I590/N564/N364: Organization of and Searching in Musical Information
(Spring 2006)
Don Byrd
Course Links
Lecture Notes
- 27 Jan.: Re projects, please send e-mail to set up appointments to both Don Reiman
and me. Also, a heads up: I haven't decided the details yet, but I'll be asking
for a short (one or two page) written description of your plans for your project.
- 29 Jan.: I've made major improvements to the Vocabulary, including format and content
as well as merging the two sections.
- 9 Feb.: I'm planning to give a quiz next Wednesday, and to ask for a two-page written
description of your project plans next Friday (17 Feb.). I'll expect the two pages to have
some real details; please consider if you need to meet with me again to discuss things.
- 17 Feb.: I've revised the Guidelines For Writing and Rubric For Grading Projects. The main
change is there's now a section about what should be in both written project reports and
proposals (like the one for Monday).
Last updated: 17 April 2006
Comments to: donbyrd(at)indiana.edu
Copyright 2006, Donald Byrd