We are honored and proud to be able to contribute a useful research tool to the community.
Here is a list of published academic papers that used PMBD in the research (by 6/2024)
- Architecture
- Systems
- "I/O Transit Caching for PMem-based Block Device", Journal of Systems Achitecture, 2024.
- "Dapper: An Adaptive Manager for Large-Capacity Persistent Memory", IEEE Transactions on Computers, 68(7), July 2019.
- "UniBuffer: Optimizing Journaling Overhead with Unified DRAM and NVM Hybrid Buffer Cache", IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 39(9), June 2019.
- "DNVMCFS: The Direct Hybrid NVM File System for the Application", IEEE HPCC/SmartCity/DSS, Exeter, UK, June 2018.
- "XPMFS: A New NVM File System for Vehicle Big Data", IEEE Access, Vol. 6, June 2018.
- "Accelerating Traditional File Systems on Non-Volatile Main Memory", ICPADS 2017.
- "Iris: An Optimized I/O Stack for Low-latency Storage Devices", ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, 50(2), Dec 2016.
- "nvramdisk: A Transactional Block Device Driver for Non-Volatile RAM", IEEE Transactions on Computers, 65(2), Feb 2016.
- "NVMCFS: Complex File System for Hybrid NVM", ICPADS 2016.
- "User-space I/O for µs-level Storage Devices", WOPSSS 2016.
- "How to be Consistent with Persistent Memory? An Evaluation Approach", NAS 2015.
- "System Software for Persistent Memory", EuroSys 2014.
- Cloud Computing
- High Performance Computing
- Machine Learning
- Ph.D. Dissertation
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