David Crandall is the Luddy Professor of Computer Science and inaugural Director of the Luddy Artificial Intelligence Center at Indiana University. He
is a member of the Computer Science, Informatics, Cognitive Science, Neuroscience, and Data Science programs, and also founded and directed the Center for Machine Learning.
He obtained the Ph.D. in Computer
Science from Cornell University in 2008, and was a Postdoctoral
Research Associate at Cornell from 2008-2010. He received the B.S. and
M.S. degrees in Computer Science and Engineering from the Pennsylvania
State University in 2001, and was a Senior Research Scientist at
Eastman Kodak Company from 2001-2003. Since joining IU in 2010, he has been PI or Co-PI on over
$24 million in research grants and contracts
the National Science Foundation,
the Lilly Endowment, Yahoo, Google, Meta/Facebook, NVidia, the
U.S. Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA), the
U.S. Navy, NASA, Toyota Research Institute, the IU Office of the Vice President for Research, the
Defense Threat Reduction Agency, the Office of Naval Research, the
Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, the Air Force
Office of Scientific Research, the Indiana Innovation Institute (IN3),
the U.S. Department of Defense, and Eastman Kodak Company. He has published over 200 technical articles in top international
venues, and has received best paper awards or
nominations in CVPR, WWW, CHI, ICCV, and ICDL. He has served as an Associate
Editor of the \textit{IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and
Machine Intelligence} and the \textit{IEEE Transactions on
Multimedia}, has been an Area Chair for CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, WACV,
AAAI, ICML, NeurIPS, and IJCAI, and Program Chair for WACV 2023, CVPR 2024, and ICDL 2024. He has received an NSF CAREER award (2013),
two Google Faculty Research Awards (2014 and 2020), an IU Trustees
Teaching Award (2017), a Grant Thornton Fellowship (2019), a Luddy Professorship (2021), and Distinguished ACM Membership (2022).