage residual from this equation and the share of the population with a college degree.” From: “The Economics of Place-Making Policies,” E. L. Glaeser, J. D. Gottlieb, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 39(1):155-253, 2008. However, Figure 16 is more of a scatter plot than a linear regression. There is correlation, but it is far from strong.
[going to school in the favela in 2003]
World Development Report 2007: Development and the Next Generation, The World Bank, 2006, endnote 8, page 229.
[fast food advertising in 2011]
That was McDonald’s. Rise of the Robots: Technology and the Threat of a Jobless Future, Martin Ford, Basic Books, 2015, page 13.
[female restrictions in Uttar Pradesh in 2004]
“The Determinants of Gender Equity in India: Examining Dyson and Moore’s Thesis with New Data,” L. Rahman, V. Rao, Population and Development Review, 30(2):239-268, 2004.
[female property ownership in Cameroon in 2005]
“The Development Impact of Gender Equality in Land Rights,” K. O. Mason, H. M. Carlsson, in: Human Rights and Development: Towards Mutual Reinforcement, Philip Alston and Mary Robinson (editors), Oxford University Press, 2005, pages 114-132.
[more women than men can’t read in 2009, 2015]
In 2015, 773 million adults couldn’t read. Of those 63 percent were female. (487 million). After falling from 1970 to 2000, the female proportion has stablized for the last 20 years. “Adult and Youth Literacy,” UIS Fact Sheet No. 32, UNESCO Institute for Statistics (September 2015). United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture. UNESCO Institute of Statistics, 2015. United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture. In 2009, 774 million adults couldn’t read. Of those, 64 percent were female. “Trends in Global Gender Inequality,” S. F. Dorius, G. Firebaugh, Social Forces, 88(5):1941-1968, 2010. UNESCO Institute of Statistics, 2009. United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture.

In 2001, of our more than 110 million kids out of school, nearly two-thirds were girls. “Girls are expected to be primarily or exclusively domestic workers in many cultures, so household work at young ages is regarded as natural for them. Such domestic work is also often seen as more valuable than any perceived returns from education, especially when parents calculate how, and for which of their children, they can pay school costs and fees. In addition, many schools are threatening places for girls, where they are at risk of sexual harassment from classmates and teachers and sidelined by prejudice and poor curricula. Solely by virtue of their gender, therefore, many girls are kept from school or drop out, ending up in exploitative labour. Of the more than 110 million children out of school, nearly two thirds are girls. Commercial sexual exploitation and trafficking in children for prostitution have also burgeoned, with at least 1 million children a year, most of them girls, entrapped in a network stretching from South-East Asia and the former Soviet bloc to Latin America.” Beyond Child Labor: Affirming Rights, United Nations Children’s Fund, 2001, pages 2-3.

[rulers aren’t keen to help you... ]
Thieves of State: Why Corruption Threatens Global Security, Sarah Chayes, W. W. Norton, 2015, Chapter 7. The Politics of Elite Corruption in Africa: Uganda in Comparative African Perspective, Roger Tangri and Andrew M. Mwenda, Routledge, 2013. The Dictator’s Handbook: Why Bad Behavior is Almost Always Good Politics, Bruce Bueno de Mesquita and Alastair Smith, PublicAffairs, 2011, Chapter 4. Dead Aid: Why Aid Is Not Working and How There Is a Better Way for Africa, Dambisa Moyo, Macmillan, 2009. The Politics of Patronage in Africa: Parastatals, Privatization, and Private Enterprise, Roger Tangri, Africa World Press, 1999.
[your insurance company is your offspring...]
That’s only for direct implicit insurance. For informal, indirect, or partial implicit insurance, which may extend to the whole village, or perhaps even the whole region, see: “Rural Financial Markets in Developing Countries,” J. Conning, C. Udry, in: The Handbook of Agricultural Economics, Volume 3, Agricultural Development: Farmers, Farm Production and Farm Markets, Robert Evenson and Prabhu Pingali (editors), Elsevier, 2007, pages 2857-2910. However, in cases of large cities and grinding poverty, corruption is endemic and no cooperation is possible. Behind the Beautiful Forevers: Life, Death, and Hope in a Mumbai Undercity, Katherine Boo, Random House, 2012.
[...knocking on a door that isn’t there foxes]
“[O]nly twenty-five of the world’s two hundred countries produce capital in sufficient quantity to benefit fully from the division of labor in expanded global markets. The lifeblood of capitalism is not the Internet or fast-food franchises. It is capital. Only capital provides the means to support specialization and the production and exchange of assets in the expanded market. It is capital that is the source of increasing productivity and therefore the wealth of nations.

Yet only the Western nations and small enclaves of wealthy people in developing and former communist nations have the capacity to represent assets and potential and, therefore, the ability to produce and use capital efficiently. Capitalism is viewed outside the West with increasing hostility, as an apartheid regime most cannot enter. There is a growing sense, even among some elites, that if they have to depend solely and forever on the kindness of outside capital, they will never be productive players in the global capitalist game. They are increasingly frustrated at not being masters of their own fate. Since they have embarked on globalization without providing their own people with the means to produce capital, they are beginning to look less like the United States than like mercantilist Latin America with its disarray of extralegal activity. Ten years ago, few would have compared the former Soviet bloc nations to Latin America. But today they look astonishingly similar: strong underground economies, glaring inequality, pervasive mafias, political instability, capital flight, and flagrant disregard for law.

That is why outside the West advocates of capitalism are intellectually on the retreat. Ascendant just a decade ago, they are now increasingly viewed as apologists for the miseries and injustices that still affect the majority of people.”

The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else, Hernando de Soto, Basic Books, 2000, pages 208-209.

[...smirking foxes]
The situation is much the same for the poor in a rich country. It’s only that the poor in rich countries are far richer than the poor in poor countries, but the rich are so much richer than it can feel about the same.

Our institutional tools are machines whose main parts are us, but our incentives inside those machines vary depending on what our surrounding network is. Changing that network isn’t easy because it benefits all of its most powerful parts. It doesn’t seem to much matter what languages we speak, what faiths we have, what beliefs we espouse: rich land, poor land, all that might change is the levers of power.

Off the Books: The Underground Economy of the Urban Poor, Sudhir Alladi Venkatesh, Harvard University Press, 2006. Poverty Traps, Samuel Bowles, Steven N. Durlauf, and Karla Hoff (editors), Princeton University Press, 2006. Fighting Poverty in the US and Europe: A World of Difference, Alberto Alesina and Edward L. Glaeser, Oxford University Press, 2004. Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America, Barbara Ehrenreich, Owl Books, New Edition, 2002. Framework for Understanding Poverty, Ruby Payne, Aha Process, Inc., Revised Edition, 2001.

Where Ignorant Armies Clash by Night

[“ignorant armies”]
“Ah, love, let us be true / To one another! for the world, which seems / To lie before us like a land of dreams, / So various, so beautiful, so new, / Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light, / Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain; / And we are here as on a darkling plain / Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight, / Where ignorant armies clash by night.” From: “Dover Beach,” Matthew Arnold.
[2002 steel tariff in the United States]
The tariff was put in place for political reasons. Policy makers did their best to present appropriate fig leaves—first for the desperate need for the tariff, and then for the desperate need for its absence. “Ironing out Reelection: George W. Bush and the Politics of Steel,” D. M. Brattebo, in: George W. Bush: Evaluating the President at Midterm, Bryan Hilliard, Tom Lansford, Robert P. Watson (editors), SUNY Press, 2004, pages 85-104.
[at least 15,000 steel-related jobs lost in the United States in 2002]
Estimates vary depending on the source. One commonly reported figure is ‘50,000 to 200,000’ jobs. A later report reduced that to perhaps 15,000 jobs. “Steel Protection and Job Dislocation,” G. C. Hufbauer, B. Goodrich, Institute for International Economics, Consuming Industries Trade Action Coalition (CITAC), Washington DC, 2003. “The Unintended Consequences of U.S. Steel Import Tariffs: A Quantification of the Impact During 2002,” J. Francois, L. M. Baughman, Trade Partnership Worldwide LLC, 2003.
[metal-makers and metal-users in the United States, 2017]
(In thousands) 377.4 in metal-making jobs versus 1,500 jobs in fabricated metal products, 1,100 in machinery, 955.4 in motor vehicles, and 486.9 in aerospace products for a total of 4042.3. Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2018 Edition, Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States Department of Labor, 2018.
[trade war]
The steel tariff was not the only example of recent potential trade war. In 2009, the United States imported tires from China cheaper than it could make them. But it didn’t thus get out of the tire business. Its jobless tire-makers said that they felt humiliated, that their children would starve, that without domestic tires the country would be doomed, and that they would protest in the streets until something was done. The United States then imposed a tariff on tires from China. Meanwhile, China imported car parts from the United States cheaper than China could make them. But it didn’t get out of the car parts business. Instead it threatened to impose a quota on chicken and car parts from the United States. The United States then imposed import duties on steel pipes from China. China then imposed tariffs on adipic acid used in the production of a type of nylon and some medicines. Were such playground spats to go on for long enough, the two countries might tumble into a trade war.
[two ways to make cars...]
The example in the text on what international trade restrictions mean in economic terms is adapted from: Hidden Order: The Economics of Everyday Life, David Friedman, HarperBusiness, 1996, page 70. For the same example in a very gentle introduction to economics, see: The Armchair Economist: Economics and Everyday Life, Steven E. Landsburg, First Press, 1993, pages 197-199. An earlier example goes back to Frédéric Bastiat in 1845, which he posed as a petition by candle makers to force everyone to close their shutters to prevent unfair competition from the sun, which was providing free light at zero wages. His argument exposes the essence of the issue: the tug-of-war between local producers and local consumers over the goods and services produced by foreign producers. Fallacies of Protection: Being the Sophismes Économiques of Frédéric Bastiat, translated by P. J. Stirling, Cassel and Company, 1909, pages 60-65.

In economics this is related to the idea of ‘comparative advantage.’ Even if one person, group, or country were to make everything more efficiently than some other person, group, or country (that is, have ‘absolute advantage,’ it would still gain economically by specializing in whatever it was best at making then trading with other nations for everything else). The absolute cost of production doesn’t matter because of opportunity cost. By choosing to make one thing, you’re also choosing not to make another thing. Everything has an opportunity cost, so it’s best to specialize then trade for everything else. The idea goes back to the Irish economist Robert Torrens, but was much expanded upon two years later by the English economist, David Ricardo. Comparative Advantage in International Trade: A Historical Perspective, Andrea Maneschi, Edward Elgar, 1998, pages 54-55. On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, David Ricardo, John Murray, 1817.

[farmers versus non-farmers—laws are products]
This is a typical example of concentrated benefits and diffuse costs. The particular example in the text is an example of a relatively recent branch of economics called ‘public choice theory.’ It’s an attempt to explain politics in terms of the economic choices of rational agents—whether they are voters, politicians, bureaucrats, or lobbyists. The Logic of Collective Action: Public Goods and the Theory of Groups, Mancur Olson, Harvard University Press, Revised Edition, 1971. The Calculus of Consent: Logical Foundations of Constitutional Democracy, James M. Buchanan and Gordon Tullock, University of Michigan Press, 1962. For a good recent textbook, see: Public Choice III, Dennis C. Mueller, Cambridge University Press, Third Edition, 2003. For a reexamination of some of the basic tenets, see: Democracy and Decision: The Pure Theory of Electoral Preference, Geoffrey Brennan and Loren Lomasky (editors), Cambridge University Press, 1993. For a questioning of the foundational assumptions of (pure) actor self-interest, see: “Skating on Thin Ice: Cracks in the Public Choice Foundation,” N. Frohlich, I. Oppenheimer, Journal of Theoretical Politics, 18(3):235-266, 2006.
[almost $2 billion a year for cotton farmers in the United States]
“High Cotton: Why the USA Should Not Provide Subsidies to Cotton Farmers,” M. Helling, S. A. Beaulier, J. Hall, Economic Affairs, 28(2):65-66, 2008. For more specific numbers, see the cotton entry in Table 9 of: “Farm Commodity Programs: Direct Payments, Counter-Cyclical Payments, and Marketing Loans,” J. Monke, CRS Report for Congress, Congressional Research Service, The Library of Congress, 2006.

For general analysis of the economic costs of farm subsidies in the United States, see the following United States Congressional Budget Office Reports: “The Effects of Liberalizing World Agricultural Trade: A Review of Modeling Studies,” June 2006. “The Effects of Liberalizing World Agricultural Trade: A Survey,” December 2005. “Policies That Distort World Agricultural Trade: Prevalence and Magnitude,” August 2005

[subsidized cotton purchases in the United States]
“U.S. Subsidizes Companies to Buy Subsidized Cotton,” E. Becker, New York Times, November 4th, 2003. That particular support was repealed on August 1st, 2006.
[over $5 billion a year for maize in the United States]
From 1995 to 2006, total maize subsidies amounted to $56.17 thousand million. In that time the number of beneficiary farms amounted to 1,568,095. About 10 percent collected 75 percent of the subsidies. Farm Subsidy Database, 2007, Environmental Working Group. 1436 U St. N.W., Suite 100, Washington, DC 20009, U.S.A.
[farm subsidies in the United States in 1999]
In 1999, just seven percent of all farms got 45 percent of all federal payments.

Floor statement of Senator John McCain on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, October 25th 2001:

“Mr. President, I would like to discuss for a few moments the fundamental problem with this appropriations bill and then talk a little bit about the pork that is again prevalent and on the increase in this appropriations bill.

First of all, I want to talk about Federal subsidies, where they go, who should be receiving them, the largess of the Federal Government taxpayers’ money under the present setup, how we are going to work subsidies, and how the money is distributed.

Earlier this year, the General Accounting Office released a report that details some very critical information on the disturbing trends of federal farm assistance. The GAO reports that over 80 percent of farm payments have been made to large- and medium-sized farms, while small farms have received less than 20 percent of the payments.

In 1999, large farms, which represent about 7 percent of all farms nationwide with gross agricultural sales of $250,000, received about 45 percent of federal payments. These payments average about $64,737.

Seventeen percent of farms that are medium-sized with gross sales between $50,000 and $250,000, received 45 percent of all payments. Payments average $21,943.”

Congressional Record, Volume 147, Part 15, October 25, 2001 to November 2, 2001, United States Congress, 107th Congress, First Session, United States Government Printing Office, Jan 1, 2006, page 20757.

[30-year textile trade agreement]
That’s the Agreement on Textile and Clothing (also known as the Multi-Fibre Arrangement).

“World trade in textiles and clothing was also highly distorted by the Multi-Fiber Arrangement [....] The Uruguay Round phased out the MFA over a 10-year period, eliminating all quantitative restrictions on trade in textiles and clothing. (Some high tariffs remain in place.) This was a fairly dramatic liberalization— remember, most estimates suggested that protection of clothing imposed a larger cost on U.S. consumers than all other protectionist measures combined. It is worth noting, however, that the formula used in phasing out the MFA was heavily ‘backloaded’: Much of the liberalization was postponed until 2003 and 2004, with the final end of the quotas not taking place until January 1, 2005.

Sure enough, the end of the MFA brought a surge in clothing exports from China. For example, in January 2005, China shipped 27 million pairs of cotton trousers to the United States, up from 1.9 million a year earlier. And there was a fierce political reaction from clothing producers in the United States and Europe. While new restrictions were imposed on Chinese clothing exports, these restrictions were phased out over time; world trade in clothing has, in fact, been largely liberalized.”

International Economics: Theory & Policy, 11th Edition, Paul R. Krugman, Maurice Obstfeld, and Marc J. Melitz, Pearson Education, 2018, page 293. TNCs and the removal of textiles and clothing quotas, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, 2005.

[over a billion dollars a day...]
In 2006, rich nations spent $372 thousand million U.S. a year on food subsidies. The statistic was quoted by Jacques Diouf, Director-General of the Food and Agrculture Organization of the United Nations, in his opening speech of the Rome Summit on the Global Food Crisis, June 2008.

For comparison, our richest countries (the OECD countries), gave $103.94 thousand million in ODA (Official Development Assistance, that is, foreign aid) in 2006. OECD in Figures, 2007 Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development, 2007.

For instance, in 2003, every cow in Europe got about $2 U.S. a day in subsidy—that was twice as much as half of us in Africa earned that same day.

The estimate of $250 million lost by West African farmers each because of protected cotton alone is from an address by Mark Malloch Brown, who was then the head of the United Nations Development Programme, His address was given at the launch of the Human Development Report 2003, to the Second Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union, in Maputo, Mozambique, July 10th, 2003.

A year before, he noted that “Every cow in Europe today is subsidised two dollars a day. That is twice as much as the per capita income of a half of Africa. It is the extraordinary distortion of global trade, where the West spends $360 billion a year on protecting its agriculture with a network of subsidies and tariffs that costs developing countries about US$50 billion in potential lost agricultural exports.”

From: “Globalization, the Transition Economies, and the IMF,” T. C. Dawson, International Monetary Fund, Joint Vienna Institute, Vienna, March 14, 2003. “The Millennium Development Goals and Africa: A new framework for a new future,” M. M. Brown, Kampala, Uganda, November 12th, 2002.
[effect of cotton and rice supports on West African farmers]
“The origins of the cotton dispute go back to 2002 when Brazil and four African cotton producers (Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad, and Mali, the so-called C-4) argued that cotton subsidies caused world cotton prices to decline and reduced their export revenues. At the time, the value of global cotton output averaged between $25 and $30 billion and the United States (which accounts for one-third of world cotton exports) supported its cotton industry to the tune of $2 to $4 billion annually. The EU provided considerable support to its cottons sector as well—around $1 billion annually—though applied to much less cotton and hence much lower impact on world prices.” From: “Cotton Subsidies, the WTO, and the ‘Cotton Problem’,” J. Baffes, Development Prospects Group, Policy Research Working Paper 5663, The World Bank, 2011.

“More than 10 million people in Central and West Africa depend on cotton production for their livelihoods and food security. For many countries in the region, cotton exports provide the main source of foreign exchange revenues and rural employment. In 2001, cotton accounted for more than 50 percent of the total agricultural exports and 2.5-6.7 percent of the GDP of Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali and Togo.

Working small plots of 1-2 hectares and relying on manual labour, farmers in West Africa rank among the lowest-cost producers of cotton in the world. Since the mid-1990s, however, they have been battered by a collapse in cotton prices and by competition with cotton exports from the United States. Production costs in the United States are three times higher than those in West Africa. But United States cotton farmers also benefit from US$3-4 billion per year in direct support — more than the entire GDP of Burkina Faso, where 2 million people depend on cotton production.

Between 1998 and 2001, as cotton prices slumped to record lows, cotton production in the United States grew by more than 40 percent and the volume of exports doubled.

[...] a study by FAO suggests that eliminating all domestic support — not only support notified to the WTO — would increase world cotton prices by 5-11 percent, and would prompt an expansion in African exports of at least 9 percent and possibly as much as 38 percent.” The State of Agricultural Commodity Markets 2004, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, 2004, page 25.

“The scale of government support to America’s 25,000 cotton farmers is staggering, reflecting the political influence of corporate farm lobbies in key states. Every acre of cotton farmland in the US attracts a subsidy of $230, or around five times the transfer for cereals. In 2001/02 farmers reaped a bumper harvest of subsidies amounting to $3.9bn — double the level in 1992. This increase in subsidies is a breach of the ‘Peace Clause’ in the WTO Agreement on Agriculture, opening the door to the Brazilian complaint.

To put this figure in perspective, America’s cotton farmers receive:

•more in subsidies than the entire GDP of Burkina Faso — a country in which more than two million people depend on cotton production. Over half of these farmers live below the poverty line. Poverty levels among recipients of cotton subsidies in the US are zero.

•three times more in subsidies than the entire USAID budget for Africa’s 500 million people.

In 2001, sub-Saharan exporters lost $302m as a direct consequence of US cotton subsidies. Two-thirds of this loss ($191m) was sustained by eight countries in West Africa, with Benin, Burkina Faso, Mali, Cameroon, and Côte d’Ivoire the worst affected. The cumulative loss suffered by this same group of countries over the three-year period 1999-2001, taking into account the price decrease for each year, was $334m. Outside this group, countries such as Zambia, Nigeria, and Tanzania have also suffered serious losses.

The small size of several West African economies and their high levels of dependence on cotton inevitably magnify the adverse effects of US subsidies. For several countries, US policy has generated what can only be described as a major economic shock.”

Cultivating Poverty: The Impact of US Cotton Subsidies on Africa, Oxfam Briefing Paper #30, Oxfam, 2002, page 2, 17.

Japan has a complex system in place to block as much foreign rice as possible. The markups mostly come from import duties, and can reach as high as 1,000 percent, depending on the rice variety. National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers, 2005 The Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR), United States Government, 2005, page 314.

[after 1985 reforms, amount of New Zealand sheep fell 14 percent in five years]
The Contribution of the Primary Sector to New Zealand’s Economic Growth, Alex Harrington, New Zealand Treasury Policy Perspectives Paper 05/04, 2005, page 21.

Even without subsidies, New Zealand has a farming advantage compared to its trading partners. Take, for example, its main one, Britain. Both countries have about the same land area. Yet, per person, New Zealand has eight times more farm land than Britain does. Its population is 15 times smaller and it produces nine time more food than it can eat. It’s thus cheaper to raise a lamb in New Zealand, slaughter it, freeze it, then ship it 11,000 miles from Auckland to Felixstowe than it is to raise a lamb in Devon. We would all lose if Britain subsidized sheep rearing. (Although it still does, a little.) Similarly, it’s cheaper for Britain, not New Zealand, to finance the Danish, Italian, French, or Taiwanese ship that carries that frozen lamb. We would all lose if New Zealand subsidized banking. (Today, of its 19 banks, none are subsidized.)

[New Zealand and subsidy reduction in 1984]
“Efficiency in New Zealand sheep and beef farming: The impacts of regulatory reform,” C. J. M. Paul, W. E. Johnston, G. A. G. Frengley, Review of Economics and Statistics, 82(2):325-337, 2000. “Economic Reform in New Zealand 1984-95: The Pursuit of Efficiency,” L. Evans, A. Grimes, B. Wilkinson, Journal of Economic Literature, 34(4):1856-1902, 1996. For a view that argues against the direness of New Zealand’s economic situation in 1984, see: “The Polish Shipyard: Myth, Economic History and Economic Policy Reform in New Zealand,” S. Goldfinch, D. Malpass, Australian Journal of Politics & History, 53(1):118-137, 2007.
[sectoral share of New Zealand’s GDP; other changes]
“The process of economic growth in New Zealand,” P. Conway, A. Orr, Bulletin of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, 63(1):4-20, 2000. Child Poverty in New Zealand, Jonathan Boston and Simon Chapple, Bridget Williams Books, 2014.
[cost of New Zealand lamb in Britain versus British lamb]
Future of Food, George Alagiah, BBC documentary, 2009.
[Japan’s food insecurity]
“Food Security Measures in Japan since World War II,” A. Hirasawa, in: Food Insecurity in Asia: Why Institutions Matter, Zhang-Yue Zhou and Guanghua Wan (editors), Asian Development Bank Institute, 2017.
[growth in world trade from 1870 to 1910]
This was under Britain’s increasing dominance (the ‘Pax Britannica’). Klasing-Milionis data.
[growth in world trade from 1960 to 2008]
From 1960 to 2008, world trade grew by about six percent a year. World Merchandise Exports and GDP 1960-2008, International Trade Statistics 2009, World Trade Organization, 2009, Chart I.1. This is based on the Penn World Tables data.

Call this period the ‘Pax Americana,’ perhaps followed by another period, more global period after 1991 and the end of the Cold War as China became an industrial exporting power and the ‘workshop of the world.’ It isn’t so much the change, especially for a large economy like the United States, but its speed. For example, from 1999 to 2011, manufacturing jobs in the United States fell by a third. That shift in the locus of manufacturing displaced around 2.5 million jobs in the United States (other jobs were created, but over two million people were disrupted from the late 1990s to 2007). That resulted from a massive labor migration in China, after its creation of SEZ’s (Special Economic Zones). “The massive increase in China’s industrial labor force—resulting from the decollectivization of agriculture, the closing of inefficient state-owned enterprises, and the migration of 250 million workers from farms to cities—has made China the default location for all types of labor-intensive production.” From: “The China Shock: Learning from Labor-Market Adjustment to Large Changes in Trade,” D. H. Autor, D. Dorn, G. Hanson, The Annual Review of Economics, 8(1):205-240, 2016. “The Hyperglobalization of Trade and Its Future,” A. Subramanian, M. Kessler, Peterson Institute for International Economics, Working Paper WP 13-6, 2013. As the economist Paul Romer, now chief economist of the World Bank, has often said: “Everyone wants progress; nobody wants change.”

[growth in world trade from 1980 to 2011]
“International trade flows have increased dramatically over the last three decades. According to WTO trade statistics, the value of world merchandise exports rose from US$ 2.03 trillion in 1980 to US$ 18.26 trillion in 2011, which is equivalent to 7.3 per cent growth per year on average in current dollar terms. Commercial services trade recorded even faster growth over the same period, advancing from US$ 367 billion in 1980 to US$ 4.17 trillion in 2011, or 8.2 per cent per year. When considered in volume terms (i.e. accounting for changes in prices and exchange rates), world merchandise trade recorded a more than four-fold increase between 1980 and 2011.

Many factors may have contributed to this remarkable expansion of trade but the fact that it coincided with a significant reduction in trade barriers is inescapable. Trade barriers include all costs of getting a good to the final consumer other than the cost of producing the good itself: transportation costs (both freight costs and time costs), policy barriers (tariffs and non-tariff barriers) and internal trade and transaction costs (including domestic information costs, contract enforcement costs, legal and regulatory costs, local distribution, customs clearance procedures, administrative red tape, etc.).”

World Trade Report 2013: Factors shaping the future of world trade, World Trade Organization, 2013, page 55.

Swimming with Autopoietic Barracuda

[population and urbanization in Germany and Egypt in 2009]
World Urbanization Prospects: The 2009 Revision, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, 2010, Table A7, page 33.
[Germany became half-urban around 1910]
Mosely cites 1900 as the date: The Environment in World History, Stephen Mosley, Taylor & Francis, 2010, page 92.

But the following paper states that in 1910 Germany was still only 48.8 percent urban. “Although the process of urbanization began around the middle of the century it reached completion essentially between 1871 and 1910. It brought about a shift in the population which doubled the proportion of city dwellers. In 1871 23.7 per cent of the population lived in communities of over 5000 inhabitants; by 1910 this figure had risen to 48.8, whilst the share of the rural population, including those living in country market towns, fell from 75 to 50 per cent of the population.” From: “The Process of Urbanization in Germany at the Height of the Industrialization Period,” W. Köllman, Journal of Contemporary History, 4(3):59-76, 1969.

That figure also seems to be what Seymour implies in his 1916 book: “In 1871 less than a quarter of the German people resided in the towns; at the end of the century, the town population comprised nearly half of the whole.” The Diplomatic Background of the War 1870 to 1914, Charles Seymour, Yale University Press, 1916, page 64.

Dawson gives even lower figures of 23.7 percent in 1871 and 42.26 percent in 1900. These seem to be the most accurate of all. The Evolution of Modern Germany, William Harbutt Dawson, T. Fisher Unwin, 1908, page 39.

[adult literacy rates in Egypt and Germany]
Human Development Report 2007/2008: Fighting climate change: Human solidarity in a divided world, United Nations Development Programme, 2007, Table I.
[poverty in Egypt in 2008]
In 2008, average monthly income in Egypt was $140 U.S. ($4 U.S. a day). The National Report On Literacy and Adult Education, Arab Republic of Egypt, 2008, page 25. In 2008, according to the World Bank, 22 percent of the population was below the world poverty line of $2 U.S. a day.
[urbanization in Egypt flat in 2018]
Egypt’s urbanization rate has been flat for over two decades (from 1998 to 2018). It may be that Egypt is continuing to urbanize, however it’s not being reflected in the statistics if the country isn’t reflecting it in its definition of what is urban. “The speed of urbanization also varies substantially across countries. Figure 2 illustrates the diversity in the pace of urbanization for some populous countries located in the regions considered here. Starting at almost identical levels in 1950, trajectories of urbanization have been very similar for China and Indonesia. In contrast, despite having comparable levels in 1950, Brazil and Egypt followed very different trajectories thereafter, with Brazil experiencing rapid urbanization while the trend in Egypt has been flat since the 1970s, a reflection of the official definition of cities not accounting for the recent urbanization of rural settlements.” World Urbanization Prospects: The 2018 Revision, Online Edition, United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2018). POPFACTS, No. 2018/1, December 2018.
[definition of poverty level in Germany in 2009]
In 2009, those of us in Germany who had a disposable income of less than €11,278 per year (€940 per month, or about 31 a day), after inclusion of government transfer payments, were at risk of poverty. That’s anyone living off less than 60 percent of the median household income. It was 15.6 percent of the population. Leben in Europa, Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland, 2009.
[Germany in 1850]
The state of Germany at the time as described in the text is but a summary of the following 1903 quote:

“[T]owards the middle of last century, Great Britain was the merchant, manufacturer, shipper, banker, and engineer of the world and ruled supreme in the realm of business. Two-thirds of the world’s shipping flew the British flag, two-thirds of the coal produced in the world was British; Great Britain had more miles of railway than the whole Continent, and produced more cotton goods and more iron than all the countries of the world together. Her coal mines were considered inexhaustible, and the coal possessed by other nations was believed to be of such inferior quality as to be almost useless for manufacturing purposes. Great Britain had therefore practically the manufacturing monopoly of the world, and the great German economist Friedrich List wrote with perfect truth in his Zollvereinsblatt: ’England is a world in itself, a world which is superior to the whole rest of the world in power and wealth.’

Our economists and many of our merchants thought that our economic position was so overwhelmingly strong and so unassailable that it would be impossible for other nations either to compete with us in neutral markets or to protect their own manufactures against the invasion of our industries by protective tariffs. They believed that Great Britain’s industrial power was stronger than all tariff walls. During the reign of these intoxicating ideas of Great Britain’s irresistible economic power Cobden proclaimed that ‘Great Britain was and always would be the workshop of the world;’ Great Britain threw away her fiscal weapons of defence, opened her doors wide to all nations, and introduced free trade.

While Great Britain was the undisputed mistress of the world’s trade, industry, finance, and shipping Germany was a poor agricultural country. She had been impoverished by her constant wars; she had neither colonies nor good coal, nor shipping, nor even a rich soil or a climate favourable to agriculture. She was divided into a number of petty States which were jealous of one another and which hampered one another’s progress. Communications in the interior were bad, and her internal trade was obstructed and undeveloped. Besides she was burdened by militarism and she possessed but one good harbour. According to the forecast of the British free traders Germany was predestined always to remain a poor agricultural country, exactly as Great Britain was predestined always to remain a rich industrial nation.”

From: “The Fiscal Policy of Germany,” O. Eltzbacher, The Nineteenth Century and After, 54(318):181-196, august 1903, Note: In 1905 Eltzbacher published a book that expanded on much the same subject, titled: Modern Germany: Her Political and Economic Problems, Her Policy, Her Ambitions, and the Causes of Her Success, Smith, Elder, & Co., 1905. The above quote was included in Chapter 12. He later changed his named to J. Ellis Barker and published a second edition in 1907. The above material was then in Chapter 21.

[German goods called “cheap and nasty” in 1876]
That was Franz Reuleaux, a highly respected German engineer. He was then the German government’s representative to the World’s Fair in Philadelphia. He was comparing German goods to high-precision mass-produced goods made in the United States and Britain. New Profession, Old Order: Engineers and German Society, 1815-1914, Kees Gispen, Cambridge University Press, 2002, pages 115-118. “Cheap and Nasty: German Goods, Socialism, and the 1876 Philadelphia World Fair,” A. Bonnell, International Review of Social History, 46(2):207-226, 2001.

Although note that Reuleaux, having set off a firestorm in Germany, on his way home in 1876 he wrote (in his tenth letter) that “[T]he enemies have written themselves into quite a rage. The English press could not resist adding slightly to the translation, to increase their instinctively awakened triumphalism, by telling their English readers that I called German products ‘cheap and nasty.’ ”

[“contend with us...”]
“Up to a couple of decades ago, Germany was an agricultural State. Her manufactures were few and unimportant; her industrial capital was small; her export trade was too insignificant to merit the attention of the official statistician; she imported largely for her own consumption. Now she has changed all that. Her youth has crowded into English houses, has wormed its way into English manufacturing secrets, and has enriched her establishments with the knowledge thus purloined. She has educated her people in a fashion which has made it in some branches of industry the superior, and in most the equal of the English. Her capitalists have been content with a simple style, which has enabled them to dispense with big immediate profits, and to feed their capital. They have toiled at their desks, and made their sons do likewise; they have kept a strict controlling hand on all the strings of their businesses; they have obtained State aid in several ways—as special rates to shipping ports; they have insinuated themselves into every part of the world—civilised, barbarian, savage—learning the languages, and patiently studying the wants and tastes of the several peoples. Not content with reaping the advantages of British colonisation—this was accomplished with alarming facility—Germany has ‘protected’ the simple savage on her own account, and the Imperial Eagle now floats on the breezes of the South Sea Islands, and droops in the thick air of the African littoral.

Her diplomatists have negotiated innumerable commercial treaties. The population of her cities has been increasing in a manner not unworthy of England in the Thirties and Forties. Like England, too, she is draining her rural districts for the massing of her children in huge factory towns. Her yards (as well as those of England) too, are ringing with the sound of hammers upon ships being builded for the transport of German merchandise. Her agents and travellers swarm through Russia, and wherever else there is a chance of trade on any terms—are even supplying the foreigner with German goods at a loss, that they may achieve their purpose in the end. In a word, an industrial development, unparalleled, save in England a century ago, is now her portion. A gigantic commercial State is arising to menace our prosperity, and contend with us for the trade of the world.” Made in Germany, Ernest Edwin Williams, William Heinemann, 1896, pages 9-10.

[“have no manners...”]
“[T]he Prussian is an optimist who looks on his immediate surroundings with a superb indifference. He needs little in this life and seems to expect less in the next. So long as he can sit in a tree-shaded garden, smoke tobacco, drink lager-beer, and listen to a band, he is perfectly happy. The stern joy of violent physical exercise he cannot understand, preferring rather to cultivate philosophy and a portly figure. Occasionally he is considerate, frequently he is kind. But now and again the English visitor finds himself recalling with satisfaction the answer of the schoolboy who, when asked to describe the manners and customs of a certain tribe, laconically replied, ‘These people have no manners, and their customs are beastly.’ ” From: “Berlin: A Capital at Play,” B. Fletcher Robinson, Cassell’s Family Magazine, 235, February, 1898. Cited in: British Identity and the German Other, William F. Bertolette, doctoral thesis, Louisiana State University, 2012, page 158.
[quotes about America, China, and Japan in 1820, 1879, and 1881]
[1] “The Americans are a brave, industrious and acute people; but they have hitherto given no indications of genius, and made no approaches to the heroic, either in their morality or character.” From: “America,” The works of the Rev. Sydney Smith, Sydney Smith, Longman, Brown, Greene, and Longmans, 1850, pages 283-284, Smith (1771-1845) was a famous Anglican cleric, who had founded the Edinburg Review, and his article on the United States had a huge impact. See also: “The Verdict of Sydney Smith,” R. E. Spiller, American Literature, 1(1):3-13, 1929.

[2] “Whether the resubjugation of entire provinces by the Imperial Government may be regarded as a blessing or a curse to the populations concerned, it is difficult to decide. For them it is unhappily a mere choice between being at the mercy of unscrupulous adventurers, elated with a series of successes, and rendered ferocious by a life of rapine, but utterly unprepared to introduce any serious system of reform; or being restored to a rule which, although worn out and feeble, has the advantage of an old-established organization, and can prove, by its general policy at any rate, that it has the welfare of the governed seriously at heart. On the whole, setting aside the wholesale cruelty which has unhappily too often distinguished such governmental triumphs on the part of the Chinese, and to which, indeed, the unlucky people seem liable whichever party may happen to gain the ascendency, the preferable conclusion would seem to be that resubmission to native authority is perhaps the mildest fate that can be desired for those subjects of China whose country has unfortunately been the scene of civil war. But an entirely different result may be looked for when foreign dominion—that is to say, European—has taken the place of Chinese. In the case of England, there can be little fear but that, in spite of the notable mistakes which have at times marked her colonial administration of Asiatic peoples, the primary object to which she has always set herself has been the welfare of the governed, and the development of the resources of the country which they occupy. And even as regards Russia, however irresponsible her system of government, selfish and unscrupulous her foreign policy, and corrupt her executive, may be regarded from an English point of view, still there can be little question that her assumption of authority over any tract of Asian territory must be considered preferable in the interests of philanthropy and general expediency to its restoration to an intrinsically weak and unpractical Government like that of the Chinese.

Assuming that the above proposition is a reasonable one, it follows as a fair inference, that the sooner China or any part of it is brought under the sway of some strong and progressive Power the better. And really, looking at the matter from a purely philanthropic and utilitarian point of view, that is about the best fate that can befall its inhabitants, as well in their own interest as in that of the world at large. Many things conspire to show that the days of the ruling dynasty are numbered; and who can say, when the catastrophe does come, whether the huge but crumbling fabric will ever be reconstructed? or, if so, whose will be the head and hand that will accomplish the task? The probability is that the empire will, in spite of the marvellous homogeneity which characterizes its people, at once lose its cohesion, and break up into a number of petty chiefdoms; and one may well imagine the grievous and protracted misery that must follow upon such a dissolution. It would be ridiculous, nay wicked, to suggest that this contingency might be anticipated, and an endeavour made to avert it by the timely absorption of a portion or of the whole of the Chinese territory. But we are entitled to express the hope that the course of mundane affairs may so shape itself as that such a calamity may be indefinitely delayed; or, if it be inevitable, that it may fall to the lot of some nation to take up the reins which shall have the will as well as the power to use the opportunity to the best advantage of the millions concerned.”

“The Future of China,” W. H. Medhurst, The Contemporary Review, September, 1879, Volume XXXVI, pages 1-12. Medhurst (1796-1857), a proponent of gunboat diplomacy, had been the Chinese secretary to the British superintendent of trade in China and had retired two years before, in 1877, then been knighted. See also: Perceptions of China and the Chinese People in the British Periodical and Newspaper Press, 1860-1900, William M. Stegemeyer, Masters thesis, Paper 4575, Portland State University, 1992.

[3] Citing the Japan Herald 9 April 1881: “Whilst by no means of opinion that the natural resources of Japan, whether mineral or agricultural, are particularly or noticeably great, or that its population is especially hardworking or prudent, nevertheless it has the promise of a moderate future before it. Without expecting too much from its Government—for a government is seldom found to differ widely from the people whose affairs it administers—a condition of moderate affluence and tolerable content is before it. Wealthy we do not at all think it will ever become: the advantages conferred by nature, with the exception of climate, and the love of indolence and pleasure of the people themselves, forbid it. The Japanese are a happy race, and being content with little, are not likely to achieve much.” Western Enterprise in Far Eastern Economic Development, (Retitling of: Western Enterprise in Indonesia and Malaya: A Study in Economic Development,) G. C. Allen and Audrey G. Donnithorne, Routledge, 1954, reprinted 2003, 2013, page 225. See also: The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time, Jeffrey D. Sachs, Penguin, 2005, page 316. Wealth and Poverty of Nations: Why Some Are So Rich and Some So Poor, David S. Landes, W. W. Norton, 1998, page 350.

[Germany industrialized rapidly]
For example: “Among the chief reasons for the decrease in the British iron industry must be placed the tendency to adhere to antiquated methods of production among English manufacturers. As opposed to this the German ironmasters have known how to avail themselves fully of modern improvements in the technical details of the metallurgy of iron and in the practical operation of the blast furnaces. In fact, though during 1905 there were fifty fewer blast furnaces in Germany than in Great Britain, the former country was able to produce no less than two million tons more of pig-iron than its rival, even with this great disadvantage in point of plant.” The Times April 7th, 1906.

For a much more comprehensive analysis, see Dawson, who was British, but who was educated in Germany. In a 1908 book, he noted that:

“[I]ndustrial Germany is largely the child of industrial England. We have created the rival of whose competition we now complain. Some time ago the Cologne Gazette reminded its readers that ‘It was Englishmen who in Germany first took in hand the construction of railways, gas works, tramways, and machine shops; who supplied to these enterprises the ample resources of British capital; and who thus acted as the pioneers of German material development.’ This is a generalisation which it would be possible to illustrate in all sorts of ways.

[In] 1838... Mr. Richard Cobden... foretold the day when the weapons which English enterprise and example were then placing in German hands would be turned against ourselves with fatal effect....

The process which to Cobden seventy years ago appeared so sinister was continued far into last century. Englishmen, their enterprise, intelligence, and capital were welcome so long as they were needed. Those were the days of Germany’s apprenticeship, and never was learner more patient and industrious. Directly the apprentice was out of his time, however, he began business on his own account, and his master was free to go, and go he did. We all know the rest. From manufacturing for their own use the Germans soon proceeded to supply other nations, and England lost control of markets in which it had for generations held an almost undisputed position....

But this plodding and persistent endeavour of the Germans to come to the front has been supported by a skilful and even masterly application of means to ends. While the average Englishman has been accustomed to regard commerce as a purely rule-of-thumb matter, the German has followed it as a science and an art, and in reality all the methods and measures which he has adopted in competing with his older rivals for the trade of the world may be reduced to one principle, characteristic of the Germans in so many ways, the application of a trained intelligence to the practical affairs of life.

Broadly speaking, where the German outrivals his competitors it will be found that his success is due to one or other of three reasons (1) the cheaper price of his goods, (2) their superior or at least more serviceable character, and (3) the more efficient arrangements which he makes for reaching and attracting purchasers.”

The Evolution of Modern Germany, William Harbutt Dawson, T. Fisher Unwin, 1908, pages 75-79.

See also: The Diplomatic Background of the War 1870 to 1914, Charles Seymour, Yale University Press, 1916, Chapter 4.

As with many British historians at the start of the 1900s prior to World War I, Dawson’s general Germanophilia contrasted with Barker’s general Germanophobia. Dawson was highly respected. See: “William Harbutt Dawson: The Career and Politics of an Historian of Germany,” S. Berger, The English Historical Review, 116(465):76-113, 2001.

[chemical industry in Germany versus Britain]
The first aniline dye was commercialized as mauveine. It was discovered accidentally by William Perkin in 1856. But leadership in organic chemistry soon passed from Britain to Germany. Mauve: How One Man Invented a Color that Changed the World, Simon Garfield, W. W. Norton, 2000. France also contributed strongly, since many early French scientists, like Lavoisier and Berthollet, built it up, but it was Germany that exploited those results to build actual industries on them.
[Germany strongly adopted applied science]
“The nations who entered the field first were not forced by competition to the development of scientific methods of production and distribution; their way being clear they proceeded in hit-or-miss fashion, and although they lost many opportunities of cheapening their goods without lessening their value, and neglected many prospective customers whom they might have secured, they still made their necessary profits. And as time went on, even with the advent of new trade rivals, they clung to their old-fashioned methods. But the Germans, if they were to overcome the start that had been gained by the older nations, were absolutely forced to the use of scientific methods both in the making of the goods and in selling them. This they realized definitely, with the result that the processes of manufacturing and selling developed by the Germans, have become models for the world. That which of late years has been so characteristic of German Kultur in general—‘the application of a trained intelligence to the practical affairs of life’—has been preëminently true of their industrial and commercial methods.

Science in method has been, perhaps, the greatest reason for Germany’s ability to produce goods more cheaply than her rivals. The development of mechanical labor-saving devices progressed further there than in any other country; and the Germans’ skill in the coordination of the various processes of production has also enabled them to cut their costs. Their application of the natural sciences, especially chemistry, was another factor making for economy in manufacturing methods. Every new discovery was at once investigated by the German manufacturers in the hope that it would lead to some improvement ia the technical details of production and thus allow them to undersell their competitors.”

The Diplomatic Background of the War 1870 to 1914, Charles Seymour, Yale University Press, 1916, pages 69-71.

[Germany versus Egypt—Germany has first-mover advantage]
“First Mover Advantages, Blockaded entry, and the Economics of Uneven Development,” J. R. Markusen, in: International Trade and Trade Policy, Elhanan Helpman and Assaf Razin (editors), The MIT Press, 1991, pages 245-269.
[Egypt and Germany—carpets and cars]
This is the standard factor-proportions model prediction based on the (modified) Heckscher-Ohlin theory of trade. It’s because of factor-price equalization. Trade between rich countries, (which have lots of capital and skilled labor) and poor countries (which have little capital and lots of unskilled labor) raises the wages of skilled workers and lowers the wages of less-skilled workers in the rich countries while in the poor countries, it lowers the wages of skilled workers and raises the wages of less-skilled workers International Economics: Theory & Policy, 11th Edition, Paul R. Krugman, Maurice Obstfeld, and Marc J. Melitz, Pearson Education, 2018, pages 128-143. “An Account of Global Factor Trade,” D. R. Davis, D. Weinstein, American Economic Review, 1423-1453, 2001. Note: some have put this forward as the chief explanation for wage inequality within rich countries, however that is much more open to debate. A point made by Paul Krugman (and others).
[East German depopulation after German reunification in 1990]
To help the reunification process, West Germany invested €2 trillion—$1.75 trillion U.S. in 2020—in East Germany. But East Germany towns were already seriously depopulated before reunification. “Had Dresden and Leipzig experienced the same growth as western Germany, they would now be twice as big — indeed, both cities would have over a million inhabitants.” From: “Die Wucht der deutschen Teilung wird völlig unterschätzt,” [The force of the German division is completely underestimated.] Felix Rösel, ifo Dresden berichtet 3, [Dresden Branch of the ifo Institute, Leibniz Association], 2019.

According to the report, before division, cities in what would become East Germany developed in parallel with those in what would become West Germany. Then came westward flight from 1949 to 1961 (Berlin Wall built). Then in the 1960’s and 1970’s came guest workers into West Germany. Then, on reunification, came westward flight.

However, the report doesn’t concern itself with the Marshall Plan, nor with the repayment of war reparations to Soviet Russia and Poland, which was mostly borne by East Germany. Also: although East Germany was poorer, it was also more equal (in income).

[from 1998 to 2000, around 15,000 doctors emigrated]
“Arguably, emigration of highly qualified Arabs to the West has been one of the most serious factors undermining knowledge acquisition in Arab countries. It is no exaggeration to characterise this outflow as a haemorrhage. The trend is large-scale and is steadily accelerating. Data to adequately document the extent of the phenomenon is not readily available, but some indications that point to the extent and gravity of the brain drain are given below.

It is estimated that by the year 1976, 23 percent of Arab engineers, 50 percent of Arab doctors, and 15 percent of Arab BSc holders had emigrated. Roughly 25 percent of 300,000 first degree graduates from Arab universities in 1995/96 emigrated. Between 1998 and 2000 more than 15,000 Arab doctors migrated.

Apart from the sheer scale of emigration and its growth over time, looking into the motives of emigrants reveals obstacles to building Arab knowledge societies that are perhaps more serious than the brain drain itself. Surveys of highly qualified Arabs living abroad indicate that their principal reasons for leaving relate to the absence of a positive societal environment and facilities that would allow them to play their role in the knowledge system and in the development of their countries. Ideally this role should be performed under conditions that permit individual fulfilment and a decent standard of living. The denial of livable conditions to a host of highly qualified Arabs drastically undermines any attempt to create knowledge societies in Arab countries. Their emigration perpetuates weaknesses in both the production of knowledge and the demand for it, since the activities and pursuits of such highly qualified personnel would have significantly increased both supply and demand had they remained in their countries.” Arab Human Development Report 2003: Building a Knowledge Society, United Nations Development Programme, 2003, pages 144-145.

[skill flow from poor to rich lands]
The term ‘brain drain’ is a loaded phrase, and one possibility currently being floated about might even be to replace the term with ‘brain gain,’ but some economists suggest ‘skill flow’ as a more encompassing and less loaded term. Some economists (see especially Gibson and McKenzie) think that there is no ‘brain drain,’ or if there is, that it isn’t important, or if it is, it works both ways. They tend to focus on the individual and not the country and cite things like remittances back to the sending country, trade, and so forth, or they do studies on low-skilled labor, or on remittance flows to small countries, or certain cases where catchup has already happened, as is the case in Taiwan, Israel, and certain parts of China or India. However, all that ignores the issue of the sending country trying to build a complete industrial network of its own. As a data point: In 2003, about 2.5 million of the 21.6 million scientists and engineers in the United States were born in poor countries. “Why Did They Come to the United States? A Profile of Immigrant Scientists and Engineers,” N. Kannankutty, J. Burrelli, Info Brief, National Science Foundation: Directorate for Social Behavioral and Economic Sciences, 2007. Global Economic Prospects 2008: Technology Diffusion in the Developing World, The World Bank, 2008, Chapter 3. See also: Brain Drain and Brain Gain: The Global Competition to Attract High-Skilled Migrants, Tito Boeri, Herbert Brücker, Fréedéric Docquier, and Hillel Rapoport (editors), Oxford University Press, 2012. “Economics and Emigration: Trillion-Dollar Bills on the Sidewalk?” M. Clemens, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 25(3):83-106, 2011. “Eight Questions about Brain Drain,” J. Gibson, D. McKenzie, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 25(3):107-128, 2011. “Report of the WPA Task Force on Brain Drain,” O. Gureje, S. Hollins, M. Botbol, A. Javed, M. Jorge, V. Okech, M. Riba, J. Trivedi, N. Sartorius, R. Jenkins, World Psychiatry, 8(2):115-118, 2009. “Brain Drain in Developing Countries,” F. Docquier, O. Lohest, A. Marfouk, The World Bank Economic Review, 21(2):193-218, 2007. “Arab Societies as Knowledge Societies,” A. B. Zahlan, Minerva, 44(1):103-112, 2006. “Engineering and Engineering Education in Egypt,” O. L. El-Sayed, J. Lucena, G. Downey, IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, 25(2):18-25, 2006. “How Extensive Is the Brain Drain?” W. J. Carrington, E. Detragiache, Finance and Development, International Monetary Fund, 36(2):46-49, 1999. “The Egyptian ‘Brain Drain’: A Multidimensional Problem,” N. Ayubi, International Journal of Middle East Studies, 15(4):431-450, 1983. “Motives for the Emigration of Egyptian Scientists,” S. Saleh, Social Problems, 25(1):40-51, 1977.
[Philippine doctors emigrating to become nurses in the United States]
Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Society, Volume I, Richard T. Schaefer (editor), SAGE, 2008, page 199.
[capital flows to rich versus poor countries]
An issue articulated by Lucas, and often called the ‘Lucas paradox.’ An argument could be made that this is more about the inaccuracy of neoclassical economics as a model than it is about capital flows, as capital demonstrably doesn’t flow the way that (standard) neoclassical theory says it will.

Neoclassical economic theory traces back to John Stuart Mill, with additions from Alfred Marshall, then many more recent thinkers; it amounts to assuming perfect knowledge and perfect competition. A variant, Hecksher-Ohlin theory, brings factor endowment more to the fore. Neoclassical economics believes in equilibium. That’s right in the long run, just as thermodynamics is right in the long run—entropy always wins, so everything must even out and die, eventually—but wrong in the short run. All lands compete for skills, machines, brains, money, and trade. Who wins what when?

Lucas compared the United States and India in 1988 and showed that, if the neoclassical model were correct, the marginal product of capital in India should be about 58 times that of the United States. So all capital should flow from the United States to India. But it doesn’t. “Why Doesn’t Capital Flow from Rich to Poor Countries?” R. E. Lucas, Jr., American Economic Review, 80(2):92-96, 1990. In the 1950s, Nurkse had earlier observed that capital had flowed from 1860 to 1910 not because of neoclassical economic theory but because of special conditions, namely Europe was seeding and exploiting its transplants (including Russia), and that was unlikely to happen in future. “International Investment To-Day in the Light of Nineteenth-Century Experience,” R. Nurkse, Economic Journal, 64(256):744-758, 1954.

In the 2010s, this has grown into even more of a puzzle as oil prices have collapsed. The fastest growing economies tend to be those with the slowest growing productivity of labor and capital. Others have high savings rates. China is an example. Foreign investment flows in there even though the country has lots of money already saved to itself power industry. “Developments in the early 21st century made the international pattern of capital flows look even more paradoxical than before. Not only was capital failing to flow from rich to poor countries in appreciable amounts; it was actually flowing uphill, from poor to rich, and on a huge scale. Behind this pattern lay a number of specific developments: Asset booms in rich countries spurred consumption and housing investment, for example, causing big current account deficits, while rapid growth in rich countries and especially China boosted commodity prices, allowing more relatively poor exporters of raw materials to run surpluses. This pattern has abated recently as advanced economies and China have slowed and commodity prices have fallen. In the 2010s, non-oil producing developing countries as a group began to run deficits again, even as rich countries moved into surplus and oil exporters, facing a collapse in oil prices starting in 2014, moved sharply from surplus to deficit. The recent deficits of non-oil producing developing countries have, however, been small compared to the size of the world economy.” International Economics: Theory & Policy, 11th Edition, Paul R. Krugman, Maurice Obstfeld, and Marc J. Melitz, Pearson Education, 2018, page 756. “Capital flows to developing countries: The allocation puzzle,” P.-O. Gourinchas, O. Jeanne, Review of Economic Studies, 80(4):1484-1515, 2013. “The paradox of capital,” E. Prasad, R. Rajan, A. Subramanian, Finance and Development, 44(1):16-19, 2007.

“Has the Lucas Paradox been fully explained?” C. Azémara, R. Desbordes, Economics Letters, 121(2):183-187, 2013. “What drives international financial flows? Politics, institutions and other determinants,” E. Papaioannou, Journal of Development Economics, 88(2):269-281, 2009. “International Investment Patterns,” P. R. Lane, G. M. Milesi-Ferretti, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 90(3):538-549, 2008. “Why Doesn’t Capital Flow from Rich to Poor Countries? An Empirical Investigation,” L. Alfaro, S. Kalemli-Ozcan, V. Volosovych, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 90(2):347-368, 2008. “Banking on Democracy: The Political Economy of International Private Bank Lending in Emerging Markets,” J. Rodríguez, J. Santiso, International Political Science Review, 29(2):215-246, 2008. “International Capital Flows, Financial Stability and Growth,” G. L. Kaminsky, DESA Working Paper No. 10, ST/ESA/2005/DWP/10, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN/DESA), December 2005. “Channels from Globalization to Inequality: Productivity World versus Factor World,” W. Easterly, in: Brookings Trade Forum 2004: Globalization, Poverty, and Inequality, Susan M. Collins and Carol Graham (editors), Brookings Institution Press, 2004, pages 39-71. “Winners and Losers Over Two Centuries of Globalization,” J. Williamson, NBER Working Paper No. 9161, 2002.

[capital flow from rich to poor in the 1800s and 1900s]
That has indeed happened—in the 1800s—when industry was first spreading, mostly within Europe and its transplants. Then, after the 1930s there was a long lull. It started again when inflation spiked in the 1970s and making money abroad seemed easier than at home. But by the 1980s, many speculators took one haircut after another. With domestic inflation under control, money more often stayed home.

In the 1800s, newly rich Britain, then France, then Germany, and elsewhere, went looking for poor lands to invest in—so money flowed to the United States, Russia, Turkey, also Canada, Australia, Argentina, and elsewhere, to build railroads and steel mills and factories and such. Growth of the International Economy 1820-2000: An Introductory Text, A. G. Kenwood and A. L. Lougheed, Routledge, Fourth Edition, 1999, Chapter 2, pages 26-44.

“The past 130 years have seen at least four major surges in private capital flows to emerging markets. The first, from about 1870 to the outbreak of World War I, was a boom in bond finance, largely to labor-scarce and resource-abundant economies of recent European settlement. The second was the post-World War I recovery, lasting until the Great Depression, of bond lending to finance public sector deficits. The third was the surge in international bank lending to developing country governments from the 1973 oil price shock until the 1982 Mexican crisis. The most recent surge was the 1990s boom in private-to-private portfolio flows and foreign direct investment in emerging market economies. All four episodes were accompanied by solid growth in world trade and investment, were punctuated by currency and financial instability in the capital receiving countries, and eventually ended in global political or economic crisis. [...]

Capital surges to emerging markets have typically been part of a larger, periodic process of rapid expansion of the global economy. They occur when the worldwide diffusion of technological changes improves communications and transport, growth is buoyant, world trade is expanding, financial innovation is rapid, and the political climate is supportive.” Global Development Finance, 2000, Analysis and Summary Tables, The World Bank, 2000, page 119.

[foreign direct investment in Angola, Equatorial Guinea, and Sudan]
“Many LDCs host small amounts of FDI. At the regional level, for example, in the case of Africa’s 34 LDCs, although 29 countries recorded higher FDI in 2004 than in 2003, all but the three oil-producing countries (Angola, Equatorial Guinea and Sudan) received less than $1 billion; and 21 received no more than $100 million. A similar situation applied to Asia and Oceania, where 12 of the 15 LDCs received less than $100 million in flows in 2004. The only LDC in Latin America and the Caribbean, Haiti, continued to record a modest amount of FDI.” FDI in Least Developed Countries at a Glance: 2005/2006, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, 2006, page 2.
[textile exports of Bangladesh and others from 1999 to 2001]
Developing Countries in the World Trading System: The Uruguay Round and Beyond, Premachandra Athukoralge, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2002, page 75. “Market Access for Developing Countries,” H. P. Lankes, Finance and Development, International Monetary Fund, 39(3):8-13, 2002.
[number of tariffs in the European Union in 2000]
The number 10,794 is just the number of EU tariffs. In Defence of Global Capitalism, Johan Norberg, translated by Roger Tanner and Julian Sanchez, Academic Foundation, 2005, page 145. In 2004, the European Union grew from 15 to 25 countries (and to 27 in 2007, adding Bulgaria and Romania). It accounts for about 15-20 percent of world agricultural exports and imports, and when it comes to food is one of the most important trading partners and competitors of the United States.

The United States emphasizes different policies, but is otherwise similar. “The two countries also differ in their reliance on border measures, including tariffs and tariff-rate quotas, to provide support for domestic agriculture. Although both maintain tariffs, the European Union’s are higher, on average, and there are a greater number of tariffs over 100 percent. The European Union also makes heavier use of export subsidies across a wider range of commodities.

Overall, while both countries provide moderately high support to their agricultural sectors relative to other developed countries, the European Union maintains a higher overall support level, has higher budget outlays for agricultural support, and provides more support that is coupled or partially coupled to production than the United States.”

“U.S. and EU Farm Policy—How Similar?” M. A. Normile, A. B. W. Effland, C. E. Young, in: U.S.-EU Food and Agriculture Comparisons, Mary Anne Normile and Susan Leetmaa (editors), United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, Agriculture and Trade Reports, Outlook No. (WRS-0404), 2004, pages 14-27, especially pages 19 and 21.

Since 2000, and due to bilateral and multilateral trade agreements, tariffs have been declining. But that has failed to open markets as much as expected. Also, as tariffs have fallen, non-tariff barriers have risen. “Non-Tariff Measures to Trade: Economic and Policy Issues for Developing Countries,” United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, 2013.

[effective European ban on Mauritanian cheese]
“Even after fighting Brussels for 13 years, British-born Nancy Abeiderrahmane is convinced she will one day penetrate ‘fortress Europe’ to sell her Mauritanian camel’s cheese in the European Union.” From: “British-Mauritanian camel’s cheese maker banging on EU’s door,” Sydney Morning Herald, April 10th, 2007. “Scaling Up: The Challenge of Monterrey,” N. Stern, in: Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics—Europe 2003: Toward Pro-Poor Policies: Aid, Institutions, and Globalization, Bertil Tungodden, Nicholas Stern, and Ivar Kolstad (editors), World Bank and Oxford University Press, 2004, pages 13-42. “Standards, Regulation, and Trade: WTO Rules and Developing Country Concerns,” J. S. Wilson, in: Development, Trade, and the WTO: A Handbook, Bernard M. Hoekman, Philip English, and Aaditya Mattoo (editors), World Bank, 2002.
[trade barriers in poor countries about twice high as those in as rich ones]
A briefly stated yet comprehensive comparison is hard since there are many ways for a country to protect itself—including subsidies, quotas, tariffs, duties, and so on. Also, there are many ways to define who is rich and who is poor.

However, at least in terms of tariffs, Lankes notes that: “Developing countries themselves have high tariffs that limit trade among them. The average tariff in developing countries is 14 percent, and in the least developed countries, 17.9 percent, compared with 5.2 percent in the industrial countries.” From: “Market Access for Developing Countries,” H. P. Lankes, Finance and Development, International Monetary Fund, 39(3):8-13, 2002.

Similarly, the World Bank states that: “Developing countries themselves are part of the problem. Although South-South trade is a much smaller share of total trade, average tariffs in manufactures are three times higher for trade among developing countries than for exports to high-income countries. Taken together and because of high protection for labor-intensive products around the globe, the world’s poor face tariffs that are, on average, roughly twice as high as those imposed on the nonpoor.” Global Economic Prospects 2002: Making Trade Work for the World’s Poor, The World Bank, 2002, page 37.

[Brazil tried to grow its computer industry in 1977]
As Britain discovered in the 1970s, nationalizing an industry might save it for a while, but that can easily turn into an indirect dole. “Latin America in the Rearview Mirror,” H. L. Cole, L. E. Ohanian, A. Riascos, J. A. Schmitz, Jr. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Research Department Staff Report 351, 2004. “Trade, Growth, and Poverty—A Selective Survey,” A. Berg, A. Krueger, in: Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 2003: The New Reform Agenda, Boris Pleskovic and Nicholas Stern (editors), World Bank and Oxford University Press, 2003, pages 47-90. The Microcomputer Industry in Brazil: The Case of a Protected High-Technology Industry, Eduardo Luzio, Praeger, 1996. “Measuring the Performance of a Protected Infant Industry: E. Luzio, S. Greenstein, The Case of Brazilian Microcomputers,” Review of Economics and Statistics, 77(4):622-633, 1995.

However, for a good argument that protectionism was widely used in the past among today’s rich nations, see: Kicking Away the Ladder: Development Strategy in Historical Perspective, Ha-Joon Chang, Anthem Press, 2002.

[what led to India’s turnaround?]
The abbreviated story in the text might give the impression that India’s economic turnaround began only in the 1990s, but that may not be correct. A recent UNDESA working paper points out that its economic development rates from 1980 to 1990 were about the same as from 1990 to 2000, with real takeoff happening only after 2000. However, the paper offers no explanation for that. “The Scorecard on Development, 1960-2010: Closing the Gap?” M. Weisbrot, R. Ray, DESA Working Paper No. 106 United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 2011, especially pages 13-14.
[India and China rising fast—but from a low level]
Today, many foreheads in rich countries crease over talk of a ‘loss of competitiveness’ or even of a ‘flat world.’ It’s hard to know why. India and China, in particular, are indeed growing fast now. For instance, from 1978 and 2007, rural poverty in China fell from 30.7 percent to 1.6 percent. But both India and China also started from far behind the world’s rich countries. From 1990 to 2003, per person income in China leapt 196 percent. In rich nations it went up only 24 percent. Yet today, income in rich lands is still over five times larger than income in China. China today is about where Japan was in the 1970s. Similarly, India’s economy is now surging at 9.4 percent a year—yet even were its torrid growth to persist, it would still take many decades to catch up with our rich countries. It has huge problems. Its adult literacy rate is lower than Rwanda’s. Its percentage of children in school is smaller than Vietnam’s. Its per person income is lower than Nicaragua’s. More than a fourth of the very poorest of us live in India. India in 2005 had a life expectancy of 63.7 years, an adult literacy rate of 61.0 percent, a combined gross enrollment ratio for primary, secondary, and tertiary education of 63.8 percent, and a per-person GDP (PPP) of $3,452. “Getting the Numbers Right: International Engineering Education in the United States, China, and India,” G. Gereffi, V. Wadhwa, B. Rissing, R. Ong, Journal of Engineering Education, 97(1):13-25, 2008. Human Development Report 2007/2008: Fighting climate change: Human solidarity in a divided world, United Nations Development Programme, 2007, page 231, Table I. Access for All: Basic public services for 1.3 billion people, China Human Development Report 2007/2008, United Nations Development Programme, page 10. Human Development Report, 2005: International cooperation at a crossroads: aid, trade and security in an unequal world, United Nations Development Programme, 2006, page 37.

[China has come far but still has far to go]
“Economic growth has been spectacular in some developing countries. Between 1970 and 2010, China’s per capita income rose twenty-one-fold, Botswana’s more than ninefold and Malaysia’s and Thailand’s more than fivefold. But these countries have far to go before they cross the divide: China’s per capita income is only a fifth the average for developed countries. Botswana, Malaysia and Thailand are also far from this mark.

Will these countries continue to grow until they cross the threshold to developed countries? History suggests that growth cannot be taken for granted. Many countries grew impressively over long periods only to stagnate. For example, between 1950 and 1980 Brazil’s per capita economic growth was almost 5 percent a year—similar to recent growth in Botswana, Singapore and Thailand—but its economy collapsed in the 1980s and has only recently started to recover. Argentina’s collapse was even more dramatic, from a per capita GDP in 1913 that exceeded the European average, to one in 2007 that was just a fifth of Western Europe’s.

These cases illustrate how hard it is to cross the great income divide. Of the 108 countries with incomes below $7,000 per capita in 1970, only 4 moved up to the World Bank’s high-income classification in 2010. Three are small island economies (Antigua and Barbuda, Equatorial Guinea and Malta), one with abundant oil. The fourth—South Korea—remains an important exception. Estonia and Slovakia did not exist as independent countries in 1970, but both achieved growth that moved them up into the high-income group.”

Human Development Report, 2010, United Nations Development Programme, 2010, page 42.

[demographic change in China]
For example, in China we’re now growing richer, but we’re also growing older, thanks to the Wan Xi Shao (Later, Longer, Fewer) family planning policy started in the 1970s. The same policy had the unexpected effect of making us somewhat more male, too; by 2020 we may be missing perhaps 18 million females (either aborted or born unreported). That imbalance will likely peak by 2025-2030. Further, by 2030 a smaller working-age cohort will have to shoulder more of the burden of caring for elders. By then, we’ll be 20 percent over-60, doubling our percentage in 2000. Thus, tomorrow’s China will be a giant version of today’s Japan. Finally, in China our working-age numbers will peak in 2020, then fall. Our young might then have to work harder and harder to give our old the lives that they will by then have grown used to. Driving cars and eating meat more than once a week will be hard to give up.

“China faces growing gender imbalance,” BBC News, January 11th, 2010. World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 2007. “The Contribution of Population Health and Demographic Change to Economic Growth in China and India,” D. E. Bloom, D. Canning, L. Hu, Y. Liu, A. Mahal, W. Yip, PGDA Working Paper Number 2807, Program on the Global Demography of Aging, 2007. “China’s Growth to 2030: The Roles of Demographic Change and Investment Premia,” R. Tyers, J. Golley, PGDA Working Paper Number 1206, Program on the Global Demography of Aging, 2006. “China’s Growth to 2030: Demographic Change and the Labour Supply Constraint,” J. Golley, R. Tyers, PGDA Working Paper Number 1106, Program on the Global Demography of Aging, 2006.

[China and currency and import control]
In China, we had suffered hard blows—among others, perhaps 30 million had starved to death in the 1960s—so since the late 1970s, just as in Japan then South Korea, we focused on exports. So we want to keep our exportable goods and services cheap. To do that, we want to keep our currency cheap. To do so, we use it to buy dollars and pounds and euros and yen—but not to use to then buy foreign stuff (that is, not to consume, but to keep in our sock draw, earning very little interest). Plus, to keep down our imports, and thus keep our currency weak, we want to keep our wages low. We can do so by making stuff or developing services at low cost as long as we can pay our workforce little—and we can keep doing so as long as yet ever more of us show up in the exploding cities ever year. The result? Low interest rates around the globe—for decades. So even if the United States and Britain and Japan and elsewhere are still deep in debt, it’s still cheap to borrow money, so those of us there keep borrowing.
[Egypt and geopolitics]
Of course, Egypt, because of location, and religion, and thus geopolitics, is between a rock and a very hard place. The United States favors Israel against encircling states, but also favors oil-rich states, so it favors states in the region that can do double duty. Egypt, with the counterbalance of the Soviet Union gone, and with almost no oil left of the little it had, has no special interest to a rising China, so loans come almost solely because of support, direct or indirect, from the United States.

With an exploding population, the state, rather than focusing on long-term things—schools, infrastructure, public health, and development incentives—has shifted more to short-term feather-bedding. It buys off its people by subsidizing staples—bread and fuel, particularly—then goes about its business. How it actually runs the country is mostly up to an elite behind the scenes, and corruption is everywhere. But by 2025-2030 that might turn around if it grows more urban and literate, and enough literate women reach reproductive age. In the meantime, though, there is room for mass corruption, just as there was in, say, Chicago or New York during the mid 1800s, and for much the same reasons.

Aside from its location, though, Egypt doesn’t appear to be all that unusual. Ghana is in much the same boat. So is Nigeria. Nor is that an African problem alone. Take Laos. Today it’s poor, rural, and communist. But then it’s landlocked. Its largest trading partners are its neighbors: China, Vietnam, and Thailand. It’s only 20 percent urban and it doesn’t even have a functional railroad, which makes it far poorer than Egypt, never mind Germany. It has little choice in its poverty. But as China phase changes, so will it. Peru is in the same position with respect to Brazil.

It doesn’t seem to matter whether we live in Angola or Bolivia or Cambodia. All our poor countries are facing the same closure and trade problems. Angola has huge oil reserves; Bolivia has huge natural gas reserves; Cambodia has huge forests. But in none of them do we have the operational closure and trade power that we would need to compete internationally and thus develop our resources. For example, Amsterdam has had a stock market since 1602. Bolivia’s stock market was founded only in 1989. In 2009, neither Angola nor Cambodia had one. Plus, even where such tools exist, weak institutional tools leave them subject to political whim since most of us there are extra-legal because of high legal costs, so we have little say in what our lawmakers do. Elites decide—which means that insiders (or outsiders) with their hands on business or investment purse strings do.

Egypt in the Era of Hosni Mubarak, 1981-2011 Galal Amin, The American University in Cairo Press, 2011. “African Financial Systems: A Review,” F. Allen, I. Otchere, L. Senbet, The Wharton Financial Institutions Center, 2010. Egypt After Mubarak: Liberalism, Islam, and Democracy in the Arab World, Bruce K. Rutherford, Princeton University Press, 2008. “Stock Market Development in Sub-Saharan Africa: Critical Issues and Challenges,” C. A. Yartey, C. K. Adjasi, Working Paper No. 07/209, International Monetary Fund, 2007. Whatever Happened to the Egyptians? Changes in Egyptian Society from 1950 to the Present Galal Amin, The American University in Cairo Press, 2000.

[“Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!”]
I met a traveller from an antique land / Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand, / Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown, / And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, / Tell that its sculptor well those passions read / Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, / The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed: / And on the pedestal these words appear: / ’My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: / Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!’ / Nothing beside remains. Round the decay / Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare / The lone and level sands stretch far away.

“Ozymandias,” Miscellaneous and Posthumous Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley, Percy Bysshe Shelley, W. Benbow, 1826, page 100.

[a past skew caused by trade power—Spanish inflation]
In 1492 Spain invaded the Americas and by 1519 it had begun conquering the Aztec and the Inca, stealing their gold and silver. Back in Europe, it became superrich. It then went on a war spree, paying mercs to fight in land-grabs all over Europe. It also went on a buying spree, snatching up every luxury there was. But by 1557 it went broke. It went broke again in 1575. Then again in 1596. And again in 1607... 1627... 1647... 1653... and 1680. Why? Well, it had precious metals, and others wanted that, so it had trade power. But it was still mostly a nation of peasants and it wanted things it couldn’t make. It didn’t have the broad base of artisans it needed to service its huge new demand for armies and goods. Also, if mercs fight abroad, they spend their money abroad, too. The result? Galloping inflation at home. It’s huge metal injection thus didn’t make it richer; it just made prices higher.

Plus, not only didn’t the bullion stay in Spain, as it grabbed its hat and rushed for the door it destroyed wealth already there. Taxes went up over 400 percent. Wool exports collapsed. Spain started importing food. The long-term gain thus went to northern European countries—especially the Netherlands, then England. They had the artisans and the traders needed to absorb that much precious metal. Amsterdam, for instance, had a good harbor, a good fleet, and a long trading history. It also had knowledgeable, multilingual, and well-connected Jewish traders—who Spain (and Portugal, and before both of them, France and England) had earlier kicked out. All that Spain ended up with was lots of precious metal—for a while. The long-term result was Dutch trade expansion, then English trade expansion. Thus, Spain got the metal first, but metal isn’t wealth. The real wealth—the new options—went elsewhere.

Spain didn’t fully shift into industry until the 1960s. It was more or less a basket case until 1979, when it negotiated to join the European Union (which, back then, was the European Economic Community).

This Time is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly, Carmen M. Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff, Princeton University Press, 2009, pages 86-87. “Institutions and the Resource Curse in Early Modern Spain,” M. Drelichman, H.-J. Voth, in: Institutions and Economic Performance, Elhanan Helpman (editor), Harvard University Press, 2008. The Mediterranean Tradition in Economic Thought, Louis Baeck, Routledge, 1994, Chapter 7. A Financial History of Western Europe, Charles P. Kindleberger, 1993, Taylor & Francis, Reprint Edition, 2006, page 45. The Great Wave: Price Revolutions and the Rhythm of History, David Hackett Fischer, Oxford University Press, 1999, page 91. A Concise Economic History of the World: From Paleolithic Times to the Present, Rondo Cameron, Oxford University Press, 1993, pages 135-141. American Treasure and the Price Revolution in Spain, 1501-1650, Earl J. Hamilton, Harvard University Press, 1934.

[transitions from poor to rich from 1955 to 2005]
Ten countries have grown, on average, at 4.3 percent or more per person per year from 1955 to 2005: Oman, Botswana, Equatorial Guinea, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and China. Global Economic History: A Very Short Introduction, Robert C. Allen, Oxford University Press, 2011, page 146. Interestingly, the first three discovered buried resources (oil or diamonds); the second two are city-states; the third three gained by trade partly because of a long cold war. That leaves the most interesting cases, the last two: Thailand and China.
[world urbanization growth]
For a poor country to achieve operational closure, a lot of its network’s parts have to both build up and weld together to synergetically aid each other. But for that to happen today, each such part has to grow very fast because all those parts are in high demand—both from other poor countries that are growing even faster, and also from rich countries, which need those same network parts either to grow or to maintain their own networks.

For that to happen, a lot of rapid growth has to happen in a lot of areas for a long time, since the poor country is starting the economic race from very far behind. How likely is any country to grow rapidly for two (or more) generations given all the accidents of history that could happen during all that time?

Well, in the recent past a long cold war helped that along in Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea. (It also happened in Singapore and Hong Kong, but they are more cities than countries). But Japan, after being threatened with subjugation in the 1800s, helped itself, then was smashed down in the 1900s, then was helped up. And both Taiwan, next door to China, and South Korea, next door to North Korea (and so indirectly China), feared invasion, and thus were motivated to perform economically via exports. But the cold war is over now yet it’s also happening now in China.

Five thousand years ago, Egypt, not Germany, had bronze tools, big cities, large buildings, writing, math, and famous medicine. Five hundred years ago, India and China, not Europe or the United States, led the world in just about every respect. Likely they will once again do so, for our economic center of gravity most likely will move back to where most of our brains and hands are—once those brains are well-trained and those hands have the right tools. Which brings up Africa. Since at least the 1800s, when a steam-powered, machine-gun-toting Europe carved it up like a roast turkey, it’s been the continent that the world has voted least likely to succeed. But it’s also a hugely resource-rich continent whose land area could swallow China, India, and the United States (plus nearly all of Australia). By 2050, over two billion of us will be alive there. But it’s pointless to ask when, or if, our hands and brains there will be trained the same way as in China, India, and the United States, if only because those countries won’t stand still for all that time. So to get a picture of which places will do well in the future, take the derivative of the length of immigration lines at embassies around the world. When a country’s derivative turns negative, it means the lines are shrinking. Fewer of us are trying to get in. Invest elsewhere.

Statistics: Land area, in square kilometers: Africa: 30,221,532. China: 9,640,011. India: 3,287,590. United States: 9,629,091. (Left over: 7,664,840. Australia: 7,692,024.) Guesstimated 2050 populations: Africa - 2,270,576. China - 1,303,723. India - 1,656,554. United states - 422,554. (Left over: 3382831-2270576 = 1,112,255.) (Figures from the International Data Base (IDB) Division of the United States Census Bureau, 2012.)

[complex network buildup]
Such a network is so complex that during its ecogenetic buildup we termites couldn’t have had any real idea that it was coming together until it did. It mostly happened only because of special circumstances and many accidents over a long period. Getting all those pieces is hard. And getting them all in one place surrounded by a boundary is hard. And getting all of them to fit together into operational closure is hard. But once they already do all that, that place will likely has enduring trade power over other places where pieces are missing, or are there but are still laying on the floor. So its wealth is likely to keep growing. It’s one place on the planet that has managed to accrete a working system around a recursive engine.
“Maturana: [...] Autopoiesis means ‘self-creation’ and consists of the Greek words autos (self) and poiein (produce, create). [...] When you regard a living system you always find a network of processes or molecules that interact in such a way as to produce the very network that produced them and that determine its boundary. Such a network I call autopoietic. Whenever you encounter a network whose operations eventually produce itself as a result, you are facing an autopoietic system. It produces itself. The system is open to the input of matter but closed with regard to the dynamics of the relations that generate it.” The Certainty of Uncertainty: Dialogues Introducing Constructivism, Bernhard Poerksen, translated by Alison Rosemary Koeck and Wolfram Karl Koeck, Imprint Academic, 2004, pages 97-98. “Autopoiesis: the organization of living systems, its characterization and a model,” F. J. Varela, H. R. Maturana, R. Uribe, Biosystems, 5(4):187-196, 1974.

See also: “Systems, Autopoietic,” L. Bich, A. Etxeberria, in: Encyclopedia of Systems Biology, Werner Dubitzky, Olaf Wolkenhauer, Kwang-Hyun Cho, and Hiroki Yokota (editors), Springer, 2013, pages 2110-2113. There the conceptual core is traced back to Kant in his 1790 Critique of Judgment and several more recent philosophers, mathematicians, and psychologists, particularly Robert Rosen and Jean Piaget.

Autopoiesis and closure are closely related. See: “Autopoiesis 40 years later. A Review and a Reformulation,” P. Razeto-Barry, Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres, 42(6):543-567, 2012.

[barracuda and minnows]
The text’s analogy of barracuda and minnows is similar to a well-known anthropological theory of groups divided by energy use. It was first proposed by Leslie White, then developed more or less in the following order: The Science of Culture: A Study of Man and Civilization, Leslie A. White, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1949. The Evolution of Culture: The Development of Civilization to the Fall of Rome, Leslie A. White, McGraw-Hill, 1959. Cultural Materialism: The Struggle for a Science of Culture, Marvin Harris Random House, 1979. Cannibals and Kings, Origins of Cultures, Marvin Harris, Vintage, 1991. Social Transformations: A Critical History, Stephen K. Sanderson, Blackwell, 1995. Human Societies: An Introduction to Macrosociology, Gerhard Lenski and Patrick Nolan, Paradigm Pub, Ninth Edition, 2004.

The Lenski book, much as the text does, focuses on information acquisition. Within this stream of thought, often called ‘anthropological materialism,’ or ‘evolutionary sociology,’ there’s a kind of line of descent, based mostly on who was who’s student. (Roughly speaking: Gordon Childe influenced Leslie White, who influenced Marvin Harris, who influenced Stephen Sanderson.) This text, though, is a work of popular science written by a computer scientist; it differs from those of sociologists, anthropologists, historians, economists, and political scientists, in that its tries to focus on possible internal forces working within our whole species and not on any particular group as it stands with respect to any other group, although of course there’s no way to study our species in the abstract with no reference to particular groups.

Utopia Dead Ahead

[falling shares of farming and manufacturing in the United States]
2002 Census of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service, United States Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States Department of Commerce.
[...the country was still a food superpower...]
For instance, in 2008 it grew one in every 11 of all our tomatoes, making it second only to China. Its income from growing things rose in absolute terms, but shrank in relative terms as its income from making things rose.

World tomato production: 141,194,598 metric tons. United States production: 12,735,100 metric tons. That’s nine percent, or about one in every eleven. FAOSTAT Database, 2009, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2009.

[United States shift from manufacturing to paperwork]
But the country was still a goods superpower. For instance, in 2005 its output from making things was nearly $1.5 trillion U.S., the largest on the planet at the time. Its income from making things rose in absolute terms, but shrank in relative terms as its income from servicing things rose.

For example, from 1979 to 2009, manufacturing in the United States lost around a quarter million jobs a year, yet production rose by about two percent a year. Just since the end of the Cold War, military-related industries declined while finance-related industries rose. National income shifted by perhaps six percent from aerospace, electronics, cars, steel, and such, to finance, insurance, real-estate transactions, and similar. The End of Influence: What Happens When Other Countries Have the Money, Stephen S. Cohen and J. Bradford DeLong, Basic Books, 2010.

[manufacturing output in the United States in 2005]
USA Economy In Brief, United States Department of State, 2007, page 11. In 2005 its output from making things was nearly $1.5 trillion U.S., the largest on the planet. At the time, that of its nearest competitor, Japan, was about $1 trillion. (China has since overtaken both Japan and the United States.)
[shift from making to serving...]
Similarly, although Britain lost superpower status in the 1950s, in 2010 it was still the seventh richest country on the planet. From 1950 to 2010 its manufacturing sector shrank from 46 percent of its economy to 12 percent, while its services sector grew from 47 percent to 78 percent. “An International Perspective on the UK - Gross Domestic Product,” A. Banks, S. Hamroush, C. Taylor, M. Hardie, Office for National Statistics, especially Table 2, page 14. The Slow Death of British Industry: A Sixty-Year Suicide 1952-2012, Nicholas Comfort, Biteback, 2012.
[rise and fall of manufacturing’s share in rich countries]
That pattern of job shift is common to all our rich countries. In 2002, in most of our rich countries, farming was down to less than three percent of national income. Similarly, industry was down to around 25 percent—which is roughly the same share of output, as measured as a percentage of national income, as each of our currently rich nations had at the start of its industrial phase change. For instance, in 2002, Britain’s share of industry as a percentage of national output was 26 percent; in 1801, it was 23 percent. In France, it was 25 percent; in 1841 it was 25 percent. In Germany, it was 23 percent; it was 24 percent in 1841. In Italy, it was 29 percent; in 1901 it was 22 percent. “Emerging Structure of Indian Economy: Implications of Growing Inter-sectoral Imbalances,” T. S. Papola, Presidental Address, 88th Conference of the Indian Economic Association, Andhra University, December, 2005.
[London wool weavers...]
In 1700 woolen weavers in Britain (not discouraged by the sheep-owning gentry) pressed for a ban on imported calico (unbleached cotton). Compared to wool, cotton was lighter and more decorative; it also wore better, and was easier to clean. As its price fell, demand rose so much that Daniel Defoe was to call the female calico buyer ‘an enemy to her Country.’ In 1719 London weavers, desperate to keep out the then-new mechanically printed calicoes and linens, threw ink or acid on any woman who wore them in the street—or they simply tore her clothes off.

Here’s Daniel Defoe on the calico buyer in 1719: “Every Woman whether rich or poor, that is seen in a Gown or Dress of printed Callico or Linnen shall be reputed an enemy to her Country.... We should soon see the ladies leave the Callicoes, and the callicoes, by Consequence, leave the Nation.” The Manufacturer, Daniel Defoe, 1719. Quoted in: Reading the East India Company, 1720-1840: Colonial Currencies of Gender, Betty Joseph, The University of Chicago Press, 2004, page 44.

Here is a longer extract on the calico question: “It is, without doubt, the just Concern, of our Representatives, to study the Interest and the Circumstances of the People who they represent. If these Gentlemen please but to look round them, they must of Necessity see that the Manufactures decline, that Trade languishes, and the Poor stretch our their Hands to them for Help. They must needs also see the Causes of it, even at their own Doors, while they cannot but see a wilfully-possess’d Nation, dress’d up in the Manufactures of Foreigners, and despising the Workmanship of their own People: Madly sending their Money to India and China, to feed and support Heathens and Savages; and neglecting, nay, I may say, Rejecting the Manufactures of their own Country, tho’ they see the poor Families starving for want of Work.” A Brief State of the Question, Between the Printed and Painted CALLICOES and the Woollen and Silk Manufacture, As far as it relates to the Wearing and Using of Printed and Painted CALLICOES in Great-Britain, Daniel Defoe, W. Boreham, 1719, pages 38-39.

[reactions to calico from the 1690s on]
“The first recorded instances of female focused anti-calico violence occurred on June 16th and 17th 1719. A crowd estimated to be 4,000 strong moved from the weaving district of Spitalfields into the old City of London assaulting the calico-clad women they came across. Observing this sudden rise in disorder, the Lord Mayor of London ordered that troops were to be called out to restore stability. Nevertheless, the next day the violence spread to the south side of the Thames river where several leaders among the protesters were arrested and a rioter was killed by the cavalry. On June 20th it was reported that troops had fired on protesters ‘dangerously wounding’ some and arresting others. While these events did not bring an end to anti-calico actions, they appear to have diminished the enthusiasm of the crowd for mass protests. In the wake of this initial firm official response, most anti-calico actions normally involved a dozen weavers attacking a lone women and tended to occur most often in areas where the weavers could count on community support for their actions.

Cripplegate, Whitechapel and Southwark had large populations of weavers and people in these London environs would have expressed strong sympathy for anti-calico protesters. In fact, one assault in Whitechapel left a young woman so severely injured that, despite the presence of a surgeon, ‘her life [was] despaired of.’ During many of these attacks women were mercilessly treated and had their calico gowns torn from their bodies or had acid thrown on them by assailants who quickly fled the scene. Some weavers were even so bold as to enter the homes of women they suspected of possessing calicos to search for the offending garments. In the absence to a sustained official response to these actions, the tactic of ‘calico chasing’ quickly spread to other urban centers where the wool and silk industries were important to the local economy.

Once they perceived that their actions went largely unchecked, weavers in London, Norwich, Bristol, and other provincial centers speedily took up the practice of forcibly divesting women of their calicos. Ultimately, a combination of petitioning, intimidation and public pressure brought an end to the crisis. In 1722 the Calico Act (7 Geo. I c. 7) forbade the use or wear of all printed, dyed and stained calicos in Great Britain and stiff monetary penalties, ranging from £5 to £20, were imposed upon those who wore or sold printed Indian cottons. [...]

The scale and duration of the Calico riots supports the conclusion that many English women of all degrees wore printed textiles. Moreover, many showed no signs of giving them up, no matter how many appeals were made to the traditional moral economy by ‘starving’ male weavers. Consequently, some upper rank women who wore calico were attacked in the course of the riots directly or with acids and inks thrown into their coaches. On the 29th of July 1719, three women dressed in calicos drove in a carriage to the location where several weavers were standing in the pillory for their riotous actions. When the friends of the weavers perceived that these women had come to insult those in the pillory they attacked them and ‘stripped [the women] clean of [their] calicos.’ This was a dangerous tactic. Wealthy and powerful elites would not tolerate their female relations being handled in such rude fashion by the common mob and even middling women had to be treated with some degree of caution.”

The Moral Economy of the 1719-20 Calico Riots, Mark Cameron Harris, doctoral thesis, University of Alberta, 2015, pages 7-8 and 218-219. See also pages 212-233. for the agitations and consequences.

See also: God, Duty and Community in English Economic Life, 1660-1720, Brodie Waddell, Boydell Press, 2012, page 215. Cotton, Beverly Lemire, Berg, 2011, pages 51-60. Weekly Journal or British Gazetteer, Saturday, June 20th, 1719, and “Weavers Hall,” The Daily Courant, Thursday, July 9th, 1719, in: The British Cotton Trade, 1660-1815, Volume 2, International Trade and the Politics of Consumption, 1690s-1730, Beverly Lemire (editor), Pickering & Chatto, 2010, pages 281, 283. “The Close of last Week a Woman near the Hay-Market, passing along about 11 Night, some Link-Boys set fire to her Calicoe Gown and Petticoat, which blazing fiercely upwards, she was burnt to that degree, that she died the next Day.’ Weekly Journal or British Gazetteer, Saturday, July 21st, 1722.

See also: “ ‘Callico Madams’: Servants, Consumption, and the Calico Crisis,” C. W. Smith, Eighteenth-Century Life, 31(2):29-55, 2007. Governance, Growth and Global Leadership: The Rise of the State in Technological Progress, 1750-2000, Espen Moe, Ashgate Publishing, 2007, pages 61-63. A History of London, Stephen Inwood, Avalon Publishing Group, 1998, pages 395-396. Fashion’s Favourite: The Cotton Trade and the Consumer in Britain 1660-1800, Beverly Lemire, Oxford University Press, 1991, pages 20, 30. The London Weavers’ Company, 1600-1970, Alfred Plummer, Routledge, 1972, Chapter 14, pages 292-314. “The East India Company, 1600-1740,” W. Foster, in: The Cambridge History of the British Empire: Volume IV, British India 1497-1858, H. H. Dodwell (editor), Cambridge University Press, 1929, pages 76-116. England and the English in the Eighteenth Century: Chapters in the Social History of the Times, Volume II, William Connor Sydney, Ward & Downey, Second Edition, 1891, pages 195-196.

Incidentally, the story of calico is part of Britain’s circuitous and largely unplanned path to industrial leadership in cotton, which was itself part of its rise to industrial leadership in general.

“The cotton textile industry itself is valid proof that the British Parliament functioned as a better check on vested interests than the French controller general. The story of cotton textiles is among other things a story of lobbying and vested interests. One cannot credibly claim that the British state consciously promoted or encouraged cotton textiles. And yet, indirectly, it still did so, by discontinuing industrial policies that were very clearly a product of vested interests. By ceasing its meddling in industrial politics, the British state removed the very explicit barriers that existed against cotton textiles. Add to this an odd fortuitous element: Banning Indian calicoes made it possible for domestic cotton weaving to gain a foothold in the market. Between 1696 and 1774, pressure group activity led to the passing of British laws conducive (sometimes by accident, sometimes not) to the development of the cotton industry....

This had been about politics, not economics: Concern with riots in the Celtic lands made Parliament support the linen industry. The growth of linens created a loophole for domestic cotton manufacture, sheltered by the very same act against competition from Asia....

Britain’s success at preventing pressure groups from stifling the implementation of new technology was essential. But regional British difference are also instructive. Cotton did not have strong pressure groups, much unlike wool, which had a long tradition of organization and regulation. As a consequence of pressure groups resisting new technology, a major shift took place in British textiles production.... In Yorkshire, technological innovations like the spinning jenny were rapidly diffused and incorporated, without much local resistance. The West Country on the other hand, saw major worker opposition, with strong resistance against machinery, strengthened by traditions of solidarity and collective action among the workers from earlier industrial and food riots. The result was a West Country that faded into industrial irrelevance, whereas Yorkshire grew to become the center of British wool production. British regions that opposed new technology rapidly lost out to the regions that embraced it.”

Governance, Growth and Global Leadership: The Rise of the State in Technological Progress, 1750-2000, Espen Moe, Ashgate Publishing, 2007, pages 61-63.

[some reactions to new devices]
“Machine-Breaking in England and France during the Age of Revolution,” J. Horn, Labour / Le Travail, 55(2):143-166, 2005. The Industrial Windmill in Britain, Roy Gregory, Phillmore & Co., Ltd., 2005, page 105. Masters and Journeymen: A Prehistory of Industrial Relations, 1717-1800, C. R. Dobson, Croom Helm Ltd., 1980, pages 115-116. London Memories: Social, Historical, and Topographical, Charles William Heckethorn, Chatto & Windus, 1900, pages 144-145. A History of Inventions and Discoveries, Volume I, Johann Beckmann, translated by William Johnston, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, Third Edition, 1817, pages 375-376.
[new silk-weaving loom in 1745]
The inventor was Jacques de Vaucanson. As usual, he was building on top of other inventors work, primarily that of Basile Bouchon and Jean-Baptiste Falcon, and his work would be built upon in its turn by Joseph-Marie Jacquard 55 years later. Also as usual, the text compresses a much more involved and interesting story into a few words. In fact, Lyonnaise silk-weavers first rioted because Vaucanson had been made inspector of silk weaving and it was his job to enforce unpopular reforms. Men were threatened with death, and several were killed. Vaucanson himself was stoned, and almost killed. He escaped by disguising himself as a monk and fleeing Lyon by night. The Bourgeois Revolution in France, 1789-1815, Henry Heller, Berghahn Books, 2006, pages 37-38. Science and Polity in France: The End of the Old Regime, Charles Coulston Gillispie, Princeton University Press, 2004, pages 414-418. Edison’s Eve: A Magical History of the Quest for Mechanical Life, Gaby Wood, Alfred A. Knopf, 2002, pages 40-43. Copying Machines: Taking Notes for the Automaton, Catherine Liu, University of Minnesota Press, 2000, pages 97-98.
[new Lyon fork-maker in 1789]
The innovator was Jacques Sauvade. The Path not Taken: French Industrialization in the Age of Revolution, 1750-1830, Jeff Horn, The MIT Press, 2006, page 112. Engineering the Revolution, Arms and Enlightenment in France, 1763-1815, Ken Alder, Princeton University Press, 1997, page 215. Saint-Étienne et son district pendant la Révolution, Volume I, J.-B. Galley, Imprimerie de La Loire Républicaine, 1903, pages 74-77.
[population flows and rising manufacturing in China]
Those lost jobs haven’t all vanished from the planet. Many of them have moved to our poorer countries. For example, manufacturing’s share of national income in China is now over 43 percent, and rising. By 2005 in China, over 130 million of us had scraped the farm’s mud off our clogs, heading for the big city. However, some of those lost industrial jobs are gone for good, replaced by machine labor, cheaper transport, and a more efficient division of labor, just as had earlier happened with farming. “Peer Migration in China,” Y. Chen, G. Z. Jin, Y. Yue, Working Paper 15671, National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), 2010. “Measuring Interprovincial Flows of Human Capital in China: 1995-2000,” L. Fan, Population and Development Review, 28(3):367-387, 2009. “China’s Floating Population: New Evidence from the 2000 Census,” Z. Liang, Z. Ma, Population and Development Review, 30(3):467-488, 2004. “Gold into Base Metals: Productivity Growth in the People’s Republic of China during the Reform Period,” A. Young, Journal of Political Economy, 111(6):1220-1261, 2003.
[job shifts from country to country]
For instance, making cloth and clothing in our early industrial countries shifted to Hong Kong to South Korea to China to Cambodia to India to Bangladesh to Sri Lanka and now to various countries in South America and Africa.
[the machine age]
Of course, people have been forecasting this for a long time. “Technologically, as I have argued earlier, machines will be capable, within twenty years, of doing any work that a man can do. Economically, men will retain their comparative advantage in jobs that require flexible manipulation of those parts of the environment that are relatively rough—some forms of manual work, control of some kinds of machinery (e.g., operating earth-moving equipment), some kinds of nonprogrammed problem solving, and some kinds of service activities where face-to-face human interaction is of the essence. Man will be somewhat less involved in performing the day-to-day work of the organization, and somewhat more involved in maintaining the system that performs the work.” The New Science of Management Decision, Herbert Simon, Harper & Row, 1960, page 38.

Of course, that was written in the early days, when automation was first moving from purely manual work into the office for the first time. In a footnote, Simon specifically mentions the “little evidence on recent factory automation” and what it suggests to him about possible future consequences on “clerical and managerial work.” Maybe the same will be true decades from now, or whenever it is that machines finally do move into the fully creative side of production, as opposed to what is merely perceived as the first glimmers of that today (in 2021).

[dates of first half-urbanization]
Britain in 1850, Germany in 1910, the United States in 1920, Japan in 1935, South Korea in 1977, China in 2011.

As usual, with urbanization, specific dates depend on the specific reference chosen. For uniformity sake, since the text names several countries at once, it (mostly) goes with Mosley: “From the late eighteenth century onwards, the rise of industrial cities ushered in a new phase of environmental change. Britain was the first nation to undergo rapid urban-industrial expansion, followed by northern Europe, the USA and Japan. Driven by the push of agricultural modernisation, and the pull of factory work opportunities, urbanisation rates accelerated sharply in Britain, with others in the industrialising world catching up by the early twentieth century. In 1851, Britain—the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution—became the first country to have more than half of its population living in cities. By 1900, Germany and the Netherlands had also passed 50 per cent, and France was close to the ‘half urban’ mark at 45 per cent. But the USA did not reach this level of urbanisation until 1920, and Japan later still in 1935.” The Environment in World History, Stephen Mosley, Taylor & Francis, 2010, page 92. See also: The Encyclopedia of World History, Peter N. Stearns and William L. Langer (editors), Houghton Mifflin, 2001, page 420. France wasn’t half-urban until 1930; Spain not until 1950.

[urbanization data and median estimates from 1950 to 2050]
Table A.1. Population of urban and rural areas at mid-year World Urbanization Prospects: The 2011 Revision, United Nations Population Division estimates, United Nations Common Database, 2012. World Urbanization Prospects: The 2009 Revision, United Nations Population Division estimates, United Nations Common Database, 2010. Nor are such changes likely to end anytime soon. In 1950, India was 17 percent urban. By 2010 it was 30 percent—which is about where Egypt was in 1950 (32 percent). In 2010, Egypt was 43 percent urban, and by 2030 it will likely be half-urban.
[the emerging global middle class by 2030]
In 2010, over one and a half billion of us were rich enough to be urban, literate, and in the world’s middle class (that is, earning $10 U.S. a day or more), and about one billion of those were in the old rich parts of the world. By 2030, perhaps over eight billion of us will be alive, but almost five billion of us might well be that rich, yet still only about one billion will be in the old rich parts of the world.

The term ‘middle-class’ is nebulous. Arguments continue as to what exactly it might be. A growing consensus, such as it is, seems to be, roughly like anything between $10 and $100 U.S. PPP a day. However, again arguments do continue. Back in 2004, it used to be $8 U.S. Argument also continue over whether it might be an ability to afford a bicycle or a motorcycle or a car, and so on. “Five Trends Reshaping the Global Economy,” D. Barton, McKinsey & Company, 2013. “Capturing the world’s emerging middle class,” D. Court, L. Narasimhan, McKinsey & Company, 2010. “The emerging middle class in developing countries,” H. Kharas, OECD Development Centre Working Paper No. 285, 2010. “The New Global Middle Class: A Cross-Over from West to East,” H. Kharas and G. Gertz, in: China’s Emerging Middle Class: Beyond Economic Transformation, Cheng Li, editor, Brookings Institution Press, 2010.

In 2004, predictions were that 600 million more would be earning over $8 a day by 2015. In 2004, $8 U.S. a day was defined as enough for a global middle-class income. The BRICs and Global Markets: Crude, Cars and Capital, Global Economics Paper Number 118, Goldman Sachs, 2004. Dreaming with BRICs: The Path to 2050, Global Economics Paper Number 99, Goldman Sachs, 2003. However, of the four BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, and China), Brazil’s per capita GDP improved from 1980 to 2000, but not by a great deal. Since 2000 it began to pick up. India’s, too, is picking up, but not as much as China’s.

Global per-person GDP rose from 1960 to 2000: Lectures on Economic Growth, Robert E. Lucas, Jr., Harvard University Press, 2002, especially Chapter 5. From 1987 to 2004 alone, our numbers rose by over 1.7 thousand million. Yet our average per-person income still rose by a third. “Worldwide, GDP per capita (purchasing power parity) has increased from US$5 927 in 1987 to US$8 162 in 2004.” Global Environment Outlook, GEO-4, United Nations Environment Programme, 2007, page 4. Also, half a thousand million in all were added in the 25 years before 2007, a statistic quoted by Paul Wolfowitz, then president of the World Bank, at World Economic Forum Sessions on Global Health: Scaling Innovation in Foreign Aid, Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, 2007, page 7.

[sectoral shifts and job insecurity]
In general, as our toolbox changes, the efficiency of various of our economic sectors change. But they don’t all change at the same rate. As efficiency in any one sector rises we have more money to invest in improving those same tools. Thus, our tools improve but mostly just in those sectors where they can make the largest economic difference at that time. Plus, the more they improve, the more capital we can amass and direct at our next most reachable sector. Further, as they cheapen, the cost of the things we make with them falls, so we consume more of them. Instead of eating meat once a week, we eat it every day. Instead of one mobile phone per village, every villager has several. But that only means that the relative cost of any technologically untouched sectors rises. Since even our newest tools haven’t yet reduced the cost of nurturing, governance, entertainment, and creativity, those are the jobs remaining for us to do. Anything portable or mechanical, whether physical or mental, is falling in value, but that won’t mean the end of work.

To put it more technically: as our future options’ marginal creation costs fall, it would only mean that new options would arise faster. The faster they do, the more quickly would rewards for any particular option drop. The more options there are, the harder the option-choice problem would become. So even if we one day have total freedom of choice among infinitely many options, each of which have a zero marginal cost of creation and adoption, we still won’t have a zero marginal cost of attention to pay to each of those choices equally. So rewards for each one would vary. Variation of reward is inevitable.

This idea is related to work on scale-free networks. A network becomes scale-free if its number of nodes is growing and if the chance that a new node will link to an existing node is proportional to how highly linked the existing node already is. “Statistical mechanics of complex networks,” A.-L. Barabási, R. Albert, Reviews of Modern Physics, 74(1):47-97, 2002.

For an early example of the ideas behind what is now called scale-free networks (and their associated power laws, as well as an explanation for their random generation), see: “A general theory of bibliometric and other cumulative advantage processes,” D. J. de Solla Price, Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 27(5):292-306, 1976.

For further background on scale-freeness, see: “Towards a Theory of Scale-Free Graphs: Definition, Properties, and Implications,” (Extended Version), L. Li, D. Alderson, R. Tanaka, J. C. Doyle, W. Willinger, Internet Mathematics, 2(4):431-523, 2005. “Scale-Free Networks,” A.-L. Barabási, E. Bonabeau, Scientific American, 288(5):60-69, 2003. Small Worlds: The Dynamics of Networks between Order and Randomness, Duncan J. Watts, Princeton University Press, 1999.

For an application to business, see: The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business Is Selling Less of More, Chris Anderson, Hyperion, 2006.

[global sectoral shifts in employment in 2018, 2006]
2018 figures: World Social Report 2020: Inequality in a rapidly changing world, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, Figure 2.1, page 61.

In 2006, 6.7 billion of us were alive and 4.6 billion were working age (that is, aged 15 or over) Of those, about two-thirds (2.9 billion) were in the workforce (that is, either at work or looking for work). Of those, just 45 percent (1.3 billion) were farmers. Plus, within those at work, 38.7 percent were farmers, 21.3 percent were in industry, and 40 percent were in services. So, for the first time in history, more of us were in service than on the farm.

“Between 1996 and 2006, the global labour force, consisting of people who were either working or looking for work, had grown by 16.6 per cent, to 2.9 billion.... That labour force represented about two thirds of the 4.6 billion people of working age (aged 15 years or over) in 2006. [...]

In 2006, the employment share of the service sector in total global employment reached 40 per cent and, for the first time, overtook the share of agriculture which was 38.7 per cent. The industry sector accounted for 21.3 per cent of total employment, a figure virtually identical to that of 10 years ago.

Agriculture still accounts for about 45 per cent of the world’s labour force, or about 1.3 billion people. In developing countries, about 55 per cent of the labour force is in agriculture, with the figure being close to two thirds in many parts of Africa and Asia. These figures should be treated as rough orders of magnitude, especially since many of those performing agricultural work or labour are also engaged in other forms of non-farm work. Rural employment has been associated with low incomes, and undoubtedly, rural poverty rates are higher than urban ones, particularly in African countries, where a recent modest decline in the difference between rural and urban poverty has been associated with rises in urban poverty levels rather than with any decline in rural poverty.”

The Employment Imperative: Report on the World Social Situation 2007, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, 2007, pages 11 and 15. For the population figure, see also: World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, 2007.

Note: We can’t export most services, but if both robots and metaconcerts become common, we’ll find ways to export more and more of them. Dramatic, perhaps drastic, changes may be ahead, but in the very long run (post-2050 perhaps?), that may be our future: being of direct service to each other.

[stars and wannabes]
Even further, we’ve already seen what can happen when anyone can compete with anyone else around the globe. It’s already happening to music, movies, sports, and TV as new data-capture, data-broadcast, and data-playback devices cheapen and spread. In such fields, a few high-profile stars reap huge sums from an increasingly global audience, beating out local stars. Becoming a star is then like hitting the jackpot. Many more of us then compete to become one of those stars. To do so, we take lower-paying, more transient jobs while we await our chance. The result is a handful of stars, thousands of also-rans, and millions of hand-to-mouth wannabes. What might happen if that becomes the norm for other professions, like finance, banking, law, medicine, management, academia, and education, as global data-flow gets ever cheaper?

This may be just another way of saying that some income distributions are trending toward power laws. The same idea has been used to model earthquakes, scientific paper citations, species extinctions, the page linkage distribution of the world wide web, and it may even be used to model the highly skewed income distributions in the arts, entertainment, fashion, publishing, televised sports, and corporate salaries. First use of a version of Bak’s sandpile analogy may go back to H. G. Wells. (Interestingly, Isaac Asimov’s Foundation science fiction novels depend on the same set of ideas as Wells promulgated.)

However, a recent ILO study suggests other explanations: “Between 1999 and 2011 average labour productivity in developed economies increased more than twice as much as average wages. In the United States, real hourly labour productivity in the non-farm business sector increased by about 85 per cent since 1980, while real hourly compensation increased by only around 35 per cent. In Germany, labour productivity surged by almost a quarter over the past two decades while real monthly wages remained flat.

The global trend has resulted in a change in the distribution of national income, with the workers’ share decreasing while capital income shares increase in a majority of countries. Even in China, a country where wages roughly tripled over the last decade, GDP increased at a faster rate than the total wage bill—and hence the labour share went down.

The drop in the labour share is due to technological progress, trade globalization, the expansion of financial markets, and decreasing union density, which have eroded the bargaining power of labour. Financial globalization, in particular, may have played a bigger role than previously thought.” Global Wage Report 2012/13: Wages and equitable growth, United Nations International Labour Organization (ILO), 2013, page xiv.


Six Degrees: The Science of a Connected Age, Duncan J. Watts, W. W. Norton, 2003. Ubiquity: Why Catastrophes Happen, Mark Buchanan, Three Rivers Press, 2000. How Nature Works: The Science of Self-Organized Criticality, Per Bak, Copernicus, 1996. The Winner-Take-All Society: Why the Few at the Top Get So Much More Than the Rest of Us, Robert H. Frank and Philip J. Cook, Penguin, 1995. The Discovery of the Future, H. G. Wells, B. W. Huebsch, Reprint Edition, 1913, pages 39-44.

Note, however, that while power laws have now become trendy there are strong reservations about actually finding them in the data, given massive sampling error, especially for rare events. “Power-law distributions in empirical data,” A. Clauset, C. R. Shalizi, M. E. J. Newman, SIAM Review, 51(4):661-703, 2009. “Accuracy and Scaling Phenomena in Internet Mapping,” A. Clauset, C. Moore, Physical Review Letters, 94(1):018701, 2005. “On the Bias of Traceroute Sampling; or, Power-law Degree Distributions in Regular Graphs,” D. Achlioptas, A. Clauset, D. Kempe, C. Moore, Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing: Proceedings of the thirty-seventh annual ACM symposium on Theory of Computing, 2005, pages 694-703.

[world trade structure in 2011]
“With regard to specific economic sectors, fuels represent the largest (and fastest growing) product category in terms of value of trade (almost 20 percent of world trade in 2011). Other significant sectors include chemicals, machineries, communication equipment and motor vehicles. In contrast, the importance of agriculture in total merchandise trade is relatively small (less than 10 percent and less than each of the other major sectors). The position of a country as an exporter of a particular product is generally determined by the availability of natural resources, technological competence and, ultimately, comparative advantage (production and trade costs). While developed countries remain major exporters of most sophisticated goods (e.g. motor vehicles) and some heavy industry (e.g. chemicals), developing countries have increased their market share as exporters of commodities and especially of light manufacturing goods (e.g. apparel and electronics). One important insight is that the export shares (and hence production) of light manufacturing have substantially shifted not only from developed to developing countries but also among developing countries. Still, most of these shifts have occurred to the advantage of East Asian countries. Other regions’ integration in international trade of manufacturing products remains extremely limited. In practice, Sub-Saharan Africa’s participation in global production and trade is still largely confined to energy products and other commodities, while that of Latin American countries remains largely tied to agricultural goods and mining.” Key Trends in International Merchandise Trade, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, 2013, page 4.
[breaking the link between jobs and incomes?—a universal dole?]
Perhaps we might even one day get so rich that we’ll have a global dole? If so, judging by what’s been happening in some of our richest countries, over time we might inadvertently move to a world where we pay each other too much not to work, and too little to work. Also, no support mechanism is likely to remove competition, which will determine prices, which will nullify any such mechanism in the long run. Further, any such support system depends on our delicate global debt repayment schemes. What happens if that breaks down?
[...many of our income skews may well persist for quite a while]
For example, from about 1770 to 1910, inequality in Britain changed twice. For the first 70 or so years, the rate of profit for those of us who owned capital roughly doubled. With capital, you could buy tools and resources. You could also encourage and support skilled labor. And you could concentrate labor pools. With new tools, like the steam engine, and new ways to organize labor to take advantage of them, profits surged. The share of national income from capital rose, while the shares from land and labor fell. Further, profit was so great that capital owners reinvested much of it—in search of yet more profit—rather than consuming it. Capital thus began to build on itself autocatalytically. Further, with the new tools and resources and labor arrangements that capital bought, output per worker rose. Real wages of those workers also grew, but far more slowly. Thus, inequality rose sharply. During this period, capital owners in Britain made out like bandits.

However, the picture changed over the next 70 or so years, from 1840 to 1910. Output kept rising, but this time, real wages rose with it. Given the state of technical know-how at the time, capital had already done about as much as it could with tools and energy and labor organization. The only thing left to invest in was the workers themselves. In this period, railways, which helped concentrate workers, and also divide their labor, were spreading. Mass production, which needs educated labor, was also spreading. As real wages rose, workers now had enough to start saving a little of it. The rest they reinvested in themselves. Unions spread. Schools spread. Voting rights spread. Laws changed. Sewerage and other infrastructure spread. Child mortality then fell. Then family size dropped. The British economy shifted away from hand-to-mouth farm- and factory-labor. The returns to capital, while still high, then stabilized. Inequality then fell—but not as sharply as it had earlier risen.

See: “Engel’s Pause: Technical Change, Capital Accumulation, and Inequality in the British Industrial Revolution,” R. C. Allen, Explorations in Economic History, 46(4):418-435, 2009.

If this is a reasonable argument, then the situation now is that all of world labor is accessible, and robots are at, or are approaching, human capability in many areas, so capital is pursuing labor cost reduction rather than labor quality improvement. This is likely to persist for quite a while longer.

[robots and potential jobloss]
Rise of the Robots: Technology and the Threat of a Jobless Future, Martin Ford, Basic Books, 2015. The Second Machine Age: Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies, Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee, W. W. Norton & Company, 2014.
[the skew]
Neither our families, neighborhoods, firms, nor even our cities need be that complex, but our mass-producing countries may be. And relative to them, most of our other countries aren’t. That may be at least partly why they remain poor.

While all our countries have national barriers, and all once were self-sufficient in food and clothes and dwellings, few have achieved the operational closure needed to contain the complex network that can make machines, never mind machines that can make machines that can make machines. Such a network can not only produce a wide and ever-changing variety of desirable things in enormous amounts, it is recursively closed, so it can persist itself. It’s a strong attractant for various needed resources. So any country with it has trade power over any country without it, even ignoring its military applications. Maybe that would continue to be true even if all our countries one day achieve it, because by that point, there may be some new, more esoteric thing that only a few countries can sustain.

[the skew in 2005—top 10 percent and top 20 percent versus bottom 10 percent and bottom 20 percent]
“Global income distribution resembles a champagne glass. At the top, where the glass is widest, the richest 20% of the population hold three-quarters of world income. At the bottom of the stem, where the glass is narrowest, the poorest 40% hold 5% of world income and the poorest 20% hold just 1.5%. The poorest 40% roughly corresponds to the 2 billion people living on less than $2 a day. [...]

The gap between top and bottom is very large—far greater than that found in even the most unequal countries. In Brazil the ratio of the income of the poorest 10% of the population to the richest 10% is 1 to 94. For the world as a whole it is 1 to 103.” Human Development Report, 2005, United Nations Development Programme, 2006, pages 36-38.

See also: The World Economy: A Millennia Perspective, Angus Maddison, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2001.

[consistent and increasing income skew in 2010]
As of 2010, while there have been dramatic changes in health, longevity, fertility, and schooling, income distributions have remained skewed.

“Despite aggregate progress, there is no convergence in income—in contrast to health and education—because on average rich countries have grown faster than poor ones over the past 40 years. The divide between developed and developing countries persists: a small subset of countries has remained at the top of the world income distribution, and only a handful of countries that started out poor have joined that high-income group. [...]

Since the 1980s, income inequality has risen in many more countries than it has fallen. For every country where inequality has improved in the past 30 years, in more than two it has worsened. [...]

Since 1970, 155 countries—home to 95 percent of the world’s people—have experienced increases in real per capita income. The annual average today is $10,760, almost 1.5 times its level 20 years ago and twice its level 40 years ago. People in all regions have seen substantial increases in average income, though patterns vary. And the range, amount and quality of goods and services available to people today is unprecedented. From 1970 to 2010 per capita income in developed countries increased 2.3 percent a year on average, compared with 1.5 percent for developing countries. In 1970 the average income of a country in the top quarter of the world income distribution was 23 times that of a country in the bottom quarter. By 2010 it approached 29 times.”

Human Development Report, 2010, United Nations Development Programme, 2010, pages 4, 6, and 40-42.

The World Bank and the United Nations roughly agree on the above trends, but within econometric circles, various measures, and their interpretations, are contested. For example, see: “Poverty Traps,” C. Azariadis, J. Stachurski, Chapter 5 of Handbook of Economic Growth, Philippe Aghion and Steven Durlauf (editors), Volume I, Part A, Elsevier, 2005. “The World Distribution of Income: Falling Poverty and... Convergence, Period,” X. Sala-i-Martin, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 121(2):351-398, 2006. “The World Distribution of Income and Income Inequality: A Review of the Economics Literature,” A. Heshmati, Journal of World-Systems Research, 12(1):1-24, 2006. “World Income Distribution: Which Way?” P. Svedberg, Journal of Development Studies, 40(5):1-32, 2004. “True World Income Distribution, 1988 and 1993: First Calculations, Based on Household Surveys Alone,” B. Milanovic, The Economic Journal, 112(476):51-92, 2002.

Further, the following paper argues that while inequity is large today, it used to be larger, but within countries, less so between countries. The industrial phase change led to a large spike in inequity for its first 90 years or so, then within-country inequities leveled off and between-countries inequities grew. “Inequality among World Citizens: 1820-1992,” F. Bourguignon, C. Morrisson, American Economic Review, 92(4):727-744, 2002.

[life expectancies in Japan and Swaziland in 2005]
World Population Prospects: The 2006 revision, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 2007, Table A.17, page 79. World Development Report 2006: Equity and Development, The World Bank, 2005, page 55.
[dripping taps and wasted water in 2005]
Human Development Report, 2006, United Nations Development Programme, 2007, page 6.
[child labor]
In 2001, perhaps 250 million of our children between the ages of 5 and 14 still labored. Perhaps 60 million of those children were forced to become prostitutes or soldiers. Beyond Child Labor: Affirming Rights, United Nations Children’s Fund, 2001, pages 1 and 14.
[slavery wasn’t dead in 2003]
In 2003, slavery was no longer legal in nearly all our countries (Mauritania is an exception), but it still existed.

“Year after year, NGOs presented more and more examples of the same inquitous practices, as well as new ones. Members [of the United Nations Working Group on Contemporary Forms of Slavery] listened to governments’ claims that they were eliminating them, only to hear a year later from NGOs that nothing had changed. The only certainty was that if there were any results they would be long delayed. While the UN talked and governments made excuses, more people fell into debt-bondage, more women were forced into marriage, more children were sold and ill-treated, and more workers were exploited. Meanwhile governments, even impoverished ones, spent large sums on arms. Leaders salted away ill-gotten gains, and corrupt officials failed to enforce laws. Third World poverty was compounded by population growth, by the failure to construct a new and more equitable international economic order, and sometimes by structural adjustment demanded by the International Monetary Fund or the World Bank or by ill-conceived development projects.” Slavery in the Twentieth Century: The Evolution of a Global Problem, Suzanne Miers, Rowman Altamira, 2003, page 404.

[12 to 27 million slaves in 2005]
Bales’ guess of 27 million is widely accepted. The United Nations International Labor Organization estimates a minimum of 12.3 million slaves worldwide today. A Crime So Monstrous: Face-to-Face with Modern-Day Slavery, E. Benjamin Skinner, Free Press, 2008. A Global Alliance Against Forced Labour, International Labour Office, United Nations, 2005. Disposable People: New Slavery in the Global Economy, Kevin Bales, University of California Press, 2000.
[perhaps 30,000 to perhaps over 100,000 slaves in the United States in 2007]
Definite numbers are hard to come by.

“Well over one hundred thousand people live enslaved at this moment in the United States, and as many as seventeen thousand new victims are trafficked across our borders each year.” Not for Sale: The Return of the Global Slave Trade—and How We Can Fight It, David Batstone, HarperOne, 2007, page 3.

“The United States has become a major importer of sex slaves. Last year, the C.I.A. estimated that between 18,000 and 20,000 people are trafficked annually into the United States. The government has not studied how many of these are victims of sex traffickers, but Kevin Bales, president of Free the Slaves, America’s largest anti-slavery organization, says that the number is at least 10,000 a year. John Miller, the State Department’s director of the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, conceded: “That figure could be low. What we know is that the number is huge.” Bales estimates that there are 30,000 to 50,000 sex slaves in captivity in the United States at any given time.” See: “The Girls Next Door,” P. Landesman, New York Times, January 25th, 2004.

[slavery around the world in 2001]
In 2001 a black-market cousin of chattel slavery itself still existed in West Africa. There, children cost about $30 U.S. Dealers bought them from their parents in one country then sold them in another. Poorer countries—like Benin, Mali, and Togo—supplied richer ones—like Cote d’Ivoire, Cameroon, and Gabon. Full-frontal slavery, complete with slave markets, also still existed in Mauritania and Sudan. Across the Atlantic, those of us in Brazil could also be in bondage. Tricked with promises of well-paid work, whole families were trucked or shipped around Amazonia. There we cleared forests under armed guard. Haiti, too, still had slaves. Half of us there couldn’t read and four in five of us lived in abject poverty. The poorest nation in the Americas, Haiti had armies of slaves, both for sex and for labor. That included children as young as four.

“Mali’s Children in Chocolate Slavery,” H. Hawksley, BBC News, April 12th, 2001. Slavery in Brazil: A Link in the Chain of Modernisation, Alison Sutton, Anti-Slavery International, 1994. Incidentally, in 1995, new Brazilian President Fernando Henrique Cardoso announced new measures to eradicate slavery. In 2003, new Brazilian President Luíz Inácio Lula da Silva announced new measures to eradicate slavery. Slavery and Human Progress, David Brion Davis, Oxford University Press, 1984.

[haves and have-nots]
We’ve always divided into haves and have-nots. That’s not new. But the scale of today’s skew is. Take rotavirus. In the United States from 1993 to 2003, it killed 37 of our babies a year. Stamping it out there got a lot of funding. Worldwide, it killed over half a million of our babies a year—it’s our single largest baby-killer. It severely sickens another two million of our kids a year. But all that death and disease got little funding. All those kids are poor. Their parents are poor. Their nations are poor. Their regions are poor. Who’s going to pay for a cure when those in danger can’t? Who, then, might be surprised that in the 30 years from 1975 and 2004, we developed 1,556 new drugs. Just 21 were for tropical diseases. “Hospitalizations and deaths from diarrhea and rotavirus among children <5 years of age in the United States, 1993-2003,” T. K. Fischer, C. Viboud, U. Parashar, M. Malek, C. Steiner, R. Glass, L. Simonsen, Journal of Infectious Diseases, 195(8):1117-1125, 2007. “Use of formative research in developing a knowledge translation approach to rotavirus vaccine introduction in developing countries,” E. Simpson, S. Wittet, J. Bonilla, K. Gamazina, L. Cooley, J. L. Winkler, BMC Public Health, 7:281, 2007. “Global framework on essential health R&D,” P. Chirac, E. Torreele, The Lancet, 367(9522):1560-1561, 2006.
[poverty is relative]
Poverty is relative, and thus likely unending. For example, in 1901, poverty in York, England, was defined with respect to the ability to afford a basket of basic goods. By 1951, that kind of poverty had disappeared in England. So poverty vanished? No. England changed its definition of poverty to a percentage of the national average income. A Study of the Work of Seebohm Rowntree 1871-1954, Asa Briggs, Longmans, 1961. Poverty and the Welfare State, B. Seebohm Rowntree and G. R. Lavers, Longmans, 1951. Poverty, A Study of Town Life, B. Seebohm Rowntree, Macmillan and Co., 1901.

Agatha Christie, looking back from 1977 at her early life in Torquay (in Devon) just after the turn of the century, wrote:

“One of the things I think I should miss most, if I were a child nowadays, would be the presence of servants. To a child they were the most colourful part of daily life. Nurses supplied platitudes; servants supplied drama, entertainment and all kinds of unspecified but interesting knowledge. Far from being slaves they were frequently tyrants. They “knew their place,” as was said, but knowing their place meant not subservience but pride, the pride of the professional....

In describing my life I am struck by the way it sounds as though I and everybody else were extremely rich. Nowadays you certainly would have to be rich to do the same things, but in point of fact nearly all my friends came from homes of moderate income. Most of their parents did not have a carriage or horses, they certainly had not yet acquired the new automobile or motor car. For that you did have to be rich.”

An Autobiography, Agatha Christie, Dodd, Mead, 1977, pages 17 and 165.

In the time she was describing, the early 1900s, Britain had well over a million servants and only a few thousand cars. Cars were scarce and costly while servants—the largest occupational category in the country at the time—were common and cheap. In Britain today, a century later, it’s the other way around. In Britain a century hence, depending on how the ecogenesis of our toolbox goes, that might reverse again. But there’ll almost surely never be a time when everything we want is equally cheap and plentiful to all of us. The Rise and Fall of the Victorian Servant, Pamela Horn, 1975, Sutton Publishing Ltd., Reprint Edition, 1995, page 202. The Domestic Revolution: The Modernisation of Household Service in England and France, 1820-1920, Theresa M. McBride, Holmes & Meier, 1976, page 112.

[persistence of inequality]
Inequality persists not merely because of stereotypes, but also because it has consequences that aid those stereotypes. For example, status has strong effects on health regardless of how rich the country is. The Status Syndrome: How Social Standing Affects Our Health and Longevity, Michael Marmot, Times Books, 2004. A lot of status consists of the ability to consume ‘positional goods.’

Chapter 6. Connect the Dots: Thought

[Voltaire quote]
The text quote translates his thought, rather than transliterating his words. What he actually said, in a letter to then prince Friedrich Wilhelm (born in 1744, reigned in 1786 as Friedrich Wilhelm II) of Prussia, on November 28th, 1770, was this: “Le doute n’est pas un état bien agréable, mais l’assurance est un état ridicule.” The Complete Works of Voltaire, Volume 121, Theodore Besterman (editor), Institut et Musée Voltaire, 1968, page 104. Voltaire in His Letters: Being a Selection from His Correspondence, Voltaire, translated by S. G. Tallentyre, G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1919, pages 231-233.

The Very Pulse of the Machine

[“very pulse”]
“She was a Phantom of delight / When first she gleam’d upon my sight; / [...] And now I see with eye serene / The very pulse of the machine; / A Being breathing thoughtful breath, / A Traveler between life and death;”

“She was a Phantom of delight,” William Wordsworth.

[Gutenberg was in Mainz in October 1448]
His full name was Johann Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenberg. We know that he had moved back to Mainz from Straßburg (Strassburg, then German-speaking, now Strasbourg, in France), by October 17th, 1448, because on that day he borrowed 150 Rhenish guilders from his brother-in-law, Arnold Gelthus—probably to start building his printing press.
[foul tanners]
Tanning was a big source of horrid smells in towns. The process involved marinating rotting flesh and using excrement for curing. Life in a Medieval City, Frances and Joseph Gies, HarperPerennial, 1969.
[...200 or more skins]
“Large amounts of parchment might be required over the sometimes short period during which a scriptorium was active, or in order to produce a large-format book. A great Bible, for example, would require the skins of 200 to 400 animals.” From: “Technology of production of the manuscript book,” R. N. Thompson, in: The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain: Volume II, 1100-1400, Nigel J. Morgan and Rodney M. Thomson (editors), Cambridge University Press, 2008, page 76.
[paper in Asia long before Europe]
China invented paper perhaps in 105, if not before. It had toilet paper and paper money and a large literate class long before anyone else. The Islamic world discovered the secret after capturing some Chinese paper makers in a battle near Samarkand in 751. By 794 there was a paper factory in Baghdad. The technology then spread within the Islamic world from Baghdad to Syria and further west to Morocco until it reached Islamic Spain about a century later, by 1150 if not before. From Spain, printing took another couple centuries to reach the rest of Europe, first to Italy in 1275 then to France and Germany over the next century. Berry and Poole claim 1150 for the first paper-mill in Spain. Annals of Printing: A Chronological Encyclopaedia from the Earliest Times to 1950, W. Turner Berry and H. Edmund Poole, University of Toronto Press, 1966. (Incidentally, Muslims had toilet paper when Christians had moss and straw and hockey-shaped sticks in buckets of water. Don’t ask how those sticks were used. It’s sufficient to note that the expression ‘the wrong end of the stick’ had a concrete meaning once upon a time.)
[high cost of early paper books in Europe]
For instance, in England, at such high costs, filling up one paper book with small and highly abbreviated writing to thus cram as much as possible into as little space as possible, might be stretched over two or even three centuries. “The Colchester Oath Book is written on parchment, but it was probably more usual for town registers or memoranda books to be written on paper, and that material’s frailty may partly explain their loss. King’s Lynn (Norfolk) still has a paper register which starts in 1307 (having lost some leaves at the beginning), the paper Book of the Hustings Court of Lyme Regis (Dorset) begins in 1308, and Oxford’s Liber Albus, which begins in 1320, is also of paper. Colchester has lost its medieval Black Paper Book. But even paper books were relatively costly, and were filled up only slowly: one book might remain in use for two or even three centuries, gradually gaining status from its antiquity, and so might come to be specially preserved.” From: “Archive books,” N. Ramsay, in: The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain: Volume II, 1100-1400, Nigel J. Morgan and Rodney M. Thomson (editors), Cambridge University Press, 2008, page 444.
[textile technology in Asia]
Spinning wheels apparently existed in Persia in 1257 and may have come there from India. By the late 1100s, spindle wheels from China were in use in Greece, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Italy and Switzerland. Spinning Wheels, Spinners and Spinning, Patricia Baines, B. T. Batsford, 1977. Use of the spinning wheel, sometimes called in Europe the ‘Hindustan Wheel,’ for woolen manufacture was either banned outright or forbidden for warp-spinning. But it slowly spread, however bans remained in effect in some places until the 1500s. The Cambridge History of Western Textiles, I, David Jenkins (editor), Cambridge University Press, 2003, page 201. “Wool and Wool-Based Textiles in the West European Economy, c.800-1500: Innovations and Traditions in Textile Products, Technology, and Industrial Organisation,” J. H. Munro. Working Paper, Department of Economics, University of Toronto, November 2000.
[paper-mill in Strasbourg]
One started there around 1430, just about the time that Gutenberg first fled there (presumably to avoid creditors in Mainz). The Book: The Story of Printing and Bookmaking, Douglas C. McMurtrie, Dorset, 1943, page 127. Straßburg (Strassburg, then German-speaking, now Strasbourg, in France), was then a big city by the standards of the place and time. However, it only had 25,000 inhabitants at most. (Apparently a census from 1444 indicated at least 16,000.)
[goldsmith skill]
In the 1100s, Alexander of Neckam (or Neckham or Nequam) described a, probably idealized, goldsmith’s workshop more or less thus: “The goldsmith should have a furnace with a hole at the top so that the smoke can get out. One hand should govern the bellows with light pressure and with the greatest care so that the air pressed through the nozzle may blow upon the coals and feed the fire. Let him have an anvil of extreme hardness on which the iron or gold may be laid and softened and may take the required form. They can be stretched and pulled with the tongs and the hammer. There should also be a hammer for making gold leaf, as well as sheets of silver, tin, brass, iron, or copper. The goldsmith must have a very sharp chisel with which he can engrave figures of many kinds on amber, hard stone, marble, emerald, sapphire or pearl. He should have a touchstone for testing, and one for distinguishing steel from iron. He must also have a rabbit’s foot for smoothing, polishing and wiping the surface of gold and silver. The small particles of metal should be collected in a leather apron. He must have small pottery vessels and cruets, and a toothed saw and file for gold as well as gold and silver wire with which broken objects can be mended or properly constructed. He must also be as skilled in engraving as well as in bas relief, in casting as well as in hammering. His apprentice must have a waxed table, or one covered with clay, for portraying little flowers and drawing in various ways. He must know how to distinguish pure gold from latten and copper, lest he buy latten for pure gold. For it is difficult to escape the wiliness of the fraudulent merchant.” Goldsmiths, John F. Cherry, University of Toronto Press, 1992, pages 6 and 24.

But that is a loose translation from Alexander’s De Nominibus Utensilium. For a more accurate translation of the Latin, see: “Gold, Silver and Precious Stones,” M. Campbell, in: English Medieval Industries: Craftsmen, Techniques, Products, John Blair and Nigel Ramsay (editors), Continuum International Publishing Group, 1991, pages 120-121. For even more extensive translations and other extracts on goldsmiths, see: “Shops and Shopping the Early Thirteenth Century: Three Texts,” M. Carlin, in: Money, Markets and Trade in Late Medieval Europe: Essays in Honour of John H. A. Munro, Lawrin Armstrong, Ivana Elbl, and Martin L. Elbl (editors), Brill, 2007, pages 491-537. Daily Living in the Twelfth Century: Based on the Observations of Alexander Neckam in London and Paris, Urban Tigner Holmes, Jr., University of Wisconsin Press, 1952.

[alloys for lead type]
The best is 62 percent lead, 24 percent antimony, and 14 percent tin. But that was unknown at the time. Metallurgy was hardly an exact science. However, Mainz did have pewtermakers, and antimony (which hardened lead) came from the Harz mountains.
[building the first printing press]
We don’t know how it happened but circumstantial evidence does say a lot about how it likely happened. For technical details on early bookmaking, the text relies on many separate references about mining, textiles, paper, and so on.

For example, for the observations about metals in Mainz, see: “Isotope composition of Medieval lead glasses reflecting early silver production in Central Europe,” Mineralium Deposita, 32(3):292-295, 1997. Printing Presses; History and Development from the Fifteenth Century to Modern Times, James Moran, University of California Press, 1973.

[ink containing tannic acid]
They got the acid from oak galls (swellings on an oak tree from wasp stings) and used it to etch their skins. Writing at the time was more like carving, except with acid on skin instead of chisel on stone.
[making oil]
Oilmakers made oil from flaxseed. They moistened and heated flaxseed then stuffed it in woolen bags and crushed them in a wooden press.
[making soap]
Chandlers made it from woodash plus the tallow of slaughtered cattle (which they got from the butchers).
[“cleanliness is half of the faith”]
The connection between cleanliness and faith was reported by Abu Malik al-Harith ibn Asim al-Ash’ari as a saying (hadith) of Muhammed. The Book of Purification (Kitab Al-Taharah), Sahih Muslim, translated by Abdul Hamid Siddiqui, Book II, Chapter I, Hadith Number 432.

See also: Clean: A History of Personal Hygiene and Purity, Virginia Smith, Oxford University Press, 2008. The Dirt on Clean: An Unsanitized History, Katherine Ashenburg, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2007.

[“where all stink, no one is smelled”]
That saying may date back at least as far as perhaps 1148 and perhaps the most influential Cistercian of that era, Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux, although he was here writing to Pope Eugenius III of the abuses of lawyers, judges, and procurators, not bodily odor per se [section: “Caput X. Abusus advocatorum, judicum, procuratorum, eorumque fraudes graviter perstringit.”] “Sed et nescio quomodo vitiosus conscientias vitiosorum non refugit: et ubi omnes sordent, unius fœtor minime sentitur.” De Consideratione, Book I, Chapter X, Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, in: Sancti Bernardi Opera: Tractatus et opuscula, Volume III, Jean Leclercq (editor), Editiones Cistercienses, 1977, page 409.

Translation: “But, oddly enough, a vicious man does not shun the consciences of other vicious men, and where all are filthy, the stench of one is hardly noticed.” Saint Bernard On Consideration, Saint Bernard (of Clairvaux), translated by George Lewis, Clarendon Press, 1908, page 34.

That attitude continued in Europe up to the 1800s. For example, Princess Elizabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orléans, sister-in-law to King Louis XVI, and niece of the Grand Duchess Sophia of Hanover, wrote a letter to her aunt Sophia on October 9th, 1694, about having to defecate in public during her stay in Fontainbleau. “Sewers, Cesspools, and Privies: Waste as Reality and Metaphor in Pre-modern European Cities,” A. P. Coudert, in: Urban Space in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age, Albrecht Classen (editor), Walter de Gruyter, 2009, pages 713-734.

[Queen of Spain bathed twice in her life]
“A thick coating of dirt on the skin, the Church decreed, showed Christian humility and kept illness from entering the body. Over time, physicians came to believe that washing was dangerous, so dangerous, indeed, that many people consulted their astrologers to find the most auspicious time to take a bath. A popular sixteenth-century book, This is the Myrour or Glasse of Helth, advised, ‘Use not baths or stews, nor sweat too much, for all openeth the pores of a man’s body and maketh the venomous air to enter and for to infect the blood.’

In the late fifteenth century, Queen Isabella of Spain bragged that she had only bathed twice in her whole life. Queen Elizabeth bathed once a month, ‘whether she needed it or no,’ according to one contemporary chronicler. Her successor, James I, bore a great aversion to water and never bathed. One court lady complained that she and her friends got ‘lousy by sitting in a councillor’s chamber that James frequented.’ King James didn’t even wash his hands before eating. At table, he ‘only rubbed his fingers’ ends slightly with the wet end of a napkin.’ His lover, the Duke of Buckingham, wrote in one letter to the king, ‘So, craving your blessing, I kiss your dirty hands.’ James itched constantly and rarely changed his clothes.

By contrast, in 1671, John Burbury, an English diplomat stationed in Istanbul, expressed his astonishment at the excessive ‘cleanliness of the Turks who, as they had occasion to make urine ... afterwards washed their hands.’ ”

The Royal Art of Poison: Filthy Palaces, Fatal Cosmetics, Deadly Medicine, and Murder Most Foul, Eleanor Herman, St. Martin’s Press, 2018, page 66.
[printing press needed technology, like ink rollers]
A History of Printing Ink, Balls and Rollers, 1440-1850, Colin H. Bloy, Wynkyn de Worde Society, 1972.
[fire in a town of wood and thatch]
In a crowded town of wood and thatch, fire is a constant fear. Stealing a public leather waterbucket might get you hanged.

“Just as in poor relief and education, public authorities played a growing role in the later Middle Ages in improving living conditions. This was especially true in cities, where living conditions had become precarious, but at the same time most progress was made by regulation and developing public provision. Many of the problems in the late medieval cities were caused by the fact that space was scarce within the walls, and people were packed together. Smaller cities did not occupy more than about 20 hectares, and the medium-sized cities were about 20 to 40 hectares, meaning that 100-200 people were squeezed into each urban hectare. The biggest city in the Low Countries, Ghent, occupied 644 hectares, which on average housed some 100 people per hectare. Moreover, substantial parts of the space within the walls were taken up by monasteries and by the gardens and orchards of patrician houses, leaving less space for the rest of the population. As a consequence, late medieval cities were often more densely populated than modern cities are. This situation led to pollution by excrement and other waste, and resulted in epidemics, a risk increased by poor sanitation. The industries, including the highly polluting processes of fulling and tanning, made matters worse. Living conditions in the cities must have been appalling, as the high urban mortality rates indicate.

The concentration of wooden thatched houses, combined with heating, cooking, and brewing, often without a proper chimney, produced many fires. Every city in Hainaut in the 14th and 15th centuries experienced a major fire every five years, often destroying hundreds of houses. One of the towns in the Low Countries most severely hit by fire was Breda in Brabant in 1490 and again in 1534, when about 1,000 houses burnt down and the remains of the town were covered with ash and grit for almost a year. Fixed capital, in the form of buildings, workshops, and tools, was hit particularly hard by the fires, a risk which probably reduced investments. In the late Middle Ages the authorities increasingly started to regulate developments in this area. They required all households to have a ladder, bucket, and water, and the inspection of chimneys was organized: in Mons in 1413 night watches were appointed, and holes were made in the ice during frost in order to have access to open water.”

Manors and Markets: Economy and Society in the Low Countries, 500-1600, Bas Van Bavel, Oxford University Press, 2010, page 320.

[acquire an investor]
This whole section is an imagination of what it might have been like for Gutenberg to build a printing press in 1448-57. All the technology is more or less as it must have been at the time, and the life experiences are based on the general conditions in Mainz at that time. But of what little we know of Gutenberg’s life in particular, we only know of him through his appearances in court. One lawsuit was for breach of promise, several were for financial matters, and one was for allegedly not paying back Johann Fust (later, Faust), his backer, whose daughter, Christina, married Peter Schöffer, from Gernsheim (or Gernssheym), an ex-student from Erfurt University and Paris University, and Gutenberg’s chief typographer. Fust and Schoeffer then produced the first piece of signed and dated print in 1457. Gutenberg’s name never appears on any printed matter, and for decades after his death he was unknown as even a printer, far less an inventor of printing. The Printing Press as an Agent of Change: Communications and Cultural Transformations in Early-Modern Europe, Volumes I and II, Elizabeth L. Eisenstein, Cambridge University Press, 1979, pages 95-96. Peter Schoeffer of Gernsheim and Mainz; with a list of his surviving books and broadsides, Hellmut Lehmann-Haupt, Printing House of Leo Hart, 1950.

Also, Gutenberg wasn’t the only one experimenting with print at this time. Laurens Janszoon Coster (also, Koster) in Haarlem, now the Netherlands, and Procopius (or Prokop or Procope) Waldvogel (or Waldfogel or Waldfoghel) in Avignon, France also did. The Coming of the Book: The Impact of Printing 1450-1800, Lucien Febvre and Henri-Jean Martin, translated by David Gerard, Verso, 1976, pages 52-54. Some writers also mention the much less credible Jan (or Jean or Johannes) Brito (also, Brulelou) in Bruges, now Belgium, Johannes Mentelius in Strassburg (Strasbourg), now France, and Panfilo (or Pamphilo) Castaldi in Feltre, now Italy. Not much is known about their work, and all of it may be apocryphal, as various writers have argued.

[the Barefoot Friars lawsuit]
In 1450, Gutenberg borrowed 800 florins from Fust, then later a similar amount to buy paper, parchment, and ink. In 1455, Fust sued for 2,020 florins (capital plus interest). On Fust’s side, five witnesses: Fust, his brother Jakob, Peter Schöffer. and two others. On Gutenberg’s side was the priest Heinrich Günther of St. Christopher’s, and two of Gutenberg’s apprentices. Gutenberg lost the suit, his tools (geczuge), and leadership in the craft he invented. This case was notarized by Ulrich Helmasperger, clerk of the Bishopric of Bamberg, at the refectory of the monastery of the Discalced Franciscans in Mainz on Thursday, November 6th, 1455. The Invention and Early Spread of European Printing as Represented in the Scheide Library, Paul Needham, Princeton University Press, 2007, page 8. Gutenberg, Man of the Millennium: From a Secret Enterprise to the First Media Revolution, Wolfgang Dobras, City of Mainz, 2000, pages 74 and 193. Pioneers in Printing: Johann Gutenburg, William Caxton, William Caslon, John Baskerville, Alois Senefelder, Frederick Koenig, Ottmar Mergenthaler, Tolbert Lanston, Seán Jennett, Routledge & Paul, 1958, page 14-16. “Rudolf Blum’s Interpretation des Prozesses Fust gegen Gutenberg,” Friedrich Adolf Schmidt-Künsemüller, Gutenberg-]ahrbuch, XXX:22-32, 1955. Der Prozess Fust gegen Gutenberg; eine Interpretation des Helmasper-gischen Notariatsinstruments im Rahmen der Friihgeschichte des Mainzer Buchdrucks, Rudolf Blum, Harrassowitz, 1954. The Gutenberg Documents: With Translations of the Texts into English, Karl Schorbach (compiler), Douglas C. McMurtrie (translator), Oxford University Press, 1941, pages 175-188. The Encyclopaedia Britannica, Volume XXVII, Eleventh Edition, 1911, pages 517-518.
[trip to Paris to sell some of your first books]
That’s based on a (possibly apochryphal) anecdote about Fust. The Printing Revolution in Early Modern Europe, Elizabeth L. Eisenstein, Cambridge University Press, Second Edition, 2005, pages 21-22.
[...printed bibles cost a fifth as much]
That’s a decidedly low estimate of the eventual cost reduction, but it’s chosen to be a safe estimate given the presumably high cost of the very first press. The following gives some idea of the magnitude of the cost savings. (In what follows, ‘The Ripoli Press’ was run by the nuns of the Convent of San Jacopi di Ripoli and was one of the earliest presses in Florence; it may also have been the first press run by women). “In 1483, the Ripoli Press charged three florins per quinterno for setting up and printing Ficino’s translation of Plato’s Dialogues. A scribe might have charged one florin per quinterno for duplicating the same work. The Ripoli Press produced 1,025 copies; the scribe would have turned out one.” From: Vespasiano da Bisticci Historian and Bookseller, Albinia De la Mare, doctoral thesis, London University, 1965, page 207. See: The Printing Press as an Agent of Change: Communications and Cultural Transformations in Early-Modern Europe, Volumes I and II, Elizabeth L. Eisenstein, Cambridge University Press, 1979, page 46. The Ripolo Press operation itself is given more depth in: The ’Diario’ of the Printing Press of San Jacopo di Ripoli 1476-1484. Commentary and Transcription, Melissa Conway, (Storia delle tipografia e del commercio librario, 4), Firenze, Olschki, 1999.

A century before, in 1310, in Yorkshire, England, a bible was worth 33 pounds, 6 shillings, and 8 pence—a fabulous sum; enough to buy 60 cows (a cow sold for 12 shillings and 6 pence) or 50 slave families (an English slave and his family sold for 13 shillings and 4 pence). “Wheat, 6s. a quarter; oats, 3s.; a cow, 12s. 6d.; a sheep, 1s. 2d.; a fat hog, 3s. 4d.; a fat goose, 2½d.; eggs 0½d a dozen; wine, 4d. a gallon; ale, 0½d. a gallon; a labourer’s wages 1½d. a day, in harvest time 2d.; a journeyman carpenter, 2d. a day; a horse for military service, 13s. 4d.; a pair of shoes, 4d.; an English slave and his family, sold for 13s. 4d.; a bible, £33 6s. 8d; the Chancellor’s salary, £50.” The History of Bradford and Its Parish: With Additions and Continuation to the Present Time, John James, Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer, 1866, pages 74-75, footnote.

Even by 1500 a book might cost a ducat in Venice, where a servant earned about seven ducats a year. For a teacher or skilled artisan, a book might cost about a week’s wages. Worldly Goods: A New History of the Renaissance, Lisa Jardine, Longitude Books, 1998, page 160.

Indulgences, written by hand, were first sold at least by 1190. Various popes had expanded their use for fundraising. By the 1500s, and the printing press, they were essentially a license to print money. Pope Sixtus IV even authorized sale of indulgences for the dead, to reduce their time of torment. He also licensed brothels, gaining an estimated 30,000 ducats a year. Pope Leo X again increased indulgence sale by offering indulgence even for future sin.

“Incest, if not detected, was to cost five groats; and six, if it was known. There was a stated price for murder, infanticide, adultery, perjury, burglary, etc.” The History of the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century, Volume I, J. H. Merle d’Aubigne, 1835, translated by H. White, Robert Carter and Brothers, 1875, page 56.

[fighting archbishops]
Mainz (like Cologne and Trier) was valuable as it was an elector town of the Holy Roman Empire. In 1461-1462, the Mainz Diocesan Feud (Mainzer Erzstiftsfehde, the archibishop’s war over Mainz; or Badisch-Pfälzischer Krieg, the Baden-Palatine War), was between Diether (or Dieter or Theoderic) von Isenburg (or von Ysenburg-Büdinger), who was Archbishop of Mainz from 1459 until 1461, and Adolf II von Nassau-Wiesbaden-Idstein (or Adolph II, Graf von Nassau), who won the war and became Archbishop of Mainz from 1461 until he died in 1475, at which time Diether became Archbishop again. (Pope Pius II didn’t like Diether’s confrontational reforms, so he declared Adolph the archbishop of Mainz and supported his seige of the town.) “Die Mainzer Stiftsfehde 1459-1463,” K.-M. Sprenger, in: Mainz, Die Geschichte der Stadt, Franz Dumont, Ferdinand Scherf, and Friedrich Schütz (editors), Zabern, 1998. The Book: The Story of Printing & Bookmaking, Douglas C. McMurtrie, Dorset, 1943, page 183. “Johann Neumeister: An Assistant of Johann Gutenberg?” R. A. Ketring, The Library Quarterly, 1(4):465-475, 1931. Beiträge zur Geschichte des Erzstift Mainz unter Diether von Isenburg und Adolf II. von Nassau, Julius Jaeger, in: Programm des Königlichen Gymnasium Carolinum zu Osnabrück Ostern, 1894. English Writers: An Attempt Towards a History of English Literature, Henry Morley Cassell & Company, Limited, 1890, Volume VI, pages 290-291. The Book: Its Printers, Illustrators, and Binders, from Gutenberg to the Present Time, Henri Bouchot, translated by E. C. Bigmore, edited by H. Grevel, H. Grevel & Co., 1890, pages 36-37.
[...archbishop steals your house]
Apparently this happened to Gutenberg, although we’re not sure. We do know that Archbishop Nassau did steal a lot of property when he sacked Mainz, and that he did eventually become Gutenberg’s patron on January 18th, 1465, just before Gutenberg died sometime before February 3rd, 1468. We know little about the real Gutenberg, but he probably got a printing press going by 1452. The first known dated piece of print in Europe, a psalter, was made in Mainz on the eve of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, August 14th, 1457. And five years later, Archbishop Nassau did indeed take Mainz, and he did exile the printers. Then the new book plague spread.
[20 million books in print by 1500]
The Coming of the Book: The Impact of Printing 1450-1800, Lucien Febvre and Henri-Jean Martin, translated by David Gerard, Verso, 1976, page 248. Another common estimate is “8 million books by 1500.” It is based on a quote given by Eisenstein of an earlier work. The Printing Revolution in Early Modern Europe, Elizabeth L. Eisenstein, Cambridge University Press, Second Edition, 2005, page 15. However, Eisenstein also greatly values Febvre and Martin. In her own bibliography (page 360) she notes that it is a “masterful survey and has more comprehensive coverage than any other title on this list.” So the estimate of 20 million seems more reliable.
[tracts opposing print... in print]
One such was written by Johannes Trithemius, abbot of Sponheim. “Looking back from the invention of printing,” M. T. Clanchy, in: Literacy in Historical Perspective, Daniel P. Resnick (editor), Center for the Book, National Institute of Education (U.S.), Library of Congress, 1983, pages 7-22.
[“Kill them all”]
The figure of 20,000 (not all Cathars, the population of the whole town of Béziers, which refused to surrender them) is from: The Magnitude of Genocide, Colin Tatz and Winton Higgins, Praeger Security International, 2016, page 214. The Corruption of Angels: The Great Inquisition of 1245-1246, Mark Gregory Pegg, Princeton University Press, 2001, page 6.

The original quote is hearsay. Its source is Caesarius of Heisterbach, one of the most popular German writers in the 1200s. He was a Cistercian Prior writing around 1223, about 14 years after the siege of Béziers (the town, most of whose people were slaughtered). He attributes Arnaud-Amaury, the Abbot of Cîteaux, in 1209, as saying: “Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eis.” Dialogus Magnus Visionum atque Miraculorum, (Dialogue of Visions and Miracles), Book V, Chapter XXI, Caesarius of Heisterbach, edited by Joseph Strange, J. M. Heberle and H. Lempertz, 1851.

If it’s a true quote from the time, then the Abbot was partly quoting the Bible: “Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his.” The Bible, The King James Version, II Timothy 2:19.

Béziers wasn’t the only such city. As part of spreading terror, there was also mass slaughter at Marmande (and planned for Toulouse), various atrocities at Bram and Lavaur, and mass burnings at Minerve, Lavaur, Les Cassés, and Montségur.

For example: “Clamour and shouting arose, [crusaders] ran into the town with sharpened steel; terror and massacre began. Lords, ladies, and their little children, women and men stripped naked, all these [were] slashed and cut to pieces with keen-edged swords. Flesh, blood, and brains, trunks, limbs, and faces hacked in two, lungs, livers, and guts torn out and tossed aside lay on the open ground as if they had rained down from the sky. Marshland and good ground, all was red with blood. Not a man or a woman was left alive, neither old nor young, no living creature, unless any had managed to hide. Marmande was razed and set alight.” Peacemaking and Religious Violence: From Thomas Aquinas to Thomas Jefferson, Roger A. Johnson, The Lutterworth Press, 2009, page 40.

[effect of the printing press on the spread knowledge]
“The principal contribution to knowledge by the presses, however, lay in the establishment of accurate reproduction. When books came to be written by men whose identity was known, writers became more painstaking. After all, the text might be read by people who knew more of the subject than the author himself. Moreover, each writer could now build on the work of a previous expert in his field. Scholarship benefited from not having to return to first principles every time, so ideas progressed and proliferated. [...]

Printing changed the entire, backward-looking view of society, with its stultifying respect for the achievements of the past, to one that looked forward to progress and improvement. The Protestant ethic, broadcast by the presses, extolled the virtues of hard work and thrift and encouraged material success. Printing underlined this attitude. If knowledge could now be picked up from a book, the age of unquestioned authority was over. A printed fifteenth-century history expressed the new opinion: ‘Why should old men be preferred to their juniors when it is possible, by diligent study, for young men to acquire the same knowledge?’

The Day the Universe Changed, James Burke, Little, Brown, 1986, pages 121-123.

[did the printing press trigger the Protestant Reformation?]
The text implies that it did, but argument on this point continues. For a good summary and a list of relevant references, see: “Printing and Protestants: Reforming the Economics of the Reformation,” J. Rubin, Chapman University, Working Paper, 2011.

On the other hand, the following Eisenstein quote seems apropos: “[A]lthough Protestant exploitation of printing linked the Reformation to early modern science in diverse ways, and although scientific publication was increasingly taken over by Protestant printing firms, evangelists and virtuosi were still using the new powers of print for fundamentally different ends. The latter aimed not at spreading God’s words, but at deciphering His handiwork. The only way to ‘open’ the book of nature to public inspection required (paradoxically) a preliminary encoding of data into ever more sophisticated equations, diagrams, models, and charts. For virtuosi the uses of publicity were much more problematic than for evangelists.... [T]he downfall of Ptolemy, Galen, and Aristotle did not come about as a result of cartoons and pamphleteering. Scientific change follows a different pattern from religious revivals. Publication was indispensable for anyone seeking to make a scientific contribution, but the kind of publicity which made for bestsellerdom was often undesirable. Even now, reputable scientists fear the sensational coverage which comes from premature exposure of their views. Early modern virtuosi had even better reasons for such fears. Many Copernicans (including Copernicus himself) took advantage of printed materials while shrinking from publicity. Many Puritan publicists and disciples of Francis Bacon proselytized on behalf of a ‘new science’ without favoring or even comprehending the technical Latin treatises which marked significant advance.” The Printing Revolution in Early Modern Europe, Elizabeth L. Eisenstein, Cambridge University Press, Second Edition, 2005, page 298.

[sack of Rome in 1527 by protestant armies]
The March of Folly: From Troy to Vietnam, Barbara W. Tuchman, Random House, 1985, pages 344-347. The Sack of Rome, E. R. Chamberlin, Dorset, 1979.
[bloody aftermath of the printing press]
Called into being by economic forces resulting from the stresses of the time, and made possible by a slow, centuries-long increase in technical knowledge spread over many guilds, plus high tech lifted from the Arabs, print helped many European urban commoners, particularly merchants and lawyers, slowly rise into a middle class. It helped them gouge out more of a place for themselves in feudal Europe. Europe (and most everywhere else) at the time was much like a diplodocus—a tiny head on a gigantic, slow-moving body. Nearly everyone was still on the land practicing inefficient farming. So nothing changed for the peasantry—still 90 percent of the population—as books were still far too expensive, and few could read anyway. So except for the village priest’s catechisms, books remained urban. With the peasants cut off from the idea flow, except second-hand, little else could change.

Once print’s cost fell sufficiently, however, printers became itinerate, driving their horse-drawn presses from town to town. Broadsheets began to appear everywhere, and then even the powerful lost control. Everything started to change. As some of the age-old verities came under question, even by unlettered peasants, anyone with anything to lose was petrified. Heresies had come before, revolts had come before, but print spread thought wider and faster, like napalm airstrikes on a dry forest. The resulting turmoil, like most major changes our species stumbles into, was not bloodless, nor was it without the usual ironies. In 1525, for example, Martin Luther, the instigator of Protestantism back in 1517, sided with the nobility and clergy against a peasant revolt that he helped encourage and in which perhaps 100,000 were massacred. By 1543 he also wrote a book inciting pogroms against Jews—and exactly four centuries later, another German leader was to take him seriously. The Revolution of 1525: The German Peasants War from a New Perspective, Peter Blickle, translated by Thomas A. Brady, Jr. and H. C. Midelfort, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1981. The 12-Year Reich: A Social History of Nazi German 1933-1945, Richard Grunberger, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1971, page 465.

Changes in Germany weren’t unusual. By 1562, all Europe would be bathing in blood over religious differences, and many European countries would expel their Jewish populations after centuries of persecution, demonization, and massacre. Sectarian violence raged on in firecracker chain-reactions until the end of the century, then flared up repeatedly over the next 250 years over the entire face of Europe, then the rest of the world. Nor was conflict solely due to religious difference. In a pinch, any difference between us will do, as two short, global, non-religious, high-intensity bursts in the 1900s show. Eventually, though, the gains in applicable knowledge about the cosmos forced Europe’s eyes to begin to turn slowly, oh so grudgingly, from the past to the future. That love of novelty, fueled by an uncontrolled printing press, and at the time largely unknown elsewhere in the world, would have major consequences for that same unsuspecting world.


[let your freak flag fly]
I almost cut my hair / It happened just the other day / It was gettin’ kinda long / I could-a said, it was in my way / But I didn’t and I wonder why / I feel like letting my freak flag fly / And I feel like I owe it to someone.

“Almost Cut My Hair,” Crosby, Still, Nash & Young, 1970.

[many religious sects in Europe in the 1600s]
Here’a a list for England alone: Anglicans (who were the official Church of England), Catholics (who were despised in England at this time), the three main non-Anglican Protestants (Presbyterians, Baptists, and Congregationalists), plus Quakers, Shakers, Ranters, Seekers, Levellers, Diggers, Independents, Arians, Arminians, Lutherans, Fifth Monarchists, Socinians, Anabaptists, Muggletonians, and Grindletonians, plus other sects and sub-sects, like the Menonites, Silents, Adamites, Libertines, Jansenists, and Georgians, all lumped under generic terms like ‘Puritans,’ ‘Dissenters,’ or ‘Noncomformists.’ A few of those new sects have since grown, but most haven’t. The Muggletonians, for instance, grew out of the Ranters and were similar to the Familists and the Behmenists, but they hated the Quakers and the Baptists, and are now basically defunct. England’s troubles: Seventeenth-century English political instability in European context, Jonathan Scott, Cambridge University Press, 2004. The World Turned Upside Down: Radical Ideas During the English Revolution, Christopher Hill, 1972, Penguin, Reprint Edition, 1991. Some Intellectual Consequences of the English Revolution, Christopher Hill, Wiedenfeld and Nicholson, 1980. History of the English-Speaking People: The New World, Winston Churchill, Dorset, 1956. Names: and Their Meaning. A Book for the Curious, Leopold Wagner, Third Edition, T. Fisher Unwin, 1893, pages 70, 103.
[sectarian persecution in Europe in the 1600s]
For example, in England, emigration started as early as 1607, when famine, plague, cold, and persecution drove some Puritans as far as Plymouth Rock. After the Restoration in 1660, persecution was intense from 1662 to 1664. Dissenter families were fined, imprisoned, molested at worship, and their children were pilloried and publicly scourged, with children as young as twelve sent to Bridewell prison at hard labor. “[S]uch Fines levied upon them, so many ruined, so many imprison’d, and so many murthered.” Wise as Serpents, Daniel Defoe. Quoted in: Daniel Defoe, His Life, Paula Backscheider, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989, pages 10-11.
[Copernicus hand-written note by 1514]
That was his “Commentariolus,” which he circulated among friends. Three Copernican Treatises: The Commentariolus of Copernicus; The Letter against Werner; The Narratio Prima of Rheticus, Copernicus, translated by Edward Rosen, Second Edition, Revised edtion, Dover, 2004, pages 6-7 and pages 57-90. For when he wrote it, see also: Copernicus and his Successors, Edward Rosen, edited by Erna Hilfstein, Hambledon Press, 1995, pages 105-116.
[the idea of the cosmos as a machine]
Here, for example, is Kepler: “I am much occupied with the investigation of the physical causes [of planetary motions]. My aim in this is to show that the celestial machine is to be likened not to a divine organism but rather to a clockwork ..., in so far as nearly all the manifold movements are carried out by means of a single, quite simple magnetic force, as in the case of a clockwork all motions [are caused] by a simple weight. Moreover, I show how this physical conception needs to be presented through calculation and geometry.” Johannes Kepler, in a February 10th, 1605, letter to Herwart von Hohenburg. Thematic Origins of Scientific Thought, Gerald Holton, Harvard University Press, 1973, page 72.
[Aristotle and the Organon]
The Greek word, Οργανον, was the name the peripatetics (‘the walkers,’ but originally named for the colonnades of the Lyceum in Athens, started by Aristotle, and where they met) gave to Aristotle’s six books of logic.
[Aristotle and math]
Aristotle avoided math, but then he predates even algebra. However, Archimedes, who was born only about 35 years after Aristotle died, also predates algebra yet he made major contributions to mathematics.

Incidentally, credit for naming and expanding, if not actually inventing, algebra, goes to several people, not least of whom is Al-Khwarizmi (Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī), a mathematician and astronomer who lived and taught in Baghdad from around 800 to some time after 847. His book Al-jabr wa’l muqabala [Calculation by completion and balancing] gave algebra its name. History of Mathematics, Carl B. Boyer, John Wiley & Sons, Second Edition, pages 228-230. Also, his name is the source of today’s word ‘algorithm,’ without which computer science wouldn’t exist.

[importance of math and experiment for science]
An argument could be made that science can exist without mathematics. Certainly early natural philosophy did so. See: A History of Natural Philosophy From the Ancient World to the Nineteenth Century, Edward Grant, Cambridge University Press, 2007, pages 303-322. However, it’s difficult to truly understand today’s science without mathematics.

Similarly, an argument can be made that science can exist without experiment. Again, early natural philosophy did so. For example, see: “Grosseteste’s ‘Quantitative’ Law of Refraction: A Chapter in the History of Non-Experimental Science,” B. S. Eastwood, Journal of the History of Ideas, 28(3):403-414, 1967.

[history of math and experiment in science]
As usual, the forced brevity of the text might give the wrong impression. It isn’t the case that Newton and his contemporaries in the 1660s invented the idea of using math and experiment to develop and verify laws of the natural world. For example, both Roger Bacon and Albertus Magnus were strong proponents of both—four centuries earlier. The First Scientist: A Life of Roger Bacon, Brian Clegg, Constable & Robinson, 2003. Albertus Magnus and The Sciences: Commemorative Essays 1980, James A. Weisheipl (editor), Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1980.

Further, it’s not the case that even those proto-scientists in Europe were the first to have such ideas since that would ignore all the Arabic-speaking proto-scientists four or more centuries before and also after them. For example, in about 1038 Al-Hazen (Abū ’Alī al-Ḥasan ibn al-Ḥasan ibn al-Haytham) in his Kitāb al-Manāẓir (Book of Optics), stressed that he would not be swayed by prejudice and would try to carefully test each of his hypotheses by doing experiments on them. He critically examined the beliefs of each of his Greek and Muslim predecessors, showing why aspects of them must be wrong in many essentials. Then he explained how to do experiments, either thought experiments or actual experiments, to refute many such beliefs. And before him, Ptolemy, too, depended on experiment.

“The clearest evidence of Ptolemy’s empirical bent is found in his analyses of diplopia, reflection, and refraction. In all three cases, the phenomena are investigated on the basis of relatively simple yet ingeniously contrived experimental apparatus....

Alhacen’s account of visual perception is exceptionally cautious and considered. There is remarkably little in it that is overtly hypothetical or deductive and much that is overtly empirical and inductive. Furthermore, Alhacen is extraordinarily systematic and precise, almost mathematically so, in developing that account element-by-element in a logical order that is as inexorable as it is clear. Leaving virtually nothing to chance, he guides the reader along by the shortest of leashes, not only forcing him to follow the beaten path within straitened bounds, but also pointing out the exemplary landmarks—in the way of illustrative examples, many of them experimentally-based—along the way.”

Alhacen’s Theory of Visual Perception: A Critical Edition, with English Translation and Commentary, of the First Three Books of Alhacen’s De Aspectibus, the Medieval Latin Version of Ibn al-Haytham’s Kitāb al-Manāẓir, Volume I, translated and annotated by A. Mark Smith, American Philosophical Society, 2001, pages xxxvi and lii.

For example, while trying to ascertain some property of light and perception, Al-Hazen noted that: “[E]verything we have discussed can be tested by experiment so we will attain certainty about it.” Alhacen’s Theory of Visual Perception: A Critical Edition, with English Translation and Commentary, of the First Three Books of Alhacen’s De Aspectibus, the Medieval Latin Version of Ibn al-Haytham’s Kitāb al-Manāẓir, Volume II, translated and annotated by A. Mark Smith, American Philosophical Society, 2001, page 573.

Further, over two centuries before that, Jābir ibn Hayyān pioneered the idea of experiment in alchemy. Makers of Chemistry, Eric John Holmyard, Clarendon Press, 1931.

What is true, though, is that by Newton’s time all the centuries of effort were bearing fruit in insights that a later age would look back on and see as pivotal. History is a raging river out of which we can take only a few sips at a time or risk drowning.

Finally, it’s not entirely true, nor is it very likely, that we somehow decided not to experiment for millennia. It’s highly likely that there was experimentation at least in ballistics, if nothing else. Also, Strato of Lampsacus also almost surely experimented, as, almost surely, did Theophrastus, and others, most especially Archimedes.

“[T]he Hellenistic Age saw a variety of technical inventions and developments, as well as significant advances in theory and methodology, including, for example, the introduction of experiment to test a theory.

[O]ne has clear evidence that experiment was well known to Greek and Hellenistic science, even while antiquity allowed for variables such as modern science denies in advance.... ‘Experiment’ to us almost always means controlled experiment (laboratories, again); but to an Erasistratus, this would have been cheating, no matter what modern microbiologists might say about the essential techniques embodied in Koch’s postulates. It is thus arguable that ancient, as opposed to modern, ‘experiments’ assumed natural variables....

Yet this unlimited variability never has prevented ancients or moderns from ‘going and looking.’ ”

“ ‘The Base Mechanic Arts’? Some Thoughts on the Contribution of Science (Pure and Applied) to the Culture of the Hellenistic Age,” K. D. White, plus its Response and subsequent Discussion, in: Hellenistic History and Culture, Peter Green (editor), University of California Press, 1993, pages 211-237.

For Strato in particular, see: Gravity’s Arc: The Story of Gravity, from Aristotle to Einstein and Beyond, David Darling, John Wiley and Sons, 2006, pages 27-29.

And while the Greeks were a big step ahead, behind them are Sumerian, Indian, and Egyptian astronomers, doctors, and mathematicians going back who knows how many millennia.

[Aristotle and ‘purpose’]
Aristotle believed that form was an objective part of the cosmos (that is, not just an observed or accidental part of a thing), and that everything was actively striving to reach its ultimate form. So, for him, the ‘final cause’ of an acorn was its final form, an oak tree. His notion of form was much stronger than today’s notion of ‘information.’ For him, everything, whether made by human hands or not, had four ‘causes.’ But we must be careful how we interpret that word, ‘cause.’ The Greek word αἴτιον (aition) (plural αἴτια) (aitia) roughly means ‘cause’ or ‘reason,’ but it can also mean ‘makes’ or ‘signifies’ or ‘produces’ or even ‘explains.’ For Aristotle, when asked: ‘Why this end?’ an aition is anything that we can give as a means to that end. So taking it as ‘explanation’ is reasonable, as in ‘the explanation for this end is...’

That might seem baffling until we consider that we’re reading across two languages and over two thousand years. To get some sense of what Aristotle meant, consider how an object-oriented computer programmer might think of a wooden door when asked ‘what makes (for) a door?’

  • Wood is what a door is made of.
  • Having two sides, some width, hinges, and a handle, and is what makes something a door.
  • A carpenter makes a door.
  • Getting from one room to another is what a door is made for.

Here is Aristotle on the four causes:

“ ‘Cause’ means:

  • (1) [Material Cause:] that from which, as immanent material, a thing comes into being, e.g. the bronze is the cause of the statue and the silver of the saucer....
  • (2) [Formal Cause:] The form or pattern, i.e. the definition of the essence... (e.g. the ratio 2:1 and number in general are causes of the octave)....
  • (3) [Efficient Cause:] That from which the change or the resting from change first begins; e.g. the adviser is a cause of the action, and the father a cause of the child, and in general the maker a cause of the thing made....
  • (4) [Final Cause:] The end, that for the sake of which a thing is; e.g. health is the cause of walking. For ‘Why does one walk?’ we say: ‘that one may be healthy’; and in speaking thus we think we have given the cause.”
The Works of Aristotle, Volume VIII: Metaphysica, Book V, Part II, J. A. Smith and W. D. Ross (editors), translated by W. D. Ross, Oxford University Press, Second Edition, 1928. See also: A History of Natural Philosophy From the Ancient World to the Nineteenth Century, Edward Grant, Cambridge University Press, 2007, pages 27-51.

[Aristotle built on others before him]
Starting at least with Thales, two centuries before him. But Thales, and several others, also based his work on earlier Persian, and before them, Egyptian, Sumerian, and Indian, thought. For example, the result now widely known as ‘the Theorem of Pythagoras’ predates Pythagoras. That result was known in Mesopotamia nearly two millennia before Pythagoras, and in India over two millennia ago—and probably in Egypt and China, too. Pythagoras was still important to the theorem in its complete form, even though the idea was known before him. History of Mathematics, Carl B. Boyer, John Wiley & Sons, Second Edition, 1989, pages 34-37.
[Aristotle’s logic]
Like Aristotle’s observations, his logic was wide-ranging but it had some flaws. For example, suppose he said that a unicorn was a horse with a horn. Then it would follow that all unicorns have horns. It would also follow that all unicorns are horses. But from those two, it would then follow that some horses have horns (namely, unicorns). Similarly, if he examined some real things around him, then made up some purposes for those things, then reasoned about them, even if his logic was flawless, his conclusion could still be wrong. Thus, from various of his (wrong) assumptions—like heavier things fall faster than lighter things—he concluded that the earth must be the center of the cosmos and that it must be immobile. Introduction to Logic, Harry J. Gensler, Psychology Press, 2002, pages 33-34. Aristotelian Logic, William T. Parry and Edward A. Hacker, SUNY Press, 1991, pages 59-67.
[nearly constant war in Europe near 1665]
For example, within the 50-year span bracketing 1665, England went to war 14 times. It warred: with itself (1642), Scotland (1648), Ireland (1650), Scotland again (1651), the Netherlands (1652), Spain (1656), with France against Spain (1658), the Netherlands again (1664), with Portugal against Spain (1665), Denmark and France (1666), with the Netherlands and Sweden against France (1668), with France against the Netherlands (1672), with itself yet again (1688), then against Ireland and France (1690).

In 1665, the series of stupidities and atrocities that historians now politely call ‘The Thirty Years War’ was just over, but all Europe still felt its effects. Ditto for the English Civil War, and the Franco-Spanish wars.

[Europe in 1665]
At the time, France, with its enormous wheat fields and army, was the power in Europe with land power partly shared by Sweden and Poland-Lithuania, and sea power going mostly to the Dutch, English, Portuguese, and Spanish. The Portuguese, though, were just in the process of slitting their own economic throats, just as the Spanish had earlier done, by having the Inquisition try to destroy their educated commercial class—mostly Jews and Protestants—and now were losing trade routes to the Dutch, who later lost out to the English (hence the series of wars between them around this time). France, too, had tried to commit economic suicide in nearly the same way, and had almost succeeded. Its Protestants, the Huguenots, had been persecuted then massacred, or had fled to the Netherlands, England, Protestant parts of Germania, South Asia, or various colonies. “The First Global War: The Dutch versus Iberia in Asia, Africa and the New World, 1590-1609,” P. C. Emmer, e-Journal of Portuguese History, 1(1), 2003. The Spanish Inquisition: A Historical Revision, Henry Kamen, Yale University Press, 1997. Inquisition, Edward Peters, University of California Press, 1989. “The Inquisition and the Portuguese Economy,” L. M. E. Shaw, Journal of European Economic History, 18(2):415-431, 1989.

Meanwhile, men and women were burned, hanged, or drowned for witchcraft, Africans were beginning to be enslaved and transported by the million, and genocide against natives in the Americas was just about to begin in earnest as the new European colonies began to expand—in the north, the south, and in the Caribbean—in the Spanish, French, Dutch, Portuguese, and British Americas.

[harvest failure in England in 1661]
Famine in Tudor and Stuart England, Andrew B. Appleby, Stanford University Press, 1978, pages 155 and 185. Of course, that was nothing compared to more serious famines. Around 1665, England bad harvests or actual famine in 1623, 1630, 1647-49, 1661, and during the 1690s.

Further, earlier famines in 1543 to 1586 had led to the Poor Laws, which in turn led to severe restrictions on travel in England. The poor needed a pass to move from one place to another because no parish would support non-residents. Unmarried pregnant women were treated worst of all, since they were the least able to work and the most expensive to support. That policy continued for centuries.

[plague in 1665-1666 London]
In the summer of 1665, London’s weather was hot and dry. That summer the English were at war with the Dutch when plague once again visited London. Everyone who could flee, fled, leaving the poor to die. Perhaps 80,000 did. London remembers it as the Great Plague. That winter, the Thames froze up to London Bridge. It was London’s Great Frost. That in turn stopped London’s lifeblood, river trade. Then another hot, dry summer brought drought. With it, came rising food prices, then starvation. Meanwhile, the heat thoroughly dried out the city’s splay-shouldered, wattle-and-daub buildings. That fall, a burning bakery set fire to the whole city. Perhaps 70,000 Londoners went homeless. It was the Great Fire of London. That winter came another Great Frost, and cheap coal for fuel and grain for food vanished. Tens of thousands of Londoners, freezing, starving, homeless, fled into Moorfields and Finsbury Fields to the north. War, plague, drought, fire, frost—for many Londoners, 1666 signaled the beginning of the end of the world.

The figure of 80,000 plague deaths is a guesstimate, although widely reported. (However, Moote and Moote, below, report “nearly 100,000.”) The bills of mortality for each parish in London account for 68,561 deaths from plague in 1665. That, however, doesn’t count all those deaths that went unreported—which likely was very many, considering what would happen if you reported having a plague victim in the family. Any identified victim’s house was nailed shut, with the entire family still inside, and left for 40 days, often without food, until they all died, or miraculously survived. The city itself was also sealed off, with anyone wishing to leave having to get a pass, and few were given. Forgeries flourished. To ward off the plague, fires burned in front of every twelfth house, and 10,000 people lived on boats in the Thames, hoping to avoid the plague. London was a ghostcity that summer and fall. “A letter of an eyewitness,” by John Allin, reprinted in Unknown London, Walter George Bell, John Lane, 1919. The Great Plague: The Story of London’s Most Deadly Year, A. Lloyd Moote and Dorothy C. Moote, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006.

The plague didn’t end in 1665. Winter probably killed off many of the black rats carrying it, but it resurged the following spring. The 1665 plague also visited other places in England besides London (not counting its continental toll). York, for example, was particularly hard hit. Finally, plague was no stranger in London. Ever since 1348 it had been taking lives almost yearly, some years more than others. In 1563, 1603, and 1625, in particular, it had taken between a fifth and a quarter of all London. The plague usually peaked in August or September, after the harvest, especially after hot summers. For epidemiology of the 1665 plague visit, see: “Plague in London: spatial and temporal aspects of mortality,” G. Twigg, Epidemic Disease in London, J. A. I. Champion (editor), Centre for Metropolitan History Working Papers Series, Number 1, pages 1-17, 1993. Although an interesting new theory is that instead of the plague’s vector being black rats it may have been gerbils: “Climate-driven introduction of the Black Death and successive plague reintroductions into Europe,” B. V. Schmid, U. Büntgen, W. R. Easterday, C. Ginzler, L. Walløe, B. Bramanti, N. C. Stenseth, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(10):3020-3025, 2015.

[fire in 1666 London]
By Permission of Heaven: The Story of the Great Fire of London, Adrian Tinniswood, Jonathan Cape, 2003. The Dreadful Judgement: The True Story of the Great Fire of London 1666, Neil Hanson, Doubleday, 2001.
[frost in London in 1665-1666]
The Diary of Samuel Pepys, Richard le Gallienne (editor), Modern Library Edition, 2001. Incidentally, Samuel Pepys liked the ladies. That one is the bowdlerized edition. For the juicy details, see: Samuel Pepys The Unequalled Self, Claire Tomalin, Vintage, 2003. The edition by Richard Latham and William Matthews (in 11 volumes) records his coded entries, but does not explain them. Particular Friends: The Correspondence of Samuel Pepys and John Evelyn, Guy de la Bédoyère (editor), Boydell and Brewer, Woodbridge, 1997. The Diary of John Evelyn, Guy de la Bédoyère (editor), Boydell and Brewer, Woodbridge, 1995. The Diary of John Evelyn, Esmond S. de Beer (editor), six volumes, Clarendon Press, 1955.

Incidentally, the same sequence of events, almost exactly, had happened before in 1607-08, with insurrections fueled by famine and enclosures in the spring; plague killing thousands and closing the theaters and putting Shakespeare out of work in the hot dry summer; and a great frost freezing the Thames in the winter, with ships frozen in ice kilometers out into the North Sea. That was the world that the Puritans who eventually saw Plymouth Rock fled.

[Ottoman Empire surrounds Vienna in 1683]
The Decline & Fall of the Ottoman Empire, Alan Palmer, Barnes & Noble, 1992, pages 8-15.
[daily life in Europe in the 1660s]
The age of adulthood was 12 for girls and 14 for boys. Those were the legal minimum ages. In practice, and in the cities especially, it might be much older. For example, in London, Samuel Pepys (1633-1703) was 22 when he married his wife, who was 14. She died at 29. However, of 1,000 marriages in Canterbury from 1619 to 1660, only 34 brides were under 19 (only one was 13, four were 15, 12 were 16, and 17 were 17). The World We Have Lost, Peter Laslett, Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1965, page 82.

Sixty years before, Shakespeare had married off his Juliet—and her mother before her—at 13. Besides Juliet (and her mother), Shakespeare married off Marina (in Pericles) at 14, and Miranda (in The Tempest) at 15. He himself had married at 18. However, his wife, Anne, had married at 26; his eldest daughter, Susanna, married at 24; and his youngest daughter, Judith, married at 31. He had little money, so there were only small dowries. Although the legal age was 14, and the rich always did as they liked, in the Tudor era many of the poor married late rather than early. On the other hand, that appears to be only true of some of northwestern Europe. Much of the rest of the world, whether rich or poor, seems to have married young whenever possible.

For an interesting take on the larger view of early and late marriage patterns, primarily in northwestern Europe, see: The Household and the Making of History: A Subversive View of the Western Past, Mary S. Hartman, Cambridge University Press, 2004.

Large families were common in Europe in the 1600s. For example, Benjamin Franklin (born in 1706) had 15 children with two wives. His father, Josiah Franklin (born in 1657), had 17 children, also with two wives. And his father, Thomas Franklin (born in 1598), had nine children. At the time, it was common for men to marry multiple women since so many women died in childbirth. Of course, not all seventeenth-century families were that large, but they weren’t uncommon, either. What kept population in Europe relatively constant was the wars, famines, and above all, plagues. An Historical Geography of Europe, N. J. G. Pounds, Cambridge University Press, 1990, Chapter 9. The French Peasantry, 1450-1660, Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, translated by Alan Sheridan, University of California Press, 1987, Chapter 4. The North Atlantic World in the Seventeenth Century, K. G. Davies, University of Minnesota Press, 1974, pages 68-71.

[early death in Europe]
Life was cheap in Europe for many centuries. Here is Tuchman on childhood in the 1300s:

“[...] Of all the characteristics in which the medieval age differs from the modern, none is so striking as the comparative absence of interest in children. Emotion in relation to them rarely appears in art or literature or documentary evidence. [...]

In literature the chief role of children was to die, usually drowned, smothered, or abandoned in a forest on the orders of some king fearing prophecy or mad husband testing a wife’s endurance. Women appear rarely as mothers. They are flirts, bawds, and deceiving wives in the popular tales, saints and martyrs in the drama, unattainable objects of passionate and illicit love in the romances. [...]

Medieval illustrations show people in every other human activity—making love and dying, sleeping and eating, in bed and in the bath, praying, hunting, dancing, plowing, in games and in combat, trading, traveling, reading and writing—yet so rarely with children as to raise the question: Why not?

Maternal love, like sex, is generally considered too innate to be eradicable, but perhaps under certain unfavorable conditions it may atrophy. Owing to the high infant mortality of the times, estimated at one or two in three, the investment of love in a young child may have been so unrewarding that by some ruse of nature, as when overcrowded rodents in captivity will not breed, it was suppressed. Perhaps also the frequent childbearing put less value on the product. A child was born and died and another took its place.


On the whole, babies and young children appear to have been left to survive or die without great concern in the first five or six years. What psychological effect this may have had on character, and possibly on history, can only be conjectured. Possibly the relative emotional blankness of a medieval infancy may account for the casual attitude toward life and suffering of the medieval man.

[...] If children survived to age seven, their recognized life began, more or less as miniature adults. Childhood was already over. The childishness noticeable in medieval behavior, with its marked inability to restrain any kind of impulse, may have been simply due to the fact that so large a proportion of active society was actually very young in years. About half the population, it has been estimated, was under twenty-one, and about one third under fourteen.”

A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century, Barbara W. Tuchman, Random House, 1978, Chapter 3, pages 49-52.
‘Witch-shot’ is a term that survives today in Italian (colpo della strega), German (hexenschuß), and Danish (hekseskud). The Birth of Modern Science, Paolo Rossi, translated by Cynthia De Nardi Ipsen, Blackwell, 2000, page 2.
[the King laughed at the sect...]
“Thence to White Hall; where, in the Duke’s chamber, the King came and stayed an hour or two laughing at Sir W. Petty, who was there about his boat; and at Gresham College in general; at which poor Petty was, I perceive, at some loss; but did argue discreetly, and bear the unreasonable follies of the King’s objections and other bystanders with great discretion; and offered to take oddes against the King’s best boates; but the King would not lay, but cried him down with words only. Gresham College he mightily laughed at, for spending time only in weighing of ayre, and doing nothing else since they sat.”

Monday 1 February 1663/64 The Diary of Samuel Pepys, Richard le Gallienne (editor), Modern Library Edition, 2001.

[Europe’s first two natural philosophy journals]
Journal des sçavans (later, Journal des savants), and Philosophical Transactions, (later, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London), both in 1665. They were started in association with the Académie Royale (1666), and the Royal Society (1660), both of which were directly sponsored by their kings. Both grew out of earlier informal meetings, and both encouraged their members to collaborate; they also encouraged public exchange of ideas, as opposed to the secretive ways of earlier groups.
[Arabic books flowing into Latin Europe]
Arabic books had been trickling in to Latin Europe for centuries, but the late 1100s is when changes really started to happen as the bulk of the Arabic texts arrived in translation after the fall of Toledo in 1095 and the decline of Islamic Spain (the translation effort itself took about a century and a half).

As if often the case, the text fixes on one particular date to ease the reader’s task of understanding and remembering the sequence of historical events. Of course, nothing ever happens in that precise a way. Latin Europe had been getting bits and pieces of Arabic knowledge for centuries before then, but usually innovators didn’t last to see their changes adopted widely. One of the few who did was Pope Sylvester II, who introduced the abacus to Europe in the 900s. But by and large, even he was regarded as too much of an innovator and many of his technically oriented innovations were ignored once he’d died. That’s typical of Europe before the real ferment. “Gerbert, the Teacher,” O. G. Darlington, The American Historical Review, 52(3):456-476, 1947.

Like a python choking down a pig, the Catholic Church, continually adding to Aristotle’s books of logic, the Organon (The Tool), had by the 1300s integrated all of his (known) books, and a thousand years of his Greek, Syriac, Persian, Arabic, then Latin commentators’ books in stages. That theological system then formed the mental infrastructure that Europe’s seventeenth-century natural philosophers built on—and eventually tore apart. The Beginnings of Western Science: The European Scientific Tradition in Philosophical, Religious, and Institutional Context, 600 B.C. to A.D. 1450, David C. Lindberg, University of Chicago, 1992.

It’s silly to imagine, as is still widely implied today, that ‘science’ somehow passed bodily from ‘Greece’ to ‘Europe’ via ‘the Arabs.’ That’s misleading on at least two fronts. It implies that ‘science’ is like a hand-bag that ‘Greece’ left in the cloak-room at Victoria station, which ‘the Arabs’ kept safe until ‘Europe’ checked it out 1,600 years later. It also implies that non-Latin speakers had no real influence on a train of thought that supposedly started in Greece. It ignores Egyptian, Sumerian, and Indian, then later Roman, Syrian, Persian, and Arabic thought. Both implications are pure humbug. As for the implication that ‘Europe’ was one unified thing, and that the Byzantines somehow don’t count, that’s just pure ignorance.

For an overview of the transition of Greek, Indian, and Persian mathematical and scientific learning to Arabic hands, see: How Greek Science Passed To the Arabs, De Lacy O’Leary, 1980, Kegan Paul, Reprint Edition, 2002. Aristotle and the Arabs: The Aristotelian Tradition in Islam, Francis E. Peters, New York University Press, 1968. However, note that some of that is based on myth. For more recent work, see: “Jundi-Shapur, bimaristans, and the rise of academic medical centres,” A. C. Miller, Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 99(12):615-617, 2006. “The Mesopotamian schools of Edessa and Jundi-Shapur: the roots of modern medical schools,” S. Johna, American Surgery, 69(7):627-630, 2003. “The Arab-Islamic Medical Tradition,” L. I. Conrad, in: The Western Medical Tradition 800 BC to AD 1800, Lawrence I. Conrad, Michael Neve, Vivian Nutton, Roy Porter, and Andrew Wear, Cambridge University Press, 1995, especially pages 103-110 on the translation movement within Islam. “The Origins of the Islamic Hospital: Myth and Reality,” M. W. Dols, Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 61(3):367-390, 1987.

For a recent popular overview of the transition from Arabic to Latin hands, and the subsequent development of Europe’s late medieval theological system see: Aristotle’s Children: How Christians, Muslims, and Jews Rediscovered Ancient Wisdom and Illuminated the Middle Ages, Richard E. Rubenstein, Harcourt, 2003. It’s possible, though, to come away from that particular book with a belief that Europe’s main faiths somehow lived in harmony. Except for pockets of time in the Netherlands, and in Islamic Spain, such is not the case. For example, in Christian Spain in the 1300s, sex between Christians and Jews was punished by death. Sex between Christians and Muslims was punished with public whipping. Violence and the persecution of minorities in the Crown of Aragon: Jews, Lepers and Muslims before the Black Death, David Nirenberg, doctoral thesis, University of Michigan, 1993, pages 128-165.

[“shoulders of giants”]
“...fruitur tamen ætas nostra beneficio præcedentis, et sæpe plura novit, non suo quidem præcedens ingenio, sed innitens viribus alienis, et opulenta doctrina patrum. Dicebat Bernardus Carnotensis, nos esse quasi nanos, gigantium humeris insidentes, ut possimus plura eis et remotiora videre, non utique proprii visus acumine, aut eminentia corporis, sed quia in altum subvehimur et extollimur magnitudine gigantea.” [Our age enjoys the benefits of the previous age and we can often see farther, not for our sharp-sightedness but because we lean on the strength and greatness of our fathers. Bernard of Chartres used to say that we are like dwarfs on the shoulders of giants, so that we can see more than they and things at a greater distance, not by virtue of any sharpness of sight on our part, or for our height, but because we are carried high and raised up by their giant size.] Metalogicus, (The Metalogicon,) Book III, Chapter 4, John of Salisbury.

For a continuation of the quote and more background, see: “Modernization of the Teaching of Latin: The Central Role of the Text and of the Lexical Approach,” R. Marino, Meeting the Challenge: European Perspectives on the Teaching of Latin, Cambridge University, 2005. “John of Salisbury and Aristotle,” C. Burnett, Didascalia, 2:19-32, 1996. Ancient and Medieval Memories: Studies in the Reconstruction of the Past, Janet Coleman, Cambridge University Press, 1992, pages 291-293.

Excited as Salisbury was, he also pined for the good old days. He railed against the decadence of ‘modern’ times. He deplored the wholesale abandonment of the classics in the face of the new learning. He denigrated the new narrow specializations. He wailed that today’s students cared only for knowledge they could do something with right then—especially in the new get-rich-quick fields of law and medicine. And he denounced younger teachers for giving in to the pressure. Ahh, yes, how different schools are today.

Don’t assume, however, that Salisbury was a mere reactionary. He was one of the leading voices in the 1100s for reform of all sorts, and a master of the new Arabic material. He just didn’t like the idea of throwing out the classics just because of the new expansion in learning. Incidentally, he was with Becket when Becket was slaughted at Canterbury in 1170. Becket’s blood splashed on him when his scalp was chopped off. “John of Salisbury: An Argument for Philosophy within Education,” W. C. Turgeon, Analytic Teaching, 18(2):44-52, 1999.

(Incidentally: Bernard of Chartres taught William of Conches (Guillaume de Conches) and Richard l’Évêque, who taught John of Salisbury. For any researchers who might want to mine this area: William of Conches is well known but it’s hard to find out much about Richard l’Évêque. He was apparently archdeacon of Coutances from 1163 to 1170, then Bishop of Avranches from 1170 to 1181 (when he died). One problem is that John implies that he (Richard) was archdeacon already in 1159, when he (John) wrote the Metalogicon. Also, the list of Bishops of Avranches in the Catholic Encyclopedia of 1914 lists a ‘Richard III’ from 1171 to 1182, a year after John’s Richard supposedly took up the post and a year after he supposedly died. Incidentally, Henry II swore that he didn’t order Becket’s murder on Sunday, May 21st, 1172—in Avranches cathedral, while Richard would have been bishop there. One final point: ‘l’Évêque’ is French for ‘Bishop.’)

Today, the ‘shoulders of giants’ quote’s originator is often given as Isaac Newton. “But in ye meane time you defer too much to my ability for searching into this subject [optics]. What Des-Cartes did was a good step. You have added much several ways, & especially in taking ye colours of thin plates into philosophical consideration. If I have seen further it is by standing on ye sholders of Giants.” Newton to Hooke, February 15th, 1676. The Forgotten Genius: The Biography of Robert Hooke 1635-1703, Stephen Inwood, MacAdam Cage, 2003, page 216. Originally published as The Man Who Knew Too Much, Macmillan, 2002. (Note: The letter itself was dated as ‘5 February 1675.’ The (old) Julian Calendar was still in use in England at that time.)

The quote’s true originator, Bernard of Chartres, was a Breton monk who ran the Chartres cathedral school in France from 1114 to 1124. Merton traces the quote’s history forward from the 1100s, and backward to Priscian, a sixth-century Constantinople grammarian, whose grammar Bernard had followed assiduously. On the Shoulders of Giants: A Shandean Postscript, The Post-Italianate Edition, Robert K. Merton, Chicago University Press, 1993, page 40 and pages 309-310.

However, the original idea behind the quote may be even older than that. In one (of many) versions of the Orion myth, Poseidon’s giant son, Orion, who gives his name today to the constellation of the hunter, tried to rape Merope and her father blinded him, after which Hephaestus, gave him one of his men, Kedalion, to carry on his shoulders to see for him. Bulfinch’s Mythology, The Age of Fable or Stories of Gods and Heroes, Thomas Bulfinch, 1855. But of course this ancient idea may not originate there. Who knows.

The story we tell of ourselves may have little connection to reality. History speaks of our past, but myth speaks of us. Or, as Aristotle says, “[I]t is not the function of the poet to relate what has happened, but what may happen,—what is possible according to the law of probability or necessity. The poet and the historian differ not by writing in verse or in prose. The work of Herodotus might be put into verse, and it would still be a species of history, with meter no less than without it. The true difference is that one relates what has happened, the other what may happen. Poetry, therefore, is a more philosophical and a higher thing than history: for poetry tends to express the universal, history the particular.” Poetics, Aristotle, 1451a, Section I, Part IX, translated by S. H. Butcher, Macmillan, 1898, page 35.

[Newton built on a long chain]
To see how a few of the dots connected in just one such chain, start in Egypt 2,600 years ago and realize that you can figure out the height of a pyramid without climbing it. All you have to do is wait for the sun to climb in the sky until the length of your shadow equals your own height. At that exact time, measure the length of the pyramid’s shadow. That will give you the pyramid’s height because, like you, the pyramid acts like a tall stick stuck in the sand, and, like you, at that exact moment, the stick forms one side of a right-angled triangle with two equal sides. You’re thus using your own body as an instrument to measure the pyramid’s height.

From such surveying—and similar work millennia before in Egypt, Iraq, and India—you’re on your way to developing geometry.

Now jump to Greece 2,300 years ago, and use a stick to sketch any right-angled triangle in the dirt, whether two of its sides are the same length or not. Draw squares on each of the triangle’s three sides, then discover that the area of the biggest square must equal the sum of the areas of the other two squares.

Now jump to Iraq in 830 and realize that you don’t need to draw such squares to show the relationship between their areas. If the length of the longest side is s, and the lengths of the other two sides are x and y, you can use the number system and the symbolic notation that you had earlier invented in jumps to India over a millennium before and a few centuries before to express the same area relationship this way:

x2 + y2 = s2

From geometry, you’re starting to invent algebra.

Now jump to France in 1637 and draw two lines, horizontal and vertical, which thus cross at right angles, then draw a circle of width 2w centered where they cross. Every point on the circle is some distance, x, away from the vertical line, and some distance, y, away from the horizontal line, so you can express each point as (x, y). Based on what you’ve already found out, you can now show that x and y must relate to w as as follows:

x2 + y2 = w2

Now draw the same diagram on a sheet of rubber, then distort the circle by pulling on the rubber horizontally (or vertically) to form an ellipse. In the case of the circle, the distance from one fixed point (the circle’s center) to every point on the circle is constant, but for the ellipse there are two fixed points and the sum of their distances to every point on the ellipse is a constant. You then see that, in effect, a circle also has two fixed points—it’s just that they’re in the same place. Pulling on the rubber separates them.

Further, you can show that if any ellipse is width 2w and height 2h and its width is bigger than its height, then each point, (x, y), on the ellipse must relate to w and h as follows:

(x/w)2 + (y/h)2 = 1

By combining geometry and algebra, you’re beginning to invent analytic geometry.

Now jump back to Egypt in 1038 and while trying to figure out how both light and the eye work, create optical instruments that let you control where beams of light are cast. Use the data that gives you, plus both geometry and tests, to verify your insights into vision. You’re starting to move away from Aristotle’s way of ignoring instruments, math, and tests.

Now jump to Italy in 1286 and, from what you learned about vision, start grinding lenses for eyeglasses. Then jump to the Netherlands in 1608 and start combining such lenses to make spyglasses. Now jump to Italy in 1610 and extend those spyglasses into higher-resolution telescopes. Then turn one on Jupiter and discover that it has moons—something that Aristotle had never imagined. From that, guess, without mathematical proof, that Copernicus had been right after all. Just as Jupiter’s moons orbit Jupiter, the earth probably orbits the sun, not the other way round, as Aristotle had thought.

Now jump back to Denmark in 1572 and spend decades watching the night sky with your naked eye, keeping meticulous track of everything you see. From that mass of data, you prove that lights in the sky weren’t embedded in nearby and unchanging crystal spheres, despite Aristotle’s thought. Then jump to Germany in 1605, and from your night-sky data plus an early form of analytic geometry, deduce that Mars moves in an ellipse about the sun, not in a circle about the earth, despite what Aristotle had thought.

Jump to either England or the Netherlands in 1666 and combine the existence of Jupiter’s moons, plus the idea of Mars’ elliptical orbit, plus what you know of ellipses, to deduce that the force binding any planet to the sun must vary in inverse proportion to the square of the distance between them. Then jump to England in 1666 or Germany in 1675 and build on algebra and analytic geometry to invent calculus. Use that calculus, plus everything else you’ve figured out about math, plus your new instruments, plus all the data you’ve amassed about planets and moons and comets and eclipses and tides and such, to discover uniform laws of gravity that apply to everything everywhere.

Timelines: Egypt 2,600 years ago - finding the height of a pyramid using similar triangles - Thales. Greece 2,300 years ago - finding the relation between lengths of the sides of a right-angled triangle - Pythagoras. Baghdad in 830 - inventing algebra - Al-Khwarizmi. France in 1637 - inventing (classical) analytic geometry - Descartes. Egypt in 1038 - investigating light and vision by focusing on experimental verification - Al-Hazen. Italy in 1286 - grinding lenses for eyeglasses - unknown. The Netherlands in 1608 - inventing spyglasses - Lipperhey, Jansen, and Metius. Italy in 1610 - improving spyglasses into telescopes - Galileo. Denmark in 1572 - doing extensive and careful astronomical observations - Brahe. Germany in 1605 - deducing that Mars moves in an ellipse - Kepler. England or the Netherlands in 1666 - deriving the gravitational attraction between planets and the sun - Newton, Hooke, and Huygens. England in 1666 or Germany in 1675 - inventing the calculus - Newton and Leibniz. England in 1666 - discovering the laws of gravity - Newton.

“The roads that lead man to knowledge are as wondrous as that knowledge itself.” Kepler, in the summary to Chapter 45 of his Astronomia Nova, as translated by Koestler. The Sleepwalkers: A History of Man’s Changing Vision of the Universe, Arthur Koestler, Hutchinson & Co., 1959, page 337. Although the Latin sentence (along with its introduction) is a bit more florid: “In sequentibus lector ignoscet meæ credulitati, dum omnes ex meo ingenio æstimo. Quippe mihi non multo minus admirande videntur occasiones, quibus homines in cognitionem rerum cœlestium deveniunt; quam ipsa Natura rerum cœlestium.” Astronomia nova, Johannes Kepler, Argumenta singulorum capitum [The Arguments of each chapter], opening sentences for Caput 45, 1609. But then Kepler was writing in the full heat of discovery, after a long and arduous process, and anyway, the sense is the same.

Galileo: Watcher of the Skies, David Wootton, Yale University Press, 2010. The Origins of the Telescope, Albert Van Helden, Sven Dupré, Rob van Gent, and Huib Zuidervaart (editors), Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2010. The Long Route to the Invention of the Telescope, Rolf Willach, American Philosophical Society, 2008. Renaissance Vision from Spectacles to Telescopes, Vincent Ilardi, American Philosophical Society, 2007. Huygens: The Man Behind the Principle, C. D. Andriesse, Cambridge University Press, 2005. The Scientists: A History of Science Told Through the Lives of Its Greatest Inventors, John Gribbin, Random House, 2004. The Forgotten Genius: The Biography of Robert Hooke 1635-1703, Stephen Inwood, MacAdam Cage, 2003. Originally published as The Man Who Knew Too Much, Macmillan, 2002. Tycho & Kepler: The Unlikely Partnership that Forever Changed Our Understanding of the Heavens, Kitty Ferguson, Walker & Company, 2002. The Birth of Modern Science, Paolo Rossi, translated by Cynthia De Nardi Ipsen, Blackwell, 2000. Ingenious Pursuits: Building the Scientific Revolution, Lisa Jardine, Anchor Books, 1999. The Lord of Uraniborg: A Biography of Tycho Brahe, Victor E. Thoren, Cambridge University Press, 1990. History of Mathematics, Carl B. Boyer, John Wiley & Sons, Second Edition, 1989. Never At Rest: A Biography of Isaac Newton, Richard S. Westfall, Cambridge University Press, 1980.

[Newton 1687 book]
That’s his Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, [Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy], often referred to as the Principia.
[Newton built on others]
For example, Isaac Barrow, Newton’s tutor, gave a series of 13 lectures, which Newton attended, just before 1665, the year Newton, driven off by the plague left Cambridge for Woolsthorpe and invented the calculus. In Barrow’s lectures, later published as Lectiones Mathematicae in 1683, he showed how to crudely derive tangents to curves, find the length of curves, and find the areas below them (three typical applications of what we today call the calculus).

Here is a simplified example put into today’s terms: Barrow, wishing to show how to calculate the slope of the tangent to the curve:

x2 + y2 = r2
(that is, a circle) considered the point (x, y) on the curve and a nearby point (x + Dx, y + Dy) where Dx and Dy are extremely small. Since the second point is also on the circle, then:
(x + Dx)2 + (y + Dy)2 = r2
x2 + 2xDx + Dx2 + y2 + 2yDy + Dy2 = r2
Subtracting the first equation yields:
2xDx + Dx2 + 2yDy + Dy2 = 0
Now he discards all terms involving higher powers or products of Dx or Dy on the grounds that since they are each small, powers of them are negligible. Thus giving:
2xDx + 2yDy = 0
Dy/Dx = -x/y
which is the slope of the tangent of the circle at the point (x, y). The History of Mathematics: An Introduction, David M. Burton, Allyn and Bacon, 1985, pages 364-365.

That argument is not rigorous to today’s mathematical eyes, but its shape is clear and it is substantially what we do today. Of course, Barrow didn’t see that this idea can be generalized quite considerably to do more powerful things, while Newton did. But then, so did Leibniz. Barrow himself was hoeing a furrow well traveled by many long before him—Archimedes, for example, who, two millennia before, estimated the area of a circle (and other areas, surfaces, and volumes) with a very early form of integration (he approximated the circle with triangulation and dissection). But the 1600s was when the true explosion began with Johannes Kepler, Pierre Fermat, Gilles Roberval, and Bonaventura Cavalieri. A case could even be made that Fermat, not Newton or Leibniz, invented the calculus first. The Historical Development of the Calculus, Charles Henry Edwards, Jr., Springer-Verlag, 1979. “Precalculus, 1635-1665,” K. Andersen, in: Companion Encyclopedia of the History and Philosophy of the Mathematical Sciences, I. Grattan-Guinness (editor), Routledge, 1994, pages 292-307.

[telescope and microscope born at the same time but had different trajectories]
Bad Medicine: Doctors Doing Harm since Hippocrates, David Wootton, Oxford University Press, 2006, Chapter 7.
[Newton’s physics]
Never At Rest: A Biography of Isaac Newton, Richard S. Westfall, Cambridge University Press, 1980. The more mathematically interested might try: Huygens and Barrow, Newton and Hooke: Pioneers in Mathematical Analysis and Catastrophe Theory from Evolvements to Quasicrystals, Vladimir I. Arnol’d, Birkhäuser Verlag, 1990. The less mathematically interested might try: Isaac Newton, James Gleick, Vintage, 2004. Isaac Newton: The Last Sorcerer, Michael White, Fourth Estate, 1997.
[Newtonian physics not accepted at first]
Newton’s contemporaries were not wrong to be squeamish about some of his ideas. For example, he postulated that gravity acted instantaneously across any distance. That’s wrong. Einstein later established that the force of gravity is transmitted at the speed of light. Further, even today we still haven’t found the graviton, the particle we believe carries the force of gravity, and our current theories of quantum gravity are still more wish than reality. The best candidate so far is string theory, and it is, so far, completely untestable. It’s not physics; it’s poetry. Finally, physics today now has to contend with true instantaneous action-at-a-distance. Alain Aspect’s experiment showed spacelike coupling of paired photons, thus invalidating the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (or EPR) paradox. “Experimental test of Bell’s Inequalities using Time-Varying Analyzers,” A. Aspect, J. Dalibard, G. Roger, Physical Review Letters, 49(25):1804-1807, 1982. We have no idea what that means yet.
[figures of fun in new London plays]
For a long time in Europe, most saw the new natural philosophers as yet more useless appendages of rapacious and corrupt states. In 1664, Samuel Butler made them a sideshow in Hudibras. In 1667, John Milton admonished them for hubris in Paradise Lost. In 1676, Thomas Shadwell parodied them in his comedy, The Virtuoso. In 1717, John Gay’s farce, Three Hours After Marriage, thoroughly deflated them. In 1726, Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels savaged them some more. The pummeling continued in 1741 with Alexander Pope’s Memoirs of Martinus Scriblerus. The Practice of Satire in England, 1658-1770, Ashley Marshall, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013. John Gay and the Scriblerians, Peter Lewis and Nigel Wood, Vision, 1989.
[Surrey woman gives birth to rabbits]
Thus, if a woman (Mary Toft) in Surrey gave birth to rabbits, it was fodder for gossip, not automatic disbelief. After all, Aristotle had said that eels obviously sprang from mud, so perhaps rabbits could sometimes spring from women. That supposedly happened in 1726, the year before Newton died. When the woman was brought to London, she was exposed as a fraud. The Girl Who Gave Birth to Rabbits: A True Medical Mystery, Clifford A. Pickover, Prometheus Books, 2000.
[resistance to natural philosophy]
The problems of natural philosophy had less to do with logic or results than acceptance, and those were many—and many are still with us today. If we’re just a kind of complex machine, where does God fit? What’s the point of life? What about sin and free will? If we’re simply acted upon by unwilled forces, how do we assign praise and blame for our actions? What do we tell our kids? What supports our legal system? For the few of us who had any idea what the new philosophers were talking about, the new belief network was just too much. It wasn’t merely that its results were hard to swallow. (The earth rotated about the sun, you say? And it spins? And it spins so fast that it bulges? What?) The method itself meant rejecting everything that everyone was sure of.

Not even Newton liked his own theory. Today it’s tempting, and easy, and common, to make Newton into some sort of scientific saint. Certainly nearly all the science writings about him make him out to be such, but that’s far more to do with what today’s scientists and technologists wish Then, as young natural philosophers grew up with the insights of the first two waves, the tide started to crest with Robert Boyle, Christopher Wren, Jeremiah Horrocks, Edmond Halley, Giovanni Cassini, John Wallis, John Flamsteed, Anton van Leeuwenhoek, Marcello Malpighi, Jacob Bernoulli, Ole Rømer, Christiaan Huygens, Robert Hooke, Gottfried Leibniz, and Isaac Newton.

Newton, born the year the English Civil War started, and a year after Galileo died (blind, and under house arrest in Florence) was also lucky enough to concern himself with physics, the most sharp-edged part of the new natural philosophy as it is the most universal, the most easily mathematized, and the most easily tested. Newton was an inheritor as well as a creator. (Note: Many books state that Newton was born the same year that Galileo died. However, it was actually a full year later. Galileo died January 8th, 1642. Newton’s birth date is usually given as Christmas Day, December 25th, 1642, but England was still using the old (Julian) calendar at the time instead of the new (Gregorian) calendar, so on the continent it was actually 10 days later, January 4th, 1643.)

It’s odd that similar waves of scientific thought had earlier happened around the eastern Mediterranean over 26 centuries ago. Thales of Miletus, building on earlier Egyptian and Chaldean mathematics and astronomy, started the ball rolling, just as Copernicus was to do much later. Thirty years later came Anaximander, then twenty years after that, Anaximenes (all from Miletus in today’s Turkey). About fifteen years after Thales, Pythagoras was born on Samos, 160 kilometers (about 100 miles) from Miletus. He then moved to Croton, in today’s southern Italy, and his school also flourished. The tradition is that Thales taught Anaximander, who taught Pythagoras. (After came Heraclitus and Parmenides.) Then a second wave started with Anaxagoras and Empedocles and Zeno, then Democritus, Hippocrates, Socrates, and Plato, then Aristotle (also his student, Theophrastus). Then yet another wave with Euclid, Aristarchus, Archimedes, and Erastothenes. Then it petered out. So perhaps Europe’s new natural philosophy would have petered out as well, had not an industrial phase change followed it.

For an interesting theory about that idea, see: The Forgotten Revolution: How Science Was Born in 300 BC and Why It Had to Be Reborn, Lucio Russo, Birkhäuser, 2004.

[apron-wearing, dirty-fingernailed artisans]
Here is Mandeville in 1729:

Cleo. [...] They are very seldom the same Sort of People, those that invent Arts, and Improvements in them, and those that enquire into the Reason of Things: this latter is most commonly practis’d by such, as are idle and indolent, that are fond of Retirement, hate Business, and take delight in Speculation: whereas none succeed oftener in the first, than active, stirring, and laborious Men, such as will put their Hand to the Plough, try Experiments, and give all their Attention to what they are about.

Hor. It is commonly imagin’d, that speculative Men are best at Invention of all sorts.

Cleo. Yet it is a Mistake. Soap-boyling, Grain-dying, and other Trades and Mysteries, are from mean Beginnings brought to great Perfection; but the many Improvements, that can be remembred to have been made in them, have for the Generality been owing to Persons, who either were brought up to, or had long practis’d and been conversant in those Trades, and not to great Proficients in Chymistry or other Parts of Philosophy, whom one would naturally expect those Things from. In some of these Arts, especially Grain or Scarlet-dying, there are Processes really astonishing; and by the Mixture of various Ingredients, by Fire and Fermentation, several Operations are perform’d, which the most sagacious Naturalist cannot account for by any System yet known; a certain Sign, that they were not invented by reasoning a Priori. [...]”

The Fable of the Bees, or Private Vices, Publick Benefits, Volume 2, Bernard de Mandeville, edited by F. B. Kaye, Clarendon Press, 1924, pages 144-145.

[spread of science after Newton]
Many thinkers reasoned that since Newton had found universal laws for all material bodies, perhaps there were universal laws for all human groups, too. To speak of French thinkers alone, Voltaire, Montesquieu, Turgot, Rousseau, Sièyes, Condorcet, and Saint-Simon, plus others in Scotland and Germany, then all over Europe and British America, drooled at the thought of fundamental insight, followed by fundamental change. Maybe, they thought, our incessant warfare, poverty, cruelty, slavery, and corruption could actually change. A new field, called ‘social physics’ or ‘the social art,’ today known as sociology, was born. Also, a new literature, ‘the tale of futurity,’ today known as science fiction, was born. And the incense of a new sacred idea, ‘progress,’ began to perfume the air outside the new laboratories.

For example, John Locke tried to use the new way of thought to try to figure out governance in 1690. James Lind tried to use it to try to figure out scurvy in 1747. James Watt used it to try to figure out steam power in 1765. Adam Smith tried to use it to try to figure out economics in 1776. Honoré Blanc used it to help make precision guns in 1785. For instance, see: “Essay on the History of Astronomy,” Adam Smith, in: The Early Writings of Adam Smith, J. R. Lindgren (editor), Kelley, 1967. (This idea spread into the next century with, for example, John Stuart Mill, Émile Durkheim, Max Weber, and Karl Marx.)

However, the newly optimistic tone in Europe shifted after a major earthquake destroyed Lisbon in 1755. The usual cruelties, wars, and slaughters didn’t help either. (To give some vague idea of the era, in 1718 Peter I, Tsar of Russia, tortured and killed his own son.) But still an irrepressible Voltaire would write in 1756 that “reason and industry will always bring about new progress.” However, he also covered his bets in 1759 by making Candide ping-pong between Pangloss and Martin. By 1783, he was five years dead when British America became the United States of America. Its whole system of government came to be based on the new ideas.

History of the Idea of Progress, Robert Nisbet, Basic Books, 1980. The Pattern of Expectation, 1644-2001, I. F. Clarke, Jonathan Cape, 1979. The Idea of Progress: History and Society, Sidney Pollard, Pelican Books, 1971. The Idea of Progress: An Inquiry into Its Origin and Growth, J. B. Bury, Macmillan and Co., 1920. “Sociology Before Comte: A Summary of Doctrines and an Introduction to the Literature,” H. E. Barnes, American Journal of Sociology, 23(2):174-247, 1917. “The Founders of Sociology,” V. Branford, American Journal of Sociology, 10(1):94-126, 1904.

[first public balloon ascent]
On December 1st, 1783, perhaps four hundred thousand Parisians, about half the city, crammed into the Tuileries Gardens. They were there to watch two men ascend in a balloon, like godlings spurning the earth. The news stunned both Europe and the brand new United States. That, plus two other new amusements—electricity and ‘animal magnetism’—convinced Europe’s few urbanites, male and female, young and old, that they would soon be living in a new age. Now not just the strange new natural philosophers, or their new mercantile or political hangers on, but anyone who had the coin to see the new marvels stood agape, dreaming of yet another new thing: ‘the future.’ Then, just ten years later, the guillotine began to fall, the tumbril to roll, and the gutters to run with blood. The Terror had come. Popular Science And Public Opinion in Eighteenth-century France, Michael R. Lynn, Manchester University Press, 2006, page 126. The Pattern of Expectation, 1644-2001, I. F. Clarke, Jonathan Cape, 1979, pages 29-30.

The following might give some idea of the tenor of the times: “Balloons occupy senators, philosophers, ladies, everybody.... When the arts are brought to such perfection in Europe, who would go, like Sir Joseph Banks, in search of islands in the Atlantic, where the natives in six thousand years have not improved the science of carving fishing-hooks out of bones or flints! Well! I hope these new mechanic meteors will prove only playthings for the learned and the idle, and not be converted into new engines of destruction to the human race, as is so often the case of refinements or discoveries in science.” From: “Letter 2283, to Sir Horace Mann, December 2, 1783,” in: The Letters of Horace Walpole, Fourth Earl of Orford, Horace Walpole, Peter Cunningham (editor), Volume VIII, Richard Bentley and Son, 1891, page 438.

[betting on the first sex in a balloon]
Here’s a 1785 entry in the Betts Book of Brooks’ Club in London noting a bet between the 4th Earl of Cholmondeley and the 12th Earl of Derby [bleep added]: “Ld. Cholmondeley has given two guineas to Ld. Derby, to receive 500 Gs whenever his lordship f[*bleep*]s a woman in a Balloon one thousand yards from the Earth.” The Gin Lane Gazette: A Profusely Illustrated Compendium of Devilish Scandal and Oddities from the Darkest Recesses of Georgian England, Adrian Teal, Unbound, 2013, August 1786 entry. Ian Fleming’s James Bond: Annotations and Chronologies for Ian Fleming’s Bond Stories, John Griswold, AuthorHouse, 2006, pages 97-98. Charles James Fox, L. G. Mitchell, Oxford University Press, 1992, page 96.
[even politicians and poets...]
For example, Newton died in 1727. In 1730 Alexander Pope composed the following epitaph for his monument at Westminster Abbey:

Quem Immortalem / Testantur Tempus, Natura, Cœlum: / Mortalem / Hoc Marmor fatetur. /

Nature, and Nature’s Laws, lay hid in Night. / God said, Let Newton be!, and All was Light.

The Poems of Alexander Pope, John Butt (editor), Routledge, 1966, page 808.

[a new object of worship: steam...]
The Giant-Power from earth’s remotest caves / Lifts with strong arm her dark reluctant waves, / Each caverned rock and hidden den explores, / Drags her dark coals, and digs her shining ores.— / Next, in close cells of ribbed oak confin’d, / Gale after gale, He crouds the struggling wind; / The imprison’d storms through brazen nostrils roar, / Fan the white flame, and fuse the sparkling ore. / Here high in air the rising stream He pours / To clay-built cisterns or to lead-lined towers; / Fresh through a thousand pipes the wave distils, / And thirsty cities drink the exuberant rills.— / There the vast mill-stone with inebriate whirl, / On trembling floors his forceful fingers twirl. / Whose flinty teeth the golden harvests grind, / Feast without blood! and nourish human-kind.

Now his hard hands on Mona’s rifted crest, / Bosomed in rock, her azure ores arrest; / With iron lips his rapid rollers seize / The lengthening bars, in thin expansion squeeze; / Descending screws with ponderous fly-wheels wound / The tawny plates, the new medallions round; / Hard dyes of steel the cupreous circles cramp, / And with quick fall his massy hammers stamp. / The Harp, the Lily and the Lion join, / And George and Britain guard the sterling coin.

Soon shall thy arm, Unconquer’d Steam! afar / Drag the slow barge, or drive the rapid car; / Or on wide-waving wings expanded bear / The flying-chariot through the fields of air. / —Fair crews triumphant, leaning from above, / Shall wave their fluttering kerchiefs as they move; / Or warrior-bands alarm the gaping crowd, / And armies shrink beneath the shadowy cloud.”

From the first canto of: “Economy of Vegetation,” Erasmus Darwin, 1791.

[“strange seas of thought”]
“And from my pillow, looking forth by light / Of moon or favouring stars, I could behold / The antechapel where the statue stood / Of Newton with his prism and silent face, / The marble index of a mind for ever / Voyaging through strange seas of Thought, alone.”

“The Prelude,” William Wordsworth.

A Microscope Made of Numbers

[life expectancy more than doubled]
“There is much to celebrate in world population trends over the last 60 years, especially the average life expectancy, which leapt from about 48 years in the early 1950s to about 68 in the first decade of the new century. Infant mortality plunged from about 133 deaths in 1,000 births in the 1950s to 46 per 1,000 in the period from 2005 to 2010. Immunization campaigns reduced the prevalence of childhood diseases worldwide.”

State of World Population 2011: People and Possibilities in a World of 7 Billion, United Nations Population Fund, 2011, pages 3-4.

“The twentieth century witnessed the most rapid decline in mortality in human history. In 1950-1955, life expectancy at the world level was 46 years and it had reached 67 years by 2005-2010. Over the next 45 years, life expectancy at the global level is expected to rise further to reach 75 years in 2045-2050. The more developed regions already had a high expectation of life in 1950-1955 (66 years) and have since experienced further gains in longevity. By 2005-2010 their life expectancy stood at 76.5 years, 11 years higher than in the less developed regions where the expectation of life at birth was 65.4 years. Although the gap between the two groups is expected to narrow between 2005 and mid-century, in 2045-2050 the more developed regions are still expected to have considerably higher life expectancy at birth than the less developed regions (82.4 years versus 74.3 years).”

World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 2007, page 14.

For example, in 1902 in the United States life expectancy at birth was 49.2 years. By 2002, it was 77.3 years.

“Gains in longevity were fastest in the first half of the 20th century. These advances were largely attributed to ‘an enormous scientific breakthrough—the germ theory of disease’ which led to the eradication and control of numerous infectious and parasitic diseases, especially among infants and children. The new theory led to an entirely new approach to preventative medicine, practiced both by departments of public health and by individuals. Interventions included boiling bottles and milk, washing hands, protecting food from flies, isolating sick children, ventilating rooms, and improving water supply and sewage disposal. Beginning in the 1940s, the control of infectious diseases was also aided by the increasing distribution and usage of antibiotics, including penicillin and sulfa drugs.

Since mid-century, advances in life expectancy have largely been attributable to improvements in the prevention and control of the chronic diseases of adulthood. In particular, death rates from two of the three major causes of death in 1950—diseases of the heart (i.e., coronary heart disease, hypertensive heart disease, and rheumatic heart disease) and cerebrovascular diseases (stroke)—have fallen by approximately 60% and 70%, respectively, on an age-adjusted basis since 1950, improvements that the CDC has characterized as ‘one of the most important public health achievements of the 20th century.’ ”

From: “Life Expectancy in the United States,” L. B. Shrestha, Congressional Research Service, Report RL32792, The United States Library of Congress, 2006, pages 3-4.

See also: Rising Life Expectancy: A Global History, James C. Riley, Cambridge University Press, 2001.

[our recent health phase change]
“It is now clear that although the period from the middle of the eighteenth century to the end of the nineteenth has been hailed justly as an industrial revolution, as a great transformation in social organization, and as a revolution in science, these great advances brought only modest and uneven improvements in the health, nutritional status, and longevity of the lower classes before 1890. Whatever contribution the technological and scientific advances of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries may have made ultimately to this breakthrough, escape from hunger and high mortality did not become a reality for most ordinary people until the twentieth century....

This new degree of control [over the environment] has enabled Homo sapiens to increase its average body size by over 50 percent and its average longevity by more than 100 percent since 1800, and to greatly improve the robustness and capacity of vital organ systems....

The increase in the world’s population between 1900 and 1990 was four times as great as the increase during the whole previous history of humankind.”

The Escape from Hunger and Premature Death, 1700-2100: Europe, America, and the Third World, Robert William Fogel, Cambridge University Press, 2004, pages 8 and 21-22.

[cholera in India]
Cholera might have been new to Europe in the 1800s, but not to our species. Cholera, or a close relative, may have existed at least two millennia ago. On the Natural Faculties, Galen, Book III, part 13. However, it’s hard to tell if it was the same disease. See: Cholera, Robert Pollitzer, United Nations World Health Organization, 1959, Chapter 1.

It had plagued India, particularly around the Ganges delta, probably since at least 1503 or 1543, and certainly by 1563. A History of Asiatic Cholera, C. Macnamara, Macmillan, 1876.

“Among us it is called the Cholerica Passio. The Indians call it morxi and we corrupt the word into mordexi.... It is more acute than in our country for it generally kills in 24 hours. I have known persons who have not lasted more than 10 hours, and the longest endurance of it is 4 days. As there is no rule without an exception, I have seen a man, with the gift of much endurance, who lived for 20 days, always vomiting colora curginosa. Finally, he died.” Coloquios dos simples, e drogas he coisas mediçinias da India, Garcia da Orta, 1563, 17th dialogue, in Colloquies on the Simples and Drugs of India by Garcia da Orta, Clements R. Markham (editor), Henry Southeran and Co., 1913, pages 154-155. “Medicine in Goa—a former Portuguese territory,” S. K. Panday, Journal of Postgraduate Medicine, 28(3):123-148, 1982.

[cholera’s spread out of India in 1816]
In 1816, poor rice harvest in Bengal encouraged cholera. The rice harvest was bad because of heavy monsoons, which were heavy because of the Tambora volcanic eruption in Indonesia the year before. The malnourished are more prone to every illness, not just cholera. Poverty doesn’t help, either.

The new way to die crept up on Britain slowly. In 1816, aided by movements of Britain’s army, cholera stepped out of its traditional Indian centers, then started striding across Eurasia. It stalked its victims along the trade routes as far north as the Volga and as far west as Arabia. By 1830, it had reached Poland. The next year it hit Hungary, Austria, Germany, and Sweden. By 1832 it was in Paris. There it slew 7,000 in 18 days. Within a month, 13,000 Parisians were dead and 120,000 had fled. By 1832 it had already killed millions of us and those of us in Britain were walleyed with fear. Then, in February, it struck London. Disease and Civilization: The Cholera in Paris, 1832, François Delaporte, The MIT Press, 1986.

[cholera fear in Britain]
In London, during December, 1831, and January, 1832, before cholera hit London, many cases of suspected cholera fanned the fear of epidemic. For example, in one scene in a new play, “Cholera Morbus, or Love and Fright,” a girl picks the pocket of a man, who yells “Collar her!” and the crowd fled in terror, letting her escape. A letter to The Times denounced the play as an indecency. The play closed after two days. The Times, November 11th and 12th, 1831. Incidentally, cholera morbus, (doctor-speak Latin for ‘the disease cholera’) gave English the word ‘collywobbles,’ meaning fear or bellyache.
[cholera killed quickly]
One case can stand for many: “Elizabeth Connolly was aged 53 and lived in White’s Rents, Limehouse. On 16 February [1832] she ate a dinner of ox’s cheek, and thought her feeling of illness the next day was due to this first meal of meat for a week or two. At 1.30 pm she was returning from a shop, where she had bought some herring, when diarrhoea started, forcing her to stop at a house on the way home. This continued, with vomiting, until 5 pm, when she called a doctor. She was taken to the workhouse, where a hot-air bath, an emetic, an enema and brandy did not prevent her dying at 3 am.” From: “The 1832 Cholera Epidemic in East London,” R. McR. Higgins, East London Record, Number 2, 1979, The East London History Society.
[cholera in North America in 1832]
From England, cholera sprang north to Scotland and west to Ireland. By June 1832 it leapt the Atlantic. It first hit Canada, when Irish immigrants brought it to Quebec. It killed 3,347 in three months in Montreal and Quebec City. As in Eurasia, as the stricken fled before the new plague, it pursued them down the newly infected waterways. Kingston, Toronto, Buffalo, Detroit, New York, all were hit as it made its way to Texas, California, Mexico, and points south. The Cholera Years: The United States in 1832, 1849, and 1866, Charles E. Rosenberg, Chicago University Press, 1987.
[cholera was novel as an infectious disease in nineteenth-century Britain]
Cholera, typhoid, tuberculosis, smallpox, and influenza were all major killers in Britain from 1817 to 1860. What made cholera special wasn’t its mortality, but its novelty.
[physicians believed to kill cholera patients]
“The Liverpool Cholera Epidemic of 1832 and Anatomical Dissection—Medical Mistrust and Civil Unrest,” S. Burrell, G. Gill, Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 60(4):478-498, 2005.
[cholera believed to be a government plot]
“The 1832 cholera epidemic in East London,” R. McR. Higgins, East London Record, Number 2, 1979, cites various stories in: The Poor Man’s Guardian, November 19th, 1831; The Times, November 24th and 26th, 1831; The Morning Chronicle, February 17th, 1832, and March 10th, 1832; The Brighton Gazette, March 29th, 1832.
[blaming others for plague]
That reflex blaming wasn’t new. Half a millennium before, Christians had blamed, then massacred, Jews for a new plague, the Black Death. When a new plague came among the Romans 1,750 years ago, they blamed their newest sect, the Christians. When a new plague killed one in three Athenians 2,430 years ago, they blamed the Peloponnesians (their enemies). The centuries pass, but we don’t change.

One example will do. “Agimet the Jew, who lived at Geneva and was arrested at Châtel, was there put to the torture a little and then he was released from it. And after a long time, having been subjected again to torture a little, he confessed in the presence of a great many trustworthy persons, who are later mentioned. To begin with it is clear that at the Lent just passed Pultus Clesis de Ranz had sent this very Jew to Venice to buy silks and other things for him. When this came to the notice of Rabbi Peyret, a Jew of Chambéry who was a teacher of their law, he sent for this Agimet, for whom he had searched, and when he had come before him he said: “We have been informed that you are going to Venice to buy silk and other wares. Here I am giving you a little package of half a span in size which contains some prepared poison and venom in a thin, sewed leather-bag. Distribute it among the wells, cisterns, and springs about Venice and the other places to which you go, in order to poison the people who use the water of the aforesaid wells that will have been poisoned by you, namely, the wells in which the poison will have been placed...”

From: “The Confession of Agimet of Geneva,” Châtel, October 20th, 1348, in The Jew in the Medieval World: A Sourcebook, 315-1791, Jacob R. Marcus, Union of American Hebrew Congregations, 1938. Because of that ‘confession,’ thousands of Jews in at least 200 towns and hamlets were burnt, and their property stolen.

“The year 1321, as is well known, was witness to the so-called leper scare. Rumors of a plot to kill Christians in France by poisoning the wells spread wildly. The organizers of the conspiracy were believed to be Muslims, but their contacts in France were said to be Jews and their agents—the alleged poisoners—lepers. In the wake of the violence of the Pastoureaux, of the still incomplete return to good harvests, and, most important, of widespread disease, the idea of a plot seemed credible enough. More and more ‘evidence’ of the plot was gathered by torture, and authorities and vigilantes were ruthless in their judicial and extrajudicial attacks on the vilified groups. In the end large numbers of Jews and lepers were killed, many more beaten and otherwise humiliated, and many others saddled with oppressive fines by the state.” The Great Famine: Northern Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century, William Chester Jordan, Princeton University Press, 1996, page 171.

If that’s not enough, see: History of the Peloponnesian War, Thucydides, translated by Rex Warner, Penguin Books, 1954, Book I, Chapter 2. “DNA examination of ancient dental pulp incriminates typhoid fever as a probable cause of the Plague of Athens,” M. J. Papagrigorakis, C. Yapijakis, P. N. Synodinos, E. Baziotopoulou-Valavani, International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 10(3):206-14, 2006. “No proof that typhoid caused the Plague of Athens (a reply to Papagrigorakis et al.),” B. Shapiro, A. Rambaut, M. T. Gilbert, International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 10(4):334-5, 2006. “Insufficient phylogenetic analysis may not exclude candidacy of typhoid fever as a probable cause of the Plague of Athens (reply to Shapiro et al.),” M. J. Papagrigorakis, C. Yapijakis, P. N. Synodinos, E. Baziotopoulou-Valavani, International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 10(4):335-6, 2006.

[1836 data law]
That was the Births and Deaths Registration Act, 1836. Report from the Select Committee on Parochial Registration, 15 August 1833, Paper 669 in Reports of Select Committees 1801-1852 Volume 14, House of Commons, 1853.
[early microscopes]
Antony van Leeuwenhoek, a Dutch linen merchant, built a powerful microscope before 1668. He shared his results, but he didn’t share his technology, so there was much skepticism in England at first. He went on to build nearly 500 more, some as high-powered as today’s optical microscopes. He wasn’t the first microscope maker—they had been around for 40 years before he was even born—but he was the first to build one that could magnify specimens 300 times with a resolution down to one micron, a feat comparable to modern microscopes. He started writing letters to the Royal Society in London in 1673 recounting what he saw and continued doing so for the next 50 years, describing sperm cells, blood cells, algae, and protozoa. In 1683 he wrote a letter describing the animalcules he saw on the plaque from his teeth, from the teeth of two women, probably his wife and daughter, and from two old men who had never cleaned their teeth in their entire lives. It was one of his first descriptions of bacteria. His letters were widely reprinted and created quite a stir for decades—he was even visited by Queen Mary of England and Tsar Peter I of Russia—yet in all that time no one ever connected his tiny animalcules and disease. “First Steps in Experimental Microscopy, Leeuwenhoek as Practical Scientist,” B. J. Ford, The Microscope, 43(2):47-57, 1995. The Leeuwenhoek Legacy, Brian J. Ford, Biopress, 1991.

Whirlpool of Conjecture

[child deaths in England in the 1840s]
That reformer was Edwin Chadwick. “It is proper to observe, that so far as I was informed upon the evidence received in the Factory Inquiry, and more recently on the cases of children of migrant families, that opinion is erroneous which ascribes greater sickness and mortality to the children employed in factories than amongst the children who remain in such homes as these towns afford to the labouring classes. However defective the ventilation of many of the factories may yet be, they are all of them drier and more equably warm than the residence of the parent; and we had proof that weakly children have been put into the better-managed factories as healthier places for them than their own homes. It is an appalling fact that, of all who are born of the labouring classes in Manchester, more than 57 per cent die before they attain five years of age; that is, before they can be engaged in factory labour, or in any other labour whatsoever.” Report to Her Majesty’s Principal Secretary Of State for the Home Department, from the Poor Law Commissioners, on an Inquiry into the Sanitary Conditions of the Labouring Population of Great Britain, Edwin Chadwick, W. Clowes and Sons, 1842, page 158.

In brief, in 1842 in Manchester, 57 percent of the kids born to working-class mothers died before reaching five years old. Liverpool was the same. Within its shopkeeper and trades population, half of all deaths were kids under five. Dirty water killed them. Within its laboring population, 62 percent of all deaths occurred before the age of five. In all, over three-quarters of Britons died before turning 49.

[London slums]
Picture the scene in Britain. Its industrial phase change is roaring on. In England alone, our numbers have jumped from ten to 14 million in just the last 20 years. Our number of cities have doubled. Slums are everywhere, and none of us have any idea what to do about them. Our rich, living only a horse ride away from any slum, are too scared to care. Our poor in the cities—that is, most of us—spend all our brief lives in squalor. We live in windowless rooms in back-to-back hovels squeezed around unpaved courtyards. Often, three or more of our families share a single dark room just six feet by six feet. Incest is common. Our courtyards are filled with pigs that dine on refuse, dead animals, and kitchen slops. Our water supply might be the nearest river, which carries sewage, corpses, and offal from upstream settlements. The stench is unrelenting. Fleeing economic meltdown on the farm to slave in the new factories, we know no better. Even backbreaking work in the city is better than starving to death in the countryside. Illiterate, debauched by our employers, humiliated, powerless, we turn to gin as our only escape.

Here’s an example: “The low houses [of Spitalfields] are all huddled together in close and dark lanes and alleys, presenting at first sight an appearance of non-habitation, so dilapidated are the doors and windows:- in every room of the houses, whole families, parents, children and aged grandfathers swarm together.” The Poor Man’s Guardian, 18 February 1832.

For general historical background, see: London: The Biography, Peter Ackroyd, Anchor Books, 2000. London: A Social History, Roy Porter, Harvard University Press, 1994. For the real deal, written at the time (1851), see: London Labour and the London Poor: A Cyclopaedia of the Condition and Earnings of Those That Will Work, Those That Cannot Work, and Those That Will Not Work, Volumes I-IV, Henry Mayhew, 1851, Dover, Reprint Edition, 1968.

London wasn’t Britain’s only city with large slums. For example, in Manchester in 1835: “Thirty or forty factories rise on the tops of the hills I have just described. Their six stories tower up; their huge enclosures give notice from afar of the centralisation of industry. The wretched dwellings of the poor are scattered haphazard around them.... Some of [the] roads are paved, but most of them are full of ruts and puddles into which foot or carriage wheel sinks deep.... Heaps of dung, rubble from buildings, putrid, stagnant pools are found here and there amongst the houses and over the bumpy, pitted surfaces of the public places.... Amid this noisome labyrinth from time to time one is astonished at the sight of fine stone buildings with Corinthian columns.... But who could describe the interiors of those quarters set apart, home of vice and poverty, which surround the huge palaces of industry and clasp them in their hideous folds? On ground below the level of the river and overshadowed on every side by immense workshops, stretches marshy land which widely spaced muddy ditches can neither drain nor cleanse. Narrow twisting roads lead down to it. They are lined with one-storey houses whose ill-fitting planks and broken windows show them up, even from a distance, as the last refuge a man might find between poverty and death. Nonetheless the wretched people reduced to living in them can still inspire jealousy of their fellow beings. Below some of their miserable dwellings is a row of cellars to which a sunken corridor leads; twelve to fifteen human beings are crowded pell-mell into each of these damp, repulsive holes.”

Journeys to England and Ireland, Alexis De Tocqueville, translated by George Lawrence and K. P. Mayer, edited by J. P. Mayer, Yale University Press, 1958, pages 105-106.

Engels also visited Manchester and had much the same to say. “...the most horrible spot (if I should describe all the separate spots in detail I should never come to the end) lies on the Manchester side, immediately southwest of Oxford Road, and is known as Little Ireland. In a rather deep hole, in a curve of the Medlock and surrounded on all four sides by tall factories and high embankments, covered with buildings, stand two groups of about two hundred cottages, built chiefly back to back, in which live about four thousand human beings, most of them Irish. The cottages are old, dirty, and of the smallest sort, the streets uneven, fallen into ruts and in part without drains or pavement; masses of refuse, offal, and sickening filth lie among standing pools in all directions; the atmosphere is poisoned by the effluvia from these, and laden and darkened by the smoke of a dozen tall factory chimneys. A horde of ragged women and children swarm about here, as filthy as the swine that thrive upon the garbage heaps and in the puddles. In short, the whole rookery furnishes such a hateful and repulsive spectacle as can hardly be equalled in the worst court on the Irk. The race that lives in these ruinous cottages, behind broken windows, mended with oilskin, sprung doors, and rotten door-posts, or in dark, wet cellars, in measureless filth and stench, in this atmosphere penned in as if with a purpose, this race must really have reached the lowest stage of humanity. This is the impression and the line of thought which the exterior of this district forces upon the beholder. But what must one think when he hears that in each of these pens, containing at most two rooms, a garret and perhaps a cellar, on the average twenty human beings live; that in the whole region, for each one hundred and twenty persons, one usually inaccessible privy is provided; and that in spite of all the preachings of the physicians, in spite of the excitement into which the cholera epidemic plunged the sanitary police by reason of the condition of Little Ireland, in spite of everything, in this year of grace 1844, it is in almost the same state as in 1831!”

The Condition of the Working-Class in England in 1844, Friedrich Engels, 1845, translated by Florence Kelley Wischnewetzky, Swan Sonnenschein & Co., Reprint Edition, 1892, pages 59-60.

[London standpipes]
The Century of Science, F. Sherwood Taylor, Readers Union, Ltd., Second Edition, 1942, pages 64-65.
[eels in London’s water]
That occurred in October, 1886 in East London. A Science of Impurity: Water Analysis in Nineteenth Century Britain, Christopher Hamlin, University of California Press, 1990, page 260. At least six eels came through alive. They were “generally eaten by the finders.” See: “Eels in Water Mains; Being a Report By Major-General A. De Courcy Scott, R. E., and Mr. W. H. Power on an Inquiry Into the Quality of the Water Supplied By the East London Waterworks Company,” HMSO, 1888. Sometimes ‘leeches’ and ‘small jumping animals that looked like shrimps’ came out of the tap.
[dead babies in cisterns]
That was in Essex, but it seems unlikely that London cisterns were much different. Water and Water Supplies, John C. Thresh, P. Blakiston’s Son and Co, Third Edition, 1901, page 118.
[water only three days a week]
That wasn’t just patchy infrastructure. Until 1870 no water company could legally supply water on Sundays for religious reasons. “Water and the Search for Public Health in London in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries,” A. Hardy, Medical History, 28(3):250-282, 1984.
[one intake next to sewage outflow]
The sewage outflow was the Ranelagh Sewer. The intake belonged to the Grand Junction water company, which moved it there (from Hampton) deliberately in 1822. It only moved its intake upstream (back to Hampton) after the 1852 Metropolitan Water Act forced it to. Incidentally, the Grand Junction also supplied high-priced locales, like the Hyde Park district, so even London’s richest had impure water. A Science of Impurity: Water Analysis in Nineteenth Century Britain, Christopher Hamlin, University of California Press, 1990, page 81. Fruit Between the Leaves, Andrew Wynter, Volume I, Chapman & Hall, 1875, pages 224-226.
[water in London at one to three ha’pennies a pail]
London Labour and the London Poor: A Cyclopaedia of the Condition and Earnings of Those That Will Work, Those That Cannot Work, and Those That Will Not Work, Henry Mayhew, Volume I, 1851, Dover, Reprint Edition, 1968, pages 194-195.
[London’s water supply]
In Europe, we lived in squalor until very recently. Here, for example, is an extract of a poem describing the effects of a rainshower in London. It was written around 1710, over a century before the problem was made even worse by London’s new flush toilets and paved roads in the early 1800s:

“Now from all Parts the swelling Kennels flow, / And bear their Trophies with them as they go: / Filth of all Hues and Odours seem to tell / What Streets they sail’d from, by the Sight and Smell. / They, as each Torrent drives, with rapid Force / From Smithfield, or St. Pulchre’s shape their Course, / And in huge Confluent join at Snow-Hill Ridge, / Fall from the Conduit prone to Holborn-Bridge. / Sweepings from Butchers Stalls, Dung, Guts, and Blood, / Drown’d Puppies, stinking Sprats, all drench’d in Mud, / Dead Cats and Turnips-Tops come tumbling down the Flood.”

Selected Poems, “A Description of a City Shower,” Jonathan Swift, edited by C. H. Sisson, Carcanet, 1977.

Depending on what Londoners could afford, most daily drank wine or beer or ale, or any alcoholic drink they could afford, not so much to get tipsy but because water was unsafe. They didn’t know about germs, but they did know about smell and sediment. Beer was also a source of nutrition in a hungry world. Beer in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, Richard W. Unger, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004.

Water was something only the poorest drank, but then that was nearly everyone. The poor also drank tea, even though it was outrageously expensive for them, because they needed the stimulant. Their food was monotonous and insipid. (Possibly, too, boiling water to make it may have had unintended health benefits.) After the enclosures began, they also rarely got milk. It might be interesting to read one of today’s Regency romance novels with such details of daily life included.

London had to wait until 1891 before its number of houses with constant supply surpassed its number without. Even then, it still had outages until the turn of the century. “Liquid Politics: Needs, Rights, Waste and the Formation of the Consumer in Nineteenth-Century Water Politics in England,” V. Taylor, F. Trentmann, in: Knowing Consumers: Actors, Images, Identities in Modern History, Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Forschung, Bielefeld, February 2004.

Paris, Brussels, Cologne—no city in Europe was any better off. The Conquest of Water: The Advent of Health in the Industrial Age, Jean-Pierre Goubert, 1986, translated by Andre Wilson, Princeton University Press, 1989, page 42.

The cheap and plentiful drinking water supply that our rich take for granted today became widespread in the industrial world only after 1900. And still London’s water wasn’t always clean. That had to wait until 1921. Londoners back then, just as village Egyptians in the 1990s, feared chlorine in their water. It tasted of ‘chemicals.’ Obviously it was a government plot. That political battle alone took 24 years to resolve. Meanwhile, their children died and died. “Water and the Search for Public Health in London in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries,” A. Hardy, Medical History, 28(3):250-282, 1984. Studies in Water Supply, A. C. Houston, Macmillan, 1913, page 64.

Clean, cheap, and plentiful bathing, washing, and flushing water had to wait even longer. It only become widespread in London and the rest of today’s rich world around 1950. The world that our rich countries know today is a recent invention. London’s Water Wars: The Competition for London’s Water Supply in the Nineteenth Century, John Graham-Leigh, Francis Boutle Publishers, 2000.

[influenza and cholera deaths in England and Wales from 1847 to 1849]
“[B]etween 1841 and 1850 there occurred two disastrous years, that of 1847 when influenza raged all over the kingdom, and that of 1849, when Asiatic cholera decimated the people. The deaths in each thousand of the population of England and Wales were—in 1845, 21; 1846, 23; 1847 (influenza), 24½; 1848, 23; 1849 (cholera), 25; 1850, 20½. It will be seen that the influenza year was nearly as bad as the cholera year.” Economy of the Labouring Classes, William Lucas Sargant, Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., 1857, page 254.

“If a foreign army had landed on the coast of England, seized all the sea-ports, sent detachments over the surrounding districts, ravaged the population through summer, after harvest destroyed more than a thousand lives a day for several days in succession, and, in the year it held possession of the country, slain fifty-three thousand two hundred and ninety-three men, women, and children, the task of registering the dead would be inexpressibly painful; and the pain is not greatly diminished by the circumstance that in the calamity to be described the minister of destruction was a Pestilence that spread over the face of the island, and found in so many cities quick poisonous matters ready at hand to destroy the inhabitants.” That quote is from William Farr’s 1852 “Report on the mortality of cholera in England in 1848-49.” It is cited in the editorial by Thomas Wakley in: The Lancet, II(17):393, 1853.

[Irish potato famine]
The figure of one million deaths is widely reported, although it’s only estimated since mortality records weren’t kept in Ireland until 1864. A Death Dealing Famine: the Great Hunger in Ireland, Christine Kinealy, Pluto Press, 1997. Major famine was nothing new to Ireland, though. For instance, about a century earlier, in 1741, about 300,000 had died, perhaps 13 percent of the population, or about one in seven or eight of us.
[two doctors mined the data]
They were: first William Farr, then John Snow. Farr did the work on elevation, which suggested air, not water (he didn’t connect it with water supplies other than the Thames), then Snow did the work on water by isolating large death rates to one pump (he removed the pump handle, thus preventing its use, thus unwittingly doing a double-blind experiment). Earlier he theorized that something was in the water, not the air, and this helped him show that. Later on, after Snow died, Farr did further work on reservoirs and accepted his conclusion. The Ghost Map: The Story of London’s Most Terrifying Epidemic—and How It Changed Science, Cities, and the Modern World, Steven Johnson, Penguin, 2006. Vital Statistics: A Memorial Volume of Selections from the Reports and Writings of William Farr, Noel A. Humphreys (editor), Offices of the Sanitary Institute, 1885. (See page 333 for the above Lancet extract.) On the Mode of Communication of Cholera, John Snow, John Churchill Publishers, Second Edition, 1855.

Note that that while today’s stories laud John Snow and rarely mention William Farr, the situation was reversed in the 1850s.

“The contrast of Farr’s and Snow’s approaches to the study of cholera highlights the importance of disease theory in epidemiological investigations. The studies of both men were predicated on their understanding of the nature and causation of disease, and their methodology reflected those theoretical differences. Snow was exclusive or reductionist in theory, and he focused his empirical investigation on finding collaborating evidence and ignored negative evidence or anomalous cases. For him epidemiology was a means of verification; for Farr it was also a means of discovery. Farr was eclectic and inclusive in his theory, and he approached his cholera studies by trying to weigh a large list of social, environmental, and biological factors in accounting for cholera’s behaviour. These qualities of mind made Farr responsive to new ideas and adaptable, as we can see in both the changing emphasis and the conclusions in his investigations of three cholera epidemics. A recent biographer of Snow briefly compares Snow and Farr and praises Snow for his openmindedness. By implication Farr was closed-minded. On the cholera question I would conclude just the opposite. Judged by the standards of his time Snow was the dogmatic contagionist and premature reductionist. Farr was the more cautious in weighing all evidence....

Today it is [Farr’s] results and not Snow’s that are considered merely ingenious, and Snow’s publications are read perhaps more sympathetically than they deserve, because the modern medical reader can ‘fill in the gaps in his reasoning with the comforting knowledge that Snow was, after all, right.’ ”

From: “The changing assessments of John Snow’s and William Farr’s cholera studies,” J. M. Eyler, Sozial- und Präventivmedizin, 46(4):225-232, 2001.

A similar argument could be made of Pettenkofer versus Koch later on. Opinion changes with time.

[the math seemed clear...]
That was true only at the time. In hindsight, it isn’t so clear. But then Farr didn’t have today’s logistic regression analysis at his disposal. “John Snow, William Farr and the 1849 outbreak of cholera that affected London: a reworking of the data highlights the importance of the water supply,” P. Bingham, N. Q. Verlander, M. J. Cheal, Public Health, 118(6):387-394, 2004.
[in 1858 the Thames was a public sewer]
That was hardly new. For example, around 1616 Ben Jonson wrote “On the Famous Voyage,” a scatological poem about a malodorous journey up the Fleet Ditch from Bridewell to Holborn, comparing it, to its disadvantage, to the Styx and all the other famous noisome rivers of Greek myth. The Complete Poems, Ben Jonson, edited by George Parfitt, Penguin, 1988.

The Fleet river, which starts in the Hampstead hills and empties into the Thames just above London Bridge, and from which Fleet Street is named, was in Roman times a brook just outside London. As early as the 1300s it started becoming an open sewer when tanneries, catgut makers, and dyers started dumping offal into it. Eventually it became a general city sewer, by which time it had been renamed the Fleet Ditch. As London’s population rose in the 1500s, the Fleet became less a river of water and more a stagnant pool of ordure. From 1732 to the 1870s it was slowly covered over. Its lower reaches are now buried under Farringdon Street, emptying into the Thames under Blackfriars Bridge. The Lost Rivers of London, Nicholas Barton, Grosvenor Press, 1962.

[The Great Stink]
“Parliament was all but compelled to legislate upon the great London nuisance by the force of sheer stench. The intense heat had driven our legislators from those portions of their buildings which overlook the river. A few members indeed, bent upon investigating the subject to its very depth, ventured into the library, but they were instantaneously driven to retreat, each man with a handkerchief to his nose. We are heartily glad of it. It is right that our legislators should be made to feel in health and comfort, the consequence of their own disregard of the public welfare.... As long as the nuisance did not directly affect themselves, noble lords and honorable gentlemen could afford to disregard the safety and comfort of London, but now that they are fairly driven from their libraries and committee-rooms—or better still, forced to remain in them with a putrid atmosphere around them—they may perhaps spare a thought for the Londoners.” The Times, June 18th, 1858.

As usual, the story is far more complicated than any summary could possibly suggest. For example, even after the engineering was completed, London’s East End (which is poor) was left out. Cholera came back in 1866 and killed 5,596 there. However, that finally convinced most London doubters that cholera was water-borne. The Great Stink of London: Sir Joseph Bazalgette and the Cleansing of the Victorian Metropolis, Stephen Halliday, Sutton Publishing, 1999, page 124.

The story, as presented in the text, also leaves out many important secondary causes, like the invention and consequences of the water closet, the paving of the roads, the invention of Portland cement, iron pipes with high-pressure seals, and cheap, machine-made soap.

[cholera deaths in Hamburg and Altona in 1892]
Preventive Medicine and Hygiene, Milton J. Rosenau, George C. Whipple, John W. Trask, and Thomas W. Salmon, D. Appleton and Company, Fourth Edition, 1921, pages 1165-1167.
[political infighting about cholera in Hamburg in 1892]
Ahh, if only history were as simple as the text has had to make it to fit into a short book aimed at a popular audience. The 1892 outbreak in Hamburg is connected not just with medical ignorance but also with political jockeying for power, both on the urban and the federal level, mixed with the clash between two variants of the germ theory. Robert Koch argued that cholera was caused by water-borne bacteria, while Max von Pettenkofer argued that it was caused by a poison produced by the bacteria, which first had to germinate in special kinds of soil. Pettenkofer had been studying cholera since it hit Munich in 1854. After 38 years years of careful analysis, Pettenkofer had concluded that proximity to water, unsanitary conditions, and poor health all contributed to cholera. Both Koch and Pettenkofer were right in their own ways, but that’s not how our histories typically present the story. Robert Koch: A Life in Medicine and Bacteriology, Thomas Brock, Springer-Verlag, 1988. Death in Hamburg: Society and Politics in the Cholera Years, 1830-1910 Richard Evans, Penguin, 1987.

Similar politically based arguments continue today over many other of our problems. Typically, liberals want government to expand to be able to force everyone to do what they think are sensible things. Conservatives want government to contract so that public spending is as low as possible to ‘let the market sort it out.’ Both distort or ignore facts that don’t support their politics.

[double-blind test]
In a double-blind test, neither the tested nor the testers know who is in the control group and who is in the experimental group. Is this pill the drug or the placebo? You swallow it without knowing, nor does the doctor giving it to you. Does drinking water for this pump or that pump likely to give me a disease? You don’t know, nor does the scientist controlling the pumps.
[ingesting fecal matter]
“Snow’s theory of epidemic diseases was based on the communication of ‘special animal poisons.’ As confusing as this notion was to the members of the parliamentary committee [in 1855], he could not possibly have used a more precise term. In Snow’s day the agents (some called them ‘germs,’ others an infectious ‘virus’) that caused cholera, typhus, and measles, for example, were unknown—unknown in the sense of not yet isolated, observed, or classified. Nevertheless, Snow believed, on medical and social evidence, that cholera and other epidemic diseases were propagated from one diseased person to another, that like caused like, and that a particular disease-causing agent could not cause a different disease in someone else. Even though the agents were unknown, the signatures of epidemic diseases were sufficiently apparent for him to hypothesize how they were communicated from one person, household, town, city, nation, and continent to the next. Moreover, the pathways were sufficiently clear for preventive public health measures to be enacted, whether or not the organized life forms that caused the disease in the human body were identified....

The most unpleasant aspect of Snow’s thesis—that the mass of cholera victims were swallowing other people’s fecal matter—made him appear to the Lancet to be like an offensive tradesman himself.”

Cholera, Chloroform, and the Science of Medicine: A Life of John Snow, Peter Vinten-Johansen, Howard Brody, Nigel Paneth, Stephen Rachman, and Michael Rip, Oxford University Press, 2003, pages 10-11.

[“whirlpool of conjecture”]
“When Mr. Farr and the Board of Health, and others, have shown the conditions under which cholera gains strength and deals destruction, they have simply shown that cholera is subject to similar laws as are typhus and other forms of epidemic disease; they have succeeded in illustrating some of the laws of its development and progress. But we contend that they have done little more: they have left the cardinal point of the inquiry untouched; they reveal nothing of the mysterious essence of the pestilence. The question, What is cholera? is left unsolved. Concerning this, the fundamental point, all is darkness and confusion, vague theory, and a vain speculation. Is it a fungus, an insect, a miasm, an electrical disturbance, a deficiency of ozone, a morbid off-scouring from the intestinal canal? We know nothing; we are at sea, in a whirlpool of conjecture. The consequence of this ignorance is, that in spite of what we know—in spite of empirical warnings to improve our sanitary condition, there is little reasonable hope in anything that will or can be done that the cholera will not again be as terrible and as fatal as it has been before.” Editorial, Thomas Wakley, The Lancet, II(17):393, 1853.

In the United States, echoing the sentiment in an 1860 commencement address, Oliver Wendell Holmes, professor of anatomy at Harvard, remarked that, “[A medicine] always is directly hurtful; it may sometimes be indirectly beneficial. If this presumption were established, and disease always assumed to be the innocent victim of circumstances, and not punishable by medicines, that is, noxious agents, or poisons, until the contrary was shown, we should not so frequently hear the remark commonly, perhaps erroneously, attributed to Sir Astley Cooper, but often repeated by sensible persons, that, on the whole, more harm than good is done by medication. Throw out opium, which the Creator himself seems to prescribe, for we often see the scarlet poppy growing in the cornfields, as if it were foreseen that wherever there is hunger to be fed there must also be pain to be soothed; throw out a few specifics which our art did not discover, and is hardly needed to apply; throw out wine, which is a food, and the vapors which produce the miracle of anaesthesia, and I firmly believe that if the whole materia medica, as now used, could be sunk to the bottom of the sea, it would be all the better for mankind,—and all the worse for the fishes.” Medical Essays, 1842-1882, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1899 Edition.

[some doctors drank cholera]
In 1892, when cholera last hit Hamburg, Max von Pettenkofer—who had studied cholera for 38 years—was so sure that cholera microbes alone didn’t cause the disease that on October 7th, he drank a flask full of them. He had diarrhea, but didn’t die. Ten days later, his assistant and student, Rudolf Emmerich, repeated the trial. He got very sick, but didn’t die, either. Three more of Pettenkofer’s old students, in Vienna and Paris, then repeated the test (Paul Hasterlik and others). They also didn’t die. Élie Metchnikoff (who won the 1908 nobel prize for immunology), and his students, also drank cholera, although more limited doses. Jaime Ferran and his students in Spain and A. J. Wall in London also drank cholera.

But they weren’t even the first. Klein and Bochfontein had already done it and lived (although they tried it via the alimentary canal). Further, of all the 75,000 or so people in Hamburg drinking the filthy water, only 18,000 or so (2.4 percent) contracted cholera. And of those, 8,605 died (or about 1.15 percent). However, the death after eight days from accidental cholera infection of an assistant at the Hygenic Institute of Hamburg (Dr. Oergel, while doing research) made the medical news (Deutsch. Med. Modern, 1894, No 41, page 795).

Even today, we still can’t always tell who will get sick before the fact. Three of us might swallow deadly microbes and none might die. One may be genetically predisposed to make lots of stomach acid. Another may habitually drink lots of wine or cranberry juice or something else acidic. Yet another may have been previously infected without even knowing it. In the depths of our ignorance, it’s hard to tell what will kill us because so many things can.

Pettenkofer was neither a madman nor a fool. In a sense he did science right: he found a way, however dangerous, to test his idea. Plus, his conclusions were right, too, after a fashion.

“Even if I erred and the experiment threatened my life, I would look Death calmly in the eye, for it would not have been a frivolous suicide; I would die in the service of science like a soldier on the field of honour. Health and life are indeed very high earthly goods, but not after all the highest for human beings. Man, who wants to stand in a higher position than the animal, must be willing to sacrifice even life and health for higher, ideal goods.”

See: “Max von Pettenkofer—Life Stations of a Genius on the 100th Anniversary of His Death (February 9, 1901),” W. G. Locher, International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 203(5-6):379-391, 2001. See also: Leaps in the Dark: The Making of Scientific Reputations, John Waller, Oxford University Press, 2004, pages 63-82. Who Goes First? The Story of Self-Experimentation in Medicine, Lawrence K. Altman, 1986, University of California Press, Reprint Edition, 1998, pages 324-325. Practical bacteriology, microbiology and serum therapy (medical and veterinary): A text book for laboratory use, Albert Besson, Longmans, Green, and Co., 1913, page 491. “The Spirillum of Asiatic Cholera,” New England Medical Monthly, 17(7):333-338, 1898. Cholera: How To Prevent and Resist It, Max von Pettenkofer, translated by Thomas Whiteside Hime, Baillière, Tindall, and Cox, 1875.

He surely had a deathwish. Nine years later, after losing his wife and three of his children, he shot himself.

Incidentally, Pettenkofer wasn’t the first scientist to risk his life in this way. In Mauritus in 1854, while trying to see if opium would cure cholera, doctor Brown-Séquard, drank the vomit of a cholera patient. “Some Aspects of the Life of Dr C E Brown-Séquard,” Proceedings ofthe Royal Society of Medicine, 57(3):189-192, 1964.

[drinking cholera]
Pettenkofer and his students weren’t the only ones risking their lives.

“The latest news from Vienna is that Dr. Hasterlik and three other searchers after truth have been making experiments with the cholera bacillus, swallowing pure cultivations of that organism. It is reported that on December 19, 1892, Dr. Hasterlik took half a drop of a pure cholera culture, and on January 9,1893, a whole drop; a second experimenter taking three-fourths of a cubic centimetre. ‘Both remained in good health.’ A third person who, we are told, was subject to attacks of diarrhoea, took a whole cubic centimetre. In thirty-six hours his temperature rose, and diarrhoea set in, but on the fifth day the patient had recovered. A fourth experimenter, the acid of whose stomach had been corrected by the exhibition of a one per cent. solution of soda, took one and one-half cubic centimetre of the bacillus emulsion. Seven days later he was seized with an attack of diarrhoea. ‘All the four persons are now in perfect health, although in each case the existence of bacilli was established.’ This is all very interesting, but does not advance our knowledge of the question very much. Neither Koch nor anyone else contends that the ingestion of the cholera bacillus must necessarily produce an attack of cholera. Klein and Bochefontaine have both tried this method of cholera production already, in both cases with negative results; and these fresh ingestions give us no further information. As Hueppe has pointed out in his recent work on cholera, even when the horrible Hamburg water, with its filth and bacilli, was taken by the residents, by the most liberal calculation not more than three per cent. of the population contracted cholera. In these cases only were the conditions favorable to the production of the disease even when the bacillus was undoubtedly present. A number of others—probably a much larger percentage—suffered from an attack of diarrhoea; the rest remained entirely unaffected. We can gain no accurate information from such experiments made on people who must have a good deal of confidence in their alimentary tracts, unless a very large number can be induced to submit themselves to a prolonged series of ingestion experiments, whilst the alimentary canals of these patients are in various stages and conditions of disturbance. -British Medical Journal.”

From: “The Ordeal by Poison,” Physician and Surgeon, 15(4):185-186, 1893.

[microbes imagined in Rome, long before being seen]
Here is Varro on the idea two millennia ago in Rome:

Danda opera ut potissimum sub radicibus montis silvestris villam ponat, ubi pastiones sint laxae, item ut contra ventos, qui saluberrimi in agro flabunt. Quae posita est ad exortos aequinoctiales, aptissima, quod aestate habet umbram, hieme solem. Sin cogare secundum flumen aedificare, curandum ne adversum eam ponas; hieme enim fiet vehementer frigida et aestate non salubris. Advertendum etiam, siqua erunt loca palustria, et propter easdem causas, et quod crescunt animalia quaedam minuta, quae non possunt oculi consequi, et per aera intus in corpus per os ac nares perveniunt atque efficiunt difficilis morbos. Fundanius, Quid potero, inquit, facere, si istius modi mi fundus hereditati obvenerit, quo minus pestilentia noceat? Istuc vel ego possum respondere, inquit Agrius; vendas, quot assibus possis, aut si nequeas, relinquas. At Scrofa, Vitandum, inquit, ne in eas partes spectet villa, e quibus ventus gravior afflare soleat, neve in convalli cava et ut potius in sublimi loco aedifices, qui quod perflatur, siquid est quod adversarium inferatur, facilius discutitur. Praeterea quod a sole toto die illustratur, salubrior est, quod et bestiolae, siquae prope nascuntur et inferuntur, aut efflantur aut aritudine cito pereunt. Nimbi repentini ac torrentes fluvii periculosi illis, qui in humilibus ac cavis locis aedificia habent, et repentinae praedonum manus quod improvisos facilius opprimere possunt, ab hac utraque re superiora loca tutiora.

[“Especial care should be taken, in locating the steading, to place it at the foot of a wooded hill, where there are broad pastures, and so as to be exposed to the most healthful winds that blow in the region. A steading facing the east has the best situation, as it has the shade in summer and the sun in winter. If you are forced to build on the bank of a river, be careful not to let the steading face the river, as it will be extremely cold in winter, and unwholesome in summer. Precautions must also be taken in the neighbourhood of swamps, both for the reasons given, and because there are bred certain minute creatures which cannot be seen by the eyes, which float in the air and enter the body through the mouth and nose and there cause serious diseases.”

“What can I do,” asked Fundanius, “to prevent disease if I should inherit a farm of that kind?”

“Even I can answer that question,” replied Agrius; “sell it for the highest cash price; or if you can’t sell it, abandon it.”]

Scrofa, however, replied: “See that the steading does not face in the direction from which the infected wind usually comes, and do not build in a hollow, but rather on elevated ground, as a well-ventilated place is more easily cleared if anything obnoxious is brought in. Furthermore, being exposed to the sun during the whole day, it is more wholesome, as any animalculae which are bred near by and brought in are either blown away or quickly die from the lack of humidity. Sudden rains and swollen streams are dangerous to those who have their buildings in low-lying depressions, as are also the sudden raids of robber bands, who can more easily take advantage of those who are off their guard. Against both these dangers the more elevated situations are safer.”

De Re Rustica, (On Agriculture,) Marcus Terentius Varro, Book I, xii. in: Cato and Varro: On Agriculture, translated by W. D. Hooper and H. B. Ash, Loeb Classical Library No. 283, 1934, page 211.

[confusion lasted for three decades or more]
“For some time prior to the discovery of the organism concerned in the etiology of cholera, a firm belief existed in medical circles that the disease was due to some living organism, a belief clearly proven by the manner of spread of cholera and its clinical phenomena. Shakespeare ably sums up as follows the opinions concerning the cause of cholera prior to 1883. ‘Virchow, in 1848, (Virchow Archiv., t. XLI) Pouchet, Brittan, and Swayne, in 1849, found vibriones in abundance in choleraic stools, but without attributing to them any specific value, any more than Davaine did for the circomonas which he found under the same circumstances. Bœhm (cited by Virchow) and Hallier believed that they had discovered the cause of cholera in a fungus of the genus urocystis, which Hallier thought must exist in some of the species of Indian grain. Klob looked upon cholera as related to the presence of a considerable quantity of fungi located in the intestine; Phillipi Pacini also observed infinitely small organisms, possessed with a molecular movement, very pronounced, in the stools of cholera. Pacini having demonstrated as Bœhm, Cenular, Gull, Bennett, Grainger, etc., had done before him, the desquamation of the epithelium of the intestinal mucous membrane, attributed this desquamation to his colerigenous microbes, and developed a dynamophysiological and mathematical theory of cholera from this fact, epithelial disintegration followed by excess of aqueous transudation.

Researches made upon bacteria of the intestine during the epidemic of 1873, did not give any new results. Hayem and Réynaud enumerated in the dejecta a dozen species of vibriones. These were the ‘spores’ which they met with in the rice water stools, but they did not commit themselves to a specific parasite.’

Up to 1883, however, nothing had been positively accomplished toward elucidating the problem as to the specific cause of cholera. In that year, cholera appeared in Egypt, and both France and Germany appointed commissions to investigate the cause of the disease. The German commission consisted of Dr. Robert Koch, Dr. George Gaffky and Dr. Fischer. After working upon the problem for some time in Egypt, the German commission proceeded to India, and here, as well as in Egypt, Dr. Koch demonstrated in the intestinal discharges, and in the intestinal mucosa, the presence of a peculiar curved micro-organism, really a spirillum, but more commonly known as the comma bacillus. This organism, Koch in a paper read at the Cholera Conference in Berlin, in 1884, announced as the cause of cholera, and, while there have been dissenters to his views, notably Klein, it is now admitted by every authority that this peculiar organism occurs in the intestines and dejecta of cholera patients only, and in no other disease in man or animals. Koch found this organism only in the intestines and dejecta of cholera patients, and never in the blood or viscera. The more acute the attack the greater the number of comma bacilli. The mucous membrane of the intestine is invaded in many instances by the spirilli, as well as the glands situated in the intestine, and the disease is caused by the irritating action of the organisms upon the intestinal mucous membrane and the absorption of toxic products evolved during the growth and multiplication of the spirilli.”

“The Spirillum of Asiatic Cholera,” New England Medical Monthly, 17(7):333-338, 1898.

[better microscopes caused more confusion, not less]
“Friday, MacLeod, and Shepherd... have also... represented the whole revival of interest in spontaneous generation in the mid-nineteenth century as a direct result of ‘the development of high-powered compound microscopes.’ In this, as in so many other cases involving improvements in technology, historians and philosophers of science have shown that philosophical, religious, and political commitments were much more significant as sources of this interest, while the new microscopes at first actually caused more debate and confusion about what was actually being seen through them.” Sparks of Life: Darwinism and the Victorian Debates over Spontaneous Generation, James E. Strick, Harvard University Press, 2000, page 259. See also: “The Romantic Programme and the Reception of Cell Theory in Britain,” L. S. Jacyna, Journal of the History of Biology, 17(1):13-48, 1984. “John Goodsir and the Making of Cellular Reality,” L. S. Jacyna, Journal of the History of Biology, 16(1):75-99, 1983.
[a few doctors thought microbes were killers early on]
In 1847 in Vienna, Ignác Semmelweis introduced a chlorine handwash for doctors involved in childbirths at the General Hospital there, but to no long-term avail. Despite strong statistical evidence until he died in 1865, doctors couldn’t accept that they themselves were killers. For example, one medical eminence said of the handwashing scheme that “The suggestion was unheard of! Indeed, it was sheer impertinence to suggest that the Accoucheur to the Imperial household should carry contagion upon his hands.” From: “Semmelweis and the Oath of Hippocrates,” S. D. Elek, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, 59(1966):346-352, 1966. See also: “Hempelian and Kuhnian approaches in the philosophy of medicine: The Swemmelweis case,” D. Gillies, Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 36(1):159-181, 2005. Childbed Fever: A Scientific Biography of Ignaz Semmelweis, Kay Codell Carter and Barbara R. Carter, Aldine Transaction, Revised Edition, 2005. “The Attempt to Understand Puerperal Fever in the Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries: The Influence of Inflammation Theory,” C. Hallett, Medical History,, 49(1):1-28, 2005. The Doctors’ Plague: Germs, Childbed Fever, and the Strange Story of Ignác Semmelweis, Sherwin B. Nuland, W. W. Norton, 2003. “Five Documents Relating to the Final Illness and Death of Ignaz Semmelweis,” K. S. Carter, S. Abbott, J. L. Siebach, Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 69(2):255-270, 1995. “Epidemiology of Puerperal Fever: The Contributions of Alexander Gordon,” G. W. Lowis, Medical History,, 37(4):399-410. 1993. The Century of the Surgeon, Jurgen Thorwald, Pan Books, 1961. Semmelweis: His Life and his Doctrine, William J. Sinclair, Manchester University Press, 1909. “The Contagiousness Of Puerperal Fever,” O. W. Holmes, The New England Quarterly Journal of Medicine, 1(April):503-530, 1843. Reprinted in 1855 in Medical Essays, 1842-1882, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1899 Edition.

In 1854 cholera came to Florence. Filippo Pacini, an anatomist at the University of Florence and a part-time microscope maker, identified the comma-shaped Vibrio cholerae microbe in its victims’ intestines. He wrote a paper about it. It was ignored. From 1865 to 1880 he wrote a dozen papers on cholera. He described it as a loss of fluid and electrolytes (which it is). He also rejected bleeding the patient. Instead, he suggested an injection of salted water. He also warned that the way the illness worked, some patients were probably being buried alive. All of that might have saved lives—except that no one paid the slightest attention. Italian miasma-believers couldn’t hear him. (Others didn’t even hear of him in the first place because he wrote in Italian, publishing only in Italian journals.) To them, the animalcules he reported, if they existed at all, were mere byproducts of the illness. They weren’t its cause. Besides, the Greeks, starting with Hippocrates, hadn’t said anything about animalcules. It didn’t occur to anyone to note that the Greeks hadn’t had microscopes. Anyway, Pacini was only the son of a cobbler. What could he know? He didn’t come from the right class for us to pay any attention to what he said. “Filippo Pacini: a determined observer,” M. Bentivoglio, P. Pacini, Brain Research Bulletin, 38(2):161-165, 1995. Naples in the Time of Cholera, 1884-1911, Frank M. Snowden, Cambridge University Press, 1995, pages 120-121.

Other doctors also came to conclusions about cholera that were ignored at the time but that today seem prescient, among them Budd, Mitchell, Pouchet, Davaine, and Nedswetzky. They’re all but forgotten today. Africa in the Time of Cholera: A History of Pandemics from 1817 to the Present, Myron Echenberg, Cambridge University Press, 2011, pages 32-33. “The Etiology of Cholera,” E. C. Wendt, in: A Treatise on Asiatic Cholera, Edmund Charles Wendt, John C. Peters, Ely McClellan, John B. Hamilton, and Geo. M. Sternberg (editors), William Wood and Company, pages 119-218.

In 1880, William H. Mays gave the following statement of faith at the San Francisco Medical Society. “I hold that every contagious disease is caused by the introduction into the system of a living organism or microzyme, capable of reproducing its kind and minute beyond all reach of sense. I hold that as all life on our planet is the result of antecedent life, so is all specific disease the result of antecedent specific disease. I hold that as no germ can originate de novo neither can a scarlet fever come into existence spontaneously. I hold that as an oak comes from an oak, a grape from a grape, so does a typhoid fever come from a typhoid germ, a diphtheria from a diphtheria germ; and that a scarlatina could no more proceed from a typhoid germ than could a sea-gull from a pigeon’s egg.” The Gospel of Germs: Men, Women and the Microbe in American Life, Nancy Tomes, Harvard University Press, 1998, pages 26-27. That wasn’t a statement of belief shared by all doctors. It was a statement of several radical ideas for the time. That he had to state all that shows just how much the germ theory relied on faith in the 1880s. Once we invest in some particular belief network, any new theory of the world becomes a threat.

[cholera (thought to be) in various cheeses?]
That was the ‘Deneke spirillum.’ (Deneke was one of Plügge’s students). Also the ‘Finkler-Prior spirillum.’
[confusion over cholera]
To believe that microbes caused disease, we would first have to accept the contagion model, which held that the transfer of putrid matter caused disease. Few doctors believed in it, though, because no one could find the said putrid matter. Plus, French doctors had dealt it a seemingly mortal blow in 1827 when they declared yellow fever non-contagious. Which isn’t surprising really, since it’s actually carried by a mosquito—but they didn’t know that. “The Rise and Fall of Anticontagionism in France,” E. A. Heaman, Canadian Bulletin of Medical History / Bulletin Canadien d’Histoire de la Médecine, 12(1):3-25, 1995.

We would also have to reject the model that postulated the spontaneous generation of life, but that had held sway since at least Aristotle. Sparks of Life: Darwinism and the Victorian Debates over Spontaneous Generation, James E. Strick, Harvard University Press, 2000. For some of the most seminal, and rare, papers, see: Evolution and the Spontaneous Generation Debate, James Strick (editor), six Volumes, Thoemmes Press, 2001. But first get ready to bench-press a quarter-century of argument, in-fighting, backbiting, personal attacks, and sheer lying. For a smaller, but older, book, see: The Spontaneous Generation Controversy from Descartes to Oparin, John Farley, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1977.

We would also have to first disentangle a multitude of diseases. To Georgian and early Victorian medics, an upset stomach, food poisoning, diarrhea, and dysentery, were all one disease. They were all ‘cholera.’ All were just milder forms of the latest virulent form, which they thus called ‘Asiatic cholera.’ To them, too, typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, and typhus were the same disease. So they divided all fevers into just four types: typhus, intermittent, simple continued, and remittent. ‘Intermittent’ was really malaria—but they didn’t know that. The rest were many kinds of infections all jumbled together, including malaria, typhoid, relapsing fever, and dysentery. Nineteenth-century medicine was just as confused as seventeenth-century chemistry, or sixteenth-century physics. “Walcheren 1809: a Medical Catastrophe,” M. R. Howard, British Medical Journal, 319(7225):1642-1645, 1999.

Finally, we would have to disentangle multiple effects, like weather, trading patterns, the effects, if any, of quarantine, and so on, to determine the true etiology of the disease. Of course, that was true of any other disease, too; it was merely that cholera was new. “Cholera, Quarantine and the English Preventive System, 1850-1895,” A. Hardy, Medical History, 37(3):250-269, 1993.

[the four theories and the growth of germ theory in the late 1800s]
As usual, the text has had to condense a long and complex story to describe the rise of germ theory. For a long time there were multiple ‘germ theories,’ with no one in particular being obviously correct. In fact, they all were correct, in the sense that each of them held a piece of the truth. However, they also each came with baggage that had to do with the political views and historical experiences of those who held them. Doctors were more concerned with their patients and with clinical experience, whereas early scientists were more concerned with laboratory models and theory. Meanwhile the anatomists and physiologists were rising in esteem and political power. However, the amount of power someone had to effect change mattered a great deal.

Toward the close of the century, Pettenkofer was pushing his ‘contagio-miasmatic’ theory, Virchow his ‘cell theory,’ Pasteur his ‘fermentation theory,’ and Koch his ‘infection theory.’ And there were others, too, including those like the ‘zymotic theory,’ which suported spontaneous generation of contagious life—and not without reason. There were many political battles (sometimes hidden, most times not) over all those issues. Over time, the Koch school ‘won.’ But, over even more time, it merged with the other three schools, because, really, disease is a very complicated thing.

Incidentally, the culture Pettenkofer, then Emmerich, drank was provided to him by George Gaffky and was low virulence (Gaffky guessed what Pettenkofer was up to). There were no evil geniuses behind the scenes, no intransigent idiots, no faceless power brokers, no heartless conspiracies. Everyone was trying to solve the same problem—how to ameliorate disease. They all did the best they could given what they knew at the time, plus of course their political leanings and professional affiliations. And meanwhile, doctors, and their patients, were caught in the middle. As an example of the in-fighting, Robert Virchow basically stole his ‘cell theory’ from Robert Remak. But his is the name most remembered today. Key Discoveries in Life Science, Christine Zuchora-Walske, Lerner Publishing, 2015, pages 12-13. The Birth of the Cell, Henry Harris, Yale University Press, 2000, page 133. “Forgotten Leaders in Modern Medicine, Valentin, Gouby, Remak, Auerbach,” B. Kisch, Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, 44:139-317, 1954.

“Re: Epidemiologic interactions, complexity, and the lonesome death of Max von Pettenkofer,” M. Wildner, A. Hofman, American Journal of Epidemiology, 168(1):119-120; author reply 120-121, 2008. “Invited commentary: The context and challenge of von Pettenkofer’s contributions to epidemiology,” G. M. Oppenheimer, E. Susser, American Journal of Epidemiology, 166(11):1239-1241; discussion 1242-1243, 2007. “Epidemiologic interactions, complexity, and the lonesome death of Max von Pettenkofer,” A. Morabia, American Journal of Epidemiology, 166(11):1233-1238, 2007. Cholera, Chloroform, and the Science of Medicine: A Life of John Snow, Peter Vinten-Johansen, Howard Brody, Nigel Paneth, Stephen Rachman, and Michael Rip, Oxford University Press, 2003, pages 165-167, plus the rest of Chapter 7. “The Causes of Infectious Disease,” F. Hueppe, The Monist, 8(3):384-414, 1898.

[something of the complexity of cholera’s etiology]
It didn’t help that doctors weren’t facing one cholera, but many strains—they just didn’t know that. “Since cholera was first recognized, discussion concerning its contagiousness has never ceased. Even to-day different opinions prevail as to whether the conclusion of Koch or that of von Pettenkofer merits the greater consideration. This strife between those who believe it contagious, and those who insist on a necessary predisposition due to locality, is practically a continuation of the old discussion as to its contagiousness or non-contagiousness. Both sides, those who contend for contagion and those who oppose it, ground their arguments on facts.

Whoever has even only partly studied the way in which cholera spreads must realize that the disease is not contagious, in the sense of the ordinary contagious diseases, as smallpox, measles, scarlet fever, and typhus. These diseases are transferred from person to person, and in order to acquire them it is necessary to come directly or indirectly in contact with a patient. As a consequence, epidemics of these diseases are independent of season, weather, and temperature. Cholera, on the contrary, is so strikingly dependent on these external conditions that a connection between them and the spread of the disease cannot be doubted.

Contact with cholera patients is but slightly dangerous. Physicians and nurses are scarcely more frequently attacked than other people. On the other hand, numbers acquire the disease who never came in contact with, or even saw, a cholera patient. Inoculation with the blood, secretions, and excretions of cholera cases has proved negative. Even swallowing of the vomit, as was done by certain physicians during the first European epidemic, gave no results. Such experiments as these during the first epidemic caused most medical men who had had much to do with cholera to declare in favor of its non-contagiousness.

Recent experiments have enriched this question with new facts, but they have not brought it any nearer to a settlement. It has been proved that the swallowing of pure cultures of cholera bacilli is in many cases harmless. Yet this is not wonderful when we reflect that ordinary cholera micro-organisms are quickly killed by acids, and that, consequently, an individual with normal gastric juice might with impunity try such an experiment. In animals also we have found that the introduction of cholera dejecta or of pure cultures of the bacilli by way of the stomach produces, as a rule, no morbid effect; yet if, avoiding the stomach, the organisms are injected directly into the duodenum, a serious disease is brought about (Nicati and Rietsch, R. Koch, van Ermengem, and others). Somewhat similarly in human beings, if the gastric juice is neutralized, the same result follows. This was shown in the cases of von Pettenkofer and Emmerich (1892), who swallowed large quantities of a pure culture in bicarbonate of sodium, with the consequence that symptoms corresponding to a light cholera attack were produced, and comma bacilli in large numbers appeared in the stools. Similar results were found by other investigators (Metschnikoff, Hasterlik). This makes it very likely that the introduction of the bacilli into the stomach of a person whose gastric juice is continuously, or at least temporarily, deficient in hydrochloric acid will produce the disease. As a matter of fact, several cases are recorded of physicians acquiring the disease by careless handling of the organisms in bacteriologic laboratories. From this it is to be inferred perhaps that food or drink contaminated with dejecta of cholera patients might, under particular circumstances, be dangerous, though this mode of transference must be rare, because such uncleanliness is uncommon even among the lowest classes.

It is also remarkable that in the numerous cases in which bacilli were introduced experimentally, or in which an accidental infection took place in a laboratory, the disease was so mild as to make it often doubtful whether it was true cholera or not. So far there has been only one death reported from such an infection (Reincke). The reason for this is considered to be the lessened virulence of the bacilli.

Therefore we can conclude that, even though cholera may be transferred directly from person to person, this is by no means the ordinary manner by which an epidemic spreads. And, furthermore, if an accidental case should occur from carelessness in handling the bacilli or the evacuations, this is not sufficient to bring about an epidemic.”

Variola, Vaccination, Varicella, Cholera, Erysipelas, Whooping Cough, Hay Fever, H. Immermann, Th. Von Jüurgensen, C. Liebermeister, H. Lenhartz, G. Sticker, translated by Alfred Stengel, edited by John W. Moore, W. B. Saunders, 1908, pages 316-318.

[no final agreement until 1910]
Argument continued until then. Three intellectual successors of Pettenkofer continued to fight: Georg Sticker of Bonn, Friedrich Wolter of Hamburg, and Rudolf Emmerich of Munich (who had drank cholera with Pettenkofer).

“According to Georg Sticker, whose monograph on cholera of almost 600 pages, published in 1912, was treated as a standard work until comparatively recently, notably by Pollitzer, the ‘ruling excremental-contact-drinking-water hypothesis’ had always proved on exact investigation to be inadequate and erroneous. It was based on ‘suspicions and speculations’, not on real facts and well founded proofs. Epidemiology, he maintained, had shown the fallacies generated by ‘dogmatic, mystical, bacteriology’, and he accorded special credit to Wolter for having demonstrated with ‘such an impressive plenitude of observations’ how hollow were the pretensions of the contagionist.

Nevertheless, although Pettenkofer’s ‘localist’ doctrines were far from dead, no echo of them was heard in the discussions of the twelfth International Sanitary Conference, which opened on 7 November 1911 and closed on 17 January 1912, and at which 41 countries were represented, including China and Siam and 16 countries from the Americas.”

The scientific background of the International Sanitary Conferences 1851-1938, Norman Howard-Jones, United Nations World Health Organization, 1975, page 89.

Even after broad agreement was reached, politics and poverty still intervened (as it still can today). “So severe were the economic and political consequences of cholera in 1910 that in the following year Luzzatti’s successor, Giovanni Giolitti, opted for a policy of total concealment. Chapter 6 attempts, first, to establish that a major epidemic did in fact occur, and then to explain the success of the state in keeping it secret. [...] [T]he disease we aren’t allowed to mention.” Naples in the Time of Cholera, 1884-1911, Frank M. Snowden, Cambridge University Press, 1995, pages 6 and 358. (see page 446 for the reference to the deputy, Pasqualino-Vassallo, who coined the phrase on March 8th, 1912.)

[medical change]
Nowadays there may be little appreciation for how recently medical therapies changed. “I graduated from medical school in 1938. Even in those days, medicine was more a priesthood than a science. A favorite examination question was, ‘If you are lost on a desert island with only six drugs, which drugs would suffice for good medical practice?’ The answer was arsenicals for syphilis, quinine for malaria, insulin for diabetes, liver for pernicious anemia, digitalis for the heart, and morphine for pain. All other medicines were pure placebo.” A Taste of My Own Medicine: When the Doctor Is the Patient, Edward E. Rosenbaum, Random House, 1988, page 198.

Accepting the Unacceptable

[finding strange rocks]
This made-up story is loosely based on the roughly two decades of work of surveyor and canal builder William Smith, who, by 1815, had worked out some of the structure of England’s layered rocks and had compiled what’s credited as the first regional geological map. It was hand-drawn and painted and measured more than eight feet high and six feet wide. To explain fossils, he didn’t claim anything like “mud’s urge to live,” but an idea like that was suggested in France to explain the fossils found below Paris during excavations there. The Changing Earth: Exploring Geology and Evolution, James Monroe and Reed Wicander, Brooks/Cole, Sixth Edition, 2012, page 504. The Story of Science: Power, Proof and Passion, Michael Mosley and John Lynch, Mitchell Beazley International, 2010, pages 111-112. The Great Turning Point, Terry Mortenson, Master Books, 2004, page 29. Memoirs of William Smith, LL.D., Author of the “Map of the Strata of England and Wales,” John Phillips, John Murray, 1844.
[age of the earth in 1800]
That estimate was based on Bishop Ussher’s biblical dating in 1650-4. He wasn’t the first to try to date the origin of the earth, nor the last (for example, Kepler and Newton also produced dates of around the same time), but in English-speaking Europe, his was, for a long time, the most influential. Eight Little Piggies: Reflections in Natural History, Stephen Jay Gould, W. W. Norton, 1993, pages 181-193. The Age of the Earth, G. Brent Dalrymple, Stanford University Press, 1991, pages 19-24.
[you believe it because everyone around you believes it...]
As a group species we have a strong drive to obey authority and to conform. Obeying authority is also a very convenient shortcut to thought.
  1. “Cultural transmission mechanisms speed up learning by skipping costly individual experimentation, sampling, and data processing.
  2. Cultural-evolutionary products limit choice sets....
  3. Cultural-evolutionary products limit choices in explicit decision making by providing simple mental models, built upon our most basic cognitive abilities....
  4. Social decision mechanisms solve adaptive problems that individuals could not by distributing memory, computations, and skills among individuals. ”
From: “What Is the Role of Culture in Bounded Rationality?” J. Henrich, R. W. Albers, R. Boyd, G. Gigerenzer, K. A. McCabe, A. Ockenfels, H. P. Young, in: Bounded Rationality: The Adaptive Toolbox, Gerd Gigerenzer and Reinhard Selten (editors), The MIT Press, 2001, pages 343-360.

For more on conformity, obedience, biased thinking, and bounded rationality, see also: Thinking, Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2011. Rationality for Mortals: How People Cope with Uncertainty, Gerd Gigerenzer, Oxford University Press, 2010. Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View, Stanley Milgram, HarperCollins, 2009. The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil, Philip G. Zimbardo, Random House, 2008. Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die, Chip Heath and Dan Heath, Random House, 2007. Expert Political Opinion: How Good is it? How Can we Know?, Philip E. Tetlock, Princeton University Press, 2005. The Man Who Shocked the World: The Life and Legacy of Stanley Milgram, Thomas Blass, Basic Books, 2004. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, Robert B. Cialdini, William Morrow and Company Inc., 1993. How We Know What Isn’t So: The Fallibility of Human Reason in Everyday Life, Thomas Gilovich, Free Press, 1991. A Study of Thinking, Jerome S. Bruner, Jacqueline J. Goodnow, and George A. Austin, Transaction Publishers, 1986. Reason in Human Affairs, Herbert A. Simon, Stanford University Press, 1983. The Robbers Cave Experiment: Intergroup Conflict and Cooperation, Muzafer Sherif, O. J. Harvey, B. Jack White, William R. Hood, and Carolyn W. Sherif, Wesleyan University Press, 1988. Judgment under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases, Daniel Kahneman, Paul Slovic, and Amos Tversky (editors), Cambridge University Press, 1982. “The Framing of Decisions and the Psychology of Choice,” A. Tversky, D. Kahneman, Science, New Series, 211(4481):453-458, 1981.

[Aristotle on change—for life-forms and for the cosmos]
Aristotle believed that the earth itself changed, but he also believed in unchanging life-forms in an unchanging cosmos.

Lyell cites Aristotle’s Meteorologica, Book II, as follows: “ ‘The changes of the earth,’ he says, ‘are so slow in comparison to the duration of our lives, that they are overlooked (λανθανει); and the migrations of people after great catastrophes and their removal to other regions, cause the event to be forgotten.’ ” Principles of Geology: Or, The Modern Changes of the Earth and Its Inhabitants Considered As Illustrative Of Geology, Volume I, Charles Lyell, Hilliard, Gray & Co., Sixth Edition, 1842, page 22.

Also, the idea that everything that could exist must exist (plenitude) is more Plato’s thought than Aristotle’s, but Aristotle embellished it with the idea of a continuum of existence, which then led to his scale of nature (scala natura). History of the Idea of Progress, Robert Nisbet, Basic Books, 1980, pages 90-92.

Thus, about 20Mya a volcano erupted in the Aegean, blanketing ash over 37,000 acres of forest on what is today the island of Lesvos (or Lesbos). Over succeeding millennia, the stumps and fallen trunks, along with their barks and root systems, and even some fruits and leaves, turned to stone. Then, about 2,300 years ago, Aristotle spent two years on that island. Tradition says that he loved to walk, so he might well have walked through the half-buried ruins of the stone forest hundreds of times. Yet, if he took note of it at all, he probably never saw it as anything other than a field of strange-looking stones. He may even have sat on one of those stones while explaining to himself why they couldn’t be what they looked like they were.

Aristotle knew about stones that looked like living things, but he mostly couldn’t see them the way that many of us today do. If he thought about them at all, here’s how he may have reasoned: First off, he assumed that the cosmos had always existed, and would always exist, unchanged. He couldn’t bear the thought that it had a beginning, or that it would someday end. (He said that was for logical reasons having to do with reasoning about time, but he also thought that it was impious to think of a perfect cosmos as mortal.) He also assumed that between any two species was another one that shared aspects of both. So everything that could exist, did exist. He further assumed that all species had been designed to some purpose, with their purposes built in. He saw intricate, well-adapted life-forms all around him; they couldn’t be a result of mere chance. He also assumed that all those designs were perfect. So they couldn’t ever change. If they did, that would mean that they weren’t already perfect. And they were, so they couldn’t.

With all those assumptions in hand, if he came across a crab on the beach, then that species of crab must have always existed. The specific crab that he picked up would one day die, but its species never could. So if he ever saw a stone that looked like it might once have been part of a living thing, but that also didn’t look like it came from anything still living, then it couldn’t have ever been alive. Had it been, then members of its species would still be around in his time. So, for him, it must have been formed inside the earth, perhaps somewhat like a crystal.

[early thought on fossils]
In the 1500s, a ‘fossil’ was any interesting-looking object found in the ground, which included gems. Conrad Gesner (also Konrad Gessner)’s book on them is considered the first one. De Rerum Fossilium, Lapidum et Gemmarum maximè, figuris & similitudinibus Liber: non solùm Medicis, sed omnibus rerum Naturæ ac Philologiæ studiosis, utilis & iucundus futurus, Conradi Gesnari, Tiguri, 1565. [A Book on fossil Objects, Chiefly Stones and Gems, their Shapes and Appearances: It Will be useful and pleasant not only for Physicians, but also for students of Nature and Philology.] See: The Meaning of Fossils: Episodes in the History of Palaeontology, Martin J. S. Rudwick, University of Chicago Press, Second Edition, 1985, page 1. For contrast, see also: The First Fossil Hunters: Paleontology in Greek and Roman Times, Adrienne Mayor, Princeton University Press, 2000.
[the name ‘scientist’]
Was invented by William Whewhell in 1833, by analogy with ‘artist.’ as the field grew too large to be just one thing and begain to separate into what would become physics, chemistry, and biology (then later branches and subfields, and subsubfields, and so on). (Whewell also coined ‘physicist,’ and from those two, plus a very old one, ‘naturalist,’ later came a long line, like ‘geologist,’ ‘biologist,’ ‘chemist,’ and so on.) But people that we today would call ‘scientists’ were still often called ‘natural philosophers’ or ‘cultivators of science’ until the end of the 1800s, and ‘men of science’ or ‘scientific workers’ until well into the 1920s. ‘Scientist: The story of a word,’ S. Ross, Annals of Science, 18(2):65-85, 1962.
[growing excitement over the new profession (of ‘scientist’)]
The profession wasn’t a profession, or even named (by William Whewhell) until 1833 and became popular by 1840, when it entered the Oxford English Dictionary.

“This argument over a single word — ‘scientists’ — gave a clue to the much larger debate that was steadily surfacing in Britain at this crucial period of transition 1830-34. Lurking beneath the semantics lay the whole question of whether the new generation of professional ‘scientists’ would promote safe religious belief or a dangerous secular materialism. Hitherto, either austere intellectual Deism, held for example by William Herschel, or else the rather more picturesque Natural Theology conveniently accepted by Davy (at least in his public lectures) had disguised this problem, whatever the revelations of astronomy or geology, or the inspired ragings of Shelley.

For many Romantic scientists, with a robust intellectual belief in the ‘argument by Design’, there was no immediate contradiction between religion and science: rather the opposite. Science was a gift of God or Providence to mankind, and its purpose was to reveal the wonders of His design. This indeed was the essence of ‘natural’ religion, as promoted for example by William Paley in his Natural Theology (1802), with its famous analogy with the divine watchmaker. It was the faith that brought Mungo Park back alive from his first Niger expedition. It was the faith that inspired Michael Faraday to become a Deacon in the Sandemanian Church in July 1832.

But public faith often differed from private beliefs. Whatever he said in his famous lectures, Davy’s poetry and his posthumous writings, such as Consolations in Travel, suggested a kind of science mysticism that certainly precluded a Christian God, and possibly even any kind of Creator at all. Others, like William Herschel, had been content to rely on an instinctive, perhaps deliberately unexamined, belief in a benign Creator somewhere distantly behind the great unfolding scheme of nature. Though in Herschel’s case, his own observations had shown how extremely — appallingly — distant, both in time and space, that Creator must be. Moreover, his sister Caroline never once mentioned God anywhere in her journals. As for Joseph Banks, his sister Sophia had had no high opinion of his natural piety.

Yet with the growing public knowledge of geology and astronomy, and the recognition of ‘deep space’ and ‘deep time’, fewer and fewer men or women of education can have believed in a literal, Biblical six days of creation. However, science itself had yet to produce its own theory (or myth) of creation, and there was no alternative Newtonian Book of Genesis — as yet. That is why Darwin’s On the Origin of Species appeared so devastating when it was finally published in 1859. It was not that it reduced the six days of Biblical creation to myth: this had already been largely done by Lyell and the geologists. What it demonstrated was that there was no need for a divine creation at all. There was no divine creation of species, no miraculous invention of butterflies’ wings or cats’ eyes or birds’ song. The process of evolution by ‘natural selection’ replaced any need for ‘intelligent design’ in nature. Darwin had indeed written a new Book of Genesis.”

The Age of Wonder: How the Romantic Generation Discovered the Beauty and Terror of Science, Richard Holmes, Random House, 2008, pages 450-451.

However there was growing excitement about it all over Europe. For instance, on April 25th, 1801, Humphry Davy gave a famous demonstration at the Royal Institution in London on ‘Galvinism’ (then others over the years, including other famous ones in 1802, 1806, 1808, and 1810, where he created arc lights) that wowed the crowds and led to much talk. The Age of Wonder: How the Romantic Generation Discovered the Beauty and Terror of Science, Richard Holmes, Random House, 2008, pages 285-299.

[mud strives to live]
Thought on what fossils were varied widely but there was no widespread challenge to accepted thought until the very late 1700s. Even after then, it was a struggle to understand where life came from in the first place, and the idea that mud could spontaneously give rise to life started with at least Aristotle and continued until at least 1875. “Huxley, Haeckel, and the Oceanographers: The Case of Bathybius haeckelii,” P. F. Rehbock, Isis, 66(4):504-533, 1975.

See also: The Story of Science: Power, Proof and Passion, Michael Mosley and John Lynch, Mitchell Beazley International, 2010.

[monster bones just reported in France]
That was Georges Cuvier. One such find was a fossil jaw over a meter long. Recherches sur les ossements fossiles de quadrupèdes, Georges Léopole Chrétien Frédéric Dagobert, Baron Cuvier, 1812.
[the idea of extinction]
“It is difficult for a modern person to appreciate the unity of science and Christian religion that existed at the time of the Renaissance and far into the eighteenth century. The reason why there was no conflict between science and theology was that the two had been synthesized as natural theology (physico-theology), the science of the day. The natural theologian studied the works of the creator for the sake of theology. Nature for him was convincing proof for the existence of a supreme being, for how else could one explain the harmony and purposiveness of the creation? This justified the study of nature, an activity about which many of the devout were a little self-conscious, particularly in the seventeenth century. The spirit of natural theology still dominated authors as late as Leibniz, Linnaeus, and Herder, and British science up to the middle of the nineteenth century.” The Growth of Biological Thought, Ernst Mayr, Harvard University Press, 1982, page 103.

See also: Controversy: Catastrophism and Evolution: The Ongoing Debate, Trevor Palmer, Springer, 1999.

“To [Thomas] Jefferson and many of his contemporaries, the very idea of species extinction seemed anathema. Intellectuals of his day recognized that settlement often resulted in the local extermination of wildlife. But the complete disappearance of a species was another matter altogether. The loss of any organism across its entire range implied an unacceptable imperfection in God’s creation, while violating deep-seated assumptions about the balance of nature and the great chain of being that proved central to Western understandings of how that creation was ordered. In the hope that living examples of these beasts might still be found wandering somewhere in the unexplored regions of North America, Jefferson urged the explorers Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to keep a sharp look-out out for species animals ‘deemed to be rare or extinct,’ like the American incognitum, during their famous western exploring expedition. The Corps of Discovery found a host of new plant and animal species during their arduous two-year journey, but they encountered no lumbering elephants.

While Jefferson’s doubts about the possibility of extinction remained commonplace at the time he penned Notes on the State of Virginia, [1784] by the time of his death in 1826, most naturalists on both sides of the Atlantic had experienced a sea change in their ideas on the subject. Central to this transformation was the work of the brash young French naturalist, Georges Cuvier. With access to specimens provided by a transatlantic fossil network and training from prominent German anatomists, Cuvier deployed the principles of comparative anatomy to offer convincing evidence that extinction had been a regular part of the earth’s history. Cuvier was the first naturalist to clearly distinguished between the two living species of elephant and two kinds of extinct fossil elephant, the mammoth and the mastodon, the latter of which he clearly differentiated and named in 1806. During the first several decades of the nineteenth century, he went on to describe a virtual zoo of lost creatures, thereby laying the foundations for modern paleontology. Within a surprisingly short period of time, the reality of extinction became central to most educated Westerners’ understanding of the earth’s history. Later in life, even Jefferson himself privately admitted that some species might have been lost. Yet, as we shall see later, some of the ideas that had led him and most other naturalists to deny the reality of extinction—for example, the notion of plentitude that proved central to the great chain of being and the idea that nature was finely balanced—remained important to thinking about the natural world long after the possibility of extinction became widely accepted.” Nature’s Ghosts: Confronting Extinction from the Age of Jefferson to the Age of Ecology, Mark V. Barrow, Jr., University of Chicago Press, 2009, pages 18-19.

See also: Chronologers’ Quest: Episodes in the Search for the Age of the Earth, Patrick Wyse Jackson, Cambridge University Press, 2006. “Father Athanasius on the Isthmus of a Middle State: Understanding Kircher’s Paleontology,” S. J. Gould, in: Athanasius Kircher: The Last Man Who Knew Everything, Paula Findlen (editor), Taylor & Francis, 2004, pages 198-228. The Forgotten Genius: The Biography of Robert Hooke 1635-1703, Stephen Inwood, MacAdam Cage, 2003. Originally published as The Man Who Knew Too Much, Macmillan, 2002.

[the idea of an unthought]
“The difficulty lies, not in the new ideas, but in escaping from the old ones, which ramify, for those brought up as most of us have been, into every corner of our minds.” The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money, John Maynard Keynes, 1936, Atlantic Publishers & Distributors, Reprint Edition, 2006, page vii.

For example, in Britain until the nineteenth century, “[s]ome of the clergy denounced inoculation, till late in the eighteenth century, as flying in the face of Providence and endeavouring to baffle a Divine judgment.” A History of England in the Eighteenth Century, Volume II, William Edward Hartpole Lecky, Longmans, Green, and Co., 1878, page 83. (They also denounced, among many other things, “the use of ‘fanners’ to winnow maize as impious, because by them men raised an artificial breeze in defiance of Him ‘who maketh the wind to blow as He listeth.’ ”)

Similarly, despite all the evidence for the value of vaccination, agitation against it continued even as late as 2005. For example: “The most common characteristic of vaccine-critical websites was the inclusion of statements linking vaccinations with specific adverse reactions, especially idiopathic chronic diseases such as multiple sclerosis, autism, and diabetes. Other common attributes (≥ 70% of websites) were links to other vaccine-critical websites; charges that vaccines contain contaminants, mercury, or “hot lots” that cause adverse events; claims that vaccines provide only temporary protection and that the diseases prevented are mild; appeals for responsible parenting through education and resisting the establishment; allegations of conspiracies and cover-ups to hide the truth about vaccine safety; and charges that civil liberties are violated through mandatory vaccination.” From: “Vaccine Criticism on the World Wide Web,” R. K. Zimmerman, R. M. Wolfe, D. E. Fox, J. R. Fox, M. P. Nowalk, J. A. Troy, L. K. Sharp Journal of Medical Internet Research, 7(2):e17, 2005.

See also: Bodily Matters: The Anti-vaccination Movement in England, 1853-1907, Nadja Durbach, Duke University Press, 2005. “Anti-vaccinationists past and present,” R. M. Wolfe, L. K. Sharp, British Medical Journal, 325(7361):430-432, 2002. Princes and Peasants: Smallpox in History, Donald R. Hopkins, University of Chicago Press, 1983.

[belief in spontaneous generation of life until the 1870s]
Because of the depth of our ignorance, and the limits of our comprehension of the complex, when faced with something new, even if a few of us do devise what will, in the future, turn out to be something like the right guess to fit it, if that guess is too different from our currently accepted theories, probably most of us will either never even hear of it, or if we do, we won’t accept it. It would be just too outlandish.

For instance, by the 1870s, decades upon decades of work had at last convinced scientists in Europe that we all swam in an ocean of microbes. But that only added to our confusion, and revitalized age-old theories. To many of us, it meant that microbes must spawn spontaneously—for how else could so many different kinds of them have come to exist? Plus, how could some of them survive even in boiling water? We didn’t know what we didn’t know. (In this case, that the earth was billions of years old, which was enough time for lots of different kinds of microbes to evolve, and that some of those microbes made spores that could survive even high heat.)

“These experiments, and others no less interesting, by Prof. Tyndall, thus prove, in the most conclusive manner, that the ordinary air at the surface of the earth is always completely filled with particles of organic matter. It is not necessary to suppose that all these particles are living germs of vegetable or animal organisms, but when we see how constantly such organisms make their appearance wherever the conditions favor germination, it is impossible to doubt that a vast many of them have this character; and that these are the source of those growths of minute cryptogams which thus seem to spring up spontaneously. There is no other mode of accounting for such growths, except to suppose that they are actually spontaneous; and accordingly the view has been taken by some physiologists, perhaps I should say by many, that the true mode of accounting for the appearance of microscopic forms of life, is to suppose that they originate without organic antecedents, or, as they express it, de novo....

Prof. Wyman found that bacteria will make their appearance in infusions which have not only been boiled before being sealed up, but which, after being sealed, have been kept at a boiling heat for many hours. He found, moreover, that these same organizations perish when exposed to a heat not over 134o Fahrenheit. Bastian, in a very extended series of experiments, has pushed the heat in the tubes containing his infusions as high as 300o Fahrenheit, maintaining this high temperature, in some instances, not less than four hours; and has yet found that living forms do not fail subsequently to make their appearance in them. Such forms appear also, according to him, in solutions containing nothing of organic origin whatever, but composed entirely of certain salts of soda and ammonia; and he even affirms that in such solutions he has occasionally seen very remarkably fungi to present themselves with their full fructification, drawings of which he has given in his [1872] work, recently published, entitled The Beginnings of Life.

“The germ theory of disease,” F. A. P. Barnard, The American Chemist, 5(1):15-23, 1874.

See also: Sparks of Life: Darwinism and the Victorian Debates over Spontaneous Generation, James E. Strick, Harvard University Press, 2000, Chapter 5.

[“through a glass, darkly”...]
“When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.”

The Bible, The King James Version, Corinthians 13:11-12.

[“believing is seeing”...]
“Believing is seeing,” that is: Credere ut videre, is a rewrite of Anslem of Canterbury (Archbishop of Canterbury from 1093 to 1109)’s saying, which was: Credo ut intelligam. [“I believe in order to understand.”] (Proslogion, 1), which was itself a reply to a saying of Saint Augustine’s crede ut intellegas, [“believe so that you may understand”].

It’s actually part of Anslem’s longer reply: Neque enim quaero intelligere ut credam, sed credo ut intelligam. [“I do not seek to understand in order that I may believe, rather I believe in order to understand.”]

Face to Face: Volume Three: Sharing God’s Life, Marty Folsom, Wipf and Stock, 2016, page 61, footnote.

There are, of course, similar Latin phrases: Vide et credere [“See and believe”], and videre est credere [“To see is to believe”], or more colloquially, “seeing is believing.”

[once we believe something...]
Hardly an original thought. For example, here’s Comte in 1839:

“...The most important of these reasons arises from the necessity that always exists for some theory to which to refer our facts, combined with the clear impossibility that, at the outset of human knowledge, men could have formed theories out of the observation of facts. All good intellects have repeated, since Bacon’s time, that there can be no real knowledge but that which is based on observed facts. This is incontestable, in our present advanced stage; but, if we look back to the primitive stage of human knowledge, we shall see that it must have been otherwise then. If it is true that every theory must be based upon observed facts, it is equally true that facts cannot be observed without the guidance of some theory. Without such guidance, our facts would be desultory and fruitless; we could not retain them: for the most part we could not even perceive them.” The Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte, translated by Harriet Martineau, Volume I, D. Appleton and Co., 1853, pages 3-4.

That is hardly new even with Comte. In 1620 Francis Bacon illustrated the thought with an even older story first posed by Cicero, who was writing over two millennia ago about Diagoras of Melos, who was nearly four centuries older still. In Samothrace a friend told Diagoras that the gods must surely care about us because the many paintings they could see as offerings by those who survived storms at sea served as clear evidence that they do. Diagoras said yes, but where are the offerings of those who perished at sea? We suffer from “confirmation bias;” we tend to prefer to believe anything that confirms our prior beliefs, while mostly ignoring anything that doesn’t. “Confirmation Bias: A Ubiquitous Phenomenon in Many Guises,” R. S. Nickerson, Review of General Psychology, 2(2):175-220, 1998. “Effects of Evidence on Attitudes: Is Polarization the Norm?” D. Kuhn, J. Lao, Psychological Science, 7(2):115-20, 1996. De Natura Deorum, Academica, (On the Nature of the Gods. Academics.), Cicero, translated by H. Rackham, (Loeb Classical Library No. 268) Harvard University Press, 1933, (Book III, 37), page 375.

Here’s Bacon: “Intellectus humanus in iis quæ semel placuerunt (aut quia recepta sunt et credita, aut quia delectant), alia etiam omnia trahit ad suffragationem et consensum cum illis: et licet major sit instantiarum vis et copia, quæ occurrunt in contrarium; tamen eas aut non observat, aut contemnit, aut distinguendo summovet et rejicit, non sine magno et pernicioso præjudicio, quo prioribus illis syllepsibus authoritas maneat inviolata. Itaque recte respondit ille, qui, cum suspensa tabula in templo ei monstraretur eorum qui vota solverant, quod naufragii periculo elapsi sint, atque interrogando premeretur, anne tum quidem Deorum numen agnosceret, quæsivit denuo, At ubi sunt illi depicti qui post vota nuncupata perierint? Eadem ratio est fere omnis superstitionis, ut in astrologicis, in somniis, ominibus, nemesibus, et hujusmodi; in quibus homines delectati hujusmodi vanitatibus advertunt eventus, ubi emplentur; ast ubi fallunt, licet multo frequentius, tamen negligunt et prætereunt. At longe subtilius serpit hoc malum in philosophiis et scientiis; in quibus quod semel placuit, reliqua (licet multo firmiora et potiora) inficit, et in ordinem redigit. Quinetiam licet abfuerit ea, quam diximus, delectatio et vanitas, is tamen humano intellectui error est proprius et perpetuus, ut magis moveatur et excitetur affirmativis, quam negativis; cum rite et ordine æquum se utrique præbere debeat; quin contra, in omni axiomate vero constituendo, major est vis instantiæ negativæ.” Summi Angliæ Cancellarii, Instauratio magna, Francisci de Verulamio, Apud [Bonham Norton and] Joannem Billium typographum regium, Anno 1620. Lib. I, Aphorismus XLVI, pages 60-61.

[The human understanding when it has once adopted an opinion (either as being the received opinion or as being agreeable to itself) draws all things else to support and agree with it. And though there be a greater number and weight of instances to be found on the other side, yet these it either neglects and despises, or else by some distinction sets aside and rejects; in order that by this great and pernicious predetermination the authority of its former conclusions may remain inviolate. And therefore it was a good answer that was made by one who when they showed him hanging in a temple a picture of those who had paid their vows as having escaped shipwreck, and would have him say whether he did not now acknowledge the power of the gods, — ‘Aye,’ asked he again, ‘but where are they painted that were drowned after their vows?’ And such is the way of all superstition, whether in astrology, dreams, omens, divine judgments, or the like; wherein men, having a delight in such vanities, mark the events where they are fulfilled, but where they fail, though this happen much oftener, neglect and pass them by. But with far more subtlety does this mischief insinuate itself into philosophy and the sciences; in which the first conclusion colours and brings into conformity with itself all that come after, though far sounder and better. Besides, independently of that delight and vanity which I have described, it is the peculiar and perpetual error of the human intellect to be more moved and excited by affirmatives than by negatives; whereas it ought properly to hold itself indifferently disposed towards both alike. Indeed in the establishment of any true axiom, the negative instance is the more forcible of the two.] The Works of Francis Bacon, Volume IV, Translations of the philosophical works, Vol. I, Francis Bacon, edited by James Spedding, Robert Leslie Ellis, and Douglas Denon Heath, Longman & Co., 1858, page 56.

[reversing the reasoning...]
In logic, this is known as modus tollens. If p implies q is true but q is false, then p must also be false. “If eating shellfish is good for you, then you won’t get sick” is true, AND “You got sick” is true, then they together entail: (that is, hence:) “Eating shellfish is not good for you.”
[we aren’t intuitive scientists; we’re intuitive lawyers...]
Hedging our guess with constraints is counter-intuitive because it seems to amount to giving others more ammunition to defeat it, which is contrary to how we think intuitively. Natively we’re prosecutors, not scientists. We aren’t seeking to know, we’re seeking to win.

“Humans cooperate on an unprecedented scale among primates. To do so, they rely on equally unprecedented communication skills. Successful communication, however, raises an evolutionary challenge. For communication to be stable, senders must not be able to abuse receivers to the point at which communication stops being beneficial. In humans, receivers defend themselves against harmful communication by filtering messages. They are more likely to accept messages that fit with their prior beliefs, and messages sent by people they trust. Argumentation enables the transmission of messages when trust isn’t sufficient, thereby enlarging the scope of what can be successfully communicated.” From: “Confirmation bias — myside bias,” H. Mercier, in Cognitive Illusions: Intriguing Phenomena in Judgement, Thinking and Memory, Rüdiger F. Pohl (editor), Second Edition, Psychology Press, 2016, pages 99-114.

“Research on judgment and choice has been dominated by functionalist assumptions that depict people as either intuitive scientists animated by epistemic goals or intuitive economists animated by utilitarian ones. This article identifies 3 alternative social functionalist starting points for inquiry: people as pragmatic politicians trying to cope with accountability demands from key constituencies in their lives, principled theologians trying to protect sacred values from secular encroachments, and prudent prosecutors trying to enforce social norms. Each functionalist framework stimulates middle-range theories that specify (a) cognitive-affective-behavioral strategies of coping with adaptive challenges and (b) the implications of these coping strategies for identifying empirical and normative boundary conditions on judgmental tendencies classified as errors or biases within the dominant research programs.” From: “Social Functionalist Frameworks for Judgment and Choice: Intuitive Politicians, Theologians, and Prosecutors,” P. E. Tetlock, Psychological Review, 109(3):451-472, 2002.

[an improv troupe making it up as it goes along...]
This seems reasonable considering the complexity of the task (understanding the cosmos) and the brevity of any one life. And that is hardly an original thought when it comes to any serious work.

“Vita brevis, sensus ebes [hebes], negligentiae torpor et inutiles occupationes nos paucula scire permittunt. Et aliquotiens scita excutit ab animo per temporum lapsum fraudratrix [fraudatrix] scientiae et inimica memoriae praeceps oblivio.” Nicolas Copernicus, sometime between 1539 and 1543. Nicolaus Coppernicus, Volume II: 1512-1543, Leopold Prowe, Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1883, page 411. (Note: The Latin is mistranscribed; corrections included above.) “The brevity of life, the failing of the senses, the numbness of indifference and unprofitable occupations allow us to know very little. And again and again swift oblivion, the thief of knowledge and the enemy of memory, makes a void of the mind, in the course of time, even what we learn we lose.” The Sleepwalkers: A History of Man’s Changing Vision of the Universe, Arthur Koestler, Hutchinson & Co., 1959, page 191. (Note: the Latin here is differently distorted.)

But the thought goes back further, to John of Salisbury in 1159. (Policraticus: sive De nugis Curialium & vestigiis Philosophorum.) “Siquidem vita brevis, sensus hebes, negligentiæ torpor, inutilis occupatio, nos paucula scire permittunt: et eadem iugiter excutit et avellit ab animo fraudatrix scientiæ, inimica et infida semper memoriæ noverca, oblivio.” [Even given that short lives, dull senses, lazy negligence, and useless jobs, permit us to know only a little: even that little is always shaken and torn from the mind by the thief of knowledge, always hostile and treacherous to memory, forgetfulness.]

And further back than that, to Seneca in his De Brevitate Vitæ somewhere between 49 and 55, then back to Hippocrates, 2400 or so years ago, and his “Ars longa, vita brevis” aphorism. Who knows how far back it really goes.

Uranus, the seventh planet from the Sun, is visible to the naked eye, but it orbits slowly and is so dim that it’s at the limit of detection under dark skies and so is undistinguishable from a dim star. So it was never recognized as a planet until telescopes came along. Even then it was seen at least 17 times by astronomers, at least from 1690 on, before it was ‘discovered’ and named by Herschel in 1781. We saw it, but didn’t recognize it.

“The discovery of Uranus, the Titius-Bode law, and the asteroids,” M. Hoskin, in: The General History of Astronomy: Volume 2, Planetary Astronomy from the Renaissance to the rise of Astrophysics. Part B: The eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, Réne Taton and Curtis Wilson (editors), Cambridge University Press, 1995, pages 169-180, especially pages 173-174. Criticism and the History of Science: Kuhn’s, Lakatos’s and Feyerabend’s Criticisms of Critical Rationalism, Gunnar Andersson, Brill, 1994, pages 81-90, 134-136. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Thomas S. Kuhn, University of Chicago Press, Second Edition, 1970, page 115-117.

[origins of the telescope]
Once, all over the planet, and not that long ago, our solar system, our galaxy, our supercluster, all were complete mysteries to us. But we didn’t know that. We, all over the planet, thought we knew exactly what the lights in the sky were all about. New tools changed that because the data they yielded conflicted with the intricate systems that each of our groups had worked out.

But before the tools had to come ideas that led to the tools. Those ideas didn’t themselves come out of nowhere, either. Nor did most of them have anything to do with looking up at lights in the sky. They also had to do with making camera obscuras, with making eyeglasses, with spying, with making glass artwork to hold religious relics—the list is long. None of it had to do with looking up. With no pressure, new ideas are rare.

The Origins of the Telescope, Albert Van Helden, Sven Dupré, Rob van Gent, and Huib Zuidervaart (editors), History of Science and Scholarship in the Netherlands 12, KNAW Press, 2010. The Long Route to the Invention of the Telescope, Rolf Willach, American Philosophical Society, Volume 98, Part 5, 2008. Renaissance Vision from Spectacles to Telescopes, Vincent Ilardi, American Philosophical Society, Volume 259, 2007. “Playing with Images in a Dark Room: Kepler’s Ludi Inside the Camera Obscura,” Sven Dupré, in Inside the Camera Obscura: Optics and Art under the Spell of the Projected Image, Wolfgang Lefèvre (editor), Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, pages 59-74, 2007.

[canals on Mars]
“Percival Lowell and the Canals of Mars,” M. Sharps, Skeptical Inquirer 42(3):41-46, 2018. “Decline and fall of the martian empire,” K. Zahnle, Nature, 412(6843):209-213, 2001. The Last Frontier: Imagining Other Worlds from the Copernican Revolution to Modern Fiction, Karl S. Guthke, translated by Helen Atkins, Cornell University Press, 1990, page 356.
A typical animal cell is 10-20 micrometers wide. But they aren’t just tiny; they’re mobile, changeable, colorless, and translucent; so seeing them, far less any details inside them, is hard. Compound light microscopes can magnify up to 1200x and at their limit they can resolve down to about 0.25 micrometers. That is, they can detect two things in a cell even if they are as close as 0.25 micrometers (if properly stained to highlight them). That’s good enough to see most bacteria and some mitochondria, which are about 500 nanometers (0.5 μm) wide, so they are generally the smallest objects whose shape can be clearly discerned in the light microscope. Lab microscopes approached that around 1840. But since we didn’t know what was down there, and without the right staining nothing showed, how to tell if what we were seeing was real, a figment of our imagination, or a smudge?

In 1841, Friedrich Gustav Jacob Henle, a physician, pathologist, and anatomist, described granules in human muscle cells. Then around 1850, his student, Rudolf Albert von Kölliker, an anatomist and physiologist, described granules in striated insect muscle cells.

From 1852 to 1890, others named similar subcellular granules, likely all of them were mitochondria. Since we had no idea what they were, their various names were all based on appearance: Greek (mitos for thread, or chondros for grain), Latin (filum for thread, or granum for grain), German (faden for thread, or korn for grain), or English. In 1890, Richard Altmann, a pathologist and histologist, called them bioblasts and guessed that they once were independent organisms, like bacteria. But cells didn’t sit still, and they were so complex that doubt that these subcellular things really existed continued until the 1950s and the invention of the electron microscope. But even then we didn’t really understand them in full.

Mitochondria, Immo E. Scheffler, Wiley, Second Edition, 2008. Power, Sex, Suicide: Mitochondria and the Meaning of Life, Nick Lane, Oxford University Press, 2005, pages 12-14. “Theory of Organelle Biogenesis: A Historical Perspective,” B. M. Mullock, J. P. Luzio, in: The Biogenesis of Cellular Organelles, Chris Mullins (editor), Kluwer, 2005, pages 1-18. Molecular Biology of the Cell, Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, and Peter Walter, Garland Science, Fourth edition 2002, Chapter 9. “Mitochondria: A Historical Review,” L. Ernster, G. Schatz, The Journal of Cell Biology, 91(3 Part 2):227s-255s, 1981. “Golgi apparatus (complex) - (1954-1981) - from artifact to center stage,” M. G. Farquhar, G. E. Palade, The Journal of Cell Biology, 91(3 Part 2):77s-103s, 1981. The Mitochondrion: Molecular Basis of Structure and Function, Albert L. Lehninger, W. A. Benjamin, 1964. “The Sarcosomes of Heart Muscle Their Isolation, Structure, and Behaviour under various Conditions,” K. W. Cleland, E. C. Slater, Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, 94(Part 3):329-346, 1953. A Hundred Years of Biology, Ben Dawes, Gerald Duckworth & Co., 1952, pages 84-87.

[data without theory is meaningless]
It took us almost a century not just to see Uranus but to observe it, for we first had to come to believe in it before we could realize that we had already seen it. Telescopes themselves took centuries to develop. It took almost a century to realize that ‘canals’ on Mars were a fiction. Similarly, it took us almost a century not just to see mitochondria, but then to accept, far less understand, that what we were seeing weren’t imaginary blobs, mistakes, or smudges on our microscopes.

On the dependence of the advance of science and its dependence on tools, which lead to the discovery of new data, see the following two contrasting companion essays. Dyson (physics) argues mostly on the data side, Brenner (biology) argues mostly on the theory side:

“The great recent discoveries in the physical sciences were dark matter and dark energy, two mysterious monsters together constituting 97% of the mass of the universe. These discoveries did not give rise to new paradigms. We cannot build paradigms out of ignorance. The monsters were discovered by using the new tools of astronomy, wide-field cameras, and digital data processing. We must study the monsters patiently with new and more precise digital tools before we can begin to understand them. Galisonian science will continue to explore, with constantly evolving tools, the structures of space and time and galaxies and particles and genomes and brains.” From: “Is Science Mostly Driven by Ideas or by Tools?” F. J. Dyson, Science, 338(6113):1426-1427, 2012.

“We can now see exactly what constituted the new paradigm in the life sciences: It was the introduction of the idea of information and its physical embodiment in DNA sequences of four different bases. Thus, although the components of DNA are simple chemicals, the complexity that can be generated by different sequences is enormous. In 1953, biochemists were preoccupied only with questions of matter and energy, but now they had to add information. In the study of protein synthesis, most biochemists were concerned with the source of energy for the synthesis of the peptide bond; a few wrote about the ‘patternization’ problem. For molecular biologists, the problem was how one sequence of four nucleotides encoded another sequence of 20 amino acids.” From: “The Revolution in the Life Sciences,” S. Brenner, Science, 338(6113):1427-1428, 2012.

See also: The Sun, the Genome and the Internet: Tools of Scientific Revolutions, Freeman Dyson, Oxford University Press, 1999. Image and Logic: A Material Culture of Microphysics, Peter Galison, University of Chicago Press, 1997.

[the net of Indra]
The Power of Myth, Joseph Campbell, with Bill Moyers, Doubleday, 1988, page 229.
[‘sunrise’ and ‘sunset’]
Even when we finally accept that something isn’t real, we often still can’t reject it. Thus we still say, and mean, ‘sunrise’ and ‘sunset,’ or ‘sunup’ and ‘sundown,’ rather than ‘sunsight’ and ‘sunclipse,’ or ‘earth spindown’ and ‘earth spinup.’ Only if we one day become routine space travellers might such terms have real meaning for us. ‘Earth spindown’ and ‘earth spinup’ might be more accurate, but are too cumbersome and have no history so will likely never be used, even when we’re an orbital species. We still say, but don’t mean, ‘worldwide,’ ‘the four corners of the earth,’ and ‘to the ends of the earth,’ just as if we believed that the world were flat.

“Because the real planet Earth is revolving around its north-south polar axis, so, too, is mini-Earth. They are both thus revolving without effecting any change of the observed position of Polaris—the North Star—in respect to mini-Earth’s north pole. Therefore, the observer at the center of the Geoscope feels spontaneously the celestial fixity not only of Polaris but also of all the other stars as seen outwardly through the Geoscope’s triangular windows. Because outwardly of Geoscope’s equator what we can see of the starry scene is changing most rapidly and ever less rapidly until, looking out along the polar axis, we observe no change, we get the same feeling as we do looking out the window of a railway car, automobile, or airplane. We see and feel the scene changing as a consequence of our vehicle’s motion and not of the scenery’s motion. For the first time in human experience Geoscope’s mini-Earth spherical structure is clearly seen and felt to be revolving within the theater of Universe, and those holding steady their bodies, heads and their eyes and standing at the Geoscope’s center, feel-see their Earth revolving within the vast theater of the starry sky.

With Geoscopes locally available around the world, all children experiencing its true celestial-event orientations will feel themselves being rotated round from west to east by the Earth to be shaded from the Sun’s light by the rolling-around Earth’s western horizon... which deep shadowing they will call night.

They will feel their western horizon to be rotating around with them and to be obscuring (or eclipsing) the Sun. They will spontaneously say ‘Sunclipse’ instead of ‘Sunset.’ In the same way they will say spontaneously ‘Sunsight’ in the morning as the Earth revolves the Sun into seeability, thus spontaneously acquiring two poetical, two-syllable, truly meaningful words to replace the two-syllable, misinformative, but poetical words of their ancestry—‘Sunset’ and ‘Sunrise.’ ”

Critical Path, R. Buckminster Fuller, St. Martin’s Press, 1981, page 173.

[phlogiston and other discarded scientific theories]
For decades, centuries, or millennia, we believed in ‘humors,’ ‘miasma,’ ‘epicycles,’ ‘phlogiston,’ ‘caloric,’ ‘aether,’ ‘n-rays,’ ‘polywater,’ ‘cold fusion,’... and other now falsified scientific theories. Once we thought we saw them, we couldn’t easily unsee them.

In philosophy, the debate (not just about science, it’s about any field) splits between the realists and the anti-realists. Realists believe that there is a real world, that people can sense and talk about that real world, and that knowledge can thereby be gained about the real world. Anti-realists disbelieve various parts of those beliefs, or even all of them. Pessimists think that not only have past theories (like phlogiston) been overturned, so will present theories. Anti-pessimists (or optimists) think they’re wrong. “Why Should We Be Pessimistic About Antirealists and Pessimists?,” S. Park, Foundations of Science, 22(3):613-625, 2017. A Metaphysics for Scientific Realism: Knowing the Unobservable, Anjan Chakravartty, Cambridge University Press, 2007. “A Confutation of Convergent Realism,” L. Laudan, Philosophy of Science, 48(1):19-49, 1981. Science and Hypothesis, Henri Poincaré 1905, Dover, Reprint 1952.

[the Great Detective: “see but do not observe”... “theorise before data”...]

“I could not help laughing at the ease with which he explained his process of deduction. ‘When I hear you give your reasons,’ I remarked, ‘the thing always appears to me to be so ridiculously simple that I could easily do it myself, though at each successive instance of your reasoning I am baffled until you explain your process. And yet I believe that my eyes are as good as yours.’

‘Quite so,’ he answered, lighting a cigarette, and throwing himself down into an armchair. ‘You see, but you do not observe.’ [...]

‘This is indeed a mystery,’ I remarked. ‘What do you imagine that it means?’

I have no data yet. It is a capital mistake to theorise before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.’ ”

“A Scandal in Bohemia,” The Original Illustrated ’Strand’ Sherlock Holmes, Arthur Conan Doyle, Wordsworth Editions Ltd., 1989, page 119.

[its parts stop being guesses and become ‘facts’]
Not an original idea. Popper argued that scientists try to falsify scientific claims—by trying to prove theories wrong. Kuhn argued that scientists try to prove theories right, extending them until no more progress is possible. And before even Kuhn’s analysis of the scientific method came Fleck’s 1935 analysis (in German). (Although note that the original German edition of Popper’s idea was at about the same time, but it caught on, whereas Fleck’s didn’t.) Genesis and Development of a Scientific Fact, Ludwik Fleck, 1935, translated edition, University of Chicago Press, 1979. The Logic of Scientific Discovery, Karl Popper, Hutchinson, Sixth Edition, 1974. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Thomas S. Kuhn, University of Chicago Press, Second Edition, 1970.
[Continental Drift and Alfred Wegener]
Alfred Wegener: The Father of Continental Drift, Martin Schwarzbach, translated by Carla Love, Science Tech, 1986. As usual, even Wegener’s story was made heroic after the fact. But he wasn’t the first proponent of continental drift. Frank B. Taylor suggested it in 1910. But he’s ignored today in favor of Wegener. There are other candidates, too. “Élisée Reclus; Neglected Geologic Pioneer and First(?) Continental Drift Advocate,” J. O. Berkland, Geology, 7(9):189-192, 1979. The idea stretches even further back to Antonio Snider in 1855 and even Francis Bacon in 1620, but they had no real proof. The theory was ridiculed and ignored for so long partly because in the days before we had the seismographic instruments to map earth’s mantle, nobody could imagine a force titanic enough to move a whole continent.
[Piltdown Man and Charles Dawson ]
Piltdown Man: The Secret Life Of Charles Dawson and the World’s Greatest Archaeological Hoax, Miles Russell, Tempus Stroud, 2003. Unraveling Piltdown: The Science Fraud of the Century and its Solution, John Evangelist Walsh, Random House, 1996.
[future metric space discoverable in the dictionary?]
In mathematics, a metric space is a set X that has a notion of distance between every pair of points in the set. Distance in X is defined in such a way that for any points A, B, and C in X:
  1. the distance from A to B is zero if and only if A=B
  2. the distance between A and B is always positive if and only if A≠B,
  3. the distance from A to B is the same as the distance from B to A,
  4. the distance from A to B is less than or equal to the distance from A to B via any third point C. (Triangle inequality.)

For a related idea, see “It from Qubit” in: “Information Is Physics,” D. Monroe, Communications of the ACM, 62(11):13-15, 2019.

[scientists as dictionary-rewriters]
A little of the outlines of that map became clear only in the twentieth century, when the world of the super small, the super fast, the super massive, and the super cold broke all previous assumptions about how things had to work. That caused, and still causes, much tumult because it forced the players to give up both past authority and prior experience and rely solely on math and experiment. So, once upon a time, their dictionary-building was: ‘This is how it is, because long ago, someone important said so.’ Then it became: ‘This is how it seems to be, because several folks tried to disprove it for a long while, yet have so far failed.’ Then it became: ‘This is how it so far might be, no matter how bizarre that seems to anyone, since nobody has yet disproved it, no matter how hard anyone tries, because math and the cosmos seems to say so.’ What once was ‘common sense’ became ‘uncommon sense’ then ‘truly alien sense.’

So to those improv-actors, those dictionary-rewriters, those ‘scientists,’ data isn’t knowledge until they can build and test a theory that it fits into. Then, sometimes some new tool, new finding, or new insight lets flint meet pyrite and sparks fly, so that 1+1=3. Then, words previously wrongly defined, vaguely defined, or not quite existing might get pulled into different or sharper focus in some new and, once seemingly absurd, or even impossible, way. That might then lead not only to new words and links, it might also firm up old ones and add new links between them, or throw them out entirely.

So scientists are a strange tribe. They needn’t necessarily be trying to model abstract things—mathematicians do that; nor build things—engineers do that; nor fix broken things—technologists do that; nor fix broken biological things—doctors do that. Likely, were it not for those fields, few people might care about science; but without science, those fields wouldn’t fit together and wouldn’t exist as they do today. Scientists try to rewrite their dictionary by looking for ways to ask the cosmos questions so simple that it can’t avoid answering simply—then trying not to flinch whenever its answers seem understandable enough to fit into the dictionary.

That long struggle to build dictionaries to understand the world still echoes in the words scientists use today. Today’s medical genies, genomics and proteomics, grew out of molecular biology, which grew out of biochemistry, which grew out of organic chemistry, which grew out of chemistry. Chemistry came from alchemy, which originally was an Arabic word. It descends from the Middle English word for the Old French word for the Medieval Latin word for the Medieval Arabic word for the Late Greek word for, probably, the Ancient Egyptian word for Egypt. That Egyptian word was ‘Kemet,’ meaning ‘The Black Land.’ Thus, the oldest ancestor of the word known today as ‘chemistry’ originally meant something like ‘The Art of the Black Land.’ So even with today’s CRISPR treatments and monoclonal antibodies and stem cells and whatnot, doctors are still following the early Egyptians, still seeking reliable medical knowledge, and still using the same tools: observation, tests, communication.

Why was medicine mired in magic, folklore, and the divine for so many millennia? Many believe that only pressures drive people to invent. That idea is so common that it has its own saying: ‘Necessity is the mother of invention.’ Folks imagine, for example, that wars speed invention, since in war people are trying to avoid being killed and trying to kill others faster. That sounds like a good story, since it seems to give war a value, other that what it’s so obviously for. But consider: war or no war, everyone, everywhere and everywhen, was faced with certain pains and sure death—and lost babies and destroyed lives. Were necessity truly the mother of every tool and idea that exists today, competition to heal each other would’ve been fierce. Rewards for consistent success would’ve been truly fabulous. Why didn’t that drive the species toward science and science-based medicine millennia ago? No, while necessity might work as a driver for simple things that are easy to see, for complex things it’s less necessity that’s the mother of invention than opportunity. People didn’t practice science-based medicine until recently not because they didn’t desire it but because it was beyond their power; the body was too complex for them to understand just as a steam engine was too complex for them to build. Knowledge can only grow when it has a chance to.

[scientists are human]
The text’s somewhat snide comment is not meant to imply that there is no ego involved in science. Far from it. Scientists fight and connive just as much as everyone else does.

For example, in 1948 Erik Jarvik took possessions of the sole (at that time) fossil of ichthyostega, a now famous intermediary between fish and all tetrapods (four-legged land animals, which includes birds and snakes). He had inherited the specimen from the expedition leader then kept it to himself for 48 years, publishing in that time only three papers on it. No one had any way to check his claims. Many of them were wrong. (For example, he claimed that it had 5 toes; in reality it has 7.) Then he died in 1998. Just before that, other specimes turned up and others begin to correct his errors. “The axial skeleton of the Devonian tertrapod Ichthyostega,” P. E. Ahlberg, J. A. Clack, H. Blom, Nature, 437(1):137-140, 2005. Gaining Ground: The Origin and Early Evolution of Tetrapods, Jennifer A. Clack, Indiana University Press, 2002. “Polydactyly in the Earliest Known Tetrapod Limbs,” M. I. Coates, J. A. Clack, Nature, 347(6288):66-69, 1990.

There are many such stories in science, particularly in the dustier corners of the softer fields, like paleontology. Even so, it’s harder to forever politically spin things in science than in many other fields.

[bickering in science versus other fields]
There’s bickering in every field. How is science truly any different? It has to, sooner or later, deal with real things.

“In past ages, a war, almost by definition, was something that sooner or later came to an end, usually in unmistakable victory or defeat. In the past, also, war was one of the main instruments by which human societies were kept in touch with physical reality. All rulers in all ages have tried to impose a false view of the world upon their followers, but they could not afford to encourage any illusion that tended to impair military efficiency. So long as defeat meant the loss of independence, or some other result generally held to be undesirable, the precautions against defeat had to be serious. Physical facts could not be ignored. In philosophy, or religion, or ethics, or politics, two and two might make five, but when one was designing a gun or an aeroplane they had to make four.” Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell, Secker & Warburg, 1949.

[obviously wrong and not so obviously wrong]
“This [theory] isn’t right. It is not even wrong.” This quote is widely attributed to Wolfgang Pauli.

“Pauli was famous not only for his contributions to physics, including the exclusion principle, but also for his hurting remarks to people and there are many of such stories around. I must mention some, at least. You can’t talk about Pauli without mentioning some of these. For example, when Landau, the Russian physicist, came to visit Zürich, one day he was arguing all afternoon with Pauli and at the end he said: ‘Professor Pauli, you are not going to say that all I said was nonsense.’ ‘Far from it’ said Pauli, ‘far from it. What you said was so confused, one couldn’t tell whether it was nonsense.’

He was once visiting another university and in the evening he wanted to go to the cinema. It was his habit to go out in the evening, and when he came back at eleven or so, he would start working. He was doing most of his work during the night. Therefore, of course, he would not get up very early in the morning. It was said that once he was asked to attend a meeting at nine o’clock in the morning, and he said: ‘Oh no, I can’t stay up that late!’. Well, on that occasion he wanted to go to the cinema and a local man explained to him how to get to a good film. Next day he asked him did he find it all right. ‘Oh yes,’ said Pauli ‘it was easy, you express yourself quite intelligibly when you don’t happen to talk about physics.’

Probably, his most severe remark was to Stueckelberg. He was a very distinguished theoretical physicist, not really adequately recognized. Anyway, on an occasion, Stueckelberg said in the discussion: ‘Don’t go so fast, I can’t think as quickly as you.’, to which Pauli said: ‘I don’t mind if you think slowly, but I do object when you publish more quickly than you can think.’

Perhaps his last critical remark was when he was shown a paper by a young theoretician. He looked at it, and shook his head: Sadly, he said, das ist nicht einmal falsch. ‘That is not even wrong.’ ”

“People in the Early Days of Quantum Mechanics” R. Peierls, Fizika A: A Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics--Atomic and Molecular Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Plasma Physics, Volumes 1-2, 1992-1993, pages 11-30.

[what is science?]
Philosophical ideas on what science is have been raging for at least the last two centuries. Every formal definition that philosophers have come up with has been shot down in one way or the other. Scientists, though, still seem to know what constitutes science and what does not.

Since all science begins with hypothesis, that is the vaguest, lest understood part. Here is Medawar: “The truth is not in nature waiting to declare itself, and we cannot know a priori which observations are relevant and which are not: every discovery, every enlargement of the understanding begins as an imaginative preconception of what the truth might be. The imaginative preconception—a ‘hypothesis’—arises by a process as easy or as difficult to understand as any other creative act of mind; it is a brain-wave, an inspired guess, the product of a blaze of insight. It comes, anyway, from within and cannot be arrived at by the exercise of any known calculus of discovery. A hypothesis is a sort of draft law about what the world—or some particularly interesting aspect of it—may be like; or in a wider sense it may be a mechanical invention, a solid or embodied hypothesis of which performance is the test.” Advice to a Young Scientist, P. B. Medawar, Harper and Row, 1979, page 84.

For two recent contrasting overviews of scientific methods, see: “Reflection on rules in science: an invisible-hand perspective,” T. C. Leonard, Journal of Economic Methodology, 9(2):141-168, 2002. “The Invisible Hand and Science,” P. Ylikoski, Science Studies, 8(2):32-43, 1995.

Roger Bacon, William of Ockham, and others (and before them, Peter Abelard, William of St Thierry, Bernard of Clairvaux, and others during Europe’s twelth century Renaissance), then Francis Bacon and later David Hume, William Whewell, and John Stuart Mill, and others started the philosophical argument from the 1200s to 1800s, arguing about the various roles of induction versus deduction. The three dominant philosophical threads these days are: Pragmatism, Realism, and (the one that’s ignored by most scientists), Social Relativism.

Here are a few of the main references in the area: The Semantic Conception of Theories and Scientific Realism, Frederick Suppe, University of Illinois Press, 1989. Science as a Process: An Evolutionary Account of the Social and Conceptual Development of Science, David Hull, University of Chicago Press, 1988. Progress and Its Problems, Lawrence Laudan, University of California Press, 1977. Against Method, Paul K. Feyerabend, Verso, 1975. The Logic of Scientific Discovery, Karl Popper, Hutchinson, Sixth Edition, 1974. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Thomas S. Kuhn, University of Chicago Press, Second Edition, 1970. “Falsification and the methodology of scientific research programmes,” I. Lakatos, in: Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge, Imre Lakatos and Alan Musgrave (editors), Cambridge University Press, 1970. “Natural Kinds,” W. V. O. Quine, in: Ontological Relativity and Other Essays, Columbia University Press, 1969. The Aim and Structure of Physical Theory, Pierre Duhem, Atheneum, 1962.

There’s a lot of wind, but as the philosophical and sociological arguments rage, most scientists ignore them as they go about trying to investigate our cosmos. Here’s Feynman on the difference between science and the philosophy of science: “Philosophers, incidentally, say a great deal about what is absolutely necessary for science, and it is always, so far as one can see, rather naive, and probably wrong. For example, some philosopher or other said it is fundamental to the scientific effort that if an experiment is performed in, say, Stockholm, and then the same experiment is done in, say, Quito, the same results must occur. That is quite false. It is not necessary that science do that; it may be a fact of experience, but it is not necessary.” The Feynman Lectures on Physics: Volume 1: Mainly Mechanics, Radiation, and Heat, Richard P. Feynman, Robert B. Leighton, Matthew Sands, California Institute of Technology, 1963, page 2-7.

[what makes science work?]
The process of doing science is less amenable to philosophizing than is commonly supposed. Science depends on having a certain kind of personality and a certain skepticism of thought. Not everyone has both. Above all, good scientists (not all scientists are good) are anti-authoritarian. They don’t take a result as true just because someone says so. They’re all about “show me.” Everything else—publication, peer review, replication, degree-granting institutions, funding, credit, priority, reputation—is method.

To the extent that science is honest, what keeps it so is partly all that, but mostly that once interesting results appear in good journals they get talked about, argued about, worried over, tested, and used. Uninteresting results in good journals, and many results in most other journals are mostly ignored.

“There seems to be no study too fragmented, no hypothesis too trivial, no literature citation too biased or too egotistical, no design too warped, no methodology too bungled, no presentation of results too inaccurate, too obscure, and too contradictory, no analysis too self-serving, no argument too circular, no conclusions too trifling or too unjustified, and no grammar and syntax too offensive for a paper to end up in print.” From: “Guarding the guardians,” D. Rennie, Journal of the American Medical Association, 256(17):2391-2392, 1986. See also: “Editorial,” D. Rennie, Fourth International Congress on Peer Review in Biomedical Publication, Journal of the American Medical Association, 287(21):2759-2760, 2002.

It’s possible that nearly everything produced in second-tier and lower science journals is rubbish, yet even were that true, it so far doesn’t seem to matter much. Of course, that may change as we approach data-overload. But by then we’ll may well have made up more severe penalities for scientific fraud simply because we’ll have so much data coming out of science and so much of it will be vitally important in medicine, engineering, and other fields. Alternately, we may have so much data coming in that we’ll have no way at all to tell the good from the bad.

Further, to be able to do anything at all, we usually can’t do much by ourselves, so we have to fit into some network—some institution, which itself has limited time and resources. So our decisions can easily be driven to be slap-dash simply so that we can make the next deadline. Often, we then fill in the many blank spots in our mental maps with whatever we’re most biased to believe. That might be based on all sorts of seemingly reasonable but otherwise imaginary ideas. So we might not even notice that we’re guessing—or, if we notice, we hope others don’t notice. If what we assume at any point in our process of guessing and backtracking and guessing again is wrong, it needn’t matter how smart we are, nor how good our logic is, our conclusions can still be wrong.

[science and religion]
A story is often told that Protestantism led to science (rather than both being outgrowths of the printing press). It’s true that today’s widespread worship of the freedom to choose in Europe and its descendants likely arose largely out of the greatest of all heresies, the Protestant Reformation, which the Roman Church opposed—virulently—and millions died because of it. But not even Protestantism alone can be the full explanation of the philosophical change of what we today would call scientific thought because many Protestant cities were even more opposed to the new philosophy than the Catholic Church was. Martin Luther, for example, the paragon of Protestantism, was hardly the saint of tolerance. An anti-Semite (Hitler took lessons from his writings), he was also against any teaching of Copernician natural philosophy. He, though, was an equal-opportunity hater. He despised Aristotle, too.

On the other hand, another often-told story, that science and religion are at loggerheads, may be just as questionable. Later generations tend to impose present-day characteristics on earlier generations that they never had, or would even have truly understood.

Heterodoxy in Early Modern Science and Religion, John Brooke and Ian Maclean (editors), Oxford University Press, 2005. “The Conflict Thesis,” C. A. Russell, in: Science & Religion: A Historical Introduction, Gary Ferngren (editor), Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002. Reconstructing Nature: The Engagement of Science and Religion, John Brooke and Geoffrey Cantor, Oxford University Press, 2000. Religion and Science: Historical and Contemporary Issues, Ian G. Barbour, HarperCollins, Revised Edition, 1997. Science and Religion: Some Historical Perspectives, John Hedley Brooke (editor), Cambridge University Press, 1991.

[reprogramming skin cells]
“Reprogramming roadmap reveals route to human induced trophoblast stem cells,” X. Liu, J. F. Ouyang, F. J. Rossello, J. P. Tan, K. C. Davidson, D. S. Valdes, J. Schröder, Y. B. Y. Sun, J. Chen, A. S. Knaupp, G. Sun, H. S. Chy, Z. Huang, J. Pflueger, J. Firas, V. Tano, S. Buckberry, J. M. Paynter, M. R. Larcombe, D. Poppe, X. Y. Choo, C. M. O’Brien, W. A. Pastor, D. Chen, A. L. Leichter, H. Naeem, P. Tripathi, P. P. Das, A. Grubman, D. R. Powell, A. L. Laslett, L. David, S. K. Nilsson, A. T. Clark, R. Lister, C. M. Nefzger, L. G. Martelotto, O. J. L. Rackham, J. M. Polo, Nature, 586(7827):101-107, 2020. “Developmental biology: Field leaps forward with new stem cell advances,” G. Vogel, C. Holden, Science, 318(5854):1224-5, 2007. “Turning skin into embryonic stem cells,” H. Y. Chang, G. Cotsarelis, Nature Medicine, 13(7):783-784, 2007.
[missing mass]
“Is Dark Matter Real?” S. Hossenfelder, S. S. McGaugh, Scientific American, 319(2):36-43, 2018.

Wiring the World

[an idea toolbox?]
Once we come up with a good-sounding guess, especially one about how we ourselves work, it might grow to become vital to how we live and die, so vital that even when we’re sure it’s wrong—or at least, not wholly right—we might cling to it for decades, centuries, even millennia more. Why? Why don’t we discard our guesses as easily as we generate them? Well, maybe besides our physical and institutional toolboxes, we also have mental toolboxes. Of course, that’s just a guess, and it seems impossible to prove, but if we do have mental toolboxes, perhaps they start off much like our other toolboxes, small and weak, then they grow and change in similar ways, so that if one of our groups decides to adopt one, then after a while, changing it can grow to be as hard as changing either of our other toolboxes.

This is not an original idea. For example, in 1908 Thorstein Veblen argued that:

“[...] technological knowledge, which included language, the use of fire, the use of simple tools for cutting, and basic fiber arts, was integral to all human communities, even the most primitive. Such knowledge constituted what Veblen termed the ‘immaterial equipment’ of production, as opposed to the material equipment of tools and machines. Technological knowledge was both collective, exceeding the grasp of any single individual, and cumulative, growing through experience transmitted by members of the group. Natural resources, machinery, and other types of physical capital became useful only through collective technological knowledge. [...]

For Veblen, technology included knowledge as well as practices, while remaining firmly independent of science. As used by Veblen, the term encompassed productive pursuits in all human epochs, not just the era of modern industry, while also covering a broad sweep of human activities, from domestication of animals to largescale industrial systems. He emphasized technology in use, refusing to reduce it to invention. Insofar as Veblen had a theory of technological change, he emphasized gradual accretions of skill and knowledge rather than major breakthroughs. His understanding of technology was, in principle, neither deterministic nor progressive. ‘Technological proficiency’ was itself neutral, neither ‘intrinsically serviceable [nor] disserviceable to mankind.’ ”

From: “Technik Comes to America: Changing Meanings of Technology before 1930,” E. Schatzberg, Technology and Culture, 47(3):486-512, 2006.

[idea spread since the paleolithic]
“Unlike other animals, humans cooperate with nonrelatives in coordinated actions, decorate their bodies, build complex artefacts (useful or otherwise), talk, and divide themselves into linguistic groups. To understand the evolutionary basis of such behaviors, anthropologists must consider not only issues connected to social evolution in animals, but also the implications of the possible coevolution of genes and culture. Two articles in this issue examine aspects of human social evolution: On page 1293, Bowles (1) investigates the origins of altruism toward one’s own social group, while on page 1298, Powell et al. (2) study the emergence of cultural complexity. Based on empirical evidence and modeling, both studies suggest that the demographic structure of our ancestral populations determined how social evolution proceeded.” From: “On Becoming Modern,” R. Mace, Science, 324(5932):1280-1281, 2009.

Here’s Bowles: “Since Darwin, intergroup hostilities have figured prominently in explanations of the evolution of human social behavior. Yet whether ancestral humans were largely ‘peaceful’ or ‘warlike’ remains controversial. I ask a more precise question: If more cooperative groups were more likely to prevail in conflicts with other groups, was the level of intergroup violence sufficient to influence the evolution of human social behavior? Using a model of the evolutionary impact of between-group competition and a new data set that combines archaeological evidence on causes of death during the Late Pleistocene and early Holocene with ethnographic and historical reports on hunter-gatherer populations, I find that the estimated level of mortality in intergroup conflicts would have had substantial effects, allowing the proliferation of group-beneficial behaviors that were quite costly to the individual altruist.” From: “Did Warfare Among Ancestral Hunter-Gatherers Affect the Evolution of Human Social Behaviors?” S. Bowles, Science, 324(5932):1293-1298, 2009.

And here’s Powell et al: “The origins of modern human behavior are marked by increased symbolic and technological complexity in the archaeological record. In western Eurasia this transition, the Upper Paleolithic, occurred about 45,000 years ago, but many of its features appear transiently in southern Africa about 45,000 years earlier. We show that demography is a major determinant in the maintenance of cultural complexity and that variation in regional subpopulation density and/or migratory activity results in spatial structuring of cultural skill accumulation. Genetic estimates of regional population size over time show that densities in early Upper Paleolithic Europe were similar to those in sub-Saharan Africa when modern behavior first appeared. Demographic factors can thus explain geographic variation in the timing of the first appearance of modern behavior without invoking increased cognitive capacity.” From: “Late Pleistocene Demography and the Appearance of Modern Human Behavior,” A. Powell, S. Shennan, M. G. Thomas, Science, 324(5932):1298-1301, 2009.

[gestural language may have preceded vocal language]
“Language, whether spoken or signed, can be viewed as a gestural system, evolving from the so-called mirror system in the primate brain. In nonhuman primates the gestural system is well developed for the productions and perception of manual action, especially transitive acts involving the grasping of objects. The emergence of bipedalism in the hominins freed the hands for the adaptation of the mirror system for intransitive acts for communication, initially through the miming of events. With the emergence of the genus Homo from some 2 million years ago, pressures for more complex communication and increased vocabulary size led to the conventionalization of gestures, the loss of iconic representation, and a gradual shift to vocal gestures replacing manual ones-although signed languages are still composed of manual and facial gestures. In parallel with the conventionalization of symbols, languages gained grammatical complexity, perhaps driven by the evolution of episodic memory and mental time travel, which involve combinations of familiar elements--Who did what to whom, when, where, and why? Language is thus adapted to allow us to share episodic structures, whether past, planned, or fictional, and so increase survival fitness.” From: “The evolution of language,” M. C. Corballis, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1156:19-43, 2009.

“The strong predominance of right-handedness appears to be a uniquely human characteristic, whereas the left-cerebral dominance for vocalization occurs in many species, including frogs, birds, and mammals. Right-handedness may have arisen because of an association between manual gestures and vocalization in the evolution of language. I argue that language evolved from manual gestures, gradually incorporating vocal elements. The transition may be traced through changes in the function of Broca’s area. Its homologue in monkeys has nothing to do with vocal control, but contains the so-called ‘mirror neurons,’ the code for both the production of manual reaching movements and the perception of the same movements performed by others. This system is bilateral in monkeys, but predominantly left-hemispheric in humans, and in humans is involved with vocalization as well as manual actions. There is evidence that Broca’s area is enlarged on the left side in Homo habilis, suggesting that a link between gesture and vocalization may go back at least two million years, although other evidence suggests that speech may not have become fully autonomous until Homo sapiens appeared some 170,000 years ago, or perhaps even later. The removal of manual gesture as a necessary component of language may explain the rapid advance of technology, allowing late migrations of Homo sapiens from Africa to replace all other hominids in other parts of the world, including the Neanderthals in Europe and Homo erectus in Asia. Nevertheless, the long association of vocalization with manual gesture left us a legacy of right-handedness.” From: “From mouth to hand: Gesture, speech, and the evolution of right-handedness,” M. C. Corballis, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 26(2):199-208, 2003.

See also: From Hand to Mouth: The Origins of Language, Michael C. Corballis, Princeton University Press, 2002.

[importance of transport and data-flow]
The transport variable requires special attention as it’s not as simple as the other two variables (that is, rising numbers and closer living). These days we think of it only physically, and we separate ‘communication’ from ‘transport.’ But until the telegraph in the 1800s, our main way to send data over any distance was via transport. Also, even today, even when we only intend to move matter we might still also move data, for things—even when unlabeled—advertise what’s where, or at least, what’s been where. Even a road, or just a forest path, holds data, for it highlights a particular path among all possible paths that’s likely easier, quicker, more scenic, or whatever.

So we don’t transport data between ourselves solely by moving it around on data-holding artifacts—like chunks of incised clay, papyrus scrolls, paper books, or memory sticks; nor solely by using data-transporting conduits—like keyboards, mobile phones, microwave transmitters, and fiberoptic cables. Our brains are data-holders, too. So are the walls we scribble on, the road signs we make, the labels we attach to our goods.

So when we decorate our world, or ourselves, or our things, or when we transport ourselves, or our goods, we’re also spreading data. So ‘data-flow’ includes physical transport, and it includes trade.

Thus data-flow between us rose with migration and exploration, and with tools as seemingly remote from data as canoes, horses, compasses, geared clocks (for use on ships), and carbon-arc lamps (for use in lighthouses), for they all increased our range and our trade. With a canoe or horse, we could reach places we couldn’t before. With a compass, we could leave port whenever we wanted, not just when it wasn’t cloudy. With a sextant and a chart we could leave port at night too, not just during the day. Lemons to cure scurvy, pitch to protect ships from woodworms, lateen sails to move against the wind, they all increased our data-flow. So did limited liability companies, bills of exchange, central banks, and stock markets.

Many of our tools, both physical and institutional, increased our warring and slaving, but they also increased our trading. As our trade rose, so did our data-flow. So more of us became more linked via data, whether we noticed it or not.

The same held for our rising numbers and rising densities as we phase changed into farming, and then for our later move into towns, because we transport data between ourselves by producing more of us and by massing in corporate bodies—like churches, markets, companies, cities.

[transport animals]
On Foot: A History of Walking, Joseph A. Amato, New York University Press, 2004, page 27.
[marooned in Tasmania]
“[L]arger and more interconnected populations generate more sophisticated tools, techniques, weapons, and know-how because they have larger collective brains. [...]

Larger populations can overcome the inherent loss of information in cultural transmission because if more individuals are trying to learn something, there’s a better chance that someone will end up with knowledge or skills that are at least as good as, or better than, those of the model they are learning from. Interconnectedness is important because it means more individuals have a chance to access the most skilled or successful models, and thereby have a chance to exceed them, and so can recombine elements learned from different highly skilled or successful models to create novel recombinations. [...]

By isolating Tasmanians for eight to ten millennia, the rising seas cut them off from the vast social networks of Australia, suddenly shrinking their collective brains. A gradual loss of their most complex and difficult to learn skills and technologies ensued. Their isolation also prevented them from acquiring the technological and institutional innovations that would have expanded their collective brain, by fostering greater interconnectedness and fancier tools, weapons, and know-how.”

The Secret of Our Success: How Culture Is Driving Human Evolution, Domesticating Our Species, and Making Us Smarter, Joseph Henrich, Princeton University Press, 2016, Chapter 12, especially pages 218-240, 250.

Note: Similar losses happened during periods of isolation in Northern Greenland, and in the islands of Oceania.

[one growing network]
Both the printing press and the computer show that it’s not merely cost reduction, it’s also material substitution that helps our species do more than we could before. Information storage devices (clay tablets, papyri, parchments, paper, hard drives, DVD burners), information communication devices (signal fires, messengers, telegraphs, microwave relays, fiber optics, orbital microcomsats), and information manipulators—our brains, and now our computers—are accelerating the ever-unfolding consequences of information liquefaction.
[growing density means growing innovation]
Not a new idea. See this book’s Chapter 4 on cities. Also, for example, see: “Cumulative Cultural Evolution and Demography,” K. Vaesen, PLoS ONE, 7(7):e40989, 2012.

Anatomically modern humans existed by around 300Kya, and certainly by around 100Kya, and we were almost surely talking by about 90Kya, if not long before, for we had jewelry, tattoos, throwing weapons, and such. However, adding new things seems to have died out for a long while in sub-Saharan Africa (but not in Western Eurasia), then picked up again in Africa around 45Kya. One theory is that an extinction event (perhaps the Toba supervolcano around 74Kya?) brought down our numbers so much that even if any one of us would have a new idea, the idea would be unlikely to be passed on very often. (However the Toba theory has since been losing support, and a newer theory is that as humans spread out of Africa, smaller and smaller groups of pioneers led to founder effects, bottlenecking genes.) However, simultaneous and unrelated work also suggests that the same African population rapidly rebounded by around 40Kya (the Late Pleistocene). “Human occupation of northern India spans the Toba super-eruption ~74,000 years ago,” C. Clarkson, C. Harris, B. Li, C. M. Neudorf, R. G. Roberts, C. Lane, K. Norman, J. Pal, S. Jones, C. Shipton, J. Koshy, M. C. Gupta, D. P. Mishra, A. K. Dubey, N. Boivin, M. Petraglia, Nature Communications, 11(1):961, 2020. “Late Pleistocene Demography and the Appearance of Modern Human Behavior,” A. Powell, S. Shennan, M. G. Thomas, Science, 324(5932):1298-1301, 2009. “Autosomal Resequence Data Reveal Late Stone Age Signals of Population Expansion in Sub-Saharan African Foraging and Farming Populations,” M. P. Cox, D. A. Morales, A. E. Woerner, J. Sozanski, J. D. Wall, M. F. Hammer, PLoS ONE, 4(7):e6366, 2009.

“Other things being equal, an increase in the density of the population means an increase in productive capacity.” Economic Harmonies, Frédéric Bastiat, translated by W. Hayden Boyers, edited by George B. de Huszar, original publication 1850, Foundation for Economic Education, 1996, page 561.

When we first began speaking, who knows how many millennia ago, our brains and hands began to connect at a whole new level. They did so again when we first began writing about five millennia ago, and again with the press as a catalyst five centuries ago. Each time, our mental resources grew. When our brains and hands are disconnected, we must all face our problems alone. Doing anything really new is then hard—unless one of us happens to be a genius—and it would help to have a supercomputer—and a robot factory in the basement—not to mention a robot army in the back yard to protect it all. So our rising linkage often means rising physical power, not just for some of our groups but, in time, for our whole species.

[1760 populations of England, Japan, India, and China]
“Why was the transition to this modern regime delayed at least 10,000 years from the development of settled agriculture? Why did it occur in a small country on the fringe of Europe, and not in the great center of world population in China? England had a population in 1760 of 6 million compared to 270 million in Quing China, 31 million in Japan, and at least 100 million in India. Why did it not occur 2,000 years earlier, in the classical civilizations of Europe in Greece or Italy, or in the already developed economy of China?” From: “The Enlightened Economy: An Economic History of Britain 1700-1850 by Joel Mokyr; Review Essay,” G. Clark, Journal of Economic Literature, 50(1):85-95, 2012.

For us to change our tools a lot, we didn’t merely need many heads and little space and fast transport via horses (or camels, elephants, llamas, dog sleds, whatever). Juding by England, we also needed (at least) the right pressures, the right geology, some new level of insight into how the cosmos worked, and the results of centuries of tools—and not just physical tools, like steam pumps, but also institutional tools, like banking, and mental tools, like science. England phase changed because many things happened. Did they have to happen?

[the agrarian jigsaw puzzle]
Even today, our agrarian life, everywhere on the planet, is small and local. We may not have everything we wish, but most of us have nearly everything we need for at least bare survival. It needn’t matter if millions of us live in a country; nothing need ever change until our tools change. And they needn’t change much for long periods because we and they together form a jigsaw puzzle with no missing pieces.

In such a world, our jigsaw has no space for a new piece. Even if one of us thinks up something new to make, why bother? Even if we do build it for ourselves, why would we build copies? To whom would we sell them? Even if we did manage to find someone to sell them to, if we all live in villages or on farms, what could we buy in return? Even if it isn’t a new thing to make, but a new way to do something, why do it? The old way works, and the new way might force someone else to change. Often, any change might mean that some of us are going to lose something—power, profits, prestige, maybe even life itself. So some of us will resist.

Thus, in the 1200s in Europe, the then-new spinning wheel was the latest in high tech. But in much of Europe, we couldn’t use it to make woolens. That was illegal. We had to spin wool by hand, or not at all. In 1454, Venice decreed that if any valued artisan or craftsman fled the city, to force his return his family would be jailed. If he didn’t return, he was to be hunted down and killed. In 1719, London weavers, desperate to keep out the then-new mechanically printed calicoes and linens, threw ink or acid on any woman who wore them in the street—or they simply tore her clothes off. In 1789, Lyon fork-makers so resented a new mechanical way to make tableware and other small metal items that they burned the workshop to the ground. Then they told the chief mechanic that if he built another, they would beat him up and burn his house to the ground.

By the 1800s it was too late to call halt. It’s not merely that some of us wanted to fangle things new, like a new dress or a new hat, while others of us wanted to keep things fangled the old way. The giant recursive industrial engine that we, willy-nilly, began putting together, after many centuries of unwitting buildup, was something new. It wasn’t the work of any one person, who we could throw some acid on, or whose house we could threaten to burn down. It wasn’t just this new tool, or that new tool-maker, or the other new system, in any one place, or even country, that we could isolate, or ostracize, or go to war with. It was too large and dispersed a change, and its stigmergic and synergetic effects were so broad and varied that we couldn’t stop it. Thus came railroads, steamships, telegraphs, radios, phones, (electronic) computers, cars, planes, rockets, satellites....

Banning of spinning wheels in Europe from the 1200s on: Use of the spinning wheel, sometimes called in Europe the ‘Hindustan Wheel,’ for woolen manufacture was either banned outright or forbidden for warp-spinning, beginning in Italy: in Venice (1224), Bologna (1256), Paris (1268), Speyer (1280), Abbeville (1288), Siena (1292), and Douai (1305), then grew from there as the spinning wheel spread. Bans remained in effect in some places until the 1500s. The Cambridge History of Western Textiles, Volume I, David Jenkins (editor), Cambridge University Press, 2003, page 201.

In Venice in 1454 fleeing craftsmen were to be hunted down and killed: “[T]he Venetian government passed stern laws to prevent these esoteric subtleties from becoming known in other lands. In 1454 the Council of Ten decreed that

If a workman carry into another country any art or craft to the detriment of the Republic, he will be ordered to return; if he disobeys, his nearest relatives will be imprisoned, in order that the solidarity of the family persuade him to return; if he persists in his disobedience, secret measures will be taken to have him killed wherever he may be.”

The Story of Civilization 5: The Renaissance; A History of Civilization in Italy from 1304-1576 A.D. Will Durant, Simon & Schuster, 1953, page 313. Apparently one actually was assassinated, in the 1700s.

This, though, is a sign that when skilled workers decided to flee there was really nothing that could keep them. Or as Cipolla says of another case: “Decrees forbidding the emigration of skilled workers were quite common in the late Middle Ages as well as in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. [...] Typically enough, impotence bred ferocity. In 1545 and 1559 the Grand Duke of Florence decreed that workers in the brocade trade who had left the town should return to it. Special favors were announced for those who would comply with the order and penalties were threatened for those who did not. But in all likelihood the results were unsatisfactory: in 1575 the Grand Duke authorized ‘any person to kill with impunity any of the above-mentioned expatriates’ and posted a reward of 200 scudi for each expatriate craftsman who could be brought back ‘dead or alive.’ ” Before the Industrial Revolution: European Society and Economy, 1000-1700, Carlo M. Cipolla, W. W. Norton, Third Edition, 1993, page 157.

See also: Medieval guilds and innovation: Institutions and European Trade: Merchant Guilds, 1000-1800, Sheilagh Ogilvie, Cambridge University Press, 2011. Guilds, Innovation, and the European Economy, 1400-1800, S. R. Epstein and Maarten Prak (editors), Cambridge University Press, 2008.

[why didn’t print spread as fast everywhere?]
Although in Islamic lands we had paper and other high-tech tools long before Europe, we banned Arabic presses until at least 1727. Movable type broke the cursive style, and the press threatened religious unity. Also, too, in China (then Korea) we had presses long before Europe, but they didn’t spread. Perhaps they were too large or remained state owned—perhaps partly because their number of characters was around 40,000 instead of a few dozen. But then, Russian alphabets were also smaller, yet presses didn’t grow rapidly there, either. Why so fast in Western Europe but not Eastern Europe? Or for that matter, Protestant versus Catholic Europe? Could it be because Catholic countries were more unified in their distaste of particular books, whereas Protestant countries hated lots of different books—and diversity meant printers could flee from one place to another? There are many variables.

Russia had an alphabetic script and fairly early print shops but adoption there was sluggish. Perhaps the chief reason was that Muscovy had a powerful central force, much as China and the Ottoman Empire did. Literacy was also very low there.

The Arabic-speaking world never invented its own printing press, nor did it allow printing to enter it for a long time. With Arabic’s cursive writing it was hard to imagine it being separated into letter types. There were also religious beliefs to contend with. For example, in the Ottoman empire in 1483, Sultan Bayezid II decreed the death penalty for anyone printing Arabic or Turkish script. The ban held until 1727.

The European all-metal movable-type printing press, invented around 1452, was not the first printing press in the world. Presses were invented sometime between 1041 and 1048 in China with moveable clay type and with fixed metal type in Korea by 1234 (see Tsien and Needham below). Also, wood block printing was in use in Japan somewhere between 764 and 770. The European printing press, however, was the first one that slipped out of state control. One reason may be the much lower cost of type because European languages were alphabetic and only 30 or so characters were needed (although many more were needed for the earliest highly accurate ‘handwriting-compatible’ bibles). Although, in Korea in 1446, King Sejong tried to institute an alphabet of twenty-five letters. But Korean printers and scholars stuck with tradition—40,000 or so Chinese characters.

The Printing Revolution in Early Modern Europe, Elizabeth L. Eisenstein, Cambridge University Press, Second Edition, 2005, pages 335-339. Paper Before Print: The History and Impact of Paper in the Islamic World, Jonathan M. Bloom, Yale University Press, 2001. “Paper, Printing and the Printing Press: A Horizontally Integrative Macrohistory Analysis,” S. A. Gunaratne, International Communication Gazette, 63(6):459-479, 2001. Arabic Typography: A Comprehensive Sourcebook, Huda Smitshuijzen AbiFares, Saqi Books, 2000, pages 64-72. “Technology and Religious Change: Islam and the Impact of Print,” F. Robinson, Modern Asian Studies, 27(1):229-251, 1993. “Innovation and Diffusion of Technology: an Example of the Printing Press,” M. Macioti, Impact of Science on Society, 39(2):143-150, 1989. Publishing, Printing and the Origins of Intellectual Life in Russia 1700-1800, Gary Marker, Princeton University Press, 1985. The Ottoman Empire: The Classical Age 1300-1600, Halil Inalcik, translated by Norman Itzkowitz and Colin Imber, Littlehampton Book Services, 1973. Annals of Printing: A Chronological Encyclopaedia from the Earliest Times to 1950, W. Turner Berry and H. Edmund Poole, University of Toronto Press, 1966.

“During the reign of Chhing-li [+ 1041-48] Pi Sheng, a man of unofficial position, made moveable type. His method was as follows: he took sticky clay and cut in it characters as thin as the edge of a coin. Each character formed, as it were, a single type. He baked them in the fire to make them hard. He had previously prepared an iron plate and he had covered his plate with a mixture of pine resin, wax, and paper ashes. When he wished to print, he took an iron frame and set it on the iron plate. In this he placed the types, set close together. When the frame was full, the whole made one solid block oftype. He then placed it near the fire to warm it. When the paste [at the back] was slightly melted, he took a smooth board and pressed it over the surface, so that the block of type became as even as a whetstone.

If one were to print only two or three copies, this method would be neither simple nor easy. But for printing hundreds or thousands of copies, it was marvelously quick. As a rule he kept two formes going. While the impression was being made from the one forme, the type was being put in place on the other. When the printing of the one forme was finished, the other was then ready. In this way the two formes alternated and the printing was done with great rapidity.

For each character there were several types, and for certain common characters there were twenty or more types each, in order to be prepared for the repetition of characters on the same page. When the characters were not in use, he had them arranged with paper labels, one label for words of each rhyme-group, and kept them in wooden cases. If any rare character appeared that had not been prepared in advance, it was cut as needed and baked with a fire of straw. In a moment it was finished.

The reason why he did not use wood is because the tissue of wood is sometimes coarse and sometimes fine, and wood also absorbs moisture, so that the forme when set up would be uneven. Also the wood would have stuck in the paste and could not readily have been pulled out. So it was better to use burnt earthenware. When the printing was finished, the forme was again brought near the fire to allow the paste to melt, and then cleansed with the hand, so that the types fell off of themselves and were not in the least soiled. [...]

It appears that the use of movable-type printing in Korea was influenced by three major factors, all more or less related to Chinese practice. One was the idea of movable type. This was unquestionably inspired in Korea by the method described in Chinese records, for in the preface to a movable-type edition of Po Shih Wen Chi, printed in Korea in + 1485, the Korean scholar Kim Jongjik said explicitly that ‘the movable type method was begun by Shen Kua and brought to perfection by Yang Wei-Chung’. Although he was mistaken in identifying Shen Kua as the inventor, his acknowledgement of its Chinese origin is clear. How it arrived in Korea is not certain, but it may have been brought back by the princely monk Gitan, who travelled to China and resided in Hangchow in the latter part of the + 11th century, at the time and in the very place of Pi Sheng’s invention. He could, therefore, have been informed by his contemporaries in China, or through reading Shen Kua’s description, which certainly influenced the application of movable type by Korean printers. If so, the use of movable type in Korea must have begun earlier than the generally accepted date of 1234.”

Science and Civilization in China: Volume 5, Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Part 1, Paper and Printing, Tsuen-Hsuin Tsien, Joseph Needham, Cambridge University Press, 1985, pages 201-202, page 330.

[on technology’s introduction versus its spread]
The following quote from Eisenstein is instructive not just for the printing press but more generally for the importance of context in the spread of any technology:

“Why take fifteenth-century Western Europe as a point of departure instead of beginning much earlier with China, where the very first printed products were turned out? It is instructive to look outside the boundaries of Western Christendom if only in order to learn that the mere introduction of a new technology tells us little about the uses to which it will be put. No doubt the difference between uneven development in Asia and rapid exploitation in the West has something to do with the difference between ideographic and alphabetic systems of writing.

But other considerations are also pertinent. All the diverse ‘factors’ that have to be considered in any causal analysis—political, economic, intellectual, etc.—can be seen to have played a role. Religion in particular should not be overlooked. There are some non-Asian societies where alphabets were used but where printers were forbidden to apply their craft to sacred texts. In the vast empire governed by the Ottoman Turks, prohibitions against printing not only the Koran but any text in Arabic script remained in effect for hundreds of years. Of course, other variables are also significant. In Eastern Christendom, religious printing was sanctioned and, indeed, sponsored by the church. Yet in contrast to Western developments, Russian printers started almost a century after Gutenberg and thereafter maintained a very sluggish pace. Only within Western Christendom was the wooden handpress so energetically exploited by so many free-wheeling entrepreneurs that some forty thousand editions of books (not to mention indulgences, broadsides, and the like) had been issued in the first forty years.

This brief venture in comparative study may help to drive home the point that the most remarkable aspect of the story is not what did or did not happen in Gutenberg’s shop in Mainz; it is, rather, the way that so many presses went into operation in so many places in so short a time.”

The Printing Revolution in Early Modern Europe, Elizabeth L. Eisenstein, Cambridge University Press, Second Edition, 2005, pages 335-336.

[“the thrill electric”]
The phrase “the thrill electric” in relation to the telegraph is from a poem named “The Victory” commemorating the death of Samuel Morse. It was read by Rossiter Johnson at the Morse Memorial Meeting held in Washington in 1872. He included it among his poems in Idler and Poet, Rossiter Johnson, James R. Osgood & Co., 1882, pages 27-30. However, he didn’t invent the phrase (or rather, the phrase had been in use before this poem, ever since electricity experiments began to be popular around 1838, just seven years after Michael Faraday discovered electromagnetic induction).

See also: The Victorian Internet: The Remarkable Story of the Telegraph and the Nineteenth Century’s On-Line Pioneers, Tom Standage, Walker & Company, 1998, page 57, Chapter 4 quote.

[we built an internet in the 1800s]
Steam ships, although faster than sail where suitable, needed coal, and lots of it; they had to improve their technology and cost as well. In 1853, out of a total of 10,000 ships on Lloyds’ Register, only 187 were steamers. Before steamers, railroads, and the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869, London to Bombay (today’s Mumbai) used to take six months or so. Adding on the further travel times to destinations, getting a reply to a letter between Britain and India could take over a year and a half. After 1869, travel times got chopped to a matter of nine weeks. In 1872, in Around the World in Eighty Days, Jules Verne described how, if money were no object, it was possible, using the new steamers and railroads, and the Suez, to get from London to Bombay in just 20 days, which was itself a new feat.)

With the telegraph, and transoceanic cables, the world shrank drastically. On June 23rd, 1870, messages could then be sent from London to Bombay and back in five minutes. That changed businesses, newspapers, crime, policing, war, and for the technologically adept few: chatting, games, and love affairs. As with the steam engine and Carnot’s theory that led to therodynamics, a lot of this happened before Faraday’s theory of electricity explained what lay behind it. Also, experiment went on for three decades, then came an explosion, with 650,000 miles of cable laid in just a few years. There are many parallels between the internet of the 1800s and that of the 1900s.

‘AT&T’ stands for American Telephone and Telegraph, and telegraphy was its main business until the 1940s. Similarly, in France, an equivalent but public, system started as P&T (Postes et des Télégraphes) in 1879, then became PTT (Postes, Télégraphes et Téléphones) in 1921. Thus, for example, radio was first called, ‘wireless telegraph.’ Just like today, the telegraph network had to deal with problems involving bandwidth, security, privacy, and layered communications standards.

It wasn’t a true internet. Aside from the transoceanic cables (and cables were easy to cut during war), it was largely national. More importantly, it was point-to-point, hub-and-spoke, not decentralized and packet-switched, so two arbitrary nodes couldn’t speak unless there was a physical link between them, or between them and hubs they linked to. So break a link and that was that—since it lacked computers, and thus an equivalent of TCP/IP, there was no automated routing.

However it was digital, not analog, but instead of three layers of abstraction (bits, signals, packets), there were only two (bits and signals). Also, it did have compression, authentication, congestion, and encryption. In Britain, it also had a sort of DNS (although there were no ‘domains’). Individuals and companies could reserve special ‘telegraphic addresses,’ assigned on a first-come, first-served basis, and each telegraph office had a list of all those addresses, so anyone could send them messages without knowing their real address. It also had intranets, since a large telegraph office might use pneumatic tubes within the building, or it might be fed by nearby small telegraph offices to shunt messages around. It also had routers, of a sort, since—when congested—large telegraph offices, as large hubs, would backup messages and retransmit as bandwidth became available. And its lines eventually went from half-duplex to duplex to multiplex, thus they became able to carry several messages at once.

But even today’s internet still has a lot of growing up to do. TCP/IP wasn’t designed for accountability, security, or mobility. It grew up in a hurry, in bits and pieces, as problems manifested and then became impossible to ignore anymore, and, since 1993, it has gone commercial and is thus highly competitive. More or less the same happened with the telegraph network a century ago. it was planned (to the extent that it was planned at all) for one thing but demand grew and diversified as it grew.

“The protocols used by modems are decided on by the ITU, the organization founded in 1865 to regulate international telegraphy. The initials now stand for International Telecommunication Union, rather than International Telegraph Union.” The Victorian Internet: The Remarkable Story of the Telegraph and the Nineteenth Century’s On-Line Pioneers, Tom Standage, Walker & Company, 1998, pages 206-207.

See also: The Passage East, John Maxtone-Graham and Ian Marshall, Howell Press, 1997. The Early History of Data Networks, Gerard J. Holzmann and Björn Pehrson, Wiley, 1995. Design and Validation of Computer Protocols, Gerard J. Holzmann, Prentice-Hall, 1991. When Old Technologies were New: Thinking About Electric Communication in the Late Nineteenth Century, Carolyn Marvin, Oxford University Press, 1988.

[birth of the (electrical) dynamo]
“Electric lighting dates from the very beginning of the last century. In the year 1810 Sir Humphry Davy, experimenting with the voltaic battery of the Royal Institution, produced the first electric arc between two carbon points. Though the light so produced was employed for illumination in a few isolated cases it had no commercial value, for it was not until magneto-electrical machines had taken the place of voltaic batteries that any practical application of the electric light became possible. The discovery by Michael Faraday in the year 1831, and about the same time by Professor James Forbes, of Edinburgh, of the induction of electricity from magnetism was one of the great epoch-making discoveries of the Nineteenth Century. This discovery was followed the year after by the first magneto-electrical machine constructed by M. Hippolyte Pixii, of Paris, and two years later the more practical machines of Clarke and Saxton were produced. These early types were of very limited application, being almost exclusively confined to lecture demonstrations, and were used for giving shocks for medical purposes. From the time of the discovery by Faraday until 1855 many patents were taken out for magneto-electric generators, but it was not until that year that a machine was designed and built on a sufficiently large scale to be successfully applied to industrial purposes. In 1855 the Societé l’Alliance was formed in Paris to construct a magneto-electric machine in accordance with the design of M. Nollet and Joseph van Malderen, and it is a curious fact that the first machine of the kind was for lighting purposes, but it was intended, however, to decompose water by electrolysis and to utilise the gases so produced for burning as a gas-light. This machine was soon after considerably modified by Professor Holmes. The ‘Holmes’ machine of 1857 was the first to be used for electric lighting on a large practical scale. During the year 1859 experiments were made at the South Foreland under the direction of Faraday himself on behalf of the Trinity House, and after a long-continued series of experiments the machine was adopted by the Elder Brethren. In 1862 it was permanently installed at the lighthouse of Dungeness, and the electric beams first shot across the sea from a lighthouse on June 6 of that year. A similar machine and dioptric apparatus formed, at the same time, one of the most attractive exhibits of the great International Exhibition held at South Kensington during that summer.

Since Faraday’s discovery of magneto-electric induction, by far the greatest discovery in connection with the electrical industry was that of dynamo-electric induction, which is that permanent magnets in an electric generator can with enormous advantage be replaced by electro-magnets, the connections being so arranged that the current generated in the armature, or part of it, traverses the coils of the electro magnets, by which the magnetic field is produced. The discovery has been claimed by or on behalf of several eminent electricians, but it is fairly established that it was made almost simultaneously and independently by Werner Siemens, Wheatstone, and Varley in 1867. It is a curious fact that Sir William Siemens described his brother’s machine to the Royal Society at the meeting where Sir Charles Wheatstone’s paper on the same discovery was read. The meeting was held on February 14, 1867, but twelve years before, namely, in 1855, a Dane, Soren Hjorth, of Copenhagen, took out a patent for a machine, and in his specification clearly enunciated and described the dynamo-electric principle. To Hjorth is due the credit of being the first to announce the discovery, but there is no evidence that the machine was ever constructed.

The first dynamo machine built on a commercial scale was that of M. Zenobie Theophile Gramme, of Paris. This machine inaugurated the great ‘Age of Electricity’ in which we are now living. It was shown in London at the end of 1872, and in the course of the following year was installed in the Houses of Parliament at Westminster, the current generated being employed to produce the signal light on the top of the Clock Tower. A company was formed for the introduction of the machine and its application to electric lighting, electro-plating, and chemical industries. But it may fairly be said that this company was seven years before its time, for it was not until the years 1880-81 that the public became sufficiently educated in the practical commercial application of electricity on a large scale for any important demand to be possible. The Exposition Universelle held in Paris in 1878, and still more the Paris Exposition Universelle d’Electricité of 1881, gave a gigantic impulse to the electrical industry and from that time to this, industry after industry has sprung up and been developed, a large and an ever-increasing branch of the profession of the civil engineer has been established, and companies manufacturing electrical machinery and appliances have been formed in every part of the civilised world. Some idea of the enormous capital involved may be formed from the fact that in Great Britain and Ireland alone the aggregate capital of electrical undertakings, in shares, debentures, and loans, is something like £125,000,000.”

Great Britain: Her Finance and Commerce, SOUVENIR EDITION of The Morning Post, 1901, pages 175-176.

[growth of CARTS]
First, we’re now creating more new technical data in one lifetime than in all of recorded history. Take just one obscure example: knowledge of slime molds. From 1945 to 1951, about 17 research papers on slime molds appeared every five years. But from 2002 to 2009, 13 appeared every three weeks. And that’s nothing compared to hot fields. In 2008, over 50,000 new research papers appeared in brain science. Anyone who was up-to-date as of 2000, was probably far behind by 2010.

We’re also amassing more data than ever before. From 1999 to 2002 we almost doubled the amount of new data stored electronically or in print. In 1967, the largest text dataset on the planet was about a million words big; by 2006, that had grown to about a trillion words. From 2000 to 2005 a new robot telescope gathered more star data in its first two days of operation than we had managed to gather in six thousand years. From 2004 to 2007 we nearly doubled the number of proteins we knew—counting everything we had learned since the beginning of time (that is, since we found the first one in 1838). Further, by 2009 we had learned of 50 million chemicals. We had been discovering them mostly just since 1800, yet we found the latest ten million in just the last nine months of 2009. By then, we were finding a new one every 2.6 seconds. By 2013, the Large Hadron Collider poured out about 30 petabytes a day; that’s about 6.3 million DVDs worth.

We aren’t just creating and amassing ever more data; we’re also making it ever easier to spread. By 2010, our planet was spidered with well over a billion computers and over five billion phones, most of them mobile. Nor were those devices only in rich hands. For instance, in 1993 Bangladesh was one of our poorest countries and only two in a thousand of us there had phones. But by 2008, a quarter of us there did. By 2011, nearly half of us did. Such devices, soon to be bristling with sensors, likely will mean that just about everything that can be digitally encoded soon will be.

Not only are we creating, amassing, recombining, and spreading data, we’re adding to its testing, too—at least for some of our more technical data. From 1990 to 2005, the number of scientists and engineers in the United States was doubling every 16 years. In China, the doubling rate for researchers was every ten years. Our scientific tools are also changing, beginning to shoulder us out of the lab, just as robots are shouldering us out of the factory. For example, microfluidic devices plus laser confocal scanning microscopes plus computer chips to control them, are coming together to make robot lab assistants that do lab tests. In 2009, some prototypes were just five inches wide. They cost $8 U.S. They worked all day and all night. That same year came the first ever robot scientist. Not only did it do its own tests, it guessed which new things to test next, then it did those tests. Soon, entire labs may slip down the rabbit hole that transistors fell down. Similar teensytronics will almost certainly mean that big changes in biochemistry, biotechnology, nanotechnology, medicine, and materials science are ahead. Given our rapid tool changes in many fields, lots of small-scale phase changes may be ahead.

Growth of papers on slime molds: “I have lived with my beloved slime molds for a long time, and now suddenly I find myself quite overcome by the vast amount of new facts that have accumulated to account for every stage, every step (however small) of their life cycle. In the late 1940s and early 1950s (1945 to 1951) an average 3.4 papers on cellular slime molds were published a year; now, over the past seven years, there is an average of 224 papers a year! We are in danger of drowing in facts.” The Social Amoebae: The Biology of Cellular Slime Molds, John Tyler Bonner, Princeton University Press, 2009, page vii.

Doubling data: “In 2007.... [g]eneral-purpose computing capacity grew at an annual rate of 58%. The world’s capacity for bidirectional telecommunication grew at 28% per year, closely followed by the increase in globally stored information (23%).... Telecommunication has been dominated by digital technologies since 1990 (99.9% in digital format in 2007), and the majority of our technological memory has been in digital format since the early 2000s (94% digital in 2007).” From: “The world’s technological capacity to store, communicate, and compute information,” M. Hilbert, P. López, Science, 332(6025):60-65, 2011.

“...[T]raditional scientific publishing, that is publication in peer-reviewed journals, is still increasing although there are big differences between fields. There are no indications that the growth rate has decreased in the last 50 years. At the same time, publication using new channels, for example conference proceedings, open archives and home pages, is growing fast.” From: “The rate of growth in scientific publication and the decline in coverage provided by Science Citation Index,” P. O. Larsen, M. von Ins, Scientometrics, 84(3):575-603, 2010.

See also: How Much Information? 2009 Report on American Consumers, Roger E. Bohn and James E. Short, Global Information Industry Center, University of California, San Diego, 2009. “How Much Information,” P. Lyman, H. R. Varian, Journal of Electronic Publishing, 6(2), 2000.

Big data: “At Brown University, there is excitement of having access to the Brown Corpus, containing one million English words. Since then, we have seen several notable corpora that are about 100 times larger, and in 2006, Google released a trillion-word corpus with frequency counts for all sequences up to five words long. In some ways this corpus is a step backwards from the Brown Corpus: it’s taken from unfiltered Web pages and thus contains incomplete sentences, spelling errors, grammatical errors, and all sorts of other errors. It’s not annotated with carefully hand-corrected part-of-speech tags. But the fact that it’s a million times larger than the Brown Corpus outweighs these drawbacks. A trillion-word corpus—along with other Web-derived corpora of millions, billions, or trillions of links, videos, images, tables, and user interactions—captures even very rare aspects of human behavior. So, this corpus could serve as the basis of a complete model for certain tasks—if only we knew how to extract the model from the data.” From: “The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Data,” A. Halevy, P. Norvig, F. Pereira, Intelligent Systems, IEEE, 24(2):8-12, 2009.

Doubling stellar data: The project referenced in the text is the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), which uses a 2.5-meter telescope at Apache Point Observatory, New Mexico. The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, slated to begin operations in 2016, will exceed SDSS data gathering by several orders of magnitude. “Data, data everywhere,” The Economist, February 25th, 2010. “A Data Deluge Swamps Science Historians,” R. L. Hotz, The Wall Street Journal, August 28th, 2009. “How to Channel the Data Deluge in Academic Research,” The Chronicle of Higher Education, April 4th, 2008. The Sloan Digital Sky Survey: Asteroids to Cosmology, The Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics, University of Chicago, August 15-18, Chicago, 2008.

Doubling proteins: “The Sorcerer II Global Ocean Sampling Expedition: Expanding the Universe of Protein Families,” S. Yooseph, G. Sutton, D. B. Rusch, A. L. Halpern, S. J. Williamson, K. Remington, J. A. Eisen, K. B. Heidelberg, G. Manning, W. Li, L. Jaroszewski, P. Cieplak, C. S. Miller, H. Li, S. T. Mashiyama, M. P. Joachimiak, C. van Belle, J. M. Chandonia, D. A. Soergel, Y. Zhai, K. Natarajan, S. Lee, B. J. Raphael, V. Bafna, R. Friedman, S. E. Brenner, A. Godzik, D. Eisenberg, J. E. Dixon, S. S. Taylor, R. L. Strausberg, M. Frazier, J. C. Venter, Public Library of Science, Biology, 5(3):432-466, 2007.

Doubling chemicals: “50 Millionth Unique Chemical Substance Recorded in CAS REGISTRY,” Announcement, September 8th, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), The American Chemical Society, 2009. “Exponential growth of new chemicals and evolution of information relevant to risk control,” R. Binetti, F. M. Costamagna, I. Marcello, Annali dell’Istituto superiore di sanitá, 44(1):13-15, 2008. “Scientometric studies on chemistry I: The exponential growth of chemical substances, 1800-1995,” J. Schummer, Scientometrics, 39(1):107-123, 1997.

Large Hadron Collider data: The CERN Data Centre stores more than 30 petabytes of data per year from the LHC experiments, enough to fill about 1.2 million Blu-ray discs, i.e. 250 years of HD video. Over 100 petabytes of data are permanently archived, on tape. “Here’s How Monumental the LHC’s Mountain of Data Really Is,” J. Wenz, Popular Mechanics, August 3rd, 2015.

Doubling scientists: The figures are for doctorate holders in science and engineering in the United States who are employed outside academia in science or engineering fields. In 2005, the average annual growth rate was 4.6 percent (which means a doubling every 16 years). In China, the figures were 7.4 percent (10-year doubling) for ‘researchers.’ Science and Engineering Indicators 2008, Division of Science Resources Statistics, National Science Foundation, 2008, page 3-11.

Microfluidic robots: “An integrated microfluidic device for large-scale in situ click chemistry screening,” Y. Wang, W.-Y. Lin, K. Liu, R. J. Lin, M. Selke, H. C. Kolb, N. Zhang, X.-Z. Zhao, M. E. Phelps, C. K. F. Shen, K. F. Faull, H.-R. Tseng, Lab on a Chip, 9(16):2281-2285, 2009. “Toward an Artificial Golgi: Redesigning the Biological Activities of Heparan Sulfate on a Digital Microfluidic Chip,” J. G. Martin, M. Gupta, Y. Xu, A. R. Wheeler, S. Akella, J. Liu, J. S. Dordick, R. J. Linhardt, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131(31):11041-11048, 2009. “Darwinian Evolution on a Chip,” B. M. Paegel, G. F. Joyce, PLoS Biology, 6(4):e85, 2008. “Microfluidic Serial Dilution Circuit,” B. M. Paegel, W. H. Grover, A. M. Skelley, R. A. Mathies, G. F. Joyce, Analytical Chemistry, 78(21):7522-7527, 2008. “Microfluidics for drug discovery and development: From target selection to product lifecycle management,” L. Kang, B. G. Chung, R. Langer, A. Khademhosseini, Drug Discovery Today, 13(1-2):1-13, 2008. “Microfabricated Monolithic Multinozzle Emitters for Nanoelectrospray Mass Spectrometry,” W. Kim, M. Guo, P. Yang, D. Wang, Analytical Chemistry, 79(10):3703-3707, 2007. “Digital microfluidics: Is a true lab-on-a-chip possible?” R. B. Fair, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 3(3):245-281, 2007. “Lab-on-a-chip: microfluidics in drug discovery,” P. S. Dittrich, A. Manz, Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, 5(3):210-218, 2006. “The origins and the future of microfluidics,” G. M. Whitesides, Nature, 442(7101):368-373, 2006.

First robot scientist: “Make Way for Robot Scientists,” R. D. King, J. Rowland, S. G. Oliver, M. Young, W. Aubrey, E. Byrne, M. Liakata, M. Markham, P. Pir, L. N. Soldatova, A. Sparkes, K. E. Whelan, A. Clare, Science, 325(5943):945-945, 2009. “Machines Fall Short of Revolutionary Science,” P. W. Anderson, E. Abrahams, Science, 324(5934):1515-1516, 2009. “Functional genomic hypothesis generation and experimentation by a robot scientist,” R. D. King, K. E. Whelan, F. M. Jones, P. G. K. Reiser, C. H. Bryant, S. H. Muggleton, D. B. Kell, S. G. Oliver, Nature, 427(6971):247-252, 2004.

Ever more scientific data: “Automating Science,” D. Waltz, B. Buchanan, Science, 324(5923):43-44, 2009. “Distilling Free-Form Natural Laws from Experimental Data,” M. Schmidt, H. Lipson, Science, 324(5923):81-85, 2009. “The Automation of Science,” R. D. King, J. Rowland, S. G. Oliver, M. Young, W. Aubrey, E. Byrne, M. Liakata, M. Markham, P. Pir, L. N. Soldatova, A. Sparkes, K. E. Whelan, A. Clare, 324(5923):85-89, 2009.

Increasing data spread: Half the world (four billion) was online by 2018. “Global Computing: Are We Losing Momentum?” C. Iglesias, D. Thakur, M. L. Best, Communications of the ACM, 63(2):22-24, 2020. The first billion was reached in 2005. The second billion in 2010. The third billion in 2014. The fourth billion by 2018. Then growth rate slowed. The second half of the world will take longer to get online.

[global computer network versus printing press]
After the printing press around 1450, further significant reductions in the cost of information copying had to wait on the industrial phase change, and that was over three centuries into the future. There would be no papermaking machine until the 1800s, no steam printing press machine until the 1810s, no bookbinding machine until the 1830s, no typecasting machine until the 1870s, no global network until the 1990s. Even by the early 2000s, publication would still not be cheap enough for all of us to publish anything we wished.

Each dramatic reduction in the cost of information dispersal rearranged our groups, and brought more scientific and technological change. Our newest information proliferator, the global computer network, destroyed nearly all its more formal or commercial or ambitious electronic competitors because it was the simplest; it made no special demands to join, and it placed no special constraints on what could be added. The result was an information explosion we are still living through. But the only thing new about this latest surge is its speed.

The Christian conquest of Islamic Spain from the 1000s to the 1400s and the translations of ‘lost’ Greek and Latin books that followed the collapse of each Islamic city had already showed what happens when groups are inundated with an avalanche of knowledge. The ‘new’ knowledge pounded the frozen structure of European countries, chopping at them like an axe on a frozen pond, and leading to the rise of the first European universities, the slow breakup of feudal Europe under the pressure of the new questioning spirit, new entrepreneurialism, new architecture, new art, new trade, and even a small increase in income mobility. We might expect similar consequences today, except larger and more globally.

[consequences of past data-flow explosions]
Compared to past times, our thinking network is data-rich. It’s also think-richer than ever. But it’s still think-poor. What’s it thinking about? And can we make it any think-richer? Does it, too, have limits, just as it did when we were all foragers, and when we were all farmers? Rising data-flow needn’t mean that all of that newly flowing data is any ‘better’ than before (if that even has any meaning), or even any different than before. Judging by history, much of it probably isn’t.

Before the printing press, whether in Europe or anywhere else on the planet, most of us couldn’t read, nor could we travel far—so we thought in terms of our village, town, or perhaps county. Then with the press in Europe, local languages began to freeze, Latin began to die, and nations became more of a thing. Religion fragmented and war spread. Similar things happened elsewhere around the planet wherever the press managed to worm its way in. Then, by the railroad era, our urge to merge grew even stronger since we could meet over longer distances. It grew stronger still when steamships and cheap steam-printed newspapers linked us yet more. But such tools didn’t bind all of us together. Rather, they bound our local groups more tightly together—against groups farther away. All we really changed was our definition of ‘local.’

Like drops of mercury pooling on a sheet of glass, from many small weak groups we puddled into fewer larger stronger groups—able to do much more, both to the planet and for each other, but also to each other. Once upon a time, getting us to go out and kill or die took flags and banners representing the ruling tribe, and later, an amalgam of nearby ruling tribes. Then it took uniforms and pageants and borders and heroic statues and such. Through all that period, gearing up for war was a long, drawn-out, expensive process, and mostly the resulting armies were small, horse-drawn, and mercenary. But while a rising flight to cities, rising literacy, compulsory schools, and compulsory military service changed the landscape, they didn’t necessarily change the game. Brightly colored postage stamps, specially minted coins, stirring national anthems, spectacular fireworks days, and military parades followed. Then the press added, then radio added, then film added, then TV added. Once masses of us could be more easily reached, masses of us could be more easily manip—er, educated.

As the printing press slashed the cost of books from 1450 to 1500, we made vastly more books. But while idea volume went up, idea reliability didn’t—at least, not at first. It didn’t have to until our credulity began to change. So most of our first printed books were copies of previously popular manuscripts. Nor had that supply-demand relationship necessarily changed 500 years later. In the United States in 1960, we published 15,012 new books, and in 2000, we published 96,080. Wow. So in just 40 years we got six times more new books. Gosh! But that needn’t mean that the ideas in those books were six times more reliable, more insightful, more innovative, more anything. Although it probably did mean that more writers with less to say got more space in which to say it.

Further, all that new data isn’t spreading, nor can it spread, uniformly. A wealth of data means a poverty of attention. We only have so much time to attend to anything. More data needn’t even make us any smarter, or even more informed—it can just make us more quickly and more deeply informed about stuff we wish to be informed about, which might only reinforce our earlier beliefs. So while a lot more data might be out there, what we each hear may only reflect things we want to hear, and deflect things we don’t want to hear. It may not much matter whether either of those is true or not.

Also, like a food web, a large and dense data-flow network supports parasites, and the larger and denser the network, the more parasites it can support. For instance, fossil remnants of parasitic genes take up around two fifths of our genome. So as network linkage rises, that not only means more idea trading, it can also mean more idea raiding, and more idea trashing. Art and graft can become grafitti.

Today, more of us can both talk and listen than ever before—both in terms of the billions who can, and in terms of the proportions of the billions alive. However, while many more of us can talk, we can’t listen to everyone else who’s talking. So will our future be one of considered opinion and careful argument to reach consensus? Not likely. More likely we’ll fragment—listening only to those who agree with us, or to those whom we already agree with. So our mass of talk might more and more become splash and hype and flag-waving. The deeper the pool, the more might we flounder.

It’s hard for us to separate opinion from knowledge. Of all the things it’s possible to know, we don’t know much. So when faced with anything new, we each try to integrate the new thing into our own—admittedly large, but still tiny—mental model of how things might work (which itself is neither complete nor well tested), then try to extend that into what we think (wish?) will be an accurate new model of how things might now work. Sometimes (often? always?) that new model is what we want things to be like, not how things will actually be like. We see what we want to see.

It’s easy, or maybe just comforting, to assume knowledge rather than presume ignorance, so we get many pretenders, and few seekers. We invent a steam printing press, and thus cheap newspapers, but not to spread knowledge, to control and manipulate each other; then next thing you know, we invent tabloid news. We invent radio, but out of it comes talk radio. We invent television, then it’s reality tv. We invent the internet, and soon it’s a medium for cat videos.

Nationalism and the growth of the concept of a nation: The point here is partly based on two books, both of which focus mostly on Europe (although the later does much more than the earlier), but the point is more general than that. The Myth of Nations: The Medieval Origins of Europe, Patrick Geary, Princeton University Press, 2002. Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism, Benedict Anderson, Verso, 1983, especially Chapter 3.

Parasites and fossils on the human genome: Of our whole genome, about 5 percent is functional (that is, goes to protein), around 10 percent is structural (that is, controls protein expression in some way). But LINE and SINE parasitic genes contribute about 20 percent + 11 percent = 31 percent of the genome. ERVs add between 5-8 percent. Transposons add another 3 percent, making up maybe 42 percent of the genome. “A Comparative Assessment of the Pig, Mouse and Human Genomes: Structural and Functional Analysis of Genes Involved in Immunity and Inflammation,” H. D. Dawson, in: The Minipig in Biomedical Research, Peter A. McAnulty, Anthony D. Dayan, Niels-Christian Ganderup, and Kenneth L. Hastings (editors), CRC Press, 2012, pages 323-342.

Growing numbers of books from 1960 to 2000: The Digital Hand: How Computers Changed the Work of American Financial, Telecommunications, Media, and Entertainment Industries, Volume 2, James W. Cortada, Oxford University Press, 2006, page 272.

[“Today, nothing is hidden from our young”]
Nil hodie nostram prolem latet atque iuventam.” [Today, nothing is hidden from our young.] From the 1498 poem, De præstantia artis Impressoriæ, by Sebastian Brant in Basel. He wasn’t the only one praising print before the deluge, among them Frederic Mormann, Rudolf von Langden, Conrad Celtis, but as a German in 1498 he had a special axe to sharpen, especially against the French, Italians, and Greeks... The idea that the printing press will bring about world knowledge was very common... before the powerful reacted. How Invention Begins: Echoes of Old Voices in the Rise of New Machines, John H. Lienhard, Oxford University Press, 2006, page 162. “The Raison d’Être of Fust and Schoeffer’s De Officiis et Paradoxa Stoicorum, 1465, 1466,” M. V. Ronnick, in: Medievalia et Humanistica: Studies in Medieval & Renaissance Culture: Breaching Boundaries, Issue 20, Paul Maurice Clogan (editor), Rowan & Littlefield, 1994, pages 123-136 (page 124). The Correspondence of Johann Amerbach: Early Printing in Its Social Context, translated and edited by Barbara C. Halporn, University of Michigan Press, 2000, page 1. “Friderici Mauri Carmina: An edition with commentary,” P. Schoonbeeg, Wessel Gansfort (1419-1489) and Northern Humanism, F. Akkerman, G. C. Huisman, and A. J. Vanderjagt (editors), E. J. Brill, 1993, pages 325-386 (see pages 365-366, and 385). “Sebastian Brant: Conservative Humanist,” W. Gilbert, Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte, 46(jg):145-167, especially page 159, 1955. Sebastian Brants Narrenschiff, Sebastian Brant, edited by Friedrich Zarncke, Georg Wigands, 1854, page 192 (although note that that transcription, like all later ones, is flawed).

Here’s the whole poem (from Varia Sebastiani Brandt Carmina, Basel, 1498). “Quid sibi docta cohors sibi quid studiosa caterva / gratius, utilius, commodius ve petet? / Quam sanctum, et nuper compertum opus atque lituras / quo premere edocuit grammata multa simul. / Quodque prius scriptis vix ullus mille diebus: / nunc uno solus hac aget arte die. / Rara fuit quondam librorum copia doctis: / rara inquam et paucis bibliotheca fuit. / Singula perque olim vix oppida pagina docta: / nunc per quasque domos multiplicata iacet. / Nuper ab ingenio Rhænanæ: gentis et arte: / librorum emersit copia larga nimis: / et qui divitibus vix regi obvenerat olim: / nunc liber in tenui cernitur esse casa. / Gratia diis primum, mox impressoribus æqua / gratia: quorum opera hæc prima reperta via est. / Quæ doctos latuit Græcos Italusque peritos / ars nova Germano venit ab ingenio. / Dic age si quid habes Latialis cultor agelli: / quod tali invento par sit et æquivalens? / Gallia tuque adeo: recta cervice superbam / quæ præfers frontem par tamen exhibe opus: / Dicite si post hac videatur barbara vena: / Germanis: quorum hic prodiit arte labor? / Cræde mihi cernes (rumparis Romule quamvis) / Pierides Rhæni mox colere arva sui. / Nec solum insigni probitate excellere et armis: / Germanos orbis scæptra tenere simul: / quin etiam ingenio studiis Musisque beatis: / præstare et cunctos vincere in orbe viros: / iampridem in cæpit doctos nutrire Platones: / Theutonia: invenies mox quoque Mæonidas. / Mox tibi vel Celsum dabimus iurisque peritum / Messalam, aut quales Roma vetusta tulit: / iam Cicero in nostra reperitur gente: Maroque: / novimus Ascræi: et cæcucientis opes: / Nil hodie nostram prolem latet atque iuventam: / Rhænus et Europæ fert modo noster aquas. / Cirrha Heliconque sacer nostras migravit ad Alpes. / Hercynium ingressa est Delphica silva nemus. / Iurassi pineta ferunt laurumque hederamque: / Rhetica tellus habet nectar et ambrosiam. / Idque impressorum processit ab arte operaque / nostrorum: hoc fruimur quippe beneficio: / namque volumina tot: totque exemplaria libros / præstiterant nobis: gratia multa viris. / Magna tibi hos inter debetur gratia: nostra / fragmina qui multis fors placitura premis. / Religiosa cohors: grates aget usque pudicis / plus elegis nostris carminibusque piis: / luxuriosa procum dederit quam turba Catullo. / Vel tibi quem pepulit Musa petulca Gethos.

[“Men then will learn that they are brethren.”]
“To the use of such an instrument there can be no limit but the desire of man to converse with man. If from this populous and opulent capital you would speak with any inhabitant of either hemisphere, yon have here an agent which may be brought to do your bidding. If any, however distant, desire to speak with you, they have these means at their command. How great will be the effect of all this upon the civilization of the human race, I do not pretend to forsee. But this I forsee, as all men may, that the necessities of governments, the thirst for knowledge, and the restless activity of commerce, will yet make the telegraph girdle the earth and bind it in a network of electric wire. The Atlantic, the most dangerous and difficult of all the seas, has been crossed. In the Pacific you may pass easily from island to island, till you reach the shores of Eastern Asia. There an American company will take it up and extend it from side to side of the Central Flowery Land. And an English company is about to cross the straits which divide Australia from the elder continent. Indeed, I think that I declare not only what is possible, but what will come to pass within the next decade, when I predict that there will be a telegraph office wherever there is now a post office, and that messages by the telegraph will pass almost as frequently as messages by the mail.

Then the different nations and races of men will stand, as it were, in the presence of one another. They will know one another better. They will act and re-act upon each other. They may be moved by common sympathies and swayed by common interests. Thus the electric spark is the true Promethean fire which is to kindle human hearts. Men then will learn that they are brethren, and that it is not less their interest than their duty to cultivate goodwill and peace throughout the earth.”

Conclusion of speech by David Dudley Field, an important lawyer and law reformer, at the Samuel Morse banquet, Boston, December 29th, 1868. (That’s two years after the laying of the first Atlantic telegraph.) Journal of the Telegraph, 2(3):31, 1869. See also: Life of David Dudley Field, Henry Martyn Field, Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1898.

See also: The Victorian Internet: The Remarkable Story of the Telegraph and the Nineteenth Century’s On-Line Pioneers, Tom Standage, Walker & Company, 1998, pages 83, 90-91, 103-104, 159, 161-163, 207.

[“peace ought to be brought nearer and war be more quickly banished”]
That was William Jennings Bryan. “The radio is the greatest invention placed to the credit of human intelligence. It is the most wonderful thing that man has thus far drawn from God’s storehouse of mysteries. It is so new and has opened a field so large that no one can estimate its future usefulness. Already it has brought music and instruction of many kinds to a constantly increasing number of people. Being interested in the politics of the nation, I welcome the broadcasting station as a great instrumentality for the spread of information. It will not be long before candidates for local offices will be able to address their constituents over the radio just before election, thus being able to take advantage of all the information gained during the campaign. Even presidential candidates can address a large percentage of the nation the day before election concentrating their arguments upon the contested issues and answering any misrepresentations that may have been made.

The abuse of so tremendous an influence would be so harmful, that the Government, acting for all the people, may be relied upon to insure fairness in the use of broadcasting apparatus, and, used with fairness, its value to the public will be inestimable.

It is not too early to calculate the use of the radio as a means of bringing nations into closer communication. When, in November, 1921, President Harding opened the largest wireless telegraph station in the United States, he received answers from twenty-six nations that read his message, the farthest being Australia. Peace ought to be brought nearer and war be more quickly banished from the earth when the executives of all the nations can confer as if around a council table.”

“Radio will Help Bring World Peace,” W. J. Bryan, Wireless Age, 11(8):17, 1924.

There were several similar predictions. A riposte came in 1929:

“Do you remember, a few years ago, how we all felt a vague sort of elation when the wonder of radio came to our attention? Ah, at last, we said, here is something... something... we were not quite sure what. Something overwhelming that was going to broaden American life and culture. Something that was going to bring peace on earth and good will to men. Something that was going to do everything but change the actual physical line of North America. Do you think I exaggerate? Get out the papers of a few years back and read the editorials.

And now we know what we have got in radio—just another disintegrating toy. Just another medium—like the newspapers, the magazines, the billboards, and the mailbox—for advertisers to use in pestering us. A blatant signboard erected in the living room to bring us news of miraculous oil burners, fuel-saving motor cars, cigar lighters that always light. Formerly, despite the movies, the automobile, the correspondence course, and the appalling necessity most of us feel for working at two or three jobs in order to be considered successful, we still had some leisure time. But radio, God’s great gift to man, eliminated that last dangerous chance for Satan to find mischief for idle hands. There is now very little danger that Americans will resort to the vice of thinking. [...]

The marvel of science which was to bring us new points of view, new conceptions of life, has degenerated in most homes into a mere excuse for failing to entertain. Mr. and Mrs. Babbitt, who used to make a feint at conversation by repeating to each other and their guests the ideas which they had gleaned from the editorials in the morning paper, now no longer go to that trouble. Bridge is too much of an exertion. It is not necessary even to serve ice cream and cake. All the modern host needs is his sixteen-tube Super-sophistication and a ration of gin. The guests sit around the radio and sip watered gin and listen to so-called music interspersed with long lists of the bargains to be had at Whosit’s Department Store by those who get down early in the morning. If they are feeling particularly loquacious, they nod to each other. Thus dies the art of conversation. Thus rises the wonder of the century—Radio! [...]

Anyone not knowing America, knowing nothing of radio, knowing nothing of our national temperament, would conclude, seeing these loud speakers stuck up everywhere, that some tremendous message of vital import was being given to the citizenry. If he could not understand the English language—and had no idea what we use the language for, principally—he would expect to see a great change come over the ordinary run of folks after this vital message had been blared forth everywhere day after day, week after week. And, indeed, it would be possible for a change to be effected. Americans—at least ninety per cent of them—spend the larger part of their waking hours snatching dollars from each other, making each other extremely uncomfortable in doing so, and rushing through their short lifetimes hell-bent to arrive somewhere with a fist full of money. A stranger watching their expressions would conclude that they had a straight tip to the effect that if they could only accumulate a million somehow they could purchase an immortality surrounded by oceans of good wine, platoons of willing women, a perfect climate, and free motion pictures.”

“Radio—a Blessing or a Curse?” J. Woodford, The Forum, 81(29):169-171, 1929.

[[children] “are not going to know what nationalism is”]
The 1997 conference speaker was Nicholas Negroponte, head of the MIT Media Laboratory. The Victorian Internet: The Remarkable Story of the Telegraph and the Nineteenth Century’s On-Line Pioneers, Tom Standage, Walker & Company, 1998, pages 207.

On the same page, Standage refers to Michael Dertouzos, head of the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, claiming that: “A common bond reached through electronic proximity may help stave off future flareups of ethnic hatred and national breakups.” What Will Be: How the New World of Information Will Change Our Lives, Michael Dertouzos, HarperCollins, 1997.

[data-rich = attention-poor — a wealth of data creates a poverty of attention — attention economics]
“Last Easter, my neighbors bought their daughter a pair of rabbits. Whether by intent or accident, one was male, one female, and we now live in a rabbit-rich world.... A rabbit-rich world is a lettuce-poor world, and vice versa.... Similarly, in an information-rich world, the wealth of information means a dearth of something else: a scarcity of whatever it is that information consumes. What information consumes is rather obvious: it consumes the attention of its recipients. Hence a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention and a need to allocate that attention efficiently among the overabundance of information sources that might consume it.” From: “Designing Organizations for an Information-Rich World,” H. A. Simon, in: Computers, Communication, and the Public Interest, Martin Greenberger (editor), Johns Hopkins University Press, 1971.
[ease of copying can increase error rate]
This is hardly new. It’s only that now we have better search and record-keeping of it as it happens, so we can see it happen and analyze its effects more easily.

Only about one in five scientists who cite a paper have actually read that paper. “Do you sincerely want to be cited? Or: read before you cite,” M. Simkin, V. Roychowdhury, Significance, 3(4):179-181, 2006. The original: “Read before you cite!” M. V. Simkin, V. P. Roychowdhury, Complex Systems, 14(3):269-274, 2003. See also: “Manipulating the Online Marketplace of Ideas,” X. Lou, A. Flammini, F. Menczer, to appear, 2021?. “Competition among memes in a world with limited attention,” L. Weng, A. Flammini, A. Vespignani, F. Menczer, Scientific Reports, 2:335, 2012. The Half-life of Facts: Why Everything We Know Has an Expiration Date, Samuel Arbesman, Penguin, 2012. The Production of Knowledge: The Challenge of Social Science Research, William Starbuck, Oxford University Press, 2006.

“We are predisposed to see order, pattern and meaning in the world and we find randomness, chaos and meaninglessness unsatisfying. Human nature abhors a lack of predictability and an absence of meaning. As a consequence, we tend to ‘see’ order where there is none and we spot meaningful patterns where only the vagaries of chance are operating.” How We Know What Isn’t So, Thomas Gilovich, Free Press, 1991, page 9.

This idea goes way back. Here’s Jonathan Swift in 1710: “Few Lyes carry the Inventor’s Mark, and the most prostitute Enemy to Truth may spread a thousand, without being known for the Author. Besides, as the vilest Writer hath his Readers, so the greatest Lyar hath his Believers; and it often happens, that if a Lye be believ’d only for an Hour, it has done its Work, and there is no farther Occasion for it. Falshood flies, and Truth comes limping after it; so that when Men come to be undeceiv’d, it is too late; the Jest is over, and the Tale has had its Effect: Like a Man who has thought of a good Repartee, when the discourse is changed, or the Company parted: or like a Physician, who hath found out an infallible Medicine, after the Patient is dead.” The Examiner, No. XIV (Thursday, November 9th, 1710) A Modest Proposal and Other Prose, Jonathan Swift, Barnes & Noble Publishing, 2004, pages 195-196.

Chapter 7. The How and the Why: Life

[Nietzsche quote]
“If we possess our why of life we can put up with almost any how. — Man does not strive after happiness; only the Englishman does that. “Maxims and Arrows,” number 12, The Twilight of the Idols and the Anti-Christ, Friedrich Nietzsche, translated by R. J. Hollingdale, Penguin, 1990, page 33.

Sparks of Life

[is the swarm alive is an absurd question... Bohr quote]
Asking whether our swarm (if there even is such a thing) might be alive seems like an absurd question—and perhaps it is. But sometimes absurd questions might be useful. The following story about physicists Bohr and Pauli suggests why.

“A few months ago two of the great historic figures of European physics, Werner Heisenberg and Wolfgang Pauli, believed that they had made an essential step forward in the direction of a theory of elementary particles. Pauli happened to be passing through New York, and was prevailed upon to give a lecture explaining the new ideas to an audience that included Niels Bohr, who had been mentor to both Heisenberg and Pauli in their days of glory thirty years earlier when they made their great discoveries. Pauli spoke for an hour, and then there was a general discussion during which he was criticized sharply by the younger generation. Finally Bohr was called on to make a speech summing up the argument. ‘We are all agreed,’ he said, ‘that your theory is crazy. The question which divides us is whether it is crazy enough to have a chance of being correct. My own feeling is that it is not crazy enough.’

The objection that they are not crazy enough applies to all the attempts which have so far been launched at a radically new theory of elementary particles. It applies especially to crackpots. Most of the crackpot papers which are submitted to the Physical Review are rejected, not because it is impossible to understand them, but because it is possible. Those that are impossible to understand are usually published. When the great innovation appears, it will almost certainly be in a muddled, incomplete and confusing form. To the discoverer himself it will be only half-understood; to everybody else it will be a mystery. For any speculation which does not at first glance look crazy, there is no hope.

The pace of fundamental advance in physics is set by human stupidity. The pace is, and has always been, very slow. The rapid expansion of experimental work in the last ten years has had the consequence that experimental knowledge is now far ahead of theory. This is a healthy situation. But fundamental understanding will not be hurried. It could easily happen that all conceivable experiments that can be done with accelerators by bashing elementary particles together will be done, and the results will be accurately recorded, and still we will have no understanding of what is happening. Then we will have to sit and wait for ideas, or for radically new kinds of experiments. Somehow, sometimes, we believe the logjam will be broken. But we can push at only one log at a time, and few of them move when we push them.”

From: “Innovation in Physics,” F. J. Dyson, Scientific American, 199(3):74-82, 1958. Reprinted in: From Eros to Gaia, Freeman Dyson, Random House Canada, 1992, Chapter 9.

[Aristotle on signs of life]
He imagined that there were three hierarchical levels of capacities, mirroring three levels of organisms: plants, animals, and us. corresponding levels of soul, or biological activity: plants can’t move or reason but can eat and grow; animals can’t reason but can eat and grow and move, and we can do all things.

“We must maintain, further, that the soul is also the cause of the living body as the original source of local movement. The power of locomotion is not found, however, in all living things. But change of quality and change of quantity are also due to the soul. Sensation is held to be a qualitative alteration, and nothing except what has soul in it is capable of sensation. The same holds of the quantitative changes which constitute growth and decay; nothing grows or decays naturally except what feeds itself, and nothing feeds itself except what has a share of soul in it.” The Works of Aristotle, Volume III: De Anima, Book II, Chapter 4, J. A. Smith and W. D. Ross (editors), translated by J. A. Smith, Oxford University Press, 1931, page 116.

[definition of life still unresolved]
Life still has no single, widely accepted definition among biologists, xenobiologists, geobiologists, physicists, and philosophers. Currently, there are 123 definitions of living things. (See Trifonov, 2011, below).

Cronin and Walker argue that definitions of life should become more information-theoretic. “Beyond prebiotic chemistry: What dynamic network properties allow the emergence of life?” L. Cronin, S. I. Walker, Science, 352(6290):1174-1175, 2016.

The working definition of NASA’s astrobiology program, which included biochemist Gerald Joyce of the Scripps Research Institute is: “Life is a self-sustaining chemical system capable of Darwinian evolution.” From: “Forming a Definition for Life: Interview with Gerald Joyce,” Astrobiology Magazine, July 25th, 2013. “The RNA World: Life before DNA and Protein,” G. F. Joyce, in: Extraterrestrials: Where are They? Ben Zuckerman and Michael H. Hart (editors), Cambridge University Press, 1995, Second Edition, pages 139-151.

Machery argues that definitions of life are pointless (if scientific) since astrobiology, artificial life, evolutionary biology, and other branches of biology (synthetic, molecular, origin of life) are interested in different things, and pointless if not, since for folk definitions no one can agree on edge cases (like crystals, fire, mules, and so on).

“Life definitionists have too often been careless: They have constantly mixed folk intuitions with scientific considerations. However, they have to decide whether the notion of life at stake is the folk concept of life or a scientific concept. In the first case, there is little hope of finding a definition of life since, like most folk concepts, the folk concept of life is not a definition, and it is unlikely to yield a set of intuitive judgments about what is alive that can be captured by a definition non-arbitrarily. In the second case, life can perhaps be defined. However, because the study of life spreads over several disciplines, life definitionists are likely to end up with several, intensionally and extensionally different definitions of life without having any means to choose between them. Defining life is then likely to be pointless.” From: “Why I stopped worrying about the definition of life... and why you should as well,” E. Machery, Synthese, 185(1):145-164, 2012.

Trifonov did a word-cloud analysis of all 123 known definitions to find that the most common ‘traits’ mentioned were self-reproduction and evolution. “Analysis of the vocabulary of 123 tabulated definitions of life reveals nine groups of defining terms (definientia) of which the groups (self-)reproduction and evolution (variation) appear as the minimal set for a concise and inclusive definition: Life is self-reproduction with variations.” From: “Vocabulary of Definitions of Life Suggests a Definition,” E. N. Trifonov, Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 29(2):259-266, 2011.

See also: “What is life?” M. A. Bedau, in: A Companion to the Philosophy of Biology, S. Sarkar and A. Plutynski (editors), Blackwell, 2007, pages 455-471. “Definitely life but not definitively,” J. D. Oliver, R. S. Perry, Origins of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere: The Journal of the International Society for the Study of the Origin of Life, 36(5-6):515-521, 2006. Between Probability and Necessity: Searching for the Definition and Origin of Life, Radu Popa, Springer, 2004. “Defining ‘Life’,” C. E. Cleland, C. F. Chyba, Origins of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere: The Journal of the International Society for the Study of the Origin of Life, 32(4):387-393, 2002. “The Seven Pillars of Life,” D. E. Koshland, Jr., Science, 295(5563):2215-2216, 2002.

[prions can form quasi-species]
“Darwinian Evolution of Prions in Cell Culture,” J. Li, S. Browning, S. P. Mahal, A. M. Oelschlegel, C. Weissmann, Science, 327(5967):869-872, 2010.
[bacteria swimming toward sugar]
The example has been used by Varela as an example of autopoiesis (that is, self-maintenance). “Patterns of Life: Intertwining Identity and Cognition,” F. J. Varela, Brain and Cognition, 34(1):72-87, 1997.
[Aristotle speaks from ignorance]
That is of course unprovable, despite, for example, Spinoza’s faux math attempt to prove it. Ethics, Benedict Spinoza, translated by W. H. White and A. H. Stirling, Wordsworth, 2001, page 35 and pages following.
[4,357 genes]
The reference is to the K-12 strain of the Escherichia coli bacterium. It’s given simply for definiteness.
[the microbe is nothing but a bag full of many copies of proteins...]
That’s only true to a first approximation. Besides proteins, and control genes, there are epigenetic effects, and also small RNAs and small peptides of unknown function. Also, in eukaryotes, much DNA is transcribed but not expressed, or they are expressed, but are degraded before apparent use. “The development of new technologies, including high-resolution tiling arrays and second-generation sequencing (e.g. RNA-Seq), has revealed that a large fraction of the eukaryotic genome is transcribed, even in areas previously thought to be transcriptionally inactive, such as non-coding regions. While providing us with novel information about genome-wide occupancy of the transcriptional machinery, these observations also raise a major question as to whether the RNAs transcribed from these regions have any biological functions or are they just transcriptional noise that is ultimately degraded by the RNA surveillance pathways.” From: “Non-coding RNAs in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: What is the function?” J. Wu, D. Delneri, R. T. O’Keefe, Biochemical Society Transactions, 40(4):907-911, 2012.
[no ‘invisible desire’]
At this level of description, terms like desire are operationally undefined. However, bacteria are more than mere autopoietic systems in that they are adaptive (perhaps via their hereditary mechanism, perhaps in some metabolic sense we don’t understand yet, perhaps both), and (philosophically speaking) adaptivity may be said to be the basis for some form of teleology and even agency on the part of even a bacterium. “Autopoiesis, adaptivity, teleology, agency,” E. A. Di Paolo, Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 4(4):429-452, 2005.
[where did the first microbe come from?]
The main problem with trying to figure out the origin of life is that living things ramify over time. After 4 thousand million years a lot has changed, including the atmosphere, the continents, the earth itself, and even the solar system. In essence, we’re looking at today’s superhighways and trying to infer the original forest paths that led to them.

There are four main theories for the origin of life.

  • [Heritage-First] Life developed from some early form of RNA inside a cell then developed a metabolism around that.
  • [Eating-First] Life developed from some early form of metabolism inside a cell then developed a hereditary mechanism around that.
  • [Cell-First] Life developed as cells first then developed a metabolism and a hereditary mechanism inside those.
  • Life did all three (that is, it developed some sort of early cell and some form of early metabolism and some type of early heredity, which then all together grew more complex and interdependent).
The treatment in the text follows a version of Eating-First, although currently Heritage-First (via RNA) gets the most support among most scientists. Here is a sampling of some recent work on the different hypotheses: Modelling Protocells: The Emergent Synchronization of Reproduction and Molecular Replication, Roberto Serra and Marco Villani, Springer, 2017. “How did LUCA make a living? Chemiosmosis in the origin of life,” N. Lane, J. F. Allen, W. Martin, BioEssays, 32(4):271-280, 2010. “Generation of Long RNA Chains in Water,” G. Costanzo, S. Pino, F. Ciciriello, E. Di Mauro, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 284(48):33206-33216, 2009. “Formation of Protocell-like Vesicles in a Thermal Diffusion Column,” I. Budin, R. J. Bruckner, J. W. Szostak, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131(28):9628-9629, 2009. “Synthesis of activated pyrimidine ribonucleotides in prebiotically plausible conditions,” M. W. Powner, B. Gerland, J. D. Sutherland, Nature, 459(7244):239-242, 2009. “Self-Sustained Replication of an RNA Enzyme,” T. A. Lincoln, G. A. Joyce, Science, 323(5918):1229-1232, 2009. Protocells: Bridging Nonliving and Living Matter, Steen Rasmussen, Mark A. Bedau, Liaohai Chen, David Deamer, David C. Krakauer, Norman H. Packard, and Peter F. Stadler (editors), The MIT Press, 2008. “Lipid-assisted synthesis of RNA-like polymers from mononucleotides,” S. Rajamani, A. Vlassov, S. Benner, A. Coombs, F. Olasagasti, D. Deamer, Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres, 38(1):57-74, 2008. “Hydrothermal vents and the origin of life,” W. Martin, J. Baross, D. Kelley, M. J. Russell, Nature Reviews Microbiology, 6(11):805-814, 2008. “On the origin of biochemistry at an alkaline hydrothermal vent,” W. Martin, M. J. Russell, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, B, 362(1486):1887-1926, 2007. “Self replicating systems,” V. Patzke, G. von Kiedrowski, Arkivoc, v:293-310, 2007. Genesis: The Scientific Quest for Life’s Origins, Robert M. Hazen, Joseph Henry Press, 2005. “Design of a directed molecular network,” G. Ashkenasy, R. Jegasia, M. Yadav, M. R. Ghadiri, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 101(30):10872-10877, 2004.

The word ‘catalyst’ derives from the Greek, καταλύειν, meaning ‘to destroy, to put down, to dissolve,’ but more generally, it’s an aid to any chemical reaction, not just those that break but also those that build, or rearrange. Chemists sometimes call a catalyst a ‘chemical parson,’ since it can aid in the union of two others without itself being altered. If A, B, and C are molecules that react together to make D and also C again, then C is a catalyst of the reaction that makes D from A and B.
A + B + C D + C
In more complex reactions, A and B might, together with C, make D and E, while E and A might make F, which with B might make C. That is,
A + B + C D + E
A + E F
B + F C
With respect to those three reactions, C is a catalyst. Even though it’s first consumed, then recreated, the net effect is for it to enhance the reactions yet remain at the end to influence more reactions.
[the importance of catalysis]
It’s not merely that catalysts dramatically speed up (or slow down) reactions, but also that they speed up reactions to roughly the same range of speeds (at least at room temperature—25 degrees Centigrade). That’s important for living things because they also need to link up their reactions, and if reactions work at wildly varying speeds, the whole network of reactions would fall apart. “The Depth of Chemical Time and the Power of Enzymes as Catalysts,” R. Wolfenden, M. J. Snider, Accounts of Chemical Research, 34(12):938-945, 2001.
[ATP production]
Organisms produce ATP in three basic ways: oxidative phosphorylation, photophosphorylation, and substrate-level phosphorylation. Prokaryotes produce ATP both in their cell wall and in their cytosol by glycolysis. Eukaryotes produce ATP in chloroplasts (for plants), or in mitochondria (for both plants and animals). Microbiology, Daniel Lim, William C. Brown/McGraw Hill, Second Edition, 1998, page 149.
[ATP consumption speeds]
Each adult typically uses up their body weight of ATP over the course of the day. Each equivalent of ATP is recycled 1000-1500 times during a single day. Pediatric Critical Care, Bradley P. Fuhrman and Jerry J. Zimmerman, Elsevier, 2011, pages 1058-1072. The Energy of Life: The Science of What Makes our Minds and Bodies Work, Guy Brown, Free Press, 1999, page 11 and pages 30-33.
[autocatalysis is a special case of synergy]
Strictly speaking, a reaction network consisting of a single reaction that is autocatalytic is also a synergetic reaction network. Not every autocatalytic reaction is itself synergetic since synergy is a property that applies to reaction networks, not reactions themselves. Synergy is emergent. Autocatalysis is not.
[evolution may not need genes]
Self-helping molecules might cast doubt on the centrality of genes in what may have been the first ‘life-like’ thing almost four billion years ago. All living things that we today know of have genes. But that needn’t mean that the first things that were in some sense ‘life-like’ also had them. For instance, suppose we came across a cell-sized thing that has no genes, just proteins. However, its soup of proteins just happen to work together to make more copies of themselves so that if, for whatever reason, it happens to divide into separate parts, at least one of those parts might have most of the proteins that it would need to go through the division cycle again. If any copies of such a cell-like thing persist, they might well begin to replicate (not reproduce) and maybe even change as their surroundings change. Could something like that be the start of a chain of reaction networks that one day might lead to ‘living’ things?

A molecular biologist might say that metabolic networks need not be template autocatalytic, they can instead be synergetic, in the sense used in the text (also called ‘collectively autocatalytic’ or ‘network autocatalytic’ in the literature.) That may have been how they started 3.5 thousand million or more years ago. Depending on changes in the environment—what molecules rose in concentration or fell in concentration, what new molecules became available, what others vanished—a synergetic network, if robust enough, might change to accommodate external change.

Further, so-called ‘feed-down’ synergetic networks replicate themselves by their very metabolism. The Krebs cycle built on citric acid is an example. So evolution may not have needed template autocatalysis (promoted by things like DNA or even RNA) to get going. But, really, right now we have no idea.

The Emergence of Everything: How the World Became Complex, Harold J. Morowitz, Oxford University Press, 2002, page 74.

However, Orgel had this to say: “Lack of specificity rather than inadequate efficiency may be the predominant barrier to the existence of complex autocatalytic cycles of almost any kind.” From: “The implausibility of Metabolic Cycles on the Prebiotic Earth,” L. E. Orgel, PLoS Biology, 6(1):e18, 2008. In the absence of definite knowledge and meaningful labwork, debate (or perhaps just wild speculation...) continues.

Diversity and Density

[meaning of a random network]
To a mathematician, one meaning of a ‘random network’ is that no part of the network’s structure or dynamics can be deduced, at reasonable cost and speed, from any other part of the network.

There are, however, may different ways to give meaning to the term ‘random’ because our everyday notion of what ‘random’ means is very fuzzy. In statistics and probability theory, a random process is often taken to mean the same thing as a stochastic process, but since, outside mathematically technical fields, ‘random’ is a common word and ‘stochastic’ is rare, the text draws the distinction. In mathematics and computer science, a random process can have several definitions depending on what we choose to consider important at the time.

The simplified version that the text gives corresponds to what computer scientists call Kolmogorov complexity. A process is said to be random in that sense if its sequence of states isn’t very compressible—that is, if there’s no significantly shorter algorithm to produce the sequence other than to list the sequence itself. By that definition, nearly all possible sequences are random. (Note that that’s different from saying that all possible processes are random.) The only sequences that aren’t random in that sense possess some pattern (which is what would make them compressible). Determined ones (more normally called deterministic in computer science) however, are highly compressible. (Note that a sequence can appear random yet still be determined; chaos theory is all about such sequences.) In time series analysis, a roughly analogous statement would be that a sequence can be non-singular (that is, not deterministic) and also non-regular (that is, not purely nondeterminstic). More strictly, it’s a non-stationary, non-ergodic stochastic process. Or to put it more prosaically, usually a sequence has both signal and noise. It’s almost never pure signal or pure noise. Long-Memory Time Series: Theory and Methods, Wilfredo Palma, Wiley, 2007. Probability, Random Variables and Random Signal Principles, P. Z. Peebles, McGraw-Hill Inc., 2001. An Introduction to Kolmogorov Complexity and Its Applications, Ming Li and Paul Vitányi, Springer, Second Edition, 1997.

[building a self-maintaining machine]
For a slick mathematical formalism, based on the work of the late Robert Rosen, of a related way of stating the problem of synergy, see: “Organizational invariance and metabolic closure: analysis in terms of (M, R) systems,” J. C. Letelier, J. Soto-Andrade, F. Guinez Abarzua, A. Cornish-Bowden, M. Luz Cardenas, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 238(4):949-61, 2006.

Also, John von Neumann solved, in theory, the related problem of self-building automata (at least with Turing-complete automata) long ago. “Von Neumann’s Self-Reproducing Automata,” 491-552, in: Papers of John Von Neumann on Computing and Computer Theory, William Aspray and Arthur Burks (editors), The MIT Press, 1987.

[theoretically, synergy is mathematically near-certain]
At the moment, the result is based solely on mathematical modeling and computer simulation, so it is pure speculation. However, the model’s probabilistic assumptions are quite weak, so it is unlikely to be an incorrect result for the real cosmos. What is missing from the theory thus far is any grounding in real organisms. The theory is not yet mature enough to incorporate realistic concentrations of molecular species. Nor does it handle the question of selection for molecular transport within the forming network. Nor does it encompass inhibition as well as excitation. (Catalyts can suppress reactions as well as excite them.) In short, there’s still a long way to go, but this seems a promising way of viewing the possible origin of life after millennia of cluelessness.

A lot of this started with the work of Stuart Kauffman. “A History of Autocatalytic Sets: A Tribute to Stuart Kauffman,” W. Hordijk, Biological Theory, 14(4):224-246, 2019. “Autocatalytic networks in biology: structural theory and algorithms,” M. Steel, W. Hordijk, J. C. Xavier, Journal of the Royal Society, Interface, 16(151):2018. “Population dynamics of autocatalytic sets in a compartmentalized spatial world,” W. Hordijk, J. Naylor, N. Krasnogor, H. Fellermann, Life, 8(3):33, 2018. “Coupled catabolism and anabolism in autocatalytic RNA sets,” S. Arsène, S. Ameta, N. Lehman, A. D. Griffiths, P. Nghe, Nucleic Acids Research, 46(18):9660-9666, 2018. “Chasing the tail: The emergence of autocatalytic networks,” W. Hordijk, M. Steel, BioSystems, 152:1-10, 2017. “Autocatalytic sets in E. coli metabolism,” F. L. Sousa, W. Hordijk, M. Steel, W. F. Martin, Journal of Systems Chemistry, 6:4, 2015. “Algorithms for detecting and analysing autocatalytic sets,” W. Hordijk, J. I. Smith, M. Steel, Algorithms for Molecular Biology, 10:15, 2015. “Spontaneous network formation among cooperative RNA replicators,” N. Vaidya, M. L. Manapat, I. A. Chen, R. Xulvi-Brunet, E. J. Hayden, N. Lehman, Nature, 491(7422):72-77, 2012. “The structure of autocatalytic sets: Evolvability, enablement, and emergence,” W. Hordijk, M. Steel, S. Kauffman, Acta Biotheoretica, 60(4):379-392, 2012. “Evolution before genes,” V. Vasas, C. Fernando, M. Santos, S. Kauffman, E. Szathmáry, Biology Direct, 7:1, 2012. “Mechanosensitive Self-Replication Driven by Self-Organization,” J. M. A. Carnall, C. A. Waudby, A. M. Belenguer, M. C. A. Stuart, J. J.-P. Peyralans, S. Otto, Science, 327(5972):1502-1506, 2010. “Lack of evolvability in self-sustaining autocatalytic networks: A constraint on the metabolism-first path to the origin of life,” V. Vasas, E. Szathmáry, M. Santos, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(4):1470-1475, 2010. “Autocatalytic Sets and the Origin of Life,” W. Hordijk, J. Hein, M. Steel, Entropy, 12(7):1733-1742, 2010. “Lack of evolvability in self-sustaining autocatalytic networks constraints metabolism-first scenarios for the origin of life,” V. Vasas, E. Szathmáry, M. Santos, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(4):1470-1475, 2010. “Question 1: Origin of Life and the Living State,” S. Kauffman, Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres, 37(4-5):315-322, 2007. “Random biochemical networks: the probability of self-sustaining autocatalysis,” E. Mossel, M. Steel, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 233(3):327-336, 2005. “On the crucial stages in the origin of animate matter,” S. Lifson, Journal of Molecular Evolution, 44(1):1-8, 1997. The Origins of Order: Self-Organization and Selection in Evolution, Stuart Kauffman, Oxford University Press, 1993.

Incidentally, Kauffman deserves credit not just for this work but also for being one of the first to think up and follow through on modeling autocatalytic sets (and now gene regulatory networks) with boolean networks, which are much simpler, and more mathematically (and computationally) tractable. The following paper goes into more mathematical details of the spontaneous evolution and repeated catastrophes of synergetic (that is, collectively autocatalytic) sets: “Graph Theory and the Evolution of Autocatalytic Networks,” S. Jain, S. Krishna, Handbook of Graphs and Networks: From the Genome to the Internet, Stefan Bornholdt and Heinz Georg Schuster (editors), Wiley-VCH, 2003, pages 355-395.

[a suggestion of why synergy is mathematically near-certain]
Very roughly speaking, synergy is likely to happen when the chance that several nodes having many potential connections to other nodes is high enough. A common example in the networking literature is the idea behind ‘six degrees of separation,’ which was first named in a 1990 play by John Guare, although the first known mention of it goes back to a short story named “Chains,” written in 1929 by Hungarian author Frigyes Karinthy. The idea is that you can get a letter from one person to another no matter where they are if you ask each person that the letter reaches to mail it on to someone else who might be more likely to know the target recipient. Supposedly it only takes six or so hops to get from anyone to anyone. (That’s also the basis of a popular parlor game, the Kevin Bacon Game.) However, it’s all based on work by Milgram that was mostly misreported, or madeup. Of the letters he sent, only three percent ever actually got delivered. Of those, they took around five to seven hops on average. Small Worlds: The Dynamics of Networks between Order and Randomness, Duncan J. Watts, Princeton University Press, 1999.

Several later books, with varying levels of mathematical sophistication, have the same connectivity theme: Six Degrees: The Science of a Connected Age, Duncan J. Watts, W. W. Norton, 2003. Linked: The New Science of Networks, Albert-László Barabási, Perseus Publishing, 2002. Nexus: Small Worlds and the Groundbreaking Science of Networks, Mark Buchanan, W. W. Norton, 2002.

However, note that the claims made in each of those books about an absence of prior research needs to be treated with caution, as their authors seem to be largely ignorant of earlier relevant research in sociology. See, for example: “Social Physics and Social Newtworks,” J. Scott, in: The SAGE Handbook of Social Network Analysis, John Scott and Peter J. Carrington (editors), SAGE Publications Ltd., 2011, pages 55-66. “Small-World Networks, Complex Systems and Sociology,” N. Crossley, Sociology, 42(2):261-277, 2008.

The usual probabilistic network connectivity argument is an intuitive version of the original, more technical, mathematical argument on the evolution of connectivity in random graphs: the appearance of a giant connected component happens abruptly during edge addition. “On the Evolution of Random Graphs,” Paul Erdös and Alfred Rényi, Magyar Tud. Akad. Mat. Kutató Int. Közl., (Publications of the Mathematical Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences) 5:17-61, 1960. See, for example: Graphical Evolution: An Introduction to the Theory of Random Graphs, Edgar M. Palmer, John Wiley & Sons, 1985.

Entelechy Shmentelechy

[Aristotle on spontaneous generation of life]
That’s an idea that he seems to have swiped from Anaximander, who lived over two centuries before he did. “Animals and plants come into being in earth and in liquid because there is water in earth, and air in water, and in all air is vital heat so that in a sense all things are full of soul. Therefore living things form quickly whenever this air and vital heat are enclosed in anything. When they are so enclosed, the corporeal liquids being heated, there arises as it were a frothy bubble.” The Works of Aristotle, Volume V: De Generatione Animalium, Book III, Part II, J. A. Smith and W. D. Ross (editors), translated by Arthur Platt, Oxford University Press, 1912, page 762. See also: Aristotle on Teleology, Monte Ransome Johnson, Oxford University Press, 2005, page 200. (Note: Johnson quotes the Platt translation.)

Frampton gives a somewhat more colorful reading, hewing closer to the original Greek: “Animals and plants come into being in earth and in liquid because there is water in earth, and pneuma in water, and in all pneuma is psychical heat, so that in a sense all things are full of soul. Therefore, living things form quickly whenever this pneuma and psychical heat are enclosed in anything. When they are so enclosed, the corporeal liquids being heated, there arises, as it were, a frothy bubble similar to semen.” Embodiments of Will: Anatomical and Physiological Theories of Voluntary Animal Motion from Greek Antiquity to the Latin Middle Ages, 400 B.C.-A.D. 1300, Michael Frampton, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG, 2008, page 85. See also: “Spontaneous Generation and Kindred Notions in Antiquity,” E. S. McCartney, Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association, 51:101-115, 1920.

At least some of what Aristotle said may be him passing off local myth as his own thought. For instance, he thought that eels sprang from mud. But then, perhaps that’s just because he couldn’t figure out how they had sex. On cutting them open, he couldn’t see any sex organs. Clams, and mussels, and many other small animals, including most insects, also probably puzzled him. In all such cases, either their gonads are too small for him to see with his naked eye, or they develop only when he can’t get at them. So maybe that’s why he just assumed that they simply spring into being.

Nor is that silly. After all, many of us believed the same at least until around 1880. And some of us still believe it. Sparks of Life: Darwinism and the Victorian Debates over Spontaneous Generation, James E. Strick, Harvard University Press, 2000.

[Aristotle’s beliefs]
Aristotle got many things right but he also got many things wrong. For example, he thought that male humans, sheep, goats, and pigs have more teeth than their female counterparts. And he thought that men are hotter than women. (The reverse is true; and no, a joke here would be too obvious to tell.) “We have, then, previously spoken elsewhere of both the body as a whole and its parts, explaining what each part is and for what reason it exists. But (1) the male and female are distinguished by a certain capacity and incapacity. (For the male is that which can concoct the blood into semen and which can form and secrete and discharge a semen carrying with it the principle of form—by ‘principle’ I do not mean a material principle out of which comes into being an offspring resembling the parent, but I mean the first moving cause, whether it have power to act as such in the thing itself or in something else—but the female is that which receives semen, indeed, but cannot form it for itself or secrete or discharge it.) And (2) all concoction works by means of heat. Therefore the males of animals must needs be hotter than the females.” The Works of Aristotle, Volume V: De Generatione Animalium, Book IV, section 1, J. A. Smith and W. D. Ross (editors), translated by Arthur Platt, Oxford University Press, Second Edition, 1912. For his views on the number of teeth in males and females, see: The Works of Aristotle, Volume IV: Historia Animalium, Book II, Part III, J. A. Smith and W. D. Ross (editors), translated by D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson, Oxford University Press, 1912.

Today, many tales are told about Aristotle as if to make fun of him. But he was a far more subtle thinker than they might suggest. For example, a Greek belief at the time held that blacks had black semen. That particular Greek folktale goes back at least as far as Herodotus, 2,400 years ago: “...The sexual intercourse of all these Indians that I have been describing takes place in the open, as with cattle; and all have skin of the same colour, like that of Ethiopians: and the semen that they emit when they have intercourse is not white like other men’s, but as black as their skins; and so is the Ethiopians’.” The Histories of Herodotus of Halicarnassus, Herodotus, Book III, section 101, translated by Harry Carter, The Heritage Press, 1958, page 206. Aristotle debunked it. “Herodotus does not report the truth when he says that the semen of the Aethiopians is black, as if everything must needs be black in those who have a black skin.” The Works of Aristotle, Volume V: De Generatione Animalium, Book II, section 2, J. A. Smith and W. D. Ross (editors), translated by Arthur Platt, Oxford University Press, Second Edition, 1912.

Aristotle wrote extensively on the question of what life is and he gave several different definitions but the one most commonly used is the one where he defines it in terms of hierarchical ‘souls’ (capacities for various behaviors). However, for millennia, many of us around the world identified life the same way—namely, with the things that living things do, most especially breathing.

The relating of breath and ‘life-force’ is a common idea. It shows itself in the word spiritus in Latin, pneuma in Greek, ruah in Hebrew, ruh in Arabic, qi in Mandarin, ki in Japanese, prana in Sanskrit, ka in Ancient Egyptian, awen in Welsh, ai in Irish, and Silap Inua in Inuit.

[Lucretius and some of his beliefs]
For example, here is Lucretius on the sun:

“Nec nimio solis maior rota nec minor ardor / esse potest nostris quam sensibus esse videtur. / nam quibus e spatiis cumque ignes lumina possunt / adiicere et calidum membris adflare vaporem, / nil illa his intervallis de corpore libant / flammarum, nil ad speciem est contractior ignis. / proinde, calor quoniam solis lumenque profusum / perveniunt nostros ad sensus et loca fulgent, / forma quoque hinc solis debet filumque videri, / nil adeo ut possis plus aut minus addere, vere.”

“The wheel of the sun and its heat cannot be much greater or less than is perceived by our senses. For from whatever distances fires can project light and breathe warm heat upon our bodies, they diminish nothing by these intervals from their mass of flame, and the fire is made no narrower to the eye. Therefore, since the sun’s heat and flooding light reach to our senses and the world shines with its rays, the shape also of the sun and its size must so truly be seen from the earth that you can add nothing at all to it and take nothing away.”

De Rerum Natura, Lucretius, Book V, 564-574, Lucretius: On the Nature of Things, by Titus Lucretius Carus, translated by W. H. D. Rouse and M. F. Smith, (Loeb Classical Library No. 181), Second Revised Edition, Harvard University Press, 1924, pages 422-423.

For his beliefs on spontaneous life from damp earth (which influenced Athanasius Kircher in the seventeenth century, and his views on the plague), see: Book VI, lines 1093-1102, pages 575-577. See also: Book II 1150-60, Book V, 797-98, and 827-36. “Mater Matters: The Female in Lucretius’ De Rerum Natura,” G. S. Nugent, Colby Quarterly, 30(3):179-205, 1994. And: “Spontaneous Generation in Lucretius III, 713-740,” W. M. Read, The Classical Journal, 36(1):38-40, 1940.

“Happy Violence: Bentley, Lucretius, and the Prehistory of Freethinking,” J. C. Williams, Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture, 1660-1700, 38(1):61-80, 2014. The Swerve: How the World Became Modern, Stephen Greenblatt, W. W. Norton, 2011.

[Aristotle on the soul]
Most of his writings on this subject are concentrated in De Anima (often translated as On the Soul.). The word he used for the ‘breath of life’ (often translated as ‘soul’) is psychē (ψυχή) which actually had two related meanings with no single word in English capturing the full meaning. For example, he didn’t postulate that the soul survives the body’s death. For him, the soul had nothing to do with personality (although he posits that it can have some aspects of intellect, he means the propensity for intelligence, not intelligence itself). In his model, the soul doesn’t ‘wear’ the body, looking out through the body’s eyes, as it were. Rather, it is the capacity for certain kinds of bodily activities (like nutrition, sensation, intellect, and such). A body without some such capacities is meaningless. Similarly, a bundle of capacities without a body to inform is meaningless.

“And for this reason those have the right conception who believe that the soul does not exist without a body and yet is not itself a kind of body. For it is not a body, but something which belongs to a body, and for this reason exists in a body, and a body of such and such a kind.” Book II, Chapter 2, 414a19ff. De Anima, Aristotle, Books II and III (With Passages from Book I), translated by D. W. Hamlyn, Oxford University Press, Second Edition, 1993, page 14. The older (standard) translation is: “Hence the rightness of the view that the soul cannot be without a body, while it cannot be a body; it is not a body but something relative to a body. That is why it is in a body, and a body of a definite kind. It was a mistake, therefore, to do as former thinkers did, merely to fit it into a body without adding a definite specification of the kind or character of that body. Reflection confirms the observed fact; the actuality of any given thing can only be realized in what is already potentially that thing, i.e. in a matter of its own appropriate to it. From all this it follows that soul is an actuality or formulable essence of something that possesses a potentiality of being besouled.” The Works of Aristotle, Volume III: De Anima, Book II, Chapter 4, J. A. Smith and W. D. Ross (editors), translated by J. A. Smith, Oxford University Press, 1931. A literal translation might go something like this: “And for this reason those have the right conception who hold that the soul does not exist without a body and yet is not itself a kind of body. For it... exists in a... body of such and such a kind. Not as our predecessors supposed, when they fitted it to... (just any kind of) body... it is clear that one chance thing does not receive another.”

However, in other parts of the same book, he tells us that ‘active intellect’ is eternal. He can’t quite seem to decide. Plato, his tutor, was quite firmly in the dualist camp: the soul was a separate and surviving thing. Essays on Aristotle’s De Anima, Martha C. Nussbaum and Amélie Oksenberg Rorty (editors), Oxford University Press, 1995, especially Chapters 4, 6, 7, and 10. “Aristotle’s Definition of the Soul and the Programme of the De Anima,” S. Menn, in: Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy: Summer 2002, David Sedley (editor), Oxford University Press, 2002, pages 83-140.

[biochemical catalysts]
Biochemists typically call catalysts ‘enzymes’ (which originally just meant ‘in yeast’). So an enzyme is a macromolecule that acts as a catalyst. Most are proteins, but some are RNA enzymes (also called ribozymes, and not to be confused with ribosomes, which build proteins from sequences of amino acids when given mRNA).

There are other kinds of enzymes than the two described in the text (which are the lyases, which cut, and the ligases, which join). Some, like the transferases, both cut and join. Some, like the isomerases, neither cut nor join; they rearrange the atoms in one molecule. Also, technically, the lyases, aren’t the only cutters; the hydolases can also break chemical bonds (via hydrolysis—that is, they accelerate a molecule’s interaction with water) (or via condensation).

About 95 percent of all enzymes are catabolic—they break down molecules (that is, cut pieces off). Metabolism is the interplay between catabolism and anabolism (the buildup of bigger molecules from smaller ones). Anabolic reactions mostly need energy to build bigger molecules from smaller one or store energy (or both), while catabolic reactions usually break down bigger molecules into smaller ones and release energy, and that energy then drives anabolic reactions.

As in much of science, accurate terminology is a problem for popularizers. ‘Sucrase’ is a generic name for a whole family of more specific enzymes, one of which is Oligosaccharide alpha-1,6-glucosidase. Similarly, the actual name for ‘sucrose synthase’ is NDP-glucose:D-fructose 2-alpha-D-glucosyltransferase. (Other common names are: UDPglucose-fructose glucosyltransferase, sucrose-UDP glucosyltransferase, sucrose-uridine diphosphate glucosyltransferase, and uridine diphosphoglucose-fructose glucosyltransferase). It catalyzes the reaction:

NDP-glucose + D-Fructose <=> NDP + Sucrose

Another example of a ligase is DNA ligase; it joins up two chunks of DNA. A bacterium has about a thousand different enzymes. As of 2015, the Protein Data Bank lists about 100,000 different proteins.

[minimum possible diversity]
Organisms appear to have a minimum diversity of proteins below which they can’t exist. Microbes with the least number of genes aren’t necessarily free-living (that is, able to survive without obligate dependence on another organism). Mycoplasma genitalium, for example, has just 521 genes in a genome just 580,076 base pairs long, but it’s an obligate parasite. It lacks a cell wall (it lacks genes for lipid synthesis) but it can both grow and self-replicate outside its host cell. The thermophilic Nanoarchaeum equitans is even smaller but is an obligate symbiont. Its genome has 536 genes but is just 490,885 base pairs long. It lacks genes for lipid, cofactor, amino acid, or nucleotide synthesis.

The genome of the synthetic organism JCVI-syn1.0 (based on Mycoplasma mycoides) is 1,079 kilobase pairs long but it is capable of continuous self-replication. (Note: it has 8 single tRNA genes and 5 clusters of 2 to 9 genes, for a total of 30 tRNA genes.) As of 2016, that has been reduced down to JCVI-syn3.0 (which has 531,490 base pairs with 473 genes, of which 438 encode proteins and 35 encode annotated RNAs). So far, 149 the 473 genes are mysterious; and while we can guess at 70 of them, 79 of them have completely unknown function. The rest are basically about three main things: making proteins and RNA, keeping the genetic information safe, and creating the cell membrane. Proportionally, they divide into: expression of genome function (41 percent), cell membrane (18 percent), cytosolic metabolism (17 percent), and preservation of genome information (7 percent) It lacks DNA-modifying and restrictions genes, and also genes responsible for encoding lipoproteins.

“Design and synthesis of a minimal bacterial genome,” C. A. Hutchison III, R.-Y. Chuang, V. N. Noskov, N. Assad-Garcia. T. J. Deerinck, M. H. Ellisman, J. Gill, K. Kannan, B. J. Karas, L. Ma, J. F. Pelletier, Z.-Q. Qi, R. A. Richter, E. A. Strychalski, L. Sun, Y. Suzuki, B. Tsvetanova, K. S. Wise, H. O. Smith, J. I. Glass, C. Merryman, D. G. Gibson, J. C. Venter, Science, 351(6280):aad6253, 2016. “Creation of a Bacterial Cell Controlled by a Chemically Synthesized Genome,” D. G. Gibson, J. I. Glass, C. Lartigue, V. N. Noskov, R.-Y. Chuang, M. A. Algire, G. A. Benders, M. G. Montague, L. Ma, M. M. Moodie, C. Merryman, S. Vashee, R. Krishnakumar, N. Assad-Garcia, C. Andrews-Pfannkoch, E. A. Denisova, L. Young, Z.-Q. Qi, T. H. Segall-Shapiro, C. H. Calvey, P. P. Parmar, C. A. Hutchison III, H. O. Smith, J. C. Venter, Science, 329(5987):52-56, 2010. “Essential genes of a minimal bacterium,” J. I. Glass, N. Assad-Garcia, N. Alperovich, S. Yooseph, M. R. Lewis, M. Maruf, C. A. Hutchison, III, H. O. Smith, J. C. Venter, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 103(2):425-430, 2006. “Determination of the Core of a Minimal Bacterial Gene Set,” R. Gil, F. J. Silva, J. Peretó, A. Moya, Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews, 68(3):518-537, 2004. “A modular minimal cell model: Purine and pyrimidine transport and metabolism,” M. Castellanos, D. B. Wilson, M. L. Shuler, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 101(17):6681-6686, 2004. “The genome of Nanoarchaeum equitans: Insights into early archaeal evolution and derived parasitism,” E. Waters, M. J. Hohn, I. Ahel, D. E. Graham, M. D. Adams, M. Barnstead, K. Y. Beeson, L. Bibbs, R. Bolanos, M. Keller, K. Kretz, X. Lin, E. Mathur, J. Ni, M. Podar, T. Richardson, G. G. Sutton, M. Simon, D. Söll, K. O. Stetter, J. M. Short, M. Noordewier, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 100(22):12984-12988, 2003.

[reactions as controllers of other reactions — systems biology]
What Is Life? Five Great Ideas in Biology, Paul Nurse, W. W. Norton & Company, 2021. An Introduction to Systems Biology: Design Principles of Biological Circuits, Uri Alon, CRC Press, 2020. “Life, logic and information,” P. Nurse, Nature, 454(7203):424-426, 2008.
[bacterial decision-making]
This example is a simplified version of the lac operon, the first operon to be discovered (in E. Coli). The example in the book of glucose and lactose is madeup to make it more easily understandable with common sugars and without genes. The actual lac operon controls detection and digestion of glucose and galactose, and involves promoters and repressors and transcription and translation from the genome. Operons were first discovered by François Jacob and Jacques Monod in 1961.

How such a thing might have evolved is difficult to say, but one ‘just-so’ story might be that perhaps ancestral microbes were once able to survive only on glucose, unable to eat lactose. Then, some came along that could eat lactose, but couldn’t eat glucose. Then, some came along that could do both, and those may have outcompeted both prior kinds because they could survive on either sugar. Then, they, too, were out-competed by some new ones that could choose only one sugar or the other, depending on what was available, because that was more efficient.

“Cellular regulation is believed to evolve in response to environmental variability. However, this has been difficult to test directly. Here, we show that a gene regulation system evolves to the optimal regulatory response when challenged with variable environments. We engineered a genetic module subject to regulation by the lac repressor (LacI) in E. coli, whose expression is beneficial in one environmental condition and detrimental in another. Measured tradeoffs in fitness between environments predict the competition between regulatory phenotypes. We show that regulatory evolution in adverse environments is delayed at specific boundaries in the phenotype space of the regulatory LacI protein. Once this constraint is relieved by mutation, adaptation proceeds toward the optimum, yielding LacI with an altered allosteric mechanism that enables an opposite response to its regulatory ligand IPTG. Our results indicate that regulatory evolution can be understood in terms of tradeoff optimization theory.” From: “Tradeoffs and optimality in the evolution of gene regulation,” F. J. Poelwijk, M. G. J. de Vos, S. J. Tans, Cell, 146(3):462-470, 2011.

See also: Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, David L. Nelson and Michael M. Cox, W. H. Freeman and Company, Fourth edition, 2007, Chapter 28, pages 1082-1089. The Logic of Life: A History of Heredity, François Jacob, translated by Betty E. Spillmann, Princeton University Press, 1993. The Statue Within, François Jacob, translated by F. Philip, Basic Books, 1988. Chance and Necessity: An Essay on the Natural Philosophy of Modern Biology, Jacques Monod, translated by Austryn Wainhouse, Alfred A. Knopf, 1971.

[how a phage, on invasion, decides between lysis and lysogeny]
Some bacteriophages (viruses that attack bacteria) replicate immediately on entry, whereas others (so-called temperate phages) on entry first make a decision about whether to replicate or to insert themselves into the bacterium’s plasmid. That’s a decision between a lytic cycle and a lysogenic cycle. The regulatory mechanisms underlying the lytic-lysogeny decision can be described as giving rise to a bistable switch. The molecular details of this mechanism are best worked out for the temperate phage, lambda (λ) on invasion of E. Coli. Phages can even communicate from one generation to the next about the health of attacked cells, or the ease of attack, or can mix their strategies, even as they decide to lyse the cell.

If the attacker finds that the cell’s indicators suggest that the cell is likely not under attack by lots of others, and is likely in good growth conditions, the cell’s future looks bright. So it tries to sneak into the cell’s genes, and also protect the cell from other attackers. If successful, it would then get passed on to all cell copies, until at some point in the future, it can erupt from many of them, making a vast number of copies. However, if the indicators suggest that the cell is either already under serious attack by others, or is in a bad growth situation anyway, the cell’s future looks dim. So the attacker then just tries to cut and run, getting what it can now with no plan for the future. It then tricks the cell into making as many copies as it can, killing it, getting away with as many copies as it can in the short time, likely, remaining before the cell dies anyway.

“Phage lysis-lysogeny switches and programmed cell death: Danse macabre,” S. Benler, E. V. Koonin, BioEssays, 42(12):2000114, 2020. “High-resolution studies of lysis-lysogeny decision-making in bacteriophage lambda,” Q. Shao, J. T. Trinh, L. Zeng, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 294(10):3343-3349, 2019 “Communication between viruses guides lysis-lysogeny decisions,” Z. Erez, I. Steinberger-Levy, M. Shamir, S. Doron, A. Stokar-Avihail, Y. Peleg, S. Melamed, A. Leavitt, A. Savidor, S. Albeck, G. Amitai, R. Sorek, Nature, 541(7638):488-493, 2017. “Lysis-lysogeny coexistence: prophage integration during lytic development,” Q. Shao, J. T. Trinh, C. S. McIntosh, B. Christenson, G. Balázsi, L. Zeng, Microbiology Open, 6(1):e00395, 2017.

Autopoiesis was first proposed as a unifying concept by Maturana and Varela in the 1970s. Maturana didn’t like the standard biological idea of defining life-forms by listing various observed features of living systems as that’s circular reasoning and tells us nothing of the essence of living systems. He wanted to capture invariant features of living systems in a way that made their autonomy central, without recourse to the usual Aristotelian teleological ideas like ‘purpose’ or ‘function.’ His basic definition is that a living system is one whose parts interact so as to continually produce and maintain themselves and their relationships. Those parts in and of themselves aren’t important. It’s the dynamic relationships between them preserved by the ongoing interaction that determines the autopoietic system’s identity. In short, the structure matters, not its parts.

In his words: “An autopoietic machine is a machine organised (defined as a unity) as a network of processes of production (transformation and destruction) of components that produces the components which:

  • (i) through their interactions and transformations continuously regenerate and realise the network of processes (relations) that produced them; and
  • (ii) constitute it (the machine) as a concrete unity in the space in which they (the components) exist by specifying the topological domain of its realisation as such a network.”
Principles of Biological Autonomy, Francisco J. Varela, Elsevier/North-Holland, 1979. See also: Autopoiesis and Cognition: The Realization of the Living, Humberto Maturana and Francisco J. Varela, D. Reidel, 1980. The text merely adds an operational definition to their abstract definition by incorporating Stuart Kauffman’s and also Tibor Gánti’s idea of autocatalytic sets (also called cross-catalytic systems), which the text calls ‘synergetic networks.’

The definition (for molecular networks) has since been reformulated to: “A system is autopoietic if and only if:

  1. It is a network of physical and chemical processes.
  2. This network chemically produces a subset of the components which are parts of the network.
  3. This subset of components, by means of relations among its members and with the components of its surroundings, generates the conditions necessary to maintain the components of the network in physical proximity, collectively forming a spatially discrete individual unit over time.”
“Autopoiesis 40 years later. A Review and a Reformulation,” P. Razeto-Barry, Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres, 42(6):543-567, 2012.

Autopoiesis has not (yet?) been accepted in biology, outside of systems biology and xenobiology. Versions of autopoiesis has since been adopted by several fields outside biology, most notably in cognitive science, machine intelligence, cybernetics, artificial life, and—with increasing levels of vagueness—sociology, management, political science, and law. “Autopoiesis: a review and a reappraisal,” P. L. Luisi, Naturwissenschaften, 90(2):49-59, 2003.

The whole approach was anticipated by the remarkable and monumental: Living Systems, James Grier Miller, McGraw-Hill, 1978. Miller traced similarities in autonomous systems from the cell all the way to the supranational organization. It, in turn, was anticipated by the systems approach to biology of von Bertalnaffy as far back as the 1940s. General Systems Theory: Foundations, Development, Applications, Ludwig von Bertalanffy, George Braziller, 1968.

[autocatalytic networks in early life]
This idea is hardly new. “A System Theoretic Model of Biogenesis,” O. E. Rössler, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, B26b:741-746, 1971. “Self-Organization of Matter and the Evolution of Biological Macromolecules,” M. Eigen, Naturwissenschaften, 58(10):465-523, 1971. “Cellular Homeostasis, Epigenesis and Replication in Randomly Aggregated Macromolecular Systems,” S. A. Kauffman, Journal of Cybernetics, 1(1):71-96, 1971.

Another, somewhat similar treatment: “A Model for the Origin of Life,” F. Dyson, Journal of Molecular Evolution, 18(5):344-350, 1982. “Recyclying, Reproduction, and Life’s Origins,” G. A. M. King, Biosystems, 15(2):89-97, 1982. For more recent treatments, see: “Spontaneous Emergence of a Metabolism,” R. J. Bagley, J. D. Farmer, and also “Evolution of a Metabolism,” R. J. Bagley, J. D. Farmer, W. Fontana, both in Artificial Life II, Proceedings of the Workshop on Artificial Life Held February, 1990 in Santa Fe, New Mexico, Christopher Langton, Charles Taylor, J. Doyne Farmer, and Steen Rasmussen (editors), Addison-Wesley, 1992, pages 93-140 and pages 141-158. The Hypercycle: A Principle of Natural Self-Organization, Manfred Eigen and Peter Schuster, Springer-Verlag, 1979. The Principles of Life, Tibor Gánti, Oxford University Press, 2003. (Originally published in Hungarian in 1971, nearly at the same time as Rössler’s and Eigen’s and Kauffman’s first work in this area.) Information and the Origin of Life, Bernd-Olaf Küppers, translated by Manu Scripta, The MIT Press, 1990. At Home in the Universe: The Search for the Laws of Self-Organization and Complexity, Stuart Kauffman, Oxford University Press, 1995.

In this last book Kauffman attempts to ground his theory in thermodynamic work cycles, but lab support was lacking. However, work has been done recently on autocatalytic networks in the lab. “Self-sustained replication of an RNA enzyme,” T. A. Lincoln, G. E. Joyce, Science, 323(5918):1229-1232, 2009. “Cross-catalytic replication of an RNA ligase ribozyme,” D. E. Kim, G. F. Joyce, Chemistry & Biology, 11(11):1505-1512, 2004. “Self-replication of complementary nucleotide-based oligomers,” D. Sievers, G. von Kiedrowski, Nature, 369():221-224, 1994.

Note that Eigen’s work is on cycles of replicators (intended to model early RNA replication) without mutation. Kauffman’s model is on biochemical reactions, again without mutation (which makes sense, but there could be ‘mutation’ of a kind via biochemical replacement). One big problem area remains in all three of these approaches: no one is yet modelling spatial distribution. Paulien Hogeweg and her group at Utrecht are doing so now in simulations of spatially distributed replicators intended to model early RNA replication. No one has yet modeled stigmergic reactions between such hypercycles of replicators (or even enzymes) and some surrounding semi-stable container. Gánti’s model, however, explicitly has both a container and a replicator, as well as a metablism. Ultimately that, plus some variant of Hogeweg’s work on spatial distribution of such entities, and the resulting coevolution of all those parts, might be the right next step to take.

[autocatalysis in the lab]
There’s an elegant autocatalytic network, the simplest yet known, that takes only carbon dioxide and hydrogen and produces more complex organic molecules. All reactants are autocatalytic and the basic duty cycle is:
citrate + 6CO2 + 9H2 → 2citrate + 5H2O
“The origin of intermediary metabolism,” H. J. Morowitz, J. D. Kostelnik, J. Yang, G. D. Cody, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 97(14):7704-7708, 2000. Molecular biology may now be within a couple decades of becoming as rigorously grounded as physics.
[autopoiesis isn’t enough]
Diverse density—or dense diversity—is too simple a principle to be all there is to life. We know there must be more to it because we don’t yet understand how autopoietic protocells might gain enough control of energy-rich molecules in their surroundings so as to power themselves. The problem of life, from an organism’s point of view, isn’t just how a set of parts might start reacting so as to maintain each other, but how they could harness ambient matter and energy to keep on maintaining each other.

Frothy Bubbles

[cellular spatial organization]
“A living cell is not an aggregate of molecules but an organized pattern, structured in space and in time. This article addresses some conceptual issues in the genesis of spatial architecture, including how molecules find their proper location in cell space, the origins of supramolecular order, the role of the genes, cell morphology, the continuity of cells, and the inheritance of order. The discussion is framed around a hierarchy of physiological processes that bridge the gap between nanometer-sized molecules and cells three to six orders of magnitude larger. Stepping stones include molecular self-organization, directional physiology, spatial markers, gradients, fields, and physical forces. The knowledge at hand leads to an unconventional interpretation of biological order. I have come to think of cells as self-organized systems composed of genetically specified elements plus heritable structures. The smallest self that can be fairly said to organize itself is the whole cell. If structure, form, and function are ever to be computed from data at a lower level, the starting point will be not the genome, but a spatially organized system of molecules. This conclusion invites us to reconsider our understanding of what genes do, what organisms are, and how living systems could have arisen on the early Earth.

[...] [T]he living state inherently requires a considerable degree of spatial organization [...] It suggests that life will have begun not with naked protogenes, but with chemical systems that progressively came to display the hallmarks of cells: boundaries, metabolism, spatial order, energy transduction, autopoiesis. Heredity based on nucleic acids will not have been first on stage, but its advent made possible evolution by variation and selection and marked the appearance of recognizable life.” From: “Molecules into Cells: Specifying Spatial Architecture,” F. M. Harold, Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews, 69(4):544-564, 2005.

[crossing cell barriers with active transport]
Cells use various means to get molecules across their membranes. Moving molecules across a concentration gradient from low to high is called active transport, and it takes the most energy, and in some cells can cost nearly half the energy budget.
[age of prokaryote and eukaryote cells]
First off, Aristotle has made a mistake. He’s thinking based on the living things that he can see—animals, plants, and fungi. He can also see a few other kinds of living things—like slime molds and seaweeds—but far from all—and he doesn’t know that they’re neither animals, nor plants, nor fungi (nor does he know why). There are many such structured cells (eukaryotes), but there are vastly more unstructured ones (prokaryotes). Unstructured cells showed up long before structured ones, which only arose perhaps 1.6Gya to 2.1Gya. They may have happened when some unstructured cells swallowed, but didn’t fully digest, each other. But whether that’s how it happened or not, that seems to be when such a cell began to divide up its insides. Somehow or other, one frothy bubble came to contain several smaller frothy bubbles. Its parts could then specialize.
The particular kinesin described in the text is 3KIN, first extracted from the brains of Norwegian rats. Its atomic weight is listed in the Protein Data Bank. It’s given merely for definiteness. Human cells build about 40 different types of kinesin for different functions. “The crystal structure of dimeric kinesin and implications for microtubule-dependent motility,” F. Kozielski, S. Sack, A. Marx, M. Thormahlen, E. Schonbrunn, V. Biou, A. Thompson, E. M. Mandelkow, E. Mandelkow, Cell, 91(7):985-994, 1997.

Kinesins take about 100 microseconds to move a distance of about 8 nanometers from one microtubule binding site to another. “An atomic-level mechanism for activation of the kinesin molecular motors,” C. V. Sindelar, K. H. Downing, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(9):4111-4116, 2010. “Kinesin Is an Evolutionarily Fine-Tuned Molecular Ratchet-and-Pawl Device of Decisively Locked Direction,” Z. Wang, M. Feng, W. Zheng, D. Fan, Biophysical Journal, 93(10):3363-3372, 2007. “Kinesin’s Biased Stepping Mechanism: Amplification of Neck Linker Zippering,” W. H. Mather, R. F. Fox, Biophysical Journal, 91(7):2416-2426, 2006. “Kinesin Walks Hand-Over-Hand,” A. Yildiz, M. Tomishige, R. D. Vale, P. R. Selvin, Science, 303(5658):676-678, 2004.

[age of earliest kinesins]
“Patterns of kinesin evolution reveal a complex ancestral eukaryote with a multifunctional cytoskeleton,” W. Wickstead, K. Gull, T. A. Richards, BMC Evolutionary Biology, 10:110, 2010. “Molecular Data are Transforming Hypotheses on the Origin and Diversification of Eukaryotes,” Y. I. Tekle, L. W. Parfrey, L. A. Katz, BioScience, 59(6):471-481, 2009.
[age of earliest microtubules]
“Microtubules play crucial roles in cytokinesis, transport, and motility, and are therefore superb targets for anti-cancer drugs. All tubulins evolved from a common ancestor they share with the distantly related bacterial cell division protein FtsZ, but while eukaryotic tubulins evolved into highly conserved microtubule-forming heterodimers, bacterial FtsZ presumably continued to function as single homopolymeric protofilaments as it does today. Microtubules have not previously been found in bacteria, and we lack insight into their evolution from the tubulin/FtsZ ancestor. Using electron cryomicroscopy, here we show that the tubulin homologs BtubA and BtubB form microtubules in bacteria and suggest these be referred to as ‘bacterial microtubules’ (bMTs). bMTs share important features with their eukaryotic counterparts, such as straight protofilaments and similar protofilament interactions. bMTs are composed of only five protofilaments, however, instead of the 13 typical in eukaryotes. These and other results suggest that rather than being derived from modern eukaryotic tubulin, BtubA and BtubB arose from early tubulin intermediates that formed small microtubules.” From: “Microtubules in Bacteria: Ancient Tubulins Build a Five-Protofilament Homolog of the Eukaryotic Cytoskeleton,” M. Pilhofer, M. S. Ladinsky, A. W. McDowall, G. Petroni, G. J. Jensen, PLoS Biology, 9(12):e1001213, 2011.

“The eukaryotic cytoskeleton appears to have evolved from ancestral precursors related to prokaryotic FtsZ and MreB. FtsZ and MreB show 40−50% sequence identity across different bacterial and archaeal species. Here I suggest that this represents the limit of divergence that is consistent with maintaining their functions for cytokinesis and cell shape. Previous analyses have noted that tubulin and actin are highly conserved across eukaryotic species, but so divergent from their prokaryotic relatives as to be hardly recognizable from sequence comparisons. One suggestion for this extreme divergence of tubulin and actin is that it occurred as they evolved very different functions from FtsZ and MreB. I will present new arguments favoring this suggestion, and speculate on pathways. Moreover, the extreme conservation of tubulin and actin across eukaryotic species is not due to an intrinsic lack of variability, but is attributed to their acquisition of elaborate mechanisms for assembly dynamics and their interactions with multiple motor and binding proteins. A new structure-based sequence alignment identifies amino acids that are conserved from FtsZ to tubulins. The highly conserved amino acids are not those forming the subunit core or protofilament interface, but those involved in binding and hydrolysis of GTP.” From: “Evolution of the cytoskeleton,” H. P. Erickson, Bioessays, 29(7):668-677, 2007.

[no protein is conserved across all genomes]
“There are now more than 1000 sequenced prokaryotic genomes deposited in public databases and available for analysis. Currently, although the sequence databases GenBank, DNA Database of Japan and EMBL are synchronized continually, there are slight differences in content at the genomes level for a variety of logistical reasons, including differences in format and loading errors, such as those caused by file transfer protocol interruptions. This means that the 1000th genome will be different in the various databases. Some of the data on the highly accessed web pages are inaccurate, leading to false conclusions for example about the largest bacterial genome sequenced. Biological diversity is far greater than many have thought. For example, analysis of multiple Escherichia coli genomes has led to an estimate of around 45 000 gene families - more genes than are recognized in the human genome. Moreover, of the 1000 genomes available, not a single protein is conserved across all genomes. Excluding the members of the Archaea, only a total of four genes are conserved in all bacteria: two protein genes and two RNA genes.” From: “Genome update: the 1000th genome—a cautionary tale,” K. Lagesen, D. W. Ussery, T. M. Wassenaar, Microbiology, 156(Pt 3):603-608, 2010.
[ATP is likely very old]
“It is assumed that the pathways that mediate sugar phosphate interconversion, glycolysis, the pentose phosphate pathway, as well as the related Entner-Doudoroff pathway and Calvin cycle are evolutionarily ancient, as they are conserved and fulfil their central metabolic functionality virtually ubiquitously. Known as central, or primary, metabolism, their reaction sequences provide ribose 5-phosphate for the backbone of RNA and DNA, building blocks for the synthesis of co-enzymes, amino acids and lipids and supply the cell with energy in form of ATP and redox equivalents.

Geological records reveal details about the chemical environment under which life spread for the first time. This event has been dated between the earliest Archean eon that followed the late heavy bombardment, likely between 4.1 and 3.5 billion years ago, when the first unequivocal traces of life have been dated” From: “Non-enzymatic glycolysis and pentose phosphate pathway-like reactions in a plausible Archean ocean,” M. A. Keller, A. V. Turchyn, M. Ralser, Molecular Systems Biology, 10(4):725, 2014.

“A bacterium growing in a salt solution containing a single type of carbon source, such as glucose, must carry out a large number of chemical reactions. Not only must it derive from the glucose the chemical energy needed for many vital processes, it must also use the carbon atoms of glucose to synthesize every type of organic molecule that the cell requires. These reactions are catalyzed by hundreds of enzymes working in reaction ‘chains’ so that the product of one reaction is the substrate for the next; [...]

Originally, when life began on earth, there was probably little need for such elaborate metabolic reactions. Cells with relatively simple chemistry could survive and grow on the molecules in their surroundings. But as evolution proceeded, competition for these limited natural resources would have become more intense. Organisms that had developed enzymes to manufacture useful organic molecules more efficiently and in new ways would have had a strong selective advantage. In this way the complement of enzymes possessed by cells is thought to have gradually increased, generating the metabolic pathways of present organisms. [...]

If metabolic pathways evolved by the sequential addition of new enzymatic reactions to existing ones, the most ancient reactions should, like the oldest rings in a tree trunk, be closest to the center of the ‘metabolic tree,’ where the most fundamental of the basic molecular building blocks are synthesized. This position in metabolism is firmly occupied by the chemical processes that involve sugar phosphates, among which the most central of all is probably the sequence of reactions known as glycolysis, by which glucose can be degraded in the absence of oxygen (that is, anaerobically). The oldest metabolic pathways would have had to be anaerobic because there was no free oxygen in the atmosphere of the primitive earth. Glycolysis occurs in virtually every living cell and drives the formation of the compound adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, which is used by all cells as a versatile source of chemical energy. Certain thioester compounds play a fundamental role in the energy-transfer reactions of glycolysis and in a host of other basic biochemical processes in which two organic molecules (a thiol and a carboxylic acid) are joined by a high-energy bond involving sulfur. It has been argued that this simple but powerful chemical device is a relic of prebiotic processes, reflecting the reactions that occurred in the sulfurous, volcanic environment of the early earth, before even RNA had begun to evolve.

Linked to the core reactions of glycolysis are hundreds of other chemical processes. Some of these are responsible for the synthesis of small molecules, many of which in turn are utilized in further reactions to make the large polymers specific to the organism. Other reactions are used to degrade complex molecules, taken in as food, into simpler chemical units. One of the most striking features of these metabolic reactions is that they take place similarly in all kinds of organisms, suggesting an extremely ancient origin.”

Molecular Biology of the Cell, Bruce Alberts, Dennis Bray, Julian Lewis, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, and James D. Watson, Garland Publishing, Third Edition, 1994, pages 13-14.

[development of bacterial swimming tails]
Since we haven’t built a real cell in the lab, nor have we watched one fine tune a transporter from scratch, all that is guesswork, but after decades of work in biochemistry there’s at least one kind of exquisitely designed cellular machine whose original development we’re now beginning to understand pretty well: the whip-like swimming tails of various bacteria. They seem to have started as crude syringe-like devices that certain bacteria first used to secrete unwanted molecules through their cell walls. Later, they grew into devices to inject toxins into other cells. (So what started as a sewage exhaust pump got weaponized.) Still later, they developed into intricate, multi-part swimming tails. All that seems to have taken millions of years—and figuring out even the little that we today know about them took many decades and thousands of research papers. “Reducible Complexity — The Case for Bacterial Flagella,” W. F. Doolittle, O. Zhaxybayeva, Current Biology, 17(13):R510-R512, 2007. “Stepwise formation of the bacterial flagellar system,” R. Liu, H. Ochman, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 104(17):7116-7121, 2007. “From The Origin of Species to the origin of bacterial flagella,” M. J. Pallen, N. J. Matzke, Nature Reviews Microbiology, 4(10):784-790, 2006. “The turn of the screw: The bacterial flagellar motor,” D. J. DeRosier, Cell, 93(1):17-20, 1998.

See also: “Optimizing ring assembly reveals the strength of weak interactions,” E. J. Deeds, J. A. Bachman, W. Fontana, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 109(7):2348-53, 2012. “Evolution of increased complexity in a molecular machine,” G. C. Finnigan, V. Hanson-Smith, T. H. Stevens, J. W. Thornton, Nature, 481(7381):360-364, 2012. “How a neutral evolutionary ratchet can build cellular complexity,” J. Lukeš, J. M. Archibald, P. J. Keeling, W. F. Doolittle, M. W. Gray, IUBMB Life, 63(7):528-537, 2011. “The reducible complexity of a mitochondrial molecular machine,” A. Clements, D. Bursac, X. Gatsos, A. J. Perry, S. Civciristov, N. Celik, V. A. Likic, S. Poggio, C. Jacobs-Wagner, R. A. Strugnell, T. Lithgow, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 106(37):15791-15795, 2009. “Evolution of the molecular machines for protein import into mitochondria,” P. Dolezal, V. Likic, J. Tachezy, T. Lithgow, Science, 313(5785):314-318, 2006.

[evolving molecular machines]
The idea that molecules themselves can evolve, as opposed to whole organisms, is still contested but it isn’t a new one. The first laboratory example of evolutionary adaptation in a molecular genetic system was found in 2009. And the theoretical idea of evolving molecular quasi-species goes back at least as far as Eigen’s work in the 1970s. What is unknown as of yet is whether all groups of molecules can co-evolve and if so, how. “Quasispecies-like behavior observed in catalytic RNA populations evolving in a test tube,” C. Díaz Arenas, N. Lehman, BMC Evolutionary Biology, 10:80, 2010. “Generation and Development of RNA Ligase Ribozymes with Modular Architecture Through ‘Design and Selection’,” Y. Fujita, J. Ishikawa, H. Furuta, Y. Ikawa, Molecules, 15(9):5850-5865, 2010. “Darwin’s concepts in a test tube: Parallels between organismal and in vitro evolution,” C. Díaz Arenas, N. Lehman, The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, 41(2):266-273, 2009. “Niche partitioning in the coevolution of 2 distinct RNA enzymes,” S. B. Voytek, G. F. Joyce, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 106(19):7780-7785, 2009. “Self-sustained replication of an RNA enzyme,” T. A. Lincoln, G. F. Joyce, Science, 323(5918):1229-1232, 2009. “Self-Organization of Matter and the Evolution of Biological Macromolecules,” M. Eigen, Naturwissenschaften, 58(10):465-523, 1971.
[evolving cells]
The Origin of Individuals, Jean-Jacques Kupiec, World Scientific Publishing, 2009.
[compartmentalization in prokaryotes and eukaryotes]
“Cells compartmentalize their biochemical functions in a variety of ways, notably by creating physical barriers that separate a compartment via membranes or proteins. Eukaryotes have a wide diversity of membrane-based compartments, many that are lineage- or tissue-specific. In recent years, it has become increasingly evident that membrane-based compartmentalization of the cytosolic space is observed in multiple prokaryotic lineages, giving rise to several types of distinct prokaryotic organelles. Endosymbionts, previously believed to be a hallmark of eukaryotes, have been described in several bacteria. Protein-based compartments, frequent in bacteria, are also found in eukaryotes. In the present review, we focus on selected intracellular compartments from each of these three categories, membrane-based, endosymbiotic and protein-based, in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes.” From: “Evolution of intracellular compartmentalization,” Y. Diekmann, J. B. Pereira-Leal, Biochemical Journal, 449(2):319-331, 2013.

“Cytoskeletal proteins are important mediators of cellular organization in both eukaryotes and bacteria. In the past, cytoskeletal studies have largely focused on three major cytoskeletal families, namely the eukaryotic actin, tubulin, and intermediate filament (IF) proteins and their bacterial homologs MreB, FtsZ, and crescentin. However, mounting evidence suggests that these proteins represent only the tip of the iceberg, as the cellular cytoskeletal network is far more complex. In bacteria, each of MreB, FtsZ, and crescentin represents only one member of large families of diverse homologs. There are also newly identified bacterial cytoskeletal proteins with no eukaryotic homologs, such as WACA proteins and bactofilins. Furthermore, there are universally conserved proteins, such as the metabolic enzyme CtpS, that assemble into filamentous structures that can be repurposed for structural cytoskeletal functions. Recent studies have also identified an increasing number of eukaryotic cytoskeletal proteins that are unrelated to actin, tubulin, and IFs, such that expanding our understanding of cytoskeletal proteins is advancing the understanding of the cell biology of all organisms. Here, we summarize the recent explosion in the identification of new members of the bacterial cytoskeleton and describe a hypothesis for the evolution of the cytoskeleton from self-assembling enzymes.” From: “A growing family: the expanding universe of the bacterial cytoskeleton,” M. Ingerson-Mahar, Z. Gitai, FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 36(1):256-266, 2012.

[stores and malls as analogues of prokaryotes and eukaryotes]
Neither we, nor any other animal, nor plant, nor fungus, nor protist (all other single-celled eukaryotes), nor any other living thing, could exist if all our parts had to worry about everything. The heart doesn’t filter the blood, the liver doesn’t pump it. Each of our parts has to specialize. That’s true all the way down to inside the cell itself. Stores in a mall do the same. A store in a large mall can ignore a lot of the general worries that all other stores have. Its mall gives it a more constant stream of passersby, who are there because they get nearby parking, food and water, toilets, entertainments, constant ambiance, security, cleaning, and so on.

In exchange, though, the store’s rent will be higher, so its profits have to be higher, so it has to specialize more to stay in the mall. Freed of general worry, it has more intense special worry. It’s like a cell inside a cell—like a mitochondrion inside any of our cells, which once upon a time was a separate cell but now mainly worries about making energy and not much else. Its outer cell takes care of the overall things that all cells have to worry about while it takes care of just one worry—but it has to do that one thing really well. That’s like like one of us moving from a village to a city. Like a city, a mall can grow quite large because its parts are compartmentalized, which leads to division of labor, which leads to specialization.

As a thought experiment, forget for the moment that we plan and run them and imagine that, somehow, lots of malls with lots of stores inside them could just randomly pop up. What would tend to survive?

All stores and all malls have to pay their rent, or they die out, and they each have a chance of starting off with various traits (water, power, parking, security, and such), except that stores can have one trait that malls don’t have—namely, merchandise—and malls can have one trait that stores don’t have—namely, number of stores.

To spawn a new store or mall, suppose we just roll dice to decide which traits it will have, and how much. Each trait—for example parking space—is a plus because it can attract customers, but it’s also a minus because it has a cost, which, in the end, must be extracted from customers. A store has to gain at least its rent from its traits, or it dies. Each trait of each store may harm, help, or not affect it, but that may or may not affect the store’s mall. For example, if a store dies, its mall might just sweep it away, so that won’t help its mall, but may not harm it much, either; but if all a mall’s stores die, the mall dies, because it couldn’t pay its rent. Just as stores, malls, too, have traits, and some variations might kill all their stores, even if they might otherwise have survived. For instance, if a mall has no power, it dies; it doesn’t matter what its stores have.

For any mall, whatever traits it has, there’s no pressure on any store inside that mall to keep such traits. Each such store would be driven to shed them, because they cost; it could make more money if it gave up that trait and spent the money on more merchandise. Or rather, (since in this simple model there’s no one to think that) it’s more accurate to say that, over time, a store with a trait already provided by its mall would tend to lose out to other stores in the same mall that just happened to not have that trait. And the larger the mall, the more such competing stores there would likely to be.

But malls are competing against each other, too, because all traits cost. So there would be pressure on malls to gain or keep all traits besides merchandise so that their stores could then shed such traits, so that those stores could make more money, so that those malls could make more money. Or again, since there’s no one to think that, it’s more accurate to say that, over time, a large mall with few traits would tend to lose out to other large malls with more traits. Stores in such malls, and thus the malls that contain them, would tend to win out, because other malls with fewer traits would be placing a common burden for all their stores, which would cut into their money-making ability, which would cut into their mall’s money-making ability.

So after a while, many malls would have all non-merchandise traits, and most stores in those malls would shed all such traits—since their malls would provide them.

In this thought experiment, customers are like bees, stores are like flowers, and malls are like gardens. The malls that persist would be those that attract the most bees for the fewest flowers. They attract bees in lots of different ways (not just a variety of merchandise, but also food, services, entertainment, and so on), but the most attractive way is to have a variety of attractive ways—namely, a set of traits that most flowers need and thus that most bees want.

The essential point here is that if (somehow!) there came to be frothy bubbles with frothy bubbles inside them (in this case, malls with stores, but it could also be cells with compartments inside them), then there would likely be one kind of (generalist) pressure on the malls as they compete against each other, but another kind of (specialist) pressure on the stores inside those malls, dependent on what their malls offered them, and those two pressures would be linked.

Real malls are, of course, far more complicated. For example, mall owners actively seek anchor stores, that is, large department or grocery stores with well-known reputations and large independent advertising budgets. Such stores may either own the entire mall, take up more than half of it, or may be attracted into the mall with the offer of vastly lower rents (paid for by higher rents for non-anchor stores). If they fail, the entire mall can fail.

“Empirical Entry Games with Complementarities: An Application to the Shopping Center Industry,” M. A. Vitorino, Journal of Marketing Research, 49(2):175-191, 2012. “Spatial Versus Non-Spatial Determinants of Shopping Center Rents: Modeling Location and Neighborhood-Related Factors,” F. Des Rosiers, M. Thériault, L. Ménétrier, Journal of Real Estate Research, 27(3):293-319, 2005. “Contracts, Externalities, and Incentives in Shopping Malls,” E. D. Gould, B. P. Pashigian, C. J. Prendergast, Review of Economics and Statistics, 87(3):411-22, 2005. “Internalizing Externalities: The Pricing of Space in Shopping Malls,” B. P. Pashigian, E. D. Gould, Journal of Law and Economics, 41(1):115-142, 1998. The Mall: An Attempted Escape from Everyday Life, Jerry Jacobs, Waveland Press, Inc., 1984.

One of the oldest malls dates back almost two millennia and didn’t look much like today’s malls.

Unstructured cells (prokaryotes—just archaea and bacteria) showed up sometime after 4Gya, which is just after the LHB—the Late Heavy Bombardment, when the earth seems to have experienced its last unusually large number of asteroid impacts. Structured cells (eukaryotes—plants, animals, fungi, and protists, which is the single-celled ’everything else’ grab-bag, the most popular of which is amoeba) showed up sometime after 2Gya. Those, over time, evolved into the multicellular or colonial life-forms that we see with the naked eye today. As yet, we have no evidence for that in the lab. We have a related theory (endosymbiosis) and supporting evidence for that (like mitochondria), but we don’t know for sure how cells compartmentalized billions of years ago.

This is accepted, but argument continues about how it happened, when it happened, and how many times it happened. It’s accepted because mitochondrial genes are clearly separate from nuclear genes, and are 1-3 orders of magnitude fewer than the free-living version would need to survive. But how exactly the two parts became one thing is highly unclear. The variety of life is vast and two (or more?) thousand million years is a long time.

As far as we can tell, the first cells were prokaryotic (no isolated nucleus, no organized compartments). Today, those are divided into archaea and bacteria, and those two, apparently, merged at some point, perhaps 2.1 thousand million years ago (perhaps more), or perhaps less (up to perhaps 1.6 thousand million years ago), yielding the first eukaryotic cells. In energy-gradient rich surroundings, mitochondria generate useful energy in eukaryotic cells by coupling the transport of electrons along the respiratory chain to a current of protons across the mitochondrial inner membrane, which in turn lets them make ATP. Mitochondria, and chloroplasts (which power plant cells), descend from some original bacteria entering into symbiosis with some original archaea, then actually entering as endosymbionts, then becoming actual organelles. Once they reached that stage, duplicating those organelle meant that the cell could get increasing amounts of energy without having to pay increasing costs to maintain all the associated genes that once were ancilliary to energy production. All such genes could migrate to the cell’s central gene store, which could then become the nucleosome. That’s a crude outline of one theory, anyway. But there are many theories, and all have holes. How did genes move from what was to become the mitochondrion to what was to become the nucleus? What determined what was to become the germline? How did the mitochondrion gain its second membrane? How did two separate genomes integrate and coordinate? We know it must have happened. But we don’t know how.

“The energetics of genome complexity,” N. Lane, W. Martin, Nature, 467(7318):929-934, 2010. “The origin and evolution of Archaea: a state of the art,” S. Gribaldo, C. Brochier-Armanet, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, B, 361(1470):1007-1022, 2006. Power, Sex, Suicide: Mitochondria and the Meaning of Life, Nick Lane, Oxford University Press, 2005. “Evolution of mitochondrial gene content: gene loss and transfer to the nucleus,” K. L. Adams, J. D. Palmer, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 29(3):380-395, 2003.

[the first synthetic life-form in 2010]
It’s synthetic, but not made of synthetic parts. It’s cytoplasmic components (network parts—all the parts inside the cell that actually make it work, for example, it’s ribosomes) are inherited, as is its membrane (its skin, which include its pumps), what’s new is its artifically constructed genome. “Creation of a Bacterial Cell Controlled by a Chemically Synthesized Genome,” D. G. Gibson, J. I. Glass, C. Lartigue, V. N. Noskov, R.-Y. Chuang, M. A. Algire, G. A. Benders, M. G. Montague, L. Ma, M. M. Moodie, C. Merryman, S. Vashee, R. Krishnakumar, N. Assad-Garcia, C. Andrews-Pfannkoch, E. A. Denisova, L. Young, Z.-Q. Qi, T. H. Segall-Shapiro, C. H. Calvey, P. P. Parmar, C. A. Hutchison III, H. O. Smith, J. C. Venter, Science, 329(5987):52-56, 2010.
[the first synthetic ribosome-like structure in 2013]
Real ribosomes are insanely complex. They can be made of up to 57 different complex subparts, and almost a million atoms in all. This was a synthetic ribosome. “A rotaxane turing machine for peptides,” C. M. Wilson, A. Gualandi, P. G. Cozzi, Chembiochem, 14(10):1185-1187, 2013. “Synthetic ribosomes: Making molecules that make molecules,” R. D. Sleator, Bioengineered, 4(2):63-64, 2013. “Sequence-specific peptide synthesis by an artificial small-molecule machine,” B. Lewandowski, G. De Bo, J. W. Ward, M. Papmeyer, S. Kuschel, M. J. Aldegunde, P. M. Gramlich, D. Heckmann, S. M. Goldup, D. M. D’Souza, A. E. Fernandes, D. A. Leigh, Science, 339(6116):189-193, 2013.

This was followed in 2015 and 2020 with more synthetic ribosomes. The work is being done in the leigh lab at Manchester, the Orelle lab at Illionis (or Lyon), and the Jewitt lab at Northwestern. “In vitro ribosome synthesis and evolution through ribosome display,” M. J. Hammerling, B. R. Fritz, D. J. Yoesep, D. S. Kim, E. D. Carlson, M. C. Jewett, Nature Communications, 11(1):1108, 2020. “Engineered Ribosomes for Basic Science and Synthetic Biology,” A. E. d’Aquino, D. S. Kim, M. C. Jewett, Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, 9(1):311-340, 2018. “Protein synthesis by ribosomes with tethered subunits,” C. Orelle, E. Carlson, T. Szal, T. Florin, M. C. Jewett, A. S. Mankin, Nature, 524(7563):119-124, 2015.

[RNA not DNA]
“The origin of RNA and how it became associated with amphiphilic membranes in primordial cells are unclear. RNA is a polymer of units containing the sugar ribose covalently bound to one of four nucleobases; amphiphiles are molecules that possess both a hydrophobic and a hydrophilic moiety and therefore can aggregate into membranes in water. We know that two of the four units of RNA can be synthesized under simulated prebiotic conditions, that simple amphiphiles such as fatty acids spontaneously aggregate into vesicles in an aqueous environment, and that such vesicles can encapsulate nucleic acid and its building blocks. Fundamental questions remain, however, regarding how the bases and sugar in RNA were selected from a heterogeneous mixture of prebiotic organic compounds, concentrated sufficiently to react, and colocalized with vesicles. It also is unclear how the first membranes were stabilized in seawater, given that fatty acids precipitate at high salt concentrations.” From: “Nucleobases bind to and stabilize aggregates of a prebiotic amphiphile, providing a viable mechanism for the emergence of protocells,” R. A. Black, M. C. Blosser, B. L. Stottrup, R. Tavakley, D. W. Deamer, S. L. Keller, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(33):13272-13276, 2013.
[Aristotle can continue to argue]
Even after we figure all that out, he might then claim that this network-physics approach is somewhat like his approach. Plus, his scheme is far simpler, so why do we need this new thing? In his time, he had proposed an invisible, non-material something that was inextricably bound up with each living thing and that drove it—namely, its soul. It is the thing that is, in roughly his original Greek, ‘at work actively maintaining itself in being.’ In swarm physics, a self-maintaining network does precisely that. Its (material) parts don’t define the network as much as their (non-material) interactions do. Plus, such a network also can’t exist apart from its parts, just as his soul can’t exist apart from the body it has ensouled. Also, the network’s dynamics forms a repetitive pattern, a coherent self-preserving agitation of matter and energy moving through time and space. So, just as in Aristotle’s scheme, that pattern is non-material and invisible and it’s inextricably bound to its material parts.

He would agree, though, that there are major differences, too. Self-maintaining networks need not arise as one unit, as he had supposed his soul must. Nor need they recur, unchanged, in new instances of the same species forever, as he had supposed his souls did. Nor do they drive their parts, as he had supposed his soul drives the body. They don’t interact with, operate on, act on, rule, order, guide, direct, orient, animate, motivate, energize, force, or in any other way affect their parts. Instead, ‘a self-persistent network’ is merely how we describe how its parts work together. Like a wave in water, all that really exists is its parts. They interact in such a way that their pattern of interaction persists. And when something interferes with that self-perpetuating pattern of interaction, it ceases to exist. That’s all. Further, (although we don’t know this for sure yet) such networks might arise solely by chance, an idea that he had firmly rejected. Finally, (and again we haven’t done this yet), one day we might be able to make such networks from scratch for ourselves. He, though, argued that we can’t make souls. (His argument was simple: They’re non-material, so what would we make them out of?)

Further, on each point of difference, he could always claim that one day he’ll be found to have been right. Nor, if he takes that position, can he be argued out of it. Proving that purpose need not always be necessary isn’t the same as proving that it doesn’t exist (outside ourselves and perhaps some other animals, that is). He could always claim that it must be somewhere, hidden beyond the power of our reason and instruments to detect. So he may still choose to believe that the cosmos has some, so far undetected by science, overall purpose.

[possible development pathway of the earliest life-form?]
“The Last Common Ancestor of Modern Cells,” D. Moreira, P. López-García, in: Lectures in Astrobiology, Volume II, Muriel Gargaud, Hervé Martin, and Philippe Claeys (editors), Springer-Verlag, 2007, pages 305-317.
[genes replicate, cells reproduce]
Authors, starting with von Neumann and leading to Dawkins, differ on the exact meaning of the verbs. However, one widely accepted meaning of ‘replicator’ is an entity that passes on its structure largely intact. The text’s style follows Harold.

“Genetic information can be copied, but only in the context of a system that supplies energy, the requisite precursors and a permissive environment. Additional machinery is required to segregate the duplicated copies and to express their functional meaning. Genes replicate but it takes a cell to reproduce, and that entails a high degree of structural organization. Natural selection seldom sees genes, only the cellular system that they collectively encode.

[...] Offspring resemble their parents because they share the latter’s genes, but also because they were built upon the same template. The new cell is physically and architecturally continuous with its progenitor; and the chief agents of structural continuity are the cytoskeleton and cellular membranes.”

In Search of Cell History: The Evolution of Life’s Building Blocks, Franklin M. Harold, The University of Chicago Press, 2014, pages 92-93. Darwinian Populations and Natural Selection, Peter Godfrey-Smith, Oxford University Press, 2009, page 83. “The replicator in retrospect,” P. Godfrey-Smith, Biology and Philosophy, 15(3):403-423, 2000. The Selfish Gene, Richard Dawkins, Oxford University Press, 1976. Theory of Self-Reproducing Automata, John von Neumann and Arthur W. Burks, University of Illinois Press, 1966.

[use of ‘self-writing’ to mean ‘living’]
The sense of the word as used in the text isn’t quite right. There’s another step between self-building (‘stigmergic’ in the text) and self-writing and that is self-describing. However, while a trial neologism like ‘autoperigraphic’ would have the right Greek roots for ‘self-descriptive,’ it would also be too cumbersome a word. Alternately, abandoning the word ‘stigmergic’ for ‘self-building’ and going instead for what might pass for a neologism of the full Greek version, namely ‘autooikodomic,’ would be even more cumbersome. Using the word ‘stigmergic’ seemed like the right way to go since the word already exists and it’s close to the sense needed in the text.

(Note: E. O. Wilson proposed the term ‘sematectonic communication’ for the more general idea; see: Sociobiology: The New Synthesis, Edward O. Wilson, Harvard University Press, 2000, page 186.)

‘Self-reproductive’ is also not represented by a special word in the text. A possible good existing word might be ‘autotypic.’ Of course, ‘hermaphroditic’ and similar words would be overkill—not to mention highly misleading as it would imply sex. Also, there are several terms that mean more or less the same thing as autopoietic: spontaneous, emergent, endogenous, autogenous, autochthonous, autocatakinetic, self-organized, self-generated, and self-assembled.

Note: of all the above words (written in the early 2000s), one (‘autogenous’) has since been coined by Terrence Deacon in a 2011 book: Incomplete Nature: How Mind Emerged from Matter, Terrence Deacon, W. W. Norton & Company, 2011. By it, he means a somewhat simplified form of autopoietic, where, essentially, there is an impermeable barrier instead of a semipermeable boundary with gradient pumps to an outside. But other than that, everything else is similar. He uses it to make metaphors for mental processes, not (physical) living systems.

It says something about our low level of understanding of self-organizing systems that we don’t yet have compact, everyday words for key concepts: self-regulating, self-regenerating, self-steering, self-stimulating, self-building, self-maintaining, self-describing, self-repairing, and self-writing. (Here, ‘self-writing’ is taken to mean both self-productive (generating itself; that is, ‘autopietic’ since poiesis means ‘bringing forth’), and self-replicating (generating a copy of itself). Whenever recursion pops up, it baffles us.

[network motifs]
Many different kinds of networks, whether in genomes, cells, brains, cities, ecosystems, or even entire economies, spring into being by themselves. They are all highly non-random and they share many structural similarities. However, sets of network motifs (specific arrangements of node linkages) associate with the different kinds of things that such networks have to do if they’re to persist. One such important thing is information processing.

“Complex networks are studied across many fields of science. To uncover their structural design principles, we defined ‘network motifs,’ patterns of interconnections occurring in complex networks at numbers that are significantly higher than those in randomized networks. We found such motifs in networks from biochemistry, neurobiology, ecology, and engineering. The motifs shared by ecological food webs were distinct from the motifs shared by the genetic networks of Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae or from those found in the World Wide Web. Similar motifs were found in networks that perform information processing, even though they describe elements as different as biomolecules within a cell and synaptic connections between neurons in Caenorhabditis elegans. Motifs may thus define universal classes of networks. This approach may uncover the basic building blocks of most networks.” From: “Network motifs: simple building blocks of complex networks,” R. Milo, S. Shen-Orr, S. Itzkovitz, N. Kashtan, D. Chklovskii, U. Alon, Science, 298(5594):824-827,2002.

See also: “QuateXelero: An Accelerated Exact Network Motif Detection Algorithm,” S. Khakabimamaghani, I. Sharafuddin, N. Dichter, I. Koch, A. Masoudi-Nejad, PLoS ONE, 8(7):e68073, 2013. “Network Motif Discovery Using Subgraph Enumeration and Symmetry-Breaking,” J. A. Grochow, M. Kellis, RECOMB 2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4453, pages 92-106, 2007.

[self-writing sentences]
This is of course a poetic rather than scientific way of speaking. No sentence can be self-writing. To be slightly more accurate, it’s like a box that contains a tape recorder plus a sentence that is a description of a tape recorder. The tape recorder plays the sentence and as it does so the sentence describes the making of another sentence that describes how to make a box with a tape recorder plus itself. For example, an egg isn’t merely a naked strand of DNA, it also contains a minimal set of proteins needed to start transcribing that DNA and to turn that transcript into yet more proteins. So each of our germ cells is part of an unbroken chain from mother cell to daughter cell going back all the way to the beginning of life on earth (or at least, to the fixing in place of the genetic code). The description of a cell is important (the DNA, or perhaps in much earlier times, the RNA), but the cell itself, in which that DNA exists and functioned, is just as important.
[we have no idea (about self-writing sentences)]
Actually, we do have ideas, but they’re too technical for inclusion in a popular science text. We have no clear idea how a sentence might complexify enough to not only contain a description of itself but also be able to write that description of itself. Neither our tentative autocatalytic origin-of-life theory nor our standard evolutionary development-of-life theory explains that. Evolution, for example, doesn’t need self-writing networks, it only needs autopoietic ones: it can start as soon as a network can copy itself because the copies would vary in their relative concentrations of reactants, thus selection for efficiency among the variant copies would begin. But to explain life as we know it, such networks must not only copy themselves, they must also write descriptions of themselves into their copies. Maybe, thousands of millions of years ago, an autopoietic network somehow fused with a collectively autocatalytic network of RNA molecules and both networks were somehow able to co-catalyze each other.

That isn’t as far-fetched as it may sound. RNA itself is able both to catalyze reactions and to hold information. So maybe heredity acts to stabilize the copying process, making self-writing networks more persistent than merely autopoietic ones. Alternately, maybe RNA (or some similar template mechanism) acts as a signal from one ‘generation’ to the next about living conditions that the parent ‘generation’ experienced, thus influencing the daughter generation’s metabolic activity. Who knows. Perhaps all three of the most basic parts needed for life—metabolism, template, and membrane—developed separately, each as independent autocatalytic networks, then they somehow joined into one system, perhaps by developing catalytic links between the metabolic and hereditary subsystem so that the template began to control the metabolism, and catalytic links between the metabolic and container subsystems, so that metabolism began to produce membrane parts. The membrane allowed both the metabolism and the template to persist, the metabolism produced energy and parts for both the membrane and template to persist, and the template snapshotted and controlled both the membrane and the metabolism. How that happened, though—if it did—is anyone’s guess.

Here is a recent paper on two interesting simulations of this possible process based on Tibor Gánti’s work: “The Chemoton: A model for the origin of long RNA templates,” C. Fernando, E. A. Di Paolo, Artificial Life IX: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems, Jordan Pollack, Mark Bedau, Phil Husbands, Takashi Ikegami, and Richard A. Watson (editors), The MIT Press, 2004, pages 1-8.

Today, the strongest line of disagreement in the origin of life argument lies between those who believe in heredity first and those who believe in metabolism first. For a recent survey, see: “Controversies on the origin of life,” J. Peretó, International Microbiology, 8(1):23-31, 2005.

[we’re still very much in the dark]
There’s much we don’t know. However, we already understand autocatalysis. And we’ve confirmed biochemical synergy in the lab. Plus, mathematical models and computer simulations together strongly suggest that synergy is almost inevitable once a diverse enough set of parts are densely enough packed. We’re also beginning to understand how stigmergy works, both in colonial insects like termites, and in cells as they form in embryos. Stigmergy may be what lets a mere sentence self-replicate. The sentence itself doesn’t self-replicate. It exists in a soup of partial sentence readers. Each of them can understand a small part of the sentence and can copy both that and itself using that. As in Magritte’s famous painting, a picture of a pipe isn’t a pipe. However we now understand that it can give rise to a real pipe if it comes with enough brainless sentence readers. Imagine them crawling over the painting to make bits of a real pipe, then connecting those bits to make another pipe painting, plus copies of themselves. In this case, the egg, not the chicken, came first.

Maybe we’ll one day figure out how repair and replication can be made to work. If so, we’ll know how to break down repair (and replication) into smaller pieces, just as we’ve now begun to break down our vague idea of ‘living things’ into smaller, more precise pieces. Beyond that, though, we know nothing certain.


[termite mating and nesting]
“The fungus-growing termite, Macrotermes natalensis (Haviland), the most common and widely distributed member of the genus in southern Africa, produces a single brood of alates annually. The release of these alates from the colony is under the control of workers. The latter construct crescent-shaped flight holes over the mound surface and in the surrounding grass. On flight evenings workers open these holes. Large numbers of workers and small numbers of minor soldiers exit the mound to surround the flight holes. Alates then rapidly leave the nest by way of these flight holes. When the last alate has flown workers and soldiers move back into the mound and the flight holes are sealed. Following the flight the females land before the males, selecting elevated sites where they stand head down with wings fully extended. The male seeks out the female and when he joins her, the wings of both are flexed. Following a period of stimulation, both sexes dealate simultaneously and the pair move to the ground to search for a nesting site, moving in tandem with the male following the female. The female chooses the site and initiates digging-in. The male joins in the excavating and together they complete the project.” From: “Swarming and pairing in the fungus-growing termite, Macrotermes natalensis, (Haviland) (Isoptera: Macrotermitinae),” J. D. Mitchell, African Entomology, 15(1):153-160, 2007.
[termite colony reproduction]
“Termite colonies reproduce in three ways. The first and most common occurs through the periodic release of male and female reproductives from their parental nests (swarming). A small proportion of those released survive predation to form nuptial pairs and may establish new colonies separate from those within which they were reared. However, new colonies also establish from secondary reproductives where part of the original colony becomes isolated from its parent colony (budding). Occasionally, colonies may subdivide by a process know as sociotomy which involves the departure of a group of individuals from the parent colony to establish one or more new colonies elsewhere.

Colonies progress from juvenile to mature stages and eventually decline. The juvenile stage is differentiated from the adult by the production of reproductives. Caste proportions alter in characteristic ways during the different stages of colony development. In Kenya, juvenile colonies of the litter-feeding and fungus-cultivating termite Macrotermes michaelseni grow rapidly and the population comprises 50% or more of larvae. On reaching a population of ca. 1.2 million, the colonies become mature and start to release reproductives. The proportion of larvae then falls to ca. 41% and the colony growth rate subsequently declines. In the final or senile stage, the queen’s fecundity declines and the colony vegetates and dies. In some species, supplementary reproductives may assume the former queen’s role and these termite colonies are potentially longeval. Although the reason is unknown, all colonies eventually decline and die, even in the apparent absence of obvious causative factors, Colonies may exist for considerable periods; those of the Australian species Drepanotermes perniger may survive for substantially more than 50 years.”

Soil Ecology, Patrick Lavelle and Alister V. Spain, Kluwer, 2001, pages 301-302.

Two particular species with supplementary reproductives are Kalotermes and Reticulitermes. “Sociochemicals of Termites,” P. E. Howse, in: Chemical Ecology of Insects, William J. Bell and Ring T. Cardé (editors), Chapman and Hall, 1984, pages 475-519, especially pages 481-482. Coptotermes formosanus and Zootermopsis (formerly Termopsis) also have supplementary reproductives.

[termite characteristics]
Much data on each specific species is still unknown so the mating story in the text blends a few characteristics of various species of the genus Macrotermes to make a composite picture. These are specifically all fungus-farming termites with large nests. (However, all 2,500+ termite species are eusocial.) In Macrotermes subhyalinus, for example, the queen’s body becomes so swollen with eggs that she can’t move. When fully engorged, she may be 14 centimeters (5.5 inches) long, 3.5 centimeters (1.4 inches) wide, and able to produce up to 30,000 eggs per day. The queen of Macrotermes michaelseni, does about the same. However in that species at least, a mound can house multiple unrelated queens. “Collective Mind in the Mound: How Do Termites Build Their Huge Structures?” L. Margonelli, National Geographic, August 1st, 2014. “Caste Composition and Mound Size of the Subterranean Termite Macrotermes gilvus (Isoptera: Termitidae: Macrotermitinae),” C.-C. Lee, K.-B. Neoh, C.-Y. Lee, Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 105(3):427-433, 2012. “Unrelated queens coexist in colonies of the termite Macrotermes michaelseni,” M. Hacker, M. Kaib, R. K. Bagine, J. T. Epplen, R. Brandl, Molecular ecology, 14(5):1527-1532, 2005. “A Superorganism’s Fuzzy Boundaries,” J. S. Turner, Natural History, 111(6):62-67, 2002.
[food sharing in termites]
A termite colony persists because all its parts, both passive and active, interact to meet threats to its survival. For example, each day’s foragers, returning with full tummies, face a hungry nest. Termites that need food will touch them in special ways, then feed mouth-to-mouth (in some cases, mouth-to-anus). The colony thus acts as if it’s one life-form whose stomach tells its hands which parts of it are hungry. The two forms of feeding are called stomodeal (mouth-to-mouth) and proctodeal (anus-to-mouth). Sociobiology: The New Synthesis, Edward O. Wilson, Harvard University Press, 2000, pages 206-209.

At least in ants, food-gathering changes depending on the nutritional needs of the colony as a whole. A colony’ foragers are in a strong sense the colony’s ‘hands’ and not independent animals. “Communal Nutrition in Ants,” A. Dussutour, S. J. Simpson, Current Biology, 19(9):740-744, 2009.

[division of labor in colonial insects]
Some termite species do have specialized termites (for example, soldiers), but most tasks are shared depending on who’s available where and when. Much is unknown. “Multifunctional queen pheromone and maintenance of reproductive harmony in termite colonies,” K. Matsuura, Journal of chemical ecology, 38(6):746-54, 2012. “Cooperation, conflict, and the evolution of queen pheromones,” S. D. Kocher, C. M. Grozinger, Journal of chemical ecology, 37(11):1263-1275, 2011. Organization of Insect Societies: From Genome to Sociocomplexity, Jürgen Gadau and Jennifer Fewell (editors), Harvard University Press, 2009. The Superorganism: The Beauty, Elegance, and Strangeness of Insect Societies, Bert Hölldobler and Edward O. Wilson, W. W. Norton, 2008. The Wisdom of the Hive: The Social Physiology of Honey Bee Colonies, Thomas D. Seeley, Harvard University Press, 1996. “Regulation of Division of Labor in Insect Societies,” G. E. Robinson, Annual Review of Entomology, 37(1):637-665, 1992. The Ants, Bert Hölldobler and Edward O. Wilson, Harvard University Press, 1990.
[Aristotle on the sex of bees]
Although he’s unsure, from the various stories he’s heard he thinks their ‘king’ tells them what to do. For him, their queen is a king because it’s the biggest. He thinks a worker is male because it has a stinger; no female could carry weapons. He’s still puzzled, though, because workers take care of the young; only females did that. He’s also never seen any bees having sex, so, for him, most of the young may come from flowers, and they may be neither male nor female. No one would know how this all works or that bee ‘kings’ are really ‘queens’ for over two millenia after he died. So for him, the queen rules.

For Aristotle, ‘male’ meant an animal that generates in another and ‘female’ meant one that generates in itself. So, for him, a ‘king’ isn’t necessarily ‘male’ in today’s sense; nor is a ‘queen’ necessarily ‘female.’ For Aristotle, men and women combine both male and female aspects. Also, none of his surviving books mention termites, but he did write about ants, wasps, and bees.

The Honey Bee and Apian Imagery in Classical Literature, Rachel D. Carlson, doctoral thesis, University of Washington, 2015, pages 7-9. The Female in Aristotle’s Biology: Reason or Rationalization, Robert Mayhew, University of Chicago Press, 2004, chapter 2, especially pages 19-26. “King-Bees and Mother-Wasps: A Note on Ideology and Gender in Aristotle’s Entomology,” R. Mayhew, Phronesis, 44(2):127-134, 1999. The Works of Aristotle, Volume V: De Generatione Animalium, Book III, section 9, J. A. Smith and W. D. Ross (editors), translated by Arthur Platt, Oxford University Press, Second Edition, 1912, page 759.

Bee gender wasn’t determined until the 1700s. Jan Swammerdam used the new microscope to do so in a painstaking decade-long work. Bybel der Natuure, Jan Swammerdam, Isaak Severinus, Boudwen Vander, Pietr Vander, 1737-1738. A German translation (Bibel der Natur) appeared in 1752, then an English translation (The Book of Nature) in 1758.

[Aristotle on bee reproduction]
“With regard to the generation of bees different hypotheses are in vogue. Some affirm that bees neither copulate nor give birth to young, but that they fetch their young. And some say that they fetch their young from the flower of the callyntrum; others assert that they bring them from the flower of the reed, others, from the flower of the olive. And in respect to the olive theory, it is stated as a proof that, when the olive harvest is most abundant, the swarms are most numerous. Others declare that they fetch the brood of the drones from such things as above mentioned, but that the working bees are engendered by the rulers of the hive.”

The Works of Aristotle, Volume IV: Historia Animalium, Book V, Part XXI, J. A. Smith and W. D. Ross (editors), translated by D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson, Oxford University Press, 1912.

“There is much difficulty about the generation of bees. If it is really true that in the case of some fishes there is such a method of generation that they produce eggs without copulation, this may well happen also with bees, to judge from appearances. For they must (1) either bring the young brood from elsewhere, as some say, and if so the young must either be spontaneously generated or produced by some other animal, or (2) they must generate them themselves, or (3) they must bring some and generate others, for this also is maintained by some, who say that they bring the young of the drones only. Again, if they generate them it must be either with or without copulation; if the former, then either (1) each kind must generate its own kind, or (2) some one kind must generate the others, or (3) one kind must unite with another for the purpose (I mean for instance (1) that bees may be generated from the union of bees, drones from that of drones, and kings from that of kings, or (2) that all the others may be generated from one, as from what are called kings and leaders, or (3) from the union of drones and bees, for some say that the former are male, the latter female, while others say that the bees are male and the drones female). But all these views are impossible if we reason first upon the facts peculiar to bees and secondly upon those which apply more generally to other animals also.”

The Works of Aristotle, Volume V: De Generatione Animalium, Book III, section 10, J. A. Smith and W. D. Ross (editors), translated by Arthur Platt, Oxford University Press, Second Edition, 1912, page 759.

[the ant and the sluggard]
“Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest.”

The Bible, The King James Version, Proverbs 6:6-8.

[Aristotle on the rulers and the ruled]
“And there are many kinds both of rulers and subjects (and that rule is the better which is exercised over better subjects—for example, to rule over men is better than to rule over wild beasts; for the work is better which is executed by better workmen, and where one man rules and another is ruled, they may be said to have a work); for in all things which form a composite whole and which are made up of parts, whether continuous or discrete, a distinction between the ruling and the subject element comes to light. Such a duality exists in living creatures, but not in them only; it originates in the constitution of the universe; even in things which have no life there is a ruling principle, as in a musical mode.” Politics, Aristotle, Book I, Chapters iii-vii, translated by Benjamin Jowett, 1885, Dover, Reprint Edition, 2000, page 32.
[Aristotle is wrong, termites are a problem for biology, the business of ‘superorganisms’]
Eugène Marais wrote a book on termites (in 1926, in Afrikkans) where he speculated that they had a ‘soul,’ otherwise he couldn’t explain how they could work together. (That book was plagiarized in 1927 by Maurice Maeterlinck, a nobel-prizewinner, in Literature.) He also pointed out that all the names (queen, king, soldier, worker) are misleading—given to an alien species by early naturalists who came from monarchies and couldn’t imagine anything else. “The Construction of Eugène Marais as an Afrikaner Hero,” S. Swart, Journal of Southern African Studies, 30(4):847-867, 2004. The Soul of the White Ant, Eugène N. Marais, Translated by Winifred de Kok, Penguin, 1937. The Life of the White Ant, (Die Siel van die Mier), M. Maeterlinck, George Allen, 1927. The general idea of an ‘organism of organisms’ goes back at least as far as Harvard entomologist William Morton Wheeler in 1911. Over time it died out then was revived, particularly by another Harvard entomologist, E. O. Wilson. It’s an idea that falls into and out of favor depending on how much biologists are willing to consider whether a ‘superorganism’ can be a unit of natural selection, the same way that an organism is.
[termite decision-making]
“Why is the decision making of the superorganismal insect societies so decentralized? Centralized control of any cooperative group requires that a tremendous amount of information—usually dispersed among all the members of the group—be communicated to a central decision-making individual, that this individual then integrates all this information, and finally that it issues instructions to the other group members. However, no species of social insect has evolved anything like a colony-wide nervous system which would allow information to flow rapidly and efficiently to a central decision maker. Moreover, there is no individual within a colony capable of processing a huge mass of information. It is not surprising, therefore, that social insect colonies have evolved highly distributed mechanisms of group decision making. Given that no one member of a social insect colony can possess a synoptic knowledge of her colony’s options, or can perform the complex information processing needed to estimate the utility of each option, it is not surprising that the concepts of bounded rationality and heuristics are highly relevant to understanding how superorganisms make their decisions.” From: “Decision Making in Superorganisms: How Collective Wisdom Arises from the Poorly Informed Masses,” T. D. Seeley, in: Bounded Rationality: The Adaptive Toolbox, Gerd Gigerenzer and Reinhard Selten (editors), The MIT Press, 2001, pages 249-261.
[cooperative animals]
Termites aren’t the only cooperators. All ants, some bees, a few wasps, one kind of shrimp, one kind of thrip, naked mole-rats, damaraland mole-rats, and a few others, also work together. The technical term is ‘eusocial;’ it means that they divide labor, including reproduction (which normally means that only a few breed), their generations overlap, and they jointly care for their young, regardless of its parent.
[estimate of termite brain size]
We don’t yet know how many neurons insects have. Even one of the most genetically studied insects—the honey bee—has an unknown number. However, in 2020 we mapped the fruit fly completely and discovered it has 100,000 neurons in its brain. The following gives an estimated range of up to around a million for ‘the insect brain.’ “Multimodal sensory integration in insects: towards insect brain control architectures,” J. Wessnitzer, B. Webb, Bioinspiration and Biomimetics, 1(3):63-75, 2006. The estimate in the text of ‘a few hundred thousand’ termite neurons also comes from the cockroach, (the nearest termite relative), which is estimated to have no more than about 1.2 million. Current best estimates are around 200,000. “A unique mushroom body substructure common to both basal cockroaches and to termites,” S. M. Farris, N. J. Strausfeld, The Journal of comparative neurology, 456(4):305-320, 2003. “Building a brain: developmental insights in insects,” H. Reichert, G. Boyan, Trends in Neurosciences, 20(6):258-264, 1997.
[termite memory]
In 1979, Hofstadter sketched an extended metaphor for symbols and signals in both ant colonies and human brains. In this metaphor, an ant colony’s actions (as opposed to the ants themselves) might be seen as a series of symbols. “Ant Fugue,” Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Brain, Douglas R. Hofstadter, Basic Books, 1979, pages 311-336.

In 1982, Dawkins argued that the effects of genes in the body (the phenotype) and its surroundings (the extended phenotype) is as important as the genes themselves (the genotype). “The gene’s extended phenotypic effect, say an increase in the height of the [beaver] dam, affects its chances of survival precisely in the same sense as in the case of a gene with a normal phenotypic effect, such as an increase in the length of the [beaver’s] tail. The fact that the dam is the shared product of the building behaviour of several beavers does not alter the principle: genes that tend to make beavers build high dams will themselves, on average, tend to reap the benefits (or costs) of high dams, even though every dam may be jointly built by several beavers.” The Extended Phenotype: The Long Reach of the Gene, Richard Dawkins, Oxford University Press, New Edition, 1999, page 209.

In 2000, Turner argued that we might also consider animal-built structures as ‘external organs,’ just as if they were hearts or lungs. “On the Mound of Macrotermes michaelseni as an Organ of Respiratory Gas Exchange,” J. S. Turner, Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 74(6):798-822, 2001. The Extended Organism: The Physiology of Animal-Built Structures, J. Scott Turner, Harvard University Press, 2000. (Although see: “Extended phenotype redux. How far can the reach of genes extend in manipulating the environment of an organism?,” P. Hunter, EMBO Reports, 10(3):212-215, 2009. “Extended Phenotype — But Not Too Extended. A Reply to Laland, Turner and Jablonka,” R. Dawkins, Biology and Philosophy, 19(3):377-396, 2004.)

The treatment in the text goes only one step further to combine this with the idea of Blackboard Systems from Artificial Intelligence to point out that (short-term) scent trails and (longer-term) structural damages and (long-term) nest structure and (longest-term) genetic structure are also (synergetically bonded) parts of a termite swarm. It’s ‘brain’ thus has four levels of memory: the (shortest-term) scent trails, the (longer-term) nest damages, the (long-term) persistent nest structure, and the (longest-term) termite genetic structure. Like any brain, it also has sensors to detect changes in its world. It also has an attention mechanism to specify what changes to focus on when. And it has effectors to alter its world. All those parts are synergetically bonded into one distributed being. “What are the differences between long-term, short-term, and working memory?” N. Cowan, Progress in Brain Research, 169:323-338, 2008. “Blackboard Systems,” D. D. Corkill, AI Expert, 6(9):40-47, 1991. See also: “Swarm Cognition: an Interdisciplinary Approach to the Study of Self-organizing Biological Collectives,” V. Trianni, E. Tuci, K. M. Passino, J. A. R. Marshall, Swarm Intelligence, 5(1):3-18, 2011. “Swarm Cognition in Honey Bees,” K. M. Passino, T. D. Seeley, P. K. Visscher, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 62(3):401-414, 2008.

The analogy to our species, the things we do and say, the artifacts we build and pass on, and our genetic inheritance, then follows. The idea is also related to recent work in both anthropology and in cognitive science on ourselves as cyborgs. For example, see: Natural-Born Cyborgs: Minds, Technologies, and the Future of Human Intelligence, Andy Clark, Oxford University Press, 2003.

[memory in invertebrates]
Having external memory doesn’t mean that a termite, or any other invertebrate, doesn’t have internal memory. We just haven’t studied termite memory yet. But we have done so for some bees and ants. Termites are low on the funding totem pole compared to bees and ants. All most people care about them is killing them. “Private navigational information (memory) can either override social information (trail pheromone in ants or waggle dance in honeybees) and thus reduce the flexibility of collective decisions by counteracting amplification process or, on the contrary, it can contribute to enhance the amplification process (trail-following behavior in ants). For example, workers of the ant L. niger are able to memorize rapidly the spatial location of a food source on the basis of the visual cues they find in their surroundings. Initially, recruited workers follow the chemical trail laid down by their nestmates, but they are rapidly able to orient on the sole basis of the visual cues they have memorized.” From: “Key factors for the emergence of collective decision in invertebrates,” R. Jeanson, A. Dussutour, V. Fourcassié, Frontiers in Neuroscience, 6: Article 121, 2012. See also: “Better the nest site you know: decision-making during nest migrations by the Pharaoh’s ant,” S. Evison, K. Webster, W. Hughes, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 66(5):711-720, 2012. “Decision making in ant foragers (Lasius niger) facing conflicting private and social information,” C. Grüter, T. J. Czaczkes, F. L. W. Ratnieks, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 65(2):141-148, 2011. “Synergy between social and private information increases foraging efficiency in ants,” T. J. Czaczkes, C. Grüter, S. M. Jones, F. L. W. Ratnieks, Biology letters, 7(4):521-524, 2011. “Informational conflicts created by the waggle dance,” C. Grüter, M. S. Balbuena, W. M. Farina, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 275(1640):1321-1327, 2008. “Memory and chemical communication in the orientation of two mass-recruiting ant species,” S. Aron, R. Beckers, J. L. Deneubourg, J. M. Pasteels, Insectes Sociaux, 40(4):369-380, 1993.
[termite evolution]
Termites present special problems to geneticists. In haplodiploid species, females are born from fertilized eggs and thus are diploid, but males (drones) are haploid, being born from unfertilized eggs, so they only have a mother and no father and, if not sterile, might have daughters but can’t have sons. One standard explanation for insect eusociality is from Hamilton and is in terms of kin selection, which can work well in haplodiploid species like ants, bees, and wasps, but not in diploid species like termites (also both naked mole-rats and also damaraland mole-rats, and others). In honey bees, for example, females from the same brood have genes that, on average, are 75 percent the same. Eusociality then makes sense. If one female bee dies to save 2 or more female kin (or 5 or more male kin), it’s a net plus to her genes.

That’s not the case for cockroaches, and thus termites (since, genetically speaking, termites are roaches). A further problem with it is that bees, wasps, and ants all belong to the order Hymenoptera, most of which are haplodiploid, but yet aren’t eusocial. Termites, which are eusocial, belong to another order, Isoptera. Yet a further problem is that female genetic similarity only applies to females of the same brood. Yet a queen may mate with several drones and thus attenuate the relatedness of her broods. Even further, both paper wasps and honey bees are haplodiploid, and they share many genes, but they are separated by about 100 million years and have evolved different strategies. So it’s not clear what, if anything, haplodiploidy might explain about eusociality. Newer theories are considering things like the effect of varying levels of nutrition on bodyplans as a means of control within the nest. We’re still missing something fundamental. “Brain transcriptomic analysis in paper wasps identifies genes associated with behaviour across social insect lineages,” A. L. Toth, K. Varala, M. T. Henshaw, S. L. Rodriguez-Zas, M. E. Hudson, G. E. Robinson, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 277(1691):2139-2148, 2010. “Death of an order: a comprehensive molecular phylogenetic study confirms that termites are eusocial cockroaches,” D. Inward, G. Beccaloni, P. Eggleton, Biology Letters, 3(3):331-335, 2007. “A comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of termites (Isoptera) illuminates key aspects of their evolutionary biology,” D. J. G. Inward, A. P. Vogler, P. Eggleton, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 44(3):953-967, 2007. “Wasp Gene Expression Supports an Evolutionary Link Between Maternal Behavior and Eusociality,” A. L. Toth, K. Varala, T. C. Newman, F. E. Miguez, S. K. Hutchison, D. A. Willoughby, J. F. Simons, M. Egholm, J. H. Hunt, M. E. Hudson, G. E. Robinson, Science, 318(5849):441-444, 2007. “Nutritional status influences socially regulated foraging ontogeny in honey bees,” A. L. Toth, S. Kantarovich, A. F. Meisel, G. E. Robinson, Journal of Experimental Biology, 208(24):4641-4649, 2005. “Bivoltinism as an Antecedent to Eusociality in the Paper Wasp Genus Polistes,” J. H. Hunt, G. V. Amdam, Science, 308(5719):264-267, 2005. The Insects: An Outline of Entomology, P. J. Gullan and P. S. Cranston, Wiley-Blackwell, Third Edition, 2005, pages 320-324.

[proteins as single-function robots inside cells, ‘moonlighting’]
A few proteins, called ‘moonlighting proteins’ can do more, somewhat, since they have two or more functions, depending on the reactions they’re participating in. Proteins aren’t actually single-function. It’s just that most of them seem to be. However, for about 300 proteins so far, the same protein can have multiple different functions in different circumstances. For example, Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase has many different functions, perhaps as many as nine. These are called ‘moonlighting’ proteins.

Moonlighting is different from pleiotropism (where a single gene affects several, usually unrelated, phenotypic traits in one organism). Pleiotropic effects usually result from inactivation of a single function that’s involved in multiple cellular processes, for instance: a protein that has multiple interaction partners in different pathways, or a macromolecular catalyst that’s important in several metabolic pathways. Instead, moonlighting proteins do different things that differ mechanistically.

“An introduction to protein moonlighting,” C. J. Jeffery, Biochemical Society transactions, 42(6):1679-1683, 2014. “Moonlighting proteins: An intriguing mode of multitasking,” D. H. Huberts, I. J. van der Klei, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Cell Research, 1803(4):520-525, 2010. “Moonlighting proteins—an update,” C. J. Jeffery, Molecular BioSystems, 5(4):345-350, 2009.

[termites became fungus-farmers around 31Mya]
“The mutualistic symbiosis between fungus-growing termites and Termitomyces fungi originated in Africa and shows a moderate degree of interaction specificity. Here we estimate the age of the mutualism and test the hypothesis that the major splits have occurred simultaneously in the host and in the symbiont. We present a scenario where fungus-growing termites originated in the African rainforest just before the expansion of the savanna, about 31 Ma (19-49 Ma). Whereas rough age correspondence is observed for the four main clades of host and symbiont, the analysis reveals several recent events of host switching followed by dispersal of the symbiont throughout large areas and throughout different host genera. The most spectacular of these is a group of closely related fungi (the maximum age of which is estimated to be 2.4 Ma), shared between the divergent genera Microtermes, Ancistrotermes, Acanthotermes and Synacanthotermes (which diverged at least 16.7 Ma), and found throughout the African continent and on Madagascar. The lack of geographical differentiation of fungal symbionts shows that continuous exchange has occurred between regions and across host species.” From: “Dating the fungus-growing termites’ mutualism shows a mixture between ancient codiversification and recent symbiont dispersal across divergent hosts,” T. Nobre, N. A. Koné, S. Konaté K. E. Linsenmair, D. K. Aanen, Molecular ecology, 20(12):2619-2627, 2011.

See also: “Complementary symbiont contributions to plant decomposition in a fungus-farming termite,” M. Poulsen, H. Hu, C. Li, Z. Chen, L. Xu, S. Otani, S. Nygaard, T. Nobre, S. Klaubauf, P. M. Schindler, F. Hauser, H. Pan, Z. Yang, A. S. M. Sonnenberg, Z. W. de Beer, Y. Zhang, M. J. Wingfield, C. J. P. Grimmelikhuijzen, R. P. de Vries, J. Korb, D. K. Aanen, J. Wang, J. J. Boomsma, G. Zhang, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(40):14500-14505, 2014. “High symbiont relatedness stabilizes mutualistic cooperation in fungus-growing termites,” D. K. Aanen, H. H. De Fine Licht, A. J. M. Debets, N. G. Kerstes, R. F. Hoekstra, J. J. Boomsma, Science, 326(5956):1103-1106, 2009. “Social insect fungus farming,” D. K. Aanen, J. J. Boomsma, Current Biology, 16(24):R1014-R1016, 2006. “Fungus-Growing Termites Originated in African Rain Forest,’ D. K. Aanen, P. Eggleton, Current Biology, 15(9):851-855, 2005. “Fungus-farming insects: Multiple origins and diverse evolutionary histories,” U. G. Mueller, N. Gerardo, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 99(24):15247-15249, 2002. “The evolution of fungus-growing termites and their mutualistic fungal symbionts,” D. K. Aanen, P. Eggleton, C. Rouland-Lefèvre, T. Guldberg-Frøslev, S. Rosendahl, J. J. Boomsma, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 99(23):14887-14892, 2002.

Turner had estimated 75 to 150 million years, but that may be for termite genera as a whole, not for the fungus-farmers, Macrotermitinae, specifically, since termites are over 150 million years old. The Extended Organism: The Physiology of Animal-Built Structures, J. Scott Turner, Harvard University Press, 2000, page 179. Wilson had earlier estimated 50 million years for (attine) ants, which also farm fungus (as do ambrosia beetles). The Insect Societies, Edward O. Wilson, Harvard University Press, 1971.

At least one termite species has been mutualist (that is, carrying and depending on stomach protozoa to digest cellulose) for at least 97 to 110 million years. “Description of an early Cretaceous termite (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae) and its associated intestinal protozoa, with comments on their co-evolution,” G. O. Poinar, Jr., Parasites & Vectors, 2(1):12, 2009.

[operational closure in a termite colony]
Like a cell, for the colony to persist it needs energy and parts. It needs parts to capture energy from some energy flux (in its case, fungus breaking down cellulose into sugars). And it needs more parts to replace and repair parts lost during that process. To make the first work, it needs to have catalytic closure; and to make the second work, it needs to have operational closure. But unlike a cell, it’s not inside a bag. It’s parts somehow keep themselves close enough together to continue keeping themselves close enough together. (Those that don’t, die.)

It does so because, like a cell, a long time ago it must have phase changed into a state where all its reactions recursively closed on themselves. In that state, it must have had enough of just the right parts. And those parts were near enough each other to interact fast enough to continue to fetch or make all the resources that it needed to fetch or make the parts that it needed to keep on fetching or making more of just the right set of parts in an endless cycle. So it has catalytic and operational closure. So leakage of its vital resources is low.

However, like a cell, it doesn’t bother to make every vital resource. It doesn’t make air, for example, yet it would die without it. Only limited-supply vital resources matter. And each one has immediate use within the network because the network already has, or can soon get, every other such resource that it needs to put together with that particular resource to make use of it.

Similarly, in a cell, if small non-catalyst helpers, like vitamins or cofactors or whatever, can come from the surroundings, they aren’t ‘regenerated.’ The point is that if the network is operationally closed, it has access to everything it needs to keep working. Such things may come from the surroundings, but if they don’t, it regenerates them. Energy, however, always comes from outside.

[the puzzlebox of the ant’s brain]
Very little is know about termites; more is know about bees and ants. Here are a few recent papers. On the desert ant, for example, it’s known that it counts its steps and it uses magnetic orientation.

“Ants are a globally distributed insect family whose members have adapted to live in a wide range of different environments and ecological niches. Foraging ants everywhere face the recurring challenge of navigating to find food and to bring it back to the nest. More than a century of research has led to the identification of some key navigational strategies, such as compass navigation, path integration, and route following. Ants have been shown to rely on visual, olfactory, and idiothetic cues for navigational guidance. Here, we summarize recent behavioral work, focusing on how these cues are learned and stored as well as how different navigational cues are integrated, often between strategies and even across sensory modalities. Information can also be communicated between different navigational routines. In this way, a shared toolkit of fundamental navigational strategies can lead to substantial flexibility in behavioral outcomes. This allows individual ants to tune their behavioral repertoire to different tasks (e.g., foraging and homing), lifestyles (e.g., diurnal and nocturnal), or environments, depending on the availability and reliability of different guidance cues. We also review recent anatomical and physiological studies in ants and other insects that have started to reveal neural correlates for specific navigational strategies, and which may provide the beginnings of a truly mechanistic understanding of navigation behavior.” From: “How to Navigate in Different Environments and Situations: Lessons From Ants,” C. A. Freas, P. Schultheiss, Frontiers in psychology, 9:841, 2018.

“Not just going with the flow: foraging ants attend to polarised light even while on the pheromone trail,” C. A. Freas, N. J. R. Plowes, M. L. Spetch, Journal of comparative physiology. A, Neuroethology, sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology, 205(5):755-767, 2019. “Experimental Ethology of Learning in Desert Ants: Becoming Expert Navigators,” C. A. Freas, P. N. Fleischmann, K. Cheng, Behavioural processes, 158:181-191, 2019. “The Role of Landscapes and Landmarks in Bee Navigation: A Review,” B. Kheradmand, J. C. Nieh, Insects, 10(10):342, 2019. “Individual experience alone can generate lasting division of labor in ants,” F. Ravary, E. Lecoutey, G. Kaminski, N. Châline, P. Jaisson, Current Biology, 17(15):1308-1312, 2007.

[habituation in slime molds]
“Memory inception and preservation in slime moulds: the quest for a common mechanism,” A. Boussard, J. Delescluse, A. Pérez-Escudero, A. Dussutour, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 374(1774), 20180368, 2019.
[large dynamic networks]
“A great variety of systems in nature, society and technology—from the web of sexual contacts to the Internet, from the nervous system to power grids—can be modeled as graphs of vertices coupled by edges. The network structure, describing how the graph is wired, helps us understand, predict and optimize the behavior of dynamical systems. In many cases, however, the edges are not continuously active. As an example, in networks of communication via email, text messages, or phone calls, edges represent sequences of instantaneous or practically instantaneous contacts. In some cases, edges are active for non-negligible periods of time: e.g., the proximity patterns of inpatients at hospitals can be represented by a graph where an edge between two individuals is on throughout the time they are at the same ward. Like network topology, the temporal structure of edge activations can affect dynamics of systems interacting through the network, from disease contagion on the network of patients to information diffusion over an e-mail network. In this review, we present the emergent field of temporal networks, and discuss methods for analyzing topological and temporal structure and models for elucidating their relation to the behavior of dynamical systems. In the light of traditional network theory, one can see this framework as moving the information of when things happen from the dynamical system on the network, to the network itself. Since fundamental properties, such as the transitivity of edges, do not necessarily hold in temporal networks, many of these methods need to be quite different from those for static networks. The study of temporal networks is very interdisciplinary in nature. Reflecting this, even the object of study has many names—temporal graphs, evolving graphs, time-varying graphs, time-aggregated graphs, time-stamped graphs, dynamic networks, dynamic graphs, dynamical graphs, and so on.” From: “Temporal networks,” P. Holme, J. Saramäki. Physics reports, 519(3):97-125, 2012.

“If dynamics play such a central role in biological systems, why have genome-scale computational analyses of interaction and network dynamics remained elusive? One central reason is that the most widely-applied large-scale technologies to determine protein interactions, such as yeast two-hybrid and TAP-MS to detect protein-protein interactions or in vitro proteome microarrays to detect phosphorylation interactions, do not provide spatial, temporal or contextual information about detected interactions. ChIP-chip or ChIP-seq approaches for uncovering regulatory interactions have been used to uncover reactive contextual variation but have only recently started to be used to uncover temporal variation over a dynamic time course. Thus, even if all possible interactions in an organism could be determined using these technologies, for any given protein, it would generally not be known when and where each of its interactions occurs.” From: “Toward the dynamic interactome: It’s about time,” T. M. Przytycka, M. Singh, D. K. Slonim, Briefings in Bioinformatics, 11(1):15-29, 2010.

See also: “Evolutionary Network Analysis: A Survey,” C. Aggarwal, K. Subbian, ACM Computing Surveys, 47(1):article 10, 2014. “Dynamic modular architecture of protein-protein interaction networks beyond the dichotomy of ‘date’ and ‘party’ hubs,” X. Chang, T. Xu, Y. Li, K. Wang, Scientific Reports, 3:1691, 2013. “Protein-protein interaction networks: unraveling the wiring of molecular machines within the cell,” J. De Las Rivas, C. Fontanillo, Briefings in Functional Genomics, 11(6):489-496, 2012. “Revisiting date and party hubs: novel approaches to role assignment in protein interaction networks,” S. Agarwal, C. M. Deane, M. A. Porter, N. S. Jones, PLoS Computational Biology, 6(6):e1000817, 2010. “Statistical inference of the time-varying structure of gene-regulation networks,” S. Lèbre, J. Becq, F. Devaux, M. P. H. Stumpf, G. Lelandais, BMC Systems Biology, 4:130, 2010. “Understanding modularity in molecular networks requires dynamics,” R. P. Alexander, P. M. Kim, T. Emonet, M. B. Gerstein, Science Signaling, 2(81):pe44, 2009. “Inferring time-varying network topologies from gene expression data,” A. Rao, A. O. Hero III, D. J. States, J. D. Engel, EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology, 2007:51947, 2007. “Dynamic Network Evolution: Models, Clustering, Anomaly detection,” C. C. Bilgin, B. Yener, IEEE Networks, 2006. Systems Biology: Properties of Reconstructed Networks, Bernhard Ø. Palsson, Cambridge University Press, 2006. “Genomic analysis of regulatory network dynamics reveals large topological changes,” N. M. Luscombe, M. M. Babu, H. Y. Yu, M. Snyder, S. A. Teichmann, M. Gerstein, Nature, 431(7006):308-312, 2004. “Evidence for dynamically organized modularity in the yeast protein-protein interaction network,’ J. D. Han, N. Bertin, T. Hao, D. S. Goldberg, G. F. Berriz, L. V. Zhang, D. Dupuy, A. J. Walhout, M. E. Cusick, F. P. Roth, M. Vidal, Nature, 430(6995):88-93, 2004.

[partial cell wiring diagram]
This is the third diagram in Figure 6 of “Molecular interaction map of the mammalian cell cycle control and DNA repair systems,” K. W. Kohn, Molecular Biology of the Cell, 10(8):2703-2734, 1999. Used by permission of Kurt W. Kohn. (Personal communication.)
[Darwin on the colonial insects]
Darwin, when he was working on his theory of natural selection, struggled with termites and similar species. Partly because of them he held off publishing his Origin of Species for almost 20 years.

“I will not here enter on these several cases, but will confine myself to one special difficulty, which at first appeared to me insuperable, and actually fatal to my whole theory. I allude to the neuters or sterile females in insect-communities: for these neuters often differ widely in instinct and in structure from both the males and fertile females, and yet, from being sterile, they cannot propagate their kind.

The subject well deserves to be discussed at great length, but I will here take only a single case, that of working or sterile ants. How the workers have been rendered sterile is a difficulty; but not much greater than that of any other striking modification of structure; for it can be shown that some insects and other articulate animals in a state of nature occasionally become sterile; and if such insects had been social, and it had been profitable to the community that a number should have been annually born capable of work, but incapable of procreation, I can see no very great difficulty in this being effected by natural selection. But I must pass over this preliminary difficulty. The great difficulty lies in the working ants differing widely from both the males and the fertile females in structure, as in the shape of the thorax and in being destitute of wings and sometimes of eyes, and in instinct. As far as instinct alone is concerned, the prodigious difference in this respect between the workers and the perfect females, would have been far better exemplified by the hive-bee. If a working ant or other neuter insect had been an ordinary animal, I should have unhesitatingly assumed that all its characters had been slowly acquired through natural selection; namely, by individuals having been born with slight profitable modifications, which were inherited by the offspring, and that these again varied and again were selected, and so onwards. But with the working ant we have an insect differing greatly from its parents, yet absolutely sterile; so that it could never have transmitted successively acquired modifications of structure or instinct to its progeny. It may well be asked how it is possible to reconcile this case with the theory of natural selection? [...]

But I must confess, that, with all my faith in natural selection, I should never have anticipated that this principle could have been efficient in so high a degree, had not the case of these neuter insects led me to this conclusion. I have, therefore, discussed this case, at some little but wholly insufficient length, in order to show the power of natural selection, and likewise because this is by far the most serious special difficulty which my theory has encountered.”

On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life, Charles Darwin, 1859, Hayes Barton Press, Reprint Edition, 2007, pages 233 and 238.

For something of Darwin’s extensive struggles over many years with this particular problem, see: Darwin and the Emergence of Evolutionary Theories of Mind and Behavior, Robert J. Richards, University of Chicago Press, 1987, pages 142-156.

[Darwin’s ‘one special difficulty’—the evolution of cooperation]
Biologists fight over individual selection versus group selection. That is, whether what matters is the individual or the group. Of importance here is that we understand pretty well how things work for the individual because we have a strong strand of understanding for the individual that goes all the way down to the gene, so we have a clear understanding in terms of inheritance. That doesn’t work well for groups because the group may have the same unit of inheritance, but supposedly a different unit of selection (that is, the group, not the individual—or rather, the gene).

Most biologists are in the ‘individualist’ camp; only a few are in the ‘group’ camp, with various variants of multilevel or group selection (some even argue that inclusive fitness, the current form of the old classical fitness, which is a weighted sum that includes close as well as lineal kin, can be viewed as a kind of group selection), trying to grope toward some understanding of how it could fit in to the rest of well-understood selection. This is especially touchy when it comes to us because of how valued altruism is in human societies. The biology of how all life works gets confused with the philosophy of human action. This argument has been going on since at least the 1960s when G. C. Williams (Adaptation and Natural Selection) clashed with V. C. Wynne Edwards (Animal Dispersion in Relation to Social Behavior), and it flares up from time to time, most recently between E. O. Wilson (and fellow travelers, like D. S. Wilson and M. J. Wade) versus at least a hundred others in 2010.

Cooperation is a problem if all biology is purely individual. In 2010, biologists were still arguing about cooperators, and termites in particular. Using Hamilton’s theory of kin selection, geneticists might be able to explain why eusocial ants, bees, and wasps (members of order Hymenoptera) behave as they do, since they’re haplodiploid. But not termites (order Isoptera), and also aphids, naked mole-rats, damaraland mole-rats, and snapping shrimp, since they’re diploid. Termites in a nest aren’t near-clones the way bees in a hive are. They aren’t even a separate order of animals. They’re really cockroaches. Why aren’t they loners, like other roaches—and nearly all other animals? They just make no sense to the neo-Darwinian model.

“The evolution of eusociality,” M. A. Nowak, C. E. Tarnita, E. O. Wilson, Nature, 466(7310):1057-1062, 2010. “Darwin’s ‘one special difficulty’: celebrating Darwin 200,” J. M. Herbers, Biology Letters, 5(2):214-217, 2009. “Ancestral Monogamy Shows Kin Selection is Key to the Evolution of Eusociality,” W. H. O. Hughes, B. P. Oldroyd, M. Beekman, F. L. W. Ratnieks, Science, 320(5880):1213-1216, 2008. “One Giant Leap: How Insects Achieved Altruism and Colonial Life,” E. O. Wilson, BioScience, 58(1):17, 2008. “The emergence of a superorganism through intergroup competition,” H. K. Reeve, A. Hölldobler, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 104(23):9736-9740, 2007. “Kin Selection as the Key to Altruism: its Rise and Fall,” E. O. Wilson, Social Research, 72(1):159-166, 2005. “The rise, fall and resurrection of group selection,” M. E. Borrello, Endeavor, 29(1):43-47, 2005. “Evolution of eusociality and the soldier caste in termites: a validation of the intrinsic benefit hypothesis,” E. A. Roux, J. Korb, Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 17(4):869-875, 2004. “Influence of environmental conditions on the expression of the sexual dispersal phenotype in a lower termite: implications for the evolution of workers in termites,” J. Korb, S. Katrantzis, Evolution and Development, 6(5):342-352, 2004. “The origin of a ’true’ worker caste in termites: mapping the real world on the phylogenetic tree,” P. Grandcolas, C. D’Haese, Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 17(2):461-463, 2004. “On the origin of termite workers: weighing up the phylogenetic evidence,” G. J. Thompson, O. Kitade, N. Lo, R. H. Crozier, Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 17(3):720, 2004. “Evolution of eusociality and the soldier caste in termites: Influence of intraspecific competition and accelerated inheritance,” B. L. Thorne, N. L. Breisch, M. L. Muscedere, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 100(22):12808-12813, 2003. “Longevity of kings and queens and first time of production of fertile progeny in dampwood termite (Isoptera; Termopsidae; Zootermopsis) colonies with different reproductive structures,” B. L. Thorne, N. L. Breisch, M. I. Haverty, Journal of Animal Ecology, 71(6):1030-1041, 2002. “Within-colony relatedness in a termite species: Genetic roads to eusociality?” C. Husseneder, R. Brandl, C. Epplen, J. T. Epplen, M. Kaib, Behaviour, 136(9):1045-1063, 1999. “Evolution of Eusociality in Termites,” B. L. Thorne, Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, 28:27-54, 1997. “The Evolution of Eusociality,” M. Andersson, Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, 15:165-189, 1984. “The Evolution of Eusociality in Termites: A Haplodiploid Analogy?” R. C. Lacy, The American Naturalist, 116(3):449-451, 1980.

[termite colonies, superorganisms, and swarms]
There have been recent attempts to merge the idea of an organism and a superorganism, both on the theoretical front and on the econometric front. “Energetic basis of colonial living in social insects,” C. Hou, M. Kaspari, H. B. Vander Zanden, J. F. Gillooly, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(8):3634-3638, 2010. “Beyond society: the evolution of organismality,” D. C. Queller, J. E. Strassmann, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, B, 364(1533):3143-3155, 2009. “Extended Phenotype — But Not Too Extended. A Reply to Laland, Turner and Jablonka,” R. Dawkins, Biology and Philosophy, 19(3):377-396, 2004. “The Superorganism Metaphor: Then and Now,” S. D. Mitchell, in: Biology as Society, Society as Biology: Metaphors, Sabine Maasen, Everett Mendelsohn, and Peter Weingart (editors), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995, pages 231-248.

In particular, Queller and Strassman argue that: “many of the traits commonly used to define organisms are not essential. These non-essential traits include physical contiguity, indivisibility, clonality or high relatedness, development from a single cell, short-term and long-term genetic cotransmission, germ-soma separation and membership in the same species.”

Also, Dawkins, while not arguing for superorganisms but arguing against the somewhat modish idea of ‘niche construction’ wrote this: “the analogy of [termite] mound with organism stands up well. The fact that we have a heterogeneously sourced genetic input to the embryology of the phenotype doesn’t matter.... Each new [termite] nest is founded by a single queen (or king and queen) who then, with a lot of luck, produces a colony of workers who build the mound. The founding genetic injection is, by the standards of a million-strong termite colony, an impressively small bottleneck. The same is, at least quantitatively, true of the gut symbionts with which all termites in the new nest are infected by anal licking, ultimately from the queen—the bottleneck. And the same is quantitatively true of the fungus, which is carefully transported, as a small inoculum, by the founding queen from her natal nest. All the genes that pass from a parent mound to a daughter mound do so in a small, shared package. By the bottleneck criterion, the termite mound passes muster as an extended organism, even though it is the phenotype of a teeming mass of genes sitting in many thousands of workers.... every organism (conventionally defined) is already a symbiotically cooperating union of its ‘own’ genes. What draws them, in a Darwinian sense, to cooperate is again ‘bottlenecking’: a shared statistical expectation of the future.”

The general idea of an ‘organism of organisms’ goes back at least as far as Harvard entomologist William Morton Wheeler in 1911. Over time it died out then was revived, particularly by another Harvard entomologist, E. O. Wilson. It’s an idea that falls into and out of favor depending on how much biologists are willing to consider whether a ‘superorganism’ can be a unit of natural selection, the same way that an organism is.

The use in the text, though, is less about whether a ‘superorganism’ can be selected for by evolution than what might be the beginnings of a more detailed analysis of whether such a thing might be considered to even be alive. The very name ‘superorganism’ begs the question since it implicitly assumes that to be the case. It needs to be jettisoned, at least for the time being, until what it’s describing is better understood. Hence the substitute term ‘swarm.’

[swarms and xenobiology]
Even more generally, what would we do were we to one day come across a set of entities on Jupiter’s moons, Io or Europa, or Saturn’s moons, Titan or Enceladus, without even a ‘queen’ or even a single localizable nest, yet they still acted together so that their pattern of interactions persisted into the future? Could biologists claim them as their thing? What we seem to care about is that we see a pattern of some sort, then several hours, or days, or even centuries later, we see the same sort of pattern.
[biologists argue about the meaning of the word ‘organism’]
“Does Biology Need an Organism Concept?” J. W. Pepper, M. D. Herron, Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 83(4):621-627, 2008.
[persistence versus structure or composition]
If biology can only be about life, and life can only be about cells, and thus is mainly about the genes in them, then everything about life is linked to the copying of single cells. But what do we make of networks that depend on parts that don’t, or can’t, reproduce, but which aid some network parts that do (the propagules), and when they do they rebuild the whole network? The closest biology comes to that is ‘extended phenotypes’ (things that life-forms build that aid their persistence) when studying things like spider webs, bird nests, beaver dams, and the like. Such things are of special interest to our species because they’re akin to the tools that we build; those tools extend us just as beaver dams extend beavers. But if the study of beaver dams and termite nests is in biology, where does the study of termite colonies go? They make termites that make nests that aid termite colonies, so they’re a lot like bodies that make germ cells that make bodies. Chickens make eggs to get through the reproductive bottleneck; termite colonies make flying sexual termite pairs to get through the reproductive bottleneck. If chickens are alive, why aren’t termite colonies also alive? But then, if termite colonies are alive, what of networks whose parts needn’t necessarily even have genes, nor need they even necessarily copy themselves, but which do at least act to preserve themselves? After all, what matters in the world around us is what we see, what we can act on, and what can act on us—which depends on which things persist. See also: “Colonies Are Individuals: Revisiting the Superorganism Revival,” M. Haber, in: From Groups to Individuals: Evolution and Emerging Individuality, Frédéric Bouchard and Philippe Huneman (editors), The MIT Press, 2013, pages 195-218. “Beyond society: the evolution of organismality,” D. C. Queller, J. E. Strassmann, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, B, 364(1533):3143-3155, 2009. “Does Biology Need an Organism Concept?” J. W. Pepper, M. D. Herron, Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 83(4):621-627, 2008. “Causal Processes, Fitness and the Differential Persistence of Lineages,” F. Bouchard, Philosophy of Science, 75(5):560-570, 2008. “Three paradigms of evolution,” L. M. Van Valen, Evolutionary Theory, 9(1):1-17, 1989.
[the mayfly as part of a cycle]
That the mayfly is part of a cycle, which includes an egg, wasn’t even noticed until Jan Swammerdam’s book in 1738.
[use of colonial insects as human models]
Six Legs Better: A Cultural History of Myrmecology, Charlotte Sleigh, John Hopkins University Press, 2007.
[human body has as many non-human cells as human cells]
The following reference is just one of many (most textbooks, for example) claiming that the human body has ten times as many non-human cells as human cells. But that has since been challenged as being based on an old estimate from 1972, which just got copied and copied and copied without further checking. “A dynamic partnership: Celebrating our gut flora,” C. L. Sears, Anaerobe, 11(5):247-251, 2005.

“Reported values in the literature on the number of cells in the body differ by orders of magnitude and are very seldom supported by any measurements or calculations. Here, we integrate the most up-to-date information on the number of human and bacterial cells in the body. We estimate the total number of bacteria in the 70 kg ‘reference man’ to be 3.8·1013. For human cells, we identify the dominant role of the hematopoietic lineage to the total count (≈90%) and revise past estimates to 3.0·1013 human cells. Our analysis also updates the widely-cited 10:1 ratio, showing that the number of bacteria in the body is actually of the same order as the number of human cells, and their total mass is about 0.2 kg.” From: “Revised Estimates for the Number of Human and Bacteria Cells in the Body,” R. Sender, S. Fuchs, R. Milo, PLoS Biology, 14(8):e1002533, 2016. “Are We Really Vastly Outnumbered? Revisiting the Ratio of Bacterial to Host Cells in Humans,” R. Sender, S. Fuchs, R. Milo, Cell, 164(3):337-340, 2016.

[10 billion cells a day commit suicide]
“Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Mitochondrial Membrane Permeability Waves during Apoptosis,” P. D. Bhola, A. L. Mattheyses, S. S. Simon, Biophysical Journal, 97(8):2222-2231, 2009. “Determinism and divergence of apoptosis susceptibility in mammalian cells,” P. D. Bhola, S. S. Simon, Journal of Cell Science, 122(23):4296-4302, 2009.
[50 million proteins in an ‘average’ cell]
The figure of 50 million quoted in the text is a highly crude estimate. It’s based on a lower-limit estimate of 46.5 proteins in the average yeast cell during its exponential growth phase. Cells range widely in size and in composition so this may not even be a correct order-of-magnitude estimate of the total number of bioactive molecules in the average cell (never mind the total number of molecules, bioactive or not) in the ‘average’ cell. “The hard cell: From proteomics to a whole cell model,” M. J. Betts, R. B. Russell, FEBS Letters, 581(15):2870-2876, 2007. The other numbers provided in the texts are fairly well supported via volumetric methods, but they too are estimates for the ‘average’ cell.
[Life is a Verb]
The sentence is a backhanded reference to: “God is a verb.” No More Secondhand God and Other Writings, Buckminster Fuller, Southern Illinois University Press, 1963, page 28.

In the swarm-physics view, a ‘living thing’ needn’t necessarily be a single touchable thing. It might be a network of separate but linked parts. Those parts needn’t always be in contact, nor need any of them persist for long, nor need all of them, or any of them, even necessarily be themselves ‘alive.’ As long as they interact fast enough so as to recreate enough copies of themselves so that they stay networked, their network persists, and thus is, in some sense, ‘alive.’

To be so, such a reaction network must make many of its own catalysts—most of them are too intricate and delicate to come to exist in many copies otherwise. But to do that, it needs a constant supply of matter and energy. If its supply is interrupted for too long, then even if given a fresh supply later, its parts may not be able to reestablish all their links; so their copies decay, and they all depend on each other, so it dies out. It’s also sensitive to its amounts of ‘food’ and energy. Without enough food, it ‘starves.’ With too much food, it ‘chokes.’ Without enough energy, it ‘freezes.’ With too much energy, it ‘burns.’ It’s thus constantly balancing on the edge of many knives. It can ‘die’ in many ways.

To persist, it needs many delicately balanced reactions, which need many parts. The ones we today know of need at least a few thousand different parts reacting together in at least a few thousand reactions. Below that threshold, networks seem not be diverse enough to be fully self-helping—at least, not with the chemistry or entomology that we’re familiar with at low pressures and temperatures here on Earth. Further, each network part needs to exist in many thousands of copies. Thus the network’s parts must be both many and diverse. Yet they must also be dense. If they aren’t ‘near’ each other, their reactions can’t ‘trade’ ‘goods’ before those goods die out, or before the reactions that depend on them die out. Were that to happen, reactions wouldn’t be able to aid each other. So the reaction network must be both diverse and dense.

No single reaction in such a dense and diverse reaction network can persist alone. Each will die out unless it’s ‘near’ some particular subset of the others. That subset acts as a general ‘factory’ that makes the reaction’s parts. Further, for each such factory, there must be yet more factories to make their parts, and so on. So every reaction depends on the whole network, and the whole network depends on every reaction. Thus, we can’t break up the network into independent pieces. This is a chicken we can’t joint. It’s spatially non-linear.

All reactions in such a spatially non-linear network are synergetically linked. So whatever affects one, affects all. If the conditions of any reaction changes, that change will propagate to all others—after some lag dependent on reaction speed and transport linkage. For example, if, for whatever reason, the number of copies of some catalyst rises, then all the reactions that it catalyzes will speed up. They then make more parts, which may catalyze yet other reactions. So those may speed up, and so forth. The synergetic cycle then closes back on the first reaction. So not only is the structure of the reaction network non-linear, each reaction in such a network also grows non-linearly. It’s temporally non-linear.

Such a network is thus inherently dynamic. It can never just be—like a diamond or a stick of chewing gum—it’s always in the process of becoming. It can react to, and perhaps even compensate for, changes in its surroundings.

However, at constant temperature and pressure, a catalyzed reaction can speed up in proportion to the amount of both its catalyst and its reactants (that is, the parts that the reaction’s catalyst acts on). Reactants get changed into products as the reaction proceeds, but the catalyst itself remains unchanged. Further, both the catalyst and the reactants are produced by other reactions, and all reactions are linked. So the amount of any particular reaction’s catalyst goes up as the overall reaction rate goes up. So its growth rate can’t be linear. It may not even be merely exponential. It can be hyperbolic. (That is, it might grow as the square of the amount of catalyst available to it, and thus is doubly exponential—its exponent is itself exponential.) Thus, once beyond a certain threshold, the reaction network might take off, burning through its reactants. Once started, it can’t stop until it’s ‘eaten’ all of its scarcest resource—then it’s ‘hungry’ for more. So it’s ‘greedy.’ (‘Shortsighted’ works too.)

However, no such greedy network can speed up beyond a limiting reaction rate because all its reactions are synergetically linked. So whichever reaction that needs the scarcest ‘food’ fixes the maximum reaction rate of the whole network. During network speed up, all linked reactions will—after various lags—automatically adjust to that speed. Once things settle down, the reactions can go no faster (and no slower) than that overall reaction rate. Such a network can thus adjust to some change but then resists further change. It also can only exist at a certain heartbeat. It can’t go faster, nor can it go slower, than a certain rate inherent in its structure. It thus persists only when it’s ‘conservative.’

Also, because the parts of such conservative networks will decay or be consumed at various rates, their resupply rates must match or exceed the slowest transport time between the network’s parts relative to the decay rates of the parts being transported. For a synergetic network to persist, every part of it must persist; and for that to happen for each part, the network must have some subset resupplying that part (or making new copies of it). Also, all the parts of that resupplier subset must themselves have subsets resupplying them, and so on. That then limits how ‘far away’ any part can be from its resupply subset. In turn, that limits the size of the network for a given set of die out rates plus transport times of its parts. That applies whether the network is contained in a physical skin or not. Any portion of the network that drifts too far from its resupply subset must die off—as is true, for example, of termites that wander too far from their nest. In short: the faster a network’s parts die out, the faster the network must run, or the denser it must be, or both.

Further, the network’s parts must work together so that they, or copies of them, jointly persist into the future. Or more precisely: they don’t persist if they happen not to work together. So while each part must be helpful, it needn’t be intentionally helpful—or intentional in any way at all. So, contrary to Aristotle’s view, nothing in the network need be intentionally purposeful, goal-directed, or forward-looking. No part nor reaction need have any built-in tendency to help others persist. The network will still be composed of such parts, because networks that don’t will cease to persist. Thus, all persisting reactions of every synergetic network are, and must be, tit-for-some-tat.

In sum, a self-maintaining reaction network could potentially be made of separated yet interdependent parts. Such parts might be living or non-living. But their network must be dense and diverse. However, the ‘distances’ between those parts depend on their rates of decay. (That is, the shorter-lived the network’s parts are, the closer-lived or faster-transported they need to be, like perhaps in a cell. A network made of longer-lived or faster-transported parts might be larger and more widely spread out, like perhaps a termite colony—or maybe even a planetary human swarm, if such a thing can exist.) To persist, the reactions that those parts belong to need constant flows of matter and energy, and they’re sensitive to the amounts of such flows. Further, not all of the matter that the network transforms is makeable by, or usable within, the network. Such networks must thus ingest and excrete. They can also die out in many ways. They also have a boundary of some sort limiting how far away any part can be from other parts yet still be supported by the whole. They’re non-linear. They’re unstable. Their parts are cooperative. They’re conservative, but also greedy. And they at least seem to be purposive—at least in the Aristotelian sense as perceived from the outside—if only in that their purpose seems to be to try to persist.

[ needs matter and energy]
In physics, such systems are called ‘open systems.’ They’re also often called dissipative structures after Ilya Prigogine, a Nobel prize-winning physicist. They operate far from thermodynamic equilibrium within surroundings that exchanges energy and matter with them. For a popular introduction, see: Order out of Chaos: Man’s new Dialogue with Nature, Ilya Prigogine and Isabelle Stengers, Bantam, 1984.

A case could be made that various writers made that one book the foundation for the wooly, touchy-feely beliefs that became New Ageism. For the more scientifically inclined, a suitable corrective to that is: “Science of Chaos or Chaos in Science?” J. Bricmont, Physicalia Magazine, 17(3-4):159-208, 1995. (Incidentally, Bricmont cowrote Fashionable Nonsense: Postmodern Intellectuals’ Abuse of Science, Picador, 1999, a hilarious sendup of postmodern litcrit philosophy.)

[ways for an autopoietic network to die]
It can die in lots of ways. For example, it can be ‘poisoned.’ Some of the parts it ingests might react a bit like ‘food’ but then not go on to aid the right reactions.
[hyperbolic growth]
In daily life we’re used to the idea of linear growth (something changes by an additive constant every timestep), and now with our growth in population, computers, and computer networks we’re becoming used to the idea of exponential growth (growth changes by a constant multiplier every timestep). Hyperbolic growth, however, dwarfs exponential growth. It occurs when not only is something increasing in proportion to some resource, but the amount of resource available to support that increasing thing is also increasing (growth changes in multipliers that are themselves growing with each timestep).

For example, imagine two bugs in a box and imagine that bugs could replicate once a minute. If only two bugs at a time are allowed to replicate in any one minute then we have linear growth. At the end of 6 minutes we would have 12 bugs. However, if every bug replicates each minute then we have exponential growth. At the end of 6 minutes we would have 64 bugs. But, if each bug replicates as many times every minute as the square of the number of bugs in the dish at the beginning of that minute then we have hyperbolic growth. At the end of 6 minutes we would have 4,294,967,296 bugs.

Note the difference between the exponential case and the hyperbolic case. In the exponential case, each bug makes a bug, so 2 + 2 = 4, 4 + 4 = 8. In the hyperbolic case, each bug helps every other bug make another bug, so 2 + 2 = 4, 4 (original) + 12 (each of the 4 bugs makes 3 more bugs, since there are 3 assistants) = 16.

More formally, here are the recurrences: Define: b(n) = number of bacteria at the end of time step n and assume that b(1) = 2

b1(n) = (b1(n-1)) + 2 [solution: b1(n) = 2n]
b2(n) = (b2(n-1)) * 2 [solution: b2(n) = 2n]
b3(n) = (b3(n-1)) 2 [solution: b3(n) = 22n-1]

Few natural processes occur hyperbolically. An epidemic is one example. Hyperbolic growth is insupportable in the long run, whenever it occurs—nuclear explosions, autocatalytic reactions, epidemics, and so on. Once initiated, it forces a short, sharp shock, and either total collapse or a supremely rapid phase change to an entirely different regime of existence. Life from non-life, the collapse of a star into a black hole, an exploding hydrogen bomb, are possible examples. Further, the word ‘hyperbolic’ is not correct mathematically, but it’s common in the population growth literature. Some reaction chemists have tried ‘parabolic,’ with the intent of suggesting that the growth rate grows as the square of the catalyst, but that’s not quite right either, since it can be confused with the growth rate itself. In mathematics, we would say ‘super-exponential,’ but that includes all mathematical functions that grow faster than exponential speed, not just those that grow at quadratically exponential speeds (the ones called ‘hyperbolic’ in this book). The fact that we don’t have common words, even in math, for such immense speeds shows just how rare they are in our everyday world.

It’s a simplification to say that “All surviving parts of every synergetic network are, and must be, ‘tit-for-tat.’ ” It’s conceivable that a synergetic network could develop ‘parasite parts’ or ‘parasite reactions’ (that is, things that depend on the working of the whole network but which don’t give anything back to the parts of the network). Why such things don’t arise, or if they do arise why they don’t swamp every synergetic network until nothing functions, is a mystery. If it’s true that synergetic networks repress them, it may have something to do not with natural selection and the usual (aggregative) population dynamics per se, but population dynamics as laid out in space. In at least one model, parasites are discouraged because the reaction network is spread out in space, a complication that the simple model in the text doesn’t address.

For the evolution of cooperation in biological systems, at least as might occur in the highly simplified world of only two-player reactions, the most widely studied game-theoretic model is the Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma. In it, a population of strategies for cooperation or defection, each of whose current behavior is specified by the outcome of the last round, can lead to persistent periodic or chaotic oscillations in the frequencies of the strategies. At first, Tit-for-tat (TFT) (‘do as my last partner did’) arises as the ‘best strategy.’ (It is evolutionarily stable; that is, it has Nash equilibrium.) But in the presence of noise, TFT is replaced by Generous Tit-for-tat (GTFT), which sometimes forgives a defection. Both strategies, however, are vulnerable to drift (simple mutation suffices for that) to Always-Cooperate (ALLC), which in turn is vulnerable to Always-Defect (ALLD). However, Win-stay Lose-shift (WSLS) can correct mistakes, is stable against invasion by ALLD, and dominates ALLC. Finally, for sentient players, IPD can devolve into the Ultimatum Game. “Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma contains strategies that dominate any evolutionary opponent,” W. H. Press, F. J. Dyson, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(26):10409-10413, 2012. “Resolving the iterated prisoner’s dilemma: theory and reality,” N. J. Raihani, R. Bshary, Journal of Evolutionary Biology, (8):1628-1639, 2011. Evolutionary Dynamics: Exploring the Equations of Life, Martin A. Nowak, Harvard University Press, 2006, page 288. Just Playing: Game Theory and the Social Contract, Volume II, Ken Binmore, The MIT Press, 1998. The Complexity of Cooperation: Agent-Based Models of Competition and Collaboration, Robert Axelrod, Princeton University Press, 1997. “Spatialization and greater generosity in the stochastic Prisoner’s Dilemma,” P. Grim, Biosystems, 37(1-2):3-17, 1996. “Chaos and the evolution of cooperation,” M. Nowak, K. Sigmund, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 90(11):5091-5094, 1993.

It may also be that they inevitably arise once a network is complex enough. Viruses are an example. They range widely in both size and variety. Some are huge (pandoravirus), some are tiny (circovirus); some are single-strand (φX174), some are double-strand (rotavirus); some are DNA (smallpox and herpes), some are RNA (measles and ebola); some are retroviral (HIV and HTLV). Perhaps we just choose to view them as separate from the host network they each rely on, even though they may have originated from the host in the first place. Or they may have once been life-forms that became more and more parasitic until they gave up independent existence all together and became obligate parasites. Or they may have arisen separately in all those ways. We’re just left with the jetsam of multiple processes we know little about. “The origins of giant viruses, virophages and their relatives in host genomes,” A. Katzourakis, A. Aswad, BMC Biology, 12:51, 2014. “Pandoraviruses: Amoeba Viruses with Genomes up to 2.5 Mb Reaching that of Parasitic Eukaryotes,” N. Philippe, M. Legendre, G. Doutre, Y. Couté, O. Poirot, M. Lescot, D. Arslan, V. Seltzer, L. Bertaux, C. Bruley, J. Garin, J. M. Claverie, C. Abergel, Science, 341(6143):281-286, 2013. “The Origins of Viruses,” D. R. Wessner, Nature Education, 3(9):37, 2010. “Nucleotide Sequences of Goose Circovirus Isolated in Taiwan,” C. L. Chen, P. C. Chang, M. S. Lee, J. H. Shien, S. J. Ou, H. K. Shieh, Avian Pathology, 32(2):165-71, 2003.

“Hypercycles versus parasites in the origin of life: model dependence in spatial hypercycle systems,” M. B. Cronhjort, Origins of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere, 25(1-3):227-233, 1995 “Invading Wave of Cooperation in a Spatial Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma,” R. Ferriere, R. E. Michod, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 259(1354):77-83, 1995. “Spiral wave structure in prebiotic evolution: Hypercycles stable against parasites,” M. C. Boerlijst, P. Hogeweg, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 48(1):17-28, 1991. However, see: “Host-Parasitoid Metapopulations: The Consequences of Parasitoid Aggregation on Spatial Dynamics and Searching Efficiency,” P. Rohani, O. Miramontes, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 260(1359):335-342, 1995. Some simulations even suggest that parasitic symbiosis might be what drives a network toward synergy. “Spatio-temporal dynamics in the origin of genetic information,” P.-J. Kim, H. Jeong, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 203(1-2):88-99, 2005. “Self-Structuring on the Autocatalytic Network,” P.-J. Kim, H. Jeong, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 44(3):621-623, 2004. All of the above are simulations of one sort or another. Understanding how synergy works in real systems (all of which are spatially dispersed) is still very much a work-in-progress. “From population dynamics to ecoinformatics: Ecosystems as multilevel information processing systems,” P. Hogeweg, Ecological Informatics, 2(2):103-111, 2007. “Multilevel selection in models of prebiotic evolution: compartments and spatial self-organization,” P. Hogeweg, N. Takeuchi, Origins of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere, 33(4):375-403, 2003.

Is It Life, Jim, Just Not As We Know It?

[theory that explains everything...]
“Even a cursory look at the world of living things shows its immense variety. [...]

The second property of almost all living things is their complexity and, in particular, their highly organized complexity. [...]

This failure on the part of my colleagues to discover the alpha helix made a deep impression on Jim Watson and me. Because of it I argued that it was important not to place too much reliance on any single piece of experimental evidence. It might turn out to be misleading, as the 5.1 Å reflection undoubtedly was. Jim was a little more brash, stating that no good model ever accounted for all the facts, since some data was bound to be misleading if not plain wrong. A theory that did fit all the data would have been ‘carpentered’ to do this and would thus be open to suspicion.”

What Mad Pursuit: A Personal View of Scientific Discovery, Francis Crick, Basic Books, 1989, pages 16 and 59.

[Aristotle on complex networks]
Contrary to the simple view sketched in the text, Aristotle didn’t entirely ignore that question. In his Politics, he considered whether a city was natural or artificial. He argued that it was more natural than not, and its chief purpose was to become self-sufficient. However, his concern was more with governance than with network structure or dynamics. He couldn’t imagine any other condition than ruler and ruled. So a termite colony, for example, would have baffled him. Or rather, he would have assumed that its queen (which he thought a king) must rule. So that still leaves open the question of how complex adaptive networks can arise even if we don’t plan them but do plan their parts. In the Politics Aristotle uses ‘nature’ in a different sense than he does in the Physics and other works. In his other works there is a clear distinction between made things and natural things, so he has a problem with a city, which is neither (or rather, an amalgam).

This point was first made by Keyt, then addressed, pro or con, by others: Barker, Miller, Saunders, Nederman, Arendt, Mulgan, and others. The Challenge of Physis: Reconciling Nature and Reason in Aristotle’s “Politics,” Adriel M. Trott, ProQuest Dissertations, 2008, especially pages 42-45, and Chapter 3 (pages 131-189). “Priority, Nature, and Political Animals in Aristotle’s Politics,” S. C. Welnak, in: Cygnifiliana: Essays in Classics, Comparative Literature, and Philosophy Presented to Professor Roy Arthur Swanson on the Occasion of his Seventy-Fifth Birthday, Peter Lang Publishing, 2005, pages 166-189. Political Nature: Environmentalism and the Interpretation of Western thought, John M. Meyer, The MIT Press, 2001, pages 108-112. “The Puzzle of the Political Animal: Nature and Artifice in Aristotle’s Political Theory,” C. J. Nederman, The Review of Politics, 56(2):283-304, 1994. “Three Fundamental Theorems in Aristotle’s “Politics”,” D. Keyt, Phronesis, 32(1):54-79, 1987. The Politics, Aristotle, translated by T. A. Sinclair, edited by Trevor J. Saunders, Penguin Classics, Revised Edition, 1981, pages 55-59.

[Aristotle on the political animals]
He mentioned the ‘political animals’ at four places, twice in the History of Animals. Here’s the first reference: “Gregarious creatures are, among birds, such as the pigeon, the crane, and the swan; and, by the way, no bird furnished with crooked talons is gregarious. Of creatures that live in water many kinds of fishes are gregarious, such as the so-called migrants, the tunny, the pelamys, and the bonito.

Man, by the way, presents a mixture of the two characters, the gregarious and the solitary.

Social creatures are such as have some one common object in view; and this property is not common to all creatures that are gregarious. Such social creatures are man, the bee, the wasp, the ant, and the crane.

Again, of these social creatures some submit to a ruler, others are subject to no governance: as, for instance, the crane and the several sorts of bee submit to a ruler, whereas ants and numerous other creatures are every one his own master.”

The Works of Aristotle, Volume IV: Historia Animalium, Book I, Part I, J. A. Smith and W. D. Ross (editors), translated by D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson, Oxford University Press, 1912, page xxiii.

[polar bear fur]
“Teleology: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow?” M. Ruse, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 31(1):213-232, 2000, pages 225-226. Teleology Revisited and Other Essays in the Philosophy and History of Science, Ernest Nagel, Columbia University Press, 1979, page 298.
[Aristotle and polar bears]
Aristotle did indeed consider this question in Book II of his Physics, while attacking the Atomist’s idea that life arose via random recombinations. (Empedocles was born a century before Aristotle was born, and nearly all his writings are now lost.) “A difficulty presents itself: why should not nature work, not for the sake of something, nor because it is better so, but just as the sky rains, not in order to make the corn grow, but of necessity? What is drawn up must cool, and what has been cooled must become water and descend, the result of this being that the corn grows. Similarly if a man’s crop is spoiled on the threshing-floor, the rain did not fall for the sake of this—in order that the crop might be spoiled—but that result just followed. Why then should it not be the same with the parts in nature, e.g. that our teeth should come up of necessity—the front teeth sharp, fitted for tearing, the molars broad and useful for grinding down the food—since they did not arise for this end, but it was merely a coincident result; and so with all other parts in which we suppose that there is purpose? Wherever then all the parts came about just what they would have been if they had come to be for an end, such things survived, being organized spontaneously in a fitting way; whereas those which grew otherwise perished and continue to perish, as Empedocles says his ’man-faced ox-progeny’ did.”

But, he goes on to say: “Such are the arguments (and others of the kind) which may cause difficulty on this point. Yet it is impossible that this should be the true view. For teeth and all other natural things either invariably or normally come about in a given way; but of not one of the results of chance or spontaneity is this true.” The Works of Aristotle, Volume II: Physica, Book II, Part VIII, J. A. Smith and W. D. Ross (editors), translated by R. P. Hardie and R. K. Gaye, Oxford University Press, 1952, page 27.

But this is far too literal a straw-man. He attacks the chance-based genesis sketch (which Empedocles gave in his (now lost) poem), but does not treat the general idea seriously. Of course, had he done so we might never have heard of Darwin. For more detail on this question, see: Not by Design: Retiring Darwin’s Watchmaker, John O. Reiss, University of California Press, 2009.

[Aristotle on change]
Aristotle believed that the earth itself changed, but he also believed in unchanging life-forms in an unchanging cosmos (presumably because they had to have in-built purpose). Meteorologica, Aristotle, Book II, Chapters 12-16.
[Lucretius quote]
Lucretius wasn’t the first to ascribe chance as the origin of things, Empedocles (circa 493 - circa 433 B.C.E., of Akragas, Latin Agrigentum, today’s Agrigento, in Sicily, a huge city at the time) may have preceded him in a now mostly lost genesis poem, On Nature, but he’s the oldest known survivor with a complete work. Lucretius and the Transformation of Greek Wisdom, David Sedley, Cambridge University Press, 1998, pages 1-34.

“[N]o part of our body was created to the end that we might use it, but what has been created gives rise to its own function. Sight did not exist before the birth of the eyes, nor speech before the creation of the tongue; rather the tongue came into being long before talking, and the ears were created long before a sound was heard. In short, I maintain that all the organs were in being before there was any function for them to fulfill. They cannot, then, have grown for the purpose of being used.” Lucretius: On the Nature of Things, Titus Lucretius Carus, Translated, with Introduction and Notes, by Martin Ferguson Smith, Hackett Publishing Company, Inc., 2001, page 123.

“Nil ideo quoniam natum est in corpore, ut uti / Possemus, sed, quod natum est, id procreat usum.” [“Nothing originates in the body [in order] that we might use it, but what has originated, we find use for.”] De Rerum Natura, Lucretius, Book IV, 835-836.

[Kant on self-organization]
“In such a natural product as this every part is thought as owing its presence to the agency of all the remaining parts, and also as existing for the sake of the others and of the whole, that is as an instrument, or organ.... [T]he part must be an organ producing the other parts—each, consequently, reciprocally producing the others.... Only under these conditions and upon these terms can such a product be an organized and self-organized being, and, as such, be called a physical end.Critique of Judgement, Immanuel Kant, volume 39 of Great Books, 557, article 65, Encyclopedia Britannica, 1993. in: “Organisms, Machines, and Thunderstorms: A History of Self-Organization, Part One,” E. F. Keller, Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences, 38(1):45-75, 2008, page 49.

Inter alia (pages 47-50), Keller notes that: “The term self-organization first appears in the second part of Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Judgment (1790), where he took upon himself the exceedingly difficult question of how far science can help us understand those peculiar entities of nature that we call living beings. [...]

What made it possible to distinguish an organism from its Greek root, organon, or tool, was that special arrangement and interaction of parts that brings the wellsprings of form and behavior of an organism inside itself. A tool, of necessity, requires a tool-user, whereas an organism is a system of organs (or tools) that is self-steering and self-governing: it behaves as if it has a mind of its own. [...]

[A]n organism... is a bounded body capable not only of self-regulation, self-steering, but also, and perhaps most important, of self-formation and self-generation; it is both an organized and a self-organizing being. [...]

At the close of the eighteenth century and the dawn of the nineteenth, it was evident to Kant, as well as to his contemporaries, that neither blind chance nor mere mechanism, and certainly no machine that was then available, could suffice to account for this special kind of organization.”

Cuvier, educated on Kant’s thought, and who was perhaps the most important nineteenth century biologist before Darwin, and the father of comparative anatomy, took up the challenge in 1817. “As nothing may exist which does not include the conditions which made its existence possible, the different parts of each creature must be coordinated in such a way as to make possible the whole organism, not only in itself but in its relationship to those which surround it, and the analysis of these conditions often leads to general laws as well founded as those of calculation or experiment.” Le règne animal distribué d’aprés son organisation, pour servir de base à l’histoire naturelle des animaux et d’introduction à l’anatomie compareé, 1817, volume 1 page 6. in: Georges Cuvier, Zoologist: A Study in the History of Evolution Theory, William Coleman, Harvard University Press, 1964, page 42.

[genes and von Neumann on self-replication in 1948]
Genes may not be necessary. Genes, if there are any genes in the network, are just a place or way to save up information over long periods of time. That’s helpful but not necessary. It’s just what has become dominant on our planet for carbon-based reaction networks. Evolution, as we understand it today, needs three things: a copier, variation during copying, and competition among copies for survival.

The mathematician and physicist John von Neumann figured that out in 1948, long before biochemists worked out exactly how cells did it (or even that they did it), and long before computer science existed. In his thought experiment, he came up with an algebra of life. In his view, we could consider anything to be ‘alive’ (or at least, persistent) as long as it had at least three parts: a structure, a message, and a replicator. The replicator could take a message and build a structure. That structure contains a copy of the message, and another replicator. If the message changes in the copy, all its copies will have that new message. The whole point of being alive is to try to persist, that is, to try to extract energy in an energy gradient so as the shape matter and maintain shaped matter so as to go on being able to shape matter and maintain shaped matter. “Von Neumann’s Self-Reproducing Automata,” A. Burks, in: Papers of John Von Neumann on Computing and Computer Theory, William Aspray and Arthur Burks (editors), The MIT Press, 1987, pages 491-552, Theory of Self-reproducing Automata, John von Neumann, edited by Arthur Burks, University of Illinois Press, 1966.

[after Darwin some philosophers saw life-forms as theories]
More generally, we might think of any life-form as a set of guesses about the future—a theory of the world—or as a recent philosopher said: “animals can know something.” A sunflower seed is expecting to land on fertile soil. Those that don’t, may not bud. (IF soil-is-fertile THEN bud.) It’s also expecting to bud into a world with a sun. If there isn’t one, it dies. (IF sun THEN open-flower.) It’s also guessing about gravity, rainfall, atmospheric pressure, how this part of itself will react to that part of itself under these or those conditions, and on and on. Adding up all those pieces—and there may be billions or trillions of them—amounts to a sunflower theory of the world. It’s as if the sunflower seed is saying to itself: “This is what I think the world is going to be like.”

One of our babies would then be just another theory of the world. The baby is born expecting to be fed. If it isn’t fed, it dies. (IF hungry THEN cry ELSE sleep.) How, though, do life-forms deal with changing conditions? One way is to produce multiple variants, then just let non-viable variants die. Each sunflower seed would be a different theory; each baby would be a different theory. (Another way is to plan ahead. That’s what we, more than any other species, do as we grow. We aren’t just theories, we can also make theories.)

The idea is Karl Popper’s (also Donald T. Campbell, Peter Munz, R. W. Sellars, Konrad Lorenz, F. A. Hayek, and others). In philosophy, the subfield is called ‘evolutionary epistemology.’ (Although note that in philosophy there are at least two other meanings for that same term.)

“Towards an Evolutionary Theory of Knowledge,” in: All Life is Problem Solving, Karl Popper, Routledge, 1999, pages 57-73. Philosophical Darwinism: On the Origin of Knowledge by Means of Natural Selection, Peter Munz, Routledge, 1993, page 154. Taking the Naturalistic Turn, Or How Real Philosophy of Science Is Done, Werner Callebaut (editor), University of Chicago Press, 1993. Evolutionary Epistemology, Rationality, and the Sociology of Knowledge, Gerard Radnitzky and W. W. Bartley III (Editors), Open Court Publishing, 1987.

[the barometer story]
Expert C Programming (Deep C Secrets), Peter van der Linden, SunSoft/Prentice-Hall, 1994, pages 344-346. The Baby Train, and Other Lusty Urban Legends, Jan Harold Brunvand, W. W. Norton, 1993, pages 294-295.
[Aristotle on chance]
Aristotle wrote a lot on chance versus necessity in his Physics (especially Book II) and his Metaphysics.
[Aristotle on purpose]
This is a bit unfair to such a deep and nuanced thinker, but the following quote might stand for his general position: “[P]lants exist for the sake of animals, and the other animals for the sake of men.” Poetics, Book I, Chapter 8, 1256b10-22.
[survival of the fit]
An idea that goes back at least as far as Kenneth Boulding in his 1981 text, Evolutionary Economics, Sage Publications, 1981, (page 18). “Bio-Economics: Social Economy Versus the Chicago School,” J. M. Gowdy, International Journal of Social Economics, 14(1):32-42 1993. 42
[Aristotle believed that purpose was inherent]
Strictly speaking, that is only weakly true. Such a view is called ‘vitalism’ and, as it’s defined today, it only arose in the late 1600s as a reaction to the rising mechanical cosmos worldview of Europe’s natural philosophers. It posits that living things must have some special fluid or spark or force independent of any material substrate and that thus makes them different than non-living things. Aristotle is thus a vitalist only by courtesy. It’s more accurate to say that he thought of life as an irreducible fact of the cosmos, sort of the way that we today think of gravity or the speed of light.

“Vitalists hold that living organisms are fundamentally different from non-living entities because they contain some non-physical element or are governed by different principles than are inanimate things. In its simplest form, vitalism holds that living entities contain some fluid, or a distinctive ‘spirit’. In more sophisticated forms, the vital spirit becomes a substance infusing bodies and giving life to them; or vitalism becomes the view that there is a distinctive organization among living things.” From: “Vitalism,” W. Bechtel, R. C. Richardson, Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Nihilism to Quantum Mechanics, Volume 7, Edward Craig (editor), Taylor & Francis, 1998, pages 639-643.

[protocells and ATP production — chemiosmosis]
“An update of the chemiosmotic theory as suggested by possible proton currents inside the coupling membrane,” A. M. Morelli, S. Ravera D. Calzia, I. Panfoli, Open Biology, 9(4):180221, 2019. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, David L. Nelson and Michael M. Cox, W. H. Freeman and Company, Fourth edition, 2007, chapter 19 (pages 690-750). “Peter Mitchell and the ox phos wars” J. Prebble, Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 27(4):209-212, 2002.
[adaptive autopoeitic networks — Darwin on earthworms]
This isn’t a new idea. Darwin himself discussed how earthworm burrows alter soil aeration, which alters soil water retention, which alters the environment the earthworms are burrowing in. The Formation of Vegetable Mould through the Action of Worms, with Observations on Their Habits, Charles Darwin, John Murray, 1881. There are several such examples, from beavers building dams to microbes building biofilms.
[relation to niche construction]
This whole idea of a self-evolving autopoietic network is related to that of ‘niche construction,’ an idea first considered (although not named that way) by Darwin in 1881 and well-accepted with biology as part of the whole complex of evolution, ecology, and organismal development (also called evolutionary developmental biology or evo-devo). However, lately it has become something of a small cult all its own and is beginning to receive pushback because of perhaps overly strong claims about it (namely that it is as strong as, or even stronger than, natural selection). “Niche construction in evolutionary theory: the construction of an academic niche?” M. Gupta, N. G. Prasad, S. Dey, A. Joshi, T. N. C. Vidya, Journal of Genetics, 96(3):491-504, 2017.
[self-evolving autopoietic networks?]
Perhaps we might even be able to use that notion to help extend the theory of evolution to complex networks and not just their parts, for if such a network could come to exist, then over time there might be many of them, and as they grow denser they might all be competing with each other for some of the same resources. A form of evolution (perhaps not even dependent on genes) might then drive them into an efflorescence of variant forms. Perhaps those variants might even recombine with each other to form even more variants. If so, the result would be a variety of such networks, some more complex than others while others are less so. For that to happen, there needn’t be any particular drive to rising complexity, just rising diversity and density. Further, while that rising density and diversity might be fueled by randomness, it needn’t itself be random, nor need it be driven to produce random networks. Although our attention might be drawn to the more complex of such networks, that needn’t mean that anything is driven to produce them and only them. There’s no inherent drive toward complexity; Over time, living things can tend to simplicity just as easily as they can tend to complexity. All that matters is what is more likely to persist.
[Aristotle, Newton, and Einstein]
For example, Aristotle thought that a stone fell because it was made mostly of earth, and not water or fire or air. In his cosmos, all things made of earth have a built-in drive to seek their ‘natural place,’ the center of the planet. To today’s ears, that may sound like gravity. But it’s not. For him, the earth was the center of the cosmos—and a fairly small cosmos it was, too. So when he threw a stone, it didn’t move as Newton would come to think it would—that is, under the action of the force of the throw plus air resistance plus a constant downward attraction to the planet. Nor did it move as Einstein would later come to think it would—that is, by sliding down the shortest path within the geometry of a local spacetime bent by the mass of the planet. Instead, it flew in a straight line, pushed by the air itself, then when the air stopped pushing it, its purpose took over, so it plummeted straight down to earth. Newton was less wrong than he was, and Einstein less wrong still, but Aristotle’s idea is less hard to understand, and most of us change our idea toolbox so slowly that Newton’s idea is the one that rules. Medieval Science, Technology, and Medicine: An Encyclopedia, Thomas Glick, Steven J. Livesey, and Faith Wallis (editors), Psychology Press, 2005, article on Impetus, pages 267-268.
[autopoietic human groups]
This might be a leap biology doesn’t want to take, but sometimes, to misquote Anslem, we must Credere ut videre. (“Believe, in order to see.”) Maybe it might be useful to see things this way. Note that the network first has to be autopoietic before also becoming ecogenetic—it has to be persistent before possibly developing memory. For example, a food web is self-assembling (ecogenetic), but not self-maintaining (autopoietic). It isn’t operationally closed, and has no self-containing boundary maintained by that operationally closed network. So it can have memory, but doesn’t persist itself. Change it and it might ‘remember’ (humus levels might persist, a hole in a tree canopy might persist, or whatever), but nothing in it is acting to preserve itself as it was. Also, what exactly is persisting? This is the old question, known to philosophers, as the Ship of Theseus: if everything in a thing is changed, what makes it the ‘same’ thing? What about a law code, a language, a science? Can it persist and have a memory? Such things can have such properties, but not in themselves; we persist them and maintain their memories. How about a religion or society? Well, something like that needs things like customs, traditions, group pressures, contracts, ostracism, and coercion just to arise, never mind persist. They needn’t have boundaries, nor closure of any kind. Similarly, a company isn’t autopoietic; it tries to maintain a barrier to entrance but can’t control barriers to exit. Guilds tried to enforce such exit barriers with strong, somewhat binding controls on secrecy. Many organizations, formal and informal, continue the practice today—for instance, omerata for the Mafia or the blue wall of silence for the police. But even whole countries, especially poor ones, aren’t particular strong on border control while still allowing trade, having to rely on various forms of political closure since they lack operational closure. A rich country might be, but the world economy needn’t be—at least not without quite strong world institutions actively trying to prevent dissolution, even though there’s memory and a natural exit barrier (the gravity well of the planet itself). Finally, how about a brain?

The idea is not original. Researchers have been attracted to biological metaphors such as autopoiesis at least since Maturana and Varela’s work in the 1970s. “Can social systems be autopoietic? Bhaskan and Giddens’ social theories,” J. Mingers, Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 34(4):403-428, 2004. Social Systems, Niklas Luhmann, Stanford University Press, 1995. The view presented in the text, however, is of our entire species and not any particular subpart, such as a corporation or government. An enterprise, or even a government, is not a synergetic system sufficient unto itself. Our entire species plus all its products, however, is. Further, the main focus in the text is on the things we might one day be able to say something quantitative about, namely reaction speed and dynamics. In short, the text is, or tries to be, materialist.

[is there Someone Else here?]
That’s an idea that goes back at least 2,400 years to Plato and his anima mundi (‘world soul’). It appears in his creation myth, and his Timaeus (sections 33b-37c). It also appears in his Statesman (268d-275c), Philebus (29e-30d), and Laws (891b-899d). Die Allseele in Platons Timaios, Mischa von Perger, B. G. Teubner, 1997. It’s surely far older than Plato, though, since he built on Pythagoras’ mythos, which goes back to earlier eastern beliefs.

Variants of the idea live on in Vladimir I. Vernadsky’s noosphere, which was modified by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. It also lives in James Lovelock’s more scientific Gaia musings, as well as H. G. Wells’ more socialist ideas, plus other more recent ideas. Darwin Among the Machines: The Evolution of Global Intelligence, George Dyson, Basic Books, 1997. Metaman: The Merging of Humans and Machines into a Global Superorganism, Gregory Stock, Simon & Schuster, 1993. The Cosmic Blueprint: New Discoveries in Nature’s Creative Ability to Order the Universe, Paul Davies, William Heinemann, 1987. The Life Era: Cosmic Selection and Conscious Evolution, Eric Chaisson, W. W. Norton, 1987. Evolution: The Grand Synthesis, Ervin Laszlo, New Science Library, 1987. The Awakening Earth: The Global Brain, Peter Russell, Ark, 1982. Gaia, A New Look at Life on Earth, James Lovelock, Oxford University Press, 1979. The Phenomenon of Man, Teilhard de Chardin, Harper & Row, 1959. World Brain, H. G. Wells, Methuen & Co., 1938.

Going further back in time leads to many more books that might qualify as millenniarist or eschatological, but they seem predominantly religious rather than even vaguely scientifically founded. One in particular is worth noting as it has inspired many: The Divine Milieu: An Essay on the Interior Life, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Harper & Row, 1961. Finally, there are many political versions of the same eschatological vision which are both too numerous and too well-known to list here. They, too, are religious, or quasi-religious. A few of the more philosophical ones, however, are distinctly less so, but still amount to saying that teleology of some sort must be part of the cosmos, much in the same way that Aristotle took life to be a force, much as we today take gravity. Why we might matter to the cosmos so much that we, or something like us, must come to exist needs examination however, and that is something far outside the purview of science.

[can a neuron know that it’s part of something larger?]
We have only a few weak analogies to try to examine such questions. Corporations, for example, are legal bodies that we treat like human beings for various legal purposes. They can be sued. They can own property. They exist apart from their equity owners and employees. But when one of them lawfully but deviously takes resources from another, could it be accused of theft? If one crushes another, could it ever be murder? Is there any sense to the idea of agency when applied to a corporate body separate from its human and non-human parts? A company isn’t its buildings. Nor is it its logo, CEO, employees, bylaws, marketing campaigns, union policy, loading-dock protocols, or bank accounts. But it could be the self-persistent network that those parts jointly form. It could be a self-sustaining wave in an ocean made of such parts. (Physicists might call it a soliton.) Nations are similar. They’re not the same as their people, trade agreements, energy sources, research labs, roads, laws, beliefs. Ditto for religions, economies, ecosystems, mafias, the Ku Klux Klan. Can they be beings? Can they have agency? Can they have ‘desires’ or ‘predilections’ that we can reasonably say are separate from their parts? Of course, one big failing with such weak examples is that such bodies aren’t contained, synergetic, self-sustaining entities. But a planet full of people is. However, is it entirely fanciful to say that such a thing could have agency, volition, or a persona? Could it have some sort of detectable pattern of behavior over time? Come to that, does a brain, except to another brain?

[using biology to understand human interaction]
Of course this is a dangerous idea. The following quote explains why: “Just as a cynic can assess roughly the eminence of a scientist by the length of time for which his theories are able to hold up the development of science after his death, so the value of concepts, in their own field, is measurable by the amount of harm they do when it is assumed that they apply in others. These assumptions are all the more dangerous because the fact that they are being made is often not recognised.” From: “Concepts out of Context: The Pied Pipers of Science,” N. W. Pirie, The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 2(8):269-280, 1952.
[obvious flaws in the idea of a living swarm]
Nobody had to plan the reaction networks that we formed ourselves into that then led to phase changes across our millennia of history. About all we can tell is that if they ever come to exist, they help themselves persist. They imposed directionality on our history. That casts some doubt on our standard assumption that we planned our path through history. Maybe it had to happen, but not because we planned it, or even expected it.

Of course, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. But ‘swarm physics’ isn’t science. It isn’t a theory, nor even a full-fledged hypothesis. It’s merely an idea, at best a conjecture. Lacking a formal model, and lots of numbers to stick into it so that we can test it, it’s just guesswork. If we could one day make it more formal and testable we might then be able to explain at least a little of the order that we see around us without having to assume divine intent, human intent, or sheer chance. If so, we might begin to merge bits and pieces of biology and economics into a new kind of physics, a swarm physics. Maybe.

However, coming to believe that our swarm behaves the way it does because it’s in some sense ‘alive’ might well be just the sort of questionable premise that Aristotle made when he assumed that purpose must in some sense be a separate thing in the cosmos. The explanatory tasks that he set himself were too large for his little cockleshell of a boat on the vast ocean of all there is to know. So he shoved many awkward things (like oysters and bees and cities) into boxes, then sealed the boxes. The question of why all the order that we see around us exists is still too large a task for us today. Our knowledgebase is still too slender. We still have to shove many awkward things in boxes.

Plus, only now are we fumbling toward what might one day become a physics of swarms. And we’re doing so without instruments and experiments to guide us, just as Aristotle tried to guess at a physics of material things without instruments and experiments to guide him. Unless swarm physics becomes more mathematically precise and physically testable it may never be any more than just another folktale. Perhaps the little that we may have guessed thus far is simply misleading us into seeing our historical path as having unintended structure. Maybe there’s no structure to be found. We’re good at seeing patterns, even where there are none.

Also, a swarm view of ourselves might be just a trick of the light. First, saying that our swarm is in some way alive at least in so far as its history seems to have a direction, much as a bacterium has a trajectory toward sugar or a slime mold has a trajectory toward bacteria, presupposes that there’s such an entity as ‘a swarm.’ Maybe there isn’t. After all, is there such an entity as ‘an economy’ or ‘an ecology?’ Do we have any evidence for them other than the fact that we produce economists and ecologists to study them? Maybe ‘our swarm’ is just a label for a bundle of disparate network behaviors that some of us might find convenient to think of as a whole. That is, it may just be another label for our ignorance.

Further, even if the swarm-as-an-entity idea holds up, how likely is such a thing to be truly alive given that the other things that we consider alive are the results of a shaping process lasting billions of years? Even mound-building termite lineages are millions of years old. Many aspects of our swarm are far more recent than that, and a few decades, or centuries, or even millennia is hardly enough time to iron out all the kinks. The chance that all its reactions dovetail perfectly today after only at most a few millennia seems small. Plus, our swarm is still changing fast. Unlike termites we haven’t yet gotten to our final nest structure—if we ever do.

Many of us outside biology still accept the Aristotelian idea of ‘life’ as meaning something with predetermined, built-in purpose. But calling something ‘alive’ can only ever be a question of semantics. However, use of the phrase ‘living thing’ for something that we hadn’t previously thought of that way may flavor our understanding of it with notions of at least some unpredictability and self-regulation. However, that needn’t mean something that behaves randomly. Nor need it mean something that acts with foresight or planning. And that seems quite unlike our more common notions of the behavior of whatever it is that we choose to believe that we most belong to—which often ends at lines drawn by country, origin, tongue, faith, political bent.

Yet further, viewing living things as swarms (or viewing swarms as living things) has at least one big problem: lacking a formal model it has no notion of either entropy or chaotic dynamics, so it focuses on growth and self-maintenance and ignores decline and self-destruction. Since it is, so far, more about network buildup than network breakdown, there’s no easy way to address information degradation. It thus has no notion of network lifetime and thus doesn’t handle network analogues of things like cancers, autoimmune disorders, aging, senility, senescence, and death.

Moreover, even if our swarm exists in some real sense, and is, or is growing to become, some sort of internally cooperative, structure-building, self-regulating entity, and even if that does indeed make it reasonable to consider it alive in some sense, many of us might argue that accepting that we are merely parts of some sort of living thing would simply surrender our individual complicity in what happens to us. If so, we might never try to change anything at all. But arguing that would be to confuse knowing what reality is with giving up on trying to change what reality is.

[group trajectories]
The idea of groups having trajectories is of course crazy. Not to mention teleological. No one is smart enough to foresee all that could happen—as a look back at the changes we’ve been through in just the past few decades should show. However, it seems hard to argue with the metaphor between our groups and metastable phase changes of autocatalytic reaction networks. Of course, that similarity still doesn’t mean it’s not nonsense, either. If the idea has any force at all, multiple books on it should start appearing over the coming decades, for if the state of our knowledge is sufficient for one person to think it, then others are thinking it, too. If no such books appear, then we can safely discard the hypothesis. A few historians and anthropologists have already begun to drift in the general direction, so perhaps the idea is not completely silly. Or maybe it’s becoming a temporary fad... Maps of Time: An Introduction to Big History, David Christian, University of California Press, 2005. The Human Web: A Bird’s Eye View of World History, William H. McNeill, J. R. McNeill, W. W. Norton, 2003. The Landscape of History: How Historians Map the Past, John Lewis Gaddis, Oxford University Press, 2002. The Evolution of Human Societies: From Foraging Group to Agrarian State, Allen W. Johnson and Timothy Earle, Stanford University Press, Second Edition, 2000.

The trajectory idea is related to the more usual idea of ‘upward’ trajectories discussed in books like the following. NonZero: The Logic of Human Destiny, Robert Wright, Vintage, 2000. Evolution’s Arrow: The Direction of Evolution and the Future of Humanity, John Stewart, Chapman Press, 2000. The Age of Spiritual Machines: When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence, Ray Kurzweil, Viking, 1999. The Lucifer Principle: A Scientific Expedition into the Forces of History, Howard Bloom, Atlantic Monthly Press, 1995. Metaman: The Merging of Humans and Machines into a Global Superorganism, Gregory Stock, Simon & Schuster, 1993. Evolution and Human Destiny, Fred Kohler, Philosophical Library, 1952.

Also, many books of macrohistory going back at least as far as the late 1700s say much the same thing. Several such books claim not only that human evolution is ‘upward’ but so is biological evolution, and even, for some authors, cosmological ‘evolution.’ Such assertions are entirely unsupported by today’s science. In science we don’t even have a firm definition of what ‘increasing complexity’ might even mean. Adding ‘betterment’ to the missing definition doesn’t help clarify it for scientific use.

The text makes no claim that biological evolution (and even less, cosmological ‘evolution’) is on an ‘upward’ slope, or any slope whatsoever, except in so far as diversity sometimes persists. Nor does it claim that groups can be placed on a line of development. Nor does it claim that one metastable state is ‘better’ than another—although, operationally we might take emigration patterns as a strong signal that, when given a choice, we prefer some groups over others. In the text, there’s no explicit normative stance, no advocacy of what ought to or should happen, but what is likely to happen. It tries to say what we are like, not what we might like to be like.

Within White’s theory of metahistory, the text thus mainly belongs in his Radical ideology, although it makes use of his Conservative ideology as well, making it both a tragedy and a comedy. The text is an attempt to look at ourselves the way we look at a termite’s nest to try to see how we work, and not how we would like to think that we work. Or, as Twain once remarked: “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t.” Metahistory: The Historical Imagination in Nineteenth-Century Europe, Hayden White, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1973. Following the Equator: A Journey Around the World, Pudd’nhead Wilson’s New Calendar, 1897, Dover, Reprint Edition, 1989, page 156.

[Churchill on history]
“There is scarcely any more abundant source of error in history than the natural desire of writers—regardless of the overlapping and inter-play of memories, principles, prejudices and hopes, and the reaction of physical conditions—to discover or provide simple explanations for the actions of their characters.” Lord Randolph Churchill, Volume 2, Winston Spencer Churchill, Macmillan, 1906, page 248.
[...still far too much we don’t know]
For example: what core factors, other than obvious ones like our communications and transportation and distribution networks, are necessary for rapid change? What volume of flow along such channels is necessary before we can consider the parts that they connect as one system? And how high must the fan-in or fan-out of the nodes in the network then be? Also, how exactly does our network densify? Can we, for example, predict how fast a particular innovation will spread? Or how many other parts of our network it will catalyze? And how quickly? Can we get a handle on precisely how a group’s reaction rate changes as we add various catalysts to it (books, phones, computers, roads, post offices, standing armies, democratic institutions, whatever)? If so, could we somehow tweak our future innovations, shaping them or directing them to achieve somewhat predictable goals? Further, can we tell what combination of inertial forces will drag a group back from a particular phase change that it appears headed toward? All the forces tentatively identified in the text are additive, but a real science of human material development would also have to take into account subtractive forces. Do we need to add anything to the theory other than sheer entropy to explain collapses? Can we predict when a group is about to collapse? Or when our species is about to go extinct? We can’t answer any of those questions today. Without a quantitative and predictive theory we’re still lost. We do, however, seem to be fumbling toward one. On a gross scale, the two networks, human and chemical, do seem to share many properties—at least by the flickering light of our currently, very incomplete, understanding of them. Perhaps decades from now we might have a theory of complex networks good enough to explain the behaviors of both kinds of networks as simple consequences of some even more general principles we’re too ignorant to see right now.
[...much we don’t understand]
The partial theory presented in the text seems to explain a few broad things: how we form networks, how such networks grow, why autocatalysis and synergy are crucial, why we’re not in complete control, and so on, and perhaps its explanations are at least complementary to our older theories of historical change, but even it is too ad hoc to be considered science. It also doesn’t handle specific groups at specific times well. The situations are simply too complex.

Several of our groups at one time or another have started densifying their network, then stayed stable, or even unraveled. Why? Is it just a random confluence of events (climate change plus rising prices plus prolonged war, for example) that then destroys the prior densification gains? Or is it something more systemic?

For example, why did China not densify enough to ignite an industrial phase change in 1400 when it had already densified so much during the Song dynasty (960-1279)? Was that triggered by climate change? Or was it related to the relative speeds of transport at the time versus the distances involved? Are transportation routes somewhat like neural links—unable to pass on a signal unless it’s delivered within some minimum time? Or perhaps it was that our technology at the time wasn’t strong enough to bear new fruit rapidly enough yet? Perhaps something fundamentally new happened to us when the telegraph separated communication from transportation? Or was it a combination of that and our relative amount of urbanization? Or do we also have to add in our relative farming efficiency? How about the sizes of our various groups (both absolute and relative) and their relative separations (in distance or other measures of transport—mountains, rivers, canals, sea voyage times, and so on), and whether and how much they identify with each other along various dimensions (kinship, language, religion, ideology, legal system), or how much they tend to fight or otherwise compete for resources or prestige? There are far too many unknowns to handle specific cases in specific times. Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed, Jared Diamond, Viking, 2004. The Collapse of Complex Societies, Joseph A. Tainter, Cambridge University Press, 1988. (But see the uneven collection: Questioning Collapse: Human Resilience, Ecological Vulnerability, and the Aftermath of Empire, Patricia A. McAnany and Norman Yoffee (editors), Cambridge University Press, 2009.)

Perhaps, though, those are the wrong questions. Maybe it’s more reasonable to assume that entropy will unravel all networks sooner or later, just as it unravels everything, then try to see what manages to keep the ball rolling for longish periods in rare cases. For instance, reactive forces crushed early mass production in Britain and France. Perhaps industrialization in Britain, for example, would have petered out eventually had not the United States, and then other countries taken the industrial ball and run away with it. It certainly seems that without large amounts of imported food from the United States, Canada, and Australia, Britain would have faced a serious problem by at least the 1880s. Similarly, a scientific revolution happened in ancient Greece, but it eventually petered out. Maybe the one in Europe didn’t peter out only because it was succeeded by an industrial phase change. So perhaps today’s ease of handoff from one nation to the next is part of the key to today’s rapid growth? But back in the 1000s and 1100s a large part of the then known world was already globalized—it just didn’t include Europe.

The Great Divergence: China, Europe, and the Making of the Modern World Economy, Kenneth Pomeranz, Princeton University Press, 2000. (See also: A Culture of Growth: The Origins of the Modern Economy, Joel Mokyr, Princeton University Press, 2017. Japan and the Great Divergence: A Short Guide, Penelope Francks, Springer, 2016. “From divergence to convergence: Reevaluating the history behind China’s economic boom,” L. Brandt, D. Ma, T. Rawski, Journal of Economic Literature, 52(1):45-123, 2014. “Ten Years of Debate on the Origins of the Great Divergence,” P. O’Brien, Reviews in History, 1008, 2010.) Before European Hegemony: The World System A.D. 1250-1350, Janet L. Abu-Lughod, Oxford University Press, 1989.

[“a woven web of guesses”]
The phrase is from Xenophanes; the translation is from Popper.

“But as for certain truth, no man has known it, / Nor will he know it; neither of the gods, / Nor yet of all the things of which I speak. / And even if by chance he were to utter / The final truth, he would himself not know it: / For all is but a woven web of guesses.”

The World of Parmenides: Essays on the Presocratic Enlightenment, Karl Popper, edited by Arne F. Petersen and Jørgen Mejer, Routledge, 1998, page 115.

Chapter 8. Faster Than Life: The Future?

[Feynman quote]
“Feynman’s office: The last blackboards,” R. Feynman, Physics Today, 42(2):88, 1989.
[Berra quote]
The Yogi Book: I really didn’t say everything I said! Yogi Berra, Workman Publishing, 1997, page 51.

The original form of the line was “We’re still lost, but we’re making very good time!” and its originator was Buddy Blattner. “The gag, incidentally, came from the fertile brain of Buddy Blattner, of the New York Giants, who sold it to Collier’s, who farmed it to Lichty.” From: “The Week’s Work,” T. Shane, Collier’s Weekly, February 14th, 1948, [Reprint of an October 1947 cartoon by George Lichty showing a pilot of an airplane addressing passengers.]


[a two-miles-per-hour world for letters]
Until the railroad the post mostly only moved at about two to three miles per hour; so stuff happening 60 or more miles away might as well be two or more days away. From 1500 to 1765 letters traveled about that fast to Venice from anywhere in Europe. The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II, Volume I, Fernand Braudel, translated by Siân Reynolds, Harper & Row, 1972, pages 363-367. See also: “News, history and the construction of the present in Early Modern England,” Daniel Woolf, in: The Politics of Information in Early Modern Europe, Brendan Dooley and Sabrina A. Baron (Editors), Routledge, 2001, pages 80-118. History of the Hour: Clocks and Modern Temporal Orders, Gerhard Dohrn-van Rossum, translated by Thomas Dunlap, University of Chicago Press, 1996, pages 343-344.
[Horace Walpole on a trip to Kent in 1752]
“From Summer Hill we went to Lamberhurst to dine; near which, that is, at the distance of three miles, up and down impracticable hills, in a most retired vale, such as Pope describes in the last Dunciad,

‘Where slumber abbots, purple as their vines,’

we found the ruins of Bayham Abbey, which the Barrets and Hardings bid us visit There are small but pretty remains, and a neat little Gothic house built near them by their nephew Pratt They have found a tomb of an abbot, with a crosier, at length on the stone.

Here our woes increase. The roads grew bad beyond all badness, the night dark beyond all darkness, our guide frightened beyond all frightfulness. However, without being at all killed, we got up, or down,—I forget which, it was so dark,—a famous precipice called Silver Hill, and about ten at night arrived at a wretched village called Rotherbridge.”

The letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford: Including Numerous Letters Now Published from the Original Manuscripts, John Wright (editor), Volume II, 1744-1753, Richard Bentley, 1840, page 438.

[25 miles (40 kilometers) a year average travel in the Netherlands at the end of the 1600s]
“Place-Based versus People-Based Geographic Information Science,” H. Miller, Geography Compass, 1(3):503-535, 2007. “Mobility environments and network cities,” L. Bertolini, M. Dijst, Journal of Urban Design, 8(1):27-43, 2003.
[travel times by coach from Paris in the 1600s]
Paris to Toulouse, around 1650, 425 miles in two weeks. Paris to Lyon, 1664, 300 miles in 10 to 11 days. Paris to Rouen, 1600s, unspecified date, 80 miles in three days. (Although Blanning gives ’60-odd miles’ as the distance.) Pursuit of Glory: Europe 1648 to 1815, Tim Blanning, Penguin, 2007, page 7.
[the state of the roads—four miles an hour in a coach]
[Writing in 1852:] “In the present day a man goes to Constantinople and back as an ordinary pleasure-trip, calling for no especial remark. Not so a century ago. It was not uncommon at that period for people whose business led them from the Scottish to the English metropolis to make their wills before starting. The journey was indeed a formidable one, as may be gathered from an advertisement in the ‘Edinburgh Courant’ for 1758, stating that, with God’s permission, the coach would ‘go in ten days in summer and twelve in winter:’ a man may now breakfast in London and sup in Edinburgh, 400 miles distant, without undergoing severe fatigue, or sitting up to a late hour; and if so inclined, may cross over to New York in less time than was formerly consumed between the two cities. In 1765, a ‘flyingcoach,’ drawn by eight horses, travelled from London to Dover in a day, fare 21s.

Arthur Young’s experiences during his ‘Tour’ in 1770 furnish conclusive evidence as to the condition of the roads at a still later date. He was travelling in Lancashire, a county now among those best furnished with railways, and says: ‘I know not, in the whole range of language, terms sufficiently expressive to describe this infernal road. To look over a map, and perceive that it is a principal one, not only to some towns, but even whole counties, one would naturally conclude it to be at least decent; but let me most seriously caution all travellers who may accidentally purpose to travel this terrible county to avoid it as they would the devil, for a thousand to one but they break their necks or their limbs by overthrows or breakings-down. They will here meet with ruts, which I actually measured, four feet deep, and floating with mud, only from a wet summer—what, therefore, must it be after a winter? The only mending it receives in places is the tumbling in some loose stones, which serve no other purpose but jolting a carriage in the most intolerable manner. These are not merely opinions, but facts; for I actually passed three carts broken down in these eighteen miles of execrable memory.’ This was not the only instance of bad roads that Young met with; he came upon others farther north, and denounces them in language equally emphatic.

On the eve of the nineteenth century travelling was still slow. Mr. Porter states, that he ‘well remembers leaving the town of Gosport (in 1798) at one o’clock of the morning in the Telegraph, then considered a fast coach, and arriving at the Golden Cross, Charing-Cross, at eight in the evening; thus occupying nineteen hours in travelling eighty miles, being at the rate of rather more than four miles an hour.’ ”

[...] “It was notorious that goods were frequently conveyed from Liverpool to New York in less time than to Manchester.”

“Railway Communications,” in: Chambers’s Papers for the People, Volume 12, William Chambers, J. W. Moore, 1852, pages 7-8, page 15.

“The following excerpt from a United States Senate Committee Report written in 1816 gives concrete illustration of the obstacles to the development of inland industry. ‘A coal mine may exist in the United States not more than ten miles from valuable ores of iron and other materials, and both of them be useless until a canal is established between them, as the price of land carriage is too great to be borne by either.’ [American State Papers: Miscellaneous, II (1834), page 287.] The same report points out that a ton of goods could be brought 3,000 miles from Europe to America for about nine dollars, but for that same sum it could be moved only 30 miles overland in this country. Little wonder that under such conditions foreign trade flourished while domestic commerce developed only very slowly.” The Transportation Revolution, 1815-1860, George Rogers Taylor, Rinehart, 1951, pages 132-133.

The travel times and costs by land versus by water was a point first made by Adam Smith in 1776. “As by means of water-carriage a more extensive market is opened to every sort of industry than what land-carriage alone can afford it, so it is upon the sea-coast, and along the banks of navigable rivers, that industry of every kind naturally begins to subdivide and improve itself, and it is frequently not till a long time after that those improvements extend themselves to the inland parts of the country. A broad-wheeled waggon, attended by two men, and drawn by eight horses, in about six weeks’ time carries and brings back between London and Edinburgh near four ton weight of goods. In about the same time a ship navigated by six or eight men, and sailing between the ports of London and Leith, frequently carries and brings back two hundred ton weight of goods. Six or eight men, therefore, by the help of water-carriage, can carry and bring back in the same time the same quantity of goods between London and Edinburgh, as fifty broad-wheeled waggons, attended by a hundred men, and drawn by four hundred horses. Upon two hundred tons of goods, therefore, carried by the cheapest land-carriage from London to Edinburgh, there must be charged the maintenance of a hundred men for three weeks, and both the maintenance, and, what is nearly equal to the maintenance, the wear and tear of four hundred horses as well as of fifty great waggons. Whereas, upon the same quantity of goods carried by water, there is to be charged only the maintenance of six or eight men, and the wear and tear of a ship of two hundred tons burden, together with the value of the superior risk, or the difference of the insurance between land and water-carriage. Were there no other communication between those two places, therefore, but by land-carriage, as no goods could be transported from the one to the other, except such whose price was very considerable in proportion to their weight, they could carry on but a small part of that commerce which at present subsists between them, and consequently could give but a small part of that encouragement which they at present mutually afford to each other’s industry. There could be little or no commerce of any kind between the distant parts of the world. What goods could bear the expense of land-carriage between London and Calcutta? Or if there were any so precious as to be able to support this expense, with what safety could they be transported through the territories of so many barbarous nations? Those two cities, however, at present carry on a very considerable commerce with each other, and by mutually affording a market, give a good deal of encouragement to each other’s industry.”

An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith, Edwin Cannan Edition, Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1952, Book I, Chapter 3, pages 8-9.

[14 miles per hour considered high speed]
Travels to Terra Incognita: The Scottish Highlands and Hebrides in Early Modern Travellers’ Accounts c. 1600 to 1800, Martin Rackwitz, Waxmann Verlag, 2007, pages 184-187. Stage-Coach and Mail in Days of Yore: A Picturesque History of the Coaching Age, Charles G. Harper, Chapman & Hall, 1903. History of the United States of America During the Administrations of Thomas Jefferson, Henry Adams, 1889, Library of America, Reprint Edition, 1986, page 11. See also: Charles Dickens: Martin Chuzzlewitz, Chapter 5, The Pickwick Papers, Chapter 9; Mark Twain: Life on the Mississippi, Chapter 16; Jane Austen: Emma, Chapter 37.

From 1830 to 1850, thanks to railway growth alone, Britain effectively shrank to about a fifth its former size. By the 1850s, in the early days of the automobile, and the heyday of locomotives, cars were driven by steam and were immensely expensive. The railway companies got together and pushed through laws to limit them. For example, Britain passed the Red Flag Act in 1865 forcing each steam driver to have a man walking in front and carrying a red flag (or a red lantern at night). The speed limit was set at four miles an hour (6.44 kilometers an hour). In 1896 it was increased to 14 miles an hour (22.53 kilometers an hour). Eventually though the car improved and cheapened. Then it killed the horse and nearly destroyed the locomotive. Incidentally, today, 14 miles an hour on a good bike is normal.

[the first railways in the 1820s]
The first railway wasn’t powered by locomotives in 1830 but by horses in 1825.

“The [early British railways] originated in the wagon ways, or tramways, used in the coal industry, and it was only with the construction of the Stockton & Darlington Railway (S&DR) that it was discovered that railways could be used for passengers and general freight. The S&DR was launched in 1825 as a line designed to carry coal some 30 miles from collieries south of Durham to Stockton on the coast so that it could be transported by ship to London and elsewhere. The intention was to reduce the exorbitant cost of moving coal from the colliery to the coast. The S&DR’s authorising Act of Parliament followed the pattern of those for turnpike roads and canals. While the S&DR was free to operate its own vehicles on the railway, it had to permit the owners of other vehicles to use it on payment of a toll. The result was that the railway was used in a variety of different ways. Most of the traffic was pulled by horses, and while a large proportion of the trains were owned by the S&DR itself, individual colliery owners used their own wagons and horses. It was also used for passenger traffic, and two lady publicans ran horse-drawn carriages. The result was a combination of chaos, invention and success. The railway was built as a single track with passing places, and as traffic increased there were queues (and disputes) for their use. Light passenger coaches were supposed to give way to heavier coal trains. The locomotive engines introduced under the guidance of George Stephenson confirmed that mobile engines were at least as good as suppliers of motive power such as horses or stationary engines hauling wagons by ropes. The success, both technical and commercial, of the S&DR demonstrated for the first time that railways could have a commercial use beyond coal and mineral traffic in the north-east of England.

The discovery that railways could be highly profitable for transporting goods generally, not just coal and people, was made by the Liverpool and Manchester Railway (L&MR), which set the pattern for all other railways. Like the S&DR, the L&MR was established to break the stranglehold of a monopoly canal which took an indirect route between the two cities. The result of the monopoly was that the rapidly expanding cotton trade was faced with massive transport costs between its main centre, Manchester, and its chief port, Liverpool. As a consequence, and in what was to become the traditional fashion, the businessmen of the two cities, Liverpool merchants and Manchester mill owners, collaborated to build a railway between the two centres. An Act was passed in 1826, and the railway was opened in September 1830. Almost immediately upon completion, the L&MR was carrying mail, road ‘containers’ for Pickfords and had begun passenger excursions. From the start the proportion of passenger traffic was far larger than had been expected. It rapidly became clear that there were very large profits to be made, and that passengers as much as freight would be responsible for profitability. By the end of 1830, 70,000 passengers had been carried by the L&MR, and between 1831 and 1845 passengers accounted for 56 per cent of its total traffic receipts.” Parallels between the early British railways and the ICT revolution, Robert C. B. Miller, The Institute of Economic Affairs, 2003, pages 34-35.

[horses versus iron horses in 1830s Britain]
“Modern Town Conveyances,” Meliora: A Quarterly Review of Social Science in its Ethical, Economical, Political and Ameliorative Aspects, 12(48):305-321, 1869.
[live farther away from the noise, stench, and smoke of the hubs...]
There’s good reason for that desire to move away. Here’s Dickens describing London in 1853: “Smoke lowering down from chimney-pots, making a soft black drizzle, with flakes of soot in it as big as full-grown snowflakes—gone into mourning, one might imagine, for the death of the sun.” Bleak House, Charles Dickens, Penguin Classics, Reprint Edition, 1996, page 13.

Of course, that only describes the effect of burning coal, mostly at home, not the industrial effects. Chiefly, hubs grew increasingly undesirable because of the effects of the increasingly dense populations possible during the industrial phase change. Hubs were never particularly desirable from a health perspective.

[“ stranded whales...”]
That’s F. M. L. Thompson in his 1970 lecture, Victorian England: The Horse-Drawn Society, page 13: “Without carriages and carts the railways would have been like stranded whales, giants unable to use their strength, for these were the only means of getting people and goods right to the doors of houses, where they wanted to be.” The Transport Revolution 1770-1985, Philip S. Bagwell, Routledge, 1988, page 131.
[the railroad triggered horse increases]
“In England and Wales the total number of large horse-drawn carriages and lorries increased (in round numbers) from 330,000 [in] 1831 to 850,000 in 1872. Likewise there was a four-fold increase in the number of light two-wheelers—the vehicles of the middle classes—which had increased to around 320,000 by 1902.” From: “Medicine before the motor car,” I. Loudon, Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 102(6):219-222, 2009.

“[R]ailway speed, railway convenience, and railway timetables produced wholly new perceptions of individual horizons and profound changes in social habits, of work and leisure, in the pace as well as the place of living. Railways paraded the power of the machine across the whole country, they eroded localism and removed barriers to mobility and they created new jobs and new towns. Their very modernity and success in generating new traffic, however, also generated expansion in older forms of transport, for all the feeder services bringing freight and passengers to the railway stations were horse-drawn. This, coupled with the needs of road transport within the larger towns, produced a three or fourfold increase in horse-drawn traffic on Victorian roads. The result, in employment terms, was that there were consistently more than twice as many road transport workers as there were railwaymen until after 1891 and that in the early twentieth century the road transport men, by now including some handling electric trams and soon to include others on motor vehicles, remained easily the largest group of transport workers.” The Rise of Respectable Society: A Social History of Victorian Britain, 1830-1900, F. M. L. Thompson, Harvard University Press, 1988, pages 46-47.

[horse dung on London streets in 1851 and 1875]
“Street paving and cleansing,” [anonymous; a reprint from the Times of July 23rd] Journal of the Society of Arts, 23(1184), July 30th, 1875. London Labour and the London Poor: A Cyclopaedia of the Condition and Earnings of Those That Will Work, Those That Cannot Work, and Those That Will Not Work, Volume II, Henry Mayhew, 1851, Dover, Reprint Edition, 1968, pages 193-196.
[New York horse dung in the late 1870s]
Apparently New York, even as early as the 1870s, was just as deep in horse dung. Golway gives the following estimate (but with no referencing evidence):

“Of Devoy’s temporal welfare, the best that could be said was that though his hotel room may have been spartan, at least it wasn’t one of the thousands of fearsome, unhealthy tenements that housed the bulk of Irish America and fully two-thirds of the city’s population in the late 1870s. In the slums of urban America on the eve of the Gilded Age, tiny, airless boxes often housed families of six, seven, or more people in just a couple of rooms. One landlord agent noted that he had charge of two tenements for three years, ‘and during that time [I] have felt like a man that was committing murder.’ The streets in these already unhealthy communities were cleaned no more than once a week, an appalling breach of public health in a city of sixty thousand horses producing 2.5 million pounds of manure and sixty thousand gallons of urine every day.” Irish Rebel: John Devoy and America’s Fight for Ireland’s Freedom, Terry Golway, St. Martin’s Press, 1998, page 93.

[number of horses peaked in Britain in 1901]
In 1901 there were 464,000 horses in Britain in commercial passenger transport. (Compared with 103,000 in 1851). “Transport and Communication 1730-1914,” N. Thrift, in: Historical Geography of England and Wales, R. A. Dodgshon and R. A. Butlin (editors), Academic Press, Second Edition, 1990, pages 453-486 (graph on page 466). “Nineteenth-Century Horse Sense,” F. M. L. Thompson, The Economic History Review, 29(1):60-81, 1976.
[decline of horses in the United States in the 1900s]
“Horses did not disappear from cities overnight. Rather, they went function by function. It has already been noted that, while horse-powered machines persisted in manufacturing until about 1850, they were largely replaced by other energy sources in the following decade. The next use of urban horses to disappear was pulling streetcars. Their demise was very rapid, as between 1888 and 1892 almost every street railway in the U.S. was electrified. A few small companies kept horses for about another decade because they could not get permission to electrify, but they were a minor element in the industry. The rapidity of the change is explained primarily by the incredible technological advantage of electric traction in terms of speed in spite of its capital intensiveness. Another benefit was that the pollution from streetcars was reduced, and moved from a non-point mobile source (the horse) to a fixed point source, the coal-burning electrical generating plant. In addition, cities no longer had to worry about removing dead traction horses from their streets.” From: “The Centrality of the Horse to the Nineteenth-Century American City,” J. Tarr, C. McShane, in: The Making of Urban America, Raymond Mohl (editor), SR Publishers, 1997, page 105-130.
[“...Americans are a horse-loving nation...”]
“That the wide-spread adoption of the motor-driven vehicle will be realized in this country is open to serious doubt. In Paris hundreds of these vehicles, in one form or another, are in use. The motor principle has also been successfully applied to bicycles, so that the man who rides merely to cover ground and not for exercise has a method of propulsion that is not wearying. It is questionable, however, whether the American bicyclist will prefer the motor method to one whose peculiar fascination consists in the ease with which it combines a stimulating exercise with rapid flight. Certainly no athlete will be content to take his outing on a machine which calls for no muscular effort. And of the thousands of Americans for whom driving is a delightful recreation, not the least pleasure of which is the mastery over a spirited horse, it is scarcely conceivable that any great number will prefer the inanimate road machine driven by petroleum to the noble steed whose graceful action is among the most beautiful things of life. Americans are a horse-loving nation. Here is the horse’s natural home at the present day, and here he has reached his highest development as a racer.

He is an animal, moreover, that inspires love and evokes the sense of companionship. He responds quickly to the kind word and the caress. Under humane treatment he is not only perfectly tractable, but he surprises by his intelligence. He has, in fact, all the attributes Which, in an animal, cause a man’s heart to go out warmly toward him and to make him a part of his life, aside from any idea of his utilitarian value. These relations of intimacy have for centuries existed, and their influence is so deep-rooted in us that to-day one of the first and most natural manifestations of childhood is a tender sympathy for the horse and admiration for his supple strength and beautiful proportions,—an admiration which, among those brought up among horses, increases with years. So that it would be strange, I take it, should man in the nineteenth century give the cold shoulder to his ancient playmate and fellow-worker and depend upon a motor-driven machine for that pleasure and service which the horse has given him so long and satisfactorily.

Should this result, in part, come to pass, it will, I fancy, be due entirely to the economical advantages of the mechanical horse, which requires not to be fed, although it will necessarily have to be doctored by the repairer far oftener than a horse requires the veterinarian or the farrier. And if the question of economy shall determine the future of the automobile vehicle, the pleasure vehicle, horse-driven, will still be with us, for it is impossible that any other consideration than one of novelty will cause our horse enthusiasm to adopt this latest Parisian substitute for Pegasus. What an anomaly it would be if the great English Derby, which is one of John Bull’s most cherished national festivals, or our own great horse-racing events at Sheepshead Bay or Morris Park, should be invaded by this new-fangled thing operated by a can of prosaic oil, and if the vast throng of sportsmen and fashionable folk should make wagers on the speed of their respective motor favorites! Can we imagine such a race to evoke the wild enthusiasm of a neck-and-neck canter down the home stretch between two blooded scions of rival Kentucky racing stock? Think of that wizard of horsemanship, the American cowboy, swapping his fiery ‘bronk’ for a wheeled horse that neither ‘bucks’ nor breathes, and that couldn’t throw him if it tried to!

It is true that all our predictions of the great inventions which have received wide-spread popular adoption fell far short of the limits of their present use. We never dreamed of the scope the telegraph, the telephone, the reaper, the cotton-gin, the locomotive, and the steam engine would assume under the stimulus of competition and in response to the improvements suggested by every-day use. Reasoning from this, it may be assumed, upon apparently justifiable grounds, that the same broad evolution of the powers and potency of the mechanical horse will be realized; yet one doubts the wisdom of such an assumption. When our poets celebrate in verse the praises of the horse, as they have done since Homer, when our painters devote a lifetime to the study of his anatomy and his graceful attitudes, and when our sculptors, in chiselling the statue of a great man, produce the most inspiring effect with a figure mounted on a spirited charger, it is within bounds to say that the horse is a permanent fixture in our scheme of life, equally with the dog and the bird. Science has done and is doing marvellous things, but I doubt if it can crowd off the earth any of the descendants of the original company that inhabited Noah’s Ark.”

“The Horse or The Motor,” Oliver McKee, Lippincott’s, Volume LVII, 379-384, 1896.

[“ will never be cheap...”]
“Automobiling is following the history of cycling with such remarkable closeness in almost every detail, both as a sport and an industry, that the question is often asked if the present period of expansion will be followed by a collapse as complete and as disastrous as was that of the cycling boom of a few short years ago. [...]

Careful observers, while admitting that the sport, like any other that has ever obtained the favor of a fickly amusement-loving public will pass through a period of rise and decline, do not look for any such experience as the bicycle industry passed through. In the first place, the warning of that experience is still borne in mind and the present high prices and insufficient supply of motor vehicles are due to the conservatism of the manufacturers in regulating production quite as much as to the large demand for the vehicles. In the second place, the amount of capital necessary to engage in the business is much larger and is sufficient to deter those with small means from venturing into the making of motor vehicles. And finally it is pointed out that the prices of the vehicles will never be sufficiently low to make them as widely popular as were bicycles, and though the wealthy enthusiasts who import expensive racing machines may eventually tire of the sport, the demand for vehicles for touring and ordinary plasure use and for business purposes is growing naturally and steadily and is unlikely to be affected by any loss of popularity of the sport among the very wealthy classes.”

“Automobile Topics of Interest,” The New York Times, July 13th, 1902, page 12.

[the car seen as leading to a rise in nubile sex]
“Sex, of course, never need wait to be asked to raise its lovely head, and identification of the automobile as a sexual symbol was an instantaneous reflex action for America. Even before the first playboy squeezed the bulb of his serpent horn at the first passing tart, village maidens deployed themselves at strategic intersections, pinching color into their cheeks trusting that a goggled millionaire would shortly appear to shower them with his welcome, illegal attentions. The clergy took a dim view of this behavior, and redundantly inveighed against the ‘profligate young heirs’ who were whisking virgins off to debauchery in their ‘devil wagons’ at speeds ranging from 8 to 20 miles an hour. The total number of wenches tossed on back seats was at first probably no greater than that theretofore tossed in haylofts, but events marched on. More and more cars parked in lonely lanes, until a juvenile court judge was able to denounce the family car as ‘a house of prostitution on wheels.’ The Insolent Chariots, John Keats, Lippincott, 1958, page 70. See also: The Devil Wagon in God’s Country: The Automobile and Social Change in Rural America, 1893-1929, Michael L. Berger, Archon Books, 1980, page 139.
[cars introduced to the United States]
The Model T: A Centennial History, Robert Casey, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008. The Evolution from Horse to Automobile: A Comparative International Study, Imes Chiu, Cambria Press, 2008.
[acceptance of the car in the United States from 1925 to 1945]
While a juvenile court judge would call the car “a house of prostitution on wheels” in 1925, by 1945, Steinbeck would write that “Two generations of Americans knew more about the [Model T] Ford coil than about the clitoris.”

The Illustrated Directory of American Cars, Andrew Montgomery, Salamander Books Ltd., 2003, page 41. The Psychology of Adolescence, Behavior and Development, John E. Horrocks, Houghton Mifflin, 1962, page 178. Only Yesterday: An Informal History of the 1920’s, Frederick Lewis Allen, 1931, Harper & Row, Reprint Edition, 2000, pages 86-87. Cannery Row, John Steinbeck, Penguin, 1993, page 67.

[millions of women drivers in the United States in 1927]
By 1927, Ray W. Sherman, editor of the car magazine Motor, would note that “there are millions of women drivers where there were only hundreds a few years ago.... every time a woman learns to drive—and thousands do every year—it is a threat at yesterday’s order of things.” Taking the Wheel: Women and the Coming of the Motor Age, Virginia Scharff, Free Press, 1991, page 117.
[numbers of cars and amount of paved roads in the United States, 1900-1930]
In 1900 the United States only had about 8,400 cars, and only four percent of its roads were paved—mostly in cities and mostly with brick—and while urban roads were bad, rural roads were worse—muddy, unpaved, hilly, and unmarked. But by 1910, it had nearly half a million cars; by 1920, over nine million; and by 1930, well over 26 million. By then, about 60 percent of all families there owned cars. As demand for cars there rose, roads got paved and marked, and gasoline stations and repair shops spread. Assessing and Managing the Ecological Impacts of Paved Roads, Committee on Ecological Impacts of Road Density, United States National Research Council, 2005, page 38. Transportation Energy Data Book: Edition 30, Stacy C. Davis, Susan W. Diegel, and Robert G. Boundy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, United States Department of Energy, 2011, Table 3-5. The table’s figures are given in per 1,000 people, so multiply by the population in thousands. The population in 1900 was 76,212,168; in 1910, it was 92,228,496; in 1920, it was 106,021,537; in 1930, it was 122,775,046.
[Egypt and the horse]
Egypt had no word for ‘horse’ until the coming of the Hyksos, but there is argument about whether that was an invasion or a migration during a time when Egypt was weak. One reason is that the word for horse didn’t enter known hieroglyphs until the very end of the Hyksos domination. Daily Life of the Ancient Egyptians, Bob Brier and Hoyt Hobbs, Greenwood Press, Second Edition, 2008, page 253. The Scepter of Egypt: A Background for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities in the Metropolitian Museum of Art, Volume II: The Hyksos period and the New Kingdom (1675-1080 B.C.), William C. Hayes, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1990, pages 3-9.
[horse history and technology]
The best data traces horse domestication to around six millennia ago. The Horse in Human History, Pita Kelekna, Cambridge University Press, 2009. The Horse, the Wheel, and Language: How Bronze-Age Riders from the Eurasian Steppes Shaped the Modern World, David W. Anthony, Princeton University Press, 2007. Horse: How the Horse Has Shaped Civilizations, J. Edward Chamberlin, Random House, 2006.
[Verne predicted cars in 1863]
Paris in the Twentieth Century, Jules Verne, 1863 (unpublished), Del Rey, 1997. He wrote the book in 1863 but shelved it as his publisher thought it too unbelievable. It wasn’t published until over a century later. In his book, cars were powered by compressed air, not gasoline. It also predicted fax machines and an internet. “Albert Robida’s imperfect future,” R. Hendrick, History Today, 48(7):27-32, 1998.
[Wells predicted car problems in 1901]
Anticipations of the Reaction of Mechanical and Scientific Progress: Upon Human Life and Thought, H. G. Wells, Chapman & Hall, 1901, chapter 1. In the book, as in many of his books, Wells forecasted far more than that. “Discovering the Future,” P. Crabtree, The Futurist, 42(3):52-54, 2008. “Anticipations: The Remarkable Forecasts of H. G. Wells,” P. Crabtree, The Futurist, 41(5):40-46, 2007.
[science fiction as prediction]
“A good science fiction story should be able to predict not the automobile but the traffic jam.” —Fred Pohl. Close Encounters? Science and Science Fiction, Robert Lambourne, Michael Shallis, and Michael Shortland, CRC Press, 1990, page 27.

“The most difficult speculation for a science fiction writer to undertake is to imagine correctly the secondary implications of a new factor. Many people correctly anticipated the coming of the horseless carriage; some were bold enough to predict that everyone would use them and the horse would virtually disappear. But I know of no writer, fiction or non-fiction, who saw ahead of time the vast change in the courting and mating habits of Americans which would result primarily from the automobile—a change which the diaphragm and the oral contraceptive merely confirmed. So far as I know, no one even dreamed of the change in sex habits the automobile would set off.” From: “Pandora’s Box,” (an expansion of his “Where To?”) in: Expanded Universe, Robert A. Heinlein, 1966, Baen, 1980 Edition, page 264.

“Do you see, then, that the important prediction is not the automobile, but the parking problem; not radio, but the soap-opera; not the income tax but the expense account; not the Bomb but the nuclear stalemate? Not the action, in short, but the reaction?” From: “Future? Tense!” in: From Earth to Heaven: Seventeen Essays on Science, Isaac Asimov, Doubleday, 1966, pages 50-61.

“It isn’t really science-fiction’s business to describe what science is going to find. It is much more science-fiction’s business to try and say what the human race will make of it all.

In fact, this is the thing—the one thing, maybe the only thing—that science fiction does better than any other tool available to hand. It gives us a look at the consequences. And it does it superbly.”

From: “Introduction,” Frederik Pohl, The Ninth Galaxy Reader, Frederik Pohl (editor), Doubleday, 1966, page vii.

“It is easy to predict an automobile in 1880; it is very hard to predict a traffic problem. The former is really only an extrapolation of the railroad. The latter is something completely novel and unexpected.” From: “Social Science Fiction,” I. Asimov, in: Modern Science Fiction: Its Meaning and Its Future, Reginald Bretnor (editor), Coward-McCann, 1953, pages 157-196 (see page 172).

“Scientific methodology involves the proposition that a well-constructed theory will not only explain away known phenomena, but will also predict new and still undiscovered phenomena. Science fiction tries to do much the same—and write up, in story form, what the results look like when applied not only to machines, but to human society as well.” From: “Introduction,” John W. Campbell, Venus Equilateral, George O. Smith, Prime Press, 1947, page 8.

[air pollution is old]
For example, coal abatement in England was tried as early as 1306. King Edward I tried then and, by 1321, had already failed. For more detail, see the note on coal abatement in Chapter 2 of these notes.
[toy chariots are old]
A History and Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education: From Ancient Civilizations to the Modern World, Robert Mechikoff, McGraw-Hill, Fifth Edition, 2009, page 33. Material Life of Northern India: Based on an Archaeological Study, 3rd century B.C. to 1st century B.C., Asha Vishnu, Mittal Publications, 1993, pages 100-102. Antique Toys and their background, Gwen White, Arco, 1971, pages 10, 79-81. “Ancient Toys,” Scientific American, Supplement, 41(1063):16986-17987, 1896.
[opera in the home by 2000]
“These prophecies will seem strange, almost impossible. Yet, they have come from the most learned and conservative minds in America. To the wisest and most careful men in our greatest institutions of science and learning I have gone, asking each in his turn to forecast for me what, in his opinion, will have been wrought in his own field of investigation before the dawn of 2001—a century from now. These opinions I have carefully transcribed.”

[Then followed 29 predictions. Here are three.]

Hot and Cold Air from Spigots. Hot or cold air will be turned on from spigots to regulate the temperature of a house as we now turn on hot or cold water from spigots to regulate the temperature of the bath. Central plants will supply this cool air and heat to city houses in the same way as now our gas or electricity is furnished. Rising early to build the furnace fire will be a task of the olden times. Homes will have no chimneys, because no smoke will be created within their walls....

Automobiles will be Cheaper than Horses are to-day. Farmers will own automobile hay-wagons, automobile truck-wagons, plows, harrows and hay-rakes. A one-pound motor in one of these vehicles will do the work of a pair of horses or more. Children will ride in automobile sleighs in winter. Automobiles will have been substituted for every horse vehicle now known. There will be, as already exist to-day, automobile hearses, automobile police patrols, automobile ambulances, automobile street sweepers. The horse in harness will be as scarce, if, indeed, not even scarcer, then as the yoked ox is to-day....

Grand Opera will be Telephoned to private homes, and will sound as harmonious as though enjoyed from a theatre box. Automatic instruments reproducing original airs exactly will bring the best music to the families of the untalented. Great musicians gathered in one enclosure in New York will, by manipulating electric keys, produce at the same time music from instruments arranged in theatres or halls in San Francisco or New Orleans, for instance. Thus will great bands and orchestras give long-distance concerts. In great cities there will be public opera-houses whose singers and musicians are paid from funds endowed by philanthropists and by the government. The piano will be capable of changing its tone from cheerful to sad. Many devices will add to the emotional effect of music.”

From: “What May Happen in the Next Hundred Years,” John Elfreth Watkins, Jr., The Ladies’ Home Journal, December 1900, page 8.

[Bell’s telephone, Edison’s phonograph]
Around 1880, when both technologies were less than five years old, they were both very limited. So it’s reasonable that in 1878 Edison’s predicted uses for the phonograph was: “Letter-writing, and other forms of dictation, books, education, reader, music, family record; and such electrotype applications as books, musical-boxes, toys, clocks, advertising and signaling apparatus, speeches.... The main utility of the phonograph, however, being for the purpose of letter-writing and other forms of dictation, the design is made with a view to its utility for that purpose.” See: “The Phonograph and Its Future,” Thomas A. Edison, The North American Review, 126(262):527-536, May, 1878.

Bell’s assumption about the telephone’s usefulness was also based partly on the difficulty of allowing two-way conversation on early phones. As late as 1889 it was still common to use telephones to broadcast music. When Old Technologies were New: Thinking About Electric Communication in the Late Nineteenth Century, Carolyn Marvin, Oxford University Press, 1988, pages 209-212.

Gray’s dismissal of his own invention, the ‘talking telegraph’ and his decision not to fight Bell’s patent for the same idea, stemmed from financial pressure as well as the advice of pretty much everyone with any expertise in the field, including the executives of Western Union. No one saw any value in such a ‘scientific curiosity.’ “Elisha Gray and the Telephone: On the Disadvantages of Being an Expert,” D. A. Hounshell, Technology and Culture, 16(2):133-161, 1975. See also: The Telephone Patent Conspiracy of 1876: The Elisha Gray-Alexander Bell Controversy, A. Edward Evenson, McFarland, 2000.

[Auguste Lumiére on motion pictures]
The History of Motion Pictures, Maurice Bardèche and Robert Brasillach, translated and edited by Iris Barry, 1938, Read Books, Reprint Edition 2007, page 10.

[fitting device to desire...]
Just as scientists have to invent theory to fit data, and find data to check theory, inventors have to invent devices to fit desire, and find desire to meet devices when trying to invent anything truly new, like the first printing press, or the first steam engine, or the first electric dynamo, or the first computer. Without first knowing what’s possible, and what the public will accept, or find its own uses for, everything must be done by guess and by gosh and on a dare. Ditto for mathematicians and programmers and anyone else trying to do anything else truly new. What is possible? What will work? What will fit? Until invented, no one knows.
[spread of warbots]
Wired for War: The Robotics Revolution and Conflict in the 21st Century, P. W. Singer, Penguin, 2009.
[loss of privacy]
Understanding Privacy, Daniel J. Solove, Harvard University Press, 2010. Privacy in Peril: How We are Sacrificing a Fundamental Right in Exchange for Security and Convenience, James B. Rule, Oxford University Press, 2007. Everyware: The Dawning Age of Ubiquitous Computing, Adam Greenfield, New Riders Press, 2006. The Transparent Society: Will Technology Force Us to Choose Between Privacy and Freedom? David Brin, Addison-Wesley, 1998.
[impossibility of predicting the future]
The argument in the text is a simplified folk version of a mathematical result due to MacKay: Even were the cosmos fully deterministic, there can be no complete specification of its future state that you would be correct to believe and incorrect to disbelieve. The result is itself based on Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem (see below). “On the Logical Indeterminacy of a Free Choice,” D. M. MacKay, Mind, 69(273):31-40, 1960.

Roughly speaking: the cosmos’ future indeterminacy hinges on you being a part of the cosmos, and your future mental state being a part of its future state. Every complete specification of the future must include a specification of the part of you that determines whether you would believe something were it shown to you. If such a specification is correct, then you would not be wrong to disbelieve it. If such a specification is incorrect, then you would not be right to believe it. See also: “The Hidden Assumption in Mackay’s Logical Paradox concerning Free Will,” L. W. Dewitt, The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 24(4):402-405, 1973. “The Logical Indeterminateness of Human Choices,” D. M. Mackay, 24(4):405-408, 1973. See also: Impossibility: The Limits of Science and the Science of Limits, John D. Barrow, Oxford University Press, 1998, especially pages 233-237. The Open Universe: An Argument for Indeterminism, Karl R. Popper, Routledge, 1992, especially pages 68-86. For a recent approachable introduction to similar mathematical results, see: The Unknowable, Gregory Chaitin, Springer-Verlag, 1999. For a non-technical version, see: The Fortune Sellers: The Big Business of Buying and Selling Predictions, William A. Sherden, John Wiley & Sons, 1997.

Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorems state (very roughly) that no sufficiently powerful formal system can be complete—that is, there are things that are true that are not provable within the system. On the other hand, if we can prove everything that is true within it, then we can also prove things that are false—that is, it would be inconsistent. In sum, no sufficiently powerful formal system of reasoning can be both complete and consistent. You can have one or you can have the other, but not both. However, properly defining all these terms (‘truth,’ ‘consistency,’ ‘completeness,’ ‘formal system,’ ‘sufficiently powerful’) is far beyond the bounds of this book. For non-technical readers, the following book is probably still the best overall introduction to the idea (along with several others in computability theory): Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid, Douglas R. Hofstadter, Basic Books, 1979.

[out of control]
So our central problem today may not be the newness or strangeness of whatever our next tools will be. It’s more likely to be the speed of their appearance. For instance, shopping tools that are routine to many of us today—like the installment plan, the mail order catalog, the department store, the suburban home mortgage, the chain store, the supermarket, the credit card, the shopping mall, the loyalty card, the superstore, the online shop—all were once new and strange. To at least some of us, if not many of us, they were threatening. They each led to disruption of old ways, job loss, and neighborhood rearrangement. Also, they combined with each other, plus tools that they depended on—like the train, the car, the truck, the shipping container, the container ship, the phone, the television, the computer, the bank—and tools that those tools depended on—like the battery, the spark plug, the carburetor, the radio, the silicon chip, the ledger, the contract—and tools that those tools depended on—like the steam engine, the power station, the turbine, the electromagnet, the printing press, the police, the judiciary, the state, and on and on in an ever-widening network. It’s a network that over time we’ve built and that’s built us, because as each new tool entered it, the network reshaped itself to do new things for us—but also to us. Plus, as the network reshaped itself to adjust to the new tool, the new tool reshaped itself to better fit into the reshaping network since some of the network’s parts kept on combining and recombining. After a certain point, we couldn’t foresee all the changes that any major new tool would trigger, because before the new tool had time to fully settle into its final shape in a fully reshaped network, the reshaping that it triggered had gone on to trigger more changes. So, after a point, we were off-balance. We still are.
[seeing the future as a story]
That doesn’t fit how we often tend to think of ourselves. We prefer to think of our history as a story, for that gives sense of our lives and comfort to our future. But while we might think that we know what our newest tools are for, we often don’t. For example, when we first figured out a way to capture moving pictures we thought of it as a way to record live theater. That then gave us a new industry. But in a theater, the performers move, not the audience. It’s years before we realize that the camera—the audience—could move, too. We then invent the close-up and the tracking shot. Then we realize that the camera could move through time, too. We invent the freeze-frame, the jump cut, the flashback. Soon we have a whole new industry. It then takes years more for us to figure out a way to broadcast that video. Soon we have yet another industry. Then we figure out how to record that broadcasted video, giving us yet another industry. Then we figure out how to create, edit, and share video person to person, and how to use many cameras to make holograms, and how to use virtual cameras to make synthetic scenes—and synthetic actors. Those have spawned, and will continue to spawn, yet more industries. After a whole century of picturing time we still don’t know what movie cameras are for. We don’t know what computers are for, either. Or radios. Or even phones.

“The deepest instinct of the human mind is to shape the chaotic world and the illimitable stream of events into some intelligible form which it can hold before itself and take in at one survey. From this instinct all mythology takes its rise, and all the religious and philosophical systems which grow out of mythology without a break. The man whose reason has thrown over myth and abjured religion, and who yet is born too soon to find any resting-place for his thought provided by science and philosophy, may set himself to live on isolated facts without a theory; but the time will come when his resistance will break down. All the artistic and imaginative elements in his nature will pull against his reason, and, if once he begins to produce, their triumph is assured. In spite of all his good resolutions, the work will grow under his hands into some satisfying shape, informed by reflection and governed by art.” Thucydides Mythistoricus, Francis MacDonald Cornford, Edward Arnold, 1907, page 249.

[technology as a life-form]
In the swarm-physics view, saying that a railway network, or a city, or an economy, or perhaps even our species as a whole, has a life of its own may not simply be a figure of speech. Such ‘life-forms’ don’t seem to be fully under our control, but they don’t seem to act randomly, either. They seem to obey at least a few seemingly clear laws of structural change, even if none of us intend them to do so. However that needn’t therefore mean that predicting their future structure or behavior is easy, or even possible.

That’s not an original idea. However, the distinction between a tool (for example, a car) and the network that we and our tools together create as we use them (a swarm of cars), and the distinction between our tools and the tools that make such tools (for example, a procedures, an engineering discipline, a school, or a government) isn’t always made all that clear. But, the essence of the point that such things aren’t necessarily under our control has been made by many writers, among them Jacques Elull, Martin Heidegger, Lewis Mumford, Marshall McLuhan, George Grant, Alvin Toffler, and Langdon Winner.

For example: “The number of artifacts that were introduced in households and in society in general [in the 1950s and 1960s], was so large that a number of Continental philosophers started writing about technology with great concern. Jacques Ellul presented the view that there was no longer just a collection of separate artifacts, but that all these artifacts worked together and got the character of an autonomous system on which society had lost grip. Martin Heidegger warned for the effect that these omnipresent artifacts had on our perception of reality, namely as only a resource. Both Ellul and Heidegger were pessimistic about the possibilities of changing this situation.” From: “Translating Customer Requirements into Technical Specifications,” M. J. de Vries, Handbook of the Philosophy of Science: Volume 9: Philosophy of Technology and Engineering Sciences, Volume editor: Anthonie Meijers. General editors: Dov M. Gabbay, Paul Thagard and John Woods. Elsevier, 2009, pages 489-512.

And: “...the crisis of steering in the technological order does not mean, as some seem to think, that there is no one at the wheel and that the car literally drives itself. It does mean that the relationship between car and driver, continuing the metaphor, is problematic and sometimes not that which ordinary tool-use conceptions lead us to expect.” Autonomous Technology: Technics-out-of-control as a Theme in Political Thought, Langdon Winner, The MIT Press, 1977, pages 227-228.

And: “At the present time, technique has arrived at such a point in its evolution that it is being transformed and is progressing without decisive intervention by man.” The Technological Society, Jacques Ellul, Vintage Books, 1964, page 85.

For an overview, starting with Thorstein Veblen, of how continental European (particularly German, and starting largely with Karl Marx) thinking (about what technology is) seeped into argument in Britain and the United States, see: “Technik Comes to America: Changing Meanings of Technology before 1930,” E. Schatzberg, Technology and Culture, 47(3):486-512, 2006.

Here are some recent books adding to the argument about whether technology is alive or not. Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History of Innovation, Steven Johnson, Riverhead Books, 2010. What Technology Wants, Kevin Kelly, Viking, 2010. The Nature of Technology: What It Is and How It Evolves, W. Brian Arthur, Free Press, 2009. Out of Control: The New Biology of Machines, Social Systems, & the Economic World, Kevin Kelly, Basic Books, 1994. The Evolution of Technology, George Basalla, Cambridge University Press, 1988.

However, putting aside the question of whether technology alone (that is, our tools, not the combination of our tools and ourselves) is the thing that is ‘out of control,’ the closest books in spirit to this text as a whole seem to be: Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies, Jared Diamond, W. W. Norton, 1997. Connections, James Burke, Macmillan, 1978. The Outline of History: Being a Plain History of Life and Mankind, H. G. Wells, Macmillan, Third Edition, 1921. Is War Now Impossible? Being an Abridgment of “The War of the Future in its Technical, Economic and Political Relations, I. S. Bloch, Grant Richards, 1899.

The Problem of Knowledge

[much knowledge discovery is like chemistry]
Hardly an original idea. It goes back at least as far as Henri Poincaré in 1908, William Ogburn in 1922, Abbott Usher in 1929, and Joseph Schumpeter in 1934. For Poincaré, the finest insights reveal unsuspected kinship between well-known facts. For Ogburn, then Usher, then Schumpeter, invention consists of putting together well-known things in new ways. The idea went into eclipse for half a century, then was picked up again by Arthur Koestler in 1964, George Basalla in 1988, Stuart Kauffman in 1993, Andrew Hargadon in 1997, Martin Weitzman in 1998, and Brian Arthur in 2009.

“[W]hat is mathematical creation? It does not consist in making new combinations with mathematical entities already known. Any one could do that, but the combinations so made would be infinite in number and most of them absolutely without interest. To create consists precisely in not making useless combinations and in making those which are useful and which are only a small minority. Invention is discernment, choice.

How to make this choice I have before explained; the mathematical facts worthy of being studied are those which, by their analogy with other facts, are capable of leading us to the knowledge of a mathematical law just as experimental facts lead us to the knowledge of a physical law. They are those which reveal to us unsuspected kinship between other facts, long known, but wrongly believed to be strangers to one another.

Among chosen combinations the most fertile will often be those formed of elements drawn from domains which are far apart. Not that I mean as sufficing for invention the bringing together of objects as disparate as possible. Most combinations so formed would be entirely sterile. But certain among them, very rare, are the most fruitful of all.

To invent, I have said, is to choose; but the word is perhaps not wholly exact. It makes one think of a purchaser before whom are displayed a large number of samples, and who examines them, one after the other, to make a choice. Here the samples would be so numerous that a whole lifetime would not suffice to examine them. This is not the actual state of things. The sterile combinations do not even present themselves to the mind of the inventor. Never in the field of his consciousness do combinations appear that are not really useful, except some that he rejects but which have to some extent the characteristics of useful combinations. All goes on as if the inventor were an examiner for the second degree who would only have to question the candidates who had passed a previous examination.

[...] The true work of the inventor consists in choosing among these combinations so as to eliminate the useless ones or rather to avoid the trouble of making them, and the rules which must guide this choice are extremely fine and delicate. It is almost impossible to state them precisely; they are felt rather than formulated.” The Foundations of Science: Science and Hypothesis, The Value of Science, Science and Method, (Science et Méthode, 1908) H. Poincaré, translated by George Bruce Halsted, Science Press, 1913, pages 386-390.

“Invention finds its distinctive feature in the constructive assimilation of preexisting elements into new syntheses, new patterns, or new configurations of behavior. [...]

Little remains to be said, beyond explicit and repeated emphasis upon the fact that the unity involved in the individual act of invention is brought to a close with the achievement of a single new concept, design, pattern, or configuration. The variety of words that may be used is indicative of the difficulty of adequately conveying the full connotation of the technical term ‘configuration.’ ”

A History of Mechanical Inventions, Abbott Payson Usher, McGraw-Hill, 1929, pages 11-19. Partly quoted in: The Evolution of Useful Things, Henry Petroski, Knopf, 1992, page 44.

“The evolutionary, or continuous, explanation that [Butler and Pitt-Rivers] adopted was much less widely accepted than the revolutionary, or discontinuous, interpretation. According to the latter, inventions emerge in a fully developed state from the minds of gifted inventors. In this heroic theory of invention, small improvements in technology are ignored or discounted and all emphasis is placed upon the identification of major breakthroughts by specific individuals—for example, the steam engine by James Watt [...]

Not long after Darwin published Origin of Species, Karl Marx, a great admirer of the English naturalist, called for a critical history of technology written along evolutionary lines. He believed such a history would reveal how little the Industrial Revolution owed to the work of individual inventors. Invention is a social process, argued Marx, that rests on the accumulation of many minor improvements, not the heroic efforts of a few geniuses.

In the first half of the twentieth century, the heroic view of invention was challenged by three American scholars—William F. Ogburn, S. C. Gilfillan, and Abbott Payson Usher—who advanced theories of technological change that drew upon Darwinism. Ogburn, a sociologist and the most influential of the three, began by defining invention as combining existing and known elements of culture in order to form a new element. The outcome of this process is a series of small changes, most of them patentable, but none of them constituting a sharp break with past material culture.

Ogburn claimed that a fixed percentage of individuals with superior inventive ability can be found among all peoples. As the population grows in any country, the number of potential inventors increase proportionally. If these inventors happen to be born into a culture that provides technical training and places a premium on novelty, then inventions are bound to appear in quantity. Initially, the pace of innovation is slow as a stockpile of inventions is established. The subsequent accumulation of novelties stimulates innovation because the number of elements available for combination has grown. Soon the accumulated novelties reach a critical point and a chain reaction takes place greatly accelerating the rate of inventive activity.”

The Evolution of Technology, George Basalla, Cambridge University Press, 1988, pages 21-22.

See also: How Breakthroughs Happen: The Surprising Truth About How Companies Innovate, Andrew Hargadon, Harvard Business School Press, 2003. Diffusion of Innovations, Everett M. Rogers, Free Press, Fifth Edition, 2003, chapters 4 and 5. The Act of Creation, Arthur Koestler, Hutchinson & Co., 1964.

[fast, cheap, well—pick any two]
This is often called ‘the iron triangle’ in software engineering. It’s part of widespread observation in much project management, not just software.

“How long will it take?” asked Edith, totally ignoring his objections.

“Do you want it quick, cheap, or good? I can give you any two.”

The Ghost of the Grand Banks, Arthur C. Clarke, Bantam, 1990, page 84.

[glimmers of a possible coming age of metaconcerts]
Today, those go by various experimental names: ‘intelligence,’ or ‘work,’ or ‘management,’ with various adjectives attached: ‘collective,’ ‘collaborative,’ ‘cooperative,’ ‘cloud,’ ‘crowd,’ ‘community,’ ‘compound,’ ‘distributed,’ ‘dispersed,’ ‘human flesh search’.... Tomorrow, they might go by other names: ‘collective detectives,’ ‘swarms,’ ‘hives,’ ‘borganisms,’ ‘meatballs,’ who knows what. The point, though, is to bring many brains together in concert to solve one specific problem.

“The Internet has made creative collaboration possible on an unprecedented scale: tens of thousands of people work together to consolidate knowledge (e.g. Wikipedia), or to write software (e.g. Apache and Linux). However, there have been few examples of scientific knowledge creation being done by large online groups. Tasks such as scientific discovery are difficult to carry out on a large scale for a number of reasons: they are complex, they require significant expertise and prior knowledge, and they have high coordination demands. Furthermore, professional advancement in science is typically subject to a highly developed and closed-loop reward structure (e.g., publications, grants, tenure). These factors do not align well with the open, asynchronous, independent, peer production systems that have typified social collaboration online. However, one notable exception is the Polymath Project, a collection of mathematicians ranging in expertise from Fields Medal winners to high school mathematics teachers who collaborate online to prove unsolved mathematical conjectures. [...]

Although scientists have worked together for centuries, science is becoming progressively more collaborative, with teams increasingly dominating the production of knowledge. These teams are also becoming increasingly distributed, with labs spread across continents and spanning multiple institutions. However, despite the push by researchers and funding agencies to share resources and expertise across geographic and institutional boundaries, distributed collaborations impose high coordination costs that can have a significant negative effect on the likelihood of success. These costs are rooted not only in geographical distance and time differences but also in institutional culture and norms, and differences in reward structure. [...]

[There are] three potential advantages .... First there is the role of chance in problem solving. Having more people work on a problem increases the odds that one person will get lucky and discover a great insight. Second, different mathematicians have different areas of expertise, so having a large number of contributors work on a problem creates a collective expertise that cannot be achieved by small groups of contributors. Finally, ... different people have different characteristics, and will thus assume different roles in the problem solving process. Some contributors will be proficient at coming up with new ideas or approaches, others will perform complex calculations, still others will ‘fact check’ the work of their piers. [...]

[But there are] several other questions regarding the sustainability of long-term involvement. How do the universities that employ the participants receive attribution? Could someone justify to their university that they deserve tenure if all of their work is published collectively? Unlike work in open source software, where there are significant economic incentives at play at the heart of these communities, it’s unclear that the economics of truly large scale collaborative mathematics are scalable absent the right incentive structure.” From: “The Polymath Project: Lessons from a Successful Online Collaboration in Mathematics,” J. Cranshaw, A. Kittur, Proceedings of the 2011 Annual Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pages 1865-1874, 2011.

Extending problem-solving from one to two to many and distributing it geographically brings in several problems related to: The role of leadership, administration, reward structure, publicity, context catchup, scale, task subdivision.

“Crowd science: The organization of scientific research in open collaborative projects,” C. Franzonia, H. Sauermann, Scence Direct, 43(1):1-20, 2014. “Mathematical Arguments and Distributed Knowledge,” P. Allo, J. P. Van Bendegem, B. Van Kerkhove, in: The Argument of Mathematics, Andrew Aberdein and Ian J. Dove (editors), Springer, 2013, pages 339-360, especially pages 345-348. Reinventing Discovery: The New Era of Networked Science, Michael Nielsen, Princeton University Press, 2012. (Note: the term ‘human flesh search’ is directly translated from the Chinese.) “Understanding Crowd-Powered Search Groups: A Social Network Perspective,” Q. Zhang, F.-Y. Wang, D. Zeng, T. Wang, PLoS ONE, 7(6):e39749, 2012. Human Computation, Edith Law and Luis Von Ahn, Morgan & Claypool, 2011. “Harnessing Crowds: Mapping the Genome of Collective Intelligence,” T. W. Malone, R. Laubacher, C. Dellarocas, MIT Sloan Research Paper No. 4732-09, 2009. Open Source: Technology and Policy, Fadi P. Deek and James A. M. McHugh, Cambridge University Press, 2008. “Why I Love Bees: A Case Study in Collective Intelligence Gaming,” J. McGonigal, in: The Ecology of Games: Connecting Youth, Games, and Learning, Katie Salen (editor), The MIT Press, 2008, pages 199-228. “Distributed Intelligence: Extending the Power of the Unaided, Individual Human Mind,” G. Fischer, in: Proceedings of Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI) Conference, pages 7-14, 2006. “What Do We Know about Proximity and Distance in Work Groups? A Legacy of Research,” S. Kiesler, J. N. Cummings, in: Pamela J. Hinds and Sara Kiesler (editors), Distributed work, The MIT Press, 2002, pages 57-82. “Essence of distributed work: The case of the Linux kernel,” J. Y. Moon, L. Sproull, in: Pamela J. Hinds and Sara Kiesler (editors), Distributed work, The MIT Press, 2002, pages 381-404. Free as in Freedom: Richard Stallman’s Crusade for Free Software, Sam Williams, O’Reilly, 2002, especially chapter 10. Dialogue: The Art Of Thinking Together, William Isaacs, Crown Business, 1999. “Toward augmenting the human intellect and boosting our collective IQ,” D. C. Engelbart, Communications of the ACM, 38(8):30, 1995.

See also: Digital Asset Ecosystems: Rethinking crowds and cloud, Tobias Blanke, Elsevier, 2014. Too Big to Know: Rethinking Knowledge Now That the Facts Aren’t the Facts, Experts Are Everywhere, and the Smartest Person in the Room Is the Room, David Weinberg, Basic Books, 2011. Cognitive Surplus: Creativity and Generosity in a Connected Age, Clay Shirky, Penguin, 2010. The New Polymath: Profiles in Compound-Technology Innovations, Vinnie Mirchandani, John Wiley & Sons, 2010. Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations, Clay Shirky, Penguin, 2008. The Wisdom of Crowds: Why the Many Are Smarter Than the Few, James Surowiecki, Doubleday, 2004. Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution, Howard Rheingold, Basic Books, 2002. Collective Intelligence: Mankind’s Emerging World in Cyberspace, Pierre Lévy, translated by Robert Bononno, Perseus Books, 1997.

H. G. Wells said it this way in 1936: “In transport we have progressed from coaches and horses by way of trains to electric traction, motor-cars and aeroplanes. In mental organisation we have simply multiplied our coaches and horses and livery stables.” From: “World Encyclopaedia,” Chapter 1 of World Brain, H. G. Wells, Methuen & Co., 1938.

[“the hasty bitch bears blind pups”]
“A bitch in her haste, gave birth to blind puppies.” (Lambert BWL, 280, ARM 1:5 obv. 10-13) “May it (not) be perchance like that old saying which goes so, ‘A bitch in haste gives birth to blind puppies.’ ” (ARM 1 5; Moran 1977, 1978; Durand 2006, no. 23) “Akkadian Wisdom Literature,” K. Nemet-Nejat, in: Women in the Ancient Near East: A Sourcebook, Mark Chavalas (editor), Routledge, 2013, pages 75-101 especially pages 84-85. Wisdom from the Late Bronze Age, Yoram Cohen, Society of Biblical Literature, 2013, pages 215-216.

“Act in haste, repent at leisure,” was old 3,800 years ago, when Shamshi-Adad (also called Samsi-Addu), then the (Amorite) king of Assyria (at the time the kingdom of Upper Mesopotamia), quoted it as ‘an old proverb’ in a letter to his son, Yashmakh-Adad (also called Yasmah-Adad), the regent of Mari, telling him to stop hurrying and be patient. This proverb spread down the centuries to the Greeks and Romans and Arabs, and so on down the millennia to several Semitic and European languages.

Kepler refers to it in 1609: “Accidit autem mihi, quod proverbio jactant, canem festinum cœcos parere catulos.” Astronomia nova, Caput 45, page 215, opening paragraph. The Astronomical Revolution: Copernicus — Kepler — Borelli, Alexandre Koyré, translated by R. E. W. Maddison, Cornell University Press, 1973, Dover, Reprint Edition, 1992, page 246.

Brain and Brain, What Is Brain?

[tools as body extension]
Many of our physical tools, and even some of our institutional ones—like the military—may be analogized, in some way or another, as approximations or extensions, of our body: the Hand, the Foot, the Fist, and so on. As we get closer to recent times, some of them get closer to the head. Radio (and before it, telephony, telegraphy, and such) is like the Ear. Television (and before it cinematography, photography, microscopy, telescopy, painting, and so on) is like the Eye. The computer, though, is like the Brain, and with that all possibility of foretelling ends.

“During the mechanical ages we had extended our bodies in space. Today, after more than a century of electric technology, we have extended our central nervous system itself in a global embrace, abolishing both space and time as far as our planet is concerned. Rapidly, we approach the final phase of the extensions of man — the technological simulation of consciousness, when the creative process will be collectively and corporately extended to the whole of human society, much as we have already extended our senses and our nerves by the various media.” Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, Marshall McLuhan, McGraw-Hill, 1966, page 19.

See also: “Technology and the Extension of Human Capabilities,” C. Lawson, Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 40(2):207-223, 2010. “Theories of Technology as Extension of the Human Body,” P. Brey, in: Research in Philosophy and Technology, Volume 19: Metaphysics, Epistemology and Technology, Carl Mitcham (editor), JAI Press, 2000, pages 59-78.

[brain emulators, scanners, implants to 2007]
For example, we’ve trained a ball of 25,000 rat neurons to fly a (simulated) fighter plane. We’ve wired up monkey brains to control robot bodies halfway around the planet. We’ve put pleasure-center implants into rats to control their movements. We’ve learned how to remotely control implanted sharks. Ditto for beetles. We’ve mated a silicon neuron to 14 lobster neurons, and the lobster neurons can’t seem to tell the difference. We’ve tapped into the brains of cats, seeing the world much as they see it. We’ve begun to do the same for our own brains, including partially predicting the content of dreams—but with scanners, not implants—just as we’ve already put brain implants into patients who suffer from Parkinson’s disease, chronic pain, quadriplegia, and other problems. We’ve also put in brain implants for the deaf, and are beginning to do the same for the blind. We’ve read live rat thoughts as they move through a maze for simple yes or no decisions, and put rat brains into robots.

Rat brain flying a jet: It learned to fly an F-22 Raptor flight simulator. “Adaptive flight control with living neuronal networks on microelectrode arrays,” T. B. DeMarse, K. P. Dockendorf, Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Journal of Computation and Neural Networks, pages 1548-1551, 2005.

Monkeys control robots: “Brain controlled robots, M. Kawato, HFSP Journal, 2(3):136-142, 2008. “Bipedal locomotion with a humanoid robot controlled by cortical ensemble activity,” G. Cheng, N. A. Fitzsimmons, J. Morimoto, M. A. Lebedev, M. Kawato, M. A. Nicolelis, 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, California, 2007. “Learning to Control a Brain-Machine Interface for Reaching and Grasping by Primates.” J. M. Carmena, M. A. Lebedev, R. E. Crist, J. E. O’Doherty, D. M. Santucci, D. F. Dimitrov, P. G. Patil, C. S. Henriquez, M. A. L. Nicolelis, Public Library of Science, Biology, 1(2):193-208, 2003.

Robotic rats, sharks, and beetles: “Radio-controlled cyborg beetles: a radio-frequency systems for insect neural flight control,” H. Sato, Y. Peeri, E. Baghoomian, C. W. Berry, M. M. Maharbiz, IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, (MEMS 2009), Sorrento, Italy, January 25-29, 2009. “Autonomous Shark Tag with Neural Reading and Stimulation Capability for Open-ocean Experiments,” W. J. Gomes, III, D. Perez, Jr., J. A. Catipovic, plus “Steering sharks with odor plume information,” J. M. Gardiner, D. V. Dale, S. Patell, J. Atema, both posters were presented in: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 87(36), Ocean Sciences Meeting Supplement, Abstract OS24I-06, 2006. “A multi-channel telemetry system for brain microstimulation in freely roaming animals,” S. Xu, S. K. Talwar, E. S. Hawley, L. Li, J. K. Chapin, Journal of Neuroscience methods, 133(1-2):57-63, 2004. See also: Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilized Society, Joé M. R. Delgado, Harper and Row, 1969.

Seeing what cats see: “Encoding of natural scene movies by tonic and burst spikes in the lateral geniculate nucleus,” N. A. Lesica, G. B. Stanley, Journal of Neuroscience, 24(47):10731-10740, 2004 “Reconstruction of natural scenes from ensemble responses in the lateral geniculate nucleus,” G. B. Stanley, F. F. Li, Y. Dan, Journal of Neuroscience, 19(18):8036-8042, 1999.

Reading rat brains and simulating rats: “Feature Detection in Motor Cortical Spikes by Principal Component Analysis,” J. Hu, J. Si, B. P. Olson, J. He, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 13(3):256-262, 2005. “The Neurally Controlled Animat: Biological Brains Acting with Simulated Bodies,” T. B. DeMarse, D. A. Wagenaar, A. W. Blau, S. M. Potter, Autonomous Robots, 11(3):305-310, 2001.

Reading human brains: The research relates to reading what image the human visual attention mechanism is focused on, not yet the thoughts of human subjects about those images. “Identifying natural images from human brain activity,” K. N. Kay, T. Naselaris, R. J. Prenger, J. L. Gallant, Nature, 452(7185):352-355, 2008.

More recently, another team was able to decipher images solely by doing computations on fMRI images of human brains. “Visual Image Reconstruction from Human Brain Activity using a Combination of Multiscale Local Image Decoders,” Y. Miyawaki, H. Uchida, O. Yamashita, M. Sato, Y. Morito, H. C. Tanabe, N. Sadato, Y. Kamitani, Neuron, 60(5):915-929, 2008.

Such results are surprising only at first glance. We already know the primary visual cortex in primates performs a conformal map of retinal input (it uses the complex logarithm map and so is conformal because it preserves angles locally but distorts shapes at larger scales). Thus, to a first approximation, there is a simple mapping from visual input to visual representation, at least as far into the brain as the primary visual cortex. “What Geometric Visual Hallucinations Tell Us about the Visual Cortex,” P. C. Bressloff, J. D. Cowan, M. Golubitsky, P. J. Thomas, M. C. Wiener, Neural Computation, 14(3):473-491, 2002. What happens beyond V1 is at present unknown.

Reading human dream images: The researchers used fMRI scans to predict the content of hypnaogic hallucinations preceding sleep of three subjects 60 percent of the time.

“Visual imagery during sleep has long been a topic of persistent speculation, but its private nature has hampered objective analysis. Here we present a neural decoding approach in which machine-learning models predict the contents of visual imagery during the sleep-onset period, given measured brain activity, by discovering links between human functional magnetic resonance imaging patterns and verbal reports with the assistance of lexical and image databases. Decoding models trained on stimulus-induced brain activity in visual cortical areas showed accurate classification, detection, and identification of contents. Our findings demonstrate that specific visual experience during sleep is represented by brain activity patterns shared by stimulus perception, providing a means to uncover subjective contents of dreaming using objective neural measurement.” From: “Neural decoding of visual imagery during sleep,” T. Horikawa, M. Tamaki, Y. Miyawaki, Y. Kamitani, Science, 340(6132):639-642, 2013.

Human brain-machine interfaces: “Toward a whole-body neuroprosthetic,” M. A. Lebedev, M. A. Nicolelis, Progress in Brain Research, 194:47-60, 2011. “Cortical activity during motor execution, motor imagery, and imagery-based online feedback,” K. J. Miller, G. Schalk, E. E. Fetz, M. den Nijs, J. G. Ojemann, R. P. N. Rao, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(9):4430-4435, 2010. “When mind meets machine: A new wave of brain-machine interfaces helps disabled people connect with the outside world,” V. Brower, EMBO Reports, 6(2):108-110, 2005. “Brain-Computer Interfaces: Prospects for Neuro-Rehabilitation and Implications for Neurocritical Care,” L. R. Hochberg, J. A. Mukand, S. Williams, G. Polykoff, G. M. Friehs, J. P. Donoghue, Third Annual Meeting of the Neurocritical Care Society, Scottsdale, February 2005. “Control of a two-dimensional movement signal by a noninvasive brain-computer interface in humans,” J. R. Wolpaw, D. J. McFarland, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 101(51):17849-17854, 2004. “Connecting cortex to machines: recent advances in brain interfaces,” J. P. Donoghue, Nature Neuroscience, 5(Supplement):1085-1088, 2002. Neural prostheses for restoration of sensory and motor function, John K. Chapin and Karen A. Moxon (editors), CRC Press, 2001.

Quadriplegic brain-to-computer implant: “The Cone Electrode: Ultrastructural Studies Following Long-Term Recording in Rat and Monkey Cortex,” P. R. Kennedy, S. S. Mirra, R. A. E. Bakay, Neuroscience Letters, 142(1):89-94, 1992. “Behavioral Correlates of Action Potentials Recorded Chronically Inside the Cone Electrode,” P. R. Kennedy, R. A. E. Bakay, S. M. Sharpe, NeuroReport, 3(7):605-608, 1992. “The Cone Electrode: a Long-Term Electrode that Records from Neurites Grown onto its Recording Surface,” P. R. Kennedy, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 29(3):181-193, 1989.

Paraplegic implants and exoskeletons: Reports of tests with multi-electrode implants (in monkeys) are here: “Instant Neural Control of a Movement Signal,” M. D. Serruya, N. G. Hatsopoulos, L. Paninski, M. R. Fellows, J. P. Donoghue, Nature, 416(6877):141-2, 2002.

Brain pacemakers and electromyographic amplifiers for paraplegics, quadriplegics, and amputees are growing. Many are called Functional Electro-Stimulation (FES) systems. One company producing such devices is Cyberkinetics. The ReWalk from Argo Medical Technologies, is a computerized exoskeleton (or orthotic device) that lets paraplegics walk again, and without surgery. Another exoskeleton from Kanagawa Institute of Technology lets non-paraplegics lift heavy weights. There are now several new assistive technologies.

Implants for Parkinson’s disease and others: “Deep Brain Stimulation of the Ventral Capsule/Ventral Striatum for Treatment-Resistant Depression,” D. A. Malone Jr., D. D. Dougherty, A. R. Rezai, L. L. Carpenter, G. M. Friehs, E. N. Eskandar, S. L. Rauch, S. A. Rasmussen, A. G. Machado, C. S. Kubu, A. R. Tyrka, L. H. Price, P. H. Stypulkowski, J. E. Giftakis, M. T. Rise, P. F. Malloy, S. P. Salloway, B. D. Greenberg, Biological Psychiatry, 65(4):267-275, 2009. “Deep brain stimulation for parkinsonian gait disorders,” A. M. Lozano, B. J. Snyder, Journal of Neurology, 255(Supplement 4):30-1, 2008. “Subcallosal cingulate gyrus deep brain stimulation for treatment-resistant depression,” A. M. Lozano, H. S. Mayberg, P. Giacobbe, C. Hamani, R. C. Craddock, S. H. Kennedy, Biological psychiatry, 64(6):461-467, 2008. “Evolution of neuromodulation,” P. J. Gildenberg, Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, 83(2-3):71-79, 2005.

Artificial ears and eyes: Artificial cochleas have existed for decades. Artificial eyes have also existed for decades, but have been much harder to bring up to near-human performance. “Retinal prosthetic strategy with the capacity to restore normal vision,” S. Nirenberg, C. Pandarinath, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(37):15012-15017, 2012. “Artificial vision: needs, functioning, and testing of a retinal electronic prosthesis,” G. J. Chader, J. Weiland, M. S. Humayun, Progress in Brain Research, 175:317-332, 2009. “Current and future prospects for optoelectronic retinal prostheses,” J. Dowling, Eye, 23(10):1999-2005, 2009. “A silicon retina that reproduces signals in the optic nerve,” K. A. Zaghloul, K. Boahen, Journal of Neural Engineering, 3(4):257-267, 2006. “Pseudo-Voltage-Domain Implementation of a Design of a 2-Dimensional Silicon Cochlea,” A. van Schaik, E. Fragnière, Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pages 185-188, 2001. “Improved implementation of the silicon cochlea,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, L. Watts, D. A. Kerns, R. F. Lyon, C. A. Mead, 27(5):692-700, 1992.

artificial lobster neurons: “Interacting biological and electronic neurons generate realistic oscillatory rhythms,” A. Szücs, P. Varona, A. R. Volkovskii, H. D. I. Abarbanel, M. I. Rabinovich, A. I. Selverston, Neuroreport, 11(3):563-569, 2000. “Lobster Robots,” J. Ayers, J. Witting, N. McGruer, C. Olcott, D. Massa, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Aqua Biomechanisms, T. Wu and N. Kato (editors), Tokai University, 2000. More generally, see: “Understanding circuit dynamics using the stomatogastric nervous system of lobsters and crabs,” E. Marder, D. Bucher, Annual Review of Physiology, 69:291-316, 2007.

[synthetic mouse cortex at seven seconds per second]
In 2007 we simulated part of a mouse’s brain in a supercomputer. The modeling was very crude. It assumes point neurons (thus missing 99.999 percent of the complexity of the real mouse brain), and those neurons have no branches, and no detailed ion channels. Essentially it assumes a fairly uniform field of ion channels and synaptic connections, something we know isn’t the case in real brains. It’s more like a really big and flat neural network than a true brain model. “Toward Real-Time, Mouse-Scale, Cortical Simulations” J. Frye, R. Ananthanarayanan, D. S. Modha, IBM Research Report RJ10404 (A0702), February 2007. Computational and Systems Neuroscience, Salt Lake City, February 22-25, 2007. “Scaling, Stability, and Synchronization in Mouse-sized (and Larger) Cortical Simulations,” R. Ananthanarayanan, D. S. Modha, BMC Neuroscience, 8(Supplement 2):P187, 2007.

The same researchers then did a rat-scale brain (55 million neurons). It took nine seconds to do one second of rat simulation. “Anatomy of a Cortical Simulator,” R. Ananthanarayanan, D. S. Modha, International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis, Reno, November 10-16, 2007.

Then they did a billion neurons, which is about twice as much as in a cat’s brain. “The Cat is Out of the Bag: Cortical Simulations with 109, 1013 synapses,” R. Ananthanarayanan, S. K. Esser, H. D. Simon, D. S. Modha, Proceedings of the Conference on High Performance Computing Networking, Storage and Analysis, Portland, Oregon, pages 1-12, 2009. But to call this a cat’s brain would be misleading. The neurons are still highly simplified—no more than a soma containing a nucleus and a simplified spiking model. It also runs 100 to 1,000 times slower than a cat’s brain.

Another supercomputer simulation of rat brains is in a different class altogether. It’s aiming for near-total biological realism. It runs in real time but only simulates about 10,000 baby rat neurons. However, each neuron is simulated to be made up of up to 1,000 compartments. Those neurons form a cortical column, the building block of mammalian brains. Our cortical columns have about 50,000 neurons and our synapse count per neuron is larger but is otherwise about the same. And now the simulation is being extended to multiple columns, and so on up. “Out of the Blue,” J. Lehrer, Seed Magazine, March 3rd, 2008. “The Blue Brain Project,” H. Markram, Nature Neuroscience Review, 7(2):153-160, 2006.

Yet another group has pushed its supercomputer brain simulation out to 22 million neurons. This simulation began to display characteristics of real brains but it also ran over a thousand times slower than real brains. “Brain-scale simulation of the neocortex on the IBM Blue Gene/L supercomputer,” M. Djurfeldt, M. Lundqvist, C. Johansson, M. Rehn, Ö. Ekeberg, A. Lansner, IBM Journal of Research and Development, 52(1/2):31-41, 2008.

None of these simulations connect the brain to anything, so there’s as yet no sensory input nor motor output. It’s difficult then to say what, if anything, such an isolated brain-in-a-box can be capable of. To put all these simulations in context, see: Connectome: How the Brain’s Wiring Makes Us Who We Are, Sebastian Seung, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2012, pages 263-268. “The tops in flops,” P. Kogge, IEEE Spectrum, 48(2):48-54, 2011.

Yet another group is building brain-like hardware, rather than attempting to simulate, either at a crude level or a low level, in software on general-purpose supercomputers. Again the neural model is crude; in this case it assumes that it’s a good approximation to divide each neuron into only two compartments. This work in particular promises to replace a one-megawatt, 500-teraflop supercomputer with one that consumes less than one watt and costs about a thousand times less. “Neurogrid: A Mixed-Analog-Digital Multichip System for Large-Scale Neural Simulations,” B. V. Benjamin, P. Gao, E. Mcquinn, S. Choudhary, A. R. Chandrasekaran, J.-M. Bussat, R. Alvarez-Icaza, J. V. Arthur, P. A. Merolla, K. Boahen, Proceedings of the IEEE, 102(5):699-716, 2014. “Neurotech for Neuroscience: Unifying Concepts, Organizing Principles, and Emerging Tools,” R. Silver, K. Boahen, S. Grillner, N. Kopell, K. L. Olsen, The Journal of Neuroscience, 27(44):11807-11819, 2007. “Neurogrid: Emulating a Million Neurons in the Cortex,” K. Boahen, 28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE on Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pages 6702-6702, 2006. “Neuronal Ion-Channel Dynamics in Silicon,” K. M. Hynna, K. Boahen, Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2006.

A similar project has built a mixed analog/digital VLSI 8-inch silicon wafer modelling 200 thousand neurons and 50 million synapses. The project ended in 2010 and has since been folded into the Human Brain Project. The goal is to build and connect 20 wafers, corresponding to 4 million neurons and 1 billion synapses operating at an acceleration factor of 10,000 (compared to biological real time). “The Human Brain Project and neuromorphic computing,” A. Calimera, E. Macii, M. Poncino, Functional Neurology, 28(3):191-196, 2013.

And another project, the DARPA SyNAPSE, has built a scalable 1 million neuron, 256 million synapse chip. “A million spiking-neuron integrated circuit with a scalable communication network and interface,” P. A. Merolla, J. V. Arthur, R. Alvarez-Icaza, A. S. Cassidy, J. Sawada, F. Akopyan, B. L. Jackson, N. Imam, C. Guo, Y. Nakamura, B. Brezzo, I. Vo, S. K. Esser, R. Appuswamy, B. Taba, A. Amir, M. D. Flickner, W. P. Risk, R. Manohar, D. S. Modha, Science, 345(6197):668-673, 2014.

[the Blue Brain project 2015 result]
The project needed a supercomputer running a billion computations every 25 microseconds. “Reconstruction and Simulation of Neocortical Microcircuitry,” H. Markram, E. Muller, S. Ramaswamy, M. W. Reimann, M. Abdellah, C. A. Sanchez, A. Ailamaki, L. Alonso-Nanclares, N. Antille, S. Arsever, G. A. A. Kahou, T. K. Berger, A. Bilgili, N. Buncic, A. Chalimourda, G. Chindemi, J.-D. Courcol, F. Delalondre, V. Delattre, S. Druckmann, R. Dumusc, J. Dynes, S. Eilemann, E. Gal, Michael E. Gevaert, J.-P. Ghobril, A. Gidon, J. W. Graham, A. Gupta, V. Haenel, E. Hay, T. Heinis, J. B. Hernando, M. Hines, L. Kanari, D. Keller, J. Kenyon, G. Khazen, Y. Kim, J. G. King, Z. Kisvarday, P. Kumbhar, S. Lasserre, J.-V. Le Bé B. R. C. Magalhães, A. Merchán-Pérez, J. Meystre, B. R. Morrice, J. Muller, A. Muñoz-Céspedes, S. Muralidhar, K. Muthurasa, D. Nachbaur, T. H. Newton, M. Nolte, A. Ovcharenko, J. Palacios, L. Pastor, R. Perin, R. Ranjan, I. Riachi, J.-R. Rodríguez, J. L. Riquelme, C. Rössert, K. Sfyrakis, Y. Shi, J. C. Shillcock, G. Silberberg, R. Silva, F. Tauheed, M. Telefont, M. Toledo-Rodriguez, T. Tränkler, W. Van Geit, J. V. Díaz, R. Walker, Y. Wang, S. M. Zaninetta, J. DeFelipe, S. L. Hill, I. Segev, F. Schürmann, Cell, 163(2):456-492, 2015.
[brain scanners]
Just scanning brains itself costs serious money, and takes serious time. A chunk of brain tissue about the size of a coarse grain of sand (a cubic millimeter), has about 50,000 brain cells, with perhaps half a billion junctions between them, with hundreds of cell types, spread over many different layers of brain tissue, each with its own job. Scanning that grain means making 33,333 slices of brain tissue at a thickness of a thousandth the width of a human hair (29 nanometers), and creating enough data to fill 2,000 terabytes. It would take 6 months. But one grain is only about one thousandth of a mouse brain, and about a millionth of a human brain. So scanning one mouse brain this way might take over 500 years, and one human brain might take over half a million years.

In 2021 there are several brain scan projects at present. In the United States, R. Clay Reid, at the Allen Institute for Brain Science, is trying to reverse-engineer one cubic millimeter of the mouse brain by recording the activity and connectivity of 100,000 neurons of the animal that had completed visual perception and learning tasks. Reid is part of a team of researchers, including H. Sebastian Seung at Princeton University and others from the Allen Institute and Baylor College of Medicine. IARPA (the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity) has that team and two other teams in its MICrONS (Machine Intelligence from Cortical Networks) project as well. Jeff Lichtman at Harvard University will participate with a Harvard University team led by David Cox. Another team includes researchers from Carnegie Mellon University and the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University.

“The value of an integrated approach for understanding the neocortex by combining functional characterization of single neuron activity with the underlying circuit architecture has been understood since the dawn of modern neuroscience. However, in practice, anatomical connectivity and physiology have been studied mostly separately. Following in the footsteps of previous studies that have combined physiology and anatomy in the same tissue, here we present a unique functional connectomics dataset that contains calcium imaging of an estimated 75,000 neurons from primary visual cortex (VISp) and three higher visual areas (VISrl, VISal and VISlm), that were recorded while a mouse viewed natural movies and parametric stimuli. The functional data were co-registered with electron microscopy (EM) data of the same volume which were automatically segmented, reconstructing more than 200,000 cells (neuronal and non-neuronal) and 524 million synapses. Subsequent proofreading of some neurons in this volume yielded reconstructions that include complete dendritic trees as well the local and inter-areal axonal projections. The largest proofread excitatory axon reached a length of 19 mm and formed 1893 synapses, while the largest inhibitory axon formed 10081 synapses. Here we release this dataset as an open access resource to the scientific community including a set of analysis tools that allows easy data access, both programmatically and through a web user interface.” From: “Functional connectomics spanning multiple areas of mouse visual cortex,” MICrONS Consortium, J. A. Bae, M. Baptiste, A. L. Bodor, D. Brittain, J. Buchanan, D. J. Bumbarger, M. A. Castro, B. Celii, E. Cobos, F. Collman, N. Maçarico da Costa, S. Dorkenwald, L. Elabbady, P. G. Fahey, T. Fliss, E. Froudarakis, J. Gager, C. Gamlin, A. Halageri, J. Hebditch, Z. Jia, C. Jordan, D. Kapner, N. Kemnitz, S. Kinn, S. Koolman, K. Kuehner, K. Lee, K. Li, R. Lu, T. Macrina, G. Mahalingam, S. McReynolds, E. Miranda, E. Mitchell, S. S. Mondal, M. Moore, S. Mu, T. Muhammad, B. Nehoran, O. Ogedengbe, C. Papadopoulos, S. Papadopoulos, S. Patel, X. Pitkow, S. Popovych, A. Ramos, R. C. Reid, J. Reimer, C. M. Schneider-Mizell, H. S. Seung, B. Silverman, W. Silversmith, A. Sterling, F. H. Sinz, C. L. Smith, S. Suckow, M. Takeno, Z. H. Tan, A. S. Tolias, R. Torres, N. L. Turner, E. Y. Walker, T. Wang, G. Williams, S. Williams, K. Willie, R. Willie, W. Wong, J. Wu, C. Xu, R. Yang, D. Yatsenko, F. Ye, W. Yin, S.-C. Yu, bioRxiv preprint, doi: 2021.

See also: “Generative models and abstractions for large-scale neuroanatomy datasets,” D. Rolnick, E. L. Dyer, Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 55:112-120, 2019. “Serial-section Electron Microscopy Using Automated Tape-Collecting Ultramicrotome (ATUM),” V. Baena, R. L. Schalek, J. W. Lichtman, M. Terasaki, in: Methods in Cell Biology: Three-Dimensional Electron Microscopy, Volume 152, Thomas Müller-Reichert and Gaia Pigino (editors), Academic Press, pages 41-67, 2019 “Learning cellular morphology with neural networks,” P. J. Schubert, S. Dorkenwald, M. Januszewski, V. Jain, J. Kornfeld, Nature Communications, 10(1):2736, 2019. “High-Precision Automated Reconstruction of Neurons with Flood-filling Networks,” M. Januszewski, J. Kornfeld, P. H. Li, A. Pope, T. Blakely, L. Lindsey, J. Maitin-Shepard, M. Tyka, W. Denk, V. Jain, Nature Methods, 15(8):605-610, 2018. “Progress and remaining challenges in high-throughput volume electron microscopy,” J. Kornfeld, W. Denk, Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 50:261-267, 2018. “Large Volume Electron Microscopy and Neural Microcircuit Analysis,” Y. Kubota, J. Sohn, Y. Kawaguchi, Frontiers in Neural Circuits, 12:98, 2018. “Saturated Reconstruction of a Volume of Neocortex,” N. Kasthuri, K. J. Hayworth, D. R. Berger, R. L. Schalek, J. A. Conchello, S. Knowles-Barley, D. Lee, A. Vázquez-Reina, V. Kaynig, T. R. Jones, M. Roberts, J. L. Morgan, J. C. Tapia, H. S. Seung, W. G. Roncal, J. T. Vogelstein, R. Burns, D. L. Sussman, C. E. Priebe, H. Pfister, J. W. Lichtman, Cell, 162(3):648-661, 2015.

[fruit fly brain size]
This was done using a new technique (different from the ultramicrotomy of the mouse brain scanning). The fruit fly brain, roughly the size of a poppy seed, has a three-dimensional volume of 8 x 107 cubic micrometers. The fly brain tissue was stained completely with uranium and lead and sectioned into much thicker slices (7,062 20-micrometer thick slabs). Each slab was then imaged at 8x8x8 cubic nanometer voxel-resolution using automated focused ion beam scanning electron microscopes. Then those images were reconstructed and colored into full 3D using machine learning. Then they were proofread (for 2 years) by experts to verify the flood-filling algorithm accurately reconstructed the cells.

“A complete electron microscopy volume of the brain of adult Drosophila melanogaster,” Z. Zheng, J. S. Lauritzen, E. Perlman, C. G. Robinson, M. Nichols, D. Milkie, O. Torrens, J. Price, C. B. Fisher, N. Sharifi, S. A. Calle-Schuler, L. Kmecova, I. J. Ali, W. Karsh, E. T. Trautman, J. Bogovic, P. Hanslovsky, G. S. X. E. Jefferis, M. Kazhdan, K. Khairy, S. Saalfeld, R. D. Fetter, D. D. Bock, Cell, 174(3):730-743, 2018. “An Image Recognition Algorithm for Automatic Counting of Brain Cells of Fruit Fly,” T. Shimada, K. Kato, K. Ito, in: Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed-Matter Physics XVII, D. P. Landau, S. P. Lewis, and H.-B. Shüttler (editors), Springer-Verlag, 2006.

[size of some cortices]
Fruit Fly: 135,000. Mouse: 71 million. Hamster: 90 million. Rat: 200 million. Guinea Pig: 240 million. Marmoset: 634 million. Rhesus Macaque: 6.376 billion. Human: 86 billion. “The Brain Activity Map Project and the Challenge of Functional Connectomics,” A. P. Alivisatos, M. Chun, G. M. Church, R. J. Greenspan, M. L. Roukes, R. Yuste, Neuron, 74(6):970-974, 2012. “The human brain in numbers: a linearly scaled-up primate brain,” S. Herculano-Houzel, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 3:31, 2009.

See also: “The remarkable, yet not extraordinary, human brain as a scaled-up primate brain and its associated cost,” S. Herculano-Houzel, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(Supplement_1):10661-10668, 2012. “Not all brains are made the same: new views on brain scaling in evolution,” S. Herculano-Houzel, Brain, behavior and evolution, 78(1):22-36, 2011. “Equal numbers of neuronal and nonneuronal cells make the human brain an isometrically scaled-up primate brain,” F. A. Azevedo, L. R. Carvalho, L. T. Grinberg, J. M. Farfel, R. E. Ferretti, R. E. Leite, W. J. Filho, R. Lent, S. Herculano-Houzel, The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 513(5):532-541, 2009.

As of 2009, microprocessors packed about 10 thousand million transistors into a square centimeter. The human cortex packs in about 100 thousand million synapses into the same space. And that doesn’t count all the space consumed in today’s computers by air and wire.

[size of worm and insect cortices and lamprey spine]
Assuming we do the C. elegans worm (302 neurons), we might try for the leech (around 13,000 neurons), then various brains: the fruit fly (around 135,000), the cockroach (around a million), the rat (around 200 million), the macaque (over six billion), the human (86 billion). However if do we get that far, why not press on?

We now know a lot about the neurons that control walking in stick insects, swimming in leeches, flying in locusts, feeding in mollusks, digesting in crabs and lobsters.... We’ve picked apart the neurons that process the visual changes prompting flies to turn, the courtship sounds attracting crickets and grasshoppers, the smells enticing bees to extend their proboscis.... They’re all just complex call-and-response machines. There’s no clear reason to believe that our brain isn’t similar, except even more complex.

However, making a brain of complexity at least equal to one of ours isn’t like making a plane or submarine—or heart or liver. It’s more like making a baby. But we don’t make our babies any more than we make our food—we run the bodies that make our babies. And those bodies result from millions of years of intricate engineering. How we make our babies will long remain a mystery. Ditto for our brains.

The leech has about 13,000 neurons. We know a lot about it as well. But only now are we finding out just how subtly its neurons control its body (and the reverse). A fruit fly, which has 135,000 neurons, is still more complex. A termite, which has around 200,000 neurons, is yet more complex. A termite colony of about a million termites is even more complex. Understanding how it behaves illustrates the problem well. We can trace all the tunnels in a termite nest, but we’d still have little idea how termite traffic in those tunnels would respond to all events. It’s the same for our brain. Even after we map all its roads, we won’t necessarily know how its traffic flows.

Note that none of that means that we can’t simulate large networks for special purposes; it merely means that we don’t know all the parameters—either those that are internal to it or those imposed on it from its surroundings. Thus, after decades of study, we can now mimic the around 50,000 neurons in the lamprey’s spine with around 3,000 simulated excitatory interneurons. With that model we’ve built a robot that swims like a lamprey. However, it can’t smell, mate, lay eggs, or do anything else that lampreys can do.

“Modeling a vertebrate motor system: pattern generation, steering and control of body orientation,” S. Grillner, A. Kozlov, P. Dario, C. Stefanini, A. Menciassi, A. Lansner, J. Hellgren Kotaleski, Progress in Brain Research, 165:221-234, 2007. “Tectal Control of Locomotion, Steering, and Eye Movements in Lamprey,” K. Saitoh, A. Ménard, S. Grillner, Journal of Neurophysiology, 97(4):3093-3108, 2007. “Neurotech for Neuroscience: Unifying Concepts, Organizing Principles, and Emerging Tools,” R. Silver, K. Boahen, S. Grillner, N. Kopell, K. L. Olsen, Journal of Neuroscience, 27(44):11807-11819, 2007.

[the leech nervous system]
“Neuronal Decision-Making Circuits,” W. B. Kristan, Jr., Current Biology, 18(19):R928-R932, 2008. “Multifunctional pattern generating circuits,” K. L. Briggman, W. B. Kristan, Jr., Annual Review of Neuroscience, 31:271-294, 2008. “Leech locomotion: swimming, crawling, and decisions,” W. O. Friesen, W. B. Kristan, Jr., Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 17(6):704-711, 2007. “Optical imaging of neuronal populations during decision-making,” K. L. Briggman, H. D. I. Abarbanel, W. B. Kristan, Jr., Science, 307(5711):896-901, 2005.
[the crab nervous system]
“When does neuromodulation of a single neuron influence the output of the entire network? We constructed a five-cell circuit in which a neuron is at the center of the circuit and the remaining neurons form two distinct oscillatory subnetworks. All neurons were modeled as modified Morris−Lecar models with a hyperpolarization-activated conductance (ḡh) in addition to calcium (ḡCa), potassium (ḡK), and leak conductances. We determined the effects of varying ḡCa, ḡK, and ḡh on the frequency, amplitude, and duty cycle of a single neuron oscillator. The frequency of the single neuron was highest when the ḡK and ḡh conductances were high and ḡCa was moderate whereas, in the traditional Morris−Lecar model, the highest frequencies occur when both ḡK and ḡCa are high.

We randomly sampled parameter space to find 143 hub oscillators with nearly identical frequencies but with disparate maximal conductance, duty cycles, and burst amplitudes, and then embedded each of these hub neurons into networks with different sets of synaptic parameters. For one set of network parameters, circuit behavior was virtually identical regardless of the underlying conductances of the hub neuron. For a different set of network parameters, circuit behavior varied with the maximal conductances of the hub neuron. This demonstrates that neuromodulation of a single target neuron may dramatically alter the performance of an entire network when the network is in one state, but have almost no effect when the circuit is in a different state.” From: “Modulation of a Single Neuron Has State-Dependent Actions on Circuit Dynamics,” G. J. Gutierrez, E. Marder, eNeuro, 1(1) ENEURO.0009-14, 2014. See also: “Multiple mechanisms switch an electrically coupled, synaptically inhibited neuron between competing rhythmic oscillators,” G. J. Gutierrez, T. O’Leary, E. Marder, Neuron, 77(5):845-858, 2013.

[the brain as computer metaphor]
The text isn’t intended to imply that; the problem is the lack of an abstract word for what neurons do, so ’computation’ is used. Throughout the centuries, the brain has been analogized to whatever we best understood at the time: hydraulics in the time of Descartes, the telegraph in the time of Helmholtz, the computer in the time of von Neumann.
[computer prices fell about a trillionfold from 1940 to 2012]
“The costs of a standard computation have declined at an average annual rate of 53% per year over the period 1940-2012. There may have been a slowing in the speed of chip computations over the last decade, but the growth in parallel, cloud, and high-performance clusters as well as improvements in software appear to have offset that for many applications.” From: “Are We Approaching an Economic Singularity? Information Technology and the Future of Economic Growth,” W. D. Nordhaus, Discussion Paper No. 2021, Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics, Yale University, 2015.

See also: “Implications in recent trends in performance, costs, and energy use for servers,” J. G. Koomey, C. Belady, M. Patterson, A. Santos, K.-D. Lange, in: The Green Computing Book: Tackling Energy Efficiency at Large Scale, Wu-chun Feng (editor), CRC Press, 2014, pages 297-320. “Assessing trends in the electrical efficiency of computation over time,” J. G. Koomey, S. Berard, M. Sanchez, H. Wong, IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, 33(3):46-54, 2011.

“Depending upon the standard used, computer performance has improved since manual computing by a factor between 1.7 trillion and 76 trillion. Second, there was a major break in the trend around World War II.” From: “Two centuries of productivity growth in computing,” W. D. Nordhaus, The Journal of Economic History, 67(1):128-159, 2007. “Since 1900 there has been a trillionfold increase in the amount of computation a dollar will buy.” Mind Children: The Future of Robot and Human Intelligence, Hans Moravec, Harvard University Press, 1988, pages 64-65.

In 1997, a $2 million U.S. supercomputer beat the world chess champion. A decade later, the parts for roughly the same machine cost just $1,300. And it fit into a large suitcase. At this pace, we might have a brain-scale supercomputer in about a decade. A couple decades later its price and size might be quite reasonable. Plus, you don’t have to stuff a supercomputer into your head before you might use one as a brain aid—all you need is an implant or helmet or headband that can send and receive signals. So one day, perhaps in three or four decades, we may have brain aids that compensate for dyslexia or poor memory. If so, enhancements may then become common. “Microwulf: a beowulf cluster for every desk,” J. C. Adams, T. H. Brom, Proceedings of the 39th SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer science education, 2008, pages 121-125. Behind Deep Blue: Building the Computer that Defeated the World Chess Champion, Feng-Hsiung Hsu, Princeton University Press, 2002.

[getting the joke]
Detecting a joke localizes to the left inferior frontal cortex and the posterior temporal cortex. Finding a joke funny, though, localizes to bilateral regions of the insular cortex and the amygdala. “Neural correlates of humor detection and appreciation,” J. M. Moran, G. S. Wig, R. B. Adams, Jr., P. Janata, W. M. Kelley, NeuroImage, 21(3):1055-60, 2004.

See also: voluntary and involuntary laughter: The Psychology of Humor: An Integrative Approach, Rod A. Martin, Academic Press, 2007, page 171. “Contralateral smile and laughter, but no mirth, induced by electrical stimulation of the cingulate cortex,” F. Sperli, L. Spinelli, C. Pollo, M. Seeck, Epilepsia, 47(2):440-443, 2006.

[brain ‘modules’ and cortical specializations]
The idea of ‘modules’ is just a way of speaking. We have no real idea how the brain is organized, except in a very crude sense. For example, we have several different kinds of memory systems. We use one, called semantic memory, when we recall what the word ‘breakfast’ means. We use another, called procedural memory, when we recall how to eat breakfast. And we use a third, episodic memory, when we recall whether we’ve had breakfast today.

Our scanners are not yet high-resolution enough to answer the question given the complexly dimensioned tasks that the brain undertakes. Most neuroscientists today think that most if not all neural tasks are widely distributed across the brain, although of course some are often localized to only a few regions. Even when a brain region can be said to specialize in some task, its amount of participation, and the brain regions that it partners with to accomplish that task, can change from task to task.

“Shifts of Effective Connectivity Within a Language Network during Rhyming and Spelling,” T. Bitan, J. R. Booth, J. Choy, D. D. Burman, D. R. Gitelman, M. M. Mesulam, Journal of Neuroscience, 25(22):5397-403, 2005.

The problem is further complicated in that loss of connectivity between regions can also impair task performance, even when the functional regions themselves remain intact. “Altered Effective Connectivity within the Language Network in Primary Progressive Aphasia,” S. P. Sonty, M. M. Mesulam, S. Weintraub, N. A. Johnson, T. B. Parrish, D. R. Gitelman, Journal of Neuroscience, 27(6):1334-1345, 2007.

First, here’s one recent paper challenging one of the task-specialization attempts: “Activity in Right Temporo-Parietal Junction is Not Selective for Theory-of-Mind,” J. P. Mitchell, Cerebral Cortex, 18(2):262-271, 2008.

And here are several papers defending it for various tasks, particular face recognition: “Cortical Specialization for Face Perception in Humans,” N. Kanwisher, G. Yovel, in: Handbook of Neuroscience for the Behavioral Sciences, John T. Cacioppo and Gary G. Berntson (editors), John Wiley & Sons, 2009. “Patches with Links: A Unified System for Processing Faces in the Macaque Temporal Lobe,” S. Moeller, W. A. Freiwald, D. Y. Tsao, Science, 320(5881):1355-1359, 2008. “Domain Specificity in Visual Cortex,” P. E. Downing, A. W. Chan, M. V. Peelen, C. M. Dodds, N. Kanwisher, Cerebral Cortex, 16(10):1453-1461, 2006. “Separate Face and Body Selectivity on the Fusiform Gyrus,” R. F. Schwarzlose, C. I. Baker, N. Kanwisher, Journal of Neuroscience, 25(47):11055-11059, 2005. “Synaesthesia: A window into perception, thought and language,” V. S. Ramachandran, E. M. Hubbard, Journal of Consciousness Studies, 8(12):3-34, 2001. Phantoms in the Brain: Probing the Mysteries of the Human Mind, V. S. Ramachandran and Sandra Blakeslee, Harper Perennial, 1999.

[non-verbal cues used in conversation]
Our brain starts building that network in infancy. Soon after birth we start paying attention to faces longer than any other object. And soon after that, we start imitating them. Our brain starts learning how to do all that even before we can speak. As infants, we pay attention to a speaker’s head position and eyes by two months of age, and by six months of age we also pay attention to the direction of gaze. “How does the topic of conversation affect verbal exchange and eye gaze? A comparison between typical development and high-functioning autism,” A. Nadig, I. Lee, L. Singh, K. Bosshart, S. Ozonoff, Neuropsychologia, 48(9):2730-2739, 2010. “Speakers’ eye gaze disambiguates referring expressions early during face-to-face conversation,” J. E. Hanna, S. E. Brennan, Journal of Memory and Language, 57(4):596-615, 2007. “Non-Verbal Cues for Discourse Structure,” J. Cassell, Y. I. Nakano, T. W. Bickmore, C. L. Sidner, C. Rich, Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics, 2001, pages 106-115. Hand and Mind: What Gestures Reveal about Thought, David McNeill, University of Chicago Press, 1992. “Conspec and conlern—a 2-process theory of infant face recognition,” J. Morton, M. H. Johnson, Psychological Review, 98(2):164-181, 1991. “Imitation of facial and manual gestures by human neonates,” A. N. Meltzoff, M. K. Moore, Science, 198(4312):74-78, 1977.
[illusion from auditory and visual conflict during speech]
“The noisy encoding of disparity model of the McGurk effect,” J. F. Magnotti, M. S. Beauchamp, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 22(3):701–709, 2015. “A neural basis for interindividual differences in the McGurk effect, a multisensory speech illusion,” A. R. Nath, M. S. Beauchamp, NeuroImage, 59(1):781-787, 2012. “fMRI-Guided transcranial magnetic stimulation reveals that the superior temporal sulcus is a cortical locus of the McGurk effect,” M. S. Beauchamp, A. R. Nath, S. Pasalar, The Journal of Neuroscience, 30(7):2414-2417, 2010. “Hearing lips and seeing voices,” H. McGurk, J. MacDonald, Nature, 264(5588):746-748, 1976.
[auditory processing during speech]
The rough figures, from measurements of activation of Broca’s area, are as follows: 200 milliseconds after cue to figure out what a word means. 320 milliseconds after cue to figure out what the appropriate grammar is. 450 millseconds after cue to process the phonetic form of the word. “Sequential Processing of Lexical, Grammatical, and Phonological Information Within Broca’s Area,” N. T. Sahin, S. Pinker, S. S. Cash, D. Schomer, E. Halgren, Science, 326(5951):445-449, 2009. “The Speaking Brain,” P. Hagoort, W. J. M. Levelt, Science, 326(5951):372-373, 2009.
[guessing emotions from faces]
Motion and emotion seem to be closely related. “More than mere mimicry? The influence of emotion on rapid facial reactions to faces,” E. J. Moody, D. N. McIntosh, L. J. Mann, K. R. Weisser, Emotion, 7(2):447-457, 2007. “What’s in a smile? Neural correlates of facial embodiment during social interaction,” L. Schilbach, S. B. Eickhoff, A. Mojzisch, K. Vogeley, Social Neuroscience, 3(1):37-50, 2007. “Face to face: blocking facial mimicry can selectively impair recognition of emotional expressions,” L. M. Oberman, W. Winkielman, V. S. Ramachandran, Social Neuroscience, 2(3-4):167-178, 2007. “Unconscious Facial Reactions to Emotional Facial Expressions,” U. Dimberg, M. Thunberg, K. Elmehed, Psychological Science, 11(1):86-89, 2000. “Rapid facial reactions to emotional facial expressions,” U. Dimberg, M. Thunberg, Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 39(1):39-45, 1998.

This is an example of the ‘facial feedback hypothesis,’ which is a branch of research called ‘embodied cognition.’ It argues that we understand emotions largely because we have physical bodies that we can configure and then reflect on their configuration. (Related hypotheses are the ‘mirror neuron hypothesis’ and the ‘facial mimicry hypothesis.’)

For example, doctors can make pre-surgery patients with electrodes on their heads laugh (or cry) depending on which part of their brain are stimulated. Then, once their body starts laughing (or crying), their brain starts feeling emotions that fit their body’s action. Or again, when your brain sees someone’s fearful face, your amygdala reacts, and your body then responds—you thus become a little afraid, too. Yet again, if your brain sees, or even hears, someone laughing, your zygomaticus major facial muscles (which contract when you laugh) will respond. Similarly, if your brain sees or hears someone crying, your corrugator supercilii facial muscles (which contract when you cry) respond.

The Myth of Mirror Neurons: The Real Neuroscience of Communication and Cognition, Gregory Hickok, W. W. Norton, 2014. “Dynamic Facial Expressions Evoke Distinct Activation in the Face Perception Network: A Connectivity Analysis Study,” E. Foley, G. Rippon, N. J. Thai, O. Longe, C. Senior, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 24(2):507-520, 2011. “A cortical network for face perception,” A. Ishai, in: New Frontiers in Social Cognitive Neuroscience, R. Kawashima, M. Sugiura, T. Tsukiura (editors), Tohoku University Press, 2011, pages 73-81. “You smile—I smile: Emotion expression in social interaction,” U. Hess, P. Bourgeois, Biological Psychology, 84(3):514-520, 2010. “Cosmetic Use of Botulinum Toxin-A Affects Processing of Emotional Language,” D. A. Havas, A. M. Glenberg, K. A. Gutowski, M. J. Lucarelli, R. J. Davidson, Psychological Science, 21(7):895-900, 2010. “Emotional conception: How embodied emotion concepts guide perception and facial action,” J. Halberstadt, P. Winkielman, P. Niedenthal, N. Dalle, Psychological Science, 20(10):1254-1261, 2009. “Embodied Emotion Modulates Neural Signature of Performance Monitoring,” D. Wiswede, T. F. Münte, U. M. Krämer, J. Rüsseler, PLoS ONE, 4(6):e5754, 2009. “Cultural specificity in amygdala response to fear faces,” J. Y. Chiao, T. Iidaka, H. L. Gordon, J. Nogawa, M. Bar, E. Aminoff, N. Sadato, N. Ambady, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 20(12):2167-2174, 2008. “Intentional Attunement: Mirror Neurons and the Neural Underpinnings of Interpersonal Relations,” V. Gallese, M. N. Eagle, P. Migone, Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 55(1):131-176, 2007. “Embodied Emotions,” J. Prinz, in: Thinking about Feeling: Contemporary Philosophers on Emotions, Robert C. Solomon (editor), Oxford University Press, 2004, pages 44-58. Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Feeling Brain, Antonio R. Damasio, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2003, especially pages 65-79. “Duchenne smile, emotional experience, and autonomic reactivity: A test of the facial feedback hypothesis,” R. Soussignan, Emotion, 2(1):52-74, 2002. “Facial mimicry and emotional contagion to dynamic emotional facial expressions and their influence on decoding accuracy,” U. Hess, S. Blairy, International Journal of Psychophysiology, 40(2):129-141, 2001. “Mirror neurons, the insula, and empathy,” M. Iacoboni, G. L. Lenzi, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 25(1):39-40, 2001. “Amygdala response to facial expressions in children and adults,” K. M. Thomas, W. C. Drevets, P. J. Whalen, C. H. Eccard, R. E. Dahl, N. D. Ryan, B. J. Casey, Biological Psychiatry, 49(4):309-316, 2001. “Facial reactions to happy and angry facial expressions: Evidence for right hemisphere dominance,” U. Dimberg, M. Petterson, Psychophysiology, 37(5):693-696, 2000. The Feeling of What Happens: Body and Emotion in the Making of Consciousness, Antonio Damasio, Harvest, 1999. “Facial expressions are contagious,” L. O. Lundqvist, U. Dimberg, Journal of Psychophysiology, 9:203-211, 1995. “Inhibiting and Facilitating Conditions of the Human Smile: A Nonobtrusive Test of the Facial Feedback Hypothesis,” F. Strack, L. L. Martin, S. Stepper, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 54(5):768-777, 1988. “Perception of the speech code,” A. M. Liberman, F. S. Cooper, D. P. Shankweiler, M. Studdert-Kennedy, Psychological Review, 74(6):431-461, 1967.

Maybe that mimicry even extends to your whole body. (No one’s done the experiments yet, so we don’t know.) Perhaps when you see someone hunched in on themselves in fear or sadness, maybe you hunch over a little, too. If so, then perhaps when actors display an emotion well they aren’t simply pretending—even if they think they are. Maybe the mere act of configuring your body to convey an emotion generates an echo of that emotion in your brain.

Note: The 1988 Strack result (on feeling better just by biting a pencil) has been rejected as it isn’t replicable. “According to the facial feedback hypothesis, people’s affective responses can be influenced by their own facial expression (e.g., smiling, pouting), even when their expression did not result from their emotional experiences. For example, Strack, Martin, and Stepper (1988) instructed participants to rate the funniness of cartoons using a pen that they held in their mouth. In line with the facial feedback hypothesis, when participants held the pen with their teeth (inducing a ‘smile’), they rated the cartoons as funnier than when they held the pen with their lips (inducing a ‘pout’). This seminal study of the facial feedback hypothesis has not been replicated directly. This Registered Replication Report describes the results of 17 independent direct replications of Study 1 from Strack et al. (1988), all of which followed the same vetted protocol. A meta-analysis of these studies examined the difference in funniness ratings between the “smile” and “pout” conditions. The original Strack et al. (1988) study reported a rating difference of 0.82 units on a 10-point Likert scale. Our meta-analysis revealed a rating difference of 0.03 units with a 95% confidence interval ranging from −0.11 to 0.16.” From: “Registered Replication Report: Strack, Martin, & Stepper (1988),” A. Acosta, R. B. Adams Jr., D. N. Albohn, E. S. Allard, T. Beek, S. D. Benning, E.-M. Blouin-Hudon, L. C. Bulnes, T. L. Caldwell, R. J. Calin-Jageman, C. A. Capaldi, N. S. Carfagno, K. T. Chasten, A. Cleeremans, L. Connell, J. M. DeCicco, L. Dijkhoff, K. Dijkstra, A. H. Fischer, F. Foroni, Q. F. Gronau, U. Hess, K. J. Holmes, J. L. H. Jones, O. Klein, C. Koch, S. Korb, P. Lewinski, J. D. Liao, S. Lund, J. Lupiáñez D. Lynott, C. N. Nance, S. Oosterwijk, A. A. Özdoğru, A. P. Pacheco-Unguetti, B. Pearson, C. Powis, S. Riding, T.-A. Roberts, R. I. Rumiati, M. Senden, N. B. Shea-Shumsky, K. Sobocko, J. A. Soto, T. G. Steiner, J. M. Talarico, Z. M. vanAllen, E.-J. Wagenmakers, M. Vandekerckhove, B. Wainwright, J. F. Wayand, R. Zeelenberg, E. E. Zetzer, R. A. Zwaan, Perspectives on Psychological Science, 11(6):917-928, 2016.

[guessing ahead for reading and conversation ease]
Many experiments are still missing but it does appear as if you don’t so much hear as reconstruct. You also don’t so much read as recognize. Yuor brian has no prolbmes redanig thsee scarmbeld wrods. Simly, yr brn cn stl rd ths sntc evn tho mny of its ltrs r msng. And long before you finish this sentence your brain has already guessed how it might... end. Note, though, that there is a cost to decipher the words, that spelling is linked to sounding, and that it doesn’t work uniformly in every language. Hebrew, for example, is less forgiving than English. “Neural responses to grammatically and lexically degraded speech,” A. Bautista, S. M. Wilson, Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 31(4):1-8, 2016. “Combined eye tracking and fMRI reveals neural basis of linguistic predictions during sentence comprehension,” C. E. Bonhage, J. L. Mueller, A. D. Friederici, C. J. Fiebach, Cortex, 68:33-47, 2015. “Assessing the influence of letter position in reading normal and transposed texts using a letter detection task,” K. Guérard, J. Saint-Aubin, M. Poirier, C. Demetriou, Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 66(4):227-238, 2012. “Dissociating neural subsystems for grammar by contrasting word order and inflection,” A. J. Newman, T. Supalla, P. Hauser, E. L. Newport, D. Bavelier, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(16):7539-7544, 2010. “Letter-transposition effects are not universal: The impact of transposing letters in Hebrew,” H. Velan, R. Frost, Journal of Memory and Language, 61(3):285-302, 2009. “Transposed-letter priming of prelexical orthographic representations,” S. Kinoshita, D. Norris, Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, memory, and cognition, 35(1):1-18, 2009. “Do transposed-letter similarity effects occur at a morpheme level? Evidence for morpho-orthographic decomposition,” J. A. Duñabeitia, M. Perea, M. Carreiras, Cognition, 105(3):691-703, 2007. “Raeding wrods with jubmled lettres: there is a cost,” K. Rayner, S. J. White, R. L. Johnson, S. P. Liversedge, Psychological Science, 17(3):192-193, 2006. “The remarkable inefficiency of word recognition,” D. G. Pelli, B. Farell, D. C. Moore, Nature, 423(6941):752-756, 2003. “Does jugde activate COURT? Transposed-letter confusability effects in masked associative priming,” M. Perea, S. J. Lupker, Memory and Cognition, 31(6):829-841, 2003. “The brain circuitry of syntactic comprehension,” E. Kaan, T. Y. Swaab, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 6(8):350-356, 2002. “Eye-fixation behaviour, lexical storage and visual word recognition in a split processing model,” R. Shillcock, T. M. Ellison, P. Monaghan, Psychological Review, 107(4):824-851, 2000. “Lexical retrieval and selection processes: Effects of transposed-letter confusability,” S. Andrews, Journal of Memory and Language, 35(6):775-800, 1996. “Inference During Reading,” G. McKoon, R. Ratcliff, Psychological Review, 99(3):440-466, 1992. “A ROWS is a ROSE: Spelling, sound, and reading,” G. C. Van-Orden, Memory and Cognition, 15(3):181-198, 1987. The significance of letter position in word recognition, G. E. Rawlinson, doctoral thesis, University of Nottingham, 1976. See also his amusing: “Reibadailty,” Graham Rawlinson, New Scientist, 162(2188):55, 29 May 1999. Here’s an extract: “In a puiltacibon of New Scnieitst you could ramdinose all the letetrs, keipeng the first two and last two the same, and reibadailty would hadrly be aftcfeed. My ansaylis did not come to much beucase the thoery at the time was for shape and senqeuce retigcionon. Saberi’s work sugsegts we may have some pofrweul palrlael prsooscers at work.”
[a half billion years of neural engineering...]
Likely, the first neurons go back at least around 540 million years to the Edicaran (that is, Precambrian). “The transition from simple, microscopic forms to the abundance of complex animal life that exists today is recorded within soft-bodied fossils of the Ediacara Biota (571 to 539 Ma). Perhaps most critically is the first appearance of bilaterians—animals with two openings and a through-gut—during this interval. Current understanding of the fossil record limits definitive evidence for Ediacaran bilaterians to trace fossils and enigmatic body fossils. Here, we describe the fossil Ikaria wariootia, one of the oldest bilaterians identified from South Australia. This organism is consistent with predictions based on modern animal phylogenetics that the last ancestor of all bilaterians was simple and small and represents a rare link between the Ediacaran and the subsequent record of animal life.” From: “Discovery of the oldest bilaterian from the Edicaran of South Australia,” S. D. Evans, I. V. Hughes, J. G. Gehling, M. L. Droser, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(14):7845-7850, 2020.
[is there a captain Kirk in the brain?]
This is known as the ‘no homunculus’ idea within executive function in neuroscience. For example, variant response time in the Stroop task, where you have to decide a color given a color word (red, blue, green, and so on) that is itself in one of various colors, suggests that there is no single area of the brain specialized to inhibiting all other areas. “Conscious and Unconscious: Toward an Integrative Understanding of Human Mental Life and Action,” R. F. Baumeister, J. A. Bargh, in: Dual-Process Theories of the Social Mind, Jeffrey W. Sherman, Bertram Gawronski, and Yaacov Trope (editors), Guilford Press, 2014, pages 35-49. “The Three Pillars of Volition: Phenomenal states, ideomotor processing, and the skeletal muscle system,” E. Morsella, T. Molapuor, M. Lynn, in: Agency and Joint Attention, Janet Metcalfe and Herbert S. Terrace (editors), Oxford University Press, 2013, pages 284-303. “The Function of Consciousness in Controlling Behavior,” S. Steele, H. Lau, in: Agency and Joint Attention, Janet Metcalfe and Herbert S. Terrace (editors), Oxford University Press, 2013, pages 304-320. “Do Conscious Thoughts Cause Behavior?” R. F. Baumeister, E. J. Masicampo, K. D. Vohs Annual Review of Psychology, 62(1):331-361, 2011. “Conscious Thought Is for Facilitating Social and Cultural Interactions: How Mental Simulations Serve the Animal-Culture Interface,” R. F. Baumeister, E. J. Masicampo, Psychological Review, 117(3):945-971, 2010. “The inhibition of unwanted actions,” C. E. Curtis, M. D’Esposito, in: Oxford Handbook of Human Action, Ezequiel Morsella, John A. Bargh, and Peter M. Gollwitzer (editors), Oxford University Press, 2009, pages 72-97. “Limits on introspection: Distorted subjective time during the dual-task bottleneck,” G. Corallo, J. Sackur, S. Dehaene, M. Sigman, Psychological Science, 19(11):1110-1117, 2008. The Genius Engine: Where Memory, Reason, Passion, Violence, and Creativity Intersect in the Human Brain, Kathleen Stein, Wiley, 2007. “Banishing the homunculus: Making working memory work,” T. E. Hazy, M. J. Frank, R. C. O’Reilly, Neuroscience, 139(1):105-118, 2006.
[the brain may be impossible to understand]
This can happen even with seemingly trivial analog circuits, once they have evolved rather than been designed. “Notes on design through artificial evolution: Opportunities and algorithms,” A. Thompson, in: Adaptive Computing in Design and Manufacture V, I. C. Parmee (editor), Springer-Verlag, 2002, pages 17-26. “Evolution of robustness in an electronics design,” A. Thompson, P. Layzell, in: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Evolvable Systems (ICES2000): From Biology to Hardware, Julian Miller, Adrian Thompson, Peter Thomson, and Terence C. Fogarty (editors), Springer-Verlag, 2000, pages 218-228.
[Vicki P. and other split-brain patients]
That division of labor inside the brain isn’t just true for sense-making, it may be true for everything about us. We suspect that because nearly all of us have two half-brains. The left half controls the right side of the body while the right half controls the left side of the body. Normally, only one half-brain (usually the left one) controls the voice box. That usually doesn’t matter, because the halves are linked—so both know what the other is up to. However, in rare cases doctors sometimes used to split those brains (in last-ditch treatments for epilepsy), and in the split-brained, neither brain has much idea what the other is up to—or even that the other brain exists.

In 1979, doctors sliced Vicki P.’s brain in two and on recovery, she noticed herself behaving oddly. Her left hand would grab things she didn’t intend to grab. When she’d get dressed, she’d find herself putting on two pairs of shorts, one on top of the other. She’s even more unusual in that about a year after surgery her normally mute right brain learned how to speak. Both her brains say that they’re Vicki. So when she says that her left arm is doing something that ‘she’ doesn’t intend, we know that her left brain is talking. It’s presently controlling her voice box but it has no idea why the body it’s in is moving its left arm. Before her brain was split she was one person. Now she may be becoming two.

“...[T]he two most obvious sources of employment are closed to her: she can’t type and she can’t be a waitress because her manual dexterity is limited through her operation. Vicki knows, too, and knew before she started her psychological tests, that there was a strangeness in her behaviour.

‘My left hand is under control, but yet it grabs things that it shouldn’t grab, or it grabs things I don’t want it to grab. It just sort of just reaches out, like that. I don’t like the idea of that, because I don’t know what is happening. Sometimes I just take my right hand and grab hold of my left hand or arm and pull it back. Other times, it may sound silly, but I slap it because I get mad at it, I really do, I get really mad at it, and I find that doesn’t do any good, except it hurts after it’s slapped.’

Typical of this behaviour are the repeated frustrations she experiences when trying to select her clothes in the morning. ‘I knew what I wanted to wear and I would open my closet, get ready to take out what I wanted, and my other hand would just take control. It would just reach in. I told the lady at medical college that I was really fighting with it and she said to talk to it, talk to your hand. But it didn’t do any good. It would reach in and get something I didn’t want at all. And a couple of times I had a pair of shorts on, and I would find myself putting on another pair of shorts on top of the pair I already had on. I knew that was wrong. I wouldn’t go out of the house that way, I knew that was totally wrong, but my hand sort of took control, got that other pair of shorts and put them on.’ ” The Human Brain, Dick Gilling and Robin Brightwell, Orbis Publishing, 1982, page 171.

Note that while Vicki’s mute right brain eventually developed speech, so did Paul S. and J. W., two other split-brain patients, and none of the three had full sectioning but instead two-stage callosotomy (sectioning of the corpus callosum only and not the anterior commissure, the massa intermedia, and the right fornix) so that may be part of why. But a more important reason is how old they were before their first epileptic attack (Paul S. was only 20 months old before his, and Vicki P. just six years old before hers, whereas J. W. was 19 years old before his first attack). A strong possibility is that the younger the age, the more likely it is that the right brain would begin to take over some language tasks sooner. J. W. took 11 years before his right brain showed emerging signs of increased language capability, and nothing as sophisticated as Vicki P.’s, which emerged 12 months after surgery, and Paul S.’s, which emerged 18 months after surgery. All three are right-handed. “The control of speech in the adult brain: The disconnected right hemispheres of PS, VP, and JW,” C. Code, Y. Joanette, in: Classic Cases in Neuropsychology, Volume II, Chris Code, Claus-W. Wallesch, Yves Joanette, and André Roche Lecours (editors), Psychology Press, 2003, pages 114-121. See also: “Binocular rivalry and perceptual ambiguity,” D. Alais, R. Blake, in: Oxford Handbook of Perceptual Organization, Johan Wagemans (editor), Oxford University Press, 2015, pages 775-798. “Binocular rivalry in split-brain observers,” R. P. O’Shea, P. M. Corballis, Journal of Vision, 3(10):610-615, 2003. Nature’s Mind: The Biological Roots of Thinking, Emotions, Sexuality, Language, and Intelligence, Michael S. Gazzaniga, Basic Books, 1992, pages 123-126. The Social Brain: Discovering the Networks of the Mind, Michael S. Gazzaniga, Basic Books, 1985, page 91 and 129.

[language specialization and split-brain patients]
“Review: Hemispheric specialization for language,” G. Josse, N. Tzourio-Mazoyer, Brain Research Reviews, 44(1):1-12, 2004. “Cerebral specialization and interhemispheric communication: Does the corpus callosum enable the human condition?” M. S. Gazzaniga, Brain, 123(7):1293-1326, 2000.
[half a brain can be enough]
Vicki P. isn’t the only such example. One girl, A. H., was born with half her brain missing. One boy, Nico, had half his brain removed. Both are growing up almost normally. A. H. was diagnosed only when she was three, when she started having seizures. As of 2009, she was ten and seemed almost normal. “Bilateral visual field maps in a patient with only one hemisphere,” L. Muckli, M. J. Naumerd, W. Singer, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106(31):13034-13039, 2009. Nico, an incurably epileptic three-year-old, had half his brain removed yet he too is growing up almost normally. Half a Brain is Enough: The Story of Nico, Antonio M. Battro, Cambridge University Press, 2001. Surgeons have now done at least a hundred hemispherectomies.
[reality is a construct]
Your brain is always active, even while you’re tired or distracted—or even asleep. Your neurons link in highly recursive ways, with cycles inside cycles inside cycles. As one gets excited, it excites others, which may in turn excite it. They’re thus always catalyzing each other—oscillating, resonating, pulsating. Thus, most of the time, most of your brain isn’t watching or controlling action in the world; it’s talking to itself. So just as our cells use catalysis to bring their parts together, and our swarm uses synergy to bring its parts together, perhaps your brain uses synchrony to bring its parts together. Thus, perhaps, you’re mostly guessing your way along, with your memories coloring what you then think you detect.

You might only discover what parts of your brain really want or are good at if you hit your head, get drunk, fall in love, do some heroin, or otherwise disturb how those parts link. Your moods, views, talents, all could change depending on what happens to you.

Most of your brain’s modules do their stuff mostly below, beside, or beyond your awareness. For example, Paul S., who, like Vicki P., is a split-brain patient, was once asked what he’d like to be when he grew up. He was 15 at the time. His left-brain, his speaking brain, said ‘draftsman.’ That’s also what his parents wanted him to become. However, his mute right-brain, when asked the same question, chose ‘race-car driver.’ In 1994, Tony C., a 42-year-old surgeon, was hit by lightning. Three days later an insatiable hunger for music beset him. Three months later he was playing the piano night and day. Then he started composing. In 2006, he remarked that “[the music] comes from heaven, as Mozart said.” Similarly, in 1987, Kenneth P., a 23-year-old, fell asleep in front of the TV. He then rose, got in his car, and drove 14 miles from his home to the house of his parents-in-law. He then killed his mother-in-law and tried to kill his father-in-law. He then drove to the nearest police station, covered in blood. Police saw it as an open-and-shut case. However, after trial, he was set free. The court judged that when he committed the murder he was asleep.

“What we call reality consists of a few iron posts of observation between which we fill in by an elaborate papier-mâché construction of imagination and theory.” From: “Delayed choice experiments and the Bohr-Einstein dialog,” John Archibald Wheeler, in: Quantum Theory and Measurement, John Archibald Wheeler and Wojciech Hubert Zurek (editors), Princeton University Press, 1983, page 194.

Paul S. reference: The Integrated Mind, Michael S. Gazzaniga and Joseph E. LeDoux, Springer, 1978, page 143. To be precise, the occupation his right-brain chose was ‘automobile race.’

Tony C. references: Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain, Oliver Sacks, Random House, Inc., 2007. Notes From an Accidental Pianist and Composer, Tony Cicoria, self-published audio CD, 2008.

Kenneth P. references: “Sleepwalking violence: a sleep disorder, a legal dilemma, and a psychological challenge,” R. Cartwright, American Journal of Psychiatry, 161(7):1149-58, 2004. “Homicidal Somnambulism: A Case Report,” R. Broughton, R. Billings, R. Cartwright, D. Doucette, J. Edmeads, M. Edwardh, F. Ervin, B. Orchard, R. Hill, G. Turrell, Sleep, 17(3):253-264, 1994. R. v. Parks, [1992] 2 S.C.R. 871, File Number 22073, August 27th, 1992, Judgments of the Supreme Court of Canada.

[the guessing brain?]
“On How Network Architecture Determines the Dominant Patterns of Spontaneous Neural Activity,” R. F. Galán, PLoS ONE, 3(5):e2148, 2008. “Nonperiodic Synchronization in Heterogeneous Networks of Spiking Neurons,” J.-P. Thivierge, P. Cisek, Journal of Neuroscience, 28(32):7968-7978, 2008. “Deep, Narrow Sigmoid Belief Networks Are Universal Approximators,” I. Sutskever, G. E. Hinton, Neural Computation, 20(11):2629-2636, 2008. Learning and Memory: From Brain to Behavior, Mark A. Gluck, Eduardo Mercado, Catherine E. Myers, Worth Publishers, 2007. Rhythms of the Brain, György Buzsáki, Oxford University Press, 2006. “Reducing the Dimensionality of Data with Neural Networks,” G. E. Hinton, R. R. Salakhutdinov, Science, 313(5786):504-507, 2006. “A Fast Learning Algorithm For Deep Belief Networks,” G. E. Hinton, S. Osindero, Y. W. Teh, Neural Computation, 18(7):1527-1554, 2006. “Cortico-hippocampal interaction and adaptive stimulus representation: a neurocomputational theory of associative learning and memory,” M. A. Gluck, C. E. Myers, M. Meeter, Neural Networks, 18(9):1265-1279, 2005. I of the Vortex: From Neurons to Self, Rodolfo R. Llinás, The MIT Press, 2002. Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies: Computer Models of the Fundamental Mechanisms of Thought, Douglas Hofstadter and the Fluid Analogies Research Group, Basic Books, 1995. “A Learning Algorithm for Boltzmann Machines,” D. H. Ackley, G. E. Hinton, T. J. Sejnowski, Cognitive Science, 9(1):147-169, 1985. “The Copycat Project: An Experiment in Nondeterminism and Creative Analogies,” D. R. Hofstadter, Memo Number 755, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, MIT, 1984.
[the distributed brain?]
“Complex material systems with distributed non-linear feedback, such as brains and the activities of their neural and behavioral substrates, cannot be explained by linear causality. They can be said to operate by circular causality without agency. The nature of self-control is described by breaking the circle into a forward limb, the intentional self, and a feedback limb, awareness of the self and its actions. The two limbs are realized through hierarchically stratified kinds of neural activity. Actions are governed by the microscopic neural activity of cortical and subcortical components in the brain that is self-organized into mesoscopic wave packets. The wave packets form by state transitions that resemble phase transitions between vapor and liquid. The cloud of action potentials driven by a stimulus condenses into an ordered state that gives the category of the stimulus. Awareness supervenes as a macroscopic ordering state that defers action until the self-organizing mesoscopic process has reached closure in reflective prediction. Agency, which is removed from the causal hierarchy by the appeal to circularity, re-appears as a metaphor by which objects and events in the world are anthropomorphized and assigned the human property of causation, so that they can be assimilated as subject to the possibility of observer control.” From: “William James on Consciousness, Revisited,” W. J. Freeman, in: New Research on Chaos and Complexity, Franco F. Orsucci and Nicoletta Sala (editors), Nova Publishers, 2006, pages 21-46.

However, see: “The Automaticity Juggernaut: Or, Are We Automatons After All?” J. F. Kihlstrom, in: Are We Free? Psychology and Free Will, John Baer, James C. Kaufman, and Roy F. Baumeister (editors), Oxford University Press US, 2008, pages 155-181. For more general discussion of the idea of automaticity, see: Mind in Life: Biology, Phenomenology, and the Sciences of Mind, Evan Thompson, Harvard University Press, 2007, particularly Chapter 3. A Mind of Its Own: How Your Brain Distorts and Deceives, Cordelia Fine, W. W. Norton, 2006. “The Automaticity of Social Life,” J. A. Bargh, E. L. Williams, Current Directions in Psychological Science, 15(1):1-4, 2006. Strangers to Ourselves: Discovering the Adaptive Unconscious, Timothy Wilson, Harvard University Press, 2002. The Illusion of Conscious Will, Daniel M. Wegner, The MIT Press, 2002. “The Unbearable Automaticity of Being,” J. A. Bargh, T. L. Chartrand, American Psychologist, 54(7):462-479, 1999. Autopoiesis and Cognition: The Realization of the Living, Humberto Maturana and Francisco J. Varela, D. Reidel, 1980.

[the story-making brain?]
“Brain preparation before a voluntary action: Evidence against unconscious movement initiation,” J. Trevena, J. Miller, Consciousness and Cognition, 19(1):447-456, 2009. “Unconscious determinants of free decisions in the human brain,” C. S. Soon, M. Brass, H.-J. Heinze, J.-D. Haynes, Nature Neuroscience, 11(5):543-545, 2008. Mind Time: The Temporal Factor in Consciousness, Benjamin Libet, Harvard University Press, 2004. Altered Egos: How the Brain Creates the Self, Todd E. Feinberg, Oxford University Press, 2002. The Society of Mind, Marvin Minsky, Simon & Schuster, 1988. The Social Brain: Discovering the Networks of the Mind, Michael S. Gazzaniga, Basic Books, 1987. “Telling more than we can know: Verbal reports on mental processes,” R. E. Nisbett, T. D. Wilson, Psychological Review, 84(3):231-259, 1977.

[the daydreaming brain?]
“The brain’s default network: anatomy, function, and relevance to disease,” R. L. Buckner, J. R. Andrews-Hanna, D. L. Schacter, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1124(1):1-38, 2008. “Going AWOL in the Brain: Mind Wandering Reduces Cortical Analysis of External Events,” J. Smallwood, E. Beach, J. W. Schooler, T. C. Handy, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 20(3):458-469, 2008. “The maturing architecture of the brain’s default network,” D. A. Fair, A. L. Cohen, N. U. F. Dosenbach, J. A. Church, F. M. Miezin, D. M. Barch, M. E. Raichle, S. E. Petersen, B. L. Schlaggar, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 105(10):4028-4032, 2008. “Network structure of cerebral cortex shapes functional connectivity on multiple time scales,” C. J. Honey, R. Kötter, M. Breakspear, O. Sporns, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 104(24):10240-10245, 2007. “Wandering Minds: The Default Network and Stimulus-Independent Thought,” M. F. Mason, M. I. Norton, J. D. Van Horn, D. M. Wegner, S. T. Grafton, C. N. Macrae, Science, 315(5810):393-395, 2007. “Neuroscience: The Brain’s Dark Energy,” M. E. Raichle, Science, 314(5803):1249-1250, 2006.

Interestingly, these two main functional modes of the brain seem to correlate with neural frequencies in the high-gamma band (about 60 to 200 Hertz). “A blueprint for real-time functional mapping via human intracranial recordings,” J. P. Lachaux, K. Jerbi, O. Bertrand, L. Minotti, D. Hoffmann, B. Schoendorff, P. Kahane, PLoS ONE, 2(10):e1094, 2007. “High Gamma Power Is Phase-Locked to Theta Oscillations in Human Neocortex,” R. T. Canolty, E. Edwards, S. S. Dalal, M. Soltani, S. S. Nagarajan, H. E. Kirsch, M. S. Berger, N. M. Barbaro, R. T. Knight, Science, 313(5793):1626-1628, 2006.

Both research groups, in Lyon and in San Francisco, are measuring electrical activity in the brains of awake pre-surgical epilepsy patients. The brain’s default network changes from childhood to adulthood, with connections growing from local to global. “Functional Brain Networks Develop from a ‘Local to Distributed’ Organization,” D. A. Fair, A. L. Cohen, J. D. Power, N. U. F. Dosenbach, J. A. Church, F. M. Miezin, B. L. Schlaggar, S. E. Petersen, PLoS Computational Biology, 5(5):e1000381, 2009.

[we act, then notice that we acted]
“We Infer Rather Than Perceive the Moment We Decided to Act,” W. P. Banks, E. A. Isham, Psychological Science, 20(1):17-21, 2009. “The timing of the conscious intention to move,” M. Matsuhashi, M. Hallett, European Journal of Neuroscience, 28(11):2344-2351, 2008. “Perceiving the Present and a Systematization of Illusions,” M. A. Changizi, A. Hsieh, R. Nijhawan, R. Kanai, S. Shimojo, Cognitive Science: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 32(3):459-503, 2008. “A Cinematographic Hypothesis of Cortical Dynamics in Perception,” W. J. Freeman, International Journal of Psychophysiology, 60(2):149-161, 2006. “On Measuring the Perceived Onsets of Spontaneous Actions,” H. C. Lau, R. D. Rogers, R. E. Passingham, Journal of Neuroscience, 26(27):7265-71, 2006. The New Unconscious, Ran R. Hassin, James S. Uleman, John A. Bargh (editors), Oxford University Press, 2005. The Illusion of Conscious Will, Daniel M. Wegner, The MIT Press, 2002.
[surfing an ocean of calculation—running a body]
In 1971 Ian Waterman caught a virus. It destroyed his sense of touch and body position from the neck down. He could feel pain and heat, but lost all other sense of his body. He could no longer walk. He couldn’t sit in a chair without falling over. He couldn’t hold an egg without either crushing it or dropping it. He couldn’t feed himself, or wash himself. He couldn’t even get out of bed. Then, with enormous effort, he taught himself to sit up in bed. To do so, he had to plan when to tense each muscle, then watch them at all times to make sure they didn’t go off and do something else. It took him four months to learn how to put on his socks. Learning to stand again took a year. Even today he has to keep an eye on himself at all times—literally. He has to watch his limbs and think his way through even the simplest movement. To him, simply walking is like one of us juggling three balls while riding a unicycle. And even with all that constant thinking, he’s never regained the fluid grace that most of us take for granted. For instance, whenever the power goes out, he collapses—like a puppet with its strings cut. Unable to see himself, he must lay there until power comes back. Only when he can see himself again can he control his robot body enough to stand up.

Ian Waterman has a large fiber sensory neuropathy. He’s lost all his dorsal root ganglion cells. It has led to the loss of the sensations of movement and position sense and light touch, below the neck. “IW - ‘the man who lost his body’,” D. McNeill, L. Quaeghebeur, S. Duncan, in: Handbook of Phenomenology and Cognitive Sciences, Shaun Gallagher and Daniel Schmickin (editors), Springer, 2010, pages 519-546. How the Body Shapes the Mind, Shaun Gallagher, Oxford University Press, 2005, pages 43-64. Pride and a Daily Marathon, Jonathan Cole, The MIT Press, 1995.

[involuntary action]
Likely then, your brain has many different controllers. Many of them have simple goals: seek warmth, attempt sex, avoid pain. Others size up the world, make context, set goals. Others modulate how or when yet others react or can react. Many, perhaps most, of them may be out of your direct control. Thus, only a rare few of us can trigger our goose bumps, engorge our nipples, change our skin temperature, control our heart rate, alter our brain waves—or possess superhuman memory, calculation, musicality. Your crafty brain is far faster, smarter, sexier, and more knowledgeable than you are. It’s also more infantile, more bigoted, more emotional, and more shortsighted than you are. And, perhaps, you may be better off when it keeps its secrets to itself. All that may help explain why your brain may be only around two percent of your body’s weight yet it consumes up to 20 percent of your body’s energy. Most of its computation you don’t need to be aware of.

For example, the technical term for goosebumps is piloerection. For almost all of us, that’s involuntary and so part of the autonomic (involuntary) nervous system. But a very few of us can control it. “Physiological correlates and emotional specificity of human piloerection,” M. Benedek, C. Kaernbach, Biological Psychology, 86(3):320-329, 2011. “Objective and continuous measurement of piloerection,” M. Benedek, B. Wilfling, R. Lukas-Wolfbauer, B. H. Katzur, C. Kaernbach, Psychophysiology, 47(5):989-993, 2010. “Autonomic activity and brain potentials associated with ‘voluntary’ control of the pilomotors (mm. arrectores pilorum),” D. B. Lindsley, W. H. Sassaman, Journal of Neurophysiology, 1(4):342-349, 1938. “Voluntary contraction of the Arrectores Pilorum,” A. J. Chalmers, Journal of Physiology, Volume 31, Proceedings of the Physiological Society, August 19, pages 60-61, 1904. “A Case of Voluntary Erection of the Human Hair and Production of Cutis Anserina,” S. S. Maxwell, American Journal of Physiology, 7(4):369-379, 1902.

For some other (scientifically documented) rare abilities see: “Biofeedback,” R. J. Gatchel, in: Cambridge Handbook of Psychology, Health, and Medicine, Andrew Baum (editor), Cambridge University Press, 1997, pages 197-199. In 1963, Neal Miller and associates attempted to disprove Gregory Kimble’s widely held assertion that voluntary control over the autonomic nervous system was not possible. Since then, many studies have shown that it is possible for heart rate, blood pressure, muscle tension, skin temperature, skin conductance, respiration, and gastrointestinal activity.

[writing in the surf...]
Partly inspired by two stories. “The Electric Ant,” in: The Collected Short Stories of Philip K. Dick, Volume 5: We Can Remember It for You Wholesale, Philip K. Dick, Orion Publishing Group, 1987, pages 225-240. “Exhalation,” in: Exhalation: Stories, Ted Chiang, Knopf, 2019, pages 37-57. As a aside, whether a brain is necessary, unless attacked, see “Swarm,” Crystal Express, Bruce Sterling, Arkham House, 1989.
[a worm’s eye view—the worm brain]
The text refers to the hermaphroditic form of Caenorhabditis elegans (the other form is the much smaller male; there are no females), the first animal species for which we know both its genome and its connectome (its brain since 1986; in fact, more than that, as of 2019 we know its entire nervous system, and for both sexes).

It’s just a millimeter long and its genome is 100,291,840 base pairs long, which encodes a little over 20,400 genes. Its connectome consists of 302 neurons (almost a third of its 959 cells in total, with 95 of them muscle cells, 56 of them are support cells for its neurons, and 113 of them are motor neurons) that are linked by over 6,393 chemical synapses, 890 electrical junctions (gap junctions, or very close neural links, which are very fast junctions but which lack signal amplification and can only be excitatory, never inhibitory), and 1,410 neuromuscular junctions (namely, where neurons meet muscles). As of 2011, around 10 percent of the wiring is still unknown.

Its nervous system divides into roughly four layers: a sensory layer directly exposed to external stimuli (odor, touch, heat, light); a layer of interneurons receiving those signals; a layer of command neurons receiving those interneuron signals as well as sensory signals; and a layer of motor neurons that control the muscles. Various neurotransmitters and neuromodulators—such as serotonin, dopamine, acetylcholine, tyramine, and octopamine—modulate that neural circuitry. Their diffusion can change which neurons can talk to which other neurons.

Further, many genes combine to make one neuron, and also many neurons combine to make one type of behavior (example, fleeing or feeding). Conversely, one gene may influence many neurons (pleiotropy), just as one neuron many influence many behaviours (particularly if the neuron belongs to the small ‘rich club’ of neurons—a clique of high-degree network hubs that are connected to each other topologically with high efficiency so that there is a short path length between any two rich club nodes). Further, the worm’s development can affect what it learns—or at least, how it later behaves.

As things happen in the worm, or in the world around it, the worm’s neural network has to decide: Feed? Flee? Lay an egg? But the network’s behavior doesn’t merely come from neuron linkage in space; it also comes from linkage patterns in time. When a neuron fires, that act might affect the rest of the network some particular way; but had the same thing happened a second before (or after), its effect might have been different.

Who would design such a thing? It’s so plastic that its behavior is difficult (impossible?) to predict. But consider: If there once were many highly predictable creatures, to any less predictable creatures, such creatures could only be walking boxed lunches.

“Whole-animal connectomes of both Caenorhabditis elegans sexes,” S. J. Cook, T. A. Jarrell, C. A. Brittin, Y. Wang, A. E. Bloniarz, M. A. Yakovlev, K. C. Q. Nguyen, L. T.-H. Tang, E. A. Bayer, J. S. Duerr, J. E. Bülow, O. Hobert, D. H. Hall, S. W. Emmons, Nature, 571(7763):63-71, 2019. Behaving: What’s Genetic, What’s Not, and Why Should We Care? Kenneth F. Schaffner, Oxford University Press, 2016, chapter 3. “Distinct Circuits for the Formation and Retrieval of an Imprinted Olfactory Memory,” X. Jin, N. Pokala, C. I. Bargmann, Cell, 164(4):632-643, 2016. “Genome-wide Functional Analysis of CREB/Long-Term Memory-Dependent Transcription Reveals Distinct Basal and Memory Gene Expression Programs,” V. Lakhina, R. N. Arey, R. Kaletsky, A. Kauffman, G. Stein, W. Keyes, D. Xu, C. T. Murphy, Neuron, 85(2):330-345 2015. “C. elegans locomotion: small circuits, complex functions,” M. Zhen, A. D. Samuel, Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 33:117-126, 2015. “Global brain dynamics embed the motor command sequence of Caenorhabditis elegans,” S. Kato, H. S. Kaplan, T. Schrödel, S. Skora, T. H. Lindsay, E. Yemini, S. Lockery, M. Zimmer, Cell, 163(3):656-669, 2015. “Feedback from Network States Generates Variability in a Probabilistic Olfactory Circuit,” A. Gordus, N. Pokala, S. Levy, S. W. Flavell, C. I. Bargmann, Cell, 161(2):215-227, 2015. “An Integrated Neuromechanical Model of Steering in C. elegans,” E. J. Izquierdo, R. D. Beer, Proceedings of the European Conference on Artificial Life, Paul Andrews, Leo Caves, René Doursat, Simon Hickinbotham, Fiona Polack, Susan Stepney, Tim Taylor, and Jon Timmis (editors), The MIT Press, pages 199-206, 2015. “Information Flow through a Model of the C. elegans Klinotaxis Circuit,” E. J. Izquierdo, P. L. Williams, R. D. Beer, PLoS ONE, 10(10):e0140397, 2015. “The OpenWorm Project: currently available resources and future plans,” P. Gleeson, M. Cantarelli, M. Currie, J. Hokanson, G. Idili, S. Khayrulin, A. Palyanov, B. Szigeti, S. Larson, BMC Neuroscience, 16(Supplement 1):P141, 2015. “OpenWorm: an open-science approach to modelling Caenorhabditis elegans,” B. Szigeti, P. Gleeson, M. Vella, S. Khayrulin, A. Palyanov, J. Hokanson, M. Currie, M. Cantarelli, G. Idili, S. Larson, Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 8(79): 2014. “High-throughput optical quantification of mechanosensory habituation reveals neurons encoding memory in Caenorhabditis elegans,” T. Sugi, Y. Ohtani, Y. Kumiya, R. Igarashi, M. Shirakawa, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 111(48):17236-17241, 2014. “Investigating dynamical properties of the Caenorhabditis elegans, connectome through full-network simulations,” J. Kunert, E. Shlizerman, J. N. Kutz, BMC Neuroscience, 14(Supplement 1):P229, 2013. “Connecting a Connectome to Behavior: An Ensemble of Neuroanatomical Models, of C. elegans Klinotaxis,” E. J. Izquierdo, R. D. Beer, PLoS Computational Biology, 9(2):e1002890, 2013. “The Rich Club of the C. elegans Neuronal Connectome,” E. K. Towlson, P. E. Vértes, S. E. Ahnert, W. R. Schafer, E. T. Bullmore, The Journal of Neuroscience, 33(15):6380-6387, 2013. “Neuropeptide secreted from a pacemaker activates neurons to control a rhythmic behavior,” H. Wang, K. Girskis, T. Janssen, J. P. Chan, K. Dasgupta, J. A. Knowles, L. Schoofs, D. Sieburth, Current Biology, 23(9):746-754, 2013. “The connectome of a decision-making neural network,” T. A. Jarrell, Y. Wang, A. E. Bloniarz, C. A. Brittin, M. Xu, J. N. Thomson, D. G. Albertson, D. H. Hall, S. W. Emmons, Science, 337(6093):437-444, 2012. “Structural Properties of the Caenorhabditis elegans Neuronal Network,” L. R. Varshney, B. L. Chen, E. Paniagua, D. H. Hall, D. B. Chklovskii, PLoS Computational Biology, 7(2):e1001066, 2011. “Lethargus is a Caenorhabditis elegans sleep-like state,” D. M. Raizen, J. E. Zimmerman, M. H. Maycock, U. D. Ta, Y. J. You, M. V. Sundaram, A. I. Pack, Nature, 451(7178):569-572, 2008 “Insulin, cGMP, and TGF-beta signals regulate food intake and quiescence in C. elegans: a model for satiety,” Y. J. You, J. Kim, D. M. Raizen, L. Avery, Cell Metabolism, 7(3):249-257, 2008. “Associative learning on a continuum in evolved dynamic neural networks,” E. J. Izquierdo, I. Harvey, R. D. Beer, Adaptive Behavior, 16(6):361-384, 2008. “Neuropeptidergic signaling in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans,” S. J. Husson, I. Mertens, T. Janssen, M. Lindemans, L. Schoofs, Progress in Neurobiology, 82(1):33-55, 2007. The Neurobiology of C. Elegans, Eric Aamodt (editor), Academic Press, 2006. “Wiring optimization can relate neuronal structure and function,” B. L. Chen, D. H. Hall, D. B. Chklovskii, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 103(12):4723-4728, 2006. “Genomics in C. elegans: So many genes, such a little worm,” L. W. Hillier, A. Coulson, J. I. Murray, Z. Bao, J. E. Sulston, R. H. Waterston, Genome Research, 15(12):1651-1660, 2005. “Neuronal substrates of complex behaviors in C. elegans,” M. de Bono, A. V. Maricq, Annual Review of Neuroscience, 28:451-501, 2005. “Stochastic formulation for a partial neural circuit of C. elegans,” Y. Iwasaki, S. Gomi, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 66(4):727-743, 2004. “Database of Synaptic Connectivity of C. elegans for Computation,” K. Oshio, Y. Iwasaki, S. Morita, Y. Osana, S. Gomi, E. Akiyama, K. Omata, K. Oka, K. Kawamura, Technical Report of CCeP (Cybernetic Caenorhabditis elegans Program), Keio Future, Number 3, Keio University, 2003. “Behavioral plasticity in C. elegans: paradigms, circuits, genes,” O. Hobert, Journal of Neurobiology, 54(1):203-223, 2003. “The Immunoglobulin Superfamily Protein SYG-1 Determines the Location of Specific Synapses in C. elegans, K. Shen, C. I. Bargmann Cell, 112(5):619-630, 2003. “The Genome Sequence of Caenorhabditis briggsae: A Platform for Comparative Genomics,” L. D. Stein, Z. Bao, D. Blasiar, T. Blumenthal, M. R. Brent, N. Chen, A. Chinwalla, L. Clarke, C. Clee, A. Coghlan, A. Coulson, P. D’Eustachio, D. H. A Fitch, L. A. Fulton, R. E. Fulton, S. Griffiths-Jones, T. W. Harris, L. W. Hillier, R. Kamath, P. E. Kuwabara, E. R. Mardis, M. A. Marra, T. L. Miner, P. Minx, J. C. Mullikin, R. W. Plumb, J. Rogers, J. E. Schein, M. Sohrmann, J. Spieth, J. E. Stajich, C. Wei, D. Willey, R. K. Wilson, R. Durbin, R. H. Waterston, Public Library of Science, Biology, 1(2):166-192, 2003. “From gene to identified neuron to behaviour in Caenorhabditis elegans,” C. H. Rankin, Nature Reviews Genetics, 3(8):622-630, 2002. “The fundamental role of pirouettes in Caenorhabditis elegans chemotaxis,” J. T. Pierce-Shimomura, T. M. Morse, S. R. Lockery, Journal of Neuroscience, 19(21):9557-9569, 1999. “Genome sequence of the nematode C. elegans: A platform for investigating biology,” The C. elegans Sequencing Consortium, Science, 282(5396):2012-2018, 1998. “Interacting genes required for pharyngeal excitation by motor neuron MC in Caenorhabditis elegans,” D. M. Raizen, R. Y. Lee, L. Avery, Genetics, 141(4):1365-1382, 1995. “The structure of the nervous system of the nematode C. elegans,” J. G. White, E. Southgate, J. N. Thomson, S. Brenner, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, B, 314(1165):1-340, 1986.

[the worm has rote dynamics for movement]
Kato and others did principal component analysis on 109 segmented head neurons and detected a 3-d smoothly connected manifold for run-and-turn actions (move forward, move back, turn).

“While isolated motor actions can be correlated with activities of neuronal networks, an unresolved problem is how the brain assembles these activities into organized behaviors like action sequences. Using brain-wide calcium imaging in Caenorhabditis elegans, we show that a large proportion of neurons across the brain share information by engaging in coordinated, dynamical network activity. This brain state evolves on a cycle, each segment of which recruits the activities of different neuronal sub-populations and can be explicitly mapped, on a single trial basis, to the animals’ major motor commands. This organization defines the assembly of motor commands into a string of run-and-turn action sequence cycles, including decisions between alternative behaviors. These dynamics serve as a robust scaffold for action selection in response to sensory input. This study shows that the coordination of neuronal activity patterns into global brain dynamics underlies the high-level organization of behavior.” From: “Global brain dynamics embed the motor command sequence of Caenorhabditis elegans,” S. Kato, H. S. Kaplan, T. Schrödel, S. Skora, T. H. Lindsay, E. Yemini, S. Lockery, M. Zimmer, Cell, 163(3):656-669, 2015.

[why connectomes may be so hard to figure out]
The connectome is multiple maps smooshed into one map, and the system switches between them in a multiplexed way depending delicately on various circumstances.

“In this Historical Perspective, we ask what information is needed beyond connectivity diagrams to understand the function of nervous systems. Informed by invertebrate circuits whose connectivities are known, we highlight the importance of neuronal dynamics and neuromodulation, and the existence of parallel circuits. The vertebrate retina has these features in common with invertebrate circuits, suggesting that they are general across animals. Comparisons across these systems suggest approaches to study the functional organization of large circuits based on existing knowledge of small circuits.

[...] For C. elegans, although we know what most of the neurons do, we do not know what most of the connections do, we do not know which chemical connections are excitatory or inhibitory, and we cannot easily predict which connections will be important from the wiring diagram. The problem is illustrated most simply by the classical touch-avoidance circuit. The PLM sensory neurons in the tail are solely responsible for tail touch avoidance. PLM forms 31 synapses with 11 classes of neurons, but only one of those targets is essential for the behavior—an interneuron called PVC that is connected to PLM by just two gap junctions and two chemical synapses. An even greater mismatch between the number of synapses and their importance in behavior is seen in the avoidance of head touch, where just two of 58 synapses (again representing gap junctions) are the key link between the sensory neurons (ALM and AVM) and the essential interneuron (AVD). This general mismatch between the number of synapses and apparent functional importance has applied wherever C. elegans circuits have been defined. As a result, early guesses about how information might flow through the wiring diagram were largely incorrect. [...]

Clearly, the wiring diagram could generate hypotheses to test, but solving a circuit by anatomical inspection alone was not successful. We believe that anatomical inspection fails because each wiring diagram encodes many possible circuit outcomes.

[...] Notably, many electrical synapses connect neurons with different functions. Almost invariably, the combination of electrical and chemical synapses create ‘parallel pathways’, that is to say, multiple pathways by which neuron 1 can influence neuron 2. For example, in the [Cancer borealis crab] STG, the PD neuron inhibits the IC neuron through chemical synapses but also can influence the IC neuron via the electrical synapse from LP to IC. Parallel pathways such as those in the STG can be viewed as degenerate, as they create multiple mechanisms by which the network output can be switched between states. A simulation study shows a simplified five-cell network of oscillating neurons coupled with electrical synapses and chemical inhibitory synapses. The f1 and f2 neurons are connected reciprocally by chemical inhibitory synapses, as are the s1 and s2 neurons. This type of wiring configuration, called a half-center oscillator, often but not universally causes the neurons to be rhythmically active in alternation. In this example, two different oscillating rhythms are generated, one fast and one slow. The hub neuron at the center of the network can be switched between firing in time with the fast f1 and f2 neurons to firing in time with the slow s1 and s2 neurons by three entirely different circuit mechanisms: changing the strength of the electrical synapses, changing the strength of the synapses between f1 and s1 onto the hub neuron, and changing the strength of the reciprocal inhibitory synapses linking f1 to f2 and s1 to s2 in the half-center oscillators.

[...] To understand information flow, there will be no substitute for recording activity. [...]

Superimposed on the fast chemical synapses and electrical synapses in the wiring diagram are the neuromodulators—biogenic amines (serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine and histamine) and neuropeptides (dozens to hundreds, depending on species). These molecules are often released together with a fast chemical transmitter near a synapse, but they can diffuse over a greater distance. Modulators also can be released from neuroendocrine cells that do not make defined synaptic contacts or can be delivered as hormones through the circulation. As a result, the targets of neuromodulation are invisible to the electron microscope. Signaling primarily through G protein–regulated biochemical processes rather than through ionotropic receptors, neuromodulators change neuronal functions over seconds to minutes, or even hours.

[...] Every synapse and every neuron in the STG is subject to modulation; the connectivity diagram by itself only establishes potential circuit configurations, whose availability and properties depend critically on which of many neuromodulators are present at a given moment.”

From: “From the connectome to brain function,” C. I. Bargmann, E. Marder, Nature Methods, 10(6):483-490, 2013.

See also: “Should I Stay or Should I Go: Neuromodulators of Behavioral States,” A. F. Schier, Cell, 154(5):955-956, 2013. “Beyond the connectome: How neuromodulators shape neural circuits,” C. I. Bargmann, BioEssays, 34(6):458-465, 2012. “Neuromodulation of neuronal circuits: back to the future,” E. Marder, Neuron, 76(1):1-11, 2012. “Beyond the wiring diagram: signalling through complex neuromodulator networks,” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, V. Brezina, 365(1551):2363-2374, 2010. “Cellular, synaptic and network effects of neuromodulation,” E. Marder, V. Thirumalai, Neural Networks, 15(4-6):479-493, 2002.

[worm recognizing itself]
This is known for another worm, which predates on C. elegans. “Self-recognition is observed abundantly throughout the natural world, regulating diverse biological processes. Although ubiquitous, often little is known of the associated molecular machinery, and so far, organismal self-recognition has never been described in nematodes. We investigated the predatory nematode Pristionchus pacificus and, through interactions with its prey, revealed a self-recognition mechanism acting on the nematode surface, capable of distinguishing self-progeny from closely related strains. We identified the small peptide SELF-1, which is composed of an invariant domain and a hypervariable C terminus, as a key component of self-recognition. Modifications to the hypervariable region, including single-amino acid substitutions, are sufficient to eliminate self-recognition. Thus, the P. pacificus self-recognition system enables this nematode to avoid cannibalism while promoting the killing of competing nematodes.” From: “Small peptide-mediated self-recognition prevents cannibalism in predatory nematodes,” J. W. Lightfoot, M. Wilecki, C. Rödelsperger, E. Moreno, V. Susoy, H. Witte, R. J. Sommer, Science, 364(6435):86-89, 2019.
[oxytocin and mating in C. elegans]
It’s not actually oxytocin, but nematocin, a homologue of oxytocin. “Many biological functions are conserved, but the extent to which conservation applies to integrative behaviors is unknown. Vasopressin and oxytocin neuropeptides are strongly implicated in mammalian reproductive and social behaviors, yet rodent loss-of-function mutants have relatively subtle behavioral defects. Here we identify an oxytocin/vasopressin-like signaling system in Caenorhabditis elegans, consisting of a peptide and two receptors that are expressed in sexually dimorphic patterns. Males lacking the peptide or its receptors perform poorly in reproductive behaviors, including mate search, mate recognition, and mating, but other sensorimotor behaviors are intact. Quantitative analysis indicates that mating motor patterns are fragmented and inefficient in mutants, suggesting that oxytocin/vasopressin peptides increase the coherence of mating behaviors. These results indicate that conserved molecules coordinate diverse behavioral motifs in reproductive behavior.” From: “Oxytocin/vasopressin-related peptides have an ancient role in reproductive behavior,” J. L. Garrison, E. Z. Macosko, S. Bernstein, N. Pokala, D. R. Albrecht, C. I. Bargmann, Science, 338(6106):540-543, 2012.
[learning in C. elegans]
Has been found in C. elegans. This may be based on a form of Spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP), where, if an input spike to a neuron tends, on average, to occur immediately before that neuron’s output spike, then that particular input is made somewhat stronger.

“Learning is critical for survival as it provides the capacity to adapt to a changing environment. At the molecular and cellular level, learning leads to alterations within neural circuits that include synaptic rewiring and synaptic plasticity. These changes are mediated by signalling molecules known as neuromodulators. One such class of neuromodulators are neuropeptides, a diverse group of short peptides that primarily act through G protein-coupled receptors. There has been substantial progress in recent years on dissecting the role of neuropeptides in learning circuits using compact yet powerful invertebrate model systems. We will focus on insights gained using the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, with its unparalleled genetic tractability, compact nervous system of ∼300 neurons, high level of conservation with mammalian systems and amenability to a suite of behavioural analyses. Specifically, we will summarise recent discoveries in C. elegans on the role of neuropeptides in non-associative and associative learning.” From: “The role of neuropeptides in learning: Insights from C. elegans,” N. De Fruyt, A. J. Yu, C. H. Rankin, I. Beets, Y. L. Chew, The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, 125:105801, 2020.

“The nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans), is an organism useful for the study of learning and memory at the molecular, cellular, neural circuitry, and behavioral levels. Its genetic tractability, transparency, connectome, and accessibility for in vivo cellular and molecular analyses are a few of the characteristics that make the organism such a powerful system for investigating mechanisms of learning and memory. It is able to learn and remember across many sensory modalities, including mechanosensation, chemosensation, thermosensation, oxygen sensing, and carbon dioxide sensing. C. elegans habituates to mechanosensory stimuli, and shows short-, intermediate-, and long-term memory, and context conditioning for mechanosensory habituation. The organism also displays chemotaxis to various chemicals, such as diacetyl and sodium chloride. This behavior is associated with several forms of learning, including state-dependent learning, classical conditioning, and aversive learning. C. elegans also shows thermotactic learning in which it learns to associate a particular temperature with the presence or absence of food. In addition, both oxygen preference and carbon dioxide avoidance in C. elegans can be altered by experience, indicating that they have memory for the oxygen or carbon dioxide environment they were reared in.” From: “Caenorhabditis elegans Learning and Memory,” J. S. H. Wong, C. H. Rankin, Neuroscience, doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780190264086.013.282, 2019.

Even a single cell can ‘learn,’ as was shown by the sensor neuron for temperature, which acted as a gate depending on what temperature the worm was trained on. “Neural plasticity, the ability of neurons to change their properties in response to experiences, underpins the nervous system’s capacity to form memories and actuate behaviors. How different plasticity mechanisms act together in vivo and at a cellular level to transform sensory information into behavior is not well understood. We show that in Caenorhabditis elegans two plasticity mechanisms—sensory adaptation and presynaptic plasticity—act within a single cell to encode thermosensory information and actuate a temperature preference memory. Sensory adaptation adjusts the temperature range of the sensory neuron (called AFD) to optimize detection of temperature fluctuations associated with migration. Presynaptic plasticity in AFD is regulated by the conserved kinase nPKCε and transforms thermosensory information into a behavioral preference. Bypassing AFD presynaptic plasticity predictably changes learned behavioral preferences without affecting sensory responses. Our findings indicate that two distinct neuroplasticity mechanisms function together through a single-cell logic system to enact thermotactic behavior.” From: “Integration of Plasticity Mechanisms within a Single Sensory Neuron of C. elegans Actuates a Memory,” J. D. Hawk, A. C. Calvo, P. Liu, A. Almoril-Porras, A. Aljobeh, M. L. Torruella-Suárez, I. Ren, N. Cook, J. Greenwood, L. Luo, Z.-W. Wang, A. D. T. Samuel, D. A. Colón-Ramos Neuron, 97(2):356-367.e4, 2018.

See also: “An elegant mind: Learning and memory in Caenorhabditis elegans,” E. L. Ardiel, C. H. Rankin, Learning & Memory, 17:191-201, 2010.

[over half a billion years of makeshift neural engineering—545 million years]
Porifera (sponges) may be the earliest form of animal since they lack neurons (and even a digestive system). (But then it’s also possible that they, and all other animals, descend from another life-form, now lost, which had neurons, but then they lost them.) Perhaps then came Ctenophora (comb jellies), since they have a completely alien nervous system. (But the order might be the exact opposite.) Then came Cnidaria (jellyfish, corals, and anemones), Placozoa (very simple multicellular amoeba-like animals), and eventually Bilateria, which contains everything else, including us. Dawn of the Neuron: The Early Struggles to Trace the Origin of Nervous Systems, Michel Anctil, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2015.

See also: “Convergent evolution of bilaterian nerve cords,” J. M. Martin-Duran, K. Pang, A. Børve, H. L. Semmler, A. Furu, J. T. Cannon, U. Jondelius, A. Hejnol, Nature, 553(7686):45-50, 2018. “Evolutionary origin of synapses and neurons — Bridging the gap,” P. Burkhardt, S. G. Sprecher, BioEssays, 39(10):1700024, 2017. “Elements of a ‘nervous system’ in sponges,” S. P. Leys, Journal of Experimental Biology, 218(4):581-591, 2015. “Did the ctenophore nervous system evolve independently?” J. F. Ryan, Zoology, 117(4):225-226, 2014. “Evolution: Ctenophore Genomes and the Origin of Neurons,” H. Marlow, D. Arendt, Current Biology, 24(16):R757-R761, 2014. “Evolution of the Brain: From Behavior to Consciousness in 3.4 Billion Years,” J. J. Oró Neurosurgery, 54(6):1287-1297, 2004.

[fly’s brain more sensitive to visual cues when flying...]
When a fruit fly begins to fly its visual cells immediately ramp up their activity. Their responses to visual motion roughly doubled.

“We developed a technique for performing whole-cell patch-clamp recordings from genetically identified neurons in behaving Drosophila. We focused on the properties of visual interneurons during tethered flight, but this technique generalizes to different cell types and behaviors. We found that the peak-to-peak responses of a class of visual motion-processing interneurons, the vertical-system visual neurons (VS cells), doubled when flies were flying compared with when they were at rest. Thus, the gain of the VS cells is not fixed, but is instead behaviorally flexible and changes with locomotor state. Using voltage clamp, we found that the passive membrane resistance of VS cells was reduced during flight, suggesting that the elevated gain was a result of increased synaptic drive from upstream motion-sensitive inputs. The ability to perform patch-clamp recordings in behaving Drosophila promises to help unify the understanding of behavior at the gene, cell and circuit levels.” From: “Active flight increases the gain of visual motion processing in Drosophila,” G. Maimon, A. D. Straw, M. H. Dickinson,, Nature Neuroscience, 13(3):393-399, 2010.

[C. elegans has circadian rhythms]
“Endogenous circadian rhythms have been demonstrated in several model systems, including mammals, insects, and fungi, among many others. Cycles in behavior, physiology and gene expression have also been reported in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, although limited by experimental conditions. Here we report the application of a luciferase-based reporter to investigate circadian regulation in C. elegans. Our study demonstrates entrainable, endogenous, and temperature-dependent circadian rhythms in gene expression as well as part of the pathway for synchronization. Our results represent an innovative approach for the study of long-term gene expression in real time in this system, opening the way for novel research in neuroscience and molecular pathways in general, including the precise determination of its elusive circadian clock.” From: “Circadian rhythms identified in Caenorhabditis elegans by in vivo long-term monitoring of a bioluminescent reporter,” M. E. Goya, A. Romanowski, C. S. Caldart, C. Y. Bénard, D. A. Golombek, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 113(48)E7837-E7845, 2016.
[explaining the worm’s train traffic metaphor]
Unlike today’s supercomputers, the dynamics of the worm’s model are hard to figure out because signal traffic along nerves can change the network, and thus alter the shape of future traffic. In a sense, nerves can choose—and their choices can change how much they link, or even if they link. Each nerve might receive many signals from the nerves that link to it, but it’s fussy about whether it’s going to send signals to the nerves it links to. To decide that, it’s computing—based on its current state and how many signals it gets. So while it might get lots of signals, it might send none on—or it might even send signals on without getting any at all. Further, a nerve might start paying more (or less) attention to any nerves that happen to feed it just before (or perhaps even after) it decides to feed other nerves. Also, a signal traveling down a nerve may trigger changes in the nerve, or nearby nerves, or even, after a lag, distant nerves. And how those nerves change may depend on how the nerves were acting recently, or perhaps even deep in the past. So its past can affect its future.

Note: ‘Tracks are choosy’: Neuron’s are calculators and deciders. To decide whether to fire, they add together excitatory and inhibitory signals and compare the sum against their thresholds (a voltage of about -55 to -65 millivolts). Presynaptic signals may be excitatory (increase the chance of postsynaptic neural activation) or inhibitory (decrease that chance).

Note: ‘A track might send trains without getting any at all:’ Some neurons are pacemakers. They emit signals without any excitation. In C. elegans one such pacemaker is motor neuron MC in the worm’s throat.

Note: ‘A track might start paying more (or less) attention to any tracks that feed it just before (or after) it decides to feed other tracks.’: Neurons obey STDP (Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity). If a presynaptic signal arrives just before a linked neuron’s postsynaptic activation, the connection is strengthened, else weakened. “Spike timing-dependent plasticity: a Hebbian learning rule,” N. Caporale, Y. Dan, Annual Review of Neuroscience, 31:25-46, 2008.

Note: ‘A train traveling down a track can trigger changes in switches—and not just on that track, but even on distant tracks. How those switches change may depend on how the switches were set recently, or perhaps even deep in the past.’: Neurons may emit any of dozens (or perhaps hundreds) of neuromodulators, which diffuse through the nervous tissue, altering the behavior (particularly the synaptic behavior) of other neurons, and that may depend on what has happened to the worm recently, or even during development. (See ‘a worm’s eye view’ and ‘multiple maps smooshed’ above for references.)

[the hippocampus and memory]
The hippocampus is just part of a large circuit that processes and encodes information from many sensory modalities (all of them, except for smell) before storage. Damage to any part of it will result in some form of amnesia. “Charting the acquisition of semantic knowledge in a case of developmental amnesia,” J. M. Gardiner, K. R. Brandt, A. D. Baddeley, F. Vargha-Khadem, M. Mishkin, Neuropsychologia, 46(11):2865-2868, 2008. “Human memory development and its dysfunction after early hippocampal injury,” M. de Haan, M. Mishkin, T. Baldeweg, F. Vargha-Khadem, Trends in Neurosciences, 29(7):374-381, 2006. One theory posits that the hippocampus has evolved for dead-reckoning (or navigation in the real world), not episodic memory (or navigation in a remembered world). Rhythms of the Brain, György Buzsáki, Oxford University Press, 2006.
[...don’t so much remember as reconstruct]
The idea is that the hippocampus seems to be vital not just to storing memories but to building memories in the first place in at least the sense that it appears to be necessary to the laying down of the spatial context in which new experiences can be bound together as a single memory. “Patients with hippocampal amnesia cannot imagine new experiences,” D. Hassabis, D. Kumaran, S. D. Vann, E. A. Maguire, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 104(5):1726-1731, 2007.
[artificial hippocampus]
“Columnar Processing in Primate pFC: Evidence for Executive Control Microcircuits,” I. Opris, R. E. Hampson, G. A. Gerhardt, T. W. Berger, S. A. Deadwyler, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 24(12):2334-2347, 2012. “Closing the loop for memory prosthesis: detecting the role of hippocampal neural ensembles using nonlinear models,” R. E. Hampson, D. Song, R. H. Chan, A. J. Sweatt, M. R. Riley, A. V. Goonawardena, V. Z. Marmarelis, G. A. Gerhardt, T. W. Berger, S. A. Deadwyler, IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering, 20(4):510-525, 2012. “A cortical neural prosthesis for restoring and enhancing memory,” T. W. Berger, R. E. Hampson, D. Song, A. Goonawardena, V. Z. Marmarelis, S. A. Deadwyler, Journal of Neural Engineering, 8(4):046017, 2011. “Neuronal network morphology and electrophysiology of hippocampal neurons cultured on surface-treated multielectrode arrays,” W. V. Soussou, G. J. Yoon, R. D. Brinton, T. W. Berger, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 54(7):1309-20, 2007. “Implantable Biomimetic Electronics as Neural Prostheses for Lost Cognitive Function,” T. W. Berger, J. J. Granacki, V. Z. Marmarelis, A. R. Tanguay, Jr., S. A. Deadwyler, G. A. Gerhardt, Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2005, pages 3109-3114. “Brain-implantable biomimetic electronics as neural prosthetics,” T. W. Berger, J. J. Granacki, V. Z. Marmarelis, B. J. Sheu, A. R. Tanguay, Jr., Proceedings of the IEEE EMBS Conference, 2003, pages 1956-1959. See also: Learning in Silicon: A Neuromorphic Model of the Hippocampus, John Vernon Arthur, doctoral thesis, University of Pennsylvania, 2006. His artificial hippocampus is quite small. It has only 1,024 pyramidal neurons, each with 21 plastic synapses. However, it still learns and recalls patterns.
[potential barriers to brain augmentation]
There are many potential barriers, depending on factors it’s difficult to estimate accurately until we actually start doing it. First, we’ll closely watch anything intended not to remove disability but to add capability. Whatever the proposed change, someone somewhere won’t like it. Further, for a long time, brain implants will be expensive, unreliable, and risky. So most of us will prefer external enhancements unless surgery is unavoidable. Even further, surgical complications rise with implant size. Today’s chips also have limited power-to-weight ratios, and they have major heat-dissipation problems. Those limits will likely keep near-future brain mods small. So if we implant, it’ll only be to put in the equivalent of an input-output jack. We’ll wear the actual devices instead of implanting them. And we’ll wirelessly network them to our brain’s jack. That way we can upgrade them more easily.

Possibly our need to implant will fall as we learn more about the brain. Once we can both read its state accurately and write new states into it without surgery—perhaps with a headband or circlet—competition will disfavor implants. Then again, some of the above mental enhancements may turn out to be physically, computationally, or economically impossible. Or enhancer drugs or brain-reader headbands may prove less expensive, or less risky. Plus, we’re going to make mistakes, especially early on. So, just like Henry M., some of us are going to be the new walking wounded. Our alterations will irreparably damage some of us, just as plastic surgery gone wrong today damages some of us. Lastly, it’s one thing to experiment on a cat; it’s quite another thing to experiment on one that has been augmented enough to beg you to stop.

[mapping the brain]
With the latest microscopes we can see individual neurons, although currently those cells need to be outside the brain for that level of imaging. “Subdiffraction Multicolor Imaging of the Nuclear Periphery with 3D Structured Illumination Microscopy,” L. Schermelleh, P. M. Carlton, S. Haase, L. Shao, L. Winoto, P. Kner, B. Burke, C. M. Cardoso, D. A. Agard, M. G Gustafsson, H. Leonhardt, J. W. Sedat, Science, 320(5881):1332-1336, 2008. “STED microscopy reveals that synaptotagmin remains clustered after synaptic vesicle exocytosis,” K. I. Willig, S. O. Rizzoli, V. Westphal, R. Jahn, S. W. Hell, Nature, 440(7086):935-939, 2006.
[optogenetics and seeing into the brain]
The latest, and best way we have to see into the living brain is via optogenetics, a way to transfect light-sensitive genes to specific neurons, then modulate those specific neurons individually from outside the brain in the living organism at the millisecond timescale. There’s been nothing like it before—not drugs, not surgery, not electrodes, not tissue staining, not brain scanning—to give us this level of insight and engineering into the behavior of the dynamic brain. “Optogenetics,” K. Deisseroth, Nature Methods, 8(1):26-29, 2011. “Optogenetic probing of functional brain circuitry,” J. J. Mancuso, J. Kim, S. Lee, S. Tsuda, N. B. H. Chow, G. J. Augustine, Experimental Physiology, 96(1):26-33, 2010. “Next-Generation Optical Technologies for Illuminating Genetically Targeted Brain Circuits,” K. Deisseroth, G. Feng, A. K. Majewska, G. Miesenbock, A. Ting, M. J. Schnitzer, Journal of Neuroscience, 26(41):10380-10386, 2006.
[altering brain activity]
We have many mechanisms to do so reliably during surgery; the question is what can we do reliably and safely today without surgery? One of the most promising avenues today is Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. “A comprehensive review of the effects of rTMS on motor cortical excitability and inhibition,” P. B. Fitzgerald, S. Fountain, Z. J. Daskalakis, Clinical Neurophysiology, 117(12):2584-2596, 2006. Handbook of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, Alvaro Pascual-Leone, Nick Davey, John Rothwell, Eric M. Wassermann, and Besant K. Puri (editors), Hodder Arnold, 2002.
[artificial telepathy]
With button electrodes on the throat we can already detect tremors in the neurons controlling our vocal cords when we’re speaking quietly, or even just reading silently. The sensors relay those subvocal neural signals to a digital signal processor and then to a software package trained to recognize certain signals as simple words. “Articulatory Feature Classification using Surface Electromyography,” S.-C. Jou, L. Maier-Hein, T. Schultz, A. Waibel, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing 2006, 1:I-I, 2006. “Small-vocabulary speech recognition using surface electromyography,” B. J. Betts, K. Binsted, C. Jorgensen, Interacting with Computers, 18(6):1242-1259, 2006.
[no need for sleep]
Today one such drug, modafinil (marketed as Provigil, Modavigil, Vigicer, and Alertec), is already in wide use, particularly in the military, and it has now spread to academia as well. Drugs to modulate pain, stress, attentiveness, and personality are also already on the market. “Modafinil’s effects on simulator performance and mood in pilots during 37 h without sleep,” J. A. Caldwell, J. L. Caldwell, J. K. Smith, D. L. Brown, Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 75(9):777-784, 2004. “The cognitive-enhancing properties of modafinil are limited in non-sleep-deprived middle aged volunteers,” D. C. Randall, N. L. Fleck, J. M. Schneerson, S. E. File, Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 77(3):547-555, 2004. “Modafinil affects mood, but not cognitive function, in healthy young volunteers,” D. C. Randall, J. M. Schneerson, K. K. Plaha, S. E. File, Human Psychopharmacology, 18(3):163-173, 2003. “First evidence of a delay-dependent working memory-enhancing effect of modafinil in mice,” D. Beracochea, B. Cagnard, A. Celerier, J. le Merrer, M. Peres, C. Pierard, Neuroreport, 12(2):375-378, 2001. “Effects of modafinil on attentional processes during 60 hours of sleep deprivation,” P. Stivalet, D. Esquivie, P. A. Barraud, D. Leifflen, C. Raphel, Human Psychopharmacology-Clinical and Experimental, 13(7):501-507, 1998. “Modafinil during 64 hr of sleep deprivation: Dose-related effects on fatigue, alertness, and cognitive performance,” J. V. Baranski, C. Cian, D. Esquivie, R. A. Pigeau, C. Raphel, Military Psychology, 10(3):173-193, 1998. “Self-monitoring cognitive performance during sleep deprivation: Effects of modafinil, d-amphetamine and placebo,” J. V. Baranski, R. A. Pigeau, Journal of Sleep Research, 6(2):84-91, 1997. “Modafinil, d-amphetamine and placebo during 64 hours of sustained mental work. I. Effects on mood, fatigue, cognitive performance and body temperature,” R. Pigeau, P. Naitoh, A. Buguet, C. McCann, Journal of Sleep Research, 4(4):212-228, 1995.
[induced feelings]
Even today, using electromagnetic helmets, and without surgery, Persinger claims to be able to stimulate feelings of déjà vu, the urge to laugh, and the numinous feeling of a religious experience. Other researchers have triggered out-of-body experiences during brain surgery. The field, which is tiny at present, is coming to be known as neurotheology. Most of the more outré work is being done by Michael Persinger and his students at Laurentian University. His results are tantalizing but the field would have to grow quite substantially before its claimed results can be considered reliable. “The spiritual brain: Selective cortical lesions modulate human self transcendence,” C. Urgesi, S. M. Aglioti, M. Skrap, F. Fabbro, Neuron, 65(3):309-319, 2010. “Visualizing Out-of-Body Experience in the Brain,” D. De Ridder, K. Van Laere, P. Dupont, T. Menovsky, P. Van de Heyning, New England Journal of Medicine, 357(18):1829-1833, 2007. “Video Ergo Sum: Manipulating Bodily Self-Consciousness,” B. Lenggenhager, T. Tadi, T. Metzinger, O. Blanke, Science, 317(5841):1096-1099, 2007. “Experimental facilitation of the sensed presence is predicted by the specific patterns of the applied magnetic fields, not by suggestibility: re-analyses of 19 experiments,” L. S. St-Pierre, M. A. Persinger, International Journal of Neuroscience, 116(9):1079-1096, 2006. “Contribution of religiousness in the prediction and interpretation of mystical experiences in a sensory deprivation context: activation of religious schemas,” P. Granqvist, M. Larsson, Journal of Psychology, 140(4):319-327, 2006. “Stimulating illusory own-body perceptions,” O. Blanke, S. Ortigue, T. Landis, M. Seeck, Nature, 419(6904):269-270, 2002.
[synthetic brains]
In sum, we each appear to be carrying around a network in our heads. We’ve made up a bunch of words, like ‘intelligence,’ for a bundle of its traits, just as we’ve made up a bunch of words, like ‘life,’ for a bundle of other traits. But that doesn’t mean that we understand them. Nor need it mean that we can control them. It’s thus not unlikely that we’ll one day build synthetic brains. But we may not have much idea how to get them to do what we want. Even after we figure out how to make them biddable, making them sane might well be hard. Then once we do manage to make them sane, they may be no more able to explain how they work than we can explain how we work. However, no matter how alien they may be underneath, we’re likely to project our passions onto their actions, just as we do with pets and babies—and even, it seems, ourselves.
[thinking with the world]
To imagine that all that distinguishes us from other life-forms on this planet is our stupendous brain is to mistake the instrument for the symphony. A single neuron is complicated, but it isn’t complicated enough to produce the wide variety of behaviors that we are capable of. However, any one neuron, call it neuronA, might be directly linked to another. Yet the behavior of the second neuron, call it neuronB, often isn’t simply driven by neuronA’s behavior. More often, both influence each other. NeuronA is, in some sense, using neuronB to help it decide something (and vice versa). That’s a bit like autocatalysis. NeuronA may also be linked, but more indirectly, to many other neurons via short or long loops (neuronA links to another, which links to another, and so on until we get back to neuronA). If so, then neuronA is in some sense using all the neurons that it’s linked to to help it decide something (and vice versa). That’s a bit like synergy. Any of those neurons might also link outside the brain to an effector, for example, a muscle in the body. If neuronA sends a signal to a muscle to contract, the muscle tenses. But at some point the muscle will relax, which might send a signal back, via another neuron chain to neuronA. That’s a bit like stigmergy. Further, that muscle tension might result in change in the world outside the body. In turn, that change might then result in further change inside the brain that’s detecting the outside world, and thus it might lead to change in neuronA. That’s also a bit like stigmergy. Yet further, other beings may affect change in the same outside world based on the change just made, which may lead back to neuronA, and so on.

Each such recursion means longer and longer time delays. Direct neuron-to-neuron links might trigger in perhaps four thousandths of a second. Long chains of neurons might introduce delays of up to perhaps a twentieth of a second. Having to first affect the world outside the brain (a muscle, say) then get feedback from that effect might take perhaps two tenths of a second. Having to first alter the world outside the body then have it respond might take anywhere from seconds to years. Each recursive loop is longer and longer, and more and more memory effects might return to affect any neuron at any stage along the loop. In this sense, no neuron alone decides anything; it uses all other neurons in the brain, plus all the body’s effectors, plus all the body’s sensors, plus the whole world that its body is situated in to decide whether to fire or not. In brief, we all use the world to think with.

[predicting the future]
Our swarm’s growing computational power means that those of us alive today form one of the first generations with more data and more analytic power than ever in history. But our swarm’s growing opacity means that we’re also one of the first generations with no idea what our future will be. Our past innovators had no large credit pool to pay for tools or labor. They had no large team of research talent to work with. Nor could they draw on the published work of millions of professional thinkers. They had no automated factories to turn an idea into reality. Nor did they have global distribution mechanisms to move it. Nor global stock markets to fuel it. Nor global competitors slobbering after the next big idea. All that is completely new. Up to even our recent past, and for millennia before, almost nothing changed. Oh, we made babies, and we died, and famine and war and disease came and went, and so on, so in that sense we changed. But our tools didn’t change much. For example, in 1753, the colonies that were just about to become the United States got their first steam engine. It was smuggled from Britain to New Jersey that year. Folks living only two days’ walk away still hadn’t heard of it 17 years later. Until recently, major changes—printing presses, steam engines, banks, bonds, anesthetics, antibiotics, and such—were rare. Thus, the bundle of tools supporting farming took us about 2,500 years to figure out. Then that bundle took another 5,500 years to seep from Iraq to Britain. Our numbers there then went up fourfold in 400 years. Much later, it took us centuries to figure out the synergetic bundle of tools supporting industry. Then that bundle took over a century to seep from Britain back to Iraq. Our numbers there then went up tenfold in 100 years. So, until recently, it was easy to guess what our future would be. It would be much the same as our past. A Nostradamus could natter on about future wars and plagues and such, and no one would complain that he somehow never mentioned penicillin.
[the network decides, not the individual]
“The Surprising Power of Neighborly Advice,” D. T. Gilbert, M. A. Killingsworth, R. N. Eyre, T. D. Wilson, Science, 323(5921):1617-1619, 2009. “Leading the Herd Astray: An Experimental Study of Self-Fulfilling Prophecies in an Artificial Cultural Market,” M. J. Salganik, D. J. Watts, Social Psychology Quarterly, 71(4):338-355, 2008. “Emergent Processes in Group Behavior,” R. L. Goldstone, M. E. Roberts, T. M. Gureckis, Current Directions in Psychological Science, 17, 10-15, 2008. “Influentials, Networks, and Public Opinion Formation,” D. J. Watts, P. S. Dodds, Journal of Consumer Research, 34(4):441-458, 2007. “Experimental Study of Inequality and Unpredictability in an Artificial Cultural Market,” M. J. Salganik, P. S. Dodds, D. J. Watts, Science, 331(5762):854-856, 2006. “Experience-Based Discrimination: Classroom Games,” R. G. Fryer, J. K. Goeree, C. A. Holt, The Journal of Economic Education, 36(2):160-170, 2005.
[airy nothings...]
“Theseus [To Hippolyta]: [...] The poet’s eye, in fine frenzy rolling, / Doth glance from heaven to earth, from earth to heaven; / And as imagination bodies forth / The forms of things unknown, the poet’s pen / Turns them to shapes and gives to airy nothing / A local habitation and a name.”

A Midsummer Night’s Dream, William Shakespeare, Act V, Scene I.

[love looks not with the eyes...]
“Helena: [...] Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind. / And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind. / Nor hath Love’s mind of any judgment taste— / Wings and no eyes figure unheedy haste. / And therefore is Love said to be a child, / Because in choice he is so oft beguiled.”

A Midsummer Night’s Dream, William Shakespeare, Act I, Scene I.

[there’s no art...]
“Duncan: There’s no art / To find the mind’s construction in the face. / He was a gentleman on whom I built / An absolute trust.”

Macbeth, William Shakespeare, Act I, Scene IV.

[the unlikelihood of predictability of ai’s timeline]
Of 95 predictions made between 1950 and the present, there is no difference between predictions made by experts and non-experts, and there is a strong bias towards predicting the arrival of human-level AI as between 15 and 25 years from the time the prediction was made. “How We’re Predicting AI—or Failing To,” S. Armstrong, K. Sotala, in: Beyond AI: Artificial Dreams, Jan Romportl, Pavel Ircing, Eva Zackova, Michal Polak, and Radek Schuster (editors), University of West Bohemia, 2012, pages 52-75.
[the singularity]
The core idea behind the singularity is not just acceleration but subsequent impenetrability. Science fiction has a long history of imagining various kinds of acceleration but the singularity became common currency in science fiction only recently, notably in the works of Vernor Vinge, Greg Egan, Michael Flynn, Greg Bear, Marc Stiegler, James Patrick Kelly, Ted Chiang, Charles Stross, Corey Doctorow, and Harry Harrison and Marvin Minsky.

The first mention of the idea, but not the name, goes back to John W. Campbell in his 1932 short story “The Last Evolution.” Vernor Vinge sketched the idea in a short story in 1966, and first used the term in a 1986 novel. Marooned in Realtime, 1986, Tor, Reprint Edition, 2004. “Bookworm Run,” The Collected Stories of Vernor Vinge, Orb, 2002. “The Last Evolution,” The Best of John W. Campbell, Nelson Doubleday, Inc., 1976.

Vinge’s first non-fiction singularity paper traces non-fiction references back to speculations in the 1950s and 1960s by John von Neumann and I. J. Good. “What is the Singularity?” V. Vinge, Whole Earth Review, Winter, 1993.

Eric Drexler then got the nanotechnology (molecular robotics) ball rolling. Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of Nanotechnology, K. Eric Drexler, Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1986.

Hans Moravec is the chief representative of the robotic side of the singularity cascade. He was also the first reliable estimator of the raw computing power that might be needed to simulate the human brain. Robot: Mere Machine to Transcendent Mind, Hans Moravec, Oxford University Press, 1999. Mind Children: The Future of Robot and Human Intelligence, Hans Moravec, Harvard University Press, 1988.

Ray Kurzweil is an inventor and also a writer on the singularity. Today he is its chief representative. The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology, Ray Kurzweil, Viking, 2005.

A few other futurist writers have commented as well, notably Damien Broderick. The Spike: How Our Lives Are Being Transformed by Rapidly Advancing Technologies, Damien Broderick, Forge, 2001.

And Danny Hillis has sketched some of the computer technology that may be needed. “Close to the Singularity,” Danny Hillis, in: The Third Culture: Beyond the Scientific Revolution, John Brockman (editor), Simon & Schuster, 1995.

A small movement has sprung up in the high-technology world around the idea of the singularity—either of accelerating change, of an intelligence explosion, or of an impenetrale future—populated mainly by adherents calling themselves extropians, transhumanists, or posthumanists. “The Singularity: A Philosophical Analysis,” D. J. Chalmers, Journal of Consciousness Studies, 17(9-10):7-65, 2010.

Some authors have argued that the idea of using continual exponential change in computers is a poor model of how fast our future is likely to actually change: “The Singularity Isn’t Near,” P. G. Allen, M. Greaves, Technology Review, (Global edition), October 12, 2011. Future Hype: The Myths of Technological Change, Bob Seindensticker, Berrett-Koehler, 2006. “The Singularity Myth,” T. Modis, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 73(2):104-112, 2006. “A Possible Declining Trend for Worldwide Innovation,” J. Huebner, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 72(8):988-995, 2005. “Moore’s law, Artificial Evolution, and the Fate of Humanity,” D. R. Hofstadter, in: Perspectives on Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems, Lashon Booker, Stephanie Forrest, Melanie Mitchell, and Rick Riolo (editors), Oxford University Press, 2005, pages 163-198.

At least one author has argued that the singularity would be a disaster: “Why the Future Doesn’t Need Us,” W. Joy, Wired, 8(04):238-262, 2000.

[over 75 percent decline in insects over last 27 years to 2017...]
“Global declines in insects have sparked wide interest among scientists, politicians, and the general public. Loss of insect diversity and abundance is expected to provoke cascading effects on food webs and to jeopardize ecosystem services. Our understanding of the extent and underlying causes of this decline is based on the abundance of single species or taxonomic groups only, rather than changes in insect biomass which is more relevant for ecological functioning. Here, we used a standardized protocol to measure total insect biomass using Malaise traps, deployed over 27 years in 63 nature protection areas in Germany (96 unique location-year combinations) to infer on the status and trend of local entomofauna. Our analysis estimates a seasonal decline of 76%, and mid-summer decline of 82% in flying insect biomass over the 27 years of study. We show that this decline is apparent regardless of habitat type, while changes in weather, land use, and habitat characteristics cannot explain this overall decline. This yet unrecognized loss of insect biomass must be taken into account in evaluating declines in abundance of species depending on insects as a food source, and ecosystem functioning in the European landscape.” From: “More than 75 percent decline over 27 years in total flying insect biomass in protected areas,” C. A. Hallmann, M. Sorg, E. Jongejans, H. Siepel, N. Hofland, H. Schwan, W. Stenmans, A. Müller, H. Sumser, T. Hörren, D. Goulson, H. de Kroon, PLoS ONE, 12(10):e0185809, 2017.
[29 percent decline in birds over last 49 years to 2019...]
“Species extinctions have defined the global biodiversity crisis, but extinction begins with loss in abundanceof individuals that can result in compositional and functional changes of ecosystems. Using multiple and independent monitoring networks, we report population losses across much of the North American avifaunaover 48 years, including once-common species and from most biomes. Integration of range-wide population trajectories and size estimates indicates a net loss approaching 3 billion birds, or 29% of 1970 abundance. A continent-wide weather radar network also reveals a similarly steep decline in biomass passage of migrating birds over a recent 10-year period. This loss of bird abundance signals an urgent need to address threats to avert future avifaunal collapse and associated loss of ecosystem integrity, function, and services.” From: “Decline of the North American avifauna,” K. V. Rosenberg, A. M. Dokter, P. J. Blancher, J. R. Sauer, A. C. Smith, P. A. Smith, J. C. Stanton, A. Panjabi, L. Helft, M. Parr, P. P. Marra, Science, 366(6461):120-124, 2019.
[by 2030, about 1.7 billion...]
“Over the next 25 years, the world will see the addition of nearly one million km2 of urban area.” [About 247 million acres.] “Global urbanization: can ecologists identify a sustainable way forward,” R. I. McDonald, Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 6(2):99-104, 2008.
[by 2030, half again as much food...]
“Food Security — the Challenge of Sustainability in a Changing World,” a talk by John Beddington, Chief Scientific Adviser to Her Majesty’s Government, given in London on October 28th, 2008. Figures are from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, the International Energy Agency, and the International Food Policy Research Institute.
[potential impact of climate change]
“Radically Rethinking Agriculture for the 21st Century Export,” N. V. Fedoroff, D. S. Battisti, R. N. Beachy, P. J. M. Cooper, D. A. Fischhoff, C. N. Hodges, V. C. Knauf, D. Lobell, B. J. Mazur, D. Molden, M. P. Reynolds, P. C. Ronald, M. W. Rosegrant, P. A. Sanchez, A. Vonshak, J. K. Zhu, Science, 327(5967):833-834, 2010. “Deforestation driven by urban population growth and agricultural trade in the twenty-first century,” R. S. DeFries, T. Rudel, M. Uriarte, M. Hansen, Nature Geoscience, 3(3):178-181, 2010. Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change in the Developing World: What will it Cost? International Food Policy Research Institute, 2009.

Crisis? What Crisis?

[Bloch predicted many aspects of World War I]
The Future of War: Organizations as Weapons, Mark D. Mandeles, Potomac Books, Inc., 2005, Chapter 3. “Preventing ‘A Great Moral Evil’: Jean de Bloch’s ‘The Future of War’ as Anti-Revolutionary Pacifism,” G. Dawson, Journal of Contemporary History, 37(1):5-19, 2002. The Future of War, Gwyn Prins and Hylke Tromp (editors), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2000. The Pity of War: Explaining World War I, Niall Ferguson, Basic Books, 1998, pages 8-11, 189-192. The Killing Ground: The British Army, the Western Front and the Emergence of Modern Warfare, 1900-1918, Tim Travers, Allen and Unwin, 1987, page 43. The Pattern of Expectation, 1644-2001, I. F. Clarke, Jonathan Cape, 1979, pages 186-188.
[“in the hands of famine”]
“You know... how it is with human beings. We shall all die, but how few care to think of death? It is one of the things inevitable which no one can alter by taking thought. So it is with this question. War once being regarded as unavoidable, the rulers shut their eyes to its consequences. Only once in recent history do I remember any attempt on the part of a European Government gravely to calculate the economic consequences of war under modern conditions. It was when M. Burdeau was in the French Ministry. He appointed a committee of economists for the purpose of ascertaining how the social organism would continue to function in a time of war, how from day to day their bread would be given to the French population. But no sooner had he begun his investigation than a strong objection was raised by the military authorities, and out of deference to their protests the inquiry was indefinitely suspended. Hence we are going forward blindfold, preparing all the while for a war without recognising the fact that the very fundamental first condition of being able to wage it does not exist. You might as well prepare for a naval war without being sure that you have a sea in which your ships can float as to continue to make preparations for a land war unless you have secured in advance the means by which your population shall live. Every great State would in time of war be in the position of a besieged city, and the factor which always decides sieges is the factor which will decide the modern war. Your soldiers may fight as they please; the ultimate decision is in the hands of famine.Is War Now Impossible? Being an Abridgment of “The War of the Future in its Technical, Economic and Political Relations, I. S. Bloch, Grant Richards, 1899, pages xlviii-xlix.
[the ‘good’ fight, and the Dingdong and the Doodah]
“Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.”

The Bible, The King James Version, 1 Timothy 6:12.

Speaking of the various United States explanations given for why the Vietnam war was happening, Herr wrote: “...Hearts and Minds, Peoples of the Republic, tumbling dominoes, maintaining the equilibrium of the Dingdong by containing the ever encroaching Doodah; you could also hear the other, some young soldier speaking in all bloody innocence, saying, “All that’s just a load, man. We’re here to kill gooks. Period.” ” Dispatches, Michael Herr, 1977, Random House, Reprint Edition, 2009, page 19.

[“I am dealing not with moral considerations”]
“I am dealing not with moral considerations, which cannot be measured, but with hard, matter-of-fact, material things, which can be estimated and measured with some approximation to absolute accuracy. I maintain that war has become impossible alike from a military, economic, and political point of view. The very development that has taken place in the mechanism of war has rendered war an impracticable operation. The dimensions of modern armaments and the organisation of society have rendered its prosecution an economic impossibility, and, finally, if any attempt were made to demonstrate the inaccuracy of my assertions by putting the matter to a test on a great scale, we should find the inevitable result in a catastrophe which would destroy all existing political organisations. Thus the great war cannot be made and any attempt to make it would result in suicide.” Is War Now Impossible? Being an Abridgment of “The War of the Future in its Technical, Economic and Political Relations, I. S. Bloch, Grant Richards, 1899, page xi.
[in 1899, 27 nations signed a piece of paper...]
Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Persia [Iran], Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, Montenegro, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Rumania [Romania], the Russian Empire [the Russian Federation], Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Siam [Thailand], Turkey, and the United States of America.
[“a little good faith and sincere efforts”]
“A month of amicable discussion of the gravest problems has worked the happiest change in the spirit of the Conference. The fact is that the intrinsic absurdity and unreason of the existing international anarchy are such that honest men cannot seriously consider them without the conviction growing that a little good faith and sincere effort are alone wanting for a great step toward a happier future.” A History of the Peace Conference at The Hague, G. H. Perris (editor), International arbitration association, 1899, page 19.

For the same leaders’ attitudes toward war during the resulting war itself, see: Cataclysm: The First World War as Political Tragedy, David Stevenson, Basic Books, 2005.

[“all that trash...”]
“Napoleon has told us that the moral is to the physical as three to one. The Scriptures tell us that ‘Where there is no vision the people perish.’ Clausewitz has said, ‘In the combat the loss of moral force is the chief cause of the decision.’ Blindness to moral forces and worship of material forces inevitably lead in war to destruction. All that exaggerated reliance placed upon chaasepots and mitrailleuses by France before ’70; all that trash written by M. Bloch before 1904 about zones of fire across which no living being could pass, heralded nothing but disaster. War is essentially the triumph, not of a chaasepot over a needle-gun, not of a line of men entrenched behind wire entanglements and fire-swept zones over men exposing themselves in the open, but of one will over another weaker will.” Compulsory Service: A Study of the Question in the Light of Experience, Ian Hamilton, John Murray, 1910, pages 121-122.
[“the rifle... cannot replace...”]
That opinion was military policy in Britain at least. “Experience in war and peace teaches us that the average leader is only too ready to resort to dismounted action, which often results in acting defensively. It is of importance to lay stress during peace training on the necessity for offensive tactics for cavalry, even when fighting on foot. It must be accepted as a principle that the rifle, effective as it is, cannot replace the effect produced by the speed of the horse, the magnetism of the charge, and the terror of cold steel. For when opportunities for mounted action occur, these characteristics combine to inspire such dash, enthusiasm, and moral ascendancy that Cavalry is rendered irresistible.” Britain’s Cavalry Training Manual, 1907, page 187.
[by 1891 Europe was an armed camp]
“Europe is one armed camp, and every lightning flash from diplomatic wires is like the firing of a sentry gun—a call to arms.” U. S. Minister Bartlett Tripp in Vienna to Richard Olney, Secretary of State, January 18th, 1896. The Versailles Treaty and its Legacy: The Failure of the Wilsonian Vision, Norman A. Graebner and Edward M. Bennett, Cambridge University Press, 2011, page 3.

“The speedy triumphs of Prussia in 1866 and 1870 led all the principal nations, except Great Britain, to adopt universal military service. Europe thus became an ‘armed camp,’ with five million men constantly under arms.” European History: Modern Times, Hutton Webster, D. C. Heath & Company, 1919, page 719.

“In Europe to-day three million men, the physical flower of the Continent, have been drilling, marching and counter-marching, practising at targets, learning the use of bayonet and sabre, and performing as nearly as is possible in sham fights the evolutions of actual war. It was so yesterday, and last year, and through all the yesterdays of twenty years. Seven times during this period has the personnel of the vast host been renewed: consequently, there are now about twenty million Europeans, not yet beyond middle life, who have been trained to the fighter’s profession, and who could at briefest notice take their places in the active army or in the reserve. Every city has its barracks and parade-ground; every frontier frowns with a double row of fortifications. At the end of the nineteenth century, Europe, from the Douro to the Don, is a camp whereon ten times three hundred thousand of her able-bodied men are bivouacking, ready at a sign to spring to arms and slay each other. This spectacle is without parallel in the history of the world. Even in the boisterous days of antiquity, when wars were frequent, fighting was the business of comparatively few. Alexander’s phalanx and Cæsar’s legions were composed of picked men, who adopted the soldier’s career, and followed it until they were retired or killed. So, too, the armies of Charles V. and Philip II., of Gustavus Adolphus and Turenne, varied in numbers from year to year. The majority of Napoleon’s Old Guard, and of many of his regiments of the line, fought through a dozen campaigns; and he regulated the quota of each year’s conscription according to each year’s needs. But our generation has witnessed the expansion in Europe of a military system as severe in time of peace as the old systems were in war-time,—a sort of perpetual levy en masse. Measures which would once have been deemed unjustifiable except in the most threatening emergency are now employed every day, and what was the standard of war has been fixed as the standard of peace. Under the new system, every eligible man is at a given age withdrawn from his trade or occupation, and converted for three or four or five years into a soldier, till he becomes proficient in firing a breech-loader and in the appropriately-named ‘goose-step,’ after which he may go back to his civilian calling, but with the liability of being summoned to fight at any time until he is forty-five or fifty years old.

The economic waste due to this system needs no comment. To estimate its sum we must reckon in, not only the money actually spent on food, clothes, lodging, arms and ammunition, the salaries of officers, and the stipend of common soldiers, besides the building and repairing of fortifications, but also the wealth which these idle multitudes could produce were they profitably employed. Thus computing, Europe is poorer by not less than a thousand million dollars a year. Her armed peace during the past twenty years has cost her as much as she paid for all Napoleon’s terrific campaigns from Lodi to Waterloo. In 1871, Germany exacted from France an indemnity of five milliards of francs, and the world wondered at the extravagance of the demand; but this enormous sum represents only Europe’s average loss from her standing armies for any year since 1871. And all for what? Were a general disarmament to be effected to-morrow, the matériel of war that has been heaped up during two decades would be useless. The cannon might, indeed, be sold to the junk-dealer, and the uniforms to the ragman; but would the whole of Europe’s tools of war bring for the purposes of peace five per cent of their immense cost? So far as the economical benefit of the world is concerned, those three million men who have to-day been perfecting themselves in the art of killing each other might as well have passed their time in blowing soapbubbles or in playing jack-straws.

But beneath the economic lies the moral consideration; and, judged by any moral criterion, Europe’s military system is condemned. Military service undoubtedly teaches the peasant to walk erect and to be neat; it gives him a manly bearing, and accustoms him to the idea of danger; in some countries, as in Italy, it serves both as an elementary school and as a means of diffusing a national spirit over provinces which till recently were kept apart by tyrannical rulers and immemorial feuds. Allow what you will for such beneficent influence, and yet the harm will more than outweigh these allowances; for, in proportion as the people of Europe have been converted into soldiers, they have been brought to esteem not peace, but war, as the condition in which they can best exercise the qualities which have been developed in them. In other words, European civilization to-day is based on the idea that war is not only an imminent possibility, but a probability; and a great class in every country has been trained to look upon blood-shedding as its proper vocation. The great prizes are reserved for soldiers: honors, fame, position, and the monarch’s favor go to the sons of Mars. The military budget exceeds, many times over does it exceed, the appropriations for public instruction. The salary of a colonel is earned by but few professors. The cost of the powder and shot wasted in Europe between any dawn and dusk would probably pay the running expenses of all her public hospitals. In each government, whether it be constitutional or autocratic, the army may with truth be said to direct legislation; for the legislatures, willingly or unwillingly, vote the appropriations demanded by the War Department. Even if a legislature dares to question or protest, it is quickly frightened into acquiescing by an alarming report from the minister for war. Thus the military class controls government, and has laws passed to suit itself, and prevents all attempts to cut down or to abolish its power. It intimidates the state not less really, though less openly, than the Pretorian Guard intimidated old Rome. Kings and ministers do, indeed, assure the public that they chiefly endeavor and desire to preserve peace, but in the next breath they call for larger funds and more recruits. Kaisers meet, and kiss each other on both cheeks; they extol the sweetness of brotherly love; they attend each other’s grand manoeuvres; and then they increase the garrisons along their respective frontiers. A strange method this for testifying to their peaceable intentions! Men who, year after year, feed their war-dogs on raw meat, expect that they will not become pugnacious! To breed up a race of soldiers; to hold constantly before them the military ideal as the best; to show them that the ladder of promotion is climbed most quickly in war, only a battle or two between present obscurity and a coveted distinction; and then to tell them that they must not hanker for war;—this truly is a paradox! When law-students have fitted themselves for the bar, they are not told that they ought to pray that they may never have a chance to practise their profession.

But the prime office of history and of all experience is to train us to see things as they are, in order that we may emancipate ourselves from the slavery of names and appearances. We are so uncritical, so ready to take the word for the thing! We generalize and blur those fine distinctions in which truth dwells. Without discrimination, we give the same name to things widely different, as when we speak of England, France, and Russia as ‘Christian countries.’ Prove that one of them is Christian, and you prove that the others are not. And in any country, in England for example, where does the Christian fountain spring? In Lambeth Palace, or in the Nonconformist chapel, or in the slums of Whitechapel? Therefore, let us look this spectacle of armed Europe squarely in front. Our age surpasses all previous ages in asserting that it has attained the highest civilization; it is cock-sure that war is barbarous; it believes that it desires peace beyond every thing. These are its words, the commonplaces of its pulpits, journals, and tribunes; yet over against these stands the unshaken fact that never in her history has Europe devoted so much attention to her armies, never has she so successfully converted her citizens into soldiers and familiarized them with the idea of war, as now. What we do, we are; what we think, we would be. Europe, full of pacific thoughts, devotes herself to warlike preparations. And if we go back a little from the present we find, that, although the same pacific maxims passed current, Europe engaged in four terrible campaigns within sixteen years,—the Crimean war, the Italian war, the war between Prussia and Austria, and the Franco-Prussian war. Of these only one, the war which liberated a part of Italy from Austrian tyranny, was declared for motives which a civilized judge would commend.

Let us then, sweeping away cant and self-deception, face the fact that to-day, whatever may be the opinions and wishes of private moralists, the public policy of Europe is based on the principle that might is right. When Austria and Prussia crushed Denmark, and robbed her of her provinces, which was right? When England drove France out of India, and outwitted her in Egypt, was justice so much as thought of by either? Among nations, the test of brute force as little settles the question of justice as among individuals. And do we not here touch the root of the matter? Individuals no longer resort to brute force to settle their quarrels and to adjust their grievances; but the state, the sum of all its citizens, still lags behind their standard of morals and justice. There are to-day many highly civilized Frenchmen and Germans; but France and Germany in their attitude towards each other are not above the level of gladiators or prize-fighters. The mediæval trial by combat was so clumsy a method of allotting justice between two contestants, that we remember it now only as a curiosity: even the duel, its silly survivor, has no defenders, and has become, even among those who practise it, for the most part so harmless that no one takes it seriously. To suppose that a man’s honor can be vindicated by his ability to thrust a sword, or aim a pistol, is inexcusably ridiculous. Superiority in physical strength, or in skill to use weapons, reveals nothing as to the righteousness or injustice of one’s cause. To this fact civilized men in their private affairs all submit; but nations, let us again repeat, in their mutual relations, are still on the low plane where might makes right. Would it not be as rational to settle disputes according to the brute weight, instead of according to the brute strength, of the disputants?

This striking difference between the actions and ideals of men as units, and the actions and ideals of men in masses, cannot be too strongly emphasized. Mankind in the lump may be bad, though that lump be composed of particles intrinsically good. Watch a multitude in times of excitement. It seems possessed of a composite spirit unlike that spirit which guides each of its members. Hence many of the paradoxes of history: hence those popular outbursts of frenzy or fanaticism, and the woful discrepancy between the morality of states and of individuals, by which we are astonished. My purpose. however, is not to moralize over this fact, but simply to call attention to it. I know that some philosophers, observing the constant tendency of mankind to fight, declare that the warlike instinct is ineradicable, and that wars will succeed each other to the end of time. This conclusion seems to me to be premature. Time was when it seemed improbable that the individual would ever rise above the appeal to physical force and private vengeance, but the civilized individual has now learned to respect impersonal justice: it remains to be seen whether states, which still conduct their international relations after the fashion of Corsicans and prize-fighters, will not similarly progress.”

From: “The Armed Truce of Europe,” William R. Thayer, The Forum, November 1891, pages 312-316 (it continues on to page 329).

[“the facts... run too strongly...”]
“Having busied myself for over fourteen years with the study of war in all its phases and aspects, I am astonished to find that the remarkable evolution which is rapidly turning the sword into a ploughshare has passed almost unnoticed even by the professional watchmen who are paid to keep a sharp look-out. In my work on the war of the future I endeavoured to draw a picture of this interesting process. But writing for specialists, I was compelled to enter largely into details, the analysis of which ran into 3,084 pages. The facts which are there garnered together, and the consequences which flow from them, run too strongly counter to the vested interests of the most powerful class of the community to admit of their being immediately embodied in measures of reform. And this I foresaw from the first. What I could not foresee was the stubbornness which not only recoiled from taking action but set itself to twist and distort the facts. Patriotism is highly respectable, but it is dangerous to identify it with the interests of a class. The steadfastness with which the military caste clings to the memory of a state of things which has already passed away is pathetic and honourable. Unfortunately it is also costly and dangerous. Therefore I venture now to appeal to the British masses, whose vital interests are at stake and whose verdict must be final.” From: “The Wars of the Future,” Jean de Bloch, The Contemporary Review, 80, 305-332, 1901.
[military against Bloch]
For example, in 1899 came the Boer War in South Africa, a foretaste of what was to come in Europe. Some in the military even blamed Bloch for Britain’s failures there. The losses were “entirely traceable to the vicious teachings of that misguided school whose fallacies find their highest expression in the works of M. Bloch.” Field Artillery and Firepower, Jonathan B. A. Bailey, Naval Institute Press, Second Edition, 2004, page 223. “Technology, Tactics, and Morale: Jean de Bloch, the Boer War, and British Military Theory, 1900-1914,” T. H. E. Travers, The Journal of Modern History, 51(2):264-286, 1979.

Japan’s 1906 victory over Russia, with just 130,000 dead, showed that war could still be a short sharp knock. Besides, Bloch wasn’t even in the military; he just read a lot and did a bunch of math, so what could he know? Finally (although they didn’t say this publicly) war was fun. And good for promotions. Plus you could win land, trade concessions, and other valuable prizes. So, yes, they admitted, his facts seemed right, but his conclusions must be wrong. Well-led men of stout heart would always triumph over the machine, no matter how withering its rate of fire.

[in 1907, 44 nations signed a piece of paper...]
Argentina, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, China, Colombia, Cuba, Denmark, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Persia [Iran], Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, Montenegro, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Rumania [Romania], the Russian Empire [the Russian Federation], Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Siam [Thailand], Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Uruguay, and Venezuela.
[Joseph Conrad]
“Critical Responses to Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness,” M. Svensson, Södertörn University College, 2010. Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad, 1899, Penguin Classics, Reprint Edition, 1995. Culture and Imperialism, Edward W. Said, Vintage Books, 1993, pages 19-30.
[airplane will end war...]
“With the perfect development of the airplane, wars will be only an incident of past ages.” That was Edward Burkhart, then Mayor of Dayton, Ohio, in June 1909, at a celebration of the Wright brothers’ achievements, and the awarding of medals. Apparently this was a widespread belief at the time.

After World War I had started, Orville, in a letter (to C. H. Hitchcock) on June 21st, 1917, reflected that: “When my brother and I built and flew the first man-carrying flying machine, we thought we were introducing into the world an invention which would make further wars practically impossible. That we were not alone in this thought is evidenced by the fact that the French Peace Society presented us with medals on account of our invention. We thought governments would realize the impossibility of winning by surprise attacks, and that no country would enter into war with another of equal size when it knew that it would have to win by simply wearing out the enemy.”

A History of Peace in Dayton, Ohio, Tammy Newsom, History Press Library, 2015, pages 46-49.

The letter continued: “Nevertheless, the world finds itself in the greatest war in history. Neither side has been able to win on account of the part the aeroplane has played. Both sides know exactly what the other is doing. The two sides are apparently nearly equal in aerial equipment, and it seems to me that unless present conditions can be changed, the war will continue for years.”

Of course, he later said: “The aeroplane has made war so terrible that I do not believe any country will again care to start a war.” Hope springs eternal.... But, after Hiroshima and Nagasaki, he again changed his tune.... “I once thought the aeroplane would end wars. I now wonder whether the aeroplane and the atomic bomb can do it.” Wilbur and Orville: A Biography of the Wright Brothers, Fred Howard, Knopf, 1987, page 416. For further details, see: Published Writings of Wilbur and Orville Wright, Peter L. Jakab and Rick Young (editors), Smithsonian Institution Press, 2004.

[hundreds of forecasts]
At least 400 future-war stories were published from 1871 to 1913. “Future-War Fiction: The First Main Phase, 1871-1900,” I. F. Clarke, Science Fiction Studies, 24(73):387-412, 1997. See also: Voices Prophesying War: 1763-1984, I. F. Clarke. Oxford University Press, 1966.

In that time period, only H. G. Wells predicted warfare that seriously harmed Europeans, first in The War of the Worlds (1898), then “The Land Ironclads” (1903), then The War in the Air (1908), and then The World Set Free (1914), in which he was the first to imagine nuclear weapons. (He also coined the term ‘atomic bomb’ long before we had one.)

However, a few others earlier did predict devastating war, notably Moltke the Elder and also Friedrich Engles. The Pity of War: Explaining World War I, Niall Ferguson, Basic Books, 1998, page 8.

[many paper wars to 1913]
For example, in 1907 Jack London wrote about using biowar to kill a thousand million Chinese—to thus make the world safe for whites. “The Unparalleled Invasion,” in: The Strength of the Strong, Jack London, Macmillan, 1914.

He wasn’t alone. Genocide of non-whites was popular story material. For example: Three Hundred Years Hence, William Delisle Hay, Newman & Company, 1881.

[Wells accepted Bloch’s analysis]
Here’s how H. G. Wells opened his short story, “The Land Ironclads,” in 1903:

“The young lieutenant lay beside the war correspondent and admired the idyllic calm of the enemy’s lines through his fieldglass.

’So far as I can see,’ he said at last, ’one man.’

’What’s he doing?’ asked the war correspondent.

’Field-glass at us,’ said the young lieutenant.

’And this is war?’

’No,’ said the young lieutenant, ’it’s Bloch.’ ”

Also in 1916, he wrote that Bloch was “[t]he prophet who emerges with most honour from this war.” What Is Coming? A European Forecast, H. G. Wells, Macmillan, 1916, page 29.

[“war that will end war”]
The War that Will End War, H. G. Wells, Frank & Cecil Palmer, 1914.
[Wells predicted nukes]
“A recent historical writer has described the world of that time as one that “believed in established words and was invincibly blind to the obvious in things.” Certainly it seems now that nothing could have been more obvious to the people of the earlier twentieth century than the rapidity with which war was becoming impossible. And as certainly they did not see it. They did not see it until the atomic bombs burst in their fumbling hands. Yet the broad facts must have glared upon any intelligent mind. All through the nineteenth and twentieth centuries the amount of energy that men were able to command was continually increasing. Applied to warfare that meant that the power to inflict a blow, the power to destroy, was continually increasing. There was no increase whatever in the ability to escape. Every sort of passive defence, armour, fortifications, and so forth, was being outmastered by this tremendous increase on the destructive side. Destruction was becoming so facile that any little body of malcontents could use it; it was revolutionising the problems of police and internal rule. Before the last war began it was a matter of common knowledge that a man could carry about in a handbag an amount of latent energy sufficient to wreck half a city. These facts were before the minds of everybody; the children in the streets knew them. And yet the world still, as the Americans used to phrase it, “fooled around” with the paraphernalia and pretensions of war.” The World Set Free: A Story of Mankind, H. G. Wells, E. P. Dutton and Co., 1914, pages 117-118.

In the 1921 edition of the novel Wells wrote in his preface that “[T]he question whether it is still possible to bring about an outbreak of creative sanity in mankind, to avert this steady glide to destruction, is now one of the most urgent in the world. It is clear that the writer is temperamentally disposed to hope that there is such a possibility. But he has to confess that he sees few signs of any such breadth of understanding and steadfastness of will as an effectual effort to turn the rush of human affairs demands. The inertia of dead ideas and old institutions carries us on towards the rapids.”

[in 1934 Einstein laughed at atomic energy]
“Einstein had long been skeptical about the possibility of harnessing atomic energy or unleashing the power implied by E=mc2. On a visit to Pittsburgh in 1934, he had been asked the question and replied that ‘splitting the atom by bombardment is something akin to shooting birds in the dark in a place where there are only a few birds.’ That produced a banner headline across the front page of the Post-Gazette: ‘Atom Energy Hope Is Spiked by Einstein.’ ” Einstein: His Life and Universe, Walter Isaacson, Simon & Schuster, 2007, page 469.

What he actually said was: “I am not a prophet, but I feel absolutely (or at least nearly) sure that it will not be possible to convert matter into energy for practical purposes. You must employ a lot of energy to get any energy out of the molecule, and the rest is lost.... It is something like shooting birds in the dark in a country where there are only a few birds.” See: “Einstein’s 1934 two-blackboard derivation of energy-mass equivalence,” D. Topper, D. Vincent, American Journal of Physics, 75(11):978-983, 2007. The Literary Digest, January 12, 1935, page 16. (Note that Topper and Vincent slightly misquote the direct quote cited above from the Digest, at least as far as the reporters quoted him.)

Isaacson was more egregiously at fault. The correct title of the article in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, December 29th, 1934, page 13, is: ‘Atom Energy Hope Is Spiked by Einstein / Efforts at Loosing Vast Force Is Called Fruitless / Savant Talks Here / Now Indicates Doubt of Relativity Theory He Made Famous.’ And it was a small article, buried in the backpages, not a banner headline on the front page. The article is not about his lecture at Carnegie Tech (now Carnegie-Mellon), but his interview the next day with about a score of reporters at the home of Nathaniel Spear. It goes on to state: “If you believe that man will someday be able to harness this boundless energy—to drive a great steamship across the ocean on a pint of water, for instance—then, according to Einstein, you are wrong now.” In the interview, Einstein was non-commital on all questions save one: atomic energy. On that, he was explicit: “[...] It’s like shooting birds in the dark in a country where there are only a few birds. [...] We have no means to force the transfers which do not consume more energy than the transfers give out.” Then he became more technical and lost the reporters again.

[“a race between education and catastrophe”]
“One cannot fortell the surprises or disappointments the future has in store. Before this chapter of the World State can begin fairly in our histories, other chapters as yet unsuspected may still need to be written, as long and as full of conflict as our account of the growth and rivalries of the Great Powers. There may be tragic economic struggles, grim grapplings of race with race and class with class. It may be that “private enterprise” will refuse to learn the lesson of service without some quite catastrophic revolution, and that a phase of confiscation and amateurish socialistic government lies before us. We do not know; we cannot tell. These are unnecessary disasters, but they may be unavoidable disasters. Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe. Against the unifying effort of Christendom and against the unifying influence of the mechanical revolution, catastrophe won—at least to the extent of achieving the Great War. We cannot tell yet how much of the winnings of catastrophe still remain to be gathered in. New falsities may arise and hold men in some unrighteous and fated scheme of order for a time, before they collapse amidst the misery and slaughter of generations. Yet, clumsily or smoothly, the world, it seems, progresses and will progress.” The Outline of History: Being a Plain History of Life and Mankind, H. G. Wells, Macmillan, Third Edition, 1921, page 1100.
[Keynes on the foolishness of too-heavy reparations]
“My purpose in this book is to show that the Carthaginian Peace is not practically right or possible.... The clock cannot be set back. You cannot restore Central Europe to 1870 without setting up such strains in the European structure and letting loose such human and spiritual forces as will overwhelm not only you and your “guarantees,” but your institutions and the existing order of your Society....

By fixing the Reparation payments well within Germany’s capacity to pay, we make possible the renewal of hope and enterprise within her territory, we avoid the perpetual friction and opportunity of improper pressure arising out of Treaty clauses which are impossible of fulfilment, and we render unnecessary the intolerable powers of the Reparation Commission....

[However if] we take the view that for at least a generation to come Germany cannot be trusted with even a modicum of prosperity, that while all our recent Allies are angels of light, all our recent enemies, Germans, Austrians, Hungarians, and the rest, are children of the devil, that year by year Germany must be kept impoverished and her children starved and crippled, and that she must be ringed round by enemies; then we shall reject all the proposals of this chapter, and particularly those which may assist Germany to regain a part of her former material prosperity and find a means of livelihood for the industrial population of her towns. But if this view of nations and of their relation to one another is adopted by the democracies of Western Europe, and is financed by the United States, heaven help us all. If we aim deliberately at the impoverishment of Central Europe, vengeance, I dare predict, will not limp. Nothing can then delay for very long that final civil war between the forces of Reaction and the despairing convulsions of Revolution, before which the horrors of the late German war will fade into nothing, and which will destroy, whoever is victor, the civilization and the progress of our generation. Even though the result disappoint us, must we not base our actions on better expectations, and believe that the prosperity and happiness of one country promotes that of others, that the solidarity of man is not a fiction, and that nations can still afford to treat other nations as fellow-creatures?....

We may still have time to reconsider our courses and to view the world with new eyes. For the immediate future events are taking charge, and the near destiny of Europe is no longer in the hands of any man. The events of the coming year will not be shaped by the deliberate acts of statesmen, but by the hidden currents, flowing continually beneath the surface of political history, of which no one can predict the outcome. In one way only can we influence these hidden currents,—by setting in motion those forces of instruction and imagination which change opinion. The assertion of truth, the unveiling of illusion, the dissipation of hate, the enlargement and instruction of men’s hearts and minds, must be the means.”

The Economic Consequence of the Peace, John Maynard Keynes, Harcourt, Brace and Howe, 1920, pages 36, 265, 268, and 296.

[The Times on Keynes’ book]
The Times review (January 5th, 1920, page 17) saw the book as ‘clever’ but “little better than propaganda, calculated, though perhaps not designed, to help the enemy and to increase his conviction that, far from having been guilty of willing and making the war, he was the victim of a deep-laid and envious conspiracy on the part of the Allies of which the Peace Conference, with its ‘breach of faith,’ was but a final stage.” It ends this way: “Mr. Keynes may be a ‘clever’ economist. He may have been a useful Treasury official. But, in writing this book, he has rendered the Allies a disservice for which their enemies will, doubtless, be grateful.” From: “A Critic of the Peace. The Candid Friend at Versailles. Comfort for Germany,” in: John Maynard Keynes: Critical Responses, Volume 1, Charles R. McCann, Jr. (editor), Routledge, 1998, pages 51-59. The Times review of his book, and others in the St. Louis Mirror, the Athenæum, and the Saturday Review, along with the book itself, was itself reviewed here: “Reviews of New Books,” The Literary Digest, 64(11):101-112, 1920.
[the feeling began to grow...]
Keynes wasn’t alone in his analysis. Here is Jan Smuts, a South African General during the war, soon to become Prime Minister of South Africa, who in 1919 was also in Paris working on the same treaty as Keynes: “The Peace Treaty is becoming more and more an abomination to me, and today I addressed a very frank memorandum to Lloyd George and another to President Wilson on the subject. It may be too late but at any rate I must deal faithfully with them and who knows whether even at this twelfth hour they may not be constrained to listen....

And so instead of making peace, we make war, and are going to reduce Europe to ruin. The smaller nations are all mad; they want credit, not for food for their starving population, but for military expenditure. It is enough to reduce one to complete despair. Poor old Europe, the mother of civilization, the glory of the human race! But I must not go on like this. I really have nothing practical to suggest, as the dimensions of the problem are beyond me, perhaps beyond human power.”

Letter 966 to M. C. Gillett, Volume 22, Number 236, Paris, May 14th, 1919. Selections from the Smuts Papers: Volume 4, November 1918-August 1919, W. K. Hancock and Jean van der Poel (editors), Cambridge University Press, 2007.

Also, before Herbert Hoover became president, as the head of the United States Food Administration, he wrote that due to the recent carnage, Europe now carried about 100 million more of us than it could feed. “The economic difficulties of Europe as a whole at the signature of peace may be almost summarized in the phrase ‘demoralized productivity.’ The production of necessities for this 450,000,000 population (including Russia) has never been at so low an ebb as at this day.... A rough estimate would indicate that the population of Europe is at least 100,000,000 greater than can be supported without imports.... unless productivity can be rapidly increased, there can be nothing but political, moral, and economic chaos, finally interpreting itself in loss of life on a scale hitherto undreamed of.” From: “The Economic Situation in Europe,” H. Hoover, The National Food Journal, August 13th, 1919.

[...a runaway train]
Pacifism and humility became very popular—for a time. For example, in 1925 a historian wrote that “[The World War].... loosed the foul passions of men, his superstitions and prejudices, his intolerance and hatreds, his criminal and murderous instincts. All the spawn of hell roamed at will over the world and made it a shambles. Nationality, once so praised, vied with nationality in a death struggle, casting aside, like worn-out clothing, the experiences that had once seemed harbingers of international peace. I too accustomed myself to the slaughter, perhaps I even fell asleep under the anaesthetic of propaganda; “but in my sleep methought, a legion of foul fiends environed me about, and howled in mine ears such hideous cries, that with the very noise I trembling waked, and for a season after could not believe but that I was in hell.” The pretty edifice of Nineteenth Century history which had been designed and built by my contemporaries was rent asunder. The stately façcade built of rocks from the quarries of nationalities was smashed and crushed by the shells of many guns. Surely the meaning we historians had read into events was false, cruelly false. Our edifice was perhaps pretty but it had fallen at the touch of reality, so chaotic, so unmoral. In looking back over the last one hundred and fifty years we had thought of civilization as a well-kept flower garden ever growing in extent and beauty. Our eyes were blind. What we had seen, as I now feel certain, was a vile swamp wherein orchids and roses were struggling for existence with noxious and rank growing weeds, and between them the observers on the shores had not been able to distinguish. Was here, at last, the simile I was seeking? A swamp, or perhaps a garden neglected and overgrown with weeds. Was our civilization like that? [...]

In the face of the calamity even the foolish professors of history were dumb. What explanation could they make? They had written thousands of books about modern Europe, and in none of them had they dropped a hint of the approaching catastrophe. Instead of shouting out a warning, they had glorified the social evolution they were studying; to their innocent eyes all seemed to be working for the best in the best of worlds. After such an error, what right have professors of history to speak? None. So, as I kick my heels on the edge of nothingness’ chasm, I look as miserable and repentant as I can in my sackcloth suit and shampoo of ashes.”

“Musings of an Inebriated Historian,” C. W. Alvord, American Mercury, 5(August):434-441, 1925.

Similarly, in 1927 Edward Arthur Burroughs, the Bishop of Ripon, called for a 10-year moratorium on science. “With all this new mastery over nature, man has not seemed really to be advancing his own cause. We could get on very much more happily if aviation, wireless, television and the like were advanced no further than at present. Dare I even suggest, at the risk of being lynched by some of my hearers, that the sum of human happiness, outside of scientific circles, would not necessarily be reduced if, for say ten years, every physical and chemical laboratory were closed and the patient and resourceful energy displayed in them transferred to recovering the lost art of getting together and finding a formula for making the ends meet in the scale of human life? It would give 99 per cent. of us who are non-scientific some chance of assimilating the revolutionary knowledge which in the first quarter of this century 1 per cent. of the explorers have acquired. The 1 per cent. would have leisure to read up on one another’s work; and all of us might go meanwhile in tardy quest of that wisdom which is other than and greater than knowledge, and without which knowledge may be a curse. As things stand today, we could get on without further additions for the present to our knowledge of nature. We cannot get on without a change of mind in man.” From: “Wants 10-year Pause in Scientists’ Efforts,” New York Times, September 5th, 1927, page 3. “Is Scientific Advance Impeding Human Welfare?” E. A. Burroughs, The Literary Digest, 95(1):32, 1927. See: “The Primacy of Science in Modernity, of Technology in Postmodernity, and of Ideology in the History of Technology,” P. Forman, History and Technology, 23(1/2):1-152, 2007. The Physicists: The History of a Scientific Community in Modern America, Daniel J. Kevles, Harvard University Press, Second Edition, 1995, page 180. Beyond the Laboratory: Scientists As Political Activists in 1930s America, Peter J. Kuznick, University of Chicago Press, 1987, pages 15-37. “Government and Technology in the Great Depression,” C. W. Pursell, Jr., Technology and Culture, 20(1):162-174, 1979. “ ‘A savage struck by lightning’: The idea of a research moratorium, 1927-1937,” Lex et scientia, 10(October-December):146-161, 1974.

[in 1928, 54 nations agreed to sign a piece of paper... ]
That was the Kellogg-Briand Pact, signed August 27th, 1928. By 1929, 54 nations had signed: Afghanistan, Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Danzig [now Gdańsk, Poland], Denmark, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Estonia, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, British India [India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh], Irish Free State [Ireland], Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liberia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Persia [Iran], Peru, Poland, Portugal, Rumania [Romania], Russia, Siam [Thailand], Spain, Sweden, the Commonwealth of Australia, the Dominion of Canada, the Dominion of New Zealand, the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes [Yugoslavia], the Netherlands, the Union of South Africa, the United States of America, Turkey, and Venezuela.

Two years later, Japan, one of the signatories, invaded Manchuria. No one did anything. The Pact is still in force today. It hasn’t prevented war. All it’s done is forced our justifications for declaring war, or for ignoring ongoing war, to be more sophisticated.

[Wells on Keynes’ book]
Wells much admired Keynes’ book. Here he is (although in 1936):

“I doubt if there is anybody here tonight who has not given a certain amount of anxious thought to the conspicuous ineffectiveness of modern knowledge and—how do I call it?—trained and studied thought in contemporary affairs. And I think that it is mainly in the troubled years since 1914 that the world of cultivated, learned and scientific people of which you are so representative, has become conscious of this ineffectiveness. Before that time, or to be more precise before 1909 or 1910, the world, our world as we older ones recall it, was living in a state of confidence, of established values, of assured security, which is already becoming now almost incredible. We had no suspicion then how much that apparent security had been undermined by science, invention and sceptical inquiry. Most of us carried on into the War, and even right through the War, under the inertia of the accepted beliefs to which we had been born. We felt that the sort of history that we were used to was still going on, and we hardly realised at all that the war was a new sort of thing, not like the old wars, that the old traditions of strategy were disastrously out of date, and that the old pattern of settling up after a war could only lead to such a thickening tangle of evil consequences as we contemplate today. We know better now.

Wiser after the events as we all are, few of us now fail to appreciate the stupendous ignorance, the almost total lack of grasp of social and economic realities, the short views, the shallowness of mind, that characterised the treaty-making of 1919 and 1920. I suppose Mr. Maynard Keynes was one of the first to open our eyes to this worldwide intellectual insufficiency. What his book, The Economic Consequences of the Peace, practically said to the world was this: These people, these politicians, these statesmen, these directive people who are in authority over us, know scarcely anything about the business they have in hand. Nobody knows very much, but the important thing to realise is that they do not even know what is to be known. They arrange so and so, and so and so must ensue and they cannot or will not see that so and so must ensue. They are so unaccustomed to competent thought, so ignorant that there is knowledge and of what knowledge is, that they do not understand that it matters.”

“World Encyclopaedia,” Chapter 1 of World Brain, H. G. Wells, Methuen & Co., 1938. Wells hoped that such a ‘world encyclopaedia’ “must exert a very great influence upon everyone who controls administrations, makes wars, directs mass behaviour, feeds, moves, starves and kills populations.” As if.

[...end of its tether]
Here is Wells in 1945:

“If his [the writer’s] thinking has been sound, then this world is at the end of its tether. The end of everything we call life is close at hand and cannot be evaded....

Our world of self-delusion will admit none of that. It will perish amidst its evasions and fatuities. It is like a convoy lost in darkness on an unknown rocky coast, with quarrelling pirates in the chart-room and savages clambering up the sides of the ships to plunder and do evil as the whim may take them.”

The Last Books of H. G. Wells: The Happy Turning, and Mind at the End of Its Tether, H. G. Wells, H. G. Wells Society, 1968, pages 67 and 75.

[Keynes on hope for the world]
Here is Keynes at the end of his 1944 speech:

“We, the delegates of this Conference, Mr. President, have been trying to accomplish something very difficult to accomplish.[...]

We have had to perform at one and the same time the tasks appropriate to the economist, to the financier, to the politician, to the journalist, to the propagandist, to the lawyer, to the statesman — even, I think, to the prophet and to the soothsayer.[...]

We have reached this evening a decisive point. But it is only a beginning. We have to go from here as missionaries, inspired by zeal and faith. We have sold all this to ourselves. But the world at large still needs to be persuaded.[...]

Finally, we have perhaps accomplished here in Bretton Woods something more significant than what is embodied in this Final Act. We have shown that a concourse of 44 nations are actually able to work together at a constructive task in amity and unbroken concord. Few believed it possible. If we can continue in a larger task as we have begun in this limited task, there is hope for the world. At any rate we shall now disperse to our several homes with new friendships sealed and new intimacies formed. We have been learning to work together. If we can so continue, this nightmare, in which most of us here present have spent too much of our lives, will be over. The brotherhood of man will have become more than a phrase.”

The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes: Volume 26, Activities, 1941-1946, Shaping the Post-war World: Bretton Woods and Reparations, Donald Edward Moggridge (editor), Palgrave Macmillan, 1980, pages 101-103.

That was July 22nd, 1944. Two years later, Keynes died—the same year Wells died.

[in 1945, 44 nations signed a piece of paper...]
That was the Bretton Woods Agreement, signed by all Allied nations: Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Republic of China [Taiwan], Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, France, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Iceland, British Raj [India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, part of Yemen, parts owned by Malaysia, Singapore, and Australia], Iran, Iraq, Liberia, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, South Africa, Soviet Union, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela, and Yugoslavia.
[Orwell’s naming of the Cold War]
In his article “You and the Atomic Bomb” for the October 19th, 1945, Tribune, Orwell wrote that: “We were once told that the aeroplane had ‘abolished frontiers’; actually it is only since the aeroplane became a serious weapon that frontiers have become definitely impassable. The radio was once expected to promote international understanding and co-operation; it has turned out to be a means of insulating one nation from another. The atomic bomb may complete the process by robbing the exploited classes and peoples of all power to revolt, and at the same time putting the possessors of the bomb on a basis of military equality. Unable to conquer one another, they are likely to continue ruling the world between them, and it is difficult to see how the balance can be upset except by slow and unpredictable demographic changes.

For forty or fifty years past, Mr. H. G. Wells and others have been warning us that man is in danger of destroying himself with his own weapons, leaving the ants or some other gregarious species to take over. Anyone who has seen the ruined cities of Germany will find this notion at least thinkable. Nevertheless, looking at the world as a whole, the drift for many decades has been not towards anarchy but towards the reimposition of slavery. We may be heading not for general breakdown but for an epoch as horribly stable as the slave empires of antiquity. James Burnham’s theory has been much discussed, but few people have yet considered its ideological implications—that is, the kind of world-view, the kind of beliefs, and the social structure that would probably prevail in a state which was at once unconquerable and in a permanent state of ‘cold war’ with its neighbors.

Had the atomic bomb turned out to be something as cheap and easily manufactured as a bicycle or an alarm clock, it might well have plunged us back into barbarism, but it might, on the other hand, have meant the end of national sovereignty and of the highly-centralised police state. If, as seems to be the case, it is a rare and costly object as difficult to produce as a battleship, it is likelier to put an end to large-scale wars at the cost of prolonging indefinitely a ‘peace that is no peace’.”

The Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters of George Orwell, Volume IV: In Front of Your Nose, 1945-1950, Sonia Orwell and Ian Angus (editors), Secker & Warburg, 1968, pages 9-10.

[...from hell’s heart]
“Towards thee I roll, thou all-destroying but unconquering whale; to the last I grapple with thee; from hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee. Sink all coffins and all hearses to one common pool! and since neither can be mine, let me then tow to pieces, while still chasing thee, though tied to thee, thou damned whale! Thus, I give up the spear!” Moby Dick, Or The White Whale, Herman Melville, C. H. Simonds Company, 1892, page 532.
[Orwell’s last book]
The book is of course Nineteen Eighty-Four.
[on war as a way to profit]
In 1935, one of the most decorated generals in United States history wrote that:

“War is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.

A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small ‘inside’ group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.”

War is a Racket, Smedley D. Butler, 1935, Feral House, Reprint Edition, 2003, page 23.

Curses! Foiled Again

[hindsight bias—hindsight is 20/20]
“An early history of hindsight research,” B. Fischhoff, Social Cognition, 25(1):10-13, 2007. “Hindsight ≠ foresight: The effect of outcome knowledge on judgment under uncertainty,” B. Fischhoff, Quality & Safety in Health Care, 12(4):304-312, 2003. “The Availability Heuristic Revisited: Ease of Recall and Content of Recall as Distinct Sources of Information,” N. Schwarz, L. A. Vaughn, in: Heuristics and Biases: The Psychology of Intuitive Judgment, Thomas Gilovich, Dale Griffin, and Daniel Kahneman (editors), Cambridge University Press 2002, pages 103-119.
[state secrecy]
This idea is hardly unknown in government circles. However, a quote supporting it is going around attributed to Cardinal de Richelieu but unsourced: “Secrecy is the first essential in affairs of the State.” This was quoted, unattributed, in: The Puzzle Palace, James Bamford, Houghton Mifflin, 1982. Then passed on in: Who Said What When: Chronological Dictionary of Quotations, John Daintith et al., Bloomsbury, 1988. And claimed to be sourced to Testament Politique, (1688), but is not to be found there.

The more usual source of the idea is of course Machiavelli. For instance: the sentence that begins: “Ma è necessario questa natura saperla bene colorier, ed essere gran simulatore e dissimulatore [...]” Il Principe Chapter XVII, Niccolò Machiavelli, 1513. “But one must know how to colour one’s actions and to be a great liar and deceiver [...]” The Prince, translated by George Bull, Penguin, 1981, page 100.

And behind Machiavelli is, of course, Plato and the ‘royal lie’ in his Republic (Book III, 414e-15d). Here’s part of it: “Citizens, we shall say to them in our tale, you are brothers, yet God has framed you differently. Some of you have the power of command, and in the composition of these he has mingled gold, wherefore also they have the greatest honor; others he has made of silver, to be auxiliaries; others again who are to be husbandmen and craftsmen he has composed of brass and iron....” The Dialogues of Plato, Volume II, The Republic, Book III, 415, translated by Benjamin Jowett, Scribner, Armstrong, and Co., 1874, page 240.

[the illusion of control]
Even when we know for certain that a situation is beyond our control, we still believe that we can influence it. For example, in a game of chance we feel that we’re more likely to win if we toss the dice than if someone else tosses the dice. Similarly, we feel more confident of winning a lottery if we choose a ticket rather than have one randomly assigned to us. “Symmetry and the Illusion of Control as Bases for Cooperative Behavior,” J. Goldberg, L. Markoczy, G. L. Zahn, Rationality and Society, 17(2):243-270, 2005. “Illusions of Control,” S. C. Thompson, in: Cognitive Illusions: A Handbook on Fallacies and Biases in Thinking, Judgement and Memory, Rüidger Pohl, Psychology Press, 2004, pages 115-126. “Trading on illusions: Unrealistic perceptions of control and trading performance,” M. Fenton-O’Creevy, N. Nicholson, E. Soane, P. Willman, Journal of Occupational and Organisational Psychology, 76(1):53-68, 2003. “When the stakes are high: A limit to the illusion of control effect,” D. S. Dunn, T. D. Wilson, Social Cognition, 8(3):305-323, 1990. “Heads I win, tails it’s chance: The illusion of control as a function of the sequence of outcomes in a purely chance task,” E. J. Langer, J. Roth, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 32(6):191-198, 1975.
[no amount of fiddling...]
A point earlier made by Romer. “Implementing a National Technology Strategy with Self-Organizing Industry Investment Boards,” P. M. Romer, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Martin Neil Baily and Clifford Winston (editors), Volume 2, Brookings Institution Press, 1993, pages 345-390-398-399.
[Congo exploitation]
King Leopold’s Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa, Adam Hochschild, Mariner Books, 1999. The River Congo: The Discovery, Exploration and Exploitation of the World’s Most Dramatic River, Peter Forbath, Harper & Row, 1977.
[Onward, Christian Soldiers]
The original hymn was by Sabine Baring-Gould. This 1893 satire, in reaction to the Matabeleland incursion, was by Henry Labouchier in Truth, cited here from: The Sacred Heart Review, March 18th, 1893, Volume 9, Number 17, page 6.

Onward, Christian soldiers! / On to heathen lands! / Prayer-book in your pockets, / Rifles in your hands. / Take the happy tidings / Where trade can be done; / Spread the peaceful Gospel / With a Gatling gun!

Tell the wretched natives / Sinful are their hearts. / Turn their heathen temples / Into spirit marts. / And if to your preaching / They will not succumb, / Substitute for sermons / Adulterated rum.

Tell them they are pagans, / In black error sunk, / Make of them good Christians, / That is, make them drunk! / And if on the Bible / Still they dare to frown, / You must do your duty — / Take and shoot them down!

When the Ten Commandments / They quite understand, / You their chief must hocus / And annex their land, / And if they, misguided, / Call you to account / Read them — in their language — / The Sermon on the Mount.

If, spite all your teaching, / Trouble still they give; / If, spite rum and measles. / Some of them still live; / Then with purpose moral, / Spread false tales about, / Instigate a quarrel / And let them fight it out.”

But then, variants (for example, replacement of ’Christian’ by ’Chartered’) were taken up by the Matabeleland invaders themselves.

Pile on the Brown Man’s burden! / And if ye rouse his hate, / Meet his old-fashioned reasons / With Maxim’s—up to date— / With shells and Dum-Dum bullets / A hundred times make plain / The Brown Man’s loss must never / Imply the White Man’s gain

See: The Social History of the Machine Gun, John Ellis, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1975, page 100. Also: Empire: The Rise and Demise of The British World Order and The Lessons for Global Power, Niall Ferguson, Basic Books, 2004, page 189.

[rubber and napalm]
Latex from the rubber tree was used in World War II as a jelling agent with gasoline to make the first napalm. Today’s napalm is made with benzene and polystyrene.
[bloodbath in the Congo since 1998]
The IRC estimates that 5.4 million have died since 1998. Children under five make up 19 percent of the population, but they make up nearly half of the deaths. Starvation and disease killed the most people. Fever (mostly from malaria), diarrhea, malnutrition, and respiratory problems were the biggest killers. “Mortality in the Democratic Republic of Congo: a nationwide survey,” B. Coghlan, R. J. Brennan, P. Ngoy, D. Dofara, B. Otto, M. Clements, T. Stewart, The Lancet, 367(9504):44-51, 2006. Mortality in the Democratic Republic of Congo: An ongoing crisis, International Rescue Committee, 2008.

See also: “More Vicious Than Rape,” Rod Nordland, Newsweek, June 1st, 2007.

Parts of the final report of the United Nations panel in October 2003 have not been made public. The United Nations cites ‘diplomatic reasons’ for the secrecy. The interim reports conclude that the main forces responsible for the illegal exploitation are the armies of Burundi, Uganda, and Rwanda, and various elites in the Congo. The country’s mineral assets are transported to other countries, then sold. The profits then fuel further conflict. Exports from countries fighting the government have increased exponentially since 1998.

In 2003, the main resources fueling the conflict were: coltan (a tantalum-niobium ore), diamonds, copper, cobalt, and gold. Moreover, 29 international companies were involved; the report names companies and persons from Belgium, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Britain, the United States, Germany and many others. In the October 2002 report, the panel accused 85 international corporations of breaching the standards of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) through their business activities. But the United Nations refused to publish that list. Report of the Panel of Experts on the Illegal Exploitation of Natural Resources and Other Forms of Wealth of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, S/2001/357 and S/2002/1146, United Nations Security Council, 2001.

We use tantalum to make electrolytic capacitors, which are useful in a wide range of digital devices, especially portable ones, like mobile phones. While tantalum is implicated in fueling the conflict in Congo, most of the world’s tantalum comes from Australia. Canada, Brazil, and China also are suppliers. However, Congo has the largest deposits known so far. (It’s being exploited by hand labor in poor conditions, so output is much smaller than industrial mines in places like Australia.)
[the Oklahoma experiment]
The 1954 experiment was done by University of Oklahoma psychologists (Muzafer Sherif and his wife Carolyn Sherif), who (inspired by the 1943 work of sociologist William F. Whyte and the 1953 work of social psychologist O. J. Harvey) refined intergroup conflict experiments that they had tried before (the 1949 ‘Happy Valley Camp’ study in rural Winstead, Connecticut, and the 1953 ‘Camp Talualac’ study, in Middle Grove in upstate New York). In 1954 they chose 22 white, Protestant, suburban, middle-class, two-parent, well-adjusted, physically normal, above-average-IQ, 11- to 12-year old boys, none of whom knew each other. They split the boys into two balanced groups, with each group ignorant of the other. The Robbers Cave Experiment: Intergroup Conflict and Cooperation, Muzafer Sherif, O. J. Harvey, B. Jack White, William R. Hood, and Carolyn W. Sherif, Wesleyan University Press, 1988, (see page 84 for the lone text quote).

One point is that we don’t, for example, commit genocide because a few of us are genocidal. So it’s not a simple matter of finding them, taking them out back, and shooting them. On the other hand, intergroup conflict doesn’t arise just as a simple matter of bringing two groups into contact. Those groups have to be prepared appropriately and have to be made to perceive that they’re competing in a zero-sum (or negative-sum) game over some desirable or even vital resource—as armies the world over have found for millennia—otherwise we won’t kill. Further, once intergroup conflict is kindled, for whatever reason, alleviating it is no simple matter of merely requesting that, or merely re-bringing the two groups together to have meals, or whatever. It requires special circumstances, or guile and, perhaps even force.

“If intergroup behavior were first and foremost a matter of understanding the behavior of exceptionally disturbed individuals, it would not be the issue of vital consequence that it is today.” In Common Predicament: Social Psychology of Intergroup Conflict and Cooperation, Muzafer Sherif, Houghton Mifflin, 1966, page 13.

For related results in social psychology, see: “Obedience and Tyranny in Psychology and History,” S. D. Reicher, S. A. Haslam, Social Psychology of Social Problems: The Intergroup Context, Agnieszka Golec de Zavala and Aleksandra Cichocka (editors), Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, pages 172-202. Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View, Stanley Milgram, HarperCollins, 2009. The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil, Philip G. Zimbardo, Random House, 2008. Us and Them: Understanding Your Tribal Mind, David Berreby, Little, Brown, 2005, Chapter 8, pages 157-181.

[one group on a hot rock]
Given our rapidly rising resource demand between now and 2030 or so, we’re facing something like the equivalent of the near certainty of a small asteroid impact sometime in our near future. Is that enough to bring us together as one species? Not a chance—at least not unless some hostile spaceships land so that we can unite as one planet against the hated foe (if they want any of our stuff, that is). But even were that to happen, it may not matter much because there would still be network effects to consider. Our descendants may look back at us with wry amusement as we bumble our way along with our blunt instruments and short-term, short-sighted, fumble-fingered policies.
[Eisenhower speeches]
The first was the ‘Chance for Peace’ speech, given on April 16th, 1953. The second was the ‘Military-Industrial Complex’ speech, given on January 17th, 1961.
[busy giddy minds with foreign quarrels]
“Henry IV: [...] Yet, though thou stand’st more sure than I could do, / Thou art not firm enough, since griefs are green; / And all my friends, which thou must make thy friends, / Have but their stings and teeth newly ta’en out; / By whose fell working I was first advanced / And by whose power I well might lodge a fear / To be again displaced: which to avoid, / I cut them off; and had a purpose now / To lead out many to the Holy Land, / Lest rest and lying still might make them look / Too near unto my state. Therefore, my Harry, / Be it thy course to busy giddy minds / With foreign quarrels; that action, hence borne out, / May waste the memory of the former days.”

Henry IV, William Shakespeare, Part II, Act IV, Scene V.

[United States bases, 2018]
“[...] DoD is still one of the Federal government’s larger holders of real estate managing a global real property portfolio that consists of over 585,000 facilities (buildings, structures, and linear structures), located on 4,775 sites worldwide and covering approximately 26.9 million acres. [...] The DoD manages a worldwide real property portfolio that spans all 50 states, 8 United States territories with outlying areas, and 45 foreign countries. The majority of the foreign sites are located in Germany (194 sites), Japan (121 sites), and South Korea (83 sites).” Base Structure Report, Fiscal Year 2018 Baseline, A Summary of the Real Property Inventory Data, United States Department of Defense, 2017, pages 2, 7. “Base Structure Report,” (Listing of Facilities) for Fiscal Year 2010, United States Defense Department, page 26.
[global nuclear weapons]
SIPRI Yearbook: Armaments, Disarmament and International Security, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Oxford University Press, 2009, pages 345-346.
[possible climate effects of 100 nukes]
“Massive global ozone loss predicted following regional nuclear conflict,” M. J. Mills, O. B. Toon, R. P. Turco, D. E. Kinnison, R. R. Garcia, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 105(14):5307-5312, 2008.
[global arms sales]
Rounded to the nearest thousand million and expressed in constant 2006 U.S. dollars. “Conventional Arms Transfers to Developing Nations, 1999-2006,” R. F. Grimmett, CRS Report for Congress, Congressional Research Service, The Library of Congress, 2007, Table 8A, page 81, and Table 2I, page 67. Since this is a report on sales to developing nations, it doesn’t include sales to developed nations, which distorts the overall figures. The top seven developing nations listed in the text only bought about a third of all arms sold in the period. The top five arms sellers, with the exception of Germany, have, for the last 60 years, formed the United Nations Security Council—the closest thing we have to a global peacekeeping organization. Ironic.
[an earlier military-industrial complex in Britain]
An argument could be made that Britain had a military-industrial complex a century or more before the United States did. “What was the Royal Navy for in the mid-nineteenth century? The navy was a useful way for the government to re-distribute money into the national economy; it provided economic security through the demands made on the nation for the upkeep of the navy, a navy which in turn ensured a steady flow of raw materials and access to markets throughout the empire; it provided a psychological deterent [sic] to other nations who might desire to destablize that imperial system; and finally, it was a living experiment for the introduction and application of the new technologies issuing forth from Britain’s industrial revolution. The complexity of that reality requires that British maritime strength be taken as much more than simply a ‘naval’ force in any historical analysis and, therefore, can only truly be appreciated in the context of Empire.” From: “Maritime Strength and the British Economy, 1840-1850,” G. Kennedy, The Northern Mariner/Le Marin du nord, 7(2):51-69, 1997.

Brewer extends its birth in Britain backward to the 1600s and calls it the ‘fiscal-military state.’

“As an organization, the fiscal-military state dwarfed any civilian enterprise. The capital investment it demanded, the running costs it incurred, its labour requirements and the logistical problems that it posed were all of a different order of magnitude from even the very largest eighteenth-century private business.

The capital assets of a large business in the early eighteenth century rarely exceeded £10,000.... By comparison naval vessels cost a small fortune. In the late seventeenth century the navy spent between £33,000 and £39,000 to build a first-rate ship.... By the second half of the eighteenth century the cost of constructing the largest ships had nearly doubled.

The total fixed capital required to form a large navy was therefore enormous. In the first half of the eighteenth century the British navy boasted twenty ships of the first and second rates, approximately forty vessels of the third rate, as well as an additional 120 smaller vessels of the fourth, fifth and sixth rates. If we assume that the costs of ship construction had not risen since the late seventeenth century, then the entire fleet amounted to a capital investment of nearly £2.25 million whose replacement cost was approximately 4 per cent of national income.... The fixed capital in one of the largest sectors of the nation’s most important industry was therefore a mere 18 per cent of the fixed capital required to launch the British navy....

Naval dockyards were, by the standards of the day, immense enterprises. They were the largest industrial units in the country, dwarfing their nearest rivals, the breweries and the mines. During the War of Austrian Succession, for example, the Portsmouth dockyard employed a workforce of over 2000. By the 1770s the total labour force in naval dockyards had reached over 8000, with half of these men working at Portsmouth and Plymouth. The navy was thus one of the largest single employers of civilian labour in eighteenth-century England. Naval ships and shipbuilding operated on a scale quite unlike that of civilian industry and commerce. Capital and labour were deployed in a manner that was beyond the resources of the merchant or manufacturer. Only the state could undertake enterprises on such a scale.”

The Sinews of Power: War, Money and the English State, 1688-1783, John Brewer, Unwin Hyman, 1989, pages 27-28.

[development of the cold war arms race]
“If real political leaders understood from one end of the Cold War to the other that even one hydrogen bomb was sufficient deterrence, why did they allow the arms race to devour the wealth of the nation while it increased the risk of an accidental Armageddon? In 1982, political scientist Miroslav Nincic examined the economics of the arms race and discovered that it was hardly a race at all; US and Soviet levels of defense spending were only weakly coupled at best. Far more influential on the US side were such domestic political phenomena as competition among the military services, coalitions of scientific and industrial organizations promoting new technologies, the pressure of ‘defense’ as a political issue and defense spending to prime the economic pump, particularly in election years. Similar patterns obtained along somewhat different lines for the Soviet command economy. ‘The arms race,’ Nincic summarized, ‘is imbedded in circumstances proper to the domestic political and economic systems of the superpowers in addition to dynamics inherent in the interaction between the two nations.’ Having worked the numbers, Nincic concluded that all the high claptrap of arms strategy was essentially decorative: ‘Strategic doctrines are designed, in large part, to justify the weaponry that the arms race has imposed on both the United States and the Soviet Union.’ Which is independent confirmation of John Manley’s dictum that in Washington (and in Moscow), ‘You don’t do staff work and then make a decision. You make a decision and then do the staff work.’ Since defense spending reduces civilian investment and consumption (each dollar spent on defense between 1938 and 1969, for example, implied a loss of forty-two cents from consumption—that is, went into building weapons rather than cars or public schools), any more than the minimum is evidently parasitic.

Politicians found it possible to rationalize encouraging such parasitism for political gain because they believed they had reliable command and control of the nuclear arsenal. The Cuban missile crisis demonstrated how much less reliable was that command and control than they believed, to such an extent that it scared both superpowers off escalation and direct confrontation for the duration of the conflict. Potentially catastrophic false warnings and accidents recurred down through the years.

Efforts at arms limitation foundered not only on Soviet refusal to admit inspection, as cold warriors claim. It also foundered on the resistance of US hawks, Edward Teller prominent among them, to any reduction in the pace of technological advance even when that advance—attaching multiple warheads to missiles, for example—actually gave away advantage. Minimal deterrence was political suicide so long as the Soviet Union existed, as Jimmy Carter learned when he proposed it shortly after his election in 1976.”

Dark Sun: The Making Of The Hydrogen Bomb, Richard Rhodes, Simon & Schuster, 1995, pages 585-586.

[international wars]
The Human Security Report 2005: War and Peace in the 21st Century, University of British Columbia, Oxford University Press, 2005, page 26.
[upward slope...]
We today still pass around cartoons of fish struggling out of the sea and turning into us. And when we want to say that we approve of something we still use words like ‘progressive,’ ‘advanced,’ ‘higher.’ That’s an idea that goes back, in one way or another, as at least as far back as Aristotle and his ladder. But from the point of view of today’s science, Aristotle’s ladder makes no sense. A shark isn’t ‘lower’ than a goldfish even though its species is over 400 million years older. It’s merely bigger and can bite your leg off. When some fish turned their fins into legs 360Mya they didn’t ‘progress.’ When deer-like animals 48Mya turned their legs back into fins and became whales they didn’t ‘regress.’ When hippo-like animals gave up their aquatic life to turn into elephants 37Mya they didn’t ‘advance.’ Our species is no different. When, 20Mya, our lineage lost the ability to make vitamin C—and so became prone to scurvy—we didn’t ‘decline.’ We merely changed. We aren’t ‘better’ or ‘worse’ than other animals because we have pistols and lip gloss.

Of the various species ancestries listed above, all but two are discussed in several recent specialized biology texts. For example, the goldfish originated from Carassius auratus. The whale and elephant ancestry are more recent, and thus more tentative.

“Paleocene emergence of elephant relatives and the rapid radiation of African ungulates,” E. Gheerbrant, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106(26):10717-10721, 2009. “Stable isotope evidence for an amphibious phase in early proboscidean evolution,” A. G. S. C. Liu, E. R. Seiffert, E. L. Simons, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105(15):5786-5791, 2008. “Whales originated from aquatic artiodactyls in the Eocene epoch of India,” J. G. M. Thewissen, L. N. Cooper, M. T. Clementz, S. Bajpai, B. N. Tiwar, Nature, 450(7173):1190-1194, 2007. The Emergence of Whales: Evolutionary Patterns in the Evolution of Cetacea, J. G. M. Thewissen (editor), Springer, 1998.

Biologists do use terms like ‘higher organisms’ but they mean something quite specific in context, like, for example, multicellular life versus single-celled life. They also speak of ‘lower animals’ and so on, again with the meaning in context of, for example, non-mammalian animals. Really, they should say ‘earlier’ and ‘later’ species. Similarly, when they say ‘primitive’ all they mean is that one species preceded another in the fossil record (or was an ancestor of another). They really shouldn’t use such terms though because it only encourages non-biologists to misunderstand and misuse them. There is no provable ‘drive to complexity’ in biology, but non-biologists don’t know that. They’re imagining a ladder.

As far as we know, evolution isn’t going anywhere. We have yet to discover any direction in biology, other than diffusion over time. For a popular treatment, see: Full House: The Spread of Excellence from Plato to Darwin, Stephen J. Gould, Harmony Books, 1996. The Evolution of Complexity, by Means of Natural Selection, John Tyler Bonner, Princeton University Press, 1988. Evolutionary Progress, Matthew H. Nitecki (editor), University of Chicago Press, 1988. The Growth of Biological Thought: Diversity, Evolution, and Inheritance, Ernst Mayr, Harvard University Press, 1982, especially page 532.

[the idea of ‘progress’]
Today it’s common to think that we used to be ‘primitive’ or ‘savage’ and that we ‘progressed’ or ‘advanced’ when we switched from foraging to farming (or from farming to factories). But in the swarm-physics point of view, we weren’t and we didn’t; we merely phase changed from one state to another. Attaching special adjectives to either state would be like ice calling water hotheaded, or steam calling water dense. We today might prefer one state to another only because by about five millennia ago many of us around the globe had become farmers, and that’s still the norm for billions of us today. In short, humans after the farming phase change look ‘more like us’ so they must be ‘better.’

The most recent incarnation of the idea of ‘progress’ dates back to Victorian times. For example: “As it is in the nature of the development of man, as an individual and collectively, to be progressive, it must of necessity follow that this development should be from a lower to a higher stage, from the weak, helpless state of infancy, to the maturity and power of manhood; from a rude and barbarous phase to a more refined civilization. The idea itself of progression involves the belief in an ascent from lower to higher.

The individual man begins life as a helpless infant, then rises through the successive stages of childhood, youth, till he reaches maturity in manhood.

The initial steps of man’s social progress, are those of a rude and barbarous savage, thence advancing through successive phases, society attains a more perfect and complete form. Adopting the words of Waitz, “We may start from the assumption that, as in the life of individuals, so also in that of nations, all cultivation is something secondary, resting upon a gradual progress to a better state than was the primitive or natural state of mankind. This natural state, marked by the absence of all cultivation, we must imagine to have been the original condition of every race.”

Man collectively is led by a natural instinct, which is shared in common by all the higher races of men, to follow out a similar sequence of phases of civilization, as naturally as the growth of the individual man proceeds in the same stages of development.”

Pre-historic Phases; Or, Introductory Essays on Pre-historic Archæology, Hodder M. Westropp, Bell & Daldy, 1872, pages 1-2.

But over the millennia, in general, different generations have been forward-facing or backward-facing in different parts of the world. History of the Idea of Progress, Robert Nisbet, Basic Books, 1980. The Idea of Progress: History and Society, Sidney Pollard, Pelican Books, 1971. The Idea of Progress: An Inquiry into Its Origin and Growth, J. B. Bury, Macmillan and Co., 1920. This really isn’t about ‘progress’ at all. It’s about power.

[species survival]
Perhaps the people to worry about aren’t the greedy, the power-hungry, the malicious, or even the nihilist, but the absolutist—those who have stopped searching because they’ve found the one true answer—whatever their political or religious orientation.

As Camus pointed out, values for the true revolutionary are “only to be found at the end of history. Until then there is no suitable criterion on which to base a judgment of value. One must act and live in terms of the future. All morality becomes provisional.” The Rebel: An Essay on Man in Revolt, Albert Camus, 1956, Vintage, Reissue Edition, 1992.

[mis-estimation of change based on assumed linearity]
Ada Lovelace made that point long ago. “In considering any new subject, there is frequently a tendency, first, to overrate what we find to be already interesting or remarkable; and, secondly, by a sort of natural reaction, to undervalue the true state of the case, when we do discover that our notions have surpassed those that were really tenable.” From: “Art. XXIX.-Sketch of the Analytical Engine invented by Charles Babbage, Esq. By L. F. Menabrea of Turin, Officer of the Military Engineers,” in: Scientific Memoirs, Selected from the Transactions of Foreign Academies of Science and Learned Societies and from Foreign Journals, Volume III, Richard Taylor (editor), Richard and John E. Taylor, 1843, pages 666-731 (Note G begins on page 722).
[nuclear weapons, global armament spending, 2020]
The United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, China, India, Pakistan, Israel, and North Korea had about 13,400 nukes, of which 3,720 were deployed. Around 1,800 of those are in a state of high operational readiness.

“World military expenditure is estimated to have been US$1917 billion in 2019. It accounted for 2.2 per cent of world gross domestic product (GDP) or $249 per person. [...] The five largest suppliers in 2015-19—the United States, Russia, France, Germany and China—accounted for 76 per cent of the total volume of exports. Since 1950, the USA and Russia (or the Soviet Union before 1992) have consistently been by far the largest suppliers. In 2015-19 US arms exports accounted for 36 per cent of the global total and were 23 per cent higher than in 2010-14. By far the largest recipient of US arms in 2015-19 was Saudi Arabia, which received 25 per cent of US arms exports, up from 7.4 per cent in 2010-14. [...] The top 10 list of suppliers has historically been dominated by the USA, Russia and West European suppliers, and has generally only included suppliers that had previously appeared among the top 10. In 2015-19, South Korea was the first state in decades to become a top 10 supplier having never been one before.” SIPRI Yearbook: Armaments, Disarmament, and International Security, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Oxford University Press, 2020, pages 10-13.

In 2003 it was about $956 million U.S. In 2007 it was about $1.3 thousand million U.S., with a world GDP of around $53 thousand million. In 2008 it was about $1.464 thousand million U.S., with a world GDP of around $60 thousand million. (So about one dollar in every 40.) From 1999 to 2006 the United States sold $124 billion U.S. worth of non-nuclear arms. Russia sold $54 billion; France, $27 billion; Britain, $18 billion; Germany, $16 billion; China, $11 billion. Of those arms, Saudi Arabia bought $46 billion; China, $17 billion; Egypt, $11 billion. The United Arab Emirates, India, Taiwan, and Israel each bought about $10 billion. SIPRI Yearbook: Armaments, Disarmament, and International Security, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Oxford University Press, 2009, especially Chapter 5.

[violent deaths in the 1900s]
Despite our various wars and genocides, and our widespread perception that not only are we disproportionately violent as a species, we’re also getting more so all the time, in fact our levels of violence declined across the last century, even though our numbers more than doubled in that time (a factor of 2.68 since 1950). The Human Security Report: War and Peace in the 21st Century, University of British Columbia, Oxford University Press, 2005, pages 29-31.
[the role of chance versus that of government]
For an insider’s analysis of a recent big boom (and bust) in the United States, see: The Roaring Nineties: A New History of the World’s Most Prosperous Decade, Joseph E. Stiglitz, W. W. Norton, 2003.
[...a colossal machine we barely understand]
What we may be figuring out about cells, termites, brains, food webs, cities, markets, and our growing global network, suggests that they, and networks like them, all seem to have roughly similar aspects. What matters most about them isn’t how big they are, nor what they’re made of, nor what their parts may each wish—if they wish anything at all, or even have brains to wish with—but the interactions of those parts in terms of what creates what, what supports what, what talks to what, and how fast. If such reaction networks are recursive—that is, if they close in on themselves—and if they grow to be dense and diverse enough, they can cross an interaction threshold and act and react so fast that non-linear network forces—perhaps ones needing odd names like autocatalysis, synergy, stigmergy, ecogenesis, closure, and autopoiesis—may matter at least as much as any possible leader, plan, or belief.

The text’s point of view falls between the stools of total despair, à la Pascal’s crisis of faith, and perhaps immoderate hope, à la Keynes in 1930 before the deluge.

“We are floating in a medium of a vast extent, always drifting uncertainly, blown to and for; whenever we think we have a fixed point to which we can cling and make fast, it shifts and leaves us behind; if we follow it, it eludes our grasp, slips away, and flees eternally before us. Nothing stands still for us. This is our natural state and yet the state most contrary to our inclinations. We burn with desire to find a firm footing, an ultimate, lasting base on which to build a tower rising up to infinity, but our whole foundation cracks and the earth opens up into the depth of the abyss.”

Pensées, Blaise Pascal, translated by A. J. Krailsheimer, Penguin, 1996, page 63.

“The world has been slow to realize that we are living this year in the shadow of one of the greatest economic catastrophes of modern history. But now that the man in the street has become aware of what is happening, he, not knowing the why and wherefore, is as full to-day of what may prove excessive fears as, previously, when the trouble was first coming on, he was lacking in what would have been a reasonable anxiety. He begins to doubt the future. Is he now awakening from a pleasant dream to face the darkness of facts? Or dropping off into a nightmare which will pass away?”

“He need not be doubtful. The other was not a dream. This is a nightmare, which will pass away with the morning. For the resources of nature and men’s devices are just as fertile and productive as they were. The rate of our progress towards solving the material problems of life is not less rapid. We are as capable as before of affording for everyone a high standard of life—high, I mean, compared with, say, twenty years ago—and will soon learn to afford a standard higher still. We were not previously deceived. But to-day we have involved ourselves in a colossal muddle, having blundered in the control of a delicate machine, the working of which we do not understand. The result is that our possibilities of wealth may run to waste for a time—perhaps for a long time.”

Essays in Persuasion, John Maynard Keynes, W. W. Norton, 1963, pages 135-136.

[McLuhan on fish in water]
Technology and World Trade: Proceedings of a Symposium, National Bureau of Standards Miscellaneous Publication 284, United States Government Printing Office, 1967, page 29.
[“shall the sword devour for ever?”]
“And the children of Benjamin gathered themselves together after Abner, and became one troop, and stood on the top of an hill. Then Abner called to Joab, and said, Shall the sword devour for ever? knowest thou not that it will be bitterness in the latter end? how long shall it be then, ere thou bid the people return from following their brethren?”

The Bible, The King James Version, Samuel 2:25-26.

[horrorshow, droogs...]
A Clockwork Orange, Anthony Burgess, William Heinemann, 1962.

In a Dark Night with Anxious Love Inflamed

[“dark night”]
The title is from Saint John of the Cross, a sixteenth-century Spanish monk, mystic, and poet. “En una noche oscura, / con ansias en amores inflamada, / (¡oh dichosa ventura!) / salí sin ser notada, / estando ya mi casa sosegada.”

Elsewhere he writes of his poem that “[E]ven though this happy night darkens the spirit, it does so only to impart light concerning all things; and even though it humbles individuals and reveals their miseries, it does so only to exalt them; and even though it impoverishes and empties them of all possessions and natural affection, it does so only that they may reach out divinely to the enjoyment of all earthly and heavenly things.”

John of the Cross: Selected Writings, The Dark Night, Book 2, Chapter 9, Kieran Kavanaugh (editor), Paulist Press, 1987, page 204.

[effect of the Tambora eruption on worldwide weather]
On Monday April 10th, 1815, the Tambora volcano on the island of Sumbawa in Indonesia blew up in the most explosive eruption in human history. Ejecting 36 cubic miles (150 cubic kilometers) of dirt and rock, it immediately took 71,000 lives. The bad weather it induced then aided typhus and cholera outbreaks the next year. That year, 1816, also saw starvation in North America, Britain, Ireland, France, Germany, Switzerland, India, Northern China, and Korea. In New England, it got so cold that there 1816 was called 1816 ‘The Year Without a Summer.’ In Britain, the unusually wet weather, plus price controls on cheap foreign grain, nearly triggered a revolution. Britain’s landowners, terrified by the French Revolution plus Britain’s rising industrial class, which was energized by the steam engine and its fallout, grew even more repressive. The Battle of Waterloo the year before, bringing an end to the Napoleonic wars, only intensified the fear. To Britain’s aristocracy, everything seemed to be falling apart.

The Year Without Summer: 1816 and the Volcano That Darkened the World and Changed History, William K. Klingaman and Nicholas P. Klingaman, St. Martin’s Press, 2013. “Climatic, environmental and human consequences of the largest known historic eruption: Tambora volcano (Indonesia) 1815,” C. Oppenheimer, Progress in Physical Geography, 27(2):230-259, 2003. Climate, History and the Modern World, H. H. Lamb, Routledge, 1995, page 433. “The Tempest-toss’d Summer of 1816: Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein,” J. Clubbe, The Byron Journal, 19(1):26-40, 1991. Volcano Weather: The Story of 1816, the Year without a Summer, Henry and Elizabeth Stommel, Seven Seas Press, 1983.

Another (unknown) volcano erupted in 1809, just before Tambora (in 1815), thus deepening the climate effect for the whole decade. “Cold decade (AD 1810-1819) caused by Tambora (1815) and another (1809) stratospheric volcanic eruption,” J. Cole-Dai, D. Ferris, A. Lanciki, J. Savarino M. Baroni, M. H. Thiemens, Geophysical Research Letters, 36(22):L22703, 2009. “Two major volcanic cooling episodes derived from global marine air temperature, AD 1807-1827,” M. Chenoweth, Geophysical Research Letters, 28(15):2963-2966, 2001.

[Shelley and Byron]
Byron was fleeing scandal. He’d just married a woman he didn’t want. He preferred sleeping with his half-sister. He also preferred countries where dallying with boys wasn’t punished by death. Shelley too was fleeing scandal. He’d left his wife and, still married, had taken up with Mary (when she was sixteen—Claire, her stepsister, was fifteen).
[the Tambora-induced thunder storms of 1816]
Mary, in a letter, perhaps to Fanny Imlay, her half-sister, dated June 1st, 1816, wrote that “The thunder storms that visit us are grander and more terrific than I have ever seen before. We watch them as they approach from the opposite side of the lake, observing the lightning play among the clouds in various parts of the heavens, and dart in jagged figures upon the piny heights of Jura, dark with the shadow of the overhanging cloud, while perhaps the sun is shining cheerily upon us. One night we enjoyed a finer storm than I had ever before beheld. The lake was lit up—the pines on Jura made visible, and all the scene illuminated for an instant, when a pitchy blackness succeeded, and the thunder came in frightful bursts over our heads amid the darkness.” The Letters of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, Volume 1, Betty T. Bennett (editor), Johns Hopkins University Press, 1980.
[inexplicable monster bones]
That was Georges Cuvier. One such find was a fossil jaw over a meter long. Recherches sur les ossements fossiles de quadrupèdes, Georges Léopole Chrétien Frédéric Dagobert, Baron Cuvier, 1812.
[reanimating dead people]
One such experiment was performed on January 18th, 1803, by Giovanni Aldini, nephew of Luigi Galvani, in London on the corpse of the hanged man George Forster. William Godwin, father of the future Mary Shelley (she was five at the time), attended the exhibition. The event, and several similar ones, was widely reported in the press and widely discussed. The Spark of Life: Electricity in the Human Body, Frances Ashcroft, W. W. Norton, 2012, page 29. The Age of Wonder: The Romantic Generation and the Discovery of the Beauty and Terror of Science, Richard Holmes, Random House, 2008, page 317. Mary Shelley: Her Life, Her Fiction, Her Monsters, Anne K. Mellor, Methuen, 1988, page 105. “GEORGE FOSTER Executed at Newgate, 18th of January, 1803, for the Murder of his Wife and Child, by drowning them in the Paddington Canal; with a Curious Account of Galvanic Experiments on his Body,” The Newgate Calendar: The Malefactors’ Bloody Register, January 1803.
[speculation that humans evolved from apes]
Darwin wasn’t the first to write about evolution in 1859. He (also Wallace) was the first to come up with a strong argument for it. Speculation had been growing for a century already by the time he published Origin of Species, in 1859. His grandfather, Erasmus Darwin, for example, added to the speculations in 1794, in his Zoonomia. Everyone was careful, however. At the time, anyone in Europe espousing beliefs challenging Christianity in any way ended up in jail—or dead.

The particular person the text here backhandedly refers to, though, is Lamarck. He, however, did not claim that mankind evolved, he suggested that it might have happened (by various steps of his proposed mechanism of use-inheritance from other apelike ancestors). History of Physical Anthropology: An Encyclopaedia, Volume 1, Frank Spencer (editor), Taylor & Francis, 1997, pages 599-601 (entry on Lamarck by Peter J. Bowler). Evolution: The History of an Idea, Peter J. Bowler, University of California Press, 1989, page 92. Philosophie zoologique, ou expositions des considérations relatives à l’histoire naturelle des animaux, à la diversité de leur organisation et de facultés qu’ils en obtiennent, J.-B.-P.-A. Lamarck, Dentu, 1809, pages 348-357. Jean-Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet, Chevalier de Lamarck, (1809), Nouvelle Edition, Librairie F. Savy, 1873, pages 233-236.

Incidentally, among non-scientists (and many scientists outside biology) Lamarckism has been tainted as pseudoscience. That his armchair theory was naive is clear, but that more things influence even just physical inheritance is also clear today. For example, we now know that mice can acquire characteristics (like spotted tails, or coat color) without carrying a gene for those characteristics. Besides genomes, the mother’s (or grandmother’s) environment also matters as environmental conditions during creation of the egg can influence its distribution of molecules, and thus influence the structure of the offspring (their phenotype). What’s surprising is that this environmentally mediated phenotypic variation can sometimes be inherited (a process called ‘epigenesis’). “Transgenerational Epigenetic Inheritance: Prevalence, Mechanisms, and Implications for the Study of Heredity and Evolution,” E. Jablonka, G. Raz, The Quarterly Review of Biology, 84(2):131-176, 2009. Evolution in Four Dimensions: Genetic, Epigenetic, Behavioral, and Symbolic Variation in the History of Life, Eva Jablonka and Marion J. Lamb, The MIT Press, 2005. Developmental Plasticity and Evolution, Mary Jane West-Eberhard, Oxford University Press, 2003.

[like a sandcastle dissolving in an onrushing wave]
Thirty-two years later, Marx wrote that “The bourgeoisie cannot exist without constantly revolutionising the instruments of production, and thereby the relations of production, and with them the whole relations of society. Conservation of the old modes of production in unaltered form, was, on the contrary, the first condition of existence for all earlier industrial classes. Constant revolutionising of production, uninterrupted disturbance of all social conditions, everlasting uncertainty and agitation distinguish the bourgeois epoch from all earlier ones. All fixed, fast-frozen relations, with their train of ancient and venerable prejudices and opinions, are swept away, all new-formed ones become antiquated before they can ossify. All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned, and man is at last compelled to face with sober senses his real conditions of life, and his relations with his kind.” Manifesto of the Communist Party, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, 1848, translated by Samuel Moore, Charles H. Keer and Company, Reprint Edition, 1906, page 17.
[books mushrooming in Britain]
The number published in Britain leapt from about 2,000 in 1800 to 4,000 by 1810 to 6,000 by 1820. Those rough figures include pamphlets. They also count titles published in London, Oxford, Cambridge, Edinburgh, and Dublin. Nineteenth Century Short Title Catalogue, 1801-1815 and 1816-1870. The number of books held by the library of the British Museum quintupled between 1800 and 1833, from around 48,000 to nearly 250,000. Library: An Unquiet History, Matthew Battles, W. W. Norton, 2003, pages 121-122.
[Goethe on change]
“I cannot conclude without again referring to that over-charged music; everything, dear Friend, nowadays is ultra, everything perpetually transcendent in thought as in action. No one knows himself any longer, no one understands the element in which he moves and works, no one the subject which he is treating. Pure simplicity is out of the question; of simpletons we have enough.

Young people are excited much too early, and then carried away in the whirl of the time. Wealth and rapidity are what the world admires, and what everyone strives to attain. Railways, quick mails, steamships, and every possible kind of facility in the way of communication are what the educated world has in view, that it may over-educate itself, and thereby continue in a state of mediocrity. And it is, moreover, the result of universality, that a mediocre culture should become common; this is the aim of Bible Societies, of the Lancasterian method of instruction, and I know not what besides.

Properly speaking, this is the century for men with heads on their shoulders, for practical men of quick perceptions, who, because they possess a certain adroitness, feel their superiority to the multitude, even though they themselves may not be gifted in the highest degree. Let us, as far as possible, keep that mind with which we came hither; we, and perhaps a few others, shall be the last of an epoch which will not so soon return again.”

Letter to Zelter, Weimar, June 6th, 1825, Goethe’s Letters to Zelter: With Extracts from Those of Zelter to Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Carl Friedrich Zelter, translated by A. D. Coleridge, George Bell and Sons, 1892, pages 246-247.

[railway mania in the 1840s]
“The collapse of the Railway Mania, the development of capital markets, and the forgotten role of Robert Lucas Nash,” A. Odlyzko, Accounting History Review, 21(3):309-345, 2011. Although about the slightly earlier, and successful, railway bubble, see: “This time is different: An example of a giant, wildly speculative, and successful investment mania,” A. Odlyzko, B. E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 10(1):article 60, 2010.

In general, see: Fire & Steam: A History of the Railways in Britain, C. Wolmar, Atlantic Book, 2007. The Railway Mania and Its Aftermath, 1845-1852, Henry Grote Lewin, The Railway Gazette, 1936.

[price of wheat halved]
The Decline and Fall of the British Aristocracy, David Cannadine, Yale University Press, 1990, page 92.
[storm of tool change]
Tool change needn’t always benefit our richest. For example, the steamship benefited our rich at first, but it also harmed them because at the time land was power and the steamship made it less relevant. Britain’s aristocracy, for example, lost a lot of power partly because their farming land became less valuable as wool from Australia and maize from North America and beef from Argentina became cheaper in London than the same products from East Anglia. They also lost power because as new industrial tools spread, skilled hands became more important, and thus the suffrage extended out of just the landed gentry. From the 1880s to the 1950s, land lost value relative to factories.
[silent, upon a peak...]
Much have I travell’d in the realms of gold, / And many goodly states and kingdoms seen; / Round many western islands have I been / Which bards in fealty to Apollo hold. / Oft of one wide expanse had I been told / That deep-brow’d Homer ruled as his demesne; / Yet did I never breathe its pure serene / Till I heard Chapman speak out loud and bold: / Then felt I like some watcher of the skies / When a new planet swims into his ken; / Or like stout Cortez when with eagle eyes / He stared at the Pacific—and all his men / Look’d at each other with a wild surmise— / Silent, upon a peak in Darien.

“On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer,” John Keats, 1816.

[...passing-bells for these who die as cattle]
What passing-bells for these who die as cattle? / — Only the monstrous anger of the guns. / Only the stuttering rifles’ rapid rattle / Can patter out their hasty orisons. / No mockeries now for them; no prayers nor bells; / Nor any voice of mourning save the choirs,— / The shrill, demented choirs of wailing shells; / And bugles calling for them from sad shires.

What candles may be held to speed them all? / Not in the hands of boys, but in their eyes / Shall shine the holy glimmers of goodbyes. / The pallor of girls’ brows shall be their pall; / Their flowers the tenderness of patient minds, / And each slow dusk a drawing-down of blinds.

“Anthem for Doomed Youth,” Wilfred Owen, 1917.

[Byron supported the Luddite cause]
That was from a letter he sent to Lord Holland on February 25th, 1812, just before his famous speech to the House of Lords on the Luddite riots: “[...] I consider the manufacturers as a much injured body of men, sacrificed to the views of certain individuals who have enriched themselves by those practices which have deprived the frame-workers of employment. For instance;—by the adoption of a certain kind of frame, one man performs the work of seven—six are thus thrown out of business. But it is to be observed that that work thus done is far inferior in quality, hardly marketable at home, and hurried over with a view to exportation. Surely, my Lord, however we may rejoice in any improvement in the arts which may be beneficial to mankind, we must not allow mankind to be sacrificed to improvements in mechanism. The maintenance and well-doing of the industrious poor is an object of greater consequence to the community than the enrichment of a few monopolists by any improvement in the implements of trade, which deprives the workman of his bread, and renders the labourer ‘unworthy of his hire.’ ” Letter LXXXIX, The Life and Letters of Lord Byron, Thomas Moore (editor), Leavitt & Allen, 1858, page 116.
[Mary Wollstonecraft’s death in childbirth]
“The child was born at twenty minutes after eleven at night. Mary had requested that I would not come into the chamber till all was over, and signified her intention of then performing, the interesting office of presenting the new-born child to its father. I was sitting in a parlour; and it was not till after two o’clock on Thursday morning, that I received the alarming, intelligence, that the placenta was not yet removed, and that the midwife dared not proceed any further, and gave her opinion for calling in a male practitioner. I accordingly went for Dr. Poignard, physician and man-midwife to the same hospital, who arrived between three and four hours after the birth of the child. He immediately proceeded to the extraction of the placenta, which he brought away in pieces, till he was satisfied that the whole was removed. In that point however it afterwards appeared that he was mistaken.” Memoirs of the Author of ‘A Vindication of the Rights of Woman’, William Godwin, 1798, reprinted as Godwin’s Memoirs of Mary Wollstonecraft, Constable and Co., Ltd., 1928.
[two years of schooling in Britain circa 1820]
Growth and Interaction in the World Economy: The Roots of Modernity, Angus Maddison, The AEI Press, 2005, page 13. Monitoring the World Economy, Angus Maddison, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 1995, pages 252-255.
[schooling in Eritrea, 2019]
South Sudan was also 5. Those were the two lowest expected years of schooling in the whole world. (Expected years of schooling: Number of years of schooling that a child of school entrance age can expect to receive if prevailing patterns of age-specific enrolment rates persist throughout the child’s life.) World figure was 12.7. Life expectancy at birth: Number of years a newborn infant could expect to live if prevailing patterns of age-specific mortality rates at the time of birth stay the same throughout the infant’s life. World figure was 72.6. Human Development Report, 2019, Beyond income, beyond averages, beyond today: Empowered lives. Resilient nations. Inequalities in human development in the 21st century, United Nations Development Programme, 2019, Table 1, pages 302, 303.
[aristocrats were five inches taller]
“At the close of the Napoleonic wars, a typical British male worker at maturity was about 5 inches shorter than a mature male of upper-class birth. There is still a gap in stature between the workers and the elite of Britain, but now the gap is only on the order of 1 inch. Height differentials by social class have virtually disappeared in Sweden and Norway but not yet in the United States. Statistical analysis across a wide array of rich and poor countries today shows a strong correlation between stature and the Gini ratio.” The Escape from Hunger and Premature Death, 1700-2100: Europe, America, and the Third World, Robert William Fogel, Cambridge University Press, 2004, page 40.

“The advantage of the upper classes was even larger in nineteenth century England, where 14 year old Sandhurst boys, who attained approximately the 15th centile of modern NCHS height standards, exceeded the stature of those from the slums of London (taken in by the Marine Society) by 10 to 15 centimeters. Nearly every Sandhurst boy was taller than any boy at the Marine Society.” From: “Stature and the standard of living,” R. H. Steckel, Journal of Economic Literature, 33(4):1903-1940, 1995.

“The heights of German aristocrats in the late eighteenth century exceeded those of peasants by approximately 5 inches. In the 1870s the average height of the Italian upper class exceeded that of the poor by nearly 4.5 inches.” From: “Health and Nutrition in the American Midwest: Evidence from the Height of Ohio National Guardsmen, 1850-1910,” R. H. Steckel, D. R. Haurin, in: Stature, Living Standards, and Economic Development: Essays in Anthropometric History, John Komlos (editor), University of Chicago Press, 1994, page 124.

Such details never make it into our period dramas or romances. Another important missing ingredient in them is what food was like (awful), what toilets were like (don’t ask), and what hospitals were like (death traps—literally).

[Byron and Ada’s deaths]
Lord Byron died of treatment for a fever. His legitimate daughter, Ada, Countess of Lovelace, died of treatment for uterine cancer. The proximate cause of death in both cases was medicinal bloodletting. They both died aged 36. Ada: A Life and a Legacy, Dorothy Stein, The MIT Press, 1985.
[Byron’s daughter as the first computer programmer]
Byron’s daughter went on to work on programming the first attempted (mechanical) computer. That was Ada Lovelace. Her sketch of the ‘first computer program’ was a plan for Babbage’s proposed Analytical Engine to calculate Bernoulli numbers. The following extract is from Note G of her 1842 translation of Menabrea’s note on the engine, and is of special interest for multiple reasons.

“It is desirable to guard against the possibility of exaggerated ideas that might arise as to the powers of the Analytical Engine. In considering any new subject, there is frequently a tendency, first, to overrate what we find to be already interesting or remarkable; and, secondly, by a sort of natural reaction, to undervalue the true state of the case, when we do discover that our notions have surpassed those that were really tenable.

The Analytical Engine has no pretensions whatever to originate any thing. It can do whatever we know how to order it to perform. It can follow analysis; but it has no power of anticipating any analytical relations or truths. Its province is to assist us in making available what we are already acquainted with. This it is calculated to effect primarily and chiefly of course, through its executive faculties; but it is likely to exert an indirect and reciprocal influence on science itself in another manner. For, in so distributing and combining the truths and the formulæ of analysis, that they may become most easily and rapidly amenable to the mechanical combinations of the engine, the relations and the nature of many subjects in that science are necessarily thrown into new lights, and more profoundly investigated. This is a decidedly indirect, and a somewhat speculative, consequence of such an invention. It is however pretty evident, on general principles, that in devising for Mathematical truths a new form in which to record and throw themselves out for actual use, views are likely to be induced, which should again react on the more theoretical phase of the subject. There are in all extensions of human power, or additions to human knowledge, various collateral influences, besides the main and primary object attained.”

From: “Art. XXIX.-Sketch of the Analytical Engine invented by Charles Babbage, Esq. By L. F. Menabrea of Turin, Officer of the Military Engineers,” in: Scientific Memoirs, Selected from the Transactions of Foreign Academies of Science and Learned Societies and from Foreign Journals, Volume III, Richard Taylor (editor), Richard and John E. Taylor, 1843, pages 666-731 (Note G begins on page 722). See also: Ada, the Enchantress of Numbers: A Selection from the Letters of Lord Byron’s Daughter and Her Description of the First Computer, Strawberry Press, 1992. The Life And Letters of Anne Isabella, Lady Noel Byron. From Unpublished Papers In The Possession of the Late Ralph, Earl of Lovelace, Ethel Colburn Mayne, Constable, 1929.

[we tried to build a mechanical computer in the 1800s]
A man who would design the first computer: That was Charles Babbage’s Analytic Engine, which he tinkered on (having lost government funding after his Difference Engine exhausted its support) until he died in 1871. His son, Henry, then tried to put pieces of it together for the next few decades. It was never completed. Charles Babbage: Passages from the Life of a Philosopher, Martin Cambell-Kelly (editor), Rutgers University Press, 1994. Irascible Genius: A Life of Charles Babbage, Inventor, Maboth Moseley, Hutchinson, 1964. Passages from the Life of a Philosopher, Charles Babbage, Longmans, 1864.
[Aristotle’s Metaphysics]
“All men by nature desire to know. An indication of this is the delight we take in our senses; for even apart from their usefulness they are loved for themselves; and above all others the sense of sight. For not only with a view to action, but even when we are not going to do anything, we prefer seeing (one might say) to everything else. The reason is that this, most of all the senses, makes us know and brings to light many differences between things.” The Works of Aristotle, Volume VIII: Metaphysica, Book I, Part I, J. A. Smith and W. D. Ross (editors), translated by W. D. Ross, Oxford University Press, Second Edition, 1928.

Likely, Aristotle was echoing Socrates on this idea: “I see, my dear Theaetetus, that Theodorus had a true insight into your nature when he said that you were a philosopher, for wonder is the feeling of a philosopher, and philosophy begins in wonder.” The Dialogues of Plato, Volume IV, Theaetetus, translated by Benjamin Jowett, Oxford University Press, Third Edition, 1892, page 210.

[Kant on knowledge as a dare]
“Enlightenment is man’s emergence from his self-imposed immaturity. Immaturity is the inability to use one’s understanding without guidance from another. This immaturity is self-imposed when its cause lies not in lack of understanding, but in lack of resolve and courage to use it without guidance from another. Sapere Aude! [Dare to know!] ‘Have courage to use your own understanding!’—that is the motto of enlightenment.”

“Laziness and cowardice are the reasons why so great a proportion of men, long after nature has released them from alien guidance (naturaliter maiorennes), nonetheless gladly remain in lifelong immaturity, and why it is so easy for others to establish themselves as their guardians. It is so easy to be immature. If I have a book to serve as my understanding, a pastor to serve as my conscience, a physician to determine my diet for me, and so on, I need not exert myself at all. I need not think, if only I can pay: others will readily undertake the irksome work for me. The guardians who have so benevolently taken over the supervision of men have carefully seen to it that the far greatest part of them (including the entire fair sex) regard taking the step to maturity as very dangerous, not to mention difficult. Having first made their domestic livestock dumb, and having carefully made sure that these docile creatures will not take a single step without the go-cart to which they are harnessed, these guardians then show them the danger that threatens them, should they attempt to walk alone. Now this danger is not actually so great, for after falling a few times they would in the end certainly learn to walk; but an example of this kind makes men timid and usually frightens them out of all further attempts.”

“Immanuel Kant, An Answer to the Question: What is Enlightenment?” translated by T. Humphrey, in: Readings on Human Nature, Peter Loptson (editor), Broadview Press, 1998, pages 121-124.

[Aristotle on a First Mover]
Aristotle addressed the question in both his Metaphysics and his Physics. He thought there were only four kinds of change: change in quantity, quality, relation (which includes position), and substance. For him, ‘motion’ meant any of the first three kinds of change. Change in substance was creation or destruction of a thing. He then tried to follow his chain of reasoning backward, given his assumptions about reality: “[I]f besides sensible things no others exist, there will be no first principle, no order, no becoming, no heavenly bodies, but each principle will have a principle before it, as in the accounts of the theologians and all the natural philosophers.” The Works of Aristotle, Volume VIII: Metaphysica, Book XII, Part X, J. A. Smith and W. D. Ross (editors), translated by W. D. Ross, Oxford University Press, Second Edition, 1928.

As usual, things are built on other things. That includes Aristotle’s philosophy. He was reacting to and synthesizing work by Heraclitus, Parmenides, and Plato before him. For recent re-interpretations of Aristotle’s thoughts on the existence of a First Mover, see: Rethinking the Ontological Argument: A Neoclassical Theistic Response, Daniel A. Dombrowski, Cambridge University Press, 2006, particularly Chapter 2. Being and God in Aristotle and Heidegger: The Role of Method in Thinking the Infinite, Catriona Hanley, Rowman & Littlefield, 2000, particularly Chapter 3. Faces in the Clouds: A New Theory of Religion, Stewart Guthrie, Oxford University Press US, 1993, particularly Chapter 6.

[do we have a science of human behavior?]
“Twenty-five hundred years ago it might have been said that man understood himself as well as any other part of his world. Today he is the thing he understands least. Physics and biology have come a long way, but there has been no comparable development of anything like a science of human behavior. Greek physics and biology are now of historical interest only (no modern physicist or biologist would turn to Aristotle for help), but the dialogues of Plato are still assigned to students and cited as if they threw light on human behavior. Aristotle could not have understood a page of modern physics or biology, but Socrates and his friends would have little trouble in following most current discussions of human affairs. And as to technology, we have made immense strides in controlling the physical and biological worlds, but our practices in government, education, and much of economics, though adapted to very different conditions, have not greatly improved.

We can scarcely explain this by saying that the Greeks knew all there was to know about human behavior. Certainly they knew more than they knew about the world, but it was still not much. Moreover, their way of thinking about human behavior must have had some fatal flaw. Whereas Greek physics and biology, no matter how crude, led eventually to modern science, Greek theories of human behavior led nowhere. If they are with us today, it is not because they possessed some kind of eternal verity, but because they did not contain the seeds of anything better.

It can always be argued that human behavior is a particularly difficult field. It is, and we are especially likely to think so just because we are so inept in dealing with it. But modern physics and biology successfully treat subjects that are certainly no simpler than many aspects of human behavior. The difference is that the instruments and methods they use are of commensurate complexity. The fact that equally powerful instruments and methods are not available in the field of human behavior is not an explanation; it is only part of the puzzle.”

Beyond Freedom and Dignity, B. F. Skinner, Penguin, 1971, pages 11-12.

[Auden and the baffling crime—on Europe in 1940]
“Twelve months ago in Brussels, I / Heard the same wishful-thinking sigh / As round me, trembling on their beds, / Or taut with apprehensive dreads, / The sleepless guests of Europe lay / Wishing the centuries away, / [...] The situation of our time / Surrounds us like a baffling crime. / There lies the body half-undressed / We all had reason to detest, / And all are suspects and involved / Until the mystery is solved.” W. H. Auden, “New Year Letter,” 1940.
[Wilde and Miss Prism]
The Importance of Being Earnest, Oscar Wilde, Act II, 13-15.
[Stoppard and The Player]
Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead, Tom Stoppard, Act II, 80.
[Keats’ requested epitaph]
“Here lies one whose name was writ in water,” (1821). Keats, though, was quoting a usage already two centuries old: “... [A]ll your better deeds / Shall be in water writ, but this [infamy] in marble.” Philaster, Or: Love Lies A-bleeding, Act V, Scene III, Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher, around 1608-1610. Shakespeare, too, used the image sometime before 1613: “Men’s evil manners live in brass; their virtues / We write in water.” Henry VIII, Act IV, Scene II. Thomas More, a century before, also used it: “For men use, if they have an evil tourne, to write it in marble; and whoso doth us a good tourne, we write it in dust.” Richard III, around 1513. The image may not even be original to More, as Jean Bertaut, a French poet, used it around 1611: “L’injure se grave en métal; et le bienfait s’escrit en l’onde.” [Injury writes itself in metal, benefit writes itself in waves], probably quoting an older French proverb borrowed from the Arabic “Ecrivez les injures sur le sable, et les louanges sur le marbre.” [Write injuries in sand, and praises in marble]. Many small changes, hand to hand; who knows how far back it goes.
[bright day is done...]
“Iras [to Cleopatra]: Finish, good lady. The bright day is done, / And we are for the dark.”

Antony and Cleopatra, William Shakespeare, Act V, Scene II.

[Pushkin on heroes]
Often translated as: “Better the illusions that exalt us than 10,000 truths.” Today the quote takes the form that Anton Chekhov gave it in his short story Gooseberries (1898). But a transliteration of the original Russian is: “Dearer to me than a horde or lowly truths / Is the deceit which exalts us.” in: “Geroi” (The Hero), Alexander Pushkin, 1830.
[bows of burning gold]
“Bring me my Bow of burning gold: / Bring me my Arrows of desire: / Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold! / Bring me my Chariot of fire!”

“And did those feet in ancient time,” William Blake.

[we are our past, present, and future generations]
This idea is, of course, not original. In 1790, during the French Revolution, Edmund Burke noted that “Society is indeed a contract. Subordinate contracts for objects of mere occasional interest may be dissolved at pleasure—but the State ought not to be considered as nothing better than a partnership agreement in a trade of pepper and coffee, calico or tobacco, or some other such low concern, to be taken up for a little temporary interest, and to be dissolved by the fancy of the parties. It is to be looked on with other reverence; because it is not a partnership in things subservient only to the gross animal existence of a temporary and perishable nature. It is a partnership in all science; a partnership in all art; a partnership in every virtue, and in all perfection. As the ends of such a partnership cannot be obtained in many generations, it becomes a partnership not only between those who are living, but between those who are living, those who are dead, and one derives from being born into one’s own particular time. Among people now alive there are two very sharp dividing lines. One is between those who can and those who can’t remember the period before 1914; the other is between those who were adult before 1933 and those who were not. Other things being equal, who is likelier to have the truer vision at this moment, a person of twenty or a person of fifty? One can’t say, though on some points posterity may decide. Each generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it. This is an illusion, and one should recognise it as such, but one ought also to stick to one’s own world-view, even at the price of seeming old-fashioned: for that world-view springs out of experiences that the younger generation has not had, and to abandon it is to kill one’s intellectual roots.” The Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters of George Orwell, Volume IV: In Front of Your Nose, 1945-1950, Sonia Orwell and Ian Angus (editors), Secker & Warburg, 1968, page 51.


[many eyes see... Erasmus, Cicero, and Aristotle quotes]
For the backstory behind the Erasmus quote, tracking it back at least as far as Erasmus, and a likely (probably Dutch) vernacular origin of: Plus vident oculi quam oculus. [[Many] eyes see what one cannot.] See: “Dutch Proverbs and Expressions in Erasmus’ Adages, Colloquies, and Letters,” A. Wesseling, Renaissance Quarterly, 55(1):81-147, 2002. Studies in the Latin of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, Victor Selden Clark, New Era Printing Company, 1900, page 107.

Cicero wrote that: Et monere, et moneri, proprium est veræ amicitiæ; et alterum libere facere, non aspere; alteram patienter accipere, non repugnanter. [It is characteristic of true friendship both to give and to receive advice and, on the one hand, to give it with all freedom of speech, but without harshness, and on the other hand, to receive it patiently, but without resentment.] On Old Age. On Friendship. On Divination: De Senectute. De Amicitia. De Divinatione, Cicero, translated by William Armistead Falconer, (Loeb Classical Library No. 154) Harvard University Press, 1923, pages 198-199.

And before all, Aristotle wrote that: ἄνευ γὰρ φίλων οὐδεὶς ἕλοιτ᾽ ἂν ζῆν, ἔχων τὰ λοιπὰ ἀγαθὰ πάντα [without friends no one would choose to live, even if he had all other goods.] Nicomachean Ethics, Book VIII, Section I, (1155a5-6), Aristotle, translated by R. W. Browne, Henry G. Bohn, 1850, page 202.

[beauty is difficult... it’s all Greek to me...]
χαλεπὰ τὰ καλά

chalepa tà kalá. difficult [or harsh] the beautiful (things) [are]. Plato, Cratylus, 384b. See also: Hippias Major, 304e, The Republic, Book IV, 435c, Book V, 497d, and The Sophist, 259c.

Plato uses the phrase (proverb, really) three times, each time putting them into the mouth of Socrates. Each time Socrates makes use of the phrase to a different end. For encouragement (in Cratylus) for rebuke (in Hippias Major) and as a test (in The Republic). Πάντα ῥεῖ (Heraclitus: pánta rhei. Everything flows...)

This book has been arduous. Perhaps it has been useful.

—Acta fabula est— Nunc est bibendum, nunc pede libero pulsanda tellus.