To prospective students: I am recruiting Ph.D. students with full support. If you are interested in opportunities of working on many exciting topics in systems research, please send me your recent CV and transcripts.
Recent News
2024/12: Our paper on HTAP databases is accepted in USENIX FAST 2025.
2024/10: I will serve in the program committee of DAC 2025.
2023/12: An NFS grant is awarded to support our research on memory-centric systems.
2023/09: Two papers are accepted in Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment.
2023/09: I will serve in the program committee of EuroSys 2024.
2023/07: Kefei Wang successfully graduated and will join Gannon University as assistant professor. Congratulations, Kefei!
2022/07: An NFS grant is awarded to support our research on computational storage.
2023/09: Two papers are accepted in Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment.
2021/12: Our paper on solving the double-logging problem is accepted in USENIX FAST 2022.
2021/12: Jian Liu successfully graduated and will join Zhejiang University of Technology as assistant professor. Congratulations, Jian!
2021/09: Our paper on caching for time-series databases is accepted in PVLDB 2021.
2021/02: Our paper on log-assisted LSM-tree is accepted in ICDE 2021.
2020/09: Our paper on optimizing in-memory KV stores is accepted in PVLDB 2020.
2020/08: I will serve in the program committee of USENIX FAST 2021.
2020/05: Yichen Jia successfully graduated with his Ph.D. degree and will join Arm Ltd. Congratulations, Yichen!
2020/03: Two papers on Bitcoin transactions and system auto-tuning are accepted in ICDCS 2020.
2019/12: Binbing Hou successfully graduated with his Ph.D. degree and will join LinkedIn Co. Congratulations, Binbing!
2020/01: I will serve in the program committee of USENIX Annual Technical Conference (ATC) 2020.
2019/11: I received Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Armstrong, Jr. Professorship of Engineering.
2019/06: An NSF grant is awarded to support our research on next-gen storage systems.
2019/03: Two papers, Reo and Prism-SSD, are accepted in ICDCS 2019.
2018/08: Our Cascade Mapping paper is accepted in SoCC 2018.
2018/04: I received the Alumni Association Rising Faculty Research Award.
2017/12: Our paper on open-channel SSDs is accepted in USENIX FAST 2017.
My main research interests are in systems areas, with a focus on memory and storage systems, databases, and data-intensive applications and systems. My research covers a broad scope from optimizing cache and memory management in OS kernel, creating high-speed flash and disk based storage, enhancing user experience on cloud storage, to improving power efficiency for mobile and small-form-factor devices. Despite the diversity of these studies, there is a core common theme—They are all about data, the new "gold" in this digital era. My more recent interests are in key-value systems, computational storage, and memory-based data stores.
Feng Chen, Michael Mesnier, and Scott Hahn,
"A Protected Block Device for Persistent Memory",
Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Massive Storage Systems and Technology
(MSST'14), Santa Clara, CA, June 2-6, 2014 (Acceptance Rate 18.5%, 23/124). [Software: PMBD source code]
Feng Chen, Michael Mesnier, and Scott Hahn,
"Client-aware Cloud Storage",
Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Massive Storage Systems and Technology
(MSST'14), Santa Clara, CA, June 2-6, 2014 (Acceptance Rate 18.5%, 23/124).
Michael Mesnier, Jason Akers, Feng Chen, and Tian Luo,
"Differentiated Storage Services",
Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Symposium on Operating System Principles
(SOSP'11), Cascais, Portugal, October 23-26, 2011.
ACM Transactions on Storage (TOS),
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS),
ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES),
IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC),
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE),
IEEE Transactions on Parallel & Distributed Systems (TPDS),
IEEE Transactions on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD),
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (TETC),
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (MM),
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (TSC),
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing (TSUSC),
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC),
IEEE Transactions on Big Data (TBD),
IEEE Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems (TOMPECS),
IEEE Computer Architecture Letters (CAL),
IEEE Embedded Systems Letters (ESL),
Frontiers of Computer Science (FCS),
Journal of Low Power Electronics (JOLPE),
Journal of System and Software (JSS),
Journal of System Architecture (JSA),
Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST),
Journal of Information Science and Engineering (JISE),
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC),
Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute Journal (ETRI),
Parallel Computing (PARCO).