Beats.r | Demo of the acoustic phenomenon of beats with two sine waves whose frequencies are very close. |
CardMatchingFunExample.r | (from the Music Informatics group R Tutorial) |
ChromaticWanderings.r | Program to play a randomly meandering chromatic melody. (MelodicWanderingsPlus, listed below, is a considerably fancier program of the same type.) |
CombineWaves.r, CombineWaves_Fancy.r | Demo of "superposition" of sounds: add two Wave objects read from files and play them and the result. |
DescribeAudioSegments.r | # |
ExamineSound.r | Read a .wav file, display information about it, and play it. |
FourierRandomSynthesis.r | Add up harmonics of a given frequency with random amplitudes and phases, i.e., use Fourier synthesis to create a random waveform (sort of a random timbre, though one that's absolutely static). (Formerly called "FourierRandomTimbre.r".) |
FourierAnalSuccessiveApprox.r | Reproduce an arbitrary waveform as a sum of sinusoids. Generate a random waveform; do Fourier analysis of it (via FFT); then display (and optionally play) better and better approximations using more and more sine waves. |
FourierSuccessiveApprox3D.r | An earlier version of FourierAnalSuccessiveApprox, but with an added 3D surface plot showing the successive approximations. |
GlissandoSimple.r, GlissandoFancy.r | Two versions of a program to generate a glissando and display info about it; can also be used to demo "aliasing" (really imaging, and a.k.a. foldover). |
Intervals.r | Demonstrate that two frequencies that have the same ratio will have the same musical interval. |
LineBreaksInRStatements.r | Demonstrates that adding a line break in the middle of an R statement might make R consider it to be two separate statements, which can cause serious problems. |
LoopDemo.r | Demonstrate simple loops with musical applications. |
MelodicWanderingsPlus.r | Program to play a randomly meandering chromatic melody. |
MicrotonalApprox2Diatonic.r | Compute how good the best microtonal equal-tempered approximations (for a given number of steps per octave) are to the pure diatonic intervals. |
PlayMelody_LoopV1.r | Simple program to play a series of notes with sine waves. Version 1: loop written in the simplest way. |
PlayMelody_LoopV2.r | Simple program to play a series of notes with sine waves. Version 2: loop written in a way that makes it easier to do fancier things. |
PlayMelodyPOOR_LOOP.r | # |
PriceCrash.r | (from the Music Informatics group R Tutorial) |
QuantizationNoiseDemo.r | Demo of effects of adding increasingly large random numbers to each sample; this simulates quantization noise. |
ReadWave.r | Demo of creating a Wave object from a file, and displaying and playing it. |
RGLSphereDemo.r | Draw a bunch of spheres with various options: demo of RGL, a 3D visualization package for R based on OpenGL |
Sine2Ways.r | Demonstration of how to create and play sine waves both the easy (but limited) way, and the more complex (but much more flexible) way |
SinesDemo.r | Simple program to create and play sine waves the easy (but limited) way |
Spectrogram.r | Display a simple spectrogram of a sound. |
SuperSawtooth.r | Generate two superposed sawtooths with unique sample values per period, e.g., to debug network audio problems. |
Table+BarGraphDemo.r | How to read tables and manipulate their contents, with simple bargraphs of their contents. |
Music Informatics School of Informatics Indiana University