This Sample Homepage (index.html) was auto-generated.
You can replace this file and upload files to this site as follows:

Upload Server -
Upload Protocol - ssh/scp/sftp
Upload Account Username - liduan
Upload Account Passphrase - Same as your normal IU passphrase
Path to Web Directory - cgi-pub (full path /u/liduan/cgi-pub)

The full path to this file is /u/liduan/cgi-pub/index.html

If you wish to use php, you must use files with the .php file extension. For example, you can create a file named index.php if you want to use php for your top-level homepage.

If you wish to use cgi programs, you must use files with the .cgi file extension. For example, you can create an executable file named index.cgi if you want to use cgi for your top-level homepage.

More information about php and cgi hosting are available at:

How do I run CGI scripts on the SICE web server?
How do I use PHP on the SICE web server?