Home Page
Final Project &
[May 7 2000]
- Congratulations!
Grades are now available on Post'Em at
BEST. Thanks for being in our class. your A348/A548 team
[May 1 2000]
[May 1 2000]
- Sample Solutions
- Q2.
- sample solutions have been updated, please check the assignments page
[Apr 27 2000]
- Final Exam Review Sessions:
- Monday May 1st, 1:00PM-2:00PM
- Tuesday May 2nd, 7:30PM-8:30PM
in LH102
[Apr 27 2000]
as announced in class on Tuesday, lab sections
are canceled this week.
[Apr 25 2000]
The Final Exam
for A348/A548 will be in
on Thursday, May 4th, 7:15PM-9:15PM.
[Apr 25 2000]
Today we'll have the first 1/2 of team
These presentations will be graded by all
students attending the class. You will be
given a grade sheet on which you'll assign a
1-10 grade to each team.
All teams have to be there by 5:45PM and
should not leave the classroom before 7PM, in
order to allow all presentations to be
completed properly.
Be considerate to your classmates and follow
all presentations to grade them fairly! Teams
presenting today should be in class on
Thursday as well, and vice versa.
Please check once again the schedule for the
Final Project Class Presentations
- see you in class - and good luck!
[Apr 24 2000]
- Announcements about Class Presentations have been updated: check them for your team presentation. Check the handout for the Extra Assignment.
[Apr 23 2000]
[Apr 17 2000]
[Apr 17 2000]
read the newsgroup frequently for announcements...
some have been copied to this page for your convenience.
[Apr 13 2000]
A348/A548 lecture for today is canceled.
There will be two extra lectures next week to accomodate
different student needs.
[Apr 12 2000]
[Apr 04 2000]
[Mar 30 2000]
[Mar 22 2000]
[Mar 22 2000]
[Mar 09 2000]
Extension: Assignment 3 is due 11:59PM on Wednesday, March 22.
Have a good spring break!
Asssignment 3:
updated & enhanced
submission instructions!
[Mar 07 2000]
The Final Project Detailed proposal is due today at 23:59.
Update: if you have a document with images, submit the text only, and include at the top of your submitted text an URL for the complete proposal which includes images.
[Mar 06 2000]
[Mar 04 2000]
Assignment 3
is ready: due Friday, March 10, at 11:59PM;
optional extension to Saturday, March 11, at 11:59PM.
[Mar 02 2000]
- The midterm is today at 5:45PM in LH102 (and LH101)
- A few errata corrige have been submitted: thanks!
- A few more solutions are available.
[Feb 29 2000]
- This week's lab sections are canceled.
- Previous semester's midterm exams are available:
[Feb 28 2000]
- Midterm Review Sessions:
- Tuesday February 29 at 7:15PM
- Wednesday March 1 at 7:15PM
in LH102
[Feb 25 2000]
- Calendar
- midterm on Thursday March 2 in LH102 at lecture time
- 2nd project proposal due on Tuesday March 7 in class
- assignment 3 (out next week) due on Friday March 10 at 11:59PM
[Feb 24 2000]
- check out
Upcoming Events
such as the 2nd project proposal, the midterm, &c
[Feb 22 2000]
[Feb 13 2000]
Final Project
(the preliminary proposal is due Tuesday, February 15, as announced last week in lecture)
[Feb 08 2000]
Asssignment 2:
submission instructions!
(Assignment 2 is due Thursday, February 10, as announced last week in lecture)
[Feb 07 2000]
Grades are now available on Post'Em at
. Please contact the grader for your lab if you have any question. Login Post'Em using your
section number.
[Feb 02 2000]
[Jan 27 2000]
[Jan 24 2000]
Now you can submit your Assignment 1: check the updated
[Jan 23 2000]
[Jan 20 2000]
Assignment 1
update: now due Tuesday, January 25.
Bob's office hours have changed: they will now be Tuesdays 12 noon-1:00PM.
An older,
version of MI/X for MS Windows is available for those who want to try it at home: find the link to download it on the
[Jan 18 2000]
Class web pages have been updated: check the syllabus and grading policies.
[Jan 17 2000]
Martin Luther King Jr.'s Day: office hours for today are canceled.
[Jan 13 2000]
Class web pages are online - check them out!
Please report errors, typos, incosnistencies to
Mitja Hmeljak
Office hours are posted.
All office hours will be in LH016.
Introductory (ungraded)
assignment 0
: due Tuesday, January 18.
Check out submission instructions.
The class newsgroup,
is now active: post all your class-related questions there, and check it out periodically!
[Jan 11 2000]
Welcome to A348/A548!
Assignment 0 announced in class.